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concerns with human evolution and human variation (Paleontology or paleoanthropo

B.2 Cultural Anthropology - deals with the study of culture consists of three are
as as follows:
1. Linguistics- focuses on historical and descriptive or structural linguistics.
It looks into the emergence of language and variations of language over time.
2. Archaeology-deals with cultural history
3. Ethnology (cultural anthropology)-studies cultural variationconcerns with hum
an evolution and human variation (Paleontology or paleoanthropology)
B.2 Cultural Anthropology - deals with the study of culture consists of three are
as as follows:
1. Linguistics- focuses on historical and descriptive or structural linguistics.
It looks into the emergence of language and variations of language over time.
2. Archaeology-deals with cultural history
3. Ethnology (cultural anthropology)-studies cultural variation

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