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The becnefits of using internets according to 2010 UMY Nursing students





A. background
Education is a conscious and deliberate effort to create an atmosphere of
learning and the learning process so that learners are actively developing the potential
for him to have the spiritual strength of religious, self-control, personality and
intelligence as well as skills that need for themselves and society. Education usually
begins when a baby is born as is done by most people by playing music in the womb
and education that lasts a lifetime (Soekanto S, 1990).
Education is a major factor in the formation of both the human person
normally bad .Education obtained by the child not only in school but all the factors can
be used as an educational resource. Especially the role environment or affect the success
of student achievement (Soekanto S, 1990).
With the changing times and the means of education is growing in education
are increasingly developing one of which is the internet. And now the internet is
becoming the new trend of technology educators. All schools are trying to show in his
school computer course with the internet facility. With the internet, then expect the

impression tech school goes international and attached to it. Student expected to gain
useful access to the learning process and gain knowledge in school (Wulan, 2008).
The Internet is today's technology has a very important role in the era of
globalization. Internet is like a library of the world that we can access easily all the
needs that we need. Internet has a global data network, one can access the internet freely
in accordance with his will (Ernita, 2012).
Internet is very popular in all people, both from children and adults. because
the internet gives a quick alternative to obtain information about the data that we want
to know. Now this is not foreign to the Internet could become one of our alternatives in
finding and searching data and information in study task and look for additional
material. Indeed, in the learning process and need internet in handy for us. Therefore
internet influence in the learning process. But we also must remain vigilant because the
Internet also have the negative things. In fact we are often interested in things of little
use to us (Zainul, 2011).

B. formulation of the problem

We know that technology is not entirely positive benefits but also have a
negative impact on student achievement. From the background above, the writer issues
to take formulation of the problem " The benefit of using internets


Related research
This study aims to determine the effect of Internet use and motivation of

student achievement in class X SMK Electronics Industries Young Patria Kalasan.

This research is ex-post facto. The population in this study was student of class X at
SMK Young patria Kalasan totaling 44 students. Data retrieved using questionnaires and
documentation. The validity of the questionnaire instrument carried by grain analysis
using the formula Product Moment Correlation and reliability testing using Cronbach
alpha formula. Testing the hypothesis with Product Moment Correlation analysis and
multiple regression analysis, which previously conducted test requirements analysis







The results showed that: (1) there is a positive and significant influence between the
utilization of the internet to class X student achievement SMK Electronics Industries
Young Patria Kalasan seen by 66.20% of the value of t = 9.074 (> table = 2.017) at the
significance 5%, (2) there is a positive and significant effect between achievement
motivation toward learning in class X at SMK Electronics Industries Young Patria
Kalasan seen by 52.70% of the value of t = 6.842 (> table = 2.017) at the significance 5
%, and (3) there is a positive and significant effect between Internet use and motivation
toward learning achievement of class X students of SMK Electronics Industries Young
Patria Kalasan seen by 75.60% of the value of F = 63.491 (> F = 3.220) on significance
of 5%


A. education
1 . Terms of learning achievement
Achievement of learning outcomes is best done or performed . So learning
achievement is the result achieved by the ability we have is on the mark with a
developmental and behavioral changes in a person who needed to learn the results of a
specific time which can be expressed in the form of grades and the results of tests or
examinations conducted against a person (Purwadarminto WJS, 1987).
Learning achievement is an activity that has been done , created either
individually or in groups . In Indonesian dictionary , is a feat that has been achieved is
the result ( done , done , and so on ) ( Derpartemen National Education , 2007: 895 ) .
Saiful Bahri Djamarah (1994 : 20-21 ) in his book learning achievement and teacher
competency quote from mas " hasan ud Abdul Qahar , that learning achievement is what
has to be created , generate employment , liver menyenagkan results obtained with
tenacity road work . The definition above can be concluded that learning achievement is
the result of a person's activities or a group that has been done , created fun and liver
obtained by working .
Furthermore, to understand the meaning of the following study expressed some sense of
learn of them : according Slameto (2003 : 2 ) in his study and the factors that influence
that learning is " a person of the work done something to get something new behavior

changes as a whole , as the result of his own experience in the interaction with the
environment . Muhibbin Shah (2000 : 136 ) , adds in his book psychology of learning .
that learning is a " stage of change throughout an individual 's behavior is relatively
settled as a result of experience and interaction with the environment that involve
cognitive processes " . So also by James O. Whitaker essay cited by YUNDA Rismawati
(2007 : 43 ) in his educational psychology , provides a definition that learning is " the
process by which the behavior generated or modified through training and experience " .
Based on some of the above opinion that learning is a conscious activity and routine of
someone that will change both individual knowledge , skills , attitudes and behavior
resulting from the exercise and the individual's own experience in interacting with the
environment .
Terms of learning achievement in the Indonesian dictionary is " the acquisition of
knowledge or skills developed by the subjects , usually indicated by test scores or
numeric value assigned by the teacher . ( Department of National Education , 2007:
895 )
It is a learning achievement in the development of students' progress after he followed
within a certain learning activities . All the knowledge , skills , abilities and behavior of
individuals shaped and developed through the learning process . So the student
achievement can be translated into a results achieved by students during the learning
process in the classroom within a specified period , usually in the form of school
learning achievement in the provision of value ( number) of teachers to students as an
indication of the extent to which students have mastered the subject matter delivered ,

learning achievement is usually expressed with numbers , letters , or words and

contained in a certain period.

2 . The definition of education

Education is a learning process for individuals to achieve a learning process for
the individual to attain the knowledge and understanding of the higher specific objects
and specific . Knowledge obtained formally resulting in individuals having a pattern of
thought and behavior in accordance with the education that has been in taking (Big
Indonesian Dictionary, 1991).
Education is a conscious and deliberate effort to create an atmosphere of
learning and the learning process so that learners are actively advance potence him to
have the strength of the spiritual, religious, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble
character, and skills necessary him self, society, nation and state (Law no.20, 2003).
The purpose of education
3. The purpose of education
National education goals is educating the nation and developed the whole
Indonesian man, the man who is faithful and devoted to God Almighty noble and
virtuous, have the knowledge and skills, physical and spiritual health, and independent
personality and sense of social responsibility and nationality ( Law no. 2 of 1989).

4 . Education levels of students

In an effort to take the education of a student taking a few levels of education. In
Indonesia there are 3 levels of education, which is the first primary school between the
ages of 6 years to 12 years, then the second junior high school whose age ranges from
13 years to 15 years and received formal education in schools and the third high school
is age 16 years to 18 years who acquire formal education in schools (wahyudi, 2009).
1. Understanding the internet
The Internet is an interconnection of computer networks that can provide
complete service information. And all of this proves that the internet is an associate in
the virtual world as business associates, politics, learning and entertainment, everything
is presented complete in this medium (Sidhartha L, 2001).
2. history of the internet
Internet according to Budi Sutedjo (2004 : 52 ) comes from the word "
International Network " which is a very large computer network that consists of small
networks of interconnected that span the entire world . The Internet is short for internetwork . It literally has the meaning as a computer network that connects multiple

circuits . Internet network is also defined as a computer network capable of connecting

computers around the world so that various types and forms of information can be
communicated between different parts of the world in an instant and global ( Andhika ,
2005) . According Ramhot S 2003 defines the Internet as a combination of wide area
network ( WAN ) . By the definition of a computer running Internet Protocol Stack
TCP / I , has an IP address ( Internet protocol ) , and has the ability to send IP to all the





According to CEPI Safruddin & Jabar (2002 : 117-118 ) some internet facilities , among
others, 1 ) E - mail is used to send written messages very quickly without having to be
limited by location or geographical conditions , 2 ) Mailing List is used to receive e mail or automated news about a topic , 3 ) Newsgroups are used to find and exchange
messages or news on a topic that is reported, 4 ) World wide Web ( WWW ) is a huge
bank of data in the form of moving images , graphics , text , sound , about various
things , 5 ) Interactive Communications services to directly communicate with other
users both based tek , images and sound and 6 ) Gropher infoemasi service to search
through the menus with ease .
For teachers, the Internet useful in developing the profession, because the internet can
(a) increase knowledge (b) sharing of resources among peers, (c) in collaboration with
faculty abroad, (d) the opportunity to publish information directly and (e) organize
regular communication. In addition, teachers can also use the Internet as a source of
teaching material to access the lesson plans or syllabi online with new methodologies,
access to material that is suitable for students, and can convey his ideas.

Meanwhile students can also use the internet to learn themselves quickly, so it will
enhance and extend the knowledge, learn to interact, and develop capabilities in the
field of research (Philip Rechdalle, 2005).


A. Type of research
This research is a quantitative study in which the authors try to find the benefits
of using internet according to 2010 UMY Nursing students, By design interview and
B. location and time of research
1. location of research
The research conducted on campus UMY
2. time of research
This research is conducted in the month of December 7-10 December
C. participant
Partially or representative samples of the population to be studied (Arikunto,
2006). In this study, samples were selected using purposive sampling
method. The number of samples in this study were 5 students perawatmdan
have a habit of using the internet in general and willing to be respondents in
this study.
D. technique
The technique used in this study was a questionnaire. Questionnaires are a
number of written questions used to elicit information from the participants

Arikunto (2006). Where students were given a sheet containing several

questions that should be their responsibility.


It can be concluded that the internet is very influential on student achievement . Judging
from the results of questionnaires in which the internet has a positive effect on student
achievement .
Internet in education contributes greatly to the advancement of education , especially in
Indonesia . With the internet it is biased improve the quality of the nation , especially
the students , with the internet it will have a positive effect on student achievement .
This is caused by the presence of the internet , it can be easier for students both school
work or to seek a variety of information and knowledge available in the internet . Thus a
student who often opening the internet especially open the sites to make education so he
has extensive knowledge and follow the progress of time , which in turn will result in
improved student achievement scores .
But aside from the benefits , the Internet also has a negative impact on the next
generation of the Internet open . Does the internet provide benefits to students or
negative impact depending on the student 's own students . If the Internet is used to
improve the performance , it will provide many benefits for students . However , when
used for something negative then it will have negative effects as well as for students .
some students answer during the interview that the Internet was very influential in
addressing the issues of their bai college , such as :
1 . looking for material for a tutorial

2 . searching for lecture material and assist in completing the task

3 . search for journal
4 . very easily accessible to them

From the research that has been done, it can be concluded that the Internet is one
of the factors supporting student achievement. by using the internet they can easily

search for anything they want related to the lecture. authors hope that we can use
existing technology, including the Internet for the betterment of the nation. Due to the
progress of a nation is determined by the level of quality of education. A technology
will lead to something it all depends on each of us. Do not use the internet for anything
that may harm another person, or it may cause problems. Take advantage of the Internet
as a medium of learning in order toward a bright future with extensive knowledge and

of the research that has been conducted is expected to conduct further research
to be beneficial to the reader

This research aims to determine whether internet have a positive effect on the
performance of nursing students UMY

This research is a quantitative research, the population in this research was of nursing
students were 5 students. Data were extracted using a question and interview
results research shows that the internet is very influential in the achievement of nursing
students, because the internet can help them in every way, especially on the issue of
study and learning

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