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6th Grade Density Review Plan

Objective: Students will explain how mass and volume affect density and
calculate the density of various objects given mass and dimensions.
DOL: Students will solve 3 density/mass/volume problems and show their work.
6.6B: The Student is expected to calculate density to identify an unknown
Day 1
Do-Now: (5 minutes)
Once students are seated they are to open their ISNs and copy two questions
into their notebooks and answer them:

When the mass of an object goes up and the volume stays the same,
what happens to its density?
If the density of an object increases, will it be more likely to sink or float?

Mini-lesson: (15 minutes)

I will build a cartesian diver and lead a discussion with the class about how and
why the eye-dropper sinks and floats. Students will draw diagrams in their
notebooks to document the phenomenon and make predictions.
Density Problem Group Practice: (15 minutes)
We will set up and solve density practice problems on white boards. Tickets will
be awarded for students to set up problems correctly.
DOL: (10 minutes)

A piece of lumber has a mass of 500g and measures 1cm x 2cm x 5cm.
What is its density?
An iphone has a density of 4g/cm3 and a volume of 10 cm3. What is its
A geologist uses a graduated cylinder to measure the volume of a 22 g
rock. He finds that the rock displaced 11 mL of water. What is the density
of the rock?


Instructions on how to make the cartesian diver were found here:

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