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Tapestry is a flexible, comprehensive, easy-to-use open source Java

web framework that introduces component-based-development.
Component = is a "black box" with well-defined interfaces that serves a
specific purpose and can be used as a building block to compose other
components and applications.
Component Definition = is the blueprint of the component (like a Class in OO
paradigm) that defines the component's behavior. A component definition
may include static configuration files (XML, .properties files etc.) that help in
defining the behavior of the component, in addition to its code itself.
Component Declaration = is the usage of a component in the definition of
another component. The defining component is known as container or
parent component and the used component is known as contained or child
component. It's like an attribute declaration in a Class in OO paradigm.
Component Instance = a single copy of a component definition (like an
Object in OO paradigm) created from a component declaration.

Since the advent of Servlets and JSPs, one of the biggest problems that
has plagued the Java web development community is the separation of
presentation and content. There has been various attempts to solve this
problem. Some use a template approach that introduces a whole new set of
tags intermixed with some HTML and even some programming constructs.
While other solutions take it to the other extreme where everything is done
in code. Tapestry's unique solution to the problem is to keep the
presentation in HTML (or other standard markup language), define the
content in Java and tie the two together with an XML specification; and a
grouping of these three pieces makes a Tapestry component which is the
logical unit of a Tapestry application.
A Tapestry component, technically referred to as JWC (Java Web
Component), is a web component that can be composed, instantiated,
configured and aggregated to compose other components. And so is the
web page itself (a specialized JWC, technically referred to as "Page.

Parameters are the gateway to configure components in Tapestry.

Component parameters are like method parameters, the difference being
that component parameters can be two-way; i.e., component parameters
can pass in a value and also spit out a value. Tapestry allows four different
kinds of parameters - in, form, custom and auto. in parameters can only
pass in a value to the component, while the other kinds can pass values in
and out of a component. The value passed in to a component is stored in the
JWC as a JavaBeans property (known as parameter-property) in the
component class. The JWC houses another JavaBeans property called the
binding-property. The purpose of the binding-property, like the name
suggests, is to bind a foreign object to the JWC parameter-property. The
component class will use the parameter-property, via the JavaBeansstyle get method, as needed in defining the component's behavior.

Conclusion Tapestry is a Developer Focused, concice and fast framework.

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