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The first experiment aims to learn the behavir of fats and oils in different foo

d systems. The first food product prepared was margarine. According to _______,
margarine was first developed as a substitute for butter because butter was more
expensive because it is of animal origin. Creation of maragarine was actually a
success because it is also considered a healthier substitute becasue of its ori
gin and composition. Butter came from animal fat therefore, it contains more sat
urated fat and cholesterol. On the other hand, margarine came from vegetable oil
which is mainly composed of unsaturated fat. However, vegetable oil is in liqui
d form so it has to be converted to soild form by the process of hydrogenation o
r addition of hydrogen to the structure of the vegetable oil.
Besides hydrogenation, there is also another property of fats and oils that cont
ribute to the creation of margarine. The process is called emulsification or the
process of creating an emulsion by slowly adding one ingredient to another, acc
ompanied by vigorous mixing. An emulsion is a mixture of two immiscible liquids
with the action of an emulsifier. Emulsion has two types: oil-in-water emulsion
and water-in-oil emulsion. In the case of margarine, the type of emulsion oresen
t is water-in-oil emulsion where in water droplets are dispersed in oil.
According to Brown (_______), emulsion has three parts namely dispersed or disco
ntinuous phase, dispersion medium or continuous phase and lastly, the emulsifier
. In between the dispersed and conitnuous phase is a boundary called interface a
nd there is a presence of surface tension between the two phases. To create an e
mulsion, an emulsifier is needed and its purpose is to decrease the surface tens
ion betwen them, allowing the substances to mix. In the case of margarine, the e
mulsifier used was sodium caseinate.
In this experiment, margarine was made from two different oils: coconut and corn
oil. The appearance and consistency of the resulting mixture were compared and
the resuslts are shown on Table 5.2.
Based from the results, it can be concluded that corn oil was a better ingredien
t than coconut oil because the resulting mixture solidified after refrigeration.
However, based on what is theoretically right, coconut oil is a better ingredie
nt because it is more saturated than corn oil. The overall composition of margar
ine favors saturated oils because as it was said before, margarine needs to stay
in solid form.
The second food product made using fats and oils was mayonnaise. The two main in
greedients of mayonnaise are vinegar and oil. Like water and oil, vinegar and oi
l do not mix as well. The component of vinegar are water and acetic acid and the
polar attraction between the two is stronger than oil-water attraction, therefo
re vinegar and oil do not mix.
The procedure in creating margarine was also
ier used was different. Egg yolk was used as
contains lecithin which can form bonds with
of lecithin makes this reaction possible as

done tto mayonnaise but the emulsif

emulsifier in mayonnaise because it
both vinegar and oil. The structure
shown in Figure _________.


The structure of lecithin contains two parts. The blue portion is the part that
can interact or form bonds with vinegar. Meanwhile, the red portion can form bon

ds with oil.
Just like the previous food product, mayonnaise was made using two different oil
s: coconut and corn oil. The appearance and consistency of resulting mixtures we
re compared and the results are as follows:
It can be noticed that the rsulting mixture in corn oil formed two layers. There
was probably an error in creating the mixture. It may have been due to the way
oil was added to the mixture. As mentioned before, oil must be added slowly or i
n drops to another ingredient while mixing vigorously to form an emulsion. In th
is case, oil may have been added in big portions or the way the mixture was mixe
d was not vigorous enough to form an emulsion, causing vinegar and oil not to mi
x. Meanwhile, mayonnaise from coconut oil resulted to a homogeneous mixture and
solidified after refrigeration. Although mayonnaise from coconut oil solidified,
its true appearance was not achieved. It should have a semi-solid appearance.

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