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Vladimir A. Dobrovolski
Wind Energy Department of Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI), Director, Molinos Co. Ltd.,
Moscow, Russia
Keywords : Environment, Emissions, Wind, Acoustic, Noise, Infrasound, Aesthetic
1. Introduction
2. Acoustics
3. Electromagnetic Interference
4. Aesthetic
5. Land Use and Soil Disturbances
6. Biophysical
7. Environmental Conditions
Related Chapters
Biographical Sketch
There are a lot of claims concerning the hazardous impact of wind installations, however they
seem to be exaggerated. This Article is analyzing all the possible impacts of wind mills upon
the environment, namely influence of noises in various frequency ranges, electromagnetic
interference with radio and TV communications, debauching of the landscape, influence upon
flora and fauna. On the other hand impact of environmental factors upon the wind mill
equipment is described.
1. Introduction
One of the advantages of wind turbine generating systems (WTGS) installations is their
relative environmentally friendliness. They dont contribute to carbon dioxide (CO2) or other
greenhouse gases emissions, dont produce soil or water pollutants. The expansion of windpowered generation can help reduce the risk of global warming. On good windy sites, where
plenty of wind can be expected, wind turbines are competitive with fossil-fueled or nuclear
power plants.
Possible environmental draw backs of wind turbine usage can include impacts on bird and
animal habitat, behavior, and survival rates; noise; television interference; impacts on
aesthetics; safety; and effects on vegetation.
Wind farms cover considerable areas of countryside and although they occupy only a tiny
fraction of the land (only 1 or 2 %), their presence will be noticeable over the whole area. If
they produce noise, they may be heard and if they interfere with radio or television reception,
there will be objections. They will certainly be visible at quite a distance and the public will
need reassurance about many other matters: no one wants to be hit by a flying wind turbine
The identified environmental impediments to the use of WECS are as follows:

1. Noise;
2. Electromagnetic interference;
3. Land use;
4. Aesthetics;
5. Biophysical.
2. Acoustics
Like any mechanical system, including those that generate electricity, wind turbines are
producing noise when they operate. The sound of the wind moving over the wind turbine
blades, called aerodynamic noise, can be heard. In addition, the mechanical components of
wind turbines generate sound.
The international Standard defines the procedures to be used in the measurement, analysis and
reporting of acoustic emissions of WTGS. Instrumentation and calibration requirements are
specified to ensure accuracy and consistency of acoustic and non-acoustic measurements.
Non-acoustic measurements required to define the atmospheric conditions relevant to
determining the acoustic emissions are also specified. All parameters to be measured and
reported are identified, as are the data processing methods required to obtain these parameters.
A wind turbine generator may produce noise with both pulse like (thumping) and broadband
(swishing) characteristics. The low frequency infrasound (below 16 Hz frequency) tends to be
the most annoying because it dominates other sounds and can cause structures such as houses
to shake.
Infrasound may adversely affect the human respiratory system and cause discomfort or nausea
at pressure levels above 100 decibels sound-pressure level (dB-SPL), but is generally believed
not to produce any damaging effects below a level of 120 dB-SPL.
In the case of large downwind system infrasound is generated by sudden blade deflection,
which occurs in the tower shadow. But the results of the infrasound tests indicated that in the
most cases the peak sound was no more then 75 dB-SPL, which is well below the discomfort
level of 100 dB-SPL.
The audible sound generated by a WTGS is typically attributed to the interaction of the
various components and structural resonance. The primary concern was that sound in the
frequency range of 16 Hz to 20 kHz might affect the human auditory and nervous system if
the loudness levels are sufficiently high. The effects of wind turbine noise on the listener may
be modified by factors such as the background noise level, location of the listener (indoors
versus outdoors), and the presence of any perceptible house vibrations induced by the noise.
Any noise from a wind turbine tends to be masked by the noise of the wind itself, and, of
course, the machines do not run when there is no wind.
Sound-intensity testing was also conducted on a Darrieus WTGS (see General
Characteristics and Meteorology of Wind), which represents a different basic configuration.
The results of the Darrieus studies indicate that the sound level at a short distance from the
turbine was indistinguishable from the background noise.
Engineers have reduced aerodynamic noise in recent years by design changes such as
decreasing the thickness of the trailing edge of the blades and by orienting the blades upwind
of the tower. The sound from wind rushing through towers can also be lessened through
design changes.

Based on the results of the tests conducted, the audible sound generated by either small or
large WTGS should not present a significant environmental impact. In all tests sound levels
recorded were within tolerable limits even at places relatively close to the WTGS.
3. Electromagnetic Interference
3.1. Television
In the past it has been found that large horizontal-axis wind turbines with rotors diameter
exceeding 30 m with metal blade components produce a reflected interference signal, which
causes video distortion of TV reception in the vicinity of the WTGS. The upper (high
frequency and number) UHF TV channels are particularly vulnerable and the size of the
interference region decreases as the TV channel number is reduced. A study revealed that the
primary interference was with the signal-amplitude modulation. This type of interference
results in horizontal bands moving vertically on the TV screen followed by snow and
breakdown of the vertical hold. The audio portion of the TV -presentation is not affected since
the audio signal is frequency-modulated and is not as prone to scattering by the WTGS rotor
Further, it has been determined that the following parameters can influence the severity of the
amplitude-modulation interference:
a. Interference severity decreases with decreasing signal frequency;
b. Interference severity decreases with increasing distance of the receiver
from the WTGS;
c. Interference severity increases with increasing distance of the transmitter
from the receiver;
d. For smaller size rotor blades the interference zone would be
proportionately smaller;
e. For rotor blades made of a material which does not reflect all the energy
incident upon it the interference zone would be smaller;
f. The use of a high-quality directional receiver antenna would reduce or
eliminate the interference;
g. The local topography of a given site can either reduce or increase the
actual level of interference experienced.
Cable signals and satellite reception are unaffected.
3.2. AM Radio, FM Radio, TV Audio and Microwave Communication
The primary interference mode is related to amplitude modulation; a frequency-modulated
signal is not significantly affected. No significant interference to FM radio/TV audio
broadcast reception and microwave communication has been found. AM radio signals are also
not affected because of the lower frequency of these signals.
3.3. Aircraft Navigational Systems

Studies indicate that no significant disturbance in the performance of these systems should
occur as long as the WTGS is sited not too close to the installation.
Interference from modern turbines is less likely because many of the components that were
formerly made from metal are now made from composite materials, such as fiberglass and
plastics, that do not reflect television signals as much as metal does. However, most modern
machines have lightning protection on the blade surfaces, which increases electromagnetic
4. Aesthetic
Aesthetics impression is highly subjective and influenced by many factors such as personal
ownership, value judgments by the individual, and previous exposure to similar structures.
Many as objectionable could cite the appearance of a large array of WTGS across the
landscape. However, much can be done to minimize the aesthetic problem by considering this
factor in WTGS design and site selection. In areas where similar structures such as utility
power-transmission towers and oil derricks have been commonplace and generally accepted
for a number of years, the placement of single units or WTGS arrays would not be expected to
cause significant adverse public reaction. On the other hand, if a single unit or an array (no
matter how pleasing its design) were placed along a scenic shoreline, adverse public reaction
could be expected.
5. Land Use and Soil Disturbances
Environmental impact assessment studies conducted in some countries identified certain
problems related to WTGS placement. These included specific land use for the WTGS site,
access to the site for WTGS assembling and maintenance, and supplementary land use, for
example such as water storage. Of specific concern were the effect on the fauna and flora
indigenous to the area resulting from soil disturbances at the WTGS site, accesses for roads,
pathways, and power cables and water-storage facilities (where appropriate).
The potential problems of land use occupied by the WTGS and associated environmental
disturbances caused by the construction of the WTGS site, installation, and access-road
construction are very specific and limited in scope. It should be stated, however, that a poorly
sited WTGS could possibly cause very limited land-use-related environmental problems.
6. Biophysical
A study has been conducted for the biophysical impact assessment of the different types of
WTGS. The study explored the environmental consequences of WTGS technology through
the design and detailed field studies relating to the following items of ecological concern:
(a) Micro-climatic changes;
(b) Bird migration;
(c) Aerial arthropodal impacts.
The micro-climatic impact study involved the monitoring of the micro-meteorological
changes in the downwind wake of the WTGS. Results of analytical and field studies showed
that the significance of any effect was negligible beyond the area physically altered as a result
of construction, and that plants and animals exposed to the wake of an operating WTGS are

not likely to be significantly affected, as changes fall well within the variations of their natural
A detailed study of collection deaths of birds during peak nocturnal migration periods has
been conducted. The conclusion was that bird collisions of low-level, night-migrating birds
with wind energy equipments even on nights in conditions with a low cloud ceiling and fog
was not essential. The collisions of birds of prey, with wind turbines are also rare.
So it can be concluded that in general there appear to be no insurmountable environmental
constraints to the general widespread use of wind energy conversion systems.
7. Environmental Conditions
In its turn various environmental (climatic) conditions other than wind can affect the integrity
and safety of the WTGS, by thermal, photo-chemical, mechanical, electrical or other physical
action. Moreover, combinations of climatic parameters may enhance their effect.
The following environmental conditions shall be taken into account:
(a) Temperature;
(b) Humidity;
(c) Air density;
(d) Solar radiation;
(e) Rain, hail, snow and ice;
(f) Chemically active substances;
(g) Mechanically active particles;
(h) Lightning;
(i) Earthquakes;
(j) Salinity of droplets.
An offshore environment requires special additional considerations.
For design of a WTGS the climatic conditions shall be defined by representative data or by
limits of variable conditions. The probability of simultaneous occurrence of climatic
conditions shall be taken into account when the design values are selected.
The climatic conditions influence the energy production, quality of power, reliability,
durability, safety and cost of energy.
Related Chapters
Click Here To View The Related Chapters
Downwind system
Upwind system

: Decibels -sound pressure level

: WTGS with rotor placed behind the tower
: Sound with less than 16 Hz frequency
: Producing rustling broadband sound
: Producing pulse like sound
: WTGS with rotor placed in front of the tower
: Ultra high frequency


: Wind energy conversion system

: Wind turbine generating system

Swift-Hook D.T. (1989). Wind energy and the environment. Peter Peregrinus Ltd., England.
Technical Note, 175 . Meteorological aspects of the utilization of wind as an energy source. WMO
Biographical Sketch
Professor Vladimir A. Dobrovolski, Ph.D. was born in Moscow, Russia in 1936. He graduated from Moscow
Aviation Institute in 1960 and Ph. D. Degree in 1968.
1960-1963 - test engineer, the USSR Civil Aviation
1963-1970 - researcher, Thermodynamics department of Moscow Aviation Institute
1970-1973 - head of department, Central Aerohydrodinamics Institute
1973-1977 - adviser, International Civil Aviation Organization (Montreal, Canada)
- head of department, Moscow Aviation Institute. His present position is a director of Wind Energy
Department of Moscow Aviation Institute and director, Molinos Co. Ltd. Main activities: Development and
production of small scale wind mills.

To cite this chapter

Vladimir A. Dobrovolski, (2004), WIND INSTALLATION AND THE ENVIRONMENT, in Renewable
Energy Sources Charged with Energy from the Sun and Originated from Earth-Moon Interaction, [Ed. Evald E.
Shpilrain], in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO,
Eolss Publishers, Oxford ,UK, [] [Retrieved April 12, 2007]

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