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English 3 Unit 3a

Research Paper
Assignment: Develop a research question about a topic of interest and answer this question in a research
paper (1500-1750 words in length) synthesizing at least six to eight sources. Remember that your learning
of this topic will be extended in the capstone presentation at the end of the semester.
Purpose and Genre: This assignment is designed for you to direct and enhance your own learning about a
topic of personal interest. While you have room to choose your own topic, some possible options are:

Skill: Research something you have always wanted to learn how to do.
Interest: Research a particular interest or passion of yours that you havent encountered in school or
one that you want to learn more about.
Community Service Cause or Organization: Research a specific cause or organization that benefits
or is important to the community.
Problem: Research a problem or obstacle that you or others face (in the community or in school) and
include potential solutions.
Other: If you have an idea, discuss it with your teacher!

Steps once you have chosen a topic:

Create a research question: This will drive your research and your thesis will eventually answer this
question. Keep in mind that you may adjust your research question as you learn more about your
Research: Develop a list of topics, issues, and questions that you would need to research in order to
answer the research question. This will help provide information and organization to your paper.
Multiple Perspectives: When creating the list above, be sure to consider how multiple people view
and think about your topic. These should be included when you write your body paragraphs.
Structure: The paper should include the basic structure of introduction (w/ a thesis and some
context for your research topic choice), body paragraphs that synthesize your sources, and a
Sources: Consider using a wide variety of both digital and print sources, from various locations. For
instance, your research could include the library databases, interviews, surveys, videos, websites, etc.
When integrating these sources in your paper, you should include a balanced amount of information from
each one, as well as provide a context and explanation when including them in your paragraphs.
Audience: Your audience for the paper is the teacher, but will also include your peers if you present your
argument and/or complete peer editing. Be sure to use appropriate vocabulary and observe the rules and
conventions of mechanics, spelling, usage and grammar.
Length: Minimum 1500 words/Maximum 1750 words
Due Date: Rough Draft

1/27/17 Final 2/6/17

Media/Design: Be sure to include a heading, header, title, and the correct font and spacing. In addition
to the formatting, you must include in-text citations that correspond with the sources found on a Works
Cited page.
Stance: Your stance will be your answer to the research question and your final synthesis of the
information found in multiple sources.

W.2a: Introduce a topic; organize complex ideas, concepts, and information so that each new element
builds on that which precedes it to create a unified whole; includes formatting, graphics, and
multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension.
W.2c: Use appropriate and varied transitions and syntax to link the major sections of the text, create
cohesion, and clarify the relationships among complex ideas and concepts.
W.7: Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question or solve a
problem; narrow or broaden the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize multiple sources on the
subject, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation.
W.8: Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources, using
advanced searches effectively; assess the strengths and limitations of each source in terms of the
task, purpose, and audience; integrate information into the text selectively to maintain the flow of
ideas, avoiding plagiarism and overreliance on any one source and following a standard format for
L.2: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and
spelling when writing.

Name:__________________________________________ Date:_____________ Period:___________ Score: _______/125

English 3, Unit 3a: Rubric for Research Paper

Introduction: (20)
Introduce a topic and concepts
central to the research project.

Integration and
Documentation: (30)
Integrate information from multiple
authoritative sources, and avoid
plagiarism and following a
standard format for citation.

Development: (30)
Conduct research to answer a
question; synthesize multiple
sources on the subject,
demonstrating understanding of
the subject.

Organization: (30)
Use appropriate and varied
transitions and syntax to link the
major sections of the text, create
cohesion, and clarify the
relationships among complex
ideas and concepts.

Conventions: (15)
Spelling, Punctuation, and
Demonstrates command of the
conventions of standard English
spelling, punctuation, and

(A) Excellent
The essay provides an engaging
thesis and sophisticated context.

(B) Proficient
The essay introduces the topic,
contains a thesis, and sets the

(C) Developing
The essay introduces the topic,
contains a thesis, and attempts
to set the context.

(D) Unsatisfactory
The essay does not appropriately
introduce the topic, contains an
unclear thesis, and/or does not
adequately explain the context.

The essay seamlessly integrates

research and has few, if any,
errors in documentation. (27-30)

The essay clearly integrates

research and has some minor
errors in documentation. (24-26)

The essay attempts to

integrate research and
includes both minor and
occasional major errors in
documentation. (21-23)

The essay contains very little

integration of research and
demonstrates a serious lack of
understanding of documentation.

The essay provides an extensive,

well-researched response to the
topic and includes substantial
support for the ideas presented
about the topic. (27-30)

The essay provides a

researched response to the topic
and includes adequate support
for the ideas presented about
the topic. (24-26)

The essay attempts to respond

to the topic with research, but
as a weak or uneven focus;
provides partial support for the
ideas presented about the
topic. (21-23)

The essay does not address all

aspects of the topic and includes
inadequate support for the ideas
presented about the topic.

The essay creates limited

cohesion with inconsistent use
of transitions to connect ideas.

The essay presents limited use

of transitions; expected elements
may be missing. (18-20)

The essay contains errors in

conventions, many of which
interfere with meaning. (11)

The essay contains extensive

errors in grammar, punctuation,
and conventions. (9-10)

The essay organizes complex

ideas and uses meaningful
transitions so that new elements
build to create a unified whole.

The essay shows a command of

grammar, punctuation, and
conventions. (14-15)

The essay organizes ideas to

create cohesion and uses
transitions to connect the larger
ideas of the essay. (24-26)

The essay shows an appropriate

use of conventions; some minor
errors are evident. (12-13)

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