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Oraul 404: Nu apare pe nici o hart, nu are nume i gzduiete doar o mie de oameni

n nord vestul Chinei, la 100 de kilometri de Jiayuaguan, poate fi gsit un ora fr nume.
Acesta poart doar un cod: 404. Codul vine de la 404 Co. Ltd. o companie ce este parte a
Corporaiei Naionale Nucleare a Chinei, informeaz ZUGO.
Oraul a fost construit n anul 1958 cu scopul de a dezvolta o bomb nuclear pe teritoriul
acestuia. Pentru nceput, acolo triau cei mai buni oameni de tiin care erau transferai pentru a
ndeplini scopul propus de autoritile chineze. n anul 1964, oraul a gzduit primul test nuclear
reuit: detonarea unei bombe n deertul Gobi.
Suprafaa acestuia este de doar 4 kilometri ptrai, ns acesta posed o reea subteran construit
pentru a putea fi folosit n cazul unui rzboi nuclear.
Dac la nceput n ora triau 100.000 de persoane, astzi, n localitate triesc 1.000 de locuitori.
Acetia au propria administraie municipal, departament de poliie, canal de televiziune i chiar
tribunal i nchisoare, potrivit
404 City: Doesnt appear on any map, has no name and it is home only for a thousand people
In northwest China, 100 kilometers from Jiayuaguan can be found a nameless city. It has only one
code: 404. Code comes from 404 Co. Ltd. - a company that is part of China National Nuclear Corporation,
informs ZUGO.
The city was built in 1958 with the aim of developing a nuclear bomb on its territory. At first, there
lived the best scientists who were transferred to fulfill the purpose of the Chinese authorities. In 1964, the
city hosted the first successful nuclear test: the detonation of a bomb in the Gobi Desert.
Its surface is only 4 square kilometers, but it has an underground network built to be used in case of
nuclear war.
If at the beginning lived of 100,000 people in the city, today live in the village of 1,000 inhabitants.
They have their own municipal administration, police department, television channel and even tribunal and
prison, according to
Key words:
A indeplini to fulfill
A gazdui to host
Detonare detonation
Retea subterana underground network

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