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Physical developmental
1-3months: Babies start with the reflexes from grasping, and responding to touches.
3-6months: Babies lie on stomach pushing the head up for support, start to show initiation of sitting up
with mothers supports. Standing can also happen along with support.
6-12monts: Baby is rolling from back to stomach and side to side. Sits without the support and tries to
reach for nearby objects. Crawling and walking are also part learning of exploring body movements and
body parts.
Language developmental
1-3 months: The communication is done by crying.
3-6 months: Sounds, and babbling. Smiling becomes a show of responding to pleasure when
communication occurs. Starts to turn head when spoken too.
6-12 months: Copies sounds, starts to say firs words Mama or Dada and No. Plays close attention
to the lip movements of people when speaking. Tries to mimic words or language expressions, and uses
head to communicate knotting, and shaking.
Cognitive developmental
1-3months: Crying is part of communication but also uses crying tones to expresses need as to being
tired, fussy or unhappy.
3-6months: Enjoys affection and reacts to sensitive emotions such happy and sad when people are around.
The hand and eye coordination start.
6-12months: Starts to explore grasping, picking objects, enjoys looking for hidden objects, starts to use
certain items correctly such as spoons, cups and forks. Identifies objects when pointing too.
One sign that may signal atypical development during this period of development.
Premature babies cannot achieve full development. Causing delays on speech, physical and cognitive
development. Premature babies may need additional medical support. According to the text A wealth of
research indicates that premature babies are at risk for many problems. Birth weight is the best available
predictor of infant survival and healthy development (Berk, 2013)
Describes at least one strategy that families can use to influence their childrens learning.
Infants need assistance and responsiveness. Parents may encourage babies by responding to the babies cry
since this is the first initiation point of communication between parent and baby. If the cry is
acknowledged baby starts to learn the communication from a parent, because parents response by holding,
attending and protecting babys needs.

Physical developmental
Large motor skills: Toddlers begin to explore the walking process by initiating using their two
legs slightly apart. Pulls to stand using large objects to hold on too. Explores climbing stairs
backward, starts to kick.
Fine Motor Skills: holds a pencil, uses thumb and forefinger to collect objects. Uses index
fingers to point. Can start to build using blocks. Enjoys scribbling.
Cognitive developmental
Starts to recognize where certain items may be hidden, points to certain items of items he or she
might know. Enjoys learning about surroundings, environment and experiences. Enjoys playing
peek-a-boo. Starts to develop the cause and effect method.
Language developmental
Repeats simple words, understand the simple word and one sentence command. Uses sounds
mainly as language communication. Repetition helps the child repeat certain words, sounds or
valves of communication convictions. Enjoys listing to music, enjoys observing facial
expressions when reading books. Can say 1-2 word sentence.
One sign that may signal atypical development during this period of development.
Down syndrome: A genetic neurological disorder that is affecting children. The article
Relationship between Motor Skill Competency and Executive Function in Children with Down's
Syndrome explains children with Down's syndrome (DS), a genetically based
neurodevelopmental disorder, demonstrate motor problems and cognitive deficits, difficulties in
attentional control, response suppression and distraction, as well as in locomotor and object
control skills, as indicated by poorer performance (Schott, N., & Holfelder, B. 2015)
Describes at least one strategy that families can use to influence their childrens learning.
Physical engagement is critical for toddlers during the stage of physical development because it
helps them regulate and improve body movements, by offering positive feedback, support and
encouragement to when a child overcomes a milestone. Such as walking, standing, crawling, etc.

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