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A Deer and A Crocodile

Once upon a time there were a smart deer and a stupid crocodile. They were enemy. A
deer lived in the jungle and a crocodile lived in the river.
The crocodile wanted to eat a deers heart. He tried to attempt a deer in order that the deer
wanted to go with the crocodile. Then, the deer went with the crocodile.
In the middle of rive, the crocodile told the deer about his intention to invite the deer.
Fortunately , the deer was smart. He told that his heart was left on the tree. The crocodile was
surprised and asked to the deer to take the heart.
Finally, the crocodile accompanied the deer to the edge of river. After the deer arrived in
the edge of river, he jumped and said haha you are stupid crocodile, is it possible that someone
left his heart outside his body ? stupid crocodile then, the deer went to go the jungle while

Seekor Kancil dan Seekor Buaya

Pada suatu hari ada seekor kancil yang cerdas dan seekor buaya yang bodoh. Mereka
adalah musuh. Si kancil hidup di hutan dan si buaya hidup di sungai.
Si buaya ingin memakan jantung si kancil. Ia mencoba merayu si kancil agar ia mau pergi
bersama buaya. Lalu, si kancil pergi bersama buaya.
Di tengah sungai, si buaya mengatakan maksudnya kepada si kancil. Untungnya si kancil
cerdas, ia berkata bahwa ia mennggalkan jantungnya di pohon. Si buaya sangat kaget dan
meminta si kancil untuk mengambil jantungnya.
Akhirnya, si buaya mengantar si kancil ke tepi sungai. Setelah si kancil tiba di tepi
sungai, ia melompat dan berkata haha kamu buaya bodoh. Apakah mungkin seseorang
meninggalkan jantungnya di luar tubuhnya? Buaya yang bodoh. Kemudian, si kancil pergi ke
hutan sambil tertawa.

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