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ME 705C / ME

Time: 1 hour

Full Marks: 30

Group - A
Choose the correct alternatives for the followings:


1. i. A diet is being developed which must contain at least 100 mg of vitamin C. Two fruits are used in
this diet. Bananas (B) contain 30 mg of vitamin C and Apples (A) contain 20 mg of vitamin C. The
diet must contain at least 100 mg of vitamin C. Which of the following constraints reflects the
relationship between Bananas, Apples and vitamin C?
a. 20A + 30B 100

b. 20A + 30B 100

c. 20A + 30B = 100

d. 20A = 100

ii. Existence of alternative courses of action in linear programming problem is

a. an assumption b. a basic requirement c. a hypothesis d. an objective
iii. Product A takes 5 machine hours and Product B takes 6 labour hours. The total time available for
machine hours is 36. The constraint equation for this is represented by
a. 5X + 6Y = 36

b. 5X + 6Y 36

c. 5X + 6Y 36d. data incomplete

iv. Which of the following is a valid objective function for a linear programming problem?
a. Max 5xy

b. Min (x1 + x2)/x3

c. Max 5x2 + 6y2

d. Min Z = 4x + 3y

v. All of the following statements about a redundant constraint are correct EXCEPT

redundant constraints do not affect the optimal solution.


redundant constraints do not affect the feasible region.


recognizing a redundant constraint is easy with the graphical solution method.


at the optimal solution, a redundant constraint will have zero slack.

(Short Answer Type Questions)

Answer any two of the followings:

2 5 = 10

2. A company produces two products A and B which possess raw materials 400 quintals and 450
labour hours. It is known that 1 unit of product A requires 5 quintals of raw materials and 10 man
hours and yields a profit of Rs 45. Product B requires 20 quintals of raw materials, 15 man hours and
yields a profit of Rs 80. Formulate the LPP.
3. A company produces 2 types of hats. Each hat of the I type requires twice as much as labour time as
the II type. The company can produce a total of 500 hats a day. The market limits daily sales of I and
II types to 150 and 250 hats. Assuming that the profit per hat are Rs.8 for type A and Rs. 5 for type B.
Formulate a LPP models in order to determine the number of hats to be produced of each type so as to
maximize the profit.
4. Solve the following LPP using graphical approach.

(Long Answer Type Questions)
Answer any one question
5. Solve the following LPP by SIMPLEX method:

Maximize Z=x1 x2 subject to

x1 2 x2 4
6x1 2 x2 9
x1 , x2 0
6. Solve the following linear programming problem using graphical approach.
Minimize Z = 200X1 + 300X2
Subject to, 2X1 + 3X2 1200
X1 + X2 400
2X1 + 1.5X2 900
X1, X2 0
7. Solve the following LPP by BIG M method

Maximize Z=-2x1 x2 +3x3 subject to

s.t x1 2 x2 3 x3 2
3x1 2 x2 4 x3 1
x1 , x2 , x3 0
8. Obtain the dual form of the following linear programming problem.
Maximize Z = 3X1 + X2 +2X3 -2X4
Subject To,
2X1 - X2 +3X3 +X4 = 1
X1 + X2 - X3 +X4 = -3
X1, X2 0, X3 and X4 are unrestricted in sign.

1 15 = 15

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