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21 Army Group



11-26 Sept 1944



Seetion He2,din-' ~ PaBo

Introd: tory 1-4 1

1 • (}.onornl 81 tu tion n.nd sethng 1 2

2. Summary of Second British Army ~tan.

Operation ItMAH..Kt,~ GllRllWll. 2-3 3-4
3. The Plnnning end preparation ot 30 Corps
for Oper Hon "GARDEN". 5
4- OUtline of 30 Corps Plun for Operation
ItG'JID]Nll. 5-16 6-11
5. Orgnnis tion for . ovemen t of 30 Cot'ps
T roi'f'io. 17-21 1

6 S unIIlD.ry ot 30 Corps 1.~ ain tene-nee Plan

for opern.ti n "GiJID " 22-38 13-17

~di~ ... to PART I

~ppena1x tAl Groupine nd 30 Corps Order of Be. t tlo 18-19
Operetion "Gi.RDEN" 17 September 1944.

ppendix IB' Boundaries - .Axis of b.dv8.nco ond

D13posltions, etc. 2()

Appendix ' 0' RJ.. Gds i\..I'JUd Div Task Table 21-24­

Allpend1x D' R uspcd 01) Oper1". t ion "GARDEN n • 26-27

&IJpon1. IE' Extraot of CEO .30 Corps Signa.l Instruotion.

Oporl.l.ti G.A.RlJm". 28-31

Anaoxurc~ to Pi. T I

.L.nnO~.Ir0 1 to Tr~o issucu in oon.1unotion with RJ;. Guara.,

.-PI d.ix '0' ;J'Il\ourlld Division T£',bles • 25

••.nno:uLt'e 1 to l,Ia1n HQ 30 Co ps '}jr Cornrnunicl'l. tiona. 32

nd.ix lEI

bnn0%UI'6 2 to \l/r OonvnunioBtiOtl3 Airborne Corps HQ in UK. 33

.'llpendix 'E'
JUlnaXW'e 3 to T/T Communi oat ions fli'ter Airborne Corps HQ
Appendix lEt had. lund d. 3j
AmlEM.l;["6 4- to ·,7/T Communion-Huns Speoial RA. 34
Appendix IE'
Annexure 5 to Fraquoncy lI1lotment Bri tish l\1rborne Corps. 5
AlJl and 4 IE'

," v IQ4l)
_~ )'D f O. f_~~'
..' A R 'f --ll.
Scction [~~

7. General Situ~:tion on 30 00rps front

17 3c~tecter 1944. 1-4 36
8. t!arre tive 30 C rp C:ll.l 1 .n.1rborne Corps
of' OI.;i;;rI: t ion "L;.RK.~ G.Jilllli"
pW·1.od. 17/26 SeptenbcL' 1941+.. 5-66 37-71
9. Exeoutiun of EoveT:lunt ~l Tr~U'f10 Plon
of .30 Corp i';U'"i.n~ Opcrf..:.ticn "},:":.RK.":I'
GAl.WEN" • 67-79 72-74

10. 30 Cor-fls '.ni 1 3ritish ..1.irburnl3 C,Jrps

:.:lministrr, tivo .rr.:::.n;~e. ·nts. 80-86 75-77

Avpen-Ux IG' H, 3<.; Cl.r~,s l,ovcr:j,mt ·!"m<.ructi',,>n fur

O]!Cr!:.tiLn "GJ.fJJ~{" 78-79
"·~l'IJiJn:li."( IH H(~ 30 C()r~s Tr"i'fi:> ~'"nlllJV'JllIcnt C<.mtr')l
Ors""n iso t"lon. 88

;,,~~p(;nUx 'J' Tl.)i;lj~r; ~hic'.l ._E:-.rocir'.tion r:£ thy;_xis of

••' V':lnC0 '~r. l uf Hive ["s ';;",",.• L <In.! NE.U~ i~IJN. 09-91
;;PlJonJix 'i.' !~ in Ext~cts GU;'r'ls Arm0urc 1. DivisiJn
Ol~cra.ti·:m orl~rl.;a.12. 0l'"r'-.tian "G.:B..:JE2'f" • 93-95
.'·.r ,unlix 'L' j~"·.in Lxtr':lcts 50 (N) Divisi;JTl Oi~~r~:tion
Ins true tbn r·~ ,.36. o-."~ ct· tiun 1I(~_JQ!1'~i1. 99-103

.i.U,:en:lix 'NI I:t"in ~xtr. cts 1 "~irburTl0 Ciur;,s O:·..;r"ti/,m

.OrlHr for C~r;r'1ti :n "1.ot";:K:..'?" 104-105




- _._---
to LJ-LT...--.

.' nnlJxure 1 tu Grt,upin'~ uf l\;,rm[1 ti Jn3 ·:\nl un1. ts fQr

.... 'nlix 'G' j.h,>v(.1;lt.:nt for Opurnt~()n "G"JU~~"4 80-84

i~nll/';:xu[,o 2 t~ T rd'fic. nn 1. I::ovument Con trl.ll urge-nis r tiun

...ppcnlix 'G·' for O!)""rl'tiLn "G~:...I.illE.'l1l with Sketch 'f.'
':'r: frio Cuntrol COlilr:unic"~ti ns Not. 85-87
Annoxurm 1 & Gl,ullin 7 '~nl Or,l.:::r 0f l:nroh GU(1r:ls .'.rtlJUl''1:l
lA to :.I!­ n1',"is1un. Olll~rnt1un "G" ..]~" • 96-97
ponJix 'L'

:.nnexurc lB Or ll:i~ Jf 1',' ['ch . 'n C(.;n t ~0 Line. Opurr~ ti JH

t":'1 II /~. '-t'i) 'i"I" •
l' ., 1{ Ir J.Y
11 113-118

',-) 124
. ,' ..... '-l")­
- 1 -



17 - 26 September 1944

1. _ (n) This Opor:ltion oarried out by Second i~, with 1 British

Airborno Corps \.Dlder command, wo.s known as "Operation

(b) fo avo id contu."don the oporation oarried out by 30 Corps

''13.8 known as It GARDEN" , and that carried out by Airborne
Troops as "MARI<ET".


2. The object of is roport is to record and to describe

.30 Corps planning nnd execution of Operation "GARDEN". +


(a) ~e report is d.ivided into mREE parts which oovor

respectively tho plaJUling and preparo.tion, tho execution,
and a summo.ry of tho points of the operation.

(b) The diBpoaitiona of formations wi thin 30 Corps, prior to

tho advance on 17 Septembor, arc shown at Appondix fBt.


4. Unless otherwiso statod, all map referencos llre to

1/50,000 maps.

+ The report also outlines 'in the NU'r~t1ve the ports

that were plnyed by the airborne to:I"llBtions of the
Airborne Corps.
- 2 ­



1. By· 11 Septc,ber, the Seconu British Army had co.pleted its

quic advance frO.ll th R SElNE, and its "leading formation <..:re
established on, and:w. n2.11 bridgeheads a ross, the gOl1vrLl line of
the MEUSE - E 'GAUT Cana: from inclusive GHEEL 0888 to in.... lusive'the
40 Grid lin e.
uring thL ~ericd, hard fighting had ta.lcol olace against an
enemy'~ 0, although disorg is d: continued to offer stiff rl..SistSlloe
'lith rearguards mainly composerl .f' infantry supported by Tiger tank
and SP guns. Behind sC'i.'ee:, he ','ras attempti g "(;0 orguniso
(It ive positions l'll30d on tL:\.; majo':' vater obstac_c.:> 'thich \!ould have
to be eros cd if a Gonti.. ued t.'rust by the; Second. ~~ rel'O to bo made
thro gh the ::EThERIuH VS.

Th :Sri ti h L of C "T.'3 no'" approx.imately 400 miles long•

•4!\fTWERP, J 6896, h£1. bee captu:L'e'
ut "ras NOT oper' tive, d thu full
necessary adn 'ni trativt.: bttlld up . auld only be E'-Ch.i.OVl; men thi~ and
other captur~d c~n .1 ports be . t ~T~lableo Th m' i tcnanc~ link
of thu ,-,eond .~, ,v, ·rhl.i 'cby tL~ nt:lce .:.nry :ldministrati v buil up .0 ld
be compl ted, had ta b largely suppl'';!.entcd by road tran..>port rc;sour 83,
hich in turn 1 t w(; proviclcd :.;~-:; -~: e ex.pense of lifting f'ighting
formation. A tnu::;1} ,.0 tirno, i ',10.::; vital to prl.ven"· the WW.4Y c­
organising; thi could onl. bv don':' :.f' the tim~ for the ~ dmini. tr3.tivQ
build up tor this op,-,' tim va.,., :>ho t..:med., .:.dter card ul con~ideration
it wa.::; d0Cidt:J to tah; thi:-, uw Ii. Ii'" .. rdivo risk; subs que ltly fully
.justific.:d, the ~et 1 d' tr~ of t ..1) ::;t l.rt of ti: e opl.:ro.tion W '"
. dv ced by six d· ys,

The op0ratio f,,; t"ilt:; the biGgc~t air orne drop yot to be
und r taken by o.irborl e lorma.ti ., , n1'1 1 three corps of th ri tisl
S ocond '..rrny rfcn, to ,dven u an J. b.::; d(;ployc~l, 30 Cor ps lc~ j n in thl
centr, d 8 anel 12 Corp \JchL:1o. cd ".Jack, eac}; on flank. Fo).' this
reason, it can be ~,u:!.Q t~: t th.; profc"ccl opvr~tion ~;cs unique, 0.
althou it had na.ny :n.ntors '"n...; rlC'1 -nth 0 her o!J~~·D.tion , thore \'fcr a",pccto v;rllich' 'L'e r.ot ~p licabl<.; to a.,'1y oth..:r type of operatio •

- 3­

sm iARY OF SECOND o:lITISH lill11Y a':JIf, OPillU~TION ItM~'.R1CET G."RDEN tl

2. The object of Second ;.rmy, ( ,i l;h Hoorne forces under command

after landing), '::as to position itself a trid· the rivers I,L ,W~'ill., and
~ER RIJN in thd gen-.:r 1 Clr ,0. GRL.VE 6253 - NIJi.iEGEN 7062 - •..RNH:a1 E 7575
ld to domin te the country to tho YORTH as fnr as the ZUIDER ZEE,
thereby cutting off co, mtmio Hons bd 'men' GEru.:llNY and the LOW OUUNTRIES.

T1..SI<S uF FIu1.NKING Fu nlliBul\NE TRIJuRS

3. The tD. • S of formation~ 0 crc.ting un ur Sueond ~.rm.y, in

co junctiqn.vrith 30 Corps, vere as follo~~:-

() 8 Oorps
8 Oorps, consisting of 3 British Divi ion, \'la~ to :nove up
on the RIGHT of 30 Corps nn,1 curry out the follO\:ing tusks:­

( i) Protect the RIG '~r ,,,-,,(1, r c. l' of )0 r.; orps.

(ii) On advance of 30 Corps," p.cI.,arOf' iv ly to relieve 30 .

Corps of rc;cpol :..;ibili iy for nIGlh' 1'1 .' protection.

The above VIa... to bo q-ccoInpli.3hed by c'il.t?turing IfrEERT 5897

~.nd SOERTIN j'X 4902, cmd sub:wquentl.· c.>---L(;n ini,; o.s rar
ORTH M .' 'UND 5522.
(b) '12 Corps

12 Corps, c~Jn".;.~ti If!, 0 .. 7 .,rn,ou:eCtl Divi::;.i.on, 4 ~'L ,oured

Bri a.dc, 15 (S) i\-j 1ion, 'Ole:'" tu uontinue to OpL;r~to on
the LEFT flank 01' 30 Corp -, :md cn.r y Ott the 1'o~lOY ing
til. ks:­

(i) Progrcs~ivcly 'rolievo 30 Corpf> of reopon~i ility f01'

LEFT fl"nk prot ... tior! by apturing ini tio.lly RETHY
1.599 - ~lRENI'O.NCIC 1505 d TURl\'HliUT 0606.

(ii) Sub.... oquontly to aQV nac to , ll~'.. ~S m1U po sibly beyond.

(c) ;.irborn<; Troop.,;

(i) 1 Br.i ti~h .. i l'borno DiviGion ( '!ith Polish P"r' huto
Brig de) und 82 U .~irborn; vi·J.i.sion ",fer..., opert ti g
tmdlr Bl'itish ;Lil'bornc Cur!'s. Their tasks ure
:ccwpectively: ­

To captUl'~, . tlhJ.t, bridges UV0,' ,IDBll RUN t

~.Rj~ I· m ut:,ll,lirIJ,1,; tl v :'" "'1'0
dillg country.

To co.pturc; 'int- ~t., " <.J bl'i .,:::.; ovt::l' th' R ,I J..S
an ~ R 'i ...... ..l, in '. 1'0'\:. GIl... LV E . 1 ,n,l r,..EGm and to

clomin;dc thu intl;L'\ vII ill_ cou try.

(i' ) 101 U' •• i borne DivLio'l '''': s t b w dro pG'l unrl...,r

Or ers 01' Bri ti.,h ;.ir ')'Jrne Jorp, in he .r,;;iJ. from
'xclusivc GR..LV~ tCJ i ll;lu",ivc; .ri:nmlJOV in aceOr 1C0
oIi th the rcqnil'Cl1K:nt, of yJ Cor 3. For p arming

pu.rpo:.H.l;';', 101 US' b 0):' u Di -i 'ion \ placed. under

C01JlfJand 01 30 Corps.

• •• /TIll.,; tusk
- 4 ­
The ta k of this formation, which was to co e under
cowl~nd of 30 Corps on landing, was to facilitate
the a.dvanc e of 30 Corps as far as the R M.i'J.S. Their
function cO'.lld be de cribed as laying down a carp'et,
in advance, tc, seize and secure the nodal points on
the latter part of 30 Corps· main axis.
- ) ­
SIoXiTIUif .3

4. The plannjng end P IJpcrution for "C•.RDEN" by 30 Corps can be

divided into three I>­

( a) The C'!sem"bly prior to tho .)pera ti O'n

( b) Thu break out

( c) Tho thru,,,t tr, contact th0 ulrbornG forces.

( a) The ~~. CI bl.v

The ass -..:bly and tho l. arshc..lling of tIle forces bUlor\.; tho
opel" tion present· 11 umber of unusual points which re
worth consideration.

The fir.,t point ,,' D.S t~at tho "'SD J:lbly h::..d ts. be so flexible
thc..t the Cor:llJia del' ',muld be able t::.o o<:~ll i'or\1ar any body
of troops ~ :,:ight find n0CC~j ury; '1'01:1. tIL0 op(;'cat:i.ona1
point of vicv, -.!lO", tho Gu~ '~ ••rr:lou;: Divi...,i·n ho. Ie
the br0uk through, The n~turo of the ')p~r' ~ion WD.~ such
that i t '..~~.j never p s:.;~ bl.., l; J pl:.:m u.pon ~. r'ixed or er of'
march fijI' the '/hulo C 1''9.', (a:oproxin \tely 2'~\,OOO v~hicles),
and this nc cs::3it .tvd ~l v(;ry c,-'.rOlul uI'.l(;1' ')1" as c!11bly,
and 1111 cff'iciont orJDJ1j . tim, to c 11 fOr'ii':rrJ ""' 0" p", of'
J troops Cl:::; tl1e:; .y' ghi; (} r'3quircd

The ...;econd point l:s tJHlt tho.; ';/holo ui' t.1- ~·Jn(;entr tion in
the BOURG LEO:FULD area had -I.:. b\.. til Ct;'C - i. ;~ vory brief
the, thr.>ugh fjeri.:JtL'1 bottJ.o \.;~_c..i ·t DlL~T : l ' bEERTI'J"CEN
';hich it ';,a' no L llO:J,jiulc hj i. provo~

Thv third. _0int ','/us t'rlt t'l(; o.ture :if the l)r)cT<:l.'Lions 'IIfJroj
kno';m to be: .,Lt 1 tll'l.t gro1.1 ::. :,")f .adrril!; ::nd t0ch.nicul
vehicles hud tv b~ affoI'c1\.; local" r./I;L;cti ~i: in th.... forn
of detachment::; ').1. (of ·cn ....ive troop::.;.

The fourth point '.:r~'; t l1 ,t t G eolUl.I, ,,1icll fr'J the st rt I.

rv..trictc; tl./
','1"'3 C ;;..Xis, incIucltil t·,." v"ri 1:,r8u nd
very vulnor~.blc gl'OLlp~; - one .. 0. b -idging gJ"o.,p, ·,thich in circu. ~tmcIJ.... 1.1ig1 t IJxt~iI1 te, "OTtle 5,00 vuhiclus,
an t'ilO - t (J ~ linistro..tivc t ilG 01' tho r...i.rlH)_' t, f'orccs,
al,our.ting '1.0 "'lJ.'C 2,000 vehicles d 01" :Ieeu '\i~j' r0quiri g
a hig priori t.y in th(; ur 1,.) of r..m:ch.

(b) The Bl"Cnk Qut

Tl c terrain to tho NUR~'J of thB brirlr-c c,vur th • ..r)) 'E ­

ESC ,UT G'ln 1 ,t 3596 (,JUE'::l dRD 'J), ll' 1';1 V Ut. tj .i. ty of
thL: \;;110.;•.1:\ in that nr,;D.. , l.l.dc it ,lULU' r.'c.}l. tll" :-:[,'.rt t .~t
thc br"ak out op(;r.. ~tion .,.{r)1.1l i 1;0:; 1)11l; 1-,1' ;,,/leil Tl\ble
iffi ult./. Tnq brilLult•.:n.d ,J .:'; ...1, '~l .11 .n1 DOl'voi by
two bri go::::. 'l'ho,;J.·I.;', ,.a',~ f\.J',1 r, r, • '~nJ 1;110 C:)lln tn' t j t 1(;
'UHTH OJ (l t; tIl"': lrulk ~ of tJIL; briJ.g.... l<.;fl..'i ',,~., ll·_ ..wily
;,roodl3u. L.n, v...,1'.1 illlll' Y, .,\~d·.i. g it ',/011 ni,/] ..
' J II r ,~f'i' Iu for
th... ::.rl. OUr t:. c: ::"tf t.h'J r;j~ 1".

B0 ring tho r1tJ poir t..; i'l Vi.tM, thL, Cur 3 C .1't'~·1:!: er lLre tull
tho..t th\.; ':Ls of t11~ bl'U, k U1; pIon ;;bOlll' L~ ~ v"ry 1'1(;. vy
arti 1101" :':>l,'0gl'HJ:":: 0 ~'lllr)n'L·t ell b ... 1.0.;: vy ',:I,VO" of Ty [lhoon ,
[11 th"\t, . 1",-.i. U.'UI t.iri ~ '.-,eight J. llt.t' J., the "rlt our
'\n infnlltr,r .J1' tho (;ll r :j ... rJ \cure', (",1 orodc·
t·,_,'ll.h "~l!.~ ,~a.-/ c vrit 11 '.11 nO';Bi,lu :1.,,1,.) •
- u -



5. (a) Intentioo

30 Corps '"lad to advanc , VI on or or , n.t maximum speed,

an to secure tr u area NU1H'ffiBT Z. 6721 - lliEl.{ E 7~77,
both inclusivo.

(b) Groupi.11g and Or' ar (if Battle

T .0 0 rd.:r Df ll' ... de for 30 Corps, together ,vith the

addi ti0nal -c:C(;up.... und<.lr co ..~nd of their formation, is
,0 -m a. t ~ • .;i!?dnlii x ;lL I • Thu Urc.t:}r of' B ttl€ ; for .irborne
Troops i·· NIT ;J • .j'.m.

( c)

30 Curps to vancc in uxi , and for purt of

Of. 0 0 l!'
t '-' "il3.y DI. _ ",ubsi iLlry <.-.xl~
use~ only b) fighting t.:. be
troop"" in .he follo¥dng general ord0r:­

Guards ~'.rl.lOllr ".d Division

llcadq artor.; .[ain .30 Corps
43 Inf~ltry Division
50 (1\-) Di dsion
The uxis of ·v· nec t i l "00 u:::ed by 30 Corps an inter corps
boun r' ries, togl..:th r ". th 1 British . irborn C::.rp DZs, an
final planncd positions of .30 Corps NORTH of J.RiTHEM, are
shorm at ~.ppendix 'BI.


The .h"'posi ion::: of for .lations wi thin )0 Ci:lrp , prior to

the on n
upte .ber, 1.'13 also ::;hown in thi

. 0VEvfENT

6. 30 Curps ·.Ias to (Ne r,n A t.; c..xi",. i.lthough a .:;ubsidiary

route was allott,: , .i. t:li ot avoi bCJttle ockJ and therefore did not
gi ve a COl. pleta S<.lCCillU. route. The abov<; t that D. COlLU1ll1 of
apprr.. xLately 20,000 v J iclo:.; nJ. to pauD bottlenecks, on the
n ain axis, at '/hich:.l. uod traffic c[Jlltrol organis<. tiun \l ul be
sscntial, '" thu c -,ur 0 vi: the battlu \/ould 0 tir(.;ly ,i<.lpend on the
flow of vehicles 1 long tIll.:.; '-lxis.

in t <.l '1 Vf'. cc in thi p0rL'.ti;)n 'da.

i. prcsse on
all rank:.., '1.) d tha.t the ke n"tc: to thu 'rr "le success of
the operation 'r/"<:' M Clfi.'Ji~llt tr:Ji'fic c;,)ntrvl orgCJlisntion a.ntl good
march disci plinu.

Thu d to'iled i l ,-.l.ntc.; ti Jl'; .Ii tl r,-g. rr1 t.) .. ,V' .ll<.nt ontrol n
tr ic ::>rgnnidnti011 -::.s (11" ;'t',--l'by tIc; G01'pl;\, :on furthv'r co idere in
det~il in S~ctio 5 P.rt I.


7. The gf> ';,tl'I';. ;m'<;j '.l Tf gctl 'by 30 Corp'" (;ro Il follows:­

(u) 11)' d' Y ./':lS t l. r','y on . hd~' :-;p r~ ti l' "l'u'JUillT" an "G EN"

(b) 'HI hOl:r ,/:.,J the: ';rlC: . t ':hich tl'GOp", tiling part in
oper.:ltion (',.•tuillT" '. e c. fir ..; ~ tlJ rop.
•••/'H' hour
IH' hjur had bLon fi4 cu pr-visi.:;no.lly for 1300 h-,urs .l.

17 Soptei.! t:r c.n::' thia ',la., to b<.; em fi:t::.:c'.

Postponer.lent'" 'I{(ltd i bL I':Jl' p<Jriou,; :)f 24 hr>Urs.

( c) I Zl n;,ur " '.. .,j t '.' tiue at ',li'.i.~!1 l ... ,u.i g triJop:.; tu ing part
i! op ... rati:. r G..Jt:JEJr f ',1':; - _ - 'Y~nc (,;. '.6 1 h.,Jur:1 ... 1iko1y
teo be 0 C : 0 r aft--:l' I i l h :our ~ a ,Dull .• in ;1.ny e, n;:,t
.bo (]'l['lier. The.: CXCl.ct til ,I.;.J I ~I hour' ',/3.,:3 t, be nGtil ied

( ) In thu mov\%.Iunt in~trLl ti;:,n ell Gctim~ tul tiL0S for' seri~ls
to pas:... SF y unL:: be i:1 t(;nu:,; 0! r;61 plUG 58 Uti Y hours.

8. T e 1;9.S!cS of forr, ations in 30 Oor.')~, 3.S clrdered, ',/i.;re as

fullcy,;:;.: ­

(0.) Gu<'~',:; ;,rr,our(;J Divisi::>

Gu'r s h.rr,OUl').1 Divi"iolJ . . 'II ,1' ':'..1100,,; 3.t IZ' ~r\.lr ... t n ·'nr.l
speed. to {;trt.:o. i 1N1 : "'_ d) by-pr" ..,ing lJ'FLErXXHI Z 780], \ '11
:lul.inato he 1':;<> fr.Jf. i clufive N1H' P£1!-;T Z 6721 t') CXclLlsive
":JlH,KX;ORK •

Sklul' bridges ... t either L,R.h.VE, TIJ!'. (j.E' or -,-~Ntill:l h vo been

cstl'JY ,Gll rcL _~r.lour{)d Divif'i::r. ':lillw:1 out to the f'le.nks
ot: the SOtTTH bank 01' th river "n , il C-/Il,jw;2t.:.Ot ":ith air­
borne tr-'op. .i. the. :l.rea, to.!rv '\11 ~ppr;:,.pri .t"" ,.die; 1 to
fD.Oili ta t<; thl... task .Ii' 43 l:i vLi ~n CJ curry ,mt bl'i
operation:;. Thi;:;', ill it cludu ,1cc,uri I' l;ha 1:-.1 Ie or' tho
propo~cd. bridg..: .31t :ma, if 'po~nibl(], tL I,; ::; of <>
~J.k~ll bridBche~ •

(b) 15/19 H G_oup

'15/19 H Group ,till a V[l.l1CC tu aruc. ~n: v ml tlwro C;)T. e
under op<,;;;:: tional OJ!:;' an' ':1 506 HL,T ,,' t.h & vi\3\"! ~ . . nv_ in
to J::cop cloar 30 C0CP~ L,ald.o.xi:::; Ii' ... V,I! v:n t!.~ E !J)! ovE1J
re .
( ) 44 RTR Group

4J+ .tITR
GroulJ will [lJ.y ·.nco t .r"',:). VJ!XillliL := 1~737 ..'.'. th ,rl,; Gu C
unuer upe:;.' ti Ina 1 oed.' 1 501 ROT ·.,ri th L, vi, :,,' t) no,,;l ing to
keep cle'" jU COL'!:)v axi ... of i,. v' le.. . 1.t' L1 (; V~'GJI.u.. va.

(d) SRY Gr up
'. 8RYGroup \fill 9.1v[i!'1ec to) a I.Co H....v.!': .n 1 til':i_-.J·U in :::;uiJport
of' tro Jp'- of c2 US ..... irb.,rt c Divi' J ,it! a vic! ti, (...;..;i·lting
1. hilt' lJivii.ii:in t.-, kuop led' Y) C ,rpr L!I:ti'l ~ 'd,l 'If, v· c in
the GILVE ffi'ul: .•

43 Divi, ion lill:­

i) _.aV'LJ\J 1 ,:Ill:> ~. Lr 'i, .1: ) n.:d I .j.'.f,_ llll 3UO n:o :)'l'l;
fru it c _u..;j, vt) 1. '"'11JI-:.I ' 101 ":, ....: 7.. ')j ,:u. : \(Jt11'j "1. on/!; Lig
grom..L to ' pO'lli '1 ,juTet:lol1 '.J.itl '1 Briti:. ,.irbun c
Di b ion i It·..; .•r(;'! I Tl)i.L2.'lt 0 ~ . " ••

( ii) Send u.vt· h: .l\,,;;nt., t·, .j ~('U1'0 J ',). ::.~lng'· ,,",VI,;. R LJ "'-·al, at
J) 'T£R Y. 9107mu 'UTFE1i&- _J 94: 4. "

.../( iii)
- 8 ­
(iii) 'hould bridges (iv ... r either rivers ·i.....·.S, WilnL or TEDER
RLJN hav; be,.m 3.estroyed, bc prepared to carry out an
assaul t crossing ~nd bri ging vp<.;ration.

(f) 50 (N) Division

50 Divi ion vill c:)nti ne -"t' hold th{: existing ,bridgehead
over the lOOSE ESC.~TJT Cenal. Thereaft€ r the Division
\'Ii11: ­

(i) Send Qutachments t~, :Jccw.~c a cro[jsing over R LrSSEL

at DOESBURG E 90tj1.

(ii) ~dvance whun order nnd 3ecure high gr~un to the

i{ORTH of" fEl\I, relieving 43 Division of part of
their res"')on",ibili ty ,md keeping c~ntact -lith Northern
troops Crt 1 British ".lrborn Division.

(iii) Be <t all l:;ir. cs ;"lvailc.ol as a Corps reserve.

(g) 101' US Hirborne ivision

The .' in rdssions y;hich have been assianed trl 101 U f.i borne
Division on le.nding a1'(; ohovll1 dia(:>1'ru,:!:'latically at. l~ppendix IB'.
~ ..IR SUPPORT ~."RJ: .NG I .E'fTS

9~ The Bre.?,k out

(a) 'l~he '(llanning 'Jf air sup~ort proceeded ;In the:. assur<1ptior, that
duri ~ the ~irbornu drops the 83 Group curcruft uupporting
30 Corps ./(' l::l 'ue grounded t:; alIa I the fighter an fighter­
bouber escrJrts tfJ tll tn,o -clJ.rrying glider force free pla.y
in: ­

(i) Fighting hQ;:,tile tircr!tft,

(ii) l ttackine hostile fIc ~ yosi tiuns,

since it: "L~G ·,.prceio.tc1 th t the 310\/ Lloving trjop carriers

und glil .... !.·... ",/',,;ul:l p:r'c...sent I). sitting target buth from ground
and air.

(b) l~S 300n :3 tl l,; ~rol,' da", ,J'f,o..;r f\3 Group .../(;:re froe to sup ort
the dVlll cc of jO Corps.

(c) This ~~Ltj,)port ,"...~ t _ .:JC IX).- eel .m a pru-arrr.nged r\;quirut:lcnt

J orw sq It'.drljl~ rlf llP Typ:loonfJ overy five ::Jin tc or 35
T:linut ...3, b ic cd t'-I strlli'e thl.,; rljt,u NURTH Df tho 10' ing
troop.., ,.m( t,-, IL f~,llo·.'od by " cab- anlc " f)f RP Typhoons
I lying JV.r the h",line ar:_ou cd clcJ lonts. ;.11 th· se
~ircr t i/l;;l'(; tl' bo C3Dn trollc l:',,~. the 'Jrounu by I FU'..F
Squadron +L)' dol' i R/T t"uch \'ti th the pilots .t'rGII " c0ntnct
co.r f'i te:d r.i.. th VHF ..., ri.: "less cqu.iJ,~.lcnt. The "hole RP
Typhoo d ..:ort (Jr .:U GrtJlq) w by this 1.1,'/ll)S to b· l.lO. e
, v ilable at V(;_'y ::lllort c"11 te· the locn1 CGl. allelcr of' the
force /hi h led the break out (-In its very nnrroyr front.

(d) Anoth l' e(Jrlt.~'l.ct 0",1' "/:3.S si tau. l.l.J..un8si C COLli. 1· er 30 Co:::-ps
r:i th the riority tns}- -Jf' rl~ eiving a X'eport fr0..
. , Tacticc.l lh;c'_'ll I:Li.~ . co ui,r;'cr1.lft on the Df tho
airborno drop::; J tll£. thl.; o. .mnatlX'· c",uld, by r .... f;;,rcnce to
that inforl.iati\)l) fix thv 01'0 h Jur for the break out.
This car CGuld 0.13" t lk ...:; any (,thor Tnctic, 1 il connaissance
aircraf't '.Ihich i/c...l'" (iver the ".\r o,;:Cl..

••• /( e)
- 9 ­
( e) In addi tiwn t-J tho P TYlJ1 oon uf'fort, ~he nOrT.lal fighter
ef art Qr Bj Gr.::)Up W~G aVcil ble 'n th~ role of c~ntinuing,
nf'ter th<.: uir'barnu drop, tl, ;:~cp he sky clear.

10. ;.,ft or tlw Break Out

(a) 'rho nor ,0.1 ~.sSU tont cle "'Y.... ~ - "P'" vailD.blc ane. t e
allot. U1t ,f' tt:: t cle;:" (excludin t 0 conta.ct cars Ire dy
rcfe:crcd to), ',{/).,:, follmls:­

HQ jO orps '1
Guu' , .~rl..:,;tlrc:u. Divi ion 2
43 Divi~ion 2
50 (N) Division 1

(b) The airuJrnc I'ore~.... ';;01' J t;"J urop "i/itl jOt;p tent. los I:1annod
by US opel' toro . 1j ·,.it' Us ~~ir Support Officer, tlu'c to
, be netted in nn ~. !3u')C~l ",-to et tr, its c0ntrol at ::>econd ..Jr,!y
Hea quart,·r. 30 Corps .;1.' .... tr, Llonitor this net sO as to
be able tu i:.. Jos e ,'), veto i1 any Q13r. nds for support ~.Ubl.ri tted
on it ._ ppco.rc· t:; 0nJ n&or 30 C Ol"PS troops. II the even t of
tht.: jtLp tHntL c1 s bt:i lUlabl t'j gut the rangu neec sary
fo,' ;:i l:lv$'~ toueh vi th thLdr .fmtr 1 at ,~rDY Hea quarters,
an. PCP wi t '12 H set -lia;:. availablo at 30 C'Jrps IIcadquartvr •
The v va;,; 1\1.,,0 ~v ila~Jlc fa uSC.'J.S a .I.1)r'..~rd non vis al
control oct by the ~.F Sq ".dr~n Lee-del' when hi.... vith
tho c')ntact cur wn..~ over.

(c) Ground t- .• iT c;eogn.i tie,n

It '/0.::' ~ p~ 1'..:c i t vd t h .t tnl.i groun~ 5i tu'" t i on in thi",

opero.ti .,. ".. oull call for the; xiL.ur~ e.. lp1oYl tont 01 11
r. ids to rio; ognition. ;LX rt ngu.. cnts -;lerc .. ;ud<.; for tht: u~
of oIJrisc f'luorlJsclJnt (l.e1 Juri.: c. r, pid a.. lvL.nco,
8w,;ponsion 0 \/hioh '<Til::; tc be at tho discretion of
C0l.1UandLr5. Th<.; u~o of yello\! s:..~ok nnd ],iJjIJN .B!~C()N 1&1.. ,;,
wo.~ 0.1.., CJ order

( d) Lo.n&.w.rks

12 Corps 'II 3 to ~ct u L .• liT I,

':.:L • tn heau I) the;
lottL:r (',Oil e ~.B. E eh an of the; lettc;r t· be 100 'yard
Ion , . nd to be r.1· J~ ,".l.' ~hi te h0ssian cloth. In J.Ji tion,
enoh ,?oint uf tl (.: liT" 1,1::1.3 t"l be pr:)lon.:o' for 500 yaru. by
yella'l 'Ll )ke 1'1'01.\ ~intc oi" orisin at "100 h:11' i tcrvo.l,

11. For th,~il'.' l'uak out 1"1' the J!j8C~'LUT 1ri 1 'dW[Lj, th~ TUl1l'
.::'lUr:,;d Di vi iU11 \'10.'; V, be "up~~ort,~l by .. i'iold. ')n' ,: liUi.. rolling
barrage, under thu ircation of tho en.. of the GURru.::; • ..t" our\.;d Di vi ion.
( Detail" r,f arl" n",l.'J cnt3 e nrc sho'ill a.t J.p'pvndix l e i :..rtl tr' c thoreto.

2. (a) -iOO J..J.. Brig d, (\ith l .•ler C'.or'1.ti-nlll cuntrol 27 L1>r., le.:.,
01" u tl.'oop), ",iaS or on,J t.) t r vi U '_L 1.1' ,nce :I.::; 1'0110 ;s; ­

(i) Ovu

B1'i ~., (,yo; i8UJlU'l' C:ill:l1 3596

Bri --t J3 ~,'UGI
,41+26 ",,1 V$l:ill.., 4~37
Bri at G ..VB [UIC 'IJ!, , . r

•.• /( li)
- 10 ­

(ii) In the case :)f' th0 briJ.ges :...t Glt.JNE und IH l];GEN,
H.. .~ . 0. kJ1 efcncc, ,lith ro.dar and se rchlights,
, a- t.:;, be provid d b 1i ht D + 1.

(iii) ...rrrulp;tJ nts 'ii:::r ' ..•d" to COllnter .,:otor Torpedo Boat

ctivity ir tile fL.T.E;.:EN urea.

( b) Should. 'TIrE'.: ridge be. r<.:8.ched on D + 1 or D + 2, ...">­

protection M to be provideu by tho Guards -'1.r..:ou1' e

(0) J·l.S fron D dn.:l' 'lnJ 'unti! uing . ntil f'Li1'thur or e1'3, a HOLD
FIRE on 3.11 'Ul. 'h'v '{fJ. J ~t,;r during ylight so u to
enDure that none of our oircraf't bein~ u~odfor d1'oppil g
po.l'uchutists she,ul be firw. on.


13. (a) ..l1ir i I c

Bee u '0 thG .]I i rg0. tly relluil'(; the use 0 cir" old .ut
VOLIillL 564-0 and Ell DnOvm, rvvIJry offort ';{8.S to be T.u:dc to
capture t 1e:.l and CE if Cor .~; ,r J 'di \Jetel to 1'0 art eurly
on the' r C Jndi tion.

( b) Bridging ,

Tho b1'idJing ple.ul t . .>UI'UOlmt Ul-' tlu'oe ,Jujo'(' ::'1.t~r

ub... tacle.... aero·· .....:hieh the Corps xL, of ulvmce ' a",
J.irccte<1 "as ~ ."o11mr:­

( i) ui'fici en t b ri d ,il g ~q ui 'um t ',:0. DrJ ~re' ':11 U. ~i ven

n ..ief.i.nite pasitia 1 thl;;; initi,~l orIe ~,1 ::larch to
l'ovi.le ra.lsir.C!,o oVoJr the Canals u to' i"1clusive
the .,:.....l:,.8, nn':' to ..,ravi.le ferri es or ti . ri v 1'S
'.'I...... ond EDErt RI,

(ii) Equip!. ont for uridtin£ Over t

':1·" . v:1ih,l>1e i the bridgin

(iii) CE.30 CorpL ,a~ put i h<J.rge of: all 'tri.i operation<:>
nd coulJ. (; ..a IJ, if !1ecu'" '1'", all ::>1' nart aI' 43 and
50 (N) i i3iDn~' 1 • r~ 0 reed.
( c) Plunnin?,

NOt6~ iln the; Rl!: lJlttll in a:.;!:'<.;cts LOX' 30 Corps a "rution

"G, rn arc ,,;.d1Cr\rt1 I_t ., ondix ID'.


14. Soc Part I Sec iOl 6.

15. (Q I' (;.').clq uart Lll' ~

( i) GO yJ Cor ,~I ';~l,rnl' ~.:'ll C , ',/0.:; tG 1 \C'Vt~ ;T.' I Ii t lly in

rc r ,).l' till,.; G-lv.... rdc •. 1.'j'1111)' J);Vj,1;1"l1.

( ii) j"tin III,.;' 'lIt· t"r' 311 Co1'..,r. .I~; 0 UL pi' . t into tl
or:1t..:X' 01' r, 'le ,nrrl' 11.... til tl \. p);'t')i,.L',;, ~ vf thlJ [) tt'le.

... /Cb)
1 ­
(b) Col.-: unicati",n

(i) Extract 0 csa 50 C rps' Sign~l Iistruction for this

operation is t appendix 'E'.

(ii) T t; o.....uni ~ ion., tn3.t ,/~re to be ..,I.,;t 11. or L:irborne

Troops n.n~' r or 11 f01'!. .tion", under an opl.;r til g with
30 Corps clurine this operatio 1 are sho m t ' n xure
toppendix 'E' ~' follols:­

...J mexu;cc 1 - l'lnir t.;U q arters 30 Corps 'tl/T

CD .~,' ic tic.n

":"nnexure 2 - Cor... nit:ution i borne Corps

ql lrtcrs in Ul'ITED KINCIX.ll •

..'1 0xure 3 - fl/T rj. '.lllnication D.i'ter _. i"!'borne

Corps H..:; clquarters ha. 1 J.c.

J~neXllrc 4 - \I/T OL1lIUn i l~l_ i011 Spwvi:>.l Ik.

ote: - one notes on the e.xecution 01' 3i.J orps i 611al

plan is sho'im at .L'.ppen ix 'Q tc P'.rt II.


16. (a) FivlJ Contact DetachLents '::ere rovi l,;; by 101 U .irborne
Division to IOrkbt...t',j<;:.:en _lc:..t3nts 101 U' _.i bar e ivision
an 10 .Ia.rd troop. of thG GU:.lrcl3 ;.1'.. Oure Li visii"m.

(b) .L·rran .1Onts ',:1.11'0 ,.ale ..: or u libc)ral CXCh"1 8') of Liai.3on
Ufficers as .oet'." 0l,; rleadquurte ~ 30 Corps '111 Ih.:'.Jquarters
Britis' _Li borne orp~.

- 12 ­
SECTIOtor 5 ,
ORGl I&'.TlUN FUrt

17. The problcr,l pr~sente:J t::;. the Corps w ., the tactical ove
of approxirua.tely 20,000 vehic105 fLl'OSS HCJLk..NDj one route,
supplo~ented by a ~ub~idiary route, ~as ~v~ilablc.


18. Full details of hu pln d the Ol'ganis"tion set up to deal

_lith the prable CU'() shovm at ;:~:?' I1C icct; to Pa.rt II a~ follows:­

(a) ~~ppcn ix IG' - irett qt.W.rters .30 CCJ.cps .i'ovement In"'truction

for Op !ratian rlGI. EN"

(b) ;..ppcndix 'HI - He aquc:.rtEll'S .30 Corps Traffic and !{ov ant
C antrol Urgn.niso.tic,n.


'19.. Tnpogr"phic<.l a.;Jprcciati.on 0 the axis of dve.nce and the

Going Map issued 1'01' t le opero.tiul1 arv shown at ..:~ppcndiccs as fo11oW9&­

(a) 1 ppondix ',)" - Tn oer phico.l ;Lppr-.:cintion of tho axis of

o.:lvanoo and Rivers VI-:.u.iL nd NEDER RLJN.
(b) Appen ix I K1 "Gvi ,la.p" ~.S i sued for the Oporation.


20. .30 C;Jrps ,', initially cC>!lccntr ted i:l c x'ofully pre­
arranged groups in an area. S/JUTr 0 the L!.:SCi~UT C.:1nal nstride the
axis of advance, 8J d these (. rv S 10"~11 at Hppendix IE I to Section 1,
Part I.

21. (n) The princill1e of T!1CNcr.tCnt "las that l..ov~. ent sh uld take
pIne e by day on ly.

( b) Forllntions ~ml U its ".. (;ul' ruour long the roau 0 ch

night, :c <:It, .il ing thei t' or ur uf priority.

( c) FOl.,.nation and units vror;'\j tlJ be.: fed il. t tht:! axis us road
sp ce u,v ,Un. le.
- . .5 ­

22. . eferencl.' to 30 C01.J.5 01'-01:' 01' Bt..ttlo,(bJ?Pl.'ndix r_~' 1 Part r),

for operation 11:,1. RET G.t..RD:::l;" id,l sh(). t'r.t th._ii.· 0 eration 1 a'1d
lllD.intenancc cor~ 't',l.;nt far cxcce ed those dxpect,d tc· e or 11ally
executed by ~ Cor -3 S t~ff and. Sur-vices.

ho outline l,lD,in tenc.lICC Plan t .... ! lvet the:}\.: crJ!J.m.itr.lents is as

shchn belo •

/ 23. (a) U1 till '16 .::>0 tenbcr, 11 i'"r: "'tions and vorp 1'roo S . ere
tJ rE:nain "u ~cd on 160 11.0 in BRUSSELS &'!'cC'., cl!'l .,.unition
would C ,::;n ti ue 1; b. lruWl1 frou "If 0 6 ~~rr.w !~o<. d ead. in the

BRUS ELS arOl un il 16'\ F1I.O ";',as 0 t~n.

(b) Un '17 scptc:r,luvr,161 BHC ..., ., oJ ~) rp_n in BOURG LEOPOLD arua

f;-,r the !'la~l' tun cc Jf:­

02 Divi::;io (;.)\J1.l1Jorno ElL,._l-nt)

Ovrps BrUge Or,1ur,:,n
ull Cor]' '~ronp:;
82 US i.ll,urj· c Division
'j t: 1 US ,~ir boo' c Divisi m

(C) Un D + 3,162 ,'0 'N ~ to f)l:'or in thu. . ' '"iron fur is"'ues

Guo.r Ol4'uJ. Divi.ion
43 .0ivisirm G­ nup
50 ( ) Divisi,,Ill Group
1 .~j,r;,)ornu Di vi::;ioTI (in Polish F",rachuto
Brigcic) .
B .r,..ourt:: Bdl;'dG
C;:,r ' Tr-,e;,p::- for_ ru of l..hLi R . =.: •

2 ( a) The J:l',int .mal c ::·f Corps, .,r:. D,nJ •• ru Grou.J:l i'E l;
to DiviGions for lJriuging to, \{1:>3 t b.,; b' ivLil)ns

(b) D.;::ta. hucnts of Uni t ... ~_lnc0fl ",r Cf, .u.~ nol of ~irbo.l.·.
FOrl.! tion '"' '.TOrt; tv b~ a,;c-J:,,'J[' ied by :\ 1 rupj,Ctionuto .. 'Junt
Iii' their .. cc:::ll lin ... tran..:.)ort, i. i ,,! .1[;.8 to ork III i t
C u:"l t rol t;:;. tr.o li~ C fruu ;/1 ic h t h "'- t ill I l; ,/}".i.~ to J.c ,f•

.;:,UPR.IES ,"D :r?OL

25. ForJ. till!1-; 3.r.~ C'n',)'; I'roop; ',.i. thin jO GOl'P~; c,r"::'t.;red to
hold th . . . follm;'in :­

l.ilus RJL

Gtu. 'j d'. ~our ·1, 1.0r S 200

43 Divi:.. . i~n 6 250
50 ( ,) DivL';'Dl G 250
8 .ur.. Qurl-l nri ,:\l~ 6 250
C orp~; troop!'; 150

•••/.J.J mNITluN
- 14­

26. (a) ~~l_ f(/~aJ,;',:in" 'Gr~, orOvr(:Ki to carry, as a r:1iniJ,RlT' d0uble

seC~jn::1 lint; holtl:lL1g of 25 pounder, and. 11 a ..unit ion fOr
progr3.l.J:J.e '17/18 Sel-'t~.~bcr r ' tc be 1'avm frcrn 161 EMC.

(b} u'ling to the lender ;jtocks 1 01 at I 'Ja-1hea , (later to be


held ~ C~), f')rr.lations 1,",e1'e order

o.t 161 <:.nd '162 to accept
the fae-:; tht:.t th y r.:ri.ght h~vc to carryon I,ri th depleted
ceon" ine ho11ings.

27. (a) Troop Carrying Trc.nsport

The allocE', io.: of lift for tro;:;p curryin,.;.> co :l.,itr:lents to

fort.c.ti~ns ;,''t,,, as J.'ljll0 '/,...: ­

Lt-3 Division - 297 an 5.36 COl, P nies, (DUJCii{S)

20 .. rmy Troop Carrying' Ca. pany
90 i~r,j ouru Brigade COhlpony, (less
one platoon 6-tonners).

DUKViS o.llCitt,..;d to 43 Division wel:'o.) tn rerl"'ln under eel ~..lilan

but ':'-01'(" to. be [tV i lublc Or usc by 1B for as saul t
rivor ert"":;.3ings. ~'.Ji _IU~1itio, lo~ded i!1 thl;;SE:: vehicles vas
tc be of ' l . . . ~<d.c.:d "'n,l he~ .... tU1ch.:r nrrangellents 4.3 Division.
This ,').'1.uni tio ',.1"..'" tr, "0 (s, arded as a Corps !'~ '..:;:rve and

\/D. not t., !J,..; is 'u\J:l I;e., D.H., forJnation or ex. end by 43
Division tU1t~l r",lef..Jud by 'Q' Uain or Jat' Corps~ .
un rriv"l r,f' f'ol'l"l.3.tion~ r,n their objective..." all tr:;,o
Garr'yin~ trm sport, (les K'(/3) 1 ',"lS tG r vi;lrt to :/2 Corps
untrol try SL le.. "t:;l.t Co j.J thir lino Dni tenMCC:l lift.

( )
O'ling t l':ck wI ~.rL:Y :i'i.'o.r. --Jore, 30 Corps 'ore ..,ado
respont, , l.'le lor their v /l1 ~.rnlY', (3rd line), Transport lift
./ fro R0o.Jhvc.u tv F1IJC:j. 1'0 increase the ;.1'] ly Lift, the
follovrinJ i.l ;flEill.rG~-; \1'''';1.0 or~ered:··

(i) Tro.n~por·t.Jf tl (; Set borne oleucnt r:Jt"' 52 Division, (both

f'ir t ancl ::0(; ,ud. LiIO), s tu "w..l! its CuI!. -lities
and. G '1'.J98 cc uip .ont; thereuy providing 'ieht platoons
tr~ 1.:>' ort lift.

( ii) . tl'l,')"', v'll' '~·.d: " t ...·.., 1,.2ort, 11t.lJ'in'..1. po<'itu

­ fr)rl.lations
in the::l' vu,j":l't3.v..: al.'Al. ,ms t,l '",vl.Jrt tv j0 Corps control.

( iii) Divi.':;ir,ns ·,.rithil y-, C';r:'J "e:::e t,) 1.>(; l.:>repc-.:cu to acccvt
Corp::; ta, ks fr,r f'ivo:: 11'\tOOI"5 01 tn~.ll )ort for nn
u .. :'fi L; 1 h r II ,.1.

28. FrO),l D till D -I- 5, tht.: l',l!.'l.ati 'lIS of Briti.·h .,ir<>0rn0 Corps
'lOre to be ~. ''l.' .It~ inc -:.,}..: air by Fvrtros. 0"" Stil'lil1['fI an,l Dakota
aire 1.". t. PI' wisiDt -, !;, t\1. J H <J COl' 111).1 n tL:n::ln<.;', in 'U1 0:r, rJrgency,

of 82 an' 10'1 US ~ ... irlx,!'llc ~lv:l:::;i(ms frOh~ 161 F.dC ..tiLh ei' cet 11'01. D ay
an lor 1 Ai ,b(/rlle D'IJ'i,;iY.l 1'1'0. 16.~ '..., ,"tl cf'fc t fro_ D + 3.
Sa borne clc:.lent of 1 .... i,'lon1 , D... r~:.;i.", _0 to rr.:,join the Division
I t
tho varliest 0i.' o~·t .i ty.
- '15 ­;~

29. ]U:lintul1o.ncu by air ~1El.f:, tr, ).; v".:ll'ried 0 t by St' rlings and
D leotun, ~1.11n 'fer "tLJ btl iJ:...;O 1 I)n prc- et(;'rL.ineu
:L':i .uJi ty c,.'
de. ands. 'l'hu lr0~ on j) + 'I hnw:;v ur ';IC., tr. b - entir (;.1, ' . ~.U! i ti on.

Tho ::i",o.l.>ornu T~ il '.n.• ·V.. I'; rry Co 'urth<.-c ech",lon of'

x.J".1UI1i tiun
'n~ 1.\ fJ Qa/~ lm. l Ii· \/(".1 tu Je ;? ',8(} n, i blocks, i
o.ccor' cc ';lith pr oriti.., c. ':,,;.;£.n~vl' y CUf,LJ.ll.:...l0r, 1 ~ . [borne
Divi iDn. The i"ir··t bloc!.:;, ,r:~ th t-1:'Jl uni tion Ivl".cles .:..£. .lin"" ';ras to
follow tJ v Guard:) i~r,.:our:.;J. D'Lv i.slon.

30, .·~i ..' mal tcnDJJc(,; fvr l;S "'~lrb;-Jrnu B' .Irr.:~tion::; 1'01. D + '1 W"S
tJ rovi e.c1 by Fortrv.,..,o;;.
u Th_rlr t't 'r, aLe I'-laiC [;~J1 noe e. 11 iJ 1y
~) r ovi le by ";~lch D31:o t n. ,,' C l' aft . ~ '{fur ~ v'· iL...b 1... In the event
:if e:xtrcn e (; ..crt.·.,;noy, 'Qir~t nllie ~irl..1urn0 .~rLl./ .,or,:. tG "ir land 150
tDns ~f' US CL.... uni ti:i ut ~lm;,).:;;'ln.S al lort, due 1 .,.:.i t J b", -.; rried for­
\' D-rd tG thv U' f'CJrl. ti~,n~ by rOM.

""(jur US Truck Oomp:~ 1i1J3, 10'.1 C;~ ·.r.i.ti a Lunition, ',rere 0 1crcd
tu rerort :". ,f. 1£ lC-.:.. to 16'1 Iil C by 18 cpt'llbe:r. 'rhercm.ftcr, they
'rurr., ,,-. be ;}' [JD.l' i 'to deliver C::". olitie to U-' '..irbo.rne DivL;ionu
on in:structi;:ll1n f J!a Hear 30 Cor J::;.

~·.ftcr .1t:livvr - :a' .:.tOt'G3 t-, ~il"b0rnt.; ,l:)li.~tions, ::..11 Cu. p nies
'rerc 'to J:'...,turn to 161 !,fC '. l0. c t (; " . "lull COj•.•.,; 1 UuI' c~,ntl·cl of' DD::>T
3J 00 ps frJr reloaJ.lOt:; frui'L _~rl y r' ilhuad.

31. (a)

The.. 11,1:, .: ••' ~:''';D.J. 'rl" ~-":(jJI!ont.· 'JI1 ..t Cvl'V:':; h;vel ',: re 18. 1;,
,xve t t l .t t! (j nul~ (,1' t i ' J ell Hut loti tics, thrl..lurrh t c
l.lcui'Lt.:.. - L' .!?:t,' 0", j3(';llll\nrdt, .. ~ " 0 1i LG t 3uo .1':,.lvnt the 4

,0r~ __ clit: 1 r~[;'jurcu::;.

(b) E racu.ation
£. hif: 'at..:: vI .C', 1. n.ltir..:·· oJ ,0 <Jxp<.-'Cte· \ uri 1 th0
eJ,.,;lo:"lll0 t of' thL. ._,LitisJi .'.rl1)orn ,or '5, 0.1:.1' I the initlo.l
s to. -es u iC:11 1.\, j t:3 ',;ul" ~ " :11', <, d t tl.t-:r ,lou1 HaV tu
hnli D.:~Ufltie3 ~'tJl i Ie ",v, ,0 htion. 1!Y.1. 1 ".ti.,m Iror.
J)ivi:::ic'l l1.idi ~ 1 u i ,..i 'd'). t J • oJ illiti \11.{ t:; r..;lvi.lian
in:..iL[ 11 tiv ·~t BojtIJ,(~ LEUlVlJJ, a.nJ It.-t{;' l; j'~. 10 cess
at ..1 .jJ I,.' tH,LEG ,"'1f b' '111 l:'·~C.

32. ,lrOL ~.iL'bi)r>lv lJ It[;, UVI C tJ. \, -."; te, 1.J'.' illL U.: 1 y into
Fi eld J.bul· ,ee,; ()1' )J ,.)0 "1. ,>r ,l.~ ··t to 3 ,:11 1 10 CCS. i.!r'v:.l.Uu::-.tion
"by "'ir '<10.:; t, \)U '.l'l"l,t't;; 1>:' uOh,J ,,'~il'U(rl'l (; TruL'l .... ~ lit ~ol. tlll1i 10 '
pVl.'l..ittou.. !~.i.ntll ]'1'1..';:" C r"L rI:' -:;:)Ju.lnr.l . '71'1,:;- tr) ',,;Vi latv Ul' to
750 L:o.Guu1tlci luil !'ro! .bLW'J,~~I,: tl,; :l:i.l'l; • ·t c1oi: r tl is .• Gill13 on
t e,j retLlrn run _'rOLl j .Ill •• ,1, J,i.:,,;r'll. Thi, Id<.-tllo' ,f' t:..V: ,uation
..tieh I; '11.'0 I)... • Jlli . It.: t, ,UUOI1 I ,.1'LlY G' .. ;WI} t i u .. [} t.ll~;r tlon
hi.:.'bo: JU•

. :udit·'\l .;u:\)l~v., 1\1[' •• H'11urll • 'l'roJ_J; \1'.' _ cr, b,,:; drolJped

until I· 4 l..c1 :.:iv<.-, '\i't-.:.L' , tic 13" C-,rp:: ',i(jl',~ tt.l 1J r n:Jonsi ,Ie
l'ur provi,i.i.r:.n ......' t! .. ..,; ~·ticl...:,j. •

.. •/lJ~' r,~:CE 1!V.l{ Gl~U I D Tl~UUFS

- 16 ­

33. lIrQl1MCe utures ";/(;' t:J U~ ... ceived by both roa d air,
anj arr<.-ngc·:;ont .... .il.,,; _ •• k:10 fji-' ." irn ., 10:..:3.3 tc. .;c forwD-r cd to
Divisi~n 1, "..r~,:j' rc:d.:irl In1' trj" url ':0(; .")ub ::?ar'lai. ....rll1Oured and
I. fantry Or nance SuI..> P~r]:3 1\.._",; att::~ 11<30. (j tloir for.. tiona an
:mr<.; tv . p"plc-lent the.. tank an ".iT "," arc.:; Bosi tion.

Vehicle an Cc,n r lled ·t"Jrc3 P r k , ' Gor s rnl j'u.'I.1Y Troops

ub P rk, were t(, );tJ "s1.e;'l~)ed. Ll)?11 .frOi.. their rear location3 by 18
·Septer.iber, :lnd J.1a ··lilUlU availaulv i .JU'd~ vore tc b ..,ode prior to the
o.?eratio •

F!vtSs r 01'0 locate at 161 n:c :/r issues.

,,~r'ranec;ncnts werl.; "j".:..l~. for Jeli very by air of u.rgen t emands

.... ueh "S lOT s' uret.:, ·.-rirclc3· v Ivu..i, etc.

.' i\.rrant..u·.llJJ.t~ ',:l;1.'0 al..>o 1. '" c for Jaily cloaranc

chicle 'taros Convoy l1ni t of SHC:l r;torc$t' 1). .... ::l.l:e receive
by Ordnance
froLl the
be.::;'" at urdn- .co 'I~ int0 81 ce 00:-11> u:y at ENGHIEN J 54.

3 110 t0r:S of 'I.cJn: cc stor",::: .. ere l~.:J.c'l .~t b:I.YEUX in three

bricks of about 54 tr:...,. e~e; ShcrtuGc of' tran" 'ort impo ed SOLe
cl_y in £,f;tti ,g tn\.,_,c brick.... tu the I~,u. <ET" 'rea, but it ,",'as . oped
ti, ',ct n.t lca~t ,no urie; 1 into hi:> urI.;, .J D dny.

35. In sU .. 'r:!, t.he X'rD.!1't: ..0nt i';I 0~:a.i.1..' ':1l1 z:e ,)Vo,,; Y 'Jere as
f ",no\',s: ­

( 0.) Repair
(i) I~ tl t,; IN. rl::.. sta..:;es 1 Gt ~ Jethan OOl; Brigade 1,Iorksho
'\.':1. to IL'VU ,:itJ .;.D.~h [)I";.ation.

(ii) C'L' fr'r:i:lD.tion \f'.Jrk:3hopu \erIJ trJ l·c....... in rJn \ eels,
whilGt the ~'UJ: ,:ere to ;:;tay i th<.;ir oxiw til g
loc2.ti jn~.

(b) L{cc;)ver:y
(i) ~.: )'J C:)).· •., .,,<.'.. :,110 tl; t 10 l i . t. ~c IV.:; y .,l.Jctio s
1j ·.nrk ~

ii) 11'-:.\ •• t1~'.L·tl.J S ci' 6 itXOVul':! ':".:pn.ny, ',vi tl liuht r0covery

f' cili ties, ,,'.1:: tr:. be: 1 J..;r te in tJ e c. l.:\ of .. <:!U'
Ikc-.. qu.:Ltl; l~ ).; Cor ):1.

(iii) 1.11 t e ockr I ',u. 0 j~, r~J .r,v() 1 1'roJ.I t .~ 1'011 lor
'0 ·,,:.rJ )'(, ,r,v, r. '1: ly,

·;6. Thl; 'hrcc Oo;qX) D.t·1. l11;\U t;; ..'l)I' ['1:\ ,-)1 \\!1-1,1' f'r.t. 1 ,\lI<l GlI.aris
;.1'1, Jur(.~ D"vlnor . Cor u.\)·,l .(.t:nt t:·, 1'1110,.-":­

2'12 u Jot:- c:hr.Il;! l; ., .. ,Ef . ).l.t'f

213 C.. ...:1. f; lM.... t •.a~lID\·

'14 C£.t. _et c:1U.:el t 'I,l~.a. . EN

.•• /lJthor
- 17 ­
Uth0r uto.Ct .Lents ~'l')' • . Iso depl0 re , J.JGving un.lur Corps
or erti.


37. •....1'<..: pl'~'ll .~d.

38. ear Heaaquartei.'s )0 C0r~)'" '.-mE to b c.;~,t;).ulisho at B0URG

LEUfuLD by 16 Suptc bvr.

- 18 .­
ltPPENDIX ';.'1. I
Tv P.:4lT I

CRuUPJNG ;'JI::;) '--':tillER UF B.hTTLE

"1!13.KET C:.rmEN"

17 SEPI'ElviBER 19Lf-4


Addi ti,:,nal troop!.; LUl.Lr COf.":'18,n' of fOrr;1€ttions, wi thin and

operating \iii th 30 0'-;1'';>5, for f),oration 111\ 'JU<E'l' GlJIDEN", were 8£ follows:­

( a) Gua:r;ds An OUi:'"u. Divisi on

( i) Und3r Cor.nand

84 Med Regt &.

198/73 il Tk 3ty R;.
Det 4 Svy Regt RA '
11 Fd Coy :em
Part 128 jj Coy'
Recc e Pc rtics 16 ·4.Lrfd Constr Gp v'
Recc<.; p", ties 5357 Airfd C"nstr ling v

Ele..\ent~ 100 ll-iL Bdc (.£L/WrB role on R l,i.h.iU,)

Recce Party 'j 00 "...,~ BJc

(b) 4.3 Divisir,n

8 ",;cu.} Bds (les '-Jll G ~'Lr,.rl Rcgt)

Royal 1'1' tht1rlands Buo

147 Fd. RtJgt .ail (les:J on e bty)

One PI 210 FU 'Coy ilE

64 1iE;cl. .!:teEt R..'..

!+ 19/52 Hy Bty ~L.

Bty 4 Svy rtegt Rt',

( ii) Under COl:1lJ..',.11d for i';iovw.ent

HQ 128 Br Coy and. iJC\.rt Br CoIn

30 Oor~n Tps RE (l,s~ 11 Fd Coy RE e~d onc PI 210 Fd
Coy HE)
7 Ji.rl,Ty Tps l.E
23 ,Doh Eqpt PI
Elew nt", '16 i,irfJ. Cc,nstr G-p
ElcLLentn 5357 'Lirfcl Canstr ~hnL

(c) 50 (N) Divisi~n

Under Com 13.l1U

86 Fd Rec;t • (1 ::;,. ,nc.: Bty)

7 1\' ed Regt i\.~

Bty 4- :..:;vy Koet iLl.

195/73 ~'ld 196/73 ~... Tk Bty l~

( d) 10'1 US " irPorne Divis: on

- --
( i) 15/19 H, \'r1. th und~r (~Q! l,lAll.l one sqn HvY'J,S and. one bty
• 86 F rlcgt ~L, C,•. ~{J un"lcr co ,lfllEl.nJ. 506 RCT on arri v .1
in EINDHUVET' area.

. . • /( ii) 4·4 RTR

- 19 ­
(ii) 4lr nTrt. J ',' t unc1<.:r co 9Il Jl e qn UY. -, ~ eo done bty
4-. '., ,D.!.•C under C:::ll.:;.an 501 RCT on arrival in
VECHEL area.
:Jet 27 L..J,. € i ;t is jE<r cor.. nd 44:<TR or inOV . ent.

( e) 82 US .l~L ivizion

'RY, ';Ii th unJ... l' C 0' ~ on e sqn RvYill. an ·,n e btj' 147 Fd
R r.;gt :n;., i ·u -,ort of 82 U .:"'ir orn e Di·v on :ll'ri v" 1 rea

· .....
- 22 ­

(g) rnce issue in conjunction with Ri Gds '. rnd Div Tu"'k Tu'oles
dD.tcd 16 S p 44 i ho' ns II J ' nnexurc" 1 tc this Appen ix.

2. ·cd. Lrty Rolling B~

(D.) Units tuki , p t

(il Opening 'Line 84" e Rcgt

(ii Line bb 7 :.:c'd Regt

(iii Lin' cc 64 ;cd Regt

(b) Co-ords
E .r Ht
.'1. 439110 503149" 30
X. 438349 50':515 .30 m
Y. 41~062.9 506470 25 t1
Z. 439863 506835 25 m
84 :,:0 7 .,:cd 64' ed
·inu~ 10 - :,iinu", 9 u b - cc
:.iinus 9 - .:inu £3 dd bb or:
j'inu' 8 - .'inus 7 dd c.... c
irn.w 7 6 f
.' (..
6 - :::h. ~
5 cc f
:.rinu'" 5 - :,:inus 1~ g hh ff
j;"inu3 4- - us r'
•.• J. 3, gc; hh ii
-,'irn ' 3 - ..:ir: s 2 jj hh ii
:inu", 2. - :.rinus I jj kk ii
_Li 1 0 jj kk 11
0 - 1 k.1<: 11
1 - 2 nn 11n 11
2 - 3 00

3 - 4" pp 00
4 - 5 pp 00

5 - 6 pp rr
6 - 7 55 r
7 - 8 55 "tt rr
8 - 9 55 tt uu
9 - 10 uu tt uu

( d) R tl..:S fOI !.o

(0) .' HE
(f) (i) On cor."!plution of this B rope TIe t r ' ... ril1 relny t10ir
ns S 10110'/5:­

04 lied R(. t - OpcnirlG Line

7 J.:wd Re t Line: bb
64 :Jieu Regt - Line co
(; i, It IT..''1.he nccc~~nry to firc th~ \/holl.; b. r-r .. c ng .in.
tl i" C:".~\j the ollo....l i , Ol'(lo.::rD 'dill be: ,~iv 'n by
, G s j'~ u Div to 64 : :cd 1 c';t Gp nnl1 84 J,:ccl ncgt

"F' C _ olli ' B:lrr, 11'\.: r.t •••••••• 'hr II

- 23 ­
(g) Trace issuod in conjunction ~li th ~ Gds j~~d Div Task T~bloG
dated 16 Sap 44 i~ sho,m "-Annexure 1 to this ...'pp ndix.

3. TUlE:D , CONes .. _- .... ~. -

Ser T" 0
ial Unit Tgt from to Ro.te i .in Remarks

1. ' 86 Fd 2801 G 5 lORJ.1.liL HE

2.. 151 Fd 2813 0 5 II II

3. 86 Fd 2802. 5 10 " II

4. 151 Fd. 2814 5 10 II 11

5. 86 Fd 2803 10 15 11 II

6. 151 Fd 2815 10 15 II I'

7. ~o Fd ono Bty 2804 0 15 II 'II

8. 90 Fel One Dty 2805 a 15 II II

9. 90 F<1 One Bty 2806 0 15 II II

10•. Bcle;ion A:r:'ty 2807 0 15 II II

II .11
11. Eclgion Arty 2808 0 15
12'. D tch iv:'t'/ 2809 0 15 II

13. 419 By Bty 2.810 ) 15 \PID

14­ 165 Hy lJ Rcgt Ono Bty 2811 0 15 3 rpgpm " Airburst

15. 165 ;!y ,A,,'\.,Regt 0 Bty 2812 0 15 '

16. 165 By Ii Regt On\,) Tp 2821 ~ a 15 II

" "
on oo.e11 2822

4. COne on Ca.11

To be nark <lout by all bty 0.1Ile to reach:­


,All rcgts, "hath'r firillJ, 'n thv b"''lIrn,~cs or not, 'dill "ork
out llLL cones.
- 24 ­
':i: tHo. E. Ht. (I. )
2801 438950 ·502150 ~ 30

11-37950 501800 30

438800 503450 30

438370 502500 30

2803 439450


2804 437100
503300 35

503580 35

2805 436150
2806 [1-35510
2807 442050 501000 .30 001'10 (BOT on Tr co)
2808 442 00 500000 35 CONe (NOT on Trace)
1l-;J.700 5011.;.40
. STO~TI( 160 (~ on Trace)
2810 W500 508200 5

2dl1 440.350 5 6980 25

2812 437370 506234 25

2813 438750 499900 35

438600 501250 35

2814 439000 500750 35

439000 502150 35

~815 440600 502560 .35

439250 502200 .35

816 41+0000 508300 25

2817 441800 509450 25

2818 44800C 50 000 (NOT 011 T:cucc)

2819 449800 510900

2£320 442800 513030 25

2821 4')5200 50525

?822 4.33350 504230 30

2823 41+2200

2 24 li40500

2825 438800 5152:>0 30

2826 4372.00 514300 30

l827 434200 511650 25

D. L. ,J,.'l,.. jylc.jor R. i••

16 Sop 41+ D. ;:. \. .. J' • , GdD Arud Div •
1130 B hrs
- 26 ­



1. Tho prol'le \ f'lcinz the !, in the IlG.ARDJ1,N fI Opel' tion was

entirely one of' bric..g'· " A xl.rt fronl the four major obstacles of
tho tEUSE, ;.lEUSE -. ',','A.\I. 03.1'1'11, '):"" and NEDER RIJN there were, at least,
two sizeable water obJtn lcp> bc . . or"' "Ghe ;. liSE 1'1(1'" l' ached, namely, the
WILHELV,INA Cnn, . nd t .~ ~iiTD r;ILI~~, VART OaMI.

PL4.1 lTNG

2. (a) Although t " '.; 'borne forces '-'Jere bcin') dropped ':1th the
object of ~ pturin~ tho bridges int ct, engineer pl~nning hud
to bo baned on the Y'Oi'.::t C so.... Wh0N ~ll obstClcles "fould have
to be bri(l.ccd.

(b) Another facto .... in .=-lD...'1l1ing \~''''-S till t Ctlthough tho brid e mi ht
bd bloY.n, the :.l..irborne forcl,s might bo in P0S~l.' sian of' the
sitos rnd routvs in betweel, so thtt \;urk could be ~~ried out
on all bridgeD s~~ultnneously if rafts ~~rQ ~sed to ferry
bridgin,,; Gauipment for". ard. .


3. In order to !loet ~hcsc COl. ,litrnont", D. I gc onoinol,;r forou

,,;as 58 ambled :...t BOm'" LEO:· )ID undor ~...h" Corp<.' Chief Erl!...inecr, their
control being dccentrLlisc' thro h CsAGRE ~~o \101'0 pIneca under command
of Corps for th- t p1.1r1'03e. .Lhb involved :­

(a) three CsJGRE,

(b) t.'<u for, '1.tion of j,rrr:~/ _roop" Fnginccrs,

( c) byo for tions GH~ Troo1:JG E '.; in ers,

(d) two forr:1 tiorm C l1LldiLU1 j rmy 'rroops ~n;c>i.nv<Jr."

(<:;) two 1110ch nic"], Equiplr.:... nt J 1 '\toan .'

The .,:"boVG vrncl, ai' COUTljU, in i' to Co ps Troop.) Divi ional

Engineers, and the Corp:; ~,:cch .ic, 1 l:i'luil1mcnt PI- toano The Division I
Engineers '~'ere to bo p1: ced 'ou,rnnnd CoAG-RE, El" 1''' _uired, according to
the c~rcumst~ cen. Tn o.1l~ t GlL .:''\,1 total 0 '\bout 9,000 RoynJ.
Engineers ,md Pion,.crs, not countin' the .' irf'iul\1 (;o11~truc~;icm Units.

4-. Nearly th ':hol ; UbOLU'C~.';; at' thl: ArT Y GroU]? Erid G Column
"01'0 IlBscmblod at BOURG Li:OI?OID uno.:r their Cr.-MIC ,,;ith four Bridge
Company HQs.

5. Thi~ , ount of llriclging (: ulp:vnt on ',:hocls Y. C ui'r'icient to

prOVide bridgclJ 'J\rcr t c initi:,l ob..3tr~cl<,;s, brid,~uf; ffi1d ::ft· the
}."EUSE - :U\.i'\L Ca:n:u, Clo;,l. SUppOl·t ·ts over tho V.,j.. . ~ . nu
and a Cl' ::;::; 9 Bri fIe ov\.,;r NEDER RI I!.

6. In n.dili t . 0.1, ,'. Ifl_' (: of bric1[.'in uq j P f.;llt, abou'i:

2,000 lorry lo::l.ds, 'as rou..~,ht to BOU lC LEOrOID arid C II fJ. (ld. This ,nG
suffi il:;mt to provitl\) dVlm turUJ.;y thr.t. b 'i.d • C.roSd..l1r~L OVl''(' each In jo
obsto.cJ.e, i thcr on .)ontoom o. 'b, oS,:m to refill .'"1..).1 the bri gin

• •• / l~ CO S PLt,N
- 27 - .


7. 'Ii th the knowludge that thi., bridgi \" as at BOURG LEOPOLD

and could be c'tlled for. "~d on priority, no bridging was put in to the
order of march xccpt a ",nnll 3.l'P.ount under th0 direct cOliU'"nond of the
Guard Ar our d Division; this ,":as sufficient to bridg0 small
obst C103 on th route ~d to provide Asgault Boat nd Rafts to get
the leading troops Qnd t~s over the ~~jor obstacles ~hould the bridges
be blown, but held by our o,.,.n Airborne Troops.


8. Plnns ':1 re, thervforc, Tn.:: d0 to form prc- rrnngcd columns to

moet vnrioU3 contingcncioG of n major bridging co ~itment. These
colurrms were ivan code- os and convoy serial nunl)crs so that they
could be call0( fory/ere. by the Traffic Control orgnnis< tion vhcn requirca.
The columns so constituted ~cre, roughly, as follows :­

(a) Columns to providc bridge., ~d r:~tG over cach obstacle

on thf. 1.ssUl"1ptio that all bridgoD '.vere blovm but held
by o'l.:r troop , :omc1 th t bridgin over each obst cle would
take pJ.'1.ce 'lt the s:x e tiw'.

(b) Colunn~ to p ovic1c the full scale of r. tG and bri es

for individ.l::l obst:...cles "'hould f'ny one be blovm and held
by our 0\\ troops.

(c) ColUJi1113 to rrovide 'lssault equipwcnt and initial bridging

.U1d rni't for cach in ividuCll obsta.ele should it be held
by the e e .y.

(d) Columns to IJro ide uuplic'ltc bridgoa over ch river should

the exLtin bri<.1gc b{; int:.ct.

(c) A colunn to ~o r'i rhe thro ~h P' ;.;t ARNIIEH to provide

cquiprn nt to forI. 'ill opgos0d bri ",ehu, d over the IJSSE

9. Each COlUMn included the correct number of RE Unite nnd

formatioIl3 to carry out t'w t,:; J \ hich had bC':lL:n pl~ I;d ::md studied by
them. In all, ~venty differ0nt column wl;rc plnnned ana etQil
workod out. Of thu 0 colur.m"" , four wero w tU'1l1y called fQrw d"

xo.ctly as pl"umc 'ill the systtJl 1,' orkcd very woll. Subsequent
bridging w '" cn.llvu up '\3 rvquired n ~ n hoc tl be,3L....
- 28 ­

TlP.t\P,T I
CS v 2~ ~OIi.?S S ~Gn __ ~STB.UQl'I.91LNO. 12

ll2..-~.~d_iE conjunc'~icn \,ith 30 Corps 0E Instr NQ:L .

. poration . IIG-. DEN II)


4-. To provide c mns for op"r _tien -. ulKET-GJ

5. Tor..nal Oorps ccmn Vlill e . ',~intai cd £1[; 110\'m at Atmexul.'e
1. 15/19 H fill keep set on Corps ,. econdi.~ry Het until they ._ aS3
to oomd 506 ReT.

6. Special cemns for l.-.u ,illT ~E foJ.lrYI (soc c1:;,fl.g:cams Qt

l",nnexures 2 Q.l.1d 3).

(i) Two lillks, A9 0 r'1 _~ll, ·Ot;;t..ed ,.~~n Second ;'Z'T:\Y - 3C

Corps - Br , irborne Corps in me Thes0 0 nlready r

established. When comns h:!,vo con establish'd -;.Ii th

AirboI'l e C rp" ai' - r ' l1"'J" p_ oj, 0 S ,;il1 h~ ino': 011 .rhichc- {, of" 9 or .' n i.-; the better.

(ii) One link (05; 30 Oor11 - Dr .:drborr.e C::. . _. 10,1 US /

:.irbornc Di ,.,~ in SeoN/d ·.rn.:;y' - 1"tO Second ,~rnw. v
T·...'o British o[cr'ltcrs 11, vo be n D,tt'lChco to 101 US
~ir orne iv to ere on 05.

(iii) One ink (Cr~) .i.:' in 3"'00 1 1_ .. rl"':fy - T'1C S~·c nd j rmy - 30
Corps - Dr '~ irbC':'~ll(l Corps "

(iv) 101 US ,".irhrrne Di\ i'-' ,n inE: "C HI 3) VO:!1JG. 0110 .....·h
193 ',Ii th US r~ .r~tol' -1;;0 -.'or:c n 014 to the ~'.irborre Div
Guard s :ts of 101 U9 ··bC>:"·l1C: iv, 8~ U.~ "'.ir crr.c Div
and 1 Dr J·\.il'l.: 0 11<.- .I:1 v in turn. ':Ie II 0[1 s
bvinc; 11" tc Gds ~ ...C ftl(l Div In - :ork on (,]11. 1:1, ~EJt to be
provid0-:r' by G(1S f.rmd .iv (:~,_,~ ; nl1X 2).

(v) 1()1 U . J.irbcrnl,; Liv i:' J :r~vi i t ' 5 SO' .300 (F!.~ SCt3) ,
t)' cll : i -ch "tHO 01 .l~~t rrj, tCl '.It'rIc Dct', cun l.dl clts of
G<1s ~.rr d piv <1n' fv/a l:l t~ lul U<.· ;.u· me i y. The
opvr'\.tcrs . ill en.o ern i ·to ',n. th 11 n ces r cre

-Ri., (vi) r·iv G_. 3 Cl.19 Scb~ ....J ld 1 CUll 9 :3 t 0)"\c1 '",1. th
us orator. '.:ill \l0~'lc f1. I i v ;,rty G:p frC" \ OR' Gd :.n d
Ions ','/it111"d '(; :>t~ ~i' Go ... ;.l1. 1 Div. l!'ir'3 contrcl
'1 ;."i =j,r);' ,0 ' iv~ ',:"ill ~OI..C up cn th0 gp '\5 re(luircd.

(vii) Med .,.r'!;y Gr. F'~. ~L H0i.:t '-':ill h' . Q 01,8 5 "t f r 'thich
CI. US 0 .... r· tcr is nj lIe 1'r
-, vill.t, t ',lhi.c 1 l'i'l:~. cOlltr 1 SlOts
f' i il'bornc Div' ' i l l ': I. - :J.S r~c:n il' d.
- 29 ­

(viii) One 76 Set . .I i th crew will move wi th D1~ & Q1 G Br ;.irborne

o rps to \'!ork on 06 to 1 c Br j irborne Ccrps in UK. This
set will be vd th Rear 30 Corps until Airborne 0 rps
seaborne tail joins Moin Airborne Corps HQ.

(ix) ":"s soon as se borne tail of Br :'-irborne Corps HQ joins

Br :.irborne Oorps HQ, a (me-to -one link vI/ill be established
between Rear 30 Oorps and Br J..irborne Oorps. Second Army
is providing the set at Rear 3f\ Corps. Det ils of freq
and linksign will follow.


(i) For det "led ~ allotment see Annexurc 5.

(ii) Frcq list~ will be in use in Second Army as follows :­

3 Corps Oorps Lis t ~~

8 Corps II B
12 Corps II 0
Gds l.nnd Div }•. d Div List f..
11 ;,;rmd Di v II B
7 i rnd Div 11 0
5r: ( ) Div Inf Div List A
43 Div II D
15 (8) Div II B'
53 Di. v
II 0
3 Br Div
4 i,lind Bdo Indep Bdo List C
8 ',rmc1 Bele II A

8. Codes.

() General.

Airborne finns hold only ;.irborne Code keys and therefore

ground frons cO!:1Jl1Unica. ting with Airborne frons will t:tlways
use l.irborne keys.

(b) Oode Signs.

Row Regintcrs of . irborne fnms havc Dlrc£\.qy been distributed.

Code signs for use on spcciDJ. links [U'c dct iled by
seq).lence nd rDW nur,iber .vi th ,a' schedule of wireless n-vts
at ~nnexure 5. Cr-pi 5 of a speci"l ,.irborne Code Si
Extract e attnched at Annexure 6 (not inc1u od). Ground
frons must realise th"t I irborne fmns kno",' only the code
signs of irborne fums rmd do not undcrstund Second Lrmy
code siens. ,hen making contact on Guexd ~vcs or using
RT codes, if it is necessary to indicntc the names of
ground f~s th~y ust, contrary to normal ractice, be
encoded in SLIDEX.
It is il ort nt thut the usc of SLIDEX to coneee~ the
names of frons i reduced to the minimum.
(c) SLIDEX & W.FL.,\Y.

IJ.irbornc Tps "LID X cl 11 ;.PLI.Y keys hnve already been


distributed nd keys for lurthor pcrious follow. These

SLIDEX keys will be used with; normal Br 1, ry SLIDEX cords
for comn to Dr l~irborne fmns do 'Ill to and incl Div level
of ..t irborne fmns. ilhen using SLIDEX to US _ irborne Diva,
1.irbornc Tps SLIDEX keys \ ill be used wi th~' erican
SLIDEX cnrd •
• •• (d)!~uthcnticution
(d) \.Uthcntication.

For 'l;he pu:cj?osc of m ing ccntact on Div or Corps Guard

aves or for uthenticD.tion on the ccmns to be set up
between srcund an ~irbol~e fmns, Coniliined ~uthentication
Sy·t . COB • 122, Serial ~6, VQll be used uith the sheet
for the 'loy concu::rJca. 'l'he first ..etho of authentication
det iled in CCBP.0122 ~ill be used. ~irborne frons \vill
understanu no other Ine~ns ('i' "uthentication.


9. The following ne :.L'ime P~.G linkf,; "will b", hl)lr.

HoI c. Out Tc.blc P d Number

Spera at S -cond "'cn!W 204­

Main Second ".LT"!Y 205
'dain J·i.cbornc Corps 2 6
~. ain 21 \.rmy Op 207
"3 ic1j.~c1 Di V 208
4-3 ('.'i) Div 209
Tee Second _. r,: 210
0p~rc ~t 30 Corps 211
Ibin Y Corps 123

(ii) Three-r1":'l

13 (.30 Co C 368

seconu •. rmy
+ 30 Corps 14- (-=>ocon"l .~rr:cr 369
101 US "',irbcrne Div 15 (1 i~irbornc Di v 370
30 Corps os (30 Corps 367

+ Second '" n:ry
82 U hirborne Div
to (SecolJd :u:rv
folloy (.52 (L) Div

30 Corps 371 (G s i nnel Div
Second •. , y 372 +(101 :IS ".irborne Di v 37
(~p"rc ....t 30 Corps

,i..lin "·..irbornc vorps 37) 38

GdS ;..n.a iv

33 T(1s J..x d ri 30
+ 82 US ;.irbornu Div 34 + I Dr ;.irb me Bi-r 31 t 30 Corps 35 Sp~c. t 30 Corps 32
Pads ~3Xked I.,. t aro "Lcttur £'1ds ll for ,-:hich instrs to use
have been issued throur..;h ciph r e nnels.

(iii) S ecial orne Doubl Trn sposition Ciph.r h'ls been
istribut.:. down to nd inel } IJvcl or u,.c in tho event
of lr1.ter'11 eiph(;r C('J:ln \',ri t _ Br : irbornc frons being required.
Distributio. ';.1i thin Br :.ll'born.... .lmns is n.s fellows

HQ Br :. irbornc Ccrps (U:1ir:, R ar :mr ,'Ji'CE)

He: 1 "',irborn~ Div :In,' a.ll bde55.

HI, 52(L) Div ~nd ',\11 bc.1es

HC' 1 Polish Im1c Pnr~ Due

(iv ) It is hoped to :r1.' vi, ( 112098 (US cirher Id"\chino) for 3

Corps, G<13 _.l.:U ,iV, Sf~cnlr' J·.r y ::mc1 4-3 Ci) Div in case

t US forces us", this. Ill. +'~'r; ',' ill be issuIJd through

cipher cll"'mnols.

(v) R'J" II B:.' .,irborne CC'rps in UK ':,rill enntinu .... to opc;

th", Uf'ltFU r,o~ s cinh '1'5 . :.lll .: .gs·\~es for Cl(~'U'",llee in

•. ·/u .
- .3'1 ­
UK "'hcu10 be rout..; to the.. It is particularly
important ~bct th~ correct eooe si n is used.

10. Zone ;. tilnc cOJnvS into force ')300 17 Scp 1:..'.;..

11. H hour is 171400;•.

i2. ;,CK.

(Signeo) XX ' XX
Ti. of igno.tUJ.'c ••• l9055.5 .. ,. Brigadier
Chi.",f Si~1 cl Officer
30 Corps

ANNEl<lJlti. I to APPf.NDI ~ ~'r. P~rr 1



15' G-Hq TP Rt

c.::> f't f>:J TP:,>

7,'iit'I.W TP5 . i.
INTi R.c. ff'T

[I AGR.£

Z(,B f05

2105 F.D.:>

100 All .BDt.

~I)(. U~ COR.P~


",,();, ARt Ie :Jl\

IbO f Me.


(,~ ARMD
SO INf TP':'
,JO co f'~
Po.':lr r~ WJ~H~
S ARf'\1)
tl~ 1r;'/~HO~

.. ~E( <.0'/
MARKfT ANNt.X:Jil£ 2 CO APPENDIX 'f.' t~ P...n- [



u.s S£Tj

:~=============================:::=j .BRITfSH ::;£15

A NE'll.UR:f.. .3 to

. '~Ol
u~ ~~~~~NE DIV



til' TAC 5t.CONC: ARMY
F4j7? ~'5/JO

®'5 f85

MAIN 5£<": ND AfUv\Y

MARKET AN!'ttXUR£ 4 [() APP£NDIX t' to P..,-t


®ez. us ~IRBOR.Nt~

I ~

t 20/bb
(lJ5 M'ER.rlTOI<)
4 1 )U

DIV ARTy r<c. I

{us Of'f~TOR) ® 11\

134 !"£.D R£GT

o L-EGiN('l

v-~ ~T::>
o Bl\lTISH -';ET~
:~WEXURE 5 to CSO 30 Corps .ANNEXURE 5 tollPmmrx IE'
Sig lustr No.12 Part I.
Net Time of

No. Designation of Net Freg Control sta Opening Outstas Remarks Sequence & Row NlJrl)ers.

05 B1' il.i1'borne Oorps nI, 1 2420 "ain .30 Oorps H - 1 hr Main Br Airborne Corps Fl5 RG9
j,iain Second J..1'r:ry F4 R72
101 US l-.irborne Div F15 Rl5
Tn.c Second.b.rmy F4 R72 + i.ff'ix 5
Q Supply link 1 day 4595 Hain Br J'i.irborne H heu1' Rear Br .hirborne Oorps ]'15 Rl7
night .5085 Cc•.cpt; 1 r.irborne Div to folIo\'.
11"" 8: (J..1G Br .b.irborne Corps F15 i1.}J+
08 Br ~.. i1'born~ CDrps Rl2 3435 in Second ~'..rI1\Y H - 1 r...r J·L; J._irborne Corps F15 RlO
Lain 30 C0rps E6 R
Too Sec0nd .~rny listE:ning FI5 RIO -+ .Ll.ff'ix 5
CIO Corps Guarcl\ 4J.00 as required F15 R14
014 i V' Guard ,. ave 4050 .£air. 30 Corps I - 1 hr 1 31' l..irborne Div FlB in
82 US .t',.irborne Di v BIO u68
101 US .lirbornc Div HlO R51 ~
Gds .l..:n:rl Div E9 Rl1 I

~~9 Second J>.1'cy UK link 1 4790 i"ab Scc0nd ;"1'my in Nain 30 Corps E6 R3I
2900 opor::tion 131' J',.irbornc Corps (UK) F15 R5
.k 11 Secr,nd Armv UK link 2 4460 I,tain Second r.rr.w in Br ~"'irborne Corps (UK) E4 R32
]980 operation J.iain 30 Corps. ~6 R31
. ,iv J..rty Net 4160 CR;~ Gds Lrrr:d Div H hour .3 FOOs (Airborne) E20 R66
E20 R70
HQ 101 US ..:i.irborne Di v Fd Arty
HIO . R90
HQ 82 US .i~irbo:me Div Fd l'..rty BIO R53
11 ed Arty N et . 4130 84:MOO Regt H hGur Set with fwd tps 101 US ~~ir­
borne Div HIO R30
Set with fwd tps 82 US ~~ir­
borne Div BI0 R48
., .36 ­

1:' '. H 'I: • .1~

GENERAL SITU.·,'.L'"\Cl'1 m:)O C9l---;£§ FHQr:T 17 SEFTEMBER 1944-.


1. (a) ~positio~

The dispositions 01' jO::;O~5 l:~rior to opere. t5.on II MiJUa:'l'

G;ffiDEN ll on 17 Sep temh" Y' n:ce 8ho\'r(l ,''It ;"l)penuix In I to
P3rt 1.

(b) EnemY ~ctivi~

During '~hc pre"i us .'.;-8 hOP.. ..:; ther'e h?-,] beGn l i ttlc
eneu\y 2.ctivi ":l 011 the; Corp;;, fror,t, oth':.r t:hon local
infiltr<>tion end /'tr '~.. ::i<

Tho; 00:'1)5 bri'.. gehccC! 0'\T~~' thu j'\1Euu.!~ - 33C1.11£ C::L'1al was
firl:-I~r r.. n-:1 stron[jly ~\;;1:1 by 50 (N) DivisiorJ (231
IJ ,f~11t:>.7 Brit'. dB), br:'ckeu by c~.ements of the GU~'.Ids
Armoured l):i."risi')n~ ~r~h(: &rH..~'Y put i!1 r:. nurnb0r of strong
counter (Ht:l'J~~fJ : g .. h'st ":hf, br i .c1[S(;hc3.J, "tnt rJirectec1 his
n "in effort ,11 to tb' 12 Gorps bridi3ehead OVd~ the
MEUSE - ESC,',Il\' Cam'l at C'-!'il'L1..;I, 0888 •.

It estir:l'1'c€ c i th·.')·:' the ( Jl)lTiY st:C8n~th' 0.':1 30 Cor;-s

front, which ';I'lS to (:;llJOSC th0 b:r.cck ,_'ut frou th", bridge­
her'd, wC'..S rl~)I,~l'(·'{i1!':.:~t,.'.Ly :3::.X iiJ.I"') '~ry h~tt,::l:Lion{~ back,')Q. by
:1bou t 20 : ..1?Vs .-m'l ."'.. do ~.',)!! Ci. :;(~ f:i, i)ld t'.nd rnecl:i-'_ll.: ',runs.
The ntmb_l'.,jf.' ,]8 );'l'L~j on ·~:1'.: Corps front ','1'),"; no't 0~tim.:l'ted
to be n:an,:i, ·;i~"' th(~ xr."csc j~C 01' tc.nks '.: s suspected
but nei; con'£':i.:.... ;1v L

BRItGE srru~.

2. The bri,lS8 s: ':~U'\U:Oll ':/,',:;:;h','l: 'l':, c n rCj,('r[:s ::1howcc1 that

all the princip"\l brir:j,,(';~~ ('0',:'" 1:al~ !::~ .:1 ·:;:!tc:c o'';.~cl'~s on the
Corps 3xis of ,J.JV·'[JC2 ,.'c:c; i.nt: :.,:~

Corps Troop,] HF .~: ~ ': )I..; It:Go..;(1 ". C:'.GSS l~O sUJ::_l'-m ntm'Y
bridge over thE: JviEU8~~ .. :,:, ('i.rj' , ,; 'IJ",:r, ''i.l1 the e,:dstin bridGe­l

head, thereby cc.sin[~ ~\']I() r '1: ;.')~: cut.

3. The '(b~1' '-j"'!,> rinG ... i.' i1 ": 11:i.<!,ht ',;ind ~nd .i"l'!ourable i'or
airborne Op'l"·,ti011:J. 'In 1; r: ,cnI7.n[.., 17 'cptoi:lbcl', :Jecond :.n.1Y
.i\ol£tin confirmc<! th'1t 0p.... 1.til, ;'! .. P J::~ (~_.Rt ~!a ';fOul ~ '.i"kc l)lqcc;
by 12.30 hour,S JIQ YJ Cort.. '" 1'001.:,;'. ,.;d i':C01n I'i( 1 h borne· Troops the
infortn!.ltion th"t the lc,hn" ,~l.,mn.L ,>1' 1 Dri tish ;,irhorne
Division, G2 I.JS ~';.irbo:Cll' T)iv:bLm '::-DU J,Crl ..i·dJC,rnc .oi. visi()}1 'Nere
on their W/l'-{f fror.. tlh~iI' 11 '! ll'; b;~scs 'i.n E"~(}]-"j.rm.

QBJECT DIE .iND pQR}.i;:nUN on

4. For rofercnc'") ~c\JrI\O,ieS the ,I tn ~xtr(\ct.s of tho Orcration
Orders of the Gu~r'ls ;.r'"!<J\trc(1 )'vi::50n.- 50 (N) Division ~n~1 1
British Airbornc Corp{'\; -[oeeth,,!' Yri';,~,~hc DZs of 1 "'.irbor-l(': Ccrps
are sho\'m . ,t Appcndiov.::j ';:.,-i J :­

;'J.)pcndi~ '.L. I - C-\l'1X",J' .'.i.'!;,OU1' 't! La. vision.

"'.: 1-cn,Jix' '11;' - ~( (1'(\ J):;..V:i.:.;lOll.

'l.:!Jpcn ix H:: J.. )1,1,--,. ,-.) ••. i ·bOl-.oc~ Cocps.

- j/ ­

GrtOUl'm TR00:i2.

5. -'- t 1310 hour::;, Con ~m(l. r JJ Corps 5'1':/ toot the c:irbornc
Urap proeCQr ill", '1CcoJ:'Llln[, to 1-:1 11, "1'1-: the oruo!" to the Gunrd::;
}..rnourccl D:i. vision '.:~8 r.\i vcn to :rVcuck: ~~t 1435 hourso 5 GuurcJs
;,rr.,oured Brig~:c1c . . ,"'I'<.J led by th~ !I<lSH GU~JmS Group v/hich had OIIC
squc..drOll of t~ks 10', 'ling; loD c~'/o,l 'uy '~ t:?,nk-cnrricd inf-::ntrj'
company 0 'i'hey it] their' turn ','1(:;1'<. f'ollO\,lc(.~1 by :l squc:.r1rOlj of 2 HeR
so pL~ce-c for (; t, :1:'(;1;.;,'1 GC ,iCC tlliJ br, ok ou t hc.c1 been achi eve d.

"',t fir::>t ,. ::oll:i.n~ '\1)~ .'c.:(,l'(>",! b~~rr"Gc l)f six fic:lc1

rcgir;1Crlts ',s put (loVin cov'~ri".i~ l,CC)(\ y;,:.r,1s d thor side of the
EINDnOV'EN ro~d. T~l::'::; l:,.3'(;cc1 .1.'01' 2C ,·..;i"utcs 'md was <,ceo,. ,::mie'Q
by ci[jht RP Typhoons 0.·jt~cY.i!Jr (JvorJ f'ivQ minutes fo:.:' 35 f,linutcs,
followcJ by furth~r squD.d:co· ,t; di:c ;c1;ud "by :)r1 IUdi' con'~roll,-r it) a
ccnto.ct cC'.r on to tcrg,-,ts' i.n~1ieCi ted vj Gu."rc1s ..'.rmourod Di vision.
The. contClct c,,~r '.:Imi the lit;X'~ vchic:lc i.o th,. t of tIp Comms.nckr of'
the lc:ac1inD nmourcrl gX·OUl). ,'-.t ijhc S£~:le tim,.,;', but only lo.sting
for 10 rn~nut(;s, !} 'rolline ·b:_;:::".L'~gc; '.i:),J ~so put do'.:m by thee..; medium
rcgilCl6nts. 'f:Lrn.(.Jl conc<..:rltr·:-tioilS '::.J :\180 fired 1'01.' 15 l;unutes
by three ficlcl. rCG'1.l!1(;nts, nB1Gi.Jl 0:dillcry, C1J('.; c. IUTCH :~rtillc:ry
Heavy B0.tter-j". 1\ H0t':vy ".,' I'~';Li ::L:rlt 'irer] Mirbursts '::i th Good.
effect •. ·.'lh.-Oln the c~rtill, ,:cy p:L"Orr<.U1'lIf.C f'inisholl, r.. numb, r cf well
si tE' U spc--ncl8u5 ::nd :m ti-t,mk''Uns c:mc to life, 81<'.1 the sa lct the
lEl8.din[; sClunc:lron thrl.U ':: '.;1111 :rbronc,: up II [) bnks of the s:,cond
squa.dron. . To lleol -:I-:i. th th 3C, t::)1::S sIlr~YG{l every h8c1::.c with :\
h"..i1 cf fire· ",n(j thf;l) th,~, inf' ~l';t1"·J ',: ~1':; in to mop U_JO

By 15')0 huur:: th-.; 1,."r::;rlE :JL11.~, xcn of tTh~ mr,.H GU,2I6

Group, consi~tinG (>1' "n e:r) .oui:e,] rcgim 'ni; -:n 1 .~1lh.. inf:~nt~r b::l.ttalion,
h:~d crossed th..; frontier into iOJ.J'- lD, ~md "Ires in co:ntzlct ··:,:ith ~~bout
200 em:!"!'\)'" inf:mtx:y ..rl1O ',le:Cl, '·ur~ i i i on I)"ch 5i\1 of' the road; they
'."lore being sup:)o:ctl.:cl bj '1. f",: ,:n -l.lY ::;1" [}.InS '~n_ lLrc1 fii::htinf) took in ·~'1hich ;~ nureJ)(;r 0).' our' t ,Hi T "'lCTiJ lost. To ovv:ccom€ this
tem~)or:J.:r:v check, '; furthL;:J;" sct-pi,---c...; :tt", sunJor'tGt1 by '~L Typhoon
"cab rank" was st·~CC(:; this ~:tt·'ck .:: '.8 only p'-.rtie-ll,Y successful,
ana o.t 1800 hours th:; '.•::.:Jil.ll.i r..:. o,:rr'f '--' ~\ffonlG'-'! in tho ),orning
had to be liftc·] fCr",:'u',l :':nc1 J.'L;}'C~,-tco> This ',wicht ~)f ~UI)portinc
fire, Cl.ccom J:.:tni,;(: boY ':'CCln' :~tLlck, h:l\': thG desir-urI ef1' ,ct, JIld
by 1815 hours the m.IS i GU~.l\.Tl) Graul)) , t/~inst ',/c."lk.0ning Ol))osi tion,
h.:lLl crossed C sll-"lll :!'iv<..:r -:'UU'fH of' V.~Lu;EN~)\j,,...ill), rC'lching tho to\'Il1
,::.t last lit:ht, '.nd thee" the.y h·:rboul.'t.JI fo:c the llidlt. '1'111.:, ir:li1e,Jiafe"
close support of th,. Typhoons lnd b( il ", i.....I'C;~t :,ucccss. 'l'hoy rele!:\.,~cd
th.. . ir rockets y!hil.:.;t O'1u1' our f ',:n trcy £;; ':1)(-1 thes0 ':lE:r9 r.10!:,t effeotive­
ly -:inecl. l.Jlentilul U::iC of ;>"Gl1o';' r.;.lO :c; "rl, t strips H€l.B r:l,~dc by
the iTlf'~1ntr-.:r '.Inn t'lJks, (;s·Jcci.~,ll:! th\,~jC ,c::Jlcy<::d eff the; 1'0.')(1 •
50 T)ivislon con tinw... l' k hc:t,,'~ the hridr;ehc~\d )r~C\., less,2 .
DEVON c.nd 1 DOHSE'l' url5i J 1'i,. ;_~.'lc. 'i.'h,:-;c t'.-l he- ttn.lions ':lCrc ordered
to C\dv:mc€ in rC'lr c1' the, Cu',:c"ls :.1'1)(-UL'C 1 . j)ivisir:.n ";Tlth the object of
rnopping up, ~ml by 10::it l~ ,,-hi:; they ..:<.'!.....: r;;~t ... blishc,1 on D. goner::'.l line
S': fron BORfCEL 39(12.

~l'hc ("ll i.:;my p'n:i tL,llS h,ll \)n· n I:,uch stronr,cr th::m t:>'''Pcctod
e,rJc! th,-, Guarc1s _',);'p,r,url.>1 =--rt v:i..::il.clli 11, ~,1 to f1 ght s~~v:,~Qly to cffuct their
bre~,.k out L'ror.l th'J 'b:d, [;nhv\(~ ;';::;+;')' ,li"h,,(. ov(,r the. ;"'USE - ESC1;'ur Cnn;:U.
Durine thu Ilcri\xl ()f th<: ,~;·j'J::x~G~;,,, ':J:1S SQE)C 7 to 8 miles, the
cncl,lY h:\,l diructecl hi:: -~tt .c.:::.;~' ,;;in~;t the l',fOiTI'JI shoul(}er of the
bridgehead but had made ~o
hlpression. Further. his continuous
attncks ~'1erc <.1etennined ~nd
wore sUEPortou by guns nnd T!iort.3rS.
Idcntific~tion estDblishGd,th~t the enemy fighting on be Corps front
consisted of 1 and 3 Battalions of the 6 Parachute Regiment and ~vo
battilions of 9 SS Division, the presence of the two SS battalions
bein;3 a complete surprise.


6. Lo.nuings of the I"irst.;~irborne Corps took plaoe nE;ainst

only liI;~i ted opposition. At 11300 .hours p:U'lltrocps of 101 US •• irbornc
Division were firmly csto.blishec1 [It ZON 41..26, SOUTH of ST OEIlENRODE
4-332, nnd \'~iEST of VEG!IEL 1... 737.. Successful crops had also been made
in tho vicini toY of the l:l,;rl.n bricl[:cs n.t GRi.VE and NLJMEGEl~ by 82 US .
:.irborne Division cnc! at ;.RNHEk by 1 British l.irborne Division. The
bridge n.t GRNE W;jJ3 zccurcd inbct but th,£\t at ZQN 4426 v.'as b.loVinj
NIJ:MEGZN anu ;.RNHEM bridges ':lore int'1ct but not in our hands. It
con be said that cO;':1plete 3UI1?rise \"IDS gained i1'l' the initial stages
~nd resistance ~as not at i1rst org~nisea. Enemy flak was much light~r
tlu~n haa beon eXpoctoJ 2~~ no fiVlter opposition had been encountered.
The roe-supply of all thc-::>c form::.tions was up to schedule, e..nel loss
of aircr~ft h~c oeen.negliGible.


7. On ?IJ Corps RIGHr, B Corps •. arc prepnrinG to bridGe ,lith 3

En t ish Division E:IST of the Corps bound~ryI thereby Cr::1\ off enen:\}r
o.ttention from 30 Carpal thrust. I

On tho LEl"'r, 12 Corps orl1crccl n night attack 0nc1 this was

successful, [\ brid[')1c"'.ld beinG osbblishGU over 'the MEUSE - ESC:.U'f
Cano.l, v-li th . the object of ost:,blishin~ I} Clnss 9 bridgc by enrly
morning 18 Sept<.;mbcr. Both CorJ,:>s h:Jd reported th'lt (hIrinG the pcric\d
16/17\~r, cnouiY re!\ction on their front hnc been consic1cr::.ble.

1.ffi SUPFORT.

8. During 17 Septcmbl";r 5~ sorties werc flovm by 83 Group

in :3Upport of the u;round trcops. :. ttacks by Typhoons o.lon~; the
EllIDHOVEN rO!ld \/cr~ continuous from 1450 to 1850 hours. Those
ctt~cks assistcd~osenin~up s~ne of the stiff 0ncn~ positions in
the -,'/OOUS 011 each side of the V;l.I<Ei\jS.L...:JID rQ.'1.d [lnll in the villo.gc
itself where Tiger to-nks were ('.ttacked with GUCCCss. The display
of fluorescont p£lncls ","Ins ~ I;1 rlcer1 success, only on vehicle being
attacked in renr by our :1ircroft.

Thi s close iW~ support ',I:1S can trolled by one of the :tl.·J.i
cont~ct cnrs ""lith ]lUSH GU:'.RC6 Group. The scnle of 3 tt~ck Y/llS n.s
follows :­
8 airer'\ft every 5 J:linutc~ for 35 ldnutcs :mJ subsequently
8 aircraft every 10 j:"!il1utc.:S until such time ~s .~ound tronps could
make narc procress.

'fhc:re.1ftur, 'ryphoons str:~fc/.1 on the 30 Corps .:.\xis of e.clV'1nC0

up to the time th,:t the Gu:)rda :.n,l"urcd Division reO-ehc'1 Vl~lCENS",i..'-.'IRD

Theso :... tt:-lcks I 1ut in by Typhoons, \"lere only son:e 50

on either side of the rOOt: ':'ind 100 y:'.rc113 ahec.d of the loading vehicles.
It should be noted th;t the usu:11 ,1i(' of shOWinG 25 pr red smoke wn.s
not required beC:lusc the ~....:...'.F 3qu~l1ron L~~dcr controllur in the contaot
cor wt\S n.ble to cOlltro1 the: ::ircr:\ft visu('~ly to their tnrcets as
indicC'tcd by the OC r:.m:li GU.Jlf..S Group. second 1<..'.F cont"let 0.:'.1'
- 39 ­

moved wi th 30 Corps was previously briefea, wi th the primory tasks

of receiving by ':liP, (very high freclucncy), a Tac ") report, from ~.
specially bri8f~d recce aircraft, of the DCCur~CY or otherv:iso of the
i.irborne drops to 0m,ble tihc CQrps Cor.nn&.nder to decide on his zero hour.
This i;1; did '~mc1 o.lso I'0ceivcc1 Tc,c R inform'oticn from other r8connais­
sanae aircr~ft during the operation.

ENEMY;, m -d£TI.Y..!11.

9- ~lthough tho 0noffi¥ put up ~ fairly strong fiGhter force, .he

".'las eithor unnblc or un',lilling to ir)tcrf(;r~ with thE; airborne operations
or the clos.€: support 3fforde 'i to our ground troops by 83 Group IL....T!'.

10. In swnmsry it can be said tha t an excellent 5i tudion hail

been createJ. The v;holc Corps ·"::I.S poiseo. to ':ldva.ncc in ~rry order,
thereby riivin[; the; r~)(luircd flexibility shou1l1 the orc)cr of m::-:rch
h"vc to be nltcrcd. Tho oowbined 2round~nd c.irbornc Ott~ok3 had
gOJiC c.ccording to pl:~, complete surprise h2.J been ~:.chievud, 2<nd
the enen\y's o..reas hau also been surprised. The R;.F '.'lith 83 ,
Grcup h3.<1 ii,tiven olos,; and inti:.lCitc support, ::n1j the Corps .3..rtill€ry,
reinforced by ell divisional '?~tillcry, h~J put d~;n ~ b~r~be which
enabled th€ br()ak out from the briJgchcau by GUflrcls ".rr:lOured Di'Tision
to be successfully aCCor:1.11isl'lI..;d, although only ai't8r fierce fighting.
The bridgehead area w~s finnly held by. SO Division, c-.nd 43 Division
VI{.lS rec..dy to move across the MEUSE - ~~::'CI.UT Canal ",her:. r,:,quired~ l~s
rcg:'1rds the airborne O!?CrCl tions, 1 J3ri tish Airborne Corps :1_ s close
up ~J. in llossession of' the NORTH end of ":;he ;.RN1~lli bri d/3c , while
82 US .Airborn0 Divi::3i~n h~.c1 captured (;:~:.V~ bri(1go 3Ild brid';;:ls ever
}/L.':.AS - ';{:..,;.':1 C(,mc.l 678603 7Cl~-.4l, but hcl'J not yl,;,t r3.:-\cl~0a the SOU'l'H
approaches to the NI.:n-IEGEN bridge. 101 US ~~.i:t·bcrnc Division hnd
sccurod ;)11 its objectives c..long th.;,; Corps .:\.Xis of ·tdv~nce bctvlCen
E nmHO,\ EN anf1 GRriVE •.


11. The settinr; f'OT' opL.rE).~ion:: (In 18 September WIJ.S th,:,t the
enemy h£.d effeet'.:.:d rcn o:r.';'erly,;ith 1,-,:,.~\:£il ,Juri l1g the pr6vious niE:ht,
the. t he W,::l.S in .ly<3,':'.ter strc:JI~th -:':1] ·.:-,2.1i ty "~h"'l1 cX'~'}cctcd, er.n:1 tht.t
the difficult no.tur\; of tllL country on Ai th(;r !'jid~ ct' the Corps D.xis
of e.dv:mce f'nvourc d the aefCIiC:' :\tl~~ '!.'j stria Lc' our ty to deploy.
Therefore, the need f'cJ.~ more i' :f'm :.r.y \':,':\~ o:;"I,erent '~n'l for this reason
the move fori,r~rd of 69 Inf'll1try .brie·,de of' 50 (N) Inf·'.ntry])i vision
.-ras accelcr<':tcd by Ccm;:lB.m>r 30 CorlJs. ;, Brig.Jc:e Grnup of 43 Division
',!es :Usa directed to ix:. prepn.:'('(.::d tc !:uve up ~.3 :r.cClui:.."'0c1~

The enell1Y TI[',;'; still nS:< r8:9_~~t~>;.-1 nttr,c!cs !)n the \,'EST of'
the bridgehead over the I,ESSE .- -;-::SC;iU'I', i.Jut."1i th t~c ~O Division tnkine
over compl,:;tc rcsponsPYUi ty to:;:" i.lolJ:inC the bric1ee!leQ(:: secure, the
Gu~ds ;,rTilourcd Division \foulll IX>' f'~'C0 to conccnt~~'1tc i tfl C\ ttcntion

No definite liC-,'/S tIL\.S :"'-"'il~,ble a.bout '~hc oridgcs over the

rivers ';[;.liL :lnd NEJ?El{ ~1TJN oU''; H ',,'{::" imo\"111 th~t the one "..t G:r:'..."JlE over
the }.(;->J'.S was in"G<:\ct ;\rld in our h~':'l,Js<

12. The t::l.sks .r. [;i'roI" t:J ~.; l;; ..:: ',:'l': t:\.urm of jO Gu~·.')S ~~d those
uni ts under corrmF.l!Jr] ,I"J:<:' ,::\.3 fo·'.:.. 0!3

(:'~) Lu't I.

( i) R ~ p~-e·):.·'o,li;u '''''D r.rl u~ tc 1.1jO 1)X':L<\L .... )j clearinG

'.'Iouds ()rl t1l,·; i'l L'-;". [n. -th '-'X~,S . :.1: ',-,~~1'1 ng D-xis
O,t)cn l'r .... I;~ --.- ) . .. 'l't""''"''''~l<''
,. ,nn
'Of .u,.Ju.u. .


(ii) One bri (k to 110l.t t b ...:·ttl,'.':::lh>~Li. over' /;11...·

'T ... m;us:::; - E~iC:IJ'I'

(iii) 69 Dri".:'.~1c to ~los"": Hl).( r::> lj''',r';,{ ";E![ .:r .').. I

(c) ~3 Division.

Be ·!,; 'I to L,OJC OIl;:; ~)r:i.13;;(lC ~ ,roul' r:l illly to ;·;0 unr.~cr
co:rrnl'L Gu.:rds:.rr..ou:c,:~ 8i v.i.SiOili2 '~l ._~ J. .tter ~r:C0lmterc'l
during tl1eir ~,:lv"l1e(~~ se-l.'ieU8 o~\"posi ·~:i.. ~lj il: c0U11try r8­
quirinc ir.... :mt:('Y\

Cornnnn(~Cl'S or r "UrC[3'Jn t~!,;~."v::· 0.: 1:.>/19 l-L} ~4 li.'rR :ll'ld SHY

to re!. art tc B('"s , lorninl-~ . J.' the liJtl'.


13. :.t 060.C hutU'::; 1;11 .. UU'l';!t.\ i:'.!, :u:,'- T)ivif;i.NJ, l\..~ 1 h:y n{I~ll
GUiJITS G:coup, ru;;w \( .. 1 til< i.r· ,".dv' .ncc .l.')'ora V. ',:<,;<;>18 .. _ ,-, j;'J!.ll' rlllJ C(JlJ-'
tinuod to j;iOGt cut 8i(1('J.n·rll,.~ (\ ',)f)s:",tj lJn "l"lJ 'th.:: 1;"10 ru:.'{~~ 1,10 '(L'E s.ncl
E;iST of th" to\ill. The em;;.!,':,._ .,:m1<: ~.~] ly GEv' J-il);~: '<f.:a'''' in th,~ 5:)]00
stran, ;th C~Ild (lu£tl:i. ty :;s '~h ;';l.. \:i.J.)tll!Ylt ;+'~{I Dl1 1'1 :lL:J tl)r1bol'. '.l'hoy.
\,;,crc using .I: ~~l1thi:r '';1 ,11k:: n'. tlh.~i:..~ r ~:. '11.1 'y ',!(i:::' L' l' ill.r,; j~lJ.l. lse

of th(; ":roockc COUl1t..~~·.r Y' li'h.' ~ '; ~1l. si,:.o Cot' '~lK; :C'c'),1.1 r ~ ..':"J~3T
- 41 ­

E4.2l3, due NORTH of V;,LKENS'i'i'JJID E4108, ':::-,5 rGpo1'ted by 2 HeR to be

firmly held. i.. CllO-WfXY bridse over C:-I s:.,-,ll river jUl;\t SOU~lH of
ViJl<:ENS';/.,.;JID cause,~ r, con'-ilkr-;:\blc tr:1f'fic jp-..!n, out this wn.s Quickly
clee.reel "ncl thE; flow of tr'lffic mc.intc-,in:';;:.l. l.ppruci ,""illg that this
;;/Quld continue tc be ~ bottle-neck, tho Carps Ccr.-mcmJ'·Jr. Clirectec1 that
rl.nother brir]~ c be built forthwith, hut tlv>:t Gu~,:nls J~J:,[. {ured F.E re~
sources w(;re rlGT to be used, [IS th~ route W~::; 'tlcclU, tc for the clivisiol1
,,rhich was kcepitlL its brL1ging rE:J30UrCes for the ;,iIIIIELiV;Il'J..:, C~al.
During this peri cd th(Jrc '1::l.S no enClI\y air ~ctivity C\nd our O',~[J r-ir
cover W~S Gpcr~tive., ,-1.,·J..:Sl' ':/Us reported clear, but tho:; cneIT\Y again

il:1pOsed delay f .nx.\CL ccmcrete s tr')l~L poir t two miles to the NORTH.
Mco.nwhile, ~rmourc(2 COl'S of' 2 HCR were cxplorine, 1.~htJ "ari<.:ges to
EINDHOVEN. On the) RIGHI:, the right-ho,l'lcl sq,uel.dron of 2 HeR was held
up by infantry cs"t3.blishcLl to the &:1.3T of V1J..KENS',/A;JW but on the
LEFT flank £1Xinoure;.j C~lrs -.\f~r(; eXT.loi tinE, +'o':le..rc.1s ETh'DHOV'.2N and WEST
of it wher6 contact vm.s l';acle wi. th encr:.y pClratrpops.·

By 1100 hours, it ~as confirneJ from civili~n sources that

EINDHOVEN \Ins strongly helld Clnd it "':::"5 then 'Jeciucd by COlrmffi1c:er IRISH
GU1J'ITS Group to try to the tOYr.t1 b~ the ','iES'l' rc.,ute. They were
a~ain hela up by d€:tem,ineJ enemy r.::.sist~\l:)ce NOHTH cf .lw\LST, but on
our securine; En~DHOV'F..N the <.:nOliW rri th'~rC"l'i, ther,~by leaving this group
0. cle<l.!" run through cn to 201'. F,J+425. To th(~ ·'~ ..'$l\, the 32 Guc.rds
Brit;::Hlc st3rted to move on the secondary route, but r~ft(;r goc(l ini. ti~l
proGress, were helr! up be tv/con;i; ....:.R.D :.' LEENDR E4808. ;., t
1230 how's, thw 32 Guar(ls Brice. ~ r'ir')Ctc;~ "'.n ,"ck c,n L..~'C',i\'DEl but
were h~J1'J u:' by 'I/ell directe''l ,nerrcr fire comin/; -r'OT.1 the ':rooc1s situated
NE of: V.'.IXENS',7L'.RD.

O"NinL; to th·;; '., '3.l.::ness of ori<1;).. :.l, ·:,thich \'/(Juld not t:.\ko toMs,
the GREN;.DIER GUieRDS Gronp COLtlc1 Ix)l~c little prO~~Tes~~ on the
l':i'EST of EUlDHOVEN ~mcl h:.d to c ,1:)0 b·:\c)c on to thtJ l!I:\in (~is.

At 1700 hours, 101 US i.irbCI'nc Divi::>ion rClJOrtel~ th':.\t

EDJDHOVEN w~:s firrllly in i ts h~:mJs, ;:\.n(' th'::t the :ClISH GU. .lUX) Group
had linke'l up '.'lith it on tho:: NORTH edge of the tovm. -,icnnwhilc,
'~\-'EI.SH GlLRDS Grcup movin~~ on th :Jubsidinry 'U(i~ were rCl'ortcLl to
be hWinr~ "1 3tern fight) Gut by b,st li.:ht they h:\,_~ ovcrccme enen-y
resistance 'lnd ';.J'8r~ est~\blish(;.1 ,iu:.;t SOUTll of (z.;LDROP Elj.816, vlhich
':f~S still held bJ the enemy.

Il) SlU':i,;](:ry, thc')cGi tin}') '_~ t 1~1 st liL;ht ':,;j"S tjl' t the Gu~rds
i.r1;,':uro:} Divi.:,ion w's i' CGt':\.llish :,:1, ceni.l'oLl on EnlDHOVEN
wi th t ' 5 Gu,:l"Lb ;'.rl"Jurcll .iJri'-.~l'l0 CroHl' h':l'-liTJ;~ f'ir.J1ly the StJU'l'H
b(1J')k of' the C:1l1·,l SOU1'Il vi' Z,Ol-. br'L1.W: FJ;.J+25 "hich ha.d boen blown.
The 50 (N) Division c,)ntimloJ 1:14..) ':L;i11f: u:' 0 <..:rations .:tlll( m::uIlbined
their hold OV8l.~ th;,; MEUSE - ESC.JJ'l C _m.l. 1 Jl\s.F'.,' tock over
VAU<ENS1I1'u':.RL. T,lu"oue'hout the any, th~ (;l1cmy c(j~jtiml(;d te.. ,'\tt2ck
the b'rV['eht'1.d QVe.;!' the f.IEUSE - E~1CliU'£ C:.mnl f.-COl:1 tr.(; l't'E. 'J'heso \'lere SU~Ol;Ol:"t. .; u by t:!enty Lort"l'S ~ln-1 twelve gumj but ":l01'C
beaton off :~ft\:~r s'~::'f:r fil.~htir,::.•

In ,;:.lJitinn, th:.. \:i........ r'iY ~"tj~:;l.,l.~t,j<:! tl) lii.Gru:pt c()r.1Inunic~tions

c..long .he c~ds tiL,cro:in I 'f\rticul:::dy the bri '.: ~<.} oV,>l' th() I,;EUSE ­
ESCl\t1.l' C'lnal hut th'J;;;e '\.ttc!· ,ntii ';!(;),'C uns1J.Cc(' ,::-~'ul.

5-, (1") Divl."lon JX\~)3cCi t ,1' r: rily 111,1,.r c-per"tinl',l C(II:IlO'-md

of U C0rps, 'S it v:ns .ccirled 30 C"rps sr:J1l1<1 be rcli0.vcd r.,i' the res-
Ilonsibility for s . . \f(;,r.l"'l'l'ii!~~: t _e bri(~,..i 'reo,. "r'i thcir .. xi .... t'f
:1.dv~cc fl'wl,1 the.t b:r:i.-li;e; up t ' }~Il'1IJIFJVjl~ • It \'1'.'.3 rCJtewortl~ th"'.t 50
(1'1) Division thu3 1d''t 01 cl':--.ti0n:,1 cot:~J];m'-~ ui' 50 Corps for thf~ first
time since >·.u,~~ust 1911..3

••• /'l'ho
- '2. ­

'l'helJridi;O 5i tu·:.:. tion "i0.5 'ch'\t the Gu"rds "~.nnoured Division

':u;;re buildinG 2., cl.',~ss 40 bric\:::,c over the cnnal ,~t ZON E4425 and this
Ylr'-Sto be COJnl)lGtGd by first light morning 19 September so that the
armoured thrust tow:J.rds G};",NE E6253 could be continued. 82 US
~'~irborne Division h:1c1 CC'..' tur(:>J int;::.ct the briDGe CIt G-ll;cVE. The
bridge s' 8. t N LJ) . £ECEIJ 2.11 (1 ..:J.1NH81,[ ..' ,ere ',lso rc)?ortcc1 'to be i nt::' ct but
not yet securt:l.~ by c,lcr.1Emts cf 82 US ~:~irborne Division ~nd 1 Dri tish
;drborne Divisiun. 101 liS ;drbornc Di·visioD rcnorted th~t ill1 the
rer.winin2; bric1Ges" :'.cross th" ·.·.·'1ter Qust<::Cl0S thw t~d.s of
n.c1v.:mcc were int'lct flnc1 fin.•ly held.


14 (n.) 1..01 US :.irbornc Divis~.

101 US ;"iruo,me Division continued to consolij·:1te 1 ts hold

on ·~ll the nOI1::1 }oin'j',s Oll the ".xis of w.dv~nce UIJ to n.nc1
oxcludi11g th.~ briaGe ,ct Glt'.VE. To d:ltc, its losses had
been li[;ht,,:'nd CI10r.JY· opposi tior! D.S~il'lst nodal points which
they held h"lc1 not be.:Tl ::'..ctive.

In the I': ,il!,GEl' :.rc:l.~ 82 U..:: ..·.irborne Division was est­

£',blishc:l "OTJTH of th,:; IH:. ;,,-~G-EN bridge VIi th .3. firm base on
the hiCh !SL'ou.1')c1 30UTli uf the tov.n. They ::\lso further
consoli<1c.. tc,: their hoh~ 1)r1 this 0rC<:I. an:1 extcn'}C(1 this up
tho ;,;,;",....s - . . .:. '" ,L C2J"lf'-l. ~neli1c n t s () f thi s Ji vi s i 011 were
only Son l; JOO y:.:..rr"!s fromt.hc brir:L:e itself, but coulrJ.
c:;et no clos0r ~;S th(; CDCLlY yms defend in,; i t vii th ·SI'
Guns :"tnd h()'~vy 1:1::'.chin8 [3UrlS i'irinL; frc1!l l\ce-,:,'\r concrete
pill' boxes. . '

~'hc fly-in 01' 327 GliJcr Inf".ntry HC}jimcnt \1~S success­

fully '~chi cv "" (~ on this thy \Ji th DC GliDiblc 101:1 se s •

(c) 1 Dri tish .idrborne D~vi::Ji:">ll.

In the . .I<NHE~., :~r(: -::., 1 1;1'i tish /.. irbor2lO Divi::; ion \!0.5
cst3.blishecl ,'lES'r ::'.11l1 N." of th~ tc':m, hut the 011c:ny, cunsis­
tine of 33 unHs o:mc1 ri!li'c!.'cc"l ni th 't·:;.nks ,:r.nG 8I' G1.lnS,
\"!Q.S holding '~hc toYm it;jol1'. 1'ho 8i tU'.\tion \', ::; obscure.
InforlY,tion \Y:S h:r.rd to ;;0 t ,:md COI,O ilUl1ic~ tions v.·ere
difi icul t o\'lin;..; to b:~,J \/e .th.:l' c\rJJ the intcnso
th~. t the l-:(;l'imL: tcr uf the':'lreo., bela uy 1 British _-1.irbomc
Division, ',1",3 rcccivin,': froD the E:IH)I1\Y.

Little w~s krlOl, n oi' tile 1 l.U''1chutQ Brir~',(1e, other then

civilicm ror orts ·:.'hich s",;"tcc: th'lt c1cncnts were still
holdine ou t nec,r the "tOre'LI end at' the bri,jgc. This
subsequontly travel t bc correct. 'j

No cor.1.L1Unicotion \'i,:"S (,c1t',blishl'::<'\ ':vi.-th 1 P::;r;\chutc Rrir;cL1c

thrau' :hou t the: L1:cy, in sr i k of :1 t tel ':J..'t s l 1y 11 l'(\r.~, chu to
B'\ tbliur1 -',n,,1 the :3 ;3'1',;1':ii~) tl' bro:"\k thl'l..lurh to the F,;Sl'.

'l'ho Pirst 1)uil,1-u!J W'-,S continue,'! (lurin.:..; the dc\y

by the ',rriv c~l of' 4 l''U''"~chu to Jiri,~~ de :-.:n,2. sul1 uni ts of ,·.il'
L~n(linc ·~11l.~ Divi Sic'l] ,~1 tr J ) ;0.

/.5 rC[.i~r 'k; .. :"lintelJ .nee cf this Di vision J the rC-SUlll)ly on

this (lW ',re'" not 3uccessj:ul '\:3 it Yl,'1.S c..ll (ll.'o:)pec1 I)rl the;
enel:IY, ;Uj(: this .r~s ulllou.,tccUy lrr!;cly dU0 to hC~\V"J cneii{Y
fl;-J{ ·....hich "'. bo...... n thic 1-:cnod U1J by 1'blc tr:tins opcr:"tinc
',,3S'1' of ~·... Il\i '.:. Ir'\:l,':i tiUll, ..'c:'.,.thc:r cnn(\i tiCrlS ",'lerc f::.r
fr( '11 f~vl)urc\bh: ',!ill:' t <j l.n~! visi'l.lili ty.
••• ( (1) /Sincc
(d) Since the sk,rt of the 0i'c!") ticn) j~irbornc Corps reported
th~t they l'w c~ t.:3.kcn D."b:,U t 90C prisoners of Y:5.r 'but thr.t
their o·.m c,3.sunl tics \'10'1.'(5 bccinning to mount up.j

15. DurirlL,; the \'.'hole In.y the wco..ther \".'::18 the limiting factor,
0.3 it both cv{;r -:::'irfielr}s :;J1U the b:' tt Ie. t\rC 'S.; con sGquent1y,
the ~roun() tro·.:;.Js of' the lc:\din.. ': LriL'\do of the G-uar3.s ;.rr::ourcd
Division did not U?t the f:lClnlC cl~'s8 ~J.I)(: intin::cto support thjt they
hllc1 received on the ~~;r.:;vious ,:1,'W. In cdJi,tion, tho g:counu. 5i tuation
llClckec:! the cl:"'.rity ';'111ich on the pr-.:vious day h:~d cn~bl<:;d. the degree
of intim",tG ~u. .J port s.lrellCy c.cscribcd to be C',chicvc 1. '2his T11n,de
rapid proCress c.liffioul t "'8f,;,111St the encnw who continued to hold his
posi tiona I \'lell due itl mid \:i th \,'CClpOns well s~ ted, yli th ~rcat

16. There YiC,S little interforunc0 to ow.' [;roul1~1 troops by

encl':iY !lir ~ctivity I 'but an unsuccessful ":2.5 lil2.c10 on JOES
BRIDGE over the ;,lBU:3S, - ESOi,Ui' Cs.:nal.


17. On 30 0 r1:)S J..' IG1int n GorpG !"lcd, ctter very stiff' fichtinl?:,
estn,blishe d :'. mw,ll 'bri :{~~c:hc (~ vcr the :'~~C~',UT C '.'neu in the LllJ,E :­
ST-HUB1~RT j~4294 arC3-.

On 30 Corps illr-Yi', 12 Corps hc.c: establishcd onc.ther bridee­

hc,~c1 over the .,;EUS:C Cr:m:ll :m(: by 11st li13ht two brieo.c1cs \Jere across
on the Northern lYlnk.


18. The situation <:tt the throe main bridges over the Ri vers
l1AAS, ',1AAL and ~fEDER ~ ns the.-; .­

82 US Airbcrne Division had confirmed that the ~~VE bridge

was intaot and held by them.

Between the GRAVE tmd NIJMEGEN bridges the situation was

obscure. The Division reported fi[T)1ting 300 yards SOUTH. cf NIJMEGEN
bridge and that they Vlore in PNHlczsion of bridges (wer MAAS - ViAAL
Canal 67860::';. It ';las lo1own th<.<t they had been forced to pullout
on to ground EAST cf HIJl.LEGEN OWillg to the cnC1I\Y threat developing in
the REICHrTALD !i'OHEST area rm their HIGHT flank.

From ;~_ little definite inform~ticn was av~1lable.

To counter the t~(;at in the HRICH'ilALD F0REST area., the

CQLDSTREfJ~ GUiL1'ID3 Group were' to be J..,laced in suppcrt of 82 US Airborn e

Guards .;.rmoure(~ DivisiCii \"!ere rca~ alld a bout to cress by

the ZON bridge, having br,,!cen throU~~l tpc enemy's main resistanoo
whioh had been encountered at EINDHOVEN. .


19. Continuc.tion of tasks allX;ady illlotted.


20. At 0615 hours, 5 Guards ":'rmcured Brigade got away to a goed

start having passed over the Class 40 bridgo at ZCN Y/hieh had been
oompleted during the. nir,ht 18jJ19 September. The timines f"r the
construction of the bridge, built by 14 F'icld Squadron were approximate­
ly as follo~/s :­

!ill reconnaissance reached the 81 to n.t 1900 hours.

Fir~t bri~ging vehiole 20U0 hours.
l"irst vehiole aerco s the bridge 0615 hours,

By 0700 hours, the le.'}.ding brie-'l.dc vms beyond VECHEL ::'00 heading for
the GftWE bridge, 32 Guards Brigade follo\'/inr; clcse behind them. Al­
though 2 HeR reported oppositicn in UDEN 5342, by 0830 hours leading
sub-uni ts of the 2 ;iR!.iOlJRED GRE:NilDIF.H GU;....' liX) h~d crosMd the River j.oU·~.s
using the G&~VE bridgp, ~d tl~s th0 firnt m~jor obstaolo had b~0n
seoured for the turthur .-;ovnnce of 3C/ . C'Jrps.

By 1115 hours, 15/19 !itK)S:J1S h:~d linked up wi th 101 US

Airborne Div1sbn 1n EIi.'IDHOVEN, thcre~lftcr corning under their command
for exeoution of their to-sks. Onc' squndron ·,.us 1n EnIDllOVE1~ and Vlcrked
Nr, tow3rds BEST 3726, nnd Eil3T tc GElJ.)RO:C' E4816 ("Inu HF,U.\OND 5522. The
rem.'lining two squadr()ns push(}(1 WE:')'£ from L;(W to BEST 3726.

By 1400 hours, le:n.c1ir1e p'\trols c.f 2 Hen. had rea.ched the River
Vi.i..:u.. and 5 Guc.rds "'llmoured woos concentrated GOUTH of NLJMEGEN.
Meanwhile, fieroe fir,htinG ··.i':S goLle; on in the tr.Mn of NLT.MEGEN itself,
which by this time ~1~S strongly held l>y clements of 9 SS ,Divisicn ond
Flak troops. 'l'hey wcrll also holding the SOUTH end of the NLn~m:GI!.'N
bridge over the River '.:Ii1..:'.L. 'l'he bridGe wo.s int~ct and ::Ilthough pro-
pared for demolition th(; leads had been cut, it wos subsec~ently
found, by Dutch partisans. This \:~lS indeed luoky as it wns not


- 4:) -

Ulltil lnte the:, followinl3 dcy thai; th~ bridge ','I' s fin:llly seized and
hold by combin,;d Dri tLlh - US clem 'nts.

To cleLU' th€: "bridGe, i?l cc.,mbin·:ld Gu~~rjs :J.nIloured Division

D.J1cl 82 U~; .' irborrJo DiviGion c,tt~ck \':DS pLumed emc1 put in at 15(:')
hours. This att[lck, 18::1 by the GHEN,:J)IEn GU:'JICG Group whc
an atte,npt k frrcc c.. IIbli tz ll cro13sing over the NIJhEGEH bridge VIi th
tanks, was net successful. The en my ocd pl"lced S? guns en the
SOUTH und of th..:, briCl;3c i.llJd hel-} :\ number of strr.nrcpoints, including
COncrG1;e :pillbo::c~~, on th,~· SoutflGrn end. ~rhG GU;.:dffi lQ3t ':\ number
of t;~l"l;~S, [mC! Glthcu;.~ll they -:'ttCT,Jrt,:. d ':.-1. th "tl10j.r infBDtry to by-p8..sS
th0 i:c:DprrCchl:e tc the bridce, they ocula mo..lcc no hC3d':'ny. ,i.ttcmpts
to gCit furth·:.:r OOS(;l"I:",tion 'll.'lcl inf0l'n:~tioll .:to to th;:; '~n':ir:",y strength
"jere by sp0ci,1 f.,.rt:i.,;;,; of infDntry ',·,he climbc:d up to the rO'Jfs
of' the highG"st hOllS S ",Id :i.'rcf!i ':..hich 'chcy ~nipca fmC. shot ::It the
(:)n01!'\Y. By 11..~[, t l i ,~_J,t tbe '~tt 'c;CK held ,kfi1'11 t·j 1y f~,i 18 d :,\]1 d the
cnell\Y werG still j.r. ~~~Jsc;c::l~;ioTl ':It' the SOU'!.'H end rot' the' bridgo, which
~~s still ~nt~ct.

;. t 17);:' h('lr~, lie: J01ertcrs 30 Oorps i,, :lCcoffiy:'\.nied by

44 ROY,',L '1';JIt..S ::r,a ';;;v) SF:Y r'lovc,d from the 'tmG1fl'EL 3483 i'.rcc.. tc pro­
cecd to I,)J.,I)EN -;-055 'lrua, \lhich i t eli''\ no+: reach, o\':ing tc enelTV'
ground ~,nd ::til' '~cti(ml
until the Gv(mh1!~ of 20 September, h~vins
be,~nin tr:m:-"i t u~' l..~in i' fer 24· hours, ~'.na h ving tQ}cI;n
r-~rt in Cl sh""c.. r.ction to cIcCi!' thr~ ~:is.

:,1; 19CO hO\lrf5 ,the encT:W '\ttclckc'd ',Ii th t:mlcs, "'Iith ::~ hca.vy
.sup-perting prcgr·.'..rrlr. I,; oti tho ;~ON bridg0, ,"-,nrl i ts :\J"G;~, in "?:n Elfff"lr,t
to cut our L of 0, but this ~ttack ',J"~S :3UCCi..~s::li'ull~/ li\~lc1 by 41~ ROY;'L
T.:J.fKS ::md 501 riOT of th;.: 101 US ,loit'borl).;; Di vi~, ion.

21. '\G",in th..) lililitin[: f"ctoX'.

'i:C, ,I;her 'i'r''.:, Both over dr­
fields ;Hld (1V'...~ tile
b;.\t He '),rG:'. i t ',:~'."; b<.l.u for i'lyil g. :,,1..' "ou:c.'·Ja
reconnai$s:~c() mis~i()n;1 ncnt. C'ut h~\d tC' h-.; r c::'ll~)d OIl :lccount ("'1'
b':lnks of 10'" clotd-. Onl,j- 73 scctics '::,jrc f1r,',m.

'The I'CSU!ir:ly ("1' 1 "'.irbornr.:;fiivisinl ',::~s ul'lsl.lcces~i·ul ('.nel

in e;n "'l"y h,:"ncl~; •

~;I' r".':i .an ;.Gll' 1 IJI7.Y .

22. ;)(~V0r'J1 j' ~ ):1',)'\ ti om: " tt·').cJ.:c a t·1r.'~d sin the 1: L"J~ ,'" :~I,i 0XCJ.
and this w~s f(,llc..... l~d by ~..."!:~'ncc in tlL:..D.~ l1((i'I!~N - 'l'IJ.RURG

;.nlliOl~NE '.L'ROOP;·­

23. (:1) 1 rl.irbcrIl<" Division.

:it .'::~l'lHP'~,:, ~·t 1539 hC 1 lrs, ·~l,'l;~~n··~.: of' 1 ,~.--.r·,r:ilutc:: Brig~:.c1e

'.:ere :;ti 11 i fJ the vi ci J:i 1:y of tho ! (lR'r I end of the ;J~Hl[;;i,
brid;.~e, l~llt. thoy v!t~r"~ n -r h0lflini\ it. 'l'hey y!€;r;; '~lso in
the" cst'~l'rl 8!"'\ (",f .:u{I\lJ.~' i t::;clf, \'.'her,·; they h,.... (;st:~bli shed
~hG"l"i(;lvcs in ~~ l:ll;"lhr:x- '')1' ltCUGE::,i 'lll1 cUlltimwd t'J be':t etr
j tL;n~Jin':ld U1 ~"1Y '. t~ ... ck:;. 'J'he '.:n(~ny, -;.rho ·:mf5. -~1~)loyin~
'fig,Jr t·!':,}:;;, nGctl the ,,1. 1,1,-, m,.",thoo cf blr~utitJ , ". he,usa
until i'~ cnu].l no 10n,'8I' '~1'f()n! cuvr~r. III thl J.1'.d;;c ·..1'00.
i t::;cJ.i', l'..;;·.vy fJ. :]"h1ill ; t()~k },:t, ,co l:U'j; 1:11(. t:n.l: itn··.. ti,011
uno ObGCUI~ nr cN~:unic~ti0ns TIQru ~c~~; ti~ l~in C~USC
r f i rldi.1'l'n'f·li t cr,:,j·!I.\lli r. .... ti ,)ns '~p,s 1nrt:'.:1y DeC' .u.:;", CY:l'l'I.­
tiOl1;", c;)n, 1 ti0n2 rJ·::cc:;ui t ....tdl Hcv ql\·'t't.,~l.·;:: liCitlL; si teu.
in 'J !'l"'Cc .thich \::'3 l1l'>'iUi. t·!) L fr' r 1', "l ee:. 'lll11ic:,tions.
It ''-:~:; leA '-in, lK·.:r",_r, th:~t '1lll;unj ·~i01. · ... 3 :'iU ... lies \/cr~
b:;,:'lly m.ede,d, ... ~ r;'!0st oi' til rc·-sunr)y C \Tried cut on

... /18
- 4_6 ­

18 "cptol,'li-,cr ',:<1.3 Urop ;..:·d in cmCl:W territory. The ror:8ons

for tLis '::ere thu c.:drl:f1ely hll::l.Vy fl,'lk .,;hich -':.',s llmploy<xl. by
tho cfLc!'r.y r:~~inst the un."..rT,'lCU Do.kot·.. . 3 MC~ this fl. , h;'.d been'\bly thickonod up [jinco Sun,:",y 17 0l::1ituubcr j D~Lkoto.
o.nd fi~hter };iilots ::cport0d th:tt this \")".:'8 80:,:0 of the,; h0<l.viest
th"..t thoy h'~('_ y~t experiencod. Civili'-1.n sources ruportcd thut
t~s mire: 0l)er~,tir.:..:. .:-::\inst 1 ..irborne Division perino tar ,
rmd ,~_ re:quQ"t for ir:lr:lcdb.tu ." sUl?l.,ort to cod')::\.t· this
thro!'.t '."'':'.S - initi ".tee by CO'.r~ .neler 1 ~lirbornu Dh,-i3ion <luring
the (b_y. Thu Division t S ];osi tion ',:>':'8 r.nde IfDre prucn.rious
:\S, o':rin:~ to h'-·.i:'. wC".thcr, th· 'lrop of the Polish J .'lI'f'..chutc
Bri,........ Cl.c·, ",hich should h'l.VC t:lkon ;;;1':'00 on 19' Septcnbor, WAS

(b) 82 U,. :,.irborn..::; DivLion

To heIr the :Jivisiol"' :in its t':-tsk of protc.:ctii:l,f" thu ar " S~

of NI" :E(;.EN, the COIDS'l'Ri.:,.\'·,lL·,I(D•.' li-roup of' the GuC\.rc1s
.,rn'.our'jcl Divis:"· n ',!o.:-, 0.ncl C"! e un ler commmld of 82 Tn
Airborn", DivisiuD f()r \) x:r·.tic·n::; cl1..l'in;: 19 S(;i)ternber.

ii.S h':s 'I)•.; ,I" lcscrihe.':: ':l.DOV1.:, 01.:'ic:ntn of this Division locn.ted
in thw [_.~lJ:,GEH bri,::.'> ·'er :', :put in.'\l1 'ttt:'.ck to c".pturc the
1rid('u i be-Ii' ill crmjuncti-m ';/i t:l th0 (.:·tr,rt":.s '_n .:Jured Division.
In . . . <1<iitj.. m to Vli:::, thl_; ivi~i -m h',,1 i off :::ti."'f uni;my opposition
in the; Y,,' i'K 7560 ',rl:·~,. l'hc t;nLW:,Y hD.· ~,tt·l.ckuu. ...;i th some
t:l.nk~J ~n(l \Y',::; l:;r'ldn· "_ nui;;' heG ')1' hir:r.c1f by cpployinr:
scvc;!':.l 88 T. ~ ['unG. 'l'}l" ))ivi~ion ,',1so ~;uuc(;olku in bo~ting
off "1.c.'t.";l~:.1inl. ;l~ 0JlC 1Y ".t t,,-cki~, ....l-thoW'3h thL." iL; were 110t in ·.~re,~t
stnm;~th, in tho G::0,E .lELK 7555 '~r(;' •

(c) 101 US i,irbvrnc Divisi()~

The Oivic:Lon, \'ri th 15/19 . lJS::;-,S under cm, nr.l.1'lli., cotlt inuuc1.
to 11 'lint:dn '"ncl :.;,;lcuru thoi.r hold. on tho v'1rious })'c.rts of the
Y-,",in 'txis of 30 Cor:Js J, ('1' r-, ~-nc1 on this rJ..-,_y thl:ir
1ispostilJns '.':l;r.. :\:-J follOHG :­

( i) 501 ilCT .'l.rc!\ V8GHEL 4737.

(ii) On.. . batt:'.lion of 502 ST OEDENRODE 4232

r ~. 'i, :0nt
( iii) 506 T{CT l',U DHOVEN "lith
J.() t:t.ChU".:mt ,.,1(
ZON M-25.

( v) 502 neT, lc~,' ,m: !.rc:'.. BEST 3726.

ll.'t tt'~l i.on

Th<.; cnu:IY ':li C ~.n :(" :i.l' ~trL:n;~t1.1 ·~t ;";CHJ.JNDEJ. )+038 which y:,\s
to the '. :r:;:;'f )f the :~.xis, ·"n0.. ~~ t :n~ .~·01'ID 5522 tv t hLJ ~M''l' of
the ."\.Xis. In th(~ l:i';LVOND nrc"., the ono!'ty ....'( ..:'1 rClJortccl to
be N( '~T!! m.~ .;OllT:" nf t .'; tn-;.'"{l· t,:)·1.: J.(.:jJl'Jyin:: sup.:.)ortin~
'J.·I'trticll] "rlv h-;:;,V''1 nnchin0 ~uns.
" 1
Thl~ LJstiJ.:ttc:d number
of llrJ.o()TlGrc ()f ,1,"'..1' h):-, ' l'y b()th 82 ' 101 US (,irborne
Divisi.ons up to 1F10U h('Ul'~', 19 .:.>cl,lt,;r·\b')l' I'(',C ··l\,'rexir.ntcly
2,000, ''.l1 _f \'{hich, it .::~.3 intc.rGstinr t·, lYJtv, V:Ol'C from
:lJ1ti-;~.ircr'l_rt, b()rl','~n ."il'? rcc ~-~n(: L of C units •

. • • • /Th0
- l.r7 ­

The Division's c~ uc:.ltics ",-:or" cstimr:.tod :,3 betwe'Gn

500 ·:nO. 700.


24. The, ,:;it\.li~tion un both th0 8 '8.nd 12 Co:C'ps r"ront2 W~l3 Unt
only limited '.r:i.v:mcc:::l IF'.d bLen m~.(~c: owin; to the ~lifficu1'c i1',turo of
the; country Ylh:i-cl~- th ~ •.:n<..;l'·'y wc,o' cLfcnclin:; .:;tuhbornly :-.i1(:'. skilfully.

",.::; rC,';,trlls 30 Corps, it h":d two open fl:'.nks "ncl its nnin x<is
"m.e subject to continu'\l"ck::; frO!~; rmer,1Y elcmc::-lt:, of ',bout ~\ st;ccnGth, GU11portvcl by bnks; it i"i';S '~ccu~t(;d th['.t thGSG
internittcnt 'itt,-cks WOtlld continue until the lC':'.~.i·1,~ f'')r --ti n r;f the
two fl£'J1kinc; Corps e';'.I1ll i1,kc botter pro~TCf:s.
- 1.;:8 ­


:'El ,'R,.".L SI~U;'.TIOH

25. Thero ":0rc; l ) m:tin con,sider:, tionc. ':,-hich ',.'ere the b(~~;is
of operf'.tionc for t;·~··.s uhy. Pir:~t, it:r:t3 i:rnpf.r:' to zocvre
the t·l!J: u2G·.N bri pC, :'.11d if thi::; cou.1d not be done, then an '~s:;D.ul t
cro3sinJ3 would. h.;:-.vo to be lU1ucrt:'-kcn. . ;)econdly~ on tho RIc-AIT
flank the; ·13 i tUfl tini1 ':'''',;3 cr-,U::) :.i.nJ~ ~1omc ;-~nxict.Y, ·.. . s 82 U: j /'.irbol'nc
Divi,.ion '::·.;Y'U bcin~~,.:tcmc-d fron the ~1~ ."- ."',rex., ~,rJd it ,',','.3
B.ppnre?1t thd, the cncmy,.-·\t: huildin up in the Hj:;r,Cli.:.UD ?ORE~T
E 8551 .:cre:-t. .. I,'1.stly, t.he overric1inr- ncccs:d ty i or :'ul:"fiVing the
1 Br~ tish .\:i.rborr~l' Division \',,",S ob',riouc, ''.8 tl'K: l'r:.:i.J.ur~; of cOlmr.unic['.tions
h~-.d prevented ny ; ,S;~"';~)::;':l.:.n '.~ of tho truo s i t1J.'c ticn.

26. In SUIJ'li'l-.ry~ the t .sk:::; Unt 'wero 'l.llot-cc.u to th~ form:'..tions

of 30 Corps. for 0pt;r=~tions to t-;kc 20 .icptcnbc:':' '::o~'e 1;'3
follo\'.'s :­

(.--:.) Gu~,rds , Division

, \
( ~I 'ro rl;;"umc froj.. 82 '_irborn

Rcgi!'1('nt), respon3 ibiJ.:i_ ty of

:'..t fll':..;t li~r-,-t ~o .) .:!>t;,.~mbcr.

(h) 32 '. 'rc'b ,rif" it..; "... ,... to be: in iHIP:30r·l; of 82 US

J\irbornc ·iv·:.;ion 'U'1Cl to ".ct ~'" r ::'o'biJc: l'e~1CrV(; for /
. ad',mec of' .r.: ',::~T fl~' .k 'lnd '~1.{;o to h-I r(:;;~)o:nsible I
for dcfcnc of th<:l (;"~11::1 briu'!;c -'.t 70'Z~);9.

(b) 4-3 Divb ion to concontr."ltc in GIv' Vg

undcrt',kin!",: ·:.n ·'.f;l<;"ult ~ros:~i~ 0
r~.r,.;" ";i th "\. vic';; to
the!' ',F'JiL, ~'.nd
c"'..""turin n NI,TIiEr,.;";I' brid[~G ·inb.ct. .


27. In ord···/' to I~·''\.in t lC; iLrn,otu:'; (J): 50 C(}'.'I"):~ -Itt·'.de on the-

HIJi:EGEN bridt;e '.r'c:\, .~ qu" ek~mil~l ~ of' l.'i!:hti:r.' t~oopi;, supporting
.rnj~ ~J14 supply COI[ll'f:oditic., '::"I:~ v; t:ll. 'l'h~ .. ··d.n . ,~-i·' 11' ~ to be
kept opc,n .'\11Cl builcl-Ul) -cr',ffic hnstlcLl on. ':LO <:1'1' ~hJ,c; '1;11.:1 s to bo
dono, ·,\11 dm"'J1 tl''''j'i'ic, 103:1 ,mbul· .tlC(:,';, '.'r't:j ;to_ -pet ';lj,(l ccrt.. ~in
f'orm.,,;tion.. J '"Ina. unit:: ~.:~_rc "i'ro::cn" toO c:n"olL; .:j.·'Y}1tin;~ treo);)!'>,
·"ohiclec nnd sU'P1'J.:i...:3 to f'~t throur:h to th· t'or~.-',rd ·!'C~'.;"~. uu:cing
the night 19/2~) ~)ol)tUJ~'bG:c, tlv:~ cn,':J\;Y bombod i,::~tr:DFlIVI'H c'r"::~ hc:·t'lily,
C'l.usin8 dol:\'y '~nd confunion V rticu;l::r.l.y "Jilon.r-: th(; G<P .>ly (Jchclon3 •
•• t 0800 hour:J, the un~my 'lndc -mcth0r '.ttl;~.:. ; to cut our L of' C '::hich
he ['"tt:lck~d \~'ithb.nk::;, ~il· gUhs :mtl im'\~,ntr·y; th,;:-;· ','Cl'(j uascd on
the I-illlJ.DND --:ro!". in ",'ihic:h it -::"f', rCI)ortcd. th" t th<.: e'.. . n·'.l bn.nkG WGrc
L1cing rnined, thcl'cb~' shc)\'}in th:·t the enc-my "..'~:' llcto:Clll:i.nccl to
del ,,;y tr.c ::wcuring of' thQ rJG 1 f1·m.'lc hy 8 Co .T'" r!t: lon,;.' 0 po r:tdblo.
This ,'1tt:tck c:\w::;ec1 furthc1' elel.:..'!, rmd ,mt".il\ (1 r~r, of.'!":·lOiscd '·\ck by
501 ReT '\ssistL:u. l)y 15/19 J ~ Lt.4. n.oy,.I, 'i'i·N\ .... , ,.mY ~'~n'!. ;:!'L1.n Corps
Ht!(\c1q'U.'lrte·~3 bc:inr:' l·ut in to cl,,':',,-' 'onc1 rc-o.lH.:n tho 1"f1in :L):is thi3
they did succc-scrully 'nd hy 1100 lO1.l1'C, thl.,; flo',:: o' t.r~~'f ic \"1_ g
able to continue.

Tho E;i tu" tion '.3 l' f;' ,'nb rru- ~ra.s il.~' I ()1)r"n. Div:i n1 on ,nd 43
Divinion -::'l;': th'tt thi1 ("lll'/1:";, 1 '::;:0 th~ir '1 'j t·v.:., :.clJnlons,

""·cr.,) in'l'J. ~'OT'l'!T of NI .TG.' r (Olli. CO'iIP' .;: ~:;t (::otor)
Jl'\tt~'llior.l Ghl':N,\Dn: ' \ '-;IT l( ,--) 1-:'wj\1!" ;"'~"~"::~"'..'I1·IJ:,-- l'JOVll lll! tho Fost Ofi'j,cf:

11 ' ' ."",

•• , ".:: 1J.ctl1 ,,,~""
- 49 ­

which \"f.'.$ beIicV0d to cont:i,in ,M, Sy/i tchbox for' the d(~l""Oli t ion of the
bridgos), ',vhil:,;; 13C Inf:-:.ntry ..~riJ"..dc of 4-3 Division \':~<s due to move
up to tho NIJ:',£;C.:BJIT ;trO:l on the ni~ht of 20/21 ;::c-pt6mbcr l,~ith ~~ view
to tn.king over the YIJ:, GZrr brid,g~8 anC8 ~ccured'. ­


28. Th0 l~ncn,y bri 1E.~<)h,-,,'\c. in FI,nr~GEN, \".'hich w"..s subsequently

prov0d to h:-.v:;; b-..;<.;n in o. vcry ..);l.'CC''.rious on tho pr,;vious night,
we-.S reinforced, ;.l.ri!1? tho hout's of dc_rknocs by ::is troops f:'om lillNHEM.
They took up stron.r~ gos:i.tions in the hou;.~cs, :::nd notably in the old
fort just SOUTH of tho :1'0:: d bricle',c,' which, together with <?nt i-tank
guns, dornin:..,tcd the rmucl<bout "ni{ ('ther {tpproachcs.

During the ni~ht ,?,. pI 'Ln h~d been rn- .de between Cormwmdcrs
Gu;'rds .rlT:ollr(;d o./ivL:;ioll '\nd 82 U:J :',ir )orne Division.

:',. t i'ir::ot li~bt, 5 Gu: reb \rrwu!'c:d with under .
2 Bo..tLlion, :)05 m3 F£'.rr..chut<: Inf,.ntry R~6iJ~cnt, ,~3=--',um(;d rosponsibility
for Clc2,rinr: 'HIJ~,fEGElr prcp:,r:LtC'l'y to Gcizin r : tho bridge. At the
Sf\me time, ·~hl. C,OLD:.3TRE.!' r (;1. !.I{D~':; r:,t~O'JP of 32 (',u'U'd.:.1 B:l'i!!aclc lrDvcd over
to support 82 tiS 'irbornc r i.vb.i-a;-} on- t! , m"'riT flonk. ­

504- .
US l->'~.l' _chute Ir;J': I1+'l'Y TIc ir:iCmt
\','''..6 thu:~ freed to undcr­
ta.kc Dr. ~13sault cro,~sin8
at' th(: .i,vor l::!-:.L, ',-,'F:ST of l'lI,J}h:EGEN in f\rCCl
6864. The :lXtil 1 iJry support -.n(l. t:L;\ing~; of both f'01:CCS 'Nero co­
ordin::.ted so tInt ~hu bric1v.,;; ;,·:(~~)t be ~tLckcd simult;:'.J180usly frOl!l
both 3i.cles of the; rivl.:r.

At fir~t light, 1 ';10to' l;·ttt·'_lion mE LDI::.m r.lI,\RD8 with

in 3UppOl-t t'-yoks of 2 "l'F..ourc,Ci. D .tt.. ,lion GRENiIDIE GH,\RJ)S ~nd ~nipers
of 2 lh t.t::tlion, 505 "; ~""'r"':l ute -If'l,try Rt; in:ont oper:1.t l'1rgely
frem roof-top::;, prOCL' <.lc.·d with thu lc.borio~ t,':\.sk of dc;~rino: the.
town to\'r.:,rds the ~~outhc;rn 8nd of '.loth brid~u~. 'Sefor.::: fierce enemy
resist nce, the' . . . :1v·-,ncc.. proeocclvd fror:. hOUGCl to house, sloY;ly but ste~dily.

?::u~nwhil0 504 U3 .t :\:'"~ich\lto Infn.l1try r~u!};r'with

two squlldrons 2 i,rr:lourcu i,'.l.ti;'~lion THISH CD ,lIDS vlho \'!orc to support
them from the SOUTH of' the; river, wc:rc preparing for the lnzn.rdous
task of ;m n.s~3a\.ll t crossing in d"..yli?ht. ~t1.'1,ny 1"lctors were ,'\gn.inSt
them. The enemy h:~d cxccl1"nt ooscrv... ..,tion from the NORTH bnnk, nnd,
even at thv hour St;l<)c b:icl, th. cm"'cnt. did no t tlrop belo'w threu knots.

At 1500 hourc th\.J ''.S:; h'-',~:m. In ord'l}:' to prevent

aimed fire durinl3 the l;\tlnchin~ :Lwl c:::"os:_:in~, the limited. ;;.rtillcry
support \W13 n.ur,mentccl by intonr-c 1,'; t.\i1d :::,', firo from the IRISH GU1JU)S
k,nks, which ''.150 . ,.ttC) ,ptcrl :, 31r.okl.,) ~;crccn. O\"!in,~ to tho \'le"ther,
ho-..·/Ovc:::l', the I'.ttor \'I:'~ not 01';' JctiV0 '1nu on flppro',ching the oncmy
bank the ,'\ss~ultinr, troops \'lcru lJ,t ,,'rith hvvy fire • . This Ofluscd
very h~nvy ti ..,;:; ':nd unly -~ 1-";'.7 of the It,·:,1ing ':! re:"l.chcd the
f·"\r hN1k, some in bo' ts 'mJ ::;0. ,<.: ..;\':1...! :irlr. Dl3spi to this, :, footing
W.1S o'bt:l.inod GIld ,":. :3,,"1) 11':'L,; ~'h\;,':(1 7C() y" 'fls wi,1c :11l<l 100 yard.s deep
Vlt.S \inc:u until th<... -\1'1'i,,"1 of the.. follow-up -\1!~Ve3, some of whom
swrtm tho rivor. By H)OC hour;; t 1i:; forc'" 1lov:,:cl lAST town,rds tho
Northern end of tho NJ,T: ',Gl~ 1,;('.1, '~u~~. Th(; ferryinG of "1.nti-tt:'.nk gun~,
sto:t,'cs . nd COUipl:lc:nt bd..,inu. tilt; ,.:,;.;. ,-ll1.tin(' for<:l: .... ::. :;;uccos~fully
c'l.rried out lly G1::' 2'h:ld ,-~qu·-'llron.

Corr.:rltmic. ,ti,m.; 0,.:t'"r\..,l;). tl." t,le forces ",:ere not ~so,)c1, '.Jut
,~t ;').l•..?roxir,:'~tcly
'1>'1--11 hO'l1J'~ ~, r'" ort '.. 'LoS r(;coiv(:'1. l:vtho e-RBN:\D~ERS
thr_t the .!\rncric'1.n l"l,~.g col11c~ 'he Geen on tIle; f'-'.r cido of trw bri dge•

. . •/rhis
- 5c'-

ThiD subsequent~y turned O~lt to be tho '('ail':,Tly bridge but it sCr\red

'\8 a sign£.l for tho ~P=lt_D'::"r(;, ','iho ";O",C by then f'if:hting on the

,­ ! .ppro[~chcs to t'~iC ):'0'10 hTi(l:-~" to ilttorr~t Tu.s11 t1.cties.

Jci: 1950 ho'-<.1':'; .~ '11,' 11 fore.:.:, incluclin..,:' Cf:l'J:-s 'lnd

of the GF..::l':", L';'~3, ,:i t~ "CFC > ~Cl ti-b.nk Guns ·',!1:i.>:.ppcrs of 1~ Field
. 'quadron, cros:.;C'cL tne 600 :. ,1'. r: s.l)'1.."1 of the bri&ge "..n d Joined. up
yri th the: liS r-~.rC\.troops.

'l'he :rani tioD ,i",-~ :lOon :~ "b.'Ll!lf:.thLn(;c) by the !"tcl.cli tion of

tf..11ks and inf~llltry frOT, tJL IRt..., T (m, 1 S ~roup, " .n(~ ty 2815 hOUl'G il
elos", "bridgcho;l.d. \:')p, fi:!.' ,.-::: t--,'b1if'hcd.
. ... ­
1": r into th,<.; ni ~ht 3_,or::vlic fightin~ c()l't~.nui.;rl on both
banks, ". d '.1.,;0 on thu briclgu it:se:lf r:hero .;nip -rs ',';'_'"C'C :.;t::.ll
firing frOP"1 the (~',,-llcrs :)..t the.: ::~ !!1~:'3, ':,Iho ':,- 're h(!I'ricdly removing
the ::unplc ,~U!)pl'y ai' .dvir.olition ere.!" .J::.I,' '.jhioh !'lJ'lturiou::;:ty, h·d
n ;v:Jr boer. f'i:r(;cl. Und.:.r:-..'··, ~h -tl <.; .co ,0::::1. • l.n ti, piurG thr.:n1:Jc:l v s,
80 Gcr~ Cl!l prison"r ... '::or:,; ".,( ~;\. l'y thu 0"..lJ )'.J:-:'. r·:r.y.. \ th~1~i.X, rlucc of
hi<1in~ in thlj d·. :.oE ti ·n e;] .. 1 t ..'·::;,

~t ,',~l' cJ';Lr th·.t a COl ::;id-.; ":.' 1·,; ~~.n\lrt of mop, inJ up Y!mild
have te be dono on the 111Ci.'ll.' n'. oi' '<1 : )('l... t";JI~bGl' b ...:f02.'0 thli to"lm of
NIJj',mr,.E1', co' 1:1 b ~ e011;,,: ir r..;;'·;': (:10' I.' 0f' '0:1<.; ;../c 11t une of' th,..; mast
importc..n t :j.0..~ -::: ~ ..n l~,,'.roJ."" h' ,l ":.; . (:' 1 ti"U.'<.;r j L·':'J.(,·-!~ ~_~- tn.,,; ;f·'\C0 of
d.cs_ r' nisi;' nc': bjT "-cr.)' (-,t !":'lil1\J. llL.;1;1Y, '.-~~".i.~., ,,' q",::\ ['t
m'1.~!'l.ific:,:;n~~ :~Ch::'\~'t,.. /lILl'
brotJl"J t '~b ,'t 1 Y the. '.c::.. __(;) ;:;0 brilli ":.1":'-:1 ..
co-ordin" ted '1.nL!. :,;XI;C',J,t,;(, nf ",1, _ (:11" rrl:~ ",l'H~OU::''':cl ··..1l'1 l.l~ 13:-) ,d.C'bOl' 1 '

On tl'v .J '; :. i' ' j . 'Y." ~ 1,01' " ',:.L.l~, ';:. : b;: /J. ~J~/ 82 u~,;
!.irborn l:; J J:i '.; .i." ~_Ul:, the end;\{ }1'.<.I. l.Ju';" ~ '; 'u' :i..:,·i~ ; t ~ ': cl:cd in
<: JYtC ~:tr ..;nrri';h, .

In ",hI.; '.EK 7560 '.J r , til· , lY (lelLl t~ lG lin\.; of 729628

735(;1) - -/J+(')GO? :i~h h:'tt·~li.
·.oout of' ~rJ' ntry, so_"
01 l'ihOJ ~'!Jr' iUIT in :'rlll :; lP lO:rt'J'.~ hy t· :!("l ·,'}:;o aUf!; in.
"u l: '. 1urn't r. of 8) J .~ !' Jll:.i. • ;t.i.-:;~l ,<.;con 1,' i...; "~ncl.;
h ,'. r0lJor:'tl~J' th·:t Eh.' '.v ".~ 1 O"l,; .,r:~rr.y (lir'g.',j1·(~ i,n in the
HEICl!, ,Tl .'(lRI';:";l\ ',i'l;:' 7f?:.:,2~ ; '.c: it '.:'.:; ')' r:W·.l:3 th~t tl e
.~n0:".Y '::,,",; 'hli!l~''1'" u thu.c, , ',',itL' 'fl,: ~v ~.+ ,...-ill[' :. count(;r­
... t1;",Cl':- ','r·Ii:" .. our' .1.<; . 1' ..:'. • ,<;'.rL "-Jy ::;OJ. jmL:nt.
0111'..11 P'''.'l.'t'.i. ;:: of tL: \~n\Jl,y '11.:.;() ·'.tt·.c:~·J" r·\)..J l' .' nc;nt ·1.t
(;{Ql~:jl':l,.K, \:hill: :;03 " \ J ""··~ (' ~'Il t "',;:.,1 ',-' ; ·~tt·. "!-:Lo.
by ::n:nll !;·:rtic.:, ()l t1 \.; 0l. :lY O~'l,i" '::~j f~'..:>r. ,OOK'~ 72~1.
·....I t]H 11" th..:: ·.ti;·.ck,' '.'~;r, 11 J.'L, tlt0Y :·."l:t'\,,; 'lrol.ll.ilcGo no
owin' to the: clo~;l~ n'd:') 'IJ of' .:;:..~<..; cu mtr..; "nc ·t l'., f ;lct 't '. t,
,.;'x'CL:jlt for '" .ct.ip'.J ";'.·CO ·1l1:I.i:·c:·, WI', ;'he r .,. '~J/J 'l'o·'cht..:::> to
tl u 1 n Il."i l"i fJ;: ,T . 1'\,:. T':'j. . ... Jl.... .' t '1il'/ic 1 t .1'01'
01.,1' ttJ'ols to "(~ out "ll\l 01J1.; ir:t1·Ql'l. ,tj Oll. r'm·th 'r ~'()llr 1
',~ 1'1" L:.: n J. :~;cribud ',bOVt:, .~ :l!L;.lj' ",l:,c "ulll ',iOOI~ .t
\·,· ''',:'',; l·L:portl.Jd to 1) . ',;l~ .(;',t~~ oc-' t.:') (;t:.CU'll Rv"JiJ~nt:].
it '::··j· . .'O l;lJ rt .. tl t;1. c ',~H' il-f' ':.,:.;'1" huilt ·1.t
cn . . Iii.I.') -:'ld.all ·.:Oll 1 jlL'o'rl\·lJly 'e: 1 ;',i, ,i'o: ".!'(; '!~:fO"Cil r, the­
''; G'.. t'Ol:'GC,; , \ l~r co nentr' .. tdl 'i. the. ·;iCI1'.:,]]) :u' .r., 7852 •

•. . /It
- 51 ­

It W!1.S oStiD"..t0C. thflt t\s the two villagus of ?100K r. 7251

and CUTIC E 714-9 In.y "1t the ana of the throe rnt:i.:in
reinforcclfcnt routes from GEEl00 that the enemy would
reinforce in this ~rGt:!. anel hold on to these points, and
this 8ubsoqucmtly proved to bo correct •

. To meet this thre:,t, COLDSTREAl" GUARDS Group froJj) the<..Ls Arlllou't"Gd Division \,![\[J put under Calm' .nel of 82
us Airborne Division. ',rhis Divi.Dion Vf::l:::; 1::.1so further
rcinforccc1 l:Jy th<) rJlo~s{;;l of the po.r:cchutc infentry
regiment which h~:d been rru'1.rdin[~ the NIJ:'iEGEN bridge which
i:;.3.S now in process of' being t ken over by 130 Inf3ntry . of 11-) Divi[;ion.

(b) 1 Britisri .Ll.irbornc Division

In the j\HNHS'.: DrCfl., 1 British Airborne Division were

continuii r, tcr holL1.'~ .sr-n] 1 llivision:'tl perimoter which
controlled ' '.. portiol'. 01' the NORTH h-:.r1k: of the NEDER RIJN
nef1.r the: II8\fE,illOHP Ferry 6..."'377 :nd the wooded area round

The ~ i ttntion Yf"'.S becO!:linl: (tcute :lS the enomy had

reinforcoll during thcpaet t\'l0 d:'.ys :!.nd i t was o.pparent
from prinon<Jrs of \':c.r thilt he w.'tS bringing in good fighting
troops. Fxtrclccly ho:wy fi;(hti~ \'J0.S exporienc<Jd.
The enemy n" lu ,~. s8ri08 of 10c::.1 att;tcks preccdou. l)y he,ivy
mortC\.rin['; : Il1d fire from SP "una Md, in some cases,
~ccomp'mi0\'~ 1,y tanks.!1E}, Wf\S no':; entirely in the
cneny' s h::mus. The bric1.gohend ','.:ns being shelled from
the high .~round to the NO!1':T}" ,'Uld tho OnCl'1y were infiltrating
through the icirborno Divi:iion' s lin(;s from thu SD.ffie

Cilsual til)S of' tho hir Lrmlling Brig;:tuc Cill<l the tv:o Par3.chute
Brig:ldcs dUl"inr. this perioci wore hc::wy j from civili.:m
rc:ports, it could now be ,"..sSU1:'ICd that only sm:.tll olomonts
of tho 1 !')ritish Pnr.... chutc Bri~"'i'.cle were opcr:),ting. Thus
the anomy' s m"l.~,n 1"'33 is t;"ncc W.:LS centred on ARNJ£E1.,~ in which
it W&s repor'bcd th':J.t he h:"..d 300 SS, ,'l number of p;-,ratroops
and 10 .sp 88 I ~uns.

ThO'1.1:ovo inform-:.tion '.'"r'~J confirmcl'.. l'JY the /.djutwt,

Royal Enginoers, 1 :.irllorne 'Division who that r.urning
haLl Cr03SCu. the Hi vcr NED!~R RI~TN i,"lEST of the ,',RNIlliH
bridge '\.nd h:ld '\'{~lked through the cnc:ny lines to the
HC:Lclqmrt01::::; of tho Gu,'I.nls ;rnouro,} Division. He s;:tid
thn.t the: supply si tu·~tion, .. fter the p.:t.rti-::.lly succossful
rc-supplyinr; of the Division l'y f);,ko t.. .'lircr.<tft on 19­
Scpter.:ber, was He ,knc\'f nothing of the supply
situ·-l.tion 'lS rcg~,rds 1 P':r'\chutu Brigade, L'.S the Brigaue
continw;)cl ~o l' I j L~ol, fro::~ the Division. He
emph!"~sisccl, hO\'!uvGr, the Division t:3 rcsourcos were
strctehccl to the utterJwst :,mu. that relicf WEtS vital
\,dthin the next 24 hours if' '~hc Division v:,:,; to rcrl1ain
inti\.ct :J.:::; '.'I. f'i:~htinb forr:J,\tion.

( c) 101 US ;"irbornc Divi;.; ion

The Division continued. to n'tL'cint, its hold on nodal

points .:lIang }U Corps L of t;. i.t ZON the enemy had
A.ttncked uut h~.ll 1')(;,.. 11 repulsed.

• •• /Thc sit~'ltion
~'},o situ', tiO~l "~~ ru": xJs :my r.)~'.;jor onomy thJ:,~,t t to th)
r',):cps ".xi..; ".nrl L of C \'.' \..~ not ,~t thic strqe i~fP"~rcnt,
, ... thO'.l[L :\ t '.',,:; knoY,'i" th-. t "l con::; iclcr:-..lilo force of
the Gno); 1','.~ cst''.__~li;-·:l0d to thu ':,':E0'£ of the ,1...xis.
Thb tl'J.I'(V!,t, bo\;cvc2.',. it ','l:'3 hope '.7ould be Jot by
the t\'i0 ,.1 "'.r in r fm.'m,~·Hons, 8 ",nc1 1? Corps )YI':king r:::. thor
~ .. .t'0 :c'er'Vl.' pro: ,~,-'." t111".n they h~\'.l in the ,'.'hich 1no. be0n
slol'! O\':i1"n t,. tl e <lii'f'icul t n·.turo of the cOlU1try.


30. Ti;(,", \il)"d;h... l' ",P('. t;1.C :'-'li~.tL;n::mcc lift fo).' ru,,:,'nu,pply of
1 Bri ~:i.3h ;~~:cborn;~ )' v·",:./"OY' h,1:'t tl16' nunlbcX' of 30ri.;ios do,m to 259
of which 1 B-t were _J1.\' _'ly ~·:!.;'ht,Lr op<.r·~(tion::;, covor c\,nd
C,...' TOUpS.

1". ti "1, P-CO·"l. ~ r~'·',n('.,) _ roducoC li ttlo of vc,luQ both

of ktll V:1 ::::~;. ':U:i.ty "r~d th:; ~')rchi1.,ition on flyinB rLlring
l.irbo:mo .bop'''> J:,tcr tr\'.i~ L"d its G'i'C'oct, :~~i it on:l.blod the
oner:iY to conccntr'.t;:; forc,,~j F. :../2 -.ILl ':rE~''I; of the ::.xis of:;.dve.ncc
vlitb ~. vi .. .- to ·_'. tt'.ckin· "mel Ui,j,('uptin,r; tr~,ffic on it.

If,. A0'" ll:..( kJ l,) f- --I j, J ('C' IIf I / ~ , ;; , -(/. (rf.

31. On tho hI(~m" 8 Co:qJ::; l!:."l G<.;cUl'cd ;LCI-11;L K 4297 ::;LTld Hh!-10NT
K 4797 l'oth of '.dtic:h \':01'(; A,~hort of the DUTCH frontier. Opi)osi tion
by the enemy \'i:.lC .-~tu:'l,orn) m 1.1; "•.:.,~ tho '-'ht th-.. t IrEU,tOND wus
held in :; trGn -:'th »)' t:..nku ;.inc15:Lpp0l'a who W0rc- 1 '~\Jmin.g the E.il3T
b' nk of tbl,; C:m::,l.

On t!lC .. EFT. 1i~~ Coq)" i1 I l [","in8G. t~l(, line of tho rO.'1.d

·)et'.. .c en 3(\1 ~, :,n,1 )010~ t. - h-~Il ~"ul'ortl;,l ctiff o}'!posi tion from the
;',' ST in th0 :;1.',. '. ".!E:)T of 3002.
LlJr- cr I ~ (L, "r y" {I c 1 '0/1 <! i 4 It. LlUno.! r I(.
- Y3 ­




32. '.'i th the. C':' C'; of' the 1..:I,) " ;1;N briclge int:ect :;.nd a
decre~lsc of' onG!l\Y s;:; t' N' :r.1~CEl\"! E 7062, it ,'fEW hoped that
'1 quick brc::\k, out f'rc)·. U, lir:it () hY'idpchu:ld ".crO$O tho l'!}3DT~R HIJN
would be :.lchievcd.

The lJII.:;uit:,.'hili<;::. c-:' tne; countl-y l;ct\'!c(m the rivers~, ',8

und r'1EDER HIJN for t'''1k~' ll~'.~.i.·t :ir:pu~·~,·tiV8 t}-w.t :llorc inf<mtry'
:'!orc broU3ht up. (?his cn!~:f'lic'tva. \:'ith 0:::\sen"tir..l mQintencmce up
:md down trd'f'ic 'plu:..; 3\....i}p(y,:bu;~ :'..1';(';, l"" '.lrtillory, c~ll of which
'Here urgently '--cquircc. i.1, tl.r: :f' ·L~'r~t'a.,Y'c:'.s.

The th-r-c:d.: to -C:',<,; (;01"';);', .. of C ':r. not .. t this st"gl'; sorious,

;:;1 thol\~h i~. c(\n:Jid'~T:-:'l.,:J.C for,::<; of" th",: remru t[; of the 1 5 C-ernnn 1\rmy
were tLa'OE,; ,;,. t l.':.:-o;r. ·ci~-.; ;,J..;"T.


33. Tho t· .G.i{~i i;!l".t \',"l;X'n r:iven to forll'l.tion=> of' 30 Corps ~nd
units under comnnn 1 for 0pOro. tionfl '.':Ore '.,3 follo',:.r~; :­

Gu:-,rl:::; Jd'flour;,;-c1 Di'/~L~ion

- .. _-.--­
(i) En[jurc sccuri ty ~)'l' :,:,o·:c1•• iJri GO over l~ '::l,.i-L at
rna (."',(~EN j<~ 70U~.,-

(ii) ;.;;V:l~1C':; ,,;:,rlil:,j~ ~)\)c.,;il~le 21 r:uptcrnbor .:..t IDiXimum

spceJ. to i r . . . '\ LRN(I""t 1': 7575 continuing ':.ri th t'lsk given
in 3G Corp:oi ' Lrn:~:i..u:;. Instruction 1-!ur.'lbcr 2L;-, ville
'0: -""'c'r
.:,. ·_··l.i . .. n' 8 I\ "".,....
\ 171 .,p+
• T
.• ) . _ ..~n bril~r'inrf
'-·nd:o.l ~ At;:. ~,,-~ist-
:>,-<.. .. ~ ..,;I

,'1nee to'! jrl.J rnt; 'T)~vi,,' 011. :' Fl..Xi~ of ,"'..c1vance

NI.JI1J~GFi\'i J~ '!06 ., J6.~'J·~T~ ,r 7167 - i:.llNHEM ~ 7575 j

opct':-.tic)l)'·J. t·," £,":i.(; 'iF'c' r~ldO u:)C ro;'u }"!I,r1EGEN

>.1 7062 - Ji:r:--,':, 7070,. If stronJ opposition l.ct,
r.- nl' t,; \!':~O v' ui':.i.:;:i.on wilJ. H::lkc Gvcry ~ffort to fon
<Jut : 'JO~~ -.nI1 !'0:'I. ~t. !'S;D.::m RIJ]\1 :,.r(:;' "TF::';T of :-RNHEM
to IT.:~kc ~o "L'\(,t ~.'!iJ.;h 1 ,'.i:cl\ornc Division.

( iii) COI1);~TR.B'':" ,'f...PD, , ':(,OU1) rCl 'tin i!'l. "'u: port 82 US

;.irl)r!'110 l):2}:: ·,.~nn 'ntil roll;:\,-;ull 'ty Corll !j';'ld'lun.rters.

(b) 43 DiviGi n

( i) .T{el.i., : fr.. ',:m ;-;1 ': C;-F \ -:, J~ r,::;' on~; i l:oiJ. i ty 1:Jrj c1r'(;,'3 GH~_VE
t.2~13 "ni (7(0 ..J ,rl~c~;t l'O::,":i.1,lc. .',[;, "oon ,,\ ~.v:~ih\.ble,
;!,qn lren {~(' HU.:'~'·:;· 'l.(',n t.o opor- ,tc :, ·';-;T from GP...:,VE
~~ .) ~J . : l.' j • .,

(:i.i.) .-;Gr'il 'c.\'.'O 1J"\:';. 1::J):_~ 13Cl :-:r~.,,- .r.C to . ~':~":lt ru~rc1s
.:v'::.. . I.:Jy.,.~. ,li,r:if:'r:m to (:l":~\l~ up ,i1.::;T 1·8,··.; of' NI,JJ.,TI!:G:EN
i:; 7'. t:~: 'u' i. l.,) ;"\, :~'1.L'l; ~', .:iJ.\'l:'1Y ; rtllf',(: 7063
,:.: .~. r'jCO,·,',.i r q-l';:;t, ;I·~ to 'l~j!~ist thiR 1.1y
CH' ,-,~, ,v,)' 1..'ln,· 'en :.; ~i7,U t!')l(1'H end of this 1iri,lg,c.

(iii) JC,.1V'Ul"·;·:· 'WOll .• " po,,:;il'lc ',,'i;:;-;'£ of (~U"r ':", nl'!LOlJrCQ

Divi:jion '~o·.,. ,1,; JEDER l\lJN to . J. ist 1 J'jrbornl) Division•

. . . ( i v) /Boun l:~ry
- 54 ­

( iv) BO\mcbry bc-nvcen Gu''..rds J\rmourccl Division ,-end 4-3

Division, when the l[~ttcr :,.(lv, nce, wiJ.l be., inclusive
43 Division, line of r~ilwQY from NIJ}~C~ to
NEDER RI.JN ::\.t 7176 subject to :-cris rights mentioned
p~ragraph (a) (ii) ~bove.

( v) Concentr:ato rer.;~inder Division, n.s it --,rrives, in

o.rea Qstride road from bridge 6760 - i~lusivc


34. By the morning of ,21 Soptcm)cr, elemonts of the 5 Guards

;.rmoured Brigo.d.o less ',','3L:::r-f GU;',JIDS Group, which wc:.s still gu~>.rc1ing
the GRieVE bridge, were ':lcll. csto.blishcd on the NORTH bank of the
R Vl.t,lJ" and were prcp:u-cd to push on \':i th ffi..'UCimwn spaec1 to .!JlliHE'Ui in
relief of 1 Airborne Division.' To ensuro LEFT fl~~~ prot~ction,
2 HCR sent out po-troIs to OSS E 4754 - s'HERTOGENBOSCH E 324-6
~d also from Glli\VE - UDEN. Thoso putrols reported th~t the enemy
were passing throu::;h TIEL 4268 and thc.t they were withdrawing EAST
.liong the NORTH bank of the R 'iiIJJ.J. It ~'ns, no.,. Ll.pparcnt th.::\.t the
enemy were well cst~hlished in the urea NORTH and SOUTH of ELST,
which they appe~red to be holdinrr in strength. About 20 t~nks
h~d been reported by T~ctic~l Reconn~iss~ce to be rrovinr in a
southerly direction in tho direction of i~M. ~ prisoner of w~r
fro~ the P~zer Jaeger Battalion ~tated that they h~d no orders to but merely to (lig in in the ELST CU'0o., ,?..nd i t ,y,% now apparent
thf'..t the enemy ~·l8.s determined to prevent us reqching , ....'lliHEjf. •

.4n added difficulty was th~t o.lthough it h,·.c1 been confirmed

th~t the rQilway bridgo ',':1:,8T of the NIJI,iEGEN ron.J. brid~c was rl
40 bridge, owing to cnel Y ::l.C tivi ty directed 'c,z;l.ins t i t from the NORTH
b~nk, it was L~os8iblc to zet tr\ffic on to it. The, pproClches
were weakened and blocked by disablcd·ta.nks and vehicles; ~
considerable Cl...rrx:nmt of work would have to be done before tanks could
be got n.cross. This was ·undertaken by Corys 'l'roops RE.

Durin13 the morning, 130 Inf2ntry Brig["',do of 43 Division

h<ld t".ken over the responsibility of holding the GRAVE r..rol1. from
the r.'ELSH GU;'.RDS Group. 214 Inf':.ntry Brig~d8 Group of the 43 Division
was to cross tho river by the r~il\'t:~y bridge; over the R ';/;";,L rlt 1400
hours tho.t afternoon. ~. ., squCi.c'lron of 4/7 DHI.GOON GWJIDS croased
the rOD.a bridge, the (lpproD.chos to which ho.d, l)y, this ti.rr.c, been
sufficiontly strengthened to t~ko t~nks.

The previouz night 5 Guaras Bri£F'·do, with the IRISH GUfcRDS

Group mel 153 Field ReGiment, h:l.c1 ,;stn.blishod ['.. close bri,l'~chcQ.d. in
the ilrlIltedit'-te urm:. a.t the NORTH enel of the NIJ;.'il~GEN bridge.

By 1230 hour:::;, 130 Infrmtry Brigadc of 43 Division, less tyro

companies of 4 DORSETS, h:Lo. ttl.ken ovor tho NIJ1.IEGEN bridges from
5 Gu.'I.rds .r'.rrr.ourccl Brig:'\dc Group. The t'.isposi tion 'of 130 B:ciga<le
',V:~:,; th"\t 7 rt:J·,:2S were re~ponsiblo for the Southern exits M.d. 5 DORSETS
~ 'oro rcs}}ol1.'liblo for the Northern exits.

By 1300 hours, thc IRISH GU.·JiDS Group of 5 G-uD.rds ,\I'If'.ourod

Brig.' W[tO deployed ~LS fully rlS the cOl.mtry would permit, :tg,'\.in$t m
enemy vlho \'/:"\.8 3tubbornly in thc~:.rcl"'... SOUTH of ELST (mel who
ht\d sited :."I. stron?, nnti.-bnk scroen just NORTH of th<J hridge.

••• /.L t..:l.Ja.
- 55 ­

Pro;rcss by the armour ',Hl.3 slow :\5 it r.r~s compellec1to

keep to tht~ :cowl which iJapoGG<l upon it aclv.'1.ncinc on :c. one bnk front.
Not only hOod this ;('01,.(\ deep c.itcho~ on l)oth, tht;roby preventing
c1eployrr,fm t off it, but it '::::.t) a.Iso r0.isccl ;.tbout 6 feet (lbovo the
surrounding countryside. Thus oUr twU{3 verc ~ perfect t~rget fo~
encrr.y 88 Hln1S) 105 o;~ ~.r.(: Ti.::;<,:r t~nK3 \7:10 i1(~d i' .. r;.lo'""': I.;' V0r"'J strong f'.nti­
tank sereon some 600 y'.u-ds ofr the ro,~lcl on the HI.GE1' fl,'lnk in the
2.I'Ci\ of RE:3Sbjl! sti1.tion. To thb t::mk screen, the ·':IF..LSH
GU:ums Group '\.ttempt0d to '~ct rOtlnCi on the .L8FT fllU1k but the country
did not 3l1ow this anJ ooth the \,''-EL~H "nd. IHISH GUi.RDS Grou~..)s lost
.'1 number of t.::.nk:ii. The :w~il:"..bL :u'tillory s1.1fport W.3..8 limitccl
to ono battery firing nt :'.. ti,.c, .... only " li:~itcc1. ~Jr:ount of
i'.rtill0ry could b8 got forr:,~rd up th,c L of C. . In ~_d<liti.on, the
cont~ct CAr, which WQS ~llottod to tho,IRISR GUJ\lJS Group, f\iIcd
to cont.'1.ct the squD,clI'on of Typhoons in suppo:'t o;·:~ n::r• to fc.ul ty
communications betwoen the VillI' set '-;nd the "...jrc1"'1.i't; thus tho t,'\nks
li},cked vi tal .support ,-,t :1. critic!"l poriod of the 1),ttlc. Ey l:'\st
light the post tion wns lit tlo ch0-ngot1 .''.nc~ ora.y ':' sl i~~b tly cn1.. rgecl
bridgehc,~d WP.S hclc~ by 5 Gtr~:C'd$ \rmcUL'cd ':3ri~:"..;.dc Group. j\1e'lnwhilc,
129 Brig,~de Group he:.d boon moveJ up "nd hr.cL.])Elcomo ~I,\T;<\blo to s trengblhen
the bridgehercd, ii' rc:qui_re;u, c:J:rly r~ornin[~ 22Soptembcr.

35. (['..) 1 Dri tish ;.irl-'Q':'llC Division

1'hcrc Y,'<l..S :, till li ttlt=; dc-finite r;e',';::; ':1ou t the Di.vis ion
y:hich conti.r.u~ll tD hol(~t 1'\ Divisi:>n:·.l }J<;l'::'J:lctcr of' 3.pprox­
il:ntcly one: ,,',ile l,y h.:>J.f [J, )ciile ccnb:eci. ~m H,".RTl~3~EIN 6978' botv.. e~n
the river c:.nd the hir;h ''''round. to the .NO!l.TH of it. The
enemy, 1"~ost of y:hon \"lere now confil'1-;-.ud to b~ 61<::'I:".cn1..<", ')1"9
SS Division, were shellin:r; "nel Jnor-t,~r'i.n~"" the l)osition ~'illd
this \,,;:::.8 follO\'I"J(: up by 10c::J. ''·,cks \·.:})'. were: c1..wlinf, heavy
co.sml tics. : 1'.1 though th\J ::3 trength' of thl..: l' .:..irborne
Division W,t3 con::;iuerrJJly reJuccLl, the:r nontinucd to inflict
heavy c:lsual tiQ:J on the Go:cwms.

Q\vin~ to the contr'\ction of the Divis-i.O:t:'.1 perimeter c"1usecl

by repe~tod. cn0~::Y :,-tt'.:cks, tht; ('·,l Pie.! Ct Drc~1sin,,,,
Str,.t-ion was ~llgo l)cing shelled ·::nd. hj. t Ly the enemy ~ This
contmueCl. until the ,.asistClnt Di1"::C-;;o1' of ·,;,:)dic"'-.l , crvicqs
of the l"i,rborne Division. ,drove oU'G 'in '. jC(>k '1. I:!. lkl:1~dod from
the GeIT.':Gn Carill7l:-J''.llur th'~ t this cc~.s,j. The G0~··l:"n.n Co fJ1';\.'\Jlclor
granted. thL; concu8Gion ,'lnd ,:.lso ':110\':(~"" om' ,jcc'9s to drive
out ':U1d collect :);"'Lcu:.l tiCG :":1(1 tl,cru,j'JG-.:r ,)V'-'Cll{ltU t~cm
into thcA_RNJ-lJ~]'l h08pit:,~o It if ci' interost t.o :note th;'lt

both :British And Gor~"'.n c:\3u;"il-ti0!3 ''.Cj:U GV:lcu'l.t<:.;d :cn'~ trc..:.'1.tcd

imp,"_rtblIy in .this Drt ti3h l"icld :::J~.·os;:dnl:: :_~t;.,t~_on.

In luT)"NHE;.:; i belf, ,".'hich by this th,:<e \:,;; emtiruly ~ontrolled

by the enG,.)", clGI.<mts of -J':r:\ChlJ.t~ T~rj,l 'ltl.O ·..JerEl continuin~
to snipe the) C-,)rl.'· 11 . but th.:.y v' ,ru ". (lu' l1y he in;?, n:oppecl
up. ,~t 1700' ·ho ··s; the ferry .~ ffi,-T;,'J)ORP 6877()7 h".cl
heen c:,pturClt t:,y the C110':iY rll~ thus '~11 lin..1c;.; to the Southern
side 01' the riv·:)r ',','orc cut.

'l'hroughout th.:.: d; _y, 61" ;.ieeli 1.lJ.1 RlJ:ri,;:un t firc·d in ::mP1-'ort of

the e1ivision crtu.:;in£:, th(~ ,.mc::ly h.,',.vy c',~;u'llti0~. The
tlsGist'lncC ",ntl "'\.CC'll~: ,.to fir(..' l,y thi~{ l'nr:L,)nt 1\'t'l.S of the
~rc"'tc.3t w~luc' :\nJ. r'\i::wc1 the ;:lOl"tJ (; of' the troopa
con~ic1cr';hly. D1..1rin[' the d".}' 5. i;,':':; of no~() tl-l''.t the
c1ivi..sion l.1cctroy"-::2. 1.5 (;nc!..,~r t:mk:::;.

. •. /.-.t 1714. hour::;,

- ~6 ­
,~t 171J.. h0tl.!3, pliO t ".:a ·l,hir·"i.3. On the Poli:..;r. Pf'_r~chute
Eri~·.lt~ '.>,' ,. LrO_) C 1:1 the .~;x,-,.::, 1:,.' ·~d'ClU. NOHT': of EL:1'
7070. !It; LJ'Op took l?l~.oe l1(.; ..... rer to :LLST, ::nd hCt:lcQ the L.'ncny
posi tionn, th'~n ·,'.'.S intended owin:; tel hcf'.vy e:nO!"y fl~.
Thu r(;~ul t of thi:=: \'1',,:, trnt the Polish P:~r-:\ehutc "
suffcru~ ~ nwnDcr of c~~u~lticn ~d'it took' time to ~olloct concuntr:'.tG thcr~ :i.11. the ~r{J, froT': which they WGre to
c1'o;:;r. to rGinforce 1 Briti::;h ;~irborne Divi.,ion. i;.s h s
~.lrG·'.J.y b0:m n~.rr~:te(1) the ;·.djut:mt ROy:tl En":ineors 1
Airbornl; Di.v".Gicn hr.!.. G~~iu. th:it help munt rc' ch the; diviaion
\'Ii thin t\,u n·:.:xt ~4. i ow':::; othcr"'lise he; fe::.rccl th"lt ."..:.1 !\
fi!.;htin? T'or!·.:'1tion it \'!oul~l cC['.S(;t-O exi:.3t. Food .:'.11el
~\rm;\uni t:Lon ':J(;;ru in sr.ort supply due to the clifficul ty
of :Iropyi.w~ th\JSC: con ;:ou.i tius into C\. clroppi)"l-G zone which,
of l"'..CC(;;::; <.ty, ly.c1. tn be: :::ib..:<.l i~'1 :en unsuit'l.ble c..rcc. -:::i thin tho
much con t-..~"ctCJ,:I. Di vi~; ion:\J. porilf0tc:r.

(b) <32 TJS .',hhornl; DiviG~.on

Owi..'1[' to the :'.oj ;'1'.';:t t.hor, the of 352 Glider Inf.:1.ntry

:riv'i;--:o . t h' J. i.2;<O:· n. to be poctpon .(!. This '\:~~3 't cr'use for
;mX:LE:ty, ',; :'~lthol~gh th0rc: '.'.",S I'.. lull in this 'tro .. follow'inS
onaT.'j.- .. ti:.. cks on 20 ;-cl?tc17I'ber, (;v' u.onc(; froJ c:-..ptured n:'p3
'1l11': uOCw,0nt::o ::;hO\'iC<1 u~:- t i t Y:.".G evident th:~t t:. ') enemy hr-.d
::~pI>l:oxij.:·_tely th'~ [-)ouiv:.lont oJ:' tno Hor:\o G-u,.rcl.. Divisions in
the REICH,,' LD FOreST 'rc".. ThU'j. ',.1 th.ou<~h thoso "ore Nar
f.Lrst cl::'3'~ troOrl<J, til-...:-- f017.l..:<l " thrv-t ~.~"J.inst our RIGHT
fbn'k "-' could not bo i~norod. ,:.r:co·,:'c.lingly, the
GO!.DSTnE:.~ GU. .jJ)~~ Grotr[) continuvrl to oT'(;I' in support of
2 r.irbc-"'no Division in the '1 I'I.';!" "E of' nIJ:JiEG-EN.

The u:lvi~ion continue·rl. to c:'1.rry out i t~; t;-,sk of lJrotecting

the L of C. 'rhc 15/19 H rt;v-;rtoLL to th,:,: cO!l'jl"..nc1 of 11
:'.ruourcl ])iv.~ .... ion. t:nclLly ly,-trol::; '"roro 'l.Otivu turin::, the (hy
."ml m'.ny l ..inor (;ncount~:r8 h'~,l t:~<on plr,co. The oncl:1Y '.n::;
opore:.tinr' in p·:-..rtius of' <bout :_ b'l t t::'.l ion s trl:Jn::;th, tL"id thc;
Gtronc:th of Oll.t' forcos .:::u·\rtlin~ the:; I of C ";TCre not stron.:'
enough to dc:::.l_ lli,;ci;:;ivc::ly ':i th tho (.morey.


36. '''iau.thor · necei;E;it~! for :d.r lift "gL' kept the number of
sorties doY.'l1 and 'l tota.l of 259 y.:ere flo\:n of \':hich '181 wer' purely
fighter operntion3, :-ir cover ::nu. ;::upplios. The ,~tctiviti0f: of T..ctic'1.1
Rcconn~iss9.nce \'!cre: limit 'd 0 ;·i.n~ to b:,d vi...ibili ty ::md bccaust.; further
impending '1.irbornc opcr~tio~ pl~ced .\ savarc restriction on their
u~c. Throueh l~ck of TL'ct:i.C·..J. ~ocolln.:I.ise:~ncc, the.: enemy's tCInf,'rtry
cut to tho n"~ill £'-xis in tho VEGHj~L E 4737 'll'U"-l Y:i..:c, not spotted beforeh.:::.nd.
hben the cut ~.G spotted, 30 Corps ~rrccd to the unusu 1 procc~crc of strnfin
on recognition Yilthin thL; bomblinc. 'Phis \iUS 3UCCCGsi'ul nnd only one
vehicle c~3u~lty of ovrs ~~s r~portud.


37. f:.. con~idGr~~bre number of i·ic 109~.; :md FE 190c opur·-~t,,;d ov,r the
NIJ},'lEGEH 'lrea. durin,... the '\i' tornoon (1' '::hich . "'::0 W';Jrr; ~; ho t down, ono being by 30 Co~r>~; Light j\.nti-: . rcrrtft Guns.

.•. . /to
- 57 _.

to a line roughly EAST and WEST of EINDHOVEN. Reports from both

indicated that the enemy "~s fighting vary h~d) and th~t he was
defending every important to"n ·xnd villaGe, ,~d ~~G ~ofusing to give
ground unless pushed out. Thi~, coupled with the 1 ck of ro~ds, blo~~
bridges and restricted oreas for de;ployrnent, h'td made the role of
flank protection to 30 Corps difficult.



39. It ',.-"3 nO\<;' '-'pp-lrCl.t th;~t once ~ junction hoto. beop. )C c10 with 1
British Airborne Divinion :121 :'.~~':ul t cro;3'''ing O'~ ~~ 1£ rge sClle would to be undcrt"..kcn.

The: G'xiGting In''ic1,rehc~).d, :'.3 hole:. b~' 1 Bl"i t:Lsb :. irborne

Division, WI".8 sr,,rlll. Ii..lthour:h it -.Ti ...1 hoped. to' ferry reir.:forccments
:Lnd sup"lics :::l.cros~~ to tho f irbornc Divi~ion uT:. the ni[~}~t 0:' 22/23
September J i t \-;r~n rno\·.'1'l th{;~t gr-rl.t dif'ficul ty \mul(~ 'be 0xparionced. getting
up :'\.nd l:::lunchin~:. either ;,;torr:-: bO':lb, 'l;:,,'"'\ult cr~.ft or fllTI<:.'!s. Thus the
nunbar of rr:im"orcer.-,c:n.b tt~:t could 1:Je put acros '::'1 -the houl'G of d"\.rk­
ness Wfi."!." 1 imitcd by tht.:· difficu1tics of l::\1.Zlching ::r:d of crFlft.
The; turn ;;.round. for or;lft hc·t\',recn the NORTH o.nd SOUTE he,nk was hG.lf nn
hour. T~kir!p into F.cCcount :..11 the::;;.; f<"'cctors, H 1.'L;~ Dpp;.~r0nt that
an ~3sault cros~inL in -:..nothcr pl['.('\J and. out of :t'~n[~o from the enemy
fire might have to be; unc1.c;rb.kcn. The or:;-r.jn:.~~ em'ps p1m of securing
the ;J(NHE~,l bridge:: ".nd usinV :i_t::. ,;nvirol11'1cnts for n quick broeck-out
could not now bo uml. rt·:k..:Jn, :':.1 thL <.:l1CI:,y ' ....01·0 ;;.":i.r~].y 08 to.blished in
i®:m:,,; itself, :ena th "round to the ~rORTH '~ncl I'lL 0,( i J,;.

'Accoru.i~·lC-:'l.:" the o:cie:Ln'l.1 Corps directive: to th.-.:-ust right

through to the ZUIDETI Z.EJ~,. ':'ith tbo Guards .,rr.0'J~'ji.l D'i..·lL,ion. In:::.dinr, 5.n('t
43 .:md 53 Divisions holdi!l(~ tl: ).i~h ~round 1.;0 the ;~IYR~.1 of ;·~RNHEr.i, h3.d
of neces3i ty to 1:.c ::·Ddif'icu.. ..rho (;orj,):'; 'Ii:':::; ncr'.'r orclercd not to
l;st~.J.blish i bdf HOnTH of' ;:2ELDOOr;,! Z 7803, ,C'l'l(l ·~hi.; . .·:.::l,S to be held by
tho Gu.'-J.:rus .'i.rrr.our::o. 2Jivision ':i-;;h 4-3 Divisicn obt.~d.ning ~1 fir:.:b:cidgohoad
bn.~od 'on lJlliHE]i. In "'en()r"l, the citun'i:ion \'i'l,~~ -i;:l~'..t the On0lT,y '.'1',\3
dE;terr.iined to pr0Vl::nt our rcinfoi.·ciIY~· 1 Britinf. ,.irl)orne Divi:;;ion J ".net
{\.t thi; snrnu time ...; ould prob',bly to r"'r~.'is 1::10 Corps Ir of C, thcrc;1)y
proventing T::uoh noodcd rcinf'orcc~cnt~ :Uld !::,intcm~:mcc roquirements fraT:',
being brot~ht up.


4-0. The tasks r~llottccl to 30 Corps I'o:;:':'ttiO:13 :'01' 22 ':)uptel,lbur

wore :~s f0110\..-s :­

( rt) Gu.:~rd:J .',.rr:ourod 1)ivi:; ior.

( '1)
( ii) To rccc(; 'JE:~T of th,.: rO'ld to -t2.:~'{tIt::"'J -::n..:.. in the
HEf{TOGEi' O("::CH "l.~(;' _.
.) I ~1vcr::c .:.;~::, .';.180 t;() l,c unc1ert:'.kcn
fro:. the (·:-R,I.VE '·'rC"l. on both t~idc~: of tho i"tin axis of

(b) 43 Divi:;ion
( i) brid[::c

( ii)

(Hi) ~'h(; ;~OY,',L l"CTIIKI}i, ,im~: Dri,(.'/lUO to 1:'1~: oVG:r close }:>m:j::,tlt';r
",nd t}j(; (lci'"nC0 of t1Je HJ.'j·:l~(~P.N 'h.!.:.iil.~., 11l1CkJ.' co.!u,:nd 69
r .. J 1 L,i. .J.... ,) flu.
.. 5:;1 '.

(c) 69 Inf2...ntry Bri~·.-~'d.c.: Group (50 (N) Divisio~.:_

(i) To relieve 130 Infantry Brig:-d.;::- Gro'.lp~ 4-;5 Division, of

0.11 brid[;o :c:3sponsibili tics of '..:rc:'j~;i:lgs between

(ii) To "-ssumc C0r;121~,n(i of the HOY'\.!J NETHEnIamS Brig:~d0

for t;'\~~ks 2.hO\vn iTl (b) (iii) 0,b~vc,

(d) Rt\ was to be grouIX!c.l on COrp3 lovel in suppurt ot 4S Division


( is) support by Typhoons ~,-nd borr:bcrs '.::-.3 to ~w i'..:'::"3'.Jtcd

llgainst the cnClny on the ,l)OUTH bllnk of t~w 2":SD:IC IlI.m Y.'BST
of !·,p.m!EH.

4h At first lL ,ht, p'''.~.:ro18 of 2 HCR ('~'. ;.'~':".:".: (, en th.") ';.'E~"T fln.nk of
our forces cst'~1.hli8h(;d ir, th,] llliEK E 5851 'll'.-... :"''' (,1 :,0. -!;!ic SOUTH bank
of the NEDER RIJN in at·(;L'.. 6876 ~md 1Jy 0800 hC·J.'G t.ld·' '.i:n:<<.;(l up \';'i th
elements of tho.; Polish Parachute l~ri8-'ldc~ ':,ho '.:C1.-U I:: 1:,-- '.'1' ~.,l the rtrC2. 6775 ­
6774. In c3tc~blishin; ther,;~olv~;s in this :·,,:r-c'l.: :r't.,.:~ ewe 0{ the r:l.:'crly
morning mist h~.l.c!. be<Jn !i'Ltdc to get:). squa.dron G:':l~" i ~,~ ubjcctivo. During
the courGC of the fuly,' t.hi,. sCLUc.dron eontinu.:;r~. to ;,:;c...nlL ;)·'..c>,: ,". Gt~'Cln~, of
val~-'..b10 inforr::·.. . tion to COlT,Pi,;: ~t OilG lJ'Jrio,' C'l(:: .·.::'r~ct:;1 tho:: Corps
e..rtillory on tp t~rg()ts p.''tssoc1 to t.he;l:, i\y iscL~t __.. l"l'crOGlx:: in JII.NHEM. J,

At Mothor por:i.ocl durinr; thG chYJ t'lcy obsor':d(~ '1 : :,(.:Ji'.cr flyina the
C',erman fl:"-g tOI,tine; four 1x:u'.:-:;Gs. They oS :~!~, \I--<:"J., ;('1. th:~ t ':~hey "'1ero
ITD.noeuvrir..g into :t f:wourablc: pOlJition to <mu'. )'0, : hllrtly ;·.:::'-:c:r."w:lrcls
cp.rr,o tho sign.').:!. - "3te,o".mor :lp.nncoC!. - three h'~.'~i):' s',':':', 1I F":.r,k wont -the
signn.l from tho Gu'U"w :'crL~ourod, I1COllf;r,,-tul,~tio,1." or. lJ:.'j.1J.i:l!1~ neval
action. ~';plicc r;) in b~ .CLe. " 'l'Lcy elid.

:,'~e::m,vhilc, ·,t 0830 hom'_' L:.3 Divis:i.on ~,tt;--c'";.,:d "::;',;h 2'14 Infcmtry
'~ri2=~(de v:i th th() o'b,4 cet of ~)r:]:,kini' ,)ut frOfit tho ('x: .:,'1-) :::-; . r~i(l(!eho~,d ..
08t:.. . b lisheu. ove.. . . tho R ,-,,"'.1, ; ouIJ.scr:uun.tly ',L, ':/ '::0:,',--, ·~o ',~c-"J.r·., tho rOA.d
leading from NLJ>!EGEN to ,;",l'TI:JHE'{ vi~ EL··;T. .:;; ~''-.,:,::t o:)l.'o;.]~.1;ion I':,~.S '
sli·ght, and no fire SUP!)Ol-t '::'1.3 ncco~',:;: .ry, ljut Goon ;:,:'::v:,c',',l ~'':l{J::,Y positions
were encountered in the ,".l'G:'. 686'; "'...V'I("1 pr0.,:rC5£: ... ~ ,'Jlc,v'( '[':..::.'1 rC'~chod
thB 67 griJ. line by 1600 Loux'::; t'h),,' ho",'1j' f'"i~,i~~in':'J in ,:: icll tho encrey
had rcfu5c;d to I"iv<.; '::round unl,;<:>" '.·~t~okQ(~ i~1 /0'(:",> : ;1U. , rivC:":1 out ..
"t ;,bout this til;JC, it ':;....." il'-:o:'I.\:1>..:(l. to Pllfih :.' "''lbU~'- ..::.:,l'J';Ii'1 G::>li.~,i~ting of
the 5 DeLI, with ,'~ ~C]Uf~dron of ~~/7 DG- unuur (".'. ,::,),':L ";-- ~:l"':-:: up ,:;i.-th the
Palco in the :',XV,"'. of Dl·U:FL :,rv'l, .-;::> t',hli;)l~ tllv ,~:(':~," ;:.; J:' .:-:~;; :':,OUTH b~'.nk of
th8 I<1EDER PJJN. Ir. order to b,ri..' : throu fY . , r:: I'C" 0 1 : 1". • :.; .....b:u1u.onod 311d
tvJO CCl!tlpllnies of il'lj"'-Tctry ;::C 1.' 0-; mOl.U14.:l:'1. ,m thu L: .rL\(:J ;:-,n,i '-'.11 ':11c other
fightinc vehiclas ,"l.v',.H~cbl,,;. Tan]<::i 1"c1 th:i-:1 C:::-!.~ ..iit.l1 ; t thtJir oest speed
whilst the sccund col',JJnn ,t r~cot.chod 11.--''' Qr ·Chi.,;· ". ll;0', ;lG 11..1" nkly 'lS
p03siblo. By 1915 h01.n-:;, ~,; ;(:y 1:' '.',:t p' ,:::;.,cc:. ";1l'c..',) ". Vi_I, tL'} J~ 6670
.'wd \vi th the '..xcuption of fivu 'rj.,:,:;'I' t"")'lk:~ j'l',; 1L~L1,~: t"·.,;ir C':::Jlurr.n jl.Wt \:'EST
of ELST, they r0'cch,xl til:" !'1J~TJEr 1(f,J ..T wi thou i; 1'1);' the::c o:u]?'.l..:i ~.;,icn "md. linked
up ..d. th thG .l: oles. 1 ':.rOhC .~: ,'J'J;H;; clo[JI';d. up hub:i.ll<l ';;~l.',C; :'.l1d \":ero
firmly cst· i.31'orl in V.'J, . qrnG e 6670 by ~:'.i(lni ht, Ih:uJ ::clit;;vioC; force
inelud~d DUK,':s c'X'l'yhw . J1"2:'\.mi tion, ~,;up!o,J.iu~ " lti :.' '-bJ~"l.l G to:~0S for the
rolief of' 1 :.irl>ornc D.ivi~i()n, lhrrirw. t) , \":h-,l; tf'.' Lllis j,")(·'':.s'; 130
PVI rnd been trJ<:cn, 2 t~,nJcs l "oc',:c:d Ol~t ,:nd '.:.11) :,1 (;1' Cr.lit\"i. 0'-1.. ".n ,~ttcmpt
w~s nl",(k on th,.J nii:~ht 2?/23 "vptG,il;oj~ t,J'fur~,,': !}.. '''; :'t',int'orco:",(:nts and
supplios for 1 J\i:cl:ornc Divi:;ion bu~ '~;hc :'--.J1' ,,·:,;"C :;t,;r;:", DUIC'i;'C' ·,;.rcrc
difficul t to 1 rL.uncl1, ClnJ th(; ,:~rholc ,)f th0 ,:U) :'1 \..;._~,i,1 :;. 'Lil{ \~.··lS un(ll~r J1G?MVY
OneriLY j..~G fire, firing rJn fixl.ld, lin.Jc. i'J.·Ch,~.11(J ., .;rrll l·w 'v.. :';mno s,o,)lJplio3
:uill ~ M.ll1i tion wc',,:! '~ot fV:-::C03:: by (" 1'til 1': r11 ',J:!" ~;,,; cou;:;· ~J o'f the l1:i.~ht.
- bU ­

129 InfCl.ntry Bri~,~ '8 C~roup ·\dv. mciI1f

NLT);:I::GSN - "·..Rt'~HE~· ro·'..(l h".d
° TH up the main
do little rro:;ress ,.;( inst strong
opposition, ?.nd O'.;inC to th...; diff iClll ty of dcployin£ off tho ro"\d.
By lnst li",ht tho.)' ",'iere h-lltl,;cl on tho line of tho 675 ~!orthin~.
"'i. t 1300 hours the cne: jT cut the. Corpn L uf C rO.:l.d-lin.1<: \':i th t<U1ks C\l1d ".
infantry botw en UDEN 5342 -:nd i,'F.G}mL··I~-737. This throat, consisting
of lo:r:riod inf.''\ntry ::~ few t.:l.l1ks Dn<l ~U!.1:3 h:'cd come frO) 1 .t;l North-Vlcstorly
dir0ction. To (1'::0.1 with this' trouble 32 Gu.wds Brigade \Toro de::spntch(;d
forthwi th j on ,"\rriv-:-cl in th; "\rc:, thu CQI.!Jl.'1.nder 32 GU'lras Brigade was
to assume cor..m:md of :\11 the CorpG '['roops,. iJ;lcluding the ~{<3diUln
l,rtillery. By lr.,st l).3ht, cont."ct '.':i th' the onl,;n,y h'.d been l~::tde in
thc~are~ 5140, SOUT11 of G~'l~, but no docisive notion had t~1<:on place.
At the ::>OJnc tU:lO 1.3 the cnCli1Y cut UN l.~~tin ~xis ~t UDBN rLnd. lillGlillL he '.
st;,rtcd shelling ST OEDEflRODE 4232) :'..I1d. it th':l.t f'..Il dtempt
wn.s bcinl1 m, c'~ to L'.U11ch " co-ord'in~.tccl count<Jr-C'. on the Corps L
of c. ~ ThL atte·.c ( liid not l"-:-; t61;'i'J.1~~c, but it oho\icd th"'.t tho enemy
was in pOGition to threo?tell 'Ind block thc Corps L of' C, thereby preventing
ur. \Jntly r,cquired reinforce.. (';nts c.nd IT('..intemmce r0quireTi"lent1;; bei~ ' ....
sent up to the forw:::.rd ~~ro~.::. '!.'his he "m.:.> temporarily able to
.chieve ."l.S no further tr:'.ffic cm:1c'!. be p ssed farw":..rd for the ren'l.:".inder
of th~d day. On tho :z.··.~T f'lrmk) the ROY..'l }\JETJffiRI \NDS ,,-,ho
were responsiblo for protection of thc GR;.\~ hridge arc~, h~d reported
th~t the enemy TIcre shc11in~ aUlX 71~9 ; further,' tho.t they had ~~de
contact with s:'D"'.ll det-cchm(;nts ::;,f t' J cn0my ~t OEFFELT 7647, but· th.. . t
they did not ,~ppe~tr to h:·.",(; :ny :lo::tilo' intentions.

Durinc, the co~se of the ~~y, 69 Bri~nde,le33 one b~tt~ion

hOod relieved 130 Info·mtry G·roup of tl:c re:sponsibility for the protection
of the IHtP..J<X;.EN bridJus.


DurinG the nizht 21/22 ;-;'";lrtcTlber, ,m :·.ttunrlt h;'.d been made by

the Divi.odo1'1 to rL:r··.:i.n til.:; furry ~.\t HEVE,illOHP, 30 that it
could be UGod fc,r fcrr'y:Ln:~ ;lcraos supplies nnJ. reinforcements.
This ftttompt '\,'::.::, unsuccf:,"<cful, [lnd it Wf:.S now :'.ppnrent thnt
if .'"l.1'1 :'..S::W.tl_lt cro::lsinr '::Gr.:;: to t:lkc then i t could only
do R0 provicling tb: ElIlCY.lY ~)Q~i tions on the Northern bank of
th" rivor were neutr:~Qi::JcJ.

The ancr,1Y continue' to r.:;~ert hC~lVY prc~eure n the ._.Jre['.dy

overtiTcd [,::'.rrison by ... Tt: .r·~n.r: 'mJ shcllin;:; on the S~;~K; "'c".le
.:lEi thl) p:;.~cvioUf.i (hy. Th... e::.ti"~ltC(l 'ff8ctiv0 :.;trength I)f
the clivision ':,"lS roportl1a 0+::0 he 1'10':: only 'lpprOXrro. tcly 1200.

(b) 101 US ~irborne Divi~ion

;\t 1200 hours thLJ ii.ivi"ion co:.sed to be und;:;l' con; :In<:1 30 Corps
A<i1l1 \'/',\5 tr~tnsf(;rrGd to 1 J-,ri tish :drbornc COl'"]?s. During the
course of the J. ".Y, th.i.r; . Livi:o;ion fm "'ht .:i..ny J. inor 'ctions a. t
nod.ql points on the Corps L of' C, ·,l"l':"t tiP.les lncl to be
roinforc01 by e16!:xmts of' the 32 Gu::.r '3 Bri~~de.

(c) 82 US !.irbornc Division

Tho itCT::; of thi::; divj [dol" continue\.: to exton:l. their flnnks

::md h:ul to und,rt:-.ko oper·,.tions :lgo';irst the (malny who were
loc:\ted ~Lt :';;OOK E 72:,1 ;:nL1 ERL':KO~' E 7862. It 1'1».5 now
app'lrent th,:t til'_ enOl: ':s ·.uilclin{" up } . Z strcncth in the
HErcm.I.LD li'o~m:~m . .T · , 1'. th.".t this wot.:ld prov\:; "\ very
clcfini te thc(;,,\t to our i IGJ l'l fl.'U'l.k.

- 61 ­

4-3. Fl.yi~ condihonS wore much improved mld 500 sorties were
flown in the gener:1l I),ree:t N1.1 of i.RNHEH. 104 of those were o.rmcd
. roconnaissLmces in the general area. N'il of ARNHEM clown to vENLO E 9109.

Tactical Reconnaissance h~d reported on the eyenin~ of 22/23

Septernber t thD.t there wns a oolwnn of 100 mixed vehicles- in VENLO itself,

and tho.t the enemy were dir, in that arcn. o

Attacks were ID-'l{le in support of 1 British Airborne Division on

a big factory in the ~'lRNHEH arc!,'.. fro:-:: which tho cnorw \,'fero sniping Md

observing the Airborne defence perimeter. The f'a.ctory '"fUR effectively

attacked by 24 Typhoons and enemy activity from this ~0~ ceased.

TD.rgets moving up to D.ttC\cK the Corps ;;x::.;, wore nlso



44. On the LEFT, 12 Corps hf'.d their fOr\'!w.'d elcumts im of EINDHOVEN

whilo 8 Corps continued to push slowl;)' :forw:i.n~ towarcl.:; HEIJ.~(lND 5522'.
On both fronts h:.1rd filrhting h'ld to..kcn pl::wc, ''..:1tl it '::as D.pparont th2,t
the onemy, helped by ·tho cOtmtry, w~s cap~b10 of 3ti~1 ~~~osing considerable
dolay on tho ftdvn.ncc of both Corpso Thus the on('rr~y 1"rm<'d be "ble to
continue to hare-53 30 Corps L of C, particulnrl,y f"'c'!j\ the E.AST flF.'J'lk, until
such time ~s 8 and 30 Corps clements COtud link up.
·. 62 - .

:3'::CTION 8


45. The :--iroblc:" no\".- confrontir.: thIJ Corp~ ':".s, f irs'bly to continue
o,t,'Gr,,-tions to SCCl.1rG ARNI:!'::, :.:;c:ccncll:/ to ~,;ct r>2i:nf'orC8;nents I".ncl :mppl ies
to 1 British .:'~irborne Div:Lsion, thi:z:dly to ole..r ',T),cl. th';,1 koep open their
L of C. Finally, ~,S tt18 cnc":..:y .:;';::;, rGportcd t" 'Lc; ll:r'inEine: bnks SOUTH
fro;r, .~i1J.\lJm~:!, i t \':'10 os~-;cn,t;i'\1 to Gn~tJr(; the 38Q"l.1'-:i ty .)1' the: HIGHT flt'Jlk
of the '::,:';.L bri 'gchc<"ll...

,LS r0g~"'.r(b P'otcction of tbc 1.: of. C, ,"',econcl. ;,-~" ,y 1".... d dircctc(1
thD.t 8 Corps W'~S tf) roli.;ve 3CJ Corps of '~h:is r(;:..;::.)(){l..li1..... ].ity mJ to C~R:~VE;.
The hcCtvy artillery zUPPol,tin ~-ro9'n:,~,c , hich ":,:\S TL\Jcc':>::':lry to support

the 1 ldrborne Division, "mo. the 5 DeLI. f',crry:lnr:, '1.0,"('os:.) !<?Lflforcomcnts,

cnt~\il0d :10 i;xccssivc oxp6ndi turc 01:' ·~':'J-:,!uhitj.c~. It '::.l3 (1cl1i0:.06,
therefore', th:.t once the:; ro.').l1. ·:e.s roo}:lcn'vJ.., 'l~r:iD:::'~ ~~i '.">~~\jl<1 "to ,?;ivcn to
the move for:,-rlrc1 of c~~ ~":unition ochclon£\. '1'he ':ossibil i ty oJ:' hD.ving
to cctrry out t,n rt,33::'u1 t croGsin[', further to '~hc ,,},ST of l'jmHl'~:~:, no\\"
t~t the enc!ny co·,:Jletely cont!'ollGd .dJ~Iill: \ :~l::;o !"X:;F~_lt th'.t the I'"QVO
fOl:"''-''1.rcl of bridr~inv wquipr:kmt ha<l t:l rucuivc ;. h:L';h (~lc,~::..~e(; of priority.

The flocc~;;'ity for (", Nor thw."I r(1,:l the c:·::i.stin::! d1~t11ow
....... ,

fully .':'.pprE;ci~,;,tGd ,ltd further) th,;"t the r,...:uu for

-bric1g(;hc~.d :·;<\S
c,G.c.itionCLl infantry '..:~s 'vit:tl,::tn the: country l·TOr;~Th, :)f i\:IJ:,lf'~GEN l,',-.".S
ontirely unsuit~blc f:)r' ClqJloy-in;-:>: ".r:'our <.',... ins:: (.!.u~'-'r '<Jr.>ccl':::,csisb.ncc.

1lr, rC:fl.rds tho cncr-:Y,hc ';/ :;" ~,·.'..u~cd ';,::J! ·w:l.l'~.!, i;,,:o ,:nifl objects
in viGC':; fi+stly,. to co~t:imle h_lI'~\; our r. of' C "11(. s..-::,condly, to
dinin"\.te the pc::rb ,Gt<:;r hcltl by tr:
'lfri'tish'ciY'1JCJrn,) ;:-jvision.

46. Tho t;~sks th'\t \":(,)1'<:: Siven to 30 C.Ol":!)R i.' .)),' . < :i. ,r~; ,'0:-:
oper:::.tions on 23 .;50j(tc;;,li (;1' \'ier0 :::.3 f'bllO\lG

(:-...). Gm-rds .:'r;:-:ourcd DiVi3ion

Hrivo ano ,,~L: ur.;d w:'in:mt '~v. _il~:J<l.u to .~up~)()rt 129

rnfc-,ntry Tlri"~t(1u in. C'·.!3G "f '-1;-·,""I,ck. l'roJcuct HIGHT
fl.nlk of .....;J. 1)rid::hcQu fro~'1. rn..:arr fl~_n~: I :.~~ Inf,'l.nt1'y
?'i"iC'''.'cclc to R ·,CJ..L, 'lclv'"ncinG i:« .'-~"'ly C,'I.:';.'; :>.::J f,-"l" '~~' ::.)onc.

Op(.;r~,-t(; '.':i th l)ntJrcGL~<,jnV!-l I'roup in :,,:,",-;)<1. v"~~uUt':j.J - TJDEN,

to kc',:~)
Corps rlxit cIa-,r. 'ct;,:in 1'U;')_: >r, It,l ~r(lup
~l.S "t ;')rcncnt dis' 'osuCt SOl :'l'h Ol~ GJ...V~ '.;·h:i.c\1 ';i;,;) not to
be 1,~6V;)Ll ~~OlJTI-I 1~nic:;s Divir',:ir'l,::J. ("'>!l'i'j',n(-'I"l:' co~:-:i(1cre::l

(iii) Rct:d.n t',:o ::J<)u't(ll'on~, HCn OJ h:.r:'ti21,.: N'\RT.: 01'.' 'J u',L 1wir1:r,dl()'\cl,
:11:30 recco ,,~:;T fror.'l GI(,WI~; tU'.i·\,l',b ,"'Ie;:::; B !~7'3i.j. mCl.
;.~ 1Jl?,~T( )(~,; !RO~CH ]i; 321,.6.

'/1.3 ,"\ . . .
• • " (1 ) ) ; _'+_J..}_' ~~ 13 lon
- 63 ­

(b) 43 Diviston

(i) Retain one briG~dc ~ro~) in ~rGa R Dj~ bridgohend,

enlilrging this tow<U'cls BEl:~'iEL 7367..

(ii) Capture ELST

(iii) Secure and strengthen junction with 1 Airborno


(iv) Recce ';'lcstvJ[',rds betl'/een l.'fAAL nnd NEDER RIJN.

(v) Send Corr~dcr 129 Brigade earliest to visit Commander

5 GtL'"l.rds /,rmoured Brigade.

(c) 69 Bric~dc Group

Carryon with prcnent t~ks including rccce ·::'EST between

MAI;.S and YiMJ, lUld EAST fror" GRAVE towD.rds CUYT.

(d) SRY remain under COl'rllTlJ:md 82 us Airborne Division.


47. At first light, 32 GUD.rc~ Br~0~do bernn oporQtibns in

conjunction with 101 US Airborne Division to clear the Corps axis SW
from UDEN. Cont0.ct vias Tl',," with enemy tanks ::-...nd infantry in the
area. of VOLKEL 564.0, md Qstriclc the roO-d in tho areo. 5140. 44 Royet.l
T,'lnks were also co-opcra.ting NE of VEGHEL and by 1300 hours they rod
joined up with 32 Gm.rds i,rm:.mred Bri}:acle.

At 1530 hours, the axis wn.s rc-opened und blocks of ten vehicles
were being sent thro~1h every thirty minutes. From then on) traffic
continuod to flow through stec.dily subject to occ.'lsiono.l interruptions
from enemy shelling, bazookcring and smull ~rms fire. Nevertheless,
the three.t to the axis continued, .?no the cneI:1Y appe,lred to have in
this nrcc. c.bout 300 infc.ntry nnd ,~ number of tc..nks and SF guns.


48. As has alrcn.dy been s tntcc1 i t h:\d not been possible to got
supplies across in DUK':IS on the previous night to 1 :,irborne Division.
fJ.ccordingly, OC 5 DeLI asked tho.t ::"Issn.ult bo::\.ts be sent up to him
so that he could ~~ke usc of them fqr Getting both Polish reinforc~ments
D.nd supplies across on the night 23 September. . Con~der 43 Division
also asked for a smoke detachment to be made av~il~ble so ·th~t such
oper~tions would not be limited to the hours of ~~rkncss. hS regards
current opcr.'ltions for that d..'ly, tho :n.:'\in objoct of' 43 Division was to
strengthen nnd deepen tho existing bridg0hend GO th~t a link up with
1 ,\.irbornc Division could be achieved that night.

By 1230 hours, 5 DORSETS ho.<l reuched their final objective

on the SOUTH bnnk of' the IlliINE but \·:ore being shelled from ELST which
was still atronvy held. 1 ',-iORCESTER Hugirr.ent hrld r0rtched, a.ncl WM
\'/011 in V:J.LB'lJR(;. E'lrlicr in the cl'""y, 1 ilORCESTER was
counter-nttackod from ~LST, ~3 a res~ut of which their impending n.ttack
on ELST to cla~r. it hud to be postponed. The enen~ resi~t~ce
seemed to ht\.vo incref'.scd QS he m-.5 fighting stubbornly and ',';IlS much aided
by tho country) where movement off tho road \'las difficult O'\ to deep
ditches on either side of the ro~d. This nrc~ w~s admirably suited
for dofence ~s it enabled the enemy to get good fiolds of fire across
It:trge stretches of open country.

. .. /By 1l!'30 hours

By 1430 hour~-;, h'o t,~'.tt~:lionG of 130 Inf'lntry -'ricrule \"lere

just Ghort of' the SOUTH h'1.11k of' the lfEDER RIJN ·-:-..nd 11-3 DivisirmnJ.

ReconnaissD..nce [L\";r;i;ncnt v;,s cff(;ctivcly screenin:' thQ CorPs J.EFT flnnk

betwoen tho Hivcr3 NEDE~ '".t'_·c1,. ;~t 17QO hours, 214 Infc.ntry

Brigp..dc h'.'l.d. lL';.unchcd . ,n c~ tt; em ~1:.JT from tho '!"LEST rmd by 2200 hours

they h~~c.l re:\.chec1, '~,nd '."orv fichtir..r: .iIi, the '-Jestern outskirts of the

vill~gc. Here ~ housc-t0-house D,ttle took pl~cc D..nd before ~y

progross could be ~~".c.c it \\,:18 Ll e'-~sc of clc;Cl.rinr the villr~gc hOt:G<3 by


During the d:1.y, the ;,'EL:·,H GUliill)S Group h~c1 rr':-'.de littlo

progress and .by 1:'..3t li;"Tht h~"' l'v".chcc1: ·'.re,\ 7265, but :".3 on tho

previous d"ly, the country OV(;:::' \';h:ich they hr:.d to fit:;ht ,,:I\S idcCl.lly

sui ted. for defence 'mG. the cm.:r.ty .,,:cl.[;; not slo\'.. . t:i > his mothods


/l.t 1600 hours, the l{oY.•L r:bT1IEHLJIJDS BriC·cd.c, now undor

cDrrun:>.nc. 1 JSrb::>rnc COr"j!s, r~::;sumo\l rUDpoi1sil~ iIi ty f or the GRi.VE bridge
ffi1d the bridge just :NE of it. 43 Div:i.::;).,)n's hold on the SOUTH bonk
of the R NEDEH rtIJ}T in the ~)E.EL ~ ':"~;':'l. h'-1.(-:' boen m~int,inod. Movement
WD.n still uncleI' con:>t::Lnt obscrY,-'..tion <:::.ll.':1 hc:'..vy firo from the enemy,
end therefore nc :Lttcmpt coulcl. bo r,:<~c to cross the rivero,

The pl:>..n for th0 ni·:ht 2312.1+ Septcr.::.1)er to bril1r, ~ssist:mce

to the Airborne Division '''I~'..S to P'l3~j ovor "3 m.~my of tho Polish P:lr::1.chutc
Bri~ade as ?ossiblc, pos.::;ibly two c:);:ii?~~niIJ3 of int'rmtry, plus essential
supplios, l))E.inly nl:1lmni tion. h.:: c~l1. for anu'1lUlition by iLirl~ornc
}'orccs was :\n urgunt one c'..s they il~L: !let 1 oen ".~_c: to be rc-supplied
the d.'l.y before by ~~ir o\'lin[~ to l:',cl ':;,:,";,ther conui''.;ioT"is. Thorefore, no
F.l8.jor .:l.ssnul t crossin.:' could -t'..'..k0 rl':c;, ':'..3 the .. 33::.ul t cr:\ft "tere
requirod for carryin[; :~crOG~ ~1..Lir.I.uni.tion; eventually, 250 roles of
the Polish P,"l.rn.chutu Ilri" ,<k y.'cr(; forried .' .C:CO;'.1:] Ojl the ni:~ht 23/24­
September I'md ::'. nurahGJ:' of then sll.cc0c(;ml in .link~ nt up with 1 ldrbornc


'49. (.:I.) 1 British il.irbornc Divi:3ion

By r~idc:-'1.y 23 ~'-'rtc..i!'l]-'Cl.', 1 ,',it'borno Divbion h·,cJ. beun further

reduced, ,clthou['h i t 1".' ,~. bc(;n rcinforcud on th0 night 22/23
September r'y : ,bout 50 11 :(",nk3 of tho 250 l'~en of 1 Polish
r"l.r~~chutQ Brip·:·~l_:.... dl0 h' '. (Ji·j;;:i.n.. ,ll::J' been f€ r ricd ·'..cross.
The Div:i.si0n' B pc'r:!.!:,ot;. ::. ~1a:,', ~,;till..llndor contin,uQJ.).R_ haayy. eneQY
rrnrtar {\.nll shell 1':;';;-,. f~:()l:' thv :NE. ;\nl!auni tiDn flnd me<1icn..l
f:~.cilitiG~ '::(;re in ',;'!cn nhortcr GUPIJly th,'~n on the previous
dc-yo ThL: food. c,it·.jr.. "Li,;;n ':;~l::; ',cuto~ Thur0 \,;,\5 still no
news of 1 P;lrn.chutG "'jr::-nu--:'c, ~md fro:'! :stn(;E;L;ent3 r.:~,ae by
prisoners of \','''.1', i'l; ',","'..3 ",J'-,,',rcnt th":t ~.3 Cl forrcntion it
h::.(1. cv,scc: to exi,1t,

On the RIGHT fl·..nk, '--".:}';1 dyt::.; fY!' thi::; DiviGi()n hnu clo:~.:rc,l tho
enonlY frol~ the :re.·3.. 1.1: tl'(; [,cm of t.he R .:-<l.i-..L Rt'';'T of NIJJ:'F:(~l':N
ull to EmmCO;'.;4 Th8 (;1;1 ;j): ~'N7':"'.:.: Glh.mS Grot.lJ:, ".'hich \'i~\3
oper·tt:i.n:"' in thi::: scct(Jl' m)(~,--r C()lj~'''~H'': of 82 :Jt.i ,\irborne
Division, h:.t".. cr:)s;.(;l;. the; f' iJ\N fr(IJlticr E.,;';T of BEF.K 75W

.mel \','(;'.'0 thu::: the i':L"t Dl'iti3h troo13, othlH' th".n HQ :uritish
~'drborn0 C0l1).:!, tv' C~.~7'~,~'.l':Y ~n this '::,~:r.

r'. t 1600 hcur::; J 352 c::..· t'_(:: lJ,f:,ntry ~(t~gir:tcnt ".ncl the renv.:'.indcl'
of the rolish P·:.r"C1 1Ut. ·..d,' " ~ '.'.crt; (1.r0) 0<1 in the NORTH
D' ~ro '.n
o f G'I.ii.V.c, • th I.".;XCC••
11",en c r:-- J,".·l.·'tf:.
w. - n.,·" r'lXtiti,~s to both _,('Y,lid.ors
nn,l pc.rfjonnGl '0'.',..;1:'0 VIJ':::'Y li,·nt..
• .• (c)/101 U:)
- 65 ­

(c) 101 US ~irbornG Division

This Division continuod to be F>.ctivcly enployucl in decline

'Nith tbe t.;nc,mw "cut" to the Corps L of C ~md its subsequent
di3ruption ::tC".i'J. ".ftor ropair•


50. The we'lthcr \'r"s ~.g;dn cloudy, ~\ncl this, couplo,} "-lith the
landing of the r;liClGI' c;lmilcnts of 82 US Air1)orno Divi::>ion ~nc.. th() Poles
of' the Poli3h P:.r'-:..chutc Bri~·iHlo, inturfcrc<l ':ri th o!'lcr'..:.tioilS by 83
Group. 24 Typhoons werG Ucspo.tched to .' ok enemy targets in 1
j, irhorne Division' s :.r(;'.~, C'.neJ. in ,~~ll 260 sorti63 woro flO\m over the
Corps nren..


51. Both 8 ,c1 '12 Corps continued to meet ::.;tiff opposition, but
both h:'..u m:uH':'c';)(!. to rr".kc 30mc progrcs~, 0..nU it WE,G hoped th::.t 11.
Armour(;d Divisbn of 8 Cori)s would soon link up with 30 Corps F~trols
on the Ei·.sT fL·.nk.
- 66 ­
30 CORFS OFm1..I;.TI0NS 24 SEPmmER

52. The eneqy had continued in his attei.~pts to cut the Co,rps
L of C and to climinato the perll.let~r held by the British .ii.irborne '
DivisilY'l the previous d~. In addition, the enen;y was trying to
reinforce the iJmHEM area from the El',ST and WEST, using the railway
trm UTRECHT to E},ll,!ERICH E 9700. Tanks had been seen moving along
the NuRTH bank of the R NEDER RL.TN from the 'direction EiiST of illiENEN
E 5175 so' as to counter any attel' that ;.light be I~ade to cross the
NEIER RLrN. Cyclist troops ...ere reported to have been moved SvUTH
to the :area 5£576. The enewy had thickened I,lp his resistance to the
EAST and he was also diSt';ing-in on th0 N0RTH bank of tne NEDER RIJN
in the vicinity where the rivers NlIDER RLJN and NEDER WlJ.L approach
each other.


53. The tasks for opera~~ions on 24 September as allotted by 30

Corps are as shown at A..ppendi:v; 'u l "
---- N!Jl;[EGl!:i

54. 43 Division continued its ~fforts tu drive the enemy out of

ZLST, but he had reinforc.:::d ' 3.l'0a 'in th both tanks and infantry fran
JffiNHEM. So fierce 'iro.s the f"ighting in t'lis area. that 214 Brigade
group did not reach the centre -of the villabc until 1400 hours. By
this time they Vlere ncor the I,1air. rond NuRTH and SlJUTHthrough ELST
itself and had elements a.crOS:l i t~ Dy light, the greater part
of ELST had been cleared ~JY 2'l4 nri;~ade, and 7 SUi LI had secured
ELST railway station and 1 WLJRCESTERS on the LEFT was estaulished
just SOUTH of ELST. There ~e~e, however, still elaoents of the enemy
clinging on to the NE end of the 'Tillage. The rJain opposition was
f'rClil snipers ana Spand.aus, who· wer0 '\7011 concealed. in alL10st every

The glider el~aent of the ?Glish Parachute Brigade, which had

landed in the GRAVE area on tho afternoon of 23 Septel~ber,.:V7,~re taken
up to 130 Infantry Brigade's a.rea by 1600 hours 24 September, so that
they could be ferried across that night to reinforce 1 Bri tish
Airborne Division.

Un the S~UTH bank of the NEDER RLJN, . the enemy's reaction

on the front of 5 DLI· wa.s c")nsid3rabl~,. n.s ·he was prllsumably
apprehensive of· '-,ur hlakin[; an at.tenp-t tn estalJ1ish a bridgehead in
this area. The capacity of the rO~3 leading to 5 teLl area was
very limited, in full view of the cnc,'\Y, and only narro.... crossings
existed; thus it was difficult to set the assault boats and DmGVs
required to terry and. sup:,.,lics down to the river
side. If' any orossing was -1;0 ~\e a';;ter.\pted in daylight, Comrilander
43 Division asked for a full allotment of m:ioke to cover such en

At 1600 hours, the ~IELSH GtLJIDS

Group a.ttempted to take
BEMMJiL 7367 but found it strongly held-:- The enel:\y was Ill0St
deterr,lined'in his'resistance, and by last light, the VIELSH GUlJIDS
Group were short of' their obj \;'Cti·... e ant! were established in, the
area 730665 to 720695, and SlJUTH of !3E',2'i:c.L 7367.


55. The enany again O\.lt the Corps Main axis SUUTH of VEGllEL
at 1630 hours and all traffic CCt-l3i..:d... This tir,le the attack came
in frol:\ tho WEST of- the axis and .....':\..'3 uade lJy elOl,lcnts of 6 Parachute
Regiment, which had b6en by-passed in th~ ori~inal drive for
NLThiIi.GEN. Tho eocll\}' aeain cr.lp10Yod. tanks and infantry and a few
SF guns. ••• /
- 67 ­
DurinG t;1C nil:ht C1' 2j /24 ~3el:-t';j ll.,c.;r th-..: rve.a ..-ms again sholled end
l! urtarc:d. .3 nil 'r, ;\[\.J.rtT~- of \lECFEL.

56. (c.) 1 Dritish ~.h..1Joi.'n':: :-Ji,risinn

1 British J~-l.l'l:)(·,rnc ~)i vision hud c~ntinued to ~ndure heavy

canunltics ,~'.l1d t.:ncJ.\y v/hich i t h~.j been vii thstanding
fQr the./; ast wcek. Their Divisional peri,,1<.;tcr hed by now
been r;luch rrl\luced ~...nd \'l'.',L~ contred on 1-L'.l1TES1'EIN 6978.
The cnt1r.\y kept up ,'). st,,;n.d.y stt'o::r,l of l~:ortal' nnd. SP fire.
Uur trovp3 had dug thu:.:sclvcs in
'nd \oI~crl:: £\.lso !loWin.:; SOIllC
houses, but these ';/ore rn.:::,idly ')0in.~ dest:coycd by encl:1Y
E\J!lfire {ro,.l t!lnks •

..:.1 thou:~h they h ...1 r(Jceived c. 1'0"/ Pc,lish r"infor(;(;1I1cnts,

about 150 all ranks, :~nd supplies, th', SU9'tl1y and n. _.luoition
situation 'ji' the :::hV:ifjiorl \"l~;j yrecarious. The situation wns
ag;:::~re_vut.;::d by thu fo.c t thi.~ t the:: en cr:LJ \/::I.S in C:J!1 trol of the
ferry at 6f!.·76 , ';;hich m~de tl.,~ senjin[; over of supplies even
l:lo:ce difficult. C'.su:?ltit;s ·.., ert; ht:'\vy, crld th0 £.'ielcl
Dressing :3tl1tion c.5·~2,blished in the c~ntrc of the Divisional
.l~ar:d.r.istr:l.tivo ... rG!t 'rIas gr,,::ttly ovcr10c.d.::d wii;h C:,\5e3,
includin; G.D.!~·~J%. _ :.:3 t "~i:x.'bljrnc DivisiOli z'eportcd. that
GEm·~..l'IS ',;ere novi evc.cuC:ltin~ all ,;ound.ed. to .JHHE).i.

(b) 82 US ~~L'borne Di vinion

The Division C" ntir,ued. t-::· ",cn.L out p~trols t:. tho Ei~;:)T

Cl..I1.J. to .HOP u> enel.iY str,:,n.:; oints whicn h~..l l.l0en established

in the ,·iuUil ,::.rva. Durin~ the cc/ursa (".If their ::'!ltro1ling)

some of thG/:w ~::.::-:.tro1s, -,;;:..rkins in c::.njuncti;:;1': I,n th n.

sClu'llr'J(J ,)f' the SHY, crGs.jed the GErliuJ' bordt::!'.

T~lU cncE(r" cor.ti!1ue] t-:. l>t:."c._u u~' his ~tr 'nzth in thl,.)
REICH.~,,;.L,) ::-.r ~D., a.,: ~".. r.u.. :ber clf to.nks ' rd. :l1::;0 ',)een
i' 8:?ort c.'Ii there. ,'32 US i. oj l'borne Division had ho·....ovcr a
.:..::,00. !inti-tank obstacle in th..:; for:: Jf n. r . lilway rLUming';:h "the fr;Jnt i-,f their aren., and i:l ajui tion, th(J SRY,
lesti Orl0 fiqu~dron, ~up~licd the ar.~ourca 5U)~ort if required.

(c) 101 US _-:"irl.lorne Di visirln

The ::..cti viti (;;.3 i)f tIll::; Di visifjl1 ill the VEGHEL ar<Jn. Vier c
fully Ci.:pl:.ycJ. in ::.:::\.lin[; ','.-1. til the ene_.:y threat t~ the
L of C, anl 1(IJ..lCh clo5e ~.l fidrce fil3hting betv/.:en :';!·1.'l11
let··.chr. ents Clf C'UL' ;,,-m and the enel:lY forces took place.

57. ElieDY posi tions r·Jund. the ""'bc,rne periJ:lde:c ',,'0rc very
t!.~rouL; '.ly :::tr·-.f",d. ;..0 ::,o:30rvcr, "...h-) "':,.tchoJ fro!., thu ~3UU1'~{ -lJ::l.Tlk :::,1'
th~ ':.!,jl < l<LJN ncar mITEr" so.i( that fot:' 3 hour~ tlwre Vias a
prGC c,,3ion ~Ji' Typhoon3 ',k:ich ! .ust have ,~:i von ".'; ;_iuch hellrt tJ the
J·Lir'..;, tr·_,o).~ 0.1::; it c.'lu:'·.o.j·l di~;(J,j:'ifort to tho,) enel.\Y. S},>'Jcific
t,,-r Gets [illch :.l,' ~un ~, .. _J .:lu}.'tL\r po::; it ions ',JOr-.; 10.;:.ltcd, 'uut rosul ts
'iI~rv h.".r.i t;, u~s<Jrv'J. ..rue:1 cuGonnn.ic':iLUlces of'L:r::ttirl/~ .cound
.41.. ,,: in'~Jrf:._'o1 <:;'['''_:~L·:,;l.\' ,, r'\.il ..iCiVCI..cnt. 12 Loc;-".lotiv0S
\lore '::e3b:oyed 1') ib:.·..Gcu ;-;n.: 74 r~,il'",V' truckG ',J01'0 u<:;strCiYccl, l)lus
.31 vehicles on j,'~il'..:\y truckf;, (tlll,.;~.;e ''lure fiI'~;t r··1ort.::.l n;; tt.nkn
i.)ut ·.-:er..: found. t,-, he civi li-m eal's). uf j;·,T on the road"" .3 ,.ere
dcst1'0Y",J. nmI .3.3 cl::n:.. .:;ecl.

T-"..cti '''..1 'CUl)nl':.i.i;;s<.\ncc :->.Lvlu(;uJ ;3{", .. X; inforJ.l;l.tion in the

e:;.rl (\i.'t J~'" ti () _t.:; Lu'~ n"Uinl.~ vi' : ...:..·..t ::;j."}lific~lCC;.
- 6el ­
1l. co"sidern.ule fDrGe of l:lt::diu.;;l bombers attacked t::J.rgets
in the ;•.RNHE2:'l area.


58. The NIJ1:iEGIiN bridge \i£tS covurcd by S~i tfires and these
provided a lone and spirited series of do~ fiGhts over the NLn,iaGEN
uroa where they ~et a 8tron~ f8rce of ~v 1908 and Me 1095. Several
en~;w aircraft were seen to go devm. '
- 69 ­


59. ,iy 0(1';; it ',{<::':3 ,_ ,p.J.l';"cnt th:"t the CCi:ctlS L Df C ax:is '.;;auld

cantiime t;) 0(; cut until:) Cc.r:s coul:'! t':tKe Dver offoctive c-:'~1trol.

This c',,-ulc1 i,ruT be 'Lne until ~t.t.,; cne .'j" '::0.3 eVictcJ. frOD TlRLdIJl'iI)

E 5522, which 8 Curps 'I/(;l"~ hJ.· dil'ficLllty in r(;Ciching. Until,

tnoi:C;fore, }ffiUlvNLJ cCiuE, '0<,; cle~rci, ''';fj~;(;ntia.l tra.ffic such as ._~,

In(·ro infC\ntry and nintt:~l cc vuhinlc:,; '''::'''lld '.:>0 vLry 51(/.-:.

The sit ·;.ti.:.'l ~,f 1 I i tF:h ... irbornc Division './as little

DUr1l1" the; )r~,viou::; ni~h·c., tho int9.l1try of the 43 Division

had :t0rc~;cl D.. Cl'~J:>3in~ c:;'" -.;nc '.-··).~l{ JUJN: e,n::':' eventually succeeded.
in linkinc Uj '-'iit', tiJJ: hc'rd [n'(;~~.3a;~ n.irl)Orn8 troops :In thb Northern
1) DJ1 k. Sr)I,1C su?;:lics hr~'i 0,-.m f::lrl'ied l1cr03S "'.Jut this had to cease
at first li,'3ht orlln~ t:, '~h'3 C;\i} ..Y' ~ ('.,:-;,lplctc iO,.linatiJn by fire of
the SuUTH ban!~ ot' the }~i VC:!',

The: a1C::,y h.s.. ri',·.'. iv~ 1 l<' d l i.-jea of rctakin(3 };LJ~~.EN,

uut f'rCll,l t:lcticul rec~/nn3.i";~t,ncc r"4)Ort3 it ',;as cvi:iunt that he \iM
rLc:rou~)in[ h~(J. in tl:0 "',JnW; n.r0:'lo 1'0 tho 8uUTI-i of the :.:,iAS he m.J.s
Lein~ (;raduc:.lly push r ,.1';·:.J,:ds, ;->r.:1 i t ','/a,; hG9Cd that 3') and 8 C01'1)5
....r()Llld. link up bc.:fol.'c rd.i)"\t 2)/26 S :l)tul..bcr.


60. Tasks f:y:c f"rr,~"r\''ir)I1f:; of jO i';0rps opGr'Ltions on 25 Septer,;bt:I',

vero B-S fnllOHs:­

(i) 32 GU~:',,:,J$ Brit· -Ie ('.untinuu ,...ith Feason"\; tasks,

)o3i ti:,)11 :i.n or:. (; rCc·,i.L'.cm tal i~roup in areo. i+ ;~1i les
~3ii C")f GJ.LoVE if'i?O"'~ :)').04

(ii) Contimh~.1it~·· pr'~s{;:. ~ .:;,1' prutcctin ~..ST fbnk

of ·IJrid,..:uhcaa, I) V "':::' 1;>-W ~-{ "",;.L, Gxt.(;r:lint~ this by
.r~licvinc 4j Divi~ion of rus~on3ibility for inclusive
l':L:>T, ·./ilC~J c:\~,tt...;;-'d.

( iii) Con tinu(; ~Jr(;scn.l.; r -'f : iJrtnc'..i :J :JLUlC':': t tI.::;k::;, includinc taf:ks
tc. E...ST and. ',;~:;::)'i' ~>~...;' i G1LV.l!:, :3,_,UT){ frrjLi H L:.A.S, unti 1
r·Jli Gvcd ~JY "'.r.'l'ivr.. l 5;~ Divi siDn ieoe~, :nt\is sane,) Regil..en t.

(b) 43 Divi:Jion

( i) :C":1:'0,;<..1'o 'L~, '):, ~3) co. '.-'l·:i:l, cht.;al Dver the; NED.l:Sl~
:i.LJN :i 11 [":t.'Ci~ •. ~~YJ' of ~\E'l\!JJL'~6276 (),s soon us ~jQs::iilllo.
( .. , C:)ntillUL: Fe ;~'r;nt r~~(:':',nn::d :.•."Itmcc t'1.3ks '-.• E;:j1' h .. t';'uen
\ ~~)
tlHJ :rF.:.J.,;:,( IH.I ~ roi~~ ,I~"J..

( iii) Protect E.,f;~L'.L '1< u.: )0 0,':;:,:<; fl')", 0xclusiv0 ZLST,

aft,.,. u'T CUi." 'J t~, K... :J ,~...h ,( ..T;''[ :i.n 8..1'--;;1:'. 6976.
'fh0 JccisiC"Jt\ t,·, ,.i.ti1dc." ..... 1 _.riti~.ih .·.. il"l)"lrn...: Divioion
ni!{.ht 25/26 f:k):;r.;.. "J''':::' ".m,·. ',:' .h.;n ,~, :,ill; !;l"trj u::,rnin::.:., Ll-nd th0 [\.LlOVC
tasks canccll ~'l. l'n".---: " In;'; 1'1' :'. tLi:: '.-rj, th-h' "',,:.~l, :::.n,:~ th' r cvisod
t~,:'cs for fr,l.'l.l:t ti Gil;:, ._ hr' .. :t(:· _ ~,<)' )0 C Jr' p , r~r(j S:lO'.,1I1 at . pponclix 'pl.
61. J~t 03 L..5 hour::;> 130 J:riL:t.L of 45 Division r~l,)orted that tho;
1+ I'.0RSETS had fore t::(: a Gr03Gb ,. OV<J:' the NEDEH. RLJN during the night
2l../ 25 Septe:nber.· uwinJ. VI tl:;-J b.te arrival nf assa.ult boats, du~
to the cuttine e,f the L 'Jf c:: ~~(,-1 th.;'iculty uf ~1.ppr91i\
th0 rivc;r, the di:l. m)t ~;t~J.rt :lntil 01.30 bours. Un the
LEFT, the 4 DulW.E.'TS scot 0\'01:' 550 l..ur, Lnci.l1(lil1,~ : , nd t¥lO
gunner uPs, in spite of tho 'TFJ"r.y i"·.:.:t CUl').'Qnt uf the riv0r Y/hich
dispersed tho boats CN(;I' ~ y:i~h; ~l.t:'IJa.. un arrival on the NuRTH
ban!':: they pushed.. 5101;"11.y fCil'v:::n"~, and it i;;i thuught that they :reaehed
their objectivas in tL~.l th de o;.'~().i ~ on tl'10 NOKTH side of the i'fEIlER
RIJN. Contact wi th ~;hG Ci, Ci,\:i ·.IQ.;~ ~':ir.c::l, but tho,Y coulcl not locate
elcraents of the 1 Bri'dsh "h,oor:1E; D~vi::;i~r.. ..~t fir3t, opposi tion
tJ their crossinf~ '."Ias on1;; ~,Jc'!.C.l.'~t ;." but .:::;rt,\due-.lly increased and.
u.t first lip,ht furthe:-: i'cr:'yinB I) or;;ltions h....d tv stop u'iiing to
int€rlso ene:.:y .L'i~.) 1'rc:·. thl. ~u~~:rH 1JCj)k.. of' thd river. ..pproxi'-,lately
tiir~e tDns of 5to~es· ,.1C,d.CC.\ 0q.U~,P tcnt, rations' a.nd o.r.U'.mni tion
'verc Lot ac}.",ss durin.:; the;\; or" cb.rlmoss. un the RIGaT, the
Polish Bri,£;r..d.e did ~ ~t Cl'O~'S v' tc- the lute o.rrival
of tho::' assault '08.ts ' ho.d hcen nolu up in transit :IJld the
fc..ct that, 'iii tr~r,l·_t Vl.--tl'-. ::... :';l:~., ),,,:] :.;t:Jo" ~10·,=.ln, tl:inking t~ley· would
no;; arrive. :Oy t},j,s U.:,c, ::'" y ';6 1.~3a It i.>o·ats V/ere available,
but the eRE ;Jf' 4-3 i)~··;·:Ls:;.rm l.:,l;· Z::,u'ld ;:-,Qr.\0 Gerl:lan ussa.ul t '0cJats ',:;hich hc
pr0l:)Q3ed t r , \.L~G I~Dr :::''..':c- ~:1(':: ,). \-::'~.i·i -n~ f)n the night 25/26 Sept€:lJ1uer.
In the ELST aroo, 2-ji l· :(:"l"--ali'tr,y ~\:'.";.~:'.'11:1~ helped by 4/7 ill, continued
l.u)pping· Ul) opcr<:.ti;·, ::1} iJ\lc as :',1 ~.;'l':; p.ccvious day the enei!1y !ilade
strong points r,i" a:J.l ll..J'.l:1,~~.: [':'11 ea.oh house hlld to be clca:-ed individually.
The tanks suff'crcd Cc.'itU:l.J.. ~:~e::; L'rr.,u b",.o;Gokas which fir..::d 2.t v.-..ry
3hort raneo, <lnd the 0,~.::r.~y Q(:;<.:.''1'~~~ ~Q he.v€.: -ch:i.cken0J. up his defences
wi th adlitiona-l $:,JDnd,).1.":" By 1G30 hljurs, hmICvc::r, ELST was f'inally
cleared and the er.o'"i . J.i. 1; rIJ:L'v"" :~·Ol':"'.vlr::..J tCMo.rds BLDm 7375. ~:..t
0700 hours, 69 Inl':;.r;i;,:.... :31'.'.:,'- ~_0 :"U,>U:., c..!. .i.t~.; att!.".ck ;)n i3.El..~;.;EL E 7267
but cJntinued. "1; ..-, . KJ3r wl;uLl'n'Ir.";::I,i.~~·.:~~ •. (l/.). I3y 1700 hours, however,
they wer·3 0studisil..:;J .:.. ~) . . .;; ~;.,.),m rInd. th" e..nei,(l' had wi thdravvn.

62. SliUTH or" the 7.UG ':.:rr..tlE:.>'S v. >ol~l'l' C\.l.nal, th,~ Corps axis
was s-t;ill NlJT cJ.i~aroJd, u.r.d n r, tr:'::!.~f~iG h.3,.:1 llc;on aole to 80t through
durin£; the past 24 110Ur;..i~ )0 (I ) D:i.vlcicn rv[Jort<:,,(} that thu)'
considered. that th~ r('l~·l ::il1r)ul Ov ')1:-'0': 'u)' th0 morning of' 26
Septerl:bor. ~:..t 1/00 Hour", ,ut.:ob .,f the 2 HCR roported that 32
Guards Bri[;adc h:.J:l est~l ... 115h(;d Gl",!1 tact ,,-1 th 29 .~ruoureJ. Brigade of
11 .~ri!ioured Divis.ion 'Vi~,::' lti.'..d :L,,~(lchcd S'i' ;.J~TEONIS 7238.

Durinf~ the u: h i.... C : ... ~, i.d-;.f.l.r.7 40 bridl3e, which h,?..J

beer: built in ca;.;o J:;~10 an",,-.,! ~'-l .t:lcJ. ':0[,11) the GRoNE brilge, "-:<15

~ ..LWLJRN.E TKvUIS IJr:::·l~;..T1i f'J:·'

--_._- ----_.
63. .Du:l:'in:~ t'l-w ni~~~it 25/2; ~·k;;?te,J):.Jr, 130 Infantry bril~D.dc,
(4 DU~{~ET3), of' It..j Div':bic;:-), c· t'l.'·i.uu out ,1]?,,;r':tti.-Jn;1 for the.l'i thdravro,l
of 1 ~~irborne Div:i.s:i.:;I) ir. ~~;3[l·tlt U.~" .tn. '1'he:~e operati"-,n3 c-,ntinued­
until 0600 h"jur~ .k,':::n inten,.;le . ;n...::\,/ ,'ire J ,,-,-,1,.1 :further crn:1sings
il.1,JoGsi;Jlc. T~;ccc 0, l' j;i0ns" ~7J.':'d1 il.::'!"<.. c~~rl'i<::d Jut i'li th the
greatest :jo.l1;,;J1-::;ry all·t ..>kiJ I ~J1 flll 0;'.1.1c...,;):')1<.).}, r':;;'} in the
cV"'\'cuation of" ?163 X;1 0'.' 1 ,'~';'!:IJnl'ne ~)..i.v.Luion, '160 01' .I. ulish l-'C)_r::\chute
Bri·; D.nU 75 of 1;. .u-,~I~.b't.', H~() L·._~: 0' tlh; L tter 'OllJr·,;; ltJl't on the
mRT' lJank of th.; ~i)~n~.: .I.'I,IrT f.,t'· 11 f'2..~ntin}~ tfJ c.·ver tho '"j tldrfl.',ial.
.l~}.'ran3('J,: nto '..Ie' I''.. 1,. ,'0_' tol J l"lJ';~ .to'. lJ.,' ~.3 DivLJL,n ::tt !~i1ort
notice, thtJ Gurvi,\P L .:,.; .. It'· ;.. )11,\\.,.1 il ";i1.t.; ho.rr:).ck~ at Nr,Ti::':~GEN.

1'he .LJ.l,.riC;..Jl UL,

, 1'}'j i~'l'1 rot: D:ivi,3ion cuntinued.
th~ir res t,>'JC t i vc to.~:;l~., cJf _· )J 'otC>C+iOlL, :l.tld a:.::\1'iistine to clcal'
t~le L of C.
• •• / .~l thou:..,ll


- 71 ­

.':"lthough ,'lctivity ',;!.p,im,t t:1e 82 US Division \'/0-6 not very

ncticeoble, there ','/ore eigns th:\t they W8rc preparing to counter
[ltt~ck on this Divi21on' t;: RIGI-E fl')nk in th!1t '1rea.

64-. The l.Iriori ty \'IfJ,S still em the sector. .. very

larGe number of t£\:c~;ctD 'cou?lcl tho ilcrimotcr of the ..·:..irborne Division
V/ore<'l in spi t<:; of cloud, sleet and rllin. GUIl and mertar
posi tions" including Nebel...:cri'crs, W0l:'C C\ttnckcd.

SOl':1e r?ther de ~ er t~rgets '/lcre ~lso t.3.ken on. i.Iovemcnt

int() J,RNH:El';~
!'rcm REl%lJ1'.i ,:n the ';,"33'£ \·/(!.s given a goed stro2\l'c [IIld
armed rec("',nnaissnnc;::s ';;ent to .:-:J.iEi"::'POORT where camoufh-ged ;'.!T \"1::'-S
rept'rtec1. No lesults are 2.vnilablc.

,.... ~ctic('l.l Reoonnaiss,'u1CC \',1qS hindered by b2.d Boine on

the recormaiss:.mce :::drfield early on .')nd by oloud bnnks later.
By 1700 hours, the sortios hnd ~ll proved abortive.

65. ~·.t '1bout 0<330 hours, 1''Pproximc.tely 4-0 ::!.ircrlll't TIlClde an

unsuccesaful ~tteJnpt to destroy both the NIJj\jJ;GEN bridges.

Throughcu+' the c1::.y fi[hter patrol~; :c:nda contact ·....i th encn\y

fiGhters, on tw.) ccc{~sions \/hile covering the .'...liI',!JjEt. n."'ld f.I.P..iliGEN
nrc:\s. Ii; ·."~:s ::t:rq::.\rexlt th~t the enemy "\Ins m1.king ') IIIJjcr effort
to cut the :'!I:.J.,;EC~: bridges Yd. th the object of disruptinr; our L of
C for OUT troops o~J£'rr,ting be tween the l'~"""S :md the l'·iEDE...1i. ~IJN.

66. On the lUC~~ r:~~)k of the Corps: SOU'rH of the H .:iJ,....,s, the
encr:vr ''':::',5 [,T£l.Ju,.l'ly l)ein5 !?ushe~l E·'st'.'l,?Xds. ;.t 1700,hcurs, 30 ~~nd
., . '3 Corps joined up ·.t 3T ;j:TH<).::!S 7138. Further 3OU'l'H, ~·.iERT 5730,
EEL,lo'm 5522 :'.nc1 .TJl:,t':iJ-JE 6520 ..-lere. nOVI firnly held by 8 Corps.
Thus this 'K3sh'nrr3::; ~dV{lnCe by 8 Corps mcnnt thc.t there was little
hO!.Je cf t111;) rernn:;mtH esc~:,!'ine: EUS'G\IClrtls D.cr05~ 30 Corps L ef C.

On the Gcrri>o V":1'"'l fl~~nkJ 12 Ccrps h'1d reported that tho

mu~n (\Xis of :1d~'mec i'lQi.rm of S']' O;~D:~'1RI)DE VIas still Nor clear Md
the rr-)m,-:i~2er of' l;h~ (~I\Y ...·!<'l,S e~()nt in trying to c1eer up this crcu•

- 72 ­

SEC'IrOi'/ 9


67. (e) In gencr31 tho ~ L:n 'iOr)~e-.:d very well, and provec itself'
flexible to meet .-~ll t:lctic8.l si tuetions. During the
course of the QJ:.:e:cG.tioi.1 the ~L:<.is of advance 'oetv:een S'.P
OEllEHllOIlE ':'.)1:] VEGHF,L ';/')s cut. b,V enel,,y notion on ty'/o
occasions: ­

J'TI ',,- _', '?:' 25 hours

No 1:10vefi10nt of sof(j"'GKi .., . , vellicl':s took :110.00 during

ti.leS(; iJCi:iods.

(b) l'l1e ,Jif1'icu1 ~\'rcc€~'·.'3 l f I free:dIl~~', to pnss for:"':rd


tr:?,ff'ic of v:i_ to.l :00C ~;s~i t-y, ':la.S successfully::"ccom!:lished.

ETI-.jJHOVK:: '::::~::. hC'~vil:: ";)on1bec1 f'..n c1 J.;h.U3 blC'cked on lIi tnt

19/20 Septeuber: srI' OED""" nODE .,,~ s shelled interrni ttently
wi th r;~.1.' bursts tl'li'()UD1011-t the oper·::ti0l1.

(c) '-,-'he ',L'1.',lf'-{,ic o:c.·~'.:rli .:.;c- tiOl"

CO::l{,1.'ol (-:Ii th one e.:-ccepticlIl),
ccnsi:...te ~ of
11;, of'fioE;l'S':l1C1 ·:fireless o:'ll.Jr::.tC':i.~s. 'rhis
t , ~n ,'1SSClltJL -" r,-:i ..... :::n H.: .30 Corys the d::18" prior to the
st ~t of iiI'L,) 1,i:':~''-' '"ion f:"OT briofinr; "md ':"ireless l1vttins.

(a) '.hrclcss co:,lillmie:y~~on l)ci.;·:,'e"o'1j U.. [p.l'ltillL~ IiQs '.1n(~ TC1.Js

v/ol'keel s::__n sl.: t!i.e~·ll:/ fro!". th,~ outset of the o.,,--,r .tion und
coul(~ not b\: =0:'.icclll),]i. '.i.his '.. ';S ']ue to the lir!Jitcd
r:mge of th set"" K8cour:.;c ':1':',5 l:!-; lie to Dl.-?s.
'j/iro1':':33 tOUC 1l ';:;J.;-'-', ho·.. e:;vc:c, SlJ.CC0ssfully l:nint:::incd on
lIP S('; t s (,'). ':IGcn the Do:;' " .t chi n ~,' -~n cl , (30 Corps TrG1'fi c
Of:Lice) , an':: th·.) RCGZ,;ivini,~ :i:;nd, (G(;,m) A'1in H~ 30 Corps),
throu~hout i;i1U (' ;)e_'~:,i.m.

(e) '.(he orgeniseCl i;;OVt;[:10nt of' l'.lrgt.: nW~lnr>rs ot' vehicles is

cntircJ.s" '],..;pcl)(lent em

;~ fC.-" S '~CLi Cf CO!l t:cc 1

CGccl c Jl::)i1Ullic' tio:l1s

... '" 1.'13 -:1' '·he l·.ttLr, it J..;, su,';: ,··"tee tll-;t line
COl;Dunic;:-tio;:; is C~j_"C;l1 \;i;"l. 'rh,,~ control c1.'i'.'llis:"tion
",houle: not lYJ ,)vc:::- c1- bor'~ t8, ·'.ne} shaull be sufficiently
flexi ble to d'J" 1 .:~, ;;:' 1.J:~jforujccn cOlltixH',mci ''15. ;.-:t11ch
',;/ill ( ,~.!)':nc1 0" J ,ct:i.VIJ I r) l;rolli'H,', of' the route b'J cluthusi :1stic:
officCTr: ':,"eLI ·/t:·:"·;~\.;' ill 'vlie J.j_ cticol ~Jl m. {~Ilick thinldn{,:
rmd. fin) 'Icbm] QY; ~'r '(~l... Ljtl:r j.·IJ,!IlLrcd.


G8. Cht111r~e~:1 of .\r.\. r~~ t:V" .:Cl' l;1\i;i.i'icd teJ 'l'r:'\fl'ic Oi'':''icc t:irCJIIUl
G (SD) loc;',ted yJi th ... iII ~.~'''l:.: i:" ::mch c: "u,Ts in 'l.'iori ty ·.'te:r.....~
ordered ;­

(i) " o'.'h1gy c,l!:i!), -'.50 voiliclcs, 'I',:3C'JJ'l' G'''l1~\l

tc .' (. }'~.
73 ­

(li) 69 l1rigFlr'c, )+50 vehicles, Esc;~ur.i.' C"n~l to

3'..' OEDEl\llWDE.

(iii) 50 Divisiol1, lcn;~ 69 Brig3<1e, 3,000

vI·;l'ticles, ES(1~U'l.' C':ma1. to s'r OEI:!El.mODE.

(iv) 7 .,:.nneu.rec1 Divisio11. 'l'ms fOl'1:l::::.tion

reo,uircd the :)xis fror:l Em-maVEN to \iEGl-JEL.

The ').cccler·~Jdon of ti1ese colutl.ns involved the I free~ing'

of all other colw:ms Oll the :COile to :l110'.! for t.l1cir fruo; ~)'";,,[';c.

In f..ll1 four C:.\SUS these C01U:l1rlS had unhi.nJereJ runs to

thGil' c.isperse,l -:re(.\s, the; Y3:ci"1~tj,nG 8, lumn covering th" (1ist::ncc
of 47 1::i1es in 3'~ hours, ;.md 50 Division hD..vinC their best run
8inc0 I' ndiri[5 on D DO-Y'


69. Ch:mees in }ziori ty 'md order ui' ,,:.rch y/o]rc ., 1e for reasons
of urgent O£"Jc:c·:~.tiorJ'll nCC8s~;ity.

It ;;.us t be bCL11C in min i, 11;:; ':!(;vcr, tj;,~ t t f'rce zini: t docs

ili.poSe'l dcl:ty in l,i;I)1.: ~ 1 8:','-::C(; n:rl ':ovin!:; columns v/hich. h"vc to be
frozen. The ~ I'OCC;';S ch, ,u1,:1 no'~, J~1~0rcfo:L'e, be (::~ ttcl':1l'to l 1 except
c,ftcr c:..;r",f'u1 c nsi' ,.n·~'f;ion.

'l'R;un:'IC DISCI1?LD·::E

70. Ill·;Jih;J:.... l ..~ ~li01 f.: JG·,ll':t~.l·; of imhvidu·.:l (tri vin;:; ~::n,J convoy
r]isci!,linc \J'":.E : .~\int'.\i118d.

Double b~ml:in', ';:,~:E l\(Jf )8r:~d. ttcc (:xcr:lt l)y ~)I" icr of' the
_r:':ffic COll'(;rc1 or.:.;"niz:\tion '.-:i th tlLC obj'Jct 'Ji' :):t.::>r-d.n[ throueh
yriority column~. '

71. fi,)intslllen, l<,;r:('yin~~ .·--:rtics, :::,11;1 1:1o'oilt: d0't'\cru'1011tS of
Cl,P m\.~st be incl'.1.rkd in (;~,ch 'j'C,. .i.:;oini;suon -:....; re cxcclltmt, but
lnobilt~ p';' '~rols ':rcr,- Dot ~ufi''_;lltly in evidence.

72. .Doth ",': ,rl; ~lcceSS'\l"J "1ld shoull be srncvc1 ',1m) the ::XJ.S.
Irops cxc suit:"blc luc,·ti,TIs.

73. ','11.:.; llu.,'-bcr ai' 'vohicl f ) C'\8U"lti':G l11W 1.0 ·IHI.c}t"tlic"'l h:x\.~knO\l!Js
WM m:r.:l:i.f1.b11,;.

71+. f r . 'we lo::t ,\';;inl~ t,,> <..n 'I y ·,ctir)ll it

In 1):1.',1,):1::,,) '1'\.1.:<.; III
l)(.;C",lilC l)~ccn~-:::',t:l
-tv ' C.Ne 'bj' Jli;'ht. In fillitc ;.j,,' 1"Jc) Ll'on l the Gt".ih:"..r~1
cf cTivil",;:; ',ii tIt n,} li,':hL[' ',:::~'. vcr,Y hie)l inilced.

~tho L.I J"i tirjl) of' :Li..~' ttiil': J.· ... strictir.m:::. !Uc to t"ctic"l llt'lC"~Hd.t:'i
"I\.lot be c:'J.",.J.ull,j ':r"i:',hcr"t,rith 1.11...: ula·.. lll 1)11 .lc.'iv'.l:':;.

• •• / u..
-, .... JJ'~(,)'
fliT .
- 74 ­

75. Scme v~hicl~~ ~nd cQ~ipm8nt of TCPs verc destroyed by

enGmy uomLinc. :, .c cscrvc I"lU:: t be hela irmcJi~.tcly ,~v,,\il'~ble.

SPEED Oj~ i,;OV tj :::ENT

76. . The speed of cmy convey Clc;Jer.os on the sp<'lcd of the slowest
vehicle. It y/[.$ lloticeo'blc th:\t ;"J:K:riC:::m convoys tr3.vel :.:tt a. higher
SpGed tha!1 J;;l1ci'r Ilri t,ish countcrp.'1rts.

200 USi. 2-6- ton vchiclt~s ','lere f'requcnt1Jr obscrvec1 to pass

n point in 16 - 18 ~inutes.

l.:ISCELL.JmoUS TlLJ,l}-i'IC

77. (a) ~'ihiJst cpntrol ':lrIS riGid, it ',"I[:.S inevi table tho.t in an
or:.'::r".Iti~-,n r)f' this sC:)l)o ,:} l·r,reo amount of misccl1i'neous
trof:Cio '~'l:::S on the mc,d. It is csti:n'3te<1 th'.1 J .; not less
th~n 25 per cent of the tr'ffic usinC the ~is comprised
incident':.l vchicles ':r1.ich mrv]e their WD;f inde~)elJ(k;nt1y
to their destim\ tion. III 2..11 pl~nninG' .:1110"/8once i'lUst
Lo T>lo..c1c for thi.~ tro.ffic.

(b) :, coruni t)!)i~nt not cOTl:.;idere'1 in the lllnnnin['; sta,r;:;o Y{(\5 R'.p
tr':l.f'fic. During the j:criod um1er rovieu, :).t least 1,OC)(;
WJ.!' vchiclcG USCr' the Axis to ElliDHOVEH nnd l~ter to GRtWE.
This priorit:>, :nust be fl-cce;,Jted if we :JrE: to h'lve ,-,dequnte
nir cQver for ::m op8r~tiu{l of this n.'"\turc. lUi}' ir.ust mDke
their (lel~nl1ds in time for thelll to be incorpor'ltecl in the
controllinG ;,rJ'lY j;\orrnQtion Pb..n.

7B. ;.. tct-;l of 25,280 vchic18s h-;c1 l)ccn 1l.:.l,s30Cl up the axis
from 1900 he llrs '19 Sept8ijl1H)r 194-1+ to 2359 hours 26 SCl-'t ember , 'i 941+.
This Tn0Ve,,)0Tlt tllck :,l,')c0 r]urini~ 3m/en (Jays runninr;, 1. e.
::'.n :~vcro.De of 3,610 vehicles :. (by.

79. (."') !,1ecent '''.!':,,_;rdi-:,ns ()f' .30 Corps hl1vc ~.:roved the neccssi 'bJ
for ~ hi~h1y efficicrJt 'L'r~l'.Cic Control or;::>..nisation to
de:':.l ',:i th l!,~r ::0 sc::.lo T:1C.vr:;.)cn ts on ro[\.(ls.

(b) ProvQst rcsuurCGS in the Corps 1U'e not co,p~~I)lc of proviilinc

the personnel ':'.nCl cotrrnunic~,tions requircc.1. It hl'l5 :'.l\'lttys
bccm foun:1 nccess:'..r.f to fona an "3.<1 hoc" trn.ffic org~1nisation
'.':i thin the Corps trJ (\(;',1 '.'ri th this problen~.
I ­

- 75 ­
S.20TWN 10
30 CUR?.:; AND 1 BRI'I'ISH Alflli01{l'fE CORPa
p,:;, .~:rr:: L.:5'l'iLT!VE .t'JUuiJ\;GE./LENTS ..,

80. The!'ativc ar:can(;;l;;ments that were .nade fOr this

opLration ;i.ave o.ln::':;,.d.'l been outlined in Part I, Section 6,

It is noV{ i)r\)jJo~3eri .~" (;,xro. inv t"e. nlll..:.n a~pect'J of these arrangements

vii th a vitr;/ to :3cciJl,9; h0~1 1;n<,' -,'(;l"~ executed: d.uring the operation.

1'Il'J lIi;·J..:l':";'l;~'o tivo ,:,~":'l:hin~ry and the ei'f,)ct op0rations had

dLtc~n£ trio.; 9<'1 17/?..) .'0t~/"I..:r:\Lcr, [~rc
110\'/ considored. For GaBO
of 1'C:fcr.:mce in ' G ill',ti:",l ".iOS tJ d?.y accounts the maintenance
a.spect of' Ground :,~nd Air1r,riL ",<'oops is considded separately during
poriod 17/1(3 S(;ptCI[lbcr.

Formati C'~lS 'J.'..Ljj(;!' c;c-;' t, thO~t scales of' C olllrnodi ti es a.f; She\ffi

in Part I, Jl:cttOrJ 6, cxc':..;pt 'I)Gill the Gun,rds Armoured Divi~ion and
f3 ArmDured B:cigade ',{UTe cloficiunt of r.,any s8cond 1,ine naturus of
ammuni tion \/h :ch 0vGon'1 __r-my (~("..l.ld not lUeet from ~rmy Roadh'.;ad.
This ~lUS GVvrcomc o~r duc0nd. ~_r,ty',~;~ing th~t thv"u deficient na.tures
3hould bt: I pi,J.lrl.ged t frol, 1"1 .~nl,our~d :0ivit,ion .ind 4 J~rr~"ourod Brigade.

(a) Suc.-,nd ':~rJ!\y were short ai' tran.:;rjort fDr tht; il:ul!ediate
t'0quir;,;;r.l.C:;nt::; of: 3') Oorp8, ,'ti1Q ,'Lore not in· f.'. position
to ))'.'ovide 'i;!"lln;.:;port lift I'm:' thu two US ~.... irborne
j)i\li;~ionJ~ ',iJ10[~(; or~! n i.r;{tt:!.on~: !·~i..d(;; no j)l'ovision for
trc.n,;por\' lj ft '-'cftur L~n,'i 'ng. T,"', n,cet th:i.::i tre.nsport
dd'ic i vney, i'Ollr' US 'l'ruck Ci)hpc:.nic:j ,lure tuld to
:c,,~; ,)ort £'):'011. DB ,,__ ',3 tv :5:~ 8Grp~ by 'EJ JaptGmb<?;:-.

(b) 'l'ho v(Jr'.king 01'the () Jrp~j l'L'f,~n:";port X'(;3)UrCuS ',l::"::, ' ,'::Jrmal,
sU~)J.)10mantcd by:­

(i) 90 J~rmour'..;d •.',),':!. "'tdL: :ELSC COI,I9f.1ny-, prillaril:f

[,Hatted. l'<'J: t:coop li:Cting; . 'This OJmpany
lJ[J.~;i:>ud, hO'':lUVU:C, to S Cc,r{?s ",lith 50 (N) Division,
:',na ,/01'\. fully cuplo,Vvd in the lifting of
j.J (,') Divbion. '

(iii) :':;ix ~"\] U'~oonB f(JJ' wd f'rGJ,l the: 3caoorno elcm(;nt of

52;;ioil, 11.1::; four Ud Truck CGJ.lpanieG.

(c) T'iIO pl:Y~~ion:;;, ',l0ru ,CuI J .,JJ.,i1l1.ittud in lifting COSs until 26

;5 opt (;!l10Gr. 'l'hd,l' rd,tlrn to Corp;; l.:Dntrol would h~tvc; been
Inr,i'd :c:"c'Jicl It;,),-': j'~ n:;\, 'l,)L;i.;r, £,,)!' thv " eu t" in 'tho a,"d.s.

J.lrorn 17 :Jl;ptC'iJll)(;C -,~1..Jl,rd:;, j') Curps WetS bn.:,~od on 161 PUG

at BuURG LEui-{)LD \!hich .in t!tr"J .. ;~:'; :.;tOL;}:Ud. by C'jrps tr:ln,,":,,po:ct dr~',dng
frOl\l . : .. l'l,y ii..:. dh Go,d 0. t Bj:I.t1S;:i ili;~.

(<1) 17 ::.)c;ptc, lUUs.'. 'PIlC' \ltr)!.J~tic: ::h~' '~) for rdl f'"rlllati.CJns
1 tish '. iri)Jl"n u C,;,r" p:; ',:c..s c-9:r:ri ad out ~ uccc;ssfully

Dn 17 soptu.,o\Jr.

' •• j(b)
- 7j ­
(b) 18 30ptrsr..bGr. v... lng tv inaccurate dr"pping, due to tho
iLten.3C cnClJ,:.i flc.k, 1;;-.0 r(;su. ~ly of 1 i3ritish ..~irborne
Corps 'tiM nl)t su::ces.;ful :.1 tl the l:lajuri ty of containors
','/ur ... drf; J:'J.;;d cO the <,;nCi;~r. 82 Ui:) .. ~.:rbrJl·ne Division
"/ere, hO'.Juvur, :3UGc''':.:>3i·ully .!'.;:::;uppliod, ,'/hilst 101 US
~"i;:b::Jrno ])~,dsir)n h:.d tr-kon ',fith tho!', sur':.iciont supplios
and {~~';'LU.'l_:. ·l;:t·...... i';/r 4e j1:.J~rs.

35. Ground and .'.ij:..J(.rnu 'b' :'l'CCS

(u) 19 Septa !o<;r. Dur':"ng this day Corps troops transport

'1~o.s en,::Jl::,yod in LJui].ding up 161 .l!LO. ..J..1thuugh 50 Division
'l,/crc )Ul; '",'?erat, ,;nally unUl;r co ~uld uf 8 Corps, thoy
reI:lilinud ~Cu.LL·l.istratively It.ldor .30 Cr;rps. Liaison officers
.,er e scn'~ t.j 101 '1.nd :::;2 US '001'n "" Di visions ,/hose adr;'lin~s-
t 'utive si tuati'Jn ·,m.• satid'uctory. Th0 four US Truc
C! .;.:pcll1ics tha.t Secor.:l .'.:rr:.y \/cr(~ :)roviding for the ma.intenan~
r,t these t','/:') divisi'.,ns failc:d. to arrive.

(b) 20 Sopt01:lber. .~l·i;hr'llr:;h the US True!~ Companies arrived,

they, iro}:',.; inc jJ: pl.:t.::>, c..n:l they v/ere alsr- loaded up ·;d th the
wrong typ~ r.J.l." 105 t"::' a....:r..unitir,ni in o.ddition,vital trans­
:Jort lift hl~c1 n::·t b(.;en :.::.1:U use oi', 2'oS :301Ilt~ trucks cone up
eillpty. Truck C~.'~:lpMies ':er-;.; sorted und.:..r 30 Corps direction,
and ;.::rbr)rnc Division 'iJn:~ :,.11ocatod 20 trucks for ground
distri'Out':'-.:-! ·,T.i.thin iivisi :.i1e.l ar~F.l.s. During the night,
heavy enl!,~'! b,:,::uing rJf
im:~JJllW~~ de5trnycd a,9pruxi!na.tely 27
seconl line vohi~lE)s of Guards ••rLlGurod Division. Un this
i~1 4111 thr';;;; divisi "nfl w'Jr ... j,~<:, by !ur, but nut
acloqut,toly, 3,::: J1")1 ling ir,to DZs '.,;a~.; inaccurate :,,·./'ing t:·, hoavy
f'l:;.k, inoxJ ~rioncv If the ~)ilots a!ld r:J.sty ',leather.

(c) 21 ScptlLber. ..dvonco eL::!ont,s :1f 162 b"'l'.iC ',,'orc' despatched

tr, j,iaj~1 Cc,rJ:ls \!i't:l the; f'.:;ject r.I: est:',blish'ing 162 i'il,:C in the
nre!l. t,r}lEi:.;. ,0. vrati r.,:~ny, t:,i,3. pro',od i...~ossible and
a situ Y/C,,,, c!',0son L ,3te~d i:1 tht: (.LL..VE /.lrea. uS 3. st::.rt,
f',ur pb,tC'Jons fjf }'VL 'y/C"!:Cj sont IIp 0 GfL.iE i"rora 161 .FlliC at
BuUHG LEUfuLD, l.>ut these d.i.d. ~ruT .'lrrive until 23 September
o'iling tn th,; II cut ll inth0 L ',".1' C. .
4~ ,?la.t ',on of .'jJiur.L C~ ~lwli, ti ',Ii ","l.S sent up to 16~ ]liC for
a spuciD.l :lr'~illlJry pr ~ lU by 64 l,1(,'<1iur.. R0giment, in
support (~f 1 13ritiuh i .. il:'borne DivisiGn; this arrived just
prLNious ,!;,) th.~ cnc :1 (lutting tho Crjrl)S L of 0. 50 (N)
.Ji"isi;:ln, "r:.: such Ur.'l''p!.i trc·ops 0.::: ,;,oro in th", vicinity,
cr.'lltinuuu t~J ou I "':J..nt:..:.inw l.'r(" _ 161 L'l,iC .:'.I.t ':'UUnG LEUroLD.
~ l:,rge G ",l";.~" sup 'l~" dl.l..,:! 'dtl:.; C;lt'>turOO .:d 058 Md this
subsequently provul': ,.If gr0~t v,~lue, ;,'.s :")';,ing tv the /I cut"-_
in tho:: L I-,i' C; J . t.h·; I..j,~.n t.m·~1C G of c vrt ai n C0r ps t ronps becar."'e
thu rt;", ..J onsihility r.:'" Divisi;"',ns in illhose aroas they wora.
loc 6.t cu. Cor;?s then 'lirf)cted tha.t Divisi:/nc.l trnnsport should
drn.;, Gr. ti1i~ d\J1i\fJ or. ~\ d:\Y-to-doy insis \.U1til thu L of' Chad
i)"cn r,,:-;tc.r(;d~ h['.Vin~\ i.n~.;tall(;d D. Cr,II;YH>itc pl~t:-,on t~
uillunc(; r.:lti :,n~ ,-~r:d : '.,nt;ct',l 'is'.uos. CCJl.!~)osito ::1,;\;ntcnanco
:"\ lJi' ~~)L ·.~rl'. sat?Vliv~:.\..;~~t,; also dusp,!\.tchcd to 82 MU 101
US ,'..Lrbm:r.v ;);';.;"'l:i J.u,J:'.lng ttl.,; lo.y. .

(~l) 22 :3(;~tUl.~b;:;r. lin thi J'y th C'Jr):3 L of C ',.e.s cut in the

: ft .... ·~·noi)n. to C '!)!!.'';:Jti'Jl1 -,1') tho !',lX\.};J 'Ii.~ ch:'tlJges
(:: priori ty, ~h~ f .m," Jlr t, ·;:,n8 'J£' roL .l<,,;sp~,tcht.lJ on 21 Supto'.lber
,;\,lr:; hvl: u. ~jVUT:-t Jl' t c " eu t ll , rl.~; :::.1>5'.' '.!ns thl.; iJuinton!:\IlCO
lift f(.!, ..12 113 .. i~·br....:n~ iV·LS.1.c.n, bat that tu 101 US ..~irbornc
Divi,!;';'un ,J" ti~r:)uBh.

• ••/( c) 23 Scptel.lbcr
- 77 ­

(e) 23 So}.:tellib8';:~ ~):Iing to the L of C beinG cle':lred, translJort

tlB,t hnd be@ GeJlt ,)n the 21 S0~:;tumber tc the 82 US •.: ,ir­
borne Divisicn dclivcrcG its lc~d. The four platoons
carrying J:'JL continuwc1 their journey nnd delivered their
load to 162 J.'~C. j!'urther composi to II u.interJ;"\l1ce pnclm were
also dCspctci:lec1 tc.. 'ooth tiS Divisions.
During tr~e night, S0ven pldoonn of' I.{nin Amrrn.mi tion Ne.tures
were despatched by Oorps 'Ql from BOUllG· LEOi-DLD to stock
162 m~c at 'GRAV3.
3 ond "10 QOS vrerc eutnbli:.;llcd 3t l'lI,1i~l.I~GEH 'lnd 163 Field
Ambulonce moved forli,~:!'u t" DJ.~L 6875 to uoal with Airborne
c8.Bual tics' cvccud '0 ov·.r ;~ l\f::1;DER RUN in DUi~rIS.

(r) 24 Se'otomber. On tho L of' C beine rustored, Hear Headquart­

ers .30 Corpo moved, but the L of C '::o.s 2..gcli:'.l cut nt 1200
hours on 211- i3cpt·)mber, rmd Re·'),r Ccrps were mr\rocne,l SOUTH of
the I cut' in the VI~('J.IEL area, t0gether wi th three of the
onmu:oi tion pl.':J.tOOl1S deSllotched the previous night; in
addi tion, NOH'nl: of the t cut', the four platoons which had
delivered 8J:mlUl1i ticn ',:ere ,1150 prev(,mtcd from returning,
together wi til 30m·; cf t.h(; four !'ll~toons nhich had deli vercd
POL. 82 US ,\irbornE' Division' G i.::revious dGYs maintenance
requirements ---,ere '"\leo held up JOlf.PH of the I cut. '
The Ge:crnan OUPl11.y dunp r.t eGS continued to be me-de consider­
c.ble usc of tr:;. I:luct C::)rpn troo~G' requiroments nnd to supple­
ment Divisions' dl'limlling rC30urees. Vlhilst dr:~\:inG from
this dump, i,:hc S.)COllt~ lirlU ~i.:.s0 Oompcmy of the 8 ;l.I:mourcd
Brigo'rlc rou ~ea GllClTlY olemcnts \100 ':lere also trying to use
the dump, ~lnc1, m'tel· killine several of the enemy took 75
prisoners 01: 'fIe'x.
The supply s1 tUi..:.tion :.~t All:W RC''ldhe~d Wr.\S not [pea C\.t this
time but thG Corps '.'/0rc ..,1110 to maintcin themselves to the
extent of 4GO,OOO r~'l;iolls even though the mC\1n bi\l4U1cing
items, i, e. tutl, sug"r, 11i lk ond eigare tt(J~ were unprocU1'able
Jill D..vailnble OorD:) tr'mcr>ort :..'esources ";terc ooncentrated on
the tnak of building up stocks iTI 161 FHC to the mo.x1mum, as
forward rnn.intenancc ',I:~S impossible.

(g) 25 September.

86. The total number of prisonurs of \lar that were captured by

the foxmntions \',Ii thin 30 Oorp:..; during the period 17 to 26 September, was
as follows:-

Ufficcrs CRs

Guards Vivision 10 140

43 Divi Gian 11 500

50 Division 5 400

'rot·'\l 26 1,040
- 78 ­
p;u~ II.


1. General,

'rhi:" instruction is to bu rood, in conjunct~on with 30

Corps 0peration Instructicm-i';o. 24, cxtra.cts of' .:hich 3X'e included
under Section 4- of' this report.

2. ;.xes of ;.dV[~ll££

30 Corps is ,:dv~mciI:8 on one j':i-::in Axis as loiii iloYllJ in 30

Corps l"'Peration Instruction Le. 24. (Sec :.ppcndix IB' 10 P'U't r).

The subsic1i8.ry :'lxis \lill '"l.ssint the ['. dvancc t:'ctically and
may provide a most ir.J:Jortant ;Jlt,,;rrJ 'tive route should the f.l:lln axis
or any pv.rt of it prove It \',ill NOf hov,,-~ vcr Tn:ltcrially
increase thc oVvr~ll speed of I:lOVCment.

3. Qrdcr 01: .l,1~'trch ~nd 'l.'imil~

J'" t ':.nne:h."Ure 1 is s; tuble showinr, grou)ine ef forntr;-. tions

und units fer mOYCffi£nt.

~rhe tc.blc is arra.rti~eu 111 the urller of march, but it r;mst

be appreciated t11;~'t this >,,riLI. "l')ry in aecordnnee ':Ii th the tactical
Gur..rc1z Arl,lOUred Divisicm ':!ill h0WeVGr ~\llvancc o.t I L" hour.

Sl' fer 011 zeri.::lls, (1<:::83 those nlrendy HORTH of' it), is
the SOlJrH on<1 cf the bridge 3596.

Dispersal point is the Northern cut::;k.irts of :.Ri!1lEE.

5- Rate of ]vlovU'lent

(3.) The r:1tc of movcJ:!cnt <1en,;n(~3 clc"Jrly on the t'lctic'11

situatior.. It is, hc',;ev~;r, hopcr] to i:10V·J ·~,t ~}'Proy.imately
35 vtm cn2 1) mih.
(b) It is csti:',::tucl tlVlt 1'Ot' tacticnl rCD.nOU3 1:he 'le"..: p" SP
on 'D' J'o,y is unlikely to exceed 3 hours.
Ther<)a..ftcr it is hOYJe:] th:~t a. 1.3 hour flo':1 (bily, (vi~; from
C6()();. hours to 19()()j'~ hours), '.vill p:-l.s::: SP.

(c) 'i'hcre ','/il1 be 1'W movemoJlt on Lhf: un,in ~.v.::i f, durinB the hours
of <brkness,. 'rh.::: only c';':GL:r;,tionl: to this rule '.'Iill be :­

( i)
(ii) ',/han ~ c.:rcuJ,:' COI'711n.ndcr i:..; s/;~tir;H(.;(l the.t his group
c:\n C01,1. let(J i +'1'; tn,WI,.;, ':li thout .-lisrupting tr':1.ffic
Clrr'll'll:l;l.lCl)1;3, y:ithin bto hOllrn of I',st li fl-t.

(d) G,roups lC:',.I!.Ucrillf fer the l1ii'ht',~Jill !ll'oo::'hly h:wc to do GC

on the rn::.:in l'''-'',l1 t th,: fl' tur,~ ('f the l~rtJund) though
it l")~i;\; !H::5.;ibln for ..;1(;:"'. to _,ull off' into f'i;'l.d::; <1d.j:~ccnt
in sorn" ,1..\e·"s. II" UNrf3 jJ~£•• ~ rl'll}~ ~{Q;.D :b'Ol{ LE .Glr·~lUNG 'l'HEY
".VILlJ 1·~ .. J"t
'1 J ~·:i.l&~~)j~l·J~eoL··6r.rI J 01; '11'
:'. O~'Jlj) to i1 .1ic:ltC the point
"t ';..hieh tho t· 11 01' the colUJ:U1 ":l~8 Wh.:)D it Gt:1rte·] to lc"ve

••• /th\~ roed.

·.. 79 ­

therond. Follo~ing scriul~ vall NOT oass this point

excc}?t under provi:Jions of' (c) (i) and (ii.) above.

In any case, it i~ essential that all serials start to move

again punctunlly at o6qO hourn. If this is NOT done the
order of m:_reh wi.ll be disarrarlged ~Ind ch:ws is likely to

N.o li';,hts '0"1111 be ''lllowed on the mnin ;)xi5 by niE"pt.

No Ol~Gtl !'ire Hill be lit by night on the main Qxis oX' in

its imnediate vicinity.
7. Rear,vOId 1'raff'i c<lrd tr~)ffic on the rn~in nxis of ndvuJ",ce will btl kept to

the barest Ininil!1Um for ,",1; lcc~Gt the first 48 ho~s. This includes
local and inter-unit maintencnce tr~ffic.

8. Provost

AR{ "30 Corps ·,rill co-orc1inntc 'policing of thl] I}li'"in n::ds.

One section 43 DividOTl01 Frovoct and tvto sect_~Ol1S 50

Di vision·'ll Provos t ::Lr'l. l'l:,;cod lUllL:::- COl Jli8nd HH.:: 30 Coq's.

In princiTllc, crlch formation ':Iill police i, ts o..,.,,(} move.,

Divisional Civil' Yforkinr; under the [':cnc:cal. direction of 'l'CP contrr-lling
the sector cf the rO;1d concerned. ('I'hL:; docs NC'J.J ::l.})""\ly to C,unrds
~~rn1011rc:l Division v/he· ··.:i11 '0,:; E:Tltirdy responsible for t:;olicine their
O'im movement). .

(D..) 1. t. ,llmexur::- 2 is :; ucscription of 30 C<..1rl)S 'err-.ffic nne1

MO"/cment Control or~<l1lisati:m for opcr:;)tibn 'G,.:.iillEN'.

(b)' .i.ll Groups will forw;:.rd to this HQ by not b·ter then 2000
hours 16 ~)cptcd.J(·;r, ~: et[\il::: of sub-allotH~l.'nt of sarL."'.l
numbur:; and, if r05~iblo, ·:;n D.nti.cip~ted order of m:\l'ch.

('rhil':i oos lwr a.pply ~o Gu:.l.rds ;'rmoureJ Division, exc,-,pt

for' ;,(]l':1i Ili~ tro ti v.~ Grult[J, Gw.\rc)::; .i\rmourud lJi viden wi 11
however !WE;lJ Tr·':\ft'ic Office 30 00I1)S fully ill:i.'ormccl 01' the
pre'L:I'css ni't.heir ~l\ove. This ill ,'}sscllti'11 Bochnt subs"equ­
ent. }5t"'nUlJS em) U.:.; .'wt on to the CO·~,15.

(e) E3Ch group \,'in r,j,"\irlt'\in':m La ,'l,t Tl',':Ii'fic (~'1'1'icc 30 Corljs.

LO will report :'-4 ho.urs befor'::, the c1."\y on '.'/hieh the gruup
is<J to movo.

(d) 't'ep ~ t [.)1'" has authuri ty to pas~ throu[',h onto the .cc·ute
groups c1' NC/.t' more th'Ul 10 vehicles L\S:lJl<1 when 0P:P0l'tUlli toy

lJri ::'.':ldicr,
C-cn~ ,:'11 :3 t',ff •

- 80 ..
1.i\lNEXURE 1 to'
PfffiT II

F0!'O",ti,'D ·A dan. tional Serial Destination Ar~ox­ Apr..rox- Remarks

or Unit 'l'roo~3 unJ.or N Ul':-lber [i U:&. t8 ~<l.t6
resI:('ns1 ble Cor..l::and or r.umber tice
for Group lJ..'1.:lcr Ccm::'.anl1. ot hast
f 1r I::ovroent vehicles l oint

( a) (0) ( c) ( d) ( e) (f) (r)

5 Guards .:.l 1 ARNI-IE1( 888 180
.•rmourcd and
Brigade HOPJ.'H

One Squadron b 2 do 40 8 Under

2 HeR command
·5 Brigade

2 BOH less
LI­ Squ!:l.drons Ii. 3" do 40 8

Guards {) Oi, I. 1~ do 158 30

Division:il. vchicl'3s

il.P j\. 5 do 20 h
94 L:.;~ Regii lent 6 do 11-0 8
less c1ct·3.chments

Re cormc.i SS(')J1ce i .. 7 do
Party 100 h.!,

Ono Squn.<Jron ,~
G ,1n 40 "

2 nCR

32 Gunrc1s I\. 0 '.Ie ,:76 180

84 Medium " "10 <10 170 ~~)
Rl~ £?ml;rJt 1':55
2 Scct::.onr;

100 ;.;, Brif:;'''.]c i~ 11 NI~ll i1~GEN 81 15


148 Field l:"\rk ".') !r'.:a.•~ '1 ()

;" I£. .:_, I

11 Pic J.d COtl]Lny ... 1.3 ell') 113 20

nnd Bridginr~

••• /.:~ 14.

- 81 ­

Forr.1ation J'~dc1i tioIlr~' . Sorial Des ti- Approx- ~ppro:lG-

or Unit Troops l.J1l(ler Nunbers nation iuate ir.~ate
responsible COIT<Ult:. or nUl:lber tiJ.l6
fnr Group under cO!Tli,0nd of veh- past
for r.,ovcmcnt ic16s-. post
( a) (b) (c) (~) (e) (f) ( g) OP 16 4­

(Squadron) ~,15 do 282 55
and A
2 HCR c.nd J~ 16 do 90

30 Corps'TOTh J 200 VDI' ious Go 12

15/19 H Battery 56 C 220 EL~DHuVEN 300 60

Field Regi­
I.ten t, Squadron

44 RTR s.t: Bn.ttery. D 230 V£.GUEL 350 70

non t 27 L..·u'..

SRY Ba.ttery Hf-7 E 240 G&4VE 375 75

Field Regi­
l.lcnt- Squad­
ron RlJY.. J..S
27 L.'J~

123 Lh.A 20
( le35
Y GOR G 261: do 9 2

HcD.C'lquart ers G 262 do 14- 4­

100 1l./1.
165 H.,·..ll. Rogi­ G 263 10 124 25
!.lont loss
one troop
Seabor]1<;3 II 270 J J lNI-IEr>'~ 517 100
Tail tAt
---------,._----_._---_. -- - - ­
43 Itoconn­ Squadron K 301 J:RNHElo1 . 350 70
aissancc J~rJ.llJured nnd
Rcgt. 12 IrnRC Rceir.lcnt NUlnU

Rcconnai­ K 302 do 15 3
SSD...'1CC find
1 ax·ti(;ls
1'30 Bric;ude K 303' do 719 140 Incl 100 DUK'WS
Group o.nd 4-6 rt.-t"-SC
- 02 ­

Forl.lation h.dd.i tional . .. s~ciar· Dcsti- .....pprox- l'..pprox­ . ~Rema.rks

or Unit Troops \.K'l&r, Nur.tcrS nation inate iunte
responsible u.:.nd or ntUJber tine
for Group under of veh- pas t
oor.r.lD.nd for iclea post
l:1ovcr,en t .'
( a) (b) I, • . (01. __ :< '(d) (f) ( g)
Tao 43 Troop' 236 .I>n·n.: K 304 :~"J~N1IE:\r 49 10
Division Tank Battery' and
Tae 8 . NORTH
f.rnoured .. ' .~
_.~ ...
Driga..c1e - -
64 Hed.iUD Survey Troop dn ·.351, 70 Incl 70 RlL$o
Rogir.len t a. 1....
112 Field
43 Divisional K306 do 110
RE Group
ReconnaissMoe K .307 do 18 2
and tprbour
214 Bri3adc l~I'!";ICoUred K 308 do '675 13~ Inol100 DUKW~
Group Regiuent and 22 IU.SO
8 z'~rnourod
RN vriCado K309 do 339 65

Divisional Troop 236 i..nti- K 31.0 do 238 50

Headquortcrs Tnnk D.;:~ttcry 15
and Head- FDS
quar-tcrs 8
179 Field RN l.rtillory K 311 do 442 90 Incl 100 Rh.SC
Re~ir.lent 48 Survey
94 Field !3attery
419 Heavy , .'
Bo.ttery .\

129 Drieo.dc i>.rr:Dured .. K 312 129 Incl 100 I>tJXWS .. _~_­

Group.. Rcgif.len t .-Md 25-RASe
lcos Squadron
Bridging K.313 do .. 16 3
207 Field
Park Cor.lpan~
61 l1cconn­ Detaohuent L 500 .ARNHEM 177 35 .
ai.ssanco 508 OOllpany
RCLri .lent rt.~C

5 E Y0J.1KS L 'SOO do 273 55 Bridgehead

Group Detacnuent
113 ~iiL do 1'14 25
RCe:L1 \cnt
less ~JD.ttery
U 502
do 11 2
un e Troo:) 557 M .503 do 20 .. '2
, $ Dn.tte2'
3 CCB J300 .illmIDII 70 15
- S3 ­
-,' .,

Fonnation Additional Seriel Desti- Approx- .ripprox­ ROOlaX'ks

or Unit Troops 'Jllc1er. Num­ nation irnato ' imate
responsible Command "or bers nwnber time
£o~ Group under of.. past
cOnr.'&8Jld for -­ .
..... . '­ in
po .
movement ,

(a) (b) (0) ( d) . (e) ( f) (g)

10 CCS N ;10 ARNHEM 70 15
-' '#
Seaborne C 5~1, ~I 195 4-0
Tail IBt
69 Brigade
86 Field Regi:", p 530
..i.RNHE'J 754­ 150
r.'len t less 3 to
batteries P 537
Battery 7
hfediwn Regjment;
M~n Head­ P54.0 27.5 55
quarters to do
50 Division P544
151 Brigade 7 .Mediun less P 560

Group one battery to

do 882 180
P 565·

Rear Hoad­ 7 Regi­ P 570

quarters [lent Artillery to
do /319 165 1 liiU..iFS
50 Division Platoon P 579.

2,31 Brigade P580
. .. ,

G~oup to
do 630 125
p 583.

Rear Head­ J,.ir Troops Q 700 do 3.50 70

quarters Headquarters
30 Corps Reconnaissance
1~2 RiC
i .. i.
. '.,' .'....... ­
s 800· ~fIE}.t 202 45 "
Tail tc I
. !

US Airborne ' It­

Tail U100o-' ? 1OCO 200
162 }liC T 830 ? 300 Go
. Division stJ;~" ',. " ~.
tive Grp~p
43 Division B oohelqn .. 110
IC900 ? 850 170
~~dninistra- Li~~ Re gin6n t
to ;.' .,
tive Group K 949
50 Division
!3attery 75 anti- P 950· '1 1,71 .55
. Ji.c1r.iinistra.­
Tank Hcgiuent to .
tive Group
P 9~5 .
165 lWt.. Regi- 12,} I.dh. Hegioert V 1100 ? 200 40 ~ll D
uent 113 k~ Regir.1~ to , echelon
324 Coupany RASO V 1'1103
- 84 ­

The followinG serials will be phased in as required according to

progress .of opcratiJnal und tactic~l situation.

Formation Serial· .:"pproxina.te ~pproxima.t e Remarks

or Unit Nuubers nUl,lber .. of .tir;t~ _past
responsible vehieloJs post
for Groul? .- ..
(a) (b) ( c) ( d) ( e)

Hain Headquarter~l F 250 370 75

30 Corps

RE Group
HiiRRY it 733-7l~1 878 180

JTI\i R 742-746 483 95 H 747-754 .380 75

l::JETE.R . a 755-760 536 105

RICF",illD R 761-760 766 150

.':iL:"URICE; R 769-775 1110 220

GEORGE n 776-778 566 115

SPIKE R 779-784 1486 300

JOHN R 785-790 1146 230

TO.i ~t 7 2f)- 722 300 60

FlUID R 72.0-722 ' 300 60

BILL R 723-726 419 85·'

DEHTRlJ:i R 723-726 419 85

i.-n~GIE R 727-728 109 25


B~.sIL H 729-732 .: .316 65

- 85 ­
i~.NNEXURE .2. to




1. Contro!. of movement ""ill bc exercised through 30 corps

Trilffio Offioe.. . This Offioe ·,.-rill co established initially o.t Main HQ
30 corps, passing to Rear 30 Corps ·,,,hen i\' 30 Corps moves forward.

When Rear 30 corps Doves foX".-ro.rcl, Trttffic Office will at 30 Corps Adn post until ordered forward.

2. The organisa.tion within HQ ,30 corps for ca.llitlg for-mlrd of

movement groups is as 1'o11o\"[s :­

(a) G (SD) Ere-uch tl111 control priori tics for movcncnt

on the Axis nnd Hill gj.vo necessary instructions
to the Traffic Office.

(b) TrD.i'fic Office '\"lill iSbUC ncccssury, Llovcmcn"t orders and

Dulce [.11 nrrc.ULCGCnt~~ 1':;1" tllC implcl':'lento.tion of tho, movc.


3. Tra.ffic Control ",{ill pc Qxercised through regulating HQ's

and TOP's.

4. Rcgulatin[:; HQs' · be i:.. charge of a certain aaotol"

of the Main Axis and . .-ri11 control certain TCPs.

The location of these is as 1'0110".'5 :­

(a)' ROGUlating HQ No. 1 -. Briclge over MEUSE - ESC.I'1tJT Canal.

TCPs -:~ 1';EUSJ<~ - ESc.:~Uf.r Cnnal Bridce


(b) Rcgula";ing HQ No. 2 - VEGHEL

Teps - D &".r .OEDE.!IJRODE

F rd june ESCI-L'Jilll~ E G251

(c) Rogula.ting HQ No. 3 - ~iRNHEH


R ~U\NI!E}.I


6. No. 2 R(;gulatin(~ J-IQ at VEGIillL ,/il1 a.ct as control station
for 0.11 Rceula.tine Hqs anu. will bv in COT.1lflunic.:l.tion '.rith l.iain nnd
Rear oorps.
7. Line cor.u:1Unicatiol1 vill be 1::'dJ. to Tl"nffic Orfice Renr
30 Corps fran No. 1 ncguln.-tir~ IlQ r,t ESC/..UT :sriclG(: thruugh HEOnrEL
cross roads K 3483.

..•/c. Code

._~ - ~---=---
- 86 ­

8. code signs~ ,f~~quencies, etc, will be issued by esa 30 corps,

COt.iPOSITlON OF REGU"'J..A1':lliG tiQ c-.nd ~CPs

9. (a) Regula.tin,~ HQ - ~sonnel One senior oi'ficer

One Noo
l l hree wireless operators

Equipment One ~iruless vehicle

Jeep or Car.
~ .....
- TOPs - Pcr3'or\.llct
! :.
One nffiocr
One senior 1'-00
Three .:ireless operators
'rwo regimental DRs
Half Section Provost
Recovery ?crsorrncl

Equi~1mcnt One \"iirclcss vehicle, yli th t~vo

bal~ of batteries and chargine
Four gallons clear petrol
One 15 CYit domestic vehicle
One Hocovery vehicle
Provost motor cycles
Cooki~ facilitieo

roSITIONING AND :i.{OVE~.E'i·:r OF TePs J\ED ~DGUiNr1lJG n:qn

10. TOPs and Regulating HQs will move into positiun as ordered
by HQ 30 corps. Those for;fard of Corl's SP ",Jill move behind Guards
Arnoured Division and \fill drop off on arrival at their respective


11. Each TOP will be knO\Jl1 by the code name I T.l\IQ:;J follo-ilCU
by ,a pln.oe code name of the to","!h in "i:hich it is lOf1llted.

- ...




.- MAll{
TCP " -", No.3 RID HQ CORm
...6.EASY "

TOP .' "'­

NL'J}{ID]N / , AIM


1.'~~· Controi
Gp II 6187 \ ........ J /

2. Rear 30 Corps will

oontrol one to one
link to No.1 Reg
TOP ..-
HQ until No. 2
\ ... / :
3. TOPs R/T it
TC? ..,-. oonditions
EINIHOvm , \
( ; t'a.vourable. Control
TiaRE BRUTUS may order Cftl.
Reg HQs and 30

:r .. ., /
Corps will be OW.

Gp I
- - - -­
- 88 ­

.--=--.- - .... ­ JSPalIDIX I H I

to PJ~T II

GSO I (L) ­
.. .
" .(Cam)
. '~

1. Responsibiliti~5

GSO I (L) -, (a) Co-ord'inatir;n' of movernc;;nt and traffic

.-,. f
."0 •••

(b) i ... vailahili ty of route,:;.

( c) Liai30n wi th ·Ops~·
Gsa rr(ops) ( .. ) O;;:-ero.ticmal situation.
(b) Inf'o:"'l1w i;i.:-.Jll· en ~Lntj.:d:~atej opero.ti(inal moves.

( c-)
( a) Datai1s ,f r.)I:.t-0S U~ lL'~ Ccrps c0ntroL

DAQMG (a) Co-ord:iz:.:>.ti.:in :_f m:Jv€ll\en:; ;mt'l.. i3 sue

ci: f.I,)V<J ol'Jers to ;).11 ;;l.:lIi'.:'.niztrative

uni ts.

(b) PU'J)nin;.; '\1,'; exc:nutLn .:f TC organisation.

( c) Liabon v:i ttl provo::; t

. SORE (a) ,~~dvice ;)11 ~ta to 0: rr.·ui. ~s nnJ. l' )\Jtc
f.mi. n t (;1) an co.

(b) Ini'on.,at:i.(",n ,.in l.lriLl::O::l,

clos;,ific(\tL:m;; tc:,'

GpU III (a) Iasue all tlxecutivu )~lo"elJlent 0rders

(Cam) for opcra.titinul units~

(b) statc roo-a av,dl.'1bili ty•


(1.» Co-oru:i.nuti:m Q.f Cor~!::; .l'rovost rclsources.

(c) j"Jrovi:.;ilm 1)1' .Fr. ,vast l'eSOUl'~es i'or'
Te or;.~~ni:~atior'l.

(<1) Zst.~lJli:~lu:lent 01' noc~s:~o.r.y :liv~rsions in

C onj unction ~/i th 1m.
2. G-SO I (L), DiLQI':tG, anti GSO ,III' (Cam) will bv l:::.Jtnblishcd
at Traffic Office } 30 C01'pS.
- 89 ­ APPENDIX 'J 't~





First class road 25 - 30 ft wide with a tarrnacadam surfaco

and ample grass verges in most places. Parts of the
road, however, are embanked and flanked by ditches.
Deployment is difficult except in sandy woodland areas
. immediately on either side ~f the road between Vl~NSWAJ~J
and EINDHOVEN. This stretch is also sui. table for the
dispersal of vehicles, a5 there are manY wooded stretches
which also are most suitable for the defence.


Exoept for the main NORTH - SOUTH road, the streets

are tort uous and narrrm.


Shewn as first class rand, ~idth 20 - 30 rt, but in

places the road surface is very bad. Deployment pnssihle
along most of 'ita length except between ZON 4426 and
ST OEDENRODE 42.32 where the surrounding country is peaty.,
and in the neighbourhood (If GRAVE where the road is embanked
with ditches ~n either sida.

The bridge over the WILHEUSINA Canal is a claSS 40, but oan
only take single line traffio. That over the ZUID VIILLEM;
VAARl' Canal at 4736 is shewn on a German map, corrected
to March 1943, nS h.wing ~ ,1laximuill lond capaci ty of 16

The loop at ST C!b"'DENRODE can be by-pllssed by :1 new rna-d,

(not shewn on the 1: 100,000 mapa), from 424317 to the
cross rOads at 427322.


First class road with concrete surf'nce, 20 - 30 ft wide, and

two cycle tracks, 5 ft wide ~ flanked by broad grass verges.

From GRAVE to 6459 the road crosses the MEUSE volley

p()ld.~;r6 which (Ire intersected by hedgl;ls, trees Jnd (Ii tches,
except for a. stretch on an embankment h,'\lf-:l-milc ench
side from the t:~USE bridges. F'.t'l"m 6459 the rood followe'
the rnilw~ through country dotted with clmnps of tree~
('r bushes, :md vHl:1S. Alml)s t the whnle of thf: rond i8
dr:min..'\ted by tho high ground SOUTH nnd EAST of NIJ1"~GEN.
Between GRAVE ;md NI.JMEGEN there nrc film dry 80ils except
for two belts of wet clay, one i'or two miles NORTH of GRAVE
and the othor a m~ile long at 652600.

( e) NIJ1'-ffiGEN to ARNHEl-i.

The old road via ELST 7070 vari~8 from 20 ft tn 40 ft in

width. The SUrf':\CIJ is conCl'ete for me-st of the way,
th~ugl. parts nre of rolled clinker.

• •• /The road
- 9c ­
The road crosses thc';{"iwLT.J river by 11 nevI bridge. 716631, to
LENT 7164, and t r:::verses the CiTJcn cul tivn.ted plai,il to the
lO\"ler RHINE through fL1J~ "pen fields lined wi th deep ditches,
ana 610n11 scattered. orchD.:':'ds nonr the villages. The road
is raisod abou.t h to' 6"·i'c,; t a hove tho surrow1ding country.
Finn dry, Sa"'1dy ~oiL 'fr13CS alo~lg tho.:! roadside and the
orcharCls n·ffnrd ':;he oniy cover ~:s far ds WT. whilst
deploynont is lj mi tud to E'13Ve).·~11 sE;condary roads.

At 715737, a ne'.~' r0ad 1 uads to ~"Rl\!Hm:: via a ·now bridge over

the Im1cr RHINE .at 740707, Th. ronU is believed to be

still under com;truotio;l. 17. ~hould 1'>e capnble of taking

tracked vehicles, b\lt tlws8 v/ould hG,ve to by-pass two
inc~plete "flj- ove:C11 ' tri<.1ges.

2. (0)

First class road" b'.lt n.ep-LoYIli0nt vcr~' c1i'£'l'ici.llt. except

for n short stre tel ~'jot\m~'~.l m~NilE Dnd lili."?7.,j,": 4911, owing to
peaty naturo of the 31'( lll:d. Lir.:ited Gc',)l'Jjlllcnt just ':JEST
of. road ilEEZE to Gt;LDRCP.

( b) GELDROP to iIEL.';OND ,).S'2~ : ".' ;

, Fir~t cluss roed ,;}i '.;h' (;.lJ'.i'o3 l ..{l hr'idg.:i ovor the EINDHOVF...N
Canal. D.yploymmt po.\ C ;j,~ f '''1' '! s j,TERI-O 5216.. but fair
from there to EEIllJYD,

(c) HEIi.;OND -' B;"KEL 6122:... c::r.,L"J-SnT, 5780 '_: ,VOT1G;L 5640 - IviILL
6445 - ESOlIERElf ~!.sJ;----_··-----····:w-

Se~ondar:' ro'~d, in ,,()'lu;?:'uJ p11cee fH Dn1y for single line

tro.ffic. Sllrfncer:ul!.€Y.'L'l} l~r !:(ODC., ~::')Il suitable for heavy
lands, except for a 2tr0t~h ]ciil:':1i1Y ~')·,;t'<1ce:l VOIKEL.. /llXl
MILL 'uhere the B:.lbs Jil :~sl>t)C',·i;r,.

One ClnSs 40 and hie G.i.~8s24- !-> ovux' '~hc ZUIn

\lILLEMS V.l\"U:"T at HEDJOlf..).

Deployment possj.blc along uost of' the r()<".d. though

there nrc bad str'3tches ~i}~S'l' r the roa,1. at 6026';.'01:£.
ei thor side of the ro,,,d b0 i;w~Gn VOI2<:';L ,~nd ~.lILL,
ond for' l\ couple of fal1us ~rJ of ;::ILI",

, '
3. Do. tn on the Hi vcrs.. ;,:.::..:'l C;, J::..-\1, ;A~1q. J'WDER RIJN :,'}ht~ro the mnin
:'lxia bridges cross theJ!! is as sht:\'/ll :101'Oll"'1do:,:,:··

IUVleRS i,rAAS! ~1iJj\J.; L..-:~~]m HIJN

( [;,) RIVER J-,Ju'J3

DilJle~lSions GRAVE

[)(Yf,th 6,1, feet

Ilidth : 800 feet

The '<JLiS ris:e. :lnl f'r'\lls 'fury :3Ul:lrlc:n]y "fter heavy
rains, sOl;lctilacS 1) feet I',"" l:,orn .Ji.t.' ,in n. few d'\ys •

• • . /Banks
- 91 ­

The banks are flat over a con~iderable stretch; they

are covered,with gravel nnd peat; the fields and heaths
which back the banks offer little cover; woods seldom
approaoh wi thin 550 ,verda of the bank; on the left
bank there ,are concrete casemates at every 220 yards.


The River I{AIJ., is the most important shipping channel of

the RHINE by VJhich ships can reach the RUlffi area from
tho estuery ports of the NETHERLANDS. 1'hu river flows
through polderland, whioh gives place to river terraces
in t~c upper reach near NI~~IDGEN. The river has a
oonstant seasonal variation which is felt along the whole
stretch, as there are no locks. Low water is in September ­
October. '


Width (at nonaal low water): normally 850 feet.

Depth varies according to the seasonal levels of the RHINE.


Normally dyked along each bank, exoept at points where

there ,is a quay, loadil~ ~tage, or port.



Width at .illNHEM: tlpproximately 300 [("et. In winter the width

of the river may incre3so to 1640 fect.
Depth 3 - 11;. feet.

The tide is notiocable as for as ~.mORG (E 27).

'rho river is fairly constricted between dyk~6 along

tho river b[,I,nkc. ThGSO dykes fire n01'r.;elly of earthen
construction, reinfor~cd n~ intervals by atone setts.

There is noruully a towpath along one bank, though the

path frequently chllnge~; from one bank to the other.

'fhere io littlu cOv~r on uither bank of tho Rivor EAST

and \IE3T of .J.UlHEM.
- 93 -
.... .... .:.P.l?EHDIX I LIt 0
... ~-
-;- ." -: ~ i- l'iJ\IN EX'IT~\.CTS GDS .'JtbJ) DIV 00 NO 12 ~l


' ..... _- .~ 'i~xxxxxi;q.:ro;Xxxxxxxxxxx
15 Sep 44

5. Gas . Ari1'Xl. Di v ,./ill adv at' HI hr' it max'irnum S -PEl ed t 0 fire a ~1iElVI
and, by-passing IJ:."ELDOORN, will dOl'llinqtu the Cirea from incl NUt~SPEE'l' to
excl .:\PELDOORN.


6. GroUping. ahd 'Ordex:-Sf ·:.::i.r("\h·

~ . l
" '

,Groupibg and Order of :lhrch shown f;lt Annexure 1.

7. .Air Sp

(8) Allotment of Tentacles

( i) .. One conta0t oar under Li.ireet ·div' control for
P~~se I then pa~~ing to 2 HCR

(ii) One tent~nle to 32 Gds Rde

One tentacle to Div IlQ

(b) .30 Corps will r.lointni n a Fw~ Control Post in order to

moni tOl~al1 calls for :;ir sp so th'lt should npPo/lls

frail: ourselves or 'the .Airbo:::-nc C0ry.s conflict or

endanger the l:;thc.r~ :.\ v8tiJ ')nn il~lr.. edi~tely be it1pOsed.

(0) Ground to Air Reco~nition

Hill 'b;~ nccess',ry ']Ul:i~ this OPt During' the rupid Ddv, ,
cerise rlllorr:3'~<";lt piJnGln '.'Jill bL: displayed vlhEii-ever
nvaililble. Tll..:i!.- tViC 1:""""} lc Fiuspendod Itt the discretion
of CClmds as ''1."(:
. ihc: .n , -I;l:.c c,(;~~i('al si tun.tion dmllonds it.

(i)TJCtWElt'':D H' '1)' ninf: !wid Ii: hr yellow SHIL ke wi.ll
be r..urnc(l y,ht'r., f:·'i~ ~'.dJy :1il:'craft e.r.~ seen. Nm~ r..lore
th:m 5CY;b of st()ck~ hdd '"Jill be hurned. The other
recogni tilm ,tid:..; ·,.ill be used in nr:corc1nnoo with
prCyiOUB ~,nst;:.~s~

(ii) The vel"Y lini h')d .-:i1' cfi'Drt '.Jhich the: enemy tnny ir.i1ke
is likely te· he direr-ted ,:\f.:,.inst the airborne force and
it is most D!lproh"blo tilat our ·tps ...f ill be attacked
by Griemy E1ir~l.\ft d urinr: the pc riod 'of the drop.
Thercfo:""c, for t.~\.} pud.ull H winuc 1 hr to H plus 2
hrs, Sj" fire will Nor rr::]?oo.t NOT be oI,cned on any
·ai:tc.raft Ylh~t50e'TOr~
, : ,­

(iii) Retali::tN:;y fhe ac;nirlst frInnoly' nircraf t who are

a ttacking 01l;~ ):'!l' tp~ -.nIl IV.Lve. only one, ofi'o<.:t.- to
nonfirL'1-thc pilot's bIllie£' that he is attflcking
-Germnns c

B. M
SepF,lrete orders wiD. be' ilJL".WU by CRA incl instrs for 100

... /.~\
- 94 ­
AA Bde fer their anti-river craft role at NIJMEX;.EN. :FWd tps will
give every assistance to enable this det to get into ection at the·
e,arliest possible moment., beginning on D Day, and continuing Wltil
further orders. "

9. Airfds
The airfda nt EINDHOVEN 4-210 and VOrKEL 5640 are urgeny1y
required by RAF. Tps from whichever Me reach these airfde f1_t,
will paSs a report on their condition wi th the highest prio'~•.

Arrnngements for taking over will then be nade with'al!


10. B§

CE 30 Corps will control all bridging ops, sufficient eqpt

being carried initially to provide crossing over the oarials, ,up to
and incl R MAriS, end ferries for t~e rivers WAAJ., and NEDER ~JN.

It is possible that DUID1s and DDs will also be employed

on these crossings should bra not be available.

11. Div Tasks

Gds ArInd Divwill corry out its task in two phases: ...

( a) On the at'ternoon of D Day, Gds :~T:lc1 Div wi th 5 Gds
Arrr.d Bde leading will capture ViI,LKENSWAAJID 4-108.

(b) The adv will be preceded by full arty sp as coord

by ORA

(c) As the ad\" outstops the ranee of arty sp this will be

taken up by TYPliOONS on u pro-nrra~ed plan.

(d) Two bns 50 (N) Div will move forward behind leading tps,
~Btride the main nxis, to proteot the flanks and
subsequ~ntly take over VAI1<ENS'.1AARD.

(e) Leading tps will pause on the boum 'JUDAS' Wltil ordered
fwd by GOO to contact with 101 US Airborne Div
in area EINDHOVEN.

(f) The Div ~ay cone SOUTH of EINDHOVEN in areaS of the

CL preparatory to further adv.


(a) 'ftle Div will continue the adv two up, as ordered by GOC J
at first ltD + 1 al1ll will eo through to the final

(b) At GRAVE 6253, where the 0TJ8 converI~e, the bele whioh
reaches this pt first will continue .the t.d\", while the
other bdc will wait for t~e tail to clear•.

(c) If 32 Gds Me shOuld lead, it is probnblethat Div HQ

will pass through 5 Gds Arr.~d Bc1e und t!lke eta between
the; two bdes.

,••.• !ADM.
- 95 ­

12. }~~~~~~~y:.adr:J instrs will bEl issued separately.

, .,

13. Location of HQs
Div HQ will be locnted in the area of the Fnctory 3695 before
the COJranencemcnt of Phose I) thereafter will move by lEFT CL.

14. LOs
(a) 2 HeR will provide 10 '1Ii th WT set to report to HQ
101 US ;~r~orne Divas soon as contact is made. ,·He
will remain until such time as relioved by LO from
HQ 30 Corps.

(b) 2 HOB. will also provide LOs with 82 US Airborne .Div

and 1 Brit Airborne Di.v from the time contact is firat
BJ;\incd until such time as the tail of the main body of
Gds Art1d Div MS passed through their area.

15. ACK

:Orders were alao written· on Recognitio~

and Passwords between .\irborne· Forces and
Ground Troops.

j,!.ethod of desp::i tch SDR



, ,
- 96 ­
~lliNEXURE 1 to
itpPENDIX ILl to
1. (8) SP - JOES Br 3596

(b) Speed - Best possible

( c) Densi ty - 60 vtm
(d) Halts - jllien ~onsidered essential by Bdc Comd, whD

will infonn this HQ

(e) Lts - Full. at discretion of oomds.

(a) Div will move on one CL as fat' as VALKENSW)..ARD 4108, subsequuntly

on two 'CL~ 'until GRAVE 6213, woon Div will again move on one
. .
(b) Ord... l.~ of March and Grouping for RIGHT and LEFT eLs and Ordor
of lfuarch on one OL are att at Annexures lA and IB respectlveJy.
Order o£ March on one OL is liuble to alterntion by GOO
ohould tho op situa~ion demand.

3. As the preliminary adv is depondent on ops to be carried out

by S:Gds l~d Bde, it is impossible to give timings acrose SP. As n,
resUlt of' this, and with the exception of 5 Gds .iirmd Bde~" no' 'unit will
leave its present h~rbour area until ordered through this HQ. Eao~
unit will B end an offr t 0 the unit pre it on the ord er of march
in order to
(a) Give warning of move of preceding serial (shoUld this HQ

order several units to follow each other), and

(b) Ensure that there is no blocking of ra to SF

This offr will have "liT sat.

4. Afl~ will arrange TOPe at X rds 3493, X rds 3595 and when the
op situation warrantn, at X rde 415083.

5. . 190/73 A tk bty will be under cornel 2 HeR and will be allotted

to the two sqna of 2 HOn re8por~ible for the protection of A Echs 5
Gda iU'lnd Bde and 32 Gde Bela, and Rl.sC vehs.
\ ) )


Flllry'Unit No of Vchs lE!i~ No of Vchs
.One sqn 2 F.GR ~ 40 One sqn 2 HeR 40

5 Gds h.lUd Bde Gp, (less 1 ..J.r_ul QOIDM. GDS) 461. 32.Gds B1.c Gp 344

.Ii ~h,:!1}~cr c~::.d_ ~'£.th_ ,,!~.~c~-::~

3 IG • 125 1 An:lt:. OOIDl.i GOO 127

-153 Fd ~c:gt, 'Plu~. one sec 84 M0:: Regt 130 2 1&.rnc1 ~!~ cce ':!(;. 127
:mo btys ?..l ,,~-t~: '?::3t (O~lC SP, '55l"d I:.cgt, r}JI,>. one ~cc 8)~~ I:~cd Rcgt 116
,0~lO tr:l.cJ.;or cl;.;'c'wn) 6J 21 Ii tk Regt, I).ess t ':,.) -Dt;i So r 0::-,0 S!?

19 Lt Fd ..:.00 40 and one to','rod) 60

with in sp 128 Fd ~b 38

14 Fd Sqn, incl br lorries 64

2 HCR, (less four sqns)- : 40 T-dtb-_}~~

Div HQ, (~Bch, to incl 8 Civil ~ff~irs vehs) 15B - 015 Fd Sqn, ,(incl 14- bI' lorries) (,I-j-
liP 20
-84 I.ted Regt, (less t\'iO aecs) 170

94 ~ Rezt, (loss dcts) 40

Recce P;l.rty 100 A.'I. Bdc

Elci:J.ents 100 ~ .Boo 81

1.48 Fd Pk Sqn _ 2.C

II Fd Coy~ (incl 72 br lorrias) 113
AOP (Portee) 16
pOne sqn 2. HeR .with, Wldar co::.» for nov and protection,
.4 Echs 5 G<:.s 1~ Bde, 32 Gds Bde, 2 HCR and iU~ 282
pOne sqn 2 HCI. with, under corJd tor oov and protection,
RbSC vohs 440
pOne Bty 73 i .. tk Regt Vlil1 be sub:-allottoG. to these

sqns by CM and will CQiJe under cOC'.d.

- 9B -

. iiNNEXURE 1B to
.."U'PENDIX. t L' to


SOl' Fr.m/Unit No of Tim0 REl/L1RKS

No Vehs Past
1 5 Gds M.I'ud ~<1o cOI:rp1eto 888 120

2. One sqn 2 HeR 4D 6 Unde I' cor.'ld 5

Bda for }:lOV

3 2 HeR, (10 S5 four sqns) 40 6

4­ Div HQ 158 20 Incl 8 niL vehs

5 ;iP 20 4

6 84 1.i:0d Rcet, (10Ss two SQcs) 170 22

7 94 L..· Regt, (l a s3 dots) 40 7

8 Recoo Pn.rty 100 i ...'l Bda

9 Ono S'ln 2 lIOR 4J) 7

10 .32 Gds Bde G-p cor.'l.p1e-tc 876 125

11 Elononts; 100 ..·•.i.. ndo 81 10

12 148.Fd Pk Sqn 50 7

13 11 Fd COy 113 14 Incl 73 bridg­

ing vcha

14 Air OP (Portoo) 16 3
15 One sqn 2 Hea with, undor COl.1d for
r.lOV0 ::.rid proteotion
A Echs 5 Gds ;~.'l.d l>l1o, 32
. C~· Bda, 2 UGH. :.lnd Rll 282 36

16 Ono sqn 2 HeR \/i th, under cuud for

1:\oVC a.nd prutcction
Rj~ vehs 440 55
- 99 ­


16 September 1944 to PART II






9. 50 (N) Division will :­

(a) Send detacronent to secure a crossing over R IJSSEL at

(b) Advance and secure high ground to the NORTH of ARNHEM
keeping cont~ct vnth the Northerr. troops of 1 British
Airborne Division.
(c) Be aVuilable as Corps reserve.


10. Grouping

(a) 50 (N) Division ~il1 bo tiroupod for the advance in

aocordD.nce vn. th Appondix ID' (Not included).

(b) GroUping will commence as soon as possiblo and will be

completed by 1800 hr~ 18 September as far as the tactical
situation permits.

11. Order of Mllrch

The anticipated order of rnarch ,nthin the Division and the

probable date of"movoment is as folloTIs:­
61 Raoee Roginlent D + 2

Br~dgchuadDetachmont D + "2

69 Brigndc Group D + 3

Main Divisional Group D+ 3

151 Brigade Group " D+ 3

Rear Divisional Group D + 3

231 Brigadc Group D + 3

50 (N) Divisional Administrativ<.: Group D + 4

12. Movement

(a) The Di vi~ion \":i.ll move on tho Oorps Axis by groups.
Details vill be issuod later.
(b) Serial Nwnbers ~rc allotted as shevm in Appendix 'D I •
(Not included). They been allotted to all groups,
a.nd to units, the mov.:;mcnt priority of \Jhich i t is con­
sidered it l!\.~y b0 noccss.:lr~ to cha.nge from one group to
another. Group Serial NUi:lbcrs ';fill be ...-hitovlD.shcd on
the '\Jindscrecn antl tailboo.rd of as many vehicles .:l.S

- 100 ­
-", .
p.os~;'iblc. .:lnd r"n.r vehicles ront be ma.rked with
Group Scr:i..::.l NUL1bcrs. Scrin.l NUI:lbers n.llotted to units
'iiithin eroups viill NOT be lll£.l.rkf:;d on vehicles unless tho unit
i~ OrdGi.'0U to nove se:Xl.r:ltclyfi-or;i its group•
. . .r
(c) R~:-tc ~ ~f inOVCT:lcnt -dcpcni~ -60 -tactlc:ll si tun tion bU~ i:t- "is
hoped to be at a.pproxir~~a.1(el:l .35 'Ttm and 10 mih.
(d) Nip,ht ItlOvu;.icnt. 1'h(;rc ',',ill be NO r.lovcraent on the axis
during tho hours of d.:l.rkneDs, c.:xcopt:­

(i) Wh.:::rc i t is ['~ t3.ct ic~tl noccss i ty.

(ii) Whon a Group is satisfied th.:l.t his group can .._.
co.plote its movo, ·\iithcut.disrupting trof'fic arrange­
Ll.cnts, ..:ithin h/o hours of lc..::;t light. .

(c) Lc.1.guoring. Groups le.1.Guering for th.c night viill probn.bly

hllvo to do so on tho ):~ir. ron.d o"../ inG to the nature of the
ground, though it. :.lD:'J be poss ible for thou to pull off into
:ldjaccnt fields. '_ If units the road to lca.guer thoy
\nll leave a representative on the rond to indi~te the
point ~h~rc the tail of the colw.m ~~s vhcn it started to
leave the road. Follo~ing ~ill NOT pass this point
except under provision of (d) above.

In ::iny C:J.:;C it is essenticd th.'1t all serials sta.rt to Illove-·

ago-in punctu"lly at 0600 hours. If thin is NOT done the
ordor of i.mrch -.lill bo disarrc..nged nnd chaos is li!>:ely to" .

( f) Li.o:h t s. NO light:.; \'1111 bo pu rr;ll t tG d o.n~\ no open firos vlill

be 1i t "by night.

(8) RiJa.r,/ard trn.ffic. No rel.l.r;m.~d traffio other than tho

rorc3t i.liniJ"::ur.l for and loca.l Il£l.intcn~;.nc(J will be
"plJr, d. t ted on the Lain cueis.

(h) ~nh Diucipline. Th8 3uccess of the op,-,ration ",/ill depend

upon the :3pued ()f' tho· n;dv<:\.llcc, striL;t r,l..'1rch disciplino '::\.lld
adhorunctJ to I.lO-"cr.t<.mt ordurs. The contonts of 50 (N')
Division 3t~nding Opo~\tion In3truction No. ~ will aGain be
~:~ros30d on all r.~nks.

1.3. Task of 13ri%<.lhcad Dctachuent.

Tel{; i3riUeu!l<:oad Dct:~chJ,1Cnt, a:; const i tu ted in ;~ppcndix 'D'
(not 0. tt..'\cho<l), . . a ll, on :J.rr.ival at iJ~i\nlE;'.'i, pruceed iIrnedintoly and over tho bridgc:hoad D.t DOESllURG frol:l troop::; of ~3 Division.

14. RE
!ill 50 (N) Division l.lAY bo rolled upon to C<.'\rr.:l out to.sks
under Q,ircction of CE .30 Corps. .' 1"icld Goupa-nics arc therefore grouped
undur brig2.dos for 1.10VcI.Kmt only Golla. r8l.i..,\in under the cOJ.a.lnnd of the
..illi-JINIS TR,,~T ION

15. i~intcnance

On arrivll in the ~'Lffi\Jl-illl.~ ~l'cn.J 50 (N) Division anel troops

undol' cOl"Jrmnd will b<.: 'Qt}.$ed on 162 Pi,r:, . ,hich is opening D plus .3.
Loon. tion and. ti'.lus for d.r..\\linf~ nill be notif.icd to L.l.ll concerned
• ••/16. Supplies and POL
- 1Q1 ­

i6. Supplies and POL

11.11 uni ts will carry four dAys rD, tions, and full tanks plus
200 miles reservo POL in unit transport.

17. ilJi1I.llmi tion

~\11 first line of all natures ,n11 be curried less those

natures dotailed by fon-.l-3.tion CO!.1f.undcrs.

18. Roplcnisru.wnt

(a) As there ,rill be; no baclC'.-..].rd j,\oveJ:l<mt in the ini tLtl stClges
of' the operation, units Hill oat down supplies and POL _.
carried in unit transport until the divisional supply, patrol
and m,ll:lUnition point is ost~blishad.

(b) CRiiSO ',-Jill 1.1. ttc~ch to tho brideohO;;td dotE~ch;-.u.::nt second 11no
transport c:l.rryin;.3 50 j',1i10s POL, ono 100.d of ~.lixcd au:unition,
and 180 rpg 25 pounder ru~~llnition. £J1 offic0r representa­
tivo will report to HQ 69 BrigD.dc for UOVCD<.mt ardors 0900
hours 18 Soptouber, In -:l.ddi tion, h/o loads POL c.nd o'ne of
an-:uni tion \:111 bo att<lched to 61 Reece Rogir.tent. Transport
will report, lo..'l.dod, to IIQ 61 Rocce Rogi:.16nt 1200 hours 18
Sept Gl:lber.

(c) Units '.lill l.dcc their first re~lcni3hr.lcnt frol.1 the vchicllols
a.tto.chod ,~s in 18 (b) o.bovo, so that the tr:\nsport
uil1 be ir:ll:iodio.1:ely c.v::\ilab1c to ruturn, \/hcn ordurcd, on
rco.ching the d05tination.

19. TOVs

TOVs ..till report to briEP..d0s undor o.rrangcJ.lUnts CR.:.sO by 1200

hours 18 Septc~bor, 0.3 undcr:­

One pl;).too~ 20 Coupany R.1SC to 69 Brigado

Ono p1tltoon 90 Co:-:rpn.ny Ril.SC to 69 Brigado
Two lllatoons 90 OO':l'p.'l.ny to 151 Brigado
1'.. .1 0 platoons 20 Ooupe.ny Ria.SC to 231 Brigade.

20. Medical
(a) Fiold ~~:lbu1:~ncl.s \lill .:l~WI,,; under cOLl..lund brig:tdos tlS undor:­

186 Field JLJ.lbula.ncc under coLt.klnd 69 13ri"

14-9 Fiela. .:....lbu1·1.ncc under cOr.ll.nnd 151 Bri~.:tdc.
200 Fiolcl •.J.lbulo.nc0 under 2}1 BrigCl.<1o.

(b) I B I P1atoon 111 l·,Ul.C, vil1 uove under eOJ:lr:nncl 4B FDS 0. t tho
roo.r of tho Divisi·mrtl £~&:Iinistr~tive Group.

( 0) All eusuc.l tics ;lil1 be c:\rr-lcd 1'or..-m.rd by :b'iold J·u.ibulances

and 48 FDS ::mu OVo...J\lJ\t..::U to th~ COS on arrivnl. Fiold
i~1buln.nccs ~ill bo prvl~rcd t~ ~Lsuo.ltios fr~~
airborne units on routo.

(d) Field ,Li.lbul.:\nccs ':.nd 40 :E"DS 'trill eaoh dctrd1 ,~ section COP
for att6..chl.icnt, undor arro.n~jc ..:Jnts ~·.m·.jS, 01\0 ",t, of tho
follorJing TO?::> :­
Crossin0 ESC~"'UT cann.l 3695
ErnDaOVEJ.~ 4-218
GR.....VE 6253
••• /Thcsc sections
- 1.02 -

Theso sections \',ill be proparod' to hold Co:\sual tios and siok

for a perioel of up to 3 d..'1.ys.

(0) 3 CCS will be es~bli5hed ~lRlllHEr:i 7577.

10 CCS "~ll be ustablishod NI~t~GEN 7162. .,~

(f) Ono section of'163 Field ~~,bulnnco is establishinn ~ stagine

. post at ST OEDENRODE 4332.

(g) A CCS \"lill bo cs~blishod at BOURG LEOPOLD c\.s a stc.ging post.

21. ORD
- ~~ dotachl,lont of 50 (N) Division Orti Fd Pk \/ill tr.:l.vel "with
Roar HQ 50 (N) Division and ,./i11 btJ locntcd in th.:: ~rea. of Rco.r
Division. All indents on the Ord :F'd Pk will bo put through this
de tachr.~ont.

22. '~

(0.) Rooovery sections froi.' 1Jrieo.o.c YlOrkshops vlill ror:uin undor

co~~~nd,rospoctivo bri~Qdes.

(b) Vehicles \-Ihioh bren.k dovm ,'lill, if possible, bo towed for;"ard

to final destination. Should this not be possible, tho
vohiclcs '.'iill be I.:ullcd off tho ro.::.d and tho 10c1.tion
rc~ortcd to C~iE at Rcar 50 (N) Divi~ion.

(c) 69 Brigade '~;Iorkshops only v!ill for\'la.rd vii th tho

division. ~·.11 uni to l/ill be notifiod of its loc:::\tion

'ilhun est:,.blishocl 0. t tho final dostin..' l.tion.

23. Civil ~~ffairs

Tho threo CorPs Det<;,e;nts <lore Doving under COi:l::-llnc} Guards

~~:n'.\ourl:d Division o..nd ",till be est::.blishod :\5 under :­

222 Ci~ Dota.chncnt iiPELDOORN z 70

213 CJ~ Det~ch'.\(::mt IJ{NHEM E 77

214 C_~ Detc.chuon t NIJjjEGEN E 76

(a) PW tc.kon ·,;.,hiI3t on tho '· ......rch .Jill be h:'J1~(;J over to the

nco.rost TCP.

(b) Tho divisiona.l Pil et'.~o .. till bo cst['.blishcd ~\t the Supply

Poiot on ~rriv~l fin~l dustinntion.

25. Place Code Ncr.10S

(a) ~tt~chcd at ~PP0nuix 'e' (not included) is u list uf pl.:l.cO

ooda nlli.1CS for use in ep..::r~tion ·G~'.RDENI. These place
codo n(IJ"Jcs 00:.10 into force 1200"~ hours j) Do.y .:\.t 'which t:i.uo
0.11 previous pl."loO coda n'j)",lC3 c.rc onnc.;;llcd•

•• •/(b) .-. supplol".1cntary


- to} ­

(b) J'~ suppl.:.r.icntc.ry list of code nw"']os ';till be issuod for
distribution NOT bolow Brigade HQ, to bo t~kon into use if
the list r.:.t ~'lpp(mclix Ie I Decm.los CO\:lprar.iiscd. This
sUJ..)'plc~.l(;nt!lry lid 'iiill bo hkt::n into usc o.ncl the present
list c~ncQllod on rec~ipt of code word ID~~SPE;illE ••••••••
n hours. I


(Sgd) X X X X X X X X
TiL~ of signature 2305 hrs Gencr3.1 Stll.ff J
Mothod of issuo - 50 (Nol'thumbrin.n) Division


Appendix 'E I to 30 Corps

Operation Instruction No.
24 of 15 Sep 44.

...1-_llRB=· O:;;,;:~;.;;;.~_~::::.;;...I' ..;.C..;.0.;:.;R~fS:_(_)~_i _L".'_i.'I_~~ O~7,R FOR OPERATION 'MARKET I

1. British i~~.rb:>r.1e CC'l"l'S ~.s under cor;unand Seoond British

ArlIW. It is ccmroanued. '0J ~ ~.el'.-I;-(;·e'.:e::a1 l!\ A..M. BRO'iMING. It
consists of 1 British Airborne Dl'.'Lion and· 82 U8 Airborne Division.

: 2.., .101 US .A.:i.l:b0rn 0 )) :.',.~;::::ion ::.s being dropped under a.rrange­

ments British Ai~bor!le Corp.'O.~ but em landing comes under cO.llllland 30
Bri tish Corps~·

3. Missions o.s3ig.Ded "tv the Airborne Divisions are' in genera.l

terms a.s follows:­

to lane. and captu:t'e th~ bridge.,:; over NEDER RIJN at

ABNHHd with .:m·,:·~icil.ent br:"dgeheac1s to fo.oilitatethe
passage of 30 CorL~~

(b) 82 US Airoolne Division

To seize and h')lil. th.e ,'!':;'ri.ges over R l1iul.S at GRlLVE and
over R WA..·,L at NIJlYLn:EN so feS to facilitate the passage
of 30 Corps. The capturo and retention of the high
ground between NmImnJ and 'GROESBEEK 7554- is considered
imperative for the accomplishment 01' this task~

(0) 101 US Airborne Division

to seize canal and 5 tream' cross ings in area EINDHOVEN) ZGl,

and VEGHEL in order to facilitate the advance of 30 Corps,
to R :M,lu4S.

4. A heavy air support effort is being carried out by 8

United States h~ hir Force in support o~ this oporation directed
chiefly against FLJ.K in DZ fl.r.en,q.

5. Details oi' pla~1 c.r.::' cr:."t?)0sition of 1 B...· itish Airborne

Division are ~s fnUi)WS':':---- --- -"..

(a) Commandor xxx

(0) Ordor of B~ttlc 1 Paraohute Brigade
4 ~araohute Brigade
1 ,Air Landing Brigade
1 F.~lish Paraohute Brigade
(c) res, LZs anc:. O');\I_'ctivcs n~ Brigades are as shovm at Appendix
IB I to Part I~

6. Details of plan and L:o:n~~ )::d'~io:1 of 82 US l.J.:cborne

Division are a:::i :"'OL'.OVlS: ­

( a) Commander Y.. ."': X

••• j(b) Order of Battle

- 105

Order· of Battle 504 Parachute Infan try Regt
505 Parachute Infantry Regt
508 Parachute Infantry Rogt
352 Glider Infantry Rogt
(c) DZs,' LZ3 and objectives of Regimcntai Combat Teams are
a.s shO\"ffi at .Appendix 'B I to Part I ..

7. De tN-In of :)18.0 and COl. P03 it ion 0 f 101 US .I. irborne Division
are as follows:­

( a) xxx
'(b) Urdor of BD:ttle HQ 101 US ~irborne Division
501 Parachute Ini'ontry Regt
502 Parachute Infantry Regt
506 Paraohute Infantry Regt
.(0) .res, LZs, and objectives of Regimenta.l Oorobat Teams are as
shown at AppendiX IBI to Part I.

8. :£Q B:citish i ... irborne Oo:r.·PS lands 'wi th first Glider\ lift· in
n.rea. l.~2
US ":'irborne Div-ision and \-,ill be estL~blished initially :in area
7454. It will ~ovc later to aroL'. EJl.ST of llit~-.s/wi~·J., bridgen on main
axis GRiNE - Nm~EN.

9. Recogni tion o.ncl Pa.sS\·IO~S.

10. Timingn •.

(~) H hour is the time at which the first paraohutists (less

Pathfinders) are dropped. This' vr.ill proba"bly be 171300iL

(b) This t:UJling is subjeot to conf'irriiUtion. Postponements

rlOulc1 ·l"~!.Lch bL; for :, r}crioL~" of <.;x~ct 24 hOUl~r;or multiple th.creof.

( c) i .. ppro:ri:mate timinGS for dropping in Diyisional Clrca.

will be as follo'i/s ­

II minus .30 minutes Pathfinders

H to H plus 1{- h.our3 - Fir~t lif't (para.chutbts)

Later D Day First Glider lift

Thcrt'} ".rill bo no drop during till; night DID plus 1.

The next lif1; \ull bi; c:,.rly on D plus 1 and will include
both glidurs o.nd paro.chutists and ttiso possibly supply dropping.
- 106 -

APpendix: 'u'
to Part II

30 CUR:fS U}-~TluN INSTRUC:rION :1'10. 25

(To'be read ih conjunction 'with '30 Corps Operati~n

. 'I'nstro.oti~iO No. 24.)

Own Troops
1. 8 and 12 Corps ~re c,',ntinuine; vii th pres en t tasks.

2. Dritish 4drborne Cor j?B

British ~~irbornc Cori1S ..-lith under e,rLld R. Netherlands

3de, SRY Gp less one sqn, 52 l1eccc Gp, (wef 0900 hrs 24 S()p) ,
is :­

(a) Continuine to h:)ld prescnt posns with 1 Dr Airborne.

Div, 82 Md 101 US J..irborne Diva nnd R Notheriands :3de.

(b) Relieving 69 Ldc G~ by 1400 hrs 24 Sep 0f rosponsibility

for close 1>r.:Jtcction'i'iI.J1.IEL.EN bra and also, taking over
'responsibility fClr 'Orheo:l, fr'.Jr.1 l'\.iRT '7264 - GltuvT litEr.
(c) hssw:1ing rasponsil>i1ity f,)r pr,jtoctL)n le.nJihE gr,~A.mcl·"
sites in area li]ST of G-,d,.~VE.' ,

(d) Assur.1ing resptimdhili ty fGr the follo'W'inc roceo to.ales :­

( i) \lEST flank frou exel n, ;;~~J.. as. fer SOUTH;, A.S

Canal. VIDUEL - iii t HERTOGENBOSCIi. (HOR r.~ay 0.180
1e op in this a.roa while 32 Cds Dde is SuUTH
of GRi.VE). .

( ii) Et'.ST flenk frlX, :H. \i..·... .L ::)0UTH tc 40 Nr'rthinc

. Grid.

3. 30 Corps, in conjuncti~n with British ~irbornc Corps,
'Will c:'"Jnt fu~e wi t'h op "li;iliDEN."

4. T~sks 43 Div
43 Div will:­
(a) Socure tho RIGHT flank of 30 Corps frou incl

ELST, (after co.pturo), to incl 30UTH bunk

NEDEH RIJN at the pt whero brhead is beine est.

(b) Ensure thD.:t: ~")lish' tps n' '~i in a.rea. SvUT~f of

NEDER LiIJN PL\::lL; :wer to join 1 .Jr Airborne

Div dunnt, n ir;h t 23/24 Sop.

( 0) two cays over NEDl:t{ iUJN night 23/24 Sep

to link up with itmJ'l' flnnk :'";f 1 ~r 4~irborne Div•

••••• (d) 'Iihan

- 107 ­

(d) \"lhen 129 Bda is relea.sed frGl:1 present

. ,~.. .' te,sk l)y a.ction of GdG j~rn'.d. Di v, (s ee para
:.. .::..5.{a)
below), be prepa.reJ. to pass this Bda
NEDm RLJN with the -)bject of
~~~inB brhead. .

( e) Carry out reconnais3ance iiK3'l' between iviJ.J., and

NEDER RLJN as far as 50 Basting Grid•.

5. Tasks Gds 4~rr.d Div'

69 Inf i3de Gp c~r;l~:} under .COl.ld. Gds ..n.rmd Div at 1400.
hrs 24 Sep, (after rcli0f frcrJ present tasks by 82 us Div).
Gds AnJd Div will :­

(a) Protect the RIGHT flank of 30 Corps

fraii incl ilE·.:i',EL 7367, (\:,thiy:h will be
oaptured), to e.."'Col ELST.

(b) Clear and keep clear the main rd NLn.1IDEN _.:":'':''':''_-: ..

(c) om: aniil rel3t Sp in res NIJHTH of R \V'A.::.L.

(<1) Continue to op \'Ii th present force in n.roa.

exel T"&HEL to excl GR.NE ·to secure ;0 Corps il of' C.

6. Tasks 69 Inr Duo Gp .

69 Bde- Gp will. :­
( a) Continue ...lith prese.'l'it rccco task. I_'EST
. between 1l..'..n.S 3.n(l W....·LL un til ~ 200 h:t"s
24 Sep.

Continue -"lith r<...naininJ present tasks

until rcliev~d by 82 US Div 1400 hrn
24 Sap.

( c) C;:,ne undor Cf"K:ld G<ls l·.rl.'J. Div ·o.t 1400 hrs 24 Sep.

(Signed) X X X X X X,'X X X X X X
,d rif,aJ.ier,
Gener.'.ll staff•

i.iETIiOD uF IS·mE .;fy .LO @,nu. Si)It

TIl,ill LJF SIGN;.;rURE 2015 A

- 1,08 ­

~ppendix I?' •
to Pa.rt II
.. I .,

: "J
,0 ~


~5 Sep 41~

30 OfEl~ ..TlvN IN:-iTRUCTluN No. 26

( a.) 1 i..irborne Div brhc:l.d ovor NlillEll HIJN is nc, long~r

tenable owing 'to cas\.ial'ties' awl ti'hc,rtage (If sups.

Necessary rfts ancl supc can :/nly b8 provided on a

lirJited sc~le by nj" lit wi'th asuault boats, etc,
each effort ./ill ar.i(llInt to .~ u''I.jor 0Ij sin~c the
encny clGi.linatc thu narl"OW' cr:,sGinc i,lace- freu
the hie}1 g1' ',una N.:E "Ulel Nil•

(b) The area. in '."Ihich 1 ... i1'10r00,Div have thc;ir pr.:sent

brhead'is NUT 3uit:.:.blu r::·r develQP,0nt as Cl Corps
,,-...:;; brhcad .:owinC t;) dif'ficultics Df -o.:qJ&'1Si0n anJ. the
il!lpossibility of buildinE ::ull r.cintuininG a Lr in
thi3 area..

(c) It has th'urofor(~ 1I:.;.on 1.oGiulKl to eVD.Cuatc 1 J'.irborne

Div frol.'! the; brhGad n.i.~ht 25/26 ::;cp.

2. :British .iarlJol"nc Corps·' at I.Jrescnt responsible

for the close def of NLJl\iIDEN brhcl:l.d, f',:,r op:~ betwcen I\
and'1U'..AS and for close "protectir)O :Jf' Gi't'~VE -brh.o~d.

3. 8 Corps 'lireetod ,In CUY'!' 711..9) 12 Corps

directed on SCHIJNDEL 4138.


4. 30 Cot'ps yri.ll ~rranc:c evacuatiDn. ot' 1 i .. irborne Div

night 25/26 Sep and will cr)nt'inuc p:r;-cnent cps.



:C~VL\cuo.tion MJ, roo cpt i.on of 1 ~.irhorno Div •

T eraporo.ry rC-o'l.djustl.lent.

~. Freparn.t~on fJr future ops •

.. .....
• •••••• /~Vncuat~on
- 109 ­


6. (a) .4,) Div will carry out the evacuati')n of 1 hirborne

.Div incl deception plan and backward lift of personnel
to the SOUTH bank of NLThI:EG:EN rd br.

( b) Ali elsuents 43 Div on NORTH bonk of NEDER RIJN will

also be withdrawn end rejoul. tho f,lain body of the dive

( c) CCRA will co-ord fire plan to cover 'ilithdrawal;

for this purpose all 25 pr aIJI1 less 50 rpg nay be


( d) All· dets of Poles N0RTH of NIJMEGEN will be withdrawn

under orders 43 Di v. 43 Di v will arrange with 1

~irborne Corps direct into what area Poles should be


7. Df,.. & ~iG 30 corps, in conjunctirm \/ith Br .ri.irborne ..

Corps, will arrange reception 1 J..irborne D:i,.v in NIJ1.iliGEN area.

TEMFORAR,Y RE -/illJUS/l'}:[EN'l.'

8. Tasks Gds ~:"mrl Div

( a) Proceecl with capture vi' :3E\ii":EL.

(b) Continue to hold SOO).lrc EAST flank of 30 Corps

fran H WA,J. to excl EL8T. - ,

(c) Continue to operate ·,dth 32 Gds Bde SOUTH of

Grt.:NE to keep the Corps axis clear. This will

inc 1 positionin[; one ref~t 6P in area 5851.

(d) Continue with present rucce taskS SE, SOUTH and

friv of GRiNE, SUUTH 01' R 1.LAAS.

NorE : - This is bcini~ tuken over by British

~~irborne Corps at a time to be notified •

9. Tasks 43 Div

( a) Proccod '.vi th Cll pturc 0 i' ELST.

(b) Hold securo·the ~'iST flunk of the Corps fron

incl ELST to inc 1 3JUTH bank NEDER RLJN •

(c) Protect the \lEST flank of 30 Corps between

Ii ilJ·tJ'.L and NEDER RIJN reconnoitering as tar

w.EST as 50 Easting Grid.

(d) Hold one Dele Gp, (incl one an:l.d. reet ) ,

centrlllly place1 in res.

• •••••• /lREBUU~ION
- 110 ­


10. Gels ~\.rmcl Div ,"r.l.ll continuc to op in NE dir<lction wi. th 2. view

to pushing the enemy out of r'LU1g0 of NIJMEGEN br and with a view to
further ops NE of NIJ;lEGm~.

1'). 43 Division will proce:ed \1.1. th rccce nnd plnnning for t\

possible river crossing op be~,een RENKUM 6276 and ITAG~f.[NGEN 5776.

12. Bdy between Gels ;'erma. Div H.r,d 11-3 Div.

Incl Gds [.rlnd Div Lr:NT 7164 - REEK 6968 excl Gds Annd Div
ELST 7071 - ELDEN 7375.


(r,i~ncd) XXXX XX X
}.lETHOD OF ISSUE BY 1,0 Brig,.<lier,
Gencr:ll :::.;t,-~f.


------------------------------------------- ---"~
to Pr\RT II


i !


1. The two links to Airborno Corps in UK, (!9 ~nd A11), wore
established satisfactorily by afternoon September 14 and worked throughout
24 hours •



2. No contact wn.s \\i"2 th 101 US Airborne Division until 0830

hours 18 Scptcmb.or. Conb.ct for;). short time was with Airborne
Corps evening 17 Septomber, but this WI"..S not satisf::l.ctory until ::l.bout
0830 hours 18 September. One HP set \'las tE,kcn off' 1\11 to work on
C8. ?alse contact was made with the Phantom aeb.chrnent with 101 US
Airborne Division ,'\t 1800 hours 17 Septembor. Three cipher messn.ges
were received in the Corps Sign~l Office frOTIi th~t link. They
looked like book cipher but did not work out and were initially assumed
to be corrupt. It was then di~covcrcd th~t they were Phantom messages
and the true idontity of the outsti'l.tion was confirmed. The Phantom
deta.chment 'with101 US Airborne Division had been a.llotted the smne link
sign as 101 US Airborne Division orl C5 and Corps Ciphers held no details
of Phantom ciphers. On 18 September, f!:.:\in Second Army could not work
at any time to Airborne Corps on c8. 30 C01~8 was given priority
on that net as it w~s not possiblo to t~ke over control because of the
confusion of code signs that would htwe boen caused at Airborne Corps.
Conversely, there were periods by day when 30 Corpc could not work
- Airborne Corps on C5 and Main Second AJ:.·my could. Pn.rticulur attention
was necessary to ensure the roost expodi tious routine of traffic
which could always be clenrccl if nccess'U"y through Rear Airborne Corps in
The US detachment sent to work on C14 h.'l.d no contact. A lIP set
was put on to this link with no results.


3. The link to Airborne Corps in UK W:'l.S'..ined throughout

the rrDve. As fn.r ~s EINDfIOVEN, the move was by night and rod aerials
only could be used. Conb.ct wns lost with 101 US Airborne Division
and 1 Airborne Division by midnight ,IDd trd'fic W,JS routed vi.~ Renr
Airborno Corps in UK or Mnin l\.rITty. Until HQ Corps was NORTH of
EINDHOVEN there "\'I::\.S no cont:1.ct on 014. E:lrly on 19 September perfect wus made with 82 US Airborne Division. On tho rrove, cipher
tr~ffic reached 10,000 groups over a period of 24. hours. That was made
possible by the addition of the; oxtr:L 3-ton cipher office o.t Corps HQ.
As soon as ~~in HQ 30 Corps w~s cst~blishcd in 1~\IDEN, lino was laid to
Airborne Corps and 82 US Airborne Division.


4. With 101 :Lnd 82 us .idrborne Divisions 2'..rtillory communicL\.tioos

wero gener::J.11y satisf3.ctpry. No contl\ct Vias rrndc \','i th HA represent,'\tive
1 Airborne Division undor the n.rrnngemants m:\de. On 21 September, a
set from 1 Airborne Division carno up on 64 },{edium Regiment Cornrr/ll1d net.
This was :1uthentico.tod :md n set put on the snmc not at. Muin HQ 30 Corps.
64 l1edium RCljirll0nt "las at tho ,time firin IT in support of 1 Airborne Division
... /and it
- 112 ­

a.nd it Wa,3 not t~dvisable to <:.ttcr:;>t to chl\nbc frequency to produce a

ono-to-one link CCRA 30 Corps - eRA 1 l,irborne Div:ision. Cormnunications
wi th :It. 1 Airborne Division r,rcrc through 64 1.1editun Regiment Co~nnd
net until the relief of 1 .i.irborno Division on night 25/26 September.


5. The SCR.300 netn rlerc the most s~ltisf',,-c~9~Y"_'~ben·1

DORSETS were given the t~ak of crosa~ng the NEDER RIJN .~d p~trolling
for some dista.nce to the l·rORTH, there was no British i rmy pack set
avrdl;).blc which would gU:'U':mtco cornmunicc tions through thick country
to n distaJ).ce of ttl Ge or four miles for p:i. trcls which had to cross
Do river ;.. .nd tr:lvel t'..~ light ·:1..8 possiblo. Five SCl,.300 were loa.ned
fran) 82 us Airborno Division Qnd produced perfect communic~tions for thQ

- "\13 ­

P J-.. R T III
SE~"T ION 11


h In itt tl;lnpting t·o StLrrtrn,rizG tho ttdn'l()ssons of this 1

operation, it is :\ppropri:'..te to r~illise that ~\. .J.eep thrust of some f
60 miles was l1'.;-~dc into country occupiE;cl ,~nd hold by a stubbcrn encI!\Y,
the.t five n.." ..jor " " tc;l'" cro,,::.lings '.Vcra 3ucccssfully negotiated in the
faco of stro~,,! opposition, ~:.nJ. th.'1t the' pltn :',S origin~lly conceived
wc.s 90/~ succ~ssf'ul.


2. The weather will ~lw3.Y3 be ~n ~ver-ridin~ factor both in

plfll'U' :mel in executing an opera Hon of' this w:lturc. During this
po.rticul'U· opcr:'..tion, the we::.thcr h . . tl f". Llcf-i nitc effect on the course
of opcrn.'tions, f;nd. there is o.,rory rO'"1.son to 3UppOGEi thCl.t the.: oper,tion
would h:lve been 1007~ succos:Jful, E:.S diotinct from only 90-10, if the
f ollovd.n~'. eomli Hons had b\::Jen f·ulf ill cd :­

(:).) If the wC'1ther h'ld permittoG. the 1 'Polish P'}r:~chute Bri ado
to be .~lccur. . t.ely clroppcq.. on D + 2, ~\nd 352 Glider Regiment
on D + 2, il.S f.b.mlOd, .'lnd thereby en'lbled the 1 li..irborne
D~vision to it~1 quick vi b.l build-up.

(b) If .the weD.thor h:'td permitted the nOrT:\l'\l sc:T..le of r,dr support

( c) If the won.the!' haa pcrmi tted the 'rdr ::.'upply 8.S pl::mncd•

3. Reference to the ·"'..ched Appendix 'R t, which ahows the
forecast IU1.d ~cctu:"'..l '.'Iv chi;.r conditions, indiccttos thB uffect the Y:G"-lthor
h'ld on this opern.tion. 1. ~UJ:lS·'.ry, the weathor did not permit
th:.)f:OC essential rcquirumunts Dhown above, :mel thorefore the 1 .flirborne
Division portion of the oper~tion did not ~chiuvc fJll success ~8
origil"'.D.11y pir:..nncd. This 3t.'~ tcmcnt in no w().y cletracts from 1
ll.irbornc Division' 3 m:\::,;nificcnt fi[';ht in tho iJti\Uillr.; .~~}:'.., fl~ without
this ·u:tion, tho fcllov:inr; r!unifiC:l tions would hf'..vO beon fol t by the
rem~ind.or af the US forces ,m(lertil.kin[~ the opcr'ytion. H'ld 1
ldrbornu Division not cl~ elm to its bric"lrehc'\d in. the M'JlliE},! C'
the onony night woll h3.vO cone()ntrrltG~l ::mpcrior forces ~p::1.inst u.s in
the NIJ1~C£N bridgohead, .~d L~cdcd Olrr rcor?'1niz~tion ~~thin thnt
brid['ch()~"..d (lurin£ the period. 'when :.dr m.lPport ':"lnd '.Lir st..'Pply were
rr~").c1c i.rnpoBsible by the we3.ther.

!i'rom tho t.bovc i t follo~,:.J thO. t uncllSr Northern European

clirr,,'ltic conclitiuns ~t this tirl.c of thu' YfYlI',"n ;~irbornc pl,an 1rhich
relic;:; upon linking up . ) ,irborno forces Ul"oppcd on D D':I.Y and (!ropping
additiOn~l forces [~ D +1 is risky, since the w0"t.ther ~lY frustrate
the plan.

4. The :pl'lnnh~g of :the opor"ltion W~l.::; .' chicvr;J. by the visits of a_

('l) The c'ornr:lfmdors of tho -'i.irbornc Forl:~'ltions

(b) ;.. . nurr:bcr of' ~t"lff officors f::on 'cirbol'ne Corp [.1 <'mel Div HQ

(c) RuprGsontntivoo of' Troop Co.rrying Cor.T:'-'l.nL1.

a •• /In !l.ddition
- 11l..- ­

In ddition, an LO from ,~irborne Corps HfJ was attached to

HQ Second Army.

5. It is considerod that it would been a gr~at advnntage to

have had a :>lnnnin. and advisory staff from Alliod Airborne Army at'
Army HQ. The .:'unctions of this s tn:f'f \\roulf1 be to become fully
acquainted with :­

( a) The gra'ind Army 1J:ul for the ground fo ces

(b) The grotl.'"ld Army ? for thG Airborne Forces nftcr. lnnding

( c) The Airbcrnc Army Pbn for tho initial droppinr l:'.nd

subsequcr:ol; build-til of the Airbo ne ·Forces.

(d), Tho "T'rn.ns)ort CO!m:'lDJ1d's Plan for tho initi fly-in and
ro-supply and

(e) To advise ~he ground force conrnandcr on all aspects of
sub-par graph~ (c) and (c:.) o.bovo.

To do this. it is cszenti: 1 for thL at ff to ru.'l.VC excellent

communic~tions \vith 30 ~rborr.e Arny and tho rear echelon of the senior
formation carryinc Ol.t the opcrutio:1. This stnff should be l~ge
enough to provido rep~esent~tives on the Continent and in the UNITED
KINGDO..1 ooth during t,le planning an-after the operatiqn has t'l.kon
plnce, until the build-up by htil.5 finished.

Provided suffieiQnt vtaff ~s nvnil;,ble, it i considered that

tho ntt...chmont of ocriain officers of Airborne Formati.Ql13 to Army and
other hendquurters prior to the opor£,tion would 'be of value, . so that
stnfi"s cnn get to knO\~ each othe:: pr:'or to :md not <luring an oper,o.tion t
when events are mavin very, quickly,

Thi is pFrt:"cularly de ire.ble ',hen applied to officers who •

arc hn.ndlinC close ._dr oupport 'tnd intell:i.gence.

6. In,~ t'10 oJ,ilern.tion) tho build-up of tho anemY' g AA

must be taken into c :.d -ration bee"'uso a rapid conce.ntr11.tion c:m
vitnlly affect the air ~upply nd reinforcement of tho Force, At
the SDJ1le tille, the posn:.bility of ':?roviding co mtcr flnk nrtil1ery
£ire should bc considered. '

7, . n 0pvrnt?-on of' thi.s n:J.turc mn.y forel.:: us to make deep ~ro\V,

penetrations, 'which d.ClnU.'1U the climin·~tion of oJ.l vehicles which :'U'o
NOT eSGontiul. 1. point to be.r:.r in mind when plannine, thorefore, is
to the l>o3"ibility of ·.lsing spacial l:u.l.."', tiona of t1 assa ul til
or "light sc,uos ll of tr:U1sport, wh:'ch may' 03.... 0 the trn.ft'ic problem.

8. In considering the p~til1cry plan) long range artillery ~nd Hfu1

artillery mU3t bu h'\OV0\J. woll·for\'~~.rd in th~l ground f.. rmy columns to be in
position to provide ult~~~tc s~port for the irborne Forces .~d ~heir
landing t the first pos.,iolc opportunity.


9~ There is one outstnndin str~te?icol lesoon, Airborne troops
must be \X)ed in m SSt and th(1 r tei:\t \.,.hich they are bui!t up must De .
extre ,ely r"\pid. From the IrDment tt,"I.t rdrborne troops l<md, they
are fnc~d \rith ~vo conflicti ~ t~sks :­

( 3.) The o.ccomplishin~ of the mis"'-ion -\s.;.igned to thorn - n task

which becomes progrc~s.ively more difficult n.s the enemy
recovers from his ,initi~(l u::priGC:>, and,
•. , (b)/The
- 115 ­

(b) The continual protection of the lxndi ~ zones, v~thout

which oper tional md a.drninistrfltivo build-up collapse.

The simultaneous execution of theso ~vo tasks demands

dispersion, whicp·can only be compensated for by concentratin the
full effort of Inrge airborne foroes upon a small nuIDber of tasks.
Disp rsion of airborne troops is jUGt 03. unsound as is the dispersion
of effort of normal ground forces.

10. . The propping ZOne of the 1 Airborne Division W~ s too far

fron their objective, i.o. oi3ht milo... from ARNHEM ; this \Va 'because
thc torr in and fl~ ronde it iffip~ssible to lund the Division
close to I~ .Inform~tion before tho opor~tion ,vas also to
the effect that 1 ding3 SO'l!l'H of the .. iver NEDER RIJN wore also
impossible owing to tho torr in. In view of this, it was decided to
drop . m d land the Division on the NORTH bank of tho River NEDER RUN.
The nct result of these factors was that the Ie d,in troops of 1
; irbor:1e Division diU. not <.~rive in ARNHEM for four hours, b;yt which
timo tl'.e enemy d~f.once schome had been put into effoot.

11. The polioy of'l ding airhorne troops to secure vit 1 points

along tne axis of advaneo of the ground troops ~~s groat success.

The trongthening of these garrisons vlith ADmy Troops w~ soun4.

Thoir tq.sks should include wide patrollin :mel the maintenance pf' a hard.

hit-;in reserve to deal with y enemy threa.t before it roaches the

L 0;" C .~is.

1::::. Irnmcdio.toly the main forcus of the lending corps hr~ve

pessed through tho corridor, consistent with circumat nccs existing ~t
t~e time, it is desirable thQt the re3ponsibility for tho protection of
_he L of C should pns~ to ~ ~eparatc comnmnuer and none' of the loading
~roops should bo required to turn- bout. In the particular
oirc~~ances under rqviow1 tho course of
diverting ground troops back
-;0 deal \yith enomy o.ctivity aga~st the Co:rys L of C was inevitable.
:n 'lddition, the existing route", wore fully eon n~tted with the follow­
'.Ip fightin"" troops nnd supportine ; thus it would not have boen
?oss:~le '~o p~~ additi~n~ troops u! th axis for the prot~ction of the
L of' C.

13. (a) T~o operation proved th t exeellont communic tiona must be

~rovided between the v rious headquarters a considerabl~
-;ime before the operation is planned to take place, ~o
-;hat postponcrr.cnts or 1 st- inuto changes of ple..n cen bo
quickly corrummien.tcd, nd information ~J(7'b,:Cl.;;n . th(] '.' tl..\ff
mrkin~ ,vithin the theatre d ~irborne Base quickly Passod.

(b) :t was difficult to find out wh:1.t units h~d 1 ndcd und what
-;hc build-up and rL:-supply inte:nti ns were from day to day.
The plunning of this was done at 1.irbornc Base Md the scale
oi' conununie::.tions providod aid not ponni t of tho inforIfi tion
oeing passed in time to 3econd Il:r y. This fn"-de it inpossible
~o r,<luge t rmy- Headqu.'lrters the fighting capacity from day
l;o dn.y of the J irborne For .•,\t·ions be' !1 cmployedl In futuro,
it is con"idcred tho t me sa es from kirborne Bcse rerrarding
build-,lP should be repe ted direct to l:.rrr:y, to s va the nacea:']:i ty
for retrn.nsrnission fro .. ' irbornc B se. Cipher delD.ys could
be roduc(;d b pre-fl.rr~ "'cd codes fOT pas ,iun infO:rTrVTtion
indicntin troops and we'\pons landed.

• •• (c)/On the
- 116

(0) On the Corps level duri !t the plnnni ~ stage, the gre test
C e was t:lken to orronge (l sound systet1 of cOmr:1unico.tions
between eloments of 30 Corps nnd ·\irborn.0 Corps, but it is clear
fron reQults t~~t forther trainin and improved \vireless sets
:ere essential in order that comnunicat1ons between airborno troops
and ground. troops followi r them up becoMe more efficient.
C0J!'07.UJ1ic0tions. with 1 ~',.irborne Division were alr..ost non- .
existent, 1 3 were cornmunic:l.tions between 1 Airborne Division
and 1 P rachutc Bri

(d) Air support communic. tions must b0 provided by expert air

support tentacles mld parties, ~U British tent~cles must be
suitable for currying by glider. In this casc, US ir
support p~ties \'/ere formed t the last moment, but the ir
corps oper!ltors hetd not renched 0. rCf1sonl"ble st lchrd of
wireless operdinrr.
A modif'ied Forward Control Post (FOP). should Iso be provided
at ~irborne Force HQ in the field in oreer to provide
VHF Communic~tion tv reconnaissance and support airoraft as
well as cor:mmnication on the norrnnl. j SSU network.

(e) Fool-pro 01 communications st be arrang d bc~~een tho

Airborne Porpes and the m..'\in body of the l\rmy. ~rithout
. these cOT;1iimnic"ti('ns ado u.~to artillery support cannot be
provided. Liaison Officers \vith \~ruloss sats, preferably
cryatnl controlled, should be utt ched from thc Airborne
Forces to the artillery scheduled to support thorn. Liaison
Officers mu t be sufficiently senior to ct ~s representative
of the CRA Airborne Division i f nocessary.


1~. ~~en grotmd troops ~e co-operating in

~uch an operation as
"MtillKET GARDEN", the first essential is to make sure of th "break-out. N
In this opcr?tion, r.'\oticulou.u care wns taken to produc really
powerful support pIon including artillery nnd air forces •. In the
circumstances, the ene "; s in considerably grc:ltcr strength than
ho.d been anticipated; but for the wei ht of this support rold for the
mo.gnificent fi hting qualities of the breo.king-out troops, th junction
wi th tho J irborna troops might well rove been delayed for a number
of days.


15. The orgmi I1.ti·;n of Airborne Corps HQ i NOT entirely

s, tisfn.ctory. Tho proble is now undor study.


16. The close nir support '. iven to the Airborne Forma.tiona by
83 Group RAF WIZ\3 soriously curtailed by the fact th<:l.t 83 Group wa.s not
L\llo\Ved to operate durint. the various flying-in opcrationc. Owine
to the fact th.".t these took place, for obvious reasons, during tho
periods of good wee.thor onel such periods as hn.vo already been noted were'
very limited, this meant tha.t on certain days j~irborne Formations,
and in partioular 1 Airborne Division, rocuived -practicnlly no close
support at all.

. It is considered thn.t some ltorn-'\tive system should be 4cvi~d

whereby ground forces should not bo d~prived of air support at vit~l


- 117 ­


17. 1 conflict of interest w~s eA~erienced be~vecn tho provision

of forward irfields for air supply and the requirements for. fighter
~d fighter bomber fOIT."tltiollS of the R:.p Group supportin the y.
As (lwClYS, in this type of operation, there ':ill be a number of ruling
factors i the m" ones are :­

( ) Pvaib.bility of airfields rtnc1 suitability of country f'or

quick can truction.

(b) Amount of supp rt thr.. t fighter or .fighter bombers cnn give

from op0ration~1 airfields lroady in use•

(0) Prioritie a ~s be~iocn Fight r Bonbcr Support "l.n emergoncy
~intonance requirements.

There J"Y be rct-lS where fi 0 hter and .,upply strips con be T:ladc
in sufficient numbers to i..Cco "Od..:.te both fi hter and transport aircraf't.
Nevertheles-, regnrdlesn of how far the above factors will be
relevant, noI'r.lU1ly th.) conflict of interosts referred to above will
usually require th'lt priority be ...>ivcn to "the RAP Group supporti :.> the
"!here it is eo:> 0nti 1 to fly-in vital rnaintcnllnce requirements,
it is considerod th:lt the l:m ing of supplies by vulnertlble ircruft
in forward" CD,S should not bo forbidden sololy b€ : causc cam.lalties "tre
expected j in fact, the scnle of plnne cas lties should be baltlnced
agaill5 t the 'value of ~hc suppliLJS i.'7lported.


18. Before ~tte..:ptil\lJ to draw tlny concl sions from the Oodministrativo
acpects of the oper~tion, it io n~cesG~ry to ex.~ine the administrative
situ~tion 1vhich W~C cxistir.. in Second :\rmy ~t thet time. ,econd ArmY
had just eoncluded nIl ndvanee of' s me 400 iles. The "rmy wa still
being mnintained from the ID...t\ ~t BAYEUX, supplemented from DIEPPE; nnd
the avnil~ble road tr~port was m~ch over-str~ined. The French and
BolCian railways \' ere: in cours~ of oing put into 0 orOot ion , Mct their
captlcity wns li.it0L by tho existence of rQil bre ks which h~d to be
covered by ro~d tr~sport, ~d the difficulties inherent in operntinG u
liberated rei! vo.y.

Having reGard to the ~dministrative b ckground outlined

above, the achievoment o"f 30 Co in "int, inin their fonn:\tions in

the face of extreme difficulty is worthy of noto, "l.lld points to the

f ct th'lt with an 0Jq orienced '(}' staff :It Form:,tion He.'"l.dqunrters·
concerned, it is po iblc to accept ~dministr tive risks whieh othe~~ise
might be disastroun.


19. Vfuen nn oper. tion involvin[ the mointcnanco of nirborno

formntions, to~ethcr with those o"f ',rount.. forJTl.ntions, is being plrom6d,
the fol1oYling f~ctors shonl receivo considcr·\tion :­

( a) Firstly, ~hen ~irborne for~~tions ~e to b~ dropped, nnd

subsequ ntly r.tployed in' rotmd role in conj unction with
the le~din ground forco~, the lending r,round Co s must
bo a iniotratively reponsiblo for those .,irborne formations

•.• /o.s soon a3


- 118 - .

as soon as the ground troops join up. This will be necessary

because, the airborne Oorps Headquarters does not,. at present,
in the early phnscs of this. type of operation, possess
tho facilities or knowledge of local conditions to exercise
executive administrative control and provision4

(b) Secondly, i f there is ~ny uncertain~y us to tho length o~

time which may elupse before the ground and airborno forces
unite, IT'D.intenance of the l ... irborno force by air will be
This ydlJ. be {\ vor.v; important f!\ctor when ffi'lking the
operational plan ~or the Airborne force. For, if .
maintenance by nir is to succeed the Airborne Forces dropped
must be large enough to hold .:1. perimeter of such size that
supplies can be dropped accurately within it without undue
loss from enemy fire.

(c) Thirdly, thd ~nintcnance requirements of airborne formations

for the time \ hils t they CU'e operating' with ground forces
should 1)8 ~::;so6sed on the basis of requiring u minimum of
one month's muintonnrice. This is npcessury to .ensure
thut udminist~ative prOVision will r.ot be lacking ohould
the airlJornc forcos have to be employee1 in a ground role
longer thl.n oriGinn.lly anticipated. This applies .
pnrticulnrly when US Airborne Forces ~c operating in
front oi' 1:\ British L of C and vice versa.


20. The value oi' ordering fO!'lTh."..tions to car~y the 1TIc-'\Ximurn possible
:reserves was amply demonstra"tcd when the I, of 0 was cut,' the first
timo from D of> 5 to D +6 nnd. the second. time from D + 7 to D -n 9. Dm
to operational priorities, it had been ~)ossible to get more than
tho minimum cssQntial ammunition, petrol, oil nne. lubricants

Forl'M.tions were' thus foroed to make tho fullest use of their

reserves and the lnr~er reserves of divisions were used to help the
more needy Oorps and llimy troops.


21. Once ground contact hr-s been established wtth airborne troops,
their maintenance should be e~rriod out in the n0rmn.l m~nner as for
ground trobps, ~d air transport should be relied on only to bring to
the theatre such itcrr~'of special ~~turos ~s arc unobtainable in
the thcatre, because air dr0pping or air laneling of supplies depends
on the 'No:lther plus air superiority, plus av.lilability of transport

22. l!'inally, when plonning oper&tions of this nature, it is

imporative to apprvciClte tho.t tho employment of a.n alli(..':' Airborne
FO!m..Ltion ha 0 administrative objections, b,.. t by doir..g so the
administration overho~d3 arc greatly increased.

The essential foature will be the ~nrly ostablishment of

a complete chain of Liaison Officors nne Administrative Signals of
the same ne.tionality a::; the 1.irborne force. nt succ0ss;ive HQs along
the L of C.

) )

OEERhTION "Mi.RIOO.' G.£JIDE'If" Appendix 'HI to Part III

Serial Day and SUI!:lIl)8.ry of' Final Weather Time of Issue Summary of .l"'~ctual - - -­ - - ­
No Da.te Forecast and Period. Weather Repercussions Notes
( i) (1i) (i.ii) ( iv) ( v)_ ._ -.Lv.!} ____ (vi_i)
1 D - 1 Period 17-20 Sep suitable for 1630 hrs. Lt~en BRERE'.IU'f decided to
16 Sep airborne ops ~dth rair weather proceed with op MftRKEr
c.part from tlvrning fog.
Light winds.

2 D Fog over bases clearing by 1000 0708 hrs. SirJilar to forec.:tSt Op proceeded On advice given to Lt-Gen
17 Sep hrs wi~h l~dcrate aDounts 0800-1800 hrs according to BREREIDN at 1800 hrs of'
CUl::ulus 3000 ft thereafter and plan fog on r.'l:.rning 18 Sep, it
good Visibility. Light win~. VlaS decided tc. postpone
take-:>ff' till 1030 hrs.
Thick cloud., base 600 ft
3 D + 1 Fog at b<".scs clearing shortly 0800 hrs. Bases as f·orccust but Ops procoedcd or less, had been m:JVing
18 Sep after 1000 hrs, visibility 1000-1900 hrs cloud ';7ell brl:,ken base according to slo";lly NORTH from ~J'J"CE
becoming good. 'f;ell broken cloud 2500-4000 ft "'jvor sea plon, but to\lards tt\rget area all
3000 ft over buses bee'Jring 8­ and tcrgGt. ~cather NORTHERN r:mt night 17-18 Sep. .i..dvice ::
10/10 sea and target arc[\. b~~se over the airfields and only used. Take given by Met that NORTlfEIC"IJ" '-D
15/2000 ft but sr,r.lC pc.tches 7­ &1d battle area was off around 1030 route via DUTCH islands I
800 ft in uccasir...nal rain. Rain bad. hrs. Ground should definitely be
dying out, cloud li ft ing during troops did ;'lot aJvpted. This was
afternoon. Wind light variable. get suCh ess­ anu c;:,ndi tiGns were even
. ential close bet t er than fOl:ecast. Had
support f'rora SOUTHERN r0ute be0n
the air (1.8 th<.:Y :ld::>pted ~:.any gliderS"
did on th v.:JUld have been lost in
previous day. cloud.
Appendix 'R' to Par~ III (Sheet 2)

{f (ii) (iii '. (iv) Lv} - " (vi) (~J.)

J,.. D + 2 Extensive area of low cloud 0900 lu's. As forecast except for }lost planes in GRAl"lW.A1I area Lt-Gen BRERETON was advised at
19 Sep ba:;e 500-1 000 ft MIDLAlIDS, 1000 ­ two pts ­ ere unable to take off 0900 hrs that NORTHERN route
lifting and dispersing 1100·­ 2000 hrs 1. Low cloud remail1ed despite pootponcment 1130­ better than SOUTHERi''l" ",ith
1 200 Ors. El sewhere well in GRANT}~ area, per­ 1400 (i.e. gliders of U~. practically cloudless
~roken cloud. base 2000-.3000 si stea all day. Base troops D:lla. 'j poli3b para. conditions. He ~r:.9tcd.
ft. Huzy, visibility 2-5 GOO-10oo ft. Bde) • 38 a..\'ld 4b GP. and SOU:l'RERN route for tac reaSOnB.
miles. Light EAS~' - SE moos. 2. patches of 10\ G-REEI·fr1JJ-,f oo1:.:.oN took off on· It ~ppears from scanty
f10ud 500-1000 ft time - 11 30 hrs. 1 ~~ of observations there was little
p.ttachu<l sunm::l.ry give:> a.ctua1 '.leather on were encountered alone; gliuers lost mainly it is a!' no 10\!1 cloud on the NORrHERN
route u'.; pts Y!here RlJjhR \l.::tS provided. and llear coast of LOW believed becaus<3 of !:J8.tchos route.
No flyinU on 22 Sep. COm~RIEs. of 10\1 stratus !1ev.r HZLGIAN
coast. Over 2/3 mooe the DZ •.
Rest larded in friendly
BELGIhN territol~. ..
. I

D + 3 Fog und 10\1 ~trt..tus, base 0900 11.1.':;;. Si.milnr to f'orecE\st. In vi'';·;1 of the 3101'7 clenrunce GIUU~TBAM urea take-off post­ ....
20 Sep 500-1.000 ft lifting nnd 1000 of 10\1 cloud at NORTHERN poned from 1030 - 1400 hrs
dlspersinc by midda.y o.t 2000 [lrS bases, decided to put on a\Jaiting lifting of low c10lrl.
SOU ~:jof busos and. by 1 500 paro:i.:p (1 Poli$h .Para Bde) 38, 46 Gpz 3.nd GREENlilJJ COMMON"
- 1600 hrs .::tt gOR11ID!:::m and ~C-5UP missions only. a~ea - take-off as planned
bases becoming bruken These oarried out. ::rac/R 1130 hrs.
cumulus base 2000-3000 ft could produce lit tIe infor­
afternoon. str&tus eyer mation, and this enabled
SOU".!HEl=>J.r NOld'R SEA ,:md.· the enemy to concentra.te
C9ntincpt liftDlg a.bove EJ.ST and TIEST of 30 Corps
1000 f(:; co;.rly af'tornoon axis of advance Viith a vi
and breaking arou.nd 1600 to disru{iting traffic on it.
hrs. ;.rinds ligh~ vuric.ble.

,. J

, .
) )

A,ppendix 'R I to Part III (Sheet 3)

(.;i.i) Lij.JJ .u ._ • (J.y) . 6'1 ._~____ <!& (vii) _ _ __

6 'D + 4 Extensive mist and low 0900 hrs. Stratus uersisted In view of low cloud conditions GRANTHAM areas take c.f'f post­
2') Sep cloud below 8(X) ft clear­ 1000 ­ base 600- - 1000 ft and moderate visibility decided poned until 1400 hrs. 38 ana
ing by 1100 hrs in SOUTH. 2000 hrs tops aroW1d 2000 ft to send re-sup p 18..'1e s only. 46 Gps and GREENIWvi COMMON
1200 hrs in NORTH. Then over EASTERN ENGLJl.ND, Tac/R limited and prevented areas took off as planned at
vi sibili ty 2-8 miles and rev patches eyer aea. addi tional informutiOl; t'rom 11CX) ht"S i'lyi!lg over low
overland, there~ter 4­ No showers erlcountered. being obtained abcut the ene1I\,v's stratus in EASTERN ENGLPlID.
8/10. cumulus base generally, Other-lise as forecast. operations against the L of" C
2-3000 :rt but belo,"' 1000­ axis. 30 Corps agreed unusual
1 500 ft at times in sP.owers. procedure of strd.'.e on recog­
Small amounts cloud at 2000­ nition.
3000 ft over sea~ Winds
light variable.
-------- '--'- -----' -----_._----
--_. ---_._----­
7 D + 5 Wicespreao mist or fog 0900 hI'S. Ops cancelled at 1300 hrs. 1.'~et briefing of' Gen STEARLY
22 Se toge ther with loVi cloud
belcw 1000' f't over ENGLflJll1)
·..Ii th cloud base improving
1000 ­
20c0 hrs
Reason a.ppeared to be glider
work not possibl~ in vieu of
lo\'! cloud, and nc re-sup or
FAJ...J.. at 1715 hrs:­
Explained that clearing cold
front would pass area on 23rd
­ I


to over 1CXX) ft during ear]y paratps required although giving geod conditions for
ef·ternoon. Visibi1i~ im­ this cculd have been done. glider ·;Iork behind it provided
proving 1500 yds or more by it did not become s~ationary
noon except in NORTHEP~1 bases over target area, as seemed
where 1000-2000 yds to 1500 possible at the time.
hI'S. Over sea and target
area well broken cloud 2000':
3000 ft but loce.l rain like­
ly, cloud 1 owerin g to around
1500 ft.
-------- ---- - ---- -- _.-- -- ----------------- ---.. - --------..0:------­



Appendix 'R' to part III (Sheet '4)

( i) ( ii ) (iii) . ( i v) (v) (vi) __ {Y.tit

8 Forecast ~em.oo o.t 1200 hrs.

B.~in out out but .3or.1e oth<::r Similar to forec~st.

intermittent rain spreading

from i.T.iWT to nffect ;:..11 bnses

by evening. OlcOO 1OCX) it or


9 D .... 6 cold front cle~ring t~rEet uren 08qo lu.'~. Condi tiollS <:'5 fore­ bll gliders sent over from Time over DZ fixed at 1600 hrs
23 Sop by 14iXJ hrs givinG ver" good 1COO ­ c~se o.part fr~n.0ne GP"",NTHAl.L t.hat had been to give front good chance to
conditions bcl1ind. Visibility 2000 hi·s slight sholler in \'Jui ting te, go &ince 19th.. move by.
8 + mile~. Cloud. 5-8/10 2C'OJ­ tcrgat urc~ with 09 IJP.Ri)ET concluded.
3000 ft. ,~7ind '.:csterly 10-15 cloUG ons~ 1500 ­
mph increasing 15-20 r.l::?h OVGr
2000 ft.


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