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Intensive Care Med

DOI 10.1007/s00134-016-4307-6


Therapeutic management ofperitonitis:

a comprehensive guide forintensivists
P.Montravers1*, S.Blot2,10, G.Dimopoulos3, C.Eckmann4, P.Eggimann5, X.Guirao6, J.A.Paiva7,11, G.Sganga8
2016 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg and ESICM

Purpose: The management of peritonitis in critically ill patients is becoming increasingly complex due to their
changing characteristics and the growing prevalence of multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacteria.
Methods: A multidisciplinary panel summarizes the latest advances in the therapeutic management of these critically ill patients.
Results: Appendicitis, cholecystitis and bowel perforation represent the majority of all community-acquired infections,
while most cases of healthcare-associated infections occur following suture leaks and/or bowel perforation. The microorganisms involved include a spectrum of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, as well as anaerobes and fungi.
Healthcare-associated infections are associated with an increased likelihood of MDR pathogens. The key elements
for success are early and optimal source control and adequate surgery and appropriate antibiotic therapy. Drainage,
debridement, abdominal cleansing, irrigation, and control of the source of contamination are the major steps to ensure
source control. In life-threatening situations, a "damage control" approach is the safest way to gain time and achieve
stability. The initial empirical antiinfective therapy should be prescribed rapidly and must target all of the micro-organisms likely to be involved, including MDR bacteria and fungi, on the basis of the suspected risk factors. Dosage adjustment needs to be based on pharmacokinetic parameters. Supportive care includes pain management, optimization of
ventilation, haemodynamic and fluid monitoring, improvement of renal function, nutrition and anticoagulation.
Conclusions: The majority of patients with peritonitis develop complications, including worsening of pre-existing
organ dysfunction, surgical complications and healthcare-associated infections. The probability of postoperative complications must be taken into account in the decision-making process prior to surgery.
Keywords: Peritonitis, Source control, Multidrug-resistant bacteria, Fungal infection, Postoperative complications,
Intra-abdominal hypertension
Despite the considerable improvement in perioperative care and empirical antibiotic therapy over recent
APHP, CHU BichatClaude Bernard, Dpartement dAnesthsie
Ranimation, Universit Denis Diderot, PRESS Sorbonne Cit, Paris, France
Full author information is available at the end of the article
Take-home message: Critically ill patients with peritonitis require an
early combined operative and medical approach. The key elements
for success are appropriate anti-infective therapy (in terms of the
most appropriate drug, at an adequate dosage with satisfactory tissue
penetration to target the microorganisms concerned) and early and
optimal source control and adequate surgery, comprising a damage
control approach in life-threatening situations.

decades, community-acquired and healthcare-associated

peritonitis remain a leading cause of death, morbidity
and resource utilization in ICU patients. Their management is becoming increasingly complex because of their
changing characteristics, ageing of the population, higher
rates of comorbid conditions and the growing prevalence
of multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacteria. Several medical
specialities are involved to ensure a combined approach
to timely surgical source control and adequate anti-infective treatment. In this review, a multidisciplinary panel
summarizes the latest advances in the therapeutic management of these critically ill patients.

Epidemiology ofperitonitis inthe ICU

Peritonitis is the second leading cause of ICU admission
after complicated pneumonia, accounting for 5.810 %
of all patients [1, 2] and almost 20% of infected patients
[2]. Appendicitis, cholecystitis and bowel perforation (including colon, small bowel and gastroduodenal)
represent more than 80 % of all community-acquired
infections [35]. Most cases of healthcare-associated
infections occur following suture leaks and/or colorectal, gastroduodenal and small bowel perforation [3,
4]. Despite technical improvements, these proportions
have remained stable over recent decades. Interestingly,
recent studies have reported increasing rates (about 50%
of patients) of healthcare-associated peritonitis, mainly
related to postoperative infection [6].
Supportive andperioperative care
Supportive care of vital organs is essential in patients
with peritonitis whenever severe sepsis is suspected,
starting before the surgical procedure and continued for
as long as necessary postoperatively [710]. Supportive care includes pain management, sedation, optimization of ventilation, haemodynamic and fluid monitoring,
improvement of renal function, nutrition and anticoagulation. Patients can be stratified on the basis of risk
factors, comprising not only severity of illness (assessed
by APACHEII, SOFA or Mannheim scores) [9] but also
individual patient-related factors such as age and comorbidities (assessed by ASA or Charlson scores) in order to
tailor perioperative monitoring and management, and to
assess prognosis [2, 4, 6, 11].
Pain management depends on the extent of tissue damage. Multimodal analgesia is recommended to decrease
the adverse effects related to the use of a single agent
administered at high doses, and should be given according to adequacy of pain relief, regularly assessed by an
appropriate scale [12]. The drugs most commonly used
include non-opioid analgesics alone or combined with
opioids at doses determined by titration. Sedation is
another important issue, especially in elderly patients,
in whom close monitoring and selection of short-acting
agents could shorten the time to extubation [13].
Acute respiratory failure is frequently observed during
the postoperative care, mainly because of worsening of
the underlying disease, atelectasis, pneumonia or acute
respiratory distress syndrome [2, 4, 14]. The optimal
volume, pressure level and positive expiratory pressure
adjustments remain controversial in mechanically ventilated patients. Non-invasive positive pressure ventilation
has been proposed as an alternative option in the less
severe cases [15].
Haemodynamic monitoring and fluid management are
also challenging issues. About 10 % of all patients with

diffuse peritonitis develop septic shock, associated with

a significantly higher mortality than that observed in
haemodynamically stable patients [2, 16, 17]. The need
for fluid loading is mainly assessed by cardiac output and
oxygen delivery measurements using various devices,
none of which have been shown to be superior to the
others. The use of dynamic parameters (e.g. variations of
stroke volume or pulse pressure) and continuous measurements are sensitive methods to guide fluid therapy
and titration of vasoactive agents. Crystalloids are recommended for initial fluid resuscitation, but when large
volumes of fluid are administered, interstitial overload
and hyperchloraemic acidosis limit their prescription,
leading to the use of colloids as one of the only available
alternatives [18].
Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a common complication
resulting from functional, metabolic or haemodynamic
disorders leading to acute tubular necrosis [2, 4, 14].
Reversible causes require special attention and supportive therapies (e.g. fluids, vasoactive agents, interruption of nephrotoxic drugs) [19]. Subclinical AKI is a
clearly recognized early stage of renal failure, at which
no elevation of serum creatinine and/or decreased urinary output can be confirmed by available biomarkers
[19]. There is no evidence to support the superiority of
continuous renal replacement therapy over intermittent
haemodialysis apart from easier management of fluid
balance [9].
Nutrition support plays a crucial role by supplying
energy and preserving body proteins, but this practice
has not been extensively investigated. Enteral or parenteral nutrition can usually be implemented during the
first 48 h following ICU admission, once the patients
condition has been stabilized [20]. Enteral feeding can be
administered via various routes including placement of a
feeding tube into the bowel remnant or in the jejunum
below the anastomotic leak. Most studies recommend a
protein intake ranging between 1.2 and 3.0 g/kg/day to
improve nitrogen balance [21]. This broad range reflects
the insufficient level of available evidence as well as the
difficulty of assessing the efficacy of protein intake. Many
issues remain unresolved in ICU patients with peritonitis regarding the appropriate timing of nutrition support,
enteral versus parenteral routes, the need for micronutrients, and the use of biomarkers and scoring systems to
identify patients at risk [20].
Deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis is recommended
in septic postoperative patients [9]. Subcutaneous low
molecular weight heparin (LMWH) is the method of
choice, while unfractionated heparin or LMWH with a
low degree of renal metabolism is preferred in the presence of renal failure. The therapeutic effect must be
monitored and doses can be adjusted according to the

Table1 Step bystep approach forthe treatment ofpatients withperitonitis





Severity assessment

Applying score of sepsis

Sepsis containment

Adequate and early empirical antibiotic therapy

Preparing for surgery

Adequate haemodynamic monitoring and fluid management

SSI prevention (incisional)

Wound protection

Microbiological diagnosis

Peritoneal cultures

Decrease peritoneal inoculum

Initial abdominal cleansing

Peritonitis assessment

Looking for the source of the infection

Source control

Simple closure

Source control


Resectionintestinal anastomosis
Decrease peritoneal inoculum

Final abdominal cleansing


Abdominal closure

Primary or deferred abdominal wall closure


Treatment of residual inoculum and perioperative resuscitation

Adequate empirical antibiotic therapy

Endorsement to Survival Sepsis Campaign principles

SSI surgical site infection

response. When pharmacological therapy is contraindicated, mechanical methods are used.

Importance ofsource control

The term source control was first used in the early twentieth century and has been the subject of renewed interest
with the Surviving Sepsis Campaign Guidelines [9]. Foci
of infection readily amenable to source control measures
are mainly intra-abdominal sites. Drainage of abscesses,
debridement of infected necrotic tissues, removal of
potentially infected devices, abdominal compartment
cleansing, irrigation and definitive control of a source of
ongoing microbial contamination are the usual consecutive steps to ensure source control (Table1).
Few guidelines have been published for the surgical
management of peritonitis, as most strategies depend
on intraoperative findings, severity of disease, time
to source control and underlying diseases. The surgical dilemma usually concerns conservative vs operative
management, but also laparoscopic vs open surgery.
Minimally invasive or conservative approaches including percutaneous and endoscopic treatments have been
advocated by many authors for the management of
uncomplicated cases (diverticulitis, appendicitis, cholecystitis, etc.). Percutaneous drainage may be especially
relevant in complex cases such as hostile abdomen
provided the collections are technically drainable. In
critically ill patients requiring individualized management, especially when surgery is delayed, the surgeon
must perform damage control surgery, a concept
derived from trauma and applied to sepsis, which may
include open abdomen management, exteriorization and

colostomies, drainage, stapled resections without anastomosis, etc.

The technical aspects of timely and adequate surgical
management are critical, although the quality of source
control is difficult to evaluate [22] [electronic supplementary material (ESM) TableS1]. Without adequate surgical
source control, mortality rates can reach almost 100 %.
Early management is the second key to successful treatment [23]. Short-term outcomes appear to be essentially
related to the time factor.
Surgery provides an ideal opportunity for microbiological samples, as interpretation of samples collected from
suction drains and drainage systems is difficult or misleading. Routine intraoperative cultures remain debated
in mild-to-moderate community-acquired peritonitis and
in patients with a low suspicion of multidrug resistance.
In these cases, intraoperative cultures may be useful as
a baseline measure to monitor subsequent emergence of
epidemiologically important microorganisms [8, 10]. On
the contrary, it is usually recommended to obtain peritoneal fluid cultures in the most severe patients, even with
community-acquired peritonitis, in the case of previous
antibiotic therapy and in all healthcare-associated infections [5, 7, 8, 10].
Source control can be completed by a single operation, but many studies have reported that additional
procedures are required to remove persistent clusters
of infection. Systematic reoperations are no longer recommended in routine practice [7, 8, 10]. Progression or
failure of resolution of organ dysfunction is highly suggestive of persistence of disease and requires re-evaluation [8, 10].

Organspecific management
The concepts of adequate, inadequate and difficult types
of source control depend on the specific organ constituting the source of infection (Table 2). Fresh, small
perforated duodenal ulcer is best treated by laparoscopyassisted intracorporeal suture closure. In protracted peritonitis secondary to large, chronic and/or friable peptic
ulcers in an unstable patient, quick and safe open repair
via a conservative midline incision may suffice [24, 25].
As a result of the serious consequences of protracted
infection after bariatric surgery, considerable attention
has been recently paid to early detection and treatment
(either laparoscopic or endoscopic) of any leaks [26].
Peritonitis due to small bowel perforation is not
uncommon. In faecal peritonitis or when a damage control open-abdomen technique has been used, primary
anastomosis should be delayed until improvement of the
peritoneal compartment and the patients general condition. In such circumstances, the principles of damage
control surgery with temporary ostomy should prevail
[27]. The most common abdominal source after complicated appendicitis is probably colorectal [6]. Complicated
diverticulitis is the leading cause of colonic peritonitis.
Radical source control (Hartmanns procedure) from
perforated, laparoscopic washout and intra-abdominal
drainage has raised much attention as a low-grade, easy,
straightforward approach to source control [28]. Recent
evidence is clearly against less invasive procedures in
patients with complicated diverticulitis and diffuse peritonitis [29, 30]. This policy should also be applied to leaks
following colorectal surgery with temporary ostomy.
Management ofpostoperative complications
Surgical operations can cause significant morbidity and
mortality as a result of postoperative complications [16,
17]. Peritonitis may decompensate and worsen pre-existing organ dysfunction, resulting in increased mortality.
More than 70% of these patients develop complications
[16]. The probability of postoperative complications
must be taken into account in the decision-making process prior to surgery. Several scoring systems have been
proposed to predict complications, but with disappointing results [2, 16, 17, 31]. Table 3 presents an overview
of surgical and non-surgical complications in peritonitis
and their frequency.
An association is very commonly observed between
the characteristics of the initial surgical procedure and
postoperative surgical complications [16, 17, 32]. Surgical site infections (SSI), among the most common surgical complications, are associated with the extent of stool
contamination of the wound, surgical techniques and
the patients comorbidities [17]. Superficial and deep
SSI must be treated by incision and drainage. Organ/

space SSI require more intensive intervention (CTguided drainage, relaparotomy), as SSI are usually a sign
of an occult intra-abdominal problem such as anastomotic leak. Rectal stump insufficiency, dehiscence of the
abdominal fascia and colostomy are less common complications of emergency surgery and can be repaired by
limited invasive procedures.
Surgical complications usually require reoperation.
The extent of source control interventions for complications varies substantially: from incision and drainage of a
superficial surgical site infection to CT-guided drainage
of an intra-abdominal abscess and relaparotomy comprising various types of surgical interventions. The surgical
procedure may range from simple lavage to resection of
parts of the small or large bowel and may require temporary or permanent ileostomy or colostomy, possibly leaving the abdomen open.
The role of an open abdomen technique in the management of severe peritonitis remains controversial [33]. The
abdominal contents are exposed and bowel loops are protected by placement of the omentum majus or a specific
artificial layer and a vacuum sponge. Temporary coverage
usually comprises negative pressure devices (maximum
negative pressure of minus 75mmHg) to prevent abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS) and allows a re-look
every 2448h.
Tertiary peritonitis is persistent intra-abdominal infection without a surgically treatable focus, following previous surgery and source control [14, 31]. This form of
nosocomial peritonitis is caused by a specific spectrum of
MDR microorganisms, including enterococci, Enterobacteriaceae, pseudomonas and candida. Tertiary peritonitis does not require surgery, but only a non-contributive
reoperation can confirm the diagnosis.
A high rate of healthcare-associated infections is
observed in patients with peritonitis. Up to 30 % of
patients with abdominal sepsis develop pneumonia,
which can be associated with unplanned re-intubation,
ARDS and significant mortality rates [2]. Urinary tract
infections are documented in 28% of patients with diffuse peritonitis [2, 16].

Intraabdominal hypertension
Patients with peritonitis, especially in the presence of
organ failure, present many of the known risk factors
for intra-abdominal hypertension (IAH) [34]. The two
main determinants of increased intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) may contribute to the development of IAH
and ultimately ACS: intra-abdominal volume may be
increased as a result of ischaemia/reperfusion-related
oedema, postoperative fluid accumulation and ileus,
whereas abdominal wall compliance is decreased as a
result of surgical trauma, oedema and postoperative pain.

LAP: simple closure for fresh, small and non-friable


OPEN: simple closure

Perforated duodenal ulcer:

Accepted or adequate

Quality ofsource control

Perforated appendix with diffuse peritonitis in a patient

with previous abdominal surgery and peritoneal adhesions

Infected pancreatic necrosis

Postoperative leak of duodenal stump

Difficult/controversial management

LAP washout for perforated Hinchey III diverticulitis

OPEN resection and primary anastomosis for faecaloid
peritonitis or in septic shock

OPEN: resection and primary anastomosis in stable


Mesenteric ischaemia

Resection and primary anastomosis in patients with sep- Mesenteric ischaemia

tic shock or longstanding perforation with oedematous intestine

Prolonged LAP, non-converted appendicectomy

with friable necrotic appendix, diffuse peritonitis or
patients in septic shock

Perforated appendicitis:

LAP complete cholecystectomy in patients with

shock- and/or sepsis-related intraoperative coagulopathy

Perforated cholecystitis:

LAP: simple closure for protracted, large and friable


Perforated duodenal ulcer:

Risky or inadequate

OPEN: Hartmann procedure

Temporary stoma for neglected laceration or oedematous intestine

Resection and primary anastomosis in stable patients

LAP appendectomy in obese patients

OPEN appendectomy

Perforated appendicitis:

OPEN surgical procedure performed via laparotomy, LAP laparoscopy


Small bowel


OPEN partial cholecystectomy in patients with shockand/or sepsis-related intraoperative coagulopathy

OPEN or LAP cholecystectomy in stable patients

Hepatobiliopancreatic Perforated cholecystitis:


Infection source

Table2 Quality ofperitonitis control derived fromdifferent organ-specific infection sources

Table3 Surgical andnon-surgical infectious complications inpatients withdiffuse secondary peritonitis

Severe bleeding

Clinical setting

Frequency Treatment

Haemodynamic instability


Reoperation, bleeding control


Incision and drainage

Significant blood loss

SSI (superficial/deep)

Putrid wound secretion

SSI (organ space)

Faecal wound secretion

Dehiscence of abdominal fascia Fascia necrosis/abdominal compartment syndrome

Intra-abdominal abscess

Evidence on imaging (CT, US)

Anastomotic leakage

Evidence on imaging, drain fluid

Rectal stump insufficiency

Putrid anal secretion following Hartmann procedure

Rupture of stoma
Tertiary peritonitis


Relaparotomy, source control, open wound therapy

Relaparotomy, mesh implant/open abdomen/

negative pressure therapy


CT-guided drainage


Relaparotomy, source control/drainage


Transrectal drainage, negative pressure therapy

Stool in soft tissue around stoma


Reoperation, reinsertion of stoma

Persistent abdominal infection despite adequate

source control

Antibiotic and/or antifungal treatment

Septic shock

Haemodynamic instability


Haemodynamic stabilization, anti-infective treatment


Respiratory insufficiency, unplanned (re)intubation


Antibiotic therapy

Urinary tract infection (UTI)

Lower UTI or pyelonephritis

Antibiotic therapy, source control

Source control sufficient?

Diagnostic investigations for source of infection

(+)very rare (<1%),+rare (15%), ++common (510%), +++ very common (>10%)

All these factors, particularly fluid resuscitation and surgery, may play a role in the development of IAH.
IAH has been found to impair gut perfusion [35], causing structural changes in the gut [36] and bacterial translocation [37]. In animal studies, IAH has been found to
delay healing of colonic anastomoses (ESM Fig. S1). In
summary, IAH has multiple effects that extend beyond
the abdominal cavity.
IAH should be anticipated and IAP monitoring is
advised in patients with severe sepsis or septic shock.
When IAH develops, fluid administration should be considered carefully, as parameters such as urinary output
are unreliable to assess organ perfusion.
Adequate analgesia and removal of constrictive bandages can help to increase abdominal wall compliance.
Postoperative bleeding or fluid accumulation may accentuate IAH and ultrasound may be helpful to identify
these lesions and guide drainage. Postoperative ileus and
gut distension are other common contributors to IAH,
for which nasogastric drainage and suctioning may be
required. If these interventions are unsuccessful and ACS
ensues, abdominal decompression with open abdomen
treatment may be necessary.
In some situations, an intraoperative decision to perform temporary abdominal closure may be preferable.
Consequently, postoperative IAP monitoring is mandatory to guide subsequent abdominal closure.

Microbiological considerations
The variety of pathogens isolated in the context of peritonitis represents a limited part of gastrointestinal flora.
Culture results cannot discriminate contaminating bacteria from true pathogens. The microorganisms involved
include a spectrum of Gram-positive and Gram-negative
bacteria, as well as anaerobes and fungi, with a highly
variable mix depending on several factors including the
site of perforation (ESM Fig.S2) [3]. Gram-negative and
anaerobic bacteria are increasingly involved, ranging
from about 1520 % in gastroduodenal perforation to
about 80 % in appendicitis-related peritonitis. The proportion of cultures isolating Gram-positive bacteria does
not vary substantially according to the primary source of
perforation and remains about 3040%.
Healthcare-associated infections are associated with
an increased likelihood of pathogens with reduced susceptibility to standard (first-line) antibiotic regimens.
The term MDR therefore covers methicillin-resistant
Staphylococcus aureus, coagulase-negative staphylococci,
vancomycin-resistant enterococci, extended-spectrum
beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Enterobacteriaceae,
quinolone-resistant Escherichia coli, and non-fermenting
Gram-negative bacteria such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa
and Acinetobacter baumannii. Factors predisposing to
MDR bacteria include corticosteroid use, recent exposure to broad-spectrum antibiotics (less than 3months),

underlying conditions such as liver disease, pulmonary

disease, organ transplantation and a length of hospitalizationgreater than 5days [3840]. However, geographical and local (in-hospital) ecology also plays a key role in
this setting, hence the critical importance of local antibiotic susceptibility testing for both bacteria and fungi.
For example, patients with a recent history of travelling
in regions known to have particular resistance problems
deserve special attention (Table4).

Antibiotic therapy inperitonitis: 10 years

Over the last decade, several guidelines have been published for antibiotic therapy in community-acquired and
healthcare-associated infections (Table 5) [5, 7, 8, 10,
4143]. The most appropriate initial empirical therapy
should be prescribed early (ideally preoperatively for sepsis containment and SSI prevention) and must target all
of the microorganisms likely to be involved, including
MDR bacteria, on the basis of the suspected risk factors.
Broad-spectrum treatments are recommended in critically ill patients, but targets are different in communityacquired and healthcare-associated infections. Coverage
of enterococci and MDR bacteria is not recommended
in patients with community-acquired peritonitis, but
should be applied in patients with septic shock who have
received prolonged cephalosporin therapy, in immunosuppressed patients and in patients with recurrent intraabdominal infections. The community and/or hospital
ecology needs to be considered when starting antimicrobial therapy: the recent spread of carbapenemases in
Enterobacteriaceae has raised a serious concern worldwide, similar to that raised by the pattern of spread of
ESBL [7, 8, 10, 4143].
Dosage adjustment needs to be based on pharmacokinetic parameters reported in patients with severe sepsis
as few data are available on peritoneal diffusion of antibiotics. De-escalation has not been shown to be detrimental in patients with peritonitis. Antibacterial therapy
is usually administered for 57 days [44] after adequate
source control. Antibiotics can be discontinued once
clinical and laboratory signs of infection have resolved.
The use of procalcitonin to determine the duration of
antibiotic therapy has not been assessed in peritonitis
and remains debated [10]. Only a few guidelines have
proposed specific regimens in patients with documented
beta-lactam allergy.
Peritonitis inobese patients
While the prevalence of community-acquired peritonitis
in obese patients appears to be similar to that observed
in the overall population, a growing number of perioperative complications and postoperative or short-term

adverse outcomes following bariatric surgery have been

reported over recent years. The surgical complications
most commonly requiring ICU admission include fistulas
and anastomosis leaks [45].
Only limited pharmacological data are available in
morbidly obese patients and the appropriate doses of
anti-infective agents remain controversial. As in other
septic patients, pharmacokinetic variables may be altered
during peritonitis in obese patients (ESM TableS2). Volume of distribution (Vd) usually increases as a result of
capillary leak syndrome, increased cardiac output or
fluid resuscitation. Antibiotic clearance (Ac) may also
either increase because of increased glomerular filtration or decrease because of organ failure [46]. However,
obesity may further increase Vd as a result of increased
lean body mass and increased adipose tissue. Obesity
may also increase Ac as a result of increased kidney mass
and global filtration, or decrease Ac as a result of chronic
hypertensive or diabetic nephropathy. Hydrophilic and
lipophilic antibiotics differ in terms of their pharmacokinetics and pharmacokinetic parameters are modified by obesity [47]. Since 30% of adipose tissue is water,
an empirical, but never validated, approach is to use the
Devine formula to calculate ideal body weight (IBW), to
which is added a dosing weight correction factor of 0.4
times the difference between total body weight (TBW)
and IBW (IBW + 0.4 [TBW IBW]) to estimate
adjusted body weight, on which the dosage of hydrophilic
antibiotics should be based [47].
Standard drug regimens can therefore potentially result
in a higher rate of inadequate serum drug concentrations
in critically ill obese patients, which may be responsible
for increased treatment failure or emergence of bacterial
resistance. A study in critically ill obese patients receiving cefepime, piperacillin/tazobactam or meropenem
at standard dosing regimens demonstrated considerable variability of antibiotic concentrations, resulting in
insufficient plasma concentrations in 32 % of patients
and overdosed concentrations in 25% [48], and 35% of
obese patients treated with meropenem had concentrations below therapeutic targets. In the same study, obese
patients on continuous renal replacement therapy were
more likely to have supratherapeutic and less likely to
have insufficient beta-lactam antibiotic concentrations
High doses of piperacillin/tazobactam, at least 4.5 g
intravenously every 6 h, are commonly used in obese
patients and longer infusion times may be required [49].
The upper limit of the normal dose range of cephalosporins is recommended in these patients [50]. The upper
limit of the normal dose range of carbapenems (68 g/
day meropenem, with extended infusions over approximately 34 h) is also recommended [51], while no dose

Septic shock, failure of early surgical source control, recent

antibiotic exposure (particularly prolonged cephalosporin
treatment), immunosuppression and prosthetic heart valves
Clinical relevance uncertain
None. Methicillin-susceptible S. aureus is covered by first-line
antibiotic regimen

Coagulase-negative staphylococci

Staphylococcus aureus

None. Non-extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing strains are covered by first-line antibiotic regimen

Healthcare-associated infection, especially with length of hospital stay>5days. Recent antibiotic exposure. Chronic underlying diseases leading to immunocompromised status (e.g. due
to corticosteroid use)
None. Covered by first-line antibiotic regimen
Immunodeficiency and prolonged antibiotic exposure. Tertiary
peritonitis following failure of source control, especially in
peritonitis originating from upper GI tract perforation

Enterobacteriaceae (Escherichia coli, Enterobacter spp., Klebsiella

spp., Serratia spp., Proteus spp., etc.)

Non-fermenting Gram-negative bacteria (Pseudomonas

aeruginosa, Acinetobacter baumannii, Stenotrophomonas
maltophilia, etc.)

Anaerobe bacteria (Bacteroides fragilis, Clostridium spp., etc.)

Candida spp.

Gram-negative bacteria

None. Covered by first-line antibiotic regimen


Predisposing clinical condition requiring coverage

beyondstandard first-line antimicrobial therapy


Gram-positive bacteria


Table4 Potential pathogens inperitonitis

Selection towards Candida non-albicans spp. with dose-dependent susceptibility to fluconazole in patients with prior fluconazole exposure

High rates of resistance to clindamycin and cefoxitin in certain

geographical areas. Resistance to metronidazole is rare

Multidrug resistance most likely in healthcare-associated infection

ESBL-producing strains likely in healthcare-associated infection

and should be considered in patients with a history of recent
travel in regions with high prevalence (Egypt, Thailand, India).
Fluoroquinolone-resistance of E. coli may be as high as 20% in
some geographical areas

Methicillin-resistance possible in healthcare-associated infection

Methicillin-resistance likely in healthcare-associated infection

Resistance likely in healthcare-associated infections, especially

when caused by E. faecium. Ampicillin resistance and associated production of beta-lactamases are a concern in some
geographical areas, as well as glycopeptide resistance

No clinically relevant resistance problem

Resistance considerations

At risk of ESBL infection: imipenem or
Biliary tract infections: piperacillin/tazobactam
Biliary tract infections and at risk of ESBL
infection: piperacillin+tigecycline

Mild to moderate cases: monotherapy:

cefoxitin, amoxicillin/clavulanate,
ticarcillin/clavulanate, ertapenem,
moxifloxacin, tigecycline
Combination therapy: cefuroxime,
ceftriaxone, cefotaxime or ciprofloxacin+metronidazole

2009USA [8]

2010Canada [7]

2013International [5] Amoxicillin/clavulanate, ciprofloxacin+metronidazole

At risk of ESBL infection: ertapenem or
Biliary tract infections and at risk of ESBL
infection: tigecycline

2015France [10]

or cefotaxime/ceftriaxone+metronidazole
In case of -lactams allergy: levofloxacin+gentamicin+metronidazole, or

Monotherapy: cefoxitin, ertapenem,

Monotherapy: imipenem, meropenem,
moxifloxacin, tigecycline or ticarcillin/
doripenem or piperacillin/tazobactam
Combination therapy: cefepime,
Combination therapy: cefazolin, cefuroxceftazidime, ciprofloxacin, or levofloxaime, ceftriaxone, cefotaxime, ciprofloxacin+metronidazole
cin or levofloxacin+metronidazole
Piperacillin/tazobactam or
Imipenem or meropenemaminoglycoside
ceftazidime or cefepime or ciprofloxacin+metronidazole

Amoxicillin/clavulanate, ceftriaxone or
cefotaxime+metronidazole, ertapenem
In case of -lactams allergy: gentamicin
or aztreonam+metronidazole, tigecycline
For suspected MDR Enterobacteriaceae
ertapenem or tigecycline

2009Spain [41]

Severe or at-risk cases

Allergy to -lactams: ciprofloxacin or
Or tigecycline+ciprofloxacin

Imipenem or meropenem+teicoplanin

Severe cases or patients at risk of MDR bacteria Imipenem or meropenemamikacinvancomycin

Piperacillin/tazobactam or imipenem or meropenemaminoglycoside

Ceftazidime or cefepime or ciprofloxacin+metronidazole
MRSA or enterococcal infections: vancomycin or linezolid or daptomycin or tigecycline

Piperacillin/tazobactam or imipenem, meropenemaminoglycoside

Ceftazidime or cefepime+metronidazoleaminoglycoside
MRSA infection: vancomycin

Imipenem or meropenem+linezolid or
daptomycin or glycopeptide
Tigecycline+ceftazidime or amikacin

Piperacillin/tazobactam or carbapenems
Allergy to -lactams: fluoroquinolones or aztreonam+metronidazolevancomycin

Piperacillin/tazobactam or imipenem,
Piperacillin/tazobactam or imipenem,
meropenem or tigecycline (+antipseumeropenem or tigecycline
domonal drug in case of septic shock)
In case of -lactam allergy: tigecycline
In case of -lactam allergy: tigecycline

Amoxicillin/clavulanate, cefuroxime+metronidazole

Mild tomoderate cases

Mild tomoderate cases

Severe or at-risk cases

Healthcare-associated peritonitis

Community-acquired peritonitis

2006Belgium [42]

Expert groups

Table5 Empirical antibiotic regimens proposed inrecent guidelines forcommunity-acquired andhealthcare-associated infections

Severe or at-risk cases

MRSA/VRE infections: add linezolid (not necessary for tigecycline)

Mild tomoderate cases

Generalized infection:

Severe or at-risk cases

Mild tomoderate cases

Localized infection: cefotaxime, cefuroxime, cefztriaxone, ciprofloxacin,

2015Germany [43]

Healthcare-associated peritonitis
Community-acquired peritonitis
Expert groups

Table5 continued

adjustment appears to be required for ertapenem [52].

Optimal dosing of fluoroquinolones is more difficult to
determine, but dosage adjustment is probably not warranted, at least for levofloxacin and moxifloxacin [47].
A loading dose of colistin should be administered and
subsequent dosing should be calculated for IBW [47].
For aminoglycosides, a loading dose should be based
on adjusted or lean body weight and subsequent doses
should be based on serum drug levels [53]. No adjustment
is needed for tigecycline [54]. For vancomycin, the loading dose is 2530mg/kg of TBW in seriously ill patients
and the maintenance dose is 1520mg/kg of TBW every
812h, without exceeding 2g per dose for patients with
normal kidney function; serum trough concentrations of
1520mg/ml are recommended; dosesgreater than 1.5g
should be infused over at least 1.5h [55].

Role of Candida inperitonitis

Non-candidemic systemic candidiasis accounts for the
majority of cases of invasive candidiasis observed in
patients with peritonitis. Up to 80 % of these patients
are colonized, but only 530 % develop intra-abdominal candidiasis requiring antifungal treatment [5658].
Combined exposure to several risk factors such as broadspectrum antibiotics, parenteral nutrition and renal
replacement therapy for 710 days is required to transform colonization into local invasion and then documented invasive infection [58].
Non-candidemic invasive candidiasis is microbiologically difficult to prove. The definition of fungal peritonitis is restrictive, based on histological criteria and cannot
be used to guide initiation of antifungal therapy [59, 60].
Experts therefore recommend that early empirical treatment be based on risk-assessment strategies, such as
colonization index, Candida scores and predictive rules.
These strategies are based on combinations of several risk
factors, such as Candida colonization, previous use of
broad-spectrum antibiotics and previous abdominal surgery. Their positive predictive values (PPV) are used for
the early prediction of invasive candidiasis. The negative
predictive values (NPV) of these scores are much higher
than their PPV. This situation has resulted in two opposing strategies: clinicians concerned by the poorer prognosis of delayed treatment start antifungal therapy early,
even in low-risk patients (especially patients with perforated gastroduodenal ulcers), leading to major overuse
of antifungals; while other clinicians, more concerned by
the negative ecological impact and the costs of antifungal
agents, delay prescription with a risk of missing patients
requiring early treatment.
The colonization index may be used to identify patients
likely to benefit from early empirical antifungal therapy,
but this strategy is work-intensive, expensive and difficult

Fig.1 Suggested approach to guide antifungal therapy in patients with peritonitis, adapted from [67]

to implement [60]. The usefulness of the Candida score

to guide empirical antifungal therapy has not been tested
in prospective clinical trials [61]. Dupont etal. developed
peritonitis scores with relatively high PPV and NPV, but
their clinical value needs to be confirmed by large prospective clinical trials [62]. Other investigators have proposed predictive scores based on combinations of risk
factors, but their clinical usefulness has not been formally demonstrated.
Biomarkers may be useful for the diagnosis of invasive
candidiasis but have yet to be confirmed by large prospective clinical trials. Candida DNA and mannan antigen/anti-mannan antibodies are of limited value. The
European Society for Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) guidelines considered 1,3--dglucan a very useful biomarker to rule out infection [63].
Preliminary data suggest that 1,3--d-glucan can also be
detected early in the course of non-candidemic systemic
candidiasis, including peritonitis [64]. Preliminary results
suggest that Candida albicans germ tube antibody can
also be detected early in patients with peritonitis [65].
Early empirical and pre-emptive antifungal therapy has
been suggested to decrease mortality, but this remains

highly controversial [56]. No study has ever addressed

the issue of empirical antifungal therapy in a specific
population of patients with peritonitis. Evidence-based
guidelines for proven invasive candidiasis emphasize the
need for early treatment to improve outcome but do not
provide any practical measures to guide this treatment
[56, 66], leading to major overuse of antifungal agents,
contributing to a high financial burden, and promotion of
a shift towards species and strains that are less susceptible to antifungals.
A practical two-step approach based on the use of
biomarkers could be proposed to improve the selection of patients likely to benefit from empirical antifungal therapy, while avoiding overuse of antifungal agents
(Fig.1) [67]. The first step could rule out patients at low
risk of documented fungal infection. The second step
would limit empirical antifungal therapy to patients with
increased 1,3--d-glucan levels over 80 pg/ml, as proposed by some authors [64, 65]. Alternatively, clinicians
may decide to initiate antifungal therapy (with an echinocandin) in patients with septic shock and organ failures
in the context of complications after surgery for peritonitis [8, 10]. Antifungal therapy can be continued, with

possible de-escalation to fluconazole in patients with

resolving septic shock, provided sensitive candidas are
documented [8, 10, 66].

Critically ill patients with peritonitis require an early
combined operative and medical approach. The key elements for success are early and optimal source control
and adequate surgery and appropriate anti-infective
therapy (in terms of the most appropriate drug, at an
adequate dosage with satisfactory tissue penetration to
target the microorganisms concerned). In life-threatening situations, a damage control approach is the safest
way to gain time and achieve stability.
Electronic supplementary material
The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s00134-016-4307-6) contains
supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
Author details
APHP, CHU BichatClaude Bernard, Dpartement dAnesthsie Ranimation,
Universit Denis Diderot, PRESS Sorbonne Cit, Paris, France. 2Department
ofInternal Medicine, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium. 3Department ofCritical Care, University Hospital Attikon, Medical School, University ofAthens, Athens, Greece. 4Department ofGeneral, Visceral andThoracic Surgery, Klinikum
Peine, Peine, Germany. 5Department ofIntensive Care Medicine andBurn
Center, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Department ofEndocrine andHead andNeck Surgery, Corporaci Sanitaria
del Parc Tauli, University Hospital, Sabadell, Barcelona, Spain. 7Emergency
andIntensive Care Department, Centro Hospitalar S. Joo EPE, Porto, Portugal.
Department ofSurgery, Catholic University ofSacred Heart, Policlinico A
Gemelli, Rome, Italy. 9Department ofCritical Care Medicine, Ghent University
Hospital, Ghent, Belgium. 10Burns, Trauma andCritical Care Research Centre,
The University ofQueensland, Brisbane, Australia. 11Department ofMedicine,
Faculty ofMedicine, University ofPorto, Porto, Portugal.
Compliance with ethical standards
Conflicts of interest
On behalf of all authors, the corresponding author states that there is no
conflict of interest.
Received: 27 January 2016 Accepted: 4 March 2016

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