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The Military, Post Traumatic Stress, and Psychiatric Drugs

Today at least 20 percent of the active duty combat forces are taking psychiatric drugs. These troops
are taking these dangerous psychiatric drugs which are toxic and are known to cause harm. Combat
troops are allowed to engage in combat related activities after taking these psychiatric drugs. It is
known that these drugs increase homicidal, suicidal, and violent behaviors. Prescribing these drugs
also increases Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. These drugs are highly toxic and include many
commons side effects such as mania, psychosis, hallucinations, suicidal idealization, heart attack,
stroke, and sudden death. These are just a few side effects that are mentioned here. The risks far
outweigh the benefits. Psychiatric drugs can also produce medicine induced stress syndromes such as
bi-polar disorder which maybe treatment induced by psychiatric drugs. Another term for treatment
induced is also defined as referring to a physical or mental condition caused by a physician or health
care provider-eg, iatrogenic disease, due to exposure of pathogens, toxins, or injurious treatment and
procedures. This term also includes the undesirable or unwanted effect, caused by therapeutic
intervention, i. e. problem induced by treatment. Thus, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is caused by
pro-longed periods of combat and then being prescribed these psychiatric medications. This is also
causing them into victims and their families suffer as well. Families do not understand the causation
factors when their husband, wife, son or daughter comes home only to find that they are not the same
person as before. These are traumatized souls that are in need of patience, love, and understanding-not
a long-term band-aid of pyschopharmocology to make them into life long patients. This is a type of
psychochemical warfare by use of psychiatric drugs which are indeed mind-altering drugs or chemicals
through induction of hallucinations or delirium. Some will state that This just cannot be true.
This is called cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance is the mental stress or discomfort
experienced by an individual who holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values at the same
time; performs an action that is contradictory to their beliefs, ideas, or values at the same time;
performs an action that is contradictory to their beliefs, ideas, or values, or is confronted by new
information that conflicts with existing beliefs, ideas or values.
According to Leon Festingers's theory of cognitive dissonance, humans strive for internal
consistency. An individual who experiences inconsistency tends to be psychologically uncomfortable,
and is motivated to try to reduce this dissonance, as well as actively avoid situations and information
likely to increase it. Thereby the individual rejects the information because it is not in alignment with
the individuals' belief system. This also includes the individual's negative feelings accompanied with
cognitive dissonance. This is, perhaps, the greatest enemy that we have to face in order to survive as a
species. We have to face this reality or the human species will soon become extinct. Unfortunately this
is the price we will be paying for accepting this medical corruption. Hopefully, it is not too late.
I challenge those who do want a become informed to the read the article, Psychiatric Drugs:
Chemical Warfare on Human-interview with Robert Whitaker, posted on August 27, 2005 by Terry
Messman. This article can be found at Robert Whitaker is an investigative
reporter and author of Mad In America and is interviewed by The Street Spirit located in Oakland,
California. This will help those to gain a better understanding of what is happening in psychiatric
industry as a whole.
Here is a list of documentaries to watch at the Citizens Commission On Human Rights International
website at They are as follows:

Psychiatry In The Military: The Hidden Enemy

Mikal Vega interview

The Military, Post Traumatic Stress, and Psychiatric Drugs

Stop Drugging Our Military Kids

Sudden Death

Additional support can be found at . Colonel Bart Billings wrote a

book Invisible Scars-How To Treat Combat Stress and PTSD Without Medication. One will find this

Toxic Leadership, Psychopathy, And The Military
Psychopaths are predators who walk amongst us and infiltrate all levels of corporations, military,
and other institutions. They are mentally deranged and have no empathy. This suggests that there is a
level of toxic leadership in the military. This is why some members of the military are experiencing an
increase of illegal discharges or less than honorable discharges under personality disorders. Thomas
Sheridan, author of Puzzling People: The Labryinth Of The Psychopath, states the following:
There is no part-time psychopath. They either are or or they are not. They are pure,
undiluted, and absolute. They are a relentless predatory consciousness. One should not
have no contact ever again with a psychopath. This disables the psychopaths control,
manipulation, and destruction. We live under a psychopathic control grid. We need to
become wise to this before we become completely extinct. We have no choice.
According to most health professionals, nearly one in 75 people in Western Society are psychopathic
to some degree. If you were constantly targeted by a psychopathic parent, school teacher, or bullied or
if you were in the military, your chances of being individually-targeted by psychopaths are greatly
increased. Hence the increasing numbers of sexual assaults among soldiers who are labeled with
personality disorders and given less than honorable discharge. This is abnormal and inhumane.
Being misdiagnosed with a personality disorder and being discharged out of the military for having
been subjected to combat, sexual assualt, or harassment is on the rise. This can lead to post traumatic
stress disorder and then the victim is stigmatized and prescribed these dangerous psychiatric drugs.
This is a vicious circle and is becoming a disturbing trend. Some military commanders are pressuring
the psychiatrist to misdiagnose soldiers and asks for the diagnosis of a personality disorder. Such was
the case of Captain Susan Carlson who volunteered in the Army at the age of 50. She was a social
worker who served in Afghanistan with the Colorado National Guard. It wasn't until later she had been
accused of making sexual remarks against a soldier that she was sent to a psychiatrist. There was no
investigation into these allegations. The psychiatrist who evaluated her rendered a personality disorder
at the direction of her command. This is the tactic used to discharge thousands of troops. The
psychiatrist follows the orders of the commanding hierarchy in rendering these personality disorder on
the DDForm-214. Captain Carlson was stigmatized even though she received excellent job reviews.
She disputes her discharge and it is not clear if she received a less than honorable discharge. Usually,
when there is a personality disorder rendered on the DDForm-214, the veteran cannot receive V. A.
benefits. It is unclear whether or not she received V. A. benefits or not. This article titled Branding A
Soldier With Personality Disorder was posted by James Dao on February 24, 2012 on the New York
Times website at
Jon Town served in the U. S. Army and was deployed to Ramadi, Iraq. While deployed to Iraq, he
was almost struck by a 107-millimeter rocket. He sustained rocket shrapnel that was removed from his
neck and deafness. He also suffered from memory failure and depression. Due to his sustained
injuries, the Army, he was diagnosed with a personality disorder. Because of his diagnosis, he was
unable to collect V. A. benefits. Town had received numerous awards throughout his military career.
Under Army regulation 635-200, chapter 5-13: pursuant to the separations manual, the V. A. is not
required to treat soldiers who have been diagnosed with a personality disorder. The V. A. is not
required to pay the disability benefits as well. Under 5-13 the soldier is required to pay back part of his
/her re-enlistment bonus. Some amounts can result in thousands of dollars. This has outraged the
veterans' families and the military community. Town was diagnosed with a pre-existing condition and

Toxic Leadership, Psychopathy, And The Military
was sent to a psychologist. The psychologist advised Town that he would receive disability payments
and would not have to pay back the re-enlistment bonus. The psychologist still stood behind the
diagnosis of personality disorder. I would suffice to say that Town was suffering from post traumatic
stress disorder. This article was posted by Joshua Kors on The Nation on April 9, 2007 at
According to the New York Times, 31,000 soldiers have been discharged with personality disorders
since 2001. The military considers personality disorder a pre-existing problem that emerges in youth
and the result, soldiers given the diagnosis are often administratively discharged without military
retirement pay. Some have been required to repay reenlistment bonuses according to James Dao of the
New York Times.
If there is an existence of a pre-existing problem, then why are these individuals allowed into the
military to begin with?
The Denver Post wrote an article on March 22, 2012 titled, U. S. Military Illegally Discharging
Veterans With Personality, Report Says. In this report, it states that using the diagnosis of personality
disorder saves the Department of Defense 12.5 billion in veterans health-care and compensation
benefits. If discharged soldiers who were rendered with post traumatic stress disorder, they would be
entitled to those benefits. The GAO(government accounting office) found that the military was
illegally separating soldiers under personality disorder. The military as a whole is not discharging these
soldiers with this disorder. It is specific commanders ordering psychiatrists to render a false diagnosis
on the DDForm-214. However, if this is the case, soldiers can go to Swords to Plowshares at the
website to find out more about upgrading their DDForm-214. This
allows soldiers to improve their chances of employment or benefits. Another organization that may
help with soldiers and veterans wanting to upgrade their DDForm-214 is the National Veterans Legal
Services Program at

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