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Check that after downloading the archive you now should have 3 files
instructions.doc, DevWarningPatch.bat and version.rar.
2. Right-click on the .rar file and extract it from the archive (pic.1). If you dont have
a program which extracts archives you can download the WinRar program from
here .

Pic. 1

3. Open the Extensions page in your Chrome browser (Settings -> More tools ->
Extensions) (pic.2)


4. Enable Developer mode (1) and then click Load unpacked extension (2) (pic.3)


5. Go to the directory where you extracted the zip file and choose it. Click ok. You will
now have the extension installed.
Important: If you have the could not load manifest error please check that you
extracted the versionrar file correctly. After extracting you have to have the folder
with the corresponding name (version) on opening which you should see some folders
and also files manifest.json, background.js and others. If on opening you see just one
folder, the extraction was not made correctly.
Important: If you have the Could not load background script 'background.js' error, first
check that you extracted the archive correctly. If you extracted it correctly and still get
the error, the problem might be with your antivirus, which sometimes overreact on .js

6. Note that after you restart your Chrome browser, a pop-up window will appear (pic.4).
Click Cancel to dismiss it.

7. If you dont want to dismiss the above popup every time, use a small hack:
a. Find the DevWarningPatch.bat file among the 3 files you downloaded.
b. Close your Chrome browser.
c. Right-click on the DevWarningPatch.bat file and choose Run as
You will now have the popup window dismissed.
8. For the instructions on how to use the extension please check the following links:


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