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Bridge The Gap Into Your Dream Life

Masterclass with Bob Doyle


Bridge The Gap Into Your Dream Life

Masterclass with Bob Doyle


Message From Bob
Hi! Im Bob Doyle and Ill be your host for the upcoming masterclass where Ill show you how
bridge the abundance gap into your dream life.
It probably doesnt feel like a big deal to you right now but
...for registering for this masterclass. I want you to know that youve already set yourself
ahead of 90% of people who on average will not take action to realizing a happier, healthier,
more fulfilling life.
Ive provided this workbook so that you can follow along and get the most out of our time
together during the masterclass.

6 Steps To Masterclass Success

1. Print out this workbook before the masterclass begins, so as you listen you can
follow along, complete the exercises and make notes with a pen/pencil.
2. Review the outline of the workbook so that you are familiar and know what to listen
out for.
3. Set aside enough private time so you can fully invest yourself into the entire training
4. Make sure you are in a quiet place where you will not be distracted or interrupted.
5. Ensure that you are comfortable so you can remain fully focused and engaged
without distraction.
6. Eliminate any chance of missing the masterclass by taking out your mobile right now
and set a reminder on the day for 10:40am (PST) 20 minutes before it begins.

Bridge The Gap Into Your Dream Life

Masterclass with Bob Doyle


Have you ever felt like there was a bottomless pit between you and the life you really want?
Its that gut feeling that
paralyzes you from
taking action - almost
like you were staring
down the edge of a
cliff. But instead of
certain death, you fear
failure - especially if
youve tried in the past
and feel like youve
made a fool out of
yourself before.
Thats what The Gap is. Also called The Abundance Gap... this feeling that something is
missing from your life. That giant canyon filled with non-action, failure and regret that
blocks you from moving forward.
When you have been trying to move forward, without closing The Gap between your life
now and the life of your dreams, does it sometimes feel like youve hit a glass wall?
Its like no matter how hard you try to push forward and get ahead, youre stuck! After a
while, you start to accept the way it is as normal and slowly forget about the abundant,
awe-inspiring and fulfilling life thats on the other side.
Thats when most people get complacent, gain lots of weight, and completely give up on
their dreams, becoming another slob with a job that works their life away for someone else
without a sliver of true fulfillment (usually until the day they die).
So how do you close the gap between you and the life you want? Its simple. You build a
bridge. Instead of going at it alone, you create a structure in your life that gets you from
point a to point b painlessly, and with as little confusion as possible.
The stronger you build your bridge, the faster you can get across it, and the more
sustainable your new life will be as you begin to realize the true reason you were put on this
Earth. (Hint: Its to do much more than just survive.)

Bridge The Gap Into Your Dream Life

Masterclass with Bob Doyle


The Myth Of Positive Emotions:

This leads to lying to yourself

This results in repressing your emotions and denying the truth
This results in numbing your senses, intuition and your greater awareness causing
personal disconnection or a false self
This inevitably makes you attract what you dont want

The Actual Truth Of Positive Emotions:


They are signs from the Universe (and your own body and subconscious mind)
Accept it as it is - it is whatever you make of it - for example, what meaning can you
take from the experience that deepens you? Helps you expand? Allows you to grow
and evolve for the better of all?
Accept them, own them and use them for good and they go away

Emotional State Reframing

In order to accept each emotion,
event, experience and feeling with a
positive purpose, no matter how
painful, hurtful, traumatizing, stressful,
devastating or detrimental the
situation is, here is something to bear
in mind.
Ask yourself... Am I making meaning out of this feeling?
Does this mean you are serving your highest good; what you most desire when you create a
negative story around your feelings? Ask yourself does making this certain meaning out of
your feelings slow you down, harm you, or just simply get in your way?
To complete this section, the next time you have a feeling that you are attaching a negative
or unsupportive meaning, just open up your senses and slow down your thoughts. Instead
what you'll want to do is tune in to your body and begin to feel your feelings, without words,
thoughts or any real judgement at all. The more you practice being true to your feelings as

Bridge The Gap Into Your Dream Life

Masterclass with Bob Doyle

they "really are" the more wise and powerful you'll be when reframing your personal
"meanings" out of life and thus your overall attitude and attraction towards greater life


Your emotions send out a signal,
and this energy is what
communicates with the universe,
changing and shaping the world
around you.
If you can keep this simple fact in
mind, youll create a massive shift
in your thinking.
Its actually more scientifically
accurate to think of the Law of Attraction as the Law of Resonance or Vibration.
How Does Resonance Work?
Think back to a time of listening to your favorite song and FEELING that music. When you
are in vibrational resonance with something, you feel sensationally lit up, like you do when
you feel music. When you are in tune vibrationally, you expand toward what you want and
life is resonating back to you.
IMPORTANT: See why you must own
and release your emotions?
Otherwise youre playing the WRONG
SONG to the Universe and all you will
get is static and dischord!

Bridge The Gap Into Your Dream Life

Masterclass with Bob Doyle



Step 1: Start With A Blank Slate

When something traumatic happens, the natural human instinct is to find out why it
happened and what it means. Meaning is everything to humans and if we cant find a
meaning - we simply make one. And when there are negative experiences they tend to stick
around because they were never fully processed. This step will show you how to let go and
release old emotions that are holding you back from moving forward.
Step 2: Align Your Why
Action is absolutely important when it comes to bridging the gap but we break it down even
further by focusing on your why. You need your action to come through inspiration. With
your slate clean you are able to get clear on what drives you and you can recreate your
perfect and ideal life based around your passion.
Step 3: Unlock Your Greatest Dreams
This is your unique and special talent that is unique to y ou! That one thing that you do better
than everyone else in the world. Youll find out what youre awesome at so you can realize
who you need to become on a daily basis - and take immediate action towards becoming
that person today.

Bridge The Gap Into Your Dream Life

Masterclass with Bob Doyle

The first step to building
The Bridge is having a
blank emotional slate.
Most of the time, old
emotional traumas are
holding us back the most.
Its important to release
these old patterns and
frequencies silently
controlling your life.

So lets walk through a few ways to identify whats been holding you back so we can clean it
from your system and move forward.

Bridge The Gap Into Your Dream Life

Masterclass with Bob Doyle

Audit Your Ego

Ever wonder why you get in your own way?
Your Ego has a reason for doing things that harm your success. Theyre called secondary
benefits and they are little rewards you are getting for bad behavior. Its time to Audit your
Ego so you can be fully aware of the hidden reasons you block yourself so you can stop
doing it and move forward.

Ask yourself...
What do I gain from playing a small game?
Until you know what you get from it, youll never know how to change it.
Theres a payoff you get to playing small for example, but sometimes at a deadly cost.
Maybe it served you at one time to play small.
Meaning, until you identify the benefit out of doing said wrong action, you will keep doing
those actions subconsciously, in order to get that said benefit. Your habitual actions only
change when you calibrate your new intention to an action that serves who you are today.








Bridge The Gap Into Your Dream Life

Masterclass with Bob Doyle

Exposing The Gap In Your Life

Your Gap (or Abundance Gap) is usually filled with old beliefs based on real life failures
and traumas youve suffered in your past.
We have to define what The Gap is.
Is this a money gap?
Is this a relationship gap?
Is this a career/business gap?
Is this a confidence gap?
Lets take 60 seconds now to write down all the things filling up your own personal gap right

(Cut along the dotted line and keep this next to you for the rest of the masterclass)

Exposing The Gap In Your Life
Write down all the things filling up your own personal gap right now.






Bridge The Gap Into Your Dream Life

Masterclass with Bob Doyle

How To Let Go
And Release Your Feelings
Why Release? Because old feelings hold you back and keep you stuck in life. Feelings are
like energetic frequencies that are connected to your perceptions and entire well being.
What most people do: Ignore and numb their feelings. Repressing them doesnt mean they
go away, so they slowly eat at you.
What you should do: Release negative feelings in the moment as they arise so they never
bog you down or hold you back. Practice opening your body to the full spectrum sensations
in your body as you are breathing into your low belly front and rear base of your spine.
Practice opening the same in happiness as you do sadness. Sounds crazy, but once all
the old emotions are cleared out youll find yourself being more grounded and stable with
your feelings. Almost like you can spontaneously release without any build up, and move on
right in the moment, with greater understanding and perspective. A very good thing when it
comes to personal power and successful manifesting, etc.

Top Three Releasing Techniques

Releasing Method 1:

This is also known as:


Releasing Method 2:

Releasing Method 3:



Bridge The Gap Into Your Dream Life

Masterclass with Bob Doyle

Its so important that you get
clear on what drives you,
what burns your fire, what
really revs your engine in life.
This is designed to help you
recreate your vision based
around your passions.
This is a very simple
process, however it might
not prove to be so easy, and
theres a good chance you
may struggle with getting to
the big ah ha moment that the exercise is all about, and thats because of how youve been
But dont worry! Just work through the exercise and it will all become apparent to you.
Action is absolutely important when it comes to bridging the gap and you need to drill down
to what your big passions and inspirations are. This process will take some time to complete
and I recommend you begin this after the masterclass has finished.

Bridge The Gap Into Your Dream Life

Masterclass with Bob Doyle

The _______________ _______________ Blueprint

Ask yourself...
Why Must I Do This?
(Tip: Get clear on what not living your vision will cost).
The vision you think you have is not necessarily the vision that will satisfy you.
Before we find your true vision, consider the question:
What does your old vision look like?
What has changed since last time you thought about it?

What would your perfect day look like, from the moment you woke up to the moment you fell
asleep? Be VIVID! Fill in details, such as

Where are you?

Who are you with?

What do you do when you first wake up?

How do you spend your day?

Who do you come into contact with?

What do you eat?

Do you travel?

How do you have fun?

What do you do in the afternoon?

Where do you go at night?

What does your bedroom look like?

Whats the last thing you do before sleep?

Bridge The Gap Into Your Dream Life

Masterclass with Bob Doyle

Your Truly Perfect Day















Bridge The Gap Into Your Dream Life

Masterclass with Bob Doyle

Finding Your Success Twin

Question: What is a Success Twin?
Answer: A Success Twin is a person
who you resonate with for whatever
reason. It doesnt even need to be
someone in the same line of work, or
someone who has what you want.
Just something about who that person
is that speaks to you.
Hint: What you admire about that person is something you also have inside of you!
Example: Story of Fred the singer. He sung his heart out with so much passion that I
decided that I wanted to live my life with t hat type of spirit, so I started to adopt the
necessary traits.

Who is your success twin?

1: List the top 3 people that inspire you




2. What is it about those people that inspires you?




Bridge The Gap Into Your Dream Life

Masterclass with Bob Doyle

So many times, we lock our
dreams away where we can
no longer see them. Why?
Because we cant face the
pain of them not coming true.
Now its time to unlock your
dreams and bring them to

NOTE: The Unlimited

Value Generator will NOT
be in the masterclass.

The Unlimited Value Generator

List everything you can do below, no matter how big or small.
What are you good at? ______________________________________________________

What are your skills and talents?_______________________________________________

What do you enjoy? _________________________________________________________

What do other people acknowledge about you? ___________________________________


Bridge The Gap Into Your Dream Life

Masterclass with Bob Doyle

Abundant Self Makeover

If you want abundance in your life, you must become an abundant person first.
Who is the Future You?
The Future You is the person you have to be in order to make your vision work.
Look at who you must become in terms of your fears, your behaviors, and the thought
processes you have now.
Then ask yourself - is THIS going to help me become who I need to be?
List all the traits your Future You must have to make your vision a reality:

What do you do every day?

What habits do you have?
What things do you do differently?
Write everything down...








Bridge The Gap Into Your Dream Life

Masterclass with Bob Doyle


Did you know that, on average, you can instantly take action on about 30% of the things your
Future You needs to do?
Review the previous list, then write down at least 3 things you can do RIGHT NOW:
(Hint: If exercise is one of them, you can go walk around the block and be successful r ight








Bridge The Gap Into Your Dream Life

Masterclass with Bob Doyle

Your intuition is the key to unlocking your dreams. Its the quiet voice of your higher self who
whispers the best advice of your life to serve your greatest and highest good.

Your intuition is your communication from the ___________________ and is ALWAYS

responding to your ___________________.

This should stretch you out of your comfort zone and could turn out to be your secret
Know that if you have a thought, its there for a reason. If you feel an intuitive nudge to take
an action, and youve been clear on your vision and visiting it regularly, then you can feel
confident in TAKING that action and seeing what unfolds.

How Does The Universe Talk To You?

The Universe communicates with your intuition through patterns. Our intuitions pick up on
different patterns that surround us, and different people pick up on different things.
When you boil down to what your most frequent pattern has been, you can start to focus in
more and receive even stronger insights on what to do and where to go.
Check off all the things youve noticed repeating lately:


Remember: Your intuition is your

KEY to unlocking your dreams, and
the stronger you make it, the faster
youll see results.

Bridge The Gap Into Your Dream Life

Masterclass with Bob Doyle


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