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1. Mual ( nausea ) =
- felling as though you could vomit and can exist as a symptom in its
own right, separate from vomiting.
- Sensation of discomfort in the upper abdomen, accompanied by an
urge to vomit.
- Nausea may be a side effect associated with several medications or a
symptom of disease or disorder. Sometimes large, fatty or sugary
meals may also lead to a feeling of nausea
2. Rekam Jantung / Electrocardiogram ( ECG) =
- Is a simple, painless test that records the heart's electrical activity. To
understand this test, it helps to understand how the heart works. With
each heartbeat, an electrical signal spreads from the top of the heart to
the bottom. As it travels, the signal causes the heart to contract and
pump blood. The process repeats with each new heartbeat.
- An electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG) is a test that checks for problems
with the electrical activity of your heart. An EKG translates the hearts
electrical activity into line tracings on paper. The spikes and dips in the
line tracings are called waves.
3. Rekam otak / Electroencephalography ( EEG ) =
- An electroencephalogram (EEG) is a recording of brain activity. The
brain's cells produce tiny electrical signals when they send messages
to each other. During an EEG test, small electrodes are placed on
to your scalp. They pick up your brain's electrical signals and send
them to a machine called an electroencephalograph, which records the
signals as wavy lines on to a computer screen or paper. An EEG is
painless, takes 30-45 minutes and rarely causes any side effects
- An electroencephalogram (EEG) is a test that measures and records the
electrical activity of your brain. Special sensors ( electrodes ) are
attached to your head and hooked by wires to a computer. The
computer records your brains electrical activity on the screen or on
paper as wavy lines. Certain conditions, such as seizures can be seen
by the changes in the normal pattern of the brain's electrical activity.
4. Psikiater / psychiatrist =
- Psychiatry is one of the oldest medical specialty areas
- A psychiatrist is a medical doctor that specializes in the treatment of
mental disorders
- Psychiatrists are the primary mental health-care givers. They assess
and treat mental illnesses through a combination of psychotherapy,
psychoanalysis, hospitalization, and medication
5. Psikologi / psychological
- Is the scientific study of human mind and behaviour: how we think,
feel, act and interact individually and in groups
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seandainya kgak lengkap, ntar kamu tambah2in ya, sorry

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