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1. Apakah maksud undang-undang keterangan (law of evidence)?

Undang-undang Keterangan ialah satu set prinsip atau peraturan yang mengawal selia
bagaimana sesuatu keterangan boleh dikemukakan di Mahkamah dan bagaimana ia
boleh diterima oleh Mahkamah. Undang-undang Keterangan ialah satu bahagian
penting dalam undang-undang yang membantu dan memberi panduan kepada
Mahkamah dalam membuat keputusan mengenai kewujudan dan ketidakwujudan
sesuatu fakta. (Firma 1)

2. Bagaimanakah Akta Keterangan 1950 digubal?

Sir James Stephen was the architect that drafted Indian Evidence Act which is pari
materia with Malaysian Evidence Act 1950 and also Singapore. The Indian Evidence
Act is made by codifying uncodified English principle. (Firm 2)

3. Apakah tujuan penggubalan Akta Keterangan 1950?

Akta Keterangan 1950 adalah digubal untuk memberikan garis panduan
mengenai undang-undang keterangan di Malaysia. Segala prosedur dan
peraturan mengenai undang-undang keterangan boleh dirujuk daripada
Akta Keterangan 1950. (Firma 3)

4. Apakah fungsi Akta Keterangan 1950?

The Evidence Act 1950 is established to define the law of evidence. It lays down the
principles and rules, which regulate how evidence may be adduced to the court and
how it can be admitted. In other words, it provides the manner in which a fact should
be proven to the court in order for the parties to succeed in the case. It acts as
guidance in regards to both substantive and procedural matters. This is because the
provisions contained in the Act which explain what constitute as a relevant fact
reflects its role as a substantive guideline. On the other hand, the procedural guideline
comes into play when the provisions reflect the manners as to how those evidences
are adduced to the court. Plus, the Act also functions to define the important terms
that are used during the proceedings. For example, Section 3 defines facts as any
physical and psychological thing. It also gives out examples of situations for the given
principle. (Firm 4)

5. Bolehkah prinsip-prinsip keterangan common law diterima pakai di

mahkamah Malaysia?
Common law principles can be applied in Malaysia Courts but its persuasive authority
only as according to section 3 of Civil Law Act 1957 which stated that any common
law will become a persuasive authority only after 7th April 1956. The court shall
seeks the answer in Evidence Act 1950 first and should only refer to the common law
when there is an ambiguity or where there is a lacuna as the Act is silent on certain
matter. If in the event of conflicts between common law and Evidence Act 1950, the
Act will prevail. As in the case of Public Prosecutor v Yuvaraj, it is stated that
references can be made to Indian cases and common law as long as the principle does
not change the meaning of the provision in the Evidence Act 1950. (Firm 5)

6. Apakah maksud keterangan (evidence)?

The word evidence is derived from the Latin word eviden evideria which means to
show clearly. It generally means the available body or facts or information indicating
whether a belief or proposition is true or valid. (Firm 6)

7. Adakah definisi keterangan yang diperuntukkan dalam Akta Keterangan

Definisi keterangan yang diperuntukkan dalam Akta Keterangan 1950 adalah seperti
di bawah seksyen 3 yang termasuk keterangan lisan dan dokumentar.

8. Apakah jenis-jenis keterangan (types of evidence)?

1) keterangan lisan (seksyen 3)
Oral evidence: Defined as all statement which the court permits or requires to be
made before it by witnesses in relation to matters of fact under inquiry. Section 119
provides that evidence of a witness who is unable to speak and given in any
intelligible manner, as, for example, by writing or by signs shall also be deemed oral
2) keterangan dokumentari (seksyen 3)
Documentary evidence: Defined as all documents produced for the inspection of the
court. The next question to be asked is what is the definition of document? Since
the definition of documentary evidence hinges heavily on the definition of
Document: means any matter expressed, described, or howsoever represented, upon
any substance, material, thing or article, including any matter embodied in a disc,
tape, film, sound-track or other device whatsoever, by means of

(a) letters, figures, marks, symbols, signals, signs, or other forms of

expression, description, or representation whatsoever;
(b) any visual recording (whether of still or moving images);
(c) any sound recording, or any electronic, magnetic, mechanical or other
recording whatsoever and howsoever made, or any sounds, electronic
impulses, or other data whatsoever;
(d) a recording, or transmission, over a distance of any matter by any, or any
combination, of the means mentioned in paragraph (a), (b) or (c),
or by more than one of the means mentioned in paragraphs (a), (b), (c) and (d),
intended to be used or which may be used for the purpose of expressing, describing,
or howsoever representing, that matter.
Thus, documentary evidence is any evidence introduced at a trial in the form of
documents. Although this term is most widely understood to mean writings on paper
(such as an invoice, a contract and etc), the term also includes any media by which
information can be preserved.
3) real evidence [seksyen 60(3)]- keterangan sebenar
Real evidence is evidence in material form produced before the court so as to enable
the court to draw its own conclusion or inference by using its own senses. In a simple
word, real evidence is evidence that is a tangible object and is often used
interchangeably with physical evidence to describe objects that are used to prove
or disprove arguments in trial or at a hearing. In other words, real evidence is
any physical thing that has a direct connection to the crime or civil action. For
examples, tapes, photographs and films may form the real evidence.
4) direct evidence (keterangan langsung)
Evidence of which existence of fact in a case is showcased via actual production of
exhibits either documents or witness who has actually seen the crime scene.

5) circumstantial evidence (keterangan bersandarkan keadaan)

Evidence in which the judge infer from the circumstances of the fact in issue. Not a
direct evidence but a chain of circumstances forming a presumption of the principal
fact. Gives no liability to current case but accumulation of various circumstantial
evidence may built strong case against the accused.
6) hearsay evidence (keterangan dengar cakap)
Hearsay evidence is a statement made out of court that is offered in court as evidence
to prove the truth of the matter asserted. It is the job of the judge in a court proceeding
to determine whether evidence offered as proof is credible. There are three evidentiary
rules help the judge make this determination. The first is before being allowed to
testify, a witness generally must swear or affirm that his or her testimony will be
truthful. The second rule is the witness must be personally present at the trial or
proceeding in order to allow the judge to observe the testimony firsthand and the third
rule is the witness is subject to cross-examination at the option of any party who did
not call the witness to testify. In short, hearsay evidence is an information gathered by
one person from another person concerning some event, condition, or thing of which
the first person had no direct experience. When submitted as evidence, such
statements are called hearsay evidence.
7) keterangan pakar
Seseorang yang mempunyai pengetahuan atau kemahiran yang khusus dalam bidang
tertentu, yang melayakkan mereka untuk memberikan pendapat mereka tentang fakta
kes semasa prosiding undang-undang. Keterangan pakar bermaksud berdasarkan
kajian rasmi, khas, latihan, atau pengalaman yang dialami berdasarkan kemahiran
beliau untuk menyatakan pendapat mengenai perkara-perkara yang berkaitan dengan
perkara tersebut.

Seksyen 45 Akta Keterangan 1950 ada menerangkan bahawa pandangan yang

diberikan oleh seseorang yang mempunyai skil atau kemahiran yang khusus dalam
sesuatu bidang seperti sains atau seni, seseorang itu dipanggil sebagai pakar.
8) keterangan pendapat
Ia merujuk kepada keterangan terhadap apa yang saksi fikirkan, percaya atau
simpulkan berkenaan dengan sesuatu fakta, yang berbeza daripada pengetahuan
peribadinya tentang fakta itu sendiri.
9) keterangan watak
Keterangan watak adalah apa-apa maklumat atau dokumen yang dikemukakan bagi
maksud membuktikan watak atau sifat seseorang itu. Ianya bagi menggambarkan
bahawa dia telah bertindak dengan cara yang tertentu pada suatu masa yang tertentu
berdasarkan sifat atau wataknya.
Keterangan ini lebih bersifat umum berbanding keterangan sama fakta.
Menurut kes Abdul Sahkoor v Kotwaleswar Prasad, keterangan ini adalah tidak
relevan dalam kes sivil. Namun, keterangan ini adalah relevan dalam kes jenayah
sebagaimana yang diperuntukkan dalam seksyen 53 Akta Keterangan 1950.
10) keterangan sokongan
Ia merujuk kepada keterangan yang menguatkan, menambah kepada, atau
mengesahkan bukti yang telah sedia ada.
11) keterangan watak buruk
Keterangan watak buruk adalah keterangan yang diberikan bagi membuktikan watak
buruk seseorang itu.
Dalam kes Junaidi bin Abdullah v Public Prosecutor, keterangan watak buruk boleh
diterima selagi nilai kejujuran keterangan itu melebihi kesan kemudaratannya.

Peruntukan yang berkaitan bagi menerangkan kerelevanan keterangan watak (watak

baik dan buruk) dalam prosiding di mahkamah terkandung dalam Seksyen 52-55 Akta
Keterangan 1950
12) keterangan fakta sama
Keterangan ini bermaksud satu bentuk keterangan yang membuktikan kewujudan
suatu fakta isu melalui pembuktian fakta relevan yang tidak berkaitan antara satu
sama lain. Contohnya, kesalahan merosakkan harta benda awam yang dilakukan oleh
seseorang yang pernah mempunyai rekod kesalahan yang serupa. Rekod kesalahan itu
boleh dijadikan satu bentuk keterangan sama fakta bahawa orang tersebut telah
melakukan kesalahan yang sama pada waktu yang berlainan. Keterangan jenis ini
diterangkan di bawah seksyen 11, 14, 15 dan 16 Akta Keterangan 1950.
13) keterangan pengakuan salah (confession)
Is defined an admission made by a person accused of an offence, that he committed
the offence
14) keterangan pengakuan (admission)
Admission a statement, oral or documentary that related to any fact in issue or
relevant fact that made by a person
15) keterangan primer
Primary evidence is one which is referred to as best evidence and under any possible
circumstances, affords the greatest certainty to the facts in question.
16) keterangan sekunder
Secondary evidence is evidence that is admitted to the court which confirms the
existence of unavailable primary evidence.
17) keterangan fizikal

Physical evidence are objects found at the scene of a crime. It is a tangible evidence
(as a weapon, document, or visible injury) that is in some way related to the incident
that gave rise to the case. (Firm 8, 23, 24)

9. Apakah jenis-jenis keterangan kehakiman (judicial evidence)?

Under the Evidence Act, an evidence will be a judicial evidence when it satisfies the
two requirements of relevancy and admissibility under the Act.
Judicial evidences are evidences accepted by the court in three main forms:

oral evidence;

documentary evidence; and

real evidence. (Firm 9)

10. Apakah konsep-konsep asas yang mengawal selia keterangan?

The basic concepts are admissibility, weight and relevancy. (Firm 10)

11. Apakah maksud kerelevanan (relevancy)?

Keberkaitanan antara satu fakta dengan yang lain. Ia ,merupakan perkaitanan logic
dan boleh diterima oleh pancaindera. S.5-S.55 Akta Keterangan 1950 merangkumi
aspek kerelevenan. (Firma 11)

12. Apakah maksud kebolehterimaan (admissibility)?

Admissibility refers to whether facts can be received as evidence and used in court to
establish a point. It is a question of law and is decided by the court based on the
provisions of the Act or any other relevant written law, not from the deduction of the
facts itself. The general rule is that all relevant evidence is prima facie admissible.
(Firm 12)

13. Apakah maksud pemberat (weight)?

Weight is the value which is given to each and every admissible evidence. Section
73A(6) of Evidence Act provides that in estimating the weight, if any, to be attached
to a statement rendered admissible as evidence by this Act, regard shall be had to all
the circumstances from which any inference can reasonably be drawn as to the
accuracy or otherwise of the statement, and, in particular, to the question whether or
not the statement was made contemporaneously with the occurrence or existence of
the facts stated, and to the question whether or not the maker of the statement had any
incentive to conceal or misrepresent facts. The Federal Court in Desa Samudra
Sdn Bhd v Bandar Teknik Sdn Bhd and 5 others 1 said in the law governing
documentary evidence, as in oral evidence, three matters come to mindrelevancy, admissibility and weight. They must be considered in that
order. Only evidence which is relevant ought to be admissible. Irrelevant
evidence should be rendered as inadmissible and the matter ends there.
Now, relevant evidence which is rendered admissible is still subject to the
element of weight. The court can either attach due weight to the evidence,
or some weight, little weight or no weight at all. (Firm 13)

14. Apakah maksud peraturan keterangan terbaik (the best evidence rule)?

[2012] 1 MLJ 729.

The best evidence rule is that when the subject of inquiry is the document itself, the
original document will be the best evidence and not the copy of it. If in the case where
there is oral evidence given to the contrary, the best evidence will be the original
In other words, the best evidence is the primary evidence for documentary evidence as
in section 62 of the Evidence Act 1950.
For oral evidence, the best evidence will be the direct evidence which given in section
60(1) of the Evidence Act 1950.

15. Bolehkah Akta Keterangan 1950 digunakan semasa timbang tara

Evidence Act 1950 cannot be used for arbitration by the virtue of Section 2 of the
Evidence Act 1950 which states that this Act shall apply to all judicial proceedings in
or before any court, but not to affidavits presented to any court or officer nor to
proceedings before an arbitrator. Moreover, in arbitration, which is an Alternative
Dispute Resolution, the technical law will not apply. As Evidence Act 1950 is a
technical law, it cannot be applied to arbitration. (Firm 15)

16. Bolehkah Akta Keterangan 1950 digunakan untuk afidavit?

Akta Keterangan 1950 tidak boleh digunakan dalam afidavit dan ini dinyatakan dalam
Seksyen 2 Akta Keterangan 1950. Afidavit merupakan akuan bersumpah yang hanya
bercerita tentang fakta kes. (Firma 16)

17. Apakah maksud keterangan lisan (oral evidence)?

Menurut Seksyen 3 Akta Keterangan 1950, keterangan lisan merujuk kepada segala
penyataan yang dikemukakan oleh saksi mengenai sesuatu kejadian kes yang terlibat
dengan kebenaran mahkamah. (Firma 17)

18. Apakah maksud keterangan dokumentar (documentary evidence)?

Mengikut Seksyen 3 Akta Keterangan 1950; keterangan dokumen bermaksud segala
dokumen yang dikemukakan bagi pemeriksaan mahkamah. (Firma 18)

19. Apakah maksud fakta (fact)?

Fakta adalah segala perkara yang boleh ditanggap oleh pancaindera seperti melihat
atau mendengar dan segala keadaan mental yang disedari oleh seseorang. (Firma 19)

20. Apakah maksud fakta persoalan atau fakta dalam isu?

Facts in issue is stated in Section 3 of Evidence Act 1950. Basically it is relevant fact
that emphasizes elements of an action. For example, in criminal cases, the elements of
charge are actus reus and mens rea whereby in civil actions, the elements of action
can be considered as facts in issue. This can be seen in the case of negligence whereby
there are three elements of negligence namely duty of case, breach of duty of case and
damage. These elements are the facts in issue.

21. Apakah maksud fakta-fakta relevan?

A fact is said to be relevant when it is connected to the facts in issue. According to
section 3 of the EA 1950, relevant is when one fact are relevant when it is
connected with the other in any of the ways referred to in the provisions of this Act
relating to the relevancy of facts. A fact which is declared relevant by any section

ranging from section 5-55 will be admissible unless expressly declared inadmissible
by the statute itself. (Firm 21)

22. Apakah maksud terbukti, tidak terbukti dan terbukti sebaliknya? (proved,
disproved and not proved)
"Terbukti " adalah sesuatu fakta itu telah berjaya dibuktikan.
Tidak terbukti adalah sesuatu itu fakta itu telah berjaya dibuktikan tidak
Terbukti sebaliknya bermaksud fakta itu tidak dibuktikan wujud atau
tidak juga dibuktikan tidak wujud. (tidak berlaku apa-apa perkara) (Firma

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