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"When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty one of the famous quotes written by Thomas

Jefferson to justify resistance against a higher power. Although, this quote only observes one of the
injustices of this unjust situation, it can be interpreted in different ways. Hence, why a more
autonomous society resistance to laws can positively impact a free society for the reasons being it
helps a nation progress, its the people constitutional right to protest to what they deem just and unjust,
and has been proven in history that changing laws have the potential of bringing communities
together .
To begin, countries thatre able to progress, because of opposing injustice laws. With laws that unfairly
treat the citizens. For example, when the United States were the first under the control of Great Britain,
and although the colonies resisted against their unfair way of ruling, the colonies moved on completely
holding no disregard, thus making United States a more autonomous and reconciled nation. Other
countries like North Korea refuse to acknowledge social and economic values which United States
have because of their leader Kim Jong Un, he pays little or no attention to the wellbeing of his citizens
and is overly obsessed with power just like Britain, but the other side of Korean (South Korea) moved
away from the communist ideas at large and adapted democracy just like the United states of
Secondly, its the peoples given right to protest peacefully against anything they reckoned
unconstitutional, Its precisely written in the first amendment stating that people have the right to
protest, its therefore a reason so why shouldnt it be supported this amendment approves a peaceful
protest against anything the people judge can be opposed, peacefully. A few examples of very big
names that have participated in peaceful resistance are John Lennon, Gandhi, and Malcom X. A
famous quote from another peaceful resistance leader You must never be fearful about what you are
doing when it is right this quote is from the famous Rosa Parks explaining that If you know
somethings right then stand for it without anything holding you back.
In conclusion, it has been proven in history to be successful for a nation to progress because of
violent/nonviolent resistance. Take the United States for example; it was once a nation under the
control of Great Britain for a short amount of time, now it is the number one nation economically,
autonomous nation, and a leading example to the world. To sum it all up, since a peaceful resistance

is a way nations are able to progress, citizens are able to express and expand their constitutional
rights, and because of this nations are able to prosper and grow just like in previous years in history
and build a stronger pathway for the generations to come..

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