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Yael Dragwyla First North American rights

12,300 words

New Magicks for a New Age

Volume 4: The Notebooks of a Magickian

Book Two: 5/17/95.

Includes material previously written but not collected here before.

************************** Entered 5/17/95 **************************

Does a Star’s emission spectrum reflect its astrological and Qaballistic meaning or historical
significance? How about the Constellations? For example, the Constellation Aquarius is associated with
Saturn, Whose metal is lead, and Uranus, associated with uranium. Is the average of these chemical
elements in the Stars of this Constellation, as revealed in their emission spectra, higher than in other regions
of the heavens? The Fixed Star Polaris is associated with freedom, hence with Uranus, hence with the
metal uranium; traditionally its influence is said to be “of the nature of Saturn and Venus,” associated
respectively with lead and copper. Are there more than average amounts of the elements uranium, copper,
and lead in this Star, as shown by its emission spectra? In either case, if so, what does that say about the
evolutionary history of these Stars? If not, do large amounts of the chemical elements associated with the
Planetary influences associated with them via traditional or modern esoteric science exist in the spaces
between them and the Solar System, so that light from them would be strained through a filter of these
elements, as it were?

On Thrints

Are empires the manifest results of thrint strategies for maximization of their ranges and opportunities
for infecting new hosts?


Once a thrint has infected a human being, does it deliberately strive to invade his or her forebrain, in
order to do the kind of damage in there found in people who lack the ability to form community with other
people, love, and value a moral code appropriate to human community? In the many documented cases of
possession in human cultures of all kinds, invariably the victims of this condition display, at least
temporarily, symptoms of such neuroendocrinological damage.*

*See Antonio R. Damasio’s marvelous Descartes’ Error: Emotion, Reason, and the Human Brain (New
York: Grosset/Putnam, 1994), for clear, detailed discussions on current knowledge concerning the
relationship between the various parts of the human brain, especially the forebrain, and human reason
and social skills.


Are female human beings less susceptible to infection by thrints because of their genetic differences
from males of the species? Is the underlying cause of sexism, especially in its more extreme forms, the
result of thrint attempts to keep beings whom they can’t take over from within, by psychochemical means,
physically subjugated through human males, whom they can possess? Is it possible that the “sexist”
attitude isn’t native to the human male, but is rather a response to thrint control or a manifestation, via the
behavior and emotions of their hosts, of thrint desires and purposes, and that, rather than being aimed at
women qua women, it is instead meant for the control of “untamable wild animals,” “incorrigible, bad
slaves”? Is Phyllis Schlaffley a sort of Quisling for thrints, their Tokyo Rose or Goebbels, trying to get
other women to surrender themselves voluntarily to full possession by thrints?

What if the popular frenzies of witch-burning in the Middle Ages were desperate attempts of native
populations to wipe out plagues of thrints (sentient slaver viruses) brought into Europe from elsewhere,
e.g., by the Western Church (in which case, of course, they never made the connection – or else were
successfully overrun and taken over by the thrints who had already penetrated Christianity and had created
a warped form of it in order to colonize Europe)? How different their own time would have looked to
them, before the coming of the thrints and the thrint takeover of the European Collective Unconscious, than
it does to us now, hag-ridden as we are by both old and new types of thrints! What if the Renaissance was
a result of Europe’s partial recovery from thrint infestation? What if the atrocities committed upon the
Americas and Africa by Europe were thrint-directed, aimed at trying to bring to heel non-susceptible native
populations by force majeure, or else cut them down to threatless remnants, to keep them from cross-
breeding with European colonists and so adding thrint-resistant genes to the gene-pool of the descendants
of those colonists?

Anyone who could be infected by a thrint obviously has the genes that permit susceptibility to such
infection. Thus if a thrint-infected man rapes a woman who is genetically immune to thrints, there is a 50-
50 or better chance that if he thereby makes her pregnant, their offspring will likewise be potentially
susceptible to thrint infection. Are some rapes, at least, a thrint’s way of decreasing the number of thrint-
resistant strains of human beings and increasing the number of thrint-susceptible ones, i.e., of begetting
new hosts. (I suddenly remember the assertion by certain occultists that “some rapes are necessary, in
order to bring certain souls into the world,” and I wonder just who – or what – put that particular idea into
their pointy little skulls, and I shudder . . .)


In order to maximize its chances of continued existence, a thrint needs not only to expand its range as
widely as possible, but also to maintain control of its hosts throughout that range. Thus it would be in its
best interest to promote behavior on the part of its hosts that also tailors climate and other environmental
factors such that enough of its particles are always moving in the right rhythms in the right directions at the
right time to (a) enable it to think, (b) enable it to maintain its hosts under its firm control, (c) maintain its
hold on its territory and defend it from rivals, thrints or otherwise, and (d) maximize its potential span of
life. – What about thrint politics and organizations, in this context? How do they manage to cooperate
when necessary, as viciously competitive and asocial as they must be? Like the Unclean in Sterling
Lanier’s Hiero’s Journey (1974)?


Do thrints think of us as “their” “bucks” and “bitches,” “hogs” and “sows” and “piglets,” sneeringly,
despising us, thinking of us as weak and gullible? If so, they underestimate us: any organism that could
write and read as many endless reams and (reels) of splattergrue rotpunk as we do could do anything –
maybe even perpetrate some Black Dahlia-style crimes on thrints. Shall we sic the latest incarnations of
Ted Bundy or Jeff Dahmer on the things – the Ted Bundy/Hamilton Fish/NKVD/Gestapo in the souls of
every one of us mother-lovin’ eukaryotic multicellular human bein’s!


Was Adolph Hitler a potential saint, or even prophet who, at an early age, was infected by damned
things, then framed by them? Do thrints set about destroying what they consider to be threats to their
psychospiritual hegemony over us in this fashion, striving to infect and possess those of us who might
otherwise become the saints, prophets, geniuses who could do successful battle for us all against them? Do
they take a sadistic delight in siccing us on one another? If so, that may be a mistake. After all, we’re
neither herd-animals, like deer, nor pack-animals, like dogs, nor hive-animals, like bees and termites.
Rather, we’re band-animals, who ultimately choose our leaders, if only by revolution, rather than suffering
them indefinitely. We make shitty slaves and nasty enemies – which may be their fault, if they’ve tried to
“select” us for the intelligence and resourcefulness required if we’re to do what they want – not the sort to
run cruel little mind-games on. At any rate, not for long.


Imagine what it is like to have been brought up by completely controlled ptaavs (host/slaves) of thrints,
legally adopted by the former under control of the latter. Imagine what it is like to have grown up as a sort
of domesticated pet or “work-animal” or other specially-bred and -trained living appliance to be used for
thrint purposes, any way they wanted. Imagine what it is like to have been the pet, work-animal, or other
living property of the sort of beings that would make Mengele look like Mohandas Ghandi or Jesus of
Nazareth or St. Francis of Assisi in comparison, the sort that consider bull-baiting and cock-fighting and
serial-killing to be healthy recreational alternatives to boredom, who have the psychologies of Robert A.
Heinlein’s Puppet-Masters crossed with Adolph Eichmann, whose sole reason for sparing you from their
delightful entertainments as you grow up is their hope to put you to use later on for purposes for which the
word “abomination” is the euphemism of all time. Imagine being aware continuously that they think of
you only as their “puppy,” “piglet,” “calf” – and later, their “bitch,” “sow,” “cow,” or simply just plain
“cunt.” Imagine what it is to have spent all one’s life being continuously bathed in the cruelest of contempt
and scorn mixed with the most humiliatingly patronizing “approval” by the things, with whom you are
forced to share your own neuroendocrine system, to “have” a self-image entirely fabricated by them and
played back at you continuously, unendingly, relentlessly, your life long, that has little or nothing to do
with how other human beings would normally see you but is rather their view of you, so that all your social
responses are badly skewed and off-side as result, and your social life, especially your love life, is
consequently both impoverished and badly poisoned, your few friends or companions being people who no
one in his or her right mind would associate with. Imagine that it takes most of your life, many decades,
before you finally realize the true origin of these things, and understand how you have been duped out of
your true human heritage, whatever it might have been, out of real infancy and childhood, parents, friends,
neighbors, a mate, children of your own, by the things. The only experience you have ever had either of
how you seem to others of your own kind or what they themselves are truly like is the stuff of the
nightmares of paranoid schizophrenics: ugliness, contempt, loathing, revulsion, predation, lascivious will-
to-murder, despite, horror, conspiracy – a totally loveless, joyless, ugly world, which finds you to be as
low, as contemptible, as ugly as you find it. You have never known what it is to be loved – after all, thrints
have no family life, since their own nearest kin are also their most dangerous competitors, and what you
sense, through those who adopted you and keep you surrounded throughout life, of how the thrints feel
about you is equal parts contempt, fear, awe, revulsion, voracious hunger, and hatred. The only approval
you ever get is always clearly artificial, a thin veneer laid lightly over that bedrock core of horror, so that
eventually you come to loathe even the suggestion of compliments, approval, gestures of affection through
other people, because all too many times these have been made to you by thrints through their human
ptaavs, their attempts at positive reinforcement when you did something that happened to fit what they
wanted. Imagine that wherever you go, whatever you do, thrints seek you out via their ptaavs, crowd you,
try to take you over, get you to perform according to their wishes, so that finally you have to become a
virtual hermit, avoiding all human contact whenever possible, in order to avoid the thrint-controlled human
ptaavs, who ultimately are being used to try to “corral” you for thrint purposes. For at a young age, say, in
your 20s, you finally got out on your own – the thrints hadn’t yet managed to take over the government of
your country, or even many of its people, only a few small, affluent sub-cultures, such as that of your
adoptive parents. You “slipped the leash,” “smashed the silly lock and escaped the cage,” “went wild,”
“turned feral,” in thrint terms. And ever since, using their ptaavs, they’ve been tracking you, hounding you.
You’ve never had a mate, or a child. No human you’ve ever known has ever understood you, except the
fully-controlled ptaavs, most of which are renegades against their own species, happy to be owned – and
you agree completely with Heinlein’s protagonist in The Puppet Masters concerning his feelings about that
sort! You have never been able to form true community with other human beings, as a result; your best
friends have always been non-human, cats and other organisms who know all too well what you’ve been
through, the loathsomeness of it, the damnation of the innocent through force majeure, not moral pitfalls.
And all your dreams are of living on a world conquered by truly evil alien beings, totally at their non-
existent mercy, waiting for unimaginable horror to descend upon you and all the rest of the native life of
your world, which has been abandoned by God and the holy Angels for no known reason. Imagine what it
is like – and if you can, you will understand the hell which simple existence becomes, thrints or no thrints,
not only for our “domesticated” animals and plants, but even for many of our children.

Ninpo and the Way of the Kami: The Way of the 11th Commandment

Everything alive, and every aspect of its life, is part of the biological universe, subject to its laws. We
ourselves are alive, so all we are and all we do must likewise obey those laws. Slavery, child-abuse, Black
Dahlia-style murders – no matter how weird or horrifying the forms which evil may take, its fundamental
nature is biological, a manifestation, however twisted out of true it may be, of some form of
commensalism, on some trophic level, an expression of the triumph of the creativity of Life over the
assaults made against it by entropy. Ultimately, therefore, the appropriate way to deal with evil is to use
the nature of the living world to coax and persuade it into healing itself of that wound. – Sometimes, of
course, this involves using said wound’s own momentum as the means of hurling it tail-over-teakettle head-
first into the nearest brick wall, thereby permanently arresting its strong tendency to widen itself as far and
as inclusively as possible. Judgment calls on when and when not to employ jujitsu as part of the healing
process get easier with lots of practice, I understand. (Mats should be used to prevent giving contusions to
your training-partners.)

What do those in the “anti self-defense movement,” those who try to teach the rest of us that “self-
defense = violence = evil” and that therefore just about anything that could be used in commission of the
heinous crime of self-defense should be forbidden by law,* want to fatten the rest of us up for, anyway?
All that lives must eat, and all that lives must die. Those who advocate the idea of “self-defense = evil,”
however subtly they do it, have either forgotten this – or are just hoping the rest of us have.

*If you think I’m merely being sarcastic, or exaggerating for the sake of effect, think again. MS Magazine
Vol. 4 No. 6 (May/June 1994) carried several articles touting exactly this idea, though not worded in
quite so impolitic terms. It was neither the first nor the last such to hit the stands – and since then the
trend has been all downhill. Check for yourself. The legal, moral, and sociopsychological issues
involved are frequently explored in great detail, in exquisite clarity, in the monthly periodical Women
& Guns, associated with the Second Amendment Foundation, to which anyone interested in this trend
and where it may be taking us should subscribe.


Don’t fear the Reaper, who is just one part of Life, as our hands are part of us, whereby we work our
Will. Rather, fear the spirit of evil, which would destroy Life’s very spirit, assault and befoul its very soul,
kill all possibilities of beauty, hope, and joy. Death only returns us to Life, body and spirit, in new forms;
but evil would first utterly befoul, then ineradicably extinguish all life. Even evil is begotten of Life,
though it has long since forgotten that fact, or wished not to know it; but then, cancer is begotten of Life,
too – and evil is to the spirit what cancer is to the body, to be dealt with accordingly. Unless you like dying
of cancer . . .


Humankind can never be homogenous, as long as it is an at least global organism, if not actually an
interstellar one. Over time, climate, the Law of the Minimum,* and the Music of the Earth make a people
what it is. The latter is a subtle factor, but over time its signature is carved deep, deep into a land’s
creatures, and it is worth examining it to see how its influence works.
The Music of the Rocks is the usually sub-audible, continuous, endless bath of sonic energy perpetually
emanating from the deepest strata of the material of a continent or and island, or even through the world’s
seas and oceans (in the case of life living on or in large bodies of water) that is produced by the behavior of
the material in the core of our Planet, which is a sort of huge, spherical living dynamo, 2,000 miles in
diameter, the incandescent magma composing it in a continuous bubbling ferment of convection due to its
tremendous heat. The titanic volumes of electromagnetic, piezoelectric, and mechanical energy produced
by this activity continuously pour forth from the core, outward and upward through the continents and
thence into outer space. The keels of the continents or the islands jutting down into the mantle lying
between them and the core, or the seabeds overlying that mantle, then conduct this energy into music –
kinetic energy in some form passing through material of some kind, whether audible or sub-audible, with
definite rhythmic components – as it flows through them; that music, in the case of any given land-mass,
ocean, or sea, is shaped and created by and takes its nature from the shape of that keel or ocean- or seabed.
In turn, it continuously bathes everything living on that land-mass or in that body of water in a sonic and
electromagnetic portrait of their environment, a picture done in sub-audible sound and subliminal light of
the roots of that environment as these strike down deep, deep, deep into the mantle of the Earth, each such
portrait unique to the shape of the land or ocean or sea that forms it and the chemical composition of the
material making up that land-mass or body of water.
Thus the overall differences in the music, languages and lifestyles of the peoples of different parts of
the world. Any such is a second- or third-order expression of this ever-present, mostly subsonic, subliminal
sonic and electromagnetic ambient. From the popular music and psychedelic graphic art of modern
America to pre-Columbian forms of American art and music, to European classical and popular forms
thereof, to their native African or Australian forms, we see and hear the portraits and the signatures of the
continents, the great island archipelagos, the sweeping oceans and the lovely great lakes and seas of Earth.
Above all, there are the American musical apotheoses: jazz, blues, and rock-&-roll. Here are they all
come together: that most human expression of the sonic and piezoelectric continental energies of Africa,
the Americas, and Europe.

*”That nutrient or other resource necessary to an organism’s survival, well-being, and ability to reproduce
which is in shortest supply will determine that organism’s form, way of life, and the future course of its
evolution.” This applies to resources such as living space, mates, and opportunities for social
interaction, when these are critically important factors in an organisms’ existence, as well as to
nutrients such as food, water, and air.


The outcome of play is skill in things necessary for life. Baby animals at play are thereby learning how
to stalk, chase, and bring down prey, to battle enemies and rivals, to make love, to outwit opponents. The
astrological Sign Leo rules play; therefore Scorpio, its house of outcomes, rules the object of that play
-skill at deadly things, in order to be able to maximize one’s chances of keeping one’s genes and spirit alive
in the world, whether directly, via sexual reproduction, or indirectly, via the professions and avocations of
nursing, medicine, teaching, and so forth. Scorpio rules combat and the warrior arts and sciences because
the development of skill at these is what childhood is all about. A child kept passive and isolated is thus a
child with little or no biological or spiritual future. (And what, we wonder, is play that takes the form of
puns or jokes or spelling-bees preparation for? Stalking and bringing down prey on the level of spirit?
Battling rivals on the level of the soul?)


When I do astrology, I am participating in something as old as humankind, perhaps as old as life itself,
the study of the universe around us and the implications of what we find for the future of our world, our
species, our communities, ourselves. In doing so, I am one with all my ancestors, all of whom participated
in communities which had some form of astrological science and art, however odd the form it took might
seem to us. Today’s modern astronomers at Kitt Peak, AZ and Arecibo, PR, and those avidly watching the
monitors at NASA’s Houston center are one with the Paleolithic hunter on brightly moonlit clear Autumn
night, staring up at the Stars to determine his position relative to his home and its light and warmth and
safety, perfectly familiar with that brilliant night sky and knowing how dependent he is upon it for direction
in his life, clearly, wordlessly knowing how dependent his survival, that of his people, that of all their
children is and will be upon skill at reading those awe-inspiring infinities overhead. Copernicus in his
study, poring over his data to determine the shape of the cosmos, was one with the Babylonian and Chinese
and Egyptians astrologers before him who studied the heavens to determine when the people must till the
soil, plant the crops, bring the water to irrigate the land in order to ensure a bountiful harvest – the awe he
must have felt, looking at the sky, working out the cycles of Creation, was no different from those earlier
brethren of his, nor that of that Paleolithic hunter on the hill under Autumn’s clear night sky, nor that of all
their modern contemporaries, working with optical and radio and all the other great telescopes that now
look out upon infinity for us, and bring back to us news of the handiwork of God. The awe is the same, the
love is the same, the leaping joy, the sorrow, the feeling of gulf falling away upon abyss upon gulf upon
abyss, so that one’s soul falls upward, upward, upward into God’s glory, not all of it returning thereafter –
it’s always, always the same.

You can’t imagine the joy there is for me in this, being one with all of these, the countless
manifestations down through the endless Aeons of the Astrologer – or the joy for me likewise in Magick,
alchemy, the other great linking syntheses, unless you are of that same fraternity. It is not the discipline per
se that we value, but rather the “singing-together” with all of life that it is for us, the recapitulation of all
our biological heritage, clear back to the very dawn of life on our world, by participating in Life’s great
uniting arts, from alchemy, the chemistry of the spirit, to astrology, the astronomy of the heart.


Pluto in Gemini, in mutual reception with Mercury in Aries: ideally, this is the configuration of the
Manifestation of True Will via the Work of the Hands.


Examples of the use of inconjuncts from real life:

Pisces (waning semisextile, -30º): Einstein’s solution to the paradox discovered by Michelson and
Morley in their famous 1887 experiment, in the form of his Special and General Theories of Relativity,
which went beyond the older, Newtonian physics it subsumed to give adequate explanations for situations
not covered by Newton. Another example is Einstein’s passion for sailing – he loved sailboats and was a
devoted practitioner of the sailor’s art. Adjusting to challenge by making an ally of it through friendship,
as it were.


Scorpio (waning quincunx, -150º): the sailor’s art of tacking, that is, steering into the wind, to take
advantage of it rather than be defeated by it, adjusting to challenge by making an ally of it by force majeure
or trickery

* * *.

Scorpio: “There’s one sure way not to miss –ram the son of a bitch!” Adjusting to a challenge by
going head-to-head with it . . . at top speed. Overcoming the challenging by application of raw power in a
sudden surprise attack, combining the guerrilla art of trickery with application of sheer force.


Scorpio combined with Pisces: The Slingshot Effect, making use of the vast gravitational attraction
of very large Planets, e.g., Jupiter, as an aid to propulsion toward Planets farther away by taking advantage
of the enormous gravity wells of the former to accelerate around and away at a tangent from the former,
just like a race-car driver taking a curve in a certain way so that it will thereby simultaneously boost his
velocity and tighten his control over his car. A variant of this involves steering into the skid, i.e., turning
one’s wheels toward the slippery area when one hits a bad patch of road and starts to skid while driving.
Using momentum to cancel momentum, going with the skid rather than trying to fight it, and thereby
gaining the source of the skid itself as your ally. Another variant is that of surfing, in which the surfer uses
his or her own momentum to create the momentum he or she desires, that is, steers him- or herself and
his/her board by taking advantage of the ocean’s movements as well as his or her own mass and current
momentum, combining these to control the motion of self and board, adjusting to the challenges presented
by the ever-shifting shape and momentum of the ocean beneath the board by using those shifts to
advantage, making them his or her allies.
Another good example of the combination of Scorpio and Pisces inconjuncts is that of the art of
making love. Too many people seem to hold the same attitude about it that the youngest boy in the old
joke about the three Parisian schoolboys does: “Look, mes amis, there, underneath those bushes – that man
and woman, they are – they are fighting!” As the oldest and wisest of the three said sardonically, in
response to the next oldest’s patronizing “Non, non, mon chou – they are making love!”, “Oui – et tres
mal.” As Einstein, who in his youth had quite a reputation with the ladies, once told a friend who was
trying to learn the art of sailing from him – the hard way – “Make love to it, my friend, don’t attack it!” (I
am told that Julia Child once so admonished one of the ladies who, taking private cooking lessons from her
at the time, was trying without much success to frost a cake.)


The history of humanity is the history of the smith, of fire, metallurgy, chemistry, alchemy, all
represented by the Qaballistic Path Shin and Trump XX, The Aeon (The Last Judgment), associated with
the Planet Pluto. Pluto is the Lord of the Forge, Lord of the Subterranean Fires, the quasi-liquid, metal-
bearing magmatic ores that are the natural counterpart of the molten metal created by the smith as raw
material for his creations. Pluto rules the use of fire to make things, whether tools, weapons, ritual
equipment for honoring the Gods, or purely for the love of it, for beauty or play.
The asteroid Vesta is also associated with this Path, however, for She is the Goddess of the first form of
fire ever tamed by humanity, the hearth-fire, used for warmth, light, and the first tentative experiments in
the culinary arts. It was this primordial form of fire artificially created and nurtured by human beings that
eventually evolved into the fires of the smith’s and metallurgist’s forges, the Alchemical oven, and all the
rest of it. Vesta, whose parent was the wild-fire, known as Lugh among the Celts, Agni among the Hindus,
and Loki among the Norse, in a sense was the mother of Hades, as She was of Hephaestos, the Divine


Why are so many in the esoteric Arts and Sciences today so reluctant to admit the possibility that
synchronicity may not be acausal? Is it because they’re afraid that it does have a cause – behind which lies
a will that isn’t human?


Is Bill Clinton just Hitler on the cheap?

Religions and Mystical Ways

SubGenius isn’t a religion. It’s a sort of martial arts for the soul, but one that’s all speed and power, a
wannabe psychospiritual version of karate, the sort of thing that’s fine in its proper place, deadly to self and
others once you begin to believe in it.
Humorists such as Gary Larson, Chas Addams, Garrisson Keillor – they’ve learned the Great Wisdom,
that Life is one big conspiracy, and we’re all part of it. The remark used to illustrate the way to get the
most out of a Pisces/Scorpio inconjunct combination (see above) – “Make love to it, my friend – don’t
attack it!” – comes out of such wisdom, as well, and is applicable to the Human Predicament at least as
often as any call to battle. Confrontationalism is all very well and good when nothing else will do –
otherwise, accommodation and adjustment is generally a far wiser policy.
Viral and epidemiological ecology

Are accumulations of the protein coats worn and frequently shed by viruses toxic to the viruses that
shed them? Or are they relatively biochemically inert, something the viruses can tolerate well and discard
either deliberately, because they’re no longer needed and just get in the way, or else accidentally, because
they require too much by way of biological resources to maintain in good condition and simply fall apart
and fall off when not so maintained? If a virus finds that too much of its own shed protein in its
environment is toxic to it, that fact would provide a sure-fire viricide, at least for that specific virus: grow
the that protein in large batches by artificial means, and use that against the virus!

Advanced Eschatology

Why there is no Hell: Surely, if there were a Hell, every engineer that ever lived would be sent there
the moment he or she gave up the ghost. After just a little while, enough for maybe dozen or two dozen of
the so-and-sos to arrive at the Hot Place, during which time said so-and-sos would of course seek one
another out (looking for accomp- er, colleagues), one of them would arrive at the inevitable solution:
“Hey, tell ya what – let’s fix something up to take advantage of all these wild thermal gradients, to make a
refrigeration unit and cool the place down!” And in no time at all, with the aid of lots of other damned
souls finagled one way or another into helping them out, they’d have regular air-conditioner & refrigerator
factories all over the place Down There, and have zillions of such units hooked up everywhere, and pretty
soon Hell would be all nicely cooled down and they’d have turned it into a Paradise, and Heaven would
like Hell (well, used to look!) in comparison, and all the saved souls would decide to move to Hell because
it would be so much nicer there, and pretty soon there’d be no Heaven, and then society would fall apart
because God knows, if things are all stick, even a nice stick like Hell’d be then, and no carrot, you cain’t
get nobody to do nothin’ right nor proper! So to keep this particular sort of horror from comin’ to pass, in
His great mercy God decided there would be no Hell.

The Dream-Country

I frequently have almost painfully vivid dreams, full of colors so bright and vibrant, rich and intense
that they burn the eye, of the class of dreams called “lucid” in the scientific literature on sleep and dreams.
In many of these I find myself in “the Dream-Country” or “the Sad Lands.” Basically, this is a weirdly
distorted version of our normal, waking world, one that is strangely depopulated, dilapidated, and weed-
grown, with an ominous atmosphere of approaching Apocalypse permeating it the way warm blood
puddling around a bullet-riddled body soaks into a clean sponge dropped into it. In this world, which may
simply be the Collective Unconscious, the flip-side of the Weltlehr of our daylight, quotidian, waking
hours, everything that is in the waking world is included – but the geometric and topological relationships
among them may be very much other than we are used to in our waking life. For example, in the Sad
Lands, San Francisco may be only a hundred miles north of Los Angeles, whereas Manhattan and the
Bronx may be 5,000 miles and a continent apart – with the Bronx far north of Manhattan.
The world of the Dream-Country is a post-civilization, perhaps post-human or even post-biotic world;
surely it is one on the brink of catastrophic change, or one that has just undergone such change and is now
experiencing the consequences of that change. The skies often take on strange colors, or change from night
to day and back again at random; many areas of it which in our normal waking world are filled with life
and the bustle of human commerce and woods and meadows and forests and fields and still lakes and
hidden ponds and rushing rivers are gone over to desert in the world of the Dream-Country – desert like the
Mojave Desert in California, possessing a barrenness so cruel it is beautiful, desiccated, switching from
incandescently hot to freezing cold and back again in 24-hour cycles, gleefully inimical to almost all forms
of life, with occasional oases of richly, darkly green palms and figs and other traditional desert cultivars
growing by shallow, cool trickles of water, the surface manifestations of great underground rivers moving
with all the sloth and deadly inevitability of glaciers through the many hundred-foot depths of sand below.

This is a tenebrous world, a world of twilight and night, Autumn and Winter. Here there are entrances
to Hell – real Hells, which you can’t get out of, but which, unlike Dante’s, weren’t designed with anything
like justice in mind, only the most sickening form of torment of innocent, undeserving beings for the
delight of the same unknown, alien audience which, I can feel in these dreams as if it were sunlight beating
down on my skin at high noon in one of this world’s deserts, gloats over everything else going on here.
There are spectacular sunsets – the sunsets are unbelievably lush, glowing as richly as if painted on the sky
with radioactive paint, so brilliant that their light alone could thaw Antarctica. Sometimes, the times I visit
the Hells with entrances here, those same chaotically splendid orgies of light, color, and heat are
reproduced in far-away vistas of those sections of Hell that I don’t, thank God, end up visiting, a little like
the more interesting parts of Yellowstone National Park, or maybe what the inside of a nuclear reactor
would look like to anything unlucky to be in it while it was running (for all of the few fractions of a second
said unlucky thing would live to treasure the experience). Always, always though, whether in hell or in its
anteroom, the Sad Lands, this world is a crepuscular place, not one happy with the daylight or the concerns
of the daylight world, and dreams that take place here during this world’s daylight hours are few and far
Sometimes, in the dreams I have of the Dream-Country, I find myself moving from one alternate world
to another, sometimes by aid of a machine, sometimes – as in the dreams in which I am a child again, and
desperately wanting to find the Road to Oz – in holes in hedgerows and other openings between universes
in the natural world.
Sometimes it is back in the 1940s and World War II is in progress, and I am, for some reason, behind
the lines in Germany somewhere.
Sometimes I am in Russia. Before 1991, when it was the core of the Soviet Union, I would find myself
behind the Iron Curtain, looking across the barriers to freedom. Sometimes, then, I found myself with
Mikhail Gorbachev – I have never had any sweeter dreams. Mostly these dreams of Mikhail were of
interludes with a lover, so I won’t describe them, but once he and his wife and I and several other people
were crossing desert country on foot, all of us dressed in shorts and other appropriate clothing, the heat
ferocious but strangely pleasurable. And there was a shallow, swift-flowing little stream there, cool and
inviting, in which all of us sat to cool off. Permeating this dream was the sound of a folk-song group
singing the old “spiritual,” “Michael Rode the Boat Ashore,” one of the songs which Black slaves in the
pre-Emancipation American South used to teach one another how to escape safely to freedom. This was in
June of 1991 e.v. About two months after that, the Soviet Union underwent Gorbachev’s kidnapping and
the abortive coup by the eight hard-liners, then fell apart.
Sometimes I dream I am in Communist China. Always, in such dreams, there are great clouds of red
flower-petals on trees and everywhere else.
Sometimes I dream I am on my way to Hawaii, or Australia, or some other place far West of North
Sometimes, in these dreams, World War III is on the verge of breaking out – or has just broken out.
Sometimes I am huddled in a shelter, wondering what burning to death will be like, praying the bomb will
miss. Sometimes I look down on a toy version of the world, looking as if it were all on the green felt
surface of some vast pool-table, seeing the fat, ugly toadstools of Apocalypse’s holocaust erupting from its
surface wherever there are cities.
Sometimes a new Ice Age is coming, and the extinction of humanity for reasons that don’t involve a
destroying half the non-human world, as well, is in progress. Sometimes, however, doom is coming
slowly, relentlessly, to the whole world, human and otherwise, sometimes from a gradually warming Sun,
sometimes because aliens are planning to destroy it, sometimes for other reasons.
Sometimes I find myself in brush-filled country like that on the hillsides near where I grew up, in the
Los Angeles Basin in Southern California. Raging brush-fires have broken out, and are not far away from
where I stand and watch: three ridges, two ridges, one ridge away and still coming on with ever-greater
speed and ferocious burning power. The air is filled with smoke and people who live on the hillsides are
racing away from the burning hills on foot, in cars, any way they can go.
Many times, in all such dreams, the dream is saturated, soaking with music. Sometimes it involves
singing, as in the prophetic dream of Mikhail Gorbachev described above; far more often, no singing
accompanies it. In the latter type of case, the music may be all brass, wailing cornets, tenor saxophones, the
rich, warm music of the sort in the sound-track of Baker Street, sometimes accompanied by mariachis.
Sometimes it has a rock beat, with a thumping percussion. Sometimes it is something like the haunting
melodies of the songs that singers such as Gogi Grant, Doris Day, and other pop singers of the 1950s sang,
e.g., “The Wayward Wind,” “The Breeze and I.” Always, always, the music permeates everything in the
dream, including me, swaddles, enwraps, enfolds, penetrates all, irresistible, the way a mother’s heartbeat
must seem to a baby carried in her womb. Warm, warm, warm . . .
Has anyone else ever shared this Dream-Country with me, these tenebrous, twilit, grieving, gorgeously
poisonous lands which, for all their weird beauty and quasi-erotic heat, are surely nothing but anteways to
Hell? I will never feel truly at ease with anyone, never feel that I am finally among my own, until I find
another who, like me, has wandered the strange, ominous, vibrant night-world of my forays into the
Dream-Country. That world is one inhabited mostly by weird, evil overlords, helpless subjects (often small
children), sorrowing non-human animals, overgrown plant-life, ramshackle, run-down houses and other
physical plant, and the sense of approach Apocalypse of unknown nature or cause. Who that I could ever
hope to meet has walked those empty, shadowy, night-doomed, toxic, haunted lands, nevertheless so full of
the energy and vitality the waking world has never possessed for me, who was never one of its rulers or
oppressors? Who, like me, has ever heard, faint but keen as a poisoned scalpel, the screams and shrieks of
tiny children and a few adults in mortal agony at the hands or tentacles or pincers of unseen, alien, utterly
evil torturers, for the pleasure of an equally evil and alien audience? Who has been there – and would ever
admit it to me, to anyone? I am alone, alone, alone, in the Hell of the innocent, the Dream-Country.
Whenever shall I at least not be alone?

From correspondence with a friend, 5/10/95:

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!*

*This and the reply to it at the end of this letter are the two parts of the whole formula of the New Aeon,
which is but the formula of the Old Aeon re-worded: “Love your Kami with all your heart, soul, mind,
and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself.” It’s pretty standard among followers of the Western
Way. What’s the equivalent in Japanese for Bujinkan students, by the way? <g>)

Hi there!
Sorry it’s taken so long to answer your last letter. Anyway, here I am again.

>in your last email you mentioned that you would be interested in my
>views on the combat arts. i will speak only from my
>experiences before and after joining the Bujinkan.
>i think that the combat arts offer to everybody a chance to
>understand human nature and their own selves. to push it farther
>than a decent understanding takes a certain mind set. the mind set
>is one of commitment. the commitment being to the self, to the art
>and to life. by doing this i feel that anybody, despite physical
>handicaps, can see beyond the reflection of the mirror of
>life.(sorry, just came out that way.)

I hadn’t thought of that, but you’re right. (I hope you don’t mind if I save this to include in a letter to
sensei Dale Seago, my teacher. He’ll agree with you, by the way. He’ll be tickled to know that I’m
corresponding with Bujinkan people via email.) Recently, I’ve found myself stripping everything and
everyone out of my life that would actively interfere with my True Will, not by design, but more in reaction
to really off-the-wall garbage they’ve come up with, which a few years ago I’d have unhappily tolerated.
I’ve just walked away from such people and things – and odd, isn’t it, how they are also the things and
people tending to inspire a mind-set that blocks exactly this sort of commitment! By the end of this year, I
think I’ll be fully into a committed program of Bujinkan training, for the first time in my life – and that the
rest of my life will be infinitely better off, as well – as a result of all this. You can only follow the path of
your True Will if you do have such commitment, and whatever would block that sort of application of will,
determination, and love should therefore be avoided, or, if it can’t be avoided, battled as long as it takes to
get away from it at last. Bujinkan training is the best thing in the world for training the ability to make any
sort of commitment – if you can return to the dojo and keep on training, again and again, in spite of all the
aches, pains, bruises, sprains, or whatever, as long as it takes to become halfway good at it, you can do
anything! :) – No, please don’t apologize for the poetic turn of phrase! If you have a mind for metaphors,
that’s a wonderful talent – be proud of it, play with it, train it, use it every day, and thereby bring more
beauty into the world, which so very much needs all the beauty it can get.

>i have also been taught that training is an every-moment, everyday

>event. training is not an activity limited solely to the dojo or to the workout at the park. people train us,( i
think spirits do also,
>but to my knowledge i have not experienced that in a conscious form,
>to the an extent that would allow me to affirm this feeling. in
>that, the way the move around us, speak to us, etc. is in every way,
>shape and form an event that we learn from. these events can be
>wonderful such as a hug and a kiss and laughter or they can be
>devastating events that a person must guard the heart and be
>prepared (ears up, smell kicked in and the 6th sense alarms going
>off.). i feel that the above is beginning to my feelings on the combat
>arts and that these are only small glass baubles in the treasure
>pile of the martial way, but they are also the most valued treasure
>that a human can have.

These are the sorts of realizations which followers of the Western Ceremonial traditions ought to have, but
rarely do – and why those who practice Bujinkan ninpo taijutsu can become the greatest adepts of all, East
or West, regardless of whatever else they do or where they come from. Because of just this, you yourself
are already far, far beyond the attainments of 99% of all the self-professed occult “experts” the West has
ever turned out. The O.T.O. is just a haven for followers of the occult version of Couch-Do (The Way of
the Potato); it may have nurtured a handful of real adepts in its time, out of all its thousands of members,
but I’ll bet you anything that those few had also been military vets, or cops, or firemen, or had been
otherwise trained in real combat arts somewhere else!

>the other day on my way to the dojo i came up with a thought that
>is a twist on the code of bushido. “living is natural, dying is
>natural, at any given moment do what comes naturally.”

This is the way of the T’ao, what tai chi and chi !kung are all about. Here again Bujinkan training is so
effective for teaching this – if you don’t act with 100% spontaneous appropriate natural reaction to any
given combat situation, at the very best you end up sore all over! :)

>also, when walking, training whatever, Kevin Millis has harped on

>me to keep my head up and back straight (but not stiff). this is >very important.

Yeah – it sure helps to see where you’re going, and not give your opponent the gift of already being off
balance! – She said, after several times being dumped onto the dojo floor . . . :)

>Caveat- I am only a shodan, in essence some of what has been

>passed on to me is, to a certain degree, water down. but many of
>thought that i express have been my interpretations of certain

I’m still so new at this, and know very little Japanese; what’s shodan mean? Anyway, relative to the
Bujinkan Way, you may not be very advanced – but I’d put you up against anyone from the Western
esoteric schools not trained in any school of combat arts any time, and make a fortune betting against the
other guy!! :)

>Thanx for the correspondence,

Et vou! :)
>laugh a lot, train hard and smile in the dark

“Smile in the dark.” – Come to think of it, that sort of implies that Bujinkan training is the answer for the
general run of problems of “normal” life today so neatly symbolized in the works of Stephen King, Dean
Koontz, et al. In horror fiction, “Death is when the monsters get you.” In Bujinkan, “Death – and life – is
when you nail the monsters!” The monsters may only be those inside your own school, those of Fear,
Terror, Paranoia, but they’re strong and mean – and Bujinkan training is the one thing in the world that I
know of that can nail even those, finally. For these are only products of misunderstanding, of forgetting
(for we always know at the beginning, and never entirely forget) that all that is, is part of Life, part of
Life’s great Conspiracy (= “Breathing Together”), subject to the laws of the living universe of biological
reality. All things ultimately are subject to the Tao, even the monsters. And by means of Bujinkan training
we learn this not just in our minds, but in our very bones, the heart of every cell of our bodies, the real
Unconscious mind!
Take care,
Love is the law, love under Will.

– Yael Dragwyla, Polaris

From correspondence with a friend 5/15/95

>>>have you also done the charts of the particulars involved? I mean,
>>>charts for both Clintons, McVeigh, Janet Reno, et al, for 9:02 CDT
>>>on 4/19? It might be interesting to see what they look like, and
>>>how they interact.

You mean their progressions, or relationship of transits (the bomb

chart itself), compared to their natal charts? No, but I can see if
anyone has their natal data. Might be interesting. I’ll get back to
you later.

>Probably both....individual progression, and transit relationships not

>only with the bomb chart, but between the particulars....might be
>interesting to see McVeigh’s progressed vis a vis the Clinton’s and
>Reno’s, etc.....

The problem is, there are so many charts one could do on any important event, which do you choose, and
why? That is, there has to be some sort of criterion for why we want those charts, in this case, to see how,
if at all, any thing or person is implicated to or otherwise involved in the event concerned. You can only
look at so many charts with any degree of usefulness in a given amount of time, and so there has to be a
cut-off point for which charts to look at in relation to the event under consideration. In this case, we want
to know: Who dunnit, and why? And what will its impact be on the rest of us? We can look at similar,
recent events, e.g., Waco; we can look at people who might have been involved, e.g., the Clintons, Reno,
McVeigh, et al. We can look at institutions that might have been involved in it, e.g., the BATF and its
inception or that of the Department of the Treasury, of which it is part, or the FBI, or any group McVeigh
might have been part of. We can look at what might be affected by it, e.g., the United States of America
and its people. And so on. In each case, we can look at (a) the natus, the chart for the beginning of a thing
or person, or the time it occurred (event chart); (b) progressions to it – I use secondary progressions,
looking ahead in the ephemeris as many days and fractions thereof as years and fractions thereof have
elapsed since the time and date for which the original chart was erected; (c) transit charts, that is, what is
going on in the heavens at the time that the event under consideration occurred, or the project under
consideration was begun, etc. The first thing to do is narrow down the search to about five or six lines of
investigation, at most. This can often be done rather quickly by looking at the natal or event or inception
charts of (a) the event chart itself; (b) three or four people or things that might have been involved with it
or affected by it; and (c) the event chart of one similar event in relatively recent history.
Making this selection usefully takes precognition, psychic abilities, a feel for your subject – or a grudge
against somebody and a lot of luck. I sort of used the latter for this, but it worked: I picked, in addition to
(of course) the event chart for the OKC bomb itself, the charts of the United States of America, Clinton’s
inauguration (unfortunately, I still don’t have his natal data, or I’d have used that, instead, but maybe this
was just as well), Clinton’s wife, and the Waco holocaust. Bingo! – each one of the five, as well as the
progressions for Waco, the US, Hillary, and Clinton’s inauguration, had loads of highly significant
contacts, including lots and lots of conjunctions (i.e., places where planets from one chart occupies the
same places in the sky that planets from the other chart does), with respect to the OKC chart and each
other. This was also true for progressions of the US chart for the OKC and Waco events and for Clinton’s
inauguration. I haven’t looked at much else, but then I haven’t had time – and so far, what I have looked at
catches both Clintons and the Clinton administration red-handed at both the Waco and OKC events.
From the point of view of a Ceremonial Magickian (which I am), as well, it also implicates the Clintons
and their hench-things in necromancy – black Magick, sorcery – as far as those two events go, that is,
attempts to control the destiny of the US, and take charge of any psychospiritual, political, and other power
inherent in it and its people, by means of ritual evocation of some sort of entities using human sacrifice on
the grand scale! This is similar to what the Nazis were probably attempting with the Final Solution:
gaining power and control over the whole world, for whatever purposes they had in mind, with the help of
some form of entity, exchanging favor-for-favor by trading all those lives lost in the pogroms by Nazi
Germany against the Jews, Gypsies and others for such demonic help. (Would it work? Ask the man who
did it – I haven’t and so have no idea.)
As far as doing more charts on the same event goes, that can be left to others, but I’m willing to bet
money that any others they do of people, places, processes, or things that are related to it in some
significant way will show the same thing: Bill the Pill and his Lovely Lady Hillary dunnit – and dunnit for
occult power over the USA. Even leaving that angle out of it – which most people of course will, and I
have no quarrel with that – the fact that the charts I’ve already looked at do interlock so tightly with one
another in the way that they do simply screams the President’s guilt, that of his wife, and that of his whole
administration, not only in the OKC event, but also the Waco event. He’s guilty of about 300 counts of
Murder-One, so is she, and so are the rest of ‘em, and at that point I’ve done my job, anything else is gravy,
astrologically speaking, and it’s up to others to take those leads I’ve provided and track them down to get
substantive evidence to hang those sons of bitches higher than the National Debt!
By now, you’ll have gotten some more of my stuff on those charts, and about the chart-data I’m
seeking. I’ll be interested to see any comments or questions you may have; if you have any of those chart-
data, please let me know!
Take care, always, Yael Dragwyla

From correspondence with a friend 5/15/95):

>>I just did ran off a secondary progression of the US natus for April
>>19, 1993, the day the Branch Davidian Compound at Waco, TX was
>>destroyed (“Live! On CNN!!”). The chart data for this turns out to
>>be Wednesday, February 5, 1777, at 9:13:22 p.m. LT (+ 5:00:35 hr),
>>Philadelphia, PA. As usual, I used the Placidean system of House

>What? What? What does Philadelphia have to do with it? What’s a

>secondary progression mean?

A progression of a chart is a chart erected for a date that is as many days (and fractions thereof) after a
given birth-date and time as the age in years (and fractions thereof) of the subject of the original chart.
There are several types of progressions, the two basic ones being the primary and secondary.
In the primary progression, first the angular distance the Sun will have moved through the Signs in that
number of days after the original time and date is calculated; then that arc is added to (or subtracted from)
every point in the chart. In effect, a primary progression is a rotation backwards or forwards of the chart
relative to itself by an amount equal to the number of degrees the Sun will have moved along the Ecliptic
from His original position to the one on which He stood as many days (and fractions thereof) after the
original date & time as actual years (and fractions thereof) have elapsed since then. The aspects which
significant points in the progressed chart make to those in the original are then analyzed to see what is
likely to occur within the next 12 months after the time for which the progressed chart is erected.
In the secondary progression, for a given number of years (and fractions thereof) after the original time
and date of a given birth or event, a transit chart (what is going on in the sky at the time) for the same
number of days (and fractions thereof) after the time and date of the original chart is erected. Aspects of
points in it to those in the original are then analyzed to see what they portend for the future.
Planets and points in secondary progressions are not all the same arc-length from their original
positions, as they are in primary progressions. Both types of progression work, but a given astrologer
usually finds it easier to work with one technique than with the other.
Other useful types of progression include the Lunar progression, especially useful for working with
charts pertaining to women as well as meteorological (weather) and earthquake charts, the “4 minutes on
the Midheaven per year” technique of erecting a chart for a time equal to the original time and date plus the
number of years (and fractions) after it under consideration, times four minutes; and several others. If you
like, I can go into each of them, their pros and cons and various uses at length some other time, but to save
space now I’ll just say that there are three types of Lunar progression: in the first, for every year after birth,
a chart is calculated for that many calendrical months after the original time and date; in the second, for
ever year after the original time and date, a chart is calculated for that many synodical months, based on the
time it takes for the Moon to go from a given phase back to that phase (e.g., full-to-full, new-to-new); in
the third, the Lunar-sidereal month – the time it takes for Luna, as seen from Earth against the background
of the Fixed Stars, to go once completely around the Zodiac and return to Her starting point – is used rather
than the Synodical month, but otherwise the two techniques are identical.
Now, as to why Philadelphia: progressed charts are always erected for the same place as that of the
original ones. In this case, that of the U.S. natal chart, the place of our nation’s birth was Independence
Hall, Philadelphia, PA. So the place of any progressions of that chart is always Philadelphia, PA.
How about that?

Dear Miss Astrological Manners:

My hubby will not stop snoring, and it’s driving me mad! What Planets Signs rule snoring, and what
do I look for in them?
Gina, from Srinagina

Dear Gina:
The Planet that rules snoring is Saturn. I suggest you look for a divorce, tout suite . . . :)

From correspondence with a friend, 5/16/95)

>Hmmmmm....the infamous “psychic gut” just activated here! I sort

>of had a feeling along these lines, but you’re the first person to
>substantiate these feelings I’ve had. Like Aleister Crowley
>“activating” WW I so that all the deaths would generate immense
>psychic power....

Yeah – except that in Crowley’s case, you see, the activation was entirely accidental, and it had nothing to
do with necromancy (human sacrifice to gain occult power). What happened is something you really
should research. Best place is his autobiography, The Confessions of Aleister Crowley – look up his Cairo
Working of midnight, March 19, 1904 e.v., and the writing of the Book of the Law on April 8-10 of that
same year. As a result of his Cairo Working, which was to learn more about what he’d seen on a certain
stele he’d seen in the British Museum, apparently some sort of spirit named Aiwass got loose in the world.
After that, all hell broke loose – literally. Was Aiwass one of the Good Guys – or was Horus the Cosmic
Marshall sent to collar the s.o.b. and take him back to the celestial hoosegow? All we know is what began
to happen to the world then and since: WW I, WW II, etc. These may have been the result of the spirit’s
lust for blood, engineered by it for its own purposes, but Crowley was in fact a profoundly patriotic
Englishman, who loved his country dearly, believe it or not. He ran afoul of a lot of hidebound, humorless
asshole types, hence a lot of his rep – though not all, as he had the personality of a stoned mink, much of
the time. But while he may have had a shitty personality, which nobody can deny (least of all Crowley –
who didn’t! He gloried in it!), he was a magnificent esoteric engineer, mathematician (though his
arithmetic sometimes sucked <g>), and a fine writer. I’ve been one of his students since 1969, and while I
am more than ready to admit that he could be incredibly self-destructive, selfish, cruel, even just plain low-
down mean, he wasn’t a murderer, especially not a mass murderer, and he did love his country. MI-5 drew
extensively on his tremendous knowledge during WW II, trying to outwit Hitler, and every bit of what they
learned from him was solid power metal, precious beyond any counting.
Some books about Crowley and things related to him, WW II, etc., you might find of interest are:

Brennan, J.H. Occult Reich. London: Futura, 1974.

Crowley, Aleister. The Confessions of Aleister Crowley: An Autohagiography. New
York: Hill and Wang, 1969.
_____. The Law is for All. Edited, with an introduction by Israel Regardie. Las Vegas:
Falcon Press, 1988.
_____. Liber Al vel Legis sub Figura CCXX. New York: Ordo Templi Orientis in
cooperation with the Magickal Childe Publishing Co., 1990.
_____. Magick Without Tears. Israel Regardie, editor. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn
Publications, 1973.
_____. Thelema: The Holy Books of Thelema. York Beach, ME: Samuel Weiser, 1983.
Contains his Liber Al vel Legis Sub Figura CCXX, etc. Prepared by the Ordo Templi
Orientis. Contains both the photoreproduction of The Book of the Law (Liber XXXI)
and the typeset version (Liber CCXX).
Regardie, Israel. The Eye in the Triangle: an Interpretation of Aleister Crowley. St.
Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 1970.
_____ and Stephensen, P. R. The Legend of Aleister Crowley. Phoenix, AZ: Falcon
Press, 1983.
Sklar, Dusty. Gods and Beasts: The Nazis and the Occult. New York: Dorset, 1989.
(Also published by Dorset as Nazis and the Occult, 1989.)
Suster, Gerald. Hitler and the Age of Horus. New York: Samuel Weiser, Inc., n.d.
(Also published under the title Hitler: The Occult Messiah [New York: St. Martin’s
Press, 1981]).

>Have you read Spear Of Destiny, and Fire and Ice?

Yeah. Both are just chock-full of both historical and occult inaccuracies. The author had some axes to
grind, and if you’re familiar with his subjects, you can see that like so many religious hysterics, he often
sacrificed truth and factual accuracy at the altars of his Gods, Propriety and Right-Thinkingness, both of
Whom were apparently highly offended by Crowley’s progressivism, neophilia, impatience with idiots,
weird sense of humor, intellectual independence, and genius-born courage.

>Both books go into the occult background of Hitler and the
>fact, if I can dig them out, I’ll check for whatever data they might
>provide as to date/time of Hitler’s birth and the Reichstag fire.

As a matter of fact, as I remember, they do. Those, at least, were matters of record, fairly easily checked,
and the author wouldn’t have messed those up (but assume nothing! <g>). Hitler was a Roman Catholic by
birth, too, and in Europe, Roman Catholic lying-in hospitals have always kept meticulously accurate
records of births, whenever possible, so surely it should be recorded somewhere.

>My “gut feeling” says that they initially planned it just to divert
>attention from their legal problems, and to consolidate their power
>by trying to generate public hysteria against some mysterious
>“terrorist” group...make their abrogation of civil rights more
>palatable to John and Jane Q Public. I’m not even sure that so many
>deaths were planned, at least at first. Something tells me that
>someone else is really behind this, using the Clintons as willing
>puppets. This person got them to agree to a bombing at say, 6 am,
>which would have caused an “acceptable” number of deaths (none of
>which were children)...but then the time was moved up just so
>many people, including children, would be killed. The gut says that
>this aspect took the Clintons by surprise, but the “real” power
>talked them into taking advantage of developments....including the
>immense occult energy generated.

Maybe – but if so, have you considered the possibility that it may have been a non-human being behind it,
e.g., a “thrint,” a sentient virus, a la a number of my recent posts? That isn’t a facetious suggestion, either.
As a student of anthropology, I’ve seen loads of data on the trans-cultural, trans-religious phenomenon
called possession, for which almost every culture in the world has rituals of exorcism, sort of religious
versions of chi !kung for this one specific ailment. The ailment is real – and I swear to God that all across
all cultures, certain features consistently stand out in it that look exactly like what you’d expect of a certain
type of viral infection of the human neuroendocrine system (brain, peripheral nerves, and endocrine
glands). One consistent sub-syndrome of this condition is the sort of poor judgment, warped thinking, bad
logic, and so forth you’d expect of people who had damage to certain areas of the forebrain (see Antonio
Damasio, Descartes’ Error: Emotion, Reason, and the Human Brain [New York: Grosset/Putnam Books,
1994], passim), indicating a consistent locus of infection by something in the brain. Another is lying, which
could indicate something similar. Now who do we know that sounds like that? :)
– Don’t snort. Viruses aren’t near sub-microscopic protein-wrapped chunks of DNA, any more than a
human being is a single cell in a human body, or even a random collection of such cells all with the same
genotype! They are vast and very intelligent organisms, some of them perhaps very old, spread out over
whole countries or continents in some cases, or even having a global distribution. Each virus is an
intelligence associated with one, specific genotype and a large population of viral particles all having that
genotype encoded into them, the way your genotype, say, is encoded in every cell of your body. You’re
just a lot denser than a virus, that’s all. What makes a virus – or you, for that matter – more than just a
random aggregation of cells of one type or another is the cyclic regularity of processes that included all the
cells in the organism, whether it is a picosecond, nanosecond, minute-to-minute, day-night, seasonal,
annular, or any other cycle. These processes, which constitute the metabolism of the organism, are the
thing intelligence is always associated with, in some form, however alien it might seem to us. And if you
don’t think a virus is intelligent, ask the CDC about it!
Viruses, unlike us, don’t engage in sexual reproduction. If they have emotions, they aren’t mediated by
the sort of systems that mediate ours, and would be strange to us. Their children – viruses associated with
newly mutated versions of their own genotypes – would also be their deadliest competitors, and family and
neighborly love isn’t going to be part of their repertoire in most cases. For them, family generally isn’t an
asset, at least most of them time; it’s a deadly threat. We, on the other hand, are so thoroughgoingly
animals of community that we frequently go far out of our way and make almost unbelievably sacrifices to
cherish even total strangers and non-human or, almost on reflex, unless and until those strangers or non-
human beings prove to be total ingrates, one way or another. (Ever see those news-photos of the fireman
who’s just come within an ace of death rescuing a kitten from a burning house?) I think the ultimate
definition of our species is: loving monster. We can, like Ted Bundy actually did, combine good and
loving neighbor and friend and helper of strangers with sociopathic monster in the same person. No virus
could do that. They could, if they lived long enough, grow ecologically wise, and come to cherish the
whole world, and therefore come to a consciously acquired empathy for all life, including us. Probably
most viruses either have done this, or else are kept within bounds by older, wiser viruses. But there may be
a few that never learned the ropes – and never cared. Call these “thrints” – slaver viruses, who, like
Heinlein’s Puppet-Masters in his novel of the same name (see Robert A. Heinlein, The Puppet Masters
[New York: Ballantine Books, 1951,1990] passim), regard their hosts the way a rich kid does the
electronic toys and the girls and the drugs he buys: as things to use up and throw away, and there are
always more. They could have worked on us from behind the shield of our own brains over millions of
years to select on certain characteristics in us to try to produce hosts that fitted their desires, the way we
breed cattle – or miniature chihuahuas, rex cats, scentless roses, and other ultimately unviable organisms.
(Gee – wonder if Bill Clinton got “Best of Breed” in their last ptaav show? <g> [ptaav: a host/slave of
thrints] – Robert Anton Wilson is wrong we need to put a rubber on our [Slick] Willie! <VBG – you know,
the ones like plastic bags that you should never let your small children or pets around . . .>) And they could
have produced every single Goddamn documented symptom of possession in history, as a result of viral
infection of the human brain (a la rabies) and/or their attempts to control and manipulate us for their own
rotten purposes.
Assuming them to exist, such viruses could even have come originally from outer space, either
accidentally, e.g., embedded deep in the material of a comet, or as the result of space-travel pioneered and
developed by their ptaav artificers and scientists. (What for a space-drive? Perhaps something of the sort
now being developed and tested at the University of Illinois at Urbana, IL, applications based on John
Bell’s hypothesis concerning certain apparent paradoxes arising out of the fundamental postulates of
quantum mechanics, as Nick Herbert discusses in his Quantum Reality and other works [for more on
which, see his Elemental Mind: Human Consciousness and the New Physics (New York: Dutton, 1993),
Faster Than Light: Superluminal Loopholes in Physics (New York: New American Library, 1988),
“Mechanical Mediums” (in Psychic Magazine July/August 36 [1976]), “Notes Towards ‘A User’s Guide to
the Quantum Connection” (in The BVI-Pacifica Journal, Vol. 1, No. 4 [Leo/Summer 1988], p. 4),
Quantum Reality: Beyond the New Physics (New York: Doubleday, 1985), etc.].) Like Stephen King’s
Tommyknockers, they could then go anywhere they wanted, infecting worlds all over the universe, never
giving a damn about the damage they did to those worlds or their hosts in the process. Such a scenario
would certainly go far toward explaining many of the more infuriatingly puzzling aspects of UFO contacts
and other cryptophenomenological subjects, as well as the many reported instances of E.T.s on our planet,
directly involved at planning levels with our various national and more local leaders. Maybe the E.T.s
aren’t beings of the same sort of form we have, which we would deal with eye-to-eye in a conscious way.
Maybe they’re viruses – and they have literally infiltrated us, by infecting and taking over a great many of
our political and religious and other leaders, all down the centuries. (Maybe this explains what has gone so
radically wrong with American public “education” and commercial television! <g>)
Anyway, it’s possible that the “demons” the Clintons have likely been “evoking” are inside them,
controlling them from within, putting ideas in their heads they think are their own, giving them the illusion
of being equal partners with those demons, when in fact they are only their ptaavs.

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