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By Holly Sercombe


High contrast

Stylised scenes
Subject is

Black and white



shown as

Indirect mode
of address

Never smiling

Not central



Helmut Newton was born in Berlin in 1920. At the age of 12 he bought his rst camera and went
on to do an apprenBceship with the portrait, nude and fashion photographer Yva (Else
Neulnder-Simon). During the second world war Newton ed to china to start a career in
portraiture. He moved to other places such as Australia, London and nally seMled in Paris. He
worked for French Vogue, French Elle and Harpers Bazaar and Playboy. He established a
parBcular style marked by eroBc, stylized scenes, oTen with masochisBc and feminist subtexts.
Newton uses a variety of black and whites in his portraits. He also shoots lower than the subjects
eye line. This is to show that the person or subject is the dominant part of the image. The subject
is rarely central, he places his subjects looking and facing out of the shot which makes the reader
quesBon why. I like the way that Newton uses light to create atmosphere in his pictures. The
tones he uses are really eecBve and appealing and his images are thought provoking.



Story like

Direct modes of



Not central
Backgrounds set
the scene

Bright colours


Annie Liebovitz was born in 1949 in ConnecBcut. In her life she has worked for internaBonal magazines such
as Vanity Fair and Rolling Stone. She started out as a amateur photographer but she soon worked her way
up to Chief photographer. She now creates pictures for adverBsements and campaigns. In her work she uses
bold colours and surprising poses. She oTen creates scenes from fairytales and stories. She uses bright
colours and exaggerated themes. She also uses green screens to create some of her more eccentric

Liebovitz creates scenes from fairytales by using bright colours whilst sBll creaBng a mature theme. This

image recreates the transformaBon in the ugly duckling, light Is used to create drama and the subject is
the lightest part of the image. She uses large and dramaBc backgrounds to create a distorted view of a
tradiBonal fairytale. In her images she uses facial expressions to create an emoBonal feel to the image. I
think that she puts a sad and oppressive theme on to the happy childlike stories.

Focuses on
female form

Uses light to


Unusual angles





Black and white

from the sea

Variety of tones

Lucien Clergue is a French photographer born in 1934. Clergue became famous in the 1950s for his various
styles and subjects. He has a selecBon of imagery, that include nude women, Picasso, bull ghBng and gypsy
groups. He manipulates light to create shapes on the bodies of the women. He also has them emerging from
the sea because this is his idea of life. His pictures appeal on a sensual and intellectual level. His pictures
reect his personal interests and how he views the world. All or most of his pictures have been taken in
Clergue uses light to create shapes on the bodies. He rarely takes pictures that include the faces. He has
women emerging from the sea to show them emerging into life. He uses black and white to create smooth
tones and a nicer contrast. He takes pictures in unusual angles to show dierent ways to express what he is
trying to say.

This idea is that I would be

sicng on a throne oaBng in
space. This relates to Annie
Liebovitz I would add the
background and make me oat
later in photoshop.

My second idea is that I

would have a piece of
voile over the light to
create a starry eect on
my face. This relates to

For this picture I would

dress up as a clown and be
juggling planets. I would
add these later in

For this picture I would

also dress up as a clown
and have my arms in a
puppet posiBon. Then in
photoshop I would add
balloons that look like

For this idea I would take a picture

of the back of my head and also a
picture of me dressed as a clown, I
would then edit it in photoshop to
make it look like I was looking in a
mirror and the reecBon was the
clown. I would also add a vigneMe to
make it the focal point and to also
make it look eerie.

For this idea I would take a picture

from below eye line and have me
poinBng at an angle, I would be
dressed in vintage/retro clothes
with a cigareMe in my hand. I
wouldnt be looking at the camera.

Final Ideas

For this picture I

would also dress up
as a clown and have
my arms in a puppet
posiBon. Then in
photoshop I would
add balloons that
look like planets. Id
turn it black and
white to relate to the
arBsts and to give it a
creepy feel.

Another idea is that I

would have a piece of
voile over the light to
create a starry eect
on my face. I would
be looking at the
camera. I would also
try the voile on the
camera lens as well as
the light.

For this idea I would take a

picture of the back of my head
and also a picture of me
dressed as a clown, I would
then edit it in photoshop to
make it look like I was looking
in a mirror and the reecBon
was the clown. I would also add
a vigneMe to make it the focal
point and to also make it look
eerie. I would also add a
background and add an aged
eect to the picture.

Final Image

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