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I often wonder how great we would be today if America truly lived up to our potential. If we
truly followed democratic principle. The founding fathers set a destiny but the moneygrubbers
changed all of that and with our country being overun by right-wing religous fundamentalist we
are going down the toilet fast. If we were a country who followed truth instead of race we'd be
the proud and powerful nation that we pretend to be. I¶ve had this discussion before and have
always been told the same thing, ³America is a republic not a democracy´. As you can guess that
statement always comes from someone who loudly and proudly proclaim to be µconservative¶
and who hate to be associated in any way with the word democrat. Well, they¶re half right.
America is a republic« that follows democratic principles. Before you can claim to be
something you have to know what that something is. What does republic mean? When the
founding father declared America a republic they had one thought in mind. To them republic

³A state in which the head of government is not a monarch or other hereditary head of state´.

So, in fact America IS a republic. Now, let define democracy. Democracy means:

³Government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the
people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system´.

This is true also. We have in America, what is called ³Representative Democracy´. Can you
imagine how our economy would be effected if each and every one of us had to vote on every
appointment, ratifications, bill, law, amendment that passed through congress on the state and
federal level? Then we must also factor in state, county, township and local level. That¶s a lot of
time voting. I assume that we are now all in agreement that America is both a republic and
democracy, or at least understand, if you refuse to agree. I will move on.

America, like the many great societies that have come before, is at a cross-road. Do we stand
behind the principles which we¶ve expounded for over 200 years; having shed the blood of
untold hundreds of thousands of our young men and women in defense of those principles;
executed and assassinated tens of thousands here in this country and abroad; spent billions
around the world to prop up seriously flawed democratic governments; fought a 40 year cold war
with the then U.S.S.R., and now Islāmic extremists, or do we cast all that aside, because the
someone who played by the rules, exercised those American principles and achieved the highest
office in the land happens to be black? If those principles are cast aside so easily, then they really
aren¶t good principles to live by are they?

All across the nation I see crowds of people calling President Obama a socialist; a Nazi; a
Kenyan, and those are the nice terms. Pictures of him in clown face are splashed around the
world, for his children to see. There are people coming to rallies and town hall meeting where
the president is, carrying guns. We have current and former elected and non-elected officials
constantly on the airway denouncing a sitting president, spreading lies, misinformation and
dissention. When does it end?

Is this the democracy that we¶ve been spreading around the world? Do we support discrimination
of citizens in other democratic countries, or does discrimination of blacks not really count as
discrimination? Where is the outrage at this?

Let me say this. We are all victims of propaganda. When other nations and cultures shout anti-
American slogans, they are actually referring to ³White Male America´. They study us better
than we study them and they know that minorities, (blacks, Hispanics, Asians and women have
no power in this country. White male leaders in politics and corporations do. In this country the
rest of us aren¶t seen as Americans until there is a war. Our job is to consume and be fodder.

Can we get back on track or is it our time to self destruct like the great ancient cultures before
us? Because of racism, having a black man win the presidency did more damage to this country
than 911. The events of 911 galvanized a country into one people. Racism is going to destroy it.

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