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Jesus Christ went about doing good.

2nd Week Sharing Time Idea for July

From: Little LDS Ideas

What you will need for this Sharing Time:

-GAK Picture 240: Jesus the Christ
- The phrase, ‘He went about doing good’ typed up onto a piece of paper.
-GAK Pictures: examples- 213 (Christ Healing a Blind Man); 215 (Jesus Blessing Jairus’s Daughter); 216 or
322 (Christ and the Children); 221 (The Ten Lepers); Jesus Feeding the 5,000 (you should be able to find this
in a primary manual.
- Several objects that have to do with the GAK Pictures. Examples: Dirt/mud- 213 (Christ Healing a Blind
Man); Picture of children- 216/322 (Christ and the Children); Number 10 or 10 men- 221 (The Ten Lepers),
-Scripture References: GAK 213 (John 9:1-17); 215 (Matthew 9:18-19, 23-25); 322 (Nephi 17:21-24); Jesus
Feeding the 5,000 (John 6:5-14); 221 (Luke 17:11-19)

At the front of the Primary room have the picture of Christ (cover it with a piece of paper/cloth) set up on a
table with the phrase ‘He went about doing good’ above it. If you have some sandals place those beside the
picture also.
Tell the children that today they are going to be talking about a very special person. Show the children the
sandals and tell them that this person wore sandals like these. Tell them that this person was very kind and that
He loved everyone. Ask if anyone knows who it might be. You can give them a few more clues or uncover the
picture and show them.
Like in the outline, explain to the children that Jesus, wearing shoes like these, went about doing good. Show
the children the phrase and have them repeat it with you. Tell them that throughout Jesus’ life, he did many
great things. Tell the children of His love for others. Today we are going to learn some of the stories/things that
Jesus did.
Have the GAK pictures spread around the room or posted onto a bulletin/chalk board. Place your objects, that
go along with the pictures, onto the table. Tell the children that you have some objects on the table, and these
objects have to do with one of the pictures that you see posted around the room/on the chalkboard. Either split
the primary children into groups and give each group one of the objects. Or take turns choosing a child to come
up and pick one of the objects. Have them look at the object, and then show them the scripture reference. If you
do this in groups, have each group read the scripture and then pick the picture that goes with their scripture and
object. If you do this by choosing one child at a time, have them tell the other children what the object is and
then give them the scripture reference. Have one child read the scripture (or a teacher) and have the children try
to guess what picture it goes with.
Once the children have chosen the correct picture go over the story. Ask if anyone knows what part the object
you used plays in the story; i.e. - Why did I choose mud for the object for this story? Because that is what Jesus
used to heal the blind man. Ask the children, ‘What is Jesus doing in this picture?’ ‘Is he doing good?’
Once you have matched all of the scriptures/objects with the correct picture have the children look at the Picture
of Christ again and repeat the phrase, ‘He went about doing good.’ Bear testimony of Jesus Christ and his
example to us.

Another idea:
Instead of having the phrase ‘He went about doing good’ already typed up, you could have each word of the
phrase on a piece of paper and attach it to the back of each picture. As the children choose the correct picture
show them the word and have them try to figure out what it says.
Also, if you have the pictures posted around the primary room, you could have the child put on the sandals and
then go choose what picture their scripture/object matches.

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