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Procedure for installing Network edition of MOST 2D on Server

• To start with, install the software by running the Setup program on the CD.

• Next, create a folder named C:\Mostserver on the server computer and copy the
contents of the CNC sub-folder inside your installation folder (which typically will be C:
\Most 2D\CNC), inside this folder. The folder name must be so defined that it does not
contain any space, tab or any other character except the alphabets (A-Z or a-z) and
numerals (0-9).

• Then, replace the Most.exe in this folder using the Most.exe file corresponding to the
network edition of MOST 2D.

• Then, e-mail the hardware finger-print of the server computer to us. To get the finger-
print, type the command C:\Mostserver\Most.exe SERVER REGISTER. It is assumed
that the folder name for storing Most.exe has been so defined that the first word (which
is, C:\Mostserver\Most.exe) in this command line does not contain any space / tab
character. The SERVER command must be the first word on the command line,
followed by the word REGISTER. In that case, the software will display the registration
dialog box on the screen, where you will find the finger-print written in the middle of the
dialog box.

• On receipt of the finger-print on e-mail, we shall send you the user name and key for
your server computer, which you will have to specify in the registration dialog box. This
should complete the installation process on the server computer.

Note, the software will run on your system, so long as the server configuration remains
Procedure for running Network edition of MOST 2D on Server

• Now, each time you wish to use the program, you should start up the server with the
SERVERX command-line option i.e. C:\Mostserver\Most.exe SERVERX. This will start
a server instance and display the window for sixty seconds.

• There can only be one server instance at a time per program; if a second server instance
is started, it will inform the user that a server is already running and exit.

• If for any reason, the client software terminates abnormally and if the server does not
detect the client logging out, you may need to terminate the server program temporarily
by selecting the Shutdown button in the server software and re-start the same, as
specified in step 1 above.
Procedure for running Network edition of MOST 2D on Client

• To start with, install the software by running the Setup program on the CD.

• Next, create a folder named C:\Mostclient on the client computer and copy the contents
of the CNC sub-folder inside your installation folder (which typically will be C:\Most 2D),
inside this folder.

• Then, replace the Most.exe in this folder using the Most.exe file corresponding to the
network edition of MOST 2D.

• Next, start the server edition of the software on the Server computer. It is assumed that
the client is connected to the server using TCP / IP network system.

• In general, you should be able to start the client edition right away by double clicking on
the file Most.exe . If this does not work, you may have to specify the TCP / IP address
where your program should look for the server, or change the time-out value, using
Most.ini file setting, as described below. (Note, this is seldom necessary, it's needed
only if your protected program cannot automatically locate the server using UDP

On the client computer, the software looks for a [License] section Most.ini file in the
same folder as your program, for example, in C:\Mostclient\Most.ini. If you do not have
Most.ini file in the same folder, you can create it using Notepad and add the following
entries to it at the top of the file. The settings required in this [License] section are as

• Server=<IP address> For client/server Network Licensing, this overrides the UDP
broadcast that the software generally uses to locate the server and will let it work on
networks that block UDP broadcasts. Note that this does NOT eliminate the need for
UDP, only the need for broadcasts.

• Timeout=<seconds> For either type of Network Licensing, this overrides the amount
of time the software waits for a response. The default value is three seconds, and should
be sufficient for most purposes.

• Here's a sample [License] section:


Language=English (US)



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