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What is rubric?

A rubric is a scoring grid or scale that features

A description of the primary traits expected of students and associated
grades or evaluation levels
Compare to the graded sale and determine where it fits on that scale. If well
elaborated, minimize the number of narrative comments to write. Provide a
rationale for the marks assigned.
Use rubrics to make assessment consistent across multiple markers

Caution: the same rubric may be interpreted differently by different people

Session in which course coordinator checks that everyone is using the rubric same
way and giving a similar grade for the same paper.

Rubrics: tools for assessing students work

Use rubric if:

Rewriting the same comments on several different students assignments

Marking load is high and writing out comments takes up a lot of time
Students repeatedly question you about the assignment requirements, even
after youve handed back the marked the assignment
You want to address the specific components of your marking scheme, for
student and instructor use both, prior to and following the assignment

Rubrics can be used for marking assignments, class participation, or overall grades
Two types of rubrics
Holistic rubrics groups several different assessment criteria and classify them
together under grade headings
Analytic rubric separate different assessment criteria and address them

The top axis includes value that can be expressed either numerically or by letter
The side axis use includes the assessment criteria
A holistic rubric usually is less specific than an analytic rubric and is often more
appropriate for lower stakes writing
Decide what criteria or essential elements must be present in the students work to
ensure that it is high in quality.
Decide how many levels of achievement you will include on the rubric
Leave space for additional comment
For each criterion or essential element of quality, develop a clear description of
performance at each achievement level
Design rubric as simple or complex
Low stake submission: a 3 level holistic scale
High stake assignment: complex analytic rubric, with 4 or 5 level of quality

Limitations of rubric
Low personalization
Augment with some personalized on your scoring
Factors in assessing group work
Student awareness: should be made aware of evaluation before starting the project

Evaluation method
Criteria (product and/or process)

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