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Pocket tips for ILETS:

Cambridge 1 10 listening Cambridge 6 -10 Reading.- answer sheets 12 listening 10 writing 6 reading

Listening: (30 minutes = 20 minutes to listen and Answer + 10 minutes to transfer

your answers to answer sheet)
All the following in the questions sheet:
1- ONLY pencil. Prepare it. Readable Answers (YOU CAN WRITE THEM IN CAPITAL)
2- All your answers in the question sheet. Do not waste time in transferring the date now as it will be done in the
last 10 minutes
3- Divide questions into groups (every 4-5 question divide it into a group) by drawing line after every 4 questions
4- Prepare by reading the 1st group of questions in the 10,20,30 seconds before the tape plays
5- Start by reading instructions and example of the first group (quickly before the tape starts).
6- Guess what is missing (a word, place, name, number) how many?
7- Listen for details/specifics/descriptions (dates, telephone numbers, places) write them on the margin till you
find a use for them you can write them in apprev. Just reminders to save your time
8- Spoken stuff:
a. Loud and clear - Repeated Dictated preceded by change in the voice most probably this is an
answer write it along
b. Whisper most probably this is not an answer
9- Do exactly what they say (3 words then only 3 words numbers in letters then numbers in letters a, the, and
in,of,at counts as a word)
10- Look at the next question while you are listening and answering the current question
11- Answer:
a. A question and at the same time listen to the answer of the next question.
b. Always look 2 questions ahead.
c. You cannot answer one go ahead to the next one (do not think too much about a question)
d. Spelling is not always essential except if the answer is spelt out on the tape
12- Take care of traps:
a. Change of mind at the end of sentence (the last word counts)
b. Generalizations: detailing one word into a list of words, the answer is the one word (I like to be involved
in outdoor activities as swimming, running, hiking, camping .. etc. answer would be outdoor
c. Explicit answers (mostly wrong): must/all/no exceptions
13- Gap fills: Mark clues around the gap and look up for them as you are listening take care of bad grammar
14- MCQ:
a. Use T/F/NG for every choice, where clearly said T, opposite to what is said F, not T or F NG =
not given. Take care of (all or none of the above)
b. If you do not know the answer
i. Eliminate those you know are totally wrong
ii. Choose the first remaining simple answer
iii. Pick up the scientific sounding not the slang
iv. If there is 2 opposite answers then one of them is the correct answer
v. Avoid ideas that is radical, stating strict rules
vi. Avoid answers which leave no room for exception (exactly , always) ad pick those with (likely,
can, will, often, sometimes, almost, rarely, sometimes, generally )
Move your answer to the answer sheet:


Copy the letter in MCQ not the circle , copy just your answer not the whole sentence
T/F/NG questions copy only T/F/NG
Sentence completion, Gap-fills copy the word not the whole sentence
Do not use abbreviations (prof. advice professional advice)
Guess the questions you missed above.
Spelling right is not mandatory (except if the word is spelled out letter by letter) but a spelling that gives the
7- Write in capital/block letters (Clarify M & N - I & J & L M & N & W - U &V - I & T)
8- Answers could be in the other questions

Reading (1 HOUR 15/20/25 minutes rule)

All of the following in the questions sheet:
1- ONLY pencil. Prepare it. Readable Answers (YOU CAN WRITE THEM IN CAPITAL)
2- Start by reading instructions and example (quickly before the tape starts) not the passage
3- Manage time:
a. Divide it on the reading passages (usually 3) as follow: 15 minutes 20 minutes 25 minutes (as
passages progress in difficulty)
b. Leave time at the end to revise (answered all questions and answered it correctly) as follow (13 minutes
18 minutes 23 minutes)
c. If you did not finish a passage, move to the next
4- Scan the essay do not read (do not try to understand, read the first sentences of each paragraph, get the idea of
the paragraph)
5- Make a map
a. Main idea: Write beside each paragraph its main idea or underline words in the paragraph that tells its
main idea search for the main idea as follow: check the 1st sentence then the 2nd sentence then the
last sentence then the whole paragraph
b. Each paragraph usually starts by its main idea ends by its conclusion or sum up
6- Start with easy questions then complicated and answer directly in the answer sheet.
7- Questions:
a. Move question by question
b. Answer directly in the answer sheet
c. At each question, put a circle around the important landmarks and go to the passage to look up for
those landmarks (Start with numbers because it is easier to find)
d. If an question takes long time or you find it hard, write ? beside it and move to next question (do not
waste much time)
e. First sentence answer mostly in 1st paragraph, 2nd 2nd paragraph and so on
f. See the site of the answer of the example in the essay then the site of the answer of the last question in
the essay and the answers of questions in between will be situated in between
8- Matching with headings:
a. Use the map
b. If a heading cannot be used more than once strike the heading used in the example off the list
c. A heading of the paragraph is not just an idea mentioned in the paragraph but the idea of the whole
d. Solve the easiest and move to the harder
9- T/F/NG:
a. Clearly said and mentioned in the easy T , opposite to what is said F, not T or F NG = not given
(do not overt-think if the paragraph is not saying it is true or false then it is NG




b. First sentence answer mostly in 1st paragraph, 2nd 2nd paragraph and so on
c. If in doubt (cannot find the statement), if the statement is likely to be false then mostly is F but if it is
likely to be true then mostly is NG
d. If the statement is correct but not mentioned in the passage it is not true
a. use T/F/NG for every choice, where clearly said T , opposite to what is said F, not T or F NG =
not given
b. If you do not know the answer
i. Eliminate those you know are totally wrong
ii. Choose the first remaining simple answer
iii. Pick up the scientific sounding not the slang
iv. If there is 2 opposite answers then one of them is the correct answer
v. Avoid ideas that is radical, stating strict rules
vi. Avoid answers which leave no room for exception (exactly , always) ad pick those with (likely,
can, will, often, sometimes, almost, rarely, sometimes, generally )
Gap fills:
a. Determine the site of the example answer in the essay. Mark it as the beginning of the search. Search
for the answer in each next paragraph (mostly in 1st, 2nd sentences and the last sentence)
b. First sentence answer mostly in 1st paragraph, 2nd 2nd paragraph and so on
c. Mark clues around the gap and look up for them as you are listening
d. Take care of bad grammar
e. If there is a list of words to pick up from
i. Strike out each word you use
ii. If more than one word fit, place all words over the gap then pick up the best
f. If there is no list:
i. Try to pick up the word from the paragraph rather than inventing it
ii. If more than one word fit, place all words over the gap then pick up the best
Do exactly what they say and as the examples style (3 words then only 3 words numbers in letters then
numbers in letters 55 % 22% , first second a, the, and in, of, at counts as a word)
Do not make assumptions (do not trust your knowledge but what you find in the essay)

Speaking (1/4 HOUR)

General tips:

Be confident relaxed (not so relaxed) positive (in all answers)

Avoid long pauses
Use all tenses of verbs you know correct pronouncing but accent is not important
Eye contact with the examiner
Answer every question in at least 2 sentences
Keep it simple
If you cannot answer the question directly Answer the question in your language in your mind then translate
8- Correct yourself if you are wrong but do not do this too much
9- Keep your voice a little higher than when you speak normally
10- Use idioms
a. bend over backwards to,
b. over the moon,
c. piece of cake,
d. blessing in disguise, -


every cloud has a silver lining,

the more the merrier,
jack of all trades,
Jill of all trades,
master of his/my own destiny,

Say Good morning smile if he or she offers to shake your hand shake it (otherwise do not )
Eye contact as much as you can
2 sentences response not yes or no
Possible opening words and phrases
a. Good morning/afternoon
b. Pleased to meet you. how are you
c. Where shall I sit*? Over here?
d. I' m very well thank you. And you?
e. As you can see, I come from .. I was born in ... but now I live in ...
f. You can see that I'm (nationality)... but I've been living in (your host country) for (period of time)!
g. I am very close to my family, although I don't live with them any longer.
h. Recently, I've been studying/working at... Before that I studied/worked at... or I've been studying English
now for (1 year) ... At the moment I'm studying/working at ...
5- Possible questions:
a. Where do you come from?
I live in x. it is a big city/small town located in the (north, east, south, west) of Egypt
b. What is your home like?
I rent an apartment. We have 2 bedrooms, one living room, one kitchen and of course one restroom.
The apartment is not very big, about 70 square meters
c. What the advantages and disadvantages your home has?
The advantage is that my accommodation has lots of sunlight from the windows. And the disadvantage
is that it is noisy because the center of the city is nearby
d. Tell me about your family
I have a mother, a father and a brother. My mother is a social worker (x), my father is a civil engineer (y)
and my brother is a student (z)
e. Tell me about your job
Well, I work for a big firm/small company named x. it is located in z. My job title is software designer
f. Is there anything you dislike about your job?
Normally, I enjoy my job very much. But sometimes my boss gives me boring assignments, which I do
not like at all
g. What are your plans for the future?
I would like to improve my English first and then to find another job with better salary
h. What type of transport do you use most?
There are 2 types of transport that I use: I either drive my car or take the bus
i. Do you like reading?
Yes I do. I enjoy reading very much. Usually, I read every other day of the week.
j. What do you like reading the best?
I enjoy reading newspapers, magazines and of course my favorite fantasy books.
k. What kind of TV programs do you watch?
Well my favorite channel is x. I find it very interesting and educational
l. Do you have a pet?
Yes I do. I have a dog named Richy. He is 4 years old

m. What kind of food do you like?

I prefer Asian cooking, mostly Chinese. My favorite dish is noodles with vegetables
n. How often do you go shopping?
Well, I dont like shopping so I do it only when I have to
o. What is your favorite festival and why?
I like October Fest. It is a x festival that starts in and ends in. people drink lots o and that is why I like it
p. How do people celebrate this festival?
Why, they build pavilions and stands that sell beer and all kinds of food, a lot of bands are playing there.
People from all around Europe come to celebrate x fest dressed in

Speech (Takes about 1-2 minutes)


Prepare for 1 minute. Write down main points

Speak simply. Do not use big words if you do not know how to use them or you do not know what they mean
Try to make it sound interesting
Manage your time that each idea takes only 30 seconds ( ) - keep talking without any help from the
examiner for at least 1 minute
5- Organize your reply as the order of the instruction and answer all
6- Correct yourself if you see yourself wrong
7- Example:

1- Have an opinion about everything (good or bad it is acceptable)
2- If you talk about future alternate between will/going to/ shall / I am certain that sth will/is going to happen
most probably I hope that there is a good/50-50/reasonable chance that sth will happen sometimes I
wonder if sth is going to happen I doubt if .. of course sth could always happen perhaps sth will even
3- If the examiner asked you a question:
a. You do not have a clue what is he is talking about
i. Do not panic

ii. Say:
1. I am not sure what you mean, could you be more specific>
2. I'm not exactly sure what you mean. Could you repeat the question please?
3. I'm not quite sure how to answer that question, but (perhaps)...
4. That's a rather difficult question, but (maybe) I can answer you by saying ...
5. Could you repeat the question, please?
b. You do not have a ready answer and you are trying to borrow some time
i. Well, I never thought about that, but if I do, I would say that ..
ii. Well, it is not a simple question.
c. You stopped here and cannot find anything more to say
i. I think that is all I can tell you about...
ii. Is that all you'd like to know?
iii. I think that's about it. ., ? -.
iv. Would you like me to tell you more about...?
v. I'm afraid that's about as much as I know.
vi. I can't think of anything else right now ...
d. If they ask for your opinion, you can start by saying
i. In my opinion ...
ii. I think/believe that
iii. What I think is
iv. As far as I m concerned ..
v. It seems to me that
vi. I n my view
vii. Do not you think that
viii. Well, if you ask me,
ix. When it comes to me, I
e. When asked to speak about future:
i. I am sure that something will/wont happen
ii. It is likely/unlikely that some event will/wont occur
4- At the end, look the examiner in the eyes, smile and simply say thank you so much for your time. I enjoyed
talking with you. Good bye
5- Remain positive until you leave the room

Writing (1 hour = 20 minutes for TASK 1 and 40 minutes for TASK 2)

General Tips:

Read the instructions carefully, if it says talk about A,B,C talk about A,B,C
Do not copy instructions but you can rephrase use synonyms
Length 150 words for report and 250 words for essay (can be longer but not shorter)
Write with a line space between paragraphs but no space before the first word in the paragraph.
No need for title and do not rewrite the task
Use left and right margins (needs ruler)
Use all the line. But do not crowd the last word and do not split the words
10-12 words per line
Try cursive writing
Thick pen
Strike/ simply cross the mistake word
Use punctuations: do not use ! and ? and avoid asking questions
Do not use slang or words containing thing (anything something etc.)

14- Paragraph s formed of:

a. Topic sentence the main idea behind the paragraph
b. Explanation to make the topic sentence clearly understood
c. Evidence the proof of what I am saying as part of my argument
d. Examples further illustrate the point I am making
e. Extra detail to substantiate the main point of the paragraph
f. Summary sentence concludes the paragraph (but this is optional)
15- Try to include answers of at least 3 of who/why/which/when/how many/how much/how often in one sentence
16- Use the following:
17- Use these phrases to link sentences in the same paragraph and to link paragraphs
a. Phrases for sequencing or listing (sequence what you say)
i. First of all
ii. In the first place
iii. To begin with
iv. Firstly secondly thirdly
v. First, next, then, after that, finally
b. Phrases to show 2 sides of argument
i. Some people prefer .. Those who disagree point out that
ii. We must acknowledge .. nevertheless
iii. No one can deny However,
iv. Many people hold an opinion .. others however disagree
v. Although it is hard to compete with .. some people still prefer ..
c. Phrases to add (and strengthen what you have said)
i. Not only .. , but ..

ii. Besides
iii. Also
iv. Furthermore,
v. In addition,
vi. Moreover,
d. Phrases to equate: (it is similar to what has been said)
i. In the same way,
ii. Likewise,
iii. Similarly
e. Giving alternative
i. Alternatively
ii. On the other hand
iii. Then again, ..
f. Restating (saying what you have said again but in another way mostly simpler)
i. In other words
ii. That is to say
iii. To put it simply
g. Contrasting:
i. Conversely
ii. In contrast to this
iii. Instead
iv. On the contrary,
v. whereas ..

vi. .. while ..
vii. .. whilst ..
h. Phrases to deny what was said before
i. Although
ii. However,
iii. Nevertheless
iv. Even if
v. In spite of
vi. On the other hand
i. Phrases for examples/ referring
i. For example
ii. For instance,
iii. In particular,
iv. .. ,such as
v. To illustrate
vi. .. Namely ,
vii. .. that is to say
viii. .. that ..
j. Phrases for results (consequence of what you have said)
i. As a result
ii. Therefore
iii. Thus
iv. So
v. Consequently
vi. Eventually
k. Phrases for conclusion (to conclude what you have said)
i. Lastly,
ii. Finally,
iii. To conclude with,
iv. In short,
v. In conclusion,
vi. In summary,
vii. To sum up
TASK 1/ Report
General tips:
1- Never write your opinion - Never write any stuff not present in the graph
2- Never use bullets. Write the report as you are writing an essay
3- Its structure:
a. Introduction 1 paragraph
The purpose of the report (what it is about, its date and location) and the overall trend (climbing up or
dropping down) use the words in the instruction, rearrange them to not copy or copy and add some
b. Body: 2-3 paragraphs
The most important trends (all peaks should be mentioned with their values and avoid unnecessary
Write a paragraph about each distinctive feature the graph tells link paragraphs
Write about all subjects of graph all the periods of time and all subjects of the graph (1992,1993, 1994)
or (men and women)

Summarize but do not throw information - select what is important, organize, compare, and contrast
c. Conclusion 1 paragraph
The global trend and compare them if possible
4- When referring to the diagram use reference structure:
a. The
b. Table/chart/diagram/graph/figures/statistics
c. Show(s) (that) describes/illustrates/shows how
a. According to the/ as (is) shown in the/ as can be seen from the it can be seen from the/ we can see
from the/ it is clear (apparent) from the
b. Table/chart/diagram/graph/figures/statistics
c. (That)
5- Express and refer to data (use before it: almost, nearly, approximately, about, just over, over, exactly, precisely)
a. Mainly as percentages
b. Quarter / third/ half of
c. As many/much
d. The same number/proportion/amount of x as
6- Express changes in data:
a. and
The number of z
i. Increased/jumped/rose - decreased/dropped/fell fluctuated
ii. Suddenly/rapidly/dramatically/significantly/ sharply/steeply/steadily/gradually/slowly/slightly
iii. From x to y between x and y
There was a (very)
i. Sudden/rapid/dramatic/significant/sharp/steep/steady/gradual/slow/slight
ii. Increase/jump/rose decrease/drop/fall fluctuation
iii. In the number of z from x to y - between x and y
b. Little or no change
The number of z

Remained (steady or stable) /stayed the same

From x to y between x and y

There was
Little/hardly any/no change in the number of z
from x to y between x and y
c. the peaks and bottoms
i. the z the figures the situation
ii. peaked/reached (a peak a high *point*) bottomed out/reached (the rock bottom a low point)
hit a trough

iii. in z at z
7- Check grammar: especially the tense (past simple/continuous or present simple/continuous)
Use the right tense:
i. Happened in the past past simple
ii. Continued in the past past continuous
iii. Happens in the present present simple, present continuous
Specific tips:
1- Single line graph
a. Introduction: The Graph + shows/reveals/describes + what/who/when/where. It can be easily seen than
+ describe the main trends (but do not copy sentences from task)
b. Notice distinctive features. Write about all periods of time and about all the subjects of the graph.
i. Rises/increase/climb/goes up
ii. Falls/decrease/decline/goes down
iii. Does not change/remains at the same level/maintain stability
iv. The Peak (highest point) was The bottom (lowest bottom) was
v. Speed of change: fast (rapidly, quickly) or slowly (gradually or steadily)
vi. Order: rise followed by fall. Rise preceded by decline
c. Never use bullets
d. Use the right tense:
i. Happened in the past past simple
ii. Continued in the past past continuous
iii. Happens in the present present simple, present continuous
e. Do not just write went from x to y but write increased by z or increased from x to y or decreased by z
or decreased from x to y
f. Example:

The graph shows percentages of unemployed women in 8 age groups. It can be clearly seen that age of
18 and of 45 have the highest unemployment rate.
According to the graph, between the ages of 18, 20, 25, 30 and 35, the youngest group has most
unemployed women (15%). 20- year old women have much lower unemployment figures (10%), and
those drop even lower to 5 percent for 25 and 35 year-old group. There is slight increase for group age
30, where unemployment rate reaches 6 percent.
The peak value is recorded amongst 45 year-old women, and the remaining groups have much lower
figures: 8% at age 55 and 9% at age 65
To sum up, the figures of most female age groups are relatively uniform and change from 5 to 9 % with
rare exceptions such as age group of 18 and 45
2- Double line graph
a. Introduction: The Graph compares + what/who/when/where. It can be easily seen than + describe the
main trends of 2 graphs here (but do not copy sentences from task)
b. Describe the first graph + write similarly if the second is alike or in contrast if the second is different
+ Describe the second graph
c. Compare peaks and bottoms of both graphs
d. Example

3- Bar graph
a. Introduction:
i. Single bar graph The Graph + shows/reveals/describes + what/who/when/where. It can be
easily seen than + describe the main trends (but do not copy sentences from task)
ii. Double bar graph The Graph compares + what/who/when/where. It can be easily seen than
+ describe the main trends of 2 graphs here (but do not copy sentences from task)
b. If the axis of bar graph is a time scale describe how the graphs subject changes in time
c. If it is not compare the bars differently (more, less, least, most, etc.) in order of appearance
d. Never use bullets
e. Example

4- Table
a. The Table + shows/reveals/describes/compares + what/who/when/where. It can be easily seen than +
describe the most noticeable trend (but do not copy sentences from task)
b. Group information into groups or categories (instead of throwing information away ) and describe each
group or category
c. Example

5- Pie chart
a. Introduction: The Pie chart (s) compares + what/who/when/where. It can be easily seen than + describe
the most noticeable feature (but do not copy sentences from task)
b. Describe and compare the pieces one by one, for example
i. Twice (3 times) as many Xs were used as Ys
ii. X is much more (or considerably less) common than Y
c. Use words as: highest (significant, lowest, greatest, smallest, most, least + percentage/portion /number
/common / popular
d. Example

6- Process/ Flow chart

a. Introduction: the flow chart/ diagram describes/reveals procedure for...
b. Describe every stage of the process one by one, (Never break the sequence)
c. Connect stages by linking words:
i. Firstly/secondly/thirdly
ii. To begin with, then, after that, in addition, otherwise, at the same time (concurrently,
simultaneously), finally.
d. Use present simple passive
e. Conclusion paragraph is not necessary
f. Example

TASK 2/Essay
1- Write general stuff not your personal experiences
2- Read instructions carefully and do everything requested
3- Determine which type of essay you are dealing with:
a. Argument (subject with 2 sides)
b. Hidden argument: it will start by to what extent sth affects..? In what way something contributes?
How has something change/influence? Change it into does something affect? , does something
contribute?, does something influence
4- Come with ideas
a. In argument and hidden argument write ideas (for) and (against)
b. In a situation write all reasons for the situation
5- Start each paragraph with a linking word (like however, nevertheless, therefore )
6- Use these phrases to link sentences in the same paragraph and to link paragraphs
a. Phrases for sequencing or listing (sequence what you say)
i. First of all
ii. In the first place
iii. To begin with
iv. Firstly secondly thirdly
v. First, next, then, after that, finally

b. Phrases to show 2 sides of argument

i. Some people prefer .. Those who disagree point out that
ii. We must acknowledge .. nevertheless
iii. No one can deny However,
iv. Many people hold an opinion .. others however disagree
v. Although it is hard to compete with .. some people still prefer ..
c. Phrases to add (and strengthen what you have said)
i. Not only .. , but ..







ii. Besides
iii. Also
iv. Furthermore,
v. In addition,
vi. Moreover,
Phrases to equate: (it is similar to what has been said)
i. In the same way,
ii. Likewise,
iii. Similarly
Giving alternative
i. Alternatively
ii. On the other hand
iii. Then again, ..
Restating (saying what you have said again but in another way mostly simpler)
i. In other words
ii. That is to say
iii. To put it simply
i. Conversely
ii. In contrast to this
iii. Instead
iv. On the contrary,
v. whereas ..
vi. .. while ..
vii. .. whilst ..
Phrases to deny what was said before
i. Although
ii. However,
iii. Nevertheless
iv. Even if
v. In spite of
vi. On the other hand
Phrases for examples/ referring
i. For example
ii. For instance,
iii. In particular,
iv. .. ,such as
v. To illustrate
vi. .. Namely ,

vii. .. that is to say

viii. .. that ..
j. Phrases for results (consequence of what you have said)
i. As a result
ii. Therefore
iii. Thus
iv. So
v. Consequently
vi. Eventually
k. Phrases for conclusion (to conclude what you have said)
i. Lastly,
ii. Finally,
iii. To conclude with,
iv. In short,
v. In conclusion,
vi. In summary,
vii. To sum up
7- Read the whole essay and revise it.
Argument or hidden argument (where the question starts by saying to what extent ..? In what way ? how has
something change?)
1- Introduction: (1 paragraph) clearly state the 2 sides of arguments. Present the 2 sides of arguments or describe
the whole situation
2- Body: (2 or 3 paragraphs)
a. Ask yourself/explore: Pros and cons, reasons for and reasons against then stick to only one side
b. Write about side you do not agree with
c. Write about side you do agree with
It goes like
Many people/others/those who disagree
Believe that/may argue that/point out that
Strong disagreement However, I strongly disagree/ nothing could be further from the truth
Mild disagreement I find it hard to agree/ nevertheless, I cannot agree
Concessional disagreement Perhaps this is true, but it cannot be denied that/ this is partly true, then
Because .. in fact .. for the following reasons
d. Write more about side you agree with
3- Conclusion: (1 paragraph) sum up, (+ suggestions, solutions, recommendation, your opinion all is mentioned
here if required) . Even if its short it needs be written.
Situation topic type
1- Introduction (1 paragraph): define the situation write
2- Body (2-3 paragraphs): (describe the situation your opinion about it the reasons that lead to the situation to
be like now)
a. Write about reason 1 then 2 then 3
3- Conclusion (1 paragraph): sum up, suggestions, solutions. Even if its short it needs be written


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