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Sensory Systems

Chapter 6; 15-18.10.2010

Sensory Receptors
Range from single cells to complex sense organs
Types of receptors
Chemoreceptors, mechanoreceptors, photoreceptors,
electroreceptors, magnetoreceptors, thermoreceptors

All receptors transduce incoming stimuli into

changes in membrane potential
Receptor protein detects stimulus
Opening or closing of ion channel
Change in membrane potential
Signal sent to integrating center (central nervous
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Sensory Receptors

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Figure 6.1

Graded Potentials
Generator potential
Sensory receptor is also the primary afferent neuron
Change in membrane potential spreads along

Receptor potential
Sensory receptor is separate from the afferent
Change in membrane potential triggers release of

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Graded Potentials

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Figure 6.2

Classification of Sensory Receptors

Based on stimulus location
Detect distant stimuli
For example, vision and hearing

Detect stimuli on the outside of the body
For example, pressure and temperature

Detect stimuli inside the body
For example, blood pressure and blood oxygen

Tells little or nothing about how receptors work

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Classification of Sensory Receptors

Based on type of stimulus (stimulus modality) the
receptors detect
For example, smell and taste

Pressure and movement
For example, touch, hearing, balance, blood pressure

For example, vision
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Classification of Sensory Receptors

Electrical fields

Magnetic fields


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Sensitivity to Multiple Modalities

Adequate stimulus
Preferred (most sensitive) stimulus modality

Many receptors can be excited by other stimuli, if

sufficiently strong
For example, pressure on eyelid perceive light

Polymodal receptors
Sensitive to more than one stimulus modality
For example, nociceptors; polymodal receptors for
multiple types of pain

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Stimulus Encoding
All stimuli are ultimately converted into action
potentials in a primary afferent neuron
How can organisms differentiate among stimuli or
detect the strength of the signal?
Sensory receptors and sensory neurons must
encode four types of information
Stimulus modality
Stimulus location
Stimulus intensity
Stimulus duration

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Stimulus Modality and Location

Receptor location encodes stimulus modality and
Integrating center interprets modality and location
Theory of labeled lines
Discrete pathway from sensory cell to integrating center

Polymodal receptors are exceptions

Encode modality via temporal patterns of APs

Theory of labeled lines

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Receptive Field and Location of Stimulus

Receptive field
Region of the sensory surface that causes a response
when stimulated
Smaller receptive field allows more precise location of
the stimulus (i.e., greater acuity)

Improved ability to localize stimuli by

Using more than one sensory receptor cell
Lateral inhibition
Signals from neurons at the center of the receptive
field inhibit neurons on the periphery

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Receptive Field and Location of Stimulus

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Figure 6.3

Dynamic Range
Sensory neurons code stimulus intensity by
changes in action potential frequency
For example, strong stimuli high frequency

Dynamic range
Range of stimulus intensities over which a receptor
exhibits an increased response
Threshold of detection
Weakest stimulus that produces a response in a receptor
50% of the time

Top of the dynamic range (maximal response)
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Dynamic Range

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Figure 6.4a

Dynamic Range and Discrimination

Trade-off between dynamic range and
Large dynamic range
Large change in stimulus causes a small change in AP
Large dynamic range
Poor sensory discrimination

Narrow dynamic range

Small change in stimulus causes a large change in AP
Small dynamic range
Good sensory discrimination
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Dynamic Range and Discrimination

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Figure 6.4b

Range Fractionation
Range fractionation
Groups of receptors work together to increase
dynamic range without decreasing sensory

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Figure 6.4c

Encoding Logarithmically
Encode a wide range of stimulus intensities using a
single receptor cell
Good discrimination at certain intensities
Poor discrimination at other intensities

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Figure 6.4d

Tonic and Phasic Receptors

Two classes of receptors encode stimulus duration:
Produce APs at the beginning or end of the stimulus
Encode change in stimulus, but not stimulus duration

Produce APs as long as the stimulus continues
Encode duration of stimulus
Receptor adaptation AP frequency decreases if
stimulus intensity is maintained at the same level

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Tonic and Phasic Receptors

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Figure 6.5

Most cells can sense chemical stimuli
Animals have many types of chemoreceptors
Olfaction (smell)
Detection of chemicals in air

Gustation (taste)
Detection of chemicals emitted from food

Olfaction and gustation are distinguished by structural

Performed by different sense organs
Different signal transduction mechanisms
Processed in different integrating centers

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The Olfactory System

Evolved independently in vertebrates and insects
Vertebrate olfactory system

Can distinguish thousands of odorants

Located in the roof of the nasal cavity
Mucus layer to moisten olfactory epithelium
Odorant binding proteins
Allow lipophilic odorants to dissolve in mucus

Receptor cells are bipolar neurons with cilia

Odorant receptor proteins are located in the cilia
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The Olfactory System

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Figure 6.6

Odorant Receptors
Each olfactory neuron expresses only one odorant
receptor protein
There are 1000s of different receptor proteins

Each receptor can recognize more than one odorant

Each odorant can stimulate more than one receptor
Odorant receptor is linked to G-protein
Odorant binding causes formation of cAMP
Opening of ion channels

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Odorant Receptors

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Figure 6.7

Vomeronasal organ
Detects pheromones
Chemical signals between animals

Structurally and molecularly distinct from the

olfactory epithelium
Located in base of nasal cavity in mammals
Located in palate in reptiles
Receptor is linked to G-protein
Activates phospholipase C transduction system
Opening of ion channels

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Figure 6.8

Invertebrate Olfactory Systems

Located in many parts of the body
Most near the head

Primarily on antennae in Arthropods

Hair-like projections of cuticle
Sensilla contain odorant receptor neurons
Odorant receptor is linked to G-protein
Odorant binding causes formation of cAMP
Opening of ion channels

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Invertebrate Olfactory Systems

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Figure 6.9

The Gustatory System

Five classes of tastants
Umami (savory or meaty)

Sweet, umami, and salty indicate carbohydrates,

proteins, and ions
Bitter and sour indicate potentially toxic substances

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Taste Buds in Vertebrates

Taste receptors are epithelial cells that release
vertebrate taste receptors are not neurons

Each taste receptor expresses more than one kind of

taste receptor protein
Taste receptor cells clustered in groups
On tongue, soft palate, larynx, and esophagus
On external surface of the body in some fish

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Vertebrate Taste Bud

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Figure 6.10

Taste Receptor Transduction Pathways

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Figure 6.11a,b

Taste Receptor Transduction Pathways

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Figure 6.1c,d

Taste in Invertebrates
Located on sensilla
Inside and outside the mouth
Along the wing margin
Ends of the legs

Bipolar sensory neurons
G-protein coupled
Express only a single receptor protein

Differences between vertebrates and invertebrates

suggest independent evolution
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Transform mechanical stimuli into electrical signals
All organisms (and most cells) sense and respond
to mechanical stimuli
Two main types of mechanoreceptor proteins:
Epithelial sodium channels

TRP channels
Transient receptor potential channels

Channels are linked to extracellular matrix

Mechanical stimuli alter channel permeability

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Mechanosensory Protein Receptors

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Figure 6.12

Touch and Pressure

Three classes of receptors
Interoceptors detect pressure changes

Tactile receptors
Exteroceptors detect touch, pressure, and vibration

Monitor the position of the body

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Vertebrate Tactile Receptors

Widely dispersed in skin
Receptor structure
Free nerves endings
Nerve endings enclosed in accessory structures
(e.g., Pacinian corpuscle)

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Vertebrate Tactile Receptors

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Figure 6.13

Vertebrate Proprioceptors
Monitor the position of the body
Three major groups
Muscle spindles
Located in skeletal muscles
Monitor muscle length

Golgi tendon organs

Located in tendons
Monitor tendon tension

Joint capsule receptors

Located in capsules that enclose joints
Monitor pressure, tension, and movement
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Insect Tactile Receptors

Two common types of sensilla
Hairlike projection of cuticle
Bipolar sensory neuron
TRP channel

Dome-shaped bulge of cuticle
Bipolar sensory neuron

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Insect Tactile Receptors

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Figure 6.14

Insect Proprioceptors
Bipolar neuron and complex accessory cell
Can be isolated or grouped into chordotonal organs
Most function in proprioception
Can be modified into tympanal organs for sound

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Figure 6.15

Equilibrium and Hearing

Utilize mechanoreceptors
Equilibrium (balance)
Detect position of the body relative to gravity

Detect and interpret sound waves

Ear is responsible for equilibrium and hearing

Organs for equilibrium are different from organs of
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Organ of equilibrium in invertebrates
Hollow, fluid filled cavities lined with
mechanosensory neurons
Statocysts contain statoliths
Dense particles of calcium carbonate
Movement of statoliths stimulate mechanoreceptors

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Figure 6.16a.b

Insect Hearing
Strong vibrations sensed by trichoid sensilla
Weak vibrations and sounds are detected by
chordotonal organs
Clusters of scolopidia
Located on leg
Mechanosensitive ion channels

Tympanal organs
Thin layer of cuticle (tympanum) overlays
chordotonal organ

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Vertebrate Hair cells

Mechanoreceptor for hearing and balance
Modified epithelial cells (not neurons)
Cilia on apical surface
Kinocilium (a true cilium)
Stereocilia (microvilli)
Tips of stereocilia are connected by proteins (tip

Mechanosensitive ion channels in stereocilia

Movement of stereocilia change in permeability

Change in membrane potential

Change in release of neurotransmitter from hair cell
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Hair cells

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Figure 6.17

Signal Transduction in Hair Cells

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Figure 6.18

Fish and Amphibian Hair Cells

Hair cells detect body position and movement
Hair cells and cupula
Stereocilia embedded in gelatinous cap

Detect movement of water

Lateral line system

Array of neuromasts within pits or tubes running
along the side of the body

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Fish Neuromast

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Figure 6.19

Vertebrate Ears
Function in both equilibrium and hearing
Outer ear
Not in all vertebrates
Auditory canal

Middle ear
Not in all vertebrates
Interconnected bones in air-filled cavity

Inner ear
Present in all vertebrates
Series of fluid-filled membranous sacs and canals
Contains mechanoreceptors (hair cells)
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Mammalian Ear

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Figure 6.20

Inner Ear: Vestibular Apparatus and Cochlea

Vestibular apparatus detects movements
Three semi-circular canals with enlarged region at one
end (ampulla)
Two sacklike swellings (utricle and saccule)

Extension of saccule
Extended in birds and mammals into a cochlear duct
or cochlea for hearing

Hair cells present in vestibular apparatus and

lagena (cochlea)

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Vertebrate Inner Ears

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Figure 6.21

Vestibular Apparatus
Mechanoreceptors of the inner ear
Present in utricle and saccule
Mineralized otoliths suspended in a gelatinous matrix
Stereocilia of hair cells embedded in matrix
>100,000 hair cells
Detect linear acceleration and tilting of head

Present in ampullae of semicircular canals
Gelatinous matrix (cupula) lacks otoliths
Stereocilia of hair cells embedded in matrix
Detect angular acceleration (turning) of head
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Vestibular Apparatus

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Figure 6.22a.b

Maculae Detect Linear Acceleration

and Tilting

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Figure 6.23

Cristae Detect Angular Acceleration

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Figure 6.24

Sound Detection by Inner Ear

Sound waves cause otoliths to move
Displacement of cilia on hair cells
Some fish use the swim bladder to amplify sounds

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Figure 6.25

Sound Detection by Inner Ear

Terrestrial Vertebrates
Hearing involves the inner, middle, and outer ear

Sound transfers poorly between air and the fluidfilled inner ear
Amplification of sound waves
Pinna acts as a funnel to collect more sound
Middle ear bones increase the amplitude of vibrations
from the tympanic membrane to the oval window

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Mammalian Middle and Inner Ear

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Figure 6.26a

Mammalian Inner Ear

Specialized for sound detection
Fills vestibular and tympanic ducts
Similar to extracellular fluids (high Na+ and low K+)

Fills cochlear duct
Different from extracellular fluid (high K+ and low

Organ of Corti
Hair cells on basilar membrane
Inner and outer rows of hair cells

Stereocilia embedded in tectorial membrane in

cochlear duct (filled with endolymph)
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Mammalian Inner Ear

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Figure 6.26a,b

Sound Transduction
Sound waves vibrate tympanic membrane
Middle ear bones transmit vibration to oval window
Oval window vibrates

Pressure waves in perilymph of vestibular duct

Basilar membrane vibrates
Stereocilia on the inner hair cells bend
Hair cells depolarize
Hair cells release neurotransmitter (glutamate)
Glutamate excites sensory neuron

Round window serves as a pressure valve

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Encoding Sound Frequency

Frequency Detection
Basilar membrane is stiff and narrow at the proximal
end and flexible and wide at distal end
High frequency sound vibrates stiff end
Low frequency sound vibrates flexible end

Specific regions of brain respond to specific

Place coding

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Encoding Sound Amplitude

and Amplification
Amplitude Detection
Loud sounds cause larger movement of basilar
membrane than quiet sounds
depolarization of inner hair cells
AP frequency

Outer hair cells amplify quiet sounds

Change shape in response to sound

Do not release neurotransmitter

Change in shape increases movement of basilar
Increased stimulus to inner hair cells
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Detecting Sound Location

Brain uses time lags and differences in sound
intensity to detect location of sound
Sound in right ear first
Sound located to the right

Sound louder in right ear

Sound located to the right

Rotation of head helps localize sound

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Ability to detect visible light
A small proportion of the electromagnetic spectrum
from ultraviolet to near infrared
Ability to detect this range of wavelengths supports
idea that animals evolved in water
Visible light travels well in water; other wavelengths do

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Electromagnetic Spectrum

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Figure 6.27a,b

Range from single light-sensitive cells to complex,
image-forming eyes
Two major types of photoreceptor cells:
Ciliary photoreceptors
Have a single, highly folded cilium
Folds form disks that contain photopigments

Rhabdomeric photoreceptors
Apical surface covered with multiple outfoldings called
microvillar projections
Microvillar projections contain photopigments

Molecules that absorb energy from photons
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Phylogeny of Photoreceptors

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Figure 6.28

Vertebrate Photoreceptors
Vertebrates have ciliary photoreceptors

Both have inner and outer segments

Inner and outer segments connected by a cilium
Outer segment contains photopigments
Inner segment forms synapses with other cells

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Vertebrate Photoreceptors

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Figure 6.29

Characteristics of Rods and Cones

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Table 6.1

Diversity in Rod and Cone Shape

Diverse shapes of rods
and cones among
Shape does not
determine properties
of photoreceptor
Properties of
photoreceptor depend
on its photopigment

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Figure 6.30

Photopigments have two covalently bonded parts
Derivative of vitamin A
For example, retinal
Contains carbon-carbon double bonds
Absorption of light converts bond from cis to trans

G-protein-coupled receptor protein
Opsin structure determines photopigment characteristics
For example, wavelength of light absorbed

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Isomerization of Retinal

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Figure 6.31

Steps in photoreception
Chromophore absorbs energy from photon
Chromophore changes shape
Double bond isomerizes from cis to trans

Activated chromophore dissociates from opsin


Opsin activates G-protein

Formation of second messenger
Ion channels open or close
Change in membrane potential

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Figure 6.32

The Eye
Cells or regions of a cell that contain photosensitive
For example, protist Euglena

Eyes are complex organs

Detect direction of light
Light-dark contrast
Some can form an image

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Types of Eyes
Flat sheet eyes
Some sense of light direction and intensity
Often in larval forms or as accessory eyes in adults

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Figure 6.33a

Types of Eyes
Cup-shaped eyes (e.g., Nautilus)
Retinal sheet is folded to form a narrow aperture
Discrimination of light direction and intensity
Light-dark contrast
Image formation
Poor resolution

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Figure 6.33b

Types of Eyes
Vesicular Eyes (present in most vertebrates)
Lens in the aperture improves clarity and intensity
Lens refracts light and focuses it onto a single point on
the retina
Image formation
Good resolution

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Figure 6.33c

Types of Eyes
Convex Eye (annelids, molluscs, arthropods)
Photoreceptors radiate outward
Convex retina

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Figure 6.33d

Compound Eyes of Arthropods

Composed of ommatidia (photoreceptor)
Each ommatidium has its own lens

Images formed in two ways

Apposition compound eyes
Ommatidia operate independently
Each one detects only part of the image
Afferent neurons interconnect to form an image

Superposition compound eyes

Ommatidia work together to form image

Resolving power is increased by reducing size and

increasing the number of ommatidia
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Compound Eyes

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Figure 6.34

Structure of The Vertebrate Eye

White of the eye

Transparent layer on anterior

Layer of photoreceptor cells

Pigmented layer behind retina

Layer in the choroid of nocturnal animals that reflects
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Structure of the Vertebrate Eye

Two layers of pigmented smooth muscle

Opening in iris allows light into eye

Focuses image on retina

Ciliary body
Muscles that change lens shape

Aqueous humor
Fluid in the anterior chamber

Vitreous humor
Gelatinous mass in the posterior chamber
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Structure of The Vertebrate Eye

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Figure 6.35

Image Formation
Refraction bending of light rays
Cornea and lens focus light on the retina
In terrestrial vertebrates, most of the refraction occurs
between air and cornea
Lens does fine focusing

Lens changes shape to focus on near or far objects


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Image Accommodation
Light rays must converge on the retina to produce a
clear image

Focal point
Point at which light waves converge

Focal distance
Distance from a lens to its focal point

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Image Accommodation
Distant objects
Light rays are parallel when entering the lens
Ciliary muscles contract
Lens is pulled and becomes thinner
Little refraction of light by lens

Close objects
Light rays are not parallel when entering the lens
Ciliary muscles relax
Lens becomes thicker
More refraction of light by lens

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Image Accommodation

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Figure 6.36

The Vertebrate Retina

Arranged into several layers
Rods and cones are are in the retina and their outer
segments face backwards
Other cells are in front of rods and cones
Bipolar cells, ganglion cells, horizontal cells, amacrine

Axons of ganglion cells join together to form the optic

Optic nerve exits the retina at the optic disk (blind

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Vertebrate Retina

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Figure 6.37a

The Fovea
Region in center of retina
Overlying bipolar and ganglion cells are pushed to the
Contains only cones
Color vision

Provides the sharpest images

Image is focused on the fovea

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Cephalopod Eye and Retina

Photoreceptors are on the surface of the retina
Project forward

Supporting cells are located between photoreceptor

No other layers of cells associated with photoreceptors

Axons of photoreceptors form optic nerve

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Cephalopod Eye and Retina

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Figure 6.37b

Signal Processing in the Retina

Rods and cones form different images
Many rods synapse with a single bipolar cell
Many bipolar cells synapse with a single ganglion cell

Ganglion cells has large receptive field

Poor resolution (fuzzy image)

Each cone synapses with a single bipolar cell
Each bipolar cells connects to a single ganglion cell
Ganglion cell has small receptive field
High resolution

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Convergence in the Vertebrate Retina

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Figure 6.38a,b

Signal Processing in the Retina

Complex on and off
regions of the receptive
fields of ganglion cells
improve their ability to
detect contrasts between
light and dark

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Figure 6.39

Signal Processing in the Retina

On and off regions of the receptive field of
ganglion cells improve contrast of light and dark
Center-surround organization of receptive field
On-center ganglion cells
Stimulated by light in center of receptive field
Inhibited by light in periphery of receptive field

Off-center ganglion cells

Stimulated by dark in center of receptive field
Inhibited by dark in periphery of receptive field

Photoreceptors in center and periphery inhibit each

other by lateral inhibition
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Lateral Inhibition in the Retina

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Figure 6.40

The Brain Processes the Visual Signal

Action potentials from retina travel to brain
Optic nerves optic chiasm optic tract lateral
geniculate nucleus visual cortex

Binocular vision
Eyes have overlapping visual fields
Binocular zone

Combine and compare information from each eye to

form a three-dimensional image
Depth perception

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The Brain Processes the Visual Signal

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Figure 6.41

Color Vision
Detecting different wavelengths of visible light
Requires photopigments with different light
Most mammals: see two (dichromatic) colors
Humans: see three (trichromatic) colors
Birds, reptiles and fish: see three, four
(tetrachromatic), or five (pentachromatic) colors

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Color Vision
Retina and brain compare output from each type of
receptor and infer the color

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Figure 6.42

Central thermoreceptors
Located in the hypothalamus and monitor internal

Peripheral thermoreceptors
Monitor environmental temperature
Thermal nociceptors detect painfully hot stimuli

Thermoreceptor proteins
TRP ion channel
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Specialized Thermoreception
Specialized organs for detecting heat radiating
objects at a distance
Pit organs
Pit found between the eye and the nostril of pit vipers
Can detect 0.003C changes (humans can detect only
0.5C changes)

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Figure 6.43

Ability to detect magnetic fields
For example, migratory birds, homing salmon
Neurons in the olfactory epithelium of rainbow trout
contain particles that resemble magnetite
Responds to magnetic field

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