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Histria da Nova Zelndia A Histria de um Pas Novo

Por volta de 180 milhes de anos atrs a Nova Zelndia e a Austrlia eram parte de uma
gigante massa territorial chamada GONDWANA. Uma agitao tectnica causou a quebra e o
afastamento da Nova Zelndia de quase 3000 km para o sul da Austrlia, onde se encontra hoje.
Polinsios navegaram para c em canoas durante as migraes em massa no comeo do
sculo de 1300, seguindo os passos de seus antecessores Kupe que, em 950, haviam
descoberto uma terra desabitada e deram-na o nome de Aotearoa Land of the Long White
Cloud ou A Terra da Longa Nuvem Branca no idioma Maori.
Depois do explorador Holands Abel Tasman ter descoberto as terras em 1642, foi dado o
seu atual nome Nieuw Zeeland em Holands sua terra natal. Tasman encontrou nativos
hostis, os Maoris que j haviam chegado muito antes, ento no desembarcou.
Em 1769 o navegador Britnico Capito James Cook anunciou o comeo da colonizao
Europia na Nova Zelndia. Ele navegou e mapeou ao redor das Ilhas Norte e Sul, dando as
baas e pontos de referncia nomes que continuam sendo usados at hoje.
Depois de 1790, Europeus vieram para montar estaes de baleia.
Mas no foi at 1840 que o tratado de colonizao com a maioria das tribos Maori do Pas
foi assinado e em 6 de fevereiro de 1840, o Te Tiriti o Waitangi The Treaty of Waitangi ou
Tratado de Waitangi criou a Nova Zelndia como colnia da Coroa Britnica, colocando o povo
Maori sobre a proteo da Coroa e dando a eles a continuidade do direito de ter sua prpria terra
tribal. Este tratado hoje a base das reivindicaes das tribos Maori pela injusta tomada de terras
pelos colonizadores Britnicos.
O que ficou conhecida como New Zealand Land War ou a guerra por terras na Nova
Zelndia continuou por mais de 30 anos aps a assinatura do tratado.
Em 1860, o ouro foi descoberto na Ilha Sul pelo explorador Australiano Gabriel Read,
ocasionando uma corrida de esperanosos imigrantes, particularmente os chineses. O maior filo
era na regio de Otago.
Dez anos depois a corrida do ouro tinha acabado. No prazo de outra dcada a refrigerao
transformou as exportaes para carne e produtos derivados de leite.
A Nova Zelndia, com sua populao de 4 milhes, menos populoso comparado com
outros Pases. Mas tem imposto seus fundamentos em todas as arenas do mundo, da cincia ao
esporte e com xito nas artes.
Em 1893, este foi o primeiro Pas autogovernado a dar o direito de voto s mulheres.
O Pas tornou-se uma nao independente em 1947 como membro da Comunidade Britnica.
Na dcada de 1950, a Nova Zelndia alcanou dois dos seus mais gloriosos momentos. O
Alpinista Edmund Hillary (agora Sir. Edmund) foi a primeira pessoa a conquistar a montanha mais
alta do mundo, o Mt. Everest, em 1953. Em 1956 o time nacional de rgbi da Nova Zelndia, o All
Blacks, uniu a nao quando venceu o time Sul Africano Springboks por trs a um. Hoje o esporte
est entranhado na cultura Kiwi, como so conhecidos os Neozelandeses.
Fonte: Arrival Magazine Outono 2004.

History of New Zealand - The Story of a New Country

Around 180 million years ago New Zealand and Australia were part of a giant land mass called
GONDWANA. A tectonic unrest caused the breakdown and removal of New Zealand almost 3000
km to the south of Australia, where it is today.

Polynesians sailed here in canoes during the mass migrations in 1300 turn of the century,
following the footsteps of their predecessors "Kupe" that in 950, had discovered an uninhabited
land and gave it the name of Aotearoa - "Land of the Long White Cloud "or the Land of the Long
White Cloud in the Maori language.

After the Dutch explorer Abel Tasman had discovered the land in 1642, it was given its current
name - Nieuw Zeeland in Dutch - his native land. Tasman found hostile natives, the Maoris who
had arrived long before then did not land.

In 1769 the British navigator Captain James Cook announced the beginning of European
settlement in New Zealand. He navigated and mapped around the North Island and South, giving
the bays and landmarks names that are still used today.
After 1790, Europeans came to mount whale stations.
But it was not until 1840 that the treaty settlement with most of the country's Maori tribes signed
and 6 February 1840, Te Tiriti the Waitangi "The Treaty of Waitangi" or the Treaty of Waitangi
created New Zealand as a colony British crown, putting the Maori people about protecting the
crown and giving them the continuity of the right to have their own tribal land. This treaty is now
the basis of the claims of the Maori tribes by the unjust taking of land by British settlers.
What became known as "New Zealand Land War" or war for land in New Zealand continued for
more than 30 years after the signing of the treaty.
In 1860, gold was discovered in the South Island by the Australian explorer Gabriel Read, causing
a rush of hopeful immigrants, particularly the Chinese. The larger share was in the Otago region.

Ten years after the gold rush was over. Within another decade refrigeration turned exports to meat
and milk products.
New Zealand, with its population of 4 million, is less crowded compared to other countries. But has
imposed its foundations in all arenas of the world of science to sports and successfully in the arts.
In 1893, this was the first self-governing country to give the right to vote to women.
The country became an independent nation in 1947 as a member of the British Commonwealth.
In the 1950s, New Zealand has achieved two of its most glorious moments. The Mountaineer
Edmund Hillary (now Sir. Edmund) was the first person to conquer the highest mountain in the
world, Mt. Everest, in 1953. In 1956 the national rugby team of New Zealand, the All Blacks, united
the nation when He won the South African Springboks team by three to one. Today the sport is
ingrained in Kiwi culture, as the New Zealanders are known.

Source: Arrival Magazine - Autumn 2004.

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