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Finnish study confirms safety of MMR vaccine

BMJ 2001; 322 doi: (Published 20 January 2001)
Cite this as: BMJ 2001;322:130.3

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The Finnish Study

21 January 2001
Heikki Peltola, the author of the Finnish Study being promulgated as proof of MMR safety, when asked in a Radio 4 interview, if his
study was designed to pick up cases of autism, replied "no". Not surprisingly his study did not establish a connection.
In fact the study examined the wrong hypothesis, concentrating on children who had "acute" reactions within "two to three weeks of
MMR" therby missing the insidious nature of late onset autism. The gap between the vaccination and the diagnosis of autism is such
that it would have been a miracle had any case been reported.
There are several worrying features emerging in this important issue which mirror image the BSE debacle. Not least the entrenched
reluctance of the medical establishment to contemplate the unthinkable, MMR (like British beef before)may be unsafe. There has
unquestionably been a massive increase in autism in the UK since the introduction of the controversial MMR vaccine containing
three live viruses and no satisfactory explanation is being proferred by anyone in health.
As a matter of urgency independent scientific research should be initiated, with adequate funding, into the area of science in
contention, MMR/bowel disease/autism.
Finally, it may or may not be relevant, but readers are surely entitled to know that the Finnish Study was funded by Merck, the MMR
Competing interests: None declared
William P Welsh, Retired
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Finnish Study - A MERCK investment or study?

14/03/2013 14:37

Finnish study confirms safety of MMR vaccine | BMJ

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21 January 2001
Although the BMJ asks AUTHORS "to declare any competing interests," the article "Finnish study confirms safety of MMR vaccine"
does not appear to mention or find significance in the fact that this study was apparently commissioned by and paid for by MERCK
who has a compelling interest in the outcome of any such research!
It would seem that since there are huge financial stakes involved in current and probable future litigation that this might raise some
questions about the validity of such a pharmaceutically sponsored study. In recent years there have been a number of similar
pharmaceutically supported studies found to be either biased or fraudulent. Don't your readers have a right to know of this
I have absolutely no competing interests.
Thomas L. Stone, M.D.
Competing interests: None declared
Thomas L Stone
Private Practice, Kempton, Illinois, USA
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Non-specific effects of vaccines?

20 January 2001
Dear Editor,
The Finnish study (1) is the latest addition to the body of evidence related to 'MMR vaccine' after the controversial Dr Wakefield's
publication (2). The present study may 'restore' public confidence in the MMR vaccine uptake particularly in developed nations. The
study also pointed out that Japan (the only country using single vaccines) had '79' cases of measles deaths as against 'none' in the
United Kingdom over the last decade. The author noted that measles infection is 'endemic' in Japan. The above observation may
also suggest a possible 'non-specific benefical effect'(3,4) of the trivalent vaccine over the monovalent measles vaccine. In other
words, the individual components of 'mumps' and 'rubella' of MMR vaccine not only have effects on mortality from the targeted
diseases but also a substantial effect on mortality from 'measles'.However, these observations will be more evident when individual
vaccines are licensed internationally. As of now, the non-specific beneficial effect of vaccines is no more 'fashionable' as pointed out
recently (5) but a 'growing' evidence.
Zubair Kabir
1. Wise J. Finnish study confirms safety of MMR vaccine. BMJ 2001; 322: 130.
2. Wakefield AJ, Murch SH, Anthony A et al. Ileal-lymphoid-nodular hyperplasia, non-specific colitis, and pervasive development
disorder in children. The Lancet 1998; 351: 637-41.
3. Aaby P, Samb B, Simondon F et al. Non-specific beneficial effect of measles immunisation: analysis of mortality studies from
developing countries. BMJ 1995; 311: 481-85.
4. Kabir Z. The relationship between child mortality and primary immunisation in rural India: a case-control study. MSc dissertation
(2000). University of Dublin (Trinity College), Ireland.
5. Fine P. Commentary: an unexpected finding that needs confirmation or rejection. BMJ 2000; 321: 1439.
Competing interests: none
Competing interests: None declared
Zubair Kabir, Research Officer
Research & Education Institute, Crest Directorate, St James's Hospital, Dublin 8, Ireland
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