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The word "arthritis" literally means joint inflammation ("arthr-" means joint; "-itis"
means inflammation). It refers to more than 100 different diseases. These diseases usually
affect the area in or around joints, such as muscles and tendons. Some of these diseases
can also affect other parts of the body, including the skin and internal organs. Arthritis
usually causes stiffness, pain and fatigue. The most common diseases mong arthritis are
osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and gout and increasingly, fibromyalgia.
Many types of arthritis show signs of joint inflammation: swelling, stiffness, tenderness,
redness or warmth. These joint symptoms may be accompanied by weight loss, fever or
When these symptoms last for more than two weeks, inflammatory arthritis, such as
rheumatoid arthritis may be the cause. Joint inflammation may also be caused by
infection, which can lead to septic arthritis. Degenerative joint disease (osteoarthritis) is
the most common type of arthritis; joint inflammation is not a prominent feature of this

Arthritis, Gout - Treatment & Homeopathic

#Colchicum [Colch]
This is the great old school remedy for gout; every case gets it in some form; and, strange
to say, in the homoeopathic school it is one of the first remedies thought of, but not every
case of arthritic trouble receives Colchicum from the careful homoeopathic prescriber.
The typical case calling for Colchicum is where the swelling is red or pale, with extreme
tenderness to touch, a tendency to shift about from joint to joint, and pains which are
worse on the slightest motion. If the general symptoms of great prostration of the
muscular system and abdominal bloating be present Colchicum is the remedy. Gastric
symptoms and cardiac complications also characterize. It is more indicated when the
smaller joints, fingers, toes, wrists and ankles are affected; the pains are very violent,
patient cannot bear to have the parts touched or to have anyone come near him. Arnica
has this fear that the part my be hit by anyone passing; it has also arthritic pains in the
foot, worse towards evening; and a red big toe joint which feels as though it has been
sprained, so Arnica may be indicated well in gout. The Colchicum patient is apt to be
exceedingly irritable and the gout is not apt to decrease this irritability. Unless Colchicum
be given according to these indications it will do no permanent good. The habit of giving
Colchicum to every case of gout in order to palliate the trouble may cause it to attack the
heart or fly to other parts. Indeed in potency it is Homoeopathic to gout, with metastasis
to the heart. Aconite is most useful in acute attacks of gout in the joints of the feet. It
corresponds only to the onset and if continued for a day or two will cure many cases.

#Ledum [Led]
Ledum is a useful remedy in gout as well as in many articular troubles. We have the
symptoms that the ball of the great toe is swollen, sore and painful on stepping, drawing
pains worse from warmth, pressure and from motion. It has also gouty nodosities in the
joints, it differs from Bryonia in having a scanty instead of a profuse effusion; it is,
perhaps, better adapted to hot swelling of the hip joint than is Bryonia. All the pains of
Ledum travel upwards. Ledum is also useful after abuse of Colchicum. It may be the first
remedy to use when the patient comes from allopathic hands, having been dosed with
large doses of Colchicum, which is a very asthenic remedy, producing great muscular
weakness, as we have seen. Ledum, it must be remembered is a cold remedy, and
attending all the symptoms is a general chilliness and lack of animal heat. Another drug
having gouty nodosities in the joints is Guaiacum. This remedy has tearing pains in the
extremities and contractions ;of the muscles. It is also especially useful for gouty
inflammation affecting the knee joint.
#Ammonium phosphoricum [Am-p]
This is a useful remedy in constitutional gout where there are nodosities in the joints. It is
not so much a remedy for the acute symptoms, but for chronic cases where there are
deposits of urate of soda concretions in the joints and the hands become twisted out of
shape. Antimonium crudum has gouty nodes in the joints, but it is easily selected from its
gastric symptoms. Urinary symptoms, strong urine, etc., would suggest Benzoic acid, and
much red Lycopodium, both ;of which may be found useful in gout. Staphisagria has a
similar application to gout when it becomes systematized, as has also Ammonium
phosphoricum. Rhododendron has enlargements of the joints not due to gouty deposits,
worse during rest and on approach of a storm. Urtica urens. This remedy is said to cure
more cases of gout than any other. Under its use pain and swelling subside and large
quantities of sand are passed. Picric acid. Halbert mentions this remedy as useful in
arthritis deformans, and thinks that treating the disease from the homoeopathic standpoint
will yield best results.

Gout & Homoeopathy

Dr. P. S. Mamtora (Orthopedic surgeon) & Dr. Vijay H. Vaishnav (Homoeopath)
Web :
What is gout?
This is a metabolic disorder. It affects joints and later the kidneys. It is a disorder where the uric
acid is not metabolised well. The serum (blood) level of this normal substance is high. The raised
levels of uric acid may be due to over production or reduced excretion. The higher levels allow the
uric acid crystals to get deposited in and around the joints. This causes severe pain, swelling and
redness of that area. The crystals can also get deposited in the kidneys to form uric acid stones
What can precipitate an attack?
Unaccustomed physical stress, mental stress and bouts of alcohol consumption can trigger an
acute attack of gout.
What are the symptoms?
There is a sudden, acute onset of severe pain involving any one joint or one side of a joint. The
commonest joint is the ball of the great toe. The area suddenly becomes red, painful and swollen.
It may be difficult to move the part due to the pain. Occasionally, people mistake it to be due to
an injury. However, it is not possible to have such a severe pain due to an injury that one cannot
remember definitely.
How does one control the disease?
It frequently needs medicine for good control. There is also a need for good control in the diet to
keep the serum uric acid levels within the normal range.
What diet should one follow?
The intake of the following things should be stopped, as they are high in purine rich proteins:
alcohol, red meat, fish, sea food, pulses, peas, spinach, cashew nuts. Alcohol should also be
avoided. (See also the article- Dietary advice)
Can homoeopathy help?
Homoeopathy is known to control the uric acid diathesis and is also useful in acute attacks. The
following drugs are important aids in the treatment of gout:
Lycopodium- This is a drug for chronic gout, with chalky deposits in the joints. It is suited to
persons who are mentally keen, but of weak muscular power. Typically, the patient appears
emaciated (he is thin and withered), and full of gas. They are apprehensive and afraid to be
alone. Though they lack self-confidence, they are haughty and headstrong when sick. There is a
pain in the heels as if treading on a pebble. One foot feels hot and the other feels cold. The urine
is slow in coming and shows a heavy, red sediment. There may be a backache, which is relieved
by passing urine. The right side of the body is peculiarly affected and all the complaints seem to
increase in the evening, especially between 4 p.m. and 8 p.m..
Colchicum- This drug has a specific power of relieving the gouty paroxysms but it seems to be
more beneficial in chronic affections of these parts. The parts are red, hot, swollen with tearing
pains felt more in the night. The parts are sensitive to touch. The patient complains of tearing
pains in the joints in hot weather, and stinging during cold. Gout settles in the great toe or in the
heel. With the gout the patient also has disorders of the stomach. The smell of food, especially
fish, causes nausea and may even cause fainting. There may be an icy coldness felt in the
stomach. The urine is dark, brown, black- looks like ink.
Urtica urens- This drug, prepared from the stinging nettle, helps in the elimination of uric acid
from the body. The patient has a tendency to gout and stone formations. The joint symptoms are
associated with urticaria or alternate with it. The shoulders (deltoid region), wrists and ankles are
commonly affected. The patient cannot tolerate touch, water or exposure of the affected parts to
cool, moist air and snow air.
Lithium carb- There is a swelling and tenderness of the finger and toe joints, better by hot
water. There is a nodular swelling of the joints. The ankles pain on walking. Some of the patients

have a headache, acidity, nausea and gnawing pain in the stomach which cease while eating. The
urine may deposit a red sand and is turbid, scanty and dark. Joint symptoms are sometimes
associated with heart disease.
Ledum- When gout is the result of alcoholism, Ledum should be thought of. The inflammation of
the joints begins in the lower limbs and ascends upwards. The ball of the great toe is swollen. It is
red, sometimes bluish, and cold to touch. Dipping the part in a bucket of ice cold water relieves
the pain. It is generally worse from getting warm in bed. The patient is sensitive to the cold, yet
the heat of the bed is intolerable.
Benzoic acid- It cures symptoms of gout associated with a high coloured and offensive urine.
The pains are tearing with stitches in the affected joint. Gout seems to settle in the achilles
tendon, just above the heel. The symptoms are worse in the open air and from uncovering the
affected parts.
A detailed history followed by constitutional treatment by a good and qualified homoeopath is
necessary to treat gout. It is not advisable to resort to self-medication for any disease. The above
mentioned drugs are just a few of the remedies for gout and are mentioned solely to create
awareness about the efficacy of homoeopathy in this disease.

Homeopathic Materia Medica by Farrington

previous remedy in chapter: AMMONIUM MURIATICUM

next remedy in chapter: SALTS OF LIME
I have one or two symptoms of Ammonium phosphoricum to give you. It has been successfully used in the treatment of
constitutional gout when there are nodes or concretions in the joints. It is not to be used for the acute symptoms, not for
the twinges of pain, but when the disease has become systemic, and when concretions of urate of soda appear in the
joints. The worst case of this kind I ever saw was that of a man who had been bedridden fifteen years. He showed me a
box which was filled with these concretions, which he had picked out of his joints. They varied in size and looked like
lumps of chalk. Some of these same concretions could be seen under the skin and along the tendons. His hands were
twisted out of shape. His feet also were affected. He had a cough, which finally killed him, and he expectorated from the
lungs these lumps of urate of soda. Ammonium phos. relieved him for awhile.

(Lithic Acid Diathesis, Uric Acid
Diathesis, Uricacidaemia, Uricaemia,
American Gout.)

A condition in which uric (lithic) acid is present in the


Homeopathic Medicines & Treatment for Uric

Acid Diathesis, American Gout
#Berberis vulgaris. [Berb]
This urine of this remedy corresponds to many cases of lithaemia, yet it will be rarely
indicated unless the characteristic tearing cutting pains are present. These pains are in the
renal region and extend down the ureters to the bladder or into pelvis and hips. The urine
is hot, dark or bright yellow or blood red, with white, grayish or bright red mealy
sediment, or red granules, or yellowish red crystals.
#Lycopodium. [Lyc]
When red sand appears in the urine our first thoughts is for Lycopodium, and indeed it
will clear up many cases of lithaemia. Its general digestive disturbances, flatulent
conditions are often met with in lithaemia. Particularly is it indicated by its scanty, highcolored urine depositing a red or yellowish red sandy sediment. It has severe backache
relieved by passing urine. Burning between scapulae, and the 4 to 8 P.M. aggravations are
useful characteristics to decide the choice of this remedy. Coccus cacti.This remedy is
similar to Lycopodium in many respects. It will undoubtedly be found useful in the gouty
#Sepia. [Sep]
This remedy must not be neglected in lithaemia. It has a deposit of urates in the urine and
of uric acid. Then, too, the general symptoms of venous stagnation, liver troubles,
manifested by such symptoms as yellow spots on the face or over dorsum of nose, are
important indications.
#Cantharis. [Canth]
Dr. W. P. Laird says that the great remedy for lithaemia, the one which most accuratley
corresponds to the totally of the morbid phenomena, and which we may prescribe with
confidence in at least two cases out of three, is Cantharis. The special symptoms are
soreness in the region of the kidneys, cutting, contracting pains in the ureters extending to
bladder and urethra and down spermatic cord, with retraction of testicles. Urination
painful and difficult, passe in drops; cutting before and after urination; urine scanty, dark
colored, with oftentimes a sediment looking like old mortar or a reddish brick-dust

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