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ComfïlflJ, flJUflJ anJ annolalflJ l"

~~~, SII#U

Published for the Honor and Glary of God in Obedience to the

Blessed Virgin Mary.


Queen of the Holy Rosary, Mediatrix of Pence
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In obedience to the decree of Pope Urban VIII and in
conformity with the Apostolic Constitution "Officiorum
ac munera" of Pope Leo XIII, l declare that l claim no
more than a purely human consideration for the extra­
ordinary graces reported in this book, and that l
thereby submit at aIl times and unreservedly to the
j udgment of the Catho lic Church.
The Author


.. ................... ..............


Copyright 1959. AlI rights reserved.

No part of this may be reproduced in any
form without permission from the author .

The following are the words spoken from the throne

of st. Martin and were published in a pamphlet shortly
afterwards. They were spoken by His Excellency, the
Bishop of Liege, Belgium, regarding the apparitions of
the Most Holy Virgin at Banneux from January 15 to
March 3, 1933. ----
"Regarding this event," His Excellency said, "1
should like to warn you against a two- fold Indifference:
Indifference towards the fact itself and Indifference
towards our personal share in the recognition of the
facto "
1. Let us not be indifferent ta the fact:
"Ooes not everything meri tour interest that is of such
nature as to quicken faith, enliven piety, increase con-
fidence, convert and save souls? .... Faith teaches us
that the Blessed Virgin is in Heaven, that She reigns
there in glory, and that She nevertheless interests her-
self efficaciously in Her children on earth. But if
She cornes to visit these children, appearing to one or
to several of them ..... is that not a sensible proof of
the compl iant goodness and the motherly ca re of our
Mother in Heaven? Such news certainly does not leave me
Indifferent, and anyone who has a filial love for the
Blessed Virgin must share my emotion. And undoubtedly,
one of the first effects of this emotion will be the
desire to know these facts better, to examine them
thoroughly, and to contribute as much as we can to
bring them to light.
2. Let us not be indifferent ta the recognition
of the fact: "Here we meet with the second of the in-
differences denounced above, the attitude of: 'It' s up
to the Church to bring these facts to light. Let the
Church do it. In the meantime, l'Il not make it my
concern.' Yes, i t' s up to the religious authori ty to
give an authentic decision to such facts, if it judges
a decision to be opportune. Suppose your unanimous de-
sire is realized and the tribunal 'approves' ..... don' t
you see the great effect of that sentence? It would bé
a source of great joy for millions of the faithful; it
would put an end to the doubts of many; it would give
a new and lasting impetus to the cult of the Blessed
Virgin ..... but that is still in the future. Must we
simply wait for it with our arms folded? Certainly not!
In the first place, it is not necessary for us ta have
an authentic judgment of the Church in order to admit
the truth of the apparitions; we can accept them either
on the basis of a personal study of the fact themselves,
of their development and their effects; or on the
authority of persons whose knowledge, prudence and
piety we know; or on the basis of special favors which
we might have received..... This personal conviction may
be expressed in pri vate acts of piety. Do not forget
that the important, final decision must be pronounced by
men. These men will be enlightened regarding these
facts more quickly and more fully, and their sentence
will be prompter and more explicit. Prayer can obtain
for them the light they need ta lead their investiga­
tions in the best direction, to furnish them with even
miraculous favors, capable of removing the least doubts.
For years l have united my prayers with those of
many others, pri.ests and lay people, that the truth of
this cause m~r shine forth ..... Since such official rec­
ognition i8 neither an individual nor strictly a local
grace, but since it is an immense collective grace.....
it is fitting, according to the ordinary ways of
Providence, to solicit it through collective general
prayer. "

(The apparitions at Banneux and Beauraing are the ~t

~ed apparitions by the Church.)

It should be explained here for the benefit of the

reader as to how this material was taken down and how it
came to be written up in the manner in which it appears.
All of the work given on the Fridays in Advent and
Lent is down here in exactly the words that were spoken
through ~ks. Van Hoof in her suffering.
During Advent of 1950 there were no words spoken
that were distinguishable. The first couple of Fridays
in Lent of 1951 there were words spoken and these were
recorded in writing, by two people, just as spoken and
are here presented as nearly correct as they could make
From that time on during all the Fridays in Advent
and Lent everything was taken on either tape or wire
l recorders and so the wr1tten work could be checked
a ~ the wires or tapes to conhrm-their accuracy.
We have the W1res and tapes, which include in this group
the narrations given of the Passion.
The Anniversary Days and the Feast Days are written
up by Mary Ann Van Hoof and are included here in exactly
her words just as they were originally written. ~
ot el' work iven such as that ertaini cl
situation. urch work and all other woik given, is
written up by the author.
~~ere the words as spoken could be used, in many
cases they were used. However, due to the stress and
strain of suffering and other cond~s, often times
that could not be done. The true story of the word
pi.çtures as transmitted to me, l then put on paper to
the best of my ability. Th 'ls i e ed much with
the tran~mi sion 0 ~~. as exp a1ne ~n
t e 00.
Ev~rything written has been read and checked over
by Mary Ann Van Hoof and expresses in a true and accurate
manner those things which she saw in visions.
In aIl th1ngs we tr1ed to follow the directions
of CÀ.!r HolX Mother and of the Sain-!s through wlu>m sorne
of Hel' messages were transmitted to the~ of our

The Author

written work in this

?/f~;;L, Ph<- JI-7



Oh Gad, please help me that l may do Thy Holy Will

and that of 'Iby Holy Mother in making known these things
which l am about ta reveal. They have been made known ta
me tlirough MâI'Y Ann van
Hoof, seer of Thy Holy Mother. l
am sure that l am in accord with Her wishes and Thine in
making them known.
This worKwas ii ven ln form of instruc tians during
Mary Ann Van Hoof' s suffering on Se.l2iember 2, i955. Much
of OUr direction came ln the same manner.
"When aIl narratives are completethey are ta be
complled into one and called


You may have them publlshed and printed, but be sure you
find a reliable persan ta do thls. You will find this
will not be as hard as it now seerns, if you follow
St. An n 's a d vic e ..
"Make up each one separate and then campi le them all
into one bOok"
ease, d~a[ IJOre1, gi ve me ThY-Gliidance that l may
be obedient ta TiiY"Wlshes and that l do not allow mYself
ta be deterred by man or the devil.
I bel i eve also that in the li ght of present .k.!!.Q..w-

1eçig.e......... many ~ thl ngs should have been made known
before this time, as the Hand of God even now i_s in the
act of falling upon us, as we aIl sa justlY deserve.
l am not wri ting this in the anticipation that i t
wi Il be approved by our presen t Bishop, as our Bishop II·
~ ~ what he ca~~lnyestigatio.!!... QI:OcIalmed tEe
apparitions ot Mary Ann Van Hoof ta be false. l hope Our
LOrd will not be tao harsh in His judgment of Him, for
the sl1ght he has given ta His HW M~~r, on not gatïï:
e il ta hfiiiseÎf aIl of the racts before assin uag-
ment. for -istening ta lies and sIan er pu forth by
those who are too swelled with pride to have in thelr
hearts the grace of Gad; who, though representatives of
Christ on earth, have in their great pride of intellect
a110wed themselves, either willingly or otherwise, to
be blinded to the truth.
l believe that those who have in their hearts any of
the grace of God and in their minds any ability to
reason, cannot help but find in these messages and revela­
t~ truth which will ma:ke--tà-ellwDllcb bet~s
{ th~rg now. This truth makes up what Our Lady
liâS-Said is a-râst effort to draw souls to God before
His Hand strikes in punishment. l can now see very
Sv ( plainly why these reve lations must be made known by a lay
person instead of by a priest or religious. They, in
ent~ring ioto Ehat life, had to place themselves under
the strictest obedience to their Superiors, that a
priest's obedience is first to his Bishop.
That demand of sJrict obedie~ce has been d~ctated
more as a matter of pride tfian the will of GOd; ln fact

'1 it has interfered with the Will of God. If you go to a

Priest for advice on anything other than those things
which are strictly a matter of .Faith and MoraIs and are
definitely covered in the book, you can be sure that his
advice is going to coiuci~e w~hat whicb he knows
wouïd agree with the ideas of his Superiors. He dare not
makë~t otherwis~. He without doubt knows of Priests who
have dared to express opinions other than in agreement
with their Superiors who have been dealt with very harsh­
ly, who have been demoted in position or have even been
)l banished to the mission fields in sorne forgotten part of
the world. never ta return. There are very few pnests)
wfiQ dare buck against that possibility, even though in
the eyes of Gad they know they are right.
Had a few more Priests been willing to take martyr­
dom upon themselves for the sake of truth in the past,
perhaps so many of them would not now face martyrdow in
--:..: t!le purge Qf the ChurCh, which is soon coming to our
Country. In many places that purge is now in progress.
In many places the Church has nearly been destroye~
One great difference between the True Church and
the churches:of other denominations is the acceptance of
Our Lady. ·Our Holy Mother". We are taught to pray
through Her to Her Divine Son, Our Lord and God. As a
convert to Catholicism that was one of the e~st things
in the teaching of the Catholic Church for ~o accept,
because to me it was plain logic. Our Holy Mother is
tP.e.....~.Qthe?l of one member of the Blessed Trini ty and the
~OÙS~Of another and so Rer influence with God is most
certalnly assured.~
The Catholic Church teaches us these things. She
was given to us by Our Lord as our Roly Mother, just
before Re died on the Cross on Mount Calvary. Why then
is it that whenever She acts as a true ~bther and appe:a:rs
here on earth to warn us and to pro.!ect us and give us
l more chance than we deserve, why is lt that the same
Cl!..urct!.- thaLShe is tLY-1..!lg_1&-.p..I_otect:: îs so cold towârd
Rer? Why do D.'1ey try to throw every possible obstacle jjl
( Rer way? Why have they delayed acceptante untl! the
warnings She gave are too late?
I t took th i r ty years to approve 0 f Our Lady' s ap­
pearance at Fatima. Rad the Church taken hold and spread
that message-a5 it should have been, a great world
catastrophe could possibly have been avoided, World
War II, with its loss of millions of lives, great suffer­
ing on the part of people aIl over the world, famine,
starvation for many and great persecution of the same
Church, i-hat Chursh-th.a..t.-1ta.S so cold, so cold to Qg]:
Lady when She appeared with a message that might have
her:oed to avoid that great catastrophe.
, Now the \Vorld is faced with even greater catas­
lj trophe, \Vi th ttLe...-.passible annib_ilatîon ot tng whole
l 1human race, with much greater persecution for the Church,
the greatest persecution in history.
Again Our Roly Mother has appeared here on earth in
a last minute desperate effort to save Rer erring chi Id­
ren, as any good, loving mother would do. She has ap­

peared not only. in one plaCB hllt-siQ seITral, in the
apparently hopeless effort to get Rer message throu~d
have it heard and spread. Again as before She has re­
ceived the same cold, cold, frigidly cold reception on
the part of the Church of Rer Son.
l''{ Again to those to whom She has appeared have been
II/ suQjected to aH the persecution that can be heaped upon
As before, the leaders in the persecution \VêTe some
priests in the Church of Rer Son whose efforts went not
towarâ proving the truth or falsity of the claims of the
\ ones to whom Our Lady appeared, but solely \Vi th
abject of stamping 1:j)em w,\t. Il
Are they Apostles of Christ? We can only juJge by
the tools, the means they are using to ach(eve their
purpose. s~pdeT aud---lif.s, defamation of character,
broken promises on the part of sorne Priests, aIl of
ttose things have been used. ------
They are not using any of the tools Our Lord used
when He was here on earth. They, as representatives of
1))\Christ here on earth, are Ilsing the very same tools_ti1at
\~.~jnst ~Lord when He was here on earth.
Only an _~nscr1dQulou~ poli tician co~nduct SUChj~
a dirty smear campaig~s has beeil co~ some of
tQ~lnvestlgators again~t Mary Ann Van Hoof, one of
those persans to whom Our Holy Mother, the Motner-Gf
Goa, chose ta appear.

******** ••••

l have been glvIng a great deal of consideration

as to how ta line up this work for the public ta read.
But after aIl consideration have come ta the conclusion
that l will give very nearly as it was given to me.
It was given mostly in the form of short, terse
sentences; but ta me the ideas they conveyed were very
sharp and clear, and they gave me a veryèomlLlete picture
of what has and î s happe...nrog-fllthe 1V0rld. If the
reader has not sufficient intellect to conceive a com­
plete picture then this book is not for him.
lIT fact, Mary Ann has asked the question: "How dumb

can people be?" l have oHen myself wondered t'his same

_...The_.~ to world destruction to me seems so ob­
vious. The plot of tfi~l to destroy aIl good, the
plQtàf the One or ers or world contra .
- T f i e machinery a as een se up through United
Nations to control us. The very eVIdent cooperatIon of
high officiaIs in our government in selling us out to \
One World, Government, the efforts they have made ta by­
pass or circumvent the Constitution of our Government by
those who have S'lorn ta uphold i t, aIl of those things
it seems to me, should be an indication to thinking
people, but it seems not to be, l have listened in on
~conversations which reflected such a lack of intellec­

I\tual thinking that it was positively disgustIng, and
that from people who were supposeù ta be educated. It

Just shows to what a degree the RfQpa~anda and ~­,ijg -have been successful. 1 Juif shows to Wliàt
dëgrëè they have been _~~cessf.ul in di~ecting people's
thinking on inconsequential things. Many people, for
instance, can't even Rold an intelligent conversation on
Government or those who control their destinies, but
they can give you the League Standings of every Major
League baseball team, and the batting averages of most
players in both Leagues. If that is the group to which
YO. u belong, if you find that the above fi ts you, ~,}
all 1 can SN is whatever happens ta you, you des_we.
( whatyou
If bother to read this book, JOU will not believe
it contains in its pages anyhow.
The facts and Revelations here given will not
change your thinking. You will not take warning. You
will not change your ways. u are like the sheep who
eniQy the ride to the slaughterhouse. Perhaps it is et­
ter so, at least you won' t develop stomach ulcers from
worrying. Also if someone only has some gum to pass,
you can placidIy chew our cud and enjoy the scenery as
you ide concentration am There are several
already made for your a a lon in ou~untry.
They also have ~'lfture chambel§Jthat they can use
to exact confessionsP8m yod wBen you fall into dis­
agreement with the powers that be. It is hard ta con­
ceive in this day of such things as we usually associate
with the so-called Oark Ages. But that period of lIme
k;own as the-Oark_AlΑs is-0nly a slight shadow of the
b ack a es that face man now and the a~me ones respon­
e for the dark ages with their persecution, a e the
same ~FiQr~JlQ.W behind=th:iilie present day evelop­
( '!LèRts, and the ~:!!jJness has increased i!!: proportion from
that time to th s. 1
Someone recently discovered these orture chambers ~II
existence and to excuse that existence, peop e were 0 d 1
that it was for tQe purpose of teachin$ our soldiers jo
withstand the pressure and brainwashi~bould they be- •

come prisoners of the Enemy. That illogical explanation
seemed ta satisfy the gullible, goofY ana alreadY brain­
waShed American Public.
. An..-artj cl e with oictures appeared in the ·Wisconsin
State Journal". They were taken at Stend Air Force Base
in N~ The paper was of September 9, 1955. Similar
types of places have been constructed at other places in
the United States, including Florida.
If you are not willing to accept such an assinine
1 explanation, you can see what is in store for you.
These laces were ordered built by Franklin
( Delano Roosevelt, an arc eV! in human form whom we
elected ta thE~ PJ~sj dency of the UnIted States. In
this project he was urged on by Eleanor, Countess of
Hyde Park and aJways consort and protector of CommunisE,
Left Wingers. One wor~s. •
... 1 Just read ln Le magazine a great big beautiful
story about the Countess of Hyde Park. It was a beau-
tiful build-up for Eleanor Roosevelt a ' con-
(( n eiiBv ~lotting old female. She has been menti one in
tf n é â'tHm§6n Si'!~raT occasions.
She Just recently came back from Morroco as did
son Elliot. She lost her popularity over there because
( she wouldn' t keep her big mouth shut. She tries to push
everybody around and it didn't work over there.
March Il, 1955 at 7: 35pm during the suffering this
was given:
"Roosevelt is dead. He was getting scared when he
got back after the las t tri p. He was going to tUlf ~ck,
• but_ his wife helped to plot against: him. She' d e sur-
prised to know what they' 11 do to her whêil they are
~ugh with her, t~im. They got him beca;se
he would have turned for our benefit. He WQuld have been
aIl rTgh"t.'"" Come look at him:-~-had a horri bl e death.

I~ul. His lower limbs were a~~rtPPl~om
polio. He wasn't aIl bad. He was marr~to the ~ng
kind oi woman, the ---"

o Franklin D. Roosevelt was killed by having acid

thrown in his face. l believe an autopsy even at this
late date would show the man f~~eless. He was killed
bp..c.ause he was going soft mentally. and in his babbling
was giving out lnformation that could be harmful to the
forces of the devil, his friends.
These Revelations, when given, confirmed suspicions
which have always been in my mind with regard to the
( death of the former President. l was always suspicious
f the ci.rcumstances and know there could only be one

I~ re~Qn why he was not shown in his casket and allowed to

lie in sta..te for the"fi~of \
publicity, the secrecy surrounding his death, ~t J
fit in at aIl with the amount of publicity given him and
the other publicity hounds that make up the rest of his
family, the publicity concerning his every movement and
theirs. It was most certainly contrary to aIl previous
precedent, that this wonderful opportunit.Y should be
passed up by his ever loving wife and their notorious
l just read ir. a history book which was used in
our Catholic High Schools that our beloved President
,died suddenly of a cerebral hemorrhage. l wonder wh.9

the doctors ~re who signed their names to that analysis

of the cause of his death. ~ut wh wonder? Th! devilJI~~

has his servants in aIl walks of l e, uclIn the
l '4 1 .
Ql §try and the P r i e s t h o o d . '

For description of picture aboyc see page 20


Book 1

Author's Note of Explanation 1

Introduction III

NovemberI2,1949 1

April 7, 1950 2

May 28, 19,50, Pentecost Sunday 4

May 29, 1950 6

May 30, 1950 10

June 4, 1950, Trinity Sunday 13

June 16, 1950, Feast of Sacred Heart 18

August 15, 1950, Feust of the Assumption 31

October 7, 1950, Fcast of the Holy Rosary 47

November 12.1950, Anniversary of Ist Appearance 1949 59

December 8, 1950, Feast of the Immacuîatc Conception 66

Anniversary Days of 1950:

April 7, 1951 73

May 20, 1951, Trinity Sunday 74

May 28, 1951 74

May 29, 1951 75

May 30 and June 4, 1951 76

June 16, 1951 77

August 15, 1951 78

October 7, 1951 80

November 12, 1951 81

December 8, 1951 82

April 7, 1952 85

May 28, 1952 87

May 29, 1952 88

May 30, 1952...................................................................... 89

June 4, 1952............................................................ 90

June 16, 1952 ,.......................... 91

August 15, 1952 93

October 7, 1952 99

November 12, 1952 100

December 8, 1952 101

April 7, 1953, Vision of H Bomb 104

May 28, 1953 109

May 29, 1953 110

May 30, 1953 .."'.' 111

May 31, 1953, Trinity Sunday 112

June 4, 1953 113


Book 1 (Continued)

June 16, 1953 114

August 15, 1953 . 117

October 7, 1953 124

November 12, 1953 127

December 8, 1953 131

April 7, 1954 132

May 28, 1954 . 133

May 29, 1954 " : -' . 135

May 30, 1954 136

June 4, 1954 . 137

June 13, 1954, Trinity Sunday :: . 139

June 16, 1954 142

August 15, 1954 147

October 7, 1954 . 158

November 12, 1954 165

December 8, 1954 166

April 7, 1955 169

- Strange Happenings During the Period 1 Cou1d Not Speak. __ . 172

What Henry Swan and Clara Hermans Mean to Me

1 and the Cause
Mary Ann's Story of Her Sufferings :.; ,.::, .



Book II

Introduction .: .. ­ : ..

The Change the Apparitions Have Made in Me .' ~...


My Work with Necedah : ~II.,........


Mary Ann's Experience with a Stranger , ~ ,:.I.:.. 37

Vision of Horror _ :,.' ,: .. c':.....


An Old Warehouse '.........


Capture of American and South Korean Prisoners ...........•...


Range of Mountains :...


Mary Ann's Sufferings , : ~ :..


The Youth for Whom Mary Ann Suffers


The Victim Soul _._ ~: : \~......


Summary of 1951, 1952, 1953 and 1954 79

My Daily Contacts with the Victim 82

My Contacts with Our Lady 93

My Rosary.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 105

My Contact With the Saints 105

Narration of the Last Supper 118

Narration of the Passion 127

Notes Taken by Fr. Scheetz 164

Notes Taken by Dr. DeWerth 172

Revelations on the Fridays of Lent and

Advent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 180


Forward ,. . .. .. l

1 - It AlI Started With Thirty Pieces of

Sil ver.............................. 1

2 - The Serpent... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

3 - Miscellaneous Plans of the Serpent.... Il

4 - The Devil Laughs With Glee 15

5 - The Devils... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

6 - The Plotters... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25

7 - Work of Serpent With Our Southern

Neighbors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

8 - The Serpent At Work in Canada 34

9 - Destruction of MoraIs 36

10 - Subversion in Education 41

Il - Delinquency........................... 43

12 - Revelations given March 5, 1955 52

13 - Revelations given November Il and 18,

1955. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

14 - Dionne Quintuplets 73

15 - Christmas in the SIums................ 75

16 - Message Given OCtober 6, 1955 76

17 - Message Given OCtober 30, 1955 90

18 - Mongrelization 103

19 - Labor Union Rackets 105

20 - Sports Rackets.. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 107

21 - Foundations 108

BOOK II I( ~t:rv--~Â
22 - Just Mail Your Contributions to
Cancer cio your Local Post Office... 110
23 - Treason and Mass Murder for Gold 112
24 - God's Teaching Pushed Aside in Field
of Science. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 115
25 - The Story of an American Scientist 117
26 - The Sword of Darnocles 118
27 - International Revelations 134
28 - International Revelations, Coded 225
29 - Subversives 242
30 - Sorne of our senators and Representa­
tives 246
31 - Election 1956 249
32 - Shanghaied......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 263
33 - A Trip to Dives and Joints 266
34 - A Success Story 270
35 - Poison ~. 274
36 - Let's Destroy Complacency 275
37 - Benedict Arnold was Just a Piker 277
38 - The Pot Calls the Kettle Black 282
39 - The Beast............................. 283
40 - The Dragon............................ 285
41 - Tin Gods 287
42 - Black Gold............................ 288
43 - Chickens Come Home to Roost 290
44 - Just Part of the Plan 293
45 - The Hand of God 297
46 - Disasters of Nature 298
47 - Things Given That Have Happened 299

l -
One Who \Vas Condemned by History Speaks l
2 A Warning frorn Alex
- 22
3 -
Alex Tells of Moral Destruction 32
4 -
Pope Pius IX.......................... 36
5 -
Ignorance of Russian History Fosters
Errors. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 65
6 - Geo. Washington and the Beautiful Lady 68
BOOK IV (0r- ~ ;"""~A)
7 - An Irish Disraeli..................... 71
8 -
List of Subversives 79
9 Why the Tzars Had to Die
- 83
10 How' the Tzars Died
- 85
11 They Had ta Die.......................
- 92
12 The Icons and Easter
- 95
13 Criticize the Freaks
- 101
14 Monroe Doctrine and Events Leading Up
To It 103
15 - How the True Facts of History Are
Concealed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 105
16 - The Color scheme 109
17 - The Crime of Unrevealed Facts 114
18 - Washington, D. C. 116
19 - Our Lady's National Shrine 118
20 - The Struggle for the Minds of Men 121
21 - Intellectual Pride 127
22 - spots on the Sun...................... 129
23 - Revelations on the Fridays of Lent 133
--Z4_~~-t~n·s Own Chain of Command 135
25 "- Paral1eIs............................. 142
26 - The Fraulein.......................... 144
27 - Spy Reports and Subversive Activities. 147
28 - The Big Brass Meets 153
29 - Radio Activity and Testing Fallout 155
30 - Shanghaing............................ 158
31 - Articles on Revolutions and on Dr.
Golendos " 160
32 - Franco and Spain... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 162
33 - Another Revelation Proven True 164
34 - Bigotry 166
35 - Anti-Clericalism , 168
36 - Work Given According to Date 173
37 - Activities of Subs and Jets 201

portions of Mary Ann Van Hoof's Story of

awhile, then finally 1 looked over my shoulder but she was gone.

Short1y after· that 1 must have gone to sleep and slept until morning.

When 1 awoke 1 started to worry, how am 1 going to tell Fred,

my husband? He would surely think 1 had lost my m.i!J.d. ~t

throllgh sorne awfuI fimes not knowing what to do. It was about Dec.

12th, Fred's birthday, that my husband made the remark about worry

( isn't going to help matters. --

Then 1 sard to him, there iL~mething else t.90. M'!Ybe, honey,

you will think 1 have lost my mind w~~n..J !~Ou -lhis. ~ooked at

me In a way--rIf,j1-gavë-mecaüragI to go on, so 1 told him of my

expenence that mght 111 Novem6er. He asked me how ~ was dress.ed

and in what color. 1 said blue and that her face 100Keâ· very sfld, but

in WIliÎt position shëheld her hands 1 could not say.

He said, wh It so
was so relieved to e a e 0 e
1 was the s ir in Mar. 1
lm. ~ne a1so heard as s ~as
doing the morning dishes. Fred said, l think it has something to dp
Iiwilb the wlckediïêSsOf the WQrId~'fKnow, the onîYi'ïiing 1 did
keve,ry day after that was to pray to the sa1l1t to rorgîVëITïeîOrïDY
IlacP9q. of tu~ my back on Her. Every dayand night 1 pleaded
with Her, d'iat would do whatever She wanted me to do. If She
~!!1d--<2DlyJet me know in sOille way lUJu,l.çLQffeI!.ded Her. 1 did not
mean to offend Her, would She forgive me?_5.O-a1l..winter.Jang 1 worri.ed
( over this. M~alth did nQ!Jrrmrove in any way aLall.
~ ---....



on it, for il looked so battered; but when this happened that was out
l of-.!he Question. Fred and 1 talkedlmd wondered about the Good
Friday Message and why this sbould happen to ys, but 1 later dis­
covered there was much more to it ail than just the April 7th Message.
The morning of May 28th, Pentecost Sunday, 1 helped the boys

get started for Church. Then 1 helped with the chores and started

dinner so Fred and 1 couId go to late Mass. When l came borne and

dinner was ready, 1 went 10 the living room to caU Fred and he seemed

to he in a happy mQQd. Joanne followëd me to tne room, and [1iey

both started to tease me about something, none of us can remember,

( but we were laughing and joking while they pushed me along heading
for the dinner table with the youngsters follow~
Just as 1 was opposite the kitchen door, 1 stooped over to brush

a mosquito off my leg and as 1 did so, 1 noticed a fl~b of HWt.

First 1 thought a car had driven up and the light fias was from

reftection of the windshield. 1 looked out the door but when 1 did 1

saw sorne 'n ve stran e a autiful br cloud or nust was bëhIiid

\ t: r smal 's .
top of the four trees. T
of the house. Tle nus was ar , e
est e i l or . - e.
'(1oaIlDe te s me my face had a very strange expression an Ù1at 1
walked out slowly witb my bands extended.


As she had promised on Goo<! Friday that she would be with
me again, sa she was wlth me on Pentecost Sunday at 12 o'dock noon. )0
rsh~smiled as 1 approached her and said, "You are a/raid, MY
Chi~u have been expecting Me. My Child, 1ft
a twig of this bush. 1
MVS eakin to ou on G ad Fr' a was a te 'jor VOl/r comm unity ,
( )'our frien s and relatives. .
"Some 0/ your spouse's people responded devotedly and others
laughed with disbelie/. Almost aU your relatives disbelieved and laughed.
IlIa your community onl}' ten percent are devoted and sal' the Ros,ary
ver,}' devoutly.
"This does not apply to your parish Priest's m'other, Mater Christi
Home and the Sisters. There are some very devoted lariies in the Mater
Christi Home. The Priest's mother and the Sisters are also devoted
to me. They have my blessing, tell them this. Bless vou and y"0ur
s{lQuse for your devoted prayers, the RQS{iries atJd..J...i.t,anies daily during
!v1JJy, Next month 1 am asking you ail the pray the Litany of the Sacred

.- ,.
that it wJOur Hoir Mothe! for She said, "in honor ai My fmmaculate
Ht;E!t." 1 coiîdntiea to teel sa unwort~ sa 1 tried sa hard then ta do
as She asked. 1 knew 1 could not do otherwise, ta look into that face
and not do as She asked, 1 would rather die. -- --
After getting control of myseif 1 went ouU9~eF:Ye_dinneL1QJJlY

f!!!!!!!Y~clidn'teM,,_LcQ.ulcto't eal. Of course the family wanted ta

Il know what happen.eciJ?ut Fr.ed sai5~j2L.!h~m ~ #'~llihen. 1 was

re~gy 1 would t~m. GraduafIy 1 toldJ:he Q le e.a ~~~

how She ~!!Lill~s.e_<Lan<Lspme of the thi9~_e_sal. 0 . ~
Il we added the Litany ta our Rosary and have done sa ever ~ce.
1 wondered how 1 was going ta be able ta write down what®sJ
told me, but after saying a few prayers when th~m.ilYJetir~.,~s
surprised how Her Mes~~~lJled ta. c()me. ba~e.
Right after dinner the next day we ail went in the pickup truck ta
tell Father. His sister at home told us he was at the ball ga~
D went ta the ball park. He was hard. ta recognize as@*,&orQseb::L •
• s~Q, and was keeping score. Fr~d mat 1 saw a
v..isioD and Fath~romised ta be out after the game, about 5 p.m. 1
wà!tea until 10 p.m. but Father faiIçg to iJ,rnye. Sô after ten 1 wrote
out the Message 1 was given and went ta bed about 12: 30 a.m.
~ l~ç'o
The next mornin May 2~ Fred took me ta Mass scheduled
for 6: 30 a.m. What ma ërnêgO ta the rectory ta inquire about Mass
1 do not know. 1 went ta the back door and knocked, had ta wait a
few minutes before someone came ta the door. Helen Lengowski,
Father's sisteL-answered the door. She told me Fatherwa~and
woulct· have ta rest for a couple of days. She didn't really kno~at
was the matter with him but._she seemed worrieil.TtOloliêr 1 hoped it
was not tao serious. She said she reaUy didn't think sa, but it wa..,s If
stran e how he suddenl became sick last ni hl. Weil, r tol3 her we
wou pray or It:n an Wlt a e 1. ­
1 was worried about it forIDur Lad had said ta me ta fast and ~
go ta Mass and ta Communion dal ,sa asted an~way. This moming
seemed sa stran e ta me, such a bewildered feé fng. Oh, so many
tlungs went t raug my mm , w y me. 0 y of your sins and
wrongs seem to come back to your mind, one can't explain the feeling
that cornes over one while waiting. 1 shivered like 1 was cold.JD~eth
w..QYld chatter. as 1 wa.t~h~.!Lth~_ cloS" tick affi!Y. 1 trie<f1O get dinner
ready, which 1 did in sort of a daze. One has a feeling of happiness,
of expectafion and yet a feel~. 1 know this does imt lrrnKe
.sense but that is about the best 1 can explain il.
Araund Il :30 a.m. 1 went and broke off the two lilac blossoms.
1 oruy intend~ to bring emr. but t l came off so 1 took bath of them and
rny Blue Rosary Joanne h~a'boug for me for Mother's Day gifl. It was

a very beautiful blue Rosary. 1 /tad loaned Joanl1e my black beaded
Rosary earIer in the year and she lost it, so she bought the blue ,g~ary
as a gift for me. 1 ~wa~_happy to hay-dt as 1 loved th ql cillor blue.
So 1 had the blue Rosary and the two blossoms in m hand waiting
very nervously. If seems one s ears of seein el' eave, one does not
s~m io have control as the moments come c oser and your eyes look
for the blue mist. Ali 1 recall is, 1 went towards the Spot as if a magnet
Il d~e.
Tl1e first visible signjs....a ligbt blu!,-mist coming through the trees.
Then She cornes in full from the Spot of Apparition. 1 have neverl!l
se,en anything so beautifuI.
(Sh;\"miled and said: "you are nol jrighlened al ail IOday." She
askcitiii{ if 1 still want to bring the Message to the ~eople. 1 saicil
did.-sfie saiâï'11"'"beIaughea al, persecuted wlth dlsbé d. 1 told Hel'
( 1 was ready to do Hel' request. She smiled and took my Rosary from
me and toucheèit witb Hel' Rosary.
My children, Freddie and J oanne said they saw my Rosary leave
my hand and hang suspended in the air. Oh, 1 said that is when Our
Lili!)r was ~oldin~ it. This suspension surprised me a IiftlëïortOiTIe
Our Blessed Mot el' was visible, of course to the children, She was not.

f~s. But here She smiled and one's courage cornes back. H~m
' is ~utiful. Hel' ey~s ~re like. a deepl blueR-QQ!,-~.Qar~ling; _so
tender, ollSo swçç~IÙiiâ-:-One cannot explam the feeling tha
cornes over one looking Into Hel' eyes. 1 feh ashamed and embarassed.
1 looked down at Hel' feet or lower part of Hel' gown, but She makes·
one look up with Hel' ten~ords, "My Chi/d." She told me otber
Il tQing§.~bic~ for ~ personally.

When She asked me to kiss Hel' foot, 1 thought to myself that

it will be cold, and tQJ!1Y s!1rprise it was warm and feh like real flesh,
ott and_v~y. She also asked me tOKiss H!4-QuciliDltHer Rôiiry
and that seemed so hard to do for the Wounds and the BloOO looks
so real and the strangest thing of ail to me was that OuL1&J;P wa
nailed at the wrists and the Crown was not plaited, but ~wisted
together and put on His head. The side Wound was not on the left
side or exactly on the right but more to the center and the left foot
was over the right.

Then She told me how our eiders leave their children aJone while
Il many of them both work, where the dutY of the mother is to
UthJ< children. Others live in sin, seventy-ftve percent breaking the laws
of...Qurjty. This ail seemed more in a picture form.

"Il lUe Hfessed Mother said, "Have y<2.!&Lfriest of this ~qrjsh

blt;.s~ this..JZlgfe and ask him to fmd a devoted eersontà7rêlfj wiïiJhis
work. J askthat yourPriest stand by-y'iiîiivheiryou need-hTni-: Give
him Mes~age togive to hjsJ2.llflple 'Pray, pray, pray hari{ana
devotedLy, p.w. the Rosary whoLehearte;J.Ly. Meditate on your Rosary

for the conversion of sinners, for My Son's heart is heavy. For greed
Il and ea'1l!ly desires .vou are forgetting Gad and the Ten Comman d ­
ments.' ­


"At Fatima it took nearly 30 years. It must 1J.6t take 30 years

now. It would he tao late.
"You and.. J.QJE: fgmily were ignorant oLM.Y.
and[g2iJ.unti~-;fI!!w,~as arè !!:~anl.._pëoPfe, Priests and Ch~s. My
warnmgs at Fatima afèYy pleas for prayers, the Rosary, repentance
for sin and making sacrifices ta save souls:'
That evening we, that is Fred and l, went to the rectory to find

out how Father was and if there was Mass the next morning. When
we got there, Helen and his mother were sitting on the porch, also
an uncle of Father, a brother to his dad. We were informed there was
no Mass as Father was too sick yet, they still didn't know what was
wrong. l had written up the first Message, so l sent that upstairs with
mother Lengowski. We talked to his uncle, he had been fishing at the
river, he was saying how bad the mosquitoes were. Then we.JefLiQr
home pr:.omising them that we woJ!ld pray fo~.Eather. Father said he
would let me know when he was able to say Mass. The next day still
nq. Mass,3lthough l fasted, so l worried about it for l felt Qu.!:. Lady
wanted me to fulfill Her request. The moming again seemed to drag,
and yet the last half hour seemed to pass so quickly. One always haS]'
the feeling of unworthiness, also sadness, heaviness over the. heart,
mingled with joy. l know this sounds rather funny, but it is ~rd
to_ explain one's feeling in an experience like this. ­

T.he _hour of twelv.e~I!Q2n arrived, then one forgets everything.

l do not hear anythmg. I-"'See the Blue Mist and as soon as l stepped
through the door, Our Lady would appear. Oh so beautiful, such a
brilliance of light and radiance, l can't describe. She al~y':s would
smile as t~allced to~ar..9 lier.
On May 30th, She smiled as l approched Her. l alway~_pray--.Ûle
Hflil Mary as l walk towarQtiIer,_and Ikneel inJro[It 01!:Ier.

She s~d, "!!0n:.LworrY. about not.Qring ab/~ tQ.fmfjll ~utPena~e.

Pray for four Priest, he has had a pain fui time. Prayso this coml1LU...ntty
Wilkes up.. . t.o -Gori. Pray for help for your Priest. He is a very_hard­
working Priest. He is devoted to his work and has faith in God."

Our Lady told me, "Your Pas,!QP was afraid he would make a
fool of himself, so he was going ta visit some friends instead. HJ!..1Jgs
sufJered much pain, also prayed much, he will be with you, My CJ!.jld.
You, My Child, must pray for him, he needs your prayers badly.'~
told me somethin that l shall kee sealed in m hea f r. ms
roug IS a un erstan .lm e er. a es one oW1iis
l' Sfiügglesare great and sonard to 6ear. But with ail our prayers and
with his faith and love for Our Blessed Mother, l know_Eathe[_~iJ1
w1!!: l also know that for bath of us it will mean much ~ough
all of this, besides ail the obstacles in our path.

"Remember, My Child, that the lime is coming, sorron; and 1

s~ter of My' childre'2 will be worse t~!Lfl'~n historv.Ît grieVês
me ll:> see innocent children, the sick and poor destroyed because of
~reed and the desire for power ~byajewNa7lons' leaders. That is whv
1sây-pray, p;ay. Give7his Message ta the ve~ple, forprayers onlv will
save the destructiQ.lLQf (bis WQ_JJ" - . ..,.

Then She asked me to mark the Pbce, which is Sacred. She said
that we....should_pray .there ëÏaily .andthat anyoIle-eISë},_Qravtfiëfe.
Then She asked me to mark the Spot, the only thing 1 could find
was sorne wood chips. 1 marked the place to my left first, about two
feet or more narth of the fence that gave the width, and to the right
of me. 1 first marked it about four feet long. "NC!.:':" She said l "just a
/ittle more over, that is it." That is how it is still marked at this writing.
She told me to tell the Priest exactly how She looked and to have
~ue ma<.!!L9llier t2-Rut on the place of Apparition and a large
ruclfix to put on the Village Bluff.
This was so strange, I.,)'1lw~s fgt a~me~u~a!!vsounworthy.
but as She said 1 was to descrioe Her to my"'~stor, It seemèdffiY eyes
traveled_over -HeS--Fithou.t çoIJJrol 0J_myself. Just for a minute T
wondered how tall She was.
Then She took my Rosary and touched it again with the Crucifix
Ilof Her Rosary. She told me Lw.a.s......thinking.of cutting my hair short
and She told me to leave it ju~t ~s thev are.
After touching my Rosary, She sure surprised me about my hair.
Yes, 1 sure had planned on cutting -if ânagëttlOg a"permanéi'if'aSmy
hair-iSlon-g aneJUnmanagea51è. "Bilt sincëShë s'âià ffiis fnave accepted
Il iCI cfOï1oflmow w!UitHërreason might be. Could be that God ga~c
\w~men long hair, that!!.!:. shs>uldJa~pride in il. l really do not know
tfie reason.
Then She placed Her hand on my head. She said 1 was-worried \
and ~ond~.ri!!g why She chose me. She said 1 felt T-wiSnot good
enough. She then toid me why She chose me.
She placeili<:;r hand on my head sa tencœ-Iy. Oh 1 the feeling of
a grearLove for Her comes over ~ne. It is just about impossible to
desci'il5ëîrüFî such beautlfuf hands and tOffimKSliëtoucnoo me, it
stiH makes me tremble. But the strangest of ail iS..>-9ne does nothing at
th.~~l. 1 only waited for Hec to go on with Her Message. one

had no control of oneself.
She said, "You were a very unhappy chi/d, atways abused, mis­
under§tood. You took punishment tOI' others tO-l!Lot~m-:-You
received no love whTCh youTôn"'ied (ôr-rn.J0ur home. You always
wOrKeâ7wrâ7fna-were honesttii yôïirlamity. Yes, you committed sins'll
but you have been torgiven tOI' them long aga. Al the .!ime 01. ~our sins
your surl'Oundings were more ta blame than yOU.

"'" ...........n ... l1J ,..,.".,. ~U.L:".lj2er

· An? this kind Sïster..stood }>y my bedside aU night, watdiing me,
~ymg kmd words ta me. Such kmdness 1 had never experienced 6efore.
M~ Gad bless her.
"From childhood on until today the Stations of the Cross hflY..e
mad!.-,y"our heart heavy and you shed tears beca~J! Son's SufJer­
ing .gd1?JLe1Ly-Q.u, this is why LchoSfLYOUJ.MY. Ch/rd.
"My Child, on Tri'!:!:.ty SU'lday 1 would like for you to kneel before
My Altar aU Mass. Ask your Prieg fo!-pen!!ission {irs! aMhe
will-tell )l.ou where to kneel. Lwill be with you then. Bless you, My
This night 1 again sta.yed up ta write the Message and then
retired ta bed. The next day, May 31st, still no ward from Father.
Towards noon, Father and his mother came out. Mother Lengowski
had brought out a big bouquet of flowers ta put on the Spot. B~ tir.J>t( 1
1 had laId Father m~experience and.1hen...he-..d~ess­
illg of the Spot. Then aU of us said a few pr~rs. After that 1 told
Father of the literaIure Mrs. had Ieft~but 1 didn't have
ti~e ta read it. 1 told hi.m also that there was al\de)and~.tim.a.~.He
smd he never heard of ~a. SQ 1 sentloanne ta getïe 1 gav~lcm4fl.lm.
J-fe said he would like ta read it sa he kept it.
' ------.
Aiso told Father that Our Lady asked me ta kneel before H~r

Stat.!1e in Çhurch and that 1 was ta ask him and he would teU me wh~e

toJm.~l. Yes, he said he would put a chair for me near the communion

rail, that is where 1 could sit. After that, Father left for home.

On June Ist, 1 started my Penance of fifteen days fast, Mass and

Communion of course, every day, for that was the-first dây -Pather

wéÏS abkto say Mass after Sunday, May 28th.

One of the first Priests to come out was Father Stanley; he came

with Father Lengo~ski to the Spot. He asked 'alê'w- questions which

1 answered-:t'hë rest of the week was quiet.

1 wrote to Fred's brother, George, about the three days and told

him to keep quiet. But it seems Our Lady wished otherwise for the

results were 28 people on Trinity Sunday.

On Trirtity SUnday~ne 4, 19SOô)Fred, Joanne and 1 went ta

ten o'd~k Mass as Our ady ha~!~~ested that 1 kneel b~~er

Statue in Churclï ana She would be widï me. So as 1 walkeô towaros

our pew, fre<! an<LLgenenûly taKe.tne same pew ~~hin(Lthe ~.isters,

1 said' a few prayers as it was not yet ten o'dock and Father had not

retuIJhed from the Mission Church.

1 felt very nervous about going up there. Where 1 was kneeling

1 could not see a chair. Oh, 1 thought, did.Eath~U9rg~t 1 must go up

!l.!.~!e'LS.uddenly 1 heard Father's footsteps coming and passed me

going towards the Altar to get ready for Mass. After he h_ad gone
to the ~acris!X.l..-got_~p,_w~nt to the communion rail and knelt-bêfOfe
Our Lady. 1 knew ail eyes of l'ne-congregatIon were on me and that
l wlLys .and_questions.. Qne could fëenrTnOrlê'srrnnd.
1 was wondering how, as Our Lady had said She would be with
me. 1 could not notice anything different. But as Father and the servers
came from the Sacristy to the Altar to start Mass, Our Lady's Statue
lin Church seemed to come alive. Oh how Beautiful that Statue became.
[ lo me. Shenowlooks so drab, so dUif compareô tOTnnity Sunday.
Her eyes that day seemed tQ.look-.right at me, while in the Statue
they looked down, Her face seemed so different. The Statue looked
brighter and during_~ather's. sermon Our La<1Y. seemed to smile as if
S~uleased W~tJ:l what Father was saying. As soon as Mass was
over and Father was leaving the Altar the Statue changed to it's former
self. Tt looked down again and lost its brightness.
After Mass we went home and as we got near home J.- saw five
or s.ix_cars in our yard. anÈ-a bunch oLp~le_~J!Lthe_S-poI:.QL~ppari­
tions. The groupimmedlately spoke to me. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Thoma,
Captain Eddie and wife, George and Ann Van Hoof, T recognized
for they were here May 27th. But there were the Hartjes and Mrs.
Nicholai and sorne friends, Jarvis and Ruth Miller, also our niec~
Minnie. T can't recall who sorne of the others were. Oh, they were ail
so excited andone of the men in a brown suit (as we al~ay_s identify
(l1:lim) who had just returned from F~ L(~s and RoWe, had a
Rose PetaI from LlIla...which he .gaVê"mc. TliISRose Petillas he ·ex-
plaTned later•...ha.d-TaI1en~.sleriuus~ frQIIl the sky al This man
l gave me a pin which to.uched the place of the Apparitions and he gave
Fred and "Bernard a Rosary blessed by the Roly Father.
They were ail so excited, especially one lady, her husband was
more quiet, Lalso felt he did not believe.
At Il: 30 T excused myself and went into the house, prepared
dinner and said some prayers with the feeling of expectation and of
sadness and joy until twelve noon.
Just before twelve noon, Father arrived.

Just before noon, the group was circled around the Spot saying
came back to Her, She said, .. Tell l/re/ll
--'-~and la pray la My In/mael/laIe Heart.
I...JJ/L war;nJngs...of.h1ima-,nore, il i.l' nol l7Ien­

"Tell the people ta pray, pray for ehildren for a deaner Iife.
Clean out the schoois, put clean t/roughls in Iheir mind.l' and del'olion
co My Son, Penances and prayers for sinners."
Then 1 put a question in my mind about my niece and She gave
( me my answer which T am omitting hele. She toId me tofïsSTIcr
foot and Hel' Crucifix.
She said, "Pjçk up one of Ihe flowers and suve il for yuurself.
1 I..:.ay the Rose fr C!111 Heaven on !!:is rock. G.ÎV!. Nf.Y~essage 1O.i1l1Î'll
J\/ guid.e yoy.. on who! nol to r~vfSa[ "i07i1T" p.f~ie.
"TeH your Priest to have FaiUJ... n M Imna a.r7lwhen
things iêem hard. Go ta your Priest for gUi ance and for any queslion,
10r he beiieves you, My Child. Continue your Penanee of tifteen da ys
fast, Rosary, Mass and Communion eaeh monlh during June. Jllly
[ and A ugust sa as to have it concluded on cl ugusl 151h.

"Be here on the Feast of the Sacred Heart allhe given hOllr, Rlel·.1
you, My Chi/d." ~

On May 29th 1 had placed the liJac b~§tom into the cross
1 marked on the ground and then placed the foc
upon them. Sa when

I(She said for me to pick it up, one of the ftowers to my surprise 1

noticed tha therc was onl one or two kft and that was under ffiC
r~. 1 also placed the Rose rom eaven on t e roc , t at was the"
Lipa Petai the man in the brown suit gave me. After Our Lady (dt'
and 1 was about to get up there came a strong gust of wind and the
Rose Petai started ta fty away. so 1 picked it up and put it with the
two pieces of liIac 1 had picked up. 1 started ta waIk away and Father
followed me. He took my arm, so then 1 headed for his car and T was
quiet for a few moments until 1 got control of myseIf and Father asked
me if 1 cared to tell him anything·and 1 told him 1 would tell him later.
T did say to him that Sh~entioned about c1eaning out our schools.
And T mel}tiçm~ to him T W8S to go to him for guidance and he nodâed.
A lady, Father and T were standing next
to each other. Shc did
most of the talking and was telling Father of her work that she was
doing for the "IeILthe.." Then she gave Father iïlO7e
liferature. Father then said that he would have Benediction in Church.

Somehow someone mentioned that 1 had not eaten as yet and 1 said
no, 1 didn't have even a drink. Father said, "you better go and eat:'
When 1 got into the house the relation were there and someone said,
"come on folks if you are going to Benediction." So 1 laid the fiowers,
th~ Rose Petai from Heaven and sorne pampWets on the table and left
for Church. After Bene~iction a couple came out to th~ farm again
and the whole group including the man with the browl1 suit stayed
( until 7: 30 p.m. that evening, talking.

1 let them tead- part of the three day's Messages 1 had written
down. For the main Message 1 had given to Father. We also planned
on buying an Arbot to make a tempotary Shrine. Joanne Iooked up
the priee of it and so between them they gave me $16.00 to order one
1from Sears' catalogue the very next day. We planned on putting roSes
around it and Statue under the Arbor. They left at 7: 30 and then. 1
first had breakIàSt, dinner and supper in one. Later that night r wrote
that day's Message and then retlred.

The following week just before the 16th of June, AI!. Georgè
and Joe S!~gLer came to the farm witb_a..maJLl1.amed Stanley__J.~_i.eza.
T!1'êYTrltroduced mm ta me as a write.Ubat bas beeg fQllowj,Dg Appari­
tiops and ne WQûld Ük~ tQ ltear my story.t feIt he was honest,
but yet 1 feh something was wrong. 1 later discovered he was a news­
paper repQ~ of the Herald American of Chicago. He sure could ask
1(the questions. 1 answered ail {Hat he asked about Our Lady.
On the evening of J~ 5th. four Priest· came to the house,
they were Father An.thQn-âgçne aCrosse Chaneery and
Editor of the Register, Father Robert Agnew from, New Lisbon; Father
Ra~ond Schultz, a native Qf Necedafl:who had a parish at Abbots­
for; and Fa1her Val Rykowski from Milwaukee. They ail IQoked at
the GQod Friday crucifix and then Father Wagener went right tQ the
point. Present in the rQQm was mQther, Fred, JQanne and myself and
the fQur Priests. Father Lengowski did nQt come with them.

After the questioning Father Val asked me to describe Our Lady

tQ hirri~ He said he thought fie kn6Y. someone thaï cOllla pajnt Her.

Just before they left, mother told Father Val she would like to
donate or buy the Statue herself as she was my mother. So FAl;her Vl!,l
gave her his address in Milwaukee. Then they ail said goodnight and
When Fatber WaiWoer shook hands, he grasped my hand very hard
( and asked me, "do you still fee) 1 don't believe you?" Tears came into
his eyes and he tumed aroUridand left.
After they left mOLiler and Fred were so astonished at the way
1 answeroo the Priest.
1 thanked Our Lady for helping me with it all for without Her
1 wouId have been a complete failure, 1 am sure onhat. For ordinarily
1 wouId have been too frightened to talk to any Priest or any official.
Jo--- IC,I,ço
The nex,~ morning before Fred and 1 got up there were fQUr ladies
alread~e yafd~ We took them along to Church and when we came
out there were sQID~pe.npLe...waiting-1Q see me. One was Joe Bngel
from Appleton. He said he had a sick b~th him. He took."1i1ë1o
the car where !!?~:.. ~n~arents were waiting. e mtro uced
me ta them and tfieir name was Fullerton. The baby nad a skin ailment.
It had only two layers of skin instead of three, so any friction could
cause sores. It was hard to look at such a health husky-Iookin boy,
for those sores orr llm were sure au. 1 said a ew prayers an prom­
lSëa to pray for film. 1 told them 1 could oot promise ta ask about hi
when Our Lady came,-bqtj-wo~Àfter that 1 went home and
founa many people in the yard. Stanley Pieza and J2e and Art Siegler
came and asked me to kneel near the Sacred Spot and hoId the Rosary,
as 1 held it for Our Lady. 1 did for Joe and A(t told me it was alright ta
take pictures-.ioLtheJ_ecord later on. As Stanley Pieza had gone to
Eurçœean Shtines and wanted also to have this, 1 allowed them to
1tltt:e pfcfures. 1 later discovered Father had not told them to take
Ipictures, but it was then too late.
Many people and relatives started to arrive. Priests and Sisters
~ were here from Necedah and other places. The Aspirants from Necedah J
. walked out as they wantedJ.9.Jl!ake i,t a Pilgrimage. There were eighteen
of them, 1 believe. Many of the people wanted ta ~e me and begged
me to pray for them.
One lady came into the house and was cryjpi hystericaHy bec~se
II sile knew she was cured of Asthma. l'his lady upset me very much
wiUi fier crymg and the way she sobbed and wrung her hands. This all
was so very trying on one's nerves, for this was ail so strange and
unusual. J fell sorry for her and happy for her cure.

Father Wa~ener did not want any pictul'es taken, sa he was in
and out of the ~ouse watching the photographers and he a.lso wanted )
the people ta stay back from the door and keep dear orny, R!!!.h ta the
Sacred .§pot, sa they strung l'opes and wire ta keep the peQple back.
The people kept crowding and trying ta c1imb or stand on higher
abjects. They were w~l1}ed ta silly_off the ._b~sement door as it was
poo.L.. ~d ms not strong. AlI of a sudden we heard a noise in
the kitchen around Il: 15 and hearq the-.Q.oor br~k with six people
[ f.l!lling-d!>wn and a big, heavy-set lady fell down and broke her ankle
and 1 saw them carry her on a chair between themselves ta the car.
1 said sorne prayers for heI, for as they_ cërr~d Q~r !Je!!. sarry for her.
She later said it was her tault, she should have listened ta tne warning
and ~ed otLt~ basement door. Later it was rebuilt wifh heavier

i nhmks. It was very hard for me ta bear with aIl the excitemeÏÏt of
people, then this lady being hurt and other people still pushing, trying
ta get into the house.
Father Wagener wanted me ta put a shawl over my face sa they
1couldn't take pictures of me, but he changed his mind about that the
\ last minute. The relatives élll want~d ta he!lr..about-if:--and so-it-wa-iJust
a continuation of questions repeated over and-Gver.
Il Father Wa~ener also made the arrangement with Father Schultz
t~at right after t e Apparition.1 ~~ ta go ta the C~~nt tfirough our
back field as the people were pressing toward our door wanting ta see
About Il: 00 a.m. or sa, a Capuchin Father from Appleton came
in and he talked ta me, he was very kind ana nice. A toung iirl came
while he was talking ta me and wanted ta see me. Heold her, no she
couldn't. This same girl had a very unusual experience-nUer ame
. _ A.ftçr tbe Apparition she tried ta ~tQP JJ1~n the w~y_ to the bouse.
The Priests and those with me wouldn't let her. Then she went to the
Sacr~dSpot and klSsed JJi~Spot and while watchLr!gller }Oè Ei1gel
saw her face glow as..sheJ..aised herself up and a change. of ~rêSsion
cam~over her. 1 thought it was best to explain what happened-to this
girl nowi"nstead of later.

Around Il :30 a.m. Father Wagner asked everyone to leave the

room except our own fami1y, so 1 could be alone a few minutes hefme
the Apparition.

AQout fifteen minutes to twelve noon, Father Lengowski asked

m~a~lU2.~.~a~ to show us a sign, that was the last thihg he said
to me before fie went out.

_Th~y _had _a Proc~ssi9n with two Mass_ servers and a Cross up to

rl c1imbed on the roof of the house to_tak~J~ictures. To stop pe~I~!~d

th~acred~ot. Th~~~ p~ayed the Rosary. SomL.oLthe_..reQorterl

reporters from taking pictuœs ~as j'!~t~QQ!ïOmp-Qssible:ratfierwag-

ener was very determined that no pictures be taken. He--hl!d_ a!L.l!.Igu­
ment with a photographer who had c1imbed on the roof. 1 could
see Father was very nervous and upset and as th~ dock 'tick~ close
to th~Q).l_rJ_ J.~lt sorry for him.

Father Wagener was sa kind and considerate, so worried sorne­

thing \YouId harm me. 1 was so very tired before the hour arrived, 'thjs
w~s ail s<>-strange to me andJb.~-family. One was more Iike in ~Qaze
to sec ail the people flocking in, all the excitement, tears, and Rr.m:.ers
intermingled. As 1 was about to go through the door, Father Wagener
püt the scarf over my face and as 1 started to go out he took the scarf
off. with the remark 1 might trip and faIt

She smiled as 1 aooroached Her. She looked over the crowd and
said. "lt pleases Me, My Child.~BlesSing upon thémlor7fi.eirDevotion
tn Me and-thTRosary. My Blessinf? uoon the-Sisters-for-their....,heau.!i1ul
hvmm and devotion. their tireless.effort to do- Penance-and their love ilLMe~Tell them this. If the Priests.woul(i only show ~r.e
effo!.t toward My Plea. - ­

"Mv dear Child, take the Good Fridav Crucifix (me~wing_the

large Crucifix which wasaglowOn (JôOQ~Friôay·) ooahlesl-r em with
iL wbite sa,ving f.he prq,ve!s of the SiRn of the Cross."

The strangest experience to me was t}üj;t one does ~s Sheasks,

un'!ware .of _the crowd or anyone, iJ seem~ .iusJli~uou were alope wjth
After 1 fu1ishe~ 1 asked Her to give the peop.!c_ ':.-sign. She did

not reply to this. She told me to kiss the Crucifix. She also Blessed the
Saf.r~d-l!~art medal on my Rosary. --
Then 1 asked Her about the little baby. She said, "Prayers, My
Chi/d, prayer and faith."
This baby is the child with only,two layers of skin that 1 saw right
after Mass. 1 had the feeling of peace and contentment. 1 didn't under­
( stand this f~e!ing:" This child Qied seyen months l~r, the -DOêtOr
claimed that six out of seven babies with this die at birth and very
few ever reach the age of six months. - ­
1 asked Her,-about the Statue. She said to build a Shrine of Prayer

\ lat the Spot of the Apparition ~d~t a largëCrucllix on the_ Vi!late

B~ so that the people may be reminded dady of the Way-2Lt e

ross. She also said that this example mây be fôllowed by other corn­

mvnities. 1 marked the Spot with a small Cross. She told metfiaithe~ll
three Priests should h~~sh.o~her with the work-:-t'askëcl about the
B"is'hàp. She said he is coming ho"'illë'Vèry SôOiï and 1 am to sec him
and tell him of my experience and thaLSh~ ~ill be with me.
She gave me a rivate Messa e ta m Pri Then 'She taid me
to /j ess e ree.' 1 . 0 were near_ me" ather W~er, Fâtfler
Rykowski and Faiher Le.ngowski, which l did. When 1 came ta my
mother who was kneeling next to Father Rykawski, 1 hestitated:-she
told me~ "Go ahead, My Chi/d" (meaning to bless mi'~therr-
Part of Father's Message was to ring the Angelus Bell. 1 \YJl.DO
give him a very êfl9US Message w~ich grieve? me much. nüs m'"1e ) 1
me lose many mg t of siee an ~ - 0 " thls • ,
~o .. - e lS a nesf. II he would have been ...a lay~~smL!.h
tas would have~een 1 cult, buf to say this to a Priest just made me
shi~er:.. She also told me Father wouId be moved very_ sho.rJ!Y and his
moving was through jealously, plain gossip and sorne of it his own
faJili.. This he knows has been a struggle fOr llim. -
Also to tell my Spiritual Director that he must do as She asked,
that he will sufter much, that he will become very ill and his pains will
be severe unies!> he remembers Rer requests. He should pray ta Her
with his whole heart and have faith in Her alld_ShLwill alwa~ he ~t
his side.
"My Chi/d, pray much for Pope Pius Xl!, his cross is very heavy
and hard for him ta bear."
"My Chi/d, do not interpret My Message. Control )lour anger)l\
andgsk otherA ta do sa for mucl'z barm cornes Trom this. Yes, My Chi/d, }
sorne of your people and )lOtir spouse's peqpJe d~e. You pray
for them, do not let this hurt you. Only prayer, as self-pUy only hurts
one." .~

"My Child, Satan will dpproach you in the form of a man dressed

J in Jamb's clothing and question you and try to confuse ~u. Laity will
also question you, some tri, to confuse you, alsoReUgious. Sorne of
these will not be with you ut ggg!.l!:!t yo.u-:"
-::s;.-- -
After touching the Crucifix to the foreheads of the Priest and my
mother, 1 again knelt in front of Hel'.'Ï &r..~FucifixJo my
f\{fa.œh~ad as a Bl~ing. She then showed me the l'icture of the de~c­
.l tion that would take place ifWë didn',Lm-ay. Tlùrpiêture wa.uu~t
aoout more than 1 could bear.
The picture is the one mentioned in the June 16th Message where
the trees before me would disappear, and ail 1 coulcLs~ ~e
activity of a very large city. Hustle of people, cars, trains, busses and
Il everything nor!]laJ. 1 could see the sign with the nameon iCllndalso
the P2Pulati~. Ncxt 1 was shown the destruction. The word alone,
"destruction," is a nasty word, but still it does not seem so _b~ad,J:ven
theçt~sc!ipJion of. il. But to see the mangled bodies of humanity, build­
ing structures, vehicles, animais, trees. Oh it js horrig,le, to tliirik man
{ has gane so. tar as to destroyhi.mself. This large city was as levet- as
when a stalk cutter gues over a corn field, not even a half-Ieaning
building. The fe_w survivors raised them~lves with mangled anns or
face, clothing in shreds, 1eaning on each other for support, looking
where to go; for there was no place to go and out of the city for Illiles
ail vegetation, trees, and animaIs were al! destroyoo. In the midSt of
this destruction one could see bodies with he'iias, limbs, an ann or leg
scattered here and there MId then 1 noticed a blood'y perfion, yes, a
man was looking Heavenward, pleading and screaming for elp, when
it was too late. Everything was destroyeçi, even his 10v.ed.-ODes; fQr
before him lay either his wife, mother, sweetheart or sist~r. A-Ùe
strained his arm Heavenward his internaIs bUTst forth ~with blood and
Igrime aIl over him. This was more thanlëould Beal' and as 1 burieamy
face in my hands, the man fel! forward. When 1 again raised m'Y -1lead
ud opened my eyes this picture was gone and Our Lady reappeared
'lDd 10..9~ ~o ~s~d..1.. 2h so ~ad, so very~d. Her shoiïlaers seemeB to be
lowered as if a hcavy weight was on-tfiem. She had Hel' arm·s pressed
as a cross over Hel' chest and Her eyes were so sorrowfuJ. When Bhe
said_ what must be doneShe hll.d a._-ple~Qi.ngJook.
Oh if people would only listen and not cause such grief and sorrow
1to Our Blessed Mother and Our Lady, .ouL.QQ9~tor, ~o
J ~hÇLuld be fi~t and last in--:.our thour9;ts and instead He is forgotten;
while we roll in sin, pierce HiS'Woun s and His Heart and Our Lady's
Then She told me that prayers and devotion to Hel' Son and Hel'
Rosary, Penance and daily sacrifices with all the ReligiOns _working
tQge!hel' would bring peace and the coriversion of Russia. Then She

f) showed me the picture of the answer to our prayers. This picture filled
one's breast witfi a peaœand joy, "'süêH a strange feeling compared to
the one before.
The first thing 1 saw was just a sheet of metal or iron with big
bolts or rivets. Then this split open down the center with each piece
ilopening to the side. Before me were millions of_people, a,!Lcolors,
~ ditkrent dress, like 1 would say different Nations. Such peace, ohliow
can 1 describe it1.Far back in the distance there was a smaltJ!güfé and
~ briI1ia the..Reople. As the figu!! moved forwar~ !. could see
It was Our Lor 1 wlth such a sweet contented face, wallèmg forward.
ove' s a white ove, 1tS ea was ,mg ve
Our Lord's Head, with wings just barely in motion.

Then u .. ~

aske - ­
e-~he Should ta
as 1 say," which 1 did.
1 stoOO up and faced the people and repeated the Message Our
Blessed Mother gave. "There are manv devout people here today who
came with sincere devolion, but many of you are here only for curiosity.
You 4vgggj.tes dressed in sheep's clo(hLng!
"Those of you who have faith in your hearts and have devotion
to My Son will have your prayers answered, if God wills it. Your
prayers, however, must be in your hearts, not on}y on your lips.
"You must live clean lives, live the Ten Commandments. They
are not impossible ta live up to, as some of you seem ta think. God
does not make laws that are impossible.

The above picture is a vision of the opening of the Iron Gates of Russia
with Our Lord above the people as shown to Mrs. Van Hoof on June
16, 1950 as an answer if enough people prayed and followed Our Lady's
requests as given here at the Shrine.
must not only try ta pray but you must pray the Rosary daily, do
Penance, make sacrifices daily ta con vert Russia. You..!!!.J.YLI2!CD!...l.0ur­
self. Get on_your knees and pray hard yourselt and you wij/ b~ard.

"There are three men here among you who have Satan in Iheir
hearts. Leave these grounds at once. Get out now.' (Note: It is reported
that two men left together and a third left about the same time,
( although separately fram the other two. No one seems to know who
they were).

"Ta ail Pritts, fiaï.m~ forth more effort and emphasis on

warnjnflS Clt Fa!', andli..J.JJ2..J Many of you do not mention these
warnings in your Churchës. Urge your people 10 say the Rosary in a
group, to make sacrifices dai/y. (May 28th, the Blessed Mother defined
"-rgup" as a family gathering or otherwise). ­

"To the Sisters: teach the chi/dren how to pray. to do Penancl!

and ta /ive clean lives, ta love Gad in their heart.l'.

"Wake U/L ske.J!i!.lg America.' The black cloud is hanging over Yotl
a/rea:!.Y,,;.}t is EPrn..!!!§ closer!-UnlëSSWëget on our kïiééSand pray, pray
hara, it will come upon us; we shaU not have peace.

"C/ean up your lives! Ohey the Sixth Commandment. If 1 IOld

you, (some of you), who break this Commandment tl1at you commit
murder, you wou/d be shocked. But the Sixth Cofillnanâméi1f(i;,d
'Tb!2l:i.shal.i-nOJJdll' are comhined into on~. Clean UI2 your /ivesLLLater.
_Mrs. V~n_Hoof stated t.!:J.iU1ad .!!f~ence to abortlon).

"There are tao many of you who are forgetling God.' Y
and worship th!!. si/ve,-do.1Jar and God is forgotlen. The a/mighty dollar
is your Gad!

"Thus 1 am warning you again as at(~~ pray My children,

pray, pray the Rosary, do Penance. Those or%T1 who do nol now of
Mv_ warnings, go to your Priests. Let them tell you about at'm?wnd

If we pray, the Blessed Mother has promised me now, "The Iron

Gates of Russia will he opened and we .l'hall have peace. Sa pray, pray
My children."

Tlwn lJlU:II('(l iUl5J kllcll aguin, -ilud Our M.oth~ .~owed me a
pictl!ll:..Qf the suffering of sJn<11l children. l t was terriblel
1 again pleaded with I-Ier to show Herself to sorne Priest. Shuiroply
said, "Bless )'Ott, My Child!" and left~denly.

People tell me that J passeù out. Uhen_kne.l!.....azainamLw:ayed

( 10 Her. l askeù Hel' forgivene"~s Qf mX-Jlction. l t~.!l lefS the Snot
of the ~l2Earition, crv}ng.
The morning of August 14th. Bob Broderick took Fred, Joanne
and me to l'dass. Falher Kennedy was watching for me as Pilgrims
were \",giJim?;!l2! DW_<UliI touch Ho~a(ieli.. tp ~>-- ~Id
not lll]ders..ta!l(1. Why me? Bob Broderiek took me the back way over
to their hOllSe amI from there took me home. Oh what a buzzing
of motors and peopk eoming and going. Cü>it thelLllosls-aLhQth
f!2.!!t a'Id IJ<~.~·k (!gHl"S. there was also a thirù COl!. T.!!~C..2P dicl~ot
W<}lIt to.. 1l'ave u~ in the front ~ay. wl1(-'n Sheriff Myles Clark spottecl
JlW amI lallgJl(~!.J..~Lct Ill']" .thumgh'-· What else & sâwl dlCln't catch.
So wc dro\'(' right to thé back door as the boys saw us coming and
opened Ihe gale. They told the milkman that tomorrow, the 15th,
the milk wonld 1)(' carried ont through the gate.
He came espccially early that day. Juliet Uugbes,Jbe
gi!;l, came oltl ver~' carly and made herself right at home. Mary' FWler
also came, sIl<:' lold I.!l(-' not to worry that ~hc woule]. care for the
chilc1ren, thal T could completely forget about them. People sent in
requests; wOltld J wcar t.l1l'ir Hosarv tomorrow o-j:-Creen Scapular or
( t-jedal'? "J'{i):'tÏlat '.Y(!uJ(IIlC: itnpossil>le. It was wrongln my opinion,

~~ust as close to Our Lady on their own pers~~on mine.

Besidcs, t() /Xi faIr to al'lî---WOÜ1â-fïJve"fo wear cvcrvone's articles,

whatcver they \\'cre. So l walked out and told Joc Engel who had
arrivcd that J \Vould not takc anyone's Hosary, or touch or wear any..
one's Bosary for il would not he fair. But in spite of this someone
would come In with a hl1l1c:h of Hosaries. "I",ik" and ':'Time" magaZinesl
to~~n's (~. Jnli(.:.UJtlghes.and myself. l held my l3Iue Hosary 1
and .Juliet held 11('1' Upu.,J2rlnL which.:SFiulfld in fi case. People cal1e<11
to her so she was hnsy ont there with her Petal
She was so d<'lcl'lnilH'd that J see her the next morning, and T
didn't fcel right about this. as sIle WaS not hetter thal1.-.!he th~ll1ds
ga..thered-il.lJtWc. So many people had in their foolish mind they
shol1lc1 raIe more Ihan the next person. l didn't know hcr any better
t,han ail of the l)('oplLjlJItsi<1e for 11ntilî;i'Sfï'i'ignt J-Ir<'rc1nl'ver s"~cn
her bd.ore jl) In\' life. Thc Priest made sllch a fuss over !-leI', bring.ingj'
her into the home white the others were pushed back, which was in my 1
mind not jliSt1ffii61ë. - - ­

Father Lengowski came out with Father Eddie Sobczyk from
LaCrosse. They took me away from the rest behind the milkhouse.
They were both very upset and exeited, s~ing thal a Mystie from'
Chlii5%J 1 knew who they were referring tô) had sent wO@ that \ '
sua int~rp.! the Message and tnat lSllould o?,lyfôllOW"'Our
Lady's Message, aoove "ilrTo do as She asks. 1 said. Father, ~ have
been trying aIl this time to do as Our Lady 5;3Ys. To foIlo~-rfer
Message and not to interpret Her Message, that s what 1 wan~dto
do but was unable to." Father looked at me ve~ge and nOdded
agrèè'ffi'ent. He (lid tell me they had a speciatMessage for my Bjshop, ?
and both Fathers wenf to LaCrosse later in the evening of August
After the two Fathers left 1 went into the house. Fred brought
in a girl from Cuba, whom 1 had met before, she told me of her illness,
a double hernia. She wanted so badly that 1 pray over her in..luly, but
she didn't want to push herself ahead of others. "Yes," 1 said, "that's
the trouble, people with only slight headaches push ahead of those
with serious ailments." So 1 plaeed my Rosary over her injury ~d
prayed my usual prayers. Shè thanked nlë with tears in her eyes,
for she said she suffered so mueh with this. She left with Fred again.
1 didn't know if 1 did right or wrong at the moment fQ!..Lfelt therej
were others out there also who would -1iJee me to pray oveit]lem.
Howeve!, it must have been pleasing to Our Lady, for what hgpened
will be mentionedlater on.
More mail aI!ived, Hank Sw~n brought it in a mail b:,lg, ~e

was so mueh. 1 hâcr reeelved sorne beautiful pictures of Our Lady

~na-::Oür LQ!f1. l'went out to sorne of the Pilgrims just for a moment. )

Joanne ,was busy carryi!lg~ut flower~,-I ne.verJaw.--so .many-flowers,

a crow-o for OJ"r Lady, two Rosaries for Our Lady, wreath,s and potted

flo'ITIT. The men were putting up the lastsn~_ fenees between the

house and barn. Cakes, candy, bread and frùlt arrived, also meat. .'

Food stands _wer~i!lg btl,ilt_to s~pp'!~ the peoQle ~ith~c:V

,wafef-,..also...a..~~ ~ stanCI w~e! up just ~a!ght a.9:osl

from o~ road, west of our nome. TIiefoOd stands were ouiIt, scattered

neai1 e parking place and land adjoining us.

Press Agents wanted to push in and ask questions, but the Cops

wer~ vë'Œ.~g9.2d,l thlj;L toLd~. we did~'t wan.t !Item they woulêffi't

getJ!l. 1 toId tnem. ~nk you. -nen Mary FiSller came saymg that

a Mrs. Cecilia Boomer had ChiPa that was over two

hundted years old, she would like it to be with me. 1 didn't know

what to say so Mary brought it in and it. sure was bealJ..lifuI. 1 said

1 would put it in front of Our Lady of Fatima where Our Lady

would sure to be near it. 1 would take it in over night if she wished.

Mary said that would he OK. 1 plaeed it in front of Our Lady, ..!!ld

as CWl!Ike<Louu!l~j:al!!er.!!LclÜ;ked. At "east now 1 was :,lble to walk

Qu.Lfor they- had a snow fenee so m~~_t9 tne .shriDe~s cIear.

A Priest from Iowa stopped me and asked if there would be any
Miracle like at Fatima, that sure wou Id help those disbelievers. 1 said,
"No, 1 don't expect any miracles at ail." He said that would relieve
me of mllch persecution. 1 ~told tilt' persecution WOüIëI~vere
and 1 told Our Lad)' 1 was reaJy""aiiêf willing-to accepf. FIe salêT: oh
thàfswonderful buthe~ouldliJ(ë to see a"l'nîracle. 1 said, "That's
up ta Our Lady, 1 would nolask fOJ:..auy." With this 1 went5aek î-;;-to
the nOlISe. O'ther peoplë were pressing forward, so 1 thollght 1 better
get away.
As 1 entered 1 was called to the back. One of the Committee men
wanted to know if there wouId be enough room for the relatives'
cars in the small pasture by the barn and if it was..OK t9 {mt broad­
castj~ e~ÏEment in the cow yard, they would put a platform frailer
truck for the camëra mëÏ1 to stand on. 1 told them 1 thought it would
be alright; just then 1 saw Fred so 1 sent the man to him. Sorne more
cut f10wers arrived which 1 took in and gave to Joanne.
Father Scheetz told me of sorne Rosaries the people c1airoed
c~d. What did 1 think? 1 said, "That's ail possible, Father." He
thought maybe Our Holy Mother had said something about it to me,
"No, Father, She did not." He said there sure are a lot of people
Pulling in. He asked about plùg his recorger, if it was.-QK? ",
F~r." Matt Haack, the ~ian, 1 heard, fixed a plugJ9r~e­
\ corcrers _~nd JouLsp..~~ system, ~e then went out to the Spot.

Joanne was busy with sorne other women placing flowers. Sorne ladies

in back were folding !ite,rature, Our Lady's Message _of. MM 2r29,

30th, !Jlna 4 and 1§th, right under our bedroom wind2w. ':fhree


women ~wêÎ'e also fôTdTh&. sorne in the house, as John Horning had

broug,ht _several thousand of them .from- K~nosh.a. He asR:ed me if

there was anything he could do or if 1 needeoanything? l s<iliL "No,

thanks, John, fol' ail you have done." He asked about putting a te1e­

(phone in. "J.ohn, 1 would be. swamped with phone ,caBs.';, "Yes, you

have somethmg there. Weil, If you need me send f9..L me.

. Fath~.L. IlYJmwski came out. He taId me Fat~er Sig had been for­

bl.dden ta. come out ta .the farm tomorraw. Flè"Said,'" "Pray that the!> wIll let m.ore P.~lests say J\;~ass. Sa fa.r he has only give!:! ~r­

mISSIOn for two Masses. Oh, 1 don t feel a bIt concerned as 1 feel our

Bishop will do what is right. You shollld have seen the town.J-Llvas

swarming with people and cars. The people here prohably didn't

know what struck them. Father told me he had planned on saying

Mass out of town if the Ban was not.!ii.tzi. Then wc wcre interrl.lpted

by Stanley Pieza. '\vho 5Sl<êd me if 1 was worried or if this crowd

made me nervolls. "No." 1 saie!. "OJ1f' learns to take thin s as thev

come, for sa mllch has occurrecl·I am gettill<Y IIsea ta strange t in';s

happening:" TIwy alrlalll!hed. . '"'- ,,..,

Did 1 ever see 59 Many people in one place hefore? "No, j
oever did. but tomOITOW we'll ~ lQû,OQO or over." They asked why
1 said that. "Did the Blessed Virgin tell you that?" "No. Why or the
reason 1 cannot exvlain, just like 1 say many things which no one
tells me, it just cornes out, calI it what you like." "Is it a voice From
within you?" "No, 1 just say it, that's aIl. There is no voice From
within, nor do 1 hear anyone when 1 say those str.§lnge things. li
surprises and frightens me a!.. times, that it is n~t me sayiQgjt, b!!.t
being)nspired by someQne higher up, for 1 surely would notestimate
lOQ,9(~Lpeople,-'!s_thehigh_est ~ou1d have been_lO,OOO."

By this time a small group had gathered -and 1 then w~t back
into the house. The family was doing chores, Math Haack had finished
with the floQ..d.Jights and was leaving, "à1ter a few words. He felt sure
everything would be OK. Our electric men had come in the afternoon
and put up a sepflrate transforpvox or whatever it was caIled, also
a separate meter. 1 believe the Committee paid the lights that were
used at night for the people. The family had supper and my rel~tives
arrived, my brothers and sister-in-Iaw, Rose, her mother, sister-in-Iaw
\also Godmother. They were aIl in the house which made us very
Juliet and a lady friend came with her apd Oswald, her cousin
the dentist. Fred said something about sayifig the family Rosary.
"Oh," 1 said, "we can answer it from here 1I-s they are leading it.'
1 don't know who suggested, "Let's pray by:the ~Bot," but someone
~t _out-1!!ld told a man al the micJophonl} that we were coming_out
to say our Family Rosary. Oh, no, 1 could have sunk through the floor)
It had been done, so we ail filed out in front of the Statue. Bob
Schmitt and a Mr. Mooney helped to cIear a path and we went
through inside the kneeler gate by the Statue, and to my shock they
asked me to lead the Rosary. Was 1 shakyl 1 couldn't refuse-beeause
what 1 said would go -rig!;lt into the micro'p'lione. So 1 lead tbe-RâSary,
1 didn't even know my mysteries. 1 was so nervous and in a way
dTsgusted because, to my shack and horror, Mr. M and B
S were both ~runk. They were sorne of the maiii~Comnuttee
men from Milwaukee. To be drunk ~t the Sacred Spot was ven'yis­
gusting and it hurt, as both of these men helped with putting up the
Statue, the Crucifix on tjle~luff, also the kneelers. AIl 1 could think
of was, "God forgive them." On the way back to the house 1 saw
L S brother of B and the head of the Committee and he
too,had toomuch. - _.
. Joe Engei spoke to me and he said 1 did fine. "Oh no, 1 didn"t.
1 ·was sa nervous 1 didn't know the mysteries. 1 didn't intend <:to
Jead, only follow the rest." Joe laughed and saidj "You -did'1ine, your
voic-e carried very cIear." 1 believe if 1 could have disappearea some­
where 1 wouJd have done so. There w:ls a knock atthe -baëK-door
where someone had brought another box of Brown ScaE-ulars and so
1 prayed over them and they were taken out and distribüted t<Lthe
Pilgrims. After taking care of the Scapulars, 1 could hea! the Pilgrims
singing, it was beautiful. 1 also received word that the Bishop all~ed
l.1'ass at the ChapeI, Parish Hall and Church at daylight, so the Masses
were scheduled for every haH hour. They would pick me up for 7
o'dock Mass.
They were now singing: "Mother Dearest, Mother Fairest""'pray
for me." The children had by now ail gone to bed, also Fred had
gone to bed. My brothers were ail crowded in the living room which
1 felt was so wrang after the congestion of the day and into-the night.
Then there camp another knock at the door which was a Priest
from near Pittsburgh. 1 had heard earlier in the evening that a Priest'
from Pittsbu~h~aid he had permission to say Mass anywhere- and
\ . that he would like ta say Mass here in our home. Father Scheetz had
, inquired and had sent word in that he had the same kind of Privi!eges,
but he still must have the consent from the Bishop. Weil, this was
the Priest aud Louis Bernicken who had a large box well tied. He.
opened it and it was filled with wooden Rosaries made..Qt olive wood
from Jerusalem. He said that the Rosaries had touched ail the p~es
of Our Lord and Blessed Mother except the Coronatio'n in Heaven.
1 He gave me se\;eral of them to give to my friends, to only those that
( would appreciate them. Father asked if he could say Mass here, that
he would feel so nonored and privileged, that he had the privilege
of saying lvfass any~here, direct from the Pope. Wen-he must know
• what he had,.I didn't. After discussion back and forth, we finally
decided OK, he could say Mass here. He waulJ say Mass here on the
table at 5 A.M., as they were going to pick Fred and me up at 7 A.M.
for Mass up town. Bob Broderick would take us. Then Louis Berniken
prayed over Rose's Mother's spine and legs, as she seemed to have
He told us of his trip to Jerusalem. It was 10:30 when they Ieft
) and by 11 p.m. the Bieber family (my relatives) had settled in the
~ living room. My brother Richard slept on sorne chairs in the kitchen.
1 believe Mother let a couple of people sleep in her car.
During all this there was a steady droue of Prayers, the Litanies,
Consecration Prayers and Songs to Our Lady. At 12:30 1 tried to retire,
but the steady talking of the women outside my window and laqgbing
kept me awake. The recitation of the Basary and prayers would not
have disturbed me, even the loud speaker was just a little ways away
on the post north of my bedroom window. !t was the talkin~LalJd
lapghing that kept me fronul~ping. Somebody did "Sh, SR sn" them
once. said that this was our bedroom and probably we couldn't ~eep,
but it was not very long when it all started up ag~in. It was daylight
already and 1 still had no sleep anJ there \Vas more noise outside
Q~. l was getting so tired that l had a strange ta~t~ in ml: mQJ.lth
from. it. Fred got up to do the chores. It seemed quiet by tlie window
and r just started. to doze when my brother Richard told .me Father
I( was getting ready for Mass. 50 l got..,!!p, in a da~e,-yva~hed milice
toJeel a little ~efr~shed. There were 8 of us at Mass. Fred, Joanne and
1...<lli! npt receiv~ ~mmunion, sorne of the others did rèceive. LOüTs
Bernil<en was Fatner's Server. After Mass they left for uptown.
Fred finished the chores and we cleared everything away as
( we had hung blankets on the windows so no one from the outside
could see in. 1
At 6:30 a.m., Bob was here to pick the three of us up, the rest of
the children went to Mass later, when it would not he so crowded.
l believe they got to 10 0'clock Mass. Bob drove us up and as near to
the Church as possible. Father Kennedy and Father Sig were watching
and waiting for us. The Church was jammed full and so was the
Parish Hall and the people were standing in line to get in. Father
said he thought it best to take us to !:!te side door into the Sacristy.
While he was talking, Pilgrims had spotted me and were heading for
the car. Father and Bob grabbed me and it was a Mad rush for the
side door. Father Val Rykowski was already vested for the next Mass
while Father Schultz, ] believe, was just finishing Mass. 50 when the
next Mass started we were directed through the Sanctuary to the first
pew on the Gospel side of the Church.
Then the cameras started to flash after Mass. Fred was at the
end of the pew and thought it best to wait for the Church to empty,
but l noticed instead of leaving they were pushing forward. l told
Fred, let's go out through the Sanctuary as we came, we got up but
a little too late. A woman grabbed the flesh on my arm and just hung
on, one grabbed Joanne's dress and tore it, but we got away and
then Father Kennedy, Father Rykowski and Bob Broderick started to
take us out the side door and noticed about 25 or 30 people heading
for the side door, so we went around the back of the Church behind
the Parish Hall. But it seemed the crowd moved with us around the
front, for as we came around the side of the Parish Hall a group was
there. .
In the meantime someone had sent for theCops, so two Cops
came and they held the crowd back 50 we harely got into the car and
locked the doors and closed the windows. The Cop)helped us leave
the Church yard and come home in a steady stream of cars. It made
me think of disturbing an anthill, the way the people seemed to he
going everywhere, mostly streaming towards the Shrine.
When l got home the house was full of people, relations and other
people. Then they wanted a picture of the family. Fred ate his break­
fast, l only drank sorne coffee. l was calIed out to the back as someone
wanted ta see me. It was ta identify one of Fred's brothers, they would
not let him through the gate. About that bme Jack Van Hoof and
famîly arrived and sa did Bernard, our son, he was working at his
Uncle Jack's. About this time different ones wanted me ta pose for
pictures, and 1 just walked away.
Henry Van Hoof and his son Jim arrived from Hurley. Mother and
my brother kept after us ta get ready ta have our pictures taken.
Joanne and 1 went out first to put the Crown of red Roses on Our
Lady and a Rosary made of red roses. Joanne feh embarrassed climb­
ing up on the fence behind the Shrine ta Crown Our Lady of Fatima
Father Heithaus, Father Scheetz, and Father Kennedy were near
the Shrine with cameras and recorders. 1 had noticed Father Bernard
Duffy in the group outside among the Priests. Father Val Rykowski
carne in, he was nervous as 1 couId see. 1 then got ready and w.ent
out to have our family picture taken. There was a big group of photo­
graphers, sorne on the fence, sorne on the chicken coop, they were
everywhere. 1 later realized why they wanted us on the East side of
the house, because the broadcasting and movie equipment was there.
After the pictures were taken 1 started to go into the house, when
a Priest grabbed me by the arm and hung on. He called ta some that
must have been with him ta take our picture. 1 didn't want any more
pictures, but he got his picture. (This Priest, as 1 found out later, was
Father Hodak from Casco, Wisconsin, who lectured on Therese
\ ( ...1'iIeumann and Fnthert!Qj:itf1ëi'""'fii1<mg the plCture l started ta wâl
towards the house when 1 met Mary Fisher and she introduced me to
Father Killoran from New York aIsa his brother Walter Killoran from
Detroit, Michigan. Some other man was also there 1 don't recall his
name, who had done considerable traveling and he felt sa privileged
in being able ta shake my hand. To myself 1 thought, "Oh no, not
that again!"
1 Ieft for the house when 1 was met with excitement about a
Rosary that was whit~ and had turned .hlue. Someone brought it in
and showed it to me, they said it was a much-brighter-blu.e-before,
( but it Wl!U~g ~ter. If1ielonged ta a girl who was crying. This
happene_d_ the ay efore to 7 or 8 Rosa;:ies. 1 do recall they had
brought them in and 1 hao-them in m hands. SteE.,hen Breen was
talking on Our Ladv autside, abau L, Sa ette Fati ,,andI&ilii.\ he
also mentionedll;gi1rgeS1 ---
Then Father Wagener and ather Priests arrived and with them
also was Father Duffy, and Father Ed Sobezyk. Father Wagener was
very uncharitable, he snapped very rudely at members of my family
when he spoke ta them. Other Priests arrived, someone told of the
white Rosary turning blue. He took his black Hosary out of his pocket,
saying he'd like ta see this turn white, in a sarcast.ic way.
It was 11:45 a.m. so 1 went into the bedroom to be alone and say
some prayers. 1 stepped out of the room to pick up a pamphlet in
which 1 had seen a Consecr:1tion Prayer 1 wanted to say. As 1 stepped
out to pick it up, Father \Vagener started to ask questions. He said
that the Bishop wanted to know if there was anythin~ 1 could tell him.
1 said, "No, unless Our Lady has a Message for him Jater."
"Surely you must have something to tell him now," he said. "My
Bishop sent me, us here (referring to the Priests with him) for you to
tell us about the happenings here." 1 said, "Father, please not now,
rd like to be left alone so 1 can pray." He said, "y ou surely must have
a Message for your Bishop." 1 said, "no", 1 had given him the Message
and 1 did not know if Our Lady would have a Message for him now
and 1 would have to wait until 1 saw Her. Also 1 said, "this is my home
and 1 want to be left alone at this moment."
1 turned around and walked into the bedroom with Fred, they
followed, Father Wagener did, but my brother Mathias stood by the
door and didn't let him in. Then Father insisted 1 talk to them. 1 said,
"Please, Father, afterwards, not now, as it is so close to Our Lady's
time." But he insistcd, and they ail fiJed into my bedroom with the
same insisting manner, very rude. 1 noticed Father Duffy disapproved
and suggested not ta bother me now and 1 wouId see them later. 1 tried
again to assure him if there was any Message after Our Lady's Mes­
sage, my Bishop would receive it. Since August 4th when 1 saw my
Bishop last, 1 had had no contacts \Vith Our Lady and could not give
him any !\1essage.
Then Father vVagener threw an accusation at me that was false
~ and 1 was shocked~Qh Father," 1 said,_ "you know that's not true,
L fuat's a lie. FatherJ why ~ou say.JU,cli:Jhmgs?"-He was lost for
words aÏÏd wheeled around and said, "Let's get out of here." Just before
this happened, Mary McInnes opened the bedroom door and cried,
"What will they do ta you?" 1 stepped to the doar and told her not ta
worry, 1 \Vas OK. My Mother and my brothers were very concerned,
1 assured them there was nothing ta worry about, also Father made
the same remark, sa they left the room.
There was Father Anthonv Wagener, Father Robert Agnew,
Father Bernard Duffy, Father Paul Flad, Father Ed Sobczyk and
another whose name 1 do not remember. Fath~r Duffy when walking
by me said that this action and behavior was very uncalled for a.nd
he was sorrv. 1 assured Father there was no offtnse taken toward hlm.
1 also left the room for 1 knew it was very close to 12 noon, and went
into the living wom. There 1 could not watch for t.he Blue M!st, so
1 went into the hallway when 1 noticed al1 the Pnests were In the
ldtchen. 1 staad bv the \vindow, Some of the Priests left.
J _ _-

Then, what \Vas worse there was the dissension and tension in
the air. 1 was very much upset for 1 knew Fred had all he could do to
control his temper and keep from, saY!!!K-Jhe wrQQg--.!~ings_ to the
Priests. The anger in everyone else III the home was so very wrong at
tliiStime. "Oh Father, forgive them and, Holy Mother, help us and
help them to understand." 1 h'ied to say sorne Hail Marys but 1 was
tao shaky.
If 1 could only talk to Father Sig or sorneone that would under­
stand, but 1 had no one. 1 felt bad because 1 was unable to talk to
Father Sig and 1 had not seen him this moming, for he was forhidden
to come out by the Bishop, so he stayed and prayed in the Church.
It would havenelped me a great deal had 1 been able just to say a few
words to him. But again 1 had to oHer this up and go on without him,
as 1 since have leamed to do manv times. 1 felt if Father could have
been here he would give me strength and 1 would not be sa shaky.

Suddenly 1 felt as if something was pulIed over my head and

moved all the way down, just as if one pulls a dress over your head,
and this feeling continued aIl the way down to my feet. The shak­
iness left and then 1 felt a calmness. 1 looked up towards the tree and
there was the Blue Mist. It had already moved towards the front of
the four Ash Trees.
1 at once walked out and, as before, Our Heavenly Mother ap­
peared so beautiful. Oh sa lovely. Her arms were extended as if She
wants on 0 walk ri ht into Her arms. But-tôday Sfie stayed higher
up because of t e tatue and Shrine, helieve. 1 felt shaky ag.aalIin and
unclean because of what happened in the house~_hllt-I=Ierheaut!f.ul
smile makes one lose all control and you go towards Her like in a
Trance.-«on Lady how heautifuL" And those eyes, mey draw one like
a magnet. The beauty of Our Lady is 50 hard fo descrtt:lë, espeeiaIfy
tOCIay for She looked sa different, 50 brilliant and bri~ht, whiter than
snow and still it does not hurt your eyes, such Heavenly Beauty.
At all other times Our Mother was dressed in blue, today She was
in white, a real dazzling white, so brilliant and radiant! AlI Her gar­
ments. were white. Her veil was a very thin material. On Her head
She had a wreath of small pinl< roses. She ha<t the s.~me gQ~rd
aroun~erJ!Ëck with a globe orthe world anaffie tasser. She again
stoou o!!.. a pil1ow~u<f,'VIthlarge--piIIrroses on it. She was bare­
faoted, aoonaa-the same large Rosary. She smiled as 1 approached
Her, and looking over the crowd, smiled again.
Then She said, "y ou are upset. Don't he, My Child. But you must
do as. l say. Give.-.!!Jl Message ta the people. First l want you to give
( thisM essage to _hOUT Bishop aM then ta thri1!10ple, no matter what
( bappe.ns. Bless t e peoPle with the Good F' Y Crucitix.-TFJSB[es­
sing is trom Me." This 1 did.

"Tt gricl;es Me 50 tltuch that your COlmtry destroyed innocent
children, helt,less old men and lllomen - bl' dropping the A BOMB
on this helpless Country, mtllch suffering will came trom th~s. (Airo­
shima came to my mmd.) This grieves your Pop~rJl_mU:':h' .n~es
his heart very heavy, t~e destmction of innocent children anT the
aged sa l1èlplessly destroyed."

Oh, to see Our Holy Mother sa sad, it seems She becomes smaller,
as if this aIl just pressed Her clown. Oh why l:an't the people wake

"Cive this Message to the people, no matter lllhat happens this

Message must go forth."

"My Child, tell the t?eople that there are one-third more Rosaries
and prayers said than there were on the Feast of the Sacred Heart,

,,(but this is fa~ from l\1y satisfaction; for ~g:ee~:.. h~~ed and jealousy

r lutlween Rellgl!}ns, laymen and workers Of C1!!ISt~ My ~,' must end

befôre~ '[J'eace ànâ -Zove for thy neighbor and My Son can win and
«( must win! This gre~1... hatred and jealousy is just what the EnemY-2f

Cod feeds on."

- must have [aith, love and charity in your heart. ~te
roursdf to My Immacylate [kart and pray ta the Sacred Heart of

"Mothers, your sons are being destroyed in the most brutal way
by the Enemy of God. Pray, pray and pray the Rosary. Prayers only
will save thern and hring tllem home. No other way wicl save them!"

She told me not to neglect my family; that people should pray

direct to Her and the Sacred Heart.

She then asked for my Rosary and Crucifix, which She blessed
with Her Rosary. For this She moved directIy in front of me, either
in or just before the Fatima Statue. She then told me alwavs to obey
Her no matter what happens, and thatI must do 6fteen days of fast,
COmmunion and Mass starting Sertember lst. She tlien asked me to
speak to the people which 1 did as follows:

(This is the Message spoken by Fred Van Hoof to an estimated)
crowd of 100,000 pe0"tle gathered around the Shrine on her farm at Necedah,
<. WiSCOnSin, Augst 1 , 1950. After a careful perusal of this text, in circula­
.. tion which à1!Fàwl§ repfoduces her words, pauses and emphasis. lt corre­
~ sponds exactly to a recording of her voice which was made at the tïme.)

"Dear chi/dren of Gad. ail those who are gathered here, some vf
very fai1hiJll, some of you Vertl curiot/s, but the majoritll (lf l[OIl
ayere witb GQd jn yom betE'ts."
)0 filîe lime has cDJ!}~dear chi/dren of God! YOt! must ail rememher
Yotlr ~at{ers. fou must pral!, pray and pray hard and devoted/y! YOII
must a penances and sacrifices dai/y! YOll lItust attend llour Masses
a.l1f:l Churches regular/y!"
"Those of not the Catholic Faith, those that's just Christia1J,~, re­
1Ilell1ber j,IQlIr Lord in j,Iour way." '="""" ­
Reli.gians must go ta ether aC/ainst the Enemy of Gad for he
is v >• . CI Bg 1 now. e Umeis 1ere IV leu IVe must save QurSëfves.
Save yourselves!" -­
"My dear children, Sisters <lnd Priests, remelllber YOtlT COlllllland­
ments Our Lord has given Y01/. Live them up daily! Do not forget
thëm! Rel7lember them!"
of illness."
Sa you must

"We Illllst IJray, pray and pray h(lrd. The time is l'cry short. V cry


"We can sa(/e ail the horrors, tee CanY01;e Pope Pills XlI if

tee get onto Ollr knees note and pray like tce'oc never prayed before."

"Only l'rayer, My <lear children, lcill tein YOllr u;ay. RlIlIets leill

not tein your Peace. BlIllets teil[ only de~·troy and keep destroyin{!..

Proyer only will win Yotlr Peace."

"So those of YOII, that is, the llJg§! of yotl here, are dewted and J~
(/ery Siri re llc01Jle. There is sOlIIe li ere, as l'Il repeat it are 1'12.t
curious.l ail of YOIl mllst relllelll/~er MIL lL'arningL.!1f([âti~LiPtD
(III aSalette. L1L:M-Rl'fl-yoll tliell. 1111 !carnillg YOIl agalTl.
''l'Ill askillg YOIl a (/ery tete simple tliill!!,s to do tuat;e yourself:
Prayer, pral/er, prayer, ­
a fete sacrifices daily.
Receive your Holy Sacralllents as Oftell as !f0ll cml, but tt 11011

can dai/y, do it dai/y. -

Your First Saturdays

and the First Friday,s.
Listel' to !f0llr Priests. Ohey your Priests and YOllr AI inisters of


"Remember, the time has com that tlle destructiOIl is right above \
More thon tlW-t ur S 0
liS. ~1liillns is uo'" cQlicred wjth the J
Enemf/ of God. And the Pa:~(m part of this America is startling."
"Alllerica mllst prall right 1l00e. now, not tOlllorrotL'. Begillning

is note in :'S.Q!!:o; it will not elld therc IlIIlcss ICC pray. It's only he­
ginning." ­
"Half of America is inoolved tcith tlie Enelll!1 of God. SO/lle are )\
illlloci!i1t;thq/re iust stmnhli " in -'Œliess.- fOIl Christians---,:jë;e,
wakc thQSC Ilpl They a not 'IIOW lchat they are doillg. They are.
listeiiiÎlg ta Satan, wlio is .leral'pillg hi/llself arolltld so lIIany of flOI/." J

. Fathers, Bishops. rellle/llber Aly Icarnillgs a Fatima Lilla and
Salett Rellli?m1Jer (IIelll to YOllr /.J('OlJlc. RClIlilld 1('''1. AlI(' f!lOsc'
. lat fail fo do flIC's(' f/rillgs (lrc III/rlill!.! lIowscirc's ClS (t'dl CI.\'
I}OIIT people." ~ ,
"Wc /III/st rClllclllbcr (llr fiulf is tircllrillg l'Cri! dosc."
"The Mack clOluls arc cOII/illg over. 1I0f (0 El/TO/Jl'. .h;o. Allstrt/lia.

Africa, bllt Co Amcrica, SOllfl, (llIcI North .'\III('ril'o··

"Alaska is the first stepping stone."
"Remember - the Pacifie Coust!"
"We have no time to lose. We must carry out now, at once, for

prayer only will save us."

(End of Message ovec microphone.)

1 then turned back to Our Mother, and She again reminded me
of my obedience ta Rer and how urgent it was for us to pray and to .-"..
get this Message ~e. She then told me sometfimg '&f"Y "VIl
JJ sfl!..rflmg which(Ii~reatly and left me clying:--:

) "Your Country isin grave danger rom the Enerm 0 God, mueh
of your trouble will ris.e fngll wjt m, t en t lroug t is the Enemy
from without miU strike causing much suffering. If enough prayers
are said destruction of yom Vital Points and most important Cities
will not happen, but through the many black sins, much suffering and
hardship will still befall your country."
"Pray for !lour Catholic Senator, his life is in grave danger, he
neuls mueh prayer. Child you never liked or believed in him, he has )
and can do much f!,ood, l'et he has made big 1Iiron/!$, his gooâ can
(omâo the w'Ong if ,"."gh
p"oye" 0" .'Did for hi.,. Self glorifkalion
ana pride is his weakness. Pray for Mm and yoU'r Leaders in Govern­
lTfëfïr.T)nly thrûugh prayer can evilness be lessened and the good
~forth. !...;he Laitl/ must work." _ ~
She then ;J.sked me wfiy 1 didn't give Father he Messa e S~ ~
gave me to give him on the Feast of the . 0 no ~)
. or un rt.<1rm lm. e tenee, My Child. Be true to him no
matter how much if hurts and grieves you." She then told me some
II of the reasons whv he is being removed, t}lis could have beenoe­
layëC(1iere l feel l '~'as tG blame. Oh 1 felt so bad 1 was crying and
She called to me, 50 kindly, with wch a sweet voice. SheJmiled to
give me strengtb, 1 am sure.
She then let! with the promise that She would be with me
October 7th, at the same tirne. "Bless !fOU, My Child," were Rer last
1 felt very bad because 1 had faiIed Father b~se of rny lack
of courage and with this failure, 1 failed Our Lady. It seemed now
ItJ--rortl1êfirst time l was aware of the Priests that had een in the
AV ho~efgre twelve. "'at er al!ener waI 'cù by anù 1 said a prayer
foi m and tried to steady myself, as 1 felt so weak. 1 felt so shaky
1 thought 1 would never make it, it felt like my knees would give
away any minute. A Cop and Fred helped me back to the hOllse.
1 went directly to the bedroom with Fred and tried very hard to get
control ot myself, for 1 shook. 1 tried to rest but sorne one was at the
door. Fred totd whoever it was 1 wanted to rest.
It was but a few minutes when there was someone again. FlI!lw1'
Wagener wanted ta see me. "PJease," 1 said, "a little later," bülÏle
was persistent. "Oh," 1 said to Fred, "I better go and see what he
wants." He said 1 was ta go to the Rectory for que::;tioning by the
Committee. "Father, can we walt tor an h~)ur: 1 sald, 'you carniot
get out now anyway." Oh he'l! get th1'ough. "Father, please l'm aB in
and shaky." ''Your Pastor wants you the1'e ri ht awa , that's the
Qr.der, he sent for you, ater 1 as e Father about this and fie said
Iideidnot sena for me ta come out at once). ''You said, 'obeY.1.5lUr
Pnest, hsten to yom Pnest. Father Eaay wanted to give me an
nouroùtYather Wagener said, "now." "But Father we cannot get
through the crowd." Oh he wouTcrget through.
WeB, Fred and l left and you should have seen the swarm of

people at the back doar. The Priests and Cops tried ta keep the people

back as 1 was pushed into a car. There was Bob Broderick, Father

Eddy, Father Kennedy, Fred and myself. We drave over the 'spur

track into our lane and there we sat for the crowd was sa heavy.

1 saw Mf and MfS Gene Thoma walking, 1 imagine towards their

car parked in the Press Section. lsould {eel there was somefuing

wrong with them.

Father Wagener was behind us with Father DuHy and some

other Priest, Father Agnew, 1 believe. Father Wagener tooted his

horn for us to move, but we could not maye unless ta drive into our

corn field. People noticed me in the car, they came pushing ta our car

and wanted me to open the window and door. The Priest reached

back and put the Jock on the door. With al! this heat one h"d to sit

in the hot car, windows closed and car locked. 1 had a terrible ~d­

ache and felt sa sick, butthis Penance l must do for tlie Cause, is

was my only consolation. \\::e sat for one and a haIf bours in the~ne

until we finaUy made Highway G. 1hen we were stalle<1, finally one

of the Priests walked ahead to a Cop and said we wanted to go

through, Lbelieve they said, "Bishop's Ord!:rs." But even at that

we had to wait our tum until we reached Highway Gand 21.

Then a Police Squad car siren was heard and we had clear sailing

as the cars aIl stopped ta the sicle of the road, letting us through. ~,

what a way ta get to the Rectory. Instead of going ta the Rectory

( we went to thehouse Father Kennedy had renEed. 1 was sa dizzy

and my heaël Just abOut splIt trom the heat. They gave me a roM

lemonade ta drink which helped. AlI the Priests 6Jed in, except Father

FIad, we waited for him for a few minutes. Father Lengowski came

also. When Father Flad arrived 1 was surprised, Father Eddy as we

cal!ed hjm, tank over the qllestiQning. -

Pather Wagener toId me, "You know your foolishness caused al/
person ta dIe. 1 said, "1 didn't hear of it and 1 don't believe Our Lady
would let that happen. That was probably just a faIse rumor, Father." l
With that he was~t and Father Eddy wanted to know what the
)IMessage was. Isaia,-"Our Lady told me to give this Messal';e to..!!!y
BishoP and Pastor, then give ta the people no matter what hâppened,
an;:nnat is what 1 wiH do." "What did She give for the Bishop?" he
wanted to know. 1 said, "This 1 will write up for him and l'm t~o
tired now and my head aches ta think." 1 noticed a cou~le of the
Priests whispering to each other. Fathe( W:ij.êner asked if hêÏe was
any.othêÏ Message.."res, for f i S iritual Directo~, Fred aBd myself, 2.
4 hesldes what was glVen to t o. u won t tell us any more, ~
( 1:0u refuse ta talk?:"No, . a er, just can't." So Father Duffy said,
We beffer let her rest." Then Father Eddy said, "You let the Bishop
know." "Yes 1 will, Father." "How saon?" "Mter resting a da>j or so."
Pather Wagener suggested Iune16th, that r shouÏcl rest first. Iooked
at Iîim when speaking and he said, "It's getting late 1 better heat
it back ta LaCrosse." He and the other Priest, whose name 1 never D
~ht when introduced at the house, ~.
Then Father Kennedy brought me sorne more iced lemonade, for
it sure Wf§il ~ day, they had e1ectric fAns gQjoi. A Father Leonard
( from Can a a e and he was gomg to Rome. He said yo~re drew
an awful crowd, heard the Cop say there wereavec lOO.OOO-pëôple.
1one Priest said, "How do they draw that conclusIOn?" By counting
the cars, there were 101 Busses and 8 or 9 trains. For a few minutes
1 they were debating thëtiguresof the crowd. ln my estimation th~e
~ were 125,000. Then Father Val come in. Father Heithaus joined us
from the other room. Father Eddy was kidding Father Lengowski
and Father Val about going fishing. Also Father Schultz, came, and
they had theïr jokes about fishing. But 1 noticed tha: were wateh­
ingme, especially my Spiritual Director. 1 later learne l Iooked very
paTe, that must have been his concern.
Father Kennedy told me that 1 could come here and be b
myse an wn e e essage. l t answer im on t at. at er
( a 50 s~that he was"mv as r'for a week as Fat1ler was oing away
for a much needed .lest. ~wanted to go back home an~ so did I.
BôOloo1ëus 6ack, we drove in tlliUronLway as the other way there
was plenty of traffic still leaving the parking lot, it was now 5 p.m.
Oh, what a horrible and messy yard, papers, boxes, napkins, news­
Ipapers scattered aIl over. Il looked terrible. Ray Schelfhout and several
other people were tOI;!, people's.-Ro.sarie.s to Our Lady's Statue,
the yard still had hundreds of people praying. Bob took me to the
( door, and 1 thanked him. He said, "You betterget sorne rest, you
look like you need it."
The moming of October 4th was a very sad moming as Our
Pastor was leaving us, 1 don't believe anyone in Church had a dry
eye and aIl had a hea~ heart. 1 know 1 was unable to read my
(1 Missal because of the trs. 1 had to .pray for con~rol when going to
the Communion Rail. We aIl loved Father and felt very disa~ed
because he was transferred, but this is ail in a Priest's life. e gets
to love his Flock and they him, then he is taken from them. After
Mass Mother Lengowski told me ta come over ta the Rectory ta have
breakfast. Father's Sister Heler: WaS there also. Many things were
packed and being packed, after breakfast 1 talked ta Father. TIlen
sorne people came that had been at the hrrn and wanteà to see me.
John Dohn was present also and he saw Father on the Religious
Goods sales and settled with him about the percentage basis. He also
talked of his being refuscd permission to sell any more Religious
Goods at the Parish Hall. He had gone ta LaCrosse ta the Chancery
Office, but still was not ailowed ta seH anything. He was very upset.
Then people also bothered him about trying to see me. He said, "Say,
Mary Ann, 1'11 take you to Milwaukee, this is terrible you'll be aIl in
the 7th, the big day. We can't let this happen, 1 don't think it's right.
Come let's go see the Padre." We went upstairs to Father Sig's Office
and John told Father what he thought. Father thought that was a
good idea.
1 shook hands with Father and hoped he would find everything
in order in his next Parish and that it would not be tao hard on his
Mother, for she was taking it hard. The pOOl' soul was crying, for
she loved Necedah. 1 advised Father not to unpack, 1 said it won't be
long and you'l1 be moved again. He looked at me rather strange and
gave me his particular smile he has that 1 love, ifs sort of a rn-inkle
in his eyes. John took me home and said he would pick me up in an
hour. 1 got ready and in an hour and a haH John came and we left
for Milwaukee.
Before 1 left, the yard was full of people ail trying to see me,
Mother, Mary Mdnnes and Clara were busy with the people. So
many of them insisted 1 was home. 1 came in the back way, also left
the back way. It seemed so strange that 1 would have to sneak in and
out of my own home, otherwise 1 would have been swamped. On our
way to Milwaukee, John talked of his experiences with the Religious
Goods work and told me many staries about it. 1 had sorne of my mail
with me which 1 tried to read on the way down to Milwaukee.
John took me ta his home first, and 1 had lunch with his family,
then he took me ta Bob Broderick's. Bob called Father Franklin
Kennedy at the Herald Citizen Office and told him 1 was there he
also called Father Claude Heithaus at Marquette University and told
him. Later th:1t evening they aIl arrived, also Father Val Rykowski
came over, and we talked of the crowds of people, and how they
were already arriving. Father Kennedy was aIl upset about not coming
up to Necedah with his Staff trom the Office of the Herald Citizen
Father Kennedy read a letter to me conceming my Bishop not
permitting him to come to Necedah. He feIt very bad about it:., but he
shrugged his shoulders, "Can't be, it can't be." Then something was
said that surprised me and made me wonder about Obedience. Father
said, "My Press Boys will be there, they are good and 1 can depend
on them." He spoke of how Bish~p MUIT.ay o~ ~inneapolis had. gone
over Our Lady s Work for the DIgest W1th hls httle stub pencil and
corrected the Work. Bob Broderick showed me the Catholic Digest in
manuscript form, only Bob called it something else that 1 can't recall.
He said they were aU readyto add Detober 7th to it, then it wiJl
go on the Press in seven different languages. It will be sent to many
foreiKD countries 50 Our Lady's Message will be aIl over in a hurry.
Bishop Murray had gone over it for correction.
When the Detober 7th Message cornes through and any hapPen­
ings, he will stay right in Necedah, write it up and go straight to
Minneapolis to the Bishop's Office for correction, tllen il would be readv
at a moment's notice from my Bishop. They were 311 sa excited, which
seemed strange and a little confusing. Father Val Rykowski took me
over to his friend's home where 1 stayed over night. When we arrived
there we watched tele\'ision while coffee was being made. Father read his
Office, we just had time to finish our coffee before midnight. Father
Jeft for the Rectory, and 1 went to bed as 1 had 5tayed here in September,
and mew the people and my ooom.
The next day 1 went to Mass at St. Vincent's Church. Father
Val said Mass. 1 had breakfast, talked with my hostess and teased the
two chilàren. The little girl and boy sure were cute children. About
9:30 a.m., Father Val arrived and took me over to the Brodericks.
Jeanette had been doing artistic work for a Church, 1 believe in
Kenosha, and she sure could do sorne beautiful work. Father Kennedy
came over and said something about going to his farm that evening
for supper. Father Heithaus came as soon as his teaching was over,
so we were aIl together. We talked of the crowd and how difficult it
was for us to get around.
Then they decided that Father should say Mass in my home.
1 said, "Father, that would be swell. Joanne and 1 then wouldn't get
attacked again." They wondered how to go about it. Father Heithaus
said his Superior was in Washington, but he could calI him, so he left.
A haH hour later he was back and it was aIl settled and he had per­
mission to say Mass.
I.~ 1 was surprised at how the Fathers were talking of getting around
fil their d B 'ih2J'S· Isn't that breaking Obeaience? Weil, 1 thought they
wou} k now the laws. We talked oE Father's removal. 1 toId them
1 mew of this before. Our Lady caBs him my Spiritual Director. But
DOW it will be more of a sacrifice to get to see him. 1 asked Father
Heithaus if the Bishop could tell me who my Spiritual Director should
he. Father said, "No.' that is one privilege you have, and no one can
tell you
Il thing. who to have." Father Kennedy smiled and said the same

AlIfI 1 told them 1 knew who was hehind Father's [emoval, but 1
i'flwould Dot tell. 1 (lId give Father Val sorne information on it but Dot aIl.
1 fëlf verv hurt about it and toJd Fathf.'r Val that many in the Com­
munit)' blame me for Fathet's rem.oval, sorne even are' hostile. ~r
said this js the usual procedure at aU Appafitions.
Fathers Val, Kennedy, Heithaus, the Brodericks and myself \vent
ta Father Kellnedy's farm. 1 had arrived a little earlier in the afternoon
and went to look at the pigs. The Nuns here were taking care of
everything. They had many brood sows, cows, ducks, geese, chickens.
Two Sisters were dressing chickens, 1 believe for the Sacred Heart
Sanitarium. Father showed me the big barn full of hay they had. This
second cutting of hay he said we could have. He asked if 1 knew how
he could get it ta our place, discussing the cost of trucking it. He
said he would find out. We went in and had supper. The Nuns sure
put up wonderful eats. That food looked good, but 1 couldn't eat much
as 1 was fasting.
Jenny said tomorrow she'd put my hair up on curlers, then 1
could leave it that way llntil the morning of the 7th. Bob and Father
Kennedy then teased me about my hair. It was again mentioned why
1 was not to eut mv hair. Father said that Our Ladv must believe in
long h a i r . · .
We talked of different things and they wondered about what
name Our Lady would give Herself. 1 told them 1 didn't even know
if She would give HerseIf a Title or Name, for Our Lady didn't say
anything about it. l had told them this before but it seemed that
question was put to me so often. We left ta go back to the city.
1 went with Fathers Val and Heithaus, and on the way back
to Milwaukee Father Heithalls asked me ta pray for his brother Victor
Heithaus. He implied things were not 50 good \Vith him. l told him 1
would. What was actually said 1 will omit for it is private. Then
Father Heithaus said something that struck me very strange coming
from a Priest. We discussed other things, about my going back the
next day and so forth. We took Father Heithaus to Marquette College
and Father Val took me to his friend's place, where we again watched
television until coffee \Vas made, because it seemed Father Val liked
his coffee.
tvIv hosts both were excited about the 7th and asked me how 1
felL Oh, 1 didn't know. 1 then told them of my feelings which 1
could not exp!ain. Vie had our coffee and just finished it a minute hefore
midnight. 1 excused myself and went to bed for 1 was tired.
The next morning 1 \Vent to 7 or 7: 15 o'dock Mass at St. Vincent's
Church, had breakfast and waited for Father to pick me up earlier
as he had done before. Jeanette got my hair ready in the morning and
Father Kennedy said his Press Boys were all ready to go and they
wou Id arrive in the evening at his rented home in Necedah. Broderick
had the things ready that they were going to take, for they were
leaving early. Father came for me and we 1eft to pick up Father Lengow­
ski's sisters (Grace at the Doctor's office and Henrietta at her home),
who also went ta a factory for Father Kennedy. Father Val bought
a coat, forest green color like he had, for our Bernard. Had a little
difficult time in getting the coat.
Here 1 discovered Father's temper, which he displayed at stop and
go lights and other places, for he was in such a hurry. 1 felt this before
but didn't think it was quite this serious. 1 prayed for him so that he
would be able to control his temper better. We left for a small town
north of Stevens Point as Father had sorne business up there. We
l'an into detours and rain which delayed us considerably.
On the way back we stopped for something to eat this side of
Wisconsin Rapids, 1 had soup, Father took a fish dinner, the girls had
hot sandwiches. Father's fish dinner was not tasteful, so he left it.
By this time it was getting very late. ln Necedah we took the girls ta
Mrs. Mae Fitzgerald's homc and Father took me home to the farm.
Everywhere there were people. The Rosary was being prayed over
the loud speaker. People coming and going. We came in the back
way. People were at the back door. Cops were at the back door. The
Cop was about to haIt me when he recognized me. He laughed and 1
went in for 1 didn't want to be stopped by the people in the back yard.
It was 10:30 p.m.
There was a sigh of relief when they saw me. The house was full
of people. 1 thought, "Good Lord, what's this?" as several Priests, our
relations and other people were aIl there. Father Ed Sobci~ was
showing someone a picture post card of me and the Shrine. He was
trying ta get this person to see something in this picture. He saw me,
grabbed me by the arm and said, "come here, did you see this card and
what's on it?" No, 1 didn't see anything on it. 'Why, the profile of Our
Lord is on this picture." Try as 1 did, 1 could not see it, which he
jusl SQ..uld not llnderstand. Father Scheetz was sitting in the living
room. He seemed disappointed about something. 1 said a few words
to him.
1 was laId about the rumor that 1 \Vas taken sick and would not
be here tomorrow. 1 believe someone went out ta let the crowd know
1 was here and weil. Of course sorne saw me as 1 passed the door
or spoke to the COl' al the front door. Joe Engel was out there and
he tald me the stary. Of course he Jaughed and said, "Our Lady will
have her here!" 1 came back in and Father Val told me he couldn't
- -- -
Tum picture upside down to see Our Lord's profile over

Mrs. Van Roofs right shoulder. (See account p. 42)

see the prQfile in the picture either. Father tQld me that the people
shQuld dear Qut and 1 shQuld get SQme rest. 1 agreed fQr 1 was tired
and there was dissension in the air, 1 could feel the weight caused
by it. Why, 1 do not know. "Oh Father," 1 said, "there's such a pressure
here." "Oh, you are tired, you better get sorne sleep." He spoke to
someone in the room. Who aIl were in the room that night, 1 really
don't know as the house was just jammed with people.
Poor Joanne and Fred. 1 said to Father, 1 have a feeling like
leaving. M~er came and said someone wanted to see me in the
back. She said it was better that she stick around to help Joanne. Oh
w n .r r 1 sure loved - ~send tQ e. sa
1 went out, it was a out a rown for Our Lady. Oh, 1 said that will
be taken care of as it has been ordered. Then 1 noticed Hênk SW$Jl,
Gus Keller, Joe Engel, Bob Broderick, Len and Bob Schmitt. There
was an argument going on over where the Herald Citizen Press should
be. 1 was spotted and calIed over, they thought 1 should help to decide.
1 told them the Committee should take care of that, what ever they
decided was OK. That's when Bob said that Hank, Gus and Len were
on the Committee and they were being pushed out, meaning BQb and
the Press. Bob sure was angry. Father Heithaus stood to the side
It seemed they thought 1 should voice my opinion and that would
he that, but 1 didn't. 1 trusted Hank, Gus and Len's judgment and felt
it was better than mine, besides they were chosen to do this work.
Of course the Committee didn't know that Father Heithaus had Fred
and 1 sign a statement that no one else was to tell them what to do
as this was our property. That was for Father Heithaus, Kennedy,
also Bob and Jenny Broderick. 1 left then and went into the house.
Father Scheetz was leaving, also others left as did Father Eddy.
It wasn't until midnight that we were left without outsiders, just
my own folks. Mass was scheduled for 7 a.m. the next morning. George
and Ann Van Hoof stayed in our house over night, too. 1 was called
to the back door about 11 :30 p.m. when Stephen Oraze came to the
door asking questions and some Brown Scapu.krs arrived. 1 prayed
over them, touched them with my Blue Rosary and they were given
to the people.
There was beautiful singing, the Rosary, Litanies also Consecra­
tion Prayers, Anthony Olinger recited sorne beautiful Meditations
~ile standing on_the loudspeaker platfQml. Then someone got lost
and was called over thetoud speaker to meet at a certain place. My
brother's wife's Mother had an awful cold, she was coughing terribly
and so again this night, no sleep. 1 prayed for her and others. About
4 a.m. the talking outside of the window quit and 1 could have gone
to sleep but knew l must get prepared for Father Heithaus so he could
say Mass. When Fred got up to milk, 1 also got up and George was
up, too. He said he couldn't sleep, but rested a little though. 1 started
to make coffee and oatmeal for the children. There was plenty of cake
and bread.
Father and Bob Broderick arrived at 6:30 a.m. and as soon as
everyone was ready we had Mass in our living room on the old writ­
ing desk. Those present for Mass were Mrs. Christianson, (mother of
my brother's wife Rose), my Mother (Mrs. Bieber), my brothers
Matthias and Richard, Richard's wife (Rose), George and Ann Van
Hoof (Fred's oldest brother), Oliver Trumm, Joanne, Fred and my­
self. Bob Broderick served for Father and all that couId reœived Holy
After Mass Bob said to me the crowd sure was getting larger right
along and thought it wouId be larger than August 15th. He thought
they were packed doser to the buildings, the fence was much c10ser
than on August 15th. They were over the garden, where they were
not on the 15th. By that time Father was ready to leave so they
left. Bob said that Father Kennedy would have a reporter here at the
phone to talk direct to him in Milwaukee. My brother heard it and
laughingly said, "To give a blow by blow description over the phone."
With that Bob said, ''1'11 be seeing you, Good Luck." "Thanks, God
Bless you," 1 answered. Everyone prepared to eat breakfast and the
children came down. "Oh Mom, look at aIl the people!" "Yes," 1 said,
"there'Il be more coming." Kenneth the baby, was too young, but
Donna 5 and Bob 7 couldn't understand aIl those people being there.
Joanne and 1 went out, after the children had eaten, with sorne
flowers and also took out Cecelia Boomer's beautiful Shrine and placed
it before the feet of Our Lady of Fatima's Statue. Our Lady of
Necedah would be right over it. It surely was a very beautiful Shrine
and 1 did not want anything to happen to it. Matt Haack was working
on an electric cord for the recorders. Bob and my brother Richard,
Father Scheetz and Ray Schelfhout were working to get set up for
the recorders.
Bob King came around the house to get me to identify someone
and as usual it was relatives of Fred's (Martin and Math Van Hoof
and families). 1 spoke with them for awhile in the back and then
noticed Father Val had arrived, so 1 spoke a few words with him.
Later Father Val and 1 joined Bernard and Bob King and we were
talking over by the barn. '
Juliet Hughes wanted to see me so 1 talked to her in my Mother's
car. 1 told her she would have to be with the rest of the relatives, as
she wanted to come into the house and also be with me at the Spot.
"Oh Juliet, you11 be close to Our Lady if you stand with the rest
of the relatives." My Spiritua] Director told me definitely not to permit
her at the Spot. In the absence of my Spiritual Director, Father Val
sa id the same. 1 guess the poor soul just couldn't understand why and
she cried; but orders were orders and 1 believe she was happy and
contented with the position she had afterwards.
Pictures again were taken and f10wers arrived steadily. Then
about 8:30 a.m. the voice over the loud speaker said for the people to
look ,lt the Sun. 1 had been in the hou se. as Hank Swan had broug:ht
my mail and 1 went to look. \Vhen 1 got out there Hank was near the
light post, so 1 went to him and said. "'Vhat is this. do you sel' any-
thing?" Hank answered, "Beek no. only the sun hurts my eyes." 1
tried to look, hut 1 couldn't even try for it hurt my eyes too and 1
couldn't sec anything either.
1 went back into the house. At the door 1 asked the Cop if he saw
anything, he said, "No." Although he said something seemed to be
happening according to the actions of the people. 1 went back in the
house. Olive Trullllll asked Ille if 1 saw anything. 1 said, "No."
Mary Fisher came and saiti there was someone to sel' me, a \11'.
Helaire and his sons from Canada and 1 was introduced to his sons,
who were fine looking boys. ~lr. Helaire repeated that he wouid
donate $.50,000.00 for the building of the Shrine and his boys would
help. 1 thanked hil11 and he made the remark about the Sun spinning,
that he also saw it. "Oh it sure is wonderful." 1 told him 1 couldn't
sel' it spin and thcir faces fell and 1 add(·d, "Weil, 1 don't need that ta
be shown." With this they Iaughed. "Oh yes, you sel' what we ail hope
to sel' some day." 1 told 1\11'. Helaire, "You will. You have done a lot for
Her Church, you'Il he rewarded." They then Idt.
1 had just retullled when Joanne said a Priest and Mrs. Ccdel
wanted ta sec me, sa 1 went out. It was Father Fortino from Michigan.
They \Vere here as Father had been given the privilege of Blessing the
Crown for Our Lady. 1 then took the Crown back into the house.
Father Hennely hom Michigan also was there, Father was losing
his sight and wanted prayers. 1 promised ta pray for him, but he must
rememher God's Will he done. l'Il ask our Lady to intercede for him
as 1 felt sorry for him. He was a \le~st, one muId feel it.

After speaking to the Priest, Joannt> (who was very sick this
morning) and 1 went out tQ Crown Our La.dy. 1 knew that 1 must get
ready for the noon hout, oh happy moments, this Glorious hourI A
lady frorn Stevens Point had made me a beautiful blue dress. It was

illY out an.d sorne thought 1 should put on il coat. "No," 1 said,
"Our Lady would not k,t me catch_wld..lfeeLsure_of mat. Joanne
as hefped-üp--5y-nob'ro<1eriCkto place the Crown on Our Lady.
Dr. Webster shook hands with me and talked ta me, also another man

whose oame 1 have forgotten. Anthony Olinger was leading th~ Rosary

at this point.

Every time 1 went out the cameras clicked. Father Scheetz came
in, there was sorne discussion about the recorders. Of course he under­
stood where they were supposed to be, but someone else was having
trouble. Father asked me if 1 thought LaCrosse would send a delega­
tion. He said, "They sure should." 1 told him 1 didn't know. He told
me how he met our new Priest, Father Simmons and how puzzled and
:rightened he was over a11 this; that he didn't know what to do. It
seemed onr Rectory was full of people as well as Priests telling Father
what to do, adding to the confusion. Father said he felt sorry for him.
er. Father went back out for 1 was caUed to the back. Sorne of
the nieces and nephews had arrived and 1 had to help them to get
through the gates. Then 1 went to Father Val who was talking to sorne
fellows and l ask~d Father if he saw anything. He said he did. He
saw or felt something was different when he was reading his Office
while sitting in his car. He looked up and he ('ould look the Sun in
the face, it was whirling rapidly. 1 could see that Father was emotion­
ally upset and very nervous over it. He walked into the house with me
then and said he was not worthy of this privilege. "WeIl, Father," 1
said, "that's not for us to say, look at myself, 1 sure am not worthy of
this great privilege either."
1 prepared to dress myself for nOCID, they helped me with my
hair. 1 put my new dress on and came out of the bedrocm and re­
ceived far too many compliments on how wonderful 1 looked. As it
was drawing close ta 12 ooon now, 1 said ta Father Val, "Will Father
Sig get here? 1 do hope so for 1 want to see him so badIy." 1 started
a Rosary on my Blue Rosary asking Our Lady to bring him as I needed
50 far, no LaCrosse investigators had arrivro, but 1 had heard
that Father Wagener and other Priests were spotted near our gate.
Father Eddv had arrived also and asked me if 1 could see Our Lord'lI
profile yet.I said 1 hadn't tried. He also stayed inside with me uutil
it was time ta go out. By this time (1 can't explain my feeling) 1 was
wishiIil! people would stop taIkin~ and leave me alone. 1 had gone
to the bedroom for awhile, but always someone wanted something,
so 1 left the room and stayed in the kitchen.
By now 1 had the strangest feeling, shaking and quivering a11
over. Oh, if Father would only come, when someone said, "Here he
is now." He was very nervous: Oh Father, 1 thought, you couldn't
get here, but Our Lady didn't let me down. He told how he thought
he would never get through. He gave me instructions and told us as
far as he knew LaCrosse didn't send anyone. He gave me his Bless­
ing and asked me to pray for him. 1 told him 1 would see him as soon
as 1 couId and with this he left. And now it was about time. Father
had helped me greatly, just his presence at this crucial time helped
greutly. "Thank You, Holy Mother, thank You."
Father being with me when 1 needed help and strength which
just his presence gave, seemed strange. This 1 have never told Father.
Father Val was with me, but at this point Our Lady seemed to show
me 1 needed the advice and guidance of my Spiritual Director. 1 knew
it was through Our Lady that Father came. So 1 tried to thank Her
by saying a few Hail Marys.
Suddenly there came the Blue Mist behind the four ash trees, then
floating over the tops of the trees to directly in front of them. As 1 went
thrbugh the door the Mist disappeared and there was Our Beautiful
Lady in the Most Glorious Light a11 around Her. Her arms were
extended as if She wanted me to walk into them and Her smile was
Just before seeing the Blue Mist 1 had been shaking so that my
teeth were chattering, not with cold, but with a feeling of expectation.
The moments of waitmg, tlle feeling of unworthiness when on~ould feel
( J!!e runnin~ away. oneTeels 50 unclean, 50 small. 11îere are no words to
expIain one s feeling, wonderin~ "Wfu mÛ"Again anchgmlfliat thought
would come to one's mind, an yet you do not run, but anxiously wait.
( The last few minutes seem like an hour, chills run down your spine while
waiting and praying. 1 noticed the Cops had opened a path to the Sacred
Spot for there was a crowd right up to the door.
But now the moment had arrived. Her beautiful smile draws one to
Il HecNow an shalOness leaves. A joyous, peaceful feeling, feeling onove,
yet still a feeling of fear and unworthiness cornes over one as you walk
towards Her. BJ:!t Her smile, 50 like a ma~et, draws you to Her. One has
no control, you just keep going.
"Oh Blessed Mother, Oh Blessed Mother." Hail Marys seem 50
weak. Then you are aware that YOll are standing before the Most Beauti-
1( fuIeaven
and Glorious Lad with beautiful Blue e es and the swe test
y sml e as S e 00 e own on me. Tllen S e 100 ed over the
people and smiled. She told me to give them Her Blessing with the
Good Friday Crucifix. 1 did as She asked. 1 made the Sign of the Cross
over the crowd of people turning ail around whlle saymg, "In.JI1e
( name of the Father and of the Son andorthe Holy Chost." 5he did

not look 50 sad this time as She spoke to me. Here 1 will try and de­
scribe Her to the best of my ability and recoBection.
Our Holy Mother was dressed in Blue as before, but this time
there was a large Rosary circled above Her. The circle was tilted, so
that it was hlgher dian Rer head in the front and lower in back. The
circle was much wider than Her shoulders. The Cross of the Rosary
hung down al t as far as Her left shoulder. The Medal of the
Rosary showe Our Lady 0 t. arme 0 mg t e rown ca u ar. )f3
The Cross and ~ e a were go m co Or. e ea s seeme ta e
about as big as basebaIIs. They seemed to be transparent, so that the
color that was behind them showed through. This color is hard to de­
scribe. lt was something like aB the colors of the rainbow and they
seemed ta be churning. Shooting out from the beads were rays of
( li.gnt. Thisllght gave each bead a large look so 1 am not sure of their
She said that many Rosaries were being said but that the United
States was far behind Canada in prayers. She Canada hlLd
1/ increased the Rosary and prayers 75 Rer cenUiQctiun~.J6th.
Then She gave me a Message for myself concerning my Spiritual
Adviser and Confessor. She also gave me a Message for my Bishop
and a Message concerning my final penance, which will take place at
a later date. But as She continued to speak Her facial expression be­
came more sad, so sad that it seemed Our-.tI~~1!!Y. MOJher was in tears,
but 1 coula see none. It makes one's heart sa heavy.
She said, "My Child, do not let con~n misguide you. Tell your
J Spiritual Director not to be misled, to be careful. Pray for him as he
needs prayers. Pray for ail PrieSfSand Religious. Ask others to do so."
%\ She gave me a Message for m Bisho thatlrjghtened me. !lwas)
very s em w S rI tene to glVe it to His Excellêncy, J&.t 1
knew l must do as Our Lady requeste . .
She told me the Church will be greatly ~rsecuted in 1951 un­
less we pray, pray, pray with love in our hearts for Cod. She said that
~js trying to work himself into man y good Christian people and will
succeed unless we go to the Sacraments regularly and pray with love and
She said that greed and jealousy between the roups of la men
(( working for this an ot er causes must stop at once. e sai , T is
is not true love of My Son and Me; y.!!u must humble yourselves."
"For iealousy, bidering, uncharitable friction leads to disobed­
ience, will harm this work. Remember, My Child, the people must live
C up to the Commandments, love thy neighbors, to be workers r)\
Chfdi{ T~l' It§fd." Here 1 couic! Feel a heavy weight an ressure, It
was èrJ e (fr 1 remembered the argument and disunity last night
by one of the COlTlInittee men.
Oh Blessed Mother, help them to understand, for as Our Lady
said, it' wouId harm the Cause and this depressed me. "My Child,"
Hel' words interrupted me and Hel' beautiful smile here gave me
strength. She showed and explained to me how She wanted the Shrine
bUilt on the sight of the Apparitions. She said to get a reHable man to
{ do the work. The Shrine must only be built with donated labor and
materia1. Where possible, every effort must be made to do as She
'J requested. The Saints to be made must be as natural as possible
\ 1 (Figures). While She spoke the Shrine was shown fO me; on the
East side it showed the Ten Commandments, starting from the en­
'1 trance; then the FOllfteen Stations or the Way of the Cross with the
Twelfth Station next to Our Lady's right arm which holds the Rosary.
The Sacred Spot is to be just the way 1 marked it with a glass
Il \ over it and up above this the statue of Our Lady of Necedah or the
Mediatrix of Peace. The West wall IS to have a large fifteen decaoe
Hosary wlth beads 5 to 6 inches in size and the Mysteries of the Rosary.
This determines the size of the Shrine, with the Crucifix at Our Lady's
left arm. Below the Crucifix is the Apostles Creed. The Medal is to he
'DUr Lady of Mount Carmel (showing the Brown Scapular).
At the front end ~ West side are to be Our Lady of[!::!l­
~S:-a;-le";tt':::e~,l OUI' Lady of \f~1 Our Lady off'ï::'ioâ:l then from the en­
tTance and around to t'Fi'ë"East side the Inhirit'of Prague Statue, St.
Therese Little Flower), and St. Francis of Assis:' OuiLady of Lipa
is to rep ace with Our Lady al Lourdes Statue, if by the time our
Shrine is built the Phillipines have not c!eansed and righted the wrang
Il they did, as Our Lady requested.
Oh how beautiful, to enter the Shrine, walk aIl around and know
more about your Religion when you walk out! There will be walking
( space between the Sacred Spot and the Altar. The windows are ta be
of the Apparitions, each one being a different scene.
The Shrine disappeared ancl Our Lady spoke saying, "The bllild­
ing of the Shrine will be entirely up to the people, if My Request of
Obedience, Penance, Sacraments, Sacrifices, the Rosary and above all
IIIchariot!), f(lith, love thy neighbor is followed through, and then will
the Shrine he huilt. lt must '!je earned by tnte devotion and effort."
(Bere She said something 1 am not adding.)
She then told me how frightened and confused our new Priest was.
Daily the confusion and fear was added by those coming in contact
( with him, instead of helping him they harm him. "Pray, Child, Way)\
v~ry much for your young Parish..&iest, that he wilrnot break under
the strain, as aU tllis is too sudden. He will not be with you long."
"My Child, the Canadian peav.le have spared YOll the greater
Penance, there are many devout people there, but ir:....:0me sec.!i0ns
much, much pra!Ler is...needed. My Child, remember them always in
prayer, yes pray for them." Atthis moment 1 felt so .strange, but Our
Lady's voice interrupted this feeling.
"My Child, (here She smiled so beautiful, or 1 believe after what
followed 1 would have been scued), after November 12th, your Pen­
ance will start every Friday until Christmas and again in Lent. This
Sut erin will be great and at times lOi Sunday." She told
me to 0 up my 00 ri ay Crucifix and also my Rosary, which
She touched with the Crucifix of Her Rosary.
Then She told me something concerning myself. "My Child, 1 have
warned you before, but from toda" on 11014 will he in ~er, you will
be threatened, the Enemy would like to close your mout toreverand
lli those that have made mistakes will t'Y to keep ëou q,uiet. Be careful
at aIl times. Go to your Spiritual Director for uidance. Child, you
I( must never 0 with a stran er or eat with them, if with a ~up eat \\\)
'j onl :tkgiven to you y a person l/O~OW, 0therwiSeâo !!Qt eat.
No matter how embarrassing this might he, obedience must aftvays be
followed through. Go away for a week .and try to rest, go only with
soweO?Je you..trost·.a.nd..,fa~h:-~' (In my mind 1 thoughf~ilier
( Ys!.1.)Yes, Mtl Child.

"You will have to depend on the Chosen One to proteet Vou, that

is the wishes of your Spiritual Director:)'ra or the Chosen One very

( much or he will need mG Y-..1!IQ11§rs." Here 1 di non<now-wt\Ot)ur

La y referred to.
"My Child, November 12th 1 will be with you and 1 (lsk that the
Spiritual Director be with Yot/ or his confessor who seems to show so
much concern, if possible be with you. Pray much for him." Then She
oirected me to speak to the people as folJows:
"My dear children: 1 (lm the Queen of the Hall) Rosary, Medilltrix
of Peace."
"This is the battle of Peace for all of ~ou. Prayer, My deor child­
ren, wlU f'.mng you Peace. Grills rotfl orilynng destrl/ction."
"Your sons are dying on the battlefields now becat/se of l.(lek of
prayer, lack of faith in My Son and God. fou have no love for MYlfl
1\1)50". You mock Him. You disobel) Him. Love is forgottetl for Cod If
JJI You... love yomselves."
"By Christmas, many of Ijou here will have heavy hearts and
d(!n'(,Ijlan/{! (lnyol1e-hllf yourself. For God lov('.\' .vOl/, Imf you don'f love
"The year 1951 will be a. sad year unless IjOti pray, pralj and pray
hard, devoutly. You !/tust pray the Rosary. You '//Lust pray it every
day. The Rosary is your weapon. Not guns and bullets, but the Rosary.
Sa pray, dear children, pray. Save those sons dying out there on the
battlefields now for lack of your faith."
"This Comlllunity here is the calise of losiag thei,. beloved Pm·tor,
because they did not pray enough. Prayer only, r.dll win /jour Peace."
''Ta ail Sisters and Priests and la/jmen and M inisters of Cod:
teach the children and yol./l' Flock ta pray. Clean out those Schools.
You haven't tried very hard. Corrtl]>tion is growing in your Schools."
"~ Eneml/ of Gad is not sleeping, My children, he is might/j

)} powerful. H e is workin~ W!MI Satan. You doJl'L1ume-lQJJ.g ihis time

ta make up your mmds.'

nUlle the Way of the Cross. My Son was crucified for YOllr sins. But
( you forget it. My Son was scourged at the fil/ar, the blood coming down.
His pecioHS blood was aU over, bta you forget it."
''The almighty dollar is /jour Gad. Forget the almight/j dollar!
And remember this Cross with the Crucifixion of your Lord upon it.
He died for you. Now remember Him."
"To ail Priests: Don't be in a hurry ta say your Mass; take /jour
time. Remember the Lord hung three hours in Agon/j."
"There are a few among Ihis cruwd rhal are Iryil1g 10 ri/le Your]
neighbor's pockets. You can't hide those things. Put it back. You can't
( hide trom the eyes of Cod. It's about time 1)011 ail woke 1Ip ta 11iëfcict
that Gad can see ail."
"Bless you, My children, for the Rosaries /jOU have sent up here.
But there must be man/j more said!"
"The Ministers of Gad should be ministers of Cod and teach
( their Flocks ta abide b/j their rules of their Church and remember
their Gad and the \Vay of the Cross."
"And the Catholics: Your greatest wea120n is your Rosary, the
( Sacraments dail/j-not once a ljear."
"Remember Gad, the Father, the Son and the Holy Chost. He
is mighty powerful."
"Your time, My dear children, is ver/j short. You have no one to
blame but YOllrself. Don't blame /jour neighbor. Blame yourselves."
"Don't neglect your children, leave them run wild. Be mothers

ta them and fathers, for thel) are the futllre.Jbe children are.... the

l innocent ~ l l . "

"The War is not ceasittg. It's (1111) a lull. Your boys are dying, no
as in warfare but in brutality. Twentu rhousands of your sons have/lIn
lost their /ives. Wh/j? Account of lack of prayers, account of lack of fiJf

love for My Son. You can't bring back their lives, but Vou could have
saved their liues by getting on your knees and praying. Prayer only,
my dear children, will save you."
"Pray the Rosary! That's the only weapon. The Enemy is power­
fuI and is ready ta pounce IIpon you. The clouds are gathering close
to the Americas right now. And when it cames it will be tao late ta
go 0/1 your knees. !Vou; is the time. Now, not tomorrow. We have no
time. YOLI have no time. So ]J'ay, pray and pray hard and devoutly,
not only with your lips but with your hearts."
"Those of vou that are sick, have faith. Faith only will get the
(//ISWerS to your ]J'ayers."
"1 haue wamed Vou at Fatima, 1 have warned Vou at Lipa. 1 have
wamed YOI.I at LaSalette. But do Vou heed Me? No. You tum your
backs upon iHe. This is My last u;aming to Vou note. Prayel'S, prayel'S,
My children, prayers only."
"When the Enemy of Gad cames dou.m with his destrtlction you
will scream but it will be tao late."
"Stop your mockery of 0111' Lord. Stop it! You must love Gad,
not mock lIim. How do you »Jock Him? By disobeying your Com­
mandments, by forgetting the Way of the Cross, the Crucifixion, the
Scourging. That's how you mock Him, with blasphemy!"
"My Son loves Vou. But Vou do not lOue Him. Some of YOLl do,
yeso Some are very deuoted people. We shollid all be happy people.
But you can't be happy unless YOtl love Gad."
"The Priests that ,'n Ml A arilions at ~ (Li'Î-J!.
and other p aces are onlu hurtina. themselves. They'Il pay for it when

( it's t?,o late. The Ministers of God that are sneering will face the same
"You must stop this contimlOus quarreling hetween religions.
Jelliouslj, greed, hatred, love for the alTinghty dollar, WIll WlfrYOU
nothing but sorrow, destrtlction and martyrdom for the Christians, for
l(the ailes that lOue My Son. Sa J say agarn pray, pray and pray hard
and deuoutly."
"Pope Pius the XIl's life is in much danger. And YOll are ta
blame. You must save Mm with your prayers. You will he lost witliollt
~~~~" ­
"Don't tust say, 'It's awful', when things dOlÙ go rit'ht .hut do
s,omethin{!, about il, not by trying ta outwit your neighbor'; who cali
geti'Fiebest car;JJnl.y-hJJ-wh.o COll do the most Rosaries a day."
"So remember !J0llr Rosary and the Way of the Cross."
(End of Message spoken over the microphone.)
Crowd gathering in the morning at the Van Hoof farm
for the October 7, 1950 Apparition

Overcrowded Parish Church, Necedah, Wisconsin

October 7, i 950, Morning Mass

Place of Apparition, Oct. 7, 1950, looking south about 10: 00 a.m.

Place of Apparition, Oct. 7, 1950, looking north over crowd.

Note acres of parked cars in the background.

Place of Apparition and the Van Hoof Home, Oct. 7, 1950

Mrs. Van Hoof at Place of Apparition, 12:00 noon, Oct. 7, 1950

Mrs. Van Hoof blessing the crowd with the Good Friday

Crucifix as instructed by the Blessed Mother, Oct. 7, 1950

Mrs. Van Hoof holding up the Good Friday Crucifix on Oct. 7, 1950
as she repeated the closing words of the Message from the Blessed virgin
Mary to the crowd of approximately 100,000:
"So remember your Rosary and the Way of the Cross"
Mrs. Van Roof collapses after giving the Message from the Blessed

Virgin Mary on October 7, 1950

Mrs. Van Roof is helped into the house. Man in background with
camera and riding breeches is Fr. Heithaus.
Then She told me to go to my Spiritual Adviser for advice, and
She said She would be with me on aIl the Anniversary Days of Her
previous Apparitions and also on Trinity Sunday.
\' { She said: "My Chi1f!, the persecution will be severe and hard-!o
- beaT, but be not a/raid.
"Bless you, My child," She said, and with this She slowly went up
and was gone. 1 watched Her rise slowly, the feeling of Joy and hap-
piness that one feels in the beginning of Our Lady's Visit is missing
after you see Our Heavenly Mother, Queen of Heaven and earth so
sad. No smile now. When She leaves, one feeIs like reaching out after
Her, to help Her, The sadness engulfs one, you feel 50 strange like he-
ing crushed. You're unclean, you feel 50 helpless, 50 worthless.
Here 1 was told 1 passed out, for 1 do remember someone helping
me toward the house. It was Len Schmitt and Fred. 1 heard murmurs
of people around me and heard Father vars voice and again passed
out right in the doorway. Olive Tmmm a close friend of Father
Heithaus, Fred and Father Val were the first people 1 saw when 1
came to. They helped me to the bedroom. Father Eddy, Father Val
and Olive Trumm stayed with me. 1 had a severe ~inking feeling after
that. 1 couldn't understand why 1 could not get a better hold of my-
self. After a while 1 sat up and Father Eddy asked me if Our Lad
had a Message for him. It seemed he was informed by someone that
1 would give him a Message. When 1 toid him no, he looked so dis-
appointed, his anxious face just dropped, 1 couId feel the change in
him, 1 felt sorry for him and very disappointed. 1 threw my disap-
pointment aside and prayed for him. 1 thought, "Oh Father, you have
a lot to learn and much to overcome, to be more humble,"
Olive Trumm then interrupted my thoughts, asking if it would
be ail right for her to take my lapel Rosary along to Milwaukee and
have it fixed because when 1 fell in the hallway by the kitchen the
clasp broke. 1 told her that would he fine (she did have it fixed and
1 still have it). Olive asked if it would be aIl right to have someone
she knew who couId fix the seal skin coat that Joe Markoe had given
me it had belonged to his mother who had died in late spring. The
cuffs on the sleeves were too tight, this was taken care of later. She
then asked if 1 wanted something to eat. 1 saîd no, but she insisted
and they brought me sorne cold orange juice to drink. Then Mary
Fisher came in and said Cecilia Boomer would like to have her Shrine
again. Mother and my brothers ail seemed so concemed about me.
1 told them 1 would he aIl right. 1 knew something was not right be·
cause 1 should not feel 50 strange. 1 should he snapping out of it, but
1 couId not.
Then someone came and asked if it would be aIl right for Father
LaPlante from Canada to come in. He talked to the folks in the
kitchen and 1 told them it wouId be ail right. 1 had ta do most of the
talking and didn't know how much 1 could say. 1 told him Canada is
far ahead with Rosaries and pra yers , ahead of the United States. 1 am
very thankflll for Canada 1 told hirll. He told me he put one of these
(in his hand he had several Laùy of the Cape stickers) on the doar.
Then he gave me the ones he had left and 1 thanked him. He told me
before he came that he had secn Fatller Dominic in the hospital and
also mentioned the article the)' had against :vlarytown in one of our
Catholic Papers. "Yes, 1 know, Fathcr, 1 know a lot about Father
Dominic, much merl' than people think 1 know. Father DgmiHi~
wQIlderfu.l Priest, we need more like him." Father told uS what he)
hod seen in Blue Mantie of Our Lad , Om Lad 's outline.
He was so nervous, great beads of perspiration were on is ore l'ad.
He said, "There's a lot 1 wouId like ta ask, but 1 can't." "Yes, Father, 1
notice." With that he left and sa id he was glad and felt so honored
and privileged to have met me (1 had introduced him ta Father Val).
Here again, why should everyone feel so privileged to rneet me?
.1 coulcl not llnderstand it. After Father left, 1 told Father Val that 1
\Vas to go \Vith someone 1 trusted and rest. Immediately it was agreed
upon to go \Vith him to \tilwallkee. About 3:30 p.m. 1 felt strong
l:nough to go out into the kitchen, where 1 had a cup of coffee and
Father went IIptOWI1.
Mv brothers left for home with Hose's relations, for her mother

was not feeling tao weil because of the severe cough she had. Oh,

the)' askecl a lot of questions, but someone said, "Let her alone, she

neecls rest Ilot questioning. She'll tell us of her own accord." 1 don't

remember who sa id this.

Then 1 was told that 1 had fallen on the Sacred Spot right into )
a bunch of Statues belonging to my relations, only one was damagçd
and everyane thought that they shollld ail be broken. A Dr. We6ster
seemed concerned, sa he asked how 1 was, they assured him 1 was
ail right.
Later that evening abOlit 7 o'clock Father came ta pick me IIp
with ward that no one was ta know where 1 went because 1 needed
the rest. Mom, Clara and Joanne said they would take care of things,
for me not ta worry. When will 1 be back? "1 really clon't know, prob­
ably next Saturday."
1 had been told that the Herald Citizen Catholic Press had one of
its men giving Father Franklin Kennedy ail the events as they hap­
pened over the telephone. The phone was next to the doo)' facing .tbe
Sacred Spot. He told Father of my fall on the floar as 1 fell right be­
hind him. He was on the phone for one haUT and a half. Father taid
me afterwards, he knew things quicker th an If he had been there
back in the crowd, becallse his Illan had a 'very gond view ()~S
from the doorway. That was one of the reasons they were anxious ta
Chave a phone put into our house.
Fred said 1 should try to get rest, not ta write up today's work.
1 told him 1 didn't think 1 would. FatherVal and 1 went up to Father
Kennedy's house where Bob, Jenny Brodèrick, Father H~us and
OIi\rë'"Tt!:![!.Im were also getting ready tog<>back ta Milwaukee. Olive
Trumm rode back with us and 1 later found out Father Heithaus had
suggested il. We left about 8 p.m. for Milwaukee.
On the way to Milwaukee we ran into an awful rain storm, so
bad we had to go very slow as the visibility was zerO. Olive Trumm
Il did a lot of talking. 1 talked very little as 1 still had this strange feel­
ing and alsb abdominal pains. 1 do not recallif we stoppëd at Water­
town or Columbus for sorne pills for Olive as she claimed she had
pains. 1 ~ was wrong with her because 1 had such a
( strange feeling. Olive did become very nervous during t6e electrical
storm. 1 started a Rosary for guidance and protection.
During this period my feeling of Our Lady's presence left, but
this other feeling prevailed. 1 later received my answer for this, which
1 will write later in my story. We rook Olive home and Father took me
to his friend's home. About Il :30 p.m. we again had coffee and re­
tired. 1 thanked Our Holy Mother for such a Clorious Day and asked
Her why 1 had this strange feeling yet, what was She trying totell me?
1 know She said many tests will Deglven~-was thls another test? Q"Oh
Holy Mother, help me ta understand." 1 then said a Rosary, don't know
how 1 ever finishea it. It sure was a Glonous Day and 1 was very tired.

After coming back from Milwaukee, where 1 had gone on busi­
ness, and because 1 needed the change (after a11 that had happened
this past summer), Clara brought me up to date on what happened
while 1 was gone. She told me of the different things Pilgrirns said
they saw, such as the sun changing colot and the spinning of the sun.
Sorne said they saw a golden stairway leading to Heaven, others saw
the face of a dock and a large Rosary. Several saw Our Lady in Blue.
SQ mallY saw different things, and what a change it made in their lives.
Their Rosa and ra ers now have a eater meaning. Their desire to
atten Mass an receive Holy Communion . y and the interest jn
Catholic Action Work has become very pronounced. The reports that
came in of Spiritual cures were the things that counted most to me.
Joe Markoe came out and told me of the different people he had
met in the restaurant and of the cures and what they saw. He told me
that he would have to go back ta St. Paul, Minnesota and how he
dreaded it. He would rather stav here because Necedah gid so much
for him. Yes, flllougnTro myseIi, "you poor boy" for 1 knew tao if he
wèiitback into his olcl environment it wouid he vefi- difficult for
while he was here he was like a new person. He di@ t kriow 1 5new
( his trouble, 1 never told him~lt it was better that way. But 1 did
pra}'furhîrnvery' mucn:-He said he missed daily Mass and Commun­
ion, as we still didn't have a Priest here at Necedah. Father Robert
Agnew from New Lisbon was helpiug out, he was a good Priest but
had a difficult time in his Parish as he was the first resident Priest
there. Before he came it was a Mission Parish out of Camp Douglas.
1 liked Father, he was devout and very sincere.
1 had hoped that while ~ was in Milwaukee, he wouid have a
chance for a job, but it didn't work out that way. He said he wOllld
go back and try again.
Joe Bolinski came out and asked if the work he had done for me
had been satisfactory. "Oh yes," 1 said. He asked if there was any­
thing else that he could do as he too would like to star at Necedah.
He had also given sorne thought to gomg to Mar~n-!Q become_a
( brother. 1 told him to go and see Father Dominic, of course Fatner
')ominic was sick at this time with cancer.
The next day Paul Toner wrote and tald me of the experiences he
Ihad with someone in Milwaukee while there. This very persan toid me
1j lies and tales abOlit Clara. 1 knew wbat the person wanted was me
didn't I? Weil, it's no use crying over spilt milk. L~l promised to re­

turn it as soon as things changed. Later 1 learned that he put it on

( the grounds of the St Clara's Home for Working Girls. Wbeu l heard

this 1 said: "Good bye, Lady, You'll never come back to Necedah."

lt was Sunday and the First Anniversary of a year aga (SWembti

~ 1949) ans] 1 {elt so..stl.oange aU day. Cll1ra came after Malis to talk 10
.~' people. Mrs. Henry Kurtzweil had made a Rosary of red roses
I(to put on Our Lady's Statue. Oh, she was 50 disap~iDted when she
dis,covered the Statue \Vas gone. This HC)sary we ~.w.g in Il1e f~ur ))}
Ash n'ees and around 5 p.m. 1 asked )oal1ne to bril1g it in before it
would freeze. 1 hung it in the liVlllg rOOIl1 over the SorrowfuJ M-other
picture onthe west v/ali right off the small hall.
It was verv difficult for me to explain to Mrs. Kurtz\vei1. She cried
and looked as if 5Omeone sla~)ped her across the face. ~bc-kep.~tjng
''They eouldn't, they eoulè:t dO.-1ha t."
SA many came thnt day, Mother talked to sorne, so did Joanne,
Clara and rnyself. Oh hoy, the stories that started to circulate, even
had me in an asylum. They questioned me if Bishop Treacy had corne
out in· persan and ordered cverything removed. and the gate boarded
shut. There was everv kind of storv thev could think of. In the evc­
oing things quieted down. Theo CI~ra lefl with some people 'for home.
Axouml 7 :30 p. m. Father arriH~d and adec1 very ncrvous and
strange. 1 told him of our afternoon experience and showed him the
fJower Hosary. Fred left us alone to talk and he fell asleep for he was
very tired. These were very trying days for ail of us. 1 had a few tbings
1 wanted ta cliscuss with Father when IH' informecl me he had to leave
because he had Art Swan out in the car and they were going ta Maus­
ton ta a movie. Oh Father, 1 thought you were to be here tonight.
1 knew what happened to him in May and 1 believe he thought of the
same thing, for great big beads of perspiration stood out on his fore­
head. He then gave me his Blessing and left. 1 folt sa bad and thought,
"Father, how ean you do it?" 1 asked Our Ladv ta help him with a
better understanding of the Cause and to lessen his fcar.
1 felt very upset as the dock ticked closer to the hour. At 9:30
p.m. Fl;ed came out in the kitchen and said, "Where's Father'?" "Oh,"
1 said, "he left with Art Swan for Mauston to sec a movie. A movie at
a time like this!" Fred was sa di~gusted, "What's the matter. with him?"
1 said. "Honey, he doesn't understand, he's afraid, you should have seen
the big beads of perspiration on his forehead and it sure was not hot
in the house. 1 tried ta expIai\) to Fred but he had ta go outside for
wood ta fire up the heater.
1 took my Blue Rosary and started ta pray and hoped Fred woult!
come iuto the room with me, but he didn't, he stayed in the kitchen.
1 was in the living roum, 1 didn't really know where to expect Our
Lady, so 1 prayed and watched the Sacred Spot wondering if She
might come out there. Then 1 heard a strange sound behind me in the
hall. and 1 saw a brilliant Iight.

"Your Perumce for your Commur~ity starts Friday for live Fridays,
Saturdays and Sundo.ys. Thel'f: will he suffering of the Wounds of
My Son, Thy Lord. There w1(/ he hodii harm dane ta you, you must}lll
b~ careful. Satan is very angry, mlgrier thon ever e ore, fi ve
ben' man!! knees in prayer."
Child. remember Obedience ta Me at ail fimes, no matter )J
llf wha~"My
is said or dgne. Cive out onliTMy Message ta the peopl~t
inteqn=et anJLQLit, control your temper, patience and humility. Your
heartache the Iast two days is a Test of peneverance, there is much
more to foUaw. Your Priest needs you, pray for him, do not fail him.
His persecution will he great. Bath ot~ace muc.'iLpersecution
with taise statements hllrled against oth of you and thosecwse ta
"Jealousy. mockery, they will aiso t'Y ta throw you a~ainst each ltl
other, remember, My Child, he fJTm in yallr belJêf, hâveaitlî. 'Pray, Jlij
pray also for Priest who is dear to bath of you, whose birthday is fada!}.
[ the stron~er one "elp tOith the weaker."
"My Child, for an extra penallce, go out dailtt te the Sacred Spot,)
110 matter hou; cohl. miH (JI SHOW, !l1lfiL.1l1Ji_ May Am1Îllcr.mries.. Ye~,
1( My Child, t Ott are ail a/one. Pray and !l01/ shall {i'nd Peace, -reacn Me
the ., . san ma e 1/1 Illy !W I! 01'. Bless Vou, My C/tild, mâke thy­
sc f Ivorlliy for My Son, sm 0 dm, 'lesl/s, l love Y QU'." ~
With this She was gonc. J hJlli1d myself alonc" kneeling in the
doorway. To explain mv feelings i~ imp05sibie. Your dH:'st is filled
with 0 and Ha Jiness, but vou [eel vourself in tears. FOllflct 1 still hdd
t e osaI')' made 0 re roses in my an•. 1 \'I.'ondercd how this Rosary ever
reache<! into the hallway from whert' it '"vas hanging, for il barelv reached
me where 1 was kneeling, but knew it had stretched right (0 Our Lady,
which puzzled me very much.
A disturbancc in the kitchen attracted my attention. Fred was
coming my way so 1 got to my {eet. He asked me if She was here.
"Yes," 1 said. 1 ùidu't say much as 1 \Vas too filled up. He didn't press
me as he has al ways been very considerate at these times, He prepared
for bed while 1 walked back to the living room and looked towards the
l'rees and prayed a Bosary in thanksgiving for such a wonderful
Heavenly evening. Oh BJessed Mother, ta be sa kind and wonderful ta
one so unworthy. One feels so sma!l, so like a worm. but there is a
feeling of Peace and Joy l1ntil vou realize yom pCélceful feeling must
be interrunted. that the world affairs are.. a sarry mess, that Our Lady
pleads with us to save ourselves from the evil forces and destruction,
both spiritually and materially.
The evening of St. Nicholas after our family Bosary 1 gave the
family a little treat in honor of St. Nicholas, when the telephone inter­
rupted the family gathering (for if was a long distance cali). A yer­
son From Ohio wanted to know about the great ha'ppenings that were
to take place at Necedah on Decen.l ber 8th. 1 said 1 knew nothing of
it and if the)' received such a message it did not-come trom he'r€'I
had no message of this kllld. î es, l dJd expcct Our Heavenly Mother
( to be with me, but had received no advance information. This ~y
said they we~ttillg il bus IQad_.:J_nd several cars. to come butthey
were worried abOlit the weather. 1 advised them not to come under
those circumstances, especially if the)' were expecting big miracles.
Yes, 1 expected Our Lady but no ~'Iiracle;, \Vere promised. The Qgcisjon
wotÙd be li to thcm but ln 1 advice was no. They thanked me. The
person surely was very con llsed and it was very difficult ta explain
over the phone. Joal1lH' and Fred couIc! not understand ail this excite­
ment and over what.
The next mornino, Dceember 7th, a caB came from... Milwaukee
askina me about the 81h. 1 told him there was no promise of miracles
and f knew nothing about il. A reporter called from Milwaukee also,
asking about this, Then a cali from Chicago. J said "What is this?"
A caB came from Appleton. Ali 1 could say was no.
1 had received a caJ] from New York the evening of December 5th
from a Group coming from there who wondered if l couId give them
a promise of things which would actually happen. 1 told them again
that 1 knew nothing of this, besides it was aIl up to Ou!, Lady. 1 knew
nothing and had nO promise. My advice was for them not to come on
( account of the wioter and weather conditions. If they wished to coIl}e
otherw' could do so, and it would beUtO-tlïe elltirely. 1
COu d not advise anyone on . matter. After angmg up the receiver,
(tht' connections bad been poor) ] wondered who startecl it ail. 1 had
1\!l big hunch which 1 later found ouf was correct.
Now, going back to the moming of December 7th, Hank Swan drove
out to the farm and asked me about this. 1 toId Hank that the caUs
were ~porters and peoI!le who wanted ta know If tIiey
shoû1d. come and were Miracles promised. He told me he had those
kiod of calls too. 1 told him again there was no promise of any Bnd.
AlrrKiiëwwas that Our Lady said She would be with me. We dis­
cussed the ones res onsible for this. The sad art i e blamed
~. It would again ta e away from the Cause bX jealous rf9
ple. They
mean weIl, 1 suppose. Other things were discussed then ank left for
uptown. Hank was very upset over an the confusion which had been
One of our business men from town came out, he too asked me
about this. This man told me how excited and happy Stanley Schulz
was today. He was tening people he would be with Our Blessed
Mother, that She was coming again tomorrow. This party said it was
strange how happy Stanley was. "Oh," 1 said, "Stanley is a swell
ellow." Necedah should have more like him. He wouldn't hurt any­
one, help yes, but not hurt anyone. We then spoke of the weather
report, as it looked like a terrible blizzard was headed our way. 1
asked him to tell people what 1 told him.
RJll2-QI:ts....came tbroJlgb about the crowd that was comin~. The sky
looked dark and the warning of a snow storm seemed inevitable.l!
( was starting to snow already. Ali 1 coulO<IO was to ask Our Lady to
proteCfThose pëople who wOtÙd be braving the storm, help them if it
was Her will, that they should come, help them that nothing happened
to them and they would arrive here safely.

1 heard a sÎ1rill train whistle blo\Ving ill the village on the \1il­
waukee Hoad track. It \Vas the miJllight passenger train comin~ from
IIp North and going to New Lishon. About three times it interrupted
illY prayers and 1 tllrned completely around facing Necedah. 1 reJ~-
her the lights of Nccedah seemed stran re, the 1 had such a weird color,
l-anrt ear e ram an IS (Istlll" )t'( me as \III' lV shollld 1 let a

( .train whist le oistrad me f~om Ill~' prayer.s. 1 tur.ned a~om.ld an~ askeo
Our Holy \10ther to fOIï.(IW· me for lettlllg a sImple tram whlstle Oll
the railroad track in the village c1istract Ille. The trains usually ncver
distracted me and the Chicago anJ ;'\Jmthweslern track was oilly a Fe\-\'
feet a\Vay. Il gave lnt' such a dislurhed feeling as Ihis nevt'r happs:ut'ù
( !>cfore. Why ;hould it tonight. 01 ail nights') 1 asked Our Lady again
to (t'ad me to my 81tH> Hosar~'.

! stayed praying, and prayed for those who worked so hard for
liS, fhe thought of Earl, Hank, Harold and Stanley came before nw,
for they ail did help the Cause (some more than others). 1 thought of
the remark Stanley had made about heillg with Om Lady. 1 kne\\'
it was after midnight, so 1 said, "Dear Lady, 1 do hope Stanley's wish
will come true." 1 started to 'et u~, to ~ iuto the house whelL j
noticed 1 was ail COvere \Vit SIIO\V. 1 brushed it oH. got IIp and weill
ii'ffOthe hous/:', \Iy legs and kneps \Ven> snaking ",/:'t. so 1 illlllledialt'Iy
wellt to hed, for 1 was chilly.

The uext morniug, oh boy" the snow! Could we get tn t\lass'~

Il sure didn't look like it. Fred ha~n out shoveling. He came in
anô tald me about the accident uptown. Stanley Sçblllz had heen
killed, Charles Morvak and Frank Bagnowski wei:eDadly iojur~d but
( Carl \Jlucha """WâSn't hmt only sfiat<en up some, ï'nayhe se)Joe slight
in jury , Bernard was u}) and told liS how the men thought they were in NI
the ath of the tram as there \Vas a curve, but backed right inta the \1
train, Stanley got t e u oree 0 t e impact, It sure made me [ec!
strallge. 1 said ta Fred, "Those poor kids and Stella," hut s.omehow 1
didn't feel too sorrv for Stanley. Yes, 1 feH bad that such a nice fello\\'
lost his life and was needed by his children, bllt my heart went out tn
those poor little kiddies and then 1 thought of poor grandllla amI
grandpa Schlllz as we caIled them. She is such a dear old lady,

Th/:'n my thoughts w/:'re interrupted by Joanlle, Ho\V are w(' goil,g

to \ 1ass? "1 don 't know. 1 a III gOill~ to get ITad\' to "'al k," Theil 1
thollght of lm' BIlle Bmun'. "Oh. Blt'ssed \lotllt'T. plpast' it has 1>l'l'l1
\ three weeh to<iay since 1 lost it and 1 must 1J<1\'e it.-~~!!i.ght "hell \(1I1
come, Please. Lach'. show Ille where it ïs:--~ strikin\! 111\ !l;llld
aJong illY skir!. 1 fl:'Ït a Bosan', 1 jlulled the HOS'ln' Ollt think'illg ;\s 1 did
so. lIO'" what Hosary can this he') Tn lm' startlt'd ('\'t'S. it \\W; Ill\' Hlllt' lJ
Olll·t 1 r;111 to the dom and told Fl'Pd and the boys. Th('\' Wl'rt' sll(J\('lill\!
;W", ;nlll pushing tlw (';\1' hllt it lookt'd hopei(·ss, '

Fred came in and just then Hank and Susan arrived. He brought
a package someone who eame off the early train had sent. 1 wondered
if we could get out. He told us to hop in and he'd take liS. So Joanne,
Fred, Freddie, Hichanl and l went in Hank's car. He took us te \1ass
allt! hrought us hae).;.
\Vhl:'n we came ha<:k from \ lass a number of people and a bus
load had arri"ed From Portage. There were other cars, sorne from
Iowa, Chicago, \lilwaukee, Appleton and sorne people on the trains.
1 had Iward that John Dohn was in town with Bob Broderick but so
far !lnd seell llothm~ of them. A Ferd Neihaus and Joe Budai came
lrom Cincinnati. Joe came because of ail this confusion, he also brought
SOlOl" pictures he had taken on October 7th. They were very nice pi(.··
lires and among them he had a picture of the sun spinning, also of
u rose petaI. Ile told me that .Ioe Engel had ealled him in Cincinnati,
that they had started at once and had sllch a time gettin~ here. He
believed the Old Boy tried to stop them, but Our Blessed Mother
wanted them here and that was the olily reason they got here. Ac·
cording to his story they had quite an experience.
J explained ail of the cOnfusion to the best of my ability, and it
wasn't easy. Joe was ail excited, and people kept coming. 1 noticed
C.B. outside, some had wond< l'l'cl if she would come. She had come
yesterday on the afternoon train and she stayed overnight with M. MC.
lI.lOk came back to the farm with someone that had come in on the
carly train. He had a few words with JOt:' and Ferd, then left for the
village. He said his wrecker was on the go ail night long and that he
hardi y had any sleep at aIl. Many of the Pilgrims that came into the
village had heard of the train accident and felt 50 sorry for the
A dear friend From Appleton arrived, a Mrs. Carroll, who told of
the difficult time they had getting here. She had for years had a dif·
ficult time with her knees and this day she was cured, as she later
told me. She had done a lot for charity and had done much for the
callse here. She had paid for a fifteen minute radio pro~ram for il
whole year 50 the Rosary could be said, which ail answered Our Holy
\lother's Requests. .

Our Lady had let her down. She did corne ioto the house ta wann
up and as 1 was tald by my Spiritual Directûr to have nothing la do
with her, 1 only greeted her and continued to make dinner. 1 suppose
sbe Felt unwelcorne and left. 1 only did as my Spiritual Director Dad

After dinner Clara came and said LHobii~oderiâ) had arnved and
wished to see me. He carne into the house the baê1i: way. Bob looked
50 white and sbaky. Why, that man just SbOOR, bis teeth chattered
an it wasn't from the cold as 1 k...,ew. The reason \Vas !bat he was be­
~two-faced im. Oh tbe poor e OW,
the ohiy 'thmg 1 could do was feel seny for the poor soul who was sc
frightened. He \Vas a pitiful sight. 1 didn't say anything to him. 1
listened to what he had to say, tlie..n toM him 1 had nothin.g to do with
( this C.B. deal. 1 never knew the person. it seemëd everyone else was
taken ID 61 her. 1 did tell Bob how 1 had found my Rosary after losing
it and he was glad ta hear this. 1 asked how Jenny was. He said she
was still working on the same job and she was coming along nne. 1
then told him 1 was going to Jet him know what bappens, as 1 was going
to caIl them as soon as 1 could after Our Lady's visit. 1 told bim 1
hoped Our La~w0;Uld enlighten us .9IJthis confusion. With this Bob
shook hands an wlshed him and Jenny a Merry Christmas.

had asked Clara ta stay in the room with me, which she did.
Kat!!w..B. was freezing outside and we finally got ber to come in ta
warm berself, whieh sne didn't want ta do. ailier ~ple came in to
get warm and then left, finally everyone was gone. It sure had been
an exciting day with the Sun spinning according ta reports. Rosaries
changed color, and cures. But one thing G.B. had said did come true,
t that was the severe snow storm story. It was piled up high in drifts
and was wet and heavy.

Here are parts of G. B:s story as 1 remember il. There would

be a terrible snow storm, but in spite of this severe storm there would
he thousands of people braving it ta see the Miracle. That at the
Sacred Spot itself there would be no snow, but the grass would be
green. There would he signs in the sky for everyone to see, that even
the blind could see. My Bishop would he very sick and he would
come here, go down on his kaees and ask me for help. 1 would put
my hand on his head and he wouId he cured. He would he a well
man and from this moment he would proclaim NecOOah's authenticity.
1 wrot~I!!Y_B.ishÇ>.R and_toI im ew nothin of aIl this 1 never
had seeo the woman hefore. It was through my piritual Director's
Confes5Or who sent her clown here on December 1st with a Ietter ta
Hank Swan who was ta read this letter ta me and it would he aIl
right for me to see this woman. She said Our Lady wantOO her to
work with me and we were ta work together. 1 Rnew nothing of this
and 1 toId her 50. She said that after the 8th 1 wouId not have to worry

any< more. It \\Iould he approved. The people \VouId swarm here in
such crowds i \Vould have to move out quietly to Arizona or Califor­
nia. 1 could put up a Shriue there, that Om Lady would be \Vith me
privately and that this was for the people. 1 cannot explain the feel­
ing 1 had while 1 \\las with her. She also told that she was to safve
the palm of the Cardinal: This 1 could Ilot grasp as it see~ed so wrong.
( Th . " come wlth her were ail taken u thl~. (,IlJ·, J.M;,
F.B., J.E., R.S., F.C.R, F . . ., F.J.K., J.B., and R.B.) 1 Just conuldnt
get the connectiOl1 or get excited. 1 told them 1 would ask Our Lady
December 8th, probably She would tell me.
During the week between December !st and 8th, J.H. callcd me

from Milwaukee and asked me what 1 thought of gll this. What sh0l!ld

they do? "Weil, what is it?"

G.. B. had said JB. should give her $100.00 for each year that Our
Lord was on ~he earth (\\Ihich would be $3300.(0) and she was ta
( s.a1.Y.e the palm' of Cardinal S. with it. 1 said to hold off as this didn't
sound like Our Lady for She never speaks of mo!].ey to me bot always
speaks of donating materiaI, etc., Tor the Shrine. This didn't sound
right. J.H. should wait until the 8th and 1 would try to ask Our Lady
about it. J.H. said it clidn't sound right to him either and with this
II he hung up.
What got me the most was the idea of my Bishop coming before
me pleading for help and 1 was to cure him. Who am I? Just a no­
boc\v. That 1 could not grasp, nor the $3300.00 business. bUT Laa,y )~
i~ainst the mighty dollar, She is for donated labor and material
for the Shnne. AlI {hls 'as confusing as G. B. had told me of a dream
1 had which she claimed' she also had, same Priest, same Church, only
she claimed 1 spoke to her at the Communion Rail. In my dream 1
was alone at the beautiful Altar and the Tabernacle \Vas before me
and 1 was waiting to receive Our Lord and this very Holy Priest
\Vas at the Altar. The Altar was the most bealltiful Altar 1 had ever )\
seen. How she knew a t IS 0 not now e. is
)?üZzled me very muc as s 1e ad even named the ~riest.
This group didn't know 1 had had experiences with others coming
here claiming they were to work \Vith me for Our Lady. There was
a lady in New York, another in Washington, D.C. and one in Ohio.
This lady who came ta my home made it very diHicult for me to get
her to leave. She had different pictures alld claimed Our Lord guided
her hand as she drew them. There was another lady from our own
State and a man from New York who had a yery Our
Holy Mother had-never tald me of anyone She was sending to work
with me. 1 could nat jlldge these people, ail 1 could do was ta pray J
for them and have nothing to do with th,$m, \lnless 1 was dehmfely J
told tQ.
After the family Rosary and st.pper there were stHI sorne people

staying around and about 9 p.m. we were Idt aJone. 'nie children a1l

went to bed. Fred and 1 wcnt inta the living room. Fred sat on the

1 c~h ta pray a Bosary and 1 knelt before Our LW of Lipa Statue

and praYeQ This Statue 1 had received on Decem~was made
of wood and hand carved. It was 2 very beautiful Statue about tour
feet !f3~n. 1 fils Statue came directl from Li a the Philli mes and
was essed . an os ln lcagO, W ~ ,a _, en h ~
\1 a visit frOID the Phillipines. Father F. from Michigan--aTS()Blessed
fFïe Statue. 1 have a picture of both the Bishop and Father F. taken
during the Blessing. This night L was praying for bath the Bishop
and Father and for those who were responsible for bringing this
beautifu! Sratue to my home (J.H., B.K. and S.K.), May Cod Bless
them for their kindness and thev have ail since been rewarded with
r:nany Blessings wnlch makes me very happy. l prayed for everyone,
especlally those in the train wreck, one was Frank Bagnowsld. 1 prayed
that he would be guided, as the poor soul was in the hospital (re­
mained there for 3 months).
1 went ta the Sacred Spot every night, knelt in the snow. At times
( the temperature in January and early February of 1951 was 46° 48°
50° 52° below l.ero. The strange thin§ is one does not get cold. 1
never put on gloves or rubbers and ha only a small J3cket over my
dress. 1 usually was 0 lJ t for 10 or 15 minutes. 1 oever failed to pray
for Frank Bagnowski and family as weB as his brothers and their
families. 1 had promised to do this.
II he was
Tonight, December 8th, 1 felt that Stanley was in Heaven, for
a good }nan. 1 prayed 10r C.M. andC.M. and thanked Our
Laoy -fôr aTI the good things that happened. 1 pleaded with Her ta
help Stella, StaÎ11ey's wife, 1 knew she would have a difficult time to
understand the 10ss of her hllsband and father of ber small children.
W'hen l raised my head 1 noticed sQmething was different before
Il me. The base of Our Lad of Li a Sta tue looked sa different. 1 looked

up an ere s 00 ur Lad of Necedah! She was aIl in Blu--e:-The

Llpa tatue was an white wit rown eyes and brown ~ir. Our

( Lady here was a foot taller, liTüe eyes, f6tden hair, blue Veil and

Mantle. She smiled 50 beautifully, She 100 ed so beautiful with those

beautiIul eyes one is lost to the wortd and hears no one. Our Lâdy

1 is like a magnef, Oh how beauhful! 1hen Her smile ceasedandHer

eyes became sad. She then spoke ta me:

"My Child, you are very much concerned over the happenings
of December Ist and a1so todar there has been much confusion. 1 have \J]
warned you of Satan's ar~r. r 0 our U 0 as J
let Satan confuse htm. am um care /1 0 ece hon rom (
SOiji(fiFrff"he trusted." 1 Cl

In my mind, 1 was going to ask her of C.B., but She said, "My Chi/d,
you are conœ:rned l'el)' much over tlle W01 . 'lwal/~ee, pray for her.
l She is sick and confused. She is b in deceived an d b ttOO
p"ersons in her city and one in
t~re are other.s Hke f!:!r."
Chi~ago. Pray for her. Do not con emn

"My Child, 1 have u;arned YOtl in May thfise are aU Tests given,
{ yes, it makes your heari heavlj becatlse it inoolved some of your âear
"My Child, remember Me on the ES]Jousals and Purification. Bless
you, My Child." Fred said ta me, "Did YOll see Her?" "Yes," J said,
"~he Lipa Statue seemed gone and. Our Lady was there, only taller."
Fred said, "Oh no, the Lipa Lady was there ail the time because 1
~saw Her:' fie was kidding me and with that he headed for the bed­
( room. 1 remained to say a few . . f ,. .. ~

1 caUed Milwaukee, West 3 ... which was B.B.'s phone. 1 gave

l ta relay
1 him the Message, 1 also had a Message for F":'y"R. Which they promised
to him. 1 also asked them ta give J.H. an answer and they
promised they would. But 1 feh somethin~ ms not right with them,
sametbing was very wrong tbere. 1 dresse and went ta pray at the
l Sacred Spot and say my usual prayers for ail 1 had promised ta pray
for. 1 thanked Cod and Our Holy Mother for the Clorious day and
again pleaded for help and guidance.
1 stayed out about 15 minutes, as it was cold. 1 retired about 12:45
a.m. and tried ta s!eep with memories of Our Lady's Beautiful Face
before me.

During I«nuarv of 1951 [ lmd rnallY strange Visions which fright­
en eu and left me shah.
During this period wc haù no Pastor of our o\\'n. Father Hobert
Agnew from New Lisbon was filling in lIntil our new Pastor came
who was scheduled tn arrive on January 2,'5th. He was Father Andrew
H. Bofenkamp who had been transferred from Blessed Sacrament
Parish of LaCrasse where he haC! heell an assistant.
My first impression of Father was that he needed many prayers
but 1 felt that he wOllld be nnle lo hanule the Parish if enough prayers
were sa id for him. 1 hac! a lot of respect for Father and 1 knew he
would he a great comfort for Illl-' spiritually. This was proved over and
over again. 1 thanked Our Holy ~.lother for inspiring our Bishop to
send Father to liS.
As r had mentioned befol'c, Jalluary held many strange exper­
ienees for me. In Visions and otherwise, as [ have writtcn up pre­
viously, on November 12th it was reqU(osted hy Our Lady that 1 was
ta pray at the Sacred Spot every day (no matter what the weather
conditions werè). This r had been doing.
On Janllary 8th, the Feast Day oFour Lad of From t SUCCOl.,f
1 was at the Sacred Spot a )Olll : ,) p.m. 11raying or t e SOli s of
those in the train wreck of December ïtll and for the father of five
children who was still in the hospital. [ prayed he \Vould receive the
Grace ta br~his fami1v ta r-.lass as he ha ne r " ' . a y, a sa
foTllis own brothers that t ley wou see the light. Prayeo for this each
night and for our Bishop that he would send us a gooo Priest soon.
Rumors were that we were to hecome a Mission Parish because of
the Apparitions. 1 knew this was more to frighten !Ile and ail 1 could
( say was, "May God's will be done." However, 1 prayed for a Priest
and told Our Lady we needed one greatÇI liked Father Agnew, but
knew he could not do justice to both Parishes.
As 1 pleaded for this, the Ash Trees sudden1y turned hright as if
each limb was a neon light. This was my answer that we would soon
have a Priest. It was Our Lady's way of answerillg me. Thcn, as it
was vcry cold oul here, 1 went into thc hOllse. 1 had nevcr put on
mittens. gloves, overshoes, or coat when 1 went out, just a scarf over
0lead and a Hght jacket. as 1 wanted no comfort. (11)" Holy'""K"1other
had asked for Penance and sacrifices this is what it mllst be, especially
must 1 do penance for the accident victim who was critically injurec!.
Father Dominic (now deceased) came to see me. He told me
how he was cured December 8th between 12 noon and 1 o'dock. He
explained it and it was very beautiful. 1 was elated and happy for
Father as it must have been a wonderful, beautiful experience that
he and Gad alone knew. But it was also confusing to me, for in early
October of 1950 the report came ta me that Father was ill and had
been taken to the hospital. 1 was asked to pray for him, which 1 did.
During this ~riod of l'rayer, a room appeared with Aowered wallpaper
and a bed. Father looke<l very ill and 50 very thin. He seemed to he suffer­
ing ID the limit of his endurance. Then a coffin covered everything, and
then aIl vanished. By this 1 knew that Father would he leaving us, but 1
did not know when. Father telling me of this cure did not ht with mv
Vision. 1 felt that he was cured temporarily 50 that he could accomplish
sorne of the work he still had ta do. 1 prayed aIl the more for him.
1 saw Our Holy Father in great danger from the Evil Forces. A

terrible fear overtook me, and 1 just trembled and shook. 1 then saw His

Holiness standing with l'rayer Book in hand by a large pillar. Rays of

light were streaming through it and passed through what looked like small

pillars. It seemed whatever Our Holy Father was doing, the Evil Forces

seemed to be against. 1 later discovered that a plot to bomb the Vatican

had been planned (which will be explained); al50 the Vision of His

Holiness standing and praying is explained in other writings.

During Our Holy Father's severe illness Joe Engel was inspired
to send Spiritual Bouquets by the thousands over to the Holy Father.
Joe suffered great persecution for it but later was rewarded by re­
ceiving a beautiful letter of thanks and personal Blessing from His
Holiness. Again it shows what the power of Prayer can do, if only more
would turn to prayer!
Here 1 must explain three Visions 1 had on January 15th, 18th and

February ht, 1 was sitting in the kitehen near the range praying as 1

usually do, waiting for my husband Fred to come to dinner. 1 had been

praying with my eyes closed, but thought 1 had better open my eyes and

aIl this would vanish. As 1 did, it became less distinguisliable; closing my

eyes it would become clearer.

While waiting for Fred this sickening Vision came before me. A
large trench with soldiers laying in every direction, our boys as weIl
as others. The Vision changed and those same boys \Vere laying in thel\
same position, only emaciation had taken place, they were deca~d,
uniforms su.!!ken~was horrible IOQking sickening. It leU me sick
ro-tnink our boys didn't even get a decent burial. If they wou Id onl)' J \
cover them up; but nothing at aIl. For several days the effects of this
Vision would make me sick to my stomach with the horror of the cruel­
of humanity. One would hardly treat an animal that way. 'flïiSWas
very hard to take, it left me very shaken and made~e realiie still more

,~how true Our Lady's words were: "Mothers_y"~ sons are being de­
Jhtroyed in the ~ brutal lOaY}JJLthe Enemy of God." This was given
August 15th anaon October 7th Our Lady'SWOTërs were: "Yom boys
are dying, not as in warfare but il1 brutlllity." The sad part is, what has
been done about it?
The evening of JANUARY 23rd Our Lady had requested that 1 be
at the Sacred Spot and that She woulcl be with me. 1 said many prayers
before 11 p.m., for the Pilgrims and the sick, Priests, Religious and
world affairs. 1 thanked OUr Lady for the new Priest who was sched­
uled to arrive on January 25th, the Feast Day of the Conversion of
St. Paul.
At 10:50, 1 put on my usual scarf and jacket and went to the
Sacred Spot, venerated it and started to pray when my prayers were
interrupted with these words:"My Child, Pray much for Pope Pius
XII. He is a very humble and holy num. So much sorrolC and grief
bears -on~hiS shotilâers.-Hêneéds many, many prayers."
"The many Spiritual Bouquets that were sent to the Vicar during
this most trying time prevented serious harm from befalling him, but
YOU 11l,lfSt continue to plead for prayers for Hi111. His burdens are
"Y our new Pastor will need many prayers, for disunity in this
Parish will cause him to become discouraged and lose faith in his
Flock. Remember, My Child, pray for Priests every day, their tempta­
tions are greater than the laity's. Pray much for him"
"The Vision of soldiers in war are in the enemies' camp. This
grieved YOU and caused you many sleepless nights. This is only a small
([pere,entage of the ~uta~~qy t1!lm. diecLg,!lJ/._.!Q.ere abused, many prison­
1 er:s-QLrnelast W 0.1' are stiltbeing.j; the Enemy and brutally
treated, as lOell as Priest s, H~.and NU,ns. If 1 showed you the
pictur§. tonight of the.J.ull t!eatment_yoy ~Qo~4 become vert' ill, you
are not -r~!ori1Uit at this Ume. 1 will be with yotl again, My Child.
Purification. With this Our Lady was gone.
Ail during the time Our Lady spoke (as 1 only heard Her) the
trees were covered with a brilliant Light. It was a wonderful and
glorious feeling while Our Lady was present, but the sorrow of it ail
hit one very hard after Our Lady left. My heart was heavy and sl$lep
was imIÇossible so 1 prayed until morning. 1 arose and went to Church,
wondermg what 1 could do to help the Situation., for 1 was told to keep
everything quiet. Why qQes Our Lady giye me these messages and
Vi.sions when 1 must keep quiet? This was so confusing to me because
( 1 longed so to be able to tell everything to my Bishop. 1 was advised
not to antagonize my BishQP but to write to the Chancery.
Had 1 not had the experience of a D.P. Priest coming to see me
and practically quoting from a letter 1 had written my Bishop? AI·
though he had it garbled up, what trust and faith could 1 have in the
Chancery? 1 had in my possession a letter written and signed by the
Chancellor where facts were wisrepresented. What trust could 1 have
when only truth should come from the Chancery offfce which should
be the laity's one hope of getting help and facts? Ail 1 could do was
keep praying in silence. 1 do kllow Satan is wor in ve hard on thel(
Beligi~ and ail we can 0 IS P ead for more prayers and Masses or
our Bishop's office and ail his personnel.
This winter was very cold and we had much snow drifting. To
get to daily Mass was a sacrifice and a problem as we had to walk
over the railroad track with the temperature from 36° to 52° helow
zero. Again sacrifice and penance. This IS what Our Holy Mother asked
To walk in the bitter cold, freezing one's ears and nipping one's
nose was a small bit of penance to do for this troubled world. To be
able to kneel at the Sacred Spot wlth bale l'lands on these cold nights
is a wonderful privilege. Were it not for this privilege during the severe
persecution from many, it would have been harder to bear. TOelay 1 must
offer this up as it is not possible for me to get out to the Sacred Spot.

FEBRUARY 2nd was a very cold night. 1 went out to the Sacred Spot
as usuaI. Praved for the accident victim and for our new Priest whoIn
1 liked very 'much, but felt he needed prayers, that he was having a
very disturbing time. Prayed for ail close to us and those dear to me
here, ail the sick ~Tld ~micted~ me~~_!IYf Cd 12h)lsic~ly, Religious and
especiarryTor my Bishop ana-tIÙ~-vlcar 0 hrist. Dur~ my meditation
( a voice_interrupted me:
"My Child, during Lent stay close to home as 1nllch as possible,
be very careful during this period whom you leave into the home.
There will he someone that seems very close to you MW, _~ will tum
against you and cause you much persecution and suffering. Agam
Obedience, cont1'ol yaur temper." (Here She also gave me a special
Message for my Spiritual Director and otheT Priest whose heart was
very close with us, but who wasSITèncecl). "Pray much, My child,
there are too many thât dO nol have fatth ia Me, l1Ulny more prayers
àre needed. Bless you, My Child." A feeling of being alone came over
me then and 1 knew OUI" Mother had left.
1 again had sllch a feeling of sadness and yet of happiness to be
so privileged to Our Heavenly Mother speak to me, a sinner and
weakling. 1 left the Sacred Spot in tears and went to bed. 1 didn't even
fee} cold and 1 was toid the next morning it was 38 0 below zero.
This night again 1 had no sleep but prayed.
1 continued to go to the Sacred Spot every night.

1;)"" '" v


a beautiful night and 1 prayed for everyone. l asked Our LadYS help
for something that was troubling me. Lent had started and press.ure
was put on me from an outside source. 1 asked Our Lady if we should
follow this advice and 1 looked for sorne sign but nothing happened.
"Oh Lady, what am 1 to do?" 1 went to bed without knowing what to
do, but eaeh night 1 asked the same.
INTO ECYPT, 1 asked again: "Oh Heavenly Mother, would 1 be do­
ing wrong to follow their advice? Would that be outside Interference?
Oh help, Blessed Mother, help mef' Suddenly the Trees tumed bril­
liant. "Oh, thank You Blessed Mother." 1 left for the house with tears
streaming down my face and went to bed. 1 knew 1 had to hurt sorne
people's feeling by refusing, but this 1 had ta do. Our Pastor helped
us with this situation, for whkh 1 was very grateful. 1 did not contact
him, someone else did for me.
tiful night. It was Easter Sunday, the Resurrection of Our Saviour.
On Cood Friday, March 23rd, we had one of the season's worst
But on Our Lady's Feast Day and the Resurrection of Our Lord
and Saviour it was cold and clear, everything looked briHiant and it
felt so pe&ceful out under the stars.
A voice again interrupted my thoughts and prayers with these
words: "Obedience, My Child, pray much for those with you, tell them
to pray for Guidance. That through misu1l.derstanding and forgefting
ta love thy neighbor, much harm is done to the Cause, much of t!lis
ëôuld he avoidelIlf Obedience will be followed as requested."
This startled me as 1 didn't expect Our Lady at aIl. 1 thanked Our
Holy Mother for coming ta me and making my day happy, as on this
day the family aU seemed happy and enjoyed themselves.
Right after Easter, Richard and Bob both became ill witn a
strange cold. It was still evident on the evening of April 7th, the Good
Friday anniversary of 1950. At 11:00 p.m. 1 remember Fred had Just
gotten up to take care of Richard who had a strange cough and if
someone didn't go to his rescue he would choke. Ali this time Fred
had been taking care of both of them but it was not whooping cough.
"My Child, things will be (;ery difficult for you and spouse. Tell
him ta be patient and everything will work out. Satan is trying ta in- )
ter/ere with manu and cat/se tro.uble. Ollly prayer, sây as many prayers
aspossible. Let no one inte ere with tour amily Rosarl as t ou ha e
been doing. Sali wo . ~ Tt ev' a or two wc s, for neglect
fTirough outs' e interference. You bath have heavl/ crosses ta .J;Jear.
The~ are many trials mul testsglven you. Do not despair, but pray."

"My Child, you must stay Obedient ta Me at aU times. Do not in-

terpret any Message or Revelation. Take precaution at all times ta this."
"your Bishop has helped you without his knowledge, also hUIT
{{ you, do not let an one change your opinion 0 our Bishop. They have
and will continue ta try. e car u w en e is lscussed, what co/n-
ments ta make ... The hardest battle is just before you. Pray to me
and Blessed Trinity."
"My Child, since a year aga tonight there has been double th
Rosaries said and three limes as many C ommrmions in sorne parts
of your country, but not enough. Many more are needed, 1!!Q!f
Rosaries, Sacrifices, Penance. Pray very hard and much for Priests and
a1tReligious, for they need your proyers badly. Pray for innocent
children, as the clouds are clark, but for proyers only will the Light
shine through. The eo le are in reat· . n , mant des air.
( This cannat lea to goo . T ey must tum ta prayer and Go . Only
then can Peace be their reward."
"My Child, this uncharitableness between those working for this
Cause; stop the bickering and remember, Love thy neighbor, he char-
itable, humble. Be patient. This cannat succeed; only destroy the good
that those that Love this Cause have worked hard and suffered for"
"My Child, this is hard for you ta bear, have those that are close
ta you help ta bring Unit y, by doing as 1 request."
"Bless you, My Child; will be with you Trinit y Sunday."
"My Child, pray for Priest you love dearly, his fime is about up,
his suffering is severe, Bless you."
People meaning weIl, would come into the house in the evening
and stay talking and the fanùly woulu slip away to bed without say­
ing our family Rosary. That was the reason for recompense of the extra
nosary for two weeks. The Rosary was not missed after that. Fred and
1 had said the Rosary, but that was not the family Rosary.
Many things happened which 1 will not write about for much
would make a story in itself. l am anly writing of the main points.
was another beautiful day. 1 had received a phone calI about a Priest
who was very sick. The persan who called was afraid Father was leav­
ing us that night. "Remember God's Will be done," 1 answered him.
After promising that 1 would pray especially for Father tonight so he
would be able ta accept God\. Will and pers('v~re throllgh the awful
~ins Father was a cancer victim), 1 went ta the Sacred Spot and
praye for him. 1 asked if Father was leaving us tanight but there was
no sign or visible ans weI' to my prayers. However, Father did leave us
on Pentecost Sunday, May 14th.
It was a very heautiful day. Wf' bac! a new Li~a Statue at the
Sacred ~. Sorne people from' Indiana brought a vHi aM a ~
girl crowneo Our Lady and put the white veil over Her. Then they
sang sorne beautiful hymns to Our Lady. There "vas guite a erowd for
this time of the year, including a busload from Indiana.
1 felt very strange this dav for we had just come back from l\1il­
waukee where Clara and 1 had attended Father Dornmic's funeral on
May 17th.
1 went ta the Sacred Spot and prayed. 1 didn't expect anything
ta happen, but samething drew my attention to look up and there was
a sign.
T~ T rinity Sign. And then 1 saw a picture like paging a book,
only a large face and bust of Our Lord, Our Lady of Necedah, St.
( Joseph and Infant, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Theresa and St. Anthony
and Infant. Then ail was gone.
Then 1 saw a picture of a persan. He was of the Hierarch~. Beside
him was a hat like the Cardinals wear. Not long after that 111 May,
Cardinal Dougherty died. 1 felt sure it was the Cardinal.

MAY 28, 1951

This da' 1 didn't see Our Lady, but 1 felt Hel' presence. She only
.ob gave m a pnvate message. There was a fairly big crowd of pilgrims
from Minneapo 15, _ 1 wau ee and Chicago.
In the moming Father Bofenkamp came out and read us an order
from the ChanceIlor's Office which said Fred and 1 were to he at the
Rectory at l p.m. We bath went and were questioned. Fred came
home and Hank Swan brought me home. The crowd was aIl standing
around watching and waiting.
At 12 noon Father Heithaus, Father Frazer and John Dohn were
there. Fred was very much upset over aIl this, and whether to go back
the next morning at nine. He said he was not going back. AlI this was
very difficult for Fred. He just could not understand and couldn't see
why John Dohn should be in on this. John Dohn is a man on the
( boastful side and cannat keep his mouth shut. Fred felt that he should
not be in aIl this.
MAY 29, 1951
This day 1 saw just a glimpse of Our Lady, 1 heard Her Voice as
She spoke but could not fully see Her. She said Rosaries had fallen off
in May instead of increasing. This day more people had arrived, a )
grou from Canada were here and they said their Rosaries in FrencTi,"
W 1 was ea . . . u se urch
OŒcials, as were the Cuoans w a were ere. .
Four soldiers were here. As 1 touched cne of them Wlth my
Rosary, one had a feeling he should have a cross on his collar, but he

1) "",. u .. 1 J "'{fI...... S'I

MAY 30, 1951

The onl sound 1 heard was Our Ladv's Voice; "Have aith in
Me, 0 elence. is ay suspense and friction was in thc air. red
had called Hub Irmiter back From Minneapolis and wanted Hub to
help him. AIl four investigating Priests were out here this day includ­
ing the laity from LaCrosse. My folks were here also (My mother and
brother ).
This day 1 couId feel Our Lady's Presence. It was very Peaceful
while She was present, but after She was gone, 1 could feel the sus­
pense and tightness in the air. As 1 went into the house 1 noticed those
same soldiers standing there, as 1 had to pàSS them. 1 also passed
Monsignor Hammes and Father Flaherty.
Father Bofenkamp came after us. This day we were told to re­
move the Shrine and kneeler. We were given two weeks to do it.
A fence was to be put around the Sacred Spot. \Ve were ..not~ve
{ out literatm.e touch Rosades, medals, 01; have flowers there. 1 didn't
l feel depressed at al!. When 1 came home nothing had been started so
1 said, 'Let's get going and get this aU done." Fred tried to do it but
the men told him they would.
1 promised to give them the wire recordings the next morning,
which 1 did. Father Bofenkamp and Father B. Frazer took me home
and in passing a big limousine 1 heard Father Bofenkamp say, "B~"'J
~ 1 kno"'" he could have bitten off bis tangue rigbt there. L~o!Ubis
same limousine was in tlH~_ parking lot. 1 feel it was our 1ffill()rbe­
cause there were Kni hts of Ço!umbus Cuards there. One coul teel
there was Hierarchy i~ t'hat car. Sorne people got frightened and said
itwas the caps. 1 saiano cops will come here and chase anyone off
these grounds, as they have no right ta, no crime was committed. They
calmed down. Berta Alonso said her Spanish was hot and she would
fight about removing the Statue. 1 said, the statue is not that of Our
Lady of Necedah, which really is the one that belongs there. Oh, what
a day! ln three days 1 had had nine hours of questioning.



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though it were a meeting but no faces were shown. I~aw 3D ob.
1ject drop from an airplane and a large forest burst into flames. Ali
1this was very sickening. Even after this was aIl over 1 could still see
the planes wrecked and the forest bursting in names. 1 asked Ray if
he couId take me for a ride just to get away from it aIl. Clara went
with me. Wc went ta Nekoosa, looked up some cures and did a little
shopping. We had something to eat and then returned borne. 1 have
( found out many times going out for a ride would relax the tension
and 1 wot1Id feel better.
JUNE 16, 1951
This day again there were a number of people here, Hub Irrniter
and a few from Minneapolis, also sorne Priests. 1 went out to the
Sacred Spot to pray but only stayed a few minutes, then came inside
to pray. As 1 was praying 1 w in Vision where the War was oing
ta spread further than Korea. 1 a so saw roun si 0- i e holes w~re
I\Qeopïe were put into. Priests and Religious also were treated the same
anathis would happen to the people in our Country. In these PitS.i-OrJ
silo-like places the people were packed in tight - it was aWfulf
1 had been praying before Our Lady of Lipa Statue (wmch .)Yas

carved from wood and had beerr seut dfrectl trom the phiIIi ines).

wen 0 e oor an saw . . an t ree riests, a sa a secretary of

one of the Priests. Two of the Priests 1 knew, but was introduced to

the third Priest and the Secretary. 1 spoke to them a few minutes

when they left, and a fourth Priest arrived with his housekeeper and

her mother. He was a very devout Priest, very conscious of his duties

as a Priest. We kidded each other about the mosquitoes and his former

promise of hoeing my garden.


outside. The persecution was mounting daily and we heard aIl kinds of

stories, sorne even coming from the Clergy. What 1 couldn't understand

was how the Clergy could quote hearsay and rumors, and not be sure

if they were telling the truth. They are supposed to represent the truth,

so why make such a grievous mistake? 1 could see more and more

why Our Lady was pleadmg for Priests and Religious, as Satan was

tempting them into speaking when silence (unless they had the facts)

would have been the Golden Rule.

Prayers, more prayers for Priests. So 1 pleaded this night with

Our Lady to help our Priests. 1 had heard a report from a Priest who

had visited us that day of the scandalous stories spread. AlI one could

do was plead for prayers for them and that our Community would

have more Unity and an awakening to the Spiritual side of life, rather

than the material side.

1 prayed for the usual ones, also for a Priest 1 had c..'Ome in con­
tact with the year before. 1 prayed that he would find himself and
that his difficulties would be straightened out as there was a serious
misunderstanding between his fellow Priests. 1 felt with prayers this
could be easily adjusted.
Again there were rumors that everything would be ordered closed
by August 15th. Much of this was caused by the pressure pilgrims put
on our Pastor, if he answered or was silent there was al ways the dan-
ger of being misquoted. Many times 1 was quoted as saying things 1 Il
had never said.
1 prayed for many on this evening and was just ending a Novena
ta St. Ann. 1 asked for guidance for Our Lady's workers, no matter
where they were that they do ri ht, sta hum
glorificatiop u a e 1 0
o. 1 felt so sarry or those
poor misguided people. They would carry a scandalous morsel that
was untrue and spread it further. Prayed for them and asked Cod to
forgive them for they surely didn't know what they were doing~ir
.ignoIapce of the true facts.
1 prayed for aH the Priests that belong to the O.M.I. Order and
prayed for Father Munie of that order from Belleville, Illinois. Father')
Munie was the Priest mh g saw tl:UI mord "Mary" iD the sky October 7,
1950. 1 prayed also for the Cubans, who were here for the 15th and
were now at Estes Park, Colorado vacationing during their stay in the
United States. Dr. Rivera, a Senator from Cuba who came, brought
Richard and Freddie each a bicycle and tricycles for Bob and Kenneth
(the baby). 1 objected but hf.: would not take no for an answer and
this caused us much persecution. To see the joy it gave the Senator
and the happiness of the children, it was not tao difficult ta aceept.
The Senator said he just loved to gi':.upings to children and g!ye
them happiness. "1 do it ta others why shouldn't 1 do it for yours?
Let them talk. Why should they take it out on the children?" 1 thanked
him many times and prayed for them and Berta Alonso who had been
cured on August 14th the year before. She had come back in Thanks­
giving and the Senator was so happy for her, as he was her doctor.
(Anniversary of 1950)
There was a lot of excitement on this day between the Cubans
and the Senator from Cuba and a Mrs. D. who brought a crippled girl
up. 'nlere was a fair sized crowd for it really was raining. 1 put on a
raincoat but when 1 went out there 1 didn't notice any rain. My folks
a1so were there, also a former father and mother-in-Iaw of my oldest
brother's (Karl's) wife, who were from Pomona. California. Hub Inuiter
and a crnwd from Minneapolis, Minnesota were here that day. Aiso others
from Chicago, Milwaukee and other places.
1 knelt down to pray for aH present; the sick, our Nation and our
Air, Army and Navy Service. 1 looked up several times during my
prayer, but 1 dicln't notice anything unusual. 1 prayed for the Cubans
and the Senator .f9r tben: was trouble brewing in C~ba at this very
A feeling of Peace and slillness came over me. 1 looked up and
there was a large white mist, more like a cloud, and behind this 1 saw
only Our Lady's head and shoulders. She smiled beautifully only for
, an instant, and was gone. 'VVhen 1 came back into the house 1 was
, laId that the wire had sna)) d just as Hub Irmiter was leading the
Bosarv al announce t e Mystery of the Assumption. Sa many were
excited over this, and according ta what was told, it was at the same
lime 1 saw Our Lady. They said it seemed like the sun was trying
ta shine through which seemecl strange ta me for no more had 1
entered the house than there was a heavy down our and several
people cam . . wan came ll1 WI a pac age. The people con­
tinued to pray. (wire - refers to wire on fence)
The evening of August 15th man of our friends and family
Consecrated themselves to Our Lad t e e ' ont art way. Our liv­
ing room was packed. \Ve S~lI a 1 teen eca e osary Il'st and then
the Consecration Prayers. It was sa beautiful and sa inspiring. 1 used
my new 15 decade blue crystal Rosary with a pure gold Cross, Corpus
and gold chain. lt was beautiful. Fred had taken it up ta our Pastor
( ta bless. He said it was the first 15 decade Rosary he ever saw. Betty
'VVakershauser had given me the Hosary as a gift.
Even after August 15th many people still discussed the jumlJil),g
of the wiTe with such great force. This was very puzzling. \\That could
have caused it?
The next day of importance to me was AUGUST 22nd, THE
alone praying. Was mit at least one and a hait hours, for it was such
a beautiful night. One feels ~o close ta Gad out under the stars pray­
ing. 1 prayed for the usual (mes that 1 pray for every night.
SEPTEMBER 8th, again was a happy evening. Also SEPTE~:f­
SEPTEMBER 15th. The same Priest who Consecrated me ta Our
Lady in 1950 came back ta renew my Consecration. It sure was a beau­
tiful and happy day for me. ln the morning a Monsignor R. came to
see me. He again repeated the wonderful experiences he had had \Vith
the Nuns and village people of his Church at M.F. The excitement
even stopped the traffic. He insisted 1 'do this or that. 1 was glad he
was not my Spiritual Director as he was so persistent. Right after 3
p.m. another Priest arrived from N.D. on his way to visit relations.
He was a humble and wunderful Priest. This day sure was a wonder­
fuI day and 1 had a lot ta be tha~nFk=ful=f;;o;;;r.=====-- ..,
1 again prayed for everyone; a y at 1er, my \s op, an Arch­
bishop Kiley, as he was not a weil man. 1 knew he was a very sick
man. 1 prayed for ail Heligious. At LaSalette Our Lady pleaded tOI'
( prayer.s for the Clergy and ReligJoüs.-T--pra~ed especially that they
wo~ld be guided ta stay on the right and nollet Satanjempt them.

lt \Vas a cold cloudy day, the sun tried ta come out several times.
There was a pretty large crowd and, as it was Sunday, many that
came attended \1ass, then came out ta the farm. Sorne of Fred's rel­
ations and ail of mine \Vere here. including the Cubans and the crip­
pIed girl and Mrs. E.D. who Lknew. was very ill and not long for
1 went out at twelve o'clock noon and prayed again for everyone
present, also for my Pastor. He had been accllsed of something which
troubled me very much. 1 prayed for Father Heithaus who was present.
our Nation and ail men in Service, Priests, Nuns, close friends and a11
those who asked for pravers. 1 prayed for our son who also was home
now on visit, but 1 felt things were not right, even though he tried ta
hide it tram me. 1 pI:ayed for unity of my own family as my mind \Vas
pretty weil troubled.
l lost ail hearing of those :Iround me praying, when suddenly this
strange feeling of som~me being near you, but sa much stronger and
[ peaceful.
I looked u and th . f Neccdah dressed as th

rl ~ ~d,
year Je ore. In Her arms was--the--Babv Jesus which 1 never a seen
Frer ho Id before. r neithe\: of them smilëa. She only look­
The Virgin Mary, Christ Child and The Rosary as Visioned
by Mary Ann in the Four Ash Trees at the Sacred Spot
October 7, 1951
NOVEMBER 12, 1951
This day my heart felt very heavy. So many things had happened

that made me feel unhappy. My dear friend was very ill and the fam­

ily did not grasp the situation. A fellow from Cincinnati had been here

who didn't help things. He meant weIl but he had a way of getting

information out of one that he should not. Ali this had disturbed me

very much, but Hank Swan was here and it helped greatly. There was

always the danger of being misquoted and it happened in this case.

AB these things were on my mind this evening. A group wanted to

come into the house during this time which was against my wishes,

as 1 wanted to be alone. 1 felt as if 1 was being uncharitable and won­

dered if 1 should let them in. No, Hank advised it would be breaking

my Obedience, which 1 knew was true but still felt in my heart that 1

shouldn't selfishly be in the Presence of Our Lady alone.

l wanted themall to see and feel Her. That was the state of

mina 1 was in as 1 prayed. .=­

1 didn't know where She would be, so 1 stayed in the living room,

watching and praying. There were several people out at the Spot pray­


Suddenly there was a flash, and a brightness over the trees and a

disturbance behind me. 1 looked around and Our Lady was in the

J1aIlway. 1 don't know how 1 got there but 1 knew 1 was oeloce Hër.

She smiled and said to me: "Pray, My Child, Pray. Do not let
temptation misguide you but pray, pr~or Guidance. remember MY}
~ssage, Child. Your heart is heavy a sqfl. so. My Child, are the
worta conditions, much suffering and bloodshed before you, Pray."
She then smiled and was gone with Light towards the Spot. 1
felt She wanted me to go out there, which 1 did. 1 went out ta pray
1 for a few minutes and l then had a feelin of Peace. 1 \Vas able to ac·
lcept w at was e ore me. 1 prayed for my Spiritual Diredor and
Father Val, whose birthday was today. After that 1 went back to the
NOVEMBER 21, 1951
l venerated the Spot and said a few prayers. 1 looked up at the
trees but everything was normal. 1 again prayed for many, also for
the family of RD., as she was very iIl and her family seemed unable
ta take it. l prayed for a very sick Priest, who had been sick for sorne
r time, also a Monsignor in Texas who had cancer. l prayed for Father
Wittman that he could accept Cod's Will. Again 1 looked up and
there was a bright Light over the trees as if a flood light was on them
and it was gone. I said a few prayers in thanksgiving and went into
the house and ta bed.
DECEMBER 8, 1951
During the day a number of people were here and sorne stayed
for the evening. Mrs. C. came From Appleton. She had been put under
Obedience and it was diHicult for her ta get here, although she loved
ta come. There were people coming and going a11 day. A.C. was here in
the morning but left on the aftell1000 b·uin. B.K. came on the evening
train and visited until late. At 8:30 B.W. came with a Mrs. D. Oh, 1
was sa upset! 1 didn't want company, 1 wanted ta be alone. A group
had been in for the Rosary at 7 :30 but had left at 8 p.m. Hank Swan
came ta see if things were 0 K, he didn't have to say sa but 1 knew it.
B.K. was still here. Hank had barely left ",hen B.W. and friend came.
On these days 1 like to be left alone sa l' can spend some time in
prayer. With the children around till 9 p.m. or sa it's diHicult to even
try ta think, let alone pray.
It was a very cold night and l didn't like ta send them out. Ten
o'clock came and went, still they stayed. Finally 10:30 they left ta
go out. Fred was lying on the sofa bed.
1 went ta pray but I was 50 upset bv now it took me a !ittle while
to get ahold of myself.
l took the blue Rosary and walked back and forth from living
room ta kitchen saying my Rosary. 1 said two and then 1 knelt before
our living room Shrine, Our Lady of Lipa Statue. 1 prayed for ail
present outside, as a group had gathered and were praying. l aisa
prayed for ail those whose hearts were here, but could not come.
I remembered the Cubans as B. had called from Havana Cuba and
wanted a pichlre for the Senator of Cuba, "Veronica's Veil." It \Vas
very difficult ta understand them. l prayed for their Country because
trouble was brewing. I prayed for our Families, Fred's and mine. Sud·
denly the Lipa Statue was different and Our Lady of Necedah was
there, only She had a Royal Blue Veil or Mande over Her regular Blue
Mantle and on Her head was a golden Crown. She was holding what
1 believe was the Trinity Sign and within this was the Unity Sign. It
seemed Her Rosary was over bath hands. She looked very sad.
- 82--­
"My Child, many nwre Rosaries, prayers, Sacrifices are needed.
Pray for Priests and those in the Missions."
"My Child, with the closing of the Holy Year Door an uprising of
the Enemy within the Country of Rome. Evüness in the Phillipines
and no Peace, My Child, No Peace."
"Death, cruel death for many soldiers, continue of warfare and
destruction of material as weil as human through this loss of Faith."
"Oh,pray My Child, pray, pray for those that are working for the
good and find it very difficult. Obedience. Bless you My Child."
And She was gone.
Oh, the weight on one and such pressure from aIl the wrong that
was done to humanity. That night there was no sleep for me. 1 felt sa
sorry for Our Lady, my night \Vas just spent in tears and prayers till
morning. 1 went ta Mass and later told Father B. of my experience,
there was a strange look on his face.
JANVARY 23, 1952
1 went out to the Spot at 11 p.m. as 1 had been praying in the
house from 10 p.m.
Our Lady's Presence was very noticeable as the trees were aH
aglow with such a brilliant Light. Each limb was like a neon light
that stayed for at least five minutes before everything turned normal
and darkness was aIl around me. 1 prayed for about 15 minutes before
1 went back in the house and to bed.
FEBRUARY 2, 1952
1 prayed in the house from 10 p.m. in front of the Lipa Statue in
our Shrine room and then 1 went to Our Lady of Sorrows tor there
seemed so much sorrow in the room. Our Lady of Sorrow picture seem­
ed to disappear and Our Lady seemed ta he there. Then aIl this carne
back to normal. 1 left and gol ready to go outdoors for it was very cold
out this night. 1 went out ta the Spot and as 1 approached the trees
they glowed untH 1 knelt down. 1 prayed for aIl my friends, those very
close to me and our families, Fred's and mine. 1 prayed for Unity in
our parish and also prayed for schools. Then a voiee said:
"Prayer, My Child, prayer. Pray for your Pastor, he needs l1umy
prayers. Pray for Spiritual Director." Here 1 could feel the need for
prayers for two whom 1 loved and knew they bath had a very difficult
time to overcome their weaknesses. "Obedience My Child."
This seemed to jerk me out of the feeling that had overtaken me
"Be very careful during Lent. Very difficult things will arise."
"Pray, My Chi/d, Pray. Have trust and faith in Thy Lord and
God. Love lfim with a true Heart for remember He Loves you."
"Bless YO'U, My Child," and She was gone. 1 had a very strong feel­
ing this evening of something abü'Jt to happen. This feeling àid not
escape me for many days. 1 again turned to praye!' and found it dif­
ficult to mave. There seemed to he this sadne5s and 1 àid not know
what it pertained to. 1 prayed for my Pastor and here the feeling came
that 1 must wam him. What 1 had to tell him was not easy. 1 prayed
for my Spiritual Director for 1 knew he had a difficult time. After this
1 was able to get to my feet and knew then my Concern to wam my
Pastor was a must. 1 staggered ta my feet, it was very hard ta do.
1 walked toward the house, staggered, and thought 1 would faH. Sud­
denly 1 realized Hank's car was here and then Clara came to my side.
It was a blessing te have her here to help me as my knees seemed weak
for the task 1 had to acccmplish the next morning. 1 prayed for strength
as Clara left me, for she was concerned abour me. After this 1 retired
to bed and continued ta pray.
This evening 1 went to the Sacred Spot, venerated it and said
prayers for aIl Pilgrims, Priests, Nuns, and those close to me, my fam­
ily and Fred's family. One for whom 1 prayed was a parishioner who
was about to become a Catholic but had a friend that couId throw him
into great confusion. 1 prayed for my Pastor. Theo 1 meditated, came
back into the house, said a Rosary and went to bed.
MARCH 25, 1952
This evening 1 said several Rosaries, prayed for aH our friends as
weil as ail those who were very sick. 1 prayed for Fred's family,
especially for our niece and Steve, another niece's child. 1 prayed for
my Spiritual Director, as 1 had seen him in town just a short time be­
fore. It was 50 good ta see him and wished 1 could have talked ta
him, but that was not to be. 1 prayed far our Pastor, and was very much
disturbed, for anly ten days before 1 had secn him in a Vision. it seemed
he was transferred to a difl:'erent parish. 1 didn'r know where, but knew
if 1 would have seen his new office J would recognize where. \Vhy was 1
disturbed? Father was much help to me when 1 needed him. 1 wauld go ta
him for help many times in the confessionaL 1 could feel his loss greatly
already as 1 fdt he could not be replaced. 1 prayed for a Priest that had
visited me just shortlv. 1 had the strangest feeling as if something was
about to happen. 1 tald Hank and Clara about this.

Again this night the trees glowed as if in answer to my expecting

that Father B would be a 1055 to me. 1 prayed for strength when a gust
of wind came along and just shook me and then everything was quiet.
1 prayed a few prayers for Our Holy Father and went into the house
where 1 prayed a little longer, then retired.
APRIL 4, 1952
This was a Friday and 1 feh very tired for more reasons thal\ one.
Before Mass Father B. had called me to the Hectory and read part of
a letter he had just gotten. The strange look about him, his face and
hair had an unusuaJ sleekness and he was very upset and tense. He
had told me he and Father A. from New Lisbon would be out and 1
understood him to mean during the Three Hours. 1 later discovered he
didn't show up. This was during a period of flood when we could only
go to town by walking the railroad track. Many different people came
this day and wanted to get in.
Around 5 p.m., Father R.A. and Father A.B. (my Pastor) came
and read me an order to go to Milwaukee April 7th to 12th for ob­
servations. They wanted an immediate answer but finally let Fred
clecide overnight. He was to give his answer the next morning. Fred
was very upset, sa this evening 1 had a lot to pray for, the other dis­
turbance at the home besicles the order from my Bishop. 1 was given
a copy of my Bishop's letter and it was signed by him.
1 could not concentrate Oll prayers for Fred's unrest disturbed me.
1 tried very hard to pray and 1 pleaded with Our Lady of Sorrows ta
help Fred understand it was my dutY to do as my Bishop requested.
Father Claude Heithalls was involved, and Monsignor George
Hammes, Chancellor, which 1 didn't like. 1 finally went outdoors to
the Sacred Spot. ft was a healltiflll evening. This was one evening 1
prayed only for what was disturbing my immediate family. 1 felt 1
could not inHuence Fred. After deciding Fred must seule this himself,
1 had a feeling of Peace and returned to the house. However, sleep was
not for me this night. .
0""4": c;./l .. .....,.S''Z..
APRIL 7, ~52
Fred had not come to a decision on what to do. He was wOlTiecl
sick and said: "If anything happens to you 1 wOl1ld never forgive my­
self. If they had someone else rather than thos.e two," (meaning
Monsignor Hammes and Father Heithalls) "1 wOllld say yes."
1 told Fred 1 was not afraid, Our Lady wou Id be with me. We
were interrupted with Fred's brother Martin and Jane arriving. Theil'
daughter Blanche and her husband Tim and the haby Steve (who
was not a normal child and for whom 1 had been praying every day)
came also.
Fred talked to Martin about the Bishop's Order. 1 finally excllsed
myself and went to pray in the living raom. 1 would have liked to
have gone ta the bedroom but with al! the people there 1 could ilOt.
Several people were praying outside. 1 prayed for a decision as 1 had
ta have an answer and Fred must be guideù. Clara said "he wouId go
with me and 1 knew she would Ilot let me clown. Suddenly l heard the
"Faith, have Faith." That was aIl. SA l told Fred.
He said 1 had better go then. After Martin and Jane and ail ïeft
that night, 1 had a fairly good rest and it seems so did Fred.
Thank Cod and Our Blessed Mother. She helped Fred decide.

APRIL 26, 1952 '

This evening 1 went ta the Sacred Spot and venerated it. 1 said
some prayers for our Government, Religious, Priests and those work­
ing for Our Lady. 1 thanked Our Lady again for seeing me through
Holy Week in Miiwaukee. 1 prayed for my Spiritual Director as 1
felt he was coming ta Necedah tao often. 1 noticed a lady left when
Fatl".er came ta say Mass but there was no hurry for her ta leave.
l prayed for another reason which concerned him. This night my
prayers centered around those close ta me. It was a windy night but
faidy warm. 1 had a feeling of wanting to just stay. The clearing of my
husband's throat made me realize l'd better go into the house. 1 had
gone out about ten p.m. and was surprised it was about five minutes
after 11 p.m. Fred had awakened to find me missing sa he was watch­
ing me From the door. 1 came in and retired.
'Olere were many nights 1 would go out ta pray. 1 also went out
on !vlother's Day. Sometimes 1 would stay out for an hour or longer,
sometimes it was less.
ln ~'fay the mosquitoes were bac! so 1 wouldn't kneel but walk
and pray as moving kept them From biting. Many nights 1 would get
such comfort and a feeling of Heaven being very close, and one wauld
have the strength to continue. By now the persecution was growing,
as well as rumors supposedly coming From the LaCrosse Chancery.
This 1 knew wasn't true but it made it very hard for Clara. 1 said pray­
ers for her that she could endure all the false rumors and have
stTength ta straighten out the many Pilgrims coming daily. They were
asking questions and had mllch misinformation sa Clara needed the
prayers ta carry on.
MAY 2, 1952
Went out to the Sacred Spot ta pray as it was First Friday and
Our Lady's month. 1 do not know how long 1 knelt praying. 1 had
heard sorne disturbing gossip (true or not), which was offending Our
Lord. 1 prayed for those parties involved. Sllddenly a very dim Vision
of a picture cornes before my eyes. Slowly this l'icture cleared as if
c smoke or fog was Rowing over it. It was a large Cross or Crucifixion
of Our Lord. 1 could see many people around, but they were the­
same as at the time of J:he Cr~fixion. The Cross stayed, but iliê
people vamshed and suddenIy -Our Lord's head lifts up with such a
pitiful and sad face, as if pleading, and then His Head slumps forward
and He slowly keeps coming forward and falls on the ground on His
Face. Then it showed modem day p~day, sin fuI people, commit­
ting crimes, stealing, killing, indecent dress, drinking with camai abuse;
a150 ~howed filthy books, youth and neglected chilelren, snowed injection
f clope. AIl this seemed to be flowing over the prostrated form of Our
Suddenly these offenders \Vere raising up Our Lord and He wa's baC'k
on the Cross. ln mockery they continued ta offend Our Lord with their
sinning. They seemed ta jeer and laugh. It was awful ta witness. 1 felt
sick and nauseated to watch again the sad Face of Our Lord.
This al! vanished and rny only explanation to it is: t~e of
Loday are Re-Crucif~ing Our Lord. 1 felt so ill from this scene as it was
hard to forget. 1 toI my confessor of this Vision but cannat VlrrÎte clown
is answer to this for that would break the seal of confession.
If only the people would wake up to the true Love of God. How
wonderful it is to place yourself in His care and have Faith and Trustl
MAY 28,1952

Such a huge crowd had gathered for the day that il made one Feel
happy as the largest crowd was generall}' on August 15th and October
7th. A number of people came for aH tluee days, and just to see the
people gathering was wonderful, but the feeling of tension was very
hard to bear. My Pastor was very strange, and tbis strangeness one
could understand, as sa man y people put pressure on rom. Two mothe
of Priests by pinning him down, fgund themselves under Obed~e and
were unable ta come to the Spot.
twisting of the events of Holy Week was still going on.
Sorne of Fred's relations arrived and went right to the Spot. 1
noticecl two Priests arrived and prayers went on. Before going out,
1 went to the bedroom and looked at our Beautiful Lady, whom we
hacl crowned this moming. J. and her husband just brought the statu
here the clay before and it was an answer ta rny prayers.
During May 1 had prayed many evenings for her safe arrivaI and
il had been granteà. So after venerating the Sacred Spot, ETayee! for
all present, induding the S. family for helping me to gel Our Lady.
Ir was all sa wonderful! 1 prayed for my Pastor and Spiritual Director,


for those who worked f r the Cause but still ut material thinos ahcad )\
Olt. prayed that they would see this \Vas not Important an t at ail
tlllScaused unnccessary perscc,ulion for many. 1 prayed for the sick
and a~icted and thosc. who asked. me to pray for iliem, also Religious
and Pnests, br Holy ['ather and those very dose to me.

This day 1 saw Our Lady only for a moment in a mist form but 1
could feel Hel' Heavenl)' Prese9ce. It was ail calm and peace whire'
Our Lady was there.
That glimpse, a beautiflll smile, and She was gone. Then 1 had
a strange let down.
1 felt Our Lady was pleased with the statue '!Me b~d made gf ~r)

and only She Our Heaveoly Mother, knows how happv ~as. She also
knows was oot fullv satisfied with the molding of it, but did not com­
ment on it, for 1 could not bring myself to offend or hurt J. 1 returned
to the house and went to see Our Lady's Statue again.
MAY 29, 1952
On this morning our church was pretty weil crowded and people
kept coming ail mOI'ning. 1 was pretty tired as 1 had gotten up in the
early morning to look at the tempel'ature, at one o'dock it was 33 de­
grees. Cosh, rd been kept up late the night before with company.
Heck, 1 thought to myself, it would freeze, and went to bed. 1 tried to
l( sleep, but cou Id not. 1 could hear Pil rims rayin, holding a ni ht
tgil. 1 got up at 2:4.5 a.m., the temperature was , Just reezing.
grabbed sorne laundry, sacks, jars and started ta cover the peppers
and tomatoes. SlIddenly arollnd four, Hay spoke to me and 1 told him
what 1 was doing, so he went and got sorne r01ls of paper. This helped
greatly as the tomatoes never froze. 1 went to bed around 5 a.m. Fred
had just gotten up and 1 was rather tired and restless..\fter \1ass 1
had a few tomato plants left and. knew mother and m)' brothers wou Id
be up. rd better plant them before the ~g ,iets hcre?!I flnished rlanting
them when P.S.'s mothcr came into t e garden, ,1lso P. and . Other
Pilgrims started to come, so 1 had to ask them to leave.
The Pilgrim was deeply hmt because she coule! not talk to me.
My mother arrived with Mrs. S. from Kenosha. It was a shame that
sorne people across the fence had objectee! to this lady being here,
these actions trollblecl me deeply as this should Dot be. 1 felt sorry for
the old lady wandering outside alone. Joanne felt the same so she
callee! her in for a while but objectiom were raised. l felt thel'e was
tension in the air which ShOllld Ilot he, but it seemcd tnat was 11(;w
things were so very often. ­
As 12 Iloon came closer the crowd got larger. l noticed my Pastor
d,'ive through with SOll1eOlle in the car. l tried to pray but found it very

difficult with people constnntly going in Jnd out. 1 g:l\'e U]1 s:lying a
Rosary and just said prayers of m)' own and lIail :\bry·s.

At 12 nocJn 1 went out ta the Sncred Spot, l'cneratccl :1l1c1 praved

for al! thCJ:;e pI;esent, nll Rehgiom ancl the Hal)' Enher. thosc sick <lne!
afflicted, my niece and others like her, thosc close to me and Frecl's
and my family. l also prayed for my Bishop and al! thosc \Vith me
during Iloly \iVccl, , for ail boys in service and those in \i\l<lr Prisons.
those sick in mine! and body also the injured ancl for Peace arnong ail
those who work for Our Ladv and the Sacree! l Ieart.

1 did not sel' Our Ladv, onlv sort of a haze. Ail thc leaves on the
Trees seemed ta have turn'cd ta' silver and gold and interrnittently as
the breeze blew the leayes, 1 could feel Her l Ica\'cnh' Presence. lt
seemed l could henr chimes ail over hut suddenly this) \Vas ail gone
,md 1 could hcar Pilgrirns praying. The sill'ery leaves mnde me think
of the beautiful gift 1 hnd receivec1 from a Priest just before 12 noon.
I-Ie surE' was a sincere Priest, sa 1 said sorne special pr<lycrs for him.
1 again prayee! for J.P. and R. for they helped us a lot, for M.K. from
LaCrosse and for my Lady.

l\!Iay Gad always be good ta them. 1 thanked Our Lady for Hel'
kindness toward us sinners.

Men 1 went into the hOllSe the (Troup sang sangs ta Our
Lady and some staned ta leave. The l'est of the day people kept com­
ing and going. 1\1y mother left for home sa that my brothers could
come up and they arrived this night.

MAY 30, 1952

This day bus loads arrived, one from Joliet. sorne from 1\1inne­
apolis, Milwaukee. Fond du Lac and Manitowoc (but this bus broke
clown). 1 decided 1 could not go to Mnss in Necedah sa had B.\V. take
me ta l\:larion. vVhen vve came back a cap was trvin~ ta direct usinto
the parking lot, when he recognized me. He lallghed :1nd motioned us

The house \vas full of people with my brother's filmily ail in the
house, and sorne of Fred's but they went out. It W:1S very difIicult ta
try ta concentrate on prayers. 1 prayecl and watchecl the cars, ar­
rive. sorne of them eoming in the back way. Hnnk and Clara tclling them
wherc ta go, but it was very hard on bath of thern.

At 12 noon 1 went and venerated the Sacred Spot, prayed for aIl
present and ail those whose hearts \Vere here but couIc! not make the
trip. 1 pri1\'cd for ail who had askecl me ta pray for them. also our
Government. ail Religious as weil as those in the Missinn~. for mv
Bishop, the Holy Father, my Pastor, my SpiritlliJ! Directot' and those
dear to him, my close friends, for more U nit y and understanding be­

tween them, Fred's and my families and the Priest's mother whom 1
noticed near the fence just before 1 went out (she was a very con­
fused and unhappy woman).
Suddenly before my eyes, just on the ground, 1 saw a Cross very
plain. The ground had a shimmering look while the Cross was black.
This vanished and everything was plain and normal. 1 prayed for
our sick and \Vounded (both in mind and body), for the boys dispair­
ing in Prison Camps, for aid and help for them. 1 also prayed for
Nuns and Priests working so hard ta help these souls. A Vision formed
before me of two Nuns working between siek and injured, sorne lay­
ing on rags on the floor. The Nuns looked tired. They were Dot dressed
as Nuns hut saw them \Vith Habit only to identify them. They had
on blue striped skirts with clark top and colored shawls over their
heads. It was a pitiful sight, no eomfort, no sanitation, no decent
medicine supplies. 1 saw a Priest a1so enter this place and administer
to the sick. Oh, how sad!
This picture then vanishecl and showed a Priest being abused by
the Enemy. He \Vas questioned, slapped ami then a bayonet jabbed
in his sicle, as if they \Vere trying ta get sOlllcthing From him. It shovvecl
this same Priest on a later clate, verv thin, bearcled, his clothes tom
ancl clinv, :md aoain tormented. Next' 1 s:~w him in il he:lp in a d:nk
ccli, do ~ot knm\~ iF he \Vas dead, but couJdrù take any more. 1 covcred
my face. The picture vanished and the words, "More Frayer for those
in the Missions."
Oh, not enough prayer, too mueh ungodliness, no Love for their
Creator. 1 then looked up again and saw Our Lady looking very sad
as She slowly rose and was gone.
1 stayed out and prayed for those who are forgetting Cod and
tried to gather strength so chat 1 could walk steadily into the house.
It was very diffieult. but 1 made it.
There \Vas a very large crowd for the ~'1ay Days. It was beautiful
to see and hear them pray and sing.
JUNE 4, 1952
This \Vas the anniversarv of TRINITY SUNDAY in 1950 and was
a rather cool day. The peopie were mostly those that stayed over for
the three days, 28th, 29th and 30th of \'lay. There probably were about
.50 or 60 of them. 1 prayed for ail present, also for ail those that wished
they eould be here, prayed for the sick and the afflicted, our families,
for l1eligious, Priests, my Bishop and Holy Father's intention, for our
hovs in service. the sick and also the Prison ers of War. Before me
fla~hed the words: "\lore prayers, Unit y , Rosary, cleansing of lives
and schools." l prayed for a better understanding of laity. What is
meant by clean out your schools? Then 1 prayed to the Trinity, with
this my thoughts and prayers traveled to one who loves the Trinity
very much. 1 felt this was a reminder for me not to forget him in my
The interior of our Church came before me and especiaIly the
Statue of Our Lady, then St. Joseph, St. Francis, and the Sacred Heart
with the word: PERSEVERE. Then it went back to Our Lady and 1
heard a voice say:
"Do not destroy this Statue when removing the building of its
uses." That was aIl. Exactly what is to be done was never explained,
but after this 1 had a feeling of calmness and 1 was conscious of the
Pilgrims praying. 1 venerated the Sacred Spot and went into the house.
JUNE 16, 1952 ')- ~ : ~"" ...".
Because this day was a Monday and a working day the crowd
was smaller, much smaller than the first time (year 1950).
H.!. and C. were here. They had gone to Chicago to visit her
brother and come back to be here for today. On the way back they
took Our oldest son with them. He was employed byH. H. had gone
to see Father B., although 1 told him it was wiser not to bother him
for he was upset over something. He saw him anyway and seemed
very worried over the answer he got.
Sorne Priests were here, two of them from Wisconsin. The PH.
grims kept a Vigil the night before and continued to pray aIl morning
while others kept coming. Mother had also arrived but she said she
couldn't stay so drove home to Kenosha right after 1 p.m. 1 went out
as usual at 12 noon and venerated the Sacred Spot. 1 prayed for aIl
present, for our Community, Religious, aIl Priests, for our Govemment
(as the Presidential Elections were coming and so much was said
with no intention of keeping it in their minds. 1 had been told in 1950
who he would be so what was being said in their campaigns worried
me), and 1 prayed for help for our Country. 1 prayed for an end of
the fighting which now was entering its 3rd year. 1 was told two years
before there would he three years of hard fighting, so 1 prayed in
hope that enough prayers wQuld be said to lesson the loss of lives.
1 prayed for those close to me, that there wouId be better understand-
ing of what the Sacred Spot really stands for. 1 prayed for our fam.
ilies, both Fred's and mine, for there were heartaches on my side of
the family. 1 prayed for my Spiritual Director as 1 had a feeling some-
thing was terribly wrong. 1 mentioned this to Hank that 1 reaIly could
not put my finger on what it was. 1 also prayed for my Pastor. 1 had
Visioned him transferred already in March, and now with school end-
ing in most places 1 had a feeling 1 was losing someone vital to my
Spiritual Life. 1 prayed the wrong that was being done to him wouJd
be righted and wherever he went things would be a lot easier for him.
l was very much lost in a troubled mind over two Priests, who
are dear to me. l pray every day that they have strength. l felt
peaceful and a calmness and very warm.
l looked up and Our Lady was above the tips of the trees, rising as if
She had been clown and was leaving. In an instant She was gone.
Then a picture was shown ta me which 1 am omitting here. 1'11
just say it was an answer. Pcayed sorne more, then left for the house
-:tfter venerating the Sacred Spot
JULY 2, 1952
This evening l prayed in the house from about 9:30 to 10:40
or 10:45, this l am not certain of. After that l went to the Sacred
Spot and immediately prayed for my Pastor as my heart felt heavy
for him. Then 1 prayed for my BisllOp also my Spiritual Director for
l felt sure he was not being transferred this year (shaIl omit my own
reason for this). 1 prayed for the Holy Father, as l knew there was
unrest in Rome. 1 prayed for my Cuban friends, also those tliat asked
me to pray for them, our fam.ilies, Fred's and mine. l prayed for
Bernard who was having a very difficult time, the temptations were
great. 1 prayed for his employer for 1 knew he worried and gl'ieved
much over him. 1 am forever grateful for aIl he did for Bernard as
he tried bis best in his way. l prayed for Unity in our Community
as weIl as in our Parish.
Prayed that our Community would be cleansed of its corrup­
tion and become a respectable clean minded Community, a God
loving and fearing placed in the minds of the cbildren.
'rayed again that Hank and Clara would he aware of their
position and to understand the Message given. 1 prayed for Father
L.S. as the 4th of July was bis third Anniversary corning to Necedah.
After that 1 prayed for my own troubles and worries and then came
into the houSe. It was 12:30 p.m. l enjoyed the cvcning out neaT the
Sacred Spot. Prayers wonld come from within one'5 heart, not only
lips; prayers as 1 feel thev are only of the lips many times in the
house. One is so close to Heaven under the twinkling stars as it was
Peace and Calmness, l felt like staying here forever.
"Oh God, My Lord, how much l love Thee and Our Dearest
Mother. You gave Her to us to protect us with Her Blue MantIe."
JULY 16, 1952
This evening l felt very heavy hearted as 1 went out to the
Sacred Spot. l went out about 10 p.rn. and prayed for my former
Pastor as he was transferred July 9th. l prayed for our new Pastor
and felt very sorry for him as he found it difficult to tacklea dif­
ferent iob and that's what he faced here in Necedah. His own Parish
divided and Pilgrims attacking him, so l knew Father G. needed many
prayers to be able ta accept Necedah. 1 prayed for my Spiritual Direc-
tor as what 1 had feared before had come ta pass and it hurt very
mllch as 1 knew who was rcsponsible for this.
Prayed for ail that are working for Our Lord and Our Lady
that they would work for Them with pure and loving hearts. 1 prayed
for ail Pilgrims coming here, the sick and afflicted, for our niece and
Steve, OUT nephew. 1 prayed for Mother and my brother, Mathias.
1 had a special intention for them as something was troubling me
which only time and prayer would adjust. Ali these things make the
Cross heavy, including the wrong done by some of my own kin on
the West Coast. It was 50 hard ta show them that personal gain on
earth was not the most important, that only Heavenly gain mattered.
1 prayed for St. Henry ta guide Hank as his Feast day was the day
before. 1 prayed for Clara, as she was leaving for Milwaukee for a
rest. Why this should disturb me didn't make sense. 1 prayed to over-
come this feeling or be given a reason, but none came. Sa after a while
1 left and went into the house and later retired about rnidnight.
JULY 26, 1952
1 prayed tonight for Miss G. as she was sucb a faithful little
soul and so kind and good while Clara was gone. She was here ta meet
the many Pilgrims every day. 1 also prayed for a special intention and
for the Priest 1 met for the first time in 1950 on this very day. 1 prayed
for servicemen, ail Religious and Priests, the Holy Father and Bishop,
family and friends. After this 1 spent some time in meditation.
One thing 1 discovered after returning ta the house was 1 had
plenty of mosquito bites on my legs.
Something trollbled me and gave me no Peace so 1 didn't retire
tilll a.m.
AUGUST 5, 1952
This night seemed so beautiflll 1 walked around outside praying
for some time. Then 1 went among the four Ash Trees and prayed.
How long 1 stayed there 1 don't know; 1 venerated the Sacred Spot
and prayed for the Oblate Fathers at Bellville, Illinois and Father
M. 1 got up again and walked before the Sacred Spot as the air was
still and the mosquitoes were very active. 1 prayed for all 1 could
think of and prayed a fifteen decade Hosary, then came in and retired.
AUGUST 15, 1952
This was the largest crowd since the same day in 1950 (there
had been 100,(00).
!\fy brothers were here and some of Fred's hrothers and my
\lother also. We had an overflawing crowd for \lass at 6:30 and à.
full house at 10 a.m. Father had asked for a donation from the
Pilgrims ta help pay for our Church debt. There was a very good
response from what 1 could see in the basket from the choir loft. 1 had
gone ta 10 o'clock Mass because 1 knew the crowd would be less at
that time, and arrived home after 11 o'c\ock.
Busses and cars came in a steady stream. It was a wonderful
feeling ta see them.
There was a newspaper reporter who writes for the Milwaukee
Sentinel, a Priest from Milwaukee, and a Priest incognito. Clara was
very busy with the Pilgrims, sa was Hank. Clara was able ta get
away about 11:45 and at noon went out with the rest of us. Before
1 went out 1 said sorne prayers before Our Lady of Necedah Statue,
then went out at noon, they were just singing ta Our Lady.
1 venerated the Sacred Spot and said the Angelus and Our Lady
Mediatrix of Peace prayer. 1 was conscious of the Pilgrims saying
the Glorious Mysteries, the y had just said the Resurrection. 1 said
a prayer for them in thanksgiving as their prayers were sa inspiring.
1 prayed for those that desired ta be here and could not make it,
for ail that asked for prayers, for those in service of our Country,
our Religious, Priests, the Missionaries, Prisoners of War, the sick
and mentally afflicted, for our niece and nephew, fOf my family on
the West Coast, and for Fred's family here close at home. 1 prayed
for our Pastor and Parish, for my Spirituai Director and his family
as there was considerable iIIness there. 1 prayed for those working
for Our Lady and Our Lord. 1 prayed that those in the Cause would
work for it in the Love of Our Lady and not far self glorification. 1
prayed for the Holy Father, our Bishop and for those close ta me when
1 noticed a f1ickering before my eyes. 1 opened them and there 1 saw
Hank just as real as if he actually stood in front of me, only small,
about six or eight inches tal\. He had on a blue shirt, grey pants and
a very disturbed expression. 1 was shawn a date, also sorne happenings
which 1 am omitting here which was ail very disturbing ta me.
1 continued ta pray and tried to meditate but was tao disturbed.
T finished with a Hail Mary and a short eiaculation and venerated
the Sacred Spot ta retum ta the house. 1 could not get Hank's disturbed
figure out of mv mind ,md prayed very much for film. 1 respect and
love him l'ery much for his kindness ta ail of us, his effart ta help
Fred at times when he needed sameane ta talk ta, someone to hel
explain things that confused him. 1 know Fred thinks highly of Hank
arm:-Hani<is much é6ncerned that Clara is properly cared for.
SEPTEMBER 15, 1952
This was a beautiful day for me. In the morning Monsignor R.
was here with his assistant and a few ladies who were not from our
Diocese. The Monsignor had been very ilI the fall before with a heart
condition that man)' die from. He \Vas very interesting to talk to. One
thing 1 can say, ifs good he was not m)' Pastor or Spiritual Director
for he would have me do things our Chancery Office would have
frowned on. After Monsignor left another Priest arrived who was a
very dear friend. They were here about an hour when another Priest
arrived who was very humble. 1 introduced them hoth and at 3 p.m.
the two Priests and friend, Clara and myself renewed the Act of
Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of i\Iary. Oh, what a beautiful
moment! 1 showed both Priests something that surprised both of them,
Our Lady of Necedah statue through the window. After a few words
they ail left as they had a long way ta go, one ta Illinois the other
ta Iowa. As they left 1 asked in my heart that Gad Bless them both.
This same evening after the family retired 1 said fifteen decades
of Rosa l'y before going outside to pray. 1 said the Sorrowful l'vlysteries
in front of Our Sorrowful Mother picture. There's something about
that picture that just draws one to it, it's the pleading in Our Lady's
eyes, 1 believe.
1 went out doors to venerate the Sacred Spot, it was a beautiful
evening and the stars seemed so close. 1 felt happy this evening for
meeting tbree Priests 1 respeeted and loved very much ail in one
day. The fourth Priest was a stranger but seemed to be a very Holy
man. He was young and had much to learn.
1 venerated the four Ash Trees also. Oh, 1 felt so at Peace
and slowly walked back ta the Sacred Spot, knelt down and sa id
some prayers to Our Lady of Sorrows, then said three Hai! Marys in
thanksgiving for the happiness of today. 1 then sang; and suddenly
1 was singing a song to Our- Lady of Sorrows in German. There
seemed to be three verses. 1 was startled but continued ta sing tintil
the song was finished. 1 don't know any German songs, nor can 1
speak German even though 1 do understarid it.
1 pondered over this and could still hear the melody as it had a
beautiful tune and words.

1 prayed for the sick and mentally afflicted, and ail those that
asked me to pray for them (if it is the Will of Our Lord to grant
them thcir prayers and petitions), thcn prayed for those in Service.
Oh, the cbange that came over me. Ali the joyful feeling \Vas gone
and a hcavy weight came m'er me émd sadness. as 1 prayed for those
in the Missions. 1 prayed for thüse looking for a new Office in our
Covernment, that they woule! do the Will of Gad. l prayed for ail
Religious, NUDS and Priests, a1so for Fred's family auel mine, for
Mother as she had gone to Oregon and that the shock would not be
too great at what she would find, that she would have a safe return
l prayed for Clara, as l feh the strain was hard on her. l Feh
he. l' mind was willing, but the flesh is weak. l was very .&rateful that
she was here today ta be with us during the renewal of the ~nsecration.
l saw Clara (omitting), which meant more prayers.
1 prayed for our Community and Parish as a great gulf of bitter­
ness had overtaken sorne of our parishoners because we were sending
our children to a Cathalic School. They felt it was a waste of money
and unnecessary and even our own PastOI' didn't favor sending them.
1 prayed for a solution te this problem and unit)' between aIl. l
prayed again for a c1eansing of our school, for 1 felt the situation was
endangering ail children.
When suddenly a picture formed and 1 saw some girls. 1 was
shocked for 1 recognized them and 1 believe 1 sa id out loud, "Oh Gael,
no, not them!" July lst, 2nd, 3rd and 4th, also days in August wcre
shawn to me. Oh, this made me half sick as 1 love this whole family.
With this 1 realized haw seriaus the cleansing was, if a good family
like this cauld get sucked into sins in our careless village. Yet sorne of
those very families still couldn't see wrong being done before their
very eyes.
"Oh God, please show them the way and the light, the wrong that's
being dane daily to the innocent childrenl" Oh, this left me very dis­
turbed, very much depressed. 1 left the Sacred Spot, looked up ta the
Heavens and pleaded for help. 1 also prayed for my o\Vn son in t\lin­
neapolis, and asked God ta give him tht' Crace ta see the wrong and
turn to the right.
l then said a Bosary for the girls 1 saw in this Vision. The joy was
ail gone, anly heaviness remained. 1 could hardly get mvself to go
into the house. l turned back. Again this German song came ta my
mind. Could hear the beautiful strains of melody as 1 only hummed them
and went into the house. Ta my surprise, it was 12:30 a.m. ! had been
out two and a half hou l'S, and it only seemed like twenty minutes.
l then retired to bed and a flood of tears came, and tbrs ail 1
August 22nd, September 8th, 12th. 19th. 24th and other days 1ike
Saturday are ail Our Lady's days. i\lany nights 1 wt'Ilt out to pray and
veneratec! the Sacred Spot. 1 pravt'd for strt'ngth. courage and ll\lInil­
ity. l asked for control of my anger and [empl'r. and tu mak(' 111('
worthy of My Lord and Gad, ta help Fred tn 11l1derstalld and tu gi\T
him ~trengtb and per~everance. l pra)'cd TIlY children \\'ould have
per~evcrance to be able to accept aIl the mockery and accusations. l
prayed for my Spiritual Directar, Father H., Father D., Father B., and
Fatber A., as he was ~tarting a ne\\' Pari~h. l prayed for Father V.,
Fathcr S., and Father K., who h<Jd jll~t been here. l remcmbered Father
\V., Father S., Father R., rather L. and also two Prie~t~ from Canada
who had been here in August. Ali these Priests l prayed for on the
Fea~t of the J loly T\ ame of Mary.

l prayed for ail Priest~ and Reli~ious, our Bishop and Holy Father
every night ""hen l venerated the ::'acred SJ)ot, for those in Service,
Prisoners of \IVar, for those in the war tom Countries, and for those in
the Mission Fields. It is very difficult to pray when one sees in Vision
the sllffering and horrar of our Priests, Religious and civilians of \Var
torn countries anc! those countries the Enem)' has trampled over. One
could cry and ~ob \Vith grief, but you choke up for a while and continue
to pray.
l prayed for those in mental institutions and many times for those
who had asked me to pray.

This is only a summary of ail days mentioned above.

SEPTEMBER 29, 1952

. This day "vas planned in the early spring. Vve were ta see pictures
of Th-erese Neumann and Our Lady's Shrines. It was 6rst planned for
May ..hh, hut Fadier H., the lecturer, was injured by a fire in his
Church on Good Friday.

Father \Vas severely burned, mostly his arms and hand, his right
arm more than the other, if l remcmber correctly. Sa the May 4th
lecture was postponed and finally set for September 28th, in Stevens

Father B., our Pastor, before he was transferred, had made ar­
rangements in carly June for a Mission startine Sunday, September
28th and ending the following Sunday. l wou Id have liked very much
to stay for the Mission, but as l hac! promised the people l fclt l
couldn't back out. As arrangements flr~t were made, l \Vas to see it in
a convent. l saw my Spiritual Director one day and told him about it
and he said, "lt's nice ta see tbis but l advise you ta bt careful what
convents you go ta." As it happened l saw the picture in a Church, sa
everything \Vas taken l'are of. \.Vby the change \Vas made 1 do not
Imow. oh. the battle l had mv~elf. 1 tried ta oct out of it even the
night hcfore as 1 did bave a headacbe, but I\1rs.Y. begged that 1 come.
1 gave in but had the strangest feeling that l should not go. No l
should stav home even after L.Y. came after me 1 didn't Fee 1 right
abOlit il. \!\Ie had dinner at Ys. j\fter dinner went ta the home ~ of
J.L. and L.L. then visited St. Steven's Churcb, St. Peter's and went ta

the girl,;;' Academy. 'They left me at K's where 1 had dinner with
Father H. at 6 p.m. Father was very nerVOllS and jllmpy.
Aiter dinner R.K. took MIs. Ks picture with me at her Shrine,
also with Father H. They also tonk pictures of Faiher H. and myself
at the diOlwr table. After supper the L's, Ys, R's and another couple
came over.
Father wanted ta show sorne very beautiful pictures of Necedah
taken at OUI Shrine. He has a picture of himself and me together; also the
Sacred Spot and Statue \Vith aIl the heautiful flowers. The pictures
are beautiful of the children. He said, "1 have taken many pictures of
Shrines but the one of Necedah has the most beautiful flowers."
AlI the time 1 was with Father 1 had the strangest feeling about
him. 1 had interior pains that seemed to double me up. This same ex­
perience 1 have had when 1 was with someone who was not sincere or
who was putting on an act. 1 couldn't understand this with the work
he was doing. What was wrong aIl during dinner? 1 tried to figure
tbis out. When the group gathered, Father was getting more nervous
aU along. Finally he decided he'd show us the pictures after the lec­
ture so off we aIl went to the lectme. The pains relaxed but nevel' left
me entirely. When we got back to K's, Father showed the pictures.
Whtm they came to Joanne he said, "Oh, how 1 love that girl, too bad
you didn't bring her along." 1 was really surprised at his raving over
Joanne, and how much he loved her and what a wonderful girl she
was. Ta my knowledge Joanne didn't even know him. After the show­
ing he decided to stay over night and go to Milwaukee to lecture at a
High School at 11 a.m. in the morning.
So we ail said goodnight, but 1 shaH never forget his strange
action when he said goodnight to me and asked me to remember him
to Joanne and he did 50 hope to see her.
1 got the most severe pain again (don't know if he noticed my
difficulty or not), but 1 had to leave the room at once. .'\fter saying
goodnight to my host 1 left with RS. for home.
Sorne weeks or 1110nths later 1 went to Portage and heard his lec­
tures again with RS., Mrs. RA., Joanne and B.W. 1 did not \Vant to
go but as 1 understood B.W. and RS. were going alone 1 thought 1
had better go along with Joanne, 50 she would not be alone. Mter 1
was in the car the y drove over to pick up Mrs. A. Rad 1 known this
1 would have stayed home for again 1 had those pains, especiaUy when
we went up to meet him. He did speak to Joanne but didn't recognize
her at aIl until we introduced her to him. B.W. had us stay and have
coffee but 1 would rather have gone home as 1 had the strangest feel­
ing and those pains. It seemed like 1 wanted to get away to the safety
of my home. As soon as 1 arrived home ail pains and feeling were
gone. You figure it out, 1 can'tl
OCOBERT 7, 1952
The Church this morning was jammed full, they were even in
the hall. Many had kept an aIl night Vigil though it was cold. They
prayed the Rosary, the Litanies and sang to Our Lady aIl night long.
Aftel' Mass and breakfast they started to stream out to the farm. 1 had
gone to the late Mass while Clara was very busy with the people.
Even at late Mass the Church was filIed to capacity.
Fred and 1 had a job getting through into our own yard, as others
wanted to follow. Sorne of Fred's brothers arrived; Martin, George,
Jack, Math and wives. Again there had been rumors aIl this was going
to be cIosed and Pilgrims would be banned from coming to the farm.
The Cubans didn't come this Oetober as they had hoped to be
married (but this didn't materialize) and there had been a big dis­
turbance in their Country.
People were here from New York, New Orleans, Florida, Californ­
ia, Missouri, Minnesota and sa many states. A number of Priests came
including Father J.R., Father B.D., and Father S., also the Mission
Priest (Father S.) wham we had a week before, and an Army Chap­
Iain. Father came into the house for a few minutes and then went out
with the rest.
At 12 noon 1 went out as usual to the Sacred Spot and prayed for
aIl present. 1 prayed for the Holy Father, my Bishop, Priests and
Nuns, aIl Religious, Missions and Missionaries. 1 prayed for aIl the
sick, mentally afflicted, those that asked for prayers, for Fred's and my
family. 1 prayed especially for my only sister in Oregon as things were
not right there and prayel's were needed badly. 1 prayed for my Dad
that he would see the way of light. 1 prayed for those in Service, also
Prisoners of \Var and askcd Our Lord ta give our Enemy the Grace
Lu see the wrong, ta tum ta Him and learn ta love Him. 1 prayed for
aIl those that are working for Our Lady's Cause, ta work with a pure
heart and mind ta help bring souls ta Cod, and through this win
1 thanked Our Lady of Necedah for Her intercession for Bernard,
our eldest boy, who said he was cured of heart trouble August 15th.
He didn't tell us until Octaber 5th when he al'rived home. H. claimed
there was such a great change in him that he was a different boy. 1
prayed for Hank and Clara, then turned to meditation. 1 thought of
my Spiritual Dil'ector and praved for him, asking Our Lady to help
guide him, especially on the Anniversary Days, that he would keep
himself in Her Graces.

Il hardship and torture they faced. They looked so haggard from loss of
sleep, hunger and abuse.
Oh, 1 begged Our Lady ta give the people the Grace to go home
anà work harder than ever to show those that have fallen away, or
were stllmbiing in the darkness, the light ta help bring them the
Sacraments and the Rosary.
"Oh Blessed Mother help us, show us theWay."
Suddenly 1 felt a warm light on me and l looked ~ and there
\V~ur Lady looking very sad. She extended the Rosary orward and
was gone. How long 1 stayed after this l do not know. 1 venerated the
Sacred Spot and gat up and headed for the house. 1 saw two black
figures loom up in front of me and there was Father S. and Father S.
1 spoke a few words and went into the house.
The Piigrims all sang and prayed another Rosary and 1 learned
later several Rosaries changed col or. One could see the excitement,
even Priests' Hosaries changed. Slowly the crowd left, none were an­
xious to leave. ~/tay God Bless themall for their devotion to Our Holy
NOVEMBEH 12, 19.52
Severa! people had visited the Sacred Spot and that evening sorne
people came from Stevens Point. Mrs. K. brought her statue and they
made a Eire with Vigil lights burning.
1 prayed from 10 p.m. until 10:4.5. 1 said a fifwD decade Rosary,
then went to Our Lady of Sorrows and said a few prayers in front of
Hel'. 1 then went to Our Lady of ~ Statue, also Fqtima, then went
to Our Lady of Necedah. As 1 knelt in front of Hel' il seemed the
Statue was alive, She looked so beautiful, and yet so sad.
Suddenly 1 felt 1 should go out by the Sacred Spot, which 1 did.
1 venerated the Sacred Spot, said sorne prayers for my close
friends and as 1 looked at the Trees they seemed aIl lit up.
Suddenly a pressure seemed to press me down, and 1 had a very

e difficult time to breathe. It seemed like 1 was bc[n~ crushed and could

not movc Jway.

"Oh Bles$cd Mother, what is it? Have 1 offended you, Mother?

HaYe 1 failcd You? Oh Holy \Iother, help me ta llnderstand so 1 do
not fail Yo.u. 1 do not want ta offend You." Lr~ceived no enlighten-l'
ment, onlv this weij!ht. Finally the weight left enollgh so 1 could
staggN to my feet amI go into the house as it was very difficlllt to walk.
lJow long r \Vas Ollt 1 do not know. A group of devoted Pilgrims
were' praying out there. It \Vas good ta hcar them for only those that
lo,ved Our Lady would stand out during the cold wind praying. 1
knew this crowd loved Hel'. May She always guide and protect them,
help them bring others to see the Light and open the path for them
to poHer Divine Son.
Cod Bless them ail, 1 love them, for they Love Our Lady.
DECEMBER 8, 1952 Ovn"'~.
This evening 1 had visitors again. J. and L.L. were here in the
early part and then left, then B. and K. came. Oh, 1 was selfish again
and was wishing they would leave sa 1 cou Id be alone. The minutes
were ticking off close to the time and they finally left after they bath
visited Our Lady of Necedah Statue. They were just leaving as Clara
arrived. 1 had asked her to come in the house when she came out
ta pray. After she arrived 1 only spoke a few words with her for it
was after ten o'c1ock and 1 wanted to pray. 1 did ask Clara to be with
me tonight. Fred had been Iying clown on the sofa but got up about
10:30 p.m. 1 prayed in the living room until about 10:45, then went
into the bedroom and knelt in front of Dur Lady of Necedah.
1 prayed for ail those 1 usually pray for: the Holy Father, Bishop,
ail Priests and Religious (besides the Priests close ta me), prayed for
the sick, ail servicemen, bath families (Fred's and mine), also prayed
for Father E. who was very sick November 12th and wasn't expected
ta live. Bill Murphy was sick tao since before November 12th when
ail Pilgrims prayed for bath of them.

Tonight 1 thanked Our Lady for sparing their lives as the report
was they were recovering slowly.
1 prayed for Bernard, our son, who disturbed me during his visit
at deey season.

1 glanced back up and Our Lady again l,ad the rose, green gown
and brown eyes. This faded away and Our Lady looked normal and
[ had a feeling as if 1 had been gone and just had come back. 1 said
three Hail Marys, then got up. Clara fol1owed me out of the room
and the look on ~'s face was as if she hacl been in Heaven, or very
close ta it. She basrs;'cb-<Lb~py face and her eyes \Vere fiU ith
tears, but they were tears of ioy. 1 then toJû her w at a seen. Her
words w~)TThat's what 1 saw!" Of course Clara will write in her
own words what she saw.
"What a heautiful evening! Th[lnks, Oh Heavenly Motherl

During the winter 1 kept ail of Our Holy Mother's Feast Days in­
doors as 1 still could not trust to go to the Sacred Spot at night.
January 8th, Our Lady of Prompt Succor; Holy Family, Espousal,
January 23rd; Purification, February 2nd; Our Lady of Lourdes,
February lIth; Annunciation, March 25th; Passion Friday; Feast of
Our Lady of Seven Sorrows; on ail these days 1 would pray for the
usual ones as 1 did remember ail of them every day. On these days 1
would pray especially for sorne (especially the fallen a\Vay), that were
in the darkness spiritually, for ail Religious, Priests and for ail the sick.
1 especially prayed for R.e. who was very ill. In the beginning of the
year she had as yet not realized the seriousness of her illness, 1 could
not tell her 1 saw her in a Vision before Christmas, that over her bed
appeared a coffin. The soreness she feh was not from Christmas candy
she had eaten but something far more serious. But as she was going to
the Dodor 1 hoped and prayed he would be able ta help her. When
again 1 saw the coffin, 1 asked Our Lord to help her so she would be
able to accept it aIl. 1 thought a lot of her even if she caused me much
grief, which was only because she didn't understand as she had a very
big heart and was always ready to give a helping hand. To know she
\Vas leaving us was hard. After she returned from the hospital 1 had
hoped to see her, but 1 never did. 1 gave her my St. Theresa Relic
which she kept with her until her death a year later, January 2, 1953.
She died on the birthday of St. Theresa which was a First Saturday.
1 was very happy for her after ail the suffering she had gone through
that on the Little Flower's Birthday she was called home.
We had fOl'med a St. Francis Club this winter for the school bus.
H was a heavy Cross but the eight families felt it was worth ail the
struggle to give our children a religious training (had 23 children to
start with). At this writing there are only four families left (13 child­
ren), sorne have graduated, sorne of the families have moved away,
and due to the present enrollment at Mauston we are not p'ermitted to
replace those who have graduated. It makes the struggle to keep up the
expense of the bus still harder at this present date. Many prayers are
needed for our children and those teaching them. On ail these different
dates these were my prayers for unity between home, school and Church,
wbich brings unity to the whole community.

This is very difficult to write. Had 1 not been told to write this
December 8, 1953, 1 would never have written it up. 1 had already
told Clara and Hank 1 would Ilot write it, but so far had only reasoned
with my weak self.
How was 1 to write one of the most difficult tasks given me?
Yes, ifs easy to say close your mind to the realistic part of it, but
when your taste cornes back ifs very hard.
On April 7, 1953, 1 went out to the Sacred Spot as 1 always do on
the other Feasts and AnnÏversaries.
April 7th, November 12th, and December 8th were celebrated
indoors. 1 prayed first indoors in our room, venerated the Good Friday
Crucifix (that glowed April 7, 1950 - Good Friday of that year) and
then turned to Our Lady's Statue to say a few prayers, but 1 was not
"Oh Lady," 1 said, "Do You wish me at the Sacred Spot tonight?"
It was now after 11 p.m., but the minute 1 stepped out 1 knew this was
what Our Lady wished, for it seemed that every branch turned silver
while 1 walked out there. As saon as 1 came to the Sacred Spot the trees
turned normal and stayed that way for sorne time. 1 prayed for ?ur ~Iergy
and Religious, the Holy Father, our Country and those runnmg It, also
our Missions, for my Pastor and the disunitv in the Community, also R.K.
(who 1 knew had cancer and would not live to see Easter again).
1 prayed for aIl in the service of their country, for my family as
weIl as my husband's, for Hay, Clara and Hank, also Father S. (as
something worried me about him). 1 hoped and prayed God would
guide him. 1 prayed for several other Priests (whose names 1 shall
withhold), also for Bishop Treacy. My mind again came back to the
V\~ that \Vas .still raging in Korea. 1 remëffi'Der feeling so dis!Q:Isted.
r glanced up to the Heavens and my eyes wandered over the trees, it
seemed strange as now the trees were gone. Immediately instead of

trees there were two poles and.then a crossbar foriniJH~ an 'H' which
st3Xed maybe a second or longer. 1 got a very good look at it and when
this aIl disa eared the trees came back to n mal. Then over the
trees ormin m a halE circ1e ese etters, B - 0 - M -Jr;i'ii<rihis
s or a second or so, then the trees disa~peared and a loud voice
Before me 1 saw a baIl-like obi!:.,ct, say a~olf baIl sizer beneath
this a very large city.with huge tactory i'igtit below the baIl, wbaL.9r
where the city \Vas, was not shawn.
. ..This baIl had a very peculiar look ta it which 1 can't describe.
Suddenly this bail burst and started bubbling (watching Mother
make soapand the soap bubbling is the best way 1 could say this bail
bubbled) but it got larger and larger.
Suddenly it went over me as if my head was suddenly stuck into
a train'lOComotive smokestack gOin fulïsfeam.-ahead. My head was
hot, my moufh burned and 1 sud enly felt blisters down into my
throat aIl the way to my stomach. What an awful taste! The s~st
taste 1 have ever ta~, very nauseaüng. M"fê'yes also smarte<rînd
burned like 1 was sticking my head into a furnace of hot coal. The
~t was temTic. found myseH in the strangest place. My own feeling
disappeared as. 1 watcbe.d-t~RQR__l.IDfQld befoTe my e,res!
1 can't describe it, maybe someone would cali it the center of a vol­
cano. 1 cannot say or put into words the HaRRaR of what 1 saw. It
showed a large factory, weil built of steel, one flash this factory was
before my eyes, and the next flash there was nothing, not even a
speck of it!
1 was shown a train, locomotive and ail. This too disintegrated be­
fore my eyes like the factory and other buildings. 1 then seemed to
move away from the main center where 1 was shown human bodies,
animaIs (cows, horses, dogs), also trees and automobiles which ail in
a flash disintegrated before my very eyes.
Again we seemed to move farther out of this awful heat and
pressure where 1 saw bodies, animaIs as weil as human, but this time
haH of the body burned to a crisp, turned black and shriveled away
on the side towards the center or core of this awful inferno. Death was
here at once; homes burst into flames, cars melted and trees burned
Once again 1 was moved farther off and 1 saw bodies burned
black on the side towards the center (human as weil as animaIs) but
at this point the opposite side stayed alive for a while; it would squirm
and twist in pain and then lie still. Trees were burned down to the
ground. 1 felt then 1 was many miles from the center or core of this
blast and dreadful inferno of heat.
The terrible heat and pressure on my own physical body had les­
sened, but the sight before my eyes was more horrible than before,
for beforc it was mostly instantaneous death, but now it showed human
bodies as weil as animaIs badlv burned on the side towards the heat,
but alive with terrible pain. The trees and vegetation were burned
black. Ir showed a dog twisting and barking, whining in pain; also a
man's eyes just bulging with pain. The stare in his eyes was terrible,
as weil as children's and women's.
Again 1 was taken farther out where things were burned less. Ali
were still suffering. Ali vegetation was brown with the trees brown
and dead and there was no possible way of living.
Again 1 was shown the center after the heat had left. 1 do not
know if this large crater was water or melted sand and metal. It was
shining and some of the land further out had the strange look as if
melted together. It would be impossible to work or grow anything on
it. This ruin extended for many miles aIl around, a horrible mess.
Worst of ail that man \Vould make something as awful as this.
Now 1 will try to describe the core of this awful blast. There
scemed to be a bluish white blaze, and as it raises it turns sort of a
purplish pink and then red. As this goes up it turns brownish and then
grey and above ail nnally a whitish grey.
By this time it's many miles up in the sky. This is not accurate,
but the best 1 can describe.
As ail this Vision vanished and 1 realized 1 was kneeling in front
of the four Ash Trees, 1 was again aware of the terrible pressure, heat
and blisters in my mouth and that awful taste. 1 felt very sick to my
stomach. 1 don't know how long 1 was there or when 1 went into the
house but 1 know 1 did try to pray. 1 was conscious of holding my
Crncifix in my hand, but ail this kcpt spinning before my eyes. 1 had
a feeling 1 should tell someone about it. Oh, but why make them go
through this awful mess and horrible pieture. No, 1 can't do that for
1 love them too much to make them suffer. 1 fought \Vith this a1l night.
Towarcls morning as 1 tried to doze 1 would jump startled by a burned
human body squirming in pain.
1 started pleading with God to have mercy on them when 1 real­
ized 1 was only reliving the Vision. My mouth burned so yet that 1
had to hold it open. Finally 1 must have fullen asleep. 1 awakened
\Vhen Fred asked me if 1 \.vasn't going to Church. 1 started to shake my
head, no, but 1 threw this feeling off, got up and went to Church .
.!oanne noticed there was something wrong and Fred looked at me
and said, "Somcthing happened last night."
1 said, "Yes, something awful." 1 walked away and said, "Don't
ask." Of course Joanne wasn't satisfied with that and 1 finally said,
"1 saw the H-BO~\'lB." 1 told them 1 wouldn't say more.
Aftcr Mass Albrights brought me home and to my surprise Fred
was still in the kitchen. It seemed like he was waiting, he seemed to
sense 1 needed him as 1 really felt sick. 1 tried to drink some coffee but
that had a terrible taste. 1 spilled the coffee out and said to Fred, "1
can't drink or eat anything." Then 1 told him of the burning in my
mouth ancl throat but 1 said, "1 can't talk about it." Fred said, "1
think it would be better if you did," but 1 couldn't see that. Around
9:30 he left for the woods and when ] was alone it got worse. Every
time 1 would look at the Trees ] would see an H and would find my­
self shaking. 1 \Valked around in the kitchen like a caged tiger and

got more upset by the minute. Praying didn't help. Holdin~ ~e Cru­
cifix didn't help. l went in front of Our Lady but that didn t help.
l tried ta pray on the Blue Rosary but started ta think of Hank and in­
stead of Hail Mary it would be: Hank, Hank and then Clara. No,
no, where's my healt? What do l want with thcm? Why burden them
with this? Come on, snap out of it!
1 would get angry with myself, l even slammed the Blue Rosary
on the table but realizing what 1 did l picked it up and kissed it and
hung it up over Our Lady's hand. 1 found no comfort by Hel'.
Again Hank, Hank pounded in my head and before l knew it l
had called him at the garage. It seemed he sensed there was something
wrong for he was out at once. After realizing l had calIed him, l was
sa disgusted with myself l could have run out of the house. 1 felt
Iike a weakling and a coward burdening the two people l love very
much with my weakness. Oh, such self pity! When Hank came in l felt
sa ashamed of myself but l had battled with myself and now that l
had called him rd better not make a fool of him. 1 didn't waste much
time and as 1 started ta tell him, he assured me he would never see it
with the same eyes 1 did. l hadn't thought of it that way, this gave
me courage and strength. This might sound strange, yes, there has
been a big question mark and "why to me?" many, many bmes. Then
this, but Hank gave me strength to carry on and Clara did the same
for me, why l do not know. But without them l could not have carried
on for l had been at the breaking point and this day sure was one.
1 told Hank the best 1 could do was hang onto a chair ta hide my
shaking for 1 was trembling ail over. Severa! times 1 had ta swallow
ta keep from being nauseated.
l told Hank that l couldn't tell Clara. Hank said, "1 think you can,
she can take it." He again reminded me that they couldn't possibly
feel or see it the way 1 did. 1 told him OK then to tell her ta come out
and 1 would tell her and Fred together this noon as 1 hadn't told Fred
the whole story. Oh, how much better 1 felt after telling Hank! 1 was
still terrible shaky and every time 1 looked towards the Trees l wanted
ta run. 1 told Fred and Clara, which just about took aIl my strength.
AIter dinner 1 wanted to go away for a ride or just away, so we called
Albrights. 1 felt immediately we should not have done so but Frances
and Clara tried very hard to get my mind off of it and they succeeded
partly, it helped greatly. However, one always has to come back and
really learn ta face it. 1 had to make supper and hurry as Joanne had
to go back to school to help decorate for the school promo Hank went
to a K.C. meeting, everyone else went to bed. 1 stayed up and tried
to listen ta the radio as in the early evening the programs help but
later on war news and things just make things worse. 1 was sort of in
a daze. 1 don't remember going out but 1 went towards the Spot to
pray. When 1 got in front of it 1 just shook as the taste and burning
just about drove m~ nut:s. l went and touohed the Trees; that was no
good. Suddenly l got the strangest feeling and started to walk, walk
around aiiiong the Trees. 1 felt tight in my ehest and had a feeling 1
wanted ta do sümething wrong. \V'nen an inner voice said, "Pray to
Our Lady, tell Our Lord you love Him." 1"1,), l couldn\ then 1 went to
the big tree by the trailer and fought anJ battled the terrible urge of
going into our woods or do',vn the road.
Suddenly l was aware of car lights, I couldn't let anyone see me
50 1 stood still but they spotted me. It was Joanne and Hank (.'Oming
back from Mauston. Joanne came aIîd asked me what was wrong but
1 felt so tight 1 couldn't answer then. Hank came over and he tried to
get me to go in the house. If 1 would not have had that tightness with­
in me 1 would have snapped at Hank and Joanne insultingly.
Hank kept talking kindly and suddenly that tightness lifted and
1 started ta cry, then 1 started to feel pangs of shame. 1 finally went
into the house with them and after we were in the house Hank said,
"You know you shouldn't be out there like that you have been warned
not to." Oh my goodness, 1 had forgotten!
Hank left with these words to Joanne, "You'd better see that she
gets to bed." At once 1 felt myself tightening up. 1 tried every way
to get Joanne to go to bed but she wouldn't. So 1 thought to myself,
"OK 111 fooi you, rH go to bed. As soon as you go l'lI get up and go
out:' so 1 went ta bed. A few minutes la'i:er Joanne did. It was now
after 1:00 a.m., but 1 could not get out of bed.
1 looked at OUT Lady's Statue and 1 felt sa ashamed of myself,
aH the tightness left and 1 relaxed and prayed. 1 didn't 10se the taste
and soreness in my mouth for over two weeks, even a slight taste 1 had
for a month. May 7th, June 7th, July 7th, l would get the taste aIl
back for just the one da y, and after that it was gone. The trees would
tum to an 'H' tiU May Days of 28th, 29th, 30th, and 31st. 1 never
saw that again.
But 1 can't expIain how it feels when you get this feeling that
you want to hurt somecne, especially Clara and Hank whom 1 Ioved
both so much. But during this awful period 1 wanted to hurt them.
1 wanted to walk daringly out into the night, (.'ome what may. 1 would
fight half 1:he night, and what made the temptation worse, my Enemy
was lurking outside many evenings DOW, but the words of "Obed­
ience" kept hammering in my head.
"Pray, grasp your Crucifix, pray." But there were times 1 wanted
to rip the Crucifix from my neck. AlI this time 1 thought 1 could not
take it any longer, it was torture and 1 wanted to get away. The taste
in my mouth, the "H", a11 was crumbling upon me but no one knew
the battle 1 was putting up. Sa one day 1 decided to leave, Fred and
Joanne approved. 1 toId Clara and she pinched the corners of her
mouth, so 1 said no more that day. The next day 1 told her 1 had made
up my mind 1 would leave this week and rd either go to Fred's re­
lations or home (as 1 had a longing to see our old farm, which 1 told
to no one). 1 tolcl r,lara she could tell Hank of my decision. Hank came
out and talked to me. He told me 1 couldn't run away from it, that 1
would have ta face it anyway again. 1 knew that, but there was some­
tbing else troubling me, something that soon would be impossible. But
1 accepted Hank's decision and stayed and have gone nowhere since.
The disunity grew into a large baBoon and the whole thing crum­
bled on me in July. After the four days in May, especiaBy Trinty Sun­
day, the battle with the H-BOMB was over. Only June 7th and July7th
were reminders. There Hank had helped me aoain to win a battle which
was very hard to nght alone. May GOd Bless him always and help him
through the rough and rocky road ahead.
MAY 28, 1953
At about 12 noon 1 went to the Spot. 1 did not have the feeling
of Our Lady's Presence. 1 rather had a disturbed feeling as 1 had a
very disturbing evening the night before and aB this morning.
As 1 went out towards the Holy Spot this feeling did not lift. After
1 knelt down and placed the Crucifixes with Relies on the Spot, also
Relie of Our Lady's Veil, 1 held my blue Rosary in my hand to join
the Pilgrims who were aB praying a Rosary.
1 prayed for aB the people present and the boys in the service of
our country, indllding my son Bernard and Swan's boy Art. Then 1
prayed for Mrs. C. and Mrs. K. (as they are the ones that caused ail
the confusion the evening before trying ta break my Obedience by
insisting on coming into my home and seeing our statues and talking
to me. They both have Priest sons). After this 1 had a relaxed feeling
and 1 looked up ta the lieavens, but 1 saw no sign of Our Lady. 1
continued to pray when al! of a sudden 1 saw a huge black Cross
(made of wood). This slowly vanished and an outdoor scene came
before me with a brilliance of gold and silver.
1 looked up again. There was no sign of Our Lady. As 1 looked
down my eyes focused on the Crucifix with the Relies on the Spot and
there was a thin stream of light shining right on the Cross. There was
no sun shining this day, it was hidden behind the douds. This Light
stream was smal!er than a dime. 1 looked up and could see this stream
going up a ways but could not see where it came from. 1 watched this
for a moment and then prayed for our President and for our commun­
ity, also my dear friends. Then everything vanished before me and 1
was shawn a beautiful scene of flowers. Directly in front of me was
a trel!is or sort of a lattice fence and it was as if 1 were looking through
this. The flowers were lilacs that 1 was looking through ta a scene be­
yond. 1 saw this cross was large and set in the ground and was a sort
of bronze color. This scene moved :lside and 1 saw three people stand­
ing as if praying; it was a side view of them. 1 recognized them,
Henry Swan, his wife Florence Swan and Clara Hennans. Clara was
just a little back of the Swans, Tuey seemed to he praying but iutent
on something that was happening tefore them. l could not see wbat
it was as the foliage was moving in front of me obstrueting my view,
then 1 noticed that thcre was fi man stooped. over before Henry and
Florence. As this man raised himself. 1 recognized hun to he rny hus­
band Fred.
He was dressed in a dark grey suit, Henry was wearing a lighter
grey suit and Florence also wore a light grey suit. Clara's was black.
They aIl looked very serious when another person walked up. It was
a Priest, a large man as taIl as Henry, but he was bald. He walked
right between Henry and Florence and reached towards Fred. Again
my view was obstmcted by the wind blowing il leaf or lilac blossom
in front of me. Then the view changed although it was the same place.
Here 1 saw several Priests, one was young and sort of a red head.
1 wauld recognize him if 1 saw hirn again.
Also some laity mingled with the Priests. Then 1 saw a Bishop
dressed in rus Bishop's garh and by his side were the two Priests
holding his Garb. The Bishop was either breaking ground or blessing
something before him, although it looked more like a ground breaking.
It was not Bishop Treacy. Then aIl vanished and 1 again saw only
the Spot before me and the Crucifix. This time there was no Light
shining on it.
1 picked up my Relics, venerated them, kissed the ground and
went into the house.
MAY 29, 1953
This day 1 had a strange feeling just before 12 noon. 1 seemed ta
tremble and shake aIl over and had a feeling of eÀ-pectation. At 12
o'dock 1 wa!ked out to the Holy Spot. 1 kissecl the Spot and made the
Sign of the Cross with the Crucifix and Relie of Our Lady's Veil.
1 kissed both of them and placed them on the Spot or in the center of
the Cross on the ground. 1 prayed for the sick as we had at t'his time
severa] very sick people in our village. I also prayed for the fallen
away parishoners and for aIl others that had asked me to pray for
them. 1 prayed for our niece, for our President and Cabinet Members,
Priests, Nuns, Missionaries, Our Holy Father and my Spiritual Director
and his family. 1 prayed especiaIly for him.
The praying of the Pilgrims seemed to distract me so 1 prayed
for them and thanked them in prayers for their devotion to Our Lady
of Necedah.

The ground before me turned to a golden color and silver rays
seemed to be coming from the Heavens so 1 looked up but could not
tell where they came from. Our Lady's Relic seemed to sparkle and
the red seemed to turn blue for a few seconds.
1 looked up, could not see Our Lady but 1 could feel Her
Ali this vanished and again a huge Cross appeared before me
with a very beautiful Corpus on it. St. John and the three Marys were
at Our Lord's feet and this Cross was in the ground, on a hill or bluff,
not in a building.
Ali this vanished and then 1 prayed for strength for my husband
and myself, also for our children. 1 prayed for Henry Swan and family,
for Clara so that she cou Id carry on with the work and that ail of us
may persevere, for my Mother and family, also Fred's family.
Then 1 asked in prayer, if our prayers, the prayers of ail the peo­
ple are enough to stop this War. As if in answer 1 saw a scene that
was a large field or acreage ail filled with markers and crosses of
This made me feel very depressed. 1 looked up to the Heavens and
asked Her in prayer to help us so that we will do the right thing and
help others into the fold, that they will see and come to live the
right way, GOD'S WAY.
1 then bowed my head and said a few Hail Mary's, kissed the
Spot and made the Sign of the Cross on the Spot and returned to the
MAY 30, 1953
This morning 1 had a feeling of disturbance as 1 was easily up­
set and things didn't seem to go right.

Just before noon 1 discovered that one of the leading Pilgrims
wanted to collect money on the grounds for our Parish, the}) l knew
w~ad been so upset ail morning until 11:45 a.m.

At this time the disturbed feeling left me and 1 had a feeling

of expectation and 1 was trembling ail over. 1 went to the Spot about
12 noon.
After venerating the Relies and placing them on the Cross at the
Spot, 1 prayed for ail present, thanking them for their devotion. ..L
could feel Our Ladv's Presence but could fiot see Her. 1 prayed for
my own family and for my very dear and close friends, Our Holy
Father and Authorities (both Government and Spiritual).
1 then looked up again but still could not see Our Holy Mother.


1 had the same feeling of expectation only more joyful and peace­
fuI but 1 was trembling and shaking. Just a few minutes before noon
1 shook so that 1 had a slight pain over my heart.
After going to the Sacred Spot, venerating both Spot and Relies
also R0sary, 1 prayed for ail the prople's intentions that were present
and for ail those who were working for Our Lady. 1 prayed for those
who had asked me, also for bath our families and rnv dear close friends.
T orla)' was different, it was so peaceful. There was s~ch a jovful feeling
and yet a Iittle sorrow mingled IIl"ith it. 1 saw purple, sort d a purplish
Halo which changed into a sick bed. 1 could not reco$nize the persan.
There was some(me attending this sick persan. This then vanished.

1 was praying and felt a warmth on my head, so 1 looked up into

the Heavens. 1 saw nothing when ail of a sudden right aCross the trees
appeared the Trinity and Unity Sigrl. This moved down towards the
Spot right over the Cross 1 had made on the Spot. This Sign was
shimmering and it was transparent, then ail of a sudden this Sign
raised quickly upwards. 1 cannot express or put jptg U/erds the glQr-
ÏQus feeling that came over me, as if l was risin~with the Holy Trinity
St!'n. Then From the east of the trees a ,\llite clove came f10ating
t rough the air towards the Trinity Sign with a Blue RosaI)' in its

The Way to Peace as shown to Mary Ann Van Hoof nt the Sacred Spot on Trinity

Sunday, May 31, 1953.

bill, (this 1\osa1"Y sE'emed to he Cl dnplicate of nlilll'). The dove seeml?d

ta drop the Hosary 011 the Trinit y Sign and fiel\! awav toward Our
Lady. lt then fle"v awav with the \Vorcl "PEACE" in it bill. Our Lady
was holding a large Hosary in Her bands in front ot Iler and han the
most beautiful smile, but She was gone \Vith a fbsh. 1 oltly saw lIcr a
second. 1 cannot express in words the way 1 tel!, it just ,eerncd my
chest was going to burst. l'dy chest was too small to takc in ail the
Heavenly Glory anù it achecl with love and h~lppiness, \ly heart s('l'm-
ecl to pound with such force that it just felt impossiI)\P tklt 1 was not
lifted right up \Vith this glorius feeling. The air secmed just full of
music, chimes and heavenly singing, ail of a sudden 1 realized Ù,e
Pilgrims were singing and one voice sl'emecl to rise ahove thE' others.
This day had the most beautiful, glorious moments 1 have ever ex-
perienced before. Oh, how wonderful Heavcn must bel Thrce years
before on this clay there \Vas so much sadness intermingled and the
only wondel'hL! moments were Our Lady's winning s!l'Jill' in 1950. Aftn
that there was such SOrrow.
Ali of a sudden evcrything was normal. The Pilgrims \Vere still
singing but 1 could hardI y leave the Spot. ."-fter \Tncrating it and the
Helics, 1 got up, l don't know \Vhat made me do il hut 1 bowcc1 my
head towards the people as if to S,lY, "Thank You." The!'e sccmcd to
be such a peaedul feeling over the crowd, which was Iaekillg the day
beforc. 1 feel sure Our Lady was weil pleascd with the dcvotion in this
group~f Pilgrims.
1 then left the Spot and went towards the house. As l came ta the
arbor, either the Spot or the people CI clon't kllow \l'hat it was) macle
me turn around again. l felt like tbanking tbem. 1 turned back and went
into the hou se, and 1 made the Sign of the Cross with the Cruciflx con-
taining the Relies over the crowd through the door. Then 1 noticed
that my face was ail sticky where tears hacl dampelled it, the hair by
my ears was wet, but these wcre tears of joy.
Thank God for sllch joyl
JUNE 4, 1953
l again vcnerated the Spot as on the days beforc and praycd for
all present, for our Parish, friellds, family aile! those asking for pra~'ers,
a1so for Father 5., Fatlwr V .•11ld Father S.
This clay 1 clic1n't have a feeling ofjoy but only sorrow. l lookecl
up but saw no sign or anything. 1 contillued to pray, prayed for more
unity lX'tween our people and the Clergy, for a hetter nnclerstanding,
and thcn 1 was interrupted \Vith the praycrs of the Pilgrims.
l closecl my thougbts and conccntratccl on my OWII prayers. l
again looked up hut sa''.\' 1I0thing. 1 lookccI clown and then 1 saw a
pieture of corruption in the sl'ho01s. It was a terrible thing ta sec.

Grade school size children as weB as high school and coBege size
students disobeying the Sixth Commandment, the 5th Commandment,
2nd and 7th, and tl1rough these breaking the 3rd.
The Ist picture 1 saw was of children neglected by their parents.
And then a picture of new born infants and babies.
But then aB three came in view and 1 saw children deformed physi­
caUy and mentally and covered with sores.
The word "PRAYER" went over ail the pieture, then the picture
turned greenish color and then faded away, but the green color stayed.
The Trinity Sign 6 ,followed by the Unity Si~
which started in this greenish light and tumed bright and vanished.

1 next saw a Vision of a Priest (whom 1 recognized), 6rst in black

Cassock and then sayin~ Mass in a white Vestment. This pieture turned
a deep purple, then vamshed.
1 saw the same order of Nuns 1 had seen before but when this
vanished 1 saw the scene of June 4th, 1950 and the 28 people then
present. 1 saw the ones that were for the Cause and who nad changed
but will tum back, and those who are changeable.
After this Scene vanished, a brilliant light suddenly shone in front
of me and 1 saw a Golden Chalice with a host and the Sacred Heart in
the Host. It seemed there were drops of Blood dripping from the Host
into the Chalice-with a very brilliant light aH around it.
After this everything vanished and turned normal again. 1 said
one Our Father, three Hail Marys and a Glory Be, tben venerated the
Relics and the Sacred Spot and went into the house.
JUNE 16, 1953.
This day as 1 walked to the Sacred Spot, 1 didn't feel unusual. My
feelings were neutral. 1 went to the Saered Spot about 12 noon,
venerated it and the Relies. 1 placed the Relies on the Spot while the
Pilgrims were praying a Rosary. 1 prayed for ail present, for our
Priests, Nuns and a11 Religious, the Holy Father, Our President, Fred's
family, my own and for those close to me in this work. My prayers
were interrupted with a woman reading the meditations of the nrst
Sorrowful Mystery. The reading of the Agony made it very difficult
( for me. 1 had a sinking sensation, and had a very hard time keeping my­
self normal.

·hefore. At lirst there was a glow above the Heart and the brownish
green crown around it with drops of Blood which seemed to come from
the thorns. There was a very brilHant light around the heart and the

1 then was shown a Conyept bejng entered br rioters who broke

into a Chapel where a~numbër of Nuns_~e~kneeli~gjn pr1ter. Three
f them looked up frightened but continued to pray, as t e Enemy
went about tearing the Stations off the walls, knocking down Statues
and the Crucilix. Sorne of the Nuns ~ d up in protection, ~g
to-.sto.p-themÀut they would knaclulo Nun;> or just rudely push
them aside. One started to run but a man grabbed her veil and tore it
off her head and threw her down backwards (1 couldn't see if she was
hurt or not). One of the men grabbed a N'un and was rudely kissing
her while she fought, then he hit her and she either fainted or was
knocked unconscious. The three praying Nuns were struck down with
sorne of the Stations. They were hit over the head with them.
It then showed the entenng of a Seminary, shooting, clubbi;;J aad
beatin up the Priests and Seminarians; grabbing the &X)ks an tne
textf;Ogks, piling them up and burning them, wrecking the whole interior
of anything religious.
1 sa a Priest lirst as a Priêij then he changed before eyesrch
and _was weann stn overa s. l!-~saw ~hem entering a u.rçh
and destro)i!!~~J:}1 • ..a~a scattering
the Hosts.
This. will come to America unless there are more prayers. It show-
ed a Rosâiy~tlien l1àï1dShOldmg a Rosary praymg on n; thousands of
hands holding Rosaries.

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This evil picture gave me a very sickening feeling when aH of a
( sudden 1 noticed the ground moving in front of me and 1 knew 1
must be swaying as if 1 was going to faU. As 1 walked towards the
arbor, twice my knees started to buckIe, again at the door and as
soon as l got into the house 1 had to lean against something for sup·
port. 1 stayed that way for an hour at least before 1 even dared to
walk across the room. 1 had to fight the Vision back. It was just ter­

C..J.:i,llk! 1 feel so sorry for the ReIIglOus. 1 teel we, the laity, have tailed
t~ so by not praying enough for them.

JULY 2, 1953.
"My Child, you are greatly troubled over conditions in your Coun­
try, Community and those close to you."
"yes, My Child, conditions are very serious, much confusion,
"My Child, Prayer, much, much more prayer."
"True Devotion towards My Son. Pray to the Sacred Heart and
My Immaculate Heart."
"Prayer must come from the Heart."_
"Devotion and unity between the laitY and those working for the
Church. Unity between all can only be accomplished by loving thy
neighbor, chnritableness, daily Mass and Sacraments if possible. This
is needed to give strength to persevere."
"Ask for more prayers for the President, only one quarter as many
praljers said for him as beginning of year. Pray much for the Holy
Father, Priests and Religious, too little effort is made toward this."
"My child, avoid any interference to this Cause. Do not comment
or get involved with any other matter which will only add to con­
fusion and mimnderstanding. Follow My Message only, stay Obedient
to Meat aU times. Be charitable, control your temper, be more
"My Child, do not let fear of Persecution keep you from your duty
towards yom neighbor. Many tests have been I;iven you, many more
will be given you. Many Crosses have and will come your way. Pick
it up and carry it, lamenting will only add to its weight."
"Yes, those close and dear to you will make your heart heavy.
Pray, continue to pray for them. Consult your Spiritual Director, pray
much for him, do not neglect him. Pray for each other, pray for your
Pastor, also yom former Pastor whom you Visioned two years ago, he
needs many prayers."
"Yes, My Child, ai fîmes vhflsical f!liins of bo~ and pa ins.....1:lf) 1
- heart seem unbearable. Remember, Myild, whênTings seem dif- J
ficlllt, IIl1bcaralJle, clas]! thy Crrtcifix, say the Ollr Father, Hail ~lary
and Glory Be. MJJke tllllsclf worth" for iHy SE"' RcmcmlJer l a/ll al­
ways ldth you whcn !Jou /lece! .Mc. 1
"Pra!!, My Child, and God Bless YOt/,"
.1 UL y 16, 1953.
l \Vent out to the Sacred Spot this evening at 10:55 p.m. and
venerated iL L placed the Helics of 01lI" Blessed Mother on the Spot
th en prayed for my friends, for those close and dear ta me, relatives
and family, for the Pripsts that have hpen close to me through ail
my trials, also for my Community and for those sick, for our school
cause and a succ:essful solution, also for the President, Government,
ail Priests and Missionari('s, the Prisonprs of \Var and asked ahout
thelll. Then the answpr canw:

"No Peace in sight ill the world l//ltil Ml! SO/l Th'l God is /lot
01!ellfJed." ­
"No Peace for YOIl and those close to YOI/, lJcrseclItion severe,
IIIl1ch Iwrm comes fro/ll this." (And th en silence.)
l eontinued to pray, l could feel the weight of ail this on me and
l hegan to shake. l praycd some more hut ail through this thcre was
no sound, only the Pilgrims praying. Then very softly: "Pwy, !les My
Child, pray mucll. Bless YOll, My Child." Thpn silence. l didn't sec
Our Lady. l heard Her voice only.
l prayed some more or tried to. Then 1 l'dt myseIf dropping and
shaking. l felt my face in the sand and voices above m('.
AUGUST 15, 1953.
l \Vas very tired 011 this day, very bloated and in pain. This feel·
ing never prevailed on previous Apparition days. Ali pains were always
removed before on these days. l knew through this that the Unity Om
Lady asked for was not present and this weighed heavily on me.
ivl isundcrstanding, irritation and uncharitable actions seemed to pop
up ail around.
Just befme noon my folks arrived. l came into the kitehen and 1
was speaking with them, listenillg for tll('ir l'eply. At the sanw moment
1 happened to look through thp wimlow to see a car driving into the
yard where it didn't helong, 1 ovnlook('d fol' the 11l0llwnt SOIll('01H'
preselli ill the l'oom in lilll' with the \vindu\\' 1 luok('d throngh, im­
mediately offellse \Vas takclI with the J'('mark, "1 \Vas \Vondering \Vhat
1 did that you looked right through me."

Shortly after this l got ready to go out at 12 0' clock. (This hap­
pened in the home before 12 noon).
The prayers l tried to say before going out were always inter­
There were many devout praying, also a few curious while sorne
were still coming at 12 noon. After venerating the Sacred Spot l be­
gan to pray for aIl present asking Our Lady's Blessings upon them on
this, Hel' Glorious Day. l prayed for the Holy Father, Bishop, aIl
Priests and Religious and for those who wanted to be here and could
not come, also for my Spiritual Director and those close and dear to
him. Here again l felt the great need of prayers for him, prayed for
my father and aU relatives on both sides of the family, for the af­
flicted and the sick, for those close to me and for one wife to have a
better understanding of the things her husband does in connection
with this. l prayed for our Pastor, for J. and P. and their intentions,
asking Our Lady to reward them for aIl they had done for us if it is
God's Will. l prayed for unit y in the Community and those working
for the Cause, and the Church which l knew and felt was in need of
much prayer.
l could feel the dissension an about. l prayed for the Prisoners of
War and those left behind.
Then l saw a Vision of the sick and wounded, civilians, ~uns_13.nd
Priests in their struggle. Tfien a calmness came over me. Sllirdenly
aS1range elation came over me and through the Trees about the center
there seemed to be an opening.
And through this l saw what looked to me like OUR LORD. He )0
was dressed 111 a cream gown. Over this was a cape or cloak. lt was
not red or purple, it's hard to explain the color. The leaves of the Trees
kept floating in front of Him.
AIso, l saw Our Lady in a very dazzling white. She looked just
like 'SIie did' on the preVious three Assumption Days, although l saw
Hel' only for an instant througb this same opening. Then aIl this van­
ished, the opening seemed to close. l again turned to prayer and again
this same feeling of dissension and disunity came over me, it was such
a great feeling of helplessness and heaviness. l prayed for strength so
that l could get on my feet and be able to accept aIl that was given me.
l was able to get on my feet and left for the house.
Gave the Pilgrims Our Lady's Blessing through the door.
AUGUST 22, 1953.
This evening l said a Rosary before Our Lady of N.ecedah's Statue
and to me Our Lady looked very sad. l said several prayers and went
into the kitchen to get ready to go out to the Sacred Spot at about

Tl1en Our Ladv's soft Voire spoke (but She was invisible): Tht
mallv have Consecriltt'd tht'msd"es to !fer immaclIlate Heart but do
nof Sà y the prayers reglilar. that times are so grave and in such con­
fusion that those who han' made this Act sholild say thi. r at
least 01lC(' a wce' ail( 1 POSSI) C (ai \' ail( to h:\"e others consecrate
tlH'msd\'es. sa\' the pra\'(",s alld stlld)~ the work.
For a timl' tlH'rl' \\:IS si!('Il("(' and thl'II [ was aware of the Pil­
grims' prayers. 1 hegan tu shake as [ il ',li t Hl' l of the shocking
\fessagt'. 1 felt sic' to illY stolllac land \\ ('ak in Ill\' body. 1 fe t a sin\<­
ing f"c!ing y.'hich 1 hattlcd tl) m·("CO:1W. ",hcn sllddcnly m) L10e hit
tht> grollnd and 11l\' hea<1 S('('I1H'd tn hit :1 ha rd objl'ct ancl a sicken­

Vision shawn ta Mary Alm of the Immaculatc Hcart of Mary
at the Sacred Spot on August 22. 1953. .
ing feeling overwhelmed me causing a heavy weight on my chest as
{ if 1 was being sat on. 1 had a very difficult time ta get [id of the mes­
sure as J pleackd \Vith the Immac!!!ate BeaIt tg have mercv on them.
Suddenly as if someone picked me up, 1 rose. The sadness grieved
me, and 1 had a hard time and a fight with my feelings to suppress my tears.
1 was then helped into the house by Clara, Kathryn and Dr. Ray­
1 again prayed in front of Our Lady's Statue before 1 went ta the
Sacred Spot at 10:55 p.m. 1 walked out \Vith Fred behind me. As 1 neared
the Sacred Spot had the strange feeling of something wrong (similar to
August 15th of this same year). As 1 knelt down it was very difOcult ta
even concentrate on my prayers. Had a feeling of curiosity, a very
disturbed feeling. Finally 1 was able to start praying. 1 asked Our Lac4t
to forgive those present that are causing this disturbance; also asked Our
Lady ta Bless those that are here sa devoutly praying and for enlighten­
ment for the others. Again prayed for Our Holy Father, Bishop, ail Priests
and Religious, our President, Senator McCarthy and other Senators,
relatives and our Community.
1 pral'ed for unit y and understanding between the Pilgrims and to
make their home a hall se of devotion and unity.
Suddenll' 1 was aware of a Iight shining inta ml' eyes (someone
had moved a votive light to the left of me) when the Iight from a
flash blub bursted inta ml' el'es, someone had taken a picture which
was very disturbing and annoving but 1 contin lied ta pray and then
1 lost ml'seIf ta those arallnd.
For 1 was looking up and praying when a Vision started to faTm
which looked like a beautiful (1id about 12 ears old with long f10wing
hair t len anot 1er as 1 blllb exploded in ml' el'es an t e 1S1OD and
a vanished. 1 felt so badly, 1 prayed for forgiveness for those doing
1 this and begged for the Vision ta retllrn, for it wasn't visible enough
to distinguish who it could be. 1 could not see anvthin o any more.
; 0

"My pleas must he heard and My requests granted, only then will
you find Peace."
I returned to prayer when the flash bulb again exploded. I con­
tinued to pray but always that disturbing feeling would return after
Our Lady's Presence diminished. Su~enly, before I knew anything
at aIl, 1 hit the firound and had this welghf and aMui pressure on my
( cliest. 1 had a dfhculf hme to move, F'réd and Clara helped me to my
-reëfând into the house.
SEPTEMBER 12, 1953
1 prayed befare Our Lady of Necedah and just about 10 :45 p.m.
my mather and brother arrived. They had made a great effort to
get here on time. They also came to see our son Bernard, who was
leaving for his Air Base the 16th of September. I prayed several
prayers before going out just about 11 p.m. This evening seemed more
peaceful and was very cold, although I didn't fee! cold at aIl. I prayed
for an present, and aIl Priests, Religious, the President, the Holy
Father, Bishop, relations, aIl close to me and the Cause, and for my
mother and brother. I thanked Our Lady for bringing them here safe­
ly this night. I prayed for Clara and Hank ta be enlightened as to their
duties ta this Cause, also strength for myself which I was greatly lack­
ing. l was greatly concemed aver my weakness and my inability to do as
Our Lady asked.
- I looked up toward the Heavens ta plead with Our Lady for
strength, wherr l noticed a stran e formation of stars. First I noticed
a ~rï.e "M", then I notice t e comp ete wor , , I S S ayed
plain y visible for two or three minutes. Then a star at the beginning
of the "M" started to fall and this star seemed to pull the word
_. "MARY" right out of the sky and after that there appeared an "A P"
where the "AR" of "MARY" was before. After a few seconds an dis­
appeared. I watched but the stars an looked the same.
I said many prayers after this, both for help and for an in thanks­
giving for the privilege of the action in the sky. I then venerated the
Sacred Spot and went into the house.
SEPTEMBER 15, 1953.
This evening I knelt before Our Lady of Sorrows for sorne time
and I went to Our Lady of Necedah. 1 then dressed to go out of doors
about 10: 50 p.m. with Fred. 1 venerated the Sacred Spot and prayed
for aH as before, Our Holy Father, Priests, Religious, Relations, Presi­
dent and Communitv, sick and those that asked for prayers. Then
l, prayed ta ?ur Lady of S~rrows fo~ many thi~gs that trouble.d m~,
dlSU fur Freu anJ Cl :>cJfc: JuuUlêy ,Gr Bernard 3 rctl.;rn to hJs :\u
Base, for Her guidance and protection of him. 1 prayed for the
experience of the afternoon, such a practical confession of a Priest
and of the evilness in two places which 1 had indirect connection with,
for these two places need much correction. Selfishness, Greed, Jealousy
and Impure thoughts cause much of the difficulties. 1 rrayed for help
and guidance for one who came to me for help and gave him the
best 1 could, the rest 1 placed before Our Lady.
1 prayed for another Priest that arrived that same aftemoon just
as we finished our renewal of rny Consecration to Our Lady. 1 prayed
that this Priest will he guided in his undertaking, also for a Priest
that at this rime was causing much persecution, that Our Lord wouId tum
this to the good of the Cause. 1 thanked Our Lady for bringing this
Priest (J.S.) for my renewal and for his help ta me at this rime. 1
prayed for those close to me, our Community and our schools, for R. he keeps himself in check, and for persecution against his name and
tltat he ~iIl he more careful concerning the Pilgrims. 1 prayed for my Spir­
Jtual Drrector that he would stay on the Spiritual sicle and not on the
material which was pulling him away from bis Spiritual obligations.
Here r had a strange feeling, l really don't know why, but then 1 was
pulled out of my deep meditation with these words:
"My Child, Courage. Confusion is great, you must he on guard
that this confusion does not en you sa. ild,
th1$ un nta eness arou you opens t way or much persecution
and destroys what hâS been gained. Confusions, trials and tests will he
many. My wamings are not heeded, My requests are disregarded."
"Pray, My Child, to save Souls for many of My requests if is tao
late. Bad re uests been heard three ears 0 much suffering, de­
struction and sorrow cou ve been avo' . T 00 little has heen
done, schools have not been cleansed, many children have fallen into
black sin. In many places your Country is getting worse, not better."
"Yes, My Child, many prayers and devotion ta My Son and My
Immaculate Heart have been started. They shall he rewarded. Many
Rosaries have been said, but many h01>'e fallen off in other places."
"My Child, encourage more prayers for yom Catholic Senatar,
he needs many p1'ayers."
"Your Enemy will strike out saon! Pray. Pray."
Oh, 1 felt so shaky, 1 tried to say something because 1 fe1t myself
slipping. 1 asked Our Lady to help me but 1 knew She had left me and
1 . 1 felt as if 1 had control of myself, but suddenl asitI was
struck clown, 1 lan agams e enae WI my. ea e 'nd a ornce
on the fenœ, 1 could Feel myseIt bemg puUed and my jaw wedged
Il 6ehind the brace. 1 could hear them praying and LeIf as if 1 Vias in a
deep hole with people talking ta me from the top. 1 was aware of Fred
and Clara and then 1 recognlzed Hank's voice calling. "Mary Ann".
ow long 1 laid there until they got me on lOy feet and into the house
1 do not know. Hank and Fred ht'Il>t'd me into the house and Clara
came in with me.
FEAST OF~r-O-U-R-LA-D-Y-O-F-HA-N-S-O-~S EPTE\1BER 24, 195;3.
This evelling 1 again praved before Our Lady of Necedah. Then
1 sa id three Rosaries in the kitchen. 1 had guests in the home this night
and had ta he rude ta get them ta leave as 1 wished ta be alone in
prayer for an hour hefore Our Lady's Presence at the usual hour of
Il p.m.
1 asked Our Lady and 0111' Lord ta forgive me and prayed before
Our Sacred Heart Statue. 1 felt sa guilty as it seems so hard ta get
sorne people to understand. 1 know Our Lady wants us ta control our
tempers and ha\'e patience as my thoughts were worse than my actual
words. At 11 p.m. 1 again went out and venerated the Sacred Spot.
1 prayed for ail the usual <mes and for Fred who had heen very
ill for the last two weeks with a cold and was mentally disturbed
which worried me greatly. 1 drt'aded most of ail ta keep certain things
l'rom him as it madt' me feel sa alone, 50 helpless. 1 had been feeling
as if 1 was letting my weaklless blll'den those close ta me sa 1 prayed
ta Our Lady for help, but it. sef'med this was no night for consolation
for one sa weak, 50 cowardly, selfish and spineless.
For an answer 1 seemed to get a picture of our boys returning as
released prisoners, also the starving, hahies and children in Korea and
China. Oh, how pitiful, how ~ickening, seeing the Nuns also, how ter­
rible and how cheap and small 1 felt, 1 began to soh and it seemed 1
had no control over myself.
Then Our Lady said: "The Enemy u;ill strike before Christmas,
sa, My Child, Prayers. Your heurt is heuvy. Yes, My Chi/d, suffering
Of smalt chi/dren grieves YOIl. Yes, MIl Chi/d, they are the innocf!.nt
( "COURAGE."1 thought my heart would hreak. Then 1 heard the ward

With this 1 l'eh Her Presence l'eave me. How \\'eak 1 got again.
1 collapsed as on September 1.5th and had the same feeling.
Hank. Clara and Fred helped me into the house. This night it was
very wise that Hank and Cllara stayed with me for 1 wanted ta go
out against my hetter ju<lgment. There are times when 1 have ta
struggle against this b\lt ail t h r ) set' ed tn sense this and
they ail waited. Finally 1 felt this feeling leave me. 1 only 'ope and
pray someone will always he \Vith me when this happens as 1 woulcl
hate- to think \\'hat couic! happen if r wen' left alonc.
1 felt very gratf'ful tn Hank and Clara this night. \1ay God Bless
OCTOBER 7, 1953
This seemed a day of wondering as those around me were won­
dering how many Pilgrims would come after the blast in one of the
Catholic papers. They started to count the Priests as they arrived,
five of them by 11:30 a.m. 1 saw another who was not dressed in black,
only his trousers. 1 was told another was incognito. Father S. (one of
the five) arrived and came into the house. 1 was praying so 1 just
gave him a brief handshake and continued to pray. He spoke to Clara
and 1 withdrew out of hearing. 1 continued to pray even though sev­
eral times 1 was interrupted. At 11:45 1 dressed to go out. 1 had on
the same blue dress 1 wore on October 7th, 1950, with a shawl over
my shoulders. They said it was cold out but 1 was not a bit cold during
the period 1 was out. Father left and joined the rest of the Pilgrims
outside. 1 went out at 12 noon and venerated the Sacred Spot. 1 placed
Our Lady's Veil (Relic) and the Crucifix with Relics on the Sacred
Spot. There were many Pilgrims praying which made me feel good to
hear aIl those Hail Ma s <roin u to Heaven and calling attention
IX 0 eace. IS group wants eac, 't

li f.e t peaceful. This grou}' was sincere. 1 knelt and prayed for those
present and asked Our Lady to reward them if it be Their Will. 1
prayed for the Holy Father, our Bishop (who at this time was in
Rome), Priests and Religious, for my Spiritual Director, for the Priest
that was leading the Rosary (Fr.R.) and the other Priests present. 1
prayed for my husband's famil)', my famil)' and aIl those working for
the Cause, for P. and J, (as this was their second Wedding Annivers­
ary), for their intentions, also for those that had asked me to pray for
them especially on this day. 1 had noticed Mrs. H. with her arm in a
sling and cast and 1 prayed for her. 1 had a feeling of much suffering
come over me at this point as if aIl was not right with that arm
1 prayed for our Community, President, for our State Government, for
Ray, Clara, Hank and family and for Bernie in the Air Force. ~
1 then turned ta meditation but was interrupted when 1 saw St.
Ther ain then St. Frands, who was more dim, then a Priest
ln assocI<, w am recogmz as Father D. He was ve dim, but he
looked thin. The feeling that everything was not right at ~rytown came
over me, which meant more prayers for Marytown. r"then saw a Priest
(whorn 1 would recognize if 1 saw again) dressed in Cassock nrst and

lsuddenly a wide, rose-eolored ribbon forming a belt around his waist.

After this there seemed to be a whirling before me like a whirlpool
(the meaning 1 don't know or understand), then over this formed
many roses and the roses vanished. Then aB the roses seemed ta .!Wn
into faces l is a ain vanished and a Nu)} appeared in a white garb
1Hwit ck veil and to me it was a Dominican Nun. If 1 wouldseener
JJIIwould recognize her face. Then again a Nun appeared that 1 had
seen many times before, 1 don't know what Order she is but she had
smallCIllTaren beneath her (infants up ta about 4 years). 1 aIso saw
Fr;»lcisQ;1J) Nuns (Order of St. Francis of Assisi) and other figures.
1 didn't u))derstand the m~niJl~of ail this. Then ail vanished and 1
saw a bed with a figure of a man that became visible. 1 saw this man
very plain and could recognize him at once if 1 saw him. 1filS picture
stayed a Few seconds and 1 saw a Dignitary (Bishop, l believe) dress­
ed in his vestments, and two Priests in Surplices next ta him. He re­
sembles our new Archbishop, only he was wearing glasses and seemed
more aged. His facial features were thinner. Then ail pictures van­
ished. /' ,
1 was praying when aH of a sudden a strong gust of wind rocked
me and 1 looked up to see Our Lady dressed as before, holding the
II Infant ancl Both holding the Rosary. She smiled and rose slowly to the
West and was gone. The feeling one has when Our Lady leaves is very
difficllit ta describe. 1 just can't put it into words as any description 1
\Vou Id give wOllld not do it. 1 prayed for a while and thanked Our
Lady for Hel' present to me who is so unworthy of Her kindness.
1 venerated the Sacred Spot, gave the Pilgrims Our Lady's Bless­
ing with the Relic Crucifix and \Vent into the house.
May God Bless them ail.

OCTOBER 11, 1953. ov.,,,v.

This evening 1 shut the main kitchen light off at about 9:55 p.m.
and prayed a full i.if.!een decade Hosary. Then 1 went and knelt in
front of Our Lady of Recedah Statue and prayed the Seven Sorrows,
also the Holy Ghost.Hosary. 1 went back into the kitchen to pray when
1 suddenly realized it was 10:50 p.m. So 1 quickly dressed to go out as
it was chilly this night. Fred was very sick this evening and was run­
ning a temperature. 1 asked him to go to bed which he did with ob­
jections but 1 assured him Clara and the Albrights wou Id be out there
for sure. 1 myself had a slight cold but nothing like Fred's, so at 11
p.m. 1 went out ta the Sacred Spot. 1 noticed Clara standing ta the
right of me so 1 knew at least one of them \Vas here if 1 needed some­
one. 1 venerated the Sacred Spot and knelt down to pray. 1 prayed as
usual for Our Holy Father, Our Bishop, Priests and ail Religious as
weil as those in the Mission Fields. Our Bishop at this time was still
in Home. 1 prayed for my Spiritual Director and for my Pastor who
seemed to be getting it from ail sides, for our Community, our Parish
and better understanding, for McCarthy, the President and our State
Government, also for ail those who had asked me to pray for them
and an the mentally m and afflicted, for Fred's relations as weil as my
own, for the boys in service as weil as our Bernie, for Fred as his illness
had lasted four weeks already and didn't seem to get any better. 1
prayed fur Hay, Clara, Hallk alld bis family amI al1 those wùrkillg for
Ml Our Lady, that they would \Vork with true Love for Our Lady and
III not self glorihcabon, and all those tram ~ed undertoot by our En'ërTif."'
---r-...-. _.

~ 1
1 prayed most especially for Hank and Clara as there seemed to
be such a weight in that direction. 1 also prayed for Father S. as 1
felt he needed prayers for better guidance and understanding as 1
could feel there was an undercurrent. Then 1 venerated the Sacred
Spot. 1 tried to get up but found it was very difficult to do. Clara
noticed my difficulty and gave me her hand to help me up as 1 have
( ~~ed fro!!u!...kidney ailment and another
cau5t. 1 gave myself a push but my muscle in my right leg gave out
and instead of getting up 1 took an awful spill backwards striking my
head. It felt like it had split open and 1 saw many stars, but not those
in the Heavens. Later 1 found that 1 ~Q2~J:ll: Clara flying also. The
pain in my head was severe but suddenly 1 realized that Hank was
talking to me. Had 1 known he was close 1 would have asked him to
give me assistance. Hank helped me on my feet and aIl three of us
went into the house.
1 fe1t very concerne<! about the Message pertainin~ to the two
for 1 feel they don't realize the position they are both holding.
May Cod Bless them and guide them.
OCTOBER 16, 1953.
There is not much 1 care to write here as 1 was very ill from
bodily inJuries and shock of what happened on the evening of Our
Lady of Fatima, October 13th (this is written up entitled "My Exper­
iences With the Stranger"). 1 had internaI injuries which under or­
dinary circumstances 1 would have called the Doctor but 1 offered
UJ" [,li' ,,' 13 ",-oIÛl'il.iti:cJ .iu VUI CUil1t11liHll)'. l Wé:iJl. Ùltt al die u:>t1...1
time as Our Lady ha asked for sacr' ·ce. Coing out was a sacrifice
for me. Fred was much concerned. He went with me and didn't leave
my side until 1 went to bed again. Fred did not know of my injury and
how 1 obtained it. 1 did not want ta give him....any more worries as rus J
load was ver~ hard to carry. 1 cannot add more to it and 1 pray 'ëlaily
tliat Our La y wilIl1ëIPhim carry it. Those of you who read this
please pray for him. Thank you.
NOVEMBER 12, 1953.
This evening 1 had company from Minneapolis and 1 was con­
cerned at their staying so late. 1 didn't want to be rude to them and
have to ask them to go but finally as it was getting late (9:50) 1 had to
ask them to leave. 1 wanted that hour to myself to spend in prayer be­
fore expecting Our Lady's visit. This hour is very important to me
to prepare for such an extraordinary event. 1 hoped 1 didn't offend
As soon as they left 1 put the main light in the kitchen out. 1
noticed a group of Pilgrims outside around a large fire. 1 took the
blue Rosary and began my prayers. 1 said three Rosaries and other
prayers. Fred also was praying a Rosary and at 10:45 1 switched the
door light off and on three times as a prearranged signal for someone
to come to the door. Clara came and 1 told her that 1 would like Hank
and herself to be with us in the house in case 1 needed them. Hank
had not yet arri\'ed, so Clara left ward that he is ta come in if and
when he arrived. 1 left for the bedroom at 10:55 where Our Lady had
visited me the nrst time four years before. 1 kneh on the kneeler and
prayed. 1 was partly aware of Clara leaving the room for a few seconds.
She retumed and then there was silence. 1 feh a disturbance and
was awarc of someone entering the room. 1 feh the second persan
was Hank. 1 had not heard him enter the house. 1 was only partly
aware of this when again 1 lost myself in prayer. 1 finally looked up
at Our Lady of Necedah Statue before me and was disappointed and
worried for 1 felt this was Hel' time ta be with me. 1 could feel this aIl
around me. "Oh, what have 1 done, Blessed Lady?"
You might calI this lamenting, 1 had my eyes closed when a bril.
liant light startled me. 1 looked up but could see only a bright aval
light next to the Statue. 1 tried to pray but could not when suddenly
the dool' opened wide (this was not possible and 1 later discovered
this was only for my own eyes).
Our Lady came floating through this door, practically in front of
Our Lady's Statue but more to the right. 1 was sa startled that 1 flew
backwal'ds against the bed.
Our Lady held Hel' hands against Hel' breast and looked down on
me and smiled as if it were a joke (Hel' startling me). Then Hel' smile
vanished and She spoke:
"Pray, My Child, pray. Many, many prayers are needed. Daily
sacrifices for the many black sins committed daily."
"Reach Me yaur Crucifix. Yes, the one in yaur right hand."
She touched it and said, "With this Crucifix 1 want yau ta at least
once a week, if possible, three times for the perilaus times, ta give
them strength, place thy left hand aver heart and say these words:
'Haly, Haly, Hal", Lord Cod of Hasts. The earth is full of Thy Clary!'
With thy right hand make the Sign of the Cross while saying the
Claries, 'Clary he ta the Father, Clary be ta the Son, Clary he ta the
Haly Chast. Amen'." Then She told me 1 would not suffer on a Friday
coming on Her Feast Day in Advent. 1 asked Her mentally when the
Fridays would start, but She didn't answer. 1 then asked Her some­
thing (omitting the answer as weIl as my question) and 1 do believe
1 started to cry. With that She placed Her Crucifix of Her Rosary on
my forehead:
"Bless yau, My Child, and all those with you. Courage and Faith."
She placed Her hand on my head and smiled so tenderly and was
gone. The door seemed to close.
One always feels so weak and shaky, so alone and lost after She
leaves. After a few minutes 1 went into the kitchen. Fred, Hank and
Clara followed me. 1 gave them the Blessing Our Lady asked me to
give my family for 1 feel She meant them also. After talking a few
minutes 1 saw a flash and knew someone was taking a picture. Hank
said, ''l'Il go out and say a Rosary." After a while Hank came back and
said, "There's a white pigeon out there that the people are taking
pictures of." At once 1 thought of Fatima and the White Doves. A
fire attraction was given, but 1 know pigeons don't Ily at night, so 1
was worried that a grey tomcat might get it in the darkness. 1 asked
Fred to take care of it and put it back with its mate.
After a few more words and goodnights Hank and Clara left for
"Bless them, 0 Lord," 1 said this night. To me this was a glorious
NOVEMBER 21, 1953.
1 went to the Sacred Spot to pray at 11 p.m. 1 said prayers for
many that had asked me to pray for them, also for those workin~ for
>t i
!J'ill adyJan~ur litd] for our family (Fred'sand 'mtne ~, for c: ara,
ay, larence ana anJ<, the Albrights, for our Community and those
surrounding us, our Bishop and the Holy Father.
1 glanced up toward the Trees but saw nothing. 1 continued to
pray, for many things troubled me which seemed that 1 had to carry
alone. 1 also prayed for Ioe McCarthy and his helpers and for QUr
I:resident when a strange feelmg came over me, a swaying feeling. 1
looked up and saw Our Lady dressed so different and holding the
Infant. ----­
Our Lady was dressed in a rose pink gown, deep blue mande and
veil, holding the Infant across bath anns. His head was on Her
right ann. He was dressed in a crcamish white dress with bare feet. ~
He looked right at me without a smile.
Around Her feet were many chHdren, a es 4 to 8 vears 1 would
sEL They were of differen aces an ations, co ored as we 1 as
yeTlow and white. - -
Her blue Mantle was flowing around them as if to protect them.
When 1 first saw Hel' She smiled, but then Her face turned serious as
She looked at an the innocent and helpless children at Her feet. It was
a very beautiful Vision for Our Lâa~ was upon the very tip of the
Tre~s wtth the ë'hlldren on sorne of t e limbs of the Trees. For a few
minutes (maybe only seconds) She didn't speak, only looked down
on me and the children, then She spoke and said:
"Many prayers are needed, My Child, n T il with dee }
meditatjgps." She asked me why we had forgotten the Goo n ay
Crtîtl5x, why 1 neglected ta bring It ta the Sacred S~t. Onj feels sa sm..!!l,
so unworthy. SIle Iben sajd sQmetbing tbat Illil me: eel more un­
worthv yet (omitting). 1 {elt greatly troubled Qver sorne of the VISions
1 had and sorne of the happeriings around us and the aïïSWërI seemed
ta get was: "PRAYER," and She asked whv Hen1 was alJowing the J
Message She gave (to the peoRle) to be circulate about mcorreêfty."
Hel' Message must be glven out only as She gave it, word for word~
onl harm can come from this, and confusion. "Tell hi1lt iô be more
a ert Q11 watc tus wor c oser. e 0 Cl me some things that made
me feel velY strange:
A. 1 wO'l1d lose my voice during the period of cieansing. (??)
B. Harm shaH befall me, greater than what has happened.
C. Not to leave town without either my spouse or one of the two
chosen ones with me.
D. Not to go to restaurants to either drink coffee or take any
food, not even at our Parish Dinners.
E. Keep doOTs locked during the Three Hour sufferings on Fri­
days, Ofherwisc someone w6~ld wall< r~ in. - ­
F. Not to leave any stranger enter our home without positive
G. To get a person, when necessary, to help with the work, but
this persan must be a sincere devout person, tr,ue to tlle
Cause. She must be a person that can keep whatev~ snHees
fièafs in-me home m stnetest çonfIdence, otherwlse much
harm cau come rom t s. The two chosen ones must agree
v l lb pt! ~OIJ aüu "'as 1I0t lu ilm1.", my VYV JI décision. (lIer
l didn't know what work She was referring to and Our Lady
didn't explain.) ­
1 asked what 1 was ta do about last Friday's request, how ta start
it. The strangest thing happened, my mind seemed ta get aIl jumbled
up and Our Lady gave me no answer, as if She didn't hear me. S~
( :.ontinued with a private Messag~~er~ng myself.
And then She said, "My Child, immediate action must be taken to
clean your Community. In this area are 8 Churches, 5 large Public
Schvols and one Catholic School and numerous small ones."
"My Child, the one person who could have been of great help has
become iU because of lack of Unity and Co-operation, the other with
( a Uttle effort and prayers left over 16 months ago so now it will take
courage and many prayers." (Again omitting here which was added
ta above.)
She asked me ta give the people present Her Blessing with the
Relic Crucifix 1 had and She said, "Courage, My Child. God Bless
you." With this She rose upward very slowly as if the weight of the
small children was very difficult for Her to carry for She always pleads
50 for the children. After She was gone 1 said a few prayers and pon-
derea over the question, "Should 1 give Her Blessing by placing the
Crucifix on their foreheads or just make the Sign of the Cross over
them?" 1 felt this could be a test, sa 1 just made the Sign of the Cross
over them and went to the house.
NOVEMBER 27, 1953.
This is one day 1 didn't expect anything to happen at 12 noon,
but just about the time Clara arrived 1 had a very strange feeling in
my throat and then a sharp pain. 1 at once thought of Our Lady's
words six days before, "y ou shalLlus p YOllt voice duung the Period of
Cleansing." Had 1 not been forewarned 1 would have been terrifjed.
1 learned later, Clara said 1 gave her a dirty look. No, it was not for
her, only myself as 1 was alarmed and troubled at this strange feeling.
After putting the potatoes on the hre ta fry for dinner 1 started
to fee] shaky. 1 didn't hardly trust myself ta walk from the stove towards
Fred, who was sitting at his usuaI place at the dinner table. 1 just
stood there and tTied ta say something ta Fred and cou Id not. Joanne kept
telling me to go to the bedroom and 1 tried to answcr. No words came sa
1 sat down and thought to myself, "1 am foolish. This will pass over.
l'Il be ail right. l'm Just unduly alanned." However, 1 got worse and
even broke out wi,th perspiration and was shaky. 1 left for the kneeler to
say a few prayers and l'Il be ail right. 1 felt sa queer as if 1 was swal'ing,
then 1 was lost in prayer. 1 started ta say the Rosary. 1 don't know if
1 ever finished iL 1 asked for forgiveness for ml' fear of losing my voice.
1 asked Her ta give me strength ta accept iL
1 saw Our Lady's bIue Statue turn a beautifd hri11iant 'white and
Her face was fuller with large blue eyes.
She seemed to bend down over me and then 1 \Vas lost to every­
thing. 1 realized again 1 was on the kneeler and am Lady was bIne as
before. Again 1 was lost to my surroundings.
A very beautifu\ voice seemed to whisper, "Prayer with heart, not
just lips. Prayer, prayer, ]JTOyer. Make thyself worthy for My Son who
loves ail sinn ers. Come ta lIim with yom heari, place yourself into His
care, love Him, My dear. Prayer, prayer." (A!ways this voie:e near me
repeating "prayer.") And then :
"Cod the Father, Cod the Son, Cod the Holy Chast will he thy
protection. Pray, pray."
Then this voice seemed ta leave me and as 1 looked up at Our
Blessed Lady's Statue She seemed to smile. 1 tried ta pray but 1 was
aware of Joanne watching me by the door. 1 thought to mvself 1 must
have been here an hour, which made me ghnce at my watch. 1 thought
it was wrong for it said 3 o'clock. Bnt 1 was aware that both my arms
were hurting from leaning on the kneeler. Clara came to help me up.
I[ 1 had been here 3 hours my legs must he asleep, 1 thought, sa 1 re­
laxed a moment and then just got up and walked into the kitchen. Of
course 1 realized 1 was speechless, and as 1 walked into the kitchen 1
recognized C.S. 50 1 shook hands \Vith him. 1 felt that losing my voice
should be kept quiet. Why aàvertise it? If only the people would grant
my wishes.
DECEMBER 8, 1953.
This evening groups of Pilgrims came for a Vigil. It was coId and
windy and they gathered wood to start a fire. B.K. had arrived on the
evening train so she visited a while then left about 8 p.m. L.L., C. and
J.L. arrivec1, aiso F.R. Then E.O. and B. returned and visited again but
left about 9:45 p.m. A.G. wasll't dressed wann enough sa 1 gave her
an old coat to put over her regular coat.
At 10 o'cloek 1 shut off the kitehen light and prayed with only the
vigil Iights burning.
At 10:30 Clara arrived and asked if she should leave ward for
Hank to come in when he arrived. This she did. 1 sa id three Rosaries
and at ten minutes to 11 p.m. 1 \Vent before Our Lady of Necedah
Statue and prayed for all the uSllal people: the Missionaries, al! Re­
ligious, relatives, all Pilgrims of Neccdah, ail the sick, the Serviccmen,
and for Unity in our Community. 1 prayed for R.C. who \Vas very
close ta leaving us forever, for RS., H.I., Clara, Hank and family when
a strange feeling gripped me.
1 looked at Our Lady but She looked the same. l prayed that l
w0111d hl" ahlf' to aCC'f'pt my ]qSS of voire ~~nd do the '.vil! of Our Lord
and Lady.
Tben a voice told me ta place certain documents in sealed el1­
velopes and that 1 should ask Henry to help :ne in deciding where to
place them. Also that he would he asked COrnitting).
This voice said that aIl Advent work must be completed by or be­
fore Lent and that 1 should write my experience of the H BOMB be­
fore April 7th.
Then a brilliant Rash shot before my eyes, and a Vision showed
cargo. ships marked "canned goods" when it actually was ammunition.
1 could see the Statue of Liberty in the distance.
1 saw a meeting of men which looked Iike Anthony Eden, a Rus­
sian leader, John Foster Dulles, and Dean Acheson. 1 have seen this
Russian's picture before and he wears glasses at times.
Then it showed several bembs exploding and everything got shak­
ing, waving like on a boat. 1 felt dizzy and ~ick to my stomach.
The next thing 1 knew Fred, Clara and Hank \Vere rubbing my arms
and bending over me. 1 still felt very funny but got to my feet with
their help and went into the kitchen. Hank and Clara waited till 1
was ail right and then they left for home.
May Cod Bless them both for their kindncss.
At 10:30 p.m. 1 prayed the Sorrowful !\Iysteries in the kitchen and
then went into the living room facing the Sacred Spot to say the Joy­
fui Mystcries. 1 am not sure hut 1 do believe at the Third Mystery 1
saw the Trees part and saw this bluish, mostly white form in the tl·ees.
1 \Vas surprised for 1 did not expect this hut finished my Rosary. 1
thought 1 had hetter go out and not just stand here, so 1 put on my
coat. As 1 looked out through the hall window by the Sacred Heart
Statue this figure was still visible. 1 went out and as 1 got to the arbor
it disappeared. 1 \Vas disappointed but went on to the Sacred Spot
and prayed. 1 said the Clorious Mysteries and prayed for ail those 1
usually pray for. After that 1 went into the hou se, sa id a few Our
Fathers, Hail Marys and Clory Bes and went to bed.
During the Fouth Clorious Mystery 1 heard: "Faith, Confidence,
Prayer." It was repeated but this was also not distind.
ln ail it was a lovely evening.
APRIL 7, 1954
Tonight 1 started my prayers ta Our Lady at a few minutes be­
fore 10 p.m. and said three Rosaries besides other prayers. 1 had
noticed several Pilgrims were outside praying.
At about 10:45 p.m. 1 knelt in front of Our Lady's Statue to say
a few prayers and then venerated the Cood Friday Crucifix, which
four yt~ars befare on this very dav glo",ved. 1 went back bcfore Our
Lady but faced the Crucifix on the ~
Suddenly there were l'31'S from the Crucifix which stayed for sorne
time but the suddenness 01- these rz.ys sr3rtl€d me. It is very hard ta
( explain one's feelings 3t a time like this. There are no words for it.

Then the soft-spoken voice jars one out of this strange feeling:
"Child, since the A'fessage ta yau in 1950 at this haur there has 11
heen an increase of 75% more Rosaries. That is, where one Rosary was
said, now 75 are said, and where ten went ta Holy Communion, fifty
are going today. More are needed, many more."
"Cleansing of Youth and the schools must he accomplished, other­
wise this will continue th~d." Here was re­
peated what 1 had witness'ed during Lent. Ifs frightening, very sick­
ening as 1 had witnessed this during the Three Hours, but don't re-
l11ember getting so violently ill From it. Lfelt..myself sinking as if death
J/ was overtaking me and the next thing 1 knew Clara, Fred andHank
were trying ta he1p me by rubhing my wrist. It secmed 1 hac! passed
out, for how long 1 do not know. .-
Fred had ealled Clara and Hank into the house to help him with
1 do reeall as this Vision was unveiled before my eyes the rays
from the Crucifix disappeared, only the heartbreaking scene remained.
Again 1 had the comfort of not only Fred but Clara and Hank, if
there was only a way 1 could repay them, one feels so helpless at a
time like this. May Cod rewarcl them and Our Ladv proteet them.
Ta know there is a big increase in Rosaries and Communions makcs
one feel happier, but that there are still not enough one l'an understand
(when you know tao the schools, movies, bookstands and d<lnee halls are
still unclean.
M AY 28, 1954.
Today was a rather rainy clay with only about 85 ta 100 people
outside praying.
Clara brought in a beautiful buneh of f10wers formed into a)
Hosary; !ilies for the Cross, carnations for t.he medal, ):'ellow roses. for
Clary Be s and l'cd roses for the fifty-trree Hall l\,lar*vs. It 1S very beautlful
and was put in front of Our Lady a Necedah.
Our Lady had requested in 1950 to be erowned on May 28th,
this was not done this year for the lst time but 1 dld fee! sa Gad after
seeing this Rosary which is very beautiful. r ci,) hore Our bely is
pleased with the Am,ver Rosary, for wc failed to do as Sht, had rc­
1 \Vent out to the Sacret! Spot a t 12 noon and took the Good Fri­
day Crucifix with me, also the Crucifix \Vith relics \Vhich Our l,ady
touched with Her Hosary on November 12, 195:3.

After venerating the Sacred Spot 1 knelt on tl1P k1H~cIer and sakI
one Our Father, three Hail Marvs, one Glorv Be and then the An~,
Mediab·jx or Peace Pra~rai1cfOur Lady;fTItlllY. 1 then prayed. for
~., Fat er W., :l11 present, for J. and P.S. and Intle
K. r prayed for Sister B., also E.A. and for St. Agnes Convent, for l\1.c.
of Havana, Cuba who was married just a yenr aso today; also prayed for a
baby (of F.N. in Ohio) who was one year old toctay. r prayed for the I~y
pegple on the h ighl~s ta be more careful, interccded ta Pius X for our
Bishop, for the Ho y Father and His intentions, for those in service, the
sick and affiicted, a!L-the woundcd and prisoners of war, for the Gov~n­
!lli:0t of our State as well as the LI.S., also all Superiors of CFlurch and
Convents, .and that our Commllnity l~l its disllnitv wOllld tllrn to )
. Il ulli!}Uill~p-eace.l prayea-ro-r-ihose c ose to this work and then it seemcd
r just drifted into meditation.
V/hen suddenly whatever it was startled me, and r Jooked up and
there was Our Lady. She was dressed as usual, onl)' this time She had Her
hands foJded befôretter:-She wmn:hoV'ClheTrees and then lowered
Herself to the tij;;;-:-r-asked Her to help me remember that l was to
1 \ complete ail work as She ~vould wanLille...lÔ-anatnàt r wouldn't for­
get any of it. 1 also asked Her to guide me to the place where 1 lost
my Crucifix, which r cherish very much, as She, Our Lady, must under­
( stand. r be~ged Ber, but no answer. r also asked that She help Clara

and Hank 111 what She requests of them. Still no answer.

She had no smile and She rose, not as She usually does to the
\oVest, but this time She wpnt Northwest over the tips of the Ash Trees,
Northwest of t.he Sacred Sp<.)t and. il.l a flash was gone. 1 turned back
to prayer aruLCQllt.Üll!.!tQ_l!!.luls, also my Spiritual Di­
[ rector and my Pastor, Fatlwr S. and Father S., then 1 saw hefore me
tilt' Crucifix with the relies which was sp~ling and shining.

I.t.lg1}lked Our Lady for coming dO~JLt< we'lk

1\ an<;!Jiehle ailèl unworHiy. raIso' fn.1:nJ<é'(f Her for restoring my voice
from eleven o'clock on. It alwavs felt so wonderful to he able to talk
again. 1 then said some Hail ~inrYs, got u)) and venerated the Saered
Spot, laid the Good Friday Crucifix on the Spot while 1 venerated the
one with the relies. 1 kissed the Spot, made the Sign of the Cross thrpp
\( times over it in hono]' of the Blessed Trinit", tlwn made the i '11 of
the Cross ove! aIl tlw p<:'oplt' '1nd \Vt'nt into' tlw lOuse. Again 1 ma!!p
the SigllOttne Cross three times \Vith the Helic Crucifix in honor of
the Blessed Trinity.

MAY 29, 1954.
Today our Church was full to the brim with Pilgrims. After Mass

1 ducked out towards the Rectory and across the street ioto the AI­

bright's car. Donna, Joanne and 1 rode home with the Albrights. Ar­

riving home, 1 got dirmer on. Flowers had been sent into the home,

a Rosary made of aIl small red roses with goid foil colored paper for

the Cross. Today the crowd was Iarger than yesterday. There were

four bus loads besides about 90 to 95 cars and people kept coming.

Fred's two brothers Jack, George and wives arrived, then my two

brothers Richard an Mathias, also friends of Richard and family

which filled the house. These days that was always something to offer

up as it was difficult to even dres.> for sorne of the relations were in

the bedroom. 1 managed and just about 11 a.m. 1 talked out loud,

so 1 went back into the room and greeted the relations with my voice.

( They talked and kidded me about it.

But then as it was drawing close to the hour, they Ieft to pray.
l gave instructions for the children ta he here. Trouble seemed ta be
brewing. Our village editor was asking people ta cerne uptown and SUb-li
scribe ta her paper (The Marquee), which 1 resented very rnuch,..fu.tJ
feh this was a tVp'e of commerdalism which we had fi veEY-difficult time
ta stop. Someone would always want ta !!!l<e advant~g~~he peQJ.?le.
At 12 noon 1 went out to the Sacred Spot with the Good Friday
Crucifix, the Relie Crucifix and my blue Rosary. 1 placed the Relic
Crucifix on the Sacred Spot which 1 venerated, then made the Sign
of the Cross oyer the Sacred Spot tlrree times in hanor. ofj~ed
Trinity. 1 knelt on the kneeler and said an Our Father, J:Iail Mary and
Clory Be, the ôngelus, l\:fediatrix of Peace ara~er and--nur Lad~
Utany, then prayed for aIl the people here an t eir intentions for â
present, Religious, Missions and for Servicemen. 1 prayed for Our
Holy Father (as this was a great day in Rome, the Canonization of 1)
P...QP~~, who 1 always felt was very close to us here at Necedah)
and 1 prayed for our Bishop, in hopes that the Mass for Pope Pius X
[ at 7:30 p.m. would he weIl attended, as our Bishop was the first to \
start the 'Brothers of Pius X' in the United States. 1 aSfed Pius X to
hTh our Bis~ throiiglî many a~ci~ioAS h.tLh_adJ:o._~TI prayed for
aIl ffiose who ad asked me to pray, for the sick, afflicted, and those
only lukewarm in their Faith, for our Community and Schools, for
both our families and prayed that a mother would have peace of mind \
and heart, for the difficulty she was having was very hard to accept. J
1 prayed for my own brothers here and aiso one in California. .A..
( str~~ tightness and u,!dercurrent seefQed to 'p_e present. 1 prayed
that a Few ch~ in the crowd would fan off and peace and true love
would replace t ose chips. 1 prayed for Bernard and his Airforce Wing,
for those very clost' to me, also for n. Priest d~~.!L...tb!s
1 cause. Then 1 prayed and pleaded for my own intentions and cause, Jl
wliëD a feeling of Peace and stillness came within my chest.
1 laaked up and there was Our Lady, dressed as always, again had
~nds folded befare Her. There was a faint smile on Her face. Behind L
er l saw S.t,~h, St. Francis of Assisi and St. Theresa the Little Flower,...b~
aIl in the distance. AlI this seemed only ta be for a moment, tben was
gone but there seemed ta be a mist hanging in its place.
I thanked Our Lady apd Our Lord for this privilege. Then the ) \
air seemed ta he buzzmg with mUSIC and a song, a melody which I
suddenly recognized to be a Sorrowful M~.n.g.JILGerman. This
melody drifted off and the mist disappeared. l noticed a large fleecy
cloud, a strange roaring sound and a white cloud sort of mushrooming
at me. It frightened me and the strong noise like wind was howling
as if inta a barrel, as it got closer the louder it became and when it was

1 even with the Trees it stopped. The cloud opened up .and tbere was
fu,pe Pins X smiling, then he raised his hand in a Blessing, the cloud )
closed and he was gone, vanished.
"'\ One felt like he was showing his ha'p~iQg a SainLto )} t
- th~, to he reco~ized as such. 1 was overjo)!..ed, for one could ieel
the JOY.
l thanked Heaven for helping our present Pope become weIl
[f enough tl2-!!llilke Pope Pius X a Saint on earth, as dhe-was_~jnt in
l Heaven long a$o. l then turneo to meditation and prayer. When I
drŒted out of meditation l realized RC. was leading a Rosary,JIe is a
v~--pious xmmg..IllilJ1. l went to the Sacred Spot, picked up the Relic
Crucifix and laid down the Cood Friday Crucifix on the Sacred Spot.
l said some prayers, venerated the Sacred Spot, picked up the Crucifix
and then returned ta the house.
l made the Sign of the Cross three times in honor of the Blessed
Trinity while saying: "Clary be to the Father, Clary be to the Son,
Clary be ta the Holy Chast."
MAY 30, 1954.
Today was a very happy day for me, as it surely was for our
daughter. It was her Craduation day and we went to St. Patrick's in
Mauston. It was ~ratifying ta watch the graduates march up to the
( Altar and rene~thei.r Blilltismal Vows. Father Landy, a very youn!!:
Priest (not oroained a year until August 17, 1954), g~~ul
s~n ta the graduates. AlI the parents (27) walked up singular1y
with each graduate and received Communion. We left the Church to­
gether and came home.
Many Pilgrims had arrived many more were comin!!:. and many
had stayed over from the days before. Clara was busy talking to Pil­
grims upon our arrivai home. !vh. and Mrs. Alfred Henning lronl
Manitowoc took us ta Mass and took us again in the evening to the
graduation exercises, which were very heautiful. Father Bernard Duffy
spoke on Temperance, iLw_~UL:vonde!.illl .~nd inspiring~ss. The
parents left together with the graililates and later we had the privilege
of shaking hands with Father B. DuHy (who, on August 15th, 1950
1\Vas by arder of Our Bishop on the Inve~sion).\tVe
also shook hands \Vith Father Grassranamany Pilgrims.
As it drew close to 12 noon the crowd gathered. Today there

Il were no busses but many cars. A lady had brought a small organ on
which they used ta play and sing songs to Our Holy Mother. The
Rosaries and sangs made the day feel wondcrfu!.
At 12 noon 1 walked out to the Sacred Spot, placed the Relie
Crucifix on the Sacred Spot, aEter first kissing the Sacred Spot amI
making the Sign of the Cross over it three times in honor of the Holy
1 t~en rose and knelt on the kneeler and said the Ange1lls, ~-
iatI:ix.JliPeace pr'!)'er, also the L)tal!Y wl~ the Pilgrims were singing.
1 1 then prayed fôr our Holy Father,-BisDmlS, Priests and Ikligious (no)
matter where they may be, Missions or at home), for al! present, for
aH sick (mentally or physically), for our relations (Fred's and mine),
IIIfor bo~ in Service, fo!:.J~tvtcCartJlyJmi.es1igations, also the Geneva
Conference as weil as the PrëSi<Ieï1t -and State Government. 1 prayed
for the cleaning of our Community, for enlightenment of sorne of my ))
work, for Clara, Hank and Ray ~~a.lU.hose wo~ing..J2!:_~dy.
III prayed for an intenti..on. that \Vas trouhrmK_EI1.~~ § Guid~~nd
J enlightenment, also ta help me complete m)' work as weil and as near
as possible to the wishes of Our Lady.
'li' It seemed something shook me and 1 looked up ta see O~y,
~ dressed as always, disappear into a mist. She smiled verlffi bea~Œ*!IY
Il buLoulYWLill1 insJ~.!.1!.Jh~he mist dissolved into a eecy ~ lte
~ c~. Such a peaceful feeling anctj"oy'-Just oven~eTîns one.
. The air seemed ta fill yvith this strange song and 1 found my­
self following along with it. Then everything seemed quiet and l
turl1_ed ta me..diiatiol1 and pé;ayer. When 1 was aware of the PiigrIiiis
praying the Rosary with rr. '.
hom Canada leading, 1 arose and knelt
by the Sacred Spot. 1 said a few prayers for recognition of it and that
the Pilgrims bring Peace and Unity, and that thrauoh this Our Lady's
wishes cauld be fulfilled and a Shrine be built in 11er Hanor. 1 arase,

then after venerating the Sacred Spot, made the Sign of the Cross over
the crowd with the Good Fridav Crucifix and went into the house.
(There again 1 raised the Relie Cr~cifix in honor of the Blessed Trinity,
made the Sign of the Cross three times, saying "GIOlY Be" three times.
JUNE 4, 1954.
Oh, whata different day than a week aga, as today was First
Friday. Ali the family \Vent to Mass but today 1 felt il!. It had started
already the day before about 5 p.m. \Vith severe pains and swelling
hy my a.Qams a~e on the right side of my neck. 1 had nausea and

1pains ail night wit 1"iTi"YTeft leg gomg asleep and paining. This was an

! indication that ail was not weil but just what was causing this 1 could

not place. But 1 did feel 1 kne\V the answer ta my legs acting up, it was
a warning. (Omitting.) ~ ~
After the usual stir up in the morning, the hour of noon arrived
and 1 was wondering if Joanne \Vould arrive in time From Appleton.
1 went to the Sacrecl Spot and venerated it, pJaced the Relic Cm­

cifix on the Sacred Spot again, returned ta the kneeler and sa id the

Angelus, Mediatrix of Peace prayer, Our Lady's Litany and then

prayed for ail Religious and Priests, for ail sick (mentally and physical­

Iy), our fàmilies, Missions, and safe return of our son Bernard's Air­

barn Wing (leaving Engbnd betwecn June 6-8 for the United States).

Then 1 turned ta meditation, when a disturbance interrupted my

, pray ers and there was a feeling that someone was to have done special

l \York, but had done this \York too hastily. 1 could [eel this stra!lge

disll!rban~J!!l.ger which had a feeLi_l:!.K2LiliLQw.ingJlP......on.e.'..<>...ha.»ds. 1

'[saw a glim.pse oftl1lSî)erson and 1 fcel it is our dut)' to see that what

l iS-lliikcd is19llowed through. Again 1 praye or a concerne in this

A Vision appeared, l'cd, and 1 could not distinguish the place, but
( Indo-China came to my minci with more bloodshed. No Peace.

Then 1 saw an elderl)' lady on a white sick bed with a doctor on

one side and nurse on the other. The lady had white ha il' and full
face. 1 saw the death of an infant Linder a vear but the\L'ill...w a strange
symbolor<:teSlgn. ­
1 saw the Order of Nuns 1 have seen many times, walking into a
large building. and then a glimpsc of Pach'e Pio in ~lack Cassock.
It sounded like my name \Yas called and 1 looked up but saw noth­
ing, but 1 hcarc! c1eur words (omitting). This made me tum ta prayer
again and meditation. \Vhen 1 looked at the Sacr('c! Spot 1 noticecl a
flash of light on the Helic Crucifix_
There was the Trinity Sign over the Sacred Spot, also a strange
light over the Crucifix, 1 looked up to see if the sun \Vas playing on the
Crucifix but thcre \Vas no sunshine.
Then live til11es this li,ght came ove!" the Crucifix and then c!is-l'1
Hl2peared. - J

JUNE 13, 1954.
Today was a very peaceflll, b(:autiful day.
Peaceful because the group seemcd happy and at peace, if only
for today, there was no dissension as one feels otherwise. Though it
was very hot, their prayers continued and when the !iule organ arrived
heautiful hymns were sung. It was peaceful in the home tao and l was
able ta prepare in prayer. The children made sorne interruptions but
that is ail in a mother's life. l did feel very peaceful going out ta the
Sacred Spot hut was a little C'oncerned about myself, if l would be
able ta get on my feet after venerating the Sacred Spot and then kneel
on the klIeeler. l made the Sign of the Cross three times in honor of
the Blessee! Trinity while saying the prayers of the Sign of the Cross:
Clary he ta the Father, Clary he ta the Son, Clary be ta the Holy
Chost. 1 placed the Relie Crucifix on the Sacred Spot and said three
Hail Mary's and Our Father's and Clary he to the Father, then arase
and \Vent ta the kneeler. l made the Sign of the Cross with the Blue
Rosary and said a Hail Mary to Our Lady in.J:b.@ksgiving for 1!er
( p~;ti.o.rwyith Hel' Blue M~ltle on this heautiful day.

l started the Angelus, when l was aware Mrs. Frances Albright

was also saying the Angelus, so l stayed with her in prayer. After the
Angelus l said the l\1ëëliafiix of Peace raver, and the Litanv, but l
( co~le! not lose mvself ta the sound of t le . Rosar)', as it "ëOnf~scd my
\ prayers. l had to start over and at the third attempt l "vas able ta
finish it. l prayed for al! those nresent and their intentions, Bishops,
aIl Priësts and Reli~ious, for aIl the sick and afflicted, and for our
1J families (Fred's and mine). l praved for those that had asked me to
intcrcede for them ta Our Holv Mother. for ail Serviccmen and aIl
prisoners of War, for aIl those 'working for Our Lady's Cause (that
ail \vork would be done in Peace and Unity \Vith true Love for Our
Lord and Our Lady). l praved for Fred's niec.e in an asvlum, for
another niece who was ta he married June 26th. l praycd for R. and
1K., foI:..p.eaœ--hfny.een.. ney-~~rs (that the confusion would stop and
1/ that they would be united as Cod's loving citizens). l prayed for our
Parish. the sick and fallen a~y (sa that the)' would sec the light and
come back ta the laId). l prayed for our Sisters and helpers at the
Sacred Heart Convent and for Peace and Unity in the Mater Christi
~e. l prayed for a special intention concerning a Priest.Tcould find~J
1l.Q..Q.~..c.e, only a distrustful feeling. l prayed for my closest and dearest
friends, for our Covernment (bath United States and State). for better
understanding in foreign fields and Nations, for the Geneva Con

Then a Vision of men came before me. Leaders that are not work- l)

ing for theright. 1 could plainly see their "faceS:-OneoTThese men was

speaking ove!' a microphone, then 1 saw the others. The one speaking

had on a uniform with something on his shoulder.

After seeing this 1 asked Our Lord ta have mercy on these men .)
~ivëtE:ern~nJighfenment ta see tnelr wrongs, ta changetheir ways
and become Christians. With this 1 prayed for help and guidance sa
that 1 wouldn't make mistakes and that 1 would follow the wishes
of Our Lady. With this 1 looked up towards Heaven ta ask Our
l-ieavenly_M.Q!.her to-..bellLme. lwas aware of .mUSIC, chlmes ami ""'fhen ~~
a melogy. It was sa beautiful, it was the tune 1 had fieard 6clore În
Cerman. 1 was sort of l asked Our Lady tOJ:nligbtêiL"me
on m~slgrnnent tFiat couId have it ail completed. As the melody
fadëO into the distance there was the Trinit" Sign, 6. then the 1 ~
Unit y Sign @ which moved into the Trinity Sign D. 1 do \
not know the dennition of this. ff!n
As 1 prayed ta the Blessed Trinüy, rays shot out from the triangle
or Trinity Sign and tbree rnys shot straight down from Trinity Sign
ta the_Sacred S12Qt where 1 had-ftfeRetîcCrucm~ Each time
the CLUcjfi.lÇ~nld.2p~rklevery brilliantly and 1 had such a j.oyfuJ and 1\\
peaceful feelin~~JLLwoulclj~st Iaved to_b,!ye sta~d in thjs peace
and"loy forever.
1 must cleanse m self and t h · ' of d, help those near
1 and de me. en prayed for someane 1 love very much over
1whom 1 had such a concernedal)d-'-dErressed-feeting:-rp~to
'know whï~re-Thave failed,wny"illüst "they suffer? Can 1 not suffer for

them? Oh please, clear Beavenly Mother, enlighten me, guide me as

1 cannat bear ta see those 1 love suffer while 1 feel sa helpless and

useless. If 1 have failed let me do recompense for it.

he.n across my~yes f1ashed

Message. (Omitting.) .
'J.gé2' and a voice gave a strange "'1:
1 again pleaded with Our Lady, what must be done now? What ..
can and must we do concerning June 20th? 1 do not want any harm •
ta come ta this Priest if You wishllim to do this work. Oh Holy )
Mother, should 1 speak ta him? In a flash hcl9.œ<'s
façe, oh 1 fclL~orry-for....him,JmUf it is t!}e Will_of Our Lady one must
1 had suc.h._a fe~lli!g_of unhappiness but asked the Blessed Trinit y

ta guide al! of 'us concerned. 1 believe 1 glanced Hp and noticed the

Trinity and Unit y sign over the Sacred Spot a.n.dJh.~ Cross 1 had

made of stone.

1 watched tbis and 1 believe 1 said: "Clary be to the Father, Clary

hé l(J (llè SOLJ, GJüry hé tu the Hol y Clwst," "vhiJé <:rossing....!1.~lf. It

seemed ta fade away slowly.

-140- "
Then 1 was told that the cleansin~ of'-youth, cleaning of theatres,
books, dances must be done at once! 1 was to tell them that the
children are the innocent victims,j111c.tbe parents are gl:lilty, and then
the word "Recom~nse."
This whole situation made me sick and Lnleaded wit~Our L~y
to know how we must go about il. 1 love children, 1 know the situation
( is very bad, but what can 1 dO? 1 have been stopped wherever 1 tried
to do or say anything to clean up the mess.

1 {elt 1 would need both Clara and Hank very much. Again 1 had
'\1 ea~i!less
the feeling--<:>L:uncer~about Hank ~na~~e pressure pr un­
which~_hard to ~aill. 1 prayed for him and family, for
pers.eyexance f.o'l'-hOth:I1alilCand..his wife Florence.
Then 1 tried to get up but found it very difficult to leave the
kneeler. just about fe!l but made tn the Sacred Sp-ot where a.gain
1 it
1\Jîël vowed 1 would a,gcept.

Again the cleansing of the Children overtook me and 1 started to

{ sway, for our Community is~_affected with sins 0ij!!Y~JlTit:y . ..!
( felLnaustated and sick, 1 do notknow if 1 fell, but was suddenly
aware of Clara and Fred helping me.
1 made the Sign of the Cross over the people and got up with
great difficulty and the help of Fred and Clara. As 1 neared the door
{I noticed Hank also ready to help in case he was needed. Thank Cod
1 for their kÎlldUtSS (Clara and Hank).

After coming inta the house 1 fdt very shaky and weak and had
a feeling of being closed in. 1 asked Hank ta take me away where 1
( couId talk. Afterwards 1 realized 1 was able to talk out loud and did
the rest of the day.
Note: Mary Ann would have fallen backwards if Fred had not
( caught her in his arms as she apparently passed out (witnessed by
JUNE 16, 1954.
Today 1 had a great disappointment. for 1 w~ unable to go .to .
Mass and receive Our Lord. True, my hlp and spme was very pam-}
fui, ~t 1 wauld have used aIl my strength and wi~power to go. a~d
w.i.tlLp..rn'y-er~to Q!!IJloIY.MQt.~!'.J_~m sure J_wou~_ ~~ maGe It.
(As our Priest was on retreat, it was necessary to go to Î 0 dOCk Mass
at Mauston). 1 did discover Trinity Sunday that when one makes a
( Promise, Vow or Pledge, one must keep_it, not only wfien It IS con­
venient to aô-50 orrt meet-nmêSfancy'. 1 learned this the hard way, 50
1 felt under no circumstances could 1 Grive to Mauston with the group
that was going. It would have been convenient but wrong according
1 to the Pledge (or whatever we want to call it). If it is wrong today, it

~ must be just as wrong tomorrow, so 1 just did not go and it was very

hard not to.

1 arose at the usual time, tried to talk but found 1 could not. 1 had
a difficult time to walk and as sitting was very uncomfortable, 1 went
back to bed where 1 stayed until 11:45 a.m. 1 asked Clara at 10:15
to call Hank tQ_ask him to ~.!!:le out s() that.if..Jlecessr' he could he
on hanJi.jILcas_e-my~ip wouIa -not.::..ronctio.o _when was re~4Y to
Hank and Florence arrived at 11:50 a.m.-l.p'!~"ye<Ly~ much for
the strength-1o-.go out to the Sac~ot. Fred said that 1 shouldn't
( attempt it. But having missed Mass and on top of that to miss going
out .~e..dÂ.Q9t wa~ a CQward's w~, not a sacrificlng way. 1
staggered as 1 made the first step olltside. "Oh, Holy Mother, help me,
give me strength," was my plea as 1 gripped the Blue Rosary. 1 could
feel my hip responding so that 1 was able to walk even through the
( loose sand. 1 admit 1 still was a coward as 1 didn't stoop over to lciss the
Sacred Spot but went directly to the kneeler. 1 said a few prayers on
the way to the Sacred Spot and finished the Hail Mary. 1 venerated
the Relic Crucifix and placed the Good Friday Crucifix on the Sacred
Spot (which 1 was unable to venerate ). 1 started to say the ~us
and in the same breath Mrs. Albright started to say it, so 1 said it
with her.
1 noticed a g~lden mist heforp my eyes and had a stran~ng.
1 had a difficult time saying Our Lady's ~rayer (Mediatrix of Peace
( Qray~ ). 1 usually say tfiëLitany but coul nt. ft seemëd l was driTt­
Then the Trees opened in the center, two howed east and {WO
.s. toward the west and 1i!ill....!he sweetest music 1 ever heard. 1~ld
gladly have died here and stayed with this HeavenlyPeace.
Then 1 noticed tv.:ü beautiful feet, immediately Our Lady was
visible, Her gown seemed to swirl and Hoat in the breeze. She stopped
between the Trees (two Trees on each sicle of Her).
Oh She was sa beautifuH She beld ~ft golden Crucifix against \
Ber brèasC-sIïëaiâIïOt!ôok at me, but eavenward, and then the
Ave Maria floated away. A melody came Hoatlllg back which was
"M.2~I~~ Dearest, Mother Fairest, pray tor me." 1 was aware Our Lady
wasJ99king âï: I!:le~She'smiled and held the golden Crucifix: bérore
This song ended'-and a G!:mal1 son,g 1 nad heard before h.egan
(1 caH it the Sorrowful Mother Song), while She field tlïe Crucifix
before Her. ShetneriC1aspeathe Crucifix ta Her and swung Her
Ros<1r)' towarâs me:-T donorImow-ifTrëaëhed rny Blue Rosary ta­
wards Our Lady's Rosary or not, then the song faded out. With this,
Our Lady who was smiling, slowly_.!'_Qi.Wus.LahouLthe. .saID!Lp.lliçe,,J always had seen tlie Blue Mist. 1 looked towards the
usual way Our Laoy generally went but She was gone.
1( 1 bowed in thanksgiving. To try ta put into words my feeling is


Oh, Heaven must be a wOIiderfnl lace with such neace '0 and
rrl music, WI me le, an orlo ·S. as e afterwards i t e

L 1 grllns sang u cy sai no. 10 write down a11 the prayers 1 said

would be impossible. 1 was in deep meditation when something drew

my attention to the Sa<'Ted Spot and there 1 was surprised to sec over

the Good Friday Crucifix a golden Chalice, no Host,illiLtJl~halice
J which~~~. for a few seconds, men was gone. (The significance of Je.
this 1 do not know. ) .­
1 continued to pray, saying many prayers and pleas for each
cause as follows: Our Holy Father, our Bishop, Priests, Nuns, aIl those
sick an~Lafflicted, as weIl as those asking for my prayers, for both our
fâffiiIies, our Government (D. S. as weil as State), fQr Senator Mc­
CMthy, for the Missions, a~ose traronled hY the Enemy.
1 then said the- "Mediatrix of Pe~e" ~er and prayed for our
1 was drawn to look up and there was the "Sacred Heart" about
the same place the doud or Our Lady's feet were at about the same
The Heart itself was a deep red, with a rose reddish glow above
it, and twisted greenish brown thorns. Bright, red drops of blood were
dripping down from it. There was a brilliant glow ail about it and the
words encircled it. "Oh, Thy Sacred Heart of Mercy, Thee 1 Love,
Have Mercy on us." They said 1 struck my breast three times. (It must
have been at this point, 1 am not sure.)
This vanished and 1 again turned to prayer, for my heart was fill­
ed with such joy after seeing ail this. 1 cou Id not thank Heaven enough
for bestowing on me such a glorious privilege. In thanksgiving to
Our Lady 1 said the Litany of Our Holy Mother and prayed for our
dear ones. 1 also wondered about my voice when into my mind flash­
ed, "3 o'c1ock." "For how long'?" There was no response. 1 prayed and
mentioned that Corpus Christi was not honored or mentioned in most
Churches. This jarred me out of my peaceful feeling and 1 opened my
eyes to notice the Good Friday Crucifix with the Crown bright red,
blood on the wrists, knees, feet and also the Wound. 1 had a great
des ire to pick it up but at this point 1 noticed it was raining heavily.
1 saw the rain fall on the Crucifix. Oh, if 1 could only reach it, but 1
knew 1 would be unable to rise. Then as if someone said, "Joanne is
right there," 1 looked to the left of me and there she was. As if she
read my thoughts she went to the Sacred Sr.ot, picked up the Cru­
cifix and gave it to me. (Joanne always stood to the right of me be­
fore, about 25 feet under the trees). This happening was strange to me.
1 took the Crucifix, kissed it and ail was normal again on Crucifix.

And then something strange happened which was very difficult

and 1 felt myself tense and stiffen forward when everything dimmed
out. (Omitting cause of this shock.)
After that a severe pain shot thrOl~h my entire body which
roughly pushed me back, and that's ail 1 remembcr, when suddenly
1 was aware of being slumped down and someone was holding me on
both sides. It seemed someone asked if 1 could get up and with this
1 tried to gather myself together. With the help of two strong arms
1 was able to get to my feet, it was then 1 discovered Fred and Hank
at my side. 1 thought sure 1 was going to go down again but my sup­
porters saw to it that 1 didn't. \Ve arrived back in the house without
any more falls. 1 noticed then that it had rained very hard for Florence,
Hank, Joanne and Fred were pretty wet. 1 didn't feel wet, although
1 heard them say my dress was wet. 1 gave themall Our Lady's re­
rpHo'sted Blessing of thrt,t' "Glorr Be's to the Fatller" for strenp;th A
fire was started to dry a few wet c10thes and it was then 1 noticed 1
could not speak. (So 3 o'dock it must have meant.)
The vision of Our Holv Mother and the sweet music was still
ringing in my ears when suddenly terrible pain shot through my spine
and back so that 1 had to get ur from the chair 1 was sitting on.
,.. ". ,..
Oh what a glorious day! If onlv PeaCf~ would come ta this con··
fused world and wc could ail live in happiness and joy!

JULY 2, 1954
Today 1 visited the Sacred Spot at 12 noon for one hour. 1 had
hoped ta go out from 10 ta 12 p.m., but 1 was unable ta as company
arrived. 1 even was unable to do my usual preparedness prayers before
11 p.m. as my company gave me a very disturbed feeling. 1 went out­
side before 10:45 p.m. ta the Sacred Spot and said sorne prayers ta
Our Lady ta help me ta find Peace. A nice group of people were out
there praying.
Suddenly 1 had a feeling of Peace. Our Lady had answered my
plea and 1 thanked Her with sorne prayers and meditation in Her
honor. 1 prayed for ail Priests, Religious and ail those who love and
work for Our Lady's Cause, for our Government of bath State and
United States, also for our Senators from Wisconsin and ail Senators
working for the right, for our families (Fred's and mine), for the
Spiritual Director and then 1 prayed for a special intention concerning
a persan present. The strangest feeling engulfeù me which 1 could not
understand at this moment. 1 prayed for the work this person was ta
do wou Id be done as it should be and that this persan wouId pray for
enlightenment concerning this work.
Then 1 went into deep meditation when something seemed ta
tell me that one close to this was not present and a severe pain shot
through my spine sa that my whole body just shook. After this pain
was gone 1 continued to pray for ail who were close to Our Lady's
Cause. Then something seemed to say, "Bless the Doctor. Bless the
the Doctor." Oh, how disturbing this was, and 1 thought could it be
Satan doing this to confuse me, to stop me from praying for this per­
san? 1 said three times, "Begone Satan," then very urgently the re­
quest was repeated, "Bless the Doctor," and then just, "Bless Doc,
Bless Doc."
1 noticed they were on the last decade of the Glorious Mysteries.

So 1 looked up wondering where Doctor would be when ta my

surprise he stood near the fence, sa 1 got up and did as requested,
but 1 was shaking Iike a leaf and staggered into Clara. Then 1 went
into the house and my company of the evening followed me. Clara
came in as did R.S. and B.W. who, after a few words, departed. The
experiences of this night left me sleepless but in prayers.

JUL y 16, 1954.
This evening 1 said a five decade Hosary in the kitchen, then
went to the kneeler in the house for meditations until it \Vas time to
go out to the Sacred Spot. 1 went out at la p.m. ta pray. 1 had spent 1

one hour at noon in pray el' on the kneeler at the Sacred Spot and had
many things to pray for. There was a pressure and disturbance in re­
gards to Hank which made me feel so helpless. 1 had asked him if
there was anything 1 could do for him but his answer was ncgative.
The day before, on the Feast of St. Henry, 1 prayed one hour for hirn,
also two hours 1 prayed for my uncle, brother-in-Iaw, my brothers and
son. 1 had prayed for three hours on the fifteenth of July.
After praying for ail Pilgrims prescnt and ail those whose hearts
are with us 1 prayed for Our Holy Father, my Bishop, ail Priests,
Heligious, the President, our Statc Government and the Leaders who
are doing everything ta entangle us into e!estruction, bath Church and
Swte, that their evil plans are turnee! into gooe!, God's \Vay.
1 prayed for ail the sick (mentally as weil as physically), prayed
for Fred's familv and mine, for those close to me, for those in the
Missions, for our'Pastor and Spiritual Director. 1 lookedup towards the
Trees when 1 was aware of a larl(c Scapular which seemed to be sway­
ing in the breezc. 1 watched It for a moment and continued to pray
when a verv soft voioe harelv audihle said. "Tell lIenrv to he more
careful whe~ driving, he has become very careless, hac! ~ very narrow
scape. Have Henry tell Spiritual Director to be very careful when
c1riving, if not he shall be invol ved in a very serious accident which
will cause great grief and hardships for him." This distressed me and
1 pra yed fo.r him, also for Henry who 1 knew neee!ee! many prayers.
1 then recel\'ed an answer ta what puzzlee! ll1e bcforc about him and
1 was surprised, but 1 should not have becn. knowing him ,IS 1 do.
It distrcsscd me vcry much. 1 also prayed for Clara, so that bath of
(hem would grasp and realize their positions. 1 asked Our Ladv how
1 can help them if 1 cannot speak to them. Then ward, sec~cd to
flash through my mimi, "folio\\' instructions." 1 asked about Ill)' voice
but received no 3nswer. Theil something seemccl to tell me IIank was
Ilot present tonight which made me fee! sac! for 1 kne\<v Our Lady
wished him to he present. Tlwrc was a large number of Pilgrims, but
1 could feel his absence. 1 prayed for m)' OWIl familv, also for Bernic'
OUI' son in the Air Force. 1 prayecl for \Iarytown and a \Ionastery,
over which 1 felt a disturhallcc. 1 prayed for H.l. and a severe pain
shot through InY body which 1 knew was a sign that Inuch \Vas
llC'eclecl to he done.
"Oh how, Holy :\'Iother, how'~ IIclp me. Guide l11e." 1 fclt so
worthkss, s() hcJplcss and 1 km'\\ hoU, the- cl,o~t::l1 lJll(;~ ~l:L:Il".;d to
have fallen down on Our Lady's \'Vishes. "Tell me whcre, please,
Bl('ssed \Iother, guide me! Am 1 guilty? How can J change this dis­

unitv to unitv hetween H.!., Hank ancl Clara?" 1 felt so alone, so lost
to k;10W wha't to do. 1 then turnec1 ta deep meditations on Our Lord's
Suffering and offered my pains of body and heart up to Him, also my
weakness and ignorance.
1 asked Our Sorrowful ~:Iother ta guide me, 1 looked up again and
the Scapular was still swaying in the breeze. It \Vas about 12 inches
wide, 18 inches long and hrown. Our Lady holding the Scapular hand­
ing it to St. Simon Stock was pictured on the Scapular. 1 then said,
"Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, pray for us" and was aware of the Pilgrims
saying the Sorrowful Mysteries, so 1 answered the prayers. After this
Rosary was over 1 turnecl to my own pray ers and then venerated the
Spot and returned ta the house. 1 finished the last decade of the
Glorious Mystery From the door when 1 heard them say, "Glory be to
the Father, Son and Holy Ghost." 1 never heard the l'est of the prayer.
AUGUST 5, 1954.
This was during the period of my iIIness and 1 could not sleep but
had an awful urge and longin!~ to go to the Sacred Spot. At 10 minutes
to 11 p.rn. 1 went to the kitchen door clingillg to wall and furniture for
rny hip and spine were very weak and sore.
1 sa id a few prayers, then went to the kneeler in the living roorn.
While in the door a Iight seerned to he f100ded over the Trees tl1ree
times. 1 sa id a few prayers then went back to bed for the strength in
my hip was leaving me fast.
1 looked at Our Lady of Neced~h Shltue and She seemed to srnile.
1 thanked Our Lady for helping me tonight so 1 could be with Her
as 1 sa longed ta go to the Sacred Spot, but was rewarded by the
lighted Trees. Heturning to Iwd 1 felt relieved and at Peace.
AUGUST 1.5, 1954.
On this dav 1 was not certain that T would be able to attend Mass
as the strength had not returned to my hip and spine. My Jack of
strength carne ollly through the severe pall1 in rny spine, a numbness
of muscle during this period which made each step uncertain and at
times a rigidity would develop during a severe spasm of pain.
Clinging to Fred for support 1 managerl to go ta Mass and back.
1 had wanted so to stay for Benediction, but as there was a continuous
pain in my spine 1 feared a severe spasm might develop. Before this
would happen 1 felt it better not to take the chance, and cause a
disturbance, so 1 left Church for home. After driving home 1 im­
mediately laid clown to l'est. A large number of people had arrived by
th is tÎ!n .....
\ly niece who is mentioned in the ~\'fessage of 1950 entered the
1'00111 sohhing and pleading for help. Her condition is very serious,
help for her is possible, but CUBE? No, only if the black sins of the
world are lessened. She is a Victim Soul and there are many Iike her.
It is very hard to see her sob and plead for relief of her suffering.
At 12 o'dock noon, with the support of Fred and Joanne, 1 went
to the Sacred Spot. As 1 could not venerate properly 1 went directly
to the kneeler. 1 glanced over the crowd and it was large. 1 then said
the "Angelus," "Mediatrix of Pence" prayers, pmyed for all present, and
asked Our Lady's intercession for all those whose hearts were here
but were unable to come.
1 prayed for Our Holy Father, ail Priests in the Missions as well
as home, for all Nuns and Religious, my own Bishop and personal
Priest friends, for the President and all in Government to do the Will
of God, for those working for Our Lady's Cause here or elsewhere, for
tlaose sick mentally or physically and for those in the service. 1 then
said a prayer for our son who is in the Air Force, for both Fred's and
my relations as well as those who asked me to pray for them, for
Hank and Clara, for my niece who \Vas iII and only a few feet away
from me with a very confused mind. 1 prayed for Unity between ail
workers of Our Lady, and for help and to know what to do concerning
the dissension.
"Oh, Heavenly ~'[other, what must be done? What must 1 do to
hring about Peace and Unity between those working for Your Cause?"
Here the pressure was sa great that it felt like my breath was being
pushed out of me, breathing became difficliit and 1 fully realized how
great the disunity was.
My meditation and prayer was interrupted by the continuous
talking of Pilgrims ta the right of me. It was very disturbing and the
words PRAY, PRAY, PRAY kept screaming in my ears. Oh, why this
Then there was a sudden warmness, then a joyful feeling as if
my face was brushed with feathery down. 1 looked up and there
seemed a sparkle of Brilliance, then in a flash there was Our Lady
in all Hel' Clory and radiance. She didn't smile, but looked serious. Oh,
such Brilliancè and Beauty! Her hands clasped before Her, then she
took Her Hosary in bath hands, hcld it forward and it seemed She
meant more Rosaries. She was gone in a flash.
Today. after She was gone, there seemed ta be a haze. Ta try to
describe the warmth and joyful feeling 1 just can't find the words
ta say. The pain of Joy, bursting feeling, sa great as if ta suffocate.
But this doesn't describe whnt 1 really mean.
1 feel one is tao wcak, tao unworthy to accept it aiL for my chest
feels like bursting, and after Our Holy Mother lem'es, 1 feel so weak
and helpless.

Suddcnly I was aware of the Sorrowful l\1ysteries being said and

I hcard be,lUtiful music. I recognized the Sorrowful Mother Song in
Gelman, which I heard ail during the Rosary. It was very beautiful.
I then hoped sa for the "Ave Maria," feeling the Glorious Mys­
teries would be led next. As the Sorrowful Mysteries ended, verv
softly and in a distance I could hear the melody of the "Ave Maria. ,
Then it was as if something jumped on my back and screamed into
my ears' I was sa alarmed élnd confused when I realized H. 1. was
talking over the microphone, it sounded like someone was drowning
and shouting into my ears. The Heavenly Music was pushed away.
"Oh, help me, Holy Mother, give me strength!" A sickness en­
gulfed me as I feIt the growing resentment among the Pil?rims and I
heard "Hail Marys" being said to give me strength, while others started
ta pray in resentment toward his talk. I realized ne was talking of a cure.
"Oh, why now, why not after I had gone in? Oh, Holy Mother, forgive
him, I am sure this was not done intentionally." My strength was leaving
me fast and I felt faint. I grasped the kneeler for support.
"Oh, please, Heavenly :\10ther, don't let me faint now. Cive me
strength ta return to the house."
"Oh, Heavenly l\·10ther, help me and give those who do not under­
stand, the Grace of understanding, Unit y and Loye so that the Shrine
they aIl want so very much may become a reality." I continued ta
pray for help and strength. then I felt I mllSt try to go, sa I asked
Fred ta heIn me in, which I felt was onlv through the help of Our Holy
MotheT. After returning into the house, 'l found it full of relation, bath
Fred's and mine.
AUGUST 22, 1954.
This evening I felt sa lost as one persan who heiped me greatlv
and that I dearlv loved, ~e. Yet I was happy for her that she
was able to fulfill her wishes, and if it is the Will of Gad that this
is her vocation, that she will serve Him weIl and those in her care. I
( prayed she would always keep in God's Grace.

I took the white Rosary I had ~~c~ivc:~~s a-&ift ju~tlQy.L..sttys

agQ and said a Rosary for this persan s intention and a second Rosary
for J~e, for I knew I would miss her very much. I asked Our Holy))
M?ther tQ.....ntk~_Jganne bene<!tP AeIMantle ra protect andguicleher.
The Third Rosary was for aIl those working for Our Holy Morher,
that they wouId . honor Her and Love Her and . do aL-She req~ts,
\VlJf ta help brir!~D.u1tiQ]ieLDivine SS?n and t9 do thisj[L U-!l!!Y an_d_ve.
During period of 2nd or 3rd Rosary, Clara had arrived (when I am

not certain), 3.nd just as 1 W2S ~earing the end of tl>e I1hh decade

J~E the 3rd RosaI;Y there was a loud bang as iF a bôdy w<\~ th!2:wn

agamst the house sa hard that I heard the windows ratde. AlI 1 thought

was the Enemy was out to distract me so 1 continued to pray, but Clara
was disturbed and went out to investigate. 1 believe the noise awaken-
ed Fred, who got ready to go out with me.
1 then dressed ta go out ta the Sacred Spot at the usual time of
11 p.m. Fred was not ready when 1 went out and 1 went directly to
the kneeler, he followed a few minutes later. 1 had the stran I-lJ
ing of bein stabbed i the ;tck as if eviln . .
1 had a difficult time trying to pray, but prayed for 0.11 present,
for ail Religions, Missions, for ail Priests and for the intentIons of
the Holy Father, our Bishop, for our relations, our GQyernment (bofb
U~~), for the sick and those mentally afflicted, our Service-
men, our Community, for the School bus situation, and our Pasto!'.
eadl sick 1 becam. nd 1 raved for the t ree ersons
( who caused much 0 t e confusion. Here a feeling of great is-
turoance came--m;cr-;nZ- -
Many, many prayers are needed, so 1 prayed for my Spiritual
Director. Again a great n.$,ed of p1'~ers, then prayed for those chosen
by him. A very soft~Qice spoke an the Trees became brilliant ~
a...s.ilverv dllst over them that sparkled.
"My Child, thase ehosen to stand by you to .l1wke a ~ll renort
ot their work here and yotu:.....a:...CQ!{~.-Qmitting not_ing."
"My Child, the c ~ of Narrations is nQt l[(Jt as requested.
Henry must make ~rea~ôrt thaL work 1S as requested, ~ an
example....!..Q Community. Bot]J_Ch~Ja:L.Q!:I,eS have failed to follow
instructions as given."
"My Child, follow questions requested that 1 asked, no matter
how much it grieves you to ask them." 1 then asked about my suffer-
ing, the answer was, "Continuation of suffering and a v..eriod 7I!:11.f..h
( ~r tJUIn iu~t pasto Henry must stand bL when needëd, for protec-.
tion ana eomJorl for those in Tiëëëf" This Ytroubled and puzzled me,
but no clarification was given. The Trees dimmed, then faded to
normal and a sinking feeling came over me and 1 knew Our Lady's
Presence was gone. 1 m:~yea for--.:>tr.en~th and understanding to do asll
She regll.ested and askecLl:kLto ~lar!_x,it where we failed f()âi)as
She requested, but received no answer.
I __beg~~h.3ke al)d tremble and asked those ~ear ~1~ ~~elp
me, but it seel1'!e.9 t~oulc1n<!t._ make myself heard. 1 tried to lift myself
and fëTfTcould not. 1 again l11ë'icled'wi"lli' Our Hald'lother ta give
me strength, then 1 tried again and as 1 rose to my fcct 1 pressed
heaVil Y on the kneelcr and suddenly found myseIf falling fOJ'Ward,
Jj kneeler and aTT:"""'Fred and Hank both reacFiect for me alld helped me
to m)' fcct. The cause' of f;:lling ',',':l5 t11C l:necler tipping.
Fred and Hank helped me ta the house, Florence and Clara
followed in.
- I.50-
(This is the night Pilgrims reported seeing a white figure stand
behind me and walk ta the Sacred S-Pôt.)
SEPTEMBER 8, 1954.
This evsnins 1 tumed off the hou~ at 10 p.m. and prayed
onl~he Vigi Lights. 1 prayed a f eçade Rosary, and said
other prayers. During the last Rosary Clara entered. At 10:55 1 went
out ta the Sacred Spot and directly to the kneeler. 1 said the Mediatrix
of Peace pra.xer and then prayed for aH th~se present and their in­
tentions; praycd lor Our Holy Father and hls intentions, our Bishop.
for our many Prie~ ~nds, ~ll fu2se. working for. the Ca.~ur
( Ladv, aIl those w 0 had asked me ta pray forfl1ërn,--for the sick,
~aHy ill. for my niece and Jor aH..Jhose in the same__ condition.
JJPrayed for our Senator, our Pres.ident anèf3It:.-.Q.the~.QY.e.DlIflent
I workers so they the Will of Cod, prayed for aIl Priests, Nuns
allirReligious (home alldiDffièrvIlssion Fields), prayed for aIl Serv­
( k-emen, .fuuLUI.....S!J.ILli..~ard in the Air Force. 1 prayed for mlÎty and
lo~ of neighbor in our Communlty and Parish. 1 prayed for my
Spiritual Director, alsa for the Priest who had a Mission to fuHill.
1 prayed for our familles bath Fred's and mine and for th05e very
ldose ta me. .Lp-~y~ for str~ngtb..hoth Qf mjnd and body so ~ld
rVdo.!be Will of God. During most of these prayers 1 had been lOOking
up towards the Trees and had noticed a figure in a kneelin* ~os!pon
in the Trees. Then this figu!"6 bêcame brighter, l watche î tor a
moment and continued to pray, pleading with Our Roly" Mother_to

1h~ s ungeqtand, to guide us 50. that we would do what was rîght
a 1 we ave been wrong to enhghten us.
"Oh, Heavenly Mother, please ~de us." These prayers were)
meant for Fred, Hank, Clara and myse ôr we had a Mission ta fulfill.
Again 1 watched this figure of a young girl about 12 or 14~ears
with long fJowing hair, notking a large Rôsary bëfore this figure
kneeling and way above was someon..e in a Cassock or robe.With a big)1
beard, long hair and holding a large book in bis arm. It ~col!Jd have
been a Monk or Saint. If 1 saw his picture 1 believe 1 would recognize
him. During aU this time this white figure was present as.-iLiIl...Jlm)ler.
1 couId not see the Crucifix of the large Rosary, only the Medal as if
th~ !?!l:\nches of the Tree.s......we.re_hiclffiL!p'e Crucifix, sorne of tne
Rosary seemed hidden by the branches of the Trees.
Other than the Ros!!l)' and the white figure kneelin~ and the
Saint or Monk there was no sign of Our Holy 1VIother this evening. 1
( suadeÏîly noticed the Rosary and figure both gone, then just for a
( second a brilliance over the Trees. 1 bowed my head in meditation....JUld
asked for str..tID~ise and go into the house.
1 thanked Our Holy Mother for aIl Her kindness as 1 was so Un­
worthy, 50 weak and miserable. 1 then rose and walked into the
house followed by Fred, Hank, Florence and Clara. 1 felt v~Dl-Shaky
and weak in the knees but made it without difficulty ta the house.
l 1 said a prayer in thanksgiving for the strength 1 had received. After
1 gave them Our Lady's B1essing my clear friends left for home.

SEPTEMBER 12, 1954.

1 went ta pray on the kneeler in front of Our Lady at 10:00 p.m.
and first said a fiftcen decade Hosary, after which 1 meditated on
the suffering of Our Holy Mother and during this period Clara arrived.
(When, 1 do not know.)
At 10:55 1 prepared ta go out ta pray at the Sacred Spot and took
with me a Rosary given ta me hy a V€IY saintl)' and good man, it
was blessed by the HolyFather (Pope Pius XII). The first Rosary 1
said this evening was for his intention.
After venerating the Sacrcd Spot 1 knelt on the kneeler and asked
Our Lady ta reward the faithful that come ta honor Hel'. 1 prayed for
aIl those that had asked for prayers, the sick (bath mentally and
physically), for aH Priests and Nuns and aIl thase in the Missions,
for Our Holy Father's intentions, also for our Bishop (who was re­
ported ill) and his intentions, for the Spiritual Director and our Pastor
(who needed many prayers, who seemed very confused), for our
world condition (that in aIl their meetings the right and just be done),
for our Senator in this State, also for aIl working for the Cause, for
bath our families (Fred's and mine). 1 prayed fer those close ta me
and the Cause, for a better understanding in the Community and for
our School bus situation.
Something seemed ta jar me out of prayers and made me look
up. The Trees were very brilliant and suddenly there stood Our Lady
with a faint smile and, as if someone Iifted me up, 1 raised up and
lifted my right arm with my blue and white Rosaries towards Our
Lady (1 cannat expia in why 1 did this).
Our Lady bent forward and touched my Rosaries, bath the blue
and white ones with Her's ... 1 then quickly held up my Crucifix
which 1 had received on the Feast of St. Ann, also another Crucifix
(both have Relics in them), but Our Lady did not touch them. Then
my eyes filled with tears and 1 blinked to remove the blurr but when
1 could see again She had vanished and 1 was kneeling on the kneeler.
(When this happened 1 do not know.) Oh this Heavenly feeling!
The Joy that filled the air, the warmth, the happiness that fiIls one's
heart! "Oh, Holy Motller, 1 am sa unworthy, sa unworthy!" 1 felt
1 \Vas tao un\\'orthy to be alullt' \'v Hll al! ll1Î~ glüry, if only those here
\Vith me cou Id share it with me, "Then, Deal' Ladv mavbe thev would
not take Your Presence here so lightly." .'. .
"Oh, Heavenly Mother, Our Mother, so heautiful, how 1 love
You! 1 am not worthy to be Thy Chosen one as 1 am such a miserable
sinner. If ail present could only see a glimpse of You, so they could
Love You, 1 am sure nothing could keep them away from this Sacred
Ground which You have blessed with Thy Heavenly grace and beauty.
How much You must Love us to come to us this way."
1 felt happy and vet choked up with tears and a tightness. l
felt ashamed and bowed my head and asked how could 1 make people
understand, especially aU those dear to me, Who our Heavenly Mother
really is. "Holy Mary, how can 1 make You better known? How can
1 bring peace among those who daim they Love Our Lady and
yet seem to be so uncharitablc towards each other?" 1 cried and
mentaUy asked Our Lady where have we failed Her. "Where have 1
failed You? What were we doing wrong?" Then a very stern voice, yet
this voice was soft and beautiful said:
"[ have given many instructions to guide you. They have notl
been heeded as [ requested. My Child, Love Tby LoW tirst. Love thy
neighbor as thyself, thy C.QU!ltry, home ana ~ ones. Only can
th13"1$e fulfilled by fjJ;jt JovinTThy God."
"My Child, tell this to the Chosen ones, instead of lamentation,
u~gble,Jack of.Jillmility, (lfraid of Sacrifice and Penance, being
an example to the Community, control of temper, self will, lack of
F~e, givin* will to flesh and body when body weakens-rJe­
C41J8iL.aLno Faith.'
"Parents, be parents. Lacking in dutY here leads to disobeying the
4th Commandment. 'Love th,y nei~bor' Knowing of
confusion, misunderstaniliil.g, fear of eing persecuted, a helping hand
is not given."
"Harboring resentment, self pitY instead of praying for those who
are weak and let confusion misguide them. For many of them their
motives are sincere and feel they are doing right. Condemning only
destroys. Pray, prayer, My Child, can only help them see the right.
Kindness, love and prayer. BEJP--f1.a-ch ot~n these trying times
(. so SatarLCllnnot.. burl evil thoughts at _each other, vring confusion,
resentment, disunity instead of pr~ing for the one ta overcome .bis
l Your unoharitablë actions-lUii:ië-conffioufëa to hi3 illness. ?
Many prayers are needed to help him and others around him to bring
peace and Unity. This has done much harm for the Cause. His motives
are sincere. Confusion is great. Satan does not like him or tMse work- ))
ine: for souls."

"Follow My Message. Only UnitL and Love can bring P e ace,
then good of the Cause does not suffer:'
Oh---LfelL!!!~ar:! woulc!J)r~ak,_ 1 felL~_~hedp_SQ...m!aJ.Land

wor~hless. The pain o~ hurting QULBe.ayenly-110ther. "Oh Mother,

" Oh MOilleT, forgive me!"

"My~Childp .MI instM<etUm, .,. oot imfOtoble to 1011= '" ,l,en. )

Had they been folfiiWë'à this pain woula-nor have been necessary.
This -gri~eLXQY~1: much, .My Child, causes ,great pain i1L..)'Q!.lr
he~. Remember Fait~HOpe.. C§?fy. Love, Courage. Bless you,
My Child."
1 could feel Her Presence lifting away from me and could feel
I!!yself sink into a d~-.Eit, blackness. 1 tried desperateIy ta come
out, 1 struggled and foughtano came to a level stretch, but !I1y': body
s~Jl)ed twisted. 1 called for help, 1 lookeTnp andilîere stood Florence.
1 called ta her ta help me, but instead she backed u . 1 calledtOller
again but she tumed around and w, 1 way wit out helping me.
My strength seerned hopeless, sud enly 1 was aware of voices, Fred's,
Clara's and Hank's. Den an was lost agirln until MaUr 1 realiZed)}
1 was on mv bed. Fred, Hank, Clara and flQrence were in my room.
The nrst person 1 saw was Florence. After seeing that 1 WciS aIl right
they left for home.

SEPTEMBER 15, 1954.

This was a special dav and 1 was looking fOl'V\'ard to renewing

my Consecration VQws..-wit'h-the-. Priest who.... COD~e~rnœ(LmeJ~r
Ho!y Mother on this d~-l250. 1 prayed to O.!!Ll&dy that She would
lielp this PriesttolÏiake this long trip taday. 1 suffered much this
day with a headache and my hip. About 10: 15 1 looked out the window
and there was Father.
Our Holy Mother had answered my prayers! We diSICuss~~ man!
he.Jlad heen a great consolation m.a~es an~l me )
\1 things,
had heI~d hl!TI_many timeS:We were bOth concemed over a ~ry
we OOih had pleâged ourselves to pray for.
At 12 noon we went out ta the Sacred Spot. Father, Clara and.I
renewed our Act of Consecration and after a special blessing with
the Relic of the True Cross Father left for home. May Gad bless him
an.d !ioly. Mother hi.m.. , 1 love this Priest v.ery much for he
~~. a -'yery.sincere.311d.. hYl!l.ple-1}iest who tries .Y~fY hard tOl>ea
good Priest. He works hard ma~ times ta near exhaustion. ItoIa
Falier 1 would go ta the Sacred spotthis evening and lie said he
would he with us spiritually.
This evenin] 1 again prayed my 6fteen decade Rosa!1' in the house
after tuming ott the lights. Clara came in abOut 10:30 p.m. 1 was

<::0 (/ 1\
-( ::J .....
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on the kneeler in the living room before the Shrine praying when
she arrived. Our Lacly's statue looked alive this night.

"Oh Heavenlv Mother, Oh Sorrowful Mother ?el p me!" Fred
and Hank came to my <lid and af~I was on
my eet r was able
( to ~alk bv mYj_eILin_!Q-!he house. Although 1 feIt nauseated, tl1ey
were assured 1 felt ail right amI l gave th~m Our La.Sly's Blessings.
Then Florence, Hank and Clara left for home. ­

('Nhile writing this up 1 have had a very difficult time.

there \Vas a 10llCi rap at the Northwest window. then a hang in the
drain pi~e:-a 1'<1p ut the Snpth- \vÎn<17\w :1I1CClate!" :\ m:m's 10l;d voier,
hut no words.)

SEPTEMBER 19, 1954.
After turnine: off the lights at 10 p.m. 1 went and knelt before
Our Lady of Necedah and said a fifteen decade Rosary and meditation.

At 10:55 1 went outside, venerated the Sacred Spot and went to

the kneeler. Fred and Clara followed me out. 1 was surprised at the
group and mentally placed tbem as to who..Jhe..~ere. 1 noticed there ~
were ni ne people on the East side and two on the West side of the
Trees. 1 wondered why ~k was on that side of the fence.
Oh how disgusting, why was 1 not praying? 1 then said the
"Mediatrix of Peace" prayel' and looked up at the Trees. There seemed
a {aint ligbt on tbem. 1 prayed for aIl as usual when before my eyes
on the Sacred Spot fl very bright light fJashed and seemed ta ricochet
: ~er ta ~ standing_.~.Jill1.e_back from the l'est near therence.
1 turned l' s it for a second but could see nothing, so 1 continued
ta look upward and pray. After a few minutes this was repeated,
only this time, the light was about two inches in sizeand two bright
spots went down as if dropped off this larger Iight in region of the
breast_ of this persan. This time 1 didrÙ turn my head for it wasall
gone in a flash. This was repeated the third time, only without the
small spots. .
1 asked Our Lady of!cLaSaletta ta guide us and ta he.l.u-.-b!ing
-recQgn!ti9!l socn. 1 prayed or Clara and l''farïK;\V1ien a very soft voice
said, "TeliHenry ta say two full Rosaries eve.ry night on the kneeler •• ,
ror one week ,to recompense-T8fhls absence tonight." ".
Oh 1 was so surprised for 1 was sure he would be out here, then\) .,
who was this extra pyson? This made me feel very bad. Was he sick? 1
'\ r nad giveu_bim_ a .s ip -witlL th.e.....dat.eL<lnd now this worried me. 1
tried tQ_hun hack-to my,_pra.y~r.s....b.ll.Lfu.unçl1 cou1fl nof. nertmyseU
sË:!kft.ig and foui@t for strength. 1 called for help, then Fred hëard)
J'.!le and trieâtO.h~p me up. Dr. Raymond came to his assistance and
blleanin~.2.~il)' 1 was able ta move slowl)'. About haU way
1f ta the house a.Egidity took place in my-k~and 1 could hardly move

t~. Near the door the Doctor alldFred pîCKed me up, Hay Schelf·

hout picked up my feet and they carried me into the house, once in 1

tried to get down sa Ray put my feet aown and 1 sat on a chair for

a while until the rigid spasm left me enough and 1 was able ta talk.

l B1essed ail in the r,O..Qffi and to!g Clara la. g;ive Hank Our Lady's
I Mmage. 1 assured them 1 was âll riglit anô toey leff10r home.
SEPTEMBER 24, 1954.
TuJay l re,cei,Jecl con'fJuny. l'I.e}' \Hoofe. lwu IWO pIe. l!lal w(nl
vt;.!:Y 11..f!nLIQ.LQ!ll· LasLv's Canse, but were very mue misunderstood.
Ont' hac! ht'en very iIl and \Vas s~i11 suffering from this condition.
.- 1.'56­
This man needed prayers greatly ta help him overcome his weakness;
l confmion was ver' great, self pitY \Vas very evident, uncharitabl~ess )
IJplaie ~part l1ere. 1 was Vëry glad ta sec them bath. After taIk­
ing Willl. tnem agam 1 saw how m~ent it was ta hclp this man under­
stand. The information ~g~H:: was ven' hard !o~ept; about
,)0 jla Priest soaévout at tlle Alttll bd so uncha{itable as a llli.lrl. It just
ldidn't seem possible.

At 10 p.m. 1 went ta the kneeler and said fift~ecades of the

Rosary. 1 had just come out when Hank arrived, Clara had been in
earlier. Then J went out io the Sacred Spot. 1 prayed for an those
present (there were about thi.!:!Y~ple out there). 1 prayed for ail
Heligious, Priests and Nuns, the Holv Father's_JD!en!iQ.ns--.(.Jilio. for
the speedy recovery from His r~cen.Lillnessl, prayed for our Bishop,
IIGoverinnent-oofnSfii.feimd the United States, the President, our
famiBes, for my Spiritual Director, for H. I. (that he would...mld&r­
stfind and not be confused and 1 asked Our Lady ta guide him) and
(( for our Pastor. Oh the urgent need for prayers, e~ery time J would
meditate ol!..lhis, 1 could feel the pressure on my bodywasneavy.
1 p~d.JQL}'LQrld conrtitiDns. Then it [eh like J received a se;::sre
blow and a sildden pain \Vent through m" spine. 1 must have moaned
out la~LiL'Y.ilS 50 painful. 1 continued ta pray for arr
warking far
Our Lady's Cause, for Hank, Clara, Ray and a1l close ta us here.
1 1 asked Our Lady ofl$îûsoÎÛ\to have Mercy on us. 1 prayed for
our bus affair tbat everythjng would turn out for the best. 1 prayed
for Bernard and the whale Squadron, that Art Swan wouId have a
safe return home. My thoughts turned ta the earlier discussion and
- 1 pleaded for a better understanding and self control for the Priest.
1 prayed that he wouId control his temper and be a Good Shepherd
so that one could go to him for guidance.
1 dan't knaw haw loug 1 was aut here prayi.D.g, far the dissen.sion
wa0erribJe and__-th~.npressJ!re just about unbearable. r aSKed thase
near to help me but tney didn t hear me. l tried again and reached
for Hank and Fred, they both helped m~ into the house. In the
house the spinal pain!L.:and-.-Lpassed out From.. the pain.
FinâIlV1Iiîilk and Fred were able to help me t0 onr henrnom where
in a ~hile theJ~~j~as~Q tbat 1 ..s.<lllJ~l talk to tl~.
After Blessing them and they felt 1 was ail right, Clara and Hank
( left for home. May Gad Bless them bath for 1 love them bath very

, much.

(1 had seen Art Swan in front of me when 1 prayed for him.)
OCTOBER 7, 1954.
This year, as before, ~urnal Vigil was held aIl night long. The
Pilgri~s.--P~.,~.!l~nd san. g son~s tQ O~r Holy Mother making it .a very
beauhful srgnt ta behcild. A bIg bonhre \Vas made ta keep them warm
as tonight we had our (g-st fJ:Qst of the year (Oct. 6th, night of the
Vigil). It \Vas a grand sight ta hear them as \Vell as see them around
J the Fire and a continuous flow of CM lights coming and ~oing al!
nig"ht. Two bus loaù ai Pilgrims arrived during tbe night. Th~xt
mornigg our Chl!!:<:.b__\V?csjarmn~sLwitlul(~Yout Pilgrims. Ta see them
a:Irgo ta receive Our Lord is very inspiring and makes one feel very)
C h@.I>Y. 1 know this pleases Our Lord and Holy I\1Otlier very much.
After !vlass 1 prepared Ollr dinner for the family. We received many
bouquets of flowers that 1 placed in vases before Our Lady of
Araund 10:30 wc erownea Our Lady of Necedah with a erown)
of roses (whien stayed fresh J~~r nearly Cl week). Jowne is
away Hm year aITt. Agnes Scl tNursing sa she was un able ta
do the honor of Crowning Our Holy l\lother as before. Lo~ess­
li.!,!g, a very devout persan, did the honor this year and \Vas very
happy ta.
Frecl's relations, brother George's \Vire, daughter Cecilia, brother
Jack and wife came in about 11:30 a.m. 1 had been able ta say my
prayers of preparation before they arrived. "Vhen they came 1 was
able ta talk ta them for only a few minutes and they left ta go out­
(doors ta pray. 1 dressecl in my Oct. 7th clress of 1950 which 1 have

wom every year on this date.

1 noticed Hank had arrived around 11 :30 a.m.~_<J...i.~a.s teaching

( tJ1is vear. 1 noticed J. E. talking ta Clara, he was very active in the

cause in 1950. ~

Father R. was leacling the Rosary and at 12 noon 1 went out

ta the Holy Spot. 1 venerated it and \Vent ta the kneeler ta pray.
1 said the Angelus, Our Lacly's "Mediatrix of l'eace" prayer and
prayed for aIl present that if it was the Will of Gad their prayers
and petitions would be answcred. 1 prayed for those that sa wished
to be here but could not make it.
Oh, what a wonderful feeling, what a peaceful feeling came over 1\
this large group of Pilgrims. There \Vere several hundred cars and 1
lfl six-~s but the disunify was very sligJ1t and the percentage of
1 l'

Vision of Our Holy Mother and the Rosary as shawn ta Mrs. Mary Ann

Van Hoof in the four ash trces at the Sacred Spot on Oct. 7, 1954.

"Oh thanks, Holy Mother, for giving them the grace of love,
devotion and peace. May this continue, Oh Holy Mother" is my
plea. 1 prayed for aIl religiom, Nuns, Priests, Our Holy Father and
His intentions, for my Bishop and bath Chancellor and Vice Chancellor,
to have more ta the spiritual side of life and not the material things of the
world ta be the greatest, as it has been and is at this time. "Oh Boly )
Mother, give them the grace ta be true followers of Christ. Make us aIl
Christ·like, show us the Light and the MiE!" 1 pra ed for aIl the sick ana
allI'iëtëër, for our Government (National as weIl as ~tate). for aIl those car­
mg for our children (ta help lead them and keep them alwavs on the road
of Purity and Love and thus gain happiness). 1 praycd for Cecilia's
mother and father (for they needed prayers). 1 asked the Lord to
help Cecilia so that it would be easier for her parents, if it be His
Holy Will. .1 prayed for a very special intention, then prnyed fo~lI ))
those workmg for Our Holv Mother, for aIl those very near to me,
incIuding my own family as weil as Fred's. From these prayers 1
~ed to meditation an~ was internll~ted, by wh~t 1 do not know.
1 ooked up and saw a very beautiful Rosary over the Trees with th(;:
)., Crucifix so brilliant that its brightness hurt my !:yes. Suddenly 1
noticed Our Holy Mother within the Blue Rosary for 0Wdl
and then She was gone. She was holding Her Rosary wit bâtfi nands

towards me, dressed in the usual Blue with a Crown of pink Roses.
After Our Lady was gone the blue Rosary remained, it was
a very unusual Rosary, there was IJO separation of beads. A brilliant
bJne lighL_seemed-to gIn\\[ thr.ough the whnle Rosary. The Oiily way
1 can explain it is that it looked Iike a tube connecting each bead
and tbis tube was also aglow, ail in a oeautifül blu~ 4
Then a big red brick house appeared, 1 saw the interior. Oh how 1
t~il:>I~~--h9_~J.ickeBing,jl<?wevil and nauseating! Then the word
'LaCrasse' appeared over this pictufe.-What wfi:s so sad was that those \
who w_eIejo_eAforc.~_th~J.a.~I~ al~..o involved.
1 asked of the conditio]} of the Youth in our Country and had a \\]
feeling of weight; na_lI.sea and severe 12.ain went through my abdomen,
whiclLwas...a...\é~s.a.d.-apswer to my question.

1 then looked up at the Trees and the blU,l Rosary was still
visible, a veLy_he.autiflJlj)lue. Then the picture 0 our Shrine came
"' (befOre me. ~omet. . ?.i!lg veZ)' _frighte~ning happened and the~~ 1
, saw a beauhfùl plcf:lJ!~()f-ihe ~në~ am puZZIea over the
1 - true mea~g oF this Vision). 1 looked up and saw the blue Rosary JII
. again, su\.-Îenly it became very bright and vanisned. '1 he saâ situa- t

tion of our youth came upon me with a great weight.

1 asked about our(l.u!ernatiQIlllLaifaiFS'and l had a feelmg as if

1 was thrown inta a pit ofbJaCkness. 1 was being.whirleëLarQ.und Be­
comiJlg.-di.~~ 1! and 1 seemed toJW--do~'lIl----iRto

c: ~
~ u
(Please note: During this time the same German melody thirt-I
had heard before see.!!l.~(Lto flow ~f..ili' above the Trees and it seemed
IiKet\vii:SSlngmgtoo, then aH drifted away and was gone.)
OCTOBER 11, 1954.
This evening 1 put the Iights off at 10: 10 p.m. and sqid my tbree
Ros~ries and meditatLons. 1 prayed one Rosary before Our Lady of
~ceaah but finished the other two in the kitchen facing the Sacred
Spot for the living room was rather cool.
At 10:55 1 went out to the Sacred Spot, venerated it and knelt
on the kneeler to pray. 1 said "Our Lady Media_tm of Peace",
prayed for those present and their intentions, also al! those who were
keeping the Vigil and longed to be with us. 1 prayed for Hank for à
special intention, prayed for ail Re1igious, for the Bishop and intentions of
Our Roly Father, .the Government, for Senator McCarthy and ail
those working with him for Jfie_.g.ood of the Cause, for our Pastor,
and for all in our Community. 1 prayed especially for al! those who) they would !il!.~.the.!:!ght.!.o~Q~!Q.r:~lt. was too1afe.
1 prayed for aIl our children a~that parents would be gQQSLparents.
"Oh Blessed Mother, on this, the Feast of the Maternity, bestow
r( Thy_Graces on the g.q.r~nts. HelIUhem gui<kHandJlrjng tll2 those in- )
nocent children as gO-2d Christians." 1 prayed for aIl those working for
the Cause of Our Lady, and for ail who had asked me to pray for
them. 1 prayed for the Spiritual Director, both our families, (Fred's
and mine). 1 prayed for several Priests very clear to me, ~'or their
( guidance and protection.! looked illto the Trees but saw Ilothillg

c:: •

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when 1 noticed a brigbt sÛ bar in the sky then another

fonning a V:' This became very bright and douds seemcd tl) na!"t
and between the "V" it became very bright with ;- go!2en glow over
the silvery white.
-- Suddenly 1 noticed Our H~ Mothf'J sitting,_.h.oliling the InfaIU.........

o~ap. A Rosary formoo al arollnd Our Lady, the Cross withont

a Corpus was aboye the lnfant's head. A pUEPle naze-formed a

O circle around the Cross then drift.ed away a.nd vanished. 1 wus s~­
ing..-S-OIDe-Hail M~s and_ thinkÎl.!K_.Qf the ~autifut Vision 1 hadJyst
wi.tnessed when 1 not one of the bars of the "V" still visible in a
istance in the East. 1 saI,',' two reddish blac bars form abovethe
Trees in the s y, t en a brilliant explosion and a st~e bluish white
ligbt rose upward which turned a pink-reddish color mixed with
bluish white. As it rose it became grey with the abave colors inter­
min!!led untiJ it formed a mushroom and this upper part turned a
g~hite. AU this formed behind the two reddish black bars,
!!llfI a cross bar became visible forming an "A" witl1 deep red drops
o ood d~ing off the ends of the cross bar. (Sec sketch)___ ...J

1 became very hot, my face and throat seemed ta jllst bum and)
1 saI,',' a_l'!'D'_e",nful V";on 01 ,om~ nI the ,"ckl." andmate"a\;'t1c
Cler~ and ReÜ~ious. Oh hü\v sickening! 1 became very mluseated,
'"~tlCir. tiî~ "5til fee!ÎflJL!ikc it was on Cire and my mou~y and
h..Qt The realization ot it ail was more than 1 coulcl takefuLLgass~d
out and found myself on the ~round with Fred and Hank bending
over me. J gat1lereaaInhe strength J could riÎtlster and got up on
mYTeet. Fred and Hank helped me iota the house where J became
very sick ta my stomach and the heat still burning me. 1 was aware
also of anotber disturbing feeling which J interpreted as ail was not
weIl in that case. Clara and Hank secmed concerned that J go ta bed
but 1 felt 1 could not walk without considerable help. J felt 1 had
better stay sitting for the time being. 1 was finally able ta convince
( them that 1 was ail right sa J gave them Our Lady's Blessings and
they (Florence, Clara and Hank) left for home.
1 said sorne prayers for them as they Ieft and after a few minutes,
Wlth Fred's help, 1 was able ta go ta bed.
OCTOBER 13, 1954.
This evening 1 was ironing untiI 10:20 when Hank came in. J
stopped ironing as 1 wantedtOstart saying my Rosary. 1 didn't put the
lights out as Fred and Hank were talking sa 1 went ta the living
~ room and said m Rosar before Our Lad of Necedah. 1 had one
decade e ~ but J fclt it was time to go out an 1,',' len 1 came into the
kitchen it wus 10:52. 1 dress,::d as it Wa~ éhilly, put off the kitchcn
light and went out. J venerateo the Sacred Spot, knelt down to pray
and prayed for the usual people: Religious, Government, Community,
Sehool Children, Bishop, Our Holy Father, Ollf famifies, and ail those
asking for prayer. 1 pnJ~'eci .for the ' for tht' workers of
FJ!1Ï!!.1a, as 1 had a feeling I,his ~as lackillg I~l~ of tilt, Bllw
Jr -
A.rmY. 1 prayed to Our Laoy of-ratima for this.
1 lookedQll)hi,~o the Trees and .there above the Trees in the sky 1
saw a large' e of Our Lad\' of Fatima. Her face resembled the
picture our Frëcldie had taken. Over this iu-hrighLll.eQn-like w()rds~'
Then this ail Instantly \·anished. 1 prayecl sorne more, for this \Vas
disturbing, wh en 1 noticed a hIjlljant light on the t'l'sund between the
l'om Ash Trees. 1 hacLthe strangest urge to go fhere and see,
1 got IIp and went to the four Ash Trees and touchecl each with
the Helic Crucifix Our Holv \1other had touched Wlth the Crucifix
of Her Hosary on Novemhe,: 12. 19.'5.'3.

It gave me a very strange feeling, 1 kissed ail four Trees and then

retun1ëCItoHie nouse.

1 hlessed Clara, Hank and Fred and after a few \Vords \Vith them
they both left for ·home.
OCTOBEH 16, 1954.
This day several times 1 had se\'er0 pains through m,.y abdom0n,
also headache and the strnn.gest feeling throughout my whole system.
\/TO me, this was a sign that something \Vas wrong and 1 prayed about
thi~JlIl clpy. 1 woudered if Clara \Vas back, as she had gone to WIS­
consin Bapids to \'Ïsit her sister.
Touight 1 feh that 1 hacl better be prepared in case 1 fell and had
to be carried in. 1 put on a knitted gown, which served hoth the..E,ur­
po~f..Qeing war!.l.~, as the ni,gllt air \Vas chilly, and Ifnecessary could
remain on ail uight. Just as 1 put off the light i!U.h.e kitcben (I Iike ?
to pray bv the soft !tlo\V) a car dro"e up, so 1 just stayed in the
kitchen facin~ the Sacred Spot and prayed fi}' fifteen d.ecades. l \Vas
On mv last Bosarv when Clara arrived. After mv Bosarv 1 said other
prayers and wOIl<lered why 1 had the sen:re pa(lls c1uring the Hosary. j.

- W2­
At 10:50 l prepared to go out and at 10:55 p.m. went to the
Sacred Spot, venerated it and Imelt down on kneeler. 1 noticed several
Pilgrims were praying and asked Our Lady to bestow Her Blessing
(Ill them: 1 said the "Mediatrix of Peace" prayer and prayed for ail

those present and their intentions, ail those whose hearts were here and
couId not make it. for aB Religious, my Bishop, Our Holy Father and
His intentions, for the Priests in our Diocese, also for our Convents,
am Schools and Community, for aH those working for Our Lady and
Fer Cause and for those in the Mission<;. J prayed that ail those fallen
away from their Faith would come back ta the right way and that our
Enern)' sees the Light and follows Christ's Way. 1 prayed for our
farailies (Fred's and mine), for Hank·s family, anQ. for Hank as ~
ha.d no feeHng of security in the position he was holding. "Oh Blessed
( Mother, help him obtain secunty and through thiS there will be more
unity." 1 prayed for Clara, Hay and H., several Friests, also Father R.,
Father W., Father T.O. (Priest at Carroll, Iowa who has cancer), for
mani more cancer patients, for ail the si<:k and the afflicted. 1 glanced
Up. into e four Ash Trees and there "vas a Nun reaching towarasrrié
as if pleadin~ or le p an s ed through my mm
"Missions." S~e was dressed in white with black Veil with edging of
whIte. Saw this matronly-looking Nun ta the waist. 1 agam prayed for
those in the Missions. vVnat arder this Nun is 1 don't know. lUter sorne
time this Nun disappeared and a glow came over the Trees. Then 1
heard this Message:
"There will be an ad!Jancement of the Pridays before Advent:
T. t et have done riOthin on aiven work which
must be completed by the lst day 0 t le year 19 ,0!11i..ttîng_nat1ijrig.
"arration given must be combined as instructed by the same date."
"My Child, complete your work as .>oon as possible."
Mentally 1 was wondering if the Cbosen Ones lInderstood the
Message given Sept. 12th. The reason was given in the Message. This
weakness must be overcome. 1 asked when the Fridays wauld com­
mence and alsa about great suffering. No ilnswer.
1 then turned ta meditation but 1 had a feeling of sornet.hing
wrong as if there was~ss and 1 wanted to turn around and look
when a picture formed before me. It was a road made of planks or
split logs. Then this same road was shown again but the wood was
ail decayed. Th~n it looked as .i.LLw..aUn_th~_baçk seat of a late model
el!!::.. A YOI,I..J}g.JIla.n_a11(LW.Qn::\Sl.J.Lw.e,"SL~.e2.te(:L in---.!h~l!:~mt seat having a 1
( heated argument. 1 couldn't hear them but 1 noticeëftnattlleYwere
qllarreling over an infant. 1 was shown the infant's abdomen, the
naval was perfeet and weil healed, so it was not a new born. The child
,",as sleei2!n,g. The womUIl sitlilll~ ill the Jriver's seat was a brunette J'
.Nand probably wouId have been beautiful if her face wasn't distorted
J11with such an eyil and hatefullook. The young man hud hght hatrout
· 1 could not see a full view of his face. The woman shoved the child
tow~rduhe man ~ thiULsevere-p-ain_grjp.~d m}' body,_iqf,t~~rë1

to bear), and the child partly awoke..There s~1!Kd a great 0 )ectlon

tromthe man, as if he didn't want any Eart of sometfu!1~. This made

the woman more angry. Theman..Jlgain ..,pushoo the chil~ _!o.~ards the

woman. (Here my body shook and tremblediJ.Lpained ail over.)

The man~d~pen t,he car door as if to leave and had his back ,
towards the woman. The wo~ ~ked the infa~tolilld it start~ry,
and with this the man 1eft the car~e_wDman(_~O~howJum:ilik... Oh ;
God,~o,-N"6:aon'f) ... Ts~\.V her pres.Ldown ou-the. infanls.J:broat "
to strangle oit: On-;riow awful! At this point 1 must have passed out
for all seemed black. In my mind all 1 could do was scream, ~r
theml" Over and over it~emed asjf 1 was screaminIf this to save the
clitl.çI's life:"Oh someone, stop themlStoptlîèml ank, stop thern!
Pray for .!he~Lthey ~jlLthÙla.ckest of sin!" 1 feIt myself in a
terri61ësulfocating place, sick..all over. 1 wanted to go after thorn and
save the infant, to take it to my breast and protect it. It :Îs too horrible
to put on paper.
When 1 came to my senses, 1 was in bed and saw Fred, Hank and
Clara w~o ail look~ so stra~e to me. It seemed as if 1 had started
at once to search for this place and as things became clear in the room
my bodily pains became more intense. 1 knew it would be foolishJo )
even31tempt looking .~s .Lknew of IlQ p-Iank road.

1 wiII write only brieRy on the Anniversary and the Feast days
during the period 1 was bedridden from Octobel' 21st to Holy Satur­
day of 1955.
NOVEMBEH 12TH, 1954 was the next Anniversary and began
a New Year for the Anniversaries of Our Lady's First Appearance
in 1950. It was five years and Our Lady's sixth Anniversary appearance.
On this day, as lISual, suffering was severe most of the day. In
the evening it started at 8 p.m. until 10:30 p.m. when those in at­
tendance said 1 relaxed from suffering and fingered my Hosary. This
Rosary had been Blessed and given to Hank by Father Dominic.
Hank had discovered that 1 received much consolation from hold­
ing this Rosary in my hand during my suffering.
Father Dominic was the Priest who started Marytown and the
magazine "Immaculata." He also started PerpetuaI Adoration for which
he suffered much and was severely persecuted and ridiculed even
by his own Brothers in Christ (Priests). He died of cancer May 14,
1951 after midnight on Pentecost Sunday. 1 felt he went straight to
Heaven, for he was a very religious Priest, trying always to bring
souls to Cod.
The comfort 1 received from his Rosary 1 feel is my answeI'
to his being in Heaven, for he suffered severely before he died.
They said 1 turned and looked towards the wall where the Cood
Friday Crucifix hung, so they gave it to me. 1 kissed it and embraced
it, then rose up on my knees and faced the very Spot Our Holy
Mother appeared to me in 1949 for the first time. While on my knees
1 again embraced the Cucifix, when suddenly the Corpus seemed to
become alive. (Then what happened is something only for myself.)
They said 1 looked frightened and began to cry, after this 1 relaxed
and those in attendance helped me recline in bed and 1 stayed this
way until 12: 15 a.m. In periods like the above there are no words or
ways to describe my feelings or actions. Our Holy Mother's smile
eases aIl pain and fear. Ifs so peaceful when one is in Hel' Presence,
and one feels so lost when She goes.
ATION 1 was able to go to 10 o'clock Mass, but suffered ail day with
a sick feeling in my stomach added ta the l'est. It became severe
about ï p.m. until 10:30 p.m. Those in attendance daim during the
aoove pcriod l was disturhed, that l felt l did not accornplish the
work l was to do. l aga in prayed on rny Rosary, also on the one l
had around my neck, which Father M. Wittrnan hacl given me. (He
has been a patient at St. Agnes Hospital at Fond du Lac for mol'
than 28 years with an illness that started in the early years of his
Priesthood. His spinal eord was turning to stone. 1 do not know the
medical \VOrù for it.) This Rosary was one of my favorite Hosaries,
for 1 would hold it during my suffering many times, also during the 3
hours of suffering of the Passion of Our Lord. At these times it wO\lld
;l't very rOllgh treatment and through ail these years it has ncver
hrok(·n. Father gave me lhis Rosary in 1950 WhCll sorne Nuns From
the convent brought it ta me. 1 have visited F,ltheT sc, eral times and
love and respect him \'ery mnch, for 1 fcel he is suffering for Prit'sts.
(Of course this is only my feeling.)
Ahout 11 p.m. they say 1 wantecl to leave my bed. They al first
tried tn hold me hack thinking 1 wanted to go ouldoors ta the Sacrcd
Spot, but they diseovered 1 wanted ta go to Our Laely's Statue in thl'
Ii\ing Toom. 1 was assisteù ta the kot'eler in fronl of the Stalue. How
long 1 stayed before Om Bt'anliful Mother J do not know. They
(üimed 1 cricd. Yes, one fcds so lost when Our Boly \Iotllt'r lean's
and olle ean kf·1 the press~lre of ail the WTOlIg that's bcing C'ommittecJ.
Offending Our JIoly \lother hrings tenrs to IleT eyes for She plcads
to save the souls of the Youth and that we shonld stop offending Her
Divine SOli, Our Lord and Cod, Who is so patil'nt and mereiflll. lIe
shows His love for us, if we wOllld on1y show mGl'p love fOT Our
Hedeemer, our only Hope in lift'.
DECE\1BEH 8TH was another day of very severe suffering for
the sins of the Youth in our area. Very black sins hacl beclI eommHted)
which 1 knew \Vas offendin 1 Our Lord ,U1cl rinO" 1 lears to the eyes
of Ir 0 V , ot 1er or he loves us sinners sa mueh. people
\\ ou ( on v rea ize 10W mile 1 tir 0 v . \l.en jf
Wc e ())I sée el', you cau ee el' grea ove or YOll. One fec s ike
gOll1g II\to Ihose open anns, 10 stay wlth peace and love {Qrev$.:r. But
YOll know you are not worthy, that~vt' so mllch to (nT"TrJ rnnk('
~'ottrself worth y Cl Our Heaven~·'""Mother!Jlove.She \~allts us to hr.ill!!;
souls to 1 ler Son 0 le !o reâeem us. i\1I thcse tbl11gs come hcloTl;
me when l knelt bdore Our Lady's Image. Yes, the pain and sufTcring
al times is very difficull tn take as one is human, but ",hen you look
into tl!ost' beautiful bIlle eves vou are ready ta give aIl. She saiëI ln
pray for our new Pastor, that he needcd many prayers. She' was
pleased \Vith his obedience ta the Viear of Christ, the Novena the
, T· 1 1 k' r cl' 1 rr 1 l • ) 1 1
\ 1l;,U lIau as eu tOI' was CIl tU lUL ay. iUU 1IHllt)' J1<tU lJ<du III' lIctti
ta the ~oly Father's request. This saddens me very mllch. She again
asked for prayers for the Viear of Christ, "He needs 1Il01l!!, 1Il01l!!
prayers, we would be lost if we lost Rim now, we must save Rim.
Must pray more for your Senator who has a very difficult time."
Again She ~aid, with a saddened face, "Pray for the Vicar of
Christ. Pray, pray much."
Those in attendance who helped me to the kneeler before Our
Lady, again said l wept. Yes, it is very painful to see Our Lady so sad­
( dened, pleading for prayers, because we are so careless and neglect
to do as Our Lady asked. She has had to continuously ask us to pray.
l was helped back into bed as l was in a weakened condition.
l did not respond quickly, as the suffering for our Area was very
difficult and the sad Message did not help.
One feels so weak and ashamed to be continuously offending
Our Lady, for we are aIl sinners and weak when it cornes to doing as
Our Lady resquests.
The suffering was very severe that day and the evening suffering,
started at 7:30 p.m. at which time it became severe again. l was in a
sick and weakened condition and my attendant was suffering with a
severe toothache and headache which l could also feel. l became very
ill this evening trying to accomplish my Mission, which under the
circumstances was very difficult (for l had a difficult Mission to cor­
rect). It was drawing near Our Lady's time, when there was sorne
unnecessary behavior in the room, l asked Our Lady to forgive them,
l said, "Oh Expectation of Mary, Oh Queen of the Universe, my
Beautiful Mother." l could feel Our Lady's presence and knew She
was with me. l felt very bad there had been the disturbance, but was
willing to recompense for it.
SUCCOR l suffered most of the day and was very weak. It became
more intense about 3 p.m. and at 3:30 p.m. l was put to bed, as the
suffering was very severe but about 5 p.m. they tell me l smiled.
Yes, Our Holy Mother showed Herself for a moment and She
spoke (but while speaking l could not see Her). She gave me a Mes­
sage which l will not write as it was for the two Chosen Ones, they
were to write up their experiences. Our Lady wanted this work finish­
ed by the Purification and l pleaded with Her to extend it, l pleaded
and pleaded. She suddenly said it wouId be extended to the end of
Lent, February 28th. She also told me something which concerned
Hank. It frightened me, and She asked me to tell this to him. l pleaded
,vith IIer that l could not tell him this J promised to do recompense
or take on more suffering if he could be spared this Message. Again
Our Lady granted my request. (1 will not give any information on
any of this at this writing.) 1 have not told Hank what it was, or
what period of suffering was mainly for this. Suffering continued until
about 7 p.m.
At 11 p.m. Fred, Hank and Clara helped me out ta the Sacred
Spot. 1 thanked Our Lady for granting me this request to help Hank
and spare him this Message. 1 prayed for aIl those that 1 knew needed
prayers. Hank and Fred helped me back into the house and into bed.
Since January 14th 1 was bedridden again as 1 had been in bed
from October 21st to December 24th, but from December 24th (which
begins the Christmas Season until the end on January 13th) 1 was up.
The 14th found me again in bed. This time 1 was unable ta walk. Sa
on the Espousal of Our- Lady suffering started at 1: 15 in the afternoon
and eased up around 6 p.m. At 7 p.m. it started up again until 10:45
p.rn. when those in attendance said 1 became calm and my facial ex-
pression showed signs of something wonderful. They heard me whisper
"Blessed Mother." This was about 11 p.m. 1 had seen Our Holy Mother
in mist form in the Trees in 1951 and from then on 1 sa'.'/ Her mostly
in a mist form for this Feast Day.
There was a Message given concerning International Affairs, the
meaning of the Sacred Spot, also a Message for bath the Chasen Ones.
After sometime had elapsed and 1 had gotten control of myself, 1
explained to those in the room with me about the Message. About
1:45 a.m. they left for home.
The suffering was not sa severe today. 1 told those in attendance
that the Message Our Lady sent was: that they'll wake up when it's
too late, and then they'll scream for help. Our biggest trouble is we
were ail tao slow on Our Lady's Message. We didn't accompIish any-
thing. Our Cons ':b1~on is bein
place. e mencans won't have mu
'and the UN has aken its )
of a c ance, we have sa d
outsëTves out ta the UN. -
The Waming Our Lady gave us sorne time aga about the ~i
T_e is going to he a surprise blow sorne time in the near ~e.
If mlli: our Catholic people would stay away from that place, ~
their CuriOSlty l<eeps drawmg them ta il like a tIf ta sugar. Many
~00d Cathohcs have attëïiâeël sorne of their services, they're only
doing it because they're curiQUS but they doniJqlOw the gQO it leaves
on them is a sticky substance of Eviln~ss.
People will soon knaw what Our Lady meant when She said·
ta watch the Pacific and Aslaska. Sorne of these things make me sick,
i~lces your stomach a,nd twists it. 1 wish our people had prayed



relieved of the intense mffering and had only the regular suffering
aU day long. About 10:55 p,rn" Han1. sai à 1 went on my kne~s before
Our Lady's Image when 1 was given a Message.
The statue of Our Lady looked alive, what a beautiful smile She
gave me. 1 triêd to pray but just could not. 1 felt very close te Her as
ItSIlël1ad Het arms about me. She didn't smile but Her face still
looked sa heautiful. Sucb a comforting feeling. l never before had
the urge und desire, a5 tonight, ta go into those outstretched arms
and just stay therc forever.
But one's Ilnworthiness, ont:'s feeling of being 50 unclean makes
one recoil from Her Heavenly Solendor.


This evening 1 had been placed in my owu bed, the original
place where 1 had seen the large Crucifix glow on Good Friday
April 7, 1950.
1 was not aware of the transfer, but 1 was taId Hank carried me
ta my bed at 10:30 p.m. as instructed ta do in a previous Message.
One thing 1 was aware of very mllch was the burning and blister­
iog feeling in my mouth, also the same terrible taste 1 had experienced
April 7, 1953 in the Vision of the H BOMB.
Suddenly the Good Friday Crucifix in original place glowed and
a bright ray of light streamed from it to the Relic Crucifix 1 held in
my hand (which had been touched by Our Lady on November 12,
1953) .
.And, it was as if a Voice said, "Give Father the Blessing requested
by Our Lady." 1 did this and tried to give it to Henry also, but it seemed
he didn't understand what 1 was trying to do. 1 was unable ta give him
the Blessing, as he did not turn enough for me to give it ta bim. At
least something hindered me from doing it. Through aIl this 1 was
not conscious of those in the room with me. Everything seemed hazy.
Through Our Lady 1 was made to be conscious of Henry.
1 believe at 11:30 p.m. Hank Swan carried me back to my bed
in the living room. 1 had this awful taste and burning in my mouth
(when 1 was witnessing Our Lord being placed in the Dungeon) as
this was Holy Thursday entering into the early hours of Good Friday
when Our Lord spent His early morning in the awful Dungeon.
(When it left 1 do not know. )
1 was praying on the Rosary Father Wittman had given me in
1950 1 said three Rosaries on it when 1 noticed it was about 10:52
p.m. That is the last 1 remember. 1 had the feeling Our Lady was
with me or very close, and 1 was drawn towards Our Lady of Neeedah.
1 asked forhelp for Fred and ;jll those working close to this work, par-
ticularly for Henry, as things were very difficult for him, when Our
Lady's Statue (Mediatrix of Peaee) seemed to come alive. 1 couId hear
a voiee speaking. It was the Voiee of Our Lady.
'Tell Henry lIe has much work before him, work of great im·
portance conceming the Youth. He must line up a program to take
care of it. Follow aU Instructions given. Be cautious that the Evil
Forces do not destroy the good he tries to do. Also, it will be neces-
sary for him to stand by here, at times closer than before, which will
cause persecution and heartache."
Our Lady said that my suffering will continue, the severity will
depend on conditions of our Area and what amount of work is ac-
complished. Also the 10valty of the Chosen Group which Henry wili
have to supervise. lt this IS Impossible, he is to choose at times some-
one loyal to the Cause ta take his place, as it will become impossible
for him to take care of the Group because of conditions here. Again
this will depend on loyalty and what is being accompiished in work
that has been requested. "There is no time for laxity or self pity .
. Henry will suifer greatly, ~th physically as wel!
aS a gTea~ rnc:ntal
stram upon him (here 1 was glVen the reason, WhlCh 1 feel IS better
at this time to omit),

Henry will he given a private Message on a later date. 1 received

a Message for myself. Then a sudden drop and ail strength seemed to
leave me. 1 found myself back on my pillow.
Henry toid me 1 had slumped over and he caught me or 1 would
have fallen off the bed. The Messages for both of us were sad but
one must expect them at this time for both World and Area conditions
are very bad.




Just six days before 1 was told 1 would lose my voice on Nov. 27, 1953.

It was still very hard ta understand but at 12 noon a severe and

sharp pain shot through my neck from my tangue and passed my
adams apple and around it. There was a tightness which was very
painful, especially if 1 strained ta speak. This was hard not ta do,
especially with the children.
What "the Period of Cleansing" meant, 1 did not know or how
long it would be. The hardest of all ta bear was that 1 could not
even speak ta Fred (my husband) as he is hard of hearing.
Oh how 1 missed thisl
During the Three Hours of Passion they tell me 1 spoke just as
Sorne of the things 1 would ask myself were: Am 1 silenced sa
that some of my anxious friends ta whom 1 often talk, cannat quote
me? Am 1 not supposed ta tell Clara or Hank what or what not
to do pertaining ta this work? Am 1 not supposed ta ask for their com­
fort which they have bath given me many times just by their presence?
(This thought would make me feel lost.) Oh, if 1 only knew the
answers! 1 lost many nights of sleep trying ta understand what 1 was
ta do. 1 did not want ta do anything wrong, yet 1 had received no
enlightenment when 1 asked Our Lady about it.
Was it easy ta accept? No, it was notl Which proves to me
again what a weakling 1 am! 1 could try very hard to make light of it
when 1 was with my family, Clara or Hank, but oh, what a coward
1 was when alone! 1 felt like shutting myself away from everyone,
even my close friends. The only ones 1 cared ta have around me was
the family, Clara and Hank. Even then some of the remarks they
made seemed hard ta take, but that was goad for me, humiliation is
good for one's diet as it makes one more humble.
1 asked that my loss of voice be kept quiet, but this was not grant­
ed. It was writterl as well as told bv ward of mouth and by the same
ones 1 had asked ta, "Please keep this quiet." It all hurt me very much
and towards the middle of Advent a bitterness crept in. Why couldn't
people leave me alone? It seemed so many things went wrong, the
children couId not understand me, at times 1 wouId motion with m)
hands and my facial expression would change as 1 tried to make them
understand what 1 was trying ta say.
Ali this would make them say, "Oh, don't have hysterics." Of
course this hurt as 1 was not upset, only trying to get them ta under·
stand me. But these remarks wouId cut deep and happened many
times until about the beginning of Lent.
The offenders at this time were mostly Joanne and Freddie Jr.
1 was getting to feel pushed away from the family.
December 24th at 6 p.m. 1 was able to speak. Oh, what a happy
moment! This surely was a wonderful Christmas present. Kenny th€
youngest (6 years old) said, "Mommy, you can talk now!" At the
beginning he would look at me so strange, "Mammy, can't you talk?"
He just couldn't understand and when 1 would see his bewildennent
1 could have cried. But as time went on it became easier~
On the day of December 2Oth, !lot being able to talk came in
handy as Ray Schelfhout asked questions which 1 was not able ta
answer and which was better that 1 couldn't.
On Jan. 2 (the birthday of the Little Flower), 1 again lost my
voice and was silenced.
This morning 1 cried, 1 felt sa lost. Oh yes, 1 felt sa very sarry for
myself. Then Clara became sick and 1 could not cali her ta find out
how she felt. Of course 1 could pray for her, which 1 did. Our
Lady had given us certain work to do and 1 wanted ta talk this over
with Hank and Clara. Again 1 asked myself, "Am 1 or. am 1 not, to
discuss this work? What am 1 ta do?" What mental turmoil 1 went
Clara recovered for which 1 was very happy, but the way 1 acted
you would not think so. As it was very cold, Clara called in the
morning and asked us ta pick her up. This was what any civil persan
wouId gladly do in ail charitableness, it would be very inhuman to
even think otherwise. Oh no, not me, 1 was angry about it and an
awful feeling came over me. 1 fumed, 1 didn't want Fred to drive
down in her yard, and the anger that welled up in me was terrible!
1 just couldn't understand it. What was the matter with me? 1 was
ashamed of myself and yet 1 could not control it, even after going to
the Chapel 1 fought for control of mvself but was unable during Mass.
1 begged Cod ta help me and would say, "Satan, be gone!" 1 felt
1 received no benefit from Mass that morning. 1 could nat explain my
extreme anger and lack of self control for 1 loved Clara very much,
1 needed ber and depended on her many times sa these actions did
not make sense. The next morning the phone rang, but this time 1 was
able ta control myself although 1 still had this strange feeling. Later in
the week 1 was told that Mrs. Schultz and Kathyrn Bernard nearly
drove down the wrong place at Clara's instead of the driveway as they
saw the driveway where there was none.

1 did not see why Clara could not walk up ta he picked up on

the Highway instead of expecting ta he picked up down in this hale.
It is very difficult ta drive out because of the steep incline when there
is ice and snow. Ta make matters worse, Clara said it was too cold
to wait up there. Thank Cod 1 did not have a voice for 1 am sure 1
would have answered her in an insulting way. Thousands of people
wait dai!v for the bus or street car and they live. The question was,
"Whv aIl this strange behavior, this uncharitable action, which was
not éhrist-like at am"

A week later a Mrs. B. from Milwaukee came and again 1 had an

angry feeling that 1 would like ta be away from home when she
arrived, 1 was sa angry. But 1 could not figure out my feelings as 1 had
absolutely no reason ta he angry. After she arrived and started ta
talk she told us about a group writing ta the Holy Father. or His
Delegate, ta get our Bishop removed from the Diocese (for civic and
other reasons). This greatly disturbed me for such conduct from lay
people would he doing just what Satan wants.

She also told of a movie being shawn with a picture which 1 had
requested not ta be shawn, but this 1 didn't even know was in a movie.
Now could this be the reason for my strange action and anoer and
not wanting ta see Mrs. H.? 1 don't know, but 1 reaU)' felt sict Later
the same people came that had the movie. They showed it again. While
they were here 1 became very sick. Had a difficult time keeping myself
sociable and not leaving the room. 1 could hardly wait until the show­
ing was over and they left. 1 was nauseated and thought that twice 1
was sure 1 must vomit, 1 laid down and stayed down. There was no
reason for this either.

Mrs. G. S. had asked me for something which 1 granted her. Now

the question was, did 1 do wrong? 1 prayed for enlightenment but to
my knowledge 1 received none.

Every time 1 received visitors 1 would get a severe headache and

a hot Ru shed feeling until after the company had gone. 1 noticed this
happen every time, no matter who they were. With sorne it was worse
than others and after they left 1 was hetter.

February 2nd 1 lost even my whispering, 1 would write but 1

often wondered if 1 was in writing everything down. Should 1
have left many things unsaidr

After Lent started it was much easier to get along with the family
as they seemed to he able to accept it much better and this made Ît
easier for me. The most difficult time for me was from November

27th ta about Lent as my nen'es \Vere very ragged and tom ta bits by
1 had ta pray and fight for control. There were so many questions:
Where is the love, charity, humility, patience, courage and faith?
What a weakling 1 was, \Vith no courage. fvlany times 1 would ask
Our Blessed Mother to enlighten me if 1 \Vas ta be silent completely or
try to talk to them in a whisper or write?
Ali this time 1 have not received an answer in any way. Again
1 was told that during Lent 1 spoke during the Three Hours of the
Passion, narrated the Passion and that my voice was normal.
1 remembered asking Our Lady about the period of cleansing, but She
gave me no answer. Friday She did tell me 1 would he able to speak
Holy Saturday at the end of Lent, and Easter Sunday. It hurt very
deeply when Our Lady told me it was through disobedience ta Her
requests that recompense must be made. Unnecessary laughter, talk
and actions during the Three Hours of the Passion. This disturbance
was very noticeable ta me even before 1 awakened after 3 p.m. and
before Our Lady gave me the above and following Message. 1 was
startled at this for She had given us recompense before (a year ago).
1 did not know what the cause was or who offended Our Lady.
She looked so sad that 1 asked Her to give it to me and that 1 would
accept what She would ask. Then She told me 1 would have regained
my voice during the Easter Period until Ascension and would lose it
again after Ascension until the completion of the cleansing period.
Oh, Oh, 1 felt so bad 1 cried. "Shan 1 take this from you?" She said.
"Oh, No, No, 1'11 accept, Oh Blessed Mother, 1 am sa sorry. 1 shaH
do as you ask." "It grieves you, pray, child, pray for aU in this room
and Bless you." "Thank You, Mother," 1 said.
Oh what hurt so was the knowledge that 1 would have been
able ta talk to Fred ta wham 1 sa longed to talk, let alone the children.
Afterwards 1 questioned the behavior of those present and much was
said and discussed. It was pretty well thrashed over but no one seemed
ta want ta be the guilty one. Do not judge or condemn, lest you be
condemned (or something like it) fits here.
The following Friday instructions were again given ta us after
3 p.m. During the week 1 had a difficult time to get Fred to under­
stand me and as same of the children were so sick, 1 got the blues
and cried. Why can't they understand that the Passion isn't a circus?
Oh, 1 just could not understand this lack of respect for Our
Lord's Passion and the Sonow, Grief and Pain Our Holy Mother
also endured.
So" the following Friday after instructions 1 learnAd more.
1 am sure it was ~ot done intentionally, but this knowledge grieves
me. Yes, it hurts, but we humans are sa weak. We try and yet we fail.

1 am thankful thélt 1 am able ta whisper since the Feast of the
Seven Sorrows of Our Holy Mother in April, 1954. \Vhen this will end l
do not know. 1 can alsa thank Our Mother of Gad for oivino me my
voice on Mother's Day. It was a wonderful gifl. 0 0

As Yet 1 do not know what is meant by the Period of Cleansing or

the duratian of it.
AlI 1 san say is, "Oh, Holy Mother, help us ta unders-and and ta
accept what You will. Oh, help us, guide us, pray, sa that we do not
sadden Your Heart with our weakness, our self pity, our lack of true
Love for Our Lord and our uncharitableness."
My experience was that my prayers seemed sa coId and icy, there
was no warmth or love, even Mass seemed sa cold. 1 had no comfort
and devotion during Mass.
During the periad one fee1s 50 lost, sa alone. Why has God let this
happen ta one? You try ta pray, but it aIl only seems ta he lips, no
heart, no devotion.
1 appealed ta Our Holy Mother but it seemed ta he in vain. Dur­
ing a time like this 1 have feh sa forsaken, even my closest friends
seem to be distant. This period of coldness is hard ta understand and
ta shake it off was not easy, it was frightening ta me.
When you go ta Mass daily and Communion, and then unable ta
attend Mass, how lost you feel. Yet du ring that period. of coldness, one
has ta force yourself ta :lttend Mass. How terrible one feels during this
time. It must aIl be the \Vill of God ta test ones' faith and love. The
Ioneliness is terrifying. Your own family and friends are meaningless.
Oh what a wonderful feeling when this leaves. The Mass feels like
you are right there with Cod. You can reach out ta Him, and He leads
you by the hand. AlI day long your crosses seem lighter.
Your prayers for Our Lord and His Holy Mother make your heart
swell with Love for Them. If only one could stay with this kind of
love forever! Since Easter l had had one whole week of this coldness
and no matter how hard 1 tried 1 could not shake it. It was a terrible
feeling, rather terrifying, this feeling of fear, of heing alone. There
was no comfort in prayer but when prayers became a part of you and
are something ta cling ta they bring Our Lord and Our Holy Mother
so close. But when this coldness overtakes you, you lose ail this and
it is just impossible ta describe. 1 just didn't understand it at aIl.
Why mv headaches and pains intemally, sometimes nausea until after
the company leaves? If 1 am ta see anyone or not, this could not pas­
sibly he the reason. The family can't be shut off. Social activities, the
home has very little of this. If 1 was alone, 1 could understand, but
with the family 1 don't understand. Ta me it's just a great big question
mark 0).
Why have 1 written aIl this? 1 had heen asked by a Priest l whose
name 1 am withholding), ta write my happenings and experiences
for the records but 1 would rather have it aIl unsaid and unwritten.



ln the year 1~50 Our Lady appeared to me, an honor which 1

feel so unworthy of. 1 still wonder why Our Lady should choose
me who was 1'0 ignorant of our True Religion. 1 feelthere were thou­
sands of other people mucn mor~rthy tnan l, a poor unedùcated
sinner, who was not experienced and knew nothing of Our Lady's
1 did see "The Song of Bernagette" in 1944 and also saw a movie
of JOfln of Arc. 1 was told in hoth cases they were taken from facts,
which 1 accepted.
1 had very little knowledge of Our Lady's ways, Her great love
for us, and Her great plea for us to save ourselves.
From November 12, 1949 until Cood Friday, April 7, 1950 1
had often thought it might he an illusion or 1 could be mistaken, or
couId there he something wrong with my mind. After the ell.1Jeri­
ence of Cood Friday, April 7, 1!:)50, after hearing Our Lady's Voice
and the unusual message of Hel' plea for prayers and the Rosary
1 knew there was a reason. The fear and confusion it created in my
mind; wondering why She appeared to me; what was it aIl about?
1, who feel embarrassed to lead the Rosary before my own children.'
Each day waiting. V/il! it be today that She will come and where?
Sometimes the chills would run up and down my spine and 1
wçlUid feel Ii~e fleeing somewhere; but where? It was very torturing,
thIS not knowmg when, and why me? Who am I? You think of aIl the
sins you committed, the wrong you did to others and the thinos you
could have done and didn't, Then you look at Her picture anâ shed
tears of bath fear and love for Her because you feel so worthless, so
And yet you wail. When? Where? For Our Lady said She would
be with me when my l\1ission was fulfiIled, not here in this room,
but when trees and grass have turned green and Rowers bloom. Two
months of anxiety and fear mixed with wondering ended on May 28,
1950, as the Message explains itself. There are no words to explain
one's feelings or emotions at a time like this. But one goes on; how, 1
do not know. At the time it seemed to be a dream and sorne clav T wonld
wake up and it would be aIl over and 1 could feel normal again and
live normaIly.
On May 29th Our Lady gave me a Message for my Pastor and
Confessor in which She said, "Have yom Priest of this Parish Bless
this place and ask him to find a devoted person to help with this
work." 1 wondered afterward; what work? 1 clon't ask that question
any more. After June 4th (Trinity Sunday of 1950) 1 didn't have to
wonder what the work meant, for the crowd of people coming daily,
the questions shot at a person, wa~ a nightmare. 1 had hoped 1 would
wake up and Bnd it only a dream, but it was no dream.
Our Lady had told me to have faith in Her, that She would be
with me. Yes, without Her 1 could not have possibly been able to take
it ail. 1 had given Our Heavenly Mother my promise but what it aIl
meant 1 didn't know. However, after looking in those beautiful blue
eyes of Our Holy Mother there is no backing up. Her smile makes you
lose aIl fear and you are ready to do anything for Her, no matter what.
So, that evening 1 promised my life for the Cause and 1 would do
whatever She asked. To this 1 say 1 have tried. But 1 have failed in
many ways to do fully as She requested because 1 was advised not to
do this or that. As time went on things became more confusing to me,
especially my connections with Priests and Religious. 1 had felt they,
of ail people, should be able to give me the best advice but to my
confusion 1 found they ail gave different advice. There were many
that advised my Confessor so that he too became confused. This was
ail so different from what he was used to in his daily Priestly duties.
The stream of Pilgrims coming daily asking questions was something
that was so strange and confusing to him, for he did not know if it
was true. He did not have the assurance of the truth as 1 had, for 1
had seen Our Heavenly Mother. He only had my word for it and he
knew very little of me.
But he did love Our Lady very much and spent hours praying to
Her for guidance. 1 felt sure She answered his prayers and guided
him, in spite of ail the confusion of Pilgrims and aider brother Priests
who ail tried ta tell him what ta do.
ln July of 1950 a Clara Hermans came ta Necedah through advice
of an Appleton, Wisconsin friend. She was taId that there would be
much Catholic Action work ta be done. She spoke to Father and he
toId her there was a lot of work to he done. On July 16, 1950 1 met
her on my way to fuHill a Mission which was very urgent. 1 was intro­
duced to her, and when leaving her at her home 1 said "Good night.
1 will see you in Necedah." 1 do not know why 1 made that remark
for 1 didn't know of her coming to work here in Necedah, nor did she
herself until a short time la ter when Father had sent word for her to
come. August 5, 1950 she came and Father told her to come out to the
farm to help me where she could.
1 gave her literature to give to the hundreds of Pilgrims coming
daily. By this time 1 no longer knew what it was to cook for my
~ i).
:"J "'0
family, to take care of the poultry and my garden. 1 was out with
Pilgrims from right after Mass until late in the evening. People asking
questions would come to our door, even as late as 10 and 11 at
night. They wanted Rosaries touched, and askin~ me to toilch them with
mv Blue Rosary, which Our HoIr. Mother helct in Her hands. This 1
eOuld no longer do as my Pastor (Spiritual Director, as Our Lady called
him), had aàvisoo me not to. The strain of it a11 was too much for me and
he feare<! for my health. 1 was permitted to touch the Religious and the
sick, but even this became a problem for the laity wotild slip their
Rosaries to the Religious. Through a11 this 1 needed someone to he1p,
and for how long 1 didn't know. After the 15th of August Clara helped
in the home and with the people. After October 7th she also spoke
to the Pilgrims in my place as requested by my Spiritual Director and
answered sorne of my mail which was on the average of 30 to 50 letters
daily, a11 asking questions. At this time the biggest share 1 had tried to
answ€r myself by staying up until 1:30 to 2:00 in the morning.
Another lady (1 wiII just caIl her Mary) also helped. Clara and Mary
changed off during August, September and October. After October
7th Clara was alone with me. She was referred to as "the Chosen one,"
chosen July 16, 1950. Our Lady, 1 am sure, was aware of her ability.
In the FaIl of 1950 it looked for awhile as if 1 was going to lose my
Clara. How 1 prayed and wondered what 1 would do without her,
for 1 was beginning to lean on Clara very much. 1 was advised by
another Priest not to answer my own mail. 1 asked my Spiritual
Director what he thought of this. He approved of it. 50 Clara answere<!
aIl my mail, which was a lot of work.
On August 15th during Our Lady's visit to me, She said, "My
Child, your Spiritual Director tv'ill direct you to whom you shall go
in his absence." What She meant by this 1 did not know at the time.
Again (after my Spiritual Director and Pastor was transferred October
4, 1950 to Wurtzburg, Wiscomin) during the October 7th Visit of
Our Lady 1 received another message, "My Child, you will have to
depend on the Chosen One to protect you. That is the wishes of
your Spiritual Director. Pray for the Chosen One very much for he
will need many prayers." Again, 1 did not know who Our Lady referred
to, or who the Chosen One was. Was it a lay person or a Priest who
would he1p me?
There were many times when Our Holy Mother would give me
a Message. 1 did not understand its meanîng. One did not ask "\Vhat
do you mean?" like JOu would ~rom an ordinary person. 1 accepted Her
requests and hope later to hnd out what She meant, and later it .
would explain itself. Ocrober 7th, in the evening, OUT Holy Mother
requested that 1 go for a rest. She said, "My Child, go away for a
week and try ta l'est. Go only with someone you can trust and have faith
m." In my mind 1 thought of a persan to which She said, "Yes, My Child."

On October 14th, upon returning from Milwaukee, 1 had s. lot
of mail ta read. There were many that had written of what they had
seen, of cures and others pleading for prayers as they were ill or some-
one near and dear ta thcm was sick.
1 had olle letter that threateneù ta do me bodily halm, saying that
the writer was bringing a convict just reJeased from prison and bitter
at the World ta do me harm. l was flot frightencd at this threat but
thought it best ta calI the Sheriffs Department. 1 spoke ta Sheriff
Myles Clark and read the letter ta hün. He said he would look into
the matter, which he did.
Sunday October 15th, Marie and Vince \'Viora came ta see me.
1 told them of this lctter and they said 1 shoulà go ta see my former
Pastor at Wurtzburg and ask him for advice. We had a new Priest
who we later discovered had left this same day for Our Bishop's
Office. 1 had reccived Holy Communion and attended his Mass only
once. On October 16th, Ml. and Mrs. Vincent Wiora and 1 went tQ sec
Father, my Spiritual Director. 1 told him about the letter and he read
it. 1 asked him who 1 should see in a case like this, with Father sa
far away. He said, "Go ta Hank for anything that troubles yOll. He
is an honest, dean man, you can trust him." l later thought this ovel.
So he must he the Chosen One that Our Lady referred to on August
15, 1950 and on October 7th. l did exactly as my Spiritual Director
adviscd and went ta Henry Swan ( whom everybody called Hank, sa
did 1) Hank read the letter and said he would keep watch on the
night stated the man wou Id be around. l didn't know that Hank
knew of the revolvers found in the Church pews and being held in
the Sheriff Office, a 38 caliber and a German Luger. The Sheriff him-
self told me about this when 1 saw him later on.
1 had been warned several times by Our Lady ta he careful,
for on May 29, 1950 She said, "My Child, l'OU will be in danger by un
Enemy. Your family will find you injured unless you are very care-
ful. They will strike at you to stop you from bringing Souls to God."
Then again 1 was warned on October "th when She said, "My Child,
l have warned you before, but from today on you will be in danger,
you will be threatened. The Enemy would like to close your mouth
forever. Also, those that have made mistakes will try to keep you quiet,
be careful at all Urnes, go to your Spiritual Director for Guidance."
Sa when 1 received this threatening letter, stating it wouId shut my
mouth and make me see stars, 1 called the Sheriffs Office, then no
one could say 1 didn't report ta the Law. It was from here on that
1 needed Hank and Clara more and more.
After November 12th, 1 had been told that the Suffering of Advent
would start, 1 needed both of them for l did not know what was gain
ta happen. How ignorant 1 was, 1 didn't know what was meant by
Suffering the Passion, 1 did not understand it at all, but 1 sure learned.
During Lent of 1951, Hank and Clara had the responsibility
of keeping people out on the Fridays. Only relations were allowed in
(which was mostly Fred's ), but even at that others sneaked in. We
found out that we had ta close the door on aIl of them. 1 didn't speak
ta the Pilgrims after 1 was advised not to. On Anniversary Days the
rule was made that no one was to speak to me because it was tao hard
on me as weIl as the family. Hank and Clara were chosen for this task.
Boy, the resentmentl They were only doing what Fred and 1 had
asked them to do. Many times 1 could see someone approaching and
Clara wouId say "Do JOu wish to see them?" "No," 1 would say, as it would
DOt be fair to the rest of them. Oh yes, there were times when sorne
pushed themselves in, but this only caused disunity and friction.
There were also sorne dear friends that my husband and 1 felt we
wanted to see, who we let in. Boy, the objections raised by some!..All
1 can sa is that ifs still a free Country and 1 still have a right as an
 encan itizen to c oose my own ffienas witnout olltsiders dictat­
ing wham l can see~ lïaâ one person say sne counted ihirty people
tliât had come into my home. If that was so (which wasn't true), was
it anyone's business but my own? AlI this hurt me deeply. Why did
they not c0IT!e fo~ Our Lady, why not put the importance on the
( Sacred Spot? l knew of some people that would talk ta me and then
JUst. drive off in !heir cars @d not sal one prayer. That hurts. Wfio
am I? Am only t~t9 do what Our ad as~ed and ive the waming
( tQ... the people. lt IS where She appeare t at S Important, no .

1 asked Hank and Clara that no one be admitted during my Suf­

fering because l was no side show attraction, 1 am not a pretty picture
and 1 did not care to have my facial expressions watched. This was
Fred's and my request, for it was our home, although many tried
to make it otherwise. It was the advice given to us that we were try­
ing to follow, to protect our home and to have the family life as
normal as possible.
Hank and Clara have done much for the Cause and for me. God
and Our Holy Mother are about the only Ones that know to what
extent they have helped me, mentally, physically and materially
They are to me what St. John and Mary Magdalen were to Our
Holy Mother, without them 1 could not persevere. That is hard for any­
one to understand, but 1 for one know they had been told during my
severe Suffering to stand by and they have. What great sacrifices they
have both made for the Cause, only God, His Mothe.r;.. Fred and T
know. 1 trust them both completely, without a shadow or a doubt. For
would they not he worthy, would Our Holy Mother have chosen them?
They are true friencls, ~ey h~ve faced, heartache and ~rsecu~ion, s,!~h ~s
uu one else wouid face. rred oteen askeà me what 1 wOUid do Wlthout HanK.
"He's the only one that knows how to handle you during your suffering, 1
can't handle yo~:' Fred said. He can handle me auring my severe
suffering without causing me extra pain. Others have tried. Theil' inability
would cause me great pain. Yes, my Spiritual Director and Our Lady
chose them and 1 am sure with aIl the wol'k that lies before them,
God will reward them.
Satan has tl'ied in many ways to destroy them in the eyes of
others by speaking falsely of them, spreading rumors that were false
and using Pilgrims that claim they love the Cause and me and were
doing it for my protection. With this great devotion they c1aim to
have they not only were hurting Our Holy Mother, disobeying the
Conlmandments and hurting the Sacred Spot but grieving me deeply
for 1 knew the truth. Most of aIl they hurt themselves by causing
scandaI and creating disunity, when they should have been loving
their neighbor.
In 1950 they started on Clara trying to get her out of my home
in hopes that they could replace her. They told me lies (which 1 knew
were lies) and 1 let them talk rather than accuse them of making
false statements. 1 prayed for them and a~ked God to forgive thern.
One came to my home, faced me with it. Another called me over the
phone, but it just didn't work. As late as 1953 scandalous lies were
said about her. 'Vho were they deceiving? Me? They are sa foolish
and ignorant that they forget Cod and Our Holy Mother knows and
sees aIl and are the only ones that are important.
Hank was first attacked and they faced me personally. In 1951 1
was told 1 should not have him around for he was not religious enough.
1 should {lnd someone more religious. How can they or anyone judge
how religious a person is? Theil' outward sign does not say what's in
their heart, for Goà is the Judge. Sorne people seem to act very
religious outwardly but does it always come from their hearts? As for
Hank 1 know more about his love for Our Holy Mother than many. AIl
1 can say is he does love Hel' with his heart and does not wear it on
his sleeve.
A velY religiouS' and pious Priest told me in January of 1951 that
he (Hank) was a good sincere man. He told me he was chosen by
Our Holy Mother and that he had a good heart, a clean mind and that
1 could put full trust in him. This Priest told me Our Lady was stand­
ing by Hank and with Hel' Guidance, the Grace of Gad and through
prayer he would get to understand his position here. 1 was very sur­
prised fol' 1 had not mentioned anything to this Priest, but to my
astonishment he gave me this Message. ABd how right he was, for his
statements have bcen proven true many times over. The strain on
Hank that the heartache and sacrifice have caused him an ordinary
man would not have been able to endure han not On" Lady :me! tbe
Saints been with him, as they were also with Clara.

The false staternents that Hank and Clara were running rny life
and that 1 didn't dare go against thern was as false a stateroent as
can he. Sorne even went so far as to convince Priests with their false-
hoods. AlI 1 can say is, "May Cod forgive thern for they lmow not
what they are saying."
The sad part is the reputation of these two flne people is being
slung into the rnud. The ones doing the mud sUnging are themselves
committing a grievous sin by ruining the good name of two very
wonderful people. 1 have prayed for these erring people and asked
Cod and Our Holy Mother to help them overcome their weamess
and to help them understand.
My hopes and prayers are that Cod will grant this request.



The Fridays of Advent in the fall of 1950 were rather confusing.

1 did not understand much of it; also that so many people wanted to
enter and witness my suffering. This 1 could not understand why. 1
didn't know what mv outward actions were like until Fred told me.
When he did explain: 1 told Fred 1 didn't want any people viewing me.
Offense was taken, pressure was put on. Fred and 1 decided .iust to leave
relatives in. This got out of mntrol. Hank and Clara were asked to help
take care of the situation, which was a very difficuh job for them. Re­
sentment toward them bec:ame very evident, but these were the wishes
of my Spiritual Director, Fred and myself. They were only doing what
was asked of them.
The suffering during Lent hecame more intense, especially from
Wednesday through Saturdays, at times even Sundays.
Each year 1 viewed more of Our Lord's Passion. 1 saw much 1 never
knew had taken place. \Ve have sa little to really and truly know how
Our Lord and His Holy Mother suffered.
During Lent of 1951 severe pains would shoot through the places
where Our Lord was nailed, feet or hands. At times the pain would be
more severe in one foot than the other, or it would he in one hand or one
foot. Never ail four at the same time, but around my head it feh like
1 had a band and that would tighten from Wednesday through Saturday.
On Friday it would he severe, at times my head would Iain. On Holy
Saturday this band would he lifted and one's head woul feel lioht and
free. Another place that was very painful was the right shoulder, îor Our
Lord carried the Cross on His right shoulder. There would he stabbing
pains through my shoulder ail through Lent. Afler Lent it would disappear
On Fridav in Lent of 1951 when 1 came out of the Three Hours,
1 noticed theré were stranoe comments made, so 1 asked about it and was
told there were thorn mar'is that showed during the Thlec Hours. Each
week there were additional marks, and there were seven thorn marks dur­
ing Lent. Sometimes during l\1ass there was a feeling as if sorne liquid
was Rowing over my face. 1 would take œy h:mdkerchief, but hrst 1 would

-184 ­
touch it with my fingers. They would be wet with a white substan~.
and the pains would he very intense during Mass, like a band around
my head. 1 use<! to worry that red blood would show and go over my
face, as this Iiquid felt Iike blood. 1 thought it would hgbten the liu!e
old ladies from the Mater Christi Home. and 1 <Iidn't ""ant that to ha pen.
Twookhl.dnrnd-pleacrwïf}lÎ ur y t at e would help me t rough
Mass, as my suffering is al""ays the greatest from the time of the Offertory
Ù!!2!!g~~ly Cûm!!lYDion. At Urnes my whOle bôdy would shake and
tremble, and 1 would become so weak. 1 also prayed so 1 would not col­
lapse or make a scene during Mass, for 1 dislike scenes very much or any
attention. 1 like to be left alone. Each year would bring more sulfering,
at first mostly only throu2h Advent and Lent. but at the beginning of
the year 1953 there was a spinal pain that began which as yet has not
Ieft me. but has become more severe.
At the beginning of Advent in 1951 on the Feast Day of St. Andrew,
November 30th, which is the deciding day for the First Sunday of
Advent, 1 became very m, constantlr vomited, could not control it. My
sides and ever"thing ached, nothing took stayed with me. Someone sug­
gested Seven Op. 1 tried that. It stayed, so 1 did drink Seven Up for three
days, two boules a day.
A dear friend, whom 1 loved very much, had died November 29th
and her funeral was Decemher 3rd. Had hoped to go, but on account of
my feeling so ill, 1 offered it up and decided not to go. This was very
hard to do, for 1 thought a lot of her. 1 was expecting her to die so that
was not hard to accept, but 1 would have liked to have gone to her funeral.
After the fourth day 1 tried to take food, but it did not agree with me,
not even broth. The only thing 1 could take was orange juice. co/fee or
~~. 50 my food for the 24 days before Christmas was Seven Up, orange
JUlce, co/fee or tea.
On Christmas day 1 ate a full Christmas dinner with :lll the trim­
mings, and had no ill eŒects or discomfort from eating even after so long
a period of no solid foods.
The first day of Lent 1 again had an upset stomach, but this time 1
knew what to do. 50 1 just followed the same routine and have done
so ever since.
ln the year of 1954 food didn't agree with me. During the rest of the
year bread and cakes would severely bloat me. AlI 1 would take was soup
then and a very small amount of meat. Christmas and Easter dinner
were not the same as before. Food does not tempt me, 1 can cook it and
watch the family eat it while 1 sit back and sip a cup of co/fee.
During the year of 1954-1955 1 have eaten ice cream (during the
Glorious Season) for that never seems to give me an after e/fect.
The spinal pain is very severe. lt begins at the base or tail boue, and
shoots upward with a. terrible pain to the base of the skull. Then it seems
to explode. This has dimmed my vision; aiso caused a deafness in my left
ear, which is practically deaf. The right ear is aiso impaired.

-185 ­
From the year of 1953 1 have been constantly in pain. At times not
so severe, but 1 was never without pain.
Since 1954 my hip showed signs of more severe pains. From January
14, 1955 on 1 \Vas unable to use it, which is the reason for my being in
the wheelchair. When the pain in my spine becomes severe, 1 become
very rigid for a period and then 1 would struggle. lt takes a strong person
to hold me.
There were times in 1953, 1954 and early 1955 that if 1 could cling
to something during the spasms it would help. Now 1 cannot cling to
anythin p as my grip has weakened. After the spasms wou Id be over,
1 would be very tired and weakened. Through ail this severe pain my
heart has suEfered greatly and causcd me trouble. 1 have severe pains in the
region of my hea:t and into my arm, and aIl the way down to the wrist,
even my 6ngers at times. .
During the severe suITering of the respiratory pains, 1 have acquired
ruptures on my abdomen, twelve of them in the Spring of 1955. The
Doctor says the walls of my abdomen are stretched. An operation would
he impossible. These ruptures cause me additional pains for suEfering
continues. 1 h~\:e :Iccepted aIl. this. Sinc~ Spri?f.0 of 19?5 1 have acquired
a dropsy condItion. l\:ly body IS flIled wlth fIUI(. l\ly IJmbs become large,
especially my legs, alxlomen and chest, which makes it difficult for me
to lie down as breathing becomes difficult and there is choking. Since May
19. 1955 1 have not gone to bed. 1 recline in my wheelchair and now
suEfer spasms of pain between the hours of 7 :30 p.m. to about 5:00 a.m.
1 am still able to cook for my family, although my boys make the
bread, cakes and pies. TIll" last six months 1 am unable to walk on
crutches alone and without support due ta the spinal spasms of pain which
cause my body ta fIy backward without a warning. This happens when
standing on my right leg. My left arm also has lost its gril', and at times
seems ta be difficult ta use. Have dropped abjects with it hecause 1 lost
control of my gril" There are times when it improves sorne, seems easier.
Then again it becomes more helpless.
During the winter of 1955 from January 14th ta Easter when 1 was
bedridden, 1 was able ta hoId my head onlv in a certain position. During
this period 1 lost a lot of weight. Through the pain, mv weight which
was 160 pounds went down ta Ils pounds. After Easter the lluid entered
my body and caused me ta gain weight up ta 180 pounds.
The pains 1 had From the above mentioned period 1 called knife
pains, for that's how they would feel, like a knife thrust into my spine
From the base upward and then there were those thrust through my
stomach crosswa ys. This pain would start at 3 :00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m and
then there would be another half hour of reaction. During this hour of
suffering my le&s \Vould bend backw,lfds against my back. The persan in
attendance would End it impossible ta bring mv legs clown onl\' in the
last ten minutes of the half hour of reaction";' thé y could only be'brought
down gradually.

-186 ­
The respiratory pains wou Id staft at 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and
there was from a half to an hour of reaction. During this period 1 would
he choking or like a dosing up of the throat muscle, which at times shut
olf my brcathing. 1 would then daw at my throat so that someone would
have to hold my hands, or 1 would put deep scratches on my throat. This
would happen at times when my hands would get away from the person
who held them during the sulfering periods, as then 1 would have
terri6c strength. My attendant weighed over 200 pounds, and during the
severe spasms of pain 1 would lift this person up boclily. 1 have lost much
strength this last year, as my heart is in a very weakened condition..'\11
this suffering is for the Youth and other conditions, as 1 have offered this
for the Cause, as it is mentioned in another writing.
During sorne of this suffering 1 would lme consciousness, or he in the
state of semi-<:onsciousness which made it more hearable.
ln the suffering of the Three Hours during Advent and Lent from
12 noon to 3:00 p.m., 1 would he unconscious aurin§ the whole period.
At these times 1 would view Our Lord during the 1 assion. 1 have nar­
rated the Passion as 1 viewed it. 1 was not given Our Lord's Passion fully
at once. Year by year 1 saw more as one wou Id have heen unable to take
it ail at once. We do not realize what Our Lord really suffered. \\,,; '-'~t)
50 !iule in our missals to g!:,'e one Jlle-Lëilkiioo....nLbow_greaLiLis.. This
suHering woulêl leave my bûdyTn a very tired and weakened condition.
1 will not go into the writing of the Passion as it is very difficult to do,
and 1 have narrated during the suffering of the Three Hours and it wUl
he in another Volume; therefore it will he possible for those reading this
to also read the complete narration of the Passion.
This writing is only a brid Summary of the sulfering. Il might helr
the ones who read it to understand a IittIe. 1 care not to fully eXEI~nJ!-al .

nIe complete story of the Passion is given in the book entitled'J
IlThe Passion and LJeath of OH Lord Jesus Ch ri st, " as visioned and
narrated by Mrs. Fred (Mary Ann) Van t-bof - 1950 thru 1.974.

-187 ­





Clara Hermans passed away December 26, 1976 at the Villa Pines
Nursing Home in Friendship, Wisconsin where she had been staying
for close to two years. Born in Brillion, Wisconsin on June 9, 1895,
Clara lived in Kaukauna, Milwaukee and then Appleton, Wisconsin
before moving to Necedah. Her work at the Shrine started whel'). she
movèd here on August 5, 1950.
The title of "First Chosen One" was given her by the Blessed
Her dedication to Our Holy Mother and the Shrine was a total
one. She worked for many years seven days a week giving of herself
the full day from morning until sometimes late at night. Answering Mary
Ann's (Mrs. Fred Van Hoof) mail, typing Messages that came through
on Anniversary and Feast Days and those that. came through during Mary
Ann's suffering periods of Advent, Lent and other times, took up much
of her time. Along with this she spoke daily to the many pilgrims who
visited the Shrine, sorne of wbom came in the severe cold, heat or rain,
, ~ '---'

making her task anything but easy. However, she never complained
and always had a kind word and a cheerful smile for ail.
The Messages in the Revelations and Messages Book and the
Four Volumes indicates in part the work she so nobly helped with for
Our Lady and the Cause. The purpose and their importance is surely
clear as they could have saved Our Country, Church and Youth.
Living of her consecration to Our Lady was always Clara's goal
and even in the last years as her memory and life were slipping away,
she always held onto the slim thread of interest and hope in the Cause.
Truly a real soldier for Our Lady and the Lord aU through the
years, she and her work will always remain a tribute to her and an
inspiration to aU who knew or will carry on after her. It was done, as
many know, under living and working conditions that included much
sacrifice of comforts and convenience.
Here are a few excerpts from the Messages relative to Clara:
Message, May 29, 1950: "Have your Priest of this Parish Bless
this place and ask him ta find a devoted persan to help with this work."
Taken from Mary Ann's write-up on "What Henry Swan and Clara
Hermans Mean to Me and the Cause," page 178, Volume 1 of the Four
Volumes, quote:
"In July of 1950, Clara Hermans came to Necedah through the
advice of an Appleton, Wisconsin, friend. She was told that there would
be much Catholic Action work to be done. She spoke to Father Len­
gowski and he told her there was a lot of work to be done.
"On July 16, 1950, 1 met her on the way to fulfill a mission which
was very urgent. 1 was introduced to her. When leaving her at her
home 1 said, "Good night, 1 will see you in Necedah." 1 do not know
why 1 made thatremark for 1 didn't know of her coming to work here
in Necedah, nor did she herself until a short time later when Father
had sent word for her to come. On August 5, 1950, she came. Father
told her to come out to the farm to help me where she could."
Clara stood by Mary Ann steadfastly for the next 20 years when
because of age she had to retire. Our Holy Mother was very pleased
with her loyalty, devotion and efforts as the foUowing Messages indicate.
August 15, 1970: "My Child, tell the Chosen One, 1 was pleased
with her tireless efforts and devotion. She gave much of herself. She
weathered great persecution and sacrifice standing by you and with
you. She was spared ta stand by you because of her true devotion.
Today, twenty years aga, was a great day for many and the beginning
of much for the two of you. My Child, let her say a Rosary on the
Blue Rosary. My Blessing upon her for her loyalty and sacrifice she
accepted in her true devotion to the Cause."
July 15, 1976: "The First Chosen is a lingering, sufJering victim
ta help balance the scale on these grounds. She gave her entire life
from 1950 until now, to this Sacred Cause. She was very loyal. She
was a Princess when it came to loyalty and love for thy sister and The
ueen of Heaven and Earth. Now, she is lying there, her memory is
slÏppmg away, but yet she hangs on to her inner goal, the one little
thread, (he Sacred Caus!. Yes, she is a Princess, for she truly loved
Our Holy Mother. Her fingers were not nimble but they pecked
away at much of the typing and work. She had to do it the hard way,
the slow way, because she was not eduçatëiI in tfilS way, but she did it;
many hours, long, teaious hours. She did not comPtain, and yet she
[ stood on these grounds under ail conditions, alone. There was no help
like today, alone, and she spoke to many, many people. The numbers
then were much greater of daily arrivais than today. She stood it,
beside taking care of thy sister's mail, if never was too much, and did
if. ln her weakened condition she was given strength and graces. Be­
cause of her loyalty, her love for the Queen of Heaven and Earth, as
she believed She was the Queen, she accepted Rer as thus, and tried
to fulfiil Her work to the best of her ability. Of coiirië':we gave thy
sister the privilege of taking her over in the night when she was so
tired and restless, so she could not sleep. Thy sister took over, so she
went to sleep and in the morning she was refreshed. These things have
been going on for many years."
So to the many friends she leaves behind, surely they can ail hope
to see her again in her heavenly home, "The Glory of Glories." She will
be missed by those who knew her those many years and especially by
Mary Ann to whom she meant so much. Ali can only say, "Weil done,
good and faithful servant."


A B:>mh, 33
Broadcasting, 29

Abot,tion, 22
!l'r<rderick, B:>h, 27, 28, 37, 39, 40, 4], 42, 43,

Acbeson, Dean, 132

44, 55, 64

Achen t, 128, 132, 163, 172,180,185,187

Brutality of lIar, 69, iO, 71, 83, 89

AIriea, 3S
fudai, Joe, 63

Ai r Force, 79

Alaska, 36, 168

Califomia, 65, 79, 95, 135

A1hright, 106, 107, 120, 125, 135, 139,

Canada, 38, 45, 48, 49, 53, 75, 97, 137

142, 145, 156

Capuchil) Pathers, 18

Ali Night Vigil, 27

Captain F.ddie, 13

Almighty Ihllar, 22, 51, 65

Cardinal Oougbtery, 74

Alonso, Berte, 76, 78

Cardinal Stri tch. 65

Ifnerica. 22
Carroll, Mrs. Mary, 63, 82

ftmerica. North, 35
Caseo, Wi. 29

.America, South, 3S
Catho1ic Action, 56, 178

Angelus, 19, 94, '.132, 135, 137, 139, 142.

Catholic Digest, 40

Ûlance]lor, 86, 159

Anni versary (èys, 53, 181

Û1ancellor. Vice, 159

Appleton, 16, 16, 60, 63, 138, 178

Ûlancery Office, 39, 70, 7], 75, 86, 95, ]80

Archbishop Meyer, 125

Ûlarity, 78, ]53, 154

Archhishop Kiley, 57, 80

Ûlicago, 57, 60, 63, 66, 67, 74, 79, 9], 141

Area of Necedah, 171

Oli Idren, Victims of EIders, 8, 11

Arizona, 65
Ülina, 24

'Army. 79
Ûla1 i ce, G>I den, 114, 143

Ash Trees, 4, 20, 31, 47. 58, 60, 68, 72,

Olristians asleep, 34

89, 92, 93, 95, 100, 106, 107, 108,

Ûlristmas, SO, 64, 173, ]85

112, 118, 130, 134, 143, 147, ISO, 15],

QlUrches, 134

15~, 156, 159, 160, 16], 163

Olurches, Catholi C, 8

Ascension, 175
Ûlurch, Persecution oI, 48

Asia, 35
Cincinnati, 63, 81

August 15th, 5, 31, 33, 44, 78, 79

Clark, 9>eriff Miles, 23, 180

Australia. 35
C1eansing, 129, 130, 172, 175, 176

Ave Mari a, 143, 149

Clergy, 8, 77, 79, 89, 97, lOI, 104, lI3, 1l6,

119. ]20, 121, 124, 135, 145, ]46, 148, ]61,

Bagnowski, Frank, 62, 66

178, 179

Bahai Tem le, 168

Coomer.cia!ism, 162

I3emard, Kat.heryn, 64, 120, 174

Con spi racy, 76, 17

Breen, Stephen, 29
O:xrmuni ty 1 92

Berni ck 00 , Louis, 27. 28

Confusion, ]22, ]53

fullets, 35, SO
Consecration, 30, 33, 43, 79, 95, 1l9, ]22, 154

fusses, 38, 89, ]35, 158

Constitution, 168

Belaire, Mr. & &m5, 45

Contraband War Material,l32

Bishops, 35, 38, 139, ]57

Convents, ]7, 1I5, 134, ]39, ]63
Bishop Treacy, 19, 24, 25, 27, 30, 32, 37,
Cruci fi xi on of lnrd, Then & Now, 8, 11.
57, 58, 64, 65, 68, 70, 71, 73, 75, 76,
87 '
80, 85, 89, 90, 92, 93, 94, 97, 99, 104
Cruei fixian, SI

110, 1I8, 119, 120, 12], 124, 125, 128,

Crucifix, Blessed. Mother' s, 128

134, 135, 137, 143, 146, 148, ]SO, 151,

wha, 24, i5, 78, 79, 80, 82, 92, 99, 134

152, 159, 160, 162, 163, 174

Glres, 24

Bishop Murray, 40

Bishop Sont.os, 66
Dances, ]33, 141

Black Clouds, 35, 51, 75

Decenber 2nd, 19SO, 66

Black Sin, 36, 122, 127

Decenher 7th, ]9SO, 6]

B1asphemy, 52
Decemher 8th, 1950 • 59, 65, 1952· 10],

Blessed Mother, 327

1%0 - 64

Blessed Mother. [ksêription of, 4, 8, lO~ 20,

De ~rt. St. Louis, 79

31, 47, 48, 59, 66, 80·82, 88, 100, lOI,

~ction, SO, 52, 60, i6, 77, 99, 115

102, 112, 118, 1I9, 120, ]25, ]27-132,

Destruction of Qmrch, 146

134, 136, 137, 143, 147, 148, 15], ]52,

Destruction of Cilies, 20, 36

155, 159, 161, ]62, 166, ]67, ]68, 169, 170

Destruction of U. S. A., 20, 146

Blessed ~1othel" s Requests, 10, 11

Devotion, 20

Blessed Mlther' s Voiee, 141

Devotions in QHlrch, 18

Blessed Virgin Mary' s Blessing, ]4, 20

Devotions to Illmaculate Heart, 122

Blessed Vi rgin Mary Crowned, 159

Di sobedi ence. 49

B]ue Montle, 54, 56, 92, ]29, ]39, ]55

[hctor Meyer, 7. 186

Blue Mi st. 4, 7, 10. 30, 3], 47, ]68

lbclor Wchster, 46, S4

Book., ]4]
Ibhn. John, 39, 63, 7S

Boo!: Stands, 133

Ihnatcd Labor & Materi al for Shrines, 6S

Boomer, Cecel i Cl, 24, 44, 53

Ibvc of Pe.ace, 112, 128


Drugs & [hpe, 115

Feast llf lrnmaculal.e ileart of Mée 1)' (Aug. 'â), 79

Il,,lles, John Foster, 132

Feast 0 f Materni ty. InO

fcasl of Nativity of B\M (Sept. 8), 79

Europe, 35
Feast of DJr Lady of Fatima, 126

E\'i1 Forces, 60, 69, 16B

Feast of CÀJr Lady of wod C.ouncil (Apr. 26), 74

Ea,.ter, 73, 175, 176, 135, 136

feast of CÀlr Lady of La Sallette ($elJt. 19), 80

East. Coast, 76. 77

Feast. ofOJr Lady of Ransom (Sept, 24),80, 157

Elections. Pre~i denti al, 9]

feast of OJr Lady of the Resal)' (Oct. 7), 80

F.Ilal'y of God, 3, 7, 9, 33, 3~, 35, 36, 50,

Feasl of <:Nr Lady of the Seven SOrro...·s, 101, 176

51, 52, 70, 83, 90, 108, 123, 125, 143,

l'casl of <:NI' l.ady of the ~ows, 78

ISO, 163, 18C

Fensl of Visitation of Our I.ady, 77

Engel, Joe, 16, 18, 23, 26, 42, 43, 63, 69

Feast çf Present<ltion, 165

Eugl and, 138

Feast of Sacred Hcart, 5, 8, 14, 33. 36, 91

reast () f St. Andre..... 185

Faith, Lo\'l! and OH1.rity, 8, 32, 49, 154,

Feast of St. Anne, 78

155, 169, li5

Feast of St. ~lenry, 146

Fami Iy Rosary, 9, 73, 74

Florida, 99

Fast & Penance, 5, 6, 9, 12, 14

fon 0.1 Lac . .q9
father Agne"", 15, ]6, 30, 37, 56, 68, 85
Fullerton '(l:aby), 16, 19

father & Ienkamp. 68. 75, 76, 80, 83, 84,

85, 87, 91
Gcoeva O:>n ference, 137, 139

Father Ihninic, 54, 56, 69, 74, 124, 165

Gennan Song, 96, 136, 140, 143, 149, 160

f'ather DJffy, 29, 30, 37, 38, 136, 137

('",Id...i th, 142, 143

Father Eddy, 37, 38, 46, 53

Good Friday, 2, ,1, S, 169, 170, ln

Father Flad, 30, 37

GJod Frida)' Crucifix, 2, 3, 4, 16, lB, 47,

Father Flaherty, 75, 76

50, 104, 109, 129, 132, 133, 134, 135,

Father Fortino, 45
137, 138, 141, 142, 143, 144, 160, 165,

Father Frazer, 75, 76

169, 170

Father Grassl, 92, 94, IO~, 137, 146, ISO,

Gooseberry &1shes, 4, 5

157, 160
Go vemment, 91, 139, 143, 145, 146, ISO, 151,

f'ather Hci tHa.s, 29, 32, 38, 39, 40, ~I, ~2, 43,
155, 159, 160, 161

44, 54, 55
GovernmeTll Offici aIs. 36. Ill. 119, 145

FaÙler Hennel y, 45
Greed, lJall'ed & Jealou~ly, Il, 33, 48: 52.

f'ather Hodak, 29, 97, 98

59, 61, 122

Fath"r Kennedy, 23, 28, 29, ':,7, 38, 39, 40, 41,

42, 43, 44, 54, 55

Haack, Matt, 26, 44

Fathcr Killoran, 29
Hargi s, 13

Father l.andy, 136

Happiness & Love of Gad, 60

Father La Plonte, 53
HavnnM, 82, 134

FaLher Lcn~owski, 3, S, 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15,

H Ilomb, 104, 106, 108, 109, 119, 132, 169

16, 17, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25, 28, 31, 32, 37,
Heavcn, ID, 121, 143, 165

38, 39, 40, 41, ,.2, 51, 58, 61, 178, 179
Heavenly Mtlsic. 143, 145. 149, 160

falher Leonard, 38
Heirarchy, 74., 76, 119

father Rademacher, 80
Hennings. 137

Father Rauch, 77
Hennan., Clara, 9, 39, 54, 56, 57, 58, 64,

Father Rykowski, 15, 16, 17, 19, 25, 28, 29, 38,
74, 77, 84, 86, 89, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96,

39, 40, '.1, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 50, 53, 54,
99, lOI, 102, 104, 107, 108, 109, 110,

55, 57, 81
111, 121, 122, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128,

Father Sheetz, 25, 27, 29, 32, 42, 43, 4>1, 46

130, 131, 132, 13:1, 134, 136, 137, 142,

Father Shultz, 15, 16, 17, 28, 38

145, 146, 147, 149, ISO, 151, 152, 154,

Father SilTfllOns, 46
155, 156, 157, 1.\8, 161, 162, 163, 164,

rather Sobczyk, 23, 29. JO, 4:l

168, 169, 172, li 3, 174, 178, 179, 181,

Father Stanley, 12
182, 183, 184

Father Wagner, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 29, 30, 36,
Highway, 37

37, 38, 46
t1i t'oshima, 33

Father \ljjttman, 82, 166, 170

llistory, 11

Fatima, 3, 9, 10, 12, 13, l", 22, 25, 29, 33, 35,
1101 Y Thursday, 170

44, ,19, 52, 57, 100, 128

Holy Saturday, 175, 184

f,east of Q>r Lady of Lourdes, 72, 103, 167

Holl' Week, 86, 89

Fi rat Cllosen. 9
Holy Year, 83

First Fridny, 15, 86, 137

Home, School & Chu l'ch , 83

Flsher, Mary, 23, 24, 29, !~3, 4S

Homing, John, 25, 65, 67

fi vc Fi rst Satu rday s, 5. 35

1I0spi tal. St. Agnes, 166

Fcast of ;~munciation, 72, 103, 169

Hughes, Jul iet, 23, 44

Fcast of Assumption, 78, 103, 169

Hunger, 115

Feast of Corpus Otri sti, 144

Hymns, 18

Feast of Expectation, 167

Feast of Hcly Family, 103

In:rrIOt:l.llat<l, 165

Feast of flo1y Name of Mary (Sept, 121, 79, 155

Inrnaculate tlt~art" 6, li~, 15

- 2­

Indi ana, 74
Mary Ann' s Types of Suffering, 186, 187

Indochina, 138
Mary Ann's Visions, 69, 70, 11, 76, 77.

Infant of Prague, 49
80, 81, 84, 87, 88, 104, lOS, 106,

1nnocent Soul.s. 96, 141

114, ll6, 118, 119, 120-134, 137­

International Arrai rs, 168

138, 143, 144, 148, 155, 159, 164

Investigation, 75. 76
Mary Ann Visions Blessed t4Jther, l, 4,
Inniter, lIub, 16. 19
5, 7, 10, 20, 31, 47, 48, 59, 88,

Iron Curtain, 21. 22, 34

89, lOI, 129

Mary Ann Visions Letters in the St y

Janual)' 1958, 67
(M-A-f\.Yl, 121

June ,~th & 5th, 1'4, 25

Mary Ann Visions CÀlr Lord, 118, 155,

June ISth, 15 165

June 16th, 15, 20, 22, 25

Mary Ann Visions Sacred Heart of Jesus,
1l3, 1l4, 144

Kenosha, 40
Mary Alln Visions St. Therese, St. Francis,

Keller, GIS, 42
Father Thminic, 124

Ki lloran, Wal ter, 29

Mary Ann in "heelchaiT, 186

King, Bob, 44
Mal)' to"" , 54, 56, 124, 146, 165

Knights of Columbus, 76, 107

Mass & Coornunion, 56

Kor.a, 35, 69, 70, 77, 99, 102, 104, 123

Moss, I),ily, S, 6, 9, 56, 71

KUI,tz'tlo'eil, Mrs. Henry, 58

Mater Dai sti, Home, S, 135, 185

Kell er, Marcella, 89

Mauston, 57. 58, 103, 108, 142

May I),ys, 89

Lipa, Philippine lalands, 3, 9, 10, 12, 13,

May 28th, 4-12, 25, 87, J23

--14, 22, 23, 29, 35, 49, 51, 66, 67, 74,
May 29th, 6, 14, 25, 135

76, 77, 82, 100

May 30th, 10, 25

Litany of l3lessed Virgin Mary, 6, 134, 135,

May 31st, 12, 25

138, 139, 142, 144

Mc Carthy, Sen, Joseph, 36, 120, 122,

Li tany of s.:.cred Hearl, 5

125, 128, 137, 141, 143, 145, 151,

Li tany, 43
160, 169

Lourdes, 29, 49, 72, 169

Mc Innes, Mary, 30, 39 _ _----_~

LaCrosse, 23, 38, 39, 46, 47, 68, 76, 86, 89,
ediatnx 0 eace Prayer, 9, 50, 94,

124, 126, 134, 135, 137, 139, 142, 143,

Lai ty, 20, 36, 90, 116

148, 15!,J~~, 156J 158, 160, 163

La Sallet te, 9, 29, 35, 49, 52, 80, 156, SO,

. essages, 2, 3, 5, 7, 12, 14, 18, 19, 23,

71. 83, 132, 133, 167, 173, 174, 175, 181,

31-36, 48-53, 59, 60, 66, 67, 70-73,

184, 185, 187

76, 81, 83, 84, 90, lI8, ISO, 169, 170,

Li le Magazine, 23
175, 178-180

Li 1nc Blossoms, 7, 14
Michigan, 45

Light Phenanonen, 138

Mi Iwaukee, 15, 39, 44, 53, 54, 56, 57, 60,

63, 65, 67, 74, 79, 85, 86, 89, 93, 94,

Mani to·woe, 89

Markoe. Joe, 53, 56

Ministers of Gad, 51

Marquee. 135
Minnesota, 99

Martyrdom 52
Minneapolis, 39, 40, 74, 76, 77, 79, 89

Mary mn Bedridden, 168

Missouri, 99

Mal)' fam Blesaings, 128, 130, 134, 139

Mi racle of Sun, 45, 46, 60, 61, 64

Mary Ann O1.oscn by Ileaven. 1. 2, 3. 11, 12

Mi ..ions, 89, 95, 97, 99, 104, 135, 138,

Mal)' lon.n's Crucifix, 106, 107, 108, 128, 140

143, 146, 148, ISO, 151, 152, 163

Mary Ann fAsts, no Solid food, 185

Mi'sioneries, 94, 99, 1l0, Ill, lI7, 125

Mary Ânn feels Presence of R1essed ~bther,

Monsignor, Harrmes, 75, 76, 85

89, 88, Ill, 167

Mooney, 26

Mary Ann' oS liai r, 11

~rvak, Charles, 62

Mary Ann' s Li fe in Danger, 7

Mother' 5 I),y, 8, 86, 176

Mary Mn loses her Voice, 129, 130, nI, 112,

Movi.s, 29, 133

IH, 175
Mucha, Ca ri, 62

Mary Ann' s Obedience, 8, 72, 76, 81, 83, 108,

Murphy, Bill, 101

120, 146
Mysteries of Rosary, 49

Mary Ann' s Penance, 12, 14, 37, 50, 68, 126,

J85, 186, 187

Navy 79

Mary Mn' s Persecution, 1, 9, 25, 59, 73, 16,

Neihaus, ferd, 63

i"lekoosa, 71

Mary Ann' s Persecution by Relatives, Neumann, Theresa, 29, 97

Mary Ann fleceives Woming, ]30 Ne.' Li sbon, 56, 62, 68, 85

Mary I~m' S Stigmato, ]R4 New Orleans. 99

Mal)' Ann Su [feri ng, S, 85, 105, 116,

N....spapers, 15, 37, 39, 43, 54, 60, 94, 124,

142, 162, 181, 184, 185, 186


~Qry Ann, Type of Person, 3, 8, ]1, 19,

N.... York Ci ty, 61, 99

59, 96
New York Harbor, 76

- 3­

New York State, 61, 6S PCI\;UH':C & Saeri fi<.:e, 10, 1<1­

NicholnÎ, 13
Pen,cclltion, 48, 53, 88, 117, 170

Nov. 12th, l, 2, 50(1950), 58(1949), 59(1950), Pentecost s'Hlday, 74, 165

61(1950) Prophecy, 36, 69, 81

Nuns, 4], BO, B4, 90, 95, 99, 101, 110, 114,

liS, liB, 123, 124, 125, 138-1'13, 148, 151,

QJeen of the Holy Ibsnry Medintrix of Peacc,
152, 157, 159, 163
L • _ ,
" ~r-r 1.
Obedience, 40, 49, 72, 73, 76, BI, 87
Hadi 0 l'\:>sary, 63

October 70\ 5, 39, 40, (1951) '18, (1950) 69,

Rêli 1rond, 62

(1952) 99, (1953) 124

Helies General, 109-112, 111, 116, 121, 125, 13'1,

Obi ate Fatht:rs, 93

140, 1.\2, 154, 155, 157, 170

Offi ci ais, III

HeJ i gions, 9, 20, 33, 34

Ohio, 65
Religious, 19, 70, 71, 73, 77, BO, 86, 89, 90,

One-Hundred- Thotlsand, 26, 33, 38, 93

93, 91, 95, 97, 99, 101, 102, 103, 101, 114,

Olinger, Anthony, 43
115, 116, lIB, 121, 124, 125, 135, 137, 139,

Ora 'l, Stephen, 43

143, 1,16, 148, 150, 151, 155, 159, 160, 161,

(Nr Lady of Fatima Statue, 162

163, 17B, lï9

(Nr Lady of Necedah Statue, 58, 66, 74, 94, 118,

Ressurrection, 72

120, 121, 123, 125, 127, 230, 131, 132, 1·17,

Rivera, Senator from Ûlba, 78, 82

155, 156, 158, 161, 166, 169, 170

Pome, 38, B3, 135

Our Lord, 21, 27

llosary, 3, 1, 5, B, 9, 10, 14, 16, lB, 22,

27, fi,~,~,~,~,~,~, W,U,

Philippine Islands, 23, 49. 83

66, 73, H, 90, 99, 113, IlS, 126, 133

Photographers, 17, 18, 29,

Rosary, BP.M. Each Night, 3

Pro fil e 0 f Ou Lord, 42

l'osary, Fllue, 5, 7, 8, 14, 16, 20, 23, 33, ,n,

Picture Way To P~ace, 112, 113

58,62, B2, 107, 109, 112, 113, 127, 135,

Pieza, Stanley, 15, 16, 25

139, 142, 143, 152, 179

Pilgrims, 27, 61, 70, 74, 84, BB, 91, 93, 94,
AIHary Turning, 63, 64, 159

100, 109, 110, 111, 113, 114, 1l7, liB, 1)9,

l'osary of Our Lady, 49, 50, 113, 14B, 162

120, 122, 124, 125, 127, 131, 132, ni, ]36,

Posary, Seven Sorrows, 125

137, 146, 148, 149, 151, 155, 158, 160, 163,

Posary Visioned, 112, 113, 159, 161

17R, 179, I.BI, 182

&se from Heavcn, 11

Pleasure, 57
Fbsc PetaI, 13, 23

Police, 37, 115

f\UlIOfS, 77

Pope Pius X, 134, 135, 136

Ibssia, 8, 9, 20, 21, 22

Pope Pius XlI, 9, 13, 19, 27, 33, 34, 35, 52,

69, 70, BO, B5, B9, 90, 92, 93, 94, 97,
Sacri fice, 49, 59, 73, 83

99, 101, 104, 110, 111, 114, liB, 119,

Sacramcnts D<li ly, 12, 71, 116, 176

120, 121, 124, 125, 128, 134, 13.5, 136,

Sacramcnt.s, 59, 100

143, 1.46, 1.,18, 150, 151, 152, 1..59, 160,

Saued Cause, 58, 62, 72, 73, 8B,' 112, 114, 145,

162, 163, 166, 174

148, 152, 157, 160, ]63, 170, 178, lBl, IB7

Portage, Wi., 63
Sacred Heart of Jesus, Statue, 91, 123, 132

Prayers, for President, 109, 116

Saered Spot, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18,

Prayers lncreasecl, 73, 133

23, 26, -14, 47, 49, 5·1, 59, 60, 61, M, 66,

Prayers, Not Fnough, 81, 90

67, 6B, 70, 71., 72, 74, 76, 77, B'I, B5, B6,

President Trwnall, 110, 114, 119, 125, 128,

B7, € 9 , 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 99, 100,

146, 148, 151, 157

103, 104, 107, 109, 110, Ill, 112, 113, 114,

President, 117, 121, 1.25

117, liB, 119, 120, 121, 121, 125, 129, 132,

Presidential Elections, 91
ni, 135, 136, 137, 13B, 139, HO, 111, 112,

Pride and Arrogance, 138, 139, 143, J45,

143, 144, 145, 146, 117, 148, 150, 151, 152,

l.46, 148, 150, 1.51, 1.52, 157, 160, 163,

153, 1~, 155, 157, 160, 161, 162, 163, 165,

165, 17B, 183

166, 16B, lBl, lB2

Priests, 14, 16, lB, 19, 20, 22, 30, 32, 34,
Saint Francis Parish (Mission), 68

35, 37-39, 46, 51., 52, 67, 70, 73, 77,

Sani tarium, Sacred Ileart, 41

7B, BO, 83, B4, B6, B7, 90, 92, 93, 95,
Satan, 7, 20, 22, 34, 35, 59, 66, 71, 73, 80,

97, 99, 100, 101, 1.02, 103, 104, 110,

120, 145, 173, 1.82

H2, 116, H7, 118, 119 120, 121, 124,

Scapular, Brov.n, 27, .J.3, 146, 147

125, 137
Scapul.1.r, Green. 23

Prisons, 89, 90
Schools, 1·1, 15, 51, 90, 113, 115, 119, 122,

Paei fi e Coast, 36, 168

126, 163

Padre Pio, 29, 1313

Sdwols, Catholie, 96, 103

Parents, 141, 153, 160

Sch/lli tl, Lent S3

Passiun of Our Lord, B5, 166, 172, 175, 180, J84

Schmi lt, Ibb, 26, 43

IB4, 187
SeOlI rgi ng, 52

Peace, 9, 20, 21, 35, 60, 73, 79, 81, B9, ]13,
Second O'lOse;) One, Ilenl-Y Swan, 50

117, 126, 137, D8, 139, 145, 153

$eminaries, Destruction of, IS

Penance, lB, 22, 49, 59, 71

Scminarics, 15

Penance, Final, 9
,Seoul, Korea, 102


Sexual ,\buse, 115 lkli ted Nat.ions, 168

Shrine of Prayer. 19, 49, 173 Unit y, 73, 77, 83, 90, 116, Il7, 130, 137, 139,
Shrine of Prayer, Cruci fix, 49 140, 148, 149, 153, .155
Si ek Peopl e, 115 Unit y Between Home, School, Olurch, 103
Sisters, S, 8, 9, 16, 18, 22, 34, 41, 51 lhtity Sign, 82, 112, 114
Sixth Cornnand-nent, 22 U.S. Govel'1)lllent, 134, 157, 160
Sorrowful Mather, 5 U.S.A., 48, 54, 104, 138
SorrowCul Mother' s I?cture, 58, 83, 95, 121 Uni versi ty, Marquette, 39, 41
Spi ri tuaI Cures, 56 lIniversities, 119
Spi ritual Di. rection, 19. 38, 40, 44, 47. SO,
53, 59, 64 Van Honf, Richard, 44, 63, 73
Spi ri tu al Di rector, 66, 72, 80, 81, 83, 84, Van Iloof, Kenny. 44, 78, 173
86, 87, 89, 92, 93, 94, 95, 97,99, )10, Van Honf Relati ves, 3, S, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19,
116, 117, 122, 124, 125, 126. 134, 1~
20, 26, 27, 29, 30, 43, 44, 54, 57, 67, 76,
146, 150, 160, 178, 180, 182, 184 82, 64, 85, 86, 87, 89, 90, 91, 93, 94, 95,
Spi ri tuaI i sn, 1 99, lll, 114, 125, 135, 137, 139, 146, 147,
St. Anthony, 74 lSB, 159, 160, 181
St. Bernadette Movi e, 171 Van Hon!' Bob. 44. 73, 78, 138, 148
St. Henry, 93 Van Honf. llemsrd. l, 6, 13, 29, 42, 44, '62, 91,
St. Francis, 49, 74, 91, 125, 136 99, lOI, 109, 121. 124, 125, 135, 146, 151
St. John, 181 Van 1I00f. Joanne, 1. 3, 4. 7, 8. 13, 15, 23, 24,
St. Joan of Arc, ln 25. 27, 28, 29, 43, 44, 46, 54, SB. 60, 63,
St, Joseph & Infant, 74, 91, 136 n8, 98, 106, 107, 108, 135, 136, 138, 144,
St. Louis, Mo., 57 146, 149
St, Mary Magdalen, 181 Va" Hoof, Fred, 1-6, 8, 10, 13, 15, 23, 25, 27.
St. Ni cholas, 60 28. 30. 31, 36, 37, 43, 44, 53, 55, SB, 60,
St. Paul, Minn., 56 62, 63, 66. 69, 73, 74, 75, 76, 79, 80, 82,
St. Peter' s Olurch, 91 83, 85. 86, 101, 106, 108, 109, 121, 122,
St. Stephan QlUrch, 97 123, 125, 126, 127, 130, 132, 133, 141, 142,
St. Theresa, 49, 74, 103, 136, 173 144, 147. 148, 149, ISO, 151, 152
St. Vincent Qmrch, 42 Van Honf, George, 3, 12, 13
Stalin, 211 102 Van Hoo!, Freddie (Son). 7, 162, 173
S"Utions of the Cross, 12 Van Iloof, [bnna, 135
Statue of Liberty, 132 Victim Sou1, 148
Statue, Animated, 13 Vicar of OHist. 166, 167
Ste'"ens Point., 42, 46, 100
Surfering on Fridays, 163, 166, 172, 175, 180,
184, 187 "'okershau.ser, Betty, l, 3, 7, 9
Swan f10rence (~\ fe), 110, 128, 141, 142, 144, Wake Op Âncrica, 9, 22
150, 153, 154, 155, 161, ~'.., 51, 70, 71, 77, 69, 96, 91, Ill. 115, 1:7
Swan, Henry, 24, 43, 45, 50, 57, 61. 62, 64, Wsr Victims, 90, 94. 97, 99, 118. 123, 134
75, 79, 81, 82, 89, 92, 94, 104, 107, War Prisoners, 139
108, 109, 110, Ill, 120, 122, 123, 124, Washington, 40
126', 127, 128, 129, 131, 132, 133, 134, Washington, D. c., 65
~Patert.oy,n, 55
137, 140, 142, 144, 146, 148, ISO, 151,
152, 154, 155, 157, lSB, 161, 165, 167, Way of the Ci'Oo., 9, 19, 49, 51, 52
173, 177, 180, 184, 187 ~'essl ing, Loui se, 158

Swan, Susan, 63 Wessling, Henry, 158

Tell the People Group, 15 West Coast, 76, 77, 93, 94, 168
Ten CDnman<lnents, 9, 21, 48, 49, 114, 182 \\'iley, Senator. 145
Test Gi ven, 55. 67 Wisconsin Rapids, 42, 162
Theatres, 141 Wisconsin, 65
Thomo, 13, 37 Work for Necedah, 57
Time Maga ti ne 23 \\Orld CDndi tions, 171
Toner, Paul. 56 World Destruct.ion, 11
Trinit y, 51, 91, 112, 134, 136, 137, 138, Youth. 23, 34, SI, 115, 122, 133, 14\, 162, 166,
140, 142 171, 187
Youth Organi zotion, Lvi l, 141
Trinity Sign, 74, 82, Il3, 114, 138, 140
Trinity Sunday, S, 12, 73, IMay 20, .1951) 74,
90, 112, 178
Twenty-Eight Ifelping Friends, 12. 14
Twcnty-ll\Ousand, 51
Trun'll, Oli ver, 14
Tnwn, 01 ive, 45, 53, 55
Twel fth Station, 49

Unchari tableness, 73


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