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Training: Data collection and reporting of zoonoses and

zoonotic agents, antimicrobial resistance and foodborne outbreaks
Meeting date:

27th 28th October 2016

Meeting venue:

EFSA premises, Via Carlo Magno1/A

43126 Parma, Italy

Meeting room:


This training is organised under the EFSA Pre-Accession Programme 2015-2017 financed by the
European Commission (EC). The overall objective of the Programme is to promote the
understanding of EFSAs work and share expertise. Zoonoses are diseases that can be transmitted
directly or indirectly between animals and humans. Zoonotic foodborne diseases are transmitted
by consuming contaminated foodstuffs.
Aim of the training:
1. To increase the knowledge on:

the key aspects of implementation of Directive 2003/99/EC, especially on

monitoring of zoonoses and zoonotic agents, antimicrobial resistance and foodborne outbreaks
the understanding of the EU-wide monitoring system for trends and sources of
zoonoses along the food chain
the importance of zoonoses-specific data collections and related analysis, at EUlevel and beyond
collection and reporting of zoonoses and antimicrobial data using Excel mapping
tools provided by EFSA
the importance of competent authorities for the purposes of implementation of
Directive 2003/99/EC.
the new EU legislation on antimicrobial resistance (Decision 2013/652 on the
monitoring and reporting of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in zoonotic and
commensal bacteria).

2. To harmonise and streamline reporting of microbiological hazards in order to ensure that

the data collected in the Pre-Accession countries are relevant and easy to analyse at the
European Union level.
3. To provide theoretical and practical support to the Pre-Accession countries in data
collection and possible reporting to EFSA.
The target participants are:

scientific officers of competent organisations involved in data collection, analysis

and reporting of zoonoses and zoonotic agents (in animals, food and feed),
antimicrobial resistance and food-borne outbreaks.
Invited: 21 participants from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the former Yugoslav Republic of
Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo* and Turkey.
Language: English
*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSC 1244 and the ICJ Opinion
on the Kosovo declaration of independence

European Food Safety Authority Via Carlo Magno 1A 43126 Parma ITALY
Tel. +39 0521 036 111 Fax +39 0521 036 110

Draft Agenda

27th October 2016,

Chair: Anca STOICESCU, Scientific Officer, Evidence Management (DATA) Unit, EFSA


09.00 09.20

Introduction and meeting objectives


09.20 09.40

Legal framework on zoonoses and zoonotic agents and food-borne outbreaks

data collection and EU Summary Report on zoonoses and FBO
Frank BOELAERT, Scientific Officer, BIOCONTAM Unit, EFSA

09.40 - 10.00

Monitoring of Antimicrobial Resistance in Food-Producing Animals and Food in

the EU based on the New Legislation on harmonised AMR monitoring
Anca STOICESCU, Scientific Officer, DATA Unit, EFSA

10.00 - 10.20

General introduction to the reporting reporting officers, data providers,

timelines, reporting system: Data Collection Framework
Anca STOICESCU, Scientific Officer, DATA Unit, EFSA

10.20 - 10.40

Presentation of results of questionnaire previously distributed to the countries


10.40 - 11.10

EU-wide monitoring of zoonoses and zoonotic agents

Frank BOELAERT, Scientific Officer, BIOCONTAM Unit, EFSA

11.10 - 11.40

Coffee break

11.40 13.00

Hands - on exercise on zoonoses and zoonotic agents data collection and

animal population data reporting
Anca STOICESCU, Scientific Officer, DATA Unit, EFSA

13.00 14.00

Lunch break

14.00 16.00

Hands - on exercise on data collection and reporting of zoonoses and

zoonotic agents continuation

16.00 - 16.30

Coffee break

16.30 16.50

Disease status (TBC and Brucella)

Frank BOELAERT, Scientific Officer, BIOCONTAM Unit, EFSA

16.50 - 17.20

Hands - on exercise on disease status collection and reporting

Anca STOICESCU, Scientific Officer, DATA Unit, EFSA

17.20 17.40



End of the day

28th October 2016,

Chair: Anca STOICESCU, Scientific Officer, DATA Unit, EFSA


09.00 09.30

EU-wide monitoring of food-borne outbreaks

Giusi AMORE, Scientific Officer, BIOCONTAM Unit, EFSA

09.30 10.30

On-hands exercise on food-borne outbreaks data collection and reporting

Anca STOICESCU, Scientific Officer, DATA Unit, EFSA

10.30 11.00

Coffee break

11.00 12.00

Experience from Croatia on zoonoses and food-borne outbreaks monitoring and

Drazen KNEZEVIC, Scientific Officer, Croatian Food Agency


Overview of the main findings of 2014 EUSR on AMR

Anca STOICESCU, Scientific Officer, DATA Unit, EFSA

12.30 13.30

Lunch break

13.30 14.30

Hands - on exercise on AMR data collection and reporting

Anca STOICESCU, Scientific Officer, DATA Unit, EFSA

14.30 15.00

ECDC role in EU-wide zoonoses and AMR data collection

Johanna TAKKINEN, Head of Disease Programme Food- and Waterborne
Diseases and Zoonoses, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control

15.00 -15.30

Coffee break

15.30 16.10

Follow up support to the Pre-accession countries and EFSAs supporting

contracts open to PA countries round table discussion


Q&A, Conclusions and take-home messages


End of the training

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