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Stress Management Professional An International Journal

Vol.2, No.2, JULY - DECEMBER 2014


MBSR practice cultivated consciously some of the

MBSR therapist does not directly try to change

attitudinal factors which are opposite to the defining

thinking or behavior but with time and practice

features of the TABP i.e. non-judging, patience, non-

person understand the link that leads to change

striving, acceptance, and letting go (Kabat-Zinn,

dysfunction thinking and behavior on its own. A

1990). Hence, it can be said that Mindfulness

defining feature of CBT is the proposition that

promotes the adoption of an overall more flexible

symptoms and dysfunctional behaviors are often

cognitive, emotional, and behavioral style (Shapiro,

cognitively mediated and, hence, improvement can

Carlson, Astin, & Freedman, 2006), or increased overall

be produced by modifying dysfunctional thinking

psychological flexibility (Hayes, Strosahl, & Wilson,

and beliefs (Dobson &Dozois, 2001). Whereas, unlike

1999); that helps individuals to overcome TABP.

CBT, in the mindfulness based approaches, therapists

help patients shift their relationship to personal

Comparative efficacy of CBT and MBSR:

experience rather than directly challenging

The question of whether a particular psychological

maladaptive patterns of thought, feeling, or behavior.

intervention is superior to others has produced ardent

MBSR is based upon a systematic procedure to

controversy. Some researchers claimed that all the

develop enhanced awareness of moment-to-moment

therapies are equally effective whereas others oppose

experience of perceptible mental processes. The

them by commenting it as premature prediction

approach assumes that greater awareness will

(Luborsky, Rosenthal, Diguer et al., 2002; Beutler,

provide more veridical perception, reduce negative

2002). Both groups namely CBT treated CHD group

affect and improve vitality and coping. In the last two

and MBSR treated CHD group showed significantly

decades, a number of research reports appeared that

improvement after intervention, in present study.

seem to support many of these claims (Grossman,

More specifically, the CHD patients treated with CBT

Niemann, Schmidt, Walach, 2004).

and MBSR respectively showed statistically significant

improvement on psychological risk factors. The


findings of present study are also in line with the Dodo

The number of patients with CHD is increasing and

Bird verdict (from a line in Alice in Wonderland, All

psychosocial factors are now recognized as playing a

have won and all must have prizes ), which states that

significant and independent role in the development

all therapies are equal effective.

of CHD and its complications. These risk factors can

have a major impact on the quality of life that

However, the findings of study did reveal that CBT

negatively affects the long term outcome in cardiac

group subjectively reported greater satisfaction, post

patients. Since CHD is a multifactorial process,

intervention, as they have started engaging in sexual

intervention programs should be multifactorial based

and other physical activities more frequently, then

and involve psychological interventions along with

that of their counterparts, it can be attributed to the

the routine cardiac care. As a result, there has been a

decreased distortion regarding cardiac symptoms

great deal of interest into potential treatments for

which they previously held. This difference can be

these factors in cardiac patients, with the hope that

understood by understanding the difference

successful mental health treatment might also have a

between the processes of the therapies. CBT is a direct

favorable effect on cardiovascular and physical health

therapy in which therapist directly work on the

outcomes. While MBSR and CBT may both be effective

dysfunctional thinking and behaviors whereas in

in reducing perceived stress, anxiety, depression and

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