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Since you offered little descriptions, I have some assumptions with your situation, not for U, but the

one who still suffer from

MMO , especiallly PVP game addictions.
First of all, do you have any problem communicating with others. Or, do you talk to your friends and neighbors daily.
Second, how old are you? Have you graduate from university or, at least highschool? If so, have you get a job?
Third , what else you used to do or hope to achieve before playing Dota? Do you have a family need you to rise? Do you have
financial pressure?
If you are too shy or just donot want to talk, just hang out, leave away from your dota. There is not need to force yourself to
pretending outgoing , just surfing the real world. Shopping, exercising, watching a movie, whatever. Go to find the color of your
You will find a time when you have less and less interested in any game any more. You need to raise your baby, finish your
job, fulfill your dream.
Have you watched Free to Play? Any of those great players successfully balanced their life and game practice? No, not any, although
they got high repays by stepping on other team players' body but, sacrificed a lot of precious time. Have you prepared to be
professional? Do you good engough?
If you lost your match, you still have life. Leave and living better.
This is not a direct answer, but it will surely help. Uninstall the game! (I think you know about this). Moreover, you can remove the
game from your library! Just write to tech support that you don't want to play the game anymore. Then, every time you uninstall the
game, it will not appear in your library anymore. This will make the process of installing the game more pesky so you are more likely
to not install it.

I was a Diamond 1 League of Legends player at one point. Needless to say I use to put in 8 plus hours
into that game PER DAY. I have tried quit League only to find myself pick up on other games or just
simply wasting time on Facebook or Youtube. I have concluded that video game is not the issue but
rather due to years of gaming, being lazy, and settle for my comfort zone. My brain gets easily
distract from tasks requires work. Simply put its time to get disciplined.
This is what I done:
1. Uninstalled all video games from all my devices.
2. Blocked Facebook, Youtube, and any other time wasters I can think of.
3. Wrote down my goals and planned how Im going to achieve them.
In the last 3 month. I got back into working out and lost over 20 pounds. At the same time started 2
business while fully committed managing my parents business. I find that the more I become
successful in life the less urge I feel about playing any video games.
Do not pick up another time waster such as watching T.V, or browse the internet. Instead work on
becoming a disciplined, efficient, focused individual. Set your goals and from this moment forward
make sure everything you do improves you.
Out of shape? Work out.
Bad relationship with those around you? Work on those relationship.
Not enough $$? Get a job, start a business.
Cant get laid, want a girlfriend? Work on your game.
Life is a game. The better you get at it. The more you realize how meaningless that double kill, triple
kill, qudra kill or even penta kill is.
Good luck buddy
Before I begin, I want to start off by saying I know you as the community have seen plenty of these posts, and
whether this post gets buried immediately or not, I am simply using it as a confession to myself and a means to
affirm to myself that I am quitting Dota today.

I was introduced to Dota 2 a little over 2 years ago. I was working at a warehouse, and was having a tough time
with a break-up, when my brother introduced me to the game. He noticed I might like something to focus my mind
on. And focus my mind it did. Dota was a huge helper in helping me forget the pain I felt, and I haven't stopped
playing it since.

Fast forward a few months: As a 23 year old with most of his education out of the way, I decided I needed to finish
school. I enrolled in a University, and moved states, as well as found a new full-time job to accommodate. I
decided I needed a new computer for school, so naturally, I wanted something functional and fast. But what I really
got was something that could play Dota 2 better. Now at this point, I wrote it off as "Hey, I enjoy dota 2, might as
well get something that works for both school and the game I love right?"

And then came the hats. I started to get bored of the look of my favorite heroes. I started small, only buying a few
hats for characters I really liked. But then I started diversifying my hero pool, picking counters and such. Almost on
impulse, it became regular for me to buy something for a hero I may only play once every 100 games, if that. Hey,
it was only a few dollars here and there, and I am making plenty of money at work right? No big deal. Except after
doing some math, I realized I have easily spent 500 dollars or more on this game.

Now, is it bad to spend money on a game you enjoy? No. It supports the game and the community. I don't see a
problem with that. If that is your intention, keep on spending. But this buying was not intended for that purpose.
This buying was to fill some selfish need inside myself that I wanted more. I wanted different. I was willing to give
up money that could be used for savings, or even to help a friend out, so that my LC could have two swords
instead of one. I would justify it to myself, but deep down inside I recognized every time, with a small sense of
guilt, that my spending was not well thought out.

And that is just the hats. The other scary thing I noticed about this game was my attitude changing. I have tried
and tried to play this game for fun. I play non ranked, but feel like every time I win I should have played ranked
instead. It is hard for me to get out of the attitude that if I am going to spend an hour in a match, I want it to
count for something. Even if that something is just a number in a game. I noticed I started to obsess over winning.
I am not the kind of person who rages insanely at other people, because I believe positive attitudes win games.
But my emotional changes were internal. Losing put me in a bad mood. It made me want to win even more. It
made me hate losing so much that I would deprive myself of sleep just to get another match in and hope to win.
What is worse, winning gives me such pleasure, I want to win again.

So fast forward to today. I am now 25, am taking 16 credit hours, am working full time in a management position,
just got a new puppy with my significant other, and am getting married in July. We do not live together as of yet,
and she has no idea that I still manage to juggle playing this game while doing everything else. I know I don't have
time to play, and could be using that time more effectively by studying, or even sleeping. I have lied to her about
going to sleep at a certain time, because I feel guilty of what she would think if she knew I was playing Dota 2
instead when I have to be up at 6:30a for my 8am test.

I find I think now in Dota hours. Class let out an hour early and I work at 1? I should probably do that extra credit
assignment then or get some extra rest, but wait, I could probably fit in a match of Dota before I have to go in!
After all, I don't want to just go to school and work all day with no pleasure somewhere in between right? Sure, I
am just playing as a form of stress relief. Except this game does not reduce my stress. It consumes me. I check
reddit regularly, for what? So I can see undying dance and have a good laugh. So I can keep up about how the
latest pro player fed in a ranked match, and how people somehow, in their own heads, justify defending that.

So why is this game so hard to play casually? I don't know. Maybe it is easy for some of you. But I have to say, and
I know it is the case for many of you even if you won't admit it, that it is not easy. I have uninstalled the game
multiple times. But hey it only takes 10 minutes to redownload. Even right now, I am choosing against my will, to
write this out, rather than play a game of Dota 2. I think probably the hardest part, and what brings me back every
time a new patch comes out, is the TIME and MONEY I have invested in this game. My brain has convinced myself
that if I quit now, all that investment will have been for NOTHING. But I have to ask, what has the investment
gained me at all? Good times, a fun experience, but it has gone way beyond that. It has become my drug. I don't
go an hour without thinking about something Dota related, and I can't wait for my next fix.

So that being said, I am not trying to ruin the game for anyone. I hope that many of you continue to enjoy it in
moderation. I hope that you can enjoy this game and am not here to sway anyone, but to just speak my mind, if
only for my own benefit. I am quitting Dota 2, and having to get rid of my hats is going to be a huge part of that. If
you are one of the people that has read this all the way to the end, feel free to PM me. I have multiple arcanas to
give away and will give them to people who would like them. It will be first come first serve. I can't promise I will
get to you right away, as I am heading to work soon. But I will get back when I can.

Thank you for your time.

If you can making money from DotA 2, its ok.

And if, addicted to dota 2 give you nothing. You should to quit.
Always have a reason on your goal.
Getting out of a gaming addiction can be really hard. Its very underrated, people think it's just a video game, its nothing. But an
addiction is an addiction. I played DOTA for 3 years during high school, and it got to a point that I was bunking classes almost
everyday to sit in a caf and play DOTA for 9-10 hours straight. I was on numerous Dota forums, all I thought about was how I could
get better at Dota. My life was Dota. If you don't have a lot of willpower(like me)follow steps 1-4. If you're confident in yourself and
can successfully reduce your gaming time, follow step 5.

From personal experience I can tell you that cutting down your time playing DOES NOT WORK. At least it didn't for me. It's much
easier to stop completely. You need to make up your mind and JUST PUT AN END TO IT. Unless you plan on being a
professional gamer.

1. If you're playing from home and you live with your parents, tell them about your fear of getting addicted and uninstall the game
immediately. Don't think twice about it. Just make up your mind and do it. If you live alone, just do the latter(uninstall).

2. If you're a part of any forums or have friends that are into dota, you need to reduce/stop interacting with them as they are major
factors that will make you want to play more and more.
3.If you go out to play in a caf, calculate the total amount of money you have spent playing dota. Think about how you can spend
this money somewhere else.

4. Join a gym. Start a sport. Get a hobby. These sound like everyday, normal, mundane things everyone talks about, but trust me,
there's a reason everyone tells you to do them.

5. If you are absolutely sure you can restrict your gaming time, restrict it to no more than AN HOUR A DAY. Playing for longer will
simply take away valuable time which can be used to do more productive things. In fact, playing computer games for a limited
amount of time per day has even shown to improve cognitive functions like memory and concentration. You can do this by keeping a
principle for yourself- that you only play once your work(college/school/office) is done. This will also ensure that you're not
compromising on other, more important things.

Best of luck
Everyday, there are hundreds of new addicted DotA players and I have no idea when this growth will stop. Many players are also
retiring but new players are exponentially more than the retired players. From kids to professionals, they can all be addicted to this
game. This game is one brilliant creation by Ice Frog that causes tons of tournaments giving cash prizes. Some people are called
"Professional Players" because they are already paid for playing for a certain team sponsored by companies or industries. Why is
DotA so Addicting?
1. A Time Killer: Boredom is the most common problem of most people today. DotA can consume a lot of time without you even
noticing it. You'll just say "Wtf, I'm late!" after the game.
2. Non-exhausting Game: Unlike Basketball or other physical sports, you can play DotA 'til you can still manage to sit, look at the
monitor, use mouse and keyboard, and think. Yes, using your mind is also tiring but it'll take an average of 3 games before you'd
want to take a rest.
3. Fame Source: Most players want to be the best in this game to gain fame which I find natural but technically nonsense. I have
to admit that thirst for fame drove me to practice and improve my game. After getting the fame I wanted, I asked myself "Now
what?". For players who don't plan on having DotA as their profession, Fame isn't that important.
4. Team Work Game: When we were kids we already love having team battles. That's why a lot of team sports came up and
multi-player computer games have been invented. Playing with team mates is more addicting than playing alone.
5. Tranquilizing: DotA makes you forget your problems and make you think of simpler problem - how to win.
6. Non-violent war: We love wars. That's why there are shows like Wrestling, UFC, Action Films, etc. DotA is a chance to engage in
wars safely. We can fight all day long and just stand up from our computer without even having a scratch.
7. Topic Provider: DotA is a great topic provider. That's why you talk about it while hanging out with your DotA buddies. That's
why there are forums and blogs like this. We love chatting and DotA is a great topic to talk about.
8. Sweet Sound Effects: "Rampage!!!" - How sweet that sound is? This sound effect is unconsciously a source of self-affirmation.
Everyone loves to be praised and accepted. DotA can be a source of this.
9. Easy to Play: Survey shows that DotA is played by more people than other strategy games like Starcraft. One of the reason is
its simplicity. You only have to control one hero - great news for people who are not into doing micros.

10. Total Freedom: In DotA, you have all the freedom to do anything you wish. You can gank, farm, lane top, lane mid, lane bot,
buy items you wish, you can even annoy your team mates if you wish. It is like an alternative for a person who doesnt that much
freedom in their real lives.
11. Mind Exercise: Intelligent people love exercising their minds. This is the reason why crossword puzzles, Rubic's cube, and
other mind games are created. DotA also have this feature needing analysis, prediction and decision making.
12. Physically safe: People care about their safety. In my case, I don't jump that much in Basketball because I hate landing on
another player's foot and causing my ankles to be sprained. I don't want to try Rugby, Boxing, UFC and other dangerous sports
because I care about my safety. DotA, on the other hand, doesn't offer dangerous injury. Eye problems may occur though but it's
still avoidable. Just give your time proper rest and use low radiation monitors.
13. Game Variations: Every game is different. You buy different items, you lane against different opponents, you have different
combos, you pick different heroes, you plan different attacks, etc. Variation is important to stay addicted on something. Nobody
would want to do same things over and over again.
14. Source of Money: Money is becoming the goal of every humans. Poker won't be popular if you can't gain money from it. DotA
have been used for betting games and tournaments; obviously, money is involved.
15. Ability to feel like having supernatural skills: We all love to have supernatural skills. In DotA, we have it. Just pick the
heroes that possess the skill you want. You want to teleport? You want to be invisible? Do you want to cast lightning on a person?
It's all in DotA Allstars.
16. Tool for anger discharge: DotA can be the place where you release your anger. You can pick a killer hero, make it monsterlike, and then kill everyone you see.
17. Varieties of Skills to improve at: You can improve at farming, ganking, supporting, killing, teamwork, using different heroes,
combos, etc. These are the things that will cause you to be practicing and improving. More skills learned mean more addiction.
More skills to be learned also mean more addiction.
18. Character's Appearance: DotA Characters' appearances are made with great imagination. DotA Fan arts spread in the
internet showing their appreciation in the Heroes' appearances. Cool arts and animations add to the addicting potion of this game.
19. Constant Map Improvement: Just when you learned enough strategies for you to be called a DotA genius, here comes
another new map with new items and heroes. Now, your learned strategies need upgrade. You need to study, try and analyze new
stuffs again making you more into the game.
20. Professional Gamers as Inspiration: Watching pro DotA gamers execute strategies perfectly make you want to be like them.
You will be training more after getting inspired by these Pro DotA players and teams.
21. Peer Pressure: Right when you don't feel like playing, here comes a DotA Buddy saying: "It's weekend let's play!" or while
you're at home, you got a "Buzz!!" followed by the word "game". How can you ever forget playing if these peer temptations are all
around you?
22. Game illusion: While playing DotA, the map becomes your world and your hero becomes you. Feeling a different world which
is more fun and breath-taking is way better than your old room with old stuffs. When the game's world is experienced, your mind
would be constantly searching for that more pleasurable world making you really addicted.
23. It's haunting: This game haunts you. While you're in your classroom, you kept on thinking why you lost or how great your
game was. You would then be thinking of playing DotA as soon as you arrive at the computer shop or at home. You would also think
of what hero you would play or what play style you're going to have.
24. Winning Feels Good: Yup, feeling good is really addicting.
25. Losing makes you thirsty to win: On the other hand, losing is still addicting because you become more urge to have that
wonderful feeling of winning.
26. No height or other physical disadvantage: In basketball you cannot have a team composed of 5 short players. In Rugby,
you should be muscular. In DotA, you can be as thin and short as you want and still own everyone.
27. A balanced game: Since banning was introduced in DotA Allstars, I considered it to be a balanced game. Having a balanced
game, you wouldn't think of quitting while whining "unfair!".
28. A vast number of strategies: More strategies means more trial and errors. More trial and errors means more games. "More
games" means more game illusions. More game illusions means more chance to be trapped in the world of DotA.
29. Merely being a Strategy Game is addicting: Strategy games are so fun because it offers unpredictability.
30. No age limit: Yup, no age limit is a cause of DotA Addiction. Many players should be practicing their professions in real life but
they are still stuck in DotA world.
31. Opportunity to become a Hero: It is so pleasurable to be feel like a hero. It is like hitting a buzzer beater in a basketball
game or saving a kid from getting hit by a car. The appreciation is simply awesome. Self-esteem boosts quickly and exponentially
with this.

The 25 Bad Signs of DotA Addiction

1. Whenever you lose a DotA game, you want to grab your weak team mate and punch him in the face.
2. Your left thumb is always on the alt button whatever you're doing at your computer. Maybe you want to check your facebook
friend's hp bar.
3. When you get amazed at anything you call it 'imba'. 'He scored 99 at his math test, imba!'. You also call things that annoy you,
'imba. 'That guy is imba, he is damn fat'.
4. You relate people's appearances with DotA characters. You call guys with sharp teeth, Gondar. You call black friends, Nevermore.
You call ugly fat guys, pudge.
5. Winning a DotA game makes you feel like a celebrity. You stand up feeling that everyone is looking at you. You tend to snob
weaker players and treat them as your fans.
6. You start getting fat because of lacking exercise but you ignore it. You think that as long as you win, you'd be a handsome
7. You play DotA from the moment you wake up until the last hour you are awake. Then, you continue playing in your dream.
8. Playing DotA is having several code names like, "mom, I'm doing my research I'll be home at 2am.", "yeah, dad I'm changing the
tires of my car.", "hello sweetheart, where am I? (thinking...) Damn, damn, the battery is low... (turn cell phone off and resume
9. You become so thrifty on anything except on DotA. You would endure not buying food for breakfast, lunch and dinner, then spend
everything you earn playing DotA.
10. DotA became a third party on your relationship. Your girlfriend is starting to let you choose between her and DotA. The worse
thing is, you choose DotA.
11. You say the word 'aw' in really life. Girlfriend: "my mom is sick." You: "aw, sorry to hear that.."
12. You have a facebook photo album full of DotA screen shots though people don't really care about it.
13. You judge the totality of the person based on how good he plays. Ugly but good player would say, "How the hell that noob guy
got a hot girlfriend?! I'm going to tell his gf that he's noob so she can change her mind."
14. You are enumerating DotA character names while doing other things like watching tv, walking to school, cooking, eating,
pooping, dating.
15. Sexy fan arts of lady DotA characters make you aroused. Worse, you search for more sexy pics of DotA character. Worst! You
search for their nude pics.
16. You find it difficult to sleep after losing a DotA game. Your body rotates like 30 times while thinking before you sleep. You even
hammer your pillow and repeat a phrase several times, like "I did my best!". And sometimes, you'd do the most pathetic thing ever
you can do with your life, you cry.
17. When you go to a party with your friends to hang out, the topic you're going to discuss are the following: DotA games played,
DotA new plan, DotA character's strengths and weaknesses, and how 'imbalance' is the food you're eating.
18. You try teaming up with good players because you get so afraid to lose a DotA game. You feel like losing a DotA game would
turn you into a vapor and dissolve out from this planet.
19. You remember the exact time you bought all your items but forget the time your home will be locked.
20. You try to play better whenever a girl is near, thinking that they would approach and ask you to be her boyfriend after.
21. The years you are addicted to DotA would be the years you are in a different world, forgetting your real life. You wake up
suddenly, "Wtf, I'm 30 and I'm still at high school?!"
22. You depend on DotA games whether you'd be having money for your meal or not.
23. It's your birthday and your birthday wish is to play DotA and won't be disturbed by anyone.
24. You start to have a hot-temper, like you want to cast lightning bolt on your teacher.
25. This is the ultimate test. Check your yahoo messenger, if 90% on the list are DotA buddies, congratulations! You are within the
portals of DotA Realm.

I made this guide to warn people. I am giving a lot of Dota Strategies but I don't want you to give up your priorities. Dota should
never come first nor second. There are a lot of things to focus on. If you are making enough money from Dota to run a big family,
no problem. What you should spend time thinking about is how to be successful in your real life, not your Dota life. Treat this game,
not your studies, as past time. Play for fun. The only thing that can beat all the strategies is having fun. If you have fun, nothing
can beat you. Win or lose, you still won because you didn't waste your time being slamming your keyboard out of stress. This is the
main purpose of games - to have fun.

Tip 1: Balance Your Games and Studies

The more you excel in DotA, the more you flunk at school - not true.
Improving in DotA is not all about playing 10 or more games per day. Players improve by how well they learn after winning or losing
a game (most of the time in losing). Players who are hard headed and don't believe that they lost because what they are doing is
wrong, will never be a better player.
The best way to balance studies and DotA is having strategies for both. These strategies are the things you're going to think of on
how you're going to improve quickly.
Pay attention at school
Most players are spending all night playing DotA and still daydream about DotA when it's school time. You have to focus
on what you're doing at the moment. If you are in the classroom, listen, take notes, do your seat works. Forget anything
else unrelated to your studies.
Play moderately
Do not exhaust yourself too much to avoid getting dizzy at school in the morning or worst getting absent/late. Also, you
have to reserve energy to study for announced/unannounced quizzes.
Pay attention at your game
When it's playtime, play wisely. Use your limited time to the fullest. 2 or 3 games every afternoon are enough to be a
great player after 1 or 2 months. You have to focus on your strengths and weaknesses. Develop your strengths and
convert your weaknesses to strengths.
Observe the factors that affect your studies
If you find it hard to study after playing, you should study first before playing. In my case, I find it hard to study after
losing therefore I used DotA as a reward after studying.
Know when not to play
Be the master of your own body. If you have a report on the following day or an examination, chances are, you need
more time for that. You have to sacrifice playing which is not and shouldn't be your priority.
Don't mind the insults
If you are insulted for being a weak player, don't be offended causing you to play more hours trying to prove to them that
you are a great player. Be offended if you're scolded by your teacher for not doing a simple homework because of playing
all night.
Cutting-class is a drug
You try it once, you'll get addicted. Never cut-class if you want to graduate on time.
Know when to quit
Know when DotA cannot be included in your schedule anymore. For example, in my case, I have to do advance reading
and projects. I gave up playing competitive DotA and just play whenever I'm free (twice or thrice a week).

Buddhas Birth
The Buddha who is the founder of the Buddhist religion is called Buddha Shakyamuni
Shakya is the name of the royal family into which he was born, and Muni means Able
One. Buddha Shakyamuni was born as a royal prince in 624 BC in a place called Lumbini, in
what is now Nepal. His mothers name was Queen Mayadevi and his fathers name was King

The Queens Dream

One night, Queen Mayadevi dreamed that a white elephant descended from heaven and
entered her womb. The white elephant entering her womb indicated that on that very night
she had conceived a child who was a pure and powerful being. The elephants descending
from heaven indicated that her child came from Tushita heaven, the Pure Land of Buddha
Maitreya. Later, when she gave birth to the child, instead of experiencing pain the queen
experienced a special, pure vision in which she stood holding the branch of a tree with her
right hand while the gods Brahma and Indra took the child painlessly from her side. They
then proceeded to honor the infant by offering him ritual ablutions.

When the king saw the child he felt as if all his wishes had been fulfilled and he
named the young prince Siddhartha.
The Kings Delight
When the king saw the child he felt as if all his wishes had been fulfilled and he named the
young prince Siddhartha. He invited a Brahmin seer to make predictions about the princes
future. The seer examined the child with his clairvoyance and told the king, There are signs
that the boy could become either a chakravatin king, a ruler of the entire world, or a fully
enlightened Buddha. However, since the time for chakravatin kings is now past it is certain
that he will become a Buddha, and that his beneficial influence will pervade the thousand
million worlds like the rays of the sun.

During what has been called the second urbanization of north-eastern India, emerging small kingdoms caused
upheaval in all areas: economic, social and religious. Brahmin priests no longer retained the level of prestige and
power they had as Vedic rituals and religious traditions lost their value, and more people turned their focus
inwardly. They sought to know the true nature of reality that was at the bases of religious practice and the very
foundation of life.
Men and women of all castes gave up everything to live a life of meditation, yoga, contemplation, starvation, selfmortification and deprivation of all kinds, in order to find this freedom, self-knowledge and fulfillment. Known
as Samanas, there were so many of them that they were regarded as a fifth caste. These ascetics and sages lived
alone in caves or forests, or with their families in communities. They were supported by those who felt unable to do
the same but who, by helping them, believed that they gained
Karmic benefits.

Gotama Buddha, 1st century CE,

Kingdom of Gandhara (northern
Pakistan and eastern Afghanistan)

One Samana was Siddattha Gotama (Siddhartha Gautama), who would eventually become known as Buddha the
Awakened One.
Having it all is not Enough the legend of Siddattha Gotama
Siddattha Gotama, legend has it, was a royal Prince whose father had protected him from any kind of suffering.
From the time of his birth until the age of 29, he was given everything that one could possibly want: looks and
riches, a beautiful wife, a healthy son. Then, at 29 he encountered sickness, old age, and death for the first time.
Overcome by what he saw, Gotama recognized that all beings were subject to these things, no matter how much
they had of worldly goods and splendor. He could no longer ignore the realities of life: suffering and death. Then he
met a Samana who had renounced everything but appeared happy nonetheless, so, following his example, he left
his home forever, and took up the begging bowl and staff of the Samana, to seek the end of his samsara the
constant cycle of births, deaths and rebirths. Tradition refers to this episode as the Four Sights.
Buddha, Jesus, Zoroaster, Izkhiel, Guru-Nanak stories about them all say that their transformative insights took
place around the age of 30.
For six years Gotama practiced the ascetic arts, traveling throughout the cities of the Ganges basin, studying with
teachers who could impart the disciplines that would end his samsara. He learned yogic meditation and other
practices but refused to believe that the temporary states arrived at were the highest realization possible to man.
He deprived himself of food until he became emaciated, but concluded that this method only intensified suffering, it
did not release one from it.

He realized that neither the pleasures of life nor the ascetic practices of the Samana offered him the wisdom he
sought. He needed to find a way between these two extremes this he called the Middle Way.
According to the Buddhist tradition, Gotama sat beneath a huge tree that was later called the wisdom, or Bodhi
tree and vowed not to leave it until he achieved the liberating knowledge he sought.
The Bodhi Tree at the Maha Bodhi Temple.
Propagated from the Sri Maha Bodhi, which
in turn is propagated from the original
Bodhi Tree at this location.

Unlike his teachers, whose practices focused on achieving extra-sensory perceptions of the mind, Gotamas
emphasis was on the quality of mindfulness awareness, without judgment, of mind, body and environment. He
remembered that as a child he had meditated and focused on his breath and that this had brought him a sense of
both pervading calmness and awareness. He undertook a long and arduous period of meditation and contemplation
that culminated in his acquiring deep insights into the human condition. Finally, in overcoming the temptations of
the demonic Mara, he believed he did attain nibbana (or nirvana) the understanding that liberated him from
In that instance the knowledge and the vision arose in me, unshakable is the realization in my mind, this is my
last birth, At this moment he earned the title Buddha the Awakened One.
For 49 days, we are told, he enjoyed this liberation, and pondered whether he could teach others how to attain it.
Finally, he traveled on foot to Benares to seek the five ascetics who had deserted him when he gave up the
samsara way. They recognized that something had changed in him, and, following his Dhamma (Dharma:
teachings) became the first arahants of Buddhism. Buddha taught for several decades throughout the cities of the
Gangetic basin, building a community of followers. In 410 BCE at the age of 80 he became mortally ill, his last
words, tradition has it, being:
All compounded things are subject to decay, work out your salvation with diligence.


Throughout his life, Siddhartha was shielded from the horrors of the world. Yet one day, he confronted an
old man, a sick man, and a corpse. He then saw a religious man whose countenance was full of bliss and
serenity. Siddhartha was aghast at the suffering he witnessed. The realization that he, too, would be
subject to old age, disease, and death drove Siddhartha to a personal crisis, states the Ancient History
Recalling the religious man, Siddhartha left his home to find a means to end all suffering. Over the next
six years, he practiced extreme asceticism with several teachers, but was not satisfied. He sat down
beneath a Bodhi tree and began to contemplate how neither extreme pleasure nor extreme pain relieved
human suffering. Soon, Siddhartha entered a deep meditative state and obtained nirvana.
Having reached enlightenment, the man known as Siddhartha was no more. He was now the Buddha, a
title that means "Awakened One." He realized that the end of suffering could not be achieved by indulging
in or by abstaining from earthly pleasures. Rather, a middle path was necessary.
For the next 50 years, the Buddha traveled around Northern India spreading the insights he had gained
from his enlightenment. He died at the age of 80, most likely of dysentery.

The Buddha was born as an ordinary man named Siddhartha Gautama in 563 B.C. His father
was the ruler of the Sakya people, a tribe that governed an area in modern-day Nepal.
Siddhartha led a life of luxury and privilege, but at age 29, realized the world was full of
suffering. He renounced his noble birth and became an ascetic wanderer. After six years, he
reached enlightenment. He spent the rest of his life spreading his new philosophy
Halos araw-araw na sa balita ang pagsuko, pag-aresto, at pagpatay sa mga hinihinalang
sangkot sa ilegal na droga. Nagaganap ang lahat ng ito sa gitna ng war on drugs ni Pang.
Rodrigo Duterte.
Silipin natin ang tinatakbo ng kampanya laban sa ilegal na droga, na ayon sa bago nating
pangulo ay isang malaking salot sa lipunan na kailangang sugpuin.


Ayon sa Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) noong 2015, 20% o 1 sa 5 barangay sa
Pilipinas ang apektado ng ilegal na droga. Sa Metro Manila, umaabot ito sa 92% ng mga
Ayon sa Philippine Center on Transational Crime, ang Pilipinas ay transshipment hub ng
mga dayuhan at lokal na drug traffickerskadalasan, sa mga daungan dumadaan ang droga

mula sa Tsina. Sinabi ni PNP Chief Ronald Dela Rosa dumadaan din ang mga ito sa paliparan
ng Clark Air Base sa Pampanga.


Kalakhan, maliliit o street-level na mga drug pusher at dealer.

These are operations of our lower units by

our police stations. So, yung mga

operations in that level, normally talagang

mas marami ang street-level, sabi ni PNP

spokesperson Senior Supt. Dionardo

May ilan din na umanoy malalaking personahe o nasa listahan ng mga most wanted ang
naging target. Gaya ng pinaghihinalaang No. 1 drug lord sa Central Visayas na si Jaguar
Diaz, na napatay sa operasyon.
Sa unang pagkakataon, tinukoy ng isang pangulo ang mga heneral na nagpapatakbo at
protektor diumano ng mga sindikato sa droga. Limang heneral na ang pinangalanan ni Duterte.
Papangalan daw niya sa susunod na mga araw ang iba pang heneral, gayundin ang mahigitkumulang 200 na local officialsmayor, gobernador, kongresista, at bokalna
diumanoy involved sa droga.


Duterte released the Generals who were involved in drugs syndicate. No one
ever did that to us but he did because we deserved to know.
2:23 PM - 12 Jul 2016

hris @chriscabico
one of the generals Duterte called out 4 drugs was my neighbor... no wonder they
moved into a bigger house and bought so much new cars
11:32 AM - 6 Jul 2016

Maglalabas din ng memorandum ang Palasyo sa mga mayor at barangay captain para
sabihing iimbestigahan ang mga lugar na diumanoy malaganap ang ilegal na droga.


Ayon sa PNP, 5,845 mula Mayo 10 hanggang Hulyo 3. Mahigit kalahati na ito ng 10,868
indibidwal na inaresto ng PNP sa pitong buwan noong nakaraang taon. Simula naman noong
maupo si Duterte, tinatayang may 141 suspek kada araw ang inaaresto ng pulisya.


60,393 na ang sumuko sa mga awtoridad simula noong Hulyo 1. Pinakamalaki ang 4,064
indibidwal na boluntaryong nag-surrender sa Tagum City.


Ayon sa Philippine National Police, mula Mayo 10 hanggang Hulyo 3, 103 suspek na ang
napapatay sa mga operasyon ng pulisya. Hindi pa naglalabas ang PNP ng datos hinggil sa
pagpatay sa mga suspek laban sa police operations.

Sa talaan naman ng Philippine Daily Inquirer, mula Hulyo 1 hanggang 11, nasa 136 na
ang drug-related deathskasama dito ang 51 indibidwal na pinatay ng mga hindi pa
nakikilalang hitmen.
Ayon naman sa talaan ng ABS-CBN, nasa 385 na ang drug-related deaths mula Mayo 10
hanggang Hulyo 14.


Yan ang malaking tanong. Walang iisang grupo na umaamin sa pagpatay. Inamin ni Dela Rosa
na posibleng mga grupong vigilante ito, o maging mga ordinaryong mamamayan: Kahit
sino siya, basta galit sa droga. Bagamat sinabi niyang hindi sang-ayon ang PNP sa extrajudicial killings, sinabi rin niyang:

Kung gusto man nilang

gawin, gawin na lang
nila, wag na lang nilang
ipaalam sa akin.
Ngunit makaraan ang ilang araw, sinabi na ni Dela Rosa na posibleng mga miyembro ng
sindikato ay nagsasagawa ng cleansing o paglilinis sa sarili nilang hanay, nang sa gayon ay
hindi makapagturo. Diin pa niya:

I hate extrajudicial
killings. I hate

vigilantism. Ayaw na
ayaw ko yan.
Dahil may karapatang pantao kahit ang mga tulak ng droga. At dahil hindi pa naman talaga
napapatunayan ang kanilang krimen: suspek pa nga lang eh.
Karumal-dumal at hindi makatao ang extra-judicial killings sa mga suspeknatatagpuan sa
kung saan ang bangkay, minsan may ebidensya ng tortyur, at may nakasabit pang karatula na
nakasulat: Huwag Tularan.

Bilang pagtutol, isang estudyante na ang nagsuot ng karatulang Lahat Tayo Posibleng
Drug Pusher, para ipakita na hindi tama na patayin ang isang tao dahil lamang
napagbintangan (o kahit pa nga totoong) nagtutulak ng droga.
Mayroon na ring mga ulat na ginagamit ng mga opisyal ng barangay ang kampanya kontradroga para i-target ang mga karibal sa pulitika. Ganoon kasi kapag hindi nasusunod ang due
process: kahit sinokahit ikaw, o akopwede maging target. Ganern.


Marami ang nagtatanong: kung totoong nanlaban ang mga suspek, bakit wala pang pulis na
naiuulat na nasugatan sa mga operasyong ito? Sa rules of engagement ng pulisya, maaari
lamang nito barilin ang isang suspek sa self-defense. Sa iba pang mga kaso, nasa kustodiya
na ng PNP ang suspek nang umanoy nanlaban ito at saka binaril. Kaduda-duda.
Ayon na nga mismo kay Duterte, posibleng ang nangyayari ay cleansing ng pulisya sa
kanilang hanay para mapagtakpan ang pagkakadawit sa ilegal na droga:

Baka yung pinatay

nila, mga bata nila.
Siyempre, kung ganoon, dapat utusan din niya ang PNP na habulin ang mga pulis na
gumagawa nito.
Matagal nang pinupuna ng Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) ang ganitong mga
operasyon kontra-droga laban sa maliliit na pusher at dealer.

Sa matagal na
panahon, ginagawa ito
ng PNP para lamang
mapunuan ang kanilang quota,

magpabango sa media, at mapatay ang

mga karibal na sindikato o asset ng pulis

habang pinagtatakpan ang patuloy na

operasyon ng mga sindikato, sabi


Bukas sa kooperasyon sa administrasyong Duterte ang rebolusyonaryong grupo sa kampanya
kontra-droga, bastat walang paglabag sa karapatang pantao, at prayoridad ang malalaking
personahe sa PNP at Armed Forces of the Philippines na protektor ng mga sindikato.

Nanatiling nasa kustodiya ng NPA ang isang opisyal ng PNP sa Davao Oriental na umanoy
sangkot sa ilegal na droga.

kung dati PNP nangriraid, ngayon PNP station niraid dahil sa drugs at NPA pa
nangraid. what a twist!
11:17 PM - 2 Jun 2016


Kung mismong mga heneral ang involved, eh di malaki.
Mayroon nang mga pulis na nag-surrender at napatay sa mga operasyon kontra-droga. May
miyembro ng SWAT na nahuling gumagamit ng droga. Mayroon ding mga police officer na
itinuturo ng mga sumusuko.
Ayon sa CPPna matagal nang may kampanya laban sa malalaki at notoryus na drug
traffickersang halos araw-araw na mga raid ay indikasyon na

matagal nang alam ng pulisya at

LGU officials ang tungkol sa operasyon ng

mga sindikato.

Hindi lang PNP at AFP ang involved sa droga. Malalim umano ang ugat ng drug industry sa
PDEA, National Bureau of Investigation, at Department of Interior and Local Government.

Noong kampanya, sinabi ni Duterte na walang silbi o useless ang PDEA, at na sangkot sa
ilegal na droga ang isang mataas na opisyal na hindi niya pinangalanan.
Walang updated na ulat hinggil sa kasalukuyang pagkakasangkot ng mga awtoridad sa ilegal na
droga. Pero ayon sa Presidential Task Force on Intelligence and Counter-Intelligence noong
1998, nasa 2,423 miyembro ng AFP at PNP ang sangkot sa ibat ibang krimen kabilang ang
ilegal na droga.


Hindi lang. Sa kasaysayan, ginagamit ng mga kolonyalista at ruling class ang droga para
i-desensitize ang masa o gawin silang manhid sa matinding kahirapan. Winawasak din nito
ang kanilang pagkakaisa at pinahihina ang kanilang kapasyahang lumaban sa mga nang-aapi
sa kanila.
Sabi ng CPP:

Malinaw na sa mga lugar na may matinding

presensiyang militar, lumalaganap din ang

droga at iba pang gawaing anti-social.

Bago rin daw magsagawa ng operasyong militar, humihithit

muna ang maraming sundalo ng shabu, para magkaroon
ng false sense of courage sa giyerang isinasagawa nito
laban sa mga mamamayan. Wasak.

Kayat ang tagumpay ng giyera kontra droga ni Duterte ay

hindi umano madadaan sa maliitang mga raid. Kailangan
umano ng malupit-lupit na shakedown at reorganization sa
AFP at PNP, at malitis at maparusahan ang
pinakamalalaking drug trafficker at kanilang mga protektor sa


Siyempre hindi. Sa huli, kailangan matugunan ang mga
ugat ng malawakang kahirapan at social inequality sa
bansa, na dahilan ng paglaganap ng ilegal na droga.

Sa mayayamang 1% ng lipunan, ginagamit

nila ang droga para lalong magpakasasa at

maampat ang boredom sa buhay. Para

naman sa mayorya na walang trabaho o

underemployed, ang droga ay paraan para

makatakas sa kanilang miserableng mga

buhay, ayon kay CPP founding chairman

Jose Ma. Sison.

Isang problemang kinakaharap ngayon ng administrasyon ay

kung ano ang gagawin sa libu-libong mga adik at pusher na
sumuko: kailangan ng kagyat na plano para sa kanilang
rehabilitasyon, gayundin sa paglikha ng mga trabaho at
libangan na kapaki-pakinabang sa lipunan.

Ano ang plano ng administrasyong Duterte para sa libu-libong surrenderees?

Kuha sa Tagum City, mula sa FB ni Nene Katorse.


Nagawa raw ito sa Tsina sa loob ng tatlong taon,
pagkatapos manalo ng rebolusyon noong 1949. Minobilisa
ni Mao Tse-Tung ang mga mamamayan laban sa ilegal na
droga, sa pamamagitan ng malawakang edukasyon.
Sinusunog ng mga komunidad ang droga. Tinatrato ang mga
adik na biktima ng sistemakapag sumuko, pinupuri sila sa
halip na inaaresto, o kung inaaresto man ay isinasailalim sa
neighborhood watch o rehabilitasyon.

Samantala, ang malalaking drug traffickers ay nililitis sa harap

ng mga mamamayan, kung saan nag-testify ang mga nasira
ang buhay dahil sa droga. Ang parusa: habambuhay na
pagkakabilanggo o kamatayan (hindi marami ito: 5 hanggang
6 na drug trafficker lamang sa malalaking siyudad ang
nahahatulan ng kamatayan).
Sa halos 20 taon, umanoy halos nawala ng drug addiction ng
Tsinabumalik na lamang ang ilegal na droga sa bansa
noong 1976, sa pagtahak ng landas sa kapitalismo at
pagtakwil ng mga pinuno ng Tsina sa rebolusyong sosyalista.

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