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Reporter: RM Nagano

Assessment of Impact and Opportunity
Since, by definition the business firm exists to serve society,
it must, therefore, have a corresponding societal impact if it
is to carry out its mission. There are impacts on the local
community, the natural environment, and employees. These
impacts, though necessary, are incidental to the
organizations real purpose, usually stated in terms of
consumer and stockholder satisfaction.
Astute managers anticipate impact by forecasting which ones
are likely to pose social problems. Social responsibility would
be much less of a problem if more executives were to
exercise leadership in broadening these scope of long-range
planning to embrace the exchange of impacts between their
firms and society at large.
Business is a society- created economic institution that
specialized in the allocation of resource for the market place,
manager must remember not to concern themselves with
social problems that do not fall within their sphere of
competence and action. Executives act in a socially
responsible way when they convert societys needs into their
own opportunities.

Reporter: RM Nagano
Assessment of Impact and Opportunity
Since, by definition the business firm exists to serve society,
it must, therefore, have a corresponding societal impact if it
is to carry out its mission. There are impacts on the local
community, the natural environment, and employees. These
impacts, though necessary, are incidental to the
organizations real purpose, usually stated in terms of
consumer and stockholder satisfaction.
Astute managers anticipate impact by forecasting which ones
are likely to pose social problems. Social responsibility would
be much less of a problem if more executives were to
exercise leadership in broadening these scope of long-range
planning to embrace the exchange of impacts between their
firms and society at large.
Business is a society- created economic institution that
specialized in the allocation of resource for the market place,
manager must remember not to concern themselves with
social problems that do not fall within their sphere of
competence and action. Executives act in a socially
responsible way when they convert societys needs into their
own opportunities.

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