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Toate panzele sus!

Romanul Toate panzele sus, scris de Radu Tudoran, este impartit in patru parti.
In prima parte La poarta Levantului, este vorba despre un navigator batran si foarte iscusit, pe nume kir
Iani Ghinis. El este capitanul corabiei Penelopa, vas ce transporta cereale de la Braila la Pireu. Exact
atunci cand face escala Penelopa in Galati ajunge si trenul care il aduce pe Anton Lupan, aflat in cautarea
prietenului sau, Pierre Vaillant. Anton Lupan il cauta pretutindeni pana ce ajunge la o ghereta unde se
trage cu pusca, unde vede un om ce manuieste bine pusca si pe care il ia cu el in expeditie. Cei doi ajung
la Penelopa, unde se inteleg cu capitanul sa ii ia pana la Istambul. Pe corabie, Anton Lupan il intalneste pe
Gherasim, un vechi prieten. Datorita furtunii de pe mare, corabia ancoreaza in portul Sulina. Anton se
plimba pe plaja si vede corabia cu care calatorise impreuna cu Pierre Vaillant. Mos Ifrim, paznicul farului,
ii spune ca acea corabie a fost pradata de piratul Spanu. Intre timp, Ieremia se duce la varul sau,
Haralamb. Anton Lupan isi aduna echipajul si dezgroapa corabia naufragiata, pentru a o repara. Lor li se
alatura Mihu si cainele sau, Negrila. Corabia este botezata Speranta, este incarcata cu cherestea si
porneste spre Pireu.
La escala din Istambul, Anton Lupan crede ca l-a regasit intr-un hotel pe prietenul Pierre Vaillant, dar se
dovedeste ca s-a inselat. La plecare, pe Speranta se imbarca negustorul Agop din Bazar ce vrea sa mearga
la Pireu si un calugar ce vrea sa ajunga pe insula Skyros. Calugarul creaza suspiciuni, Mihu ii cerceteaza
sacul si descopera pasaportul si alte acte care erau pe numele lui Pierre. Anton afla ca piratul Spanu este
deghizat in calugar si il leaga. Corabia este atacata de pirati, dar echipajul Sperantei ii invinge, ii prinde si
ii leaga. Piratii ii promit lui Anton ca il duc la Pierre, daca ii elibereaza pe Spanu si pe un alt pirat. Spanu
evadeaza, sare in mare si este mancat de rechini. Anton merge pe insula piratilor unde gaseste corabia
Penelopa pe care sunt legati Kir Iani, un alt barbat si Adnana. In acest timp, piratii sunt eliberati de Agop,
iar Ismail si Gherasim sunt legati. Piratii fura Speranta, dar sunt opriti prin actiunile lui Ismail. Ismail,
care acum conduce Speranta, vede ca este urmarit de corabia Penelopa, dar nu stie ca Anton este la carma,
asa ca nu se opreste dacat atunci cand nu mai poate inainta. Dupa ce echipajul se reuneste, Penelopa
revine la kir Iani. Speranta livreaza cheresteaua si porneste cu 300 de butoaie de ulei de masline catre
Marsilia, impreuna cu Adnana. De aici, Speranta este inchiriata de Martin Stricland, un cautator de aur
care doreste sa mearga in Tara de Foc.
Echipajul pleaca in Tara de Foc impreuna cu Martin Stricland. Speranta este urmarita de cateva nave de
pirati, in timp ce strabate Oceanul Atlantic. Gherasim si Haralamb se dovedesc buni tragaci, iar corabia si
echiapajul scapa teferi. Gherasim si Haralamb, devin eroii Sperantei dupa lupta. In timpul acostarilor de
la Montevideo si de la Buenos Aires, Anton Lupan le da voie marinarilor sa mearge prin orase. De fiecare
data, Ismail face nazbatii care saracesc echipajul. In Montevideo, Anton se reintalneste cu Adnana, pe
care o ia pe corabie. In acest timp, Martin Stricland face promisiuni oamenilor pe care-i intalneste si ii ia
cu el pe corabie. Ajunsi in Tara de Foc, pasagerii Sperantei sunt debarcati.
Echipele adunate de Martin strang aur, iar echipajul Sperantei ii invata pe muncitori cum sa-si
construiasca locuinte din lemn. Anton Lupan urca pe muntele la care visa impreuna cu prietenul Vaillant.
Intre timp, se intampla multe incidente: Martin este ucis, satul culegatorilor de aur este incendiat, Ismail
impuscat si fara un picior, Speranta arsa destul de rau. Anton se casatoreste cu Adnana. Un pescar aduce
un mesaj intr-o sticla, din care Anton intelege ca prietenul sau este inca in viata si are nevoie de ajutor. In
final, Speranta pleaca in cautarea lui Pierre Vaillant cu toate panzele sus!

All speed ahead!

The novel "All speed ahead" written by Radu Tudoran, is divided into four parts.
In the first part "The goal of the Levant" it is an old and very skillful navigator named Iani Ghinis kir. He
is the captain of the ship Penelope, vessel carrying grain from Braila to Piraeus. Exactly when calling
Penelope in Galati reach the train that brings Anton Lupan, in search of his friend, Pierre Vaillant. Anton
Lupan looking for him everywhere until you reach a booth where to draw his gun, which sees a man who
wields the gun and you are good with him on the trip. The two came to Penelope, where Captain
understand and pick up in Istanbul. On the boat, he meets Gherasim Anton Lupan, an old friend. Because
of the storm at sea, the ship anchored in the port of Sulina. Anton walks on the beach and sees the boat
with traveling with Pierre Vaillant. Santa Ifrim, lighthouse keeper, tells him that the ship was plundered
by pirate Spanu. Meanwhile, Jeremiah goes to his cousin, Haralamb. Anton Lupan gather his crew and
ship wrecked dig to repair it. They are joined Mihu and his dog, Negrila. Ship is named Hope, is loaded
with timber and starts to Piraeus.
With stopovers in Istanbul, Anton Lupan thinks it has found a friend Pierre Vaillant hotel, but it turns out
that was wrong. Upon leaving, the hope of embarking Agop Bazaar merchant who wants to go to Piraeus
and a monk who wants to get on the island of Skyros. Monk creates suspicion, Mihu bag and discovers
she investigates passport and other documents were in the name of Pierre. Anton learns that the pirate
Spanu is disguised as a monk and binds him. Ship is attacked by pirates, but the crew Hope she wins,
catches them and bind them. Pirates ii Anton's promise that he go to Pierre, if frees the Spanu and another
pirate. Spanu escapes, sea salt and eaten by sharks. Anton pirates go island where the ship Penelope finds
that are bound Kir Iani, another man and Adnana. Meanwhile, pirates are released Agop and Ismail and
Gherasim are tied. Pirates steal hope, but they are stopped by his actions Ismail. Ismail, who now leads
Hope sees that Penelope is chased by boat, but knows that Anton is at the helm, so do not stop demic
when it will go. After the crew meets, Penelope returns to kir Iani. Hope timber and starts delivering 300
barrels of olive oil by Marseille, with Adnana. From here, hope is rented Stricland Martin, a gold digger
who wants to go to Tierra del Fuego.
Country Fire crew goes along with Martin Stricland. The hope is followed by several pirate ships while
crossing the Atlantic. Gherasim and Haralamb proved to be good trigger and echiapajul ship and escape
unharmed. Gherasim and Haralamb become heroes Hope after the fight. During mooring in Montevideo
and Buenos Aires, Anton Lupan allow sailors to go through cities. Each time, which impoverish crew
Ismail make mischief. In Montevideo, Anton is reunited with Adnana, it takes the ship. Meanwhile,
Martin Stricland making promises to people that I met and takes with him on the boat. Once in Tierra del
Fuego, passengers are disembarked Hope.
Martin teams gathered collect gold and the crew Hope teaches workers how to build wooden homes.
Anton Lupan to climb Mount dreaming with friend Vaillant. Meanwhile, many incidents happen: Martin
is killed, the village pickers gold is fire, Ismail shot and without a leg, Hope burned pretty bad. Anton
married Adnana. A fisherman brings a message in a bottle, in which Anton understands that his friend is
still alive and needs help. Finally, Hope goes in search of Pierre Vaillant under canvas!

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