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13 Natural Health Tips

1. Sleep (sleep 7-8hours a day min getting to sleep before 12 a.m. important). Must be in darkness.
2. Drink pure/filtered water (1-2liters of water not Juice, but water. Juice was over and above this)
Stay away from drinking water from plastic bottles (plastic leaks inside and cancer causing) rather drink
from glass bottles.
DONT drink decaffeinated anything, and dont drink Coffee. Aging ingredient.
Drink Green Teas due to the anti-toxins.
NO Chlorine and Fluoride in the water supply. Rather have filtered water or your insides will be the
3. Sunlight (try min. of 20min outside per day, or if unable then need a Vitamin D supplement)
4. Exercise & Stretching (1-2 a week. 1 hour)
5. Rest one day a week from work (Sabbath).
6. Pray daily every morning, it sets the tone for the day. Then trust/rest upon the LORD. Do not fear! Do not
worry! Be grateful and praise the Lord!
7. Laughter is good medicine, so laugh.
8. Breakfast is very important meal, if not eating protein then energy taken from the muscles. Eat protein (steak or
egg or protein drink 100% New Zealand Whey idea) + fibre for breakfast.
9. Eat Healthy.
Eat how God created food natural e.g. rather eat seed grapes than seedless grapes. Or no pesticides,
no hormone injected animals etc.
Eat what God said are clean foods to eat.
Try to have a rainbow of vegetable and fruit each day (orange, yellow, green, red, etc).
Eat cooked meat (well done not rare or medium) fully cooked NO BLOOD in it.
Eat more fruit and vegetables that are indigenous to the area e.g. In Canada it is apples and berries not
oranges which are imported. The indigenous fruit have the nutrients God created for those who are
living in that environment (God enabled this for a reason). I know it is simple logic but sometimes that
logic is too simple for us to understand.
Organic Apple or 2 a day (breaks down Toxins).
Broccoli uncooked but chewed improves digestion thus improves immunity.
Have garlic and herbs in food.
Have eggs (yes yellow and white are good good cholesterol) and/or Protein drink a day maintains
muscle strength as it builds cells. Egg yolk (the sulphur) helps with hair growth.
Plane food to absorb the junk we eat (so many things are processed) - alternating between plan and
fibre. e.g. porridge couple of times a week, wheat-bix, brown/whole wheat bread with nothing on it a
couple of times a week.
Cook with natural oil Olive Oil or Sunflower, NOT Canola oil bad.
10. EAT what God says to eat
NO pork, Pork is basically cooked worms (incl. Bacon rather have Chacon chicken). Jesus didnt eat
pork. Pigs are large rodents.
NO crabs, no lobsters, no mussels, no calamari. These are poisons, e.g. the heads of lobsters kill cats at
the docks because of the poison content.

NO luncheon foods that are Nitrate foods (hot dogs, pepperoni, ham, bacon). Nitrates attack the heart.
DONT eat farmed salmon because of the pesticides, ensure it is wild Salmon. Farmed salmon they
generally colour to make it redder.
DONT order omelettes from restaurants unless you see them crack the eggs open. Most places pour the
egg mixture from a carton and those chemicals are harmful.
NO Soy milk and dont eat soy. Soy generates a female hormone so men who consume a lot of soy not
NO Aspartame or artificial Sweeteners rather use honey or Stevia
NO sodas. Soda is a killer - One soda needs about 33 glasses of water to neutralise it. Soda starts to eat
away at the bones, calcium. Spine corrosive.
NO Trans fats (Margarines bad), rather replace it with butter raw organic and olive oil.
NO Junk foods (Twinkies, high fructose corn syrups, cup cakes). It switches off the full feeling that
your body has. Twinkie and a soda together cause a chemical that literally eats at the brain.
NO Ridelyn or Adoral (same category as Cocaine, Speed) They give it to children because they are
hyperactivity, depression etc. This is suicidal and promotes ADD. There are nutrients that can stop
hyperactivity, depression etc.
NO MSG e.g. found in potato chips & a lot of Chinese foods (it eats away at your brain). It is a flavour
NO artificial sweeteners (they cause a lot of internal damage more than we know cancer causing).
12. TAKE VITAMIN/Supplements (S) if necessary but not every day. Because of mass production of veggies/fruit,
they dont allow the soil to lay to rest per the law of God, so we take nutrients to compensate.
Vitamin that is good for me personally - Vitamin B complex, about 3 times a week (reduces acid build up,
helps reduce fatigue, and helps metabolize carbs).
Minerals that is good for me are Zinc and Magnesium.
A tablespoon of Cod liver oil or Olive oil good to take 3 times a week.
Fyi - If there was one supplement to take and could only choose one it would be Omega 3 Cod liver
Dont put something on your skin you are not willing to eat (e.g. Olay toxic, use organic substances).
Avoid smoke environments.
Stop smoking as it promotes cancer as the oxygen is reduced in the Blood and no oxygen promotes
Ensure houses have plants in them to purify the air
Change your house air filter
Have a filter on your house or shower to avoid body to absorbing contaminants.
Open your windows of your house daily so a draft flows through for a ~min. 15minutes. Maybe more
depends on the size of the house and the number of people. Most of the dust in the homes (70%+
comes from skin).
Change your sheets at least more than once a month.

Here is the nutrition for children (including the above donts).

A childrens health is: Parents are responsible for their Childrens well being.

Children need a lot of sleep They need 10hours of sleep helps

When children wake up they need to have a good breakfast Good source of protein and fiber (baby to be breast
feed, if not possible then goat milk certified source with supplement not on cows milk in the beginning)

They need to get used to washing their hands (best in salt water). In the washroom dont touch anything. Sanitizers
not good but soap yes. Use a paper towel turning on water taps
Egg does not raise cholesterol no study has been proven to do this (the only study is on powdered eggs which has
been oxidized). Digestible protein (not large amounts of meat protein as it isnt easily digested) e.g. protein drink.
Children need an egg every day (morning ideally). It helps with growth, ideally in the morning.
Purified water. If juices then dilute them and ensure organic. Try not water in plastic bottles. Also make lemonade
with lemons with stevia
Friendly bacteria kefir and yogurt
Snacks apples are key (organic apple a day, get them used to it),
Brown rice syrup for sweetener is okay, limit sugar intake. Today the average person has 200times more sugar than
the person 100years ago. Chocolate is also to be limited. Sugar and chocolate lowers the immune system and the
Children pick up viruses more readily. Also sugar saps the long term energy but only provides short term.
Dont give children soya because of the high estrogen in them (before 2003 it was a good thing to do but new
studies show contrary).
Omega 3 fats cod liver oil (especially when a woman is pregnant Helps brain development. If the mother doesnt
have it then the baby takes it from the mothers brain)
No aspartame
Small child can get easily stressed out dont push them. Make it fun. Also 1 sport
Eat almond butter not peanut butter as it is better to digest.
Sunshine need to get the children out in the sun (morning and late in the evening). They need vitamin D if not
possible. Cod liver oil has some D.
Exercise children need to run (*).

Natural ways to stay younger/reversing aging

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