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Mandarin lessons & Example Sentences

Word Origin mandarin

The word "mandarin" in Indonesian itself absorbed from the English language that describes the Chinese
language as well as Mandarin. But actually, the word "Mandarin" is absorbed English from Portuguese
Mandarim, which is derived from the Malay [mntri] minister. [1] [2].
Other sources mentioned Mandarin literally comes from the title stranger to the princes of the Qing
Dynasty in ancient times. Qing Dynasty is the dynasty founded by the Manchu, so that the imperial
princes are usually referred to as Mandaren (Hanzi: ) which means "Authorities Manchu". From
here, the language used by the Manchu officials that time is also referred to as "language Mandaren".
Writing evolved into "Mandarin" in the future. Source:
The advantages of studying Mandarin in China is that we can directly apply what we have learned in
school in everyday life. The majority of the Chinese population can not speak English so inevitably we
have to speak Mandarin when we go shopping at the supermarket, go eat, etc. With our every day use
Mandarin every day then it implies that our ability to learn the Chinese language will be faster compared
to when we learned in our country are rarely in use mandarin.
to be able to speak in Mandarin we still need one of four ability to support our ability to speak, these
capabilities is the ability to listen. Since it is unlikely we will speak without listening to what was said by
other people, unless you are a speaker in front of the glass house.

How To Learn To basic Mandarin:

get a grip Pin Yin. Pin Yin is a romanization system to be able to read Chinese characters. This is
a writing system that is necessary in controlled by people who do not want to write and read
Chinese language course. Learning a new language certainly started with the alphabet, is not it?
Similarly, the Chinese language. You have to learn Mandarin base began with Pin Yin.
master the four tones of Mandarin. Many have lost that tone is not important, but the tone in
Mandarin is the thing that is very important, if we mispronounce necessarily mean that the tone
will be changed to other words.
Third, multiply conjugation. In several previous articles we often write about the importance of
conjugation or a liaison sentence in learning a foreign language. Because conjugation are the
words used in all topics of conversation. So, if we can master the conjugations we've mastered

Example Exercise conversation in Mandarin

N mitin j din shng bn?

What time did you come to work every day?

N mitin j din xi bn?

What time did you last work every day?

N yqin zugu shnme gngzu?

Any job you have ever done before?

N zi zhl gngzu du chng shjin le?

How long have you been working here?

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