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Prcrastination lecture

- explain what procrastination is and what it's not
- highlight the consequences of procrastination
- identify key pieces of self-regulation failure puzzle
- his book: procrastination digest (puzzle)
- it's me
- it's the task
- it's the way I think
- it's my lack of willpower
- summarize some strategies for change
- about my pace & your questions
- procrastination is one of the biggest problems with education, for life in gen
- "hard work often pays off after time but laziness always pays off now " - BS
- "By not doing what you should be doing, you could be having this much fun"
- *** we often procrastinate what we should be doing so we could have fun, but m
ore often we feel guilt ***
- *** to feel up this void, to heal this guilt we often do some prokulior tasks
: claning,cooking... *** so we could feel better knowing that we are doing somet
hing, but it's JUST NOT THIS
- how we are managing our emotions by managing our tasks
- procrastination is about feeling good now => the paradox
- *** tomorrow -> a mystical land where 98% of all human productivity, motivatio
n and achivement are stored
- but there is a difference between the delay and procrastination
- all procrastination is delay, but not all delay is procrastination
- *** it's importatnt to know the difference, not to be hard on yourself for mis
- *** the answer to this question is asking this question: "Is there any way I c
ould do this, now??"
- **** procrastination => intending to do something, but not doing it, it's a ga
p between intention and action
- *** procrastination is not a time managment issue ***
- ** the upward spiral of well being ***
- *** recognizing that it's the wakness of the will ***
- *** avoiding the negative emotionas, the sitations which have a potential of r
esulting in negative emotions
- ***** you have the negative emotions about the task, and if you avoid the task
, you feel better -> the negative reinforcment
- *** this can become a habit ***, a procrastination habit

- parts of it:
- personality
- the nature of our goal and intentions
- what we thisn and believen
- self-contorl and willpower
- 'So, how do we progress?'
- *** perfectionism
- self-oriented perfectionalism, and socialy-oriented perf.
- where you try to keep up to your standards, and where you are trying to live
up to other people standards
- the higher you emotional int. the lower the procrastination
- ** doing the work, no matter how you feel
- perceiving emotions
- using emotions
- managing emotions
- understanding emotions
- book: the courage to teach
- "I can have fear, I need not be a fear"
- people who don't have an identity are more prone to procrasting
- inception -> planning -> action -> goal
- **** in the action phase of the project make sure you structure it better
- **** in the inception and planning phase make sure you find the meaning
- *** finding way to motivate your self. Like for the last rep, you think you ca
n't do it, but if someone offered to give you 1000$, could you do it?
- mindfullness, meditation
- *** moving from goal intentions to implementation intentions, from what do you
plan to do -> to how are you going to do it.
- **** in situation x, I'll do behaviour y to achieve SUBGOAL z ****
- procrastination was reduced when participant were induced to consture the task
mor e concretely
- *** working better under preasure => BS
- "Cuti, dobro je."

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