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Organization: SLR Photography in Shelbyville, MO

Owner: Sherry Rickard

o Murder/hospitalization/injury of Owner
o Murder/hospitalization/injury of client(s)
This could include a public shooting incident
Minor injuries
Sprained body part
Broken/cracked tooth
Busted lip
Severe sickness
Major injuries
Fall from a high building
Broken bone
Head injury
Back injury
Profuse bleeding
o Claims made against owner
o Owner has to sue someone else
Building adjacent to owners building shares a wall, this could fall
in and the owner of the adjacent building neglects the problem
Fire at the studio building
o Grass fire or fire of building at on location shoots
Tornado destroying the studio building
o Tornado at on location shoot
Vandalization of the studio building
Sexual assault of owner or clients
Kidnapping of clients
Small weapon incidents
Spread of diseases through newborn photoshoots or various forms
Food poisoning
Bug infestation
Power outage
Stolen/damaged photographs
Stolen/damaged equipment
Hard drive malfunction, theft or loss
Step 1:
Notify Sherry Rickard, Owner of SLR Photography, or her husband about the
incident. If neither of them are available then notify Rickards daughter
Dianna Stoneburner.

Sherry Rickard or her husband will get notified of the incident

o If they are not around, then Dianna will act as the person gathering
o Rickards other children, in succession of oldest to youngest (excluding
Dianna), will gather information

Step 2:
A: All calls will be directed to Sherry Rickard or family
B: Sherry Rickard will be notified if she is available and coherent to make
If she is unavailable her other family members (husband, then
children, then parents, then siblings) will make manage the crisis
Responsibilities of Owner and family members:
o Investigate information and relay it back to Owner
o Answer all phones call and only allow the person in command
(the Owner, unless unable to) to speak to the press.
She should be briefed and instructed on questions
o Monitor social media accounts which include:
Personal and Business Facebook pages
Instagram account
Monitor Twitter to see comments being made about the
No SLR Photography Twitter page to monitor
Crisis Communication team includes:
o Owner who is the spokesperson
o Owner, Owners husband and family members (more or less
family members depending on severity of crisis)
Coordinate social media, press statements and releases,
coordinate finances when necessary, and provide help to
clients if they are involved.
C: Crisis Procedure
1. If the owner isnt available the alternate spokesperson will go to the
owners husband and the in succession of her children.
2. Those family members deemed necessary should coordinate a plan for
the crisis. The emergency command center should be located the SLR
Photography studio in Shelbyville, Missouri.
a. This location has a computer, business cards and stationary.
Every member of the team will have a cell phone available.
b. All updates of the crisis will be reported to Sherry Rickard.
3. A statement will be prepared which will be posted on SLR
Photographys social media accounts and is to be given to the press.
An apology, if deemed necessary, will be emailed to the newspapers in
the county the incident occurred.
4. The route and vehicle(s) driven to the press conference should be
determined ahead of time.
a. Hire bodyguards and a lawyer if deemed necessary
5. Continually update target audiences on the crisis on social media

a. Video statements will make the message more personable and

D: Target Audiences
1. Owner
2. Owners family
3. Assistants/volunteers
4. Community Members
5. Social Media fans (Facebook, Instagram)
6. Other photographers
7. Media
E: Guidelines for Handling Reporters
1. Refer to all news inquires to the designated spokesperson
2. Never say No comment
3. State only factual information and what you know. Do not assume.
4. Spokesperson guidelines:
a. Respond immediately to questions
b. Act according to the situation. If has more of a somber tone, dont
make laugh and smile. If it something uplifting or exciting then it is
okay to reflect that.
c. Take responsibility
i. Dont place blame at others
d. Answer questions directly, do not divert the question to something
e. Use words that are easy for everyone to understand
f. State only facts
g. Do not give the names of dead or injured until the family has been
F: Consider
The Owner needs to contact those injured or affected by the incident as soon
as possible
An apology, if issued, should be on social media, in newspapers, given to the
local news stations, and put in the studio window.
G: Afterward
A final statement should be given to the media if a follow-up is necessary
Determine how the crisis could have been handled better and make changes
to this plan
Keep a record of all the information on the crisis
o Statements issued
o TV Broadcasts
o Newspaper/Magazine articles
(The names below would have more in-depth contact information.)
Owners Contact Information:

Sherry Rickard
Family Members Contact Information:
Dwight Rickard-Husband
Dianna Stoneburner-Daughter
Alyssa Starr-Daughter
Troy Skinner-Son
Kyle Skinner-Son
Nathan Skinner-Son

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