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Hello Good People !

The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative As:.cnrbly received the assent
of the Governor on the 28th October 1997 and is hereby published for genela1
information :-



BE it enacted

by the Legislative Assembly of the State o ' Tamil Nadu in the

Forty-eighth Year of the Republic of India as follows --


1. (1) This Act may bt dailed the Chennai City Pt~lice(Elxtenslon to the Cities
hort title and
ommencement. of Salem, Tiruchirappalli and Tirunelveli) Act, 1997.

(2) It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 1st day oi Junt: iW7.
2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires, -


(1) "City of Salem" means the City of Salem as dened in cla%ise(crcl) of

section 2 of the Salem Cit:, NIunicipal Corporation Act, 1994;

Tamil Nadu
4ct 29 of 1593

(2) "City of Tiruchirappalli" means the City of 'riruchiiappalli as deflrled

in clause (aa) of section 2 of thc Tiruchlrappalli City Municipal Corp~~raticr:
Act, Tamil Bad11
(3) "City of Tirunelveli" means the c i t y of l i r u r e l ~ e l ias deCrec1 Ir: cl; I , ~ C
(aa) of section 2 of the Tirunelveli City Municipal Corporalion Act, 1954,
(4) ''City Police Act"

(5) "Government"

means the Chennai City Police Act, 1888

means the State Government;

(6) "Law in force" inclrldes any enactment, Ordinance, reg1 ', ion, order,
by-law, rule, scheme or notification in force in the whole or in any 1 nrt of the
State of Tamil Nadu or any instrument having the force of law in the whole or
in any part of the State of Tamil Nadu.
3. (1) With effect on and from the 1st day of June 1997, the City Police ~ c t
as in force immediately before the 1st day of June 1997 shall stand extecded to and
amil Nadu
ct 111of 1888. shall be in force, in the City of Salem, City of Tiruchirappalli and in the City ot
f irunelveli .


(2) In the City Police Act as extended to the City o r Salem, City of Tirucllirapa n c i t o the City of Tirunelveli,-

(4 any refeit~,.e to the City of Chennai (other than the refere~lce l n

section 3, ;hall by reasan of this ,4ct be construed as a reference to tile City of
Salem or City of Tiruchirappalli or City of Tirunelveli, as the case may be ;
(b) any reference to Presidency Magistrate shall, by reason of fFi Acl be
construed as a reference to Judi-ial Magistrate;
(c) any reference to thc Commiss;oner of Police for Chennai ;hall, by
reason of this Act, be construed as a reference to the Commissioner of Police tor
Salem or the Commissioner of Police for Tiruchirappalli or the Commissioner
Police for Tirunelveli, as the case q a y L g ;
t' "-.. z . :

I! 19 74.

4. (1) Without prejudice to the provisions contained in section 7 ot the City Power of'
Police Act, the Government may, by notification, and subjeat to such conditions Goverllrnent
and limitation as may be specified therein, empower,to author&
( a ) tlie Colnmissioner of Police for Salem or the Coinmissioner of Police of Police and
for Tiruchir~~ppalli
or the C~nirn~ssioner
of Puilcc for Tiruncl~clito exercise alid certain 0tl;ler
pertor111 in relation to the City of Salem or the City of Tiruchirappalli or the City Police Caters
of Tirunelveli, as the case may be, the powers anti dlmltes of an Executive Magistrate in the Cities of
and of a District Magistrace ultde: such of the provisions of the Code of Criminal Salem, Tiruchi.
Procedu e, 1973 (ksreafter in h i s section referred to a? the said Code) or of any rappalli and
oiiier Isw In force relating to a~rrtterswith respect to wnich the Stare Legislatture Tirunelveli to
1i:ls jvwe- to make laws for the St:rte, as may be spocifiecl in the notificari~~n
. exercise powers
of District
(6) any officer subordinate to thc Commissioner o i Police in the Clly vi Magistlate and
Salem or in the City of Tiruclli -il.ppalli or in the City of Tirunelvela,as the case m:fy Executive
be (not beug an oKcer belcw tbe rank of an Assista~sr Commiss~dner of Police) Magistrate
to exsrcise ai,d perform in relatit~nto the City of Salem or the City of Tiruchirarpaili under the Code
or the City of Tiruilelveli, ac tile case may be, a 5 na) be speciiiec: in the notifica- of Criminal
tit-n, tho po\vers and duties of an Executive Magistrate under suck of the provisions Procedure,l973.
of the said Code or of any othx law in force relating to matters with respect to
which the State Legislature has p3wer to make laws for the State, as may be specified
in the notification.
(2) Every Officer sub3rdl11.1tcto the Commissioner of Police 111 the City of
Sale111or in tbc City of Tircci.~ir'~ppalli
or in the City of Tirunelveli, as the case may
be, shall, in thc exercise and porformance of any powers and duties, which he is
empowered to exercise or perfonil under sub-section (I), be subject to the
co t 01 of the respective Commissiorrer of Police in the same manner and to the same
extent as an Executive Magistra e appointed under section 20 of the said Code
tvould bc ~~ibjcct
to the general c-ontrol of the District Magistrate appointed under
that section.
(3) The Cornniissioner of Police in !the City ef Salem or in the
City of
Tiruchirappalli or in the City of Tirunelveli, as the case may be, or any officer
subc$rdinate to such Commis~~oner,
shall not be subject, in the exercise
performance of any powers and duties which he is empowered to exercise and
perfor!n ullder sub-scctton ( I ) , to the gcncral control of the District Magistrate
appointed under section 20 of the said Code.

5. ( I r The Police force f~!nitioninin the City o f calem, City of Tiruchirapp ~ l l and
in tiic City of Tirunel1,:li, iinmediately before the 1st day of June ,1997
(hereaft(,r in 111iz section r e f rrec to as the existing police force) shall on the 1st day
ot June 1997, be deemed to be the police force constituted for the City of Salem or
tl;c City of 'risuchirappalli or tllc City of Tirunclvcli, a s the case 1172cy be, under
the City i'ulkcc: Act i:s cxtcndcd : nJ ckcry mernbcr of thccxisting policc fcrce holding
the orfice rneniioned in column ( I ) of the Schedulc immediately before the 1st day
01 J~inc1037 sitail be deemed tc bc appointed, on the 1st day cf J u ~ e1997, to the
oflice menticited in the correspc cding entry in column (2) of' that Schedule.

(2) All proceedings (tncluding procecdirgs by way c j f invebtip;:1icns) pending

before any police officer of thc existing police fc rce in!mc(liately before the 1st day
of June 1997 shall on the 1st daj of June 1997 be deemed to be proceedings pending
before him in his capacity as thc holder OF the ofiice to which he is deemed to bc
appointed ~lndel- sub-section ( I ) and shall be dealt witb zccordingly.
(3) Where any power a - fi~ncticnwhtch may be exercised or discharged
~lnderany law by a District i'vl.!gis:rate or an Excc~tiveMagistrate imnlediately
before the 1st day of Jund 1997 has been conft:rred on the Commissioner of Police
or any other police otficer by or under the City Police Act as extended; all proceedings in relation to, or arising from, thc exercise of such pcwer of the dischuge
of such function pending immediately before such conferment before the District
Magistrate, or the Executive Ma,.;islrste, as the case may be, ~liallon the conferment
of Yuch power or function, on the k ommissioner bf Police or otfiek p lice officer,
stadd trailsferred to t he Comm~ssioner,of Police or othel' Pdlld? '0,
cer, as the
case ,nay be, and tlic officer t o whorh sbch proceedings staxd. so'transferred sliall.
e~therproceed d novo or from the stage of srtch transfe'r."

Police force
in the Cities
of Salem,
7 iruc, trappalli and
before the 1st
day of June
199'7 to be
deemed to be
police force
under the City
Police Act
as extended.



Control of the
DirectorGeneral of
Police over the
of Police for
Salem, Tiruchi rappalli and


_ _----


6. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in the City Police Act as extended.

the Commissioner of Police for Salem, the Commissioner of Police for Tiruchirap4li and the Commissioner of Police for Tirune1vl:li shall, in exercise of their
functions under the City Police Act as extended, be under the ccntrol and direction
of the Director-General of Police for the State of Tamil Nadu subject to any rule.;
that may be made under sub-section (2).
(2) It shall becompetent to the Government to make rules to limit and regulate
the exercise of the powers of contrcl and direction c.3nferred on the DirectorGeneral of Police by sub-section (1) in respect of the Commissioner of Police for
Salem, the Commissioner of Police for Tiruchirappalli and the Commissioner of
Police for Tirunelvcli.

(3) Nothing in this section shall apply in relation to the powers and functions
which may be exercised or discharged by the Commissioner of Police for Salem
or the Commissioner of Police for Tiruchirappalli or the Comn~issionerof Police
for Tirunelveli, as the case may be, under any law as a District Magistrate or an
Executive Magistrate.
7. ( 1 ) Any reference in the City Police Act ;IS extended by this Act, to a law
Construction of
which is not in force in the City of Salem or in the City of Tiruchirappalli or in thc
references to
City of Tirunelvcli, as the case may be, on the 1st Jay of June 1997 shall in relation
laws not in
to the said cities, be conshued as a referenee to the corresponding law, if any, in
force in the
Cities of Salem. force in the said cities.
(2) Any reference to the Tamil Nadu District Police Act, 1159 in any law in force - Central Act
in the City of Salem and in the City of Tirucliirappalli and in the City of Tirunelveli
XXIV of 1859.
shall in relation to that area be construed, on sad after the 1st day of June 1997 as
a reference to the City Police Act.

Repzal of
Correspond ing law.




8. If, im~aediatelybefore the 1st day of June 1997, there is any law in fcbrce in the
City of Salem or in the City of Tiruchirappalli or in the City of Tiruneveli including the Tamil Nac:u 1)is:rict Police Act, 1859 (hereafter in this section referred to as
the Central Act) and the provisions of the City Police Act specified in the Schedule
to the Central Act and e:ctended by way of notification under section 54 A of the Central Acr
Central Act corresponding to the City Police Act, such corresponding law shall, un
XXIV of lb59
the 1st day of June 1997, stand repealed in relation to the City of Salem or the City
ot Tiruchirappalli or the City of Tirunelveli, as the case may be, to the extent to
which the corresponding law relate to matter with respect of which the State Legislarure has power to make laws for the State.
9 (1) Th: repeal by section 8 of ar.y corresponding law shall not aff,.cr(a) the previous operation of any such law or anything, donc o r duly
sufferea [hereunder; or


(b) any right, privilege, obligation or liability acquired,

incurred under any such law. or

(c) any pennlty, forfeiture or punishment incurred in respect of any sffence

committed against any such law; or


accrued or

(d) any invcstigrt.ion, Iegal proceeding or remedy in respect of any such right,
privilege, obligation. liability, penalty, forfeitu e or punishment as aforesaid; and
any such investiption, legal proceeding or remedy may be instituted, contin ed 0 r
enforced and any nlch ynalty, forfeiture or pu~idunentmay be imposed as if tke
City Police Act haxi nor been extended.

(2) Subject to :he provisions of sub-section (I), anything done er any ;rc;tjen
taken, including any app~intmentor delegation made, notification, order,instructien
or direction issued, rule, regulation, form, by-law or schelrc framed, certificate,
permit or licence pranted or registration effected under such cerrespalldjag law, ia
relation to the City of Salem, or tbe City of TjruchirappaIli, or ttie City of Tirumlveli. a5 the q s e naay be, shall be deemed to have been done or takca.@r the
corresponding previsions of the City Police Act and shall continue in force Ibcnrilingly. unless and until superseded by anything done er any actiem take. under t b
.said City Police Act 8s e r t e ~ d q f .


10. Any reference by whatever form or words in any !cw ?,inforce to any aatl~o- Construction
rity competcilt on t!:? date ;?lr7?di~telv preceeding t h ~1st day of June 1997 to of reference to
cxercisc any powers or discharge any functicns in the City of Salem or in the City authorities
of Tiruchil.:ippalli or in the Cit) of Tirunelveli, as the case may be, shall, where a cur- where new
respondin_?ilew at tliority bas been mnsiituted by or under the City Police Act as 2.uthorities hwe
extended or llnder tli,is Act to the said area have effect as iP it were a reference to that zeencnnstinew authorit v.
tute .

11. For the purpose ct f;lciIiiating the application, in the City of Salem, or in Powers ot
the City of 'Tirucltirapp1li or In t k City of Tirunelveli of the City Poke A& as Courts and

extendea, any Court OF other authority may construe the said Act with such a l t e ~ other authoriations not affecting the substance as may be necessary or propcr l o adapt it to the ties for purposes
rna~terbeiore thc Court or other authority.
of facilitating
application of
the City Police
12 ( I ) The Golvcrnmnt may make rules for carrying out all or any of the
purposes of this Act.

Po7:vrr to make

(2) All rules made under this Act shall be published in the T m i l Nac!u
Gcverm~entGazette, and unless they are expressed to come into force on an parlicular day, shall coim into force on the day on which they are so published.

(3) All notifications issued undcr this Act. shall, unless they are expressed to
come into force on a particulr~rday, come into force on the day on which they are

(4) Every rule, or orcler made dr notification issued under this Act shall,
as soon as possible after it is made or issued, be placed on the table of the Legislative
Assembly, and if before the expiry of the sessian in which it is so placed or the next
session, the Legislative Assembly agrees that the rule or order or notification should
not be made or issued, the rule or order or notification shall thereafter have effect
only in such modified form or be of no effect,as the case may be, so,however, that any
such modification or annulment shall be without prejudice to the validity of anything
previously done under that rule or order or notification.

ral Act
IV of 1859.

13. If any difficulty arises in giving &ect to the provisions of the City Police Act
as extcnded by this Act, to the City of Salem, to the City of Tiruchirappalli and to the
City of Tirunelveli, the Government may, as occasion may require, by order, do anything which appears to them to be necessary for the purpose of removing the difficulty

Power to
i em eve

Provided that no order shall be made under this section after tho expiry of two
y~.arsfrom the 1st day of June 1997.

Iarnil Nadu
I sf 1997.

14. (1) The Chennai City Police (Extensioa to the Cities of Salem, Tjruchirappalli and Tiruneivdi) Ordiaancc. 1937 is h m b y repealed.
(2) N~tw~thsta~ldag
such repc~rl,a~ythingdone or any action taken under
the said Ordiaalrct, skail k deemed to Lave beon done or t a h uadm this Act.

Repeal and


-- .-



(See section 5.)

Designation of Officer as immediately.

before the 1st day of June 1997.

Post to which the Officer

deemed to be appointed.

( 1) Superintendent of Police'

shall bL

Commissioner of Police : Provided that

after the dste of pu'11ication of this
. Act, the Government Inay apporn:
a ~ornm~ssio?.er
of Police arl oEcer in the rank of Deputy InspectorGeneral of Police:
Prov~dedfurther that where a Commissioner of Police is appointed in the
rank of Deputy Insyector-Genera]
of Police, the Government may
appoint a Deputy Comluissionor
of Police in the rank of Superintendent of Police.

( 2 ) Deputy Supenntenuent oi'



Commissioner of Police.

(By order of the Governor.)

Secretary to Govtrmnment,Law Department.

. ..'



,... .





.: . " .,



The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent of
the Governor on the 26th February 2014 and is hereby published for general information:
ACT No. 2 OF 2014.
An Act to amend the Chennai City Police (Extension to the Cities of Salem,
Tiruchirappalli and Tirunelveli) Act, 1997.
BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the Sixtyfifth Year of the Republic of India as follows:
1. (1) This Act may be called the Chennai City Police (Extension to the Cities of
Salem, Tiruchirappalli and Tirunelveli) Amendment Act, 2014.
(2) It shall come into force on such date as the State Government may, by
notification, appoint.
Tamil Nadu
51 of 1997.

2. In section 2 of the Chennai City Police (Extension to the Cities of Salem,

Tiruchirappalli and Tirunelveli) Act, 1997, for clause (1), the following clause shall be
substituted, namely:(1) City of Salem means the area declared by the State Government, by notification,
to be the City of Salem;.

(By order of the Governor)

Secretary to Government,
Law Department.

Short title and


Amendment of
section 2.

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