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186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

186 Ezine Excellere 186

Version en Castellano.
Casa Juillet.
Editor: Alfredo Juillet Frascara.
Fecha: Diciembre 2016

Deseos de navidad.................por A. Juillet.
Felices Pascuas y dichoso Ao Nuevo 2017.Chile antiguo.
El nacionalismo.

Les deseo a todos mis lectores una feliz Pascua con muchos regalos, alegria y cantos; una
buena mesa y algo de chacol. Tambin un Feliz Ao Nuevo 2017, en el que la prosperidad
los alcance y los eleve a su mayor gloria, para asi ser felices con lo que tienen : salud, que
es el mejor tesoro. No discutan, no peleen, no sean ambiciosos y vivan en la tranquilidaddel
Soy el editor y unico escribiente de este Ezine, a pesar de que pongo nombres de otras
personas pero que son ficticias, es para dar un poco de magia al entorno. Pero, tengo una
jubilacion de miseria, y me andarian bien unos pocos dolares de limosna.
Coopere a traves de Paypal con lo que pueda, a nombre del editor y vademecum de este
Ezine: y se lo agradecer por escrito en futuras publicaciones.
Gracias y que lo pase bien.
Racista es quien defiende su etnia, nacional socialista es el que no reparte las riquezas
entre los demas paises que poco y nada dan, pero chupan hasta los calcetines.
Pgina 1

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

A proposito de las Pascuas y de los infelices que la arruinan queriendo que nadie compre ni
regale nada:
Economizas todo el ao, pagas deudas y un dia tienes para regalarle a tus seres queridos,
quienes a su vez te regalaran algo y te parecera que no estas en un pantano todo el ao.
Por supuesto, un ricachon regala todo el ao y la pasa bomba, pero es un porcentaje
minimo del monton de homo sapiens que se las machuca y gana pocas lucas. Viste?
Amargar por un gasto al ao me parece deleznable, es como el que te pregunta cunto te
cost el pavo que ests a punto de comerte. Chao
Chile antiguo: 1879 1881.
De las relaciones sobre los acontecimientos de esa tarde resulta que el inesperado
combate se trab porque los peruanos situados en los reductos de Miraflores violaron el
armisticio. El combate apenas dur una hora.
En la maana del domingo 16 se conoca perfectamente el desastre y se meda su
magnitud. El recio y sangriento ataque de Miraflores, embestido por los chilenos furiosos
por la infidencia cometida, fue apenas medianamente sostenido por tres o cuatro batallones
de la reserva y algunos restos del cuerpo de lnea.
Si los ejrcitos peruanos haban desaparecido como el humo de los combates, no as los
peligros para la capital que abrigaba en su seno esos ejrcitos desbandados,
indisciplinados y con armas, y un populacho heterogneo e hbrido de la peor especie.
Para contrarrestar a semejantes elementos exista slo un alcalde municipal nombrado a
ltima hora; como si dijiramos, a la grupa del dictador cuando ste trepaba hacia la sierra.
Hubirase credo, en vista del considerable y variado nmero de banderas que ondeaban
los techos, miradores, balcones, puertas y ventanas, que Lima engalanada se preparaba
como en los das de sus frecuentes festivales a entregarse gozosa y aturdida a los
placeres que la han enervado. Todas las banderas del mundo comercial flotaban en la
capital peruana, menos las de Chile, Bolivia y el Per... En los hospitales de sangre
ondeaba la bandera de la Cruz Roja, y en los de caridad, casas de asilo, orfelinatos y
dems establecimientos de beneficencia despleg banse al viento grandes banderas
blancas con una imagen de la Inmaculada Concepcin.
El saqueo de tiendas, zapateras y depsitos empez muy temprano en algunas calles. En
la muy extensa de Malambo, donde abundan negros y mulatos, hubo violencia desde las
tres de la tarde; en el centro de la ciudad, desde las 5. Los depsitos de vveres robados
fueron muy pocos: de chinos muy pobres, de algunos italianos. Los ricos almacenes de
mercaderas asiticas de las calles de Espaderos, Melchor Malo y Bodegones; algunos
establecimientos europeos de ropa hecha y todas las tiendas y casas ricas de prstamos
asiticas de Zavala, Albaquitas Paz-Soldn, Capn, Hoyos, Mercedarias y otras, fueron
atacadas en la noche, antes de que las colonias extranjeras pudieran organizarse y prestar
importantes servicios que salvaron la capital.
Los ladrones invadan las calles por todas partes y en grupos que vitoreaban al Per y a
Pirola, sin acordarse para nada de los chilenos, se dirigan a las calles escogidas que eran
designadas a gritos por la turba. A las 8 de la noche un tiroteo nutridsimo se oa en toda la
ciudad. Al principio fueron disparos hechos contra las cerraduras para forzar las puertas, o
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186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

lanzados en todas direcciones como medio de intimidacin. Pero desde las 10 se trab
combate que, en distintas partes, defendan las puertas de sus casas y tiendas desde los
Pero an no haba llegado el momento solemne del incendio con que los malvados
apoyaron la perpetracin de sus crmenes. Ese pueblo de Lima, tan encomiado por su
prensa, cuyos pechos y cadveres deca- formaran una valla infranqueable para el
invasor; esos soldados que haban huido ante el enemigo, entraron a la capital a incendiar,
a robar y a asesinar en sus hogares a los ms laboriosos e indefensos de sus confiados
Muy laudables fueron los esfuerzos y la abnegacin con la que la mayor parte de los
extranjeros salvaron Lima. Las bombas francesa, inglesas e italianas, servidas por sus
respectivas colonias y apoyadas por las dems, luchaban contra el incendio bajo el fuego
de los que huyeron ante los chilenos.
Nada ms horroroso que el siniestro cuadro que Lima ofreca esa noche, y nada ms
propio para explicar y comprender los problemas de ese pueblo, que de tiempo atrs ha
estado ocultando lceras profundas con las lujosas galas en que ha derrochado sus
ingentes riquezas.
Ah estaba Lima incendiada por sus propios hijos; ah estaba esa ciudad que hasta la
vspera lanzaba a los cuatro vientos el denuesto contra sus enemigos, ahora clamando
porque entraran y la salvaran de una destruccin ms vilipendiosa que el vencimiento y el
En la tarde del lunes 17 entraron a Lima los primeros batallones chilenos, que la salvaron
ocupndola, y cuya actitud digna, circunspecta y grave, obra de la disciplina y de la
contingencia de su fuerza, ha debido ser uno de los ms severos castigos inflingidos al
Per por el Supremo Juez de las Naciones.
El ejrcito de Chile hizo su entrada con una moderacin que pona de manifiesto la
disciplina de los soldados y la sensatez de sus jefes, as como sus triunfos haban
atestiguado su bien dirigida bravura. Los peruanos, mal de su grado, debieron sentir la
superioridad de un enemigo que despus de vencerlos les devolva la seguridad de sus
hogares, sin insultarlos siquiera con la risa burlona o la mirada compasiva de los fatuos.
Cun diverso habra sido este cuadro final, si los sucesos de la guerra hubieran abierto las
puertas de Santiago a caudillos y periodistas que proclamaban guerra sin tregua ni cuartel, y
a batallones como los que, desbandados, incendiaron a Lima!
Ah qued retradada a la perfeccin LAS ESCORIAS QUE SON. Como dice el distinguido
abogado Colombiano, el ordenado y digno ingreso de nuestras tropas ha sido EL PEOR
Su prrafo final adems coincide con tus repugnantes palabras cholo miserable, eso era lo
que buscaban al planear darnos un cuadrillazo TRES CONTRA UNO, que nuestros amigos
brasileos hicieron fracasar al corretear a las gallinas argentinas que buscaban sumar con
desesperacin, amenazdolas con aliarse con nosotros si se sumaban al maricn pacto
secreto de los rateros del norte.
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186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

El nacionalismo.
En estos momentos el mundo est debatindose poltica, social, econmica y
culturalmente entre dos facciones que son el globalismo versus el nacionalismo, por un
lado estn los gobiernos que ya no responden al mandato popular, y que estn del lado de
la globalizacin, mientras los pueblos, sometidos, saqueados y engaados ya han perdido
casi todo su sentido de nacin.
El nacionalismo verdadero tiene su raz en el concepto de la tribu primitiva, aquella que
trabajaba para s misma, y el fruto de lo trabajado se reparta de manera justa entre los
miembros de la tribu sin egosmo alguno, tribu que al mismo tiempo conviva y mantena
lazos comerciales y de respeto con otras tribus, es decir, me estoy refiriendo a una
sociedad sana, liderada por los ms sabios y virtuosos, y no por los ms inteligentes y
egostas como hoy ocurre en este desquiciado mundo de bancos y transnacionales que
manejan tras bambalinas a todos los gobiernos del mundo bajo el concepto de la
"dualidad", donde la izquierda y la derecha no son otra cosa que el mismo bando trabajando
a toda mquina para el sionismo, de una manera tan silenciosa, tan imperceptible y al
mismo tiempo eficiente, que son muy pocas las personas que logran darse cuenta del
engao y de quines son los que realmente gobiernan este sinttico mundo.
El "globalismo" es una doctrina que busca ponerle un uniforme al mundo entero, busca
eliminar el concepto de "patria", terminar con las legislaciones nacionales, la idiosincrasia
del pueblo y su patrimonio cultural para poder ejercer desde un gobierno mundial dictatorial
el saqueo final de este planeta, pues al no haber barreras polticas, ni econmicas, ni
legales, las transnacionales y su "corporatocracia global" al fin tendrn el camino
completamente libre para terminar de saquear lo poco y nada que va quedando en manos
de los pueblos.
La globalizacin es entonces el reducto de estos "inteligentes" e inescrupulosos lderes
que con su egosmo estn tragndose al mundo entero bajo la bandera de los muy bien
orquestados -tratados de "libre" comercio-, trampas bellamente adornadas a travs de los
grandes medios de comunicacin, engaos comerciales que no son otra cosa que la
entrega de la soberana a gigantescos grupos econmicos, donde actualmente un nefasto
tratado internacional llamado "Tratado Trans-Pacfico" o TTP, est bogando por desbaratar
la soberana de ms de 40 pases, anteponiendo en el derecho ms poder a las
transnacionales que a los propios pueblos. Cabe sealar que lo poco que sabemos del
TTP ha sido filtrado a travs de "Wikileaks", pero su contenido completo es absolutamente
secreto, por lo tanto nos debemos preguntar, cmo es que nuestros gobernantes estn
firmando tratados a espaldas de sus propios pueblos?, y donde ni siquiera nos muestran
qu es lo que estn firmando, algo que por lo tanto se constituye en un completo agravio
hacia la autonoma de cada uno de esos millones de ciudadanos.
Con lo anterior se ve muy claro, los gobiernos no trabajan para nosotros, sino para el
sionismo y su sistema sinrquico global. Un sistema de estandarizacin de humanos que
no es otra cosa que el mismo mundo corrupto de bancos y transnacionales que ha estado
sometiendo al mundo entero bajo la tcnica del goteo, y con una fuerza imparable desde el
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186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

fin de la segunda guerra mundial.

Lo anterior hay que sealarlo categricamente, el mundo actual de bancos, deudas,
guerras, hambre, robo y crisis es el resultado de que la segunda guerra mundial fue ganada
por los amos del dinero con deuda, aquellos que tienen a prcticamente todos los pases
del mundo sometidos a la "deuda externa", me refiero a los tristemente clebres
"sionistas", aquellos falsos judos de la sinagoga de Satans que tan bien seal el propio
Jess, seres sicopticos, ultrainteligentes, que disfrazados de judos -o de musulmanes si
de terrorismo se trata- se las han arreglado para vendernos malls, McDonalds, bancos,
deudas, crisis, contaminacin, bombas, armas, hambre, terrorismo, guerras y muerte, a
travs de un sistema global de comunicaciones tan "eficiente", que hasta nos han hecho
creer que toda esta mierda y locura es completamente "normal".
Hace un par de das atrs ac en Chile me toc estar en un cabildo ciudadano, donde
discutimos acerca de cual constitucin poltica queremos los chilenos, pues
supuestamente estamos en "democracia" hace 26 aos!!, pero increblemente la
constitucin de Pinochet sigue vivita y coleando. Bueno en mi turno de hablar ante el grupo
de ciudadanos, advert exactamente lo que digo aqu, que no sacamos nada con cambiar
una constitucin, si no cambiamos primero el paradigma "global" por el "nacional", pues si
las naciones continan con la agenda "internacionalista" neoliberal empujada por el
sionismo, da exactamente lo mismo cual constitucin poltica tengamos, pues el globalismo
estar siempre dos peldaos arriba y mandando sobre cualquier carta magna que
finalmente terminemos firmando.
Pongo solo un par de ejemplos para dejar claro lo anterior, aqu en Chile -segn la propia
constitucin- dice expresamente que el recurso minero llamado "cobre" es de los chilenos,
pero an as, se lo roban casi todo las transnacionales, en lo que constituye un atraco
gigantesco que asciende a la cifra aproximada de 40 mil millones de dlares anuales.
Tambin la misma constitucin dice que con la educacin NO se debe lucrar, pero all estn
los mercaderes de la educacin endeudando a nuestros jvenes casi de por vida y con la
ayuda de los propios gobiernos, donde no importa si son de izquierda, derecha o del signo
que sean, lisa y llanamente trabajan para los bancos que se quedan con el "negocio" de la
deuda...por qu ocurre lo anterior si la propia constitucin no lo permite?, pues porque la
globalizacin y su subproducto el neoliberalismo, -donde TODO debe ser negocio, incluso
los "derechos"-, no permiten que la constitucin sea efectiva, pues la dupla "globalizacinneoliberalismo" es absolutamente anti-democrtica.
Por qu existe tanta resistencia al nacionalismo?, la respuesta es simple, el que gana la
guerra escribe la historia, "pero jams la verdad", y los que ganaron la segunda guerra
mundial han estado con todos sus medios de comunicaciones, hollywood, prensa escrita
manipulada, falsa historia, etc. machacando constantemente en nuestras cabezas que el
"nacionalismo" es "malo", "racista", "genocida", etc., cuando es completamente el revs, el
sionismo que nos gobierna a travs de lderes tteres es el cncer que mata a este mundo.
Los pueblos deben tomar conciencia de s mismos, el peruano debe amar a su Per, el
chileno a su patria, el argentino no debe permitir intervenciones de afuera, el
norteamericano debe hacerse consciente de terminar con el engao dual de "demcratas y
republicanos" pues son lo mismo, los chinos deben acabar con la opresin ultra-capitalista
que les esclaviza a nombre del "comunismo", los espaoles deben trabajar en eliminar esa
falsa "izquierda y derecha" que les engaa trabajando juntas y as, cada pueblo debe tomar
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186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

el control de su territorio, su cultura, su propia determinacin para desde all respetar y

armonizar toda diferencia con sus vecinos, pues de eso se trata el nacionalismo finalmente,
pueblos independientes que se respetan entre ellos con su idiosincrasia, riqueza, sociedad
y cultura, pues mientras nos respetemos armonizando las diferencias y aceptando que
somos pueblos diferentes, existir la confianza para el comercio, las buenas relaciones, y
por supuesto la prosperidad compartida.
Es tal el poder que ha tenido esta antipropaganda contra el nacionalismo a travs de
dcadas, que la hemos credo a pie juntillas, por lo que a estas alturas el rechazo es hasta
inconciente, tanto as que cuando se oye esa palabra, muchos saltan y convulsionan como
vampiros rociados con agua bendita en alguna pelcula clase B, y no es casual, ha sido
exactamente diseado as, pues si los pueblos volvieran al primitivo, sano, cuerdo, justo y
natural nacionalismo, los globalistas ya no podran seguir esclavizando y saqueando al
mundo entero con sus bancos, deudas, armas y guerras.
Finalmente de ti depende, ser un ser humano autnomo, nico y libre, o un robot manejado,
uniformado, esclavo, y que ms encima cree de rodillas mirando al cielo que este
sicoptico sistema en el que estamos todos metidos es una "democracia"...<JZ>
PD: Para los que no saben qu es el sionismo, aqu lo explico:
Links: Enlaces gratis.
Por favor donen a traves de paypal: Gracias.
Please donate through PayPal to :
Done a la Casa Juillet a traves de Paypal:
links enlaces.
Pgina 6

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.
Todo gratis.
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Pgina 7

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

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Pgina 8

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

no se olviden de donar a a traves de paypal. Su propina es mi
Arreglar correas metalicas de reloj:
Todo gratis.
Para apoyarnos con lo que puedas puedes usar los siguientes medios:
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__Si tienes Fallas en lector dvd cd =

Otro dato: cuando tu lector DVD-CD falle en reconocer mp4 o CD, tienes que hacer lo
siguiente: en
Inicio, buscar programas o archivos, pon REGEDIT.
En Regedit busca hkey local machines/ system/ current control set/ control/class/(4d36e9
(E325 -11
CE- BRC1-08002 BE10318)
Pgina 9

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Haz clic derecho en Filtros superiores, y elimina y confirma. Haz lo mismo con Filtros
inferiores. A
veces hay uno solo de ellos, pues lo eliminas.
Antes de reiniciar, haz un PUNTO DE RESTAURACION, ya que en mi caso el computador
no quiso
iniciarse, y debi usar la partida con "ultima sesion efectiva". As, con el punto de
simplemente eliges partida con punto de restauracion y no habra problemas.
(Si los hubiere, usa ultima sesion efectiva).
Ahora, mi lector dvd cd lee perfectamente; no s por qu nacen esos "filtros", porque algo
los activa.
OOOO ---------------Apoya depositando una limosna a travs de paypal a nombre de :
Hazme creer que no estoy solo en el planeta Tierra.

Pgina 10

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.!9VMGQArY!jhyVnNgfLLRuhltfJeVBrlMtKsXmor1XbZIS6hTXXds

18:27 09-12-2016
Coopere dando un par de dolares a traves de Paypal a :
que es el editor de esta publicacin . Gracias.
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 1/1/2016 00:38 (Entered as : 01/01/16 00:38)
Reported: 12/31/2015 10:51:31 PM 22:51
Posted: 1/5/2016
Location: Fenton, MO
Shape: Fireball
Duration:3 minutes
Fireball Object Without Sound
At about 12:38am in Fenton, Missouri, I saw a orange globe shaped light floating in the sky.
Figuring it was a helicopter I thought nothing of it until I noticed no audible sound coming
from the object. No later than a minute after another appeared from the same direction with a
slow pace gliding through the sky.
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 1/1/2016 00:12 (Entered as : 01/01/16 0:12)
Reported: 12/31/2015 10:50:57 PM 22:50
Posted: 1/5/2016
Location: Malabar, FL
Shape: Oval
Duration:25 minutes
Eight orange orbs flew over my house minutes apart in the same pattern with three witness.
We went outside to see the neighbors' fireworks only to notice a strange orange ball/orb
slowly move over our home and my wife, daughter and myself proceeded to watch the
object move at a decent pace over the trees, then crossed the road until out of sight.
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186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

We thought nothing of it til we saw another take the same path, there was no wind or breeze.
Then another object popped up and took a similar path again. By the sixth object we realize
something crazy was going on, then the seventh one all with 2-3 minutes apart. The eighth
and final object acted different, instead of just moving along as the others did, at first sight it
quickly popped up above the trees and stayed idle for a good 10-15 seconds, before
cruising a little quicker along the same path as the others.
((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact
information. PD))
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 1/1/2016 00:05 (Entered as : 01/01/2016 00:05)
Reported: 12/31/2015 10:01:26 PM 22:01
Posted: 1/5/2016
Location: Titusville, FL
Shape: Sphere
Duration:15 minutes
1 Jan 2016 12:05AM Observed three red-orange spherical objects traveling in a line from
SW to TE over the northern end of Brevard County, Florida.
These were followed by at least six more following the same line. They had a slight glow
without any blinking or blinking lights and were silent.
They faded from view as they progressed Northeastward.
Sky was partly cloudy but clear for most of the path, a path which traversed the constellation
Observer is a trained Weather Spotter, Private Pilot, Earth and Science Teacher.
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 1/1/2016 00:15 (Entered as : 1/1/16 0:15)
Reported: 12/31/2015 9:50:25 PM 21:50
Posted: 1/5/2016
Location: Joppatowne, MD
Shape: Circle
Duration:4-5 minutes
My dad called me into his room to look at what I thought was fire works due to it be the new
year. But instead, I saw, at first, three circles floating in the air coming from the north west.
These circle weren't close to the ground at all, I knew this because they were several of
hundreds of feet above the tree line behind my house.
All three of these objects were heading southwest. When out of no where three more
appear from the west and were heading fast towards the others and they seemed to have
meet up because they went in to groups of two.

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186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Then two just disappeared out of thin air just gone I thought it was crazy but until this
happened two more showed up behind the groups. They traveled in a single line they came
out of no where and were flashing red and white. One of the two trailing behind disappeared
right in front of our eyes while the other one kept going flashing a bright red and white.
These "aircrafts" were going fast, due to the tree line is several hundreds of feet and they
cleared that in a matter of seconds. And to add on I live close by to a testing ground for the
armed forces. UFO I think so.
Sighting Report
Occurred : 1/1/2016 00:25 (Entered as : 01/01/16 0:25)
Reported: 12/31/2015 9:39:31 PM 21:39
Posted: 1/5/2016
Location: Florence, KY
Shape: Light
Duration:10 minutes
Several large red moving objects appeared in a constellation pattern moving throughout the
sky over a 10 minute duration before quickly vanishing. 2 objects reappeared for some time
before giving way to the clouds.
((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact
information. PD))
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 1/1/2016 00:05 (Entered as : 01/01/16 00:05)
Reported: 1/1/2016 8:34:31 AM 08:34
Posted: 1/5/2016
Location: Matthews, NC
Shape: Triangle
Duration:3-5 minutes
Pyramid formation lights above Matthews, NC.
Just after midnight, I went out into my backyard to have a cigarette and I saw 3 lights in the
sky, forming a sideways triangle or pyramid. At the front were two lights, nearly vertical and
then about 300ft behind them, a single light, forming the point but at the rear. The three lights
moved in unison, and at the same speeds. The lights were white with a bluish halo.
I immediately called my wife and 8 year old daughter out and they both witnessed the event.
I tried to capture it on my cellphone but was unable to get anything clear.
Once the lights disappeared behind my neighbors roof, we lost track of it.
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 1/1/2016 00:38 (Introducido como: 01/01/16 00:38)
Inform: 12/31/2015 10:51:31 PM 22:51
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186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Publicado: 1/5/2016
Ubicacin: Fenton, MO
Forma: Bola de fuego
Duracin: 3 minutos
Objeto de bola de fuego sin sonido
A eso de las 12:38 am en Fenton, Missouri, vi un globo anaranjado en forma de luz flotando
en el cielo. Imaginando que era un helicptero, no pens en nada hasta que no not ningn
sonido audible procedente del objeto. No ms tarde de un minuto despus de que otro
apareci de la misma direccin con un paso lento deslizndose por el cielo.
Centro Nacional de Informes UFO
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 1/1/2016 00:12 (Introducido como: 01/01/16 0:12)
Inform: 12/31/2015 10:50:57 PM 22:50
Publicado: 1/5/2016
Ubicacin: Malabar, FL
Forma: Ovalada
Duracin: 25 minutos
Ocho orbes naranjas volaron sobre mi casa minutos aparte en el mismo patrn con tres
Fuimos a ver los fuegos artificiales de los vecinos slo para notar una extraa bola naranja /
orb lentamente se mueven sobre nuestra casa y mi esposa, mi hija y yo procedimos a ver el
objeto mover a un ritmo decente sobre los rboles, luego cruz la carretera hasta que fuera
en vista.
No pensamos en nada hasta que vimos a otro tomar el mismo camino, no haba viento ni
brisa. Entonces otro objeto surgi y tom un camino similar de nuevo. Por el sexto objeto
nos damos cuenta de algo loco estaba pasando, a continuacin, el sptimo uno con 2-3
minutos de diferencia. El octavo y ltimo objeto actu diferente, en lugar de simplemente
avanzar como lo hicieron los otros, a primera vista rpidamente apareci por encima de los
rboles y permaneci inactivo durante unos buenos 10-15 segundos, antes de cruzar un
poco ms rpido por el mismo camino que el otros.
(NUFORC Nota: El testigo decide permanecer totalmente an nimo, no proporciona
informacin de contacto.
Centro Nacional de Informes UFO
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 1/1/2016 00:05 (Introducido como: 01/01/2016 00:05)
Inform: 12/31/2015 10:01:26 PM 22:01
Publicado: 1/5/2016
Localizacin: Titusville, FL
Forma: Esfera
Duracin: 15 minutos
1 Jan 2016 12:05 AM Observ tres objetos esfricos rojo-anaranjados que viajan en una
lnea de SW a TE sobre el extremo norteo del condado de Brevard, la Florida.
Pgina 14

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

A stos le siguieron por lo menos seis ms siguiendo la misma lnea. Tenan un ligero
resplandor sin luces parpadeantes o parpadeantes y guardaban silencio.
Se desvanecieron de vista mientras avanzaban hacia el noreste.
El cielo estaba parcialmente nublado pero claro para la mayor parte del camino, un camino
que atravesaba la constelacin de Orin.
Observador es un observador del tiempo entrenado, piloto privado, profesor de la tierra y
de ciencias.
Centro Nacional de Informes UFO
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 1/1/2016 00:15 (ingresado como: 1/1/16 0:15)
Inform: 12/31/2015 9:50:25 PM 21:50
Publicado: 1/5/2016
Localizacin: Joppatowne, MD
Forma: Crculo
Duracin: 4-5 minutos
Mi pap me llam a su habitacin para mirar lo que pens que era fuego funciona debido a
que sea el ao nuevo. Pero en vez de eso, vi al principio tres crculos flotando en el aire
procedentes del noroeste. Estos crculos no estaban cerca del suelo en absoluto, lo saba
porque estaban varios centenares de pies por encima de la lnea de rboles detrs de mi
Los tres objetos se dirigan al suroeste. Cuando de no hay tres ms aparecen desde el
oeste y se dirigan rpidamente hacia los otros y parecan haber reunirse porque se fueron
a grupos de dos.
Luego dos desaparecieron del aire que acababa de llegar. Pens que era una locura, pero
hasta que esto ocurri, dos ms aparecieron detrs de los grupos. Viajaron en una sola
lnea que salieron de ninguna parte y estaban destellando rojo y blanco. Uno de los dos
detrs detrs desapareci derecho delante de nuestros ojos mientras que el otro sigui
que destellaba un rojo vivo y blanco. Estos "aviones" iban rpido, debido a la lnea de
rboles es varios cientos de pies y se aclar que en cuestin de segundos. Y para aadir
en vivo cerca de un terreno de pruebas para las fuerzas armadas. UFO, creo que s.
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 1/1/2016 00:25 (Introducido como: 01/01/16 0:25)
Inform: 12/31/2015 9:39:31 PM 21:39
Publicado: 1/5/2016
Ubicacin: Florence, KY
Forma: Ligero
Duracin: 10 minutos
Varios objetos rojos en movimiento grandes aparecieron en un patrn de la constelacin
que se mova a travs del cielo sobre una duracin de 10 minutos antes de desaparecer
rpidamente. 2 objetos reaparecieron durante algn tiempo antes de dar paso a las nubes.

Pgina 15

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

(NUFORC Nota: El testigo decide permanecer totalmente an nimo, no proporciona

informacin de contacto.
Centro Nacional de Informes UFO
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 1/1/2016 00:05 (ingresado como: 01/01/16 00:05)
Inform: 1/1/2016 8:34:31 AM 08:34
Publicado: 1/5/2016
Localidad: Matthews, NC
Forma: Tringulo
Duracin: 3-5 minutos
Luces de la formacin de la pirmide sobre Matthews, NC.
Justo despus de medianoche, sal a mi patio trasero para tener un cigarrillo y vi 3 luces en
el cielo, formando un tringulo o pirmide lateral. En la parte delantera haba dos luces, casi
verticales y luego a unos 300 pies detrs de ellas, una sola luz, formando el punto pero en
la parte trasera. Las tres luces se movieron al unsono, ya la misma velocidad. Las luces
eran blancas con un halo azulado.
Inmediatamente llam a mi esposa e hija de 8 aos de edad para que vieran aquello. Trate
de tomar foto con el celular pero no logre que se descirniera bienxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sighting Report
Occurred : 1/1/2016 05:30 (Entered as : 01/01/2016 5:30)
Reported: 1/1/2016 4:34:34 AM 04:34
Posted: 1/5/2016
Location: Medford, NY
Shape: Circle
Duration:2 minutes
Bright orange sphere in sky traveling north to east. Moving slowly, hovering, then again
moving slowly and disappeared into eastern sky.
((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact
information. PD))
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 1/1/2016 00:15 (Entered as : 01/01/16 0:15)
Reported: 1/1/2016 1:22:06 AM 01:22
Posted: 1/5/2016
Location: Las Vegas, NV
Shape: Other
Duration:20 minutes
Red orbs after the New Year's eve celebration. Flying over the Las Vegas Valley.

Pgina 16

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact

information. PD))
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 1/1/2016 00:20 (Entered as : 01/01/16 0:20)
Reported: 1/1/2016 12:53:06 AM 00:53
Posted: 1/5/2016
Location: Sacramento, CA
Shape: Fireball
Duration:2 minutes
was driving down 50 on New Years Eve in Sacramento, California, just after the fireworks
show downtown. As we passed up 47th Avenue 465th Avenue, I seen along with my fiance
an orange fireball covering at about hundred feet, and proceeded to get home.
When getting out the car we've seen 3 more in a single file traveling at the same speed
Sighting Report
Occurred : 1/1/2016 00:04 (Entered as : 1/1/16 00:04)
Reported: 1/1/2016 12:34:14 AM 00:34
Posted: 1/5/2016
Location: Richland, WA
Shape: Circle
Duration:15 minutes
Multiple craft, long duration event
Right after going outside in my back year to watch fireworks with my wife, we both noticed
what appeared to be a military style formation of initially 6 separate craft. All craft were in an
almost straight line and evenly spaced, except for the first craft, which was about 3 times
further ahead then the rest of the craft were spaced.
More craft appeared when the lead craft went out of sight. There was no noise present and
the craft appeared to be at about 30,000 feet and flying north east from the south west.
From my vantage point, they were straight up from a hill, directly to the south of my home.
Every craft flew the exact same pattern and were extremely slow. The last craft took 8
minutes to traverse the same path the previous traveled in less time. All craft disappeared at
the exact same location.
There was a low cloud bank but was only partially covering the skies.
The path the craft were flying through was not clouded and had very good visibility.
I was rejected at as sensee and I surely Im mad at them. No dug, but perhaps you could
send a coin or more to
through paypal ? Thanks and have a nice day. I dont want to say I have a lousy retirement
pension that cannot sustain a cat for 20 days straight. Bye.-With generous friends, who
needs adsense?
Pgina 17

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Alfred Juillet
Commenting on a Alfredo Juillet
First, I am not a muslim, not I desire to be one. Secondly, I also dont follow the man in the
wheelchair, so I feel free to say this: When hearing the himam, I was expecting him to make
a rebuttal only citing the Coran. But, to my amazement, he begins NOT citing the Koran but
using logical thinking to debunk Mr. Man in the wheelchair s ideas (and possibly calculations
of N sort). And I see logic in what the Imam said, ASSUMING that a god could very well
exist, not us, mere anthropoids using homo sapiens cell based brains, able to say there is
nothing like God out there (and inside us too). I guess it is very likely that Man will cease to
exist, be it because of Orbama or because a couple million years has passed, and still could
not find out where is God or who is him. (Being out of Time and _Space, a hard thing to find
to us living in a 3 D Universe). Think about a thousand Branas existing just because they
exist, for no purpose whatsoever, and then tell me there is not such thing as a supreme
being. Adios
Alfredo JuilletHace 1 segundo
Tu letania me dice que los judios andan metidos en todos los altos niveles, que tienen
dinero, que han ayudado a Trump, y que l les tendra en su gobierno. No veo mal en eso,
porque si lo hacen bien, traen prosperidad y no guerra, alegria y no cajones de soldados
muertos desde Medio Oriente, y si Trump por lo menos, digo por lo menos, no sigue
enviando a bombardear pequeas naciones para ganar dinero, bien por Trump, ya que con
Bush y con Orbama. las guerras y destrucciones, las miles de muertes y las atrocidades,
las enormes ciudades reducidas a escombros es mucho peor, mucho peor que ver judios
por todos lados. Me adscribo a la ideologia de si sirve, usalo, o como se dice en elegante,
ser pragmatico es lo ms que hay. Abur.?
Keep reading.
Occurred : 10/11/2016 04:00 (Entered as : 10/11/16 4:00)
Reported: 10/11/2016 2:04:30 AM 02:04
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Vestal, NY
Shape: Diamond
Duration:44 minutes
At 4:00 a.m. in the clear night sky a diamond pattern of lights, varying from blue to green to
red to white, were observed hovering.
Hovering lights very high in the clear night sky. Observed for 44 minutes, from 4:00 a.m. until
4:44 a.m. Lights varying from blues to greens to reds, some white lights, circular at times,
often in a diamond shape or pattern, once in a great while a white light shoots from it off to
the west of the hovering. Observed to the southern sky of the New York/Pennsylvania
border. It appears there are one or two also hovering smaller lights to the west of the
hovering light pattern, also high in the night sky. It is all too close to be a satellite, and isnt
moving as the space station would or a plane or helicopter could or would. Two airplanes
ascended at 4:30 a.m., but far too low and close to the earth by comparison to the hovering
lights. The smaller hovering lights to the west of the diamond pattern lights are greenish and
Pgina 18

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

white. The smaller hovering lights are more concealed. How can those lights hover for so
long? Fascinating to observe.
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/11/2016 02:30 (Entered as : 10/11/16 2:30)
Reported: 10/10/2016 11:51:40 PM 23:51
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Cromwell, CT
Shape: Light
Duration:2 hours
At first I thought it was a star off to the East but the blinking lights jumped out. It sat there for
hours. Green, blue, hints of red lights, almost strobing in the distance. It caught both me and
my wife off guard. Whatever it is, it's not a plane or a star. That much is known to my wife
and me.
((NUFORC Note: We suspect a "twinkling" star. PD))
((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact
information. PD))
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/10/2016 21:30 (Entered as : 10/10/2016 21:30)
Reported: 10/10/2016 8:34:53 PM 20:34
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Norwood, MA
Shape: Teardrop
Duration:90 seconds
Never before have i witnessed something like this. Wow!!
While smoking outside with my mother and stepfather on the front patio. It was raining and
the moon was cresect and waxing. There appeared two brilliant tear shaped crafts right
along side the moon but seemed much closer to the ground. Almost like in front of the moon
but at a lower altitude. Maybe about 20 000 feet. I've been a private pilot for 14 years so I
have a good sense for AGL. The two craft were bright pink in color. They hovered for about
45 seconds and then simultaneously took a sharp left at 90 degrees and shot straight up out
of view. Traveling at several thousands of miles per hour. They left no streak of light. They
just took off.
The strangest thing is, it left a smell. The whole neighborhood smelled like a sweet fruity
smell for about 12 hours??? Really strange and crazy. I thought i should report. My first
report ever.Sighting Report
tRaduccion de lo anterior:
Ocurri: 10/11/2016 04:00 (Introducido como: 10/11/16 4:00)
Inform: 10/11/2016 2:04:30 AM 02:04
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Ubicacin: Vestal, NY
Forma: Diamante
Duracin: 44 minutos
A las 4:00 de la maana en el claro cielo nocturno un patrn de luces de diamante, que
Pgina 19

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

vara de azul a verde a

Rojo a blanco, se observaron flotando.
Hovering luces muy alto en el claro cielo nocturno. Observado por 44 minutos, de 4:00 a.m.
4:44 a.m. Luces que varan de azules a verdes a los rojos, algunas luces blancas, circulares
a veces,
A menudo en una forma o un patrn del diamante, una vez en un gran mientras que una luz
blanca dispara de l apagado a
Al oeste del flotar. Observado al cielo meridional de la Nueva York / Pennsylvania
frontera. Parece que hay una o dos luces ms pequeas que se ciernen al oeste de la
Flotando el patrn ligero, tambin alto en el cielo nocturno. Est demasiado cerca para ser
un satlite, y no est
Movindose como lo hara la estacin espacial o un avin o helicptero. Dos aviones
Ascendi a las 4:30 de la maana, pero demasiado baja y cercana a la tierra en
comparacin con el flotante
luces. Las luces que flotan ms pequeas al oeste de las luces del patrn del diamante son
verdosas y
blanco. Las luces ms pequeas que se ciernen estn ms ocultadas. Cmo pueden
flotar esas luces
largo? Fascinante para observar.
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 10/11/2016 02:30 (Introducido como: 10/11/16 2:30)
Inform: 10/10/2016 11:51:40 PM 23:51
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Ubicacin: Cromwell, CT
Forma: Ligero
Duracin: 2 horas
Al principio pens que era una estrella en el Este, pero las luces parpadeantes saltaron. Se
sent all para
Horas. Verde, azul, indirectas de luces rojas, casi estroboscpicas en la distancia. Me
atrap tanto a m como a
Mi esposa de guardia. Sea lo que sea, no es un avin o una estrella. Eso es mucho lo que
mi esposa sabe
y yo.

Pgina 20

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

((NUFORC Nota: Sospechamos de una estrella "centelleante".)

(Nota del NUFORC: El testigo decide permanecer totalmente an nimo, no proporciona
ningn contacto
informacin. PD))
Centro Nacional de Informes UFO
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 10/10/2016 21:30 (Introducido como: 10/10/2016 21:30)
Inform: 10/10/2016 8:34:53 PM 20:34
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Localizacin: Norwood, MA
Forma: Lgrima
Duracin: 90 segundos
Nunca antes haba sido testigo de algo como esto. Guau!!
Mientras fumaba fuera con mi madre y padrastro en el patio delantero. Estaba lloviendo y
La luna era cresect y cera. Aparecieron dos brillantes artes en forma de l grimas
Junto a la luna, pero pareca mucho ms cerca de la tierra. Casi como delante de la luna
Pero a menor altura. Tal vez unos 20 000 pies. He sido piloto privado durante 14 aos, as
Tener un buen sentido para AGL. Las dos embarcaciones eran de color rosa brillante. Ellos
rondaban por alrededor de
45 segundos y luego tom simultneamente una izquierda aguda a 90 grados y dispar
hacia arriba
de vista. Viajando a varios miles de millas por hora. No dejaron rayos de luz. Ellos
Acabo de despegar
Lo ms extrao es que dej un olor. El vecindario entero ola como un dulce afrutado
Olor durante unas 12 horas ??? Realmente extrao y loco. Pens que debera informar. Mi
Occurred : 10/10/2016 15:35 (Entered as : 10/10/16 15:35)
Reported: 10/11/2016 10:16:10 AM 10:16
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Vicksburg, MI
Shape: Sphere
Pgina 21

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Duration:4 minutes
I was on my way to work and looking at all the planes leaving trails in the sky (about 15 to 20
planes in a 20 minute period all leaving huge contrails) I pulled in my work parking lot and
saw two black dots which I assumed were hawks but as I looked closer I could clearly tell
they were perfect spheres almost like black marbles. They both paused in the sky and one
started moving and one stayed still then moved at an angle and it had a bright metallic
reflection. It went one way then instantly changed direction and went complete opposite way.
They were both parallel moving away from each other, one North, one South. I was on the
phone and I hung up and as soon as my camera app opened they both were gone.
So, I called my fiance back and after being on the phone 2 minutes one object began
travelling north and I watched it travel about the speed of a plane at probably 400 feet in the
air completely silent it was a perfect black metallic orb/spherical shape. Nothing after that
and I had to go inside the building at that time.
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/10/2016 13:56 (Entered as : 10/10/16 13:56)
Reported: 10/10/2016 7:40:50 PM 19:40
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Columbia, MD
Shape: Disk
Duration:2 minutes
Disc-shaped object flew slowly across several blocks.
Saw a disc-shaped object moving slowly and high in the sky. At first I thought it was a
remote-controlled toy of some sort, but it was very high in sky and moved slowly across
several blocks until I couldnt see it any more. It appeared to be white or silver, but it was
bright sunlight and hard to tell. I took a video with my phone.Web Report Indexes : by Event
Date | by Location | by Shape | by Posting Date
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/10/2016 01:20 (Entered as : 10/10/16 1:20)
Reported: 10/10/2016 1:00:46 AM 01:00
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Lovell, WY
Shape: Triangle
Duration:5 seconds
Translucent looking triangle object, no sound.
We were walking our dog and decided to look for owls in the I looked up saw a
translucent looking triangle shaped object flying, could not hear any sound. Told my
boyfriend to look up & he saw it too. Both of us saw no lights, heard no sound, & saw that it
was almost transparent. It was lightly cloudy and the object looked slightly darker than the
clouds around it. Could definitely tell that it was a large triangle though..ccurred : 10/9/2016
23:20 (Entered as : 10/09/2016 23:20)
Reported: 10/9/2016 9:09:10 PM 21:09
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Harrison City, PA
Shape: Formation
Duration:5-6 minutes
Pgina 22

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

2 objects seen. One larger bright white starburst; the second a glowing red sphere
Looking to the west from my deck I noticed an unusually low and slow moving bright white
starburst object heading east. At first I thought it was a helicopter, but I thought it unusual
because there was no sound. I watched as it moved toward me and grabbed my camera.
Just as I took pictures.
A second object appeared along side the first. The second object was red and glowing. The
two danced around and then seemed to merge. A split second after they came together they
disappeared, shooting straight up.
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/9/2016 21:00 (Entered as : 100916 21:00)
Reported: 10/9/2016 9:10:28 PM 21:10
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Port Clements (Canada), BC
Shape: Other
Duration:30-40 seconds
looking up wlking from my moms to my house next door lighted x no sound.
it came from across the bay towards town looked like a lighted x bright white....went across
the sky then dimmed slowly to a red dot then the red dot disappeared.....ive seen satelites
and planes at night this was neither....if I had more time I would have ran in the house and
grabbed my phone or go pro...such a weird sight to see.....
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/9/2016 21:00 (Entered as : 10/09/16 21:00)
Reported: 10/10/2016 6:00:54 PM 18:00
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Langley (Canada), BC
Shape: Light
Duration:5 minutes
Red object with flashing rays seen by 2 people out their back porch.
My daughter called me out to the back porch, looking straight out there was a red light with
flashing rays, almost, quite large, but as it got closer the sized seemed to reduce. It seemed
sit in the alley just behind our back fence, then moved in behind the trees. We could move
around to see it again, but then it disappeared.
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/9/2016 20:37 (Entered as : 10/09.2016 20:37)
Reported: 10/9/2016 8:59:20 PM 20:59
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Prince Rupert (Canada), BC
Shape: Other
Duration:2 minutes
temporary big red Flashing star
Too far out to know for sure but I was walking down the road in my small town, we always
see activity in the sky here I even have some on my instagram. But this really caught my
Pgina 23

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

attention. A star just under the big dipper that I don't remember being there caught my eye
as it was flashing orange and dark red.
I stopped to watch it and noticed another white star that would usually be thought as a
satellite go from (not good with my bearings) what would be the handle of the big dipper
toward the spoon end but underneath the huge red flashing thing. Then just as soon as it
was there it all disappeared :( So much for that.. Wish I could watch the sky more.
Esto lo tienes en descargas como 201611 ufo.
Tienes que ir posteando en el grupo de ufos internet . Es todo Noviembre 2016, a ver si te
apuras .
En Enero 2017 descarga diciembre del 2016 y vas posteando durante Enero y Febrero, y
asi vas un mes atrasado posteando en tu lugar.
lo anterior posteado el 31 dic 2016.
Esto es una traduccion de lo anterior.
Ocurri: 10/10/2016 15:35 (ingresado como: 10/10/16 15:35)
Inform: 10/11/2016 10:16:10 AM 10:16
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Ubicacin: Vicksburg, MI
Forma: Esfera
Duracin: 4 minutos
Yo estaba en mi camino al trabajo y mirando a todos los aviones dejando rastros en el cielo
(alrededor de 15 a 20
Aviones en un perodo de 20 minutos todo dejando enormes estelas) me tir en mi
aparcamiento de trabajo y
Vio dos puntos negros que supuse eran halcones pero como mir ms cerca pude
distinguir claramente
Eran esferas perfectas casi como mrmoles negros. Ambos se detuvieron en el cielo y uno
Comenz a moverse y uno se qued quieto entonces se movi en un ngulo y tena un
metal brillante
reflexin. Se fue de una manera, luego cambi de direccin al instante y se fue de manera
opuesta completa.
Ambos estaban paralelos y se alejaban unos de otros, uno al Norte y otro al Sur. Estaba en
Telfono y colgu para arriba y tan pronto como mi aplicacin de la cmara abierta ambos
ambos se haban ido.
As, llam a mi prometido y despus de estar en el telfono 2 minutos un objeto comenz
Viajando hacia el norte y lo vi viajar alrededor de la velocidad de un avin a probablemente
400 pies en el
Pgina 24

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Aire completamente silencioso era una perfecta forma metlica negra orb / esfrica. Nada
despus de eso
Y tuve que ir dentro del edificio en ese momento.
Centro Nacional de Informes UFO
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 10/10/2016 13:56 (Introducido como: 10/10/16 13:56)
Inform: 10/10/2016 7:40:50 PM 19:40
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Localizacin: Columbia, MD
Forma: Disco
Duracin: 2 minutos
Objeto en forma de disco vol lentamente a travs de varios bloques.
Vio un objeto en forma de disco movindose lentamente y alto en el cielo. Al principio
pens que era un
Juguete de control remoto de algn tipo, pero era muy alto en el cielo y se movi
lentamente a travs de
Varios bloques hasta que no poda verlo ms. Pareca ser blanco o plateado, pero era
Luz brillante y difcil de contar. Tom un video con mi telfono. ndices de informes de web:
por evento
Fecha | Por ubicacin | Por la forma | Por fecha de contabilizacin
Centro Nacional de Informes UFO
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 10/10/2016 01:20 (Introducido como: 10/10/16 1:20)
Inform: 10/10/2016 1:00:46 AM 01:00
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Ubicacin: Lovell, WY
Forma: Tringulo
Duracin: 5 segundos
Objeto de tringulo de aspecto translcido, sin sonido.
Estbamos caminando nuestro perro y decidimos buscar bhos en los rboles ... mientras
miraba vi un
Translcido buscando tringulo en forma de objeto de vuelo, no poda escuchar ningn
sonido. Dijo a mi
Novio para buscar y l lo vio tambin. Ambos no vimos luces, no o ningn sonido, y vimos
Era casi transparente. Estaba ligeramente nublado y el objeto pareca un poco ms oscuro
que el
Nubes a su alrededor. Definitivamente podra decir que fue un gran tringulo aunque ..
Pgina 25

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

.currred: 09/10/2016
23:20 (Introducido en: 10/09/2016 23:20)
Inform: 10/9/2016 9:09:10 PM 21:09
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Ubicacin: Harrison City, PA
Forma: Formacin
Duracin: 5-6 minutos
2 objetos vistos. Una explosin de un blanco brillante ms grande; El segundo una esfera
roja brillante
Mirando hacia el oeste desde mi cubierta me di cuenta de una inusual baja y lenta
movimiento blanco brillante
Starburst objeto en direccin este. Al principio pens que era un helicptero, pero pens
que era inusual
Porque no haba sonido. Observ cmo se mova hacia m y agarr mi cmara.
As como tom fotos.
Un segundo objeto apareci junto a la primera. El segundo objeto era rojo y brillante. El
Dos bailaron alrededor y luego parecan fusionarse. Una fraccin de segundo despus de
que se
Desapareci disparando hacia arriba.
Centro Nacional de Informes UFO
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 10/9/2016 21:00 (Introducido como: 100916 21:00)
Inform: 10/9/2016 9:10:28 PM 21:10
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Localizacin: Port Clements (Canad), BC
Forma: Otros
Duracin: 30-40 segundos
Mirando hacia arriba wlking de mis madres a mi casa al lado iluminado x no hay sonido.
Que vena de la baha hacia la ciudad pareca un iluminado x blanco brillante ... fuimos a
El cielo luego se atenu lentamente a un punto rojo, entonces el punto rojo desapareci .....
ive visto satelites
Y los aviones en la noche esto no era ni ... si tuviera ms tiempo que habra corran en la
casa y
Agarr mi telfono o ir pro ... una visin tan extraa para ver .....
Centro Nacional de Informes UFO
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 10/9/2016 21:00 (Introducido como: 10/09/16 21:00)
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186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Inform: 10/10/2016 6:00:54 PM 18:00

Publicado: 10/11/2016
Localizacin: Langley (Canad), BC
Forma: Ligero
Duracin: 5 minutos
Objeto rojo con rayos parpadeantes visto por 2 personas por su porche trasero.
Mi hija me llam a la terraza trasera, mirando directamente haba una luz roja con
Rayos intermitentes, casi, bastante grandes, pero a medida que se acercaba el tamao
pareca reducirse. Parecio
Sentarse en el callejn justo detrs de nuestra valla trasera, y luego se traslad detrs de
los rboles. Podramos mover
Para verlo de nuevo, pero luego desapareci.
Centro Nacional de Informes UFO
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 10/9/2016 20:37 (Introducido como: 10 / 09.2016 20:37)
Inform: 10/9/2016 8:59:20 PM 20:59
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Localizacin: Prince Rupert (Canad), BC
Forma: Otros
Duracin: 2 minutos
Temporal grande rojo estrella intermitente
Demasiado lejos para saber con seguridad, pero yo estaba walki

National UFO Reporting Center

Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/9/2016 19:35 (Entered as : 10/09/16 19:35)
Reported: 10/9/2016 8:19:59 PM 20:19
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Goleta, CA
Shape: Triangle
Duration:2 minutes
Third Goleta sighting in five weeks.
My daughter and I were driving home at dusk heading west. I was telling her about the
virtues of looking up quite a lot. One sees all sorts of things; bugs, birds, stars, satellites,
etc. I decided to glance up out of the side window of the car and saw an aircraft seemingly
triangular in shape. The dusky light made it difficult to discern an actual shape. There were
three lights on the object; one on the nose of bright white magnitude -7 appearance, one at
each "wingtip", port side red, starboard side amber, each of similar magnitude to the front
light. At first the object seemed to be a fighter jet at an approximate altitude of 500 ft
traveling directly over the suburb of Goleta. It traveled over the top of our vehicle on a
banked trajectory at which point I told my daughter to look up and out of her side window.
She immediately located the object and noticed that only the wing lights remained visible but
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186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

in a matter of seconds appeared white in color. There were no flashing lights. The object's
trajectory became due north and, instead of planing off as a typical jet aircraft will do, the
object seemed to maintain a strait line up at about 10 degrees and continued due north
becoming seemingly a hundred miles away in a matter of thirty more seconds or so. It
eventually curved a bit before disappearing still well above the northern horizon.
((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides little contact
information. PD))
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/9/2016 18:20 (Entered as : 10/09/16 18:20)
Reported: 10/9/2016 4:31:51 PM 16:31
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Aurora, IL
Shape: Light
Duration:3 minutes
Orange Light Sighted In Sky.
A orange light was in the sky for about 3 minutes. It then just disappeared
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/9/2016 18:17 (Entered as : 10/09/16 18:17)
Reported: 10/9/2016 7:30:45 PM 19:30
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Yucaipa, CA
Shape: Cone
Duration:3 minutes
Cone shaped object moving obliquely along a straight path of travel.
On October 9, 2016, at 18:17hrs, I witnessed a dark, cone shaped object moving slowly in a
South/South West direction.
What caught my attention was that the object was moving in an oblique pattern, precisely
changing direction along a straight path.
I retrieved my binoculars, and observed that there was what appeared to be an
antenna/sensor array protruding horizontally from the top of the object.
I maintained visual contact until it was out of my range of sight @ 18:20hrs.
I viewed this event from the North Eastern portion of Yucaipa, CA.
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/9/2016 16:30 (Entered as : 10/9/2016 16:30)
Reported: 10/10/2016 8:28:03 AM 08:28
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Madison Heights, MI
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186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Shape: Circle
Duration:2 seconds
A orb like object coming from a funnel lie object above it.
I believe this picture is a orb with a funnel above it. I was taking a picture of airplanes when I
caught this picture of a pink circle with 3 dots inside of it and a funnel above object. This
picture was taken inside my vechicle with my window rolled down.
Esto es una traduccion de lo anterior:
Centro Nacional de Informes UFO
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 10/9/2016 19:35 (ingresado como: 10/09/16 19:35)
Inform: 10/9/2016 8:19:59 PM 20:19
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Ubicacin: Goleta, CA
Forma: Tringulo
Duracin: 2 minutos
Tercera observacin de Goleta en cinco semanas.
Mi hija y yo estbamos conduciendo a casa al anochecer hacia el oeste. Le estaba
hablando de la
Virtudes de buscar bastante. Uno ve todo tipo de cosas; Bichos, pjaros, estrellas,
Etc. Decid mirar hacia arriba por la ventana lateral del coche y vi un avin aparentemente
De forma triangular. La luz oscura haca difcil distinguir una forma real. Haba
Tres luces en el objeto; Uno en la nariz de magnitud blanca brillante -7 aparicin, uno en
Cada "punta de ala", lado de babor rojo, mbar de estribor, cada uno de similar magnitud al
ligero. Al principio el objeto pareca ser un avin de combate a una altitud aproximada de
500 pies
Viajando directamente sobre el suburbio de Goleta. Viaj por encima de nuestro vehculo
en un
Trayectoria en la cual yo le dije a mi hija que mirara hacia arriba y fuera de su ventana lateral.
Ella localiz inmediatamente el objeto y not que slo las luces de ala permanecan visibles
En cuestin de segundos apareci de color blanco. No haba luces intermitentes. Los
La trayectoria se hizo hacia el norte y, en lugar de planear como un tpico avin de

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186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Objeto pareca mantener una lnea de estrecho a unos 10 grados y continu hacia el norte
Convirtindose aparentemente a cien millas de distancia en cuestin de treinta segundos
ms o menos. Eso
Finalmente se curv un poco antes de desaparecer an muy por encima del horizonte del
(Nota del NUFORC: El testigo decide permanecer totalmente an nimo, proporciona poco
informacin. PD))
Centro Nacional de Informes UFO
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 10/9/2016 18:20 (ingresado como: 10/09/16 18:20)
Inform: 10/9/2016 4:31:51 PM 16:31
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Ubicacin: Aurora, IL
Forma: Ligero
Duracin: 3 minutos
Luz Naranja Vista En El Cielo.
Una luz naranja estaba en el cielo durante unos 3 minutos. Entonces simplemente
Centro Nacional de Informes UFO
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 10/9/2016 18:17 (Introducido como: 10/09/16 18:17)
Inform: 10/9/2016 7:30:45 PM 19:30
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Ubicacin: Yucaipa, CA
Forma: Cono
Duracin: 3 minutos
Objeto en forma de cono que se mueve oblicuamente a lo largo de una trayectoria recta de
El 9 de octubre de 2016, a las 18: 17hrs, presenci un objeto oscuro, con forma de cono
movindose lentamente en un
Sur / Suroeste direccin.
Lo que me llam la atencin fue que el objeto se mova en un patrn oblicuo, precisamente
Cambiando de direccin a lo largo de un camino recto.
Recuper mis binoculares y observ que haba lo que pareca ser un
Antena / sensor que sobresale horizontalmente desde la parte superior del objeto.

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186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Mantuve el contacto visual hasta que sali de mi rango de visin @ 18: 20hrs.
He visto este evento de la parte del noreste de Yucaipa, CA.
Centro Nacional de Informes UFO
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 10/9/2016 16:30 (Introducido como: 10/9/2016 16:30)
Inform: 10/10/2016 8:28:03 AM 08:28
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Ubicacin: Madison Heights, MI
Forma: Crculo
Duracin: 2 segundos
Un orbe como objeto procedente de un embudo se encuentra encima del objeto.
Creo que esta imagen es un orbe con un embudo encima de l. Estaba tomando una foto
de aviones cuando
Captur esta imagen de un crculo de color rosa con 3 puntos en su interior y un embudo
sobre el objeto. Esto
El cuadro fue tomado dentro de mi vechicle con mi ventana rodada abajo.
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/9/2016 18:00 (Entered as : 10/09/16 18:00)
Reported: 10/9/2016 3:27:21 PM 15:27
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: New York City (Brooklyn), NY
Shape: Sphere
Duration:1 minute in view from win
It is a very cloudy day, with some abnormal cloud formations appearing suddenly and
moving very quickly in the foreground near the&quot
My girlfriend and I were looking at some odd cloud formations that seemed out of the
ordinary to us, and they were moving VERY quickly. I was looking further across where the
cloud came from and then I saw another cloud coming that was similar to the one we had
initially seen. This cloud, however, seemed to grow in size significantly as it left our view. At
this time, I noticed a small black dot which I had first nearly disregarded as being a bird.
Upon closer inspection of it, I noticed that it had a light that blinked, which then made me
think it must be a plane, but I noticed that there were no wings whatsoever, and then I saw
the glint of the sun off of the right side of it revealing it as a perfect sphere.
I tried to point it out to my girlfriend, but before I could get her eyes on it it had moved
behind a tree out of sight. I have never reported nor SEEN what I believe to be a UFO and I
am a Marine Corps veteran, fully aware of most aircraft that should be flying in the sky.
I hope this report can be useful to anyone else who may have seen what I saw over
Brooklyn near Avenue M and Ocean Avenue is my general vantage point of the sighting.
The best description of the object I can give is that it appeared dark, as it first appeared to
me to be a black dot. It was metallic in nature because I saw that it had a metallic type
reflection, once the sun glinted off of it. It was perfectly spherical and had a white blinking
Pgina 31

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

light that went off periodically with absolutely zero sound accompanying it. It was not very
flashy at all very basic seeming.
The most bizarre thing to me was that I think it may have been generating its own form of
cloud cover, as the clouds that were very nearby it seemed to be growing in size in a very
unnatural seeming way that I had never witnessed before. I was unfortunately unable t
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/9/2016 09:00 (Entered as : 10/9/16 9:00)
Reported: 10/9/2016 6:00:44 PM 18:00
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Cape coral, FL
Shape: Circle
Duration:2 hours
Every night for the past 2 weeks, I have been watching 2 crafts in the west word sky. They
come out just before dark and slowly float down out of sight. Turning colors while coming
down. One is off to the left and much higher and farther away. I have 20 minutes of video of
the closest craft. I see them every night. And in video u can rely see the color changing and
slow movement, almost like they communicate with each other by lights. Love to know what
they are.o grab my camera in the timeframe of the sighting due to it only being visible from
where I was for a very short period of time, I didn't even have enough time to get my
girlfriend's eyes on it before it moved out of sight.Occurred : 10/9/2016 10:30 (Entered as :
10/09/16 10:30)
Reported: 10/10/2016 12:37:47 PM 12:37
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Marietta, GA
Shape: Cigar
Duration:1 hour
Three silent white cigar shaped objects floated across the sky at 10:30 to 11:30 Sunday
My granddaughter and I witnessed an object that was travelling from southwest to northeast
that was white and appeared the size and shape of a jumbo jet minus and wings. It made its
way silently across the sky until it reached the horizon. The really strange part of this story
is... this sighting repeated three times over a period of one hour.
I'm assuming it was three different craft because it moved so slowly across the sky.
We are not far from Dobbins Air Force Base and no fighter jets were scrambled (several
years ago I witness an orange ball of light moving across the sky that was chased by a
fighter jet) but nothing as dramatic as that occurred.
nforme de observacin
Ocurri: 10/9/2016 18:00 (Introducido como: 10/09/16 18:00)
Inform: 10/9/2016 3:27:21 PM 15:27
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Ubicacin: Nueva York (Brooklyn), NY
Forma: Esfera
Duracin: 1 minuto desde la victoria
Es un da muy nublado, con algunas formaciones de nubes anormales que aparecen de
Pgina 32

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

repente y
Movindose muy rpidamente en primer plano cerca del & quot
Mi novia y yo estbamos buscando algunas formaciones de nubes impar que pareca fuera
de la
Ordinario para nosotros, y se estaban moviendo muy rpidamente. Yo estaba mirando ms
all donde el
Nube vino y entonces vi otra nube que vena que era similar a la que tenamos
Inicialmente visto. Esta nube, sin embargo, pareca crecer en tamao significativamente
como dej nuestra vista. A
Esta vez, me di cuenta de un pequeo punto negro que haba casi ignorado por primera vez
como un pjaro.
Al examinarlo ms de cerca, me di cuenta de que tena una luz que parpade, que luego
me hizo
Creo que debe ser un avin, pero me di cuenta de que no haba alas en absoluto, y luego vi
El destello del sol del lado derecho de l revelndolo como una esfera perfecta.
Trat de sealarlo a mi novia, pero antes de que pudiera obtener sus ojos en l se haba
Detrs de un rbol fuera de la vista. Nunca he informado ni visto lo que creo ser un OVNI y
Soy un veterano del Cuerpo de Marines, plenamente consciente de la mayora de los
aviones que deberan estar volando en el cielo.
Espero que este informe pueda ser til para cualquiera que haya visto lo que vi
Brooklyn, cerca de la Avenida M y Ocean Avenue es mi punto de vista general de la
La mejor descripcin del objeto que puedo dar es que pareca oscuro, como apareci por
primera vez
Ser un punto negro. Era de naturaleza metlica porque vi que tena un tipo metlico
Reflexin, una vez que el sol brill fuera de ella. Era perfectamente esfrico y tena un
parpadeo blanco
Luz que sala peridicamente con absolutamente cero sonido que lo acompaaba. No fue

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186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Llamativo en todo muy bsico aparente.

Lo ms extrao para m fue que creo que podra haber estado generando su propia forma
Cubierta de nubes, como las nubes que estaban muy cerca, pareca estar creciendo de
tamao en un
Antinatural aparente manera que nunca haba visto antes. Desafortunadamente no pude
Centro Nacional de Informes UFO
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 10/9/2016 09:00 (Introducido como: 10/9/16 9:00)
Inform: 10/9/2016 6:00:44 PM 18:00
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Ubicacin: Cape coral, FL
Forma: Crculo
Duracin: 2 horas
Cada noche durante las ltimas 2 semanas, he estado viendo 2 artesanas en el cielo de la
palabra oeste. Ellos
Salir justo antes de la oscuridad y flotar lentamente hacia abajo de la vista. Girando los
colores al venir
abajo. Uno est a la izquierda y mucho ms alto y ms lejos. Tengo 20 minutos de video de
La embarcacin ms cercana. Las veo todas las noches. Y en vdeo u puede confiar ver el
cambio de color y
Movimiento lento, casi como se comunican entre s por las luces. Me encanta saber que
Agarrar mi cmara en el plazo de la observacin debido a que slo es visible desde
Donde estuve por un perodo muy corto de tiempo, ni siquiera tuve tiempo suficiente para
obtener mi
Los ojos de la novia en l antes de que se moviera fuera de sight.Occurred: 09/10/2016
10:30 (Entered as:
10/09/16 10:30)
Inform: 10/10/2016 12:37:47 PM 12:37
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Ubicacin: Marietta, GA
Forma: Cigarro
Duracin: 1 hora
Tres objetos en forma de cigarros blancos silenciosos flotaron en el cielo a las 10:30 a
11:30 el domingo
Mi nieta y yo fuimos testigos de un objeto que viajaba de suroeste a noreste
Pgina 34

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Que era blanco y apareci el tamao y la forma de un jet jumbo menos y las alas. Hizo su
Camino en silencio por el cielo hasta que alcanz el horizonte. La parte realmente extraa
de esta historia
Es ... esta observacin repiti tres veces durante un perodo de una hora.
Supongo que era tres artes diferentes porque se movi tan lentamente a travs del cielo.
No estamos lejos de la Base de la Fuerza Area de Dobbins y no hay aviones de combate
revueltos (varios
Hace unos aos presento una bola de luz naranja movindose por el cielo que fue
perseguida por un
Caza) pero nada tan dramtico como eso ocurri.
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/9/2016 09:00 (Entered as : 10/9/16 9:00)
Reported: 10/9/2016 6:00:44 PM 18:00
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Cape coral, FL
Shape: Circle
Duration:2 hours
Every night for the past 2 weeks, I have been watching 2 crafts in the west word sky. They
come out just before dark and slowly float down out of sight. Turning colors while coming
down. One is off to the left and much higher and farther away. I have 20 minutes of video of
the closest craft. I see them every night. And in video u can rely see the color changing and
slow movement, almost like they communicate with each other by lights. Love to know what
they are.
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/9/2016 04:00 (Entered as : 10/09/16 4:00)
Reported: 10/9/2016 10:05:07 AM 10:05
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Orlando, FL
Shape: Other
Duration:3 seconds
Orlando UFO sighting WOW
I was with my friend in my car driving home around 3:55 am in Baldwin park, Orlando.
We stopped at a light and we both immediately said look at that. As we both were looking at
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186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

some huge black blimp with weird circles all around and a cone front. The weird part is this
object disappeared in front of our eyes.
We spend the entire morning looking for this object. Amazing!
((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact
information. PD))
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/9/2016 03:30 (Entered as : 10/09/16 3:30)
Reported: 10/10/2016 6:07:10 PM 18:07
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Fort Lauderdale, FL
Shape: Other
Duration:3 minutes
fast traveling craft 03:30
shape crossed sky heading flashing lights only a steady glow. speed, hard to say
as altitude is not known. the craft came into sight and went out of sight in less than 2
minutes. My guess is some type of surveillance craft at high altitude.
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/9/2016 01:05 (Entered as : 10/09/16 01:05)
Reported: 10/8/2016 11:34:36 PM 23:34
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: McKinney, TX
Shape: Light
Duration:5-7 seconds
Light moving N to S over McKinney
At approximately 0105, while walking my dog, I observed a single point of light
approximately the same size and brightness as the stars visible in Orion and being white in
color. This light traveled from North to South in a straight line, leaving no trail and making no
noticeable sounds. The light did not change shape or color. I was not able to track the final
destination of the object due to trees blocking my view.
When I arrived back home, I looked up the ISS and any satellite which may have passed
over the area and there is not a listing of any object transiting at the time on this date and at
that time.
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/9/2016 00:00 (Entered as : 10/09/16 0:00)
Reported: 10/10/2016 7:17:21 PM 19:17
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Mt. Airy, MD
Shape: Egg
Duration:40 minutes
Strange lights in egg-shaped formation over Mt. Airy, Maryland.
Between 11:45pm and 12:10am, I saw outside my window a strange formation of lights,
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186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

appeared to be in an egg shape, very, very bright white lights, seemed to be moving
together in some king of formation, although, the lights seemed to separate and rejoin
periodically. The lights were behind some very think trees in my yard, and at one point, about
5 of 12 midnight started to move towards my house, and light got brighter.
I became frightened, and tried to call my daughter, but she didn't answer the phone. Then
the lights backed away from my house a little bit. At that point I videotape the craft which
seemed to be moving erratically, and then shot straight up and disappeared into the dark
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/8/2016 23:30 (Entered as : 10/08/16 11:30)
Reported: 10/9/2016 12:46:30 AM 00:46
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Burbank, CA
Shape: Fireball
Duration:3 minutes
Was gazing at the huge golden half moon low on the horizon with my fiance this evening,
when all of a sudden we saw a glowing, pulsating bright red & golden light moving towards
us from west to east where we were standing. It looked like a flickering glow, getting larger
and moving fast, then slower. We made sure to keep our eyes on it the whole time so as not
to see it disappear when it went behind the trees. Then it slowed way down and hovered
high above us still flickering & sparkling till it came to a complete stop.
Then within 30 seconds, it started to slowly fade until we could no longer see it anymore.
Like it was dimming down a little at a time until it was gone.
Didn't see any shapes, was a extraordinary and we could hardly believe what we were
seeing. It was spectacular to witness.
((NUFORC Note: We have changed the time of the sighting, to reflect a nighttime event.
((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact
information. PD))National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/8/2016 23:20 (Entered as : 10/08/16 23:20)
Reported: 10/8/2016 9:57:38 PM 21:57
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Illiopolis, IL
Shape: Triangle
Duration:30 seconds
At 11:20pm I was traveling west on Interstate 72 just crossed Into Sangamon County when I
saw a bight light I mistaken for a star. As I drove the light became brighter then I noticed it
wasn't moving it was hovering. The shape was a triangle with a large bright white light at the
tip and 2 smaller lights one blue and green.there was absolutely no flashing white lights

Pgina 37

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact

information. PD))Occurred : 10/8/2016 23:00 (Entered as : 10/08/16 23:00)
Reported: 10/9/2016 9:11:41 AM 09:11
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Hamilton, OH
Shape: Rectangle
Duration:25 seconds
Bright blue light seen above canal then prompted me to look up and then it disappeared.
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/8/2016 22:30 (Entered as : 10/8/16 10:30)
Reported: 10/8/2016 8:00:06 PM 20:00
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Owenton, KY
Shape: Light
We seen 1 light that was making radical turns as if it was on a reckon mission.
Then out of no where 2 more lights would leave the 1st light and all 3 where zigzagging all
over the night sky.
This went on for over 30 minutes. no man made object moves like what we saw.
((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates a morning sighting, but we suspect it was a nighttime
sighting. We have amended the time above. PD)Occurred : 10/8/2016 22:00 (Entered as :
10/8/16 22:00)
Reported: 10/10/2016 5:29:24 PM 17:29
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Birmingham, AL
Shape: Triangle
Saturday me my sister mom and dad went to coyote drive in movies in Leeds Alabama at
first as we were watching the movie i seen what had appeared to be a shooting star but as i
started to follow it it disappeared i thought i was seeing things but then things got weirder It
was around 10 pm when my mom got out of the car to smoke and i also went outside just to
look at the stars but as i was looking i seen a weird object a triangle shaped object that i
thought at first it was a air balloon because it seemed to be floating my mom was on the
other side of the car i yelled to my mom "what is that!" she then looked up and told my dad
and my sister then got out of the car We then tried to follow the strange object but it just
disappeared from my moms angle she said she seen lights up under it then we say one of
those what appeared to be a "shooting star" again that was such a weird sighting and it felt
like we were the only ones to see it Till! this day i still have questions regarding to what that
was, this story which sounds unrealistic but strange?Occurred : 10/8/2016 21:30 (Entered
as : 10/08/2016 21:30)
Reported: 10/8/2016 8:55:34 PM 20:55
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Harrison, AR
Shape: Circle
Duration:15 minutes
Pgina 38

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

I went outside on my front porch and I looked toward the southeast and saw 8 orange lights
in the sky. I first thought it was helicopters then one disappeared and reappeared. I was like
mind blown.
I told my wife to come look. She came outside to look and then we got in our car and started
driving toward the lights which are now over the small airport and spread abroad but still
close together.
At one point one just moved real fast across all of the others then they just started fading
My mind is totally blown. Didn't believe much in this kind of stuff but tonight has me thinking
((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact
information. PD))Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/8/2016 20:48 (Entered as : 10/08/16 20:48)
Reported: 10/8/2016 12:27:26 PM 12:27
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Cape Town (South Africa),
Shape: Formation
Duration:3 minutes
4 bright lights moving in formation in CPT
Description of objects seen over Table Mountain were four bright lights moving in a straight
line in a straight formation moving at the same speed and were evenly spaced, moving from
Lions Head towards Devils Peak.
Occurred : 10/8/2016 20:35 (Entered as : 10/08/16 20:35)
Reported: 10/8/2016 6:40:29 PM 18:40
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Warren, MI
Shape: Chevron
Duration:2 minutes
Large, Silent V shaped craft. Dark grey with very dim lights on leading edge.
Large wing craft, V shaped with the point as the front of the craft.
Very dim lights on the leading edge of the wing. The body was dark grey to black in color.
The craft was around 2 to 3 wing spans of a 747. Made no sound as it flew from north to
south over Warren headed to Detroit. No visible engine exhaust as it flew by.
Did not turn or slow down was traveling at approximately 200 to 300 mph.
Was not a jet aircraft, had no beacons or landing lights.Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/8/2016 20:15 (Entered as : 10/08/2016 20:15)
Reported: 10/8/2016 7:53:15 PM 19:53
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Murfreesboro, TN
Shape: Changing
Pgina 39

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Duration:3 minutes
Cluster of approximately 100 twinkling lights moving slowly across the sky in formation.
((NUFORC Note: We spoke via telephone with the husband of the couple who allegedly
witnessed the lights, and he sounded to us to be quite sober-minded and sincere. The
husband reported that the lights were distinctly blue. PD))
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/8/2016 20:10 (Entered as : 10/08/16 20:10)
Reported: 10/9/2016 8:19:35 AM 08:19
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Bellevue, NE
Shape: Oval
Duration:~20 minutes
Four identical objects observed Near OAFB by two adults.
START TIME: Approximately 2010 Hrs END TIME: Approximately 2030 Hrs
I took my dog out to relieve himself just before going to the store, when I noticed an object
with flight characteristics which were not similar to any usual air craft. The object was ovular
in shape and had lights that were intermittently visible. The lights were an orane-red and
yellow color (normal aircraft, even military, have green or red on either wing tip). The object
was dark grey in color and seemed to sort of vanish and re-appear suddenly. The object
rotated about 240 degrees along its longitudinal axis while maintaining a steady trajectory
from SSW (Somewhere west of Platsmouth) to NNE (towards downtown Omaha/Missouri
River). It is also important to note that the craft was not uniform in shape, as it rotated, it
revealed smooth flat sides along the forward and aft sections of this exotic object. I
immediately ruled out celestial bodies such as stars, planets, meteoroids and so forth due
to the altitude which I estimate was about 5,000-10,000 feet from ground level. The object
emitted no detectable sound despite it's proximity and high rate of speed. I was able to
confirm that it was in atmosphere due to the fact that it was passing between the clouds and
myself. I could also rule out any sort of illusion or phenomenon as the object was in plain
view the most of the time I was observing it. When it seemed to vanish, I was still able to
predict where it would re-appear and begin tracking it again as it moved steadily.
I observed this first object until I could no longer see it all the while, trying to get my wife's
attention who was inside getting our kids ready to go. She finished that about one minute
after the initial object disappeared. After about two more minutes pass by. At this time, as we
are loading the kids in the truck, both, my wife and I observed a second object matching the
description of the first. This object exhibited the same behaviors and travelled what I
perceived was the same route.
Upon seeing the second object my wife and I changed our plans and decided to drive
around in the rural area two miles south of Bellevue Nebraska. Upon beginning our drive,
going west on Capehart toward 36th Street, we observed two more objects matching the
description of the aforementioned, flying on the same path and a similar altitude. This
previously mentioned observation occurred approximately 4 minutes after the second object
left visual contact. Upon driving around in the rural areas we observed no further objects.
Pgina 40

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Additional thought tells me that if there were only two objects, they would have to begin
traveling from the point of final visual contact to the point of initial contact at an amazing
speed while deviating significantly from their originally observed path. It is much more
probable that there were a total of 4 objects.
To the reader: Be advised that I am a seasoned military member who lives near an AFB. I
see various craft on a daily basis at all hours and during all weather conditions yearly. While
this occurred after sunset, the sky was mostly clear and there was near maximal lighting
from the moon. I am well versed in aircraft and discerning between any sort of optical illusion
or phenomena. Based on these circumstances, I conclude that these were some form of
manufactured, atypical craft which were intelligently controlled. I draw no other conclusions.
I attempted to record the second occurrence on my phone but as you can imagine the video
quality does not do the event justice. I do however, still have the video.
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/8/2016 20:00 (Entered as : 10/08/16 20:00)
Reported: 10/9/2016 5:28:05 PM 17:28
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Cincinnati, OH
Shape: Light
Duration:15 minutes
Big bright light in low in the western sky at twilight.
I was driving in Anderson Township at twilight to pick up Chinese food on Ohio Pike. I was
alone in the car when I noticed a very bright, low hovering light in the western sky toward the
downtown Cincinnati direction. It was way too low on the horizon to be a star or planet.
I pulled over in the car and parked where I could have nearby points of reference to see if
this object was moving at all. It was not. There were no flashing lights, just a brilliantly bright
slightly flickering light.
When viewed through a very low power set of bird watching binocs it took on a 3 pointed
shine shape.
I drove to another location a few miles away and over the course of this time it never moved
or changed.
((NUFORC Note: Possible sighting of Arcturus of Jupiter in W sky? PD))
((NUFORC Note: For some reason, witness indicates that the date of the sighting is
approximate. PD))
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/8/2016 18:45 (Entered as : 10/08/2016 18:45)
Reported: 10/10/2016 9:40:07 PM 21:40
Posted: 10/11/2016
Pgina 41

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Location: Middlefield, CT
Shape: Light
Duration:10-15 minutes
UFO (Real bright light) over Lake Beseck in Middlefield, Ct
I live out by Lake Beseck in Middlefield, Ct This past Saturday (10/08/16) in the early
evening i came out of my home to bring some firewood inside since the nights have started
to get chilly.
While i was walking over to the woodpile i noticed a bright white light over the mountain in the
area where the Mountain Side Resort is from a WSW direction. At that time i didn't pay any
mind to it cuz i just thought it was a aircraft or maybe the planet Venus. Venus can get real
bright at times and could fool someone too. So after bringing a load of wood in i went back
out to get some smaller starter wood with my bucket and i noticed again that this light had
gotten closer and now was over the southern area of the lake. This was no planet.
At that point i stopped to take a good look at it but i couldn't tell if it had stopped or was
continuing to come in my direction. This thing was bright and it looked like there was a
smaller but just as bright light just under the main light.
To find out if it was moving still, i a lined myself (my eyes) with a telephone cable that hanged
from a street light across from my property in such a way to see if it would appear from
behind the cable. Sure enough it came from behind the cable so that told me it was moving
but not fast at all.
Keeping my eye on this thing, i went into my car to get a pair of field glasses (maybe 10x25)
not too powerful but enough to see it through the lens. All i could see was these lights that
were too bright (blob), no markings or anything, couldn't make out a shape to it at all, it was
just too bright. No sound at all, no vapor trail, just floating along in a ENE direction, at a angle
that would have put it right over my home.
As I'm looking at it coming closer, all of a sudden it just disappeares!!, like someone just hit
a switch and turned the lights off. There was no clouds anywhere in the sky. The moon was
up but it was futher to the south. The sky at the time was i guess what u would call in twilight.
The stars were just starting to appear, dark but not real dark. Not sure of the time but it was
around 1845-1900 hrs.
I've seen other things in the sky at night, ISS, meteours, shooting stars etc, but nothing like
this object or anything this bright. I suppose it could have been a drone that someone was
flying but at night??, no sound from any props, and the distance this thing traveled from, with
one hell of a big light or two. I don't think so. It just disappeared. I looked further to the ENE
direction to see if it reappeared but nothing. I continued to scan the rest of the sky in all
directions but still nothing more.
One min it was there and the next min it just disappeared, gone!! I'm beside myself cuz i've
never seen anything close to what this was.
Weird, real strange, WOW!
Sighting Report

Pgina 42

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Traduccion de lo anterior. Sigue otra.

TIEMPO DE INICIO: Aproximadamente 2010 Horas TIEMPO DE FIN: Aproximadamente
2030 horas
Llev a mi perro a aliviarse justo antes de ir a la tienda, cuando me di cuenta de un objeto
con caractersticas de vuelo que no eran similares a cualquier nave area habitual.
El objeto era ovular en forma y tena luces que eran intermitentemente visibles. Las luces
eran de color rojo-orane-amarillo (aviones normales, incluso militares, tienen
Verde o rojo en cualquier punta del ala). El objeto era de color gris oscuro y pareca
desvanecerse y volver a aparecer de repente. El objeto gira alrededor de 240 grados
A lo largo de su eje longitudinal mientras que mantiene una trayectoria constante de SSW
(Somewhere al oeste de Platsmouth) a NNE (hacia el centro Omaha / ro de Missouri).
Tambin es importante tener en cuenta que la nave no era uniforme en su forma, ya que
giraba, revel lados planos y lisos a lo largo de las secciones hacia adelante y hacia atrs
de este extico
objeto. Inmediatamente descart cuerpos celestes tales como estrellas, planetas,
meteoroides y dems, debido a la altitud que estimo era de unos 5.000-10.000
Pies del nivel del suelo. El objeto no emiti sonido detectable a pesar de su proximidad y
alta velocidad. Pude confirmar que estaba en la atmsfera
Debido al hecho de que estaba pasando entre las nubes y yo. Tambin podra descartar
cualquier tipo de ilusin o fenmeno como el objeto era a simple vista el
La mayor parte del tiempo lo estaba observando. Cuando pareca desvanecerse, todava
era capaz de predecir dnde volvera a aparecer y comenzar a rastrear de nuevo como se
Observ este primer objeto hasta que ya no poda verlo todo el tiempo, tratando de llamar
la atencin de mi esposa que estaba dentro de conseguir a nuestros hijos listos para ir. Ella
Que aproximadamente un minuto despus de que el objeto inicial desapareci. Despus
de unos dos minutos ms pasar. En este momento, mientras cargamos a los nios en el
camin, ambos, mi
Esposa y yo observamos un segundo objeto que coincida con la descripcin de la
primera. Este objeto exhibi los mismos comportamientos y viaj lo que percib era el
Misma ruta.
Al ver el segundo objeto mi esposa y yo cambiamos nuestros planes y decidimos conducir
Pgina 43

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

por la zona rural dos millas al sur de Bellevue Nebraska. Sobre

Comenzando nuestra unidad, yendo hacia el oeste en Capehart hacia la calle 36,
observamos dos objetos ms que coinciden con la descripcin de lo mencionado, volando
en la
Mismo camino y una altitud similar. Esta observacin mencionada anteriormente ocurri
aproximadamente 4 minutos despus de que el segundo objeto dejara contacto visual.
Conduciendo por las zonas rurales no observamos ms objetos.
Pensamiento adicional me dice que si hubiera solamente dos objetos, tendran que
comenzar a viajar del punto del contacto visual final al punto de la inicial
Contacto a una velocidad asombrosa mientras que se desvan perceptiblemente de su
trayectoria originalmente observada. Es mucho ms probable que haya un total de 4
Al lector: Tenga en cuenta que soy un veterano miembro militar que vive cerca de una base
area. Veo varias naves diariamente a todas horas y durante todo el tiempo
Anuales. Mientras esto ocurri despus de la puesta del sol, el cielo estaba casi despejado
y haba una iluminacin mxima cercana a la de la luna. Estoy bien versado en aviones y
Discerniendo entre cualquier tipo de ilusin ptica o fenmenos. Sobre la base de estas
circunstancias, concluyo que se trataba de alguna forma de
Que eran inteligentemente controlados. No extraigo ninguna otra conclusin.
He intentado grabar la segunda ocurrencia en mi telfono, pero como se puede imaginar la
calidad del video no hace justicia al evento. Sin embargo, todava tengo la

Centro Nacional de Informes UFO

Informe de observacin
Pgina 44

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Ocurri: 10/8/2016 20:00 (Introducido como: 10/08/16 20:00)

Inform: 10/9/2016 5:28:05 PM 17:28
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Localizacin: Cincinnati, OH
Forma: Ligero
Duracin: 15 minutos
Gran luz brillante en bajo en el cielo occidental en el crepsculo.
Estaba conduciendo en Anderson Township al crepsculo para recoger comida china en
Ohio Pike. Estaba solo en el coche cuando not una luz muy brillante y
Oeste hacia la direccin cntrica de Cincinnati. Era demasiado bajo en el horizonte para ser
una estrella o un planeta.
Me par en el coche y aparqu donde poda tener puntos de referencia cercanos para ver
si este objeto se estaba moviendo en absoluto. No era. No hubo parpadeo
Luces, slo una luz brillante brillante ligeramente parpadeante.
Cuando se ve a travs de un conjunto de muy baja potencia de binoculares de observacin
de aves que tom en forma de brillo de 3 puntos.
Conduje a otra ubicacin a pocos kilmetros de distancia y en el transcurso de este tiempo
nunca se movi o cambiado.
((NUFORC Nota: Posible observacin de Arcturus de Jpiter en el cielo W? PD))
(NUFORC Nota: Por alguna razn, el testigo indica que la fecha de la observacin es
Centro Nacional de Informes UFO
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 08/10/2016 18:45 (Introducido como: 10/08/2016 18:45)
Inform: 10/10/2016 9:40:07 PM 21:40
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Ubicacin: Middlefield, CT
Forma: Ligero
Duracin: 10-15 m
Google Translate for Business:Translator ToolkitWebsite
InutesUFO (luz brillante real) sobre el lago Beseck en el Middlefield, CtI viven hacia fuera
por el lago Beseck en el Middlefield, Ct El pasado sbado (10/08/16) en la tarde sal de mi
hogar para traer lea dentro desde las noches Han comenzado a conseguir chilly.While
estaba caminando por el woodpile not una luz blanca brillante sobre la montaa en la zona
donde el Mountain Side Resort es desde una direccin de WSW. En ese momento yo no
pagu ninguna mente a ella porque yo pens justo que era un avin o quizs el planeta
Venus. Venus puede conseguir realmente brillante a veces y podra engaar a alguien
tambin. As que despus de traer una carga de madera en que volvimos a conseguir
algunos pequeos madera de arranque con mi cubo y me di cuenta de nuevo que esta luz
se haba acercado y ahora estaba sobre la zona sur del lago. Esto no era un planeta. En
Pgina 45

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

ese punto me par a echar un buen vistazo a l, pero no poda decir si se haba detenido o
estaba continuando a venir en mi direccin. Esta cosa era brillante y pareca que haba una
luz ms pequea pero igual de brillante justo debajo de la luz principal. Para averiguar si se
estaba moviendo todava, me alineaba (mis ojos) con un cable telefnico que colgaba de
una luz de calle a travs de Desde mi propiedad de tal manera para ver si apareca desde
detrs del cable. Seguro que vino de detrs del cable por lo que me dijo que se estaba
moviendo, pero no rpido en todos. Manteniendo mi ojo en esta cosa, entr en mi coche
para obtener un par de gafas de campo (tal vez 10x25) no demasiado potente, pero
suficiente para Ver a travs de la lente. Todo lo que poda ver eran estas luces que eran
demasiado brillantes (blob), sin marcas o nada, no poda distinguir una forma en absoluto,
era demasiado brillante. No hay sonido en absoluto, no hay rastro de vapor, slo flotando en
una direccin ENE, en un ngulo que lo hubiera puesto justo sobre mi casa. Como estoy
viendo que se acerque, de repente slo desaparece !!, Como alguien acaba de golpear un
interruptor y apag las luces. No haba nubes en el cielo. La luna estaba arriba, pero estaba
ms al sur. El cielo en ese momento era supongo que lo que llamara en el crepsculo. Las
estrellas empezaban a aparecer, oscuras pero no oscuras. No estoy seguro del tiempo,
pero fue alrededor de 1845-1900 hrs.I he visto otras cosas en el cielo por la noche, ISS,
meteours, estrellas fugaces etc, pero nada como este objeto o nada de este brillante.
Supongo que podra haber sido un zumbido que alguien estaba volando pero por la noche
??, sin sonido de cualquier accesorios, y la distancia de esta cosa viaj de, con un infierno
de una gran luz o dos. No lo creo. Simplemente desapareci. Mir ms lejos a la direccin
ENE para ver si reapareci pero nada. Segu explorando el resto del cielo en todas
direcciones, pero todava nada ms. Un minuto estaba all y el siguiente min desapareci,
desaparecido! Estoy fuera de m porque nunca he visto nada cerca de lo que esto era.
Raro, extrao, WOW!
Occurred : 10/8/2016 17:24 (Entered as : 10/08/16 17:24)
Reported: 10/9/2016 11:24:10 AM 11:24
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Darby, MT
Shape: Disk
Duration:photo only
Saucer shaped object near Trapper Peak. Emailing photo.
October 8th, 2016 around 5pm MDT, I went to Hannon Memorial Fishing Access South of
Darby, MT. Trapper Peak looked nice so I took several pictures of it. A few minutes later, in
the shade, I was going through the pics to see what might be best and deleting poor ones.
I noticed what I thought was a bird in one of the pictures and zoomed in to see what it was.
To me it looked like a flying hard hat (only much larger) several miles away. I posted it to
FaceBook and said I would zoom in and crop the picture later that evening.
I did not see the object when taking the pictures, it wasnt until a bit later that I noticed it in the
When I got home, I looked at the pictures on my Galaxy S4 phone. On that particular picture,
I hit edit, then crop. I zoomed in on the original to the spot in question then slid the crop
outline over there and saved the cropped image. I posted it to Facebook.

Pgina 46

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Next, I took the cropped picture (which now had a .png extension) and did the same thing,
zoom, crop and save. I did it a third time and Posted both of these to FaceBook. To me it
looks like some kind of flying saucer.
I have the original picture on my camera (.jpg extension). Clicking on the details button, it
shows the date, time and sequence number of the picture.
I will email the original picture to the address given along with my FaceBook address. If
someone wants to verify the picture, Id be happy to show them.
((NUFORC Note: Photo shows an amorphous, blurry, dark object above a distant ridge. We
cannot confirm that the object is a genuine UFO. Moreover, we suspect that the object,
because of its asymmetry, may be a bird in flight. PD))Occurred : 10/8/2016 12:54 (Entered
as : 10/08/16 12:54)
Reported: 10/8/2016 6:54:46 PM 18:54
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Slidell, LA
Shape: Rectangle
Duration:2 minutes
Invisible ufo and could see the outline of it
On the phone outside when the rectangle object flew across. I was able to see it bc it was
invisible but I could make out the ufo because as it flew the stars would turn fuzzy.
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/8/2016 12:54 (Entered as : 10/08/16 12:54)
Reported: 10/8/2016 6:54:46 PM 18:54
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Slidell, LA
Shape: Rectangle
Duration:2 minutes
Invisible ufo and could see the outline of it
On the phone outside when the rectangle object flew across. I was able to see it bc it was
invisible but I could make out the ufo because as it flew the stars would turn fuzzy.
Ocurri: 08/10/2016 17:24 (Introducido como: 10/08/16 17:24)
Inform: 10/9/2016 11:24:10 AM 11:24
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Ubicacin: Darby, MT
Forma: Disco
Duracin: slo foto
Objeto en forma de platillo cerca del pico del trampero. Envo de fotos por correo
8 de octubre de 2016 alrededor de 5 pm MDT, fui a Hannon Memorial Pesca acceso al sur
de Darby, MT. Trapper Peak se vea bien, as que tom varias fotos de ella.
Unos minutos ms tarde, en la sombra, estaba pasando por las fotos para ver lo que podra
Pgina 47

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

ser mejor y eliminar a los pobres.

Me di cuenta de lo que pens que era un pjaro en una de las imgenes y ampliado para
ver lo que era. A m me pareci un sombrero volador (slo mucho ms grande) varios
lejos. Lo envi a FaceBook y le dije que hara zoom en y recortar la imagen ms tarde esa
No vi el objeto al tomar las fotos, no fue hasta un poco ms tarde que lo not en la foto.
Cuando llegu a casa, mir las fotos en mi telfono Galaxy S4. En ese cuadro en particular,
he golpeado editar, luego recortar. Zoom en el original en el lugar en
Pregunta entonces desliz el contorno de la cosecha all y guard la imagen "recortada". Lo
he publicado en Facebook.
A continuacin, tom la imagen "recortada" (que ahora tena una extensin .png) e hizo lo
mismo, zoom, recortar y guardar. Lo hice una tercera vez y public ambos de estos
para Facebook. A m me parece una especie de platillo volador.
Tengo la imagen original en mi cmara (extensin .jpg). Al hacer clic en el botn "detalles",
muestra la fecha, la hora y el nmero de secuencia de la imagen.
Enviar por correo electrnico la imagen original a la direccin dada junto con mi direccin
de FaceBook. Si alguien quiere verificar la imagen, estara encantado de mostrarles.
(NUFORC Nota: La foto muestra un objeto amorfo, borroso y oscuro sobre una cresta
distante. No podemos confirmar que el objeto es un OVN genuino.
Sospechan que el objeto, por su asimetra, puede ser un pjaro en vuelo. PD)) Ocurri:
10/8/2016 12:54 (Introducido como: 10/08/16 12:54)
Inform: 10/8/2016 6:54:46 PM 18:54
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Ubicacin: Slidell, LA
Forma: Rectngulo
Duracin: 2 minutos
Invisible ufo y podra ver el contorno de ello
En el exterior del telfono cuando el objeto del rectngulo vol a travs. Yo era capaz de
ver que a bc era invisible, pero poda distinguir el ufo porque como vol las estrellas
Se volvera borroso.
Centro Nacional de Informes UFO
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 10/8/2016 12:54 (Introducido como: 10/08/16 12:54)
Inform: 10/8/2016 6:54:46 PM 18:54
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Pgina 48

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Ubicacin: Slidell, LA
Forma: Rectngulo
Duracin: 2 minutos
Invisible ufo y podra ver el contorno de ello
En el exterior del telfono cuando el objeto del rectngulo vol a travs. Yo era capaz de
ver que a bc era invisible, pero poda distinguir el ufo porque como vol las estrellas
Se volvera borroso.
Occurred : 10/8/2016 11:15 (Entered as : 10/08/16 11:15)
Reported: 10/11/2016 7:14:01 AM 07:14
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Champaign, IL
Shape: Rectangle
Duration:2 minutes
Rectangular silver panel with nothing else around it; below the clouds; made no sounds; took
a sharp turn; gave me the creeps.
I looked up at the sky from my backyard and saw a rectangular silver panel (like the side of a
Mac truck) with nothing else around it. It appeared to be at the height a hot air balloon or a
blimp. It was just gliding along above the tree line. While I was observing, it made a sharp
turn (90 turn), then dipped below my line of sight.
It had to be at least the size of a large trailer home. Literally looked like a semi truck's haul
was floating by. Gave me the creeps and didn't really sink in until an hour or so later that I
had seen something that didn't make any sense!Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/8/2016 10:17 (Entered as : 10/08/2016 10:17)
Reported: 10/8/2016 2:37:40 PM 14:37
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Coweta, OK
Shape: Unknown
Duration:A few seconds
I was in my driveway taking pictures of a family of falcon that were circleing my house. I was
using the quick shot more on m camera phone because they were flying over so fast.
I never realized there was anything in the sky other than the birds until I went inside to sit
down and look at te pictures I was able to get. And that when I noticed it..
When I went back out to look it was gone. And it only apeared in 1 pictire out of 10.99thWeb
Report Indexes : by Event Date | by Location | by Shape | by Posting Date
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/8/2016 03:00 (Entered as : 10/08/16 3:00)
Reported: 10/9/2016 12:08:02 AM 00:08
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Crandall, GA
Shape: Light
Pgina 49

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Duration:2 hours
Appears to be one object. Object contains three lights consisting of white,red, and
blue/green. Object at times appears stationary, however there is obvious movement. No
sound is being produced by the object and it is unlike any aircraft known. Object appears to
be at least a thousand feet in the horizon not far from Grassy Mountain.
((NUFORC Note: We suspect that the witness was observing a star. PD))
((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact
information. PD))Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/8/2016 02:20 (Entered as : 10/08/16 2:20)
Reported: 10/8/2016 2:59:05 AM 02:59
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Strathmore area, AB
Shape: Other
Duration:1-2 minutes
Two large 4 propeller style ufos hanging over Lyalta, AB. 3 other cars pulled over to
Driving to Eastbound to Strathmore on the AB #1 HWY my aunt and her daughter witnessed
2 very large square almost helicopter style aircrafts. They had 4 propellers and at first she
said she only noticed one on the left when she saw on her right side 3 vehicles pulled over
taking photos of a secomd ufo. There were white lights on them and they were quite loud but
had a distinct wing-beat style sound like a slowed recording of a humming bird she
said.Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/8/2016 02:15 (Entered as : 10/8/16 02:15)
Reported: 10/8/2016 12:29:54 AM 00:29
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Van Buren, AR
Shape: Circle
Duration:30+ minutes
three objects, similar to stars but drifting vertically and horizontally. Both with flashing lights,
one red and white and one blue and white, both hovering NUFORC Home Page
Web Report Indexes : by Event Date | by Location | by Shape | by Posting Date
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/8/2016 01:00 (Entered as : 10/8/2016 1:00)
Reported: 10/9/2016 12:15:54 AM 00:15
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Renton, WA
Shape: Fireball
Duration:30 minutes
Correction on previous report seen at 10/8/2016 at 1am approx.. Got home from work and
seen bright fireball light streak across construction site hotel out side window going north to
south light speed then saw bright light half the size of moon like a welding torch noticed heat
was warm by window. Light was approx half size of moon .
Talked to resident manager and she said contractor is not working at night and told that light
hurt my eyes when looking at it. She said she would contac construction manager to ask
Pgina 50

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

about bright light.

I am trained ex military. I've worked on aircraft for over 40 years what I saw I cannot explain.
Went right thru shades then moved a little side to side the it shot a beam toward building
apartment was very warm that night I was very tired and wanted to sleep. Light was like a
welding torch even brighter hurt to look at it I fell to sleep that's all I know. Light was hovering
above flat construction site below cranes which have blinking red lights on them.
((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact
information. PD))Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/8/2016 00:00 (Entered as : 10/8/16240 00:00)
Reported: 10/9/2016 11:36:08 PM 23:36
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Cochise County, AZ
Shape: Flash
Flashes lighting up portions of the sky. Also, last year witnessed 4 lights hovering in diamond
shape in St. David for over an hour.Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/8/2016 (Entered as : 10/08/2016)
Reported: 10/9/2016 8:30:12 PM 20:30
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Crown Point, IN
Shape: Disk
Duration:10 minutes
At first I saw bright flashes of light behind the clouds. White, red and green Then I saw red
rectangle lights coming through the clouds then clearly I saw a disc shape saucer with red
rectangle lights around it.It was very big and only about the height of what a helicopter would
fly. After hoovering in one spot for around 5 seconds It disappeared..For a few seconds
after I saw white and red flashes of light behind the clouds.Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/7/2016 22:00 (Entered as : 10- - 2016 22:00)
Reported: 10/7/2016 11:37:30 PM 23:37
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Anchor Point, AK
Shape: Flash
Duration:35 40 minutes
Unidentified flashing lights hovering 15 degrees above horizon, in west north west direction
Two close groups of flashing lights are in view about 15 to 20 degrees aboce the horizon to
the west northwest of the Anchor River Airpark in Anchor Point. Each cluster has continuous
white flashing lights with intermittent red and green flashing lights.
At first it looked like an on coming aircraft, however it did not appear to be moving. There is
no sound.
Time 10:10 flashing lights remain, may be slowly moving in a more northerly direction at the
same elevation.
10:30 Gradual movement to the north and lower on the horizon appears to be more distant.
National UFO Reporting Center
Pgina 51

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/7/2016 21:45 (Entered as : 10/07/2016 21:45)
Reported: 10/9/2016 10:41:11 AM 10:41
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Gardner, MA
Shape: Light
Duration:5 minutes
3 red lights in sky flying northeast direction flying same flight path one behind the other.
Friday night, driving west on route 2 near the Gardner mass exits, I saw 3 red lights in the
sky flying in a northeast direction probably about the same hight of a single engine sesna.
was 3 red lights in the sky flying in the same direction one behind the other at the same
altitude The lights were not blinking like u would see on a plane or jet. There was no other
aircraft in the area at that time. It was unnatural.
This happened between 9:30-10:00 pm. Planes and jets dont fly in the same flight pattern
as these lights were doing.
Sorry could not get a picture or video of the lights do to driving on the highway.Occurred :
10/7/2016 21:05 (Entered as : 10/07/16 21:05)
Reported: 10/7/2016 8:54:45 PM 20:54
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Arvada, CO
Shape: Other
Duration:10 seconds
Arrow shaped object w/dim lights.
I saw what appeared to be a large arrow shaped object flying N to S.
It had very dim, almost translucent amber colored lights.
There was no sound and it moved at a quick and steady pace.
Traduccion de lo anterior.
Ocurri: 10/8/2016 11:15 (ingresado como: 10/08/16 11:15)
Inform: 10/11/2016 7:14:01 AM 07:14
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Ubicacin: Champaign, IL
Forma: Rectngulo
Duracin: 2 minutos
Panel de plata rectangular con nada ms alrededor; Debajo de las nubes; No hizo ningn
sonido; Dio un giro brusco; Me dio las arrastres.
Mir hacia el cielo desde mi patio trasero y vi un panel de plata rectangular (como el lado de
un camin Mac) con nada ms a su alrededor. Pareca estar en la
Altura un globo de aire caliente o un dirigible. Simplemente se deslizaba por encima de la
lnea de rboles. Mientras estaba observando, hizo un giro cerrado (giro de 90), luego se
sumergi por debajo de mi lnea
Pgina 52

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

en vista.
Tena que ser al menos del tamao de un remolque grande. Literalmente, pareca que el
transporte de un camin estaba flotando. Me dieron los resbalones y no se hundieron hasta
Hora ms o menos despus que haba visto algo que no tena sentido!
Ocurri: 10/8/2016 10:17 (ingresado como: 10/08/2016 10:17)
Inform: 10/8/2016 2:37:40 PM 14:37
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Ubicacin: Coweta, OK
Forma: Desconocido
Duracin: unos segundos
Estaba en mi camino tomando fotos de una familia de halcones que estaban rodeando mi
casa. Yo estaba usando el tiro rpido ms en el telfono con cmara m porque eran
Volando tan rpido.
Nunca me di cuenta que haba algo en el cielo aparte de los pjaros hasta que entr a
sentarse y mirar las fotos que pude conseguir. Y eso cuando me di cuenta
Cuando volv a ver que se haba ido. Y slo apeared en 1 pictire de 10.99thWeb Report
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Fecha de contabilizacin
Centro Nacional de Informes UFO
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 10/8/2016 03:00 (Introducido como: 10/08/16 3:00)
Inform: 10/9/2016 12:08:02 AM 00:08
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Ubicacin: Crandall, GA
Forma: Ligero
Duracin: 2 horas
Aparece como un objeto. El objeto contiene tres luces que consisten en blanco, rojo y azul /
verde. Objeto a veces aparece estacionario, sin embargo, hay obvio
movimiento. No se produce sonido por el objeto y es diferente a cualquier aeronave
conocida. Objeto parece estar por lo menos mil pies en el horizonte no lejos
Desde Grassy Mountain.
((NUFORC Nota: Sospechamos que el testigo estaba observando una estrella.
(Nota del NUFORC: El testigo decide permanecer totalmente an nimo, no proporciona
informacin de contacto PD)) Informe de Visin
Ocurri: 08/10/2016 02:20 (Introducido como: 10/08/16 2:20)
Pgina 53

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Inform: 10/8/2016 2:59:05 AM 02:59

Publicado: 10/11/2016
Ubicacin: Strathmore area, AB
Forma: Otros
Duracin: 1-2 minutos
Dos grandes 4 ufos del estilo de la hlice que cuelgan sobre Lyalta, AB. 3 otros coches
tirados a la fotografa.
Conduciendo a Eastbound a Strathmore en el AB # 1 HWY mi t a y su hija atestiguaron 2
muy grandes cuadrados casi helicptero estilo aviones. Ellos tenan 4
Propulsores y al principio ella dijo que ella not solamente uno en la izquierda cuando vio en
su lado derecho 3 vehculos tirados encima de tomar las fotos de un ufo del secomd. All
Eran luces blancas en ellas y eran bastante ruidosas pero tenan un estilo distinto del alagolpean el sonido como una grabacin retardada de un pjaro del tarareo ella dijo.
Ocurri: 10/8/2016 02:15 (Introducido como: 10/8/16 02:15)
Inform: 10/8/2016 12:29:54 AM 00:29
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Localizacin: Van Buren, AR
Forma: Crculo
Duracin: 30+ minutos
Tres objetos, similares a las estrellas pero a la deriva vertical y horizontalmente. Ambos con
luces intermitentes, uno rojo y blanco y uno azul y blanco, ambos flotando NUFORC
Pgina Principal
ndices de informes Web: por fecha de evento | Por ubicacin | Por la forma | Por fecha de
Centro Nacional de Informes UFO
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 10/8/2016 01:00 (Introducido como: 10/8/2016 1:00)
Inform: 10/9/2016 12:15:54 AM 00:15
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Ubicacin: Renton, WA
Forma: Bola de fuego
Duracin: 30 minutos
Correccin en el informe anterior visto en 10/8/2016 a la 1am aprox .. Consegu casa del
trabajo y vio la raya brillante de la luz de la bola de fuego a travs del hotel del sitio de la
construccin hacia fuera
Ventana lateral que va al norte a la velocidad de la luz del sur entonces vio la luz brillante
mitad del tamao de la luna como una antorcha de la soldadura not calor era caliente por la
ventana. La luz era aprox.
Medio tamao de la luna.
Hablamos con el gerente residente y ella dijo contratista no est trabajando por la noche y
dijo que la luz herido mis ojos cuando se mira. Dijo que lo hara
Gerente de construccin para preguntar acerca de la luz brillante.
Pgina 54

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Soy entrenado ex militar. He trabajado en aviones durante ms de 40 aos lo que vi no

puedo explicar. Fuimos a la derecha a travs de sombras, luego nos trasladamos un poco
al lado de la tiro un
Viga hacia edificio apartamento estaba muy caliente esa noche yo estaba muy cansado y
quera dormir. La luz era como una antorcha de soldadura an ms brillante herida de mirar
que me cay
Dormir eso es todo lo que s. La luz flotaba sobre el sitio de construccin plano debajo de
las gras que tienen luces rojas que destellan en ellas.
(Nota del NUFORC: El testigo decide permanecer totalmente an nimo, no proporciona
informacin de contacto PD)) Informe de Visin
Ocurri: 10/8/2016 00:00 (Introducido como: 10/8/16240 00:00)
Inform: 10/9/2016 11:36:08 PM 23:36
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Localizacin: Cochise County, AZ
Forma: FlashDuracin: segundosFlash iluminando porciones del cielo. Tambin, el ao
pasado fue testigo de 4 luces flotando en forma de diamante en San David durante ms de
una hora. Informe de sesin: 10/8/2016 (Introducido como: 10/08/2016) Inform:
10/9/2016 8:30:12 PM 20: 30Posted: 10/11 / 2016Location: Crown Point, INShape:
DiskDuracin: 10 minutosEn primer lugar vi brillantes destellos de luz detrs de las nubes.
Blanco, rojo y verde Entonces vi las luces rojas del rectngulo que venan a travs de las
nubes entonces claramente vi un platillo de la forma del disco con las luces rojas del
rectngulo alrededor it.It era muy grande y solamente sobre la altura de lo que un
helicptero volara. Despus de hoovering en un punto por cerca de 5 segundos
desapareci. Por algunos segundos despus vi que los destellos blancos y rojos de la luz
detrs de las nubes. Sealar ReportOccurred: 10/7/2016 22:00 (Introducido como: 10 - 2016 22 : 00) Reportado: 10/7/2016 11:37:30 PM 23: 37Posted: 10/11 / 2016Localizacin:
Anchor Point, AKShape: FlashDuracin: 35 40 minutosLas luces parpadeantes no
identificadas flotan 15 grados por encima del horizonte, Los grupos de luces que destellan
estn en la visin cerca de 15 a 20 grados aboce el horizonte al noroeste del oeste del
parque areo del ro del ancla en el punto del ancla. Cada racimo tiene luces intermitentes
blancas que destellan intermitentes con luces rojas y verdes que destellan. Al principio
pareca un avin que vena, pero no pareci moverse. No hay sonido. Tiempo 10:10 luces
parpadeantes permanecen, puede estar movindose lentamente en una direccin ms al
norte a la misma elevacin. 10:30 Movimiento gradual hacia el norte y ms bajo en el
horizonte parece estar ms distante. Informe Nacional de Informes de OVNISO Informe de
VigilanciaCuidado: 10/7/2016 21:45 (Registrado como: 10/07/2016 21:45) Reportado: 10 /
9/2016 10:41:11 AM 10: 41Posted: 10/11 / 2016Localizacin: Gardner, MAShape:
LightDuracin: 5 minutos3 luces rojas en el cielo volando direccin noreste volando la
misma trayectoria de vuelo una detrs de la otra. 2 cerca de las salidas de masa Gardner, vi
3 luces rojas en el cielo volando en una direccin noreste probablemente sobre la misma
altura de un solo motor sesna. Era 3 luces rojas en el cielo volando en la misma direccin
una detrs de la otra a la misma altitud Las luces no estaban parpadeando como u vera en
un avin o chorro. No haba otro avin en el rea en ese momento. Era antinatural. Esto
sucedi entre las 9: 30-10: 00 pm. Aviones y aviones no volar en el mismo patrn de vuelo
como estas luces estaban haciendo. Lo siento, no pudo obtener una imagen o un video de
Pgina 55

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

las luces para conducir en la autopista. Correr: 10/7/2016 21:05 (Registrado como:
10/07/16 21:05) Inform: 10/7/2016 8: 54:45 PM 20: 54Posted: 10/11 / 2016Location:
Arvada, COShape: OtherDuracin: 10 segundosArrow en forma de objeto w / luces dvil. Vi
lo que pareca ser un gran objeto en forma de flecha volando N a S. Tena muy tenue, Casi
translcidas luces de color mbar. No hubo sonido y se movi a un ritmo rpido y constante.
UFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information.
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/7/2016 21:00 (Entered as : 10/07/16 21:00)
Reported: 10/7/2016 8:31:13 PM 20:31
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Secaucus, NJ
Shape: Light
Duration:10 seconds
White ball of light flying very fast then disappeared
As my wife and I we're walking back to our car after getting dinner, it just so happens I was
looking up and noticed a bright light flying from my 6 (behind) towards my 12 (in front). It was
flying low, because there were planes also in the sky. The planes were normal commercial
air craft; that was unmistakable they seemed to be flying at normal altitude. As this bright light
flew past at an amazing speed it just disappeared... there was no sounds
((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact
information. PD)) NUFORC Home Page
Web Report Indexes : by Event Date | by Location | by Shape | by Posting Date
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/7/2016 20:45 (Entered as : 10/07/16 20:45)
Reported: 10/8/2016 8:16:04 AM 08:16
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Bucks Lake, CA
Shape: Formation
Duration:30 minutes +
Three groups of lights, flashing white, red, and green. 5+ lights in each group, held position
in sky for over hour spotted by fireman and other witness.Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/7/2016 19:30 (Entered as : 10/7/16 19:30)
Reported: 10/7/2016 5:18:15 PM 17:18
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Manchester, VT
Shape: Triangle
Duration:15 minutes
Small glowing orange beams. 3 in a triangular formation.
((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact
information. PDNational UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Pgina 56

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Occurred : 10/7/2016 13:40 (Entered as : 10/07/16 13:40)

Reported: 10/7/2016 10:59:20 PM 22:59
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Eureka, CA
Shape: Disk
Duration:5 seconds
While driving, I noticed a large disc shaped metallic object in the sky above The Humboldt
Bay. The metal was shiny and reflective. I was working with a client of mine who yelled "Look
up! What is that?" I looked up and I noticed the disc shaped metallic object in the sky. It was
very reflective! As I passed a set of trees it was gone! I know this is very similar to the other
guys story on 8/ something/2016, but the stories were exactly the same and even over a
bay! The only thing different was that the clouds around that area were all bowed. The further
we drove the more the clouds went back to normal.Occurred : 10/7/2016 13:00 (Entered as
: 10/07/16 13:00)
Reported: 10/9/2016 8:09:02 AM 08:09
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Douglasville, GA
Shape: Cylinder
Duration:3 seconds
Cylinder shaped craft fly's through opening in clouds.
While driving along at about 30 mph on a two lane black top, I looked up at the clouds that
were associated with hurricane Mathew. It was completely overcast except for one small
hole that I could see blue sky. A cylinder shaped craft that was the color of the clouds flew
through the opening. No wings, no tail. It had vertical lines on the front and back and a
horizontal line or lines across the top third of the craft. I would estimate it to be about 3,000
ft off the ground and about 200 feet long.
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/7/2016 07:00 (Entered as : 10-7-16 7:00)
Reported: 10/7/2016 11:03:39 AM 11:03
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Meadville, PA
Shape: Circle
Duration:10 seconds
My co-worker and I were getting ready to walk into work and a green neon light appeared
and shot across the sky fast and smooth and looked like it was going down very strange and
later found out another person seen it to.
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/7/2016 03:30 (Entered as : 100716 3:30)
Reported: 10/7/2016 4:15:22 AM 04:15
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Long Beach, CA
Shape: Light
Duration:15 minutes
Hovering and Flickering red and green lights.
Looking South East I find my "alien star" I've been observing since 2013. Normally this
object has a constant white light for but this time just the flickering red and green lights were
Pgina 57

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

visible. The lights appear to be a pet of a single object but the object cannot be seen. The
lights always hover and move around the same way a hovering bee or dragon fly would
hover, very short but quick sudden movements, starting and stopping on a dime.
((NUFORC Note: We suspect "twinkling" stars. PD))
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/7/2016 01:00 (Entered as : 10/07/16 1:00)
Reported: 10/6/2016 10:39:41 PM 22:39
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Kettering, OH
Shape: Light
Duration:>1 hour
8 lights in the sky. They move around randomly and change color. One of them disappeared
and reappeared across the sky and then shot across like a shooting star.
Another one appeared from nowhere, shot across the sky and disappeared. They just hover
in the sky. 3 of them hover in a straight line.
((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact
information. PD))
((NUFORC Note: For some reason, witness indicates that the date of the sighting is
approximate. PD))
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/7/2016 00:05 (Entered as : 10/07/16 0:05)
Reported: 10/7/2016 11:34:37 PM 23:34
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Las Cruces, NM
Shape: Other
Duration:15-20 min.
3 multicolored craft observer traveling in sky and turned off lights as commercial airplane
traveled past in same general area
Tight cluster of multi blinking colored lights (white, blue, green, red). Observed through
binoculars. clusters appeared to be 1 craft. At first 2 clusters which moved slowly around
and next to each other minutes. Occasionally lights would go out completely as in when an
obvious airplane closed in on their position but at a different level. Plane was not interacting
with craft and kept on its flight pattern apparently unaware or unconcerned of blinking lights.
When plane was (I assume) far enough away, the lights on craft came on again and from
one of the clusters emerged another seemingly smaller craft with only white light which
moved very quickly away from the main cluster. The two clusters (crafts) were getting
smaller. Apparently moving away from me closely followed by the smaller white light craft till
they were out of rang of my binoculars. This whole incident took about 15 to 20 minutes. I
had my wife occasionally take a look at what was going on. No noise.
I have observed these same type of craft in different parts of the sky many times.
Pgina 58

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

I didn't know there was this place to report it and didn't really think about doing it till
today.Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/7/2016 (Entered as : 10/07/16)
Reported: 10/9/2016 2:04:54 AM 02:04
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Highway I-40 Truck parking, AR
Duration:10 seconds
Very bright flying object there ten second then gone instantly
Photo texted in previously. I will try and include photo here; I am a trucker, large, cross
In Arkansas on I-40, lonely truck parking area in the middle of nowhere, no facilities, next
towns about 30 miles both directions. Coming back from the bushes taking a leak, other
drivers said, "Hey, look at that.", so I grabbed my phone and took the picture. We had no
idea what it was, there for about ten seconds then gone instantly, 5 others and myself saw it.
Nothing on any local news.
((NUFORC Note: We spoke via telephone with the witness, and he sounded to us to be
sober-minded and sincere about his sighting. He has forwarded the photo he took to
NUFORC, and it shows an amorphous body of white light. PD))
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/6/2016 00:00 (Entered as : 10/06/16 12)
Reported: 10/8/2016 6:29:13 AM 06:29
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: columbus, OH
Shape: Triangle
Duration:2 mins
in the sky facing south a blk triangular craft flew rt to left then switched direction and darted
south and out of view..seconds later a second identical craft followed the same pattern of
flight..seconds after that a 3rd and final identical craft followed the same flight pattern as the
previous two.
Traduccion de lo anterior.
(NUFORC Nota: El testigo decide permanecer totalmente an nimo, no proporciona
informacin de contacto.
Centro Nacional de Informes UFO
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 10/7/2016 21:00 (Introducido como: 10/07/16 21:00)
Inform: 10/7/2016 8:31:13 PM 20:31
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Ubicacin: Secaucus, NJ
Forma: Ligero
Duracin: 10 segundos
Blanco bola de luz volando muy rpido y luego desapareci

Pgina 59

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Como mi esposa y yo estamos caminando de nuevo a nuestro coche despus de

conseguir la cena, apenas sucede que estaba mirando para arriba y not una luz brillante
que volaba de mi 6 (detrs)
Hacia mi 12 (en frente). Estaba volando bajo, porque tambin haba aviones en el cielo. Los
aviones eran una nave area comercial normal; Eso era inconfundible
Pareca estar volando a una altitud normal. Como esta luz brillante vol pasado a una
velocidad asombrosa que simplemente desapareci ... no haba sonidos
(Nota del NUFORC: El testigo opta por permanecer totalmente annimo, no proporciona
informacin de contacto.)) NUFORC Home Page
ndices de informes Web: por fecha de evento | Por ubicacin | Por la forma | Por fecha de
Centro Nacional de Informes UFO
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 07/10/2016 20:45 (Introducido como: 10/07/16 20:45)
Inform: 10/8/2016 8:16:04 AM 08:16
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Ubicacin: Bucks Lake, CA
Forma: Formacin
Duracin: 30 minutos +
Tres grupos de luces, parpadeando en blanco, rojo y verde. 5+ luces en cada grupo, la
posicin en el cielo durante ms de hora manchado por el bombero y otros
Ocurri: 10/7/2016 19:30 (ingresado como: 10/7/16 19:30)
Inform: 10/7/2016 5:18:15 PM 17:18
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Ubicacin: Manchester, VT
Forma: Tringulo
Duracin: 15 minutos
Pequeos rayos anaranjados que brillan intensamente. 3 en una formacin triangular.
(NUFORC Nota: El testigo decide permanecer totalmente an nimo, no proporciona
informacin de contacto.) PDNational UFO Reporting Center
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 10/7/2016 13:40 (Introducido como: 10/07/16 13:40)
Inform: 10/7/2016 10:59:20 PM 22:59
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Ubicacin: Eureka, CA
Forma: Disco
Duracin: 5 segundos
Durante la conduccin, me di cuenta de un gran objeto metlico en forma de disco en el
cielo por encima de la baha de Humboldt. El metal era brillante y reflectante. Estaba
trabajando con un cliente
Quin es el que grit: "Mira, qu es eso?" Mir hacia arriba y not el objeto metlico en
Pgina 60

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

forma de disco en el cielo. Era muy reflexivo! Al pasar un juego de

rboles se haba ido! S que esto es muy similar a la historia de otros chicos en 8 / algo /
2016, pero las historias eran exactamente iguales e incluso sobre una baha! Lo nico
La cosa diferente era que las nubes alrededor de esa rea eran todas arqueadas. Cuanto
ms condujimos, ms las nubes volvieron a la normalidad. Corriendo: 10/7/2016 13:00
(Introducido como: 10/07/16 13:00)
Inform: 10/9/2016 8:09:02 AM 08:09
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Ubicacin: Douglasville, GA
Forma: Cilindro
Duracin: 3 segundos
Cilindro en forma de embarcacin volar a travs de la apertura en las nubes.
Mientras conduca a lo largo de cerca de 30 mph en una tapa negra de dos carriles, mir
hacia arriba las nubes que fueron asociadas con el huracn Mathew. Estaba completamente
Excepto por un pequeo agujero que poda ver el cielo azul. Un arte en forma de cilindro
que era el color de las nubes vol a travs de la abertura. Sin alas, sin cola. Tena
Lneas verticales en la parte delantera y trasera y una lnea horizontal o lneas a travs del
tercio superior de la nave. Yo lo estimo a unos 3.000 pies del suelo y alrededor de
200 pies de largo.
Centro Nacional de Informes UFO
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 07/10/2016 07:00 (Introducido como: 10-7-16 7:00)
Inform: 10/7/2016 11:03:39 AM 11:03
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Ubicacin: Meadville, PA
Forma: Crculo
Duracin: 10 segundos
Mi compaero de trabajo y yo nos preparbamos para entrar en el trabajo y una luz de nen
verde apareci y dispar a travs del cielo rpido y suave y pareca que iba
Abajo muy extrao y ms tarde descubr que otra persona lo vio.
Centro Nacional de Informes UFO
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 10/7/2016 03:30 (Introducido como: 100716 3:30)
Inform: 10/7/2016 4:15:22 AM 04:15
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Ubicacin: Long Beach, CA
Forma: Ligero
Duracin: 15 minutos
Hovering y parpadeo de luces rojas y verdes.
Mirando hacia el sureste encuentro mi "estrella aliengena" que he estado observando
Pgina 61

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

desde 2013. Normalmente, este objeto tiene una luz blanca constante, pero esta vez slo
el rojo parpadeante
Y las luces verdes eran visibles. Las luces parecen ser una mascota de un solo objeto,
pero el objeto no se puede ver. Las luces siempre se ciernen y
De la misma manera que una mosca de la abeja o del dragn que giraba flotara, los
movimientos repentinos muy rpidos pero cortos, comenzando y parando en una moneda
de diez centavos.
((NUFORC Nota: Sospechamos estrellas "centelleantes" (PD))
Centro Nacional de Informes UFO
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 10/7/2016 01:00 (Introducido como: 10/07/16 1:00)
Inform: 10/6/2016 10:39:41 PM 22:39
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Ubicacin: Kettering, OH
Forma: Ligero
Duracin:> 1 hora
8 luces en el cielo. Se mueven al azar y cambian de color. Uno de ellos desapareci y
reapareci a travs del cielo y luego
estrella fugaz.
Otro apareci de la nada, dispar a travs del cielo y desapareci. Slo flotan en el cielo. 3
de ellos
(NUFORC Nota: Por algn motivo, el testigo indica que la fecha del avistamiento es
aproximada.) (Nacional (NUFORC Nota: El testigo opta por permanecer totalmente
annimo, no proporciona informacin de contacto. UFO Reporting CenterSighting
ReportOccurred: 10/7/2016 00:05 (ingresado como: 10/07/16 0:05) Reportado: 10/7/2016
11:34:37 ??PM 23: 34Posted: 10/11 / 2016Localizacin: Las Cruces, NMShape:
OtherDuracin: 15-20 min.3 observador de embarcaciones multicolores viajando en el cielo
y apagado las luces como avin comercial viaj pasado en el mismo rea general Clster
completo de mltiples luces de color parpadeantes (blanco, azul, verde, rojo). Observado a
travs de binoculares. Los racimos parecan ser 1 arte. Al principio 2 grupos que se movan
lentamente alrededor y al lado de cada otros minutos. Ocasionalmente las luces se
apagaban completamente como en cuando un avin evidente se cerr en su posicin, pero
a un nivel diferente. El avin no estaba interactuando con el arte y mantena su patrn de
vuelo aparentemente inconsciente o despreocupado de las luces parpadeantes. Cuando el
avin estaba (supongo) lo suficientemente lejos, las luces de la nave volvieron a entrar y de
uno de los racimos surgi otro arte aparentemente ms pequeo con slo luz blanca que
se alejaba muy rpidamente del racimo principal. Los dos grupos (artesanas) eran cada
vez ms pequeos. Al parecer, alejndose de m seguido de cerca por la pequea nave de
luz blanca hasta que estaban fuera de son de mis binoculares. Todo este incidente tom
unos 15 a 20 minutos. Yo tena mi esposa de vez en cuando echar un vistazo a lo que
estaba pasando. Ningun ruido. He observado este mismo tipo de embarcaciones en
diferentes partes del cielo muchas veces. No saba que haba este lugar para informar de
ello y realmente no pens en hacerlo hasta hoy.Sighting ReportOccurred: 10/7/2016
(Introducido como: 10/07/16) Inform: 10/9/2016 2 : 04: 54 02: 04Postado: 10/11 /
Pgina 62

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

2016Localizacin: Carretera I-40 Estacionamiento de camiones, ARShape: Duracin: 10

segundosEl objeto volador muy brillante all diez segundos luego desaparecido
instantneamente texted en previamente. Intentar incluir la foto aqu; Soy un camionero,
grande, cross country. En Arkansas en la I-40, zona de aparcamiento de camiones solitarios
en el medio de la nada, no hay instalaciones, pueblos prximos de 30 millas en ambas
direcciones. Volviendo de los arbustos tomando una fuga, otros conductores dijeron, "Hey,
mire eso.", As que agarr mi telfono y tom la foto. No tenamos idea de lo que era, all
por unos diez segundos y luego se fue al instante, otros 5 y yo lo vi. Nada en las noticias
locales (NUFORC Nota: Hablamos por telfono con el testigo, y nos son ser sobrios y
sinceros acerca de su avistamiento.Ha enviado la foto que llev a NUFORC, y muestra un
amorfo Cuerpo de luz blanca PD)) National UFO Reporting CenterSighting ReportOccurred:
10/6/2016 00:00 (Introducido como: 10/06/16 12) Reportado: 10/8/2016 6:29:13 AM 06:
29Posted: 10/11 / 2016Location: columbus, OHShape: TriangleDuration: 2 minsin el cielo
hacia el sur una nave triangular negro vol rt a la izquierda y luego cambi de direccin y se
precipit al sur y fuera de view..seconds ms tarde una segunda embarcacin idntica
sigui el mismo patrn de vuelo .. Segundos despus de que una tercera y ltima nave
idntica sigui el mismo patrn de vuelo que los dos anteriores (NUFORC Nota: Testigo
decide permanecer totalmente annimo, no proporciona informacin de contacto PD))
National UFO Reporting Center
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((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact
information. PD))
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/6/2016 23:00 (Entered as : 10/06/2016 23:00)
Reported: 10/9/2016 9:48:00 PM 21:48
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Antlers, OK
Shape: Light
Duration:5 minutes
Seemed like just another star but then looked like a spotlight rolling and was extremely
Bright...then went back to a twinkle and started moving away but the movement was like
shaky, jerky at first till it gained speed rather fast.
It was absolutely quite.
((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact
information. PD))
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/6/2016 21:00 (Entered as : 10/6/16 21:00)
Reported: 10/8/2016 3:58:01 AM 03:58
Posted: 10/11/2016
Pgina 63

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Location: Whitefish, MT
Shape: Fireball
Amber orb floating east of whitefish lake moving towards backroad to blue moon.
Close contact within 7 feet, 2 witnesses. Workers of Whitefish Lake Lodge. I believe it was
Exploring back and forth on the outskirts of town trying to be unseen.
((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact
information. PD))
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/6/2016 20:24 (Entered as : 10/06/16 20:24)
Reported: 10/6/2016 8:51:10 PM 20:51
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: El Cajon, CA
Shape: Unknown
Duration:35 seconds
I noticed two lights traveling from West to east. Leading light was constant green (no
flashing), trailing light was an intermittently flashing red and white light which when flashing
was a consistent distance behind leading green light. Travelling at very high rate of speed.
Went from one side of skyline to over Laguna mountains in less than 35 seconds. There
was no audible sound emitted.
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/6/2016 20:00 (Entered as : 10/6/16 20:00)
Reported: 10/6/2016 7:43:51 PM 19:43
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Saylorsburg, PA
Shape: Fireball
Duration:4 seconds
Approx. 4 seconds, a bright thick streak of light in sky & is low. bottom tip explodes bright
white light & bits burst out & then gone.
Approx. 4 seconds of a bright thick streak of light over the sky & pretty low. Then suddenly
the bottom tip explodes a bright white light & you can see bits burst out then in a second
nothing at all.. everything was completely gone... an amazing & almost creepy thing to see.
((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact
information. PD))
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/6/2016 20:00 (Entered as : 10/06/2016 20:00)
Reported: 10/7/2016 5:38:19 AM 05:38
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Lower Burrell, PA
Shape: Triangle
Duration:5 minutes
Pgina 64

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Low, slow and silent unidentifiable flying object.

Flying low and slow east to west, we observed something with 3 white lights leading and a
triangle of red lights trailing. There was no sound and object appeared to have been too long
to be a passenger plane
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/6/2016 14:30 (Entered as : 10/06/2016 14:30)
Reported: 10/7/2016 7:09:16 PM 19:09
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Columbus, GA
Shape: Circle
Duration:4-5 minutes
Round, shiny objects flying in formation moved in ways not consistent with aircraft, balloons
or anything else
I was in an industrial area of a large Southern city that boarders a very large military base.
Around 14:30 I was standing in a large lot looking up at the completely clear sky. Almost
immediately I saw two groups of 4 each objects approximately 500-700 feet in the sky
moving in two formations of 4 each on "Y" shadows with the bottom of the "Y" being the lead
in each group. The objects were very shiny and each had a prominent white, thick, round,
white circle within each object. Both groups were moving East to West. At first, I thought
they might be balloons, mini-helicopters or drones. But each group would move in formation
and then suddenly completely stop, then shoot up, down, backwards and then race forward
at amazingly speed. Then at one point, both groups shot up until they could no longer be
seen. During these "maneuvers " several times one object in each formation would break
Traduccion de lo anterior:
Centro Nacional de Informes UFO
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 10/6/2016 23:00 (Introducido como: 10/06/2016 23:00)
Inform: 10/9/2016 9:48:00 PM 21:48
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Ubicacin: Antlers, OK
Forma: Ligero
Duracin: 5 minutos
Pareca ser slo otra estrella, pero luego pareca un proyector rodando y era
extremadamente brillante ... luego volvi a un brillo y comenz a alejarse, pero el
El movimiento era como tembloroso, sacudido al principio hasta que gan velocidad
bastante rpido.
Fue absolutamente absolutamente.

Pgina 65

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

(NUFORC Nota: El testigo decide permanecer totalmente an nimo, no proporciona

informacin de contacto.
Centro Nacional de Informes UFO
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 10/6/2016 21:00 (Introducido como: 10/6/16 21:00)
Inform: 10/8/2016 3:58:01 AM 03:58
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Ubicacin: Whitefish, MT
Forma: Bola de fuego
Duracin: 15
Orbe mbar que flotan al este del lago whitefish que se mueve hacia backroad a la luna
Contacto cercano a 7 pies, 2 testigos. Trabajadores de Whitefish Lake Lodge. Creo que
era explorar de ida y vuelta en las afueras de la ciudad tratando de ser
(NUFORC Nota: El testigo decide permanecer totalmente an nimo, no proporciona
informacin de contacto.
Centro Nacional de Informes UFO
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 10/6/2016 20:24 (Introducido como: 10/06/16 20:24)
Inform: 10/6/2016 8:51:10 PM 20:51
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Ubicacin: El Cajon, CA
Forma: Desconocido
Duracin: 35 segundos
Me di cuenta de dos luces viajando de oeste a este. La luz delantera era verde constante
(sin parpadeo), la luz de fondo era una luz intermitentemente intermitente roja y blanca
Que cuando parpadeaba era una distancia constante detrs de la luz verde principal.
Viajando a una velocidad muy alta. Fuimos de un lado del horizonte a ms de Laguna
Montaas en menos de 35 segundos. No se emiti ningn sonido audible.
Centro Nacional de Informes UFO
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 10/6/2016 20:00 (Introducido como: 10/6/16 20:00)
Inform: 10/6/2016 7:43:51 PM 19:43
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Ubicacin: Saylorsburg, PA
Forma: Bola de fuego
Duracin: 4 segundos
Aprox. 4 segundos, una brillante raya gruesa de luz en el cielo y es baja. La punta inferior
estalla la luz blanca brillante y los pedazos estallan hacia fuera y despus se van.
Aprox. 4 segundos de una brillante raya gruesa de luz sobre el cielo y bastante baja.
Entonces de repente la punta inferior estalla una luz blanca brillante y se puede ver
Pgina 66

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

explosin de bits
Entonces en un segundo nada en absoluto ... todo estaba completamente ido ... una cosa
increble y casi espeluznante para ver.
(NUFORC Nota: El testigo decide permanecer totalmente an nimo, no proporciona
informacin de contacto.
Centro Nacional de Informes UFO
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 10/6/2016 20:00 (Introducido como: 10/06/2016 20:00)
Inform: 10/7/2016 5:38:19 AM 05:38
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Ubicacin: Lower Burrell, PA
Forma: Tringulo
Duracin: 5 minutos
Objeto volador no identificable bajo, lento y silencioso.
Volando bajo y lento de este a oeste, observamos algo con 3 luces blancas conduciendo y
un tringulo de luces rojas arrastrndose. No haba sonido ni objeto
Pareca haber sido demasiado largo para ser un avin de pasajeros
Centro Nacional de Informes UFO
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 10/6/2016 14:30 (Introducido como: 10/06/2016 14:30)
Inform: 10/7/2016 7:09:16 PM 19:09
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Ubicacin: Columbus, GA
Forma: Crculo
Duracin: 4-5 minutos
Objetos redondos y brillantes volando en formacin se movan de manera no consistente
con aviones, globos o cualquier otra cosa
Yo estaba en una zona industrial de una gran ciudad del sur que los pensionistas una base
militar muy grande. Alrededor de las 14:30 me encontraba en una gran parcela mirando
Cielo completamente claro. Casi inmediatamente vi dos grupos de 4 objetos cada uno
aproximadamente 500-700 pies en el cielo que se mueve en dos formaciones de 4 cada
uno en "Y"
Sombras con la parte inferior de la "Y" siendo el plomo en cada grupo. Los objetos eran
muy brillantes y cada uno tena un crculo blanco, grueso, redondo, blanco prominente
Cada objeto. Ambos grupos se movan de Este a Oeste. Al principio, pens que podran
ser globos, mini helicpteros o drones. Pero cada grupo se movera

Pgina 67

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Formacin y, a continuacin, de repente se detiene completamente, a continuacin,

disparar hacia arriba, hacia abajo, hacia atrs y luego la raza hacia adelante a una velocidad
increble. Entonces en un punto, ambos grupos dispararon
Hasta que ya no se poda ver. Durante estas "maniobras" varias veces un objeto en cada
formacin se separara
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/6/2016 23:00 (Entered as : 10/06/2016 23:00)
Reported: 10/9/2016 9:48:00 PM 21:48
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Antlers, OK
Shape: Light
Duration:5 minutes
Seemed like just another star but then looked like a spotlight rolling and was extremely
Bright...then went back to a twinkle and started moving away but the movement was like
shaky, jerky at first till it gained speed rather fast.
It was absolutely quite.
((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact
information. PD))
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/6/2016 21:50 (Entered as : 10/06/16 21:50)
Reported: 10/7/2016 1:39:22 PM 13:39
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Union, NJ
Shape: Oval
Duration:5 minutes
Saw a red oval light in the sky over my house at 10:52 pm on 10/6/16, it looked like it was
going to collid with a plane, in an instant moved diagonally away from the plane with such
speed it couldn't be a helicopter then moved up and down and as the plane was passing
look like it was going to chase the plane then stopped and hovered for 5 secs and kind of
zig zagged away with tremendous speed.
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/6/2016 20:00 (Entered as : 10/6/16 20:00)
Reported: 10/6/2016 7:43:51 PM 19:43
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Saylorsburg, PA
Shape: Fireball
Duration:4 seconds
Approx. 4 seconds, a bright thick streak of light in sky & is low. bottom tip explodes bright
white light & bits burst out & then gone.
Approx. 4 seconds of a bright thick streak of light over the sky & pretty low. Then suddenly
the bottom tip explodes a bright white light & you can see bits burst out then in a second
Pgina 68

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

nothing at all.. everything was completely gone... an amazing & almost creepy thing to see.
((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact
information. PD))
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/6/2016 20:00 (Entered as : 10/06/2016 20:00)
Reported: 10/7/2016 5:38:19 AM 05:38
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Lower Burrell, PA
Shape: Triangle
Duration:5 minutes
Low, slow and silent unidentifiable flying object.
Flying low and slow east to west, we observed something with 3 white lights leading and a
triangle of red lights trailing. There was no sound and object appeared to have been too long
to be a passenger plane
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/6/2016 14:30 (Entered as : 10/06/2016 14:30)
Reported: 10/7/2016 7:09:16 PM 19:09
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Columbus, GA
Shape: Circle
Duration:4-5 minutes
Round, shiny objects flying in formation moved in ways not consistent with aircraft, balloons
or anything else
I was in an industrial area of a large Southern city that boarders a very large military base.
Around 14:30 I was standing in a large lot looking up at the completely clear sky. Almost
immediately I saw two groups of 4 each objects approximately 500-700 feet in the sky
moving in two formations of 4 each on "Y" shadows with the bottom of the "Y" being the lead
in each group. The objects were very shiny and each had a prominent white, thick, round,
white circle within each object. Both groups were moving East to West. At first, I thought
they might be balloons, mini-helicopters or drones. But each group would move in formation
and then suddenly completely stop, then shoot up, down, backwards and then race forward
at amazingly speed. Then at one point, both groups shot up until they could no longer be
seen. During these "maneuvers " several times one object in each formation would break
awaySighting Report
Occurred : 10/6/2016 09:15 (Entered as : 10/06/16 9:15)
Reported: 10/6/2016 6:59:39 PM 18:59
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: South Berwick, ME
Shape: Light
Duration:20 minutes
the 1st object was flashing red, white, and green light. It was not moving at all. It was near
Mt, Aggementicus. It had another to the left of it. It was red and green flashing. The 3rd 1
cam racing from the south, and parked below #2. A bunch of flashes were exchanged, and
the 3rd 1 took off back to the south.. The 2nd 1 just drifted away.. The 1st 1 stayed still, just
Pgina 69

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

flashing red, white and green.. It was still there when I left..Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/6/2016 05:45 (Entered as : 10/06/16 5:45)
Reported: 10/6/2016 12:38:54 PM 12:38
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Torrington, CT
Shape: Triangle
Duration:30-45 seconds
A triangular shaped object flying over Torrington, CT.
I was driving up Hospital Hill & when I reached the top I noticed what appeared to be a line
of lights on the horizon. As I continued down the road, it came much closer very fast and I
realized it was a triangle gliding over the town. I instantly pulled over and took multiple
photos, one of which captured the object. It was dark, but I could still make out the shape so
I was able to confirm it was an object & not 3 seperate orbs of light. The corners were very
defined, and I could make out the edges, each of which had one white light, and each of
which illuminated the sky somewhat. The object was moving fast, smooth, and silently. I
arrived at work, and was extremely happy to find that a coworker on the way to work had also
seen this object gliding over the town. The object was flying in a south western direction. I'm
awful with directions, but I can assume it was flying towards the Bristol, Thomaston, or
Terryville area.

National UFO Reporting Center

Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/6/2016 04:00 (Entered as : 10/6/16 4:00)
Reported: 10/6/2016 8:56:02 PM 20:56
Pgina 70

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Grandview, WA
Shape: Circle
Duration:3 minutes
Flash blue and pink. Hovered up and down. My daughter woke up and said she saw
something outside her window, she is 5 years old.
It made a click, clock, click, clock noice.
((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact
information. PD))

National UFO Reporting Center

Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/6/2016 01:07 (Entered as : 10/06/16 01:07)
Reported: 10/7/2016 1:00:00 PM 13:00
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Ottawa (Canada), ON
Shape: Flash
Duration:2-3 minutes
Faint tiny red flashing star gets bigger, then moves from West to North, then flies directly
over city of Ottawa, ON.
Thursday, October 6, 1:07 AM, Ottawa, Canada. I got up to look out my bedroom window. I
have logged two UFO sightings on previous occasions within the last couple of years from
this same bedroom window but did not keep any records, myself. I have reported one to
MUFON and another to National UFO Reporting Center. I have seen about four other
sightings over the years directly over the city of Ottawa and Gatineau.
I sometimes look out the bedroom window to check for UFO's especially at sundown and
during the night. There is usually one red air-ambulance helicopter go close by once or twice
a day with pulsating red and white lights with characteristic sound. One of the previous UFO
sightings was of a very large white light and with a definite round-shaped red light of same
size in its center which looked something like a spot light from a short distance away vantage
point. This was about 2-3 miles away. The reason I am saying this is that these UFO's could
be trying to imitate helicopter lights!
Anyway, I looked out my bedroom window and the Western sky was misty. There was one
large star to be seen, probably Mars or Venus at about 30 degrees. I looked out of the
corner of my eye, as I sometimes do, to see if there were any fainter stars near-by. I thought
I saw a couple and one of them was red. They were very small and faint, and much smaller
than the first star seen. As I kept looking, the red one seemed to get bigger. Then, I
detected it to be moving West to North. It came to be within about 5-10 miles, I think, no
sound, window open. The red light kept flashing at about once a second as it moved across
the sky. It was fluttering up and down and would lunge forward at tremendous speed every
3-4 seconds. It came as close as to within 3-5 miles, I think, before going out of view
because of the window frame. It was going way too fast to be a helicopter at that distance.

Pgina 71

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Traduccion de lo anterior:
Centro Nacional de Informes UFO
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 10/6/2016 23:00 (Introducido como: 10/06/2016 23:00)
Inform: 10/9/2016 9:48:00 PM 21:48
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Ubicacin: Antlers, OK
Forma: Ligero
Duracin: 5 minutos
Pareca ser slo otra estrella, pero luego pareca un proyector rodando y era
extremadamente brillante ... luego volvi a un brillo y comenz a alejarse, pero el
El movimiento era como tembloroso, sacudido al principio hasta que gan velocidad
bastante rpido.
Fue absolutamente absolutamente.
(NUFORC Nota: El testigo decide permanecer totalmente an nimo, no proporciona
informacin de contacto.
Centro Nacional de Informes UFO
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 10/6/2016 21:50 (Introducido como: 10/06/16 21:50)
Inform: 10/7/2016 1:39:22 PM 13:39
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Localizacin: Union, NJ
Forma: Ovalada
Duracin: 5 minutos
Vi una luz ovalada roja en el cielo sobre mi casa a las 10:52 pm el 10/6/16, pareca que iba
a colisionar con un avin, en un instante movido diagonalmente lejos de
El avin con tal velocidad que no poda ser un helicptero luego se movi hacia arriba y
hacia abajo y como el avin estaba pasando parece que iba a perseguir el avin entonces
Par y vol durante 5 segundos y tipo de zig zagged lejos con una tremenda velocidad.
Centro Nacional de Informes UFO
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 10/6/2016 20:00 (Introducido como: 10/6/16 20:00)
Inform: 10/6/2016 7:43:51 PM 19:43
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Ubicacin: Saylorsburg, PA
Forma: Bola de fuego
Duracin: 4 segundos
Aprox. 4 segundos, una brillante raya gruesa de luz en el cielo y es baja. La punta inferior
estalla la luz blanca brillante y los pedazos estallan hacia fuera y despus se van.
Aprox. 4 segundos de una brillante raya gruesa de luz sobre el cielo y bastante baja.
Entonces de repente la punta inferior estalla una luz blanca brillante y se puede ver
explosin de bits

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186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Entonces en un segundo nada en absoluto ... todo estaba completamente ido ... una cosa
increble y casi espeluznante para ver.
(NUFORC Nota: El testigo decide permanecer totalmente an nimo, no proporciona
informacin de contacto.
Centro Nacional de Informes UFO
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 10/6/2016 20:00 (Introducido como: 10/06/2016 20:00)
Inform: 10/7/2016 5:38:19 AM 05:38
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Ubicacin: Lower Burrell, PA
Forma: Tringulo
Duracin: 5 minutos
Objeto volador no identificable bajo, lento y silencioso.
Volando bajo y lento de este a oeste, observamos algo con 3 luces blancas conduciendo y
un tringulo de luces rojas arrastrndose. No haba sonido ni objeto
Pareca haber sido demasiado largo para ser un avin de pasajeros
Centro Nacional de Informes UFO
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 10/6/2016 14:30 (Introducido como: 10/06/2016 14:30)
Inform: 10/7/2016 7:09:16 PM 19:09
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Ubicacin: Columbus, GA
Forma: Crculo
Duracin: 4-5 minutos
Objetos redondos y brillantes volando en formacin se movan de manera no consistente
con aviones, globos o cualquier otra cosa
Yo estaba en una zona industrial de una gran ciudad del sur que los pensionistas una base
militar muy grande. Alrededor de las 14:30 me encontraba en una gran parcela mirando
Cielo completamente claro. Casi inmediatamente vi dos grupos de 4 objetos cada uno
aproximadamente 500-700 pies en el cielo que se mueve en dos formaciones de 4 cada
uno en "Y"
Sombras con la parte inferior de la "Y" siendo el plomo en cada grupo. Los objetos eran
muy brillantes y cada uno tena un crculo blanco, grueso, redondo, blanco prominente
Cada objeto. Ambos grupos se movan de Este a Oeste. Al principio, pens que podran
ser globos, mini helicpteros o drones. Pero cada grupo se movera
Formacin y, a continuacin, de repente se detiene completamente, a continuacin,
disparar hacia arriba, hacia abajo, hacia atrs y luego la raza hacia adelante a una velocidad
increble. Entonces en un punto, ambos grupos dispararon
Hasta que ya no se poda ver. Durante estas "maniobras" varias veces un objeto en cada
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186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

formacin se romperaSighting Report

Ocurri: 10/6/2016 09:15 (Introducido como: 10/06/16 9:15)
Inform: 10/6/2016 6:59:39 PM 18:59
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Ubicacin: South Berwick, ME
Forma: Ligero
Duracin: 20 minutos
El primer objeto parpadeaba en rojo, blanco y luz verde. No se mova en absoluto. Estaba
cerca de Mt, Aggementicus. Tena otro a la izquierda. Era rojo y verde
brillante. La 3ra 1 leva que compite con del sur, y parque debajo de # 2. Un montn de
flashes fueron intercambiados, y el 3er 1 despeg de nuevo al sur .. El 2 1
Slo se alej .. El 1 1 se qued inmvil, slo parpadea rojo, blanco y verde .. Todava
estaba all cuando me fui..Sighting Informe
Ocurri: 10/6/2016 05:45 (Introducido como: 10/06/16 5:45)
Inform: 10/6/2016 12:38:54 PM 12:38
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Localizacin: Torrington, CT
Forma: Tringulo
Duracin: 30-45 segundos
Un objeto de forma triangular volando sobre Torrington, CT.
Yo estaba conduciendo hasta Hospital Hill y cuando llegu a la cima me di cuenta de lo que
pareca ser una lnea de luces en el horizonte. Mientras segua por el camino, vino mucho
Ms cerca muy rpido y me di cuenta de que era un tringulo que se deslizaba sobre la
ciudad. Al instante tir y tom varias fotos, una de las cuales captur el objeto. Era
Oscuro, pero todava poda hacer la forma, as que era capaz de confirmar que era un
objeto y no 3 orbes separados de luz. Las esquinas eran muy defi
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Y distingu los bordes, cada uno de los cuales tena una luz blanca, y cada uno de ellos
iluminaba un poco el cielo. El objeto se mova rpido, suave y silencioso. Llegu al trabajo y
estaba extremadamente feliz de encontrar que un compaero de trabajo en el camino al
trabajo tambin haba visto este objeto deslizndose sobre la ciudad. El objeto volaba en
direccin sur-oeste. Soy horrible con las direcciones, pero puedo asumir que estaba
volando hacia el Bristol, Thomaston, o Terryville area. Nacional UFO Reporting
CenterSighting ReportOccurred: 10/6/2016 04:00 (Entrado como: 10/6/16 4:00 ) Inform:
10/6/2016 8:56:02 PM 20: 56Posted: 10/11 / 2016Location: Grandview, WAShape:
CircleDuracin: 3 minutosFlash azul y rosa. Asomado arriba y abajo. Mi hija se despert y
dijo que vio algo fuera de su ventana, que tiene 5 aos de edad.Hizo un clic, reloj, clic, reloj
ruido (NUFORC Nota: Testigo elige permanecer totalmente annimo, no proporciona
informacin de contacto. ) Nacional UFO Reporting CenterSighting
ReportOccurred: 10/6/2016 01:07 (Introducido como: 10/06/16 01:07) Reportado:
10/7/2016 1:00:00 PM 13: 00Posted: 10/11 / 2016Localizacin : Ottawa (Canad),
ONShape: FlashDuracin: 2-3 minutosLa pequea estrella roja parpadeante se hace ms
grande, luego se mueve de Oeste a Norte, luego vuela directamente sobre la ciudad de
Ottawa, ON.Jueves, 6 de octubre, 1:07 am, Ottawa, Canad. Me levant para mirar por la
Pgina 74

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

ventana de mi habitacin. He registrado dos avistamientos de OVNIs en ocasiones

anteriores dentro de los ltimos dos aos desde la misma ventana de la habitacin, pero no
guard ningn registro, yo mismo. He reportado uno a MUFON y otro al National UFO
Reporting Center. He visto otros cuatro avistamientos durante los aos directamente sobre
la ciudad de Ottawa y Gatineau. A veces miro por la ventana del dormitorio para revisar los
ovnis, especialmente al atardecer y durante la noche. Normalmente hay un helicptero rojo
de ambulancia de aire cerca de una o dos veces al da con luces rojas y blancas con un
sonido caracterstico. Uno de los avistamientos de OVNI anteriores era de una luz blanca
muy grande y con una luz roja en forma redonda definida del mismo tamao en su centro
que pareca algo as como un punto de luz desde una distancia corta distancia punto de
vista. Esto era de unos 2-3 kilmetros de distancia. La razn por la que digo esto es que
estos OVNIs podran estar tratando de imitar las luces del helicptero! De todos modos,
mir por la ventana de mi habitacin y el cielo del oeste estaba brumoso. Haba una estrella
grande para ser vista, probablemente Marte o Venus en cerca de 30 grados. Mir por el
rabillo del ojo, como a veces lo hago, para ver si haba estrellas ms dbiles cerca. Pens
que haba visto una pareja y una de ellas era roja. Eran muy pequeos y dbiles, y mucho
ms pequeos que la primera estrella vista. Mientras segua mirando, el rojo pareca
hacerse ms grande. Entonces, detect que se estaba moviendo hacia el oeste hacia el
norte. Lleg a estar a unos 5-10 millas, creo, no hay sonido, ventana abierta. La luz roja
segua parpadeando aproximadamente una vez por segundo mientras se mova a travs
del cielo. Estaba movindose hacia arriba y hacia abajo y avanzaba a gran velocidad cada
3-4 segundos. Lleg tan cerca como a 3-5 millas, creo, antes de salir de la vista debido a la
ventana marco. Estaba yendo demasiado rpido para ser un helicptero a esa distancia.

Occurred : 10/6/2016
Reported: 10/11/2016 7:15:00 AM 07:15
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Slate Hill, NY
Shape: Sphere
Duration:5 days
Hovering UFO is observed multiple times in Slate Hill, NY.
I have been watching this thing on and off for several days. At dusk, and sometimes late into
the evening, I have been observing a very bright light that seems to pulsate from white to
red. With binoculars, it is clearly a spherical glowing white orb or disk encircled by rotating
red lights. It hovers in the sky Southwest of my house, for 20 minutes or more, then
Last night I observed it, and watched it with my binoculars on and off for a hour. It hovered in
place, with the red lights rotating. Some evenings it seems closer to my house, but last night
it was the furthest away I have observed, yet the binoculars were able to pick up details and
shapes quite clearly. When I went to look later, it was gone.
((NUFORC Note: We suspect a "twinkling" star. PD))

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186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

National UFO Reporting Center

Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/5/2016 00:00 (Entered as : 10/5/16 23)
Reported: 10/7/2016 11:00:58 AM 11:00
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Poland, ME
Shape: Sphere
Duration:2 hours
Round bright white lights followed by orange double paneled lights in the same spot! Then,
flashing smaller white light directed at me.
Huge falling fireball. This was a significant meteor across my back field. Only 10 degrees
high - about 135 degrees falling. I was facing NE 36 degrees. Meteor flew in from right to
Not even 5 minutes later in my back field, I saw three huge round white lights flash for 30
seconds. It was significant light- like I was at a concerts from 100 yards away. Perhaps the
size of a porthole from that distance.I have three acres of forest in my backyard that slopes
downhill. The lights were mid tree level at least 50 feet high. 5 minutes or 10 minutes
passed and they were followed by orange paneled lights also significant is size, but a dull
color. Same exact spot as the white lights. Double layered 4 across in square sections. I
opened my window and kept staring. Now consecutive purple flashes in the sky where the
fireball had last been seen. THEN we heard the noises on the ground. Deep grumbles like
you'd hear in your abdomen of the D tone and prolonged. We have raccoons, porcupines,
and a healthy coyote population. I know what those all sound like and this was NOT it.
Coyote's were extremely quiet whereas normally I hear them every night hunting. I even left
food out for our raccoon friend (he likes my cats food) and it wasn't eaten the next day.
THEN... an hour had gone by so around midnight we started to have a search light in my
bedroom window. This one was round and significantly smaller - something you might
except to see on a helicopter only there was no sound associated with flying aircraft. First it
was just flashing through the trees then, it came in and focused right on my partner and me.
I've never been so scared in my life! Shaking in my boots. What a night.
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/5/2016 22:30 (Entered as : 10/05/16 10:30)
Reported: 10/5/2016 7:41:25 PM 19:41
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Howell, NJ
Shape: Cigar
Duration:10 seconds
Bar shaped ufo with three bright lights across.
A bar-shaped ufo flying slow on a slant over the trees, three bright lights straight across as I
was driving down west farms rd, but lost sight of it.
((NUFORC Note: We assume a nighttime sighting, and have changed the time above.
Witness elects to remain totally anonymous, and provides no contact information, so we are
unable to confirm the time. PD)

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186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

National UFO Reporting Center

Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/5/2016 22:20 (Entered as : 10/5/2016 22:20)
Reported: 10/6/2016 6:45:35 AM 06:45
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Ticonderoga, NY
Shape: Rectangle
Duration:7 minutes
I was walking home from work (and its a long walk) and every once in a while I would look up
at the stars, when at one point I looked up I saw these 3 white lights that seemed a little odd.
When it got closer, and I mean maybe a half a mile over my head, it was rectangular, a flat
bottom and I didn't see the lights on the back until it was almost over me.
Don't believe in extraterrestrials or anything like that but I do believe that the government has
machines out there that we don't know about but the kicker here is there was no noise at all.
If I wasn't looking up, it would have gone over me undetected.
((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact
information. PD))Occurred : 10/5/2016 21:25 (Entered as : 10/05/16 21:25)
Reported: 10/5/2016 6:44:58 PM 18:44
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Port Richey, FL
Shape: Disk
Duration:2 minutes
Erratic moments green and red lights.
Hovering and making abrupt movements before descending. Green and red lights flashing.
3 times as bright as Venus when it's low in the sky. Pretty big in size too Looked like a low jet
coming in except it wasn't moving. It took off vertically, claimed very high at a high rate of
speed then just stopped for a period. Then dipped below the trees in the distance. I thought
maybe a quadcopter type of device. But when it was still it was dead still. Very windy here
with hurricane Mathew looming! Not sure a quadcopter could handle the winds like this craft
did but I could be wrong. Also, the light pattern was unlike what I'm seeing on YouTube. It
had a fast blinking plain green/red light. More like a normal aircraft.
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/5/2016 20:00 (Entered as : 10/05/16 20:00)
Reported: 10/5/2016 8:08:52 PM 20:08
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Destin, FL
Shape: Chevron
Duration:10 seconds
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186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Chevron-shaped glowing vapor cloud moving across night sky.

Not really a "craft," but rather a chevron-shaped glowing vapor cloud about 10 moon widths
from top to bottom, moving across about 70 degrees of the dark night sky in about 10
seconds before fading.
((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact
information. PD))Occurred : 10/5/2016 20:00 (Entered as : 10/5/2016 20:00)
Reported: 10/5/2016 6:52:23 PM 18:52
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Florence, AL
Shape: Diamond
Duration:20 minutes
My wife and I witnessed a ufo in the west sky.
A lady stopped her car and said she saw it. The night before.
We watched for 20 minutes I took pictures on my phone.
It was not a plane or helicopter Never seen anything like it!Occurred : 10/5/2016 19:50
(Entered as : 10/05/16 19:50)
Reported: 10/5/2016 7:10:16 PM 19:10
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Orem, UT
Shape: Circle
Duration:5 seconds
Bright yellow light skipped across sky than disappeared in a green glowing flashWeb Report
Indexes : by Event Date | by Location | by Shape | by Posting Date
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/4/2016 23:15 (Entered as : 10/04/16 23:15)
Reported: 10/4/2016 9:11:04 PM 21:11
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Williamsport, PA
Shape: Flash
Duration:>10 seconds
Standing on my deck looking across the river I multiple flashes that were super bright and
unform. Very short lived.
Saw 4-5 bright flashes or balls of Fire. Few others saw but some as far South as Harrisburg.
Then 6-7 minutes later a couple of explosions but they were 6-8 minutes later and didn't
seem connected. The light flashes were almost parallel and spread across the sky. Wasn't
typical heat lightning nor a lightning strike. I have never before seen ANYTHING before quite
like it.
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Ubicacin: Florence, AL
Forma: Diamante
Pgina 78

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Duracin: 20 minutos
Mi esposa y yo fuimos testigos de un ufo en el cielo oeste.
Una seora detuvo su auto y dijo que lo vio. La noche anterior.
Vimos durante 20 minutos que tom fotos en mi telfono.
No era un avin o un helicptero Nunca haba visto nada parecido Ocurri: 05/10/2016
19:50 (Introducido como: 10/05/16 19:50)
Inform: 10/5/2016 7:10:16 PM 19:10
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Ubicacin: Orem, UT
Forma: Crculo
Duracin: 5 segundos
La luz amarilla brillante salt a travs del cielo que desapareci en un resplandor verde
flashWeb Report Indexes: by Event Date | Por ubicacin | Por la forma | Publicando
Centro Nacional de Informes UFO
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 10/4/2016 23:15 (Introducido como: 10/04/16 23:15)
Inform: 10/4/2016 9:11:04 PM 21:11
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Ubicacin: Williamsport, PA
Forma: Flash
Duracin:> 10 segundos
De pie en mi cubierta mirando a travs del ro I flashes mltiples que eran super brillante y
unform. Vivi muy poco.
Saw 4-5 brillantes destellos o bolas de fuego. Pocos otros vieron, pero algunos tan al sur
como Harrisburg. Luego 6-7 minutos ms tarde un par de explosiones pero eran 6-8
Minutos ms tarde y no parece conectado. Los destellos de luz eran casi paralelos y se
extendan por el cielo. No fue el tpico rayo de calor ni un rayo. yo
Nunca antes haba visto nada como antes.
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/4/2016 22:46 (Entered as : 10/04/16 22:46)
Reported: 10/4/2016 8:46:52 PM 20:46
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Fort Washington, MD
Shape: Fireball
Duration:3 seconds
Large green fireball seen falling from sky over Fort Washington, Maryland.
Driving north from Accokeek, Maryland to Fort Washington, Maryland, on Route 210, Indian
Head Highway, I approached Old Fort Road when I saw what appeared to be a large green
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186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

brightly lit object moving with a very wide tail that tapered off in the sky. It fell to earth ahead
of me. It appeared to land near Oxon Hill, Maryland.
((NUFORC Note: This event is reported on the American Meteor Society website as a
meteor. We have looked at the video of the event on their website, and we agree with that
assessment. PD))
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/4/2016 22:37 (Entered as : 10/04/16 22:37)
Reported: 10/4/2016 8:02:53 PM 20:02
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Boonsboro, MD
Shape: Fireball
Duration:4 seconds
Bright light came straight down with no lateral movement stright down. Had sparks following
it and lit up a large portion of the sky. Seemed to hit the ground. Did not Resemble a meteor
pattern with its looks or flight path.
((NUFORC Note: We received a number of other reports of the same event from New
Jersey and Pennsylvania. Other witnesses also suggested that the object did not look, or
behave, like a meteor. However, we suspect the event was caused by a classic meteor.
Video footage of the event is posted to the American Meteor Society website. PD)) PD))z
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/4/2016 22:35 (Entered as : 10/4/2016 22:35)
Reported: 10/5/2016 4:39:33 PM 16:39
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Hilton, NY
Shape: Circle
Duration:1 second
At 10:35 pm there was a bright yellow light in sky to the south of Hilton, NY. The light was so
bright I saw could tell there was something unusual with my back to the window. Turned
around to face window and saw the bright yellow light falling and then it went out before
reaching ground. Lasted only about a second. The light left a trail behind it then both the light
and trail disappeared.
((NUFORC Note: NUFORC received several other reports about what we presume was the
same object. Several witnesses emphasized that the object did not look like a meteor,
although we suspect the event was caused by a classic meteor. Video footage of the event
is posted to the American Meteor Society website. PD))
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/4/2016 22:16 (Entered as : 10/4/16 22:16)
Reported: 10/4/2016 10:30:39 PM 22:30
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Hanover, MI
Shape: Fireball
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186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Black Apache style helicopter chasing and orange ball of light.
A black Apache helicopter or possibly something else similar in shape was chasing an
orange ball of light heading NNW at about 300 feet and traveling at a speed of roughly 110120 mph.
This happened at 10:16 pm 10/04/16 on the north side of round lake (the bright blue one),
Jackson County, Michigan , Hanover-Horton round lake area 49246.
Occurred : 10/4/2016 21:26 (Entered as : 10/04/16 21:26)
Reported: 10/4/2016 6:50:12 PM 18:50
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Wappingers Falls, NY
Shape: Light
Duration:3 minutes
Bright White Light Hovering Low in the sky.
Pulled into my driveway with my husband. There was an extremely bright round light low in
the sky behind my neighbors house. There was no sound and it seemed not to move.
Watched it for a few minutes and then went inside to an upstairs window. There was a
red/white/green light that seemed to be in a straight line. Lights moved and it stayed low but
then it sounded like a plane. I could see a bright white light as it moved away. There was no
sound prior to seeing the colored lights. I snapped a photo.
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/4/2016 20:00 (Entered as : 10/4/2016 20:00)
Reported: 10/4/2016 5:43:23 AM 05:43
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Frederica, DE
Shape: Disk
Duration:5 minutes
Huge disk shaped object.
My daughter was out back, she called Me said Mom come here, when I got out back, she
said look at the UFO, I said where, I saw a saucer with just 4 red lights, I said at first , I didn't
see anything, I went inside got My son, and my glasses and went outside, I got a real good
look then, it was big round and moving slow, like slow motion, my son tried to record it , he
didn't get anything on it, going to download it to my laptop and look, there was no sound at all
we watched it for about 5 minutes til it was gone heading southwest, I really tried to say oh
it's just a plane, I live close enough to the Air Force base, it really was not a plane, I just don't
know what I saw, I said last nite I would give it a 80% chance it was not a plane, I admit I was
scared, I didn't go out back after that without someone with me, I also closed my bedroom
window and shut the curtains, I Ben here for 17 yrs and never saw anything like that before, I
just don't know, it was scary and fascinating at the same time, what got me the most is no
plane ever went that slow here before...strange, just strange
((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact
information. PD))
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186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

National UFO Reporting Center

Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/4/2016 19:30 (Entered as : 10/04/2016 19:30)
Reported: 10/5/2016 7:59:26 PM 19:59
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Brentwood, NH
Shape: Circle
Duration:7 minutes
Orange glowing orb flame-like no sound very slow 400 feet above stayed at elevation for 4
minutes then rose and dimmed and disappeared.
((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact
information. PD))
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/4/2016 18:15 (Entered as : 10/04/2016 18:15)
Reported: 10/6/2016 12:40:29 PM 12:40
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Fairbanks, AK
Husband and wife report unusual launching of U. S. military aircraft. a/c headed north at high
Sorry if this is late; I just checked my email and saw you had sent it last night. Had I been
more diligent I would have called you.
The flight consisted of 3 waves. First wave 6 FA18 Hornet fighters in 3 front, 3 rear V
formation take off from Eielson AFB due east of our home. We spotted them as they
headed due west at full burners, first flight of 3 followed about 15 seconds later by 3 more,
also full burner.
Path due west then just pass out house a wide climbing 270 turn to the south, ending up due
In about 25 seconds as the first wave of Hornets rolled out on a heading due north climbing
very fast a E3 AWACS flew over full throttle in a steep climb due west. Again just passing
over our house he executed a steep climbing turn to due north towards the F18s which were
by now out of sight.
The third wave (I counted the E3 AWACS as a wave) was 2 flights 3 each of F16s same
heighth, full burner, steep climb then over our area sharp turn to north. You can see the flame
trail from their afterburners as they turn north.
This was appx. 6:15 PM Alaska daylight savings time. Tuesday, October 4th, 2016.
We are appx 20 NM due west of Eielson AFB departure path.
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186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

ALL AIRCRAFT WERE PAINTED ARCTIC WHITE. This is not common colors used up
here on military aircraft. It made them difficult to see once they turned north.
Hope this helps!
((NUFORC Note: Both witnesses are well known to NUFORC, and we consider them both to
be unimpeachable sources of accurate and reliable information. The husband has been
actively involved in aviation, both military and civilian, for at least four decades, and is very
familiar with all types of aircraft. He is an aviation professional. PD))
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/4/2016 04:00 (Entered as : 10/04/16 4:00)
Reported: 10/4/2016 10:14:35 AM 10:14
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Branson, MO
Shape: Light
Duration:5 minutes
Stepped outside on balcony on golf course to smoke, after being awoken by baby saw white
light in sky blinking and hovering low above golf course.
((NUFORC Note: We suspect object may have been a "twinkling" star. PD))
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/4/2016 00:25 (Entered as : 10/04/16 0:25)
Reported: 10/3/2016 10:27:04 PM 22:27
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Carrboro, NC
Shape: Sphere
Duration:5 seconds
While driving down 54 at midnight I witnessed a low-flying, fast-moving spherical green light
While I was driving down Highway 54 at 12:25am on October 4, 2016, in Carrboro, NC, out
of the corner of my left eye to the southwest of 54 A rather prominent & radiant spherical
shape suddenly appeared in the night sky, hovering above at about the distance a helicopter
would be.
This low-flying ball of light was bright green/turquoise and translucent; the light emitted
seemed to glow and rotate within itself it also seemed to leave behind a fast fading light trail
as well. It moved quickly and silently across the night sky and seemed to be descending. My
windows were down and this Light-Object did not make any sounds, it faded out of view and
the entire experience lasted only a handful of seconds.
I exited onto Jones Ferry Road and kept my eye on the sky, but did not notice any further
activity. This object was unlike anything I had every previously seen. It did not seem to match
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the traditional description of any aircraft, or astronomical activity that I am traditionally familiar
with or have seen.
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/3/2016 20:30 (Entered as : 10032016 20:30)
Reported: 10/3/2016 6:59:48 PM 18:59
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: North Vernon, IN
Shape: Other
Duration:90 minutes
Plane like with two white lights and one red. 2 hours of same route in sky, varying speeds
The object looked like a plane, but when it went around in a small area taking the same route
for over an hour I started to wonder if it really were a plane. It looks smaller than a plane and
for its location in the sky doesnt seem right. It has two white lights that continuously blink and
one red light that blinks off and on. It continues to take the same strange route in the sky for
almost two hours now. It started out very slow moving and speeds up and then slows down.
I have seen something similar to this exactly two years ago with some friends and we
couldnt figure it out but it was definitely not a plane.
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/3/2016 20:00 (Entered as : 10/3/16 20:00)
Reported: 10/3/2016 5:24:57 PM 17:24
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Laurel, DE
Shape: Formation
red lights over Laurel.
line of 4 red lights, spaced about 1 mile front front to end, front had whitish light steady, 3rd
light in line was also whitish, all were in a flat-line formation with no variance in altitude. no
engine sound (as would be from a set of planes). living close to Dover, I know what I would
see with multiple planes flying in an elongated formation, this isn't what that was.
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/3/2016 18:00 (Entered as : 10/03/2016 18:00)
Reported: 10/10/2016 10:16:59 AM 10:16
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Ellsworth, ME
Shape: Sphere
Duration:4 minutes
This is further info, correcting a previous report. (1) Object sighted was spherical, shiny, with
downward &quot;jet trails&quot; which
This is further info, correcting a previous report. (1) Object sighted was spherical, shiny, with
downward "jet trails" which looked like thruster trails but were only limited length and ende
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/3/2016 17:00 (Entered as : 10/03/16 17:00)
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186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Reported: 10/3/2016 6:52:04 PM 18:52

Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Saginaw, MN
Shape: Rectangle
Duration:5 minutes
very big object with very bright lights hovering and fliping up side down and seeing alot of
very small lights on the object
Saw very bright lights, almost like a plane flying very low. a very big object!. Looked like it
was coming at me while I drove torwards it and relized it was just hovering then it started to
flip while staying in the same spot. The lights dimmed. once flipped completely flipped over
I could see a lot of small lights on the object and it very slowly started moving away getting
higher in the sky. Creepiest thing I've ever witnessed in my life.d abruptly. The jet trails
angled outward pointing downward, giving the overall "triangular" appearance of the object
with vapor trails. Object itself however was spherical and glittered in the sunshine (reflective
rather than self illuminated). I was not the witness; I am summarizing the report given by the
witness, and trying to get it more accurate with this second report.
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/3/2016 14:25 (Entered as : 10/03/16 14:25)
Reported: 10/3/2016 6:45:27 PM 18:45
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Coshocton, OH
Shape: Other
Duration:Driving home
A weird object in the sky shaped like a T and flew perpendicular rather than parallel to the
I was driving home from Walmart. My moms on the passenger side eating BK and my
sisters in the back doing the same. We turn on 83 and go past the water treatment place and
next thing Ik my moms pointing and not saying a word she's just stuttering and my sisters
like "" And I'm like "what?!" And they both said look up so I take my eyes off the
road to look up and I see in the sky this weird shaped thing like it was shaped like a T and it
was slowly hovering behind the hill and it disappeared before it hit the tree line. I look back
down at the road and I'm in the wrong lane so I adjust and then turn on otsiego and go up
cassingham hollow to head home and we are trying to make since of what we just saw and
then we are coming up the hill and I pull in the drive way and there is again it's huge and it
looked so weird it was all black but the tips were white and the sky was a solid blue and all
we could do is stare at it with no word! s and I put the truck in park and jump out to take a
video and it vanishes in thin air. My mom and I just stood there and looked at eachother. We
run inside and my little sister draws what it looks like and we search the Internet to try to get
an explanation but there's nothing. An hour later my sister that has no medical problems has
a really bad nose bleed and a mini seizure and we took her to the hospital and they said she
is fine and has no signs of a seizure. I never believed in this type of stuff till today

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186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

National UFO Reporting Center

Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/3/2016 07:25 (Entered as : 10/3/16 7:25)
Reported: 10/3/2016 7:50:40 PM 19:50
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Millington, TN
Shape: Disk
Duration:30 seconds
Driving, noticed glowing craft in sky.
The craft/object was a large silver dial glowing white, with a bright red he in than center with a
protruding blue cylinder. Several people were driving, a few appeared to watch the massive
((NUFORC Note: We are uncertain as to whether this report is intended as a serious-minded
account of a sighting. PD)) NUFORC Home Page
Web Report Indexes : by Event Date | by Location | by Shape | by Posting Date
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/3/2016 05:00 (Entered as : 10/03/16 5:00)
Reported: 10/3/2016 3:05:45 AM 03:05
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Belchertown, MA
Shape: Fireball
Duration:4 minutes
Very loud disturbance. Three red fireballs low in the sky descending slowly overhead.
At 5:00 am on October 3, 2016, my son and I were awakened by an incredibly loud, ripping
or tearing sound coming from outside. We looked out a south window and saw 3 fireballs
moving East and losing altitude. The whole thing was over in under 5 minutes.
((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates during a telephone conversation that the news report,
which reported that the noise had been caused by F-15 fighter aircraft, which were thought
to have been headed to Europe. We have requested an addendum statement from the
witness, and will add it here, if one is submitted. PD))
Very loud disturbance. Three red fireballs low in the sky descending slowly overhead.
2 Addendums:
1) Weather conditions Monday morning during the sighting: Pre-dawn dark with pea soup
fog. Lights from aircraft took on a fiery, blurred and diffused glow.
2) This article appeared the next day on "TSgt Amelia Leonard of Westover Air
Reserve Base told 22News that five F-15 fighter jets left Westover at around 5:00 A.M.
Monday. Leonard said that the pilots had stopped at Westover to rest in-between long
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186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

flights. Leonard did not disclose where the jets were coming from, or where they were
Official says fighter jets taking off early mornings from Westover for overseas mission 'are
in the fight' CHICOPEE Officials at Westover Air Reserve Base said they have been
flooded with complaints about fighter jets flying overhead and waking residents up at 5 a.m.
and earlier.
Officials apologized for the inconvenience and are warning residents the early morning
flights will continue this week and possibly other times in the near future.
"These are not practice, they are in the fight," Lt. Col. James Bishop, chief of public affairs
for Westover, said. "They are supporting operations overseas." For security reasons,
Bishop could not say where the F-15 fighter jets are heading, but he said Westover is simply
a stop-over spot for them. The crews are also coming from different bases, including
Mountain Home Air Force Base in Idaho, and some may be returning from Europe as well.
Bishop said he has not received a schedule beyond this week and could not release
specifics on when the jets will be flying overhead this week for security reasons.
Westover is the closest base in the United States to Europe, so crews are stopping at the
base to refuel and allow pilots to get some sleep. The base is a common location for
stopovers of a wide variety of planes because of its location, Bishop said.
Westover is not involved with the mission, and officials have limited information about it. The
base is really just serving as a "garage" for the planes, he said.
The complaints are mainly because of the 5 a.m. takeoffs that are waking people up and
have also frightened people because they are so loud and atypical. The actual flight paths
vary depending on wind conditions and many other factors, Bishop said.
Pilots are taking off so early because of the time difference between here and Europe.
When they leave at 5 a.m., it is already 10 a.m. in England, Bishop said.
Occurred : 10/3/2016 04:00 (Entered as : 10/03/16 4:00)
Reported: 10/3/2016 8:26:25 AM 08:26
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Adairsville, GA
Shape: Circle
Duration:30 minutes
It hovered in one area for more than 30 minutes constantly blinking. It looked like it had
multiple lights.
((NUFORC Note: Star? PD))
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186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

National UFO Reporting Center

Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/3/2016 03:00 (Entered as : 100316 3:00)
Reported: 10/7/2016 3:48:09 AM 03:48
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Long Beach, CA
Shape: Light
Duration:10 minutes
Hovering flickering lights.
I went to close the back-door of the house and felt a random need to look outside as I
closed the door as I've seen objects in the sky in the past at night, and sure enough, I see
the lights I've seen countless times. These very bright lights consist of a constant white dot
with flickering red and green lights occurring very close to the white light. The flickering is
similar to seeing a single star that flickers at night. All the lights are so bright as though you're
staring into an LED bulb from afar. These lights hover in one place and will slowly move up
and down and side to side making figure "8" motions, sometimes moving horizontal and or
vertical, and sometimes they will simply disappear as though someone turned off the switch.
I have been observing these lights since 2013 and they're consistent with their behavior. I
have nicknamed this phenomenon as the "alien planet or Alien Star." I have seen this
happen countless times to the eastern horizon from Long Beach and Bolsa Chika State
Beach, both in California. The movement of the lights are so slow and smooth they cannot
be a helicopter, and the lights are so bright and unique they're not a common known drone.
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/2/2016 22:45 (Entered as : 10/02/2016 22:45)
Reported: 10/3/2016 8:35:40 PM 20:35
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Kettering, OH
Shape: Unknown
Duration:3 seconds
I saw two huge beams of light going from the sky to the ground.
I rolled my trash containers down my driveway to our street at about 6:30 pm or 18:30 hours.
After I finished dinner and washed dishes, I took two small bundles of trash down to my
trash containers.
As I reached the bottom of the driveway I turned left (west) to put my bundles into my trash
containers. As I looked up after turning left I was astounded. I saw two gigantic beams of
light coming from the sky. The beams of light were aimed at the ground right beyond our
neighborhood. From my perspective, the beams made more than a 45 degree slant angle
from the sky to the ground. These beams were huge. The width of these beams were about
80 feet and 60 feet in diameter respectively. These beams had very little spread. They were
located about 1/2 mile away from my location. The beams were more of a washed out white.
The beam edges were very sharp. The beams were very close together. There was a
distance of about 20 feet separating one beam from the next. The trees on my left were
preventing me from seeing the source of these beams. Then bang both beams were turned
off very suddenly. I heard no noise. I saw no craft. I was astounded. I know of no aerial or
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atmospheric phenomena that can cause such beams. A long time ago WPAFB were testing
airborne to ground bright beams. But they were very small compared to what I observed. 50
UAVs could not duplicate what I observed. I did not call local authorities. I did not call
Federal Authorities. I did not call WPAFB. I did not call the local paper, radio or TV stations.
I did not take a pic.
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/2/2016 22:00 (Entered as : 10/2/16 22:00)
Reported: 10/10/2016 1:27:37 PM 13:27
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Sioux Falls, SD
Shape: Disk
Duration:10 seconds
Out of no where a blinking light in the shPe of the saucer appears 10 seconds later it was
((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact
information. PD))
((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates that the date of the sighting is approximate. PD))
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/2/2016 21:00 (Entered as : 10/02/16 21:00)
Reported: 10/2/2016 7:34:54 PM 19:34
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Des Moines, IA
Shape: Light
Duration:>30 minutes
Point of light that is strobing red, blue and possible green and orange and seems in a stable
Point of light, strobing red/blue/possibly orange, possibly green. Maintained position in sky
for more than 1/2 hour. Probably 12-15 degrees north of due west. Approx. 15 degrees in
altitude. Observed with 50 power binoculars.
Just went out and looked again and it has drifted slightly to the north and a couple of
degrees lower in the sky.
My vantage point is in southern Altoona. The second witness states that it was directly to his
west and he is located approx 3 miles north of me. Unable to capture an image.
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/2/2016 20:45 (Entered as : 10/02/2016 20:45)
Reported: 10/3/2016 9:09:42 AM 09:09
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Murphy, TX
Shape: Rectangle
Duration:1 minute
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186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Sitting in backyard with my wife facing the South sky. We both noticed a dull bronze colored
rectangle heading in a straight line from South to North at approximately 8:45 PM CST. No
sound as it cruised above. I could not estimate size or distance. I could not estimate speed
but it did pass across the night sky very quickly. No lights just a slight reflected glow from
lights on the ground.
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/2/2016 19:45 (Entered as : 10/02/16 19:45)
Reported: 10/2/2016 5:21:47 PM 17:21
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Bristol, TN
Shape: Cone
Duration:3 minutes
Orange comet shaped fireball changing into just fireball rapidly climbing. Sighted near Bristol
Motor Speedway.
Sighted in moving car. 3 miles from race track (Springfield Acres subdivision). Looked like a
fireball at first. Orange ball with an orange ice cream cone tail coming to a point. Out of car it
had turned into just a large orange ball moving rapidly North North East. Looked like a jet
plane at night except light size was much bigger, at least 5 times bigger, and orange like a
camp fire flame. Went behind clouds. At first sight in the car I though it might be a hot air
balloon. Out of car I thought it might be a rocket or a jet plane on fire because it was moving
so fast. Shrunk quickly in size but not in intensity. No sound. Neighbors weren't out so no one
around me had noticed.
((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact
information. PD))
NUFORC Home Page
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National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/2/2016 17:45 (Entered as : 10/02/16 17:45)
Reported: 10/2/2016 5:01:06 PM 17:01
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Regina (Canada), SK
Shape: Disk
Duration:5 minutes
Bright disk-shaped object in the sky
Husband and I were on highway 48 between Davin and White City near Regina. Spotted a
bright light in the sky. As we drew closer we realised the light was hovering. The object was
disk shaped (the light dimmed and we could see the body of the object more clearly). It kept
pace with the car for a minute or so. Then as we watched it got smaller and smaller, as if
moving upwards, and then disappeared.
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/2/2016 11:00 (Entered as : 10/02/2016 11:00)
Pgina 90

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Reported: 10/3/2016 7:12:01 AM 07:12

Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Washington, D.C., DC
Shape: Other
Duration:4 minutes
I have never reported a sighting before so please forgive missing details. I was walking
home Sunday morning around 1100hrs in northwest Washington, DC. I noticed a strange
object hovering in the sky, about 30-40 feet up, across the street from me, maybe a total
distance of 60-70 ft between myself and the object. The object was unlike anything I ve ever
seen. It was a worm-like shape and it hovered in the same position for roughly 3 minutes
while I was able to take photos.
At first I thought it could have been an unusual entanglement of those narrow balloons used
to make balloon animals, however, I dont believe they could have floated in this position with
helium. The object moved only slightly, despite a breeze which would have greatly moved
even an anchored balloon. No wire, ribbon or any kind of string was present. As I ran around
the corner to try and get right underneath it, I could not find it.
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/2/2016 10:44 (Entered as : 10/02/16 10:44)
Reported: 10/2/2016 5:39:17 PM 17:39
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Reno, NV
The unidentified objects seem to have a black bottom, white top in color. There were 15 to
25 traveling upward in a helix pattern
Family traveling to church observed what was thought to be birds traveling upward then
noticed this was not birds (because they were super big in the perspective of sizes that
were normal every day objects like light posts and Trees.) The unidentified objects seem to
have a black bottom, white top in color. There were 15 to 25, even possibly 35 or more
traveling rapidly upward. They kind a look like straight stiffed winged and round pelican like
body shaped. Traveling rapidly upward in a helix like pattern. Finally thier formation ended up
in a diamond or 2 triangle patterns, then they eventually became translucent. Then
disappeared out of the atmosphere.
Occurred : 10/2/2016 04:50 (Entered as : 10/02/16 04:50)
Reported: 10/2/2016 4:56:04 PM 16:56
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Watsonville, CA
Shape: Unknown
Duration:7 seconds
Lights in sky I thought it was a shooting star
I got up early to walk my dog before heading to Sjc airport from my mothers house in
Watsonville, ca. I live near Dallas tx. The sighting occurred about 30 min or so before
sunrise. I looked up into the sky an noted how clear it was compared to home I then looked
over at my dog and saw from my prerfrial vision almost directly above what I thought was a
shooting star heading south. I looked at it and focused on it and saw that it was not a single
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shooting star but a cluster 4 or 5 points of light all moving together at high rate of speed and
different intensities, but each one looked no different than any other star in the sky only
moving at high rate. As I watched it move towards the horizon I saw two of the lights swap
places once and then twice. As it neared the horizon it seemed to slow down as it should
from my perspective only more than I would expect and it also turned to the east and went
behind a tree and house. During the first half of the sighting I was looking for a tail or sparks
coming off the cluster but didn't see any. Due to the odd trajectory of this, I suspect it was
over central or Southern California and when it turned east, was heading for Edwards afb or
groom lake. I also suspect the points of light swapping places was in fact sunlight reflecting
off a shiny surface. There was no sound from it and no sonic boom. There was a passenger
jet at high altitude I noticed to the east of the sighting going north and within a minute of the
sighting I could hear the jet but no noise from the area the lights were seen. After thinking
about it makes sense to land a secret spacecraft on a Sunday morning when the least
amount of witnesses could view it. keep looking up in the sky an hour before sunlight if you
live on the west coast on Sunday mornings.
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/2/2016 04:30 (Entered as : 10/02/16 04:30)
Reported: 10/2/2016 9:09:56 PM 21:09
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Houston, TX
Shape: Circle
Duration:10 minutes
Houston, TX, sighting of strange lights and power/signal outage
At 4:30am this morning, Oct 2, 2016, in Houston, TX, all cable signal was lost in the house
which has never happened. Soon after cable signal was lost, so was all the power on the
block (walked outside).
After walking outside to inspect outage, in a clear sky we spotted an aqua green, translucent
object moving slowly from a round to oval shape (looked, compared to a jellyfish without
tentacles and size as to holding a quarter at arm's width away from face), traveling at unconstant rate of speed and direction, without making a sound.
We watched for 30-45 seconds then made a hard left and shot quickly out of sight.
Minutes after witnessing this and discussing with others that saw it, seemed to be military
helicopter moving at a high rate of speed in the same direction as the strange light.
After object was out of sight all power and signal returned to normal.
From being in shock we didnt get any pictures or footage.
There were four others than me that witnessed this sighting. Interested in finding out if
anyone in the area seen the same or anything comparable to what we saw.
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/2/2016 02:00 (Entered as : 10/02/2016 2:00)
Reported: 10/2/2016 3:49:48 PM 15:49
Posted: 10/11/2016
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186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Location: Woodruff, SC
Shape: Light
Duration:2 minutes
Mysterious bright large bright light the. Disappeared and smaller ones appeared and
One large bright watched as coming up hwy 226 for like a minute it was above stress at exit
35 then disappeared and 6 small appears and then disappeared. Me and my son saw it in
the early morning hours. Didn't mention to anyone and had a phone call my aunt called at
saw it around 8pm 10/1 followed and tried to get pictures but it disappeared..around the
same area.
((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates that the date of the sighting is approximate. PD))
Occurred : 10/2/2016 01:30 (Entered as : 10/02/2016 1:30)
Reported: 10/7/2016 5:18:48 AM 05:18
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Winnipeg (Canada), MB
Shape: Light
Duration:1-2 minutes
Strange orange light flew overhead.
On the morning of October 2, 2016, at just before 1:30 AM, I wandered over to the open
shipping door at my workplace to grab a bit of fresh air. I was looking outside when an
orange light caught my attention. The light was to the southeast of where I was standing. I
assumed it was an aircraft coming in to land at the airportthis is something that I see at
night all the time as my workplace is just to the east of the airport. The light was about the
same size and color as the incandescent street lamps that were across the street, maybe
100 feet away.
As the light approached I became very curious. When normal aircraft do their approaches
you often start out seeing just the bright white 'headlight' but you eventually see the red and
green lights on the wings and tail. This object did not display any other lights. The light
continued heading directly towards me, flying on a northwest course. As it was going to pass
directly over the building I went outside into the parking lot so I could continue observing it.
The light passed directly over me at what I assumed was the normal altitude for landing
aircraft. I did not see any other lightsjust the orange light. I did not see the shape of an
aircraft which is very strange to me as at that altitude I would have seen at least the outline of
a conventional aircraft, even at night. There was no sound. The light did not change shape or
luminosity. It moved at roughly the same speed as a normal aircraft. There was a light
breeze at the time but I don't recall the direction.
As the light passed overhead I saw what looked to me like a 'shock-wave' in front of the light.
This was the only time I saw anything other than the light itself. The light continued on its
northwest course, moving past the roof-line of the building. I backed up in the parking lot to
try to regain sight of it but failed to do so. The total time spent observing the light was 1-2
I do not know what to think of this light. I have worked nights at this location for over 5 years
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and have never seen anything like this. I see normal aircraft in the sky at night all the time,
several times a night. This thing did not look like a normal aircraft. I suppose it could have
been a meteor but I feel it was moving too slowly for that. I feel it was moving too precisely
to be a balloon, flare or firework, and the light was too consistent and bright for that, unless I
drastically overestimated its altitude. I have a feeling that this is just a conventional
phenomenon but it was weird enough to me and something I've certainly never seen before
so I felt I should report it.
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/2/2016 01:11 (Entered as : 10/02/16 1:11)
Reported: 10/3/2016 6:12:43 AM 06:12
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Lynnwood, WA
Shape: Other
Duration:2 hours
Red green and white pulsating lights hovering and various altitudes.
4 groups of hovering light seeming to change altitude pulsing red green and white. Several
pictures taken. These objects have been seen every clear night for several weeks.
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/2/2016 00:45 (Entered as : 10/2/2016 00:45)
Reported: 10/3/2016 3:22:16 PM 15:22
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Iowa City, IA
Shape: Light
Duration:12 minutes
A group of red lights flying across the sky, rising from the horizon one at a time,increasing in
altitude and disappearing out of view.
I saw a 2 red lights close together and a third not far behind. They were moving as a plane
would move, about the same speed as a plane would move across the sky, but there were 3
together, and then another came, and another, and another. They seemed to rise from the
horizon in a diagonal line, climbing in altitude until they disappeared. And they just kept
coming from the horizon. That was what was so striking and unusual about it.
There is a YouTube video from 12/25/2010 that describes EXACTLY the same event that I
witnessed in 2016. There were many more red lights in the 12/25/2013 YouTube video than
what I witnessed. But the event was exactly the same.
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/2/2016 00:14 (Entered as : 10-2-2016 00:14)
Reported: 10/1/2016 10:27:19 PM 22:27
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Waverly, TN
Shape: Oval
Duration:on going
I just walked out side on this beautiful clear night with stars but no moon. Noticed a dancing
Pgina 94

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

light in the sky due EAST.. The shape appear's oval with red or red/orange and yellow lights..
Its very very visible. It appears to be bobbing very fast and dancing although it stays in one
area. It may be an optical illusion the way the strobe lights are flashing tho. Its some kind of
craft. Not a Typical Helicopter hover.. Its hard to look at too. It seems to be either vibrating or
moving but staying in one area.. It is not hovering over my Town Waverly, Tennessee.. It is
way off hovering EAST over somewhere else but I see it clearly ..Call Anytime 931((telephone number deleted))
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/2/2016 (Entered as : 10-02-16)
Reported: 10/2/2016 11:57:19 AM 11:57
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Mexico,
Duration:5 seconds
i was watching a webcam from Mexico on the Colima volcano.. you get a new frame every
30 sec or so and all of a sudden there was a UFO, and the next frame it was gone.. it
happened at 13-47 Pacific Time
Centro Nacional de Informes UFO
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 10/4/2016 22:46 (Introducido como: 10/04/16 22:46)
Inform: 10/4/2016 8:46:52 PM 20:46
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Ubicacin: Fort Washington, MD
Forma: Bola de fuego
Duracin: 3 segundos
Gran bola de fuego verde visto caer del cielo sobre Fort Washington, Maryland.
Conduciendo al norte de Accokeek, Maryland a Fort Washington, Maryland, en la Ruta 210,
Indian Head Highway, me acerqu a Old Fort Road cuando vi lo que
Pareca ser un gran objeto verde brillantemente iluminado movindose con una cola muy
ancha que disminuy en el cielo. Cay a la tierra delante de m. Pareca aterrizar cerca de
Hill, Maryland.
(Nota del NUFORC: Este evento es reportado en el sitio web de la American Meteor
Society como un meteoro. Hemos visto el video del evento en su sitio web, y
Estamos de acuerdo con esa evaluacin. PD))
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 10/4/2016 22:37 (ingresado como: 10/04/16 22:37)
Inform: 10/4/2016 8:02:53 PM 20:02
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Localizacin: Boonsboro, MD
Pgina 95

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Forma: Bola de fuego

Duracin: 4 segundos
La luz brillante lleg directamente hacia abajo sin ningn movimiento lateral hacia abajo.
Haba chispas siguindolo y iluminado una gran parte del cielo. Pareca golpear el suelo.
No se parecen a un patrn de meteoros con su aspecto o trayectoria de vuelo.
(Nota del NUFORC: Recibimos otros informes del mismo evento de Nueva Jersey y
Pensilvania. Otros testigos tambin sugirieron que el
El objeto no miraba, ni se comportaba, como un meteoro. Sin embargo, sospechamos que
el evento fue causado por un meteorito clsico. Los videos del evento se publican en el
Sitio web de la American Meteor Society. PD)) PD)) z
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 10/4/2016 22:35 (Introducido como: 10/4/2016 22:35)
Inform: 10/5/2016 4:39:33 PM 16:39
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Ubicacin: Hilton, NY
Forma: Crculo
Duracin: 1 segundo
A las 10:35 pm haba una luz amarilla brillante en el cielo al sur de Hilton, NY. La luz era tan
brillante que vi poda decir que haba algo inusual con mi espalda a
la ventana. Se dio la vuelta para mirar hacia la ventana y vio la luz amarilla brillante cayendo y
luego sali antes de llegar a tierra. Dur slo un segundo. El
Luz dej un rastro detrs de l entonces la luz y el rastro desaparecieron.
(Nota del NUFORC: El NUFORC recibi varios otros informes sobre lo que presumimos
era el mismo objeto. Varios testigos enfatizaron que el objeto no
Parece un meteorito, aunque sospechamos que el evento fue causado por un meteorito
clsico. Las imgenes de vdeo del evento se publican en la American Meteor Society
sitio web. PD))
Centro Nacional de Informes UFO
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 10/4/2016 22:16 (Introducido como: 10/4/16 22:16)
Inform: 10/4/2016 22:30:39 PM 22:30
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Ubicacin: Hanover, MI
Forma: Bola de fuego
Duracin: Segundos
Negro Apache estilo helicptero persiguiendo y naranja bola de luz.
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186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Un helicptero Apache negro o posiblemente otra cosa similar en forma persegua una bola
anaranjada de luz dirigiendo NNW a unos 300 pies y viajando a un
Velocidad de aproximadamente 110-120 mph.
Esto ocurri a las 10:16 pm 10/04/16 en el lado norte del lago redondo (el azul brillante),
Condado de Jackson, Michigan, Hanover-Horton alrededor del rea del lago 49246.
Ocurri: 10/4/2016 21:26 (Introducido como: 10/04/16 21:26)
Inform: 10/4/2016 6:50:12 PM 18:50
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Ubicacin: Wappingers Falls, NY
Forma: Ligero
Duracin: 3 minutos
Luz blanca brillante que se cierne bajo en el cielo.
Se meti en mi camino con mi marido. Haba una luz brillante muy brillante en el cielo detrs
de la casa de mis vecinos. No haba sonido y
Pareca no moverse. Lo mir por unos minutos y luego entr a una ventana de arriba. Haba
una luz roja / blanca / verde que pareca estar en una recta
lnea. Las luces se movieron y se mantuvo baja, pero luego son como un avin. Pude ver
una luz blanca brillante mientras se alejaba. No hubo sonido antes de ver el
Luces de colores. Sacud una foto.
Centro Nacional de Informes UFO
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 10/4/2016 20:00 (Introducido como: 10/4/2016 20:00)
Inform: 10/4/2016 5:43:23 AM 05:43
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Localizacin: Frederica, DE
Forma: Disco
Duracin: 5 minutos
Enorme disco en forma de objeto.
Mi hija estaba fuera, me llam Me dijo mam venir aqu, cuando sal de nuevo, dijo que
mirar el OVNI, me dijo que, vi un platillo con slo 4 rojo
Luces, dije al principio, no vi nada, entr adentro tengo Mi hijo, y mis gafas y sal afuera, me
dieron un buen aspecto entonces, era grande y redondo
Lento, como cmara lenta, mi hijo trat de grabarlo, l no consigui nada en l, va a
descargarlo a mi computadora porttil y mirar, no haba ningn sonido en absoluto lo vimos
Por unos 5 minutos hasta que se fue hacia el sudoeste, realmente trat de decir oh es slo
un avin, vivo lo suficientemente cerca de la base de la Fuerza Area, realmente no era un
avin, yo

Pgina 97

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Simplemente no s lo que vi, dije la ltima noche que le dara un 80% de probabilidad de
que no era un avin, admito que estaba asustado, no salir despus de eso sin alguien
Conmigo, tambin cerr mi ventana del dormitorio aNd cerrar las cortinas, yo Ben aqu
durante 17 aos y nunca vi nada as antes, yo no s, que era miedo y fascinante al mismo
tiempo, lo que me dio ms es que ningn avin fue tan lento aqu antes ... extrao, slo
extrao ... (NUFORC Nota: El testigo decide permanecer totalmente annimo, no
proporciona informacin de contacto.)) National UFO Reporting CenterSighting
ReportOccurred: 10/4/2016 19:30 (Introducido como: 10/04 / 2016 19:30) Inform
10/05/2016 07:59:26 PM 19: 59Posted: 10/11 / 2016Location: Brentwood, NHShape:
CircleDuration: 7 minutesOrange esfera brillante de la llama como ningn sonido muy lenta
400 pies por encima alojado en (NUFORC Nota: El testigo opta por permanecer totalmente
annimo, no proporciona informacin de contacto PD)) Sighting ReportOccurred:
10/4/2016 18:15 (Introducido como: 10/04 / 2016 18:15) Inform: 10/6/2016 12:40:29 PM
12: 40Posted: 10/11 / 2016Localizacin: Fairbanks, AKShape: Duracin: Marido y esposa
informan el lanzamiento inusual de aviones militares estadounidenses. A / c dirigido al norte
a alta velocidad. Peter, lo siento si esto es tarde; Acabo de comprobar mi correo
electrnico y vi que lo haba enviado anoche. Si hubiera sido ms diligente le habra
llamado. El vuelo consisti en 3 ondas. Primera onda 6 FA18 Hornet combatientes en 3
frente, 3 trasero V formacin despega de Eielson AFB debido al este de nuestra casa. Nos
vimos, ya que se diriga hacia el oeste en quemadores completos, primer vuelo de 3
seguido unos 15 segundos ms tarde por 3 ms, tambin quemador completo. Camino
hacia el oeste y luego pasar a casa una amplia escalada 270 giro hacia el sur, terminando
hacia el norte. En unos 25 segundos, cuando la primera ola de Hornets se despleg en un
rumbo debido al norte, la subida muy rpida un AWACS E3 vol a toda velocidad en una
subida empinada hacia el oeste. Una vez ms, slo pasando por encima de nuestra casa,
ejecut un empinado camino de ascenso hacia el norte hacia la F18s que ya estaban fuera
de la vista. La tercera ola (cont el E3 AWACS como una ola) fue 2 vuelos 3 cada uno de
F16s mismo heighth, Quemador, empinada subida y luego sobre nuestra zona de giro
acentuado hacia el norte. Usted puede ver el rastro de la llama de sus afterburners mientras
que dan vuelta al norte. Esto era appx. 6:15 PM hora de verano de Alaska. Martes, 4 de
octubre, 2016.We son appx 20 NM al oeste de la ruta de salida de Eielson AFB.LAS
usados ??aqu en aviones militares. Les hizo difcil ver una vez que se volvi hacia el norte.
Espero que esto ayude! (NUFORC Nota: Ambos testigos son bien conocidos por el
NUFORC, y los consideramos a ambos como fuentes incuestionables de informacin
precisa y confiable. El esposo ha estado involucrado activamente en la aviacin, tanto
militar como civil, durante al menos cuatro dcadas. Muy familiarizado con todo tipo de
aeronaves.Es un profesional de la aviacin.PD)) National UFO Reporting CenterSighting
ReportOccurred: 10/4/2016 04:00 (Introducido como: 10/04/16 4:00) Inform
: 10/4 / 2016
10:14:35 AM 10: 14Posted: 10/11 / 2016Localizacin: Branson, MOShape: LightDuracin: 5
minutosStepped fuera en el balcn en el campo de golf para fumar, despus de ser
despertado por el beb vi la luz blanca en cielo parpadeando y rondando por debajo del
golf (NUFORC Nota: Sospechamos que el objeto puede haber sido una estrella de
"centelleo")) National UFO Reporting CenterSighting ReportOccurred: 10/4/2016 00:25
(Ingresado como: 10/04/16 0:25) Reportado : 10/3/2016 10:27:04 PM 22: 27Posted: 10/11
/ 2016Localizacin: Carrboro, NCShape: SphereDuracin: 5 secondsWhile conducir hacia
abajo 54 a la medianoche fui testigo de un vuelo de baja, de rpido movimiento de la fuente
de luz verde esfrica. Mientras conduca por la autopista 54 a las 12:25 am del 4 de
octubre de 2016, en Carrboro, Carolina del Norte, por la esquina de mi ojo izquierdo hacia
Pgina 98

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

el suroeste de 54. Una forma esfrica bastante prominente y radiante apareci de repente
en el cielo nocturno, Sobre la distancia que un helicptero sera. Esta bola de luz de bajo
vuelo era de color verde brillante / turquesa y translcida; La luz emitida pareca brillar y girar
dentro de s misma tambin pareca dejar atrs un rastro de luz de desvanecimiento rpido
tambin. Se mova rpida y silenciosamente por el cielo nocturno y pareca descender. Mis
ventanas estaban abajo y este Light-Object no hizo ning n sonido, se desvaneci fuera de
vista y toda la experiencia dur slo un puado de segundos. Sal en Jones Ferry Road y
mantuve mi mirada en el cielo, pero no not ninguna actividad ms. Este objeto era
diferente a todo lo que haba visto anteriormente. No pareca coincidir con la descripcin
tradicional de cualquier aeronave, o actividad astronmica con la que tradicionalmente estoy
familiarizado o que he visto.National UFO Reporting CenterSighting ReportOccurred:
10/3/2016 20:30 (Ingresado como: 10032016 20:30) Reportado : 10/3/2016 6:59:48 PM
18: 59Posted: 10/11 / 2016Localizacin: North Vernon, INShape: OtherDuracin: 90
minutosPlane como con dos luces blancas y una roja. 2 horas de la misma ruta en el cielo,
velocidades variables El objeto se pareca a un avin, pero cuando pas en una pequea
rea tomando la misma ruta durante ms de una hora comenc a preguntarme si realmente
era un avin. Parece ms pequeo que un avin y por su ubicacin en el skY no parece
correcto. Tiene dos luces blancas que parpadean continuamente y una luz roja que
parpadea apagado y encendido. Sigue tomando la misma extraa ruta en el cielo durante
casi dos horas. Comenz muy lento movimiento y se acelera y luego se ralentiza. He visto
algo parecido a esto hace exactamente dos aos con algunos amigos y no pudimos
entenderlo, pero definitivamente no era un avin.National UFO Reporting CenterSighting
ReportOccurred: 10/3/2016 20:00 (Entered as: 10 / 3/16 20:00) Inform: 10/3/2016
5:24:57 PM 17: 24Posted: 10/11 / 2016Localizacin: Laurel, DEShape: FormationDuration:
15red luces sobre Laurel.line de 4 luces rojas, espaciado cerca de 1 Frente de la milla
frente al extremo, el frente tena la luz blanquecina estable, la tercera luz en la lnea tambin
era blanquecino, todos estaban en una formacin de lnea plana sin variacin en la altitud.
No hay sonido del motor (como sera de un conjunto de planos). Que viven cerca de Dover,
s lo que vera con mltiples aviones volando en una formacin alargada, esto no es lo que
era.Sighting ReportOccurred: 03/10/2016 18:00 (Introducido como: 10/03/2016 18: 00)
Inform: 10/10/2016 10:16:59 AM 10: 16Posted: 10/11 / 2016Localizacin: Ellsworth,
MEShape: SphereDuracin: 4 minutesThis es ms informacin, la correccin de un informe
anterior. (1) El objeto avistado era esfrico, brillante, con "trazas de chorro hacia abajo" Que
es ms informacin, la correccin de un informe anterior. (1) El objeto avistado era esfrico,
brillante, con "rastros de chorro" hacia abajo que parecan senderos propulsores, pero slo
eran limitados en longitud y endeudamiento. Informes de OVNI Informe de
CentralizacinSeguridad ReportOccurred: 10/3/2016 17:00 (Introducido como: 10/03/16
17:00) Inform: 10/3/2016 6:52:04 PM 18: 52Posted: 10/11 / 2016Localizacin: Saginaw,
MNShape: RectangleDuration: objeto de 5 minutosvery grande con las luces muy brillantes
que rondan y que tiran hacia arriba el lado abajo y que ven mucho De luces muy pequeas
en el objetoSal luces muy brillantes, casi como un avin volando muy bajo. Un objeto muy
grande !. Pareca que estaba viniendo a m mientras conduca torwards y relized que era
slo rondando entonces empez a voltear mientras se alojaban en el mismo lugar. Las
luces se apagaron. Una vez volteado completamente volteado, pude ver un montn de
pequeas luces sobre el objeto y muy lentamente empez a alejarse ms alto en el cielo.
Creepiest cosa que he visto en mi life.d abruptamente. Los rastros del jet se inclinan hacia
fuera apuntando hacia abajo, dando el aspecto "triangular" total del objeto con los rastros
del vapor. El objeto mismo sin embargo era esfrico y brillaba en la sol (reflexivo ms bien
que iluminado del uno mismo). Yo no fui el testigo; Estoy resumiendo el informe dado por el
testigo, y tratando de hacerlo ms exacto con este segundo
Pgina 99

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

informe.oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooNational UFO Reporting

CenterSighting ReportOccurred: 03/10/2016 14:25 (Ingresado como: 10/03/16 14:25)
Reportado : 10/3/2016 6:45:27 PM 18: 45Posted: 10/11 / 2016Localizacin: Coshocton,
OHShape: OtherDuration: Conduccin homeA extrao objeto en el cielo en forma de un T y
vol perpendicular en lugar de paralelo al groundI conduca Hogar de Walmart. Mis madres
en el lado del pasajero comer BK y mis hermanas en la parte de atrs haciendo lo mismo.
Nos voltear 83 y pasar el lugar de tratamiento de agua y lo siguiente Ik mis mams
apuntando y no decir una palabra que es slo tartamudez y mis hermanas como "oh, mi
Dios". Y yo soy como "qu?" Y ambos dijeron mirar hacia arriba as que sacar mis ojos de
la carretera para mirar hacia arriba y veo en el cielo esta extraa forma algo como que
estaba en forma de un T y que estaba vagando lentamente detrs de la colina y
desapareci antes de golpear el rbol lnea. Miro hacia atrs en la carretera y estoy en el
carril equivocado, as que ajustar y luego encender otsiego y subir el hueco de cassingham
a la cabeza a casa y estamos tratando de hacer a partir de lo que acabamos de ver y luego
estamos subiendo el Colina y me tire en el camino de unidad y hay otra vez es enorme y
pareca tan extrao que era todo negro, pero los consejos eran blancos y el cielo era un
azul slido y todo lo que poda hacer es mirar a ella sin palabra! S y puse el camin en el
parque y saltar a tomar un video y se desvanece en el aire. Mi mam y yo estuvimos all y
nos miramos. Corremos dentro y mi hermana pequea dibuja lo que parece y buscamos en
Internet para tratar de obtener una explicacin, pero no hay nada. Una hora ms tarde mi
hermana que no tiene problemas mdicos tiene una sangra de la nariz muy mal y una
convulsin mini y la llevamos al hospital y dijeron que est bien y no tiene signos de una
convulsin. Nunca cre en este tipo de cosas hasta el da de hoy. Informe Nacional de
Informes de OVNIsensibilizacin ReportOccurred: 10/3/2016 07:25 (Ingresado como:
10/3/16 7:25) Reportado: 10/3/2016 7:50:40 PM 19 : 50Posted: 10/11 / 2016Localizaci
Millington, TNShape: DiskDuration: 30 segundosDriving, not el arte que brilla intensamente
en el arte / objeto de sky.The era un dial de plata grande que brillaba blanco, con un rojo
brillante l adentro que centro con un cilindro azul sobresaliente. Varias personas
conducan, algunos parecan ver el objeto masivo (Nota del NUFORC: No estamos seguros
de si este informe est destinado
Google Translate for Business:Translator ToolkitWebsite TranslatorGlobal Market Finder
About Google TranslateCommunityMobileAbout GooglePrivacy & TermsHelpSend
feedbackComo un relato serio de un avistamiento. PD)) Pgina principal de NUFORC
ndice de informes web: por fecha del evento | Por ubicacin | Por la forma | Por fecha de
contabilizacinNacional UFO Reporting CenterSighting ReportOccurred: 10/3/2016 05:00
(Ingresado como: 10/03/16 5:00) Reportado: 10/3/2016 3:05:45 AM 03: 05Posted: 10/11 /
2016Localizacin: Belchertown, MAShape: FireballDuracin: 4 minutosTrustos muy
ruidosos. Tres bolas de fuego rojas bajo en el cielo que desciende lentamente overhead.At
5:00 am el 3 de octubre de 2016, mi hijo y yo fuimos despertados por un sonido
increblemente ruidoso, rasgando o que rasga viniendo de afuera. Miramos por una ventana
sur y vimos 3 bolas de fuego movindose al este y perder altura. (NUFORC) Nota: Durante
una conversacin telefnica, el testigo indica que el reportaje inform que el ruido haba
sido causado por aviones de combate F-15, que se pensaba que se haban dirigido a
Europa Hemos solicitado una declaracin complementaria del testigo, y la agregaremos
aqu, si se presenta. Tres bolas de fuego rojas bajo en el cielo descendiendo lentamente
por encima. (Addendum) 2 Addendum: 1) Condiciones meteorolgicas lunes por la maana
durante el avistamiento: Pre-amanecer oscuro con niebla sopa de guisantes. El TSgt
Amelia Leonard de Westover Air Reserve Base dijo a 22News que cinco aviones de
combate F-15 dejaron a Westover en torno a las 5: 00 AM lunes.Leonard dijo que los
pilotos se haban detenido en Westover para descansar en medio de largos
Pgina 100

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

vuelos.Leonard no revel de dnde venan los aviones o hacia dnde iban.

Http:// CHICOPEE - Funcionarios de la Base
de la Reserva Area de Westover dijeron que se han visto inundados de quejas sobre
aviones de combate volando por encima de la cabeza y despertando a los residentes a las
5 de la madrugada y antes de la madrugada. Los oficiales se disculparon por las molestias
y estn advirtiendo a los residentes que los vuelos por la maana continuarn esta semana
y posiblemente otras veces en un futuro cercano. "Estos no son la prctica, estn en la
lucha", dijo el teniente coronel James Bishop, Para Westover, dijo. "Estn apoyando
operaciones en el extranjero". Por razones de seguridad, Bishop no pudo decir dnde se
dirigen los aviones de combate F-15, pero dijo que Westover es simplemente un punto de
parada para ellos. Las tripulaciones tambin vienen de diferentes bases, incluyendo la Base
de la Fuerza Area de Mountain Home en Idaho, y algunos pueden estar regresando de
Europa tambin. El obispo dijo que no ha recibido un horario ms all de esta semana y no
pudo revelar detalles sobre cundo sern los chorros Volando por encima de esta semana
por razones de seguridad. Westover es la base ms cercana en los Estados Unidos a
Europa, por lo que las tripulaciones se detienen en la base para repostar y permitir que los
pilotos para dormir un poco. La base es un lugar comn para escalas de una amplia
variedad de aviones debido a su ubicacin, dijo Bishop. Westover no est involucrado con
la misin, y los funcionarios tienen poca informacin al respecto. La base es realmente slo
sirve como un "garaje" para los aviones, dijo. Las quejas son principalmente debido a los
despegues de 5 a.m. que estn despertando a la gente y tambin han asustado a la gente
porque son tan alto y atpico. Las rutas reales de vuelo varan dependiendo de las
condiciones del viento y muchos otros factores, dijo Bishop. Los pilotos estn despegando
tan temprano debido a la diferencia de tiempo entre aqu y Europa. Cuando salen a las 5 de
la maana, ya son las 10 de la maana en Inglaterra, dijo Bishop.http:
d: 03/10/2016 04:00 (Introducido como: 10/03/16 4:00) Inform: 10/3/2016 8:26:25 AM 08:
26Posted: 10/11 / 2016Localizacin: Adairsville, GAShape: CircleDuracin: 30 minutesIt
flot en una zona para ms De 30 minutos constantemente parpadeando. (NUFORC Nota:
Estrella? PD)) National UFO Reporting CenterSighting ReportOccurred: 10/3/2016 03:00
(Introducido como: 100316 3:00) Inform: 10/7/2016 3: 48:09 03: 48Posted: 10/11 /
2016Localizacin: Long Beach, CAShape: LightDuracin: 10 minutosLas luces
parpadeantes parpadeantes.Fui a cerrar la puerta trasera de la casa y sent una necesidad
al azar de mirar afuera mientras cerraba la puerta Como he visto objetos en el cielo en el
pasado por la noche, y con seguridad, veo las luces que he visto incontables veces. Estas
luces muy brillantes consisten en un punto blanco constante con parpadeo de luces rojas y
verdes que ocurren muy cerca de la luz blanca. El parpadeo es similar a ver una sola
estrella que parpadea por la noche. Todas las luces son tan brillantes como si estuvieras
mirando una bombilla LED desde lejos. Estas luces flotan en un lugar y se mueven
lentamente hacia arriba y hacia abajo y de lado a lado haciendo movimientos de "8",
movindose a veces horizontal y verticalmente ya veces simplemente desaparecen como
si alguien apagara el interruptor He estado observando estas luces desde 2013 y son
consistentes con su comportamiento. He apodado este fenmeno como el "planeta
aliengena o estrella aliengena". He visto esto suceder incontables veces al horizonte del
este de Long Beach y de la playa del estado de la bolsa Chika, ambos en California. El
movimiento de las luces es tan lento y liso que no pueden ser un helicptero, y las luces
son tan brillantes y nicas que no son un comnmente conocido drone.National UFO
Reporting CenterSighting ReportOccurred: 10/2/2016 22:45 (Ingresado como : 10/02/2016
22:45) Reportado: 10/3/2016 8:35:40 PM 20: 35Posted: 10/11 / 2016Localizacin:
Pgina 101

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Kettering, OHShape: DesconocidoDuracin: 3 segundos Vi dos enormes rayos de luz

desde el Cielo a la tierra. Rod mis contenedores de la basura abajo mi calzada a nuestra
calle cerca de 6:30 PM o de 18:30 horas. Despus de terminar la cena y lavar los platos,
tom dos pequeos paquetes de basura a mis contenedores de basura. Cuando alcanc el
fondo de la calzada me di vuelta a la izquierda (oeste) para poner mis paquetes en mis
contenedores de basura. Cuando mir hacia arriba despus de girar a la izquierda me
sorprendi. Vi dos gigantescas haces de luz que venan del cielo. Los rayos de luz estaban
dirigidos hacia el suelo, ms all de nuestro vecindario. Desde mi perspectiva, las vigas
hicieron ms de un ngulo inclinado de 45 grados desde el cielo hasta el suelo. Estas vigas
eran enormes. La anchura de estas vigas era de aproximadamente 80 pies y 60 pies de
dimetro, respectivamente. Estas vigas tenan muy poca extensin. Estaban ubicados a 1/2
milla lejos de mi ubicacin. Las vigas eran ms de un blanco lavado. Los bordes del haz
eran muy afilados. Las vigas estaban muy juntas. Haba una distancia de unos 20 pies
separando un rayo del siguiente. Los rboles a mi izquierda me impedan ver la fuente de
estas vigas. Luego, los dos haces se apagaron muy de repente. No escuch ruido. No vi
ningn arte. Yo estaba asombrado. No conozco ningn fenmeno areo o atmosfrico que
pueda causar tales rayos. Hace mucho tiempo WPAFB estaban probando a los rayos
brillantes en el aire. Pero eran muy pequeas en comparacin con lo que observ. 50 UAVs
no podan duplicar lo que observ. No llam a las autoridades locales. No he llamado a las
autoridades federales. No llam a WPAFB. No llam al peridico local, a la radio oa las
estaciones de televisin. No tom un pic.oooooooooooooooNational UFO Reporting
CenterSighting ReportOccurred: 10/2/2016 22:00 (Introducido como: 10/2/16 22:00)
Reportado: 10/10/2016 1:27:37 PM 13: 27Posted : 10/11 / 2016Localizacin: Sioux Falls,
SDShape: DiskDuracin: 10 segundosDe donde no aparece una luz parpadeante en el
shPe del platillo 10 segundos despus se ha ido. ((NUFORC Nota: Testigo elige
permanecer totalmente annimo; Informacin de contacto PD)) (NUFORC Nota: El testigo
indica que la fecha del avistamiento es aproximada PD)) Centro Nacional de Informes de
OVNIS Informe de VigilanciaCuidado: 10/2/2016 21:00 (Ingresado como: 10/02/16 21: 00)
Informado: 10/2/2016 7:34:54 PM 19: 34Posted: 10/11 / 2016Localizacin: Des Moines,
IAShape: LightDuration:> 30 minutosPunto de luz que es estroboscpico rojo, azul y
posible verde y naranja y parece En una posicin estable. Punto de luz, estroboscpico rojo
/ azul / posiblemente naranja, posiblemente verde. Posicin mantenida en el cielo durante
ms de 1/2 hora. Probablemente 12-15 grados al norte del oeste. Aprox. 15 grados de
altitud. Observado con 50 binoculares de energa. Simplemente sali y volvi a mirar y ha
derivado ligeramente hacia el norte y un par de grados ms bajo en el cielo. Mi punto de
vista es en el sur de Altoona. El segundo testigo declara que estaba directamente a su
oeste y se encuentra aproximadamente a 3 millas al norte de m. No se puede capturar una
imagen.Sighting ReportOccurred: 10/2/2016 20:45 (ingresado como: 10/02/2016 20:45)
Reportado: 10/3/2016 9:09:42 AM 09: 09Posted: 10/11 / 2016Localizacin: Murphy,
TXShape: RectangleDuracin: 1 minuteSitting en el patio trasero con mi esposa frente al
cielo del Sur. Ambos notamos un rectngulo de color bronce opaco dirigindose en una
lnea recta de Sur a Norte aproximadamente a las 8:45 PM CST. No haba sonido mientras
navegaba por encima. No poda estimar el tamao o la distancia. No pude estimar la
velocidad, pero pas a travs del cielo nocturno muy rpidamente. Ningunas luces apenas
un reflejo reflejado leve de luces en el ground.National UFO Reporting CenterSighting
ReportOccurred: 10/2/2016 19:45 (Entered as: 10/02/16 19:45) Reportado: 10/2/2016
5:21 : 47 PM 17: 21Posted: 10/11 / 2016Localizacin: Bristol, TNShape: ConeDuracin: 3
minutosLa bola de fuego formada por el cometa en forma de coma cambia a la bola de
fuego rpidamente. Vista cerca de Bristol Motor Speedway.Sighted en coche en
movimiento. 3 millas de la pista de carreras (subdivisin de Springfield Acres). Pareca una
Pgina 102

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

bola de fuego al principio. Bola naranja con una cola de cono de helado naranja llegando a
un punto. Fuera del coche, se haba convertido en una gran bola naranja que se mova
rpidamente hacia el norte norte este. Pareca un avin de reaccin en la noche excepto el
tamao ligero era mucho ms grande, por lo menos 5 veces ms grande, y anaranjado
como una llama del fuego del campo. Fue detrs de las nubes. A primera vista en el coche
que aunque podra ser un globo de aire caliente. Fuera de coche pens que podra ser un
rockeT o un avin de reaccin en llamas porque se estaba moviendo tan rpido. Shrunk
rpidamente en tamao pero no en intensidad. Sin sonido. Los vecinos no estaban fuera
por lo que nadie a mi alrededor haba notado (NUFORC Nota: Testigo opta por permanecer
totalmente annimo, no proporciona informacin de contacto. Por ubicacin | Por la forma |
Por fecha de contabilizacinNacional UFO Reporting CenterSighting ReportOccurred:
10/2/2016 17:45 (ingresado como: 10/02/16 17:45) Reportado: 10/2/2016 5:01:06 PM 17:
01Posted: 10/11 / 2016Localidad: Regina (Canad), SKShape: DiskDuration: 5 minutosEl
objeto de disco en forma de disco en el cieloHusband y yo estbamos en la carretera 48
entre Davin y White City, cerca de Regina. Vio una luz brillante en el cielo. A medida que
nos acercbamos nos dimos cuenta de que la luz estaba flotando. El objeto estaba en
forma de disco (la luz se atenu y pudimos ver el cuerpo del objeto ms claramente).
Mantuvo el ritmo con el coche durante un minuto o as. Entonces como lo vimos se hizo
ms y ms pequeo, como si se mueve hacia arriba, y luego desapareci.National UFO
Reporting CenterSighting ReportOccurred: 10/2/2016 11:00 (Ingresado como: 10/02/2016
11:00) Reportado: 10 / 3/2016 7:12:01 07: 12Posted: 10/11 / 2016Localizacin:
Washington, DC, DCShape: OtherDuraci n: 4 minutesI nunca han informado de un
avistamiento antes as que por favor perdone los detalles que faltan. Estaba caminando a
casa el domingo por la maana alrededor de las 1100 horas en el noroeste de Washington,
DC. Not un extrao objeto flotando en el cielo, a unos 30-40 pies de altura, al otro lado de
la calle, tal vez una distancia total de 60-70 pies entre m y el objeto. El objeto era diferente
a todo lo que he visto. Era una forma de gusano y se mantuvo en la misma posicin durante
aproximadamente 3 minutos mientras yo era capaz de tomar fotos. Al principio pens que
podra haber sido un enredo inusual de esos globos estrechos usados ??para hacer
animales de globo, sin embargo, no creo que podran haber flotado en esta posicin con
helio. El objeto se mova slo ligeramente, a pesar de una brisa que habra movido mucho
incluso un globo anclado. No haba alambre, cinta o cualquier tipo de cuerda estaba
presente. Mientras corra a la vuelta de la esquina para tratar de llegar justo debajo, no pude
encontrarlo.National UFO Reporting CenterSighting ReportOccurred: 10/2/2016 10:44
(Ingresado como: 10/02/16 10:44) Reportado: 10 / 2/2016 5:39:17 PM 17: 39Posted:
10/11 / 2016Localizacin: Reno, NVShape: Duracin: 1: 34Los objetos no identificados
parecen tener un fondo negro, parte superior blanca en color. Haba 15 a 25 que viajaban
hacia arriba en un patrn de la hlice. La familia que viajaba a la iglesia observ lo que se
pens para ser los pjaros que viajaban para arriba entonces notado que esto no eran
pjaros (porque eran super grandes en la perspectiva de tamaos que eran objetos diarios
normales como postes ligeros y rboles.) Los objetos no identificados parecen tener un
fondo negro, parte superior blanca en color. Haba 15 a 25, incluso posiblemente 35 o ms
viajando rpidamente hacia arriba. Ellos tipo un aspecto como recto rgido alado y pelcano
redondo como cuerpo en forma. Viajando rpidamente hacia arriba en forma de hlice.
Finalmente su formacin termin en un diamante o dos patrones de tringulo, a
continuacin, finalmente se convirti en translcido. Luego desapareci de la atmsfera.
Realizado: 10/2/2016 04:50 (Introducido como: 10/02/16 04:50) Reportado: 10/2/2016
4:56:04 PM 16: 56Posted: 10/11 / 2016Localizacin: Watsonville, CAShape:
UnknownDuracin: 7 segundosLuces en el cielo Pens que era una estrella fugaz. Me
levant temprano para pasear a mi perro antes de dirigirme al aeropuerto de Sjc desde mi
Pgina 103

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

casa de madres en Watsonville, ca. Vivo cerca de Dallas tx. La observacin ocurri
aproximadamente 30 minutos antes del amanecer. Mir hacia arriba en el cielo y not lo
claro que era comparado con mi casa luego mir a mi perro y vi desde mi visin prerfrial
casi directamente encima de lo que yo pensaba que era una estrella fugaz rumbo al sur. Lo
mir y me concentr en l y vi que no era una sola estrella fugaz, sino un grupo de 4 o 5
puntos de luz que se movan juntos a alta velocidad y diferentes intensidades, pero cada
uno no pareca diferente de cualquier otra estrella El cielo slo se mueve a alta velocidad.
Mientras lo vea avanzar hacia el horizonte vi dos de las luces cambiar lugares una vez y
luego dos veces. Cuando se acercaba al horizonte pareca retrasar como deba desde mi
perspectiva slo ms de lo que esperara y tambin se volvi hacia el este y se fue detrs
de un rbol y una casa. Durante la primera mitad de la observacin estaba buscando una
cola o chispas que salan del racimo pero no vi ninguna. Debido a la extraa trayectoria de
esto, sospecho que estaba sobre el centro o sur de California y cuando se volvi hacia el
este, se diriga a Edwards afb o el lago del novio. Tambin sospecho que los puntos de los
lugares de intercambio de luz era en realidad la luz del sol se refleja en una superficie
brillante. No hubo sonido ni boom sonoro. Haba un avin de pasajeros a gran altitud que
not al este del avistaje que va al norte y dentro de un minuto del avistamiento poda or el
jet pero ningn ruido de la zona las luces eran vistas. Despus de pensar en ello tiene
sentido aterrizar una nave espacial secreta en un domingo por la maana cuando la menor
cantidad de witneSses podra verlo. Siga buscando en el cielo una hora antes de la luz del
sol si usted vive en la costa oeste en las maanas de domingo.National UFO Reporting
CenterSighting ReportOccurred: 10/2/2016 04:30 (Introducido como: 10/02/16 04:30)
Reportado: 10/2/2016 9:09:56 PM 21: 09Posted: 10/11 / 2016Localizacin: Houston,
TXShape: CircleDuracin: 10 minutosHouston, TX, el avistamiento de extraas luces y el
poder / seal otageAt 4:30 am esta maana, 2 de octubre, 2016, en Houston, TX, toda la
seal de cable se perdi en la casa que nunca ha sucedido. Poco despus de la seal de
cable se perdi, por lo que fue todo el poder en el bloque (camin fuera). Despus de
caminar afuera para inspeccionar la interrupcin, en un cielo claro vimos un objeto verdeacutico, translcido que se mueve lentamente de una forma redonda a ovalada (mirado,
comparado a una medusa sin tentculos y tamao como para sostener un cuarto a la
anchura del brazo lejos de la cara) , Viajando a una velocidad constante de velocidad y
direccin, sin hacer un sonido. Vimos durante 30-45 segundos, luego hicimos una dura
izquierda y dispar rpidamente fuera de la vista. Minutos despus de haber presenciado
esto y de discutir con otros que lo vean, pareca ser un helicptero militar movindose a
una alta velocidad en la misma direccin que la extraa luz. Despus de que el objeto fuera
de la vista toda la energa y la seal volvieron a normal. De estar en estado de shock no
tuvimos ninguna imagen o metraje. Haba cuatro personas ms que yo que presenciaron
este avistamiento. Interesado en averiguar si alguien en la zona visto lo mismo o algo
comparable a lo que vimos.National UFO Reporting CenterSighting ReportOccurred:
10/2/2016 02:00 (Introducido como: 10/02/2016 2:00) Inform: 10 / 2/2016 3:49:48 PM 15:
49Posted: 10/11 / 2016Localizacin: Woodruff, SCShape: LightDuration: 2
minutosMysterious luz brillante brillante grande el. Desaparecidos y los ms pequeos
aparecieron y desaparecieron. Un gran brillante observ como subiendo la autopista 226
por como un minuto estaba por encima de estrs en la salida 35 luego desapareci y 6
pequeo aparece y luego desapareci. Mi hijo y yo lo vimos en las primeras horas de la
maana. No mencionar a nadie y tena una llamada de telfono mi ta llam en vio alrededor
de las 8 pm 10/1 seguido y trat de conseguir fotos pero desapareci ... alrededor de la
misma zona. ((NUFORC Nota: testigo indica que la fecha de la El avistamiento es
aproximado PD)) Ocurri: 10/2/2016 01:30 (ingresado como: 10/02/2016 1:30) Reportado:
10/7/2016 5:18:48 AM 05: 18Posted: 10/11 / 2016Localizacin: Winnipeg (Canad),
Pgina 104

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

MBShape: LuzDuracin: 1-2 minutosLa luz naranja extraa vol por encima. En la maana
del 2 de octubre de 2016, justo antes de la 1:30 AM, vagu hasta la puerta de envo abierta
en mi lugar de trabajo Tomar un poco de aire fresco. Estaba mirando afuera cuando una luz
naranja me llam la atencin. La luz estaba al sureste de donde estaba yo. Asum que era
un avin que vena a aterrizar en el aeropuerto, esto es algo que veo por la noche todo el
tiempo, ya que mi lugar de trabajo est justo al este del aeropuerto. La luz era del mismo
tamao y color que las farolas incandescentes que estaban al otro lado de la calle, tal vez a
100 metros de distancia. A medida que la luz se acercaba me senta muy curioso. Cuando
los aviones normales hacen sus acercamientos que a menudo comienzan a ver slo el
blanco brillante "faro", pero finalmente ver las luces rojas y verdes en las alas y la cola. Este
objeto no muestra ninguna otra luz. La luz continu dirigindose directamente hacia m,
volando en un rumbo noroeste. Como iba a pasar directamente sobre el edificio sal afuera
al estacionamiento para poder seguir observndolo. La luz pas directamente sobre m en
lo que asum era la altitud normal para aterrizar aviones. No vi ninguna otra luz, slo la luz
naranja. No vi la forma de un avin que es muy extrao para m, ya que a esa altura habra
visto al menos el contorno de un avin convencional, incluso por la noche. No haba sonido.
La luz no cambi de forma o luminosidad. Se movi aproximadamente a la misma
velocidad que un avin normal. Haba una brisa ligera en ese momento pero no recuerdo la
direccin. Mientras que la luz pas encima de m vi lo que pareca a m como una "onda de
choque" delante de la luz. Esta fue la nica vez que vi algo ms que la luz misma. La luz
continu en su rumbo noroeste, pasando por la lnea del techo del edificio. Me apoy en el
estacionamiento para tratar de recuperar la vista de l, pero no lo hizo. El tiempo total
dedicado a observar la luz fue de 1-2 minutos. No s qu pensar de esta luz. He trabajado
noches en este lugar por ms de 5 aos y nunca he visto nada como esto. Veo aviones
normales en el cielo por la noche todo el tiempo, varias veces por la noche. Esto no
pareca un avin normal. Supongo que podra haber sido un meteorito pero siento que se
estaba moviendo demasiado lentamente para eso. Siento que se estaba moviendo con
demasiada precisin para ser un globo, llamarada o fuegos artificiales, y la luz era
demasiado consistente y brillante para eso, a menos que sobreestimara drsticamente su
altitud. Tengo la sensacin de que esto es slo un fenmeno convencional, pero fue
bastante raro para m y algo que he cErtainly nunca visto antes as que sent que deba
divulgarlo.National UFO Reporting CenterSighting ReportOccurred: 10/2/2016 01:11
(Entered as: 10/02/16 1:11) Reportado: 10/3/2016 6:12: 43 AM 06: 12Posted: 10/11 /
2016Localizacin: Lynnwood, WAShape: OtherDuration: 2 hoursRed luces verdes y
blancas pulsantes flotando y altitudes.4 grupos de luz flotando parecen cambiar la altitud
pulsando rojo verde y blanco. Varias fotos tomadas. Estos objetos han sido vistos cada
noche clara durante varias semanas.National UFO Reporting CenterSighting
ReportOccurred: 10/2/2016 00:45 (Ingresado como: 10/2/2016 00:45) Inform
: 10/3/2016
3:22: 16 PM 15: 22Posted: 10/11 / 2016Localizacin: Iowa City, IAShape: LightDuracin:
12 minutosUn grupo de luces rojas volando a travs del cielo, subiendo del horizonte de
uno en uno, aumentando en altitud y desapareciendo de vista. Un 2 luces rojas juntas y una
tercera no muy lejos. Se movan como un avin se mova, aproximadamente a la misma
velocidad que un avin se mova a travs del cielo, pero haba 3 juntos, y luego otro vino, y
otro, y otro. Parecan levantarse del horizonte en una lnea diagonal, trepando en altitud
hasta que desaparecieron. Y seguan saliendo del horizonte. Eso era lo que era tan
sorprendente e inusual en ello. Hay un video de YouTube desde el 12/25/2010 que
describe EXACTAMENTE el mismo evento que presenci en 2016. Hubo muchas ms
luces rojas en el video de YouTube 12/25/2013 de lo que fui testigo. Pero el evento fue
exactamente el mismo.National UFO Reporting CenterSighting ReportOccurred: 10/2/2016
00:14 (Ingresado como: 10-2-2016 00:14) Reportado: 10/1/2016 10:27:19 PM 22:
Pgina 105

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

27Posted: 10/11 / 2016Localizacin: Waverly, TNShape: OvalDuration: on goingI slo sali

de lado en esta hermosa noche clara con estrellas, pero no hay luna. Observ una luz de
baile en el cielo debido EAST .. La forma parece ovalada con rojo o rojo / naranja y luces
amarillas .. Su muy muy visible. Parece estar balancendose muy rpido y bailando aunque
permanezca en una zona. Puede ser una ilusin ptica de la manera en que las luces
estroboscpicas parpadean. Es una especie de artesana. No es un tpico helicptero
hover .. Es difcil de ver tambin. Parece ser vibrando o movindose pero permaneciendo
en un rea .. No est flotando sobre mi Ciudad Waverly, Tennessee .. Est lejos de flotando
EAST sobre algn otro lugar pero lo veo claramente ..Call Anytime 931 - ((phone Nmero
suprimido)) Centro Nacional de Informes UFO Informe de Vigilancia: 10/2/2016 (Ingresado
como: 10-02-16) Inform: 10/2/2016 11:57:19 AM 11: 57Posted: 10/11 / 2016Localizacin:
Mxico, Forma: Duracin: 5 secondsi estaba viendo una cmara web de Mxico en el
volcn Colima .. se obtiene un nuevo marco cada 30 segundos o as y de repente haba un
OVNI, y el siguiente fotograma se haba ido .. sucedi en 13-47 Hora del Pacfico

National UFO Reporting Center

Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/1/2016 00:00 (Entered as : 100116 22)
Reported: 10/1/2016 9:04:21 PM 21:04
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Santa Rosa Beach, FL
Pgina 106

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Shape: Teardrop
Duration:9 seconds
Falling ball of fire out of the clear night sky
We were on Highway 98 heading west just before 331 and in the NW sky a ball of fire came
straight down visually the size of a baseball the color of a campfire however my wife saw
green in that color. We lost site as it passed in the tall pine trees on the NW side of 98.
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/1/2016 22:20 (Entered as : 10/01/16 22:20)
Reported: 10/1/2016 9:23:34 PM 21:23
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: North Mankato, MN
Shape: Chevron
Duration:3 minutes
Watching the stars through binoculars. Black, silent chevron, triangle flew into my vision. It
went north to south. The underside of it had 2 lights on either side and one at the head. The
lights were not on or were very dark. Looked almost like the undercarriage of a stealth
bomber. Was totally silent.
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/1/2016 22:15 (Entered as : 10/2/16 22:15)
Reported: 10/1/2016 9:40:57 PM 21:40
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Long Island, NY
Shape: Fireball
3 fireball ufos seen above Elmont, Long Island.
My friend and I were sitting in my car when I looked up into the sky and witnessed 3 floating
red orange orbs at first I thought it was a flying lantern but when I realized it was intelligent by
the way the 3 orbs moved I alarmed my friend and pointed to the direction to confirm what I
was seeing. The 3 fireballs floated in a single line about a couple thousand feet above the
ground, then started to move foward and disappeared into the sky.
((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact
information. PD))
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/1/2016 22:00 (Entered as : 10/1/2016 22:00)
Reported: 10/1/2016 10:48:46 PM 22:48
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Bend, OR
Shape: Light
Duration:40 minutes
Saw a flickering light that changed colors (white, red, green, blue). It stayed in the same
general area, but would zig zag and dart occasionally. It also appeared to move closer and
fade. When it was closest it became brilliant and the colors were more apparent.

Pgina 107

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

National UFO Reporting Center

Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/1/2016 22:00 (Entered as : 10/01/16 22:00)
Reported: 10/2/2016 6:13:28 PM 18:13
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Central, LA
Shape: Fireball
Duration:30 minutes
Flying fireball
Was driving home from work. I saw a shooting star or what looked like a shooting star pass
me over head.
I then said to myself Thank You Lord for allowing me to see that. It was a beautiful green
shooting star. Then, it disappeared in the darkness.
When I got closer to Joor Road to turn, I noticed a ball of fire appear out of nowhere. It
stayed hovering there just above the tree lines for 10 minutes. My self and other vehicles
stopped and watched as this round ball turned into a big ball of fire and started to fly
following the Road southbound. It had no smoke no flashing lights no noise and was able to
move side to side towards and backwards. It looked as if it was being flown....
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/1/2016 22:00 (Entered as : 10-01-16 22:00)
Reported: 10/2/2016 12:55:13 PM 12:55
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Kenner, LA
Shape: Circle
Duration:3 minutes
Group of shape forming lighted objects in sky
There were four lighted circles flying together making triangle shapes. Lasted for about 2
minutes then disappeared.
((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remainOccurred : 10/1/2016 22:00 (Entered as : 10/110/2 22:00)
Reported: 10/2/2016 7:27:30 PM 19:27
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Laona, WI
Shape: Unknown
flashing lights above northeast Wisconsin
Possible UFO sighting: Above Laona in the northeast sky saw an unusual light, thought at
first it was a star, but was blinking erratically, then looked through binoculars and there was a
pattern of red, green and white blinking lights that were stationary. Then on the next night the
same light appeared further to the north, and as I was observing this light pattern, a plane
flew across the sky, so I ruled that out.
Just curious if anyone else is seeing this and also curious as to what this is. It is definitely
Pgina 108

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

not a star, but seems to be at a very high altitude. I wish I had a telescope to get a better
((NUFORC Note: We suspect a "twinkling" star. PD))Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/1/2016 22:00 (Entered as : 10/1/19 22:00)
Reported: 10/1/2016 9:51:52 PM 21:51
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Whiting, IN
Shape: Circle
Duration:15 minutes
Orange lights moving up down east and west. Then met up to form a circle
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/1/2016 21:45 (Entered as : 10/1/16 21:45)
Reported: 10/1/2016 8:58:03 PM 20:58
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Irvine, CA
Shape: Fireball
Duration:5 seconds
red, green and yellow fireball over Irvine/Newport Beach area tonight
I was walking my dog at night and saw the fireball travel sideways along the tree line over the
city in the background...maybe fell into water near Newport Beach? The colors were green,
yellow and red
Occurred : 10/1/2016 21:30 (Entered as : 10/01/16 21:30)
Reported: 10/1/2016 7:40:05 PM 19:40
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Monetta, SC
Shape: Other
Duration:15 minutes
We were watching a movie at the drive in, when I got bored and started star gazing. I noticed
an object moving across the sky. It was like the color of a yellow orange.. It didn't change
colors but seemed to move across the sky in one direction but like a butterfly bouncing up
and down slightly. Or like a firefly.
totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD))
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/1/2016 21:00 (Entered as : 10/01/16 21:00)
Reported: 10/3/2016 4:38:18 PM 16:38
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Yukon, OK
Shape: Flash
Duration:2 seconds
Quick flash reflecting in parking lot, no sound or lightning.
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186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Saw a quick flash reflect in my apartment complex parking lot while taking trash to the
dumpster. No sound, no lightning. Noticed it being exceptionally bright out lately, especially
for it having been a new Moon.
Co-worker in Oklahoma City saw similar flash.
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/1/2016 20:48 (Entered as : 10/01/2016 20:48)
Reported: 10/1/2016 8:57:18 PM 20:57
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Bucksport, ME
Shape: Chevron
Duration:3 minutes
Three large bright lights hovering for 2-3 minutes.
At 20:48 hours on 10/01/2016 I was standing on my deck (Southern Exposure) overlooking
Silver Lake. I witnessed a craft of unknown origin while waiting for my Daughter and
Granddaughter. We were going to pick up my Wife from work in Brewer. I was looking to the
east and was watching what I thought was an airplane in its flight path for Bangor
International Airport, while I waited outside. It was not emitting any noise.
At that point, I noticed the perspective of the lights had not changed; I stared a little closer
studying them for any changes. It was hovering at approximately 300 to 500 feet (estimated)
in altitude. It appeared to be static for approximately two minutes with three very bright and
large lights, all side by side.
I called to my daughter to come outside to make sure that I had seen what was going on in
front of me. At that point in an arc the craft ascended slowly to the north and west and had
changed configuration. The lights grew wider apart and then after the maneuver leveling off
at what appeared angels 7 and proceeded in a north-northwesterly direction. Based on my
intimate knowledge of the area I estimated the craft to be 5 miles away from the point where
I was standing. These large bright lights reflected on the lake even though the object was
not over the lake but in fact was a couple miles beyond it.
Initially the lights were close together almost touching, and then spread apart, then returning
together. In perspective the lights were two (side view) with one red light.
We did not have a camera or cell phone handy to take pictures, but were mesmerized by the
action(s) of this craft of unknown origin. It took approximately 60 seconds for the craft to
traverse the distance behind the horizon. My daughter and I conquered that we had seen the
same thing(s) and wrote down all of the information. We also drew diagrams of what we had
Diagram 1: green is tree line, yellow are lights.
Diagram 2: green; trees, yellow are lights in progression from static at lowest position to
uppermost leveling off.
Sighting Report
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186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Occurred : 10/1/2016 22:15 (Entered as : 10/2/16 22:15)

Reported: 10/1/2016 9:40:57 PM 21:40
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Long Island, NY
Shape: Fireball
3 fireball ufos seen above Elmont, Long Island.
My friend and I were sitting in my car when I looked up into the sky and witnessed 3 floating
red orange orbs at first I thought it was a flying lantern but when I realized it was intelligent by
the way the 3 orbs moved I alarmed my friend and pointed to the direction to confirm what I
was seeing. The 3 fireballs floated in a single line about a couple thousand feet above the
ground, then started to move foward and disappeared into the sky.
((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact
information. PD))Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/1/2016 20:43 (Entered as : 10/1/16 20:43)
Reported: 10/1/2016 9:56:10 PM 21:56
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Chula Vista, CA
Shape: Triangle
Duration:1 second
((NUFORC Note: No information provided by witness. Witness elects to remain totally
anonymous; provides no contact information. PD
Occurred : 10/1/2016 20:41 (Entered as : 10/01/16 20:41)
Reported: 10/1/2016 8:26:36 PM 20:26
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Plano, TX
Shape: Light
Duration:30 minutes
Royal blue blinking lights in formation across North Dallas sky.
At the park in the dark with my son we see a lot of aircraft. Our neighborhood is in the flight
path of passenger jets flying into Love Field in Dallas, TX. We have a hospital a 1/4 mile
from our neighborhood to the NW and helicopters fly in and land frequently. But all of a
sudden we see 4 royal blue blinking lights in formation. Three were in an isosolese triangle
shape and a fourth was off to the side. They appeared to be higher than one of the incoming
jets initially, about twice as high. They were blinking in a perfect pattern one after another - all
four lights about .5 seconds apart. They flew slowly North over our neighborhood at the
same height it appeared until it was so far north that they almost disappeared entirely. After
about 15 minutes they came closer and brighter again but were much higher up in they sky
and were directly above us to the West. The forth light was trailing further behind and took
off towards the West without the three lights in triangle formation. The remaining three
continued to climb straight up until they became smaller and smaller until they disappeared
altogether almost directly above where we were standing. The night was completely still - no
breeze or wind at all. The lights made absolutely no sound.
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Pgina 111

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Occurred : 10/1/2016 20:35 (Entered as : 10/01/16 20:35)

Reported: 10/1/2016 9:15:54 PM 21:15
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: San Jose, CA
Shape: Teardrop
Duration:15 seconds
Bright greenish orb with reddish tail fell at 45 degree angle over West San Jose.
We were driving South on 880 (Nimitz Freeway) and we saw a large bright greenish circle
with a tail--sort of tear-drop shaped-- with a bright reddish back edge falling at a 45 degree
angle from left to right towards the ground in West San Jose. We were South of the San
Jose Airport's usual landing pattern and this object appeared to fall/descend too quickly to
be a safe conventional aircraft landing.
((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact
information. PD))
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/1/2016 20:35 (Entered as : 10/01/16 20:35)
Reported: 10/1/2016 9:15:54 PM 21:15
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: San Jose, CA
Shape: Teardrop
Duration:15 seconds
Bright greenish orb with reddish tail fell at 45 degree angle over West San Jose.
We were driving South on 880 (Nimitz Freeway) and we saw a large bright greenish circle
with a tail--sort of tear-drop shaped-- with a bright reddish back edge falling at a 45 degree
angle from left to right towards the ground in West San Jose. We were South of the San
Jose Airport's usual landing pattern and this object appeared to fall/descend too quickly to
be a safe conventional aircraft landing.
((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact
information. PD))
curred : 10/1/2016 20:30 (Entered as : 10/01/16 20:30)
Reported: 10/1/2016 7:52:05 PM 19:52
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Candor, NC
Shape: Cylinder
Duration:2 hours
I was pulling onto my driveway at approximately 8:30 PM, when I noticed a large aircraft
about the size of a small sedan hovering just above tree level. The craft had 2 large fans on
the bottom. I could hear the hum of what sounded like fans blowing. The craft was a gun
metal color and had flashing blue and white lights. I stopped my vehicle I got out of the
vehicle and it slowly drifted to the right of my driveway. Intrigued I called my wife and
neighbors to come to the end of the driveway where I was, at that time. There were multiple
crafts flying low with spot lights coming on periodically from the crafts shining through the
Pgina 112

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Over the course of 2 hours, we witnessed 15-20 which were all different than the first craft,
they seemed smaller with a triangular shape. The triangle shaped crafts were all like
backwards flying triangles all going in the same pattern toward the larger spot light. At times
we could all see these crafts zooming very fast, almost like a shooting stars, some leaving a
white light trail that was white and some leaving trails that were red. At times some would zig
zag and the lights would periodically disappear and then reappear just as sudden.
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/1/2016 20:30 (Entered as : 10/01/16 20:30)
Reported: 10/1/2016 7:52:05 PM 19:52
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Candor, NC
Shape: Cylinder
Duration:2 hours
I was pulling onto my driveway at approximately 8:30 PM, when I noticed a large aircraft
about the size of a small sedan hovering just above tree level. The craft had 2 large fans on
the bottom. I could hear the hum of what sounded like fans blowing. The craft was a gun
metal color and had flashing blue and white lights. I stopped my vehicle I got out of the
vehicle and it slowly drifted to the right of my driveway. Intrigued I called my wife and
neighbors to come to the end of the driveway where I was, at that time. There were multiple
crafts flying low with spot lights coming on periodically from the crafts shining through the
Over the course of 2 hours, we witnessed 15-20 which were all different than the first craft,
they seemed smaller with a triangular shape. The triangle shaped crafts were all like
backwards flying triangles all going in the same pattern toward the larger spot light. At times
we could all see these crafts zooming very fast, almost like a shooting stars, some leaving a
white light trail that was white and some leaving trails that were red. At times some would zig
zag and the lights would periodically disappear and then reappear just as sudden.
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/1/2016 20:10 (Entered as : 10/01/2016 20:10)
Reported: 10/3/2016 5:04:55 AM 05:04
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Havre de Grace, MD
Shape: Circle
Duration:5 minutes
Three orange glows appeared in the sky in Havre de Grace, MD
At 8:10 p.m., October 1, 2016, my husband was using the restroom and while looking out of
the window, he saw an orange glow. It was then that he called me in there and I witnessed
the same thing.
After it flew over our house, another one immediately appeared and as that one flew over
head a third one appeared, again flying over our house. They all took the same route and no
more appeared!
Pgina 113

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

National UFO Reporting Center

Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/1/2016 20:00 (Entered as : 10/01/16 20:00)
Reported: 10/2/2016 8:04:59 AM 08:04
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: High Ridge, MO
Shape: Oval
Duration:1 minute
Long blimp like shaped ufo
I was standing in a friend's yard with Their neighbor, the sky was mostly clear only a few
scattered clouds, it was around 8:30pm, when I was just looking at the sky listening to
friends conversations hanging out, and all of a sudden myself and the neighbor see a long
blimp like shaped object appear moving at a pretty slow speed, it had lights all across the
side of it of all different colors, then it speeds up and all of a sudden it takes off so fast and
moving in a way unlike anything I have ever seen before. This was not a plane, not a blimp,
nothing known on earth moves the way this craft moved!
Web Report Indexes : by Event Date | by Location | by Shape | by Posting Date
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/1/2016 20:00 (Entered as : 10/01/16 20:00)
Reported: 10/1/2016 9:44:14 PM 21:44
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Graham, WA
Shape: Light
Bright white orb of light lasting several minutes
While walking our dog between 7-8pm - not sure exact time - we saw a bright white light in
the sky. It was at similar elevation as the aircraft that frequently fly over from seatac but
further to the east. It appeared three dimensional- like an orb. It was silent and very bright. It
was not flying in a straight line - rather it was more erratic. It was heading away from us, but
we were able to see the light. No strobes. NOT an airplane.
We stopped and watched it for several minutes, then it faded within 10-15 seconds and was
gone. The bright whiteness of the light caught our eye.
NUFORC Home Page
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National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/1/2016 19:45 (Entered as : 10/01/16 19:45)
Reported: 10/2/2016 9:03:49 AM 09:03
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Denver, CO
Shape: Formation
Duration:2 minutes
5 orange lights flying in formation in the sky.
I was standing outside in a parking lot over looking Denver and I saw 5 orange bright lights
Pgina 114

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

that were larger and brighter than plane or helicopter lights. The 5 orange objects were
definitely flying in a formation and slow moving across the sky. They slowly moved across
the sky and as they went higher up disappeared behind clouds.
NUFORC Home Page
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National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/1/2016 19:45 (Entered as : 10/01/16 19:45)
Reported: 10/1/2016 7:13:01 PM 19:13
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Grand Blanc, MI
Shape: Light
Bright orange lights in sky flying east to west.
We were walking south when we saw a set of three orange lights travel east to west in the
south skies high over the treetops. After about 20-30 seconds, they seemed to fade away.
This happened twice more, one with a set of four lights and another with three lights. They
appeared to fly in a triangular formation, each time fading away as they reached appogee.
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/1/2016 19:45 (Entered as : 10/01/16 19:45)
Reported: 10/1/2016 7:13:01 PM 19:13
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Grand Blanc, MI
Shape: Light
Bright orange lights in sky flying east to west.
We were walking south when we saw a set of three orange lights travel east to west in the
south skies high over the treetops. After about 20-30 seconds, they seemed to fade away.
This happened twice more, one with a set of four lights and another with three lights. They
appeared to fly in a triangular formation, each time fading away as they reached appogee
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/1/2016 19:30 (Entered as : 10/01/16 19:30)
Reported: 10/1/2016 4:56:52 PM 16:56
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Tampa, FL
Shape: Light
Duration:2 minutes
Bright blue light hovering over Tampa.
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/1/2016 19:30 (Entered as : 10/1/16)
Reported: 10/2/2016 8:50:18 AM 08:50
Posted: 10/11/2016
Pgina 115

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Location: Glenrock, WY
Shape: Disk
Duration:25 minutes
Disc object southwest of Glenrock, Wy.
at about 730 pm on 10/1/16, wife and I saw a disc shaped object, about 3 miles away,
southwest of glenrock, wy sighting lasted about 25 min, obj move in zig zag manner,
hovered, then would zigzag, clearly a disc shaped object, then object descended, looked
like a possible landing, surely object was seen by travellers along I-25
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/1/2016 19:30 (Entered as : 10/1/2016 19:30)
Reported: 10/2/2016 9:03:52 AM 09:03
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Phoenix, AZ
Shape: Other
Duration:12 minutes
7 objects appearing to be fire going over phoenix az sky at around 730 pm on oct.1 2016
My son (32) year old saw 7 objects that looked like fire in the sky. They started according to
him in the northwest sky and moved in a group south. They then changed direction and
started heading ENE ,then changed direction again to head south south west as they
continued on this coarse they began to fade off one by one .
Meanwhile my girlfriend and I were heading to his house on a westerly direction .as I turned
north I saw 2 objects that almost looked like sheets or something burning moving south i
stopped the car in the middle of the street and asked my friend if she saw what i was looking
at and she said yes looking over my shoulder . We both sat there in the middle of the street
in the car and watched as they vanished . when we got to my sons house he was still looking
up at the sky ,we asked him if he saw it and then described what he had just saw to us .
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/1/2016 19:00 (Entered as : 10/01/16 19:00)
Reported: 10/4/2016 3:11:31 PM 15:11
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Boulder, CO
Shape: Triangle
Duration:10 seconds
The sky was lit but the sun was down. You could see the perfect outline of a triangle, no
lights on, perhaps 50-75ft from the ground. I pointed it out to two other people, it resumed
hoovering then shot off silently over the alley from North to south. Completely silent
Occurred : 10/1/2016 19:00 (Entered as : 10/1/2016 19:00)
Reported: 10/2/2016 6:44:50 PM 18:44
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Sullivan, IL
Shape: Fireball
Duration:3 minutes
Me and my father were watching the space station on 10/1/2016. I walk into the house as my
dad calls me out to see this burning ball that as it moved it left a strange trail. Also, it was
dropping something from its bottom, multiple objects dropped and disappeared. Then the
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186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

burning ball slowely started flickering and disappeared. It scared us both so I ran in the
house to grab my camera. Then tried to film it but it started to fade.
Web Report Indexes : by Event Date | by Location | by Shape | by Posting Date
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/1/2016 18:15 (Entered as : 10/01/2016 18:15)
Reported: 10/2/2016 11:57:09 AM 11:57
Posted: 10/11/2016
Location: Fernley, NV
Shape: Cylinder
Duration:3 minutes
Cylindrical silver craft, no lights, no sound, stationary, grew super bright, then dimmed and
I was driving on Shadow Lane eastbound and felt the need to look up. I saw a cylindrical
looking craft emanating a circular pattern of energy. I pulled over to the side of the road at
the cross street of Michaelson right before Rosebud, put the car in park and stepped out to
take a look. It was not moving...was stationary. It was a lot lower than commercial airplane
routes, a lot higher than the helicopters and a bit higher than when the Navy jets fly in at. It
grew really bright, then dimmed and disappeared. It was sunset and I was wondering if the
sun was reflecting off of it. It was silver and living so close to Fallon Naval Air Station you
have to wonder if this is a new experimental craft. There were no flashing lights, no colored just got super bright, almost blinding, then dimmed and disappeared. There was no
Date / Time City State Shape Duration Summary Posted
10/11/16 04:00 Vestal NY Diamond 44 minutes At 04:00, in the
clear night sky a diamond pattern of lights, varying from blue to green to red to white,
hovering. ((anonymous rept.))10/11/16
10/11/16 02:30 Cromwell CT Light 2 hours I thought it was a star off to
the E, but the blinking lights jumped out. It sat there for hrs. Green, blue, red.
10/10/16 21:30 Norwood MA Teardrop 90 seconds Never before
have i witnessed something like this. Wow!! 10/11/16
10/10/16 15:35 Vicksburg MI Sphere 4 minutes I could clearly tell they were
perfect spheres, almost like black marbles. 10/11/16
10/10/16 13:56 Columbia MD Disk 2 minutes Disc-shaped object flew
slowly across several blocks. 10/11/16
10/10/16 01:20 Lovell WY Triangle 5 seconds Translucent
looking triangle object, no sound. 10/11/16
10/9/16 23:20 Harrison City PA Formation 5-6 minutes 2
objects seen. One larger bright white starburst; the second a glowing red sphere.
10/9/16 21:00 Port Clements (Canada) BC Other 30-40 seconds
Looking up walking from my moms to my house next door lighted x no sound.
10/9/16 21:00 Langley (Canada) BC Light 5 minutes Red object with
flashing rays seen by 2 people out their back porch. 10/11/16
10/9/16 20:37 Prince Rupert (Canada) BC Other 2 minutes
Temporary big red flashing star. 10/11/16
Pgina 117

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

10/9/16 19:35 Goleta CA Triangle 2 minutes Third Goleta sighting in five

weeks. 10/11/16
10/9/16 18:20 Aurora IL Light 3 minutes Orange Light Sighted In Sky.
10/9/16 18:17 Yucaipa CA Cone 3 minutes Cone shaped object moving
obliquely along a straight path of travel. 10/11/16
10/9/16 18:00 New York City (Brooklyn) NY Sphere 1 minute in view
from win It is a very cloudy day, with some abnormal cloud formations appearing suddenly
and moving very quickly in the foreground near the&quot 10/11/16
10/9/16 16:30 Madison Heights MI Circle 2 seconds An orb
like object coming from a funnel like object above it. 10/11/16
10/9/16 10:30 Marietta GA Cigar 1 hour Three silent white cigar
shaped objects floated across the sky at 10:30 to 11:30 Sunday morning.10/11/16
10/9/16 09:00 Cape coral FL Circle 2 hours Every night for the
past 2 weeks I have been watching 2 crafts in the west word sky. They come out just before
dark and slowly float. 10/11/16
10/9/16 04:00 Orlando FL Other 3 seconds Orlando UFO
sighting. WOW!m ((anonymous report)) 10/11/16
10/9/16 03:30 Fort Lauderdale FL Other 3 minutes Fast traveling craft
03:30. 10/11/16
10/9/16 01:05 McKinney TX Light 5-7 seconds Light moving N to
S over McKinney. 10/11/16
10/9/16 00:00 Mt. Airy MD Egg 40 minutes Strange lights in
egg-shaped formation over Mt. Airy, Maryland.10/11/16
10/8/16 23:30 Burbank CA Fireball 3 minutes We saw a glowing, pulsating
bright red and golden light. ((anonymous report))10/11/16
10/8/16 23:20 Illiopolis IL Triangle 30 seconds At 11:20pm I was
traveling west on Interstate 72 just crossed Into Sangamon County when I saw a bright light I
mistaken for a star. 10/11/16
10/8/16 23:00 Hamilton OH Rectangle 25 seconds Bright blue light
seen above canal then prompted me to look up and then it disappeared. 10/11/16
10/8/16 22:30 Owenton KY Light 10:50 We seen 1 light that was
making radical turns as if it was on a reckon mission. Then out of no where 2 more lights
would leave the 1st 10/11/16
10/8/16 22:00 Birmingham AL Triangle
Saturday me my sister mom and dad went to coyote drive in movies in Leeds Alabama at
first as we were watching the movie i seen what h 10/11/16
10/8/16 21:30 Harrison AR Circle 15 minutes I went outside on
my front porch and I looked toward the southeast and saw 8 orange lights in the sky. I first
thought it was helicopte 10/11/16
10/8/16 20:48 Cape Town (South Africa)
Formation 3 minutes 4 bright lights moving in formation in CPT 10/11/16
10/8/16 20:35 Warren MI Chevron 2 minutes Large, silent V shaped craft.
Dark grey with very dim lights on leading edge. 10/11/16
10/8/16 20:15 Murfreesboro TN Changing 3 minutes Cluster of
approximately 100 twinkling lights moving slowly across the sky in formation.
10/8/16 20:10 Bellevue NE Oval ~20 minutes Four identical
objects observed Near OAFB by two adults. 10/11/16
10/8/16 20:00 Cincinnati OH Light 15 minutes Big bright light in
Pgina 118

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

low in the western sky at twilight. ((NUFORC Note: Possible sighting of Arcturus of Jupiter in
W sky? PD)) 10/11/16
10/8/16 18:45 Middlefield CT Light 10-15 minutes UFO
(Real bright light) over Lake Beseck in Middlefield, Ct 10/11/16
10/8/16 17:24 Darby MT Disk photo only Saucer shaped object near
Trapper Peak. Emailing photo. 10/11/16
10/8/16 12:54 Slidell LA Rectangle 2 minutes Invisible ufo and could see
the outline of it 10/11/16
10/8/16 11:15 Champaign IL Rectangle 2 minutes Rectangular silver
panel with nothing else around it; below the clouds; made no sounds; took a sharp turn; gave
me the creeps. 10/11/16
10/8/16 10:17 Coweta OK Unknown A few seconds I was in my
driveway taking pictures of a family of falcon that were circleing my house. I was using the
quick shot more on m camera ph 10/11/16
10/8/16 03:00 Crandall GA Light 2 hours Appears to be one object.
Object contains 3 lights consisting of white, red, and blue/green. Object at times appears
stationary. 10/11/16
10/8/16 02:20 Strathmore area AB Other 1-2 minutes Two
large 4 propeller style ufos hanging over Lyalta, AB. 3 other cars pulled over to photograph.
10/8/16 02:15 Van Buren AR Circle 30+ minutes Three objects,
similar to stars but drifting vertically and horizontally. Both with flashing lights, one red and
white and one blue and 10/11/16
10/8/16 01:00 Renton WA Fireball 30 minutes Correction on
previous report seen at 10/8/2016 at 1am approx. Got home from work and seen bright
fireball light streak across constru 10/11/16
10/8/16 00:00 Cochise County AZ Flash seconds Flashes lighting
up portions of the sky. Also, last year witnessed 4 lights hovering in diamond shape in St.
David for >1 hr. 10/11/16
10/8/16 Crown Point IN Disk 10 minutes I saw bright
flashes of light behind the clouds. Then I saw red rectangle lights coming through the
clouds. 10/11/16
10/7/16 22:00 Anchor Point AK Flash 35 40 minutes
Unidentified flashing lights hovering 15 degrees above horizon, in west north west direction
10/7/16 21:45 Gardner MA Light 5 minutes 3 red lights in sky flying
northeast direction flying same flight path one behind the other. 10/11/16
10/7/16 21:30 South Gardner MA Fireball 2 minutes Three bright
yellow vertical lights at night in the sky near South Gardner. 10/11/16
10/7/16 21:05 Arvada CO Other 10 seconds Arrow shaped
object w/dim lights. ((anonymous report)) 10/11/16
10/7/16 21:00 Secaucus NJ Light 10 seconds White ball of light
flying very fast then disappeared 10/11/16
10/7/16 20:45 Bucks Lake CA Formation 30 minutes + Three
groups of lights, flashing white, red, and green. 5 + lights in each group, held position in sky
for over hour spotted by f 10/11/16
10/7/16 19:30 Manchester VT Triangle 15 minutes Small
glowing orange beams. 3 in a triangular formation. 10/11/16
10/7/16 13:40 Eureka CA Disk 5 seconds While driving, I
noticed a large disc shaped metallic object in the sky above The Humboldt Bay. The metal
Pgina 119

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

was shiny and reflective. 10/11/16

10/7/16 13:00 Douglasville GA Cylinder 3 seconds
Cylinder shaped craft fly's through opening in clouds. 10/11/16
10/7/16 07:00 Meadville PA Circle 10 seconds My coworker and I
were getting ready to walk into work and a green neon light appeared and shot across the
sky fast and smooth and look 10/11/16
10/7/16 03:30 Long Beach CA Light 15 minutes
Hovering and flickering red and green lights. ((NUFORC Note: Sighting of "twinkling" star??
PD)) 10/11/16
10/7/16 01:00 Kettering OH Light >1 hour 8 lights in the sky.
10/7/16 00:05 Las Cruces NM Other 15-20 min. 3
multicolored craft observer traveling in sky and turned off lights as commercial airplane
traveled past in same general area. 10/11/16
10/7/16 Highway I-40 Truck parking AR
10 seconds Very bright flying object there ten second then gone instantly
10/6/16 00:00 Columbus OH Triangle 2 mins In the S sky a blk triangular
craft flew R to L then switched dir. and darted S and out of view ((anonymous report))
10/6/16 23:00 Antlers OK Light 5 minutes Seemed like just another
star but then looked like a spotlight rolling and was extremely Bright...then went back to a
twinkle. 10/11/16
10/6/16 21:50 Union NJ Oval 5 minutes Saw a red oval light in the
sky over my house at 10:52pm on 10/6/16, it looked like it was going to collid with a plane, in
an instant 10/11/16
10/6/16 21:00 Whitefish MT Fireball 15 ((HOAX??)) Amber orb
floating east of Whitefish Lake, moving towards backroad to blue moon. ((anonymous
report)) 10/11/16
10/6/16 20:24 El Cajon CA Unknown 35 seconds I noticed two
lights traveling from West to east. Leading light was constant green(no flashing), trailing light
was an intermittently f 10/11/16
10/6/16 20:00 Saylorsburg PA Fireball 4 seconds Approx.
4 seconds, a bright thick streak of light in sky & is low. bottom tip explodes bright white light
& bits burst out & then gone 10/11/16
10/6/16 20:00 Lower Burrell PA Triangle 5 minutes Low, slow and
silent unidentifiable flying object. 10/11/16
10/6/16 14:30 Columbus GA Circle 4-5 minutes Round, shiny
objects flying in formation moved in ways not consistent with aircraft, balloons or anything
else. 10/11/16
10/6/16 09:15 South Berwick ME Light 20 minutes the 1st
object was flashing red, white, and green light. It was not moving at all. It was near Mt,
Aggementicus. It had another to the 10/11/16
10/6/16 05:45 Torrington CT Triangle 30-45 seconds A triangular
shaped object flying over Torrington, CT. 10/11/16
10/6/16 04:00 Grandview WA Circle 3 minutes Flash blue and
pink. Hovered up and down. My daughter said she saw something outside her window.
((anonymous report))
Its 10/11/16
Pgina 120

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

10/6/16 01:07 Ottawa (Canada) ON Flash 2-3 minutes Faint

tiny red flashing star gets bigger, then moves from West to North, then flies directly over city
of Ottawa, ON. 10/11/16
10/6/16 Slate Hill NY Sphere 5 days Hovering UFO is observed multiple
times in Slate Hill, NY. ((NUFORC Note: We suspect a "twinkling" star. PD))
10/5/16 00:00 Poland ME Sphere 2 hours Round bright white lights
followed by orange double paneled lights in the same spot! Then, flashing smaller white light
directed at me 10/11/16
10/5/16 22:30 Howell NJ Cigar 10 seconds Bar shaped ufo
with three bright lights across. 10/11/16
10/5/16 22:20 Ticonderoga NY Rectangle 7 minutes No noise at all.
10/5/16 21:25 Port Richey FL Disk 2 minutes Erratic moments
green and red lights. 10/11/16
10/5/16 20:00 Destin FL Chevron 10 seconds Chevron-shaped
glowing vapor cloud moving across night sky. ((anonymous report))10/11/16
10/5/16 20:00 Florence AL Diamond 20 minutes My wife and I
witnessed a ufo in the west sky.
A lady stopped her car and said she saw it The night before. We watched for 20 minute
10/5/16 19:50 Orem UT Circle 5 seconds Bright yellow light
skipped across sky than disappeared in a green glowing flash 10/11/16
10/4/16 23:15 Williamsport PA Flash >10 seconds
Standing on my deck looking across the river I multiple flashes that were super bright and
unform. Very short lived. 10/11/16
10/4/16 22:46 Fort Washington MD Fireball 3 seconds Large
green fireball seen falling from sky over Fort Washington, Maryland. ((NUFORC Note:
Probable meteor. Video. PD)) 10/11/16
10/4/16 22:37 Boonsboro MD Fireball 4 seconds Bright
light came straight down with no lateral movement stright down. Had sparks following it.
10/4/16 22:35 Hilton NY Circle 1 second At 10:35 pm there was a
bright yellow light in sky to the S of Hilton, NY. The light was so bright I saw could tell there
was somet 10/11/16
10/4/16 22:16 Hanover MI Fireball Seconds Black Apache style
helicopter chasing and orange ball of light. 10/11/16
10/4/16 21:26 Wappingers Falls NY Light 3 minutes Bright White Light
Hovering Low in the sky. 10/11/16
10/4/16 20:00 Frederica DE Disk 5 minutes Huge disk shaped object.
10/4/16 19:30 Brentwood NH Circle 7 minutes Orange glowing
orb flame-like no sound very slow 400 feet above stayed at elevation for 4 minutes then
rose and dimmed and disappeared 10/11/16
10/4/16 18:15 Fairbanks AK
Husband and wife report unusual launching of U. S. military aircraft. a/c headed north at high
speed. 10/11/16
10/4/16 04:00 Branson MO Light 5 minutes Stepped outside on balcony
Pgina 121

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

on golf course, saw white light in sky blinking and hovering. ((NUFORC Note: Possible
star?? PD)) 10/11/16
10/4/16 00:25 Carrboro NC Sphere 5 seconds While driving
down 54 at midnight I witnessed a low-flying, fast-moving spherical green light source.
10/3/16 20:30 North Vernon IN Other 90 minutes Plane
like with two white lights and one red. 2 hours of same route in sky, varying speeds
10/3/16 20:00 Laurel DE Formation 15 red lights over Laurel.
10/3/16 18:00 Ellsworth ME Sphere 4 minutes This is further info,
correcting a previous report. (1) Object sighted was spherical, shiny, with downward
&quot;jet trails&quot; which 10/11/16
10/3/16 18:00 Ellsworth ME Triangle 1 minute Pair of linked triangles with
light columns extending straight downward a precise distance; not drifting or bobbing
10/3/16 17:00 Saginaw MN Rectangle 5 minutes Very big object with very
bright lights hovering and fliping up side down and seeing alot of very small lights on the
object 10/11/16
10/3/16 14:25 Coshocton OH Other Driving home A weird
object in the sky shaped like a T and flew perpendicular rather than parallel to the ground
10/3/16 07:25 Millington TN Disk 30 seconds ((HOAX??))
Driving, noticed glowing craft in sky. 10/11/16
10/3/16 05:00 Belchertown MA Fireball 4 minutes Very loud
disturbance. Three red fireballs low in the sky descending slowly overhead.
10/3/16 04:00 Adairsville GA Circle 30 minutes It hovered in one
area for more than 30 min., constantly blinking. It looked like it had multiple lights. ((NUFORC
Note: Star? PD)) 10/11/16
10/3/16 03:00 Long Beach CA Light 10 minutes
Hovering flickering lights. ((NUFORC Note: We suspect "twinkling" stars. PD))
10/2/16 22:45 Kettering OH Unknown 3 seconds I saw two huge
beams of light going from the sky to the ground. 10/11/16
10/2/16 22:00 Sioux Falls SD Disk 10 seconds Out of
no where a blinking light in the shPe of the saucer appears 10 seconds later it was gone.
((anonymous report))10/11/16
10/2/16 21:00 Des Moines IA Light >30 minutes Point of
light that is strobing red, blue and possible green and orange and seems in a stable
position. 10/11/16
10/2/16 20:45 Murphy TX Rectangle 1 minute Sitting in backyard with my
wife facing the South sky. We both noticed a dull bronze colored rectangle heading in a
straight line from 10/11/16
10/2/16 19:45 Bristol TN Cone 3 minutes Orange comet shaped
fireball changing into just fireball rapidly climbing. Sighted near Bristol Motor Speedway.
10/2/16 17:45 Regina (Canada) SK Disk 5 minutes Bright diskshaped object in the sky 10/11/16
10/2/16 11:00 Washington, D.C. DC Other 4 minutes I have never
Pgina 122

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

reported a sighting before so please forgive missing details. I was walking home Sunday
morning around 1100hrs in northwes 10/11/16
10/2/16 10:44 Reno NV
1:34 The unidentified objects seem to have a black bottom, white top in color. There
were 15 to 25 traveling upward in a helix pattern 10/11/16
10/2/16 04:50 Watsonville CA Unknown 7 seconds Lights
in sky I thought it was a shooting star 10/11/16
10/2/16 04:30 Houston TX Circle 10 minutes Houston, TX,
sighting of strange lights and power/signal outage. 10/11/16
10/2/16 02:00 Woodruff SC Light 2 minutes Mysterious bright large,
bright light the. Disappeared and smaller ones appeared and disappeared.
10/2/16 01:30 Winnipeg (Canada) MB Light 1-2 minutes Strange
orange light flew overhead. 10/11/16
10/2/16 01:11 Lynnwood WA Other 2 hours Red green and white
pulsating lights hovering and various altitudes. 10/11/16
10/2/16 00:45 Iowa City IA Light 12 minutes A group of red
lights flying across the sky, rising from the horizon one at a time,increasing in altitude and
disappearing out of view. 10/11/16
10/2/16 00:14 Waverly TN Oval on going I just walked out side on this
beautiful clear night with stars but no moon. Noticed a dancing light in the sky due EAST ..
The shape a 10/11/16
10/2/16 Mexico
5 seconds i was watching a webcam from Mexico on the Colima get
a new frame every 30 sec or so and all of a sudden there was a UFO a 10/11/16
10/1/16 00:00 Santa Rosa Beach FL Teardrop 9 seconds Falling
ball of fire out of the clear night sky 10/11/16
10/1/16 22:20 North Mankato MN Chevron 3 minutes Watching the stars
through binoculars. Black,silent chevron, triangle flew into my vision. It went north to south.
The underside of it 10/11/16
10/1/16 22:15 Long Island NY Fireball 1:40 ((HOAX??)) 3
fireball ufos seen above Elmont, Long Island. ((anonymous report))10/11/16
10/1/16 22:00 Bend OR Light 40 minutes Saw a flickering
light that changed colors (white, red, green, blue). It stayed in the same general area, but
would zig zag and dart oc 10/11/16
10/1/16 22:00 Central LA Fireball 30 minutes Flying fireball
10/1/16 22:00 Kenner LA Circle 3 minutes Group of shape forming
lighted objects in sky 10/11/16
10/1/16 22:00 Laona WI Unknown unsure flashing lights above
northeast Wisconsin. ((NUFORC Note: We suspect a "twinkling" star. PD))
10/1/16 22:00 Whiting IN Circle 15 minutes Orange lights
moving up down east and west. Then met up to form a circle. 10/11/16
10/1/16 21:45 Irvine CA Fireball 5 seconds red, green and
yellow fireball over Irvine/Newport Beach area tonight 10/11/16
10/1/16 21:30 Monetta SC Other 15 minutes We were watching
a movie at the drive in when I got bored and started star gazing. I noticed an object moving
across the sky. It was li 10/11/16
Pgina 123

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

10/1/16 21:00 Yukon OK Flash 2 seconds Quick flash

reflecting in parking lot, no sound or lightning. 10/11/16
10/1/16 20:48 Bucksport ME Chevron 3 minutes Three large bright lights
hovering for 2-3 minutes. 10/11/16
10/1/16 20:43 Chula Vista CA Triangle 1 second ((NUFORC Note:
No information provided by witness. PD)) 10/11/16
10/1/16 20:41 Plano TX Light 30 minutes Royal blue
blinking lights in formation across North Dallas sky. 10/11/16
10/1/16 20:35 San Jose CA Teardrop 15 seconds Bright greenish
orb with reddish tail fell at 45 degree angle over West San Jose. 10/11/16
10/1/16 20:30 Candor NC Cylinder 2 hours @ approximately 8:30 PM
when I noticed a large aircraft about the size of a small sedan hovering just above nearby
trees. 10/11/16
10/1/16 20:10 Havre de Grace MD Circle 5 minutes Three orange
glows appeared in the sky in Havre de Grace, MD 10/11/16
10/1/16 20:00 High Ridge MO Oval 1 minute Long blimp like
shaped ufo. 10/11/16
10/1/16 20:00 Graham WA Light 3 Bright white orb of light
lasting several minutes. 10/11/16
10/1/16 19:45 Denver CO Formation 2 minutes 5 orange lights flying in
formation in the sky. 10/11/16
10/1/16 19:45 Grand Blanc MI Light 2:00 Bright orange
lights in sky flying east to west. 10/11/16
10/1/16 19:30 Tampa FL Light 2 minutes Bright blue light hovering
over Tampa. 10/11/16
10/1/16 19:30 Glenrock WY Disk 25 minutes Disc object
southwest of Glenrock, Wy. 10/11/16
10/1/16 19:30 Phoenix AZ Other 12 minutes 7 objects
appearing to be fire going over phoenix az sky at around 730 pm on oct.1 2016
10/1/16 19:00 Boulder CO Triangle 10 seconds The sky was lit but
the sun was down. You could see the perfect outline of a triangle, no lights on , perhaps 5075ft from the ground. 10/11/16
10/1/16 19:00 Sullivan IL Fireball 3 minutes Me and my father were
watching the space station on 10/1/2016. I walk into the house as my dad calls me out to
see this burning ball th 10/11/16
10/1/16 18:15 Fernley NV Cylinder 3 minutes Cylindrical silver craft, no
lights, no sound, stationary, grew super bright, then dimmed and disappeared.
10/1/16 16:20 West Park PA Triangle 15 seconds Three
solid lights with no other blinking lights or sound covering a angle of sight of pi/2 for the
duration of the event 10/11/16
10/1/16 14:50 Orlando FL Triangle 30 minutes Triangle craft
above Orlando, emitting an energy beam underneath it. 10/11/16
10/1/16 12:01 Madera CA Unknown 5 minutes Was laying in bed thought I
heard fireworks then all of a sudden louder noise tree rumbling and sounded like something
ran across the t 10/11/16
10/1/16 08:00 Blue Ridge GA Other 3:00 A bright round
circular red orange light went straight up the mountain side hovered around dipped and went
back up to dip again and d 10/11/16
Pgina 124

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

10/1/16 05:30 Ferndale WA Light >10 minutes Blinking light in the

sky with unusual movements. 10/11/16
10/1/16 03:30 St. Augustine FL Light 45 seconds I was
outside at work, and there were 3 lights in the sky going North to South...started in a straight
line, then separated with the ce 10/11/16
10/1/16 02:00 Minneapolis MN Changing 3 hours Odd lights in
south Minneapolis. 10/11/16
9/30/16 23:22 Naples FL Changing 15 seconds Flowing lights
over Naples. 10/11/16
9/30/16 23:15 Marlton NJ
~1 hour Weird humming noise in the middle of the night. 10/11/16
9/30/16 21:34 Honolulu HI Rectangle 4 minutes While walking at Ala Moana
Beach park, other evening. We observed A bright reddish object floating and drifting in the
skies, out ove 10/11/16
9/30/16 21:00 Mooresville NC Sphere >30 minutes
spinning sphere with colors and more details closeup 42x zoom 10/11/16
9/30/16 20:45 Sault Ste. Marie (Canada) ON Circle 1 minutes Orange
circle moving quickly... 10/11/16
9/30/16 20:30 Arvada CO Formation 30 seconds 7-9 glowing white
lights in arrow formation flying east to west fast and low 10/11/16
9/30/16 20:00 Pittsfield ME Light 45 seconds Bright Light
drifting across sky turns reddish and disappears in heavens 10/11/16
9/30/16 19:30 Oxnard CA Unknown 30 minutes Oxnard, CA,
Bright white lighted craft flies in from Pacific ocean and flies back out to ocean 3 seperate
times changing colors 10/11/16
9/30/16 19:10 Eastvale CA Light 3-4 minutes White orb.
9/30/16 19:00 Cape Coral FL Other 20 seconds I saw a
boomerang shape ufo that had no sound and camouflage into the sky. I could only see the
outline 10/11/16
9/30/16 15:30 Las Vegas NV Oval 15 minutes
((NUFORC Note: No information provided by source, who elects to remain anonymous. PD))
9/30/16 07:10 Weiser ID Light 5 seconds Saw small bright
blue strobe traveling at a fast rate South of Manns Creek 10/11/16
9/29/16 22:10 Phenix City AL Egg 45 minutes I was
on my break for work. I noticed that the sky looked like it drop to the earth because the stars
were so close. 10/11/16
9/29/16 21:00 North Sioux City SD Light 20-30 seconds White
light ball moving south to north, then up. 10/11/16
9/29/16 19:16 Marietta GA Cylinder 2 minutes Cylinder with bi-plane type
wings or appendages, reflected setting sun in a brilliant golden color. 10/11/16
9/29/16 19:15 Marietta GA Changing 3-4 minutes Daytime (sunset)
sighting of an object that looked similar to a space station. 10/11/16
9/29/16 09:00 Canby OR Rectangle <1 second A rectangular
object of light, very small and fast captured on video. 10/11/16
9/28/16 23:00 Overland Park KS Fireball Seconds I saw a MASSIVE
white object fall from the sky. 10/11/16
9/28/16 19:00 Chesterfield
Changing 1:00++ Two strange clouds swapping positions, with no visible illumination
Pgina 125

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

from the ground. Chesterfield UK. ((anonymous report))10/11/16

9/28/16 14:30 Littleton CO Diamond 5 minutes it was broad daylight!
9/27/16 17:15 Centennial CO Circle 10 minutes We
saw a small white circular object travel east to west, stop and hover, then move upward out
of sight. 10/11/16
9/27/16 01:30 North Pole AK Unknown 15-20 minutess 9/27/16
1:30 am & 10/6/16 11:00 pm North Pole AK Unknown 15-20 Big Bright Star 10/7/16.
((anonymous report))10/11/16
9/25/16 20:00 Bellingham WA Circle brief I saw another post
for this same event - I too, saw a bright white flash like a ball come down from the sky. It
looked as if it went in 10/11/16
9/25/16 19:45 Rocklin CA Unknown 30 minutes Large formation of
lights in the sky at night at a pretty high altitude without any noise. 10/11/16
9/24/16 21:17 Cumberland Center ME Other 5 minutes I saw a bright
orange light in the sky that hovered over my neighbors house and then moved slowly as far
as I could see until out of si 10/11/16
9/21/16 04:23 Shelbyville IN Triangle Til Daylight
Triangular blinking lights in the sky. 10/11/16
9/20/16 20:00 Amherst/Tonawanda NY Sphere 5 minutes+ Bright
Green sphere moving slowly west Amherst (Bailey ave.), Tonawanda. 10/11/16
9/16/16 12:43 Charleston SC Triangle Unknown Stranger Object
Photographed. 10/11/16
9/16/16 02:30 Nevada MO
<5 minutes I woke to someone shuffling down the hallway and entered my
bedroom. This &quot;thing&quot; was short, grey, skinny, big belly. 10/11/16
9/12/16 22:00 South Haven MI Disk 10-15 minutes A white
light turn into a streak of light then stopped and hover to us until 100 feet away.
9/11/16 11:00 Thornton CO Cigar 4 minutes ((HOAX??)) Cigar shape
moving steady east to west. ((anonymous report))10/11/16
9/10/16 18:20 San Juan (Puerto Rico)
Other 7-10 minutes Photographic evidence shows a very strange object and two
photos appear to show the silhouette of at least one occupant, possibly two.
9/3/16 22:28 Angels Camp CA Unknown 10 seconds Flying
red flashing light with no sound heading from West to East 10/11/16
9/3/16 03:00 Manistique MI Triangle 15 minutes
Massive triangular craft, two rapidly blinking white lights on either side, unblinking red light on
tip, travelling slowly and silently 10/11/16
9/2/16 19:23 Naperville IL Triangle 4 minutes Three possibly four travelling
in formation. White lights. I have photos of the incident. 10/11/16
8/31/16 19:38 Grants NM Light 1.5 hrs Bright flashing spherical light
appearing in NW sky at dusk before any other stars , and disappears w/in the hr. No sound.
7/3/16 23:30 Lakewood CO Circle 2 minutes Circular gold craft with
pulsating orange and red light dead center. 10/11/16
3/1/16 04:08 Luxora AR Cigar 2 time period It was a cigar
object. 10/11/16
2/19/16 19:39 Pueblo CO Sphere 2-3 minutes 6-8 orange orbs in
Pgina 126

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

the night sky. 10/11/16

10/10/15 22:20 Summerville SC Light 45 minutes 8 red
lights in the sky. 10/11/16
9/16/14 21:30 Perth (Australia)
Circle 5 minutes ((NUFORC Note: Witness provides no information. PD))
11/1/11 23:00 Mt. Juliet TN Light 5-6 minutes Bright red lights
appeared one right after the other as if in a line moving slowly. One of the lights break line
and shoots up at speed 10/11/16
4/15/09 03:00 Bunkerville NV Unknown 35 minutes Huge
object blocked all the stars for a while. 10/11/16
8/19/07 21:15 Sacramento CA Light 1.5 minutes two
high speed, high altitude lights Sacramento California 9:15pm + 8-19-07. ((NUFORC Note:
Space Shuttle and ISS? PD)) 10/11/16
4/20/94 22:00 Brooksville FL Light 3 minutes Huge soundless
orangish/greenish hovering ball of light that shoots out sparks. 10/11/16
6/30/84 20:00 Seaford DE Sphere 10 minutes Me and a friend
were night fishing in a pond in Seaford del.First we heard a sound coming from somewhere
on the other side of trees. 10/11/16
7/15/81 21:00 Winter Haven FL Other 30 minutes
Temporary total electrical failure residentail lights out vehicle disabled everything came back
on after a short time.
traduccion final de lo anterior.
Centro Nacional de Informes UFO
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 01/10/2016 00:00 (Introducido como: 100116 22)
Inform: 10/1/2016 9:04:21 PM 21:04
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Ubicacin: Santa Rosa Beach, FL
Forma: Lgrima
Duracin: 9 segundos
Cada de la bola de fuego fuera del claro cielo nocturno
Estbamos en la carretera 98 hacia el oeste justo antes de 331 y en el cielo NW una bola
de fuego vino directamente hacia abajo visualmente el tamao de una pelota de bisbol el
color de una fogata
Sin embargo mi mujer vio verde en ese color. Perdimos el sitio como pas en los rboles
altos del pino en el lado del nanovatio de 98.
Centro Nacional de Informes UFO
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 01/10/2016 22:20 (Introducido como: 10/01/16 22:20)
Inform: 10/1/2016 9:23:34 PM 21:23
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Ubicacin: North Mankato, MN
Forma: Chevron
Duracin: 3 minutos
Mirando las estrellas a travs de binoculares. Negro, viga en silencio, tringulo vol en mi
visin. Se fue de norte a sur. La parte inferior de la misma tena 2 luces a cada lado
Pgina 127

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Y uno en la cabeza. Las luces no estaban encendidas o estaban muy oscuras. Pareca casi
el tren de aterrizaje de un bombardero furtivo. Era totalmente silencioso.
Centro Nacional de Informes UFO
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 01/10/2016 22:15 (Introducido como: 10/2/16 22:15)
Inform: 10/1/2016 9:40:57 PM 21:40
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Localizacin: Long Island, NY
Forma: Bola de fuego
Duracin: 1: 40
3 ufos de la bola de fuego vistos sobre Elmont, Long Island.
Mi amigo y yo estbamos sentados en mi coche cuando mir hacia arriba en el cielo y
presenci 3 orbes rojos flotantes de naranja al principio pens que era una linterna voladora
pero cuando yo
Me di cuenta de que era inteligente por la forma en que los 3 orbes movido me alarm a mi
amigo y seal la direccin para confirmar lo que estaba viendo. Las 3 bolas de fuego
flotaron en un
Una lnea alrededor de un par de miles de pies sobre el suelo, luego comenz a moverse
hacia adelante y desapareci en el cielo.
(NUFORC Nota: El testigo decide permanecer totalmente an nimo, no proporciona
informacin de contacto.
Centro Nacional de Informes UFO
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 01/10/2016 22:00 (Introducido como: 01/10/2016 22:00)
Inform: 10/1/2016 10:48:46 PM 22:48
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Ubicacin: Bend, OR
Forma: Ligero
Duracin: 40 minutos
Vimos una luz parpadeante que cambiaba de color (blanco, rojo, verde, azul). Se qued en
el mismo rea general, pero zig zag y dart de vez en cuando. Tambin apareci
Para acercarse y desvanecerse. Cuando estuvo ms cerca se volvi brillante y los colores
fueron ms evidentes.

Pgina 128

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Centro Nacional de Informes UFO

Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 01/10/2016 22:00 (Introducido como: 10/01/16 22:00)
Inform: 10/2/2016 6:13:28 PM 18:13
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Localidad: Central, LA
Forma: Bola de fuego
Duracin: 30 minutos
Bola de fuego voladora
Estaba volviendo a casa del trabajo. Vi una estrella fugaz o lo que pareca una estrella fugaz
me pas por encima.
Entonces me dije a mi mismo gracias Seor por permitirme ver eso. Era una hermosa
estrella fugaz. Luego, desapareci en la oscuridad.
Cuando me acerqu a Joor Road, me di cuenta de que una bola de fuego apareca de la
nada. Se qued flotando all justo por encima de las lneas de rboles durante 10 minutos.
Mi mismo
Y otros vehculos se detuvieron y vieron como esta bola redonda se convirti en una gran
bola de fuego y comenz a volar siguiendo la carretera hacia el sur. No tena humo no
Pgina 129

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Luces intermitentes sin ruido y fue capaz de moverse de lado a lado hacia y hacia atrs.
Pareca como si estuviera siendo volado ....
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 01/10/2016 22:00 (Introducido como: 10-01-16 22:00)
Inform: 10/2/2016 12:55:13 PM 12:55
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Localizacin: Kenner, LA
Forma: Crculo
Duracin: 3 minutos
Grupo de la forma de formacin de objetos iluminados en el cielo
Haba cuatro crculos iluminados que volaban juntos formando formas triangulares. Dur
unos 2 minutos y luego desapareci.
(Nota del NUFORC: El testigo decide permanecer en el cargo: 10/1/2016 22:00
(Introducido como: 10 / 1-10 / 2 22:00)
Inform: 10/2/2016 7:27:30 PM 19:27
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Ubicacin: Laona, WI
Forma: Desconocido
Duracin: inseguro
Luces intermitentes sobre el noreste de Wisconsin
Posible avistamiento de OVNIs: Por encima de Laona en el cielo noreste vio una luz
inusual, pens al principio que era una estrella, pero estaba parpadeando errticamente,
luego mir a travs de
Binoculares y haba un patrn de luces intermitentes rojas, verdes y blancas que estaban
estacionarias. Luego, la noche siguiente, la misma luz apareci
Norte, y mientras observaba este patrn de luz, un avin vol a travs del cielo, as que
descart eso.
Slo curiosidad si alguien est viendo esto y tambin curioso en cuanto a lo que es.
Definitivamente no es una estrella, pero parece estar a una altitud muy alta. Ojal tuviera una
Telescopio para obtener una mejor vista.
((NUFORC Nota: Sospechamos de una estrella de "centelleo" PD) Informe de Visin
Ocurri: 01/10/2016 22:00 (Entered as: 10/1/19 22:00)
Inform: 10/1/2016 9:51:52 PM 21:51
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Ubicacin: Whiting, IN
Forma: Crculo
Duracin: 15 minutos
Luces anaranjadas movindose hacia arriba hacia el este y el oeste. Luego se reunieron
para formar un crculo
Pgina 130

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 01/10/2016 21:45 (Introducido como: 10/1/16 21:45)
Inform: 10/1/2016 8:58:03 PM 20:58
Publicado: 10/11/2016
Ubicacin: Irvine, CA
Forma: Bola de fuego
Duracin: 5 s
Econdsred, verde y amarillo bola de fuego sobre Irvine / Newport Beach zona tonightI
estaba caminando mi perro por la noche y vi la bola de fuego viajar lateralmente a lo largo
de la lnea de rboles sobre la ciudad en el fondo ... tal vez cay en el agua cerca de
Newport Beach? Los colores eran verdes, amarillos y redONDONADOS: 10/1/2016 21:30
(Introducido como: 10/01/16 21:30) Reportado: 10/1/2016 7:40:05 PM 19: 40Posted:
10/11 / 2016Localizacin: Monetta, SCShape: OtherDuracin: 15 minutosWe estaban
viendo una pelcula en la unidad en, cuando me aburr y comenz a mirar las estrellas. Not
un objeto movindose por el cielo. Era como el color de una naranja amarilla. No cambiaba
de color, pero pareca moverse por el cielo en una direccin, pero como una mariposa
rebotando hacia arriba y hacia abajo ligeramente. O como una lucirnaga. Totalmente
annimo; No proporciona informacin de contacto. PD))
oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooNational UFO Reporting CenterSighting
ReportOccurred: 01/10/2016 21:00 (ingresado como: 10/01/16 21:00) Reportado:
10/3/2016 4:38:18 PM 16: 38Posted: 10/11 / 2016Localizacin: Yukon, OKShape:
FlashDuracin: flashSupply 2 segundos que refleja en el estacionamiento, sin sonido o un
rayo.Salir un flash rpido reflejar en mi complejo de apartamentos estacionamiento mucho
tiempo teniendo basura a la basura. No hay sonido, no hay rayo. Not que era
excepcionalmente brillante ltimamente, especialmente por haber sido una Luna nueva. El
compaero de trabajo en la ciudad de Oklahoma vio flash.National similar UFO Reporting
CenterSighting ReportOccurred: 10/1/2016 20:48 (Entered as: 10/01/2016 20:48)
Reportado: 10/1/2016 8:57:18 PM 20: 57Posted: 10/11 / 2016Localizacin: Bucksport,
MEShape: ChevronDuracin: 3 minutos Tres luces brillantes grandes que rondan durante 2
-3 minutos. A las 20:48 horas el 10/01/2016 estaba de pie en mi cubierta (Southern
Exposure) con vistas Lago plateado. Fui testigo de un arte de origen desconocido mientras
esperaba a mi hija y nieta. bamos a recoger a mi esposa de trabajo en Brewer. Estaba
mirando hacia el este y estaba viendo lo que pensaba que era un avin en su trayectoria de
vuelo para el Aeropuerto Internacional de Bangor, mientras esperaba afuera. No estaba
emitiendo ningn ruido. En ese punto, not que la perspectiva de las luces no haba
cambiado; Me qued mirndolos un poco ms cerca de los cambios. Estaba flotando a
aproximadamente 300 a 500 pies (estimado) en altitud. Pareca estar esttica por
aproximadamente dos minutos con tres luces muy brillantes y grandes, todos lado a lado.
Llam a mi hija para salir para asegurarse de que haba visto lo que estaba pasando
delante de m. En ese punto en un arco la embarcacin ascendi lentamente al norte y al
oeste y haba cambiado la configuracin. Las luces se separaron ms y luego, despus de
la maniobra, se estabilizaron en lo que pareca ngeles 7 y procedan en direccin nortenoroeste. Sobre la base de mi conocimiento ntimo de la zona que estim la nave a 5 millas
de distancia del punto donde estaba de pie. Estas grandes luces brillantes se reflejaban en
el lago a pesar de que el objeto no estaba sobre el lago, pero en realidad estaba a un par
de millas ms all de l. Inicialmente, las luces estaban cerca juntos casi se tocan, y luego
se separaron y luego volvieron juntos. En perspectiva las luces eran dos (vista lateral) con
una luz roja. No tenamos una cmara o un telfono celular a mano para tomar cuadros,
pero eran hipnotizados por la accin (s) de esta nave de origen desconocido. Le tom
aproximadamente 60 segundos para que la embarcacin atravesara la distancia detrs del
Pgina 131

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

horizonte. Mi hija y yo conquistado que habamos visto lo mismo (s) y anot toda la
informacin. Tambin dibujamos diagramas de lo que habamos visto.Diagrama 1: verde es
la lnea de rbol, amarillo son lights.Diagram 2: verde; Los rboles, el amarillo son las luces
en la progresin de la esttica en la posicin ms baja a la nivelacin superior off.Sighting
ReportOccurred: 10/1/2016 22:15 (Entered as: 10/2/16 22:15) Reportado: 10/1/2016 9:
40:57 PM 21: 40Posted: 10/11 / 2016Localizacin: Long Island, NYShape:
FireballDuracin: 1: 403 ufos de bola de fuego visto por encima de Elmont, Long Island.Mi
amigo y yo estbamos sentados en mi coche cuando mir hacia el cielo y Fue testigo de 3
flotando orbes rojos naranja al principio pens que era una linterna de vuelo, pero cuando
me di cuenta de que era inteligente por la forma en que los orbes 3 movido me alarm a mi
amigo y seal a la direccin para confirmar lo que estaba viendo. Las 3 bolas de fuego
flotaron en una sola lnea alrededor de un par de miles de pies sobre el suelo, y luego
comenzaron a moverse hacia adelante y desaparecieron en el cielo (Nota del NUFORC: El
testigo opta por permanecer totalmente annimo, no proporciona informacin de contacto. :
10/1/2016 20:43 (Introducido como: 10/1/16 20:43) Reportado: 10/1/2016 9:56:10 PM 21:
56Posted: 10/11 / 2016Localizacin: Chula Vista, CAShape: TriangleDuracin: 1 segundo
(Nota del NUFORC: Ninguna informaci n proporcionada por el testigo.Witness elige
permanecer totalmente annimo, no proporciona ninguna informacin de contacto
PDOccurred: 10/1/2016 20:41 (Introducido como: 10/01/16 20:41) 10/11 /
2016Localizacin: Plano, TXShape: LightDuracin: 30 minutosRoyal azul parpadeando
luces en la formacin en el norte de Dallas sky.At el parque enLa oscuridad con mi hijo
vemos un montn de aviones. Nuestra vecindad est en la trayectoria del vuelo de los jet de
pasajeros que vuelan en el campo del amor en Dallas, TX. Tenemos un hospital a 1/4 milla
de nuestro vecindario al NW y los helicpteros vuelan y aterrizan con frecuencia. Pero de
repente vemos 4 luces parpadeantes de color azul real en formacin. Tres estaban en
forma de tringulo isosols y una cuarta estaba a un lado. Parecan ser ms altos que uno
de los chorros entrantes inicialmente, casi el doble. Estaban parpadeando en un patrn
perfecto uno tras otro - las cuatro luces a unos .5 segundos de distancia. Volaron
lentamente hacia el norte sobre nuestra vecindad a la misma altura que apareci hasta que
estuvo tan lejos al norte que casi desaparecieron por completo. Despus de unos 15
minutos se acercaron y ms brillante de nuevo, pero eran mucho ms altos en el cielo y
estaban directamente encima de nosotros hacia el oeste. La cuarta luz segua
arrastrndose ms hacia atrs y despegaba hacia el oeste sin las tres luces en forma de
tringulo. Los tres restantes continuaron subiendo hasta que se hicieron ms pequeos y
ms pequeos hasta que desaparecieron por completo casi directamente encima de
donde estbamos de pie. La noche estaba completamente quieto - sin brisa o viento en
absoluto. Las luces no hicieron absolutamente ningn sonido.National UFO Reporting
CenterSighting ReportOccurred: 10/1/2016 20:35 (Introducido como: 10/01/16 20:35)
Reportado: 10/1/2016 9:15:54 PM 21: 15Posted : 10/11 / 2016Location: San Jos,
CAShape: TeardropDuration: 15 secondsBright orbe verdoso con la cola rojiza cay en
ngulo de 45 grados sobre el West San Jose.We conducan Sur en 880 (Nimitz Freeway) y
vimos un gran crculo de color verdoso brillante con Una cola - tipo de gota de lgrima en
forma - con un brillante borde trasero rojizo cayendo en unngulo de 45 grados de
izquierda a derecha hacia el suelo en el oeste de San Jos. Estbamos al sur del patrn de
aterrizaje habitual del Aeropuerto de San Jos y este objeto pareca caer / descender
demasiado rpido para ser un aterrizaje seguro de aviones convencionales (NUFORC Nota:
Testigo decide permanecer totalmente annimo, no proporciona informacin de contacto.
UFO Reporting CenterSighting ReportOccurred: 01/10/2016 20:35 (Introducido como:
10/01/16 20:35) Reportado: 10/1/2016 9:15:54 PM 21: 15Posted: 10/11 /
2016Localizacin: San Jos, CAShape: TeardropDuration: 15 orbe verdoso secondsBright
Pgina 132

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

con la cola rojiza cay en ngulo de 45 grados sobre el West San Jose.We fueron hacia el
sur en 880 (Nimitz Freeway) y vimos un gran crculo verde brillante con una cola - una
especie de desgarramiento Con forma de gota - con un borde trasero rojizo brillante
cayendo en un ngulo de 45 grados de izquierda a derecha hacia el suelo en el oeste de
San Jos. Estbamos al sur del patrn de aterrizaje habitual del Aeropuerto de San Jos y
este objeto pareca caer / descender demasiado rpido para ser un aterrizaje de avin
convencional seguro (NUFORC Nota: Testigo decide permanecer totalmente annimo, no
proporciona informacin de contacto. : 10/1/2016 20:30 (Entered as: 10/01/16 20:30)
Reportado: 10/1/2016 7:52:05 PM 19: 52Posted: 10/11 / 2016Localizacin: Candor,
NCShape: CylinderDuration : 2 horasEstaba tirando de mi camino a aproximadamente 8:30
PM, cuando not un avin grande sobre el tamao de un pequeo sedn que se cierne
justo encima del nivel del rbol. La embarcacin tena 2 grandes ventiladores en la parte
inferior. Poda or el zumbido de lo que sonaba como ventiladores soplando. El arte era un
arma de color metlico y tena luces intermitentes azul y blanco. Par mi vehculo sal del
vehculo y lentamente se desplaz a la derecha de mi camino de entrada. Intrigado llam a
mi esposa y vecinos para que vinieran al final de la calzada donde yo estaba, en ese
momento. Haba varios artesanas volando bajo con luces de spot que llegaban
peridicamente de los artes brillando a travs de los rboles. En el transcurso de 2 horas,
fuimos testigos 15-20 que eran todos diferentes de la primera embarcacin, parecan ms
pequeos con una forma triangular. Las artesanas en forma de tringulo eran todas como
tringulos volando hacia atrs que iban todos en el mismo patrn hacia la luz ms grande. A
veces todos podamos ver estos artefactos de zoom muy rpido, casi como estrellas
fugaces, algunos dejando un sendero de luz blanca que era blanco y algunos dejan rastros
que eran de color rojo. A veces algunos zigzagueaban y las luces desapareceran
peridicamente y luego reapareceran tan repentinas.Nacional UFO Reporting
CenterSighting ReportOccurred: 10/1/2016 20:30 (Ingresado como: 10/01/16 20:30)
Reportado: 10 / 1/2016 7:52:05 PM 19: 52Posted: 10/11 / 2016Location: Candor,
NCShape: CylinderDuration: 2 hoursI estaba tirando a mi calzada aproximadamente a las
8:30 PM, cuando me di cuenta de un gran avin de aproximadamente el tamao de una
Pequeo sedn que se cierne justo encima del nivel del rbol. La embarcacin tena 2
grandes ventiladores en la parte inferior. Poda or el zumbido de lo que sonaba como
ventiladores soplando. El arte era un arma de color metlico y tena luces intermitentes azul
y blanco. Par mi vehculo sal del vehculo y lentamente se desplaz a la derecha de mi
camino de entrada. Intrigado llam a mi esposa y vecinos para que vinieran al final de la
calzada donde yo estaba, en ese momento. Haba mltiples artesanas volando bajo con
luces de punto que viene peridicamente de la shi de artesanaA travs de los rboles. En
el transcurso de 2 horas, fuimos testigos 15-20 que eran todos diferentes de la primera
embarcacin, parecan ms pequeos con una forma triangular. Las artesanas en forma de
tringulo eran todas como tringulos volando hacia atrs que iban todos en el mismo patrn
hacia la luz ms grande. A veces todos podamos ver estos artefactos de zoom muy rpido,
casi como estrellas fugaces, algunos dejando un sendero de luz blanca que era blanco y
algunos dejan rastros que eran de color rojo. A veces algunos se zigzagueaban y las luces
desapareceran peridicamente y luego reapareceran tan repentinas.Nacional UFO
Reporting CenterSighting ReportOccurred: 10/1/2016 20:10 (Ingresado como: 10/01/2016
20:10) Reportado: 10 / 3/2016 5:04:55 AM 05: 04Posted: 10/11 / 2016Localizacin: Havre
de Grace, MDShape: CircleDuracin: 5 minutesThree naranja resplandece apareci en el
cielo en Havre de Grace, MDAt 8:10 pm, 1 de octubre de 2016 , Mi marido estaba usando
el bao y mientras miraba por la ventana, vio un resplandor naranja. Fue entonces cuando
me llam all y fui testigo de lo mismo. Despus de que vol sobre nuestra casa, apareci
otra inmediatamente y como que vol sobre la cabeza un tercero apareci, otra vez
Pgina 133

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

sobrevolando nuestra casa. Todos tomaron la misma ruta y no apareci ms! National UFO
Reporting CenterSighting ReportOccurred: 10/1/2016 20:00 (Ingresado como: 10/01/16
20:00) Reportado: 10/2/2016 8:04:59 AM 08: 04Posted: 10/11 / 2016Localizacin: High
Ridge, MOShape: OvalDuracin: 1 minutoLimpio largo como forma ufoI estaba de pie en el
patio de un amigo con su vecino, el cielo estaba ms despejado que unas pocas nubes
dispersas, 30 pm, cuando yo estaba mirando el cielo escuchando conversaciones de
amigos colgando, y de repente yo y el vecino ver un dirigible largo como objeto en forma
de aparecer movindose a una velocidad bastante lenta, tena luces a travs del lado de
ella De todos los colores diferentes, a continuacin, se acelera y de repente se despega
tan rpido y en movimiento de una manera diferente a todo lo que he visto antes. Este no
era un avin, no un dirigible, nada conocido en la tierra mueve la forma en que este arte se
movi! Por ubicacin | Por la forma | Por Fecha de contabilizacinNacional UFO Reporting
CenterSighting ReportOccurred: 10/1/2016 20:00 (ingresado como: 10/01/16 20:00)
Reportado: 10/1/2016 9:44:14 PM 21: 44Posted: 10/11 / 2016Localizacin: Graham,
WAShape: LightDuration: 3Bright orbe blanco de luz que dura varios minutos Mientras
camina nuestro perro entre 7-8 pm - no es cierto el tiempo exacto - vimos una luz blanca
brillante en el cielo. Estaba a una elevacin similar a la de los aviones que vuelan
frecuentemente desde seatac pero ms al este. Pareca tridimensional, como un orbe. Era
silencioso y muy brillante. No estaba volando en lnea recta, sino ms errtico. Se estaba
alejando de nosotros, pero pudimos ver la luz. No hay luces estroboscpicas. NO un avin.
Nos detuvimos y vimos por varios minutos, luego se desvaneci en 10-15 segundos y se
haba ido. La brillante blancura de la luz llam nuestra atencin. Pgina principal de
NUFORC ndice de informes web: por fecha del evento | Por ubicacin | Por la forma | Por
Fecha de contabilizacinNacional UFO Reporting CenterSighting ReportOccurred:
10/1/2016 19:45 (ingresado como: 10/01/16 19:45) Reportado: 10/2/2016 9:03:49 AM 09:
03Posted: 10/11 / 2016Location: Denver, COShape: FormationDuracin: 2 minutos5 luces
anaranjadas volando en formacin en el sky.I estaba de pie fuera en un aparcamiento
mirando Denver y vi 5 naranja luces brillantes que eran ms grandes y brillantes que las
luces de avin o helicptero. Los 5 objetos naranja estaban volando definitivamente en una
formacin y movindose lentamente a travs del cielo. Movieron lentamente a travs del
cielo y mientras que fueron ms arriba desaparecieron detrs de las nubes. Pgina principal
de NUFORC ndice de informes web: por fecha del evento | Por ubicacin | Por la forma |
Por fecha de contabilizacinNacional UFO Reporting CenterSighting ReportOccurred:
10/1/2016 19:45 (Introducido como: 10/01/16 19:45) Reportado: 10/1/2016 7:13:01 PM
19: 13Posted: 10/11 / 2016Localizacin: Grand Blanc, MIShape: LightDuration: 2: 00Las
luces naranjas brillantes en el cielo volando hacia el este al oeste. Estbamos caminando
hacia el sur cuando vimos un conjunto de tres luces naranjas viajando de este a oeste en
los cielos sur alto sobre las copas de losrboles. Despus de unos 20-30 segundos,
parecan desvanecerse. Esto sucedi dos veces ms, uno con un juego de cuatro luces y
otro con tres luces. Parecan volar en una formacin triangular, cada vez que se desvaneca
lejos cuando alcanzaron appogee.National UFO Reporting CenterSighting ReportOccurred:
10/1/2016 19:45 (Introducido como: 10/01/16 19:45) Reportado: 10/1 / 2016 7:13:01 PM
19: 13Posted: 10/11 / 2016Localizacin: Grand Blanc, MIShape: LightDuration: 2: 00Las
luces naranjas brillantes en el cielo volando de este a oeste. Estbamos caminando hacia el
sur cuando vimos un conjunto de tres luces anaranjadas Viaje de este a oeste en los cielos
del sur alto sobre las copas de los rboles. Despus de unos 20-30 segundos, parecan
desvanecerse. Esto sucedi dos veces ms, uno con un juego de cuatro luces y otro con
tres luces. Parecan volar en una formacin triangular, cada vez que se desvanecan lejos
mientras que alcanzaron appogeeSighting ReportOCcurred: 10/1/2016 19:30 (Introducido
como: 10/01/16 19:30) Reportado: 10/1/2016 4:56:52 PM 16: 56Posted: 10/11 /
Pgina 134

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

2016Localizacin: Tampa, FLShape: LightDuration: 2 minutosLa luz azul brillante que se

cierne sobre Tampa.National UFO Reporting CenterSighting ReportOccurred: 10/1/2016
19:30 (ingresado como: 10/1/16) Reportado: 10/2/2016 8:50:18 AM 08: 50Posted : 10/11 /
2016Localizacin: Glenrock, WYShape: DiskDuration: 25 minutosDisc objeto al suroeste de
Glenrock, sobre 730 pm el 10/1/16, esposa y vi un objeto en forma de disco, a unos
3 kilmetros de distancia, al suroeste de glenrock , Wy avistamiento dur alrededor de 25
minutos, movimiento de obj en forma de zig zag, rondaba, entonces zigzagueaba,
claramente un objeto en forma de disco, luego objeto descendi, pareca un posible
aterrizaje, seguramente fue visto por los viajeros a lo largo de I-25National UFO Reporting
CenterSighting ReportOccurred: 01/10/2016 19:30 (Ingresado como: 10/1/2016 19:30)
Reportado: 10/2/2016 9:03:52 AM 09: 03Posted: 10/11 / 2016Localizacin: Phoenix,
AZShape: OtrosDuracin: 12 minutos7 objetos que parecen ser el fuego va ms de
Phoenix cielo az en torno a las 730 pm el 1 de octubre de 2016My hijo (32) ao vio 7
objetos que parecan fuego en el cielo. Empezaron segn l en el cielo noroeste y se
movieron en un grupo al sur. Luego cambiaron de direccin y comenzaron a dirigirse a
ENE, luego cambiaron de direccin otra vez para dirigirse hacia el sur-suroeste mientras
continuaban en este grueso, comenzaron a desvanecerse uno por uno. Mientras tanto, mi
novia y yo nos dirigamos a su casa en direccin oeste. Cuando volv hacia el norte vi 2
objetos que casi parecan sbanas o algo ardiendo hacia el sur. Par el coche en medio de
la calle y le pregunt a mi amiga si ella vio Lo que estaba mirando y ella dijo que s mirando
por encima de mi hombro. Ambos nos sentamos en el medio de la calle en el coche y
vimos como desaparecieron. Cuando llegamos a la casa de mis hijos l todava estaba
mirando hacia el cielo, le preguntamos si lo vio y luego describi lo que acababa de ver con
nosotros .Sighting ReportOccurred: 01/10/2016 19:00 (Entered as: 10 / 01/16 19:00)
Inform: 10/4/2016 3:11:31 PM 15: 11Posted: 10/11 / 2016Location: Boulder, COShape:
TriangleDuracin: 10 segundosEl cielo estaba iluminado pero el sol estaba abajo. Se poda
ver el contorno perfecto de un tringulo, sin luces encendidas, tal vez a 50-75 pies del
suelo. Le seal a otras dos personas, se reanud hoovering luego dispar
silenciosamente sobre el callejn de norte a sur. Completamente silenciosoCurrido:
01/10/2016 19:00 (Entered as: 10/1/2016 19:00) Reportado: 10/2/2016 6:44:50 PM 18:
44Posted: 10/11 / 2016Localizacin: Sullivan, ILShape : FireballDuracin: 3 minutesMe y mi
padre estaban viendo la estacin espacial en 01/10/2016. Entr en la casa como mi pap
me llama para ver esta bola ardiente que como se movi dej un rastro extrao. Tambin,
estaba cayendo algo de su fondo, varios objetos cados y desaparecidos. Entonces la bola
ardiente comenz a parpadear lentamente y desapareci. Nos asust a ambos, as que
corr en la casa para agarrar mi cmara. Luego trat de filmarlo, pero comenz a
desaparecer. ndice de informes de la web: por fecha de evento | Por ubicacin | Por la
forma | Por Fecha de contabilizacinNacional UFO Reporting CenterSighting
ReportOccurred: 10/1/2016 18:15 (Introducido como: 10/01/2016 18:15) Reportado:
10/2/2016 11:57:09 AM 11: 57Posted: 10/11 / 2016Localizacin: Fernley, NVShape:
CylinderDuracin: 3 minutosLa embarcacin de plata cilndrica, sin luces, sin sonido,
estacionario, creci super brillante, luego atenuado y desaparecido. Yo estaba conduciendo
en Shadow Lane hacia el este y sent la necesidad de buscar. Vi una nave de aspecto
cilndrico emanando un patrn circular de energa. Me detuve en el lado de la carretera en la
calle transversal de Michaelson justo antes de Rosebud, poner el coche en el parque y
sali a echar un vistazo. No se mova ... estaba inmvil. Era mucho ms bajo que las rutas
de aviones comerciales, mucho ms alto que los helicpteros y un poco ms alto que
cuando los aviones de la Marina vuelan. Creci muy brillante, luego se apag y
desapareci. Era puesta de sol y me preguntaba si el sol se reflejaba fuera de ella. Era de
plata y viviendo tan cerca de Fallon Naval Air Station tienes que preguntarse si se trata de un
Pgina 135

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

nuevo arte experimental. No haba luces intermitentes, luces de colores ... slo se super
brillante, casi cegador, luego atenuado y desapareci. No hubo sonido.Date / Tiempo
Ciudad Estado Forma Duracin Resumen Publicado10 / 11/16 04:00 Vestal NY Diamond
44 minutos A las 04:00, en el claro cielo nocturno un patrn de luces de diamante, que vara
de azul a verde a rojo a Blanco, flotando. (Anonymous rept.)) 10/11/1610/11/16 02:30
Cromwell CT Luz 2 horas Pens que era una estrella al E, pero las luces parpadeantes
saltaron. Se sent all por horas. Verde, azul, rojo. 10/11/1610/10/16 21:30 Norwood MA
Teardrop 90 segundos Nunca antes haba sido testigo de algo como esto. Guau!!
10/11/1610/10/16 15:35 Vicksburg MI Esfera 4 minutos pude distinguir claramente que
eran esferas perfectas, casi como mrmoles negros. 10/11/1610/10/16 13:56 Columbia
MD Disco 2 minutos Objeto en forma de disco vol lentamente a travs de varios bloques.
14:27 07-01-2017
10/11/1610/10/16 01:20 Lovell WY Tringulo
Send feed5 segundos Objeto de tringulo de aspecto translcido, sin sonido.
10/11/1610/9/16 23:20 Harrison City PA Formacin 5-6 minutos 2 objetos vistos. Una
explosin de un blanco brillante ms grande; El segundo una esfera roja brillante.
10/11/1610/9/16 21:00 Port Clements (Canada) BC Otros 30-40 segundos Mirando hacia
arriba caminando de mis madres a mi casa de al lado iluminada x no hay sonido.
10/11/1610/9/16 21:00 Langley (Canad) BC Luz 5 minutos Objeto rojo con rayos
intermitentes visto por 2 personas por su porche trasero. 10/11/1610/9/16 20:37 Prince
Rupert (Canad) BC Otros 2 minutos Temporary big red flashing star. 10/11/1610/9/16
19:35 Goleta CA Triangle 2 minutos Tercera observacin de Goleta en cinco semanas.
10/11/1610/9/16 18:20 Aurora IL Luz 3 minutos Luz naranja iluminada en el cielo.
10/11/1610/9/16 18:17 Yucaipa CA Cono 3 minutos Objeto con forma de cono movindose
oblicuamente a lo largo de una trayectoria recta de viaje. 10/11/1610/9/16 18:00 Nueva York
(Brooklyn) NY Esfera 1 minuto a la vista de la victoria Es un da muy nublado, con algunas
formaciones de nubes anormales que aparecen repentinamente y se mueven muy
rpidamente en primer plano cerca de la & 10 / 11/1610/9/16 16:30 Madison Heights MI
Crculo 2 segundos Objeto similar a un orbe procedente de un embudo como objeto
encima de l. 10/11/1610/9/16 10:30 Marietta GA Cigar 1 hora Tres cigarros blancos y
silenciosos en forma de objetos flotaron en el cielo a las 10:30 a 11:30 el domingo por la
maana. 10/11/1610/9/16 09:00 Cape coral FL Circle 2 horas Cada noche durante las
ltimas 2 semanas he estado viendo 2 manualidades en el cielo de la palabra oeste. Salen
justo antes de que oscurezca y flotan lentamente. 10/11/1610/9/16 04:00 Orlando FL Otros
3 segundos Orlando OVNI avistamiento. WOW! M ((informe annimo)) 10/11/1610/9/16
03:30 Fort Lauderdale FL Otros 3 minutos Embarcacin rpida 03:30. 10/11/1610/9/16
01:05 Luz de McKinney TX 5-7 segundos Luz que mueve N a S sobre McKinney.
10/11/1610/9/16 00:00 Monte. Airy MD Huevo 40 minutos Luces extraas en forma de
huevo de formacin sobre el Monte. Airy, Maryland. 10/11/1610/8/16 23:30 Burbank CA
Fireball 3 minutos Vimos una brillante luz roja y dorada brillante y pulsante. 10/11/1610/8/16
23:20 Illiopolis IL Triangle 30 segundos A las 11:20 pm Estaba viajando hacia el oeste por
la Interestatal 72 cruzando el Condado de Sangamon cuando vi una luz brillante que me
confund con una estrella . 10/11/1610/8/16 23:00 Hamilton OH Rectngulo 25 segundos
La luz azul brillante visto encima del canal entonces me incit mirar para arriba y despus
desapareci. 10/11/1610/8/16 22:30 Owenton KY Luz 10:50 Vimos una luz que estaba
haciendo giros radicales como si estuviera en una misin de recuento. Entonces fuera de
ninguna donde 2 ms luces dejaran el 1 10/11/1610/8/16 22:00 Birmingham AL tringulo
Sbado yo mi hermana mam y pap fueron a la impulsin del coyote en pelculas en
Leeds Alabama al principio mientras que miramos el Movie i seen what h 10/11/1610/8/16
21:30 Harrison AR Crculo 15 minutos Fui afuera en mi porche y mir hacia el sureste y vi 8
Pgina 136

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

luces anaranjadas en el cielo. Primero pens que era helicopte 10/11/1610/8/16 20:48
Ciudad del Cabo (Sudfrica) Formacin 3 minutos 4 luces brillantes movindose en
formacin en CPT 10/11/1610/8/16 20:35 Warren MI Chevron 2 minutos En forma de V
grande y silencioso. Gris oscuro con luces muy oscuras en el borde de ataque.
10/11/1610/8/16 20:15 Murfreesboro TN Cambiando 3 minutos Cmulo de
aproximadamente 100 luces centelleantes que se mueven lentamente a travs del cielo en
la formacin.
Lo anterior posteado el 14:38 07-01-2017
De aqui postea.
10/11/1610/8/16 20:10 Bellevue NE Oval ~ 20 minutos Cuatro objetos idnticos
observados cerca de OAFB por dos adultos.
10/11/1610/8/16 20:00 Cincinnati OH Luz 15 minutos Gran luz brillante en bajo en el cielo
occidental al crepsculo.
10/11/1610/8/16 18:45 Luz de CT de Middlefield 10-15 minutos UFO (luz brillante real)
sobre el lago Beseck en Middlefield, Ct (NUFORC Nota: Posible avistamiento de Arcturus
de Jpiter en el cielo de W)
10/11/1610/8/16 17:24 Darby MT Disk photo only Objeto en forma de platillo cerca de
Trapper Peak. Envo de fotos por correo electrnico.
10/11/1610/8/16 12:54 Slidell LA Rectngulo 2 minutos Invisible ufo y podra ver el
contorno de l 10/11/1610/8/16 11:15 Champaign IL Rectngulo 2 minutos Panel de plata
rectangular con nada ms alrededor eso; Debajo de las nubes; No hizo ningn sonido; Dio
un giro brusco; Me dio las arrastres.
10/11/1610/8/16 10:17 Coweta OK Desconocido Unos segundos estuve en mi camino
tomando fotos de una familia de halcones que estaban rodeando mi casa. Yo estaba
usando el tiro rpido ms en la cmara ph
10/11/1610/8/16 03:00 Crandall GA Luz 2 horas Aparece ser un objeto. El objeto contiene
3 luces que consisten en blanco, rojo y azul / verde. El objeto a veces aparece inmvil.
10/11/1610/8/16 02:20 Strathmore area AB Otros 1-2 minutos Dos grandes ufos de 4
hlices colgando sobre Lyalta, AB. 3 otros coches tirados a la fotografa.
10/11/1610/8/16 02:15 Van Buren AR Crculo 30+ minutos Tres objetos, similares a las
estrellas, pero a la deriva vertical y horizontalmente. Ambos con luces intermitentes, uno
rojo y blanco y un azul y
10/11/1610/8/16 01:00 Renton WA Fireball 30 minutos Correccin en el informe anterior
visto el 10/8/2016 a la 1am aprox. Lleg a casa desde el trabajo y se ve rayo de luz brillante
bola de fuego a travs de constru
10/11/1610/8/1600:00 Cochise County AZ Flash segundos Parpadea iluminando porciones
del cielo. Adems, el ao pasado fue testigo de 4 luces flotando en forma de diamante en
San David durante ms de 1 hora.
10/11/1610/8/16 Crown Point IN Disk 10 minutos vi brillantes destellos de luz detrs de las
nubes. Entonces vi las luces rojas del rectngulo que venan a travs de las nubes.
10/11/1610/7/16 22:00 Anchor Point AK Flash 35 40 minutos Luces intermitentes no
identificadas flotando 15 grados por encima del horizonte, en la direccin noroeste oeste
10/11/1610/7/16 21:45 Gardner MA Luz 5 minutos 3 luces rojas en el cielo que vuela la
direccin del noreste que vuela la misma trayectoria de vuelo una detrs del otro.
10/11/1610/7/16 21:30 South Gardner MA Fireball 2 minutos Tres luces amarillas amarillas
brillantes en la noche en el cielo cerca de South Gardner. 10/11/1610/7/16 21:05 Arvada
Pgina 137

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

CO Otros 10 segundos Objeto en forma de flecha con luces dbiles. ((Informe annimo))
10/11/1610/7/16 21:00 Secaucus NJ Luz 10 segundos Bola blanca de luz volando muy
rpido y luego desaparecido 10/11/1610/7/16 20:45 Bucks Lake CA Formacin 30 minutos
+ Tres grupos de luces, parpadeando en blanco, rojo y verde. 5 + luces en cada grupo,
posicin mantenida en el cielo por ms de hora manchado por f 10/11/1610/7/16 19:30
Manchester VT Triangle 15 minutos Pequeos rayos naranjas brillantes. 3 en una formacin
triangular. 10/11/1610/7/16 13:40 Eureka CA Disco 5 segundos Mientras conduca, not un
objeto metlico en forma de disco grande en el cielo sobre la baha de Humboldt. El metal
era brillante y reflectante.
10/11/1610/7/16 13:00 Douglasville GA Cilindro 3 segundos La nave en forma de cilindro
vuela a travs de la apertura en las nubes. 10/11/1610/7/16 07:00 Meadville PA Circle 10
segundos Mi compaero de trabajo y yo nos estbamos preparando para entrar en el
trabajo y una luz de nen verde apareci y dispar a travs del cielo rpido y suave y mira
10/11/1610 / 7/16 03:30 Long Beach CA Luz 15 minutos flotando y parpadeando luces
rojas y verdes. ((NUFORC Nota: Observacin de la estrella de "centelleo" PD))
10/11/1610/7/16 01:00 Kettering OH Luz> 1 hora 8 luces en el cielo.
10/11/1610/7/16 00:05 Las Cruces NM Otros 15-20 min. 3 observador de artesana
multicolor viajando en el cielo y apagado luces como aviones comerciales viaj pasado en
el mismo rea general. 10/11/1610/7/16 Carretera I-40 Estacionamiento de camiones AR
10 segundos Objeto volador muy brillante all diez segundos luego desaparecido al instante
10/11/1610/6/16 00:00 Columbus OH Tringulo 2 mins En el cielo S a Blk nave triangular
vol de R a L entonces cambi dir. Y lanz S y fuera de vista ... ((informe annimo))
10/11/1610/6/16 23:00 Antlers OK Light 5 minutos Pareca ms una estrella, pero luego se
vea como un proyector de rodadura y era extremadamente brillante ... Luego volvi a un
brillo. 10/11/1610/6/16 21:50 Unin NJ Oval 5 minutos Vio una luz ovalada roja en el cielo
sobre mi casa a las 10:52 pm el 10/6/16, pareca que iba a colisionar con un avin , En un
10/11/1610/6/16 21:00 Whitefish MT Fireball 15 ((HOAX ??)) Orbe mbar flotando al este
de Whitefish Lake, movindose hacia backroad a la luna azul. ((Informe annimo))
10/11/1610/6/16 20:24 El Cajon CA Desconocido 35 segundos Not dos luces viajando de
Oeste a Este. La luz delantera era verde constante (no parpadea), la luz trasera fue
intermitente f 10/11/1610/6/16 20:00 Saylorsburg PA Fireball 4 segundos Aprox. 4
segundos, una brillante raya gruesa de luz en el cielo y es baja. La punta inferior explota la
luz blanca brillante y los pedazos estallan hacia fuera y entonces se van 10/11/1610/6/16
20:00 Lower Burrell PA Triangle 5 minutos Objeto volador no identificable bajo, lento y
10/11/1610/6/16 14:30 Columbus GA Crculo 4-5 minutos Objetos redondos y brillantes
volando en formacin se movieron de manera no consistente con aviones, globos o
cualquier otra cosa. 10/11/1610/6/16 09:15 South Berwick ME Luz 20 minutos el primer
objeto parpadeaba rojo, blanco y luz verde. No se mova en absoluto. Estaba cerca de Mt,
Aggementicus. Tena otro a 10/11/1610/6/16 05:45 Torrington CT Tringulo 30-45
segundos Un objeto de forma triangular volando sobre Torrington, CT. 10/11/1610/6/16
04:00 Grandview WA Crculo 3 minutos Flash azul y rosa. Asomado arriba y abajo. Mi hija
dijo que vio algo fuera de su ventana.

Pgina 138

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

(10-11) 1610/6/16 01:07 Ottawa (Canad) ON Flash 2-3 minutos La dbil estrella roja
intermitente se hace ms grande, luego se mueve de Oeste a Norte y luego vuela
directamente sobre la ciudad de Ottawa, ON. 10/11/1610/6/16 Slate Hill NY Esfera 5 das
Oviedo El OVNI se observa varias veces en Slate Hill, NY. (NUFORC Nota: Sospechamos
una estrella "centelleante" PD)) 10/11/1610/5/16 00:00 Polonia ME Sphere 2 horas Luces
blancas brillantes seguidas por luces anaranjadas de doble panel en el mismo lugar! Luego,
parpadeando una pequea luz blanca dirigida hacia m 10/11/1610/5/16 22:30 Howell NJ
Cigarro 10 segundos UFO en forma de barra con tres luces brillantes a travs.
10/11/1610/5/16 22:20 Ticonderoga NY Rectngulo 7 minutos No hay ruido en absoluto.
10/11/1610/5/16 21:25 Port Richey FL Disco 2 minutos Momentos errticos luces verdes y
rojas. 10/11/1610/5/16 20:00 Destin FL Chevron 10 segundos Nube de vapor en forma de
Chevron que se mueve a travs del cielo nocturno. ((Informe annimo)) 10/11/1610/5/16
20:00 Florence AL Diamond 20 minutos Mi esposa y yo fuimos testigos de un ufo en el
cielo del oeste. Una seora detuvo su coche y dijo que lo vio La noche anterior. Vigilamos
durante 20 minutos
10/11/1610/5/16 19:50 Orem UT Crculo 5 segundos Luz amarilla brillante salt a travs del
cielo que desapareci en un flash verde brillante 10/11/1610/4/16 23:15 Williamsport PA
Flash > 10 segundos De pie en mi cubierta mirando a travs del ro I flashes mltiples que
eran super brillante y unform. Vivi muy poco. 10/11/1610/4/16 22:46 Fort Washington MD
Fireball 3 segundos Gran bola de fuego verde que se ve caer desde el cielo sobre Fort
Washington, Maryland. (NUFORC Nota: Meteoros probables Video PD)) 10/11/1610/4/16
22:37 Boonsboro MD Fireball 4 segundos La luz brillante lleg directamente hacia abajo sin
movimiento lateral hacia abajo. Tena chispas siguindolo. 10/11/1610/4/16 22:35 Hilton NY
Circle 1 segundo A las 10:35 pm haba una luz amarilla brillante en el cielo al S de Hilton,
NY. La luz era tan brillante que vi podra decir que haba somet 10/11/1610/4/16 22:16
Hanover MI Fireball Segundos Negro helicptero estilo Apache persiguiendo y la bola de
luz naranja. 10/11/1610/4/16 21:26 Wappingers Falls NY Luz 3 minutos Luz blanca brillante
que flota bajo en el cielo. 10/11/1610/4/16 20:00 Frederica DE Disco 5 minutos Objeto
enorme en forma de disco.
10/11/1610/4/16 19:30 Brentwood NH Crculo 7 minutos Naranja que brilla intensamente
orbe llama-como ningn sonido muy lento 400 pies sobre se mantuvo en la elevacin por 4
minutos entonces subi y oscureci y desapareci 10/11/1610/4 / 16 18:15 Fairbanks AK
El marido y la esposa informan del lanzamiento inusual de aviones militares
estadounidenses. Un / c dirigido al norte a alta velocidad. 10/11/1610/4/16 04:00 Branson
MO Light 5 minutos Caminando fuera en el balc n en el campo de golf, vi la luz blanca en el
cielo parpadeando y flotando. (NUFORC Nota: Posible estrella PD)) 10/11/1610/4/16 00:25
Carrboro NC Esfera 5 segundos Mientras conduca hacia abajo 54 a la medianoche fui
testigo de una fuente de luz verde esfrica de movimiento rpido y de movimiento rpido.
10/11/1610/3/16 20:30 North Vernon IN Otros 90 minutos Plano como con dos luces
blancas y una roja. 2 horas de la misma ruta en el cielo, velocidades variables
10/11/1610/3/16 20:00 Laurel DE Formation 15 luces rojas sobre Laurel.
10/11/1610/3/16 18:00 Ellsworth ME Esfera 4 minutos Esta es otra informacin, corregir un
informe anterior. (1) El objeto avistado era esfrico, brillante, con "trazas de chorro hacia
abajo" Que 10/11/1610/3/16 18:00 Ellsworth ME Tringulo 1 minuto Par de tringulos
vinculados con columnas de luz que se extienden hacia abajo una distancia precisa; No a la
deriva o meneando 10/11/1610/3/16 17:00 Saginaw MN Rectngulo 5 minutos Objeto muy
Pgina 139

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

grande con luces muy brillantes flotando hacia arriba y hacia abajo y viendo un montn de
luces muy pequeas en el objeto 10/11/1610 / 3/16 14:25 Coshocton OH Otro Conduccin
a casa Un extrao objeto en el cielo en forma de T y vol perpendicular en lugar de paralelo
al suelo 10/11/1610/3/16 07:25 Millington TN Disco 30 segundos ((HOAX ??)) Conducir,
not el arte que brilla intensamente en cielo.
10/11/1610/3/16 05:00 Belchertown MA Fireball 4 minutos Trastorno muy fuerte. Tres bolas
de fuego rojas bajo en el cielo descendiendo lentamente por encima. 10/11/1610/3/16
04:00 Adairsville GA Crculo 30 minutos Se mantuvo en un rea por ms de 30 minutos,
constantemente parpadeando. Pareca que tena mltiples luces. ((NUFORC Nota:
Estrella? PD)) 10/11/1610/3/16 03:00 Long Beach CA Luz 10 minutos Luces parpadeantes
parpadeantes. (Nota del NUFORC: Sospechamos estrellas "centelleantes" PD))
10/11/1610/2/16 22:45 Kettering OH Desconocido 3 segundos Vi dos enormes rayos de
luz que iban desde el cielo hasta el suelo. 10/11/1610/2/16 22:00 Sioux Falls SD Disco 10
segundos Fuera de ninguna parte donde una luz parpadeante en el shPe del platillo
aparece 10 segundos ms tarde se haba ido. (Informe annimo)) 10/11/1610/2/16 21:00
Des Moines IA Luz> 30 minutos Punto de luz que es rojo, azul y posiblemente verde y
naranja, y que parece estar en una posicin estable.
10/11/1610/2/16 20:45 Murphy TX Rectngulo 1 minuto Sentado en el patio trasero con mi
esposa frente al cielo del Sur. Ambos notamos un rectngulo de color bronce bronce
encabezado en una lnea recta desde 10/11/1610/2/16 19:45 Bristol TN Cono 3 minutos
naranja cometa en forma de bola de fuego cambiando en slo bola de fuego rpidamente
escalada. Vista cerca de Bristol Motor Speedway. 10/11/1610/2/16 17:45 Regina (Canad)
SK Disco 5 minutos Objeto brillante en forma de disco en el cielo 10/11/1610/2/16 11:00
Washington, DC DC Otros 4 minutos Nunca he Inform un avistamiento antes as que por
favor perdonar detalles faltantes. Yo estaba caminando a casa domingo por la maana
alrededor de 1100hrs en northwes 10/11/1610/2/16 10:44 Reno NV 1:34 Los objetos no
identificados parecen tener un fondo negro, parte superior blanca en color. Haba 15 a 25
que viajan hacia arriba en un patrn de la hlice
10/11/1610/2/16 04:50 Watsonville CA Desconocido 7 segundos Luces en cielo Pens
que era una estrella fugaz 10/11/1610/2/16 04:30 Houston TX Crculo 10 minutos Houston,
TX, avistamiento de luces extraas y apagn de energa / seal. 10/11/1610/2/16 02:00
Woodruff SC Light 2 minutos Misteriosa luz brillante, brillante y brillante. Desaparecidos y
ms pequeos aparecieron y desaparecieron. 10/11/1610/2/16 01:30 Winnipeg (Canad)
MB Light 1-2 minutos Extraa luz naranja sobrevol. 10/11/1610/2/16 01:11 Lynnwood WA
Otras 2 horas Luces pulsantes verdes rojas y blancas flotando y varias altitudes.
11/11/1610/2/16 00:45 Iowa City IA 12 minutos Un grupo de luces rojas volando a travs
del cielo, saliendo del horizonte de uno en uno, aumentando en altitud y desapareciendo de
la vista. 10/11/1610/2/16 00:14 Waverly TN Oval en marcha Slo sal de lado en esta
hermosa noche clara con estrellas, pero no hay luna. Observ una luz bailando en el cielo
debido EAST .. La forma de un
10/11/1610/2/16 Mxico 5 segundos estaba viendo una cmara web de Mxico en el
volcn Colima .. se obtiene un nuevo marco cada 30 segundos ms o menos y De repente
hubo un OVNI a 10/11/1610/1/16 00:00 Santa Rosa Beach FL Lgrima 9 segundos Bola de
fuego cae fuera del claro cielo nocturno 10/11/1610/1/16 22:20 North Mankato MN Chevron
3 minutos Observando las estrellas a travs de binoculares. Negro, viga en silencio,
tringulo vol en mi visin. Se fue de norte a sur. La parte inferior de l 10/11/1610/1/16
Pgina 140

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

22:15 Long Island NY Bola de fuego 1:40 ((HOAX ??)) 3 ufos de la bola de fuego vistos
sobre Elmont, Long Island. ((Informe annimo)) 10/11/1610/1/16 22:00 Curva O Luz 40
minutos Vio una luz parpadeante que cambiaba de color (blanco, rojo, verde, azul). Se
mantuvo en el mismo rea general, pero sera zig zag y dardo oc 10/11/1610/1/16 22:00
Central LA Fireball 30 minutos Flying fireball 10/11/1610/1/16 22:00 Kenner LA Circle 3
Minutos Grupo de forma que forma objetos encendidos en el cielo 10/11/1610/1/16 22:00
Laona WI Desconocido inseguros luces que destellan sobre el noreste Wisconsin.
(NUFORC Nota: Sospechamos que una estrella "centelleante" PD)) 10/11/1610/1/16 22:00
Whiting IN Circle 15 minutos Luces naranjas que se mueven hacia arriba hacia el este y el
oeste. Luego se reunieron para formar un crculo.
10/11/1610/1/16 21:45 Irvine CA Fireball 5 segundos bola de fuego roja, verde y amarilla
sobre Irvine / rea de Newport Beach esta noche 10/11/1610/1/16 21:30 Monetta SC Otros
15 minutos Estbamos viendo Una pelcula en la unidad en cuando me aburr y comenz
mirando las estrellas. Not un objeto movindose por el cielo. Fue li 10/11/1610/1/16 21:00
Yukon OK Flash 2 segundos Flash rpido que se refleja en el estacionamiento, sin sonido
ni rayos. 10/11/1610/1/16 20:48 Bucksport ME Chevron 3 minutos Tres grandes luces
brillantes flotando durante 2-3 minutos. 10/11/1610/1/16 20:43 Chula Vista CA Tringulo 1
segundo ((NUFORC Nota: Ninguna informaci n proporcionada por testigo PD))
10/11/1610/1/16 20:41 Plano TX Luz 30 minutos Royal Azul, parpadeo, luces, formacin,
norte, Dallas, cielo. 10/11/1610/1/16 20:35 San Jose CA Lgrima 15 segundos Orbe
verdoso brillante con cola rojiza cay en ngulo de 45 grados sobre San Jos Oeste.
10/11/1610/1/16 20:30 Candor NC Cylinder 2 horas aproximadamente a las 8:30 PM
cuando not un avin grande del tamao de un pequeo sedn que se cierne justo encima
de los rboles cercanos. 10/11/1610/1/16 20:10 Havre de Grace MD Crculo 5 minutos
Tres rayos anaranjados aparecieron en el cielo en Havre de Grace, MD
10/11/1610/1/16 20:00 High Ridge MO Oval 1 minuto Dirigible largo como ufo en forma.
10/11/1610/1/16 20:00 Graham WA Light 3 Esfera blanca brillante de luz que dura varios
minutos. 10/11/1610/1/16 19:45 Denver CO Formacin 2 minutos 5 luces naranjas volando
en formacin en el cielo. 10/11/1610/1/16 19:45 Grand Blanc MI Luz 2:00 Luces naranjas
brillantes en el cielo volando de este a oeste. 10/11/1610/1/16 19:30 Tampa FL Luz 2
minutos Luz azul brillante sobrevolando Tampa. 10/11/1610/1/16 19:30 Glenrock WY Disco
25 minutos Objeto del disco al suroeste de Glenrock, Wy. 10/11/1610/1/16 19:30 Phoenix
AZ Otros 12 minutos 7 objetos que parecen ser el fuego que va sobre el cielo del cielo de
Phoenix cerca de 730 PM el 1 de octubre 2016 10/11/1610/1/16 19:00 Boulder CO
Triangle 10 segundos El cielo estaba iluminado pero el sol estaba abajo. Se poda ver el
contorno perfecto de un tringulo, sin luces encendidas, tal vez a 50-75 pies del suelo.
10/11/1610/1/16 19:00 Sullivan IL Fireball 3 minutos Mi padre y yo estbamos viendo la
estacin espacial el 10/1/2016. Camino a la casa como mi pap me llama para ver esta
bola ardiente
10/11/1610/1/16 18:15 Fernley NV Cilindro 3 minutos Artesana de plata cilndrica, sin
luces, sin sonido, estacionario, creci super brillante, Luego atenuado y desaparecido.
10/11/1610/1/16 16:20 West Park PA Tringulo 15 segundos Tres luces slidas sin otras
luces parpadeantes o sonido que cubran un ngulo de visin de pi / 2 durante la duracin
del evento 10/11/1610/1 / 16 14:50 Orlando FL Triangle 30 minutos Embarcacin de
tringulo por encima de Orlando, emitiendo un haz de energa debajo. 10/11/1610/1/16
12:01 Madera CA Desconocido 5 minutos Estaba tendido en la cama pens que escuch
fuegos artificiales, luego de repente, un ruido ms fuerte ruido del rbol y son como algo
Pgina 141

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

corri a travs del t

10/11/1610/1 / 16 08:00 Blue Ridge GA Otros 3:00 Una luz brillante circular circular de color
naranja rojo se dirigi hacia arriba por la ladera de la montaa que giraba alrededor de
sumergirse y volvi a darse de nuevo y d 10/11/1610/1/16 05:30 Ferndale WA Luz> 10
minutos Luz intermitente en el cielo con movimientos inusuales. 10/11/1610/1/16 03:30 St.
Augustine FL Luz 45 segundosDs Yo estaba afuera en el trabajo, y haba 3 luces en el cielo
que va de norte a sur ... comenz en una lnea recta, luego se separ con el ce
10/11/1610/1/16 02:00 Minneapolis MN Cambiando 3 horas Luces extraas en el sur de
10/11/169/30/16 23:22 Npoles FL Cambiando 15 segundos Luces que fluyen sobre
Npoles. 10/11/169/30/16 23:15 Marlton NJ ~ 1 hora Loco zumbido en medio de la noche.
10/11/169/30/16 21:34 Honolulu HI Rectngulo 4 minutos Al caminar en el parque Ala
Moana Beach, otra noche. Observamos Un objeto rojizo brillante flotando y flotando en los
cielos, hacia fuera ove 10/11/169/30/16 21:00 Mooresville NC Esfera> 30 minutos girando
la esfera con los colores y el detalle ms detalles 42x zoom 10/11/169/30 / 16 20:45 Sault
Ste. Marie (Canada) ON Crculo 1 minutos Crculo naranja movindose rpidamente ...
10/11/169/30/16 20:30 Arvada CO Formacin 30 segundos 7-9 brillantes luces blancas en
formacin de flechas volando de este a oeste rpido y bajo 10 / 11/169/30/16 20:00
Pittsfield ME Light 45 seconds Bright La luz que flota a travs del cielo se vuelve rojiza y
desaparece en el cielo
10/11/169/30/16 19:30 Oxnard CA Desconocido 30 minutos Oxnard, CA, Blanco brillante
iluminado El arte vuela en del Ocano Pacfico y vuela de nuevo al ocano 3 veces
separadas cambiando colores 10/11/169/30/16 19:10 Eastvale CA Luz 3-4 minutos Orbe
blanco. 10/11/169/30/16 19:00 Cape Coral FL Otros 20 segundos vi un ufo de boomerang
que no tena sonido y camuflaje en el cielo. Slo poda ver el esquema 10/11/169/30/16
15:30 Las Vegas NV valo 15 minutos ((NUFORC Nota: No hay informacin proporcionada
por la fuente, que elige para permanecer annimo PD)) 10/11/169 / 30/16 07:10 Weiser ID
Light 5 segundos Vio pequeo estroboscopio azul brillante que viaja a un ritmo rpido al sur
de Manns Creek
10/11/169/29/16 22:10 Phenix City AL Huevo 45 minutos estuve en mi descanso por
trabajo . Me di cuenta de que el cielo pareca caer a la tierra porque las estrellas estaban
tan cerca. 10/11/169/29/16 21:00 North Sioux City SD Luz 20-30 segundos Bola de luz
blanca que se mueve hacia el sur hacia el norte y luego hacia arriba. 10/11/169/29/16 19:16
Marietta GA Cilindro 2 minutos Cilindro con biplano tipo alas o apndices, que refleja el sol
poniente en un brillante color dorado. 10/11/169/29/16 19:15 Marietta GA Cambiar 3-4
minutos Observacin diurna (puesta de sol) de un objeto que pareca similar a una estacin
10/11/169/29/16 09:00 Canby OR Rectngulo <1 segundo Un objeto rectangular de luz,
muy pequeo y rpido capturado en video. 10/11/169/28/16 23:00 Overland Park KS
Fireball Segundos Vi un objeto MASSIVE blanco caer del cielo. 10/11/169/28/16 19:00
Chesterfield Cambiando 1: 00 ++ Dos nubes extraas intercambian posiciones, sin
iluminacin visible desde el suelo. Chesterfield Reino Unido. ((Informe annimo))
10/11/169/28/16 14:30 Littleton CO Diamante 5 minutos era luz del da! 10/11/169/27/16
17:15 Centennial CO Circle 10 minutes Vimos un peque o objeto circular blanco viajar de
este a oeste, parar y flotar, luego moverse hacia arriba fuera de la vista. 10/11/169/27/16
Pgina 142

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

01:30 Polo Norte AK Desconocido 15-20 minutess 9/27/16 1:30 am & 10/6/16 11:00 pm
Polo Norte AK Desconocido 15-20 Big Bright Star 10 / 7/16. ((Informe annimo))
10/11/169/25/16 20:00 Bellingham WA Crculo breve V otro puesto para este mismo
evento - Yo tambin vi un relmpago blanco brillante como una pelota bajada del cielo.
Pareca que iba en
10/11/169/25/16 19:45 Rocklin CA Desconocido 30 minutos Gran formacin de luces en el
cielo por la noche a una altitud muy alta sin ningn ruido. 10/11/169/24/16 21:17
Cumberland Center ME Otros 5 minutos Vi una luz naranja brillante en el cielo que se cerna
sobre la casa de mis vecinos y luego me mov lentamente hasta donde pude ver hasta el
10/11 / 169/21/16 04:23 Shelbyville IN Triangle Til Daylight Luces triangulares parpadeantes
en el cielo. 10/11/169/20/16 20:00 Amherst / Tonawanda NY Esfera 5 minutos + esfera
verde brillante que se mueve lentamente hacia el oeste Amherst (avenida Bailey),
Tonawanda. 10/11/169/16/16 12:43 Charleston SC Triangle Desconocido Desconocido
Objeto Fotografiado. 10/11/169/16/16 02:30 Nevada MO <5 minutos Me despert a alguien
arrastrando los pies por el pasillo y entr en mi dormitorio. Esta "cosa" Era corto, gris, flaco,
gran vientre.
10/11/169/12/16 22:00 Disco South Haven MI 10-15 minutos Una luz blanca se convierte
en una raya de luz y luego se detiene y se cierne hasta nosotros a 100 pies de distancia.
11/11/169/11/16 11:00 Thornton CO Cigarro 4 minutos ((HOAX ??)) Forma de cigarro que
se mueve de manera estable de este a oeste. (7-11) San Juan (Puerto Rico) Otros 7-10
minutos La evidencia fotogrfica muestra un objeto muy extrao y dos fotos parecen
mostrar la silueta de al menos un ocupante, Posiblemente dos. 10/11/169/3/16 22:28
Angels Camp CA Desconocido 10 segundos Volando luz intermitente roja sin rumbo de
sonido de Occidente a Oriente 10/11/169/3/16 03:00 Manistique MI Triangle 15 minutos
Artesana triangular masiva , Dos luces blancas que parpadean rpidamente a cada lado,
luz roja que no parpadea en la punta, que viaja lentamente y silenciosamente
10/11/169/2/16 19:23 Naperville IL Tringulo 4 minutos Tres posiblemente cuatro que viajan
en la formacin. Luces blancas. Tengo fotoOs del incidente. 10/11/168/31/16 19:38
Subvenciones NM Luz 1.5 horas Brillante luz esfrica intermitente que aparece en el cielo
NW al atardecer antes de cualquier otra estrella, y desaparece w / en la hora. Sin sonido.
10/11/167/3/16 23:30 Lakewood CO Circle 2 minutos Artesana de oro circular con luz roja
y naranja pulsante. 10/11/163/1/16 04:08 Luxora AR Cigarro 2 perodo de tiempo Era un
objeto de cigarro. 10/11/162/19/16 19:39 Pueblo CO Esfera 2-3 minutos 6-8 orbes
naranjas en el cielo nocturno. 10/11/1610/10/15 22:20 Summerville SC Luz 45 minutos 8
luces rojas en el cielo. 10/11/169/16/14 21:30 Perth (Australia) Crculo 5 minutos
((NUFORC Nota: El testigo no proporciona informacin) PD 10/11/1611/1/11 23:00 Mt.
Juliet TN Luz 5-6 minutos Luces rojas brillantes aparecieron una despus de la otra como si
se tratara de una lnea que se mueve lentamente. Una de las luces se rompe la lnea y
dispara a la velocidad 10/11/164/15/09 03:00 Bunkerville NV Desconocido 35 minutos
Enorme objeto bloqueado todas las estrellas por un tiempo. 10/11/168/19/07 21:15
Sacramento CA Luz 1.5 minutos dos luces de alta velocidad y alta altitud Sacramento
California 9:15 pm + 8-19-07. (NUFORC Nota: Space Shuttle y ISS? PD)) 10/11/164/20/94
22:00 Brooksville FL Luz 3 minutos Enorme bola orbital / verde vertiginosa que dispara
10/11/166/30/84 20:00 Seaford DE Esfera 10 minutos Yo y un amigo pescamos de noche
en un estanque en Seaford del.Primero omos un sonido que vena de algn lugar al otro
Pgina 143

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

lado de los rboles. 10/11/167/15/81 21:00 Winter Haven FL Otros 30 minutos El fallo
elctrico total temporal apag el vehculo deshabilitado todo se volvi a encender despus
de un corto perodo de tiempo.
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 1/1/2016 00:15 (Entered as : 01/01/16 0:15)
Reported: 12/31/2015 11:46:47 PM 23:46
Posted: 1/5/2016
Location: Longmont, CO
Shape: Diamond
4 or 5 red/orange lights moving West. One went down closer to the ground.
Moved west. No sound.
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 1/1/2016 17:00 (Entered as : 01/01/16 17:00)
Reported: 1/1/2016 1:16:30 PM 13:16
Posted: 1/5/2016
Location: Newburgh, ME
Shape: Light
Duration:1 minute
Fast moving light in later afternoon sky.
I happened to look out my window and saw what I thought was a typical aircraft. There was
no sound, just a light.
It was traveling in a southernly direction at a very fast speed.
It disappeared into the atmosphere.
Sighting Report
Occurred : 1/1/2016 00:15 (Entered as : 1/1/2016 12:00)
Reported: 1/1/2016 12:00:44 PM 12:00
Posted: 1/5/2016
Location: Sacramento, CA
Shape: Fireball
Duration:10 seconds
Missiles or flares seen on New Year.
I stepped outside to celebrate midnight on new years. About 12:00:30, a bright red light
came from the northeast horizon heading south. It moved fast like a jet or plane. It was very
high like a plane.
My first thought was "wow what a strange plane." Then the second one came across the
horizon as if it was chasing the first.
Few seconds later the second light fizzled out with a pulsing fade out. Then the other also
Pgina 144

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

started to pulse and fade out.

National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 1/1/2016 12:00 (Entered as : 1/1/2016 12:00)
Reported: 1/1/2016 11:19:44 AM 11:19
Posted: 1/5/2016
Location: Phoenix, AZ
Shape: Light
Duration:60 seconds
White, round, object in sky, zigzag. Phoenix, AZ.
Seen small round white object in sky over head, looked to be made of light.
Moved in a zigzag then West for a short distance, then to the east and started to moved
faster tell out of my site, moved over a large about of sky far faster then the plains do
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 1/1/2016 18:40 (Entered as : 01/01/16 18:40)
Reported: 1/1/2016 3:56:58 PM 15:56
Posted: 1/5/2016
Location: Irmo, SC
Shape: Light
Two orange lights moving in a vertical formation
Saw 2 small orange lights moving together at the same rate. They were in a vertical
orientation to each other but were too far apart to be part of the same craft.
They were moving much too slowly to be airplanes and seemed too accurate in their
spacing and speed to be two helicopters.
I watched them as I drove then lost sight of them, turned around, and when I looked back
they were there again.
((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides little contact
information. PD))
Web Report Indexes : by Event Date | by Location | by Shape | by Posting Date
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 1/1/2016 00:26 (Entered as : 01/01/16 00:26)
Reported: 1/1/2016 2:57:55 PM 14:57
Posted: 1/5/2016
Location: Kennewick, WA
Shape: Formation
Duration:10 minutes
Kennewick residents witness 3 orange lights in formation, with 4 indivdual lights following for
Pgina 145

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

several minutes.
At approximately 12:26 am pacific time, I stepped outside my home to check that my
garage door had been closed before I went to bed.
I turned to step back inside and I noticed three bright orange lights in a triangle formation to
the West. I thought it was peculiar they were not moving very fast at all and seemed to be
hovering (we have many aircraft flying over head to and from the commercial airport, but
these lights were different).
Then after only a few seconds of observing them, it appeared that they began to rotate on
one axis, then on another but remaining in triangular form and distance from each other.
As they began to rotate in unison, two other large orange lights emerged in my view,
following closely behind and in the path of the first three lights. I could now see five lights.
I then ran inside, got my wife out of bed, and she then confirmed she could see what I was
seeing. She witnessed the three lights in triangular formation, and the two lights following
closely behind.
I ran back inside, and woke up my visiting parents so they could also observe. The four of
us watched as the three lights in triangular formation separated from formation and slowly
rose in altitude in to the clouds illuminated by their light. As they rose we began to lose sight
of them, two additional lights came in to view, and began to follow the first set of two lights.
All lights were moving in the same general path, rising in altitude above the clouds and out of
Yes it was early New Years day - No, we were not under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain semi-anonymous; provides little contact
information. PD))
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National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 1/1/2016 14:00 (Entered as : 01/01/16 14:00)
Reported: 1/1/2016 2:51:59 PM 14:51
Posted: 1/5/2016
Location: Corinth, KY
Shape: Circle
Duration:10 seconds
Funny looking plane
Seen the sun shine off of it, walked outside was no sound an wasn't flying in a regular fly
zone. I see planes an helicopters fly over all the time they travel the same path in the sky, an
you can hear them, an see the shape of them, this object was shaped like a oval flying disc
an had no sound was flying at a set speed, and in a area and direction, I've never seen a
plane travel in the sky, silver in color sun was shining off of it. I have pics and a video.
Pgina 146

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

((NUFORC Note: Possibly an a/c reflecting sunlight?? We have requested that the witness
forward the pictures and video to our Center. PD))
---------------National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 1/1/2016 20:30 (Entered as : 1/1/2016 20:30)
Reported: 1/1/2016 7:45:20 PM 19:45
Posted: 1/5/2016
Location: Salt Lake City, UT
Shape: Circle
Duration:10 minutes
10 glowing orbs in western sky.
10 orb shaped objects heading towards space seen from salt lake city in the western sky
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 1/1/2016 00:05 (Entered as : 01/01/2016 00:05)
Reported: 1/1/2016 10:38:09 PM 22:38
Posted: 1/5/2016
Location: Las Vegas, NV
Shape: Light
Duration:15 minutes
My wife and I witnessed 3 bright red objects that rose one behind the other shortly after
Some of them seemed to dim slightly as they rose directly above our heads and then
reappeared. They traveled overhead and quickly disappeared in the horizon.
Then we saw 3 more rise from the same location, one behind each other in the sky and
again travel overhead and disappeared in about 10 minutes.
These lights were very easy to see and a bright red color.
Occurred : 1/1/2016 00:30 (Entered as : 1-1-16 0:30)
Reported: 1/1/2016 10:35:14 PM 22:35
Posted: 1/5/2016
Location: Bremerton, WA
Shape: Other
Duration:2 minutes
Two red and white cigar shaped craft seen flying at high rate of speed over Bremerton on
New Years Day.
Around midnight on Dec 31, 2015, witnessed two cigar shaped objects bright red on each
end white in middle.

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186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Hovered for 20 seconds then flew at very high speed towards north east and blinked out.
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 1/1/2016 21:00 (Entered as : 01/01/16 21:00)
Reported: 1/2/2016 10:51:45 AM 10:51
Posted: 1/5/2016
Location: French Creek, WV
Shape: Other
Huge object with multiple multicolored lights.
I am a chef and avid outdoorsman. I have witnessed other objects but never paid to much
attention to lights in the sky. I was made into a believer while driving on the WV Scenic
Highway I saw a disc and a cigar one after the other for the blink of an eye.
This object was huge and had several multicolored what looked like marker lights with an
object or part of the ship coming off the side marked with lights.
I said to myself is that the space station and watched it disappear behind the clouds.
Sighting Report
Occurred : 1/1/2016 23:32 (Entered as : 1/1/16 23:32)
Reported: 1/2/2016 9:34:44 AM 09:34
Posted: 1/5/2016
Location: Branchland, WV
Shape: Sphere
Duration:10 minutes
Saw three white orbs while camping. Moving at high speeds and doing 90 degree turns.
We were all just standing out by our campfire near the river in the local area when I saw
something come over the horizon just as it was getting dark. It made no sound was very low,
but seemed small in size no bigger than a small mini coop or something around that size.
But the speed was at least 3x faster than any jet engine I have ever seen there was no vapor
trail or anything just the orb of white it-self and the speed with no sound which was what
caught my attention. Because usually when a jet flies over you know it and it leaves a very
loud sound but this thing nothing zooming around in ways I couldn't imagine. An aircraft
doing complete 90 degree turns yeah right no plane does that at full speed I am 100
percent positive this was a UFO and I also have 6 others who will admit the same.
I have no idea but I have experienced other encounters as well a lot closer scarier ones
which I won't get into because this isn't the place for it and it has me concerned about my
safety and that is why I am reporting it here. Because I have now seen them near my home
in the sky and its kind of scaring me. -- Thanks
((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact
information. PD))
National UFO Reporting Center
Pgina 148

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Sighting Report
Occurred : 1/1/2016 19:45 (Entered as : 01/01/16 19:45)
Reported: 1/2/2016 8:22:57 AM 08:22
Posted: 1/5/2016
Location: Fuquay Varina, NC
Shape: Other
Duration:3 minutes
rectangular object rise from the field and followed along with my car for 2 miles
Last night as I was stopped at a stop sign, I saw the lights hovering low to the ground about
100 yds away across the field. It rose up and as I turned right it followed me from across the
field for about two miles.
I tried to film it but the video didn't save. I lost track of it when it went over the top of my car
as I was stopped at another stop sign. Then I lost it.
There were other aircraft in the area but not that close. Maybe it was a drone, but it freaked
me out.
It had two large white lights on each side and a light bar in the middle. It was moving about
45 miles and followed me just above the trees but still across the road and about 100 yds
away. It was more rectangle shape than anything with bright lights. I felt like I was being
observed since it seemed to follow my every move.
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 1/2/2016 05:30 (Entered as : 01/02/2016 05:30)
Reported: 1/2/2016 6:36:37 AM 06:36
Posted: 1/5/2016
Location: Hollywood, FL
Shape: Circle
Duration:>1 hour
It was completely stationary and shaped like a ring.
We looked at it through binoculars. It had four lights side by side and there were beams of
light coming off of it.
It didn't move, it was fixed, so it changed position in the sky as time went on.

Pgina 149

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

National UFO Reporting Center

Sighting Report
Occurred : 1/2/2016 02:20 (Entered as : 01/02/2016 2:20)
Reported: 1/2/2016 12:46:31 AM 00:46
Posted: 1/5/2016
Location: St. Paul, MN
Shape: Light
Duration:10+ minutes
Blinking white and red star-like object in sky.
Just southwest of the Naos star, there was a bright blinking light- white and red. It did not
move or seem to be heading closer or further. Brightness was more than other stars. Not a
satellite or other object when using SkyView. Was able to capture on video.
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 1/2/2016 16:00 (Entered as : 01/02/2016 16:00)
Reported: 1/2/2016 3:00:14 PM 15:00
Posted: 1/5/2016
Location: Scarborough, ME
Shape: Circle
Circular. Not moving. Bright. I have a picture.
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National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 1/2/2016 04:00 (Entered as : 1/2/16 04:00)
Pgina 150

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Reported: 1/2/2016 4:06:22 PM 16:06

Posted: 1/5/2016
Location: Tempe, AZ
Shape: Changing
Duration:3 hours
Mothership UFO in Tempe probed by airforce helicopters and jets. Very strange sighting,
and my only sighting.
If people are interested, I will go into more detail, but for now I will keep it short and sweet.
Was up early for one of my 2 required Saturday shifts for work. Happened to go sit on my
balcony to stargaze and relax, before heading in to work in a few hours.
Saw what initially resembled the usual airplanes that come through to go to the Phoenix
Airport nearby, however, this object quickly approached and I could tell it was much too large
to be an airplane.
It started out roughly saucer like with your typical yellowish white light, but then literally
started to morph green, blue, red, orange, etc in a fashion such as fiber optics would look
Still not that shocked, I continued to watch it approach from the north and it eventually
completely stopped and just hovered, only making a few impossible maneuvers for any
(declassified) man-made tech. To make things really interesting, as it hovered, it twice
descended while dropping what seemed to be small disc like crafts with the similar cycling
of lights the "mothership" had. The only reason I wasn't sure of how many came from it was
because I was too focused on all of the helicopters and airforce jets sneaking up to get a
closer look.
The object hovered a good 30 minutes before this happened and I never took my eyes off
it. It would morph and change from the saucer like shape to almost a crown or diamond type
shape, but the color now stayed mostly yellowish white. When approached by what I believe
to be a helicopter (that or a jet) it appeared to playfully recede at any probe too close to it.
As the sun was beginning to come up, it lowered what looked like a few hundred foot
"ropes" of light, 3 to be exact. The smaller craft that were closer to the ground sort of just
hovering as well then slowly ascended up and merged back with the "mothership", all the
while the jets and helicopters were EVERYWHERE. I mean they weren't making it obvious,
but I could hear the helicopters and see the jets.
Finally, the object made some crazy "skipping" like maneuvers and as it did so, one of the
tiny little clouds that were in the sky came as if it was called over, and the object slowly
dimmed and went higher and higher. It was the most insane thing I have ever seen.
I am a college educated male, 25 years of age, and only drink on the rare occasion. Wide
awake for a good 3 hours of witnessing all of these strange events. I really would like to see
if anyone else witnessed something similar! I have always been somewhat of a believer, but
still do not know if I am witnessing new experimental aircraft, or ET phenomenon. I am open
minded and will not jump to conclusions, but this has me very, very intrigued. I will continue
to watch that area of the sky in the same hours now to see if I can catch any more glimpses
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186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

of what went on. Thanks for reading,

Occurred : 1/1/2016 20:30 (Entered as : 01/01/2016 8:30)
Reported: 1/2/2016 8:41:51 PM 20:41
Posted: 1/5/2016
Location: Colville, WA
Shape: Circle
Duration:1 hour
We live in rural Stevens County, WA.
At around 8:30 pm, I went out and turned off the yard light. I noticed a light that blinked
different colors. Red blue white. It kind of jumped around in the sky.
I went in the house getting my roommate who came outside with me. She grabbed the
binoculars. Looking through the binoculars we could see the colors better.
((NUFORC Note: Sirius? PD))
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 1/2/2016 14:10 (Entered as : 01/02/2016 14:10)
Reported: 1/3/2016 9:07:01 AM 09:07
Posted: 1/5/2016
Location: Albuquerque, NM
Shape: Formation
Duration:7 minutes
Multiple blue metallic lights heading east in formation witnessed in clear weather
Several blue lights, and one white light, flashing in a clear blue sky. These several lights
headed directly east in a floating manner. The number of lights increased occasionally to a
number of 18, with most of them being blue and at least two being white.
The color of the blue was on the periwinkle side of the blue spectrum and clearly metallic in
nature. No discernable formation but heading in the same direction and at the same speed.
Comparing high altitude jet planes crossing the sky at the same time, the objects appeared
to be much higher above the earth.
Activity continued for approximately seven minutes.
Witness notes that the angle of the winter sun may have been providing clear, daytime
observance of the objects, as they reflected back to the viewer.
No visible trail emitting from the objects.
((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact
information. PD))
Occurred : 1/1/2016 20:00 (Entered as : 1/1/16 20:00)
Pgina 152

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Reported: 1/3/2016 1:22:15 AM 01:22

Posted: 1/5/2016
Location: Aptos, CA
Shape: Triangle
Duration:2 minutes
Driving northbound on highway 1 coming through Aptos. Noticed three bright orange/yellow
lights in the sky. They formed the shape of a triangle.
They all seemed to be moving simultaneously suggesting to that they were all attached to
the same object.
Then one by one the lights went out.
National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 1/2/2016 03:00 (Entered as : 1/2/2016 3:00)
Reported: 1/3/2016 12:15:26 PM 12:15
Posted: 1/5/2016
Location: Imperial Beach, CA
Shape: Fireball
Two fireballs side by side
I was waken up and went straight outside and heard cats meowing, and when I look up in the
the sky towards the South, there were two fireballs far apart but side by side gleaming in the
night skies.
Lasted about 20 minutes, then faded smaller and smaller into the hemisphere.
It was a sight to see.
Santa Teresa de Jess
Nada te turbe,
Nada te espante,
Todo se pasa,
Dios no se muda.
La paciencia
Todo lo alcanza;
Quien a Dios tiene
Nada le falta:
Slo Dios basta.
Eleva el pensamiento,
Al cielo sube,
Por nada te acongojes,
Nada te turbe.
A Jesucristo sigue
Con pecho grande,
Pgina 153

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Y, venga lo que venga,

Nada te espante.
Ves la gloria del mundo
Es gloria vana;
Nada tiene de estable,
Todo se pasa.
Aspira a lo celeste,
Que siempre dura;
Fiel y rico en promesas,
Dios no se muda.
mala cual merece
Bondad inmensa;
Pero no hay amor fino
Sin la paciencia.
Confianza y fe viva
Mantenga el alma,
Que quien cree y espera
Todo lo alcanza.
Del infierno acosado
Aunque se viere,
Burlar sus furores
Quien a Dios tiene.
Vnganle desamparos,
Cruces, desgracias;
Siendo Dios su tesoro,
Nada le falta.
Id, pues, bienes del mundo;
Id, dichas vanas;
Aunque todo lo pierda,
Slo Dios basta.
Centro Nacional de Informes UFO
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 1/1/2016 00:15 (ingresado como: 01/01/16 0:15)
Inform: 12/31/2015 11:46:47 PM 23:46
Publicado: 1/5/2016
Ubicacin: Longmont, CO
Forma: Diamante
Duracin: 20
4 o 5 luces rojas / anaranjadas que se mueven al Oeste. Uno baj ms cerca del suelo.
Se traslad hacia el oeste. Sin sonido.
Centro Nacional de Informes UFO
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 1/1/2016 17:00 (Introducido como: 01/01/16 17:00)
Inform: 1/1/2016 1:16:30 PM 13:16
Pgina 154

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Publicado: 1/5/2016
Ubicacin: Newburgh, ME
Forma: Ligero
Duracin: 1 minuto
Luz de movimiento rpido en el cielo posterior de la tarde.
Miro por mi ventana y vi lo que yo pensaba que era un avin tpico. Haba
solo una luz.
Viajaba en una direccin meridional a una velocidad muy rpida.
Desapareci en la atmsfera.
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 1/1/2016 00:15 (Introducido como: 1/1/2016 12:00)
Inform: 1/1/2016 12:00:44 PM 12:00
Publicado: 1/5/2016
Localizacin: Sacramento, CA
Forma: Bola de fuego
Duracin: 10 segundos
Misiles o llamaradas vistas en Ao Nuevo.
Sal afuera para celebrar la medianoche de los nuevos aos. Sobre las 12:00:30, una luz
roja brillante
Vinieron del horizonte del noreste que diriga al sur. Se mova rpido como un avin o un
avin. Fue muy
Alto como un avin.
Mi primer pensamiento fue "wow qu extrao avin." Entonces el segundo se encontr con
el otro Como si estuviera persiguiendo a la primera.
Pocos segundos despus, la segunda luz se apag - Entonces el otro tambin
Comenz a pulsar y a desaparecer.

Centro Nacional de Informes UFO

Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 1/1/2016 12:00 (Introducido como: 1/1/2016 12:00)
Inform: 1/1/2016 11:19:44 AM 11:19
Publicado: 1/5/2016
Ubicacin: Phoenix, AZ
Forma: Ligero
Duracin: 60 segundos
Blanco, redondo, objeto en cielo, zigzag. Phoenix, AZ.
Visto: pequeo objeto redondo blanco en el cielo sobre la cabeza, se vea hecho de luz.
Pgina 155

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Se traslad en un zigzag luego Oeste por una corta distancia, luego hacia el este y
comenz a moverse ms rpido fuera de mi vista, se traslad sobre una gran parte de
cielo mucho ms rpido que un avion.999999999999
Centro Nacional de Informes UFO
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 01/01/2016 18:40 (Introducido como: 01/01/16 18:40)
Inform: 1/1/2016 3:56:58 PM 15:56
Publicado: 1/5/2016
Ubicacin: Irmo, SC
Forma: Ligero
Duracin: Minutos
Dos, naranja, luces, , vertical, formacin
Vio 2 pequeas luces anaranjadas movindose juntas a la misma velocidad. Estaban en
una posicin vertical
Pero estaban demasiado lejos para formar parte de la misma nave.
Se movan demasiado lento para ser aviones y parecan demasiado precisos en su
Espaciamiento y velocidad para ser dos helicpteros.
Los mir mientras conduca y los perd de vista, me volv y cuando mir hacia atrs
Estaban all de nuevo.(Nota del NUFORC: El testigo decide permanecer totalmente
annimo, proporciona poco contacto
Centro Nacional de Informes UFO
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 1/1/2016 00:26 (Introducido como: 01/01/16 00:26)
Inform: 1/1/2016 2:57:55 PM 14:57
Publicado: 1/5/2016
Ubicacin: Kennewick, WA
Forma: Formacin
Duracin: 10 minutos
Los residentes de Kennewick son testigos de 3 luces anaranjadas en formacin, con 4
luces individuales despus de
varios minutos.
Aproximadamente a las 12:26 am hora del Pacfico, sal de mi casa para comprobar que
La puerta del garaje haba sido cerrada antes de irme a la cama.
Me di vuelta para retroceder dentro y not tres luces naranjas brillantes en una formacin de
Pgina 156

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

tringulo para
el oeste. Pens que era peculiar que no se movan muy rpido y parecan estar
Flotando (tenemos muchos aviones volando desde y hacia el aeropuerto comercial, pero
Estas luces eran diferentes).
Luego, despus de slo unos segundos de observarlos, pareca que empezaban a girar
, pero permaneciendo en forma triangular y distancia entre s.
Cuando comenzaron a girar al unsono, otras dos grandes luces naranjas surgieron ,
Siguiendo de cerca atrs y en el camino de las tres primeras luces. Ahora poda ver cinco
Entonces corr dentro, consegu a mi esposa fuera de cama, y ??ella entonces confirm que
ella podra ver lo que decia yo. Ella fue testigo de las tres luces en formacin triangular, y
las dos luces siguientes
Muy cerca.
Volv corriendo y despert a mis padres visitantes para que tambin pudieran observar. Los
cuatro Observamos como las tres luces en forma triangular separadas de la formacin y
Se elev en altitud hacia las nubes iluminadas por su luz. A medida que se levantaban
empezamos a perder de vista
De ellos, dos luces adicionales entraron a ver, y comenz a seguir el primer conjunto de
dos luces.
Todas las luces se movan en el mismo camino general, ascendiendo en altitud sobre las
nubes y fuera de
S, era temprano el da de Ao Nuevo - No, no estbamos bajo la influencia del alcohol o
las drogas.
((Nota del NUFORC: El testigo decide permanecer semi- annimo, proporciona poco
informacin. PD))
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 1/1/2016 14:00 (Introducido como: 01/01/16 14:00)
Pgina 157

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

Inform: 1/1/2016 2:51:59 PM 14:51

Publicado: 1/5/2016
Ubicacin: Corinth, KY
Forma: Crculo
Duracin: 10 segundos
mirada, avin
Objeto volador sin emitir ruido, brillaba como de plata - Tengo fotos y un video.
((NUFORC Nota: Posiblemente un a / c que refleja la luz del sol? Hemos solicitado que el
Enve las imgenes y video a nuestro Centro. PD))
---------------Centro Nacional de Informes UFO
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 1/1/2016 20:30 (Introducido como: 1/1/2016 20:30)
Inform: 1/1/2016 7:45:20 PM 19:45
Publicado: 1/5/2016
Ubicacin: Salt Lake City, UT
Forma: Crculo
Duracin: 10 minutos
10 orbes que brillan intensamente en el cielo occidental.
10 orbe en forma de objetos rumbo hacia el espacio visto desde Salt Lake City en el cielo
Centro Nacional de Informes UFO
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 1/1/2016 00:05 (Introducido como: 01/01/2016 00:05)
Inform: 1/1/2016 10:38:09 PM 22:38
Publicado: 1/5/2016
Ubicacin: Las Vegas, NV
Forma: Ligero
Duracin: 15 minutos
Mi esposa y yo fuimos testigos de 3 objetos rojos brillantes que se levantaron uno detrs
del otro poco despus
Algunos de ellos parecan oscurecerse ligeramente mientras se levantaban directamente
sobre nuestras cabezas y luego
reaparecido. Viajaron por encima y desaparecieron rpidamente en el horizonte.
Luego vimos 3 ms subir desde el mismo lugar, uno detrs del otro en el cielo y
Pgina 158

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

De nuevo viajar por encima y desapareci en unos 10 minutos.

Estas luces eran muy fciles de ver y un color rojo brillante.
Ocurri: 1/1/2016 00:30 (Introducido como: 1-1-16 0:30)
Inform: 1/1/2016 10:35:14 PM 22:35
Publicado: 1/5/2016
Ubicacin: Bremerton, WA
Forma: Otros
Duracin: 2 minutos
Dos, rojo, blanco, cigarro, formado, arte, visto, vuelo, alto, velocidad, bremerton, encima
Da de Ao Nuevo.
Alrededor de la medianoche del 31 de diciembre de 2015, fue testigo de dos objetos en
forma de cigarro de color rojo brillante en cada uno
Final blanco en medio.
Posado durante 20 segundos, vol a muy alta velocidad hacia el noreste y parpade.
Centro Nacional de Informes UFO
Informe de observacin
Ocurri: 1/1/2016 21:00 (Introducido como: 01/01/16 21:00)
Inform: 1/2/2016 10:51:45 AM 10:51
Publicado: 1/5/2016
Ubicacin: French Creek, WV
Forma: Otros
Duracin: Ampliada
Enorme objeto con mltiples luces multicolores.
Soy un chef y vido excursionista. He presenciado otro Pero nunca prest mucha atencin
a las luces del cielo. Fui convertido en un creyente mientras conduca en la autopista
Scenic WV Vi un disco y un cigarro uno tras otro . Este objeto era enorme y tena varias
luces multicolores lo que pareca luces marcadoras con un objeto o parte de la nave
saliendo del lado marcado con luces. Me dije a m mismo es que la estacin espacial y lo
vea desaparecer detrs de las nubes.
Sealar ReportOccurred: 1/1/2016 23:32 (Entered as: 1/1/16 23:32) Reportado: 1/2/2016
9: 34:44 09: 34Posted: 1/5 / 2016Localizacin: Branchland, WVShape: SphereDuracin: 10
minutos Vio tres orbes blancos mientras acampa. Movindonos a altas velocidades y
haciendo giros de 90 grados. Estbamos todos de pie por nuestra fogata cerca del ro en
el rea local cuando vi algo venir sobre el horizonte justo cuando estaba oscureciendo. No
haca ningn sonido era muy bajo, pero pareca pequeo en tamao no ms grande que
una pequea cajita pequea o algo alrededor de ese tamao. Pero la velocidad era por lo
menos 3 veces ms rpida que cualquier motor de reaccin que he visto nunca haba
ningn rastro del vapor o cualquier cosa apenas el orbe blanco del yo-mismo y la velocidad
sin el sonido que era lo que llam mi atencin. Porque por lo general cuando un jet vuela
Pgina 159

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

sobre usted lo sabe y deja un sonido muy fuerte, pero esta cosa nada de zoom alrededor
en formas que no poda imaginar. Un avin que hace completa giros de 90 grados s bien
ningn avin lo hace a toda velocidad Estoy 100 por ciento positivo este fue un OVNI y
tambin tengo otros 6 que admitirn lo mismo. No tengo ni idea, pero he experimentado
otros encuentros y mucho ms cerca de los ms aterradores que no voy a entrar porque
este no es el lugar para ello y me tiene preocupado por mi seguridad y es por eso que
estoy informando aqu . Porque ahora los he visto cerca de mi casa en el cielo y su tipo de
asustarme. - Agradecimientos (Nota del NUFORC: El testigo elige permanecer totalmente
annimo, no proporciona informacin de contacto) PD))
Informe Nacional de Informes de OVNIsensibilizacin ReportOccurred: 1/1/2016 19:45
(Ingresado como: 01/01/16 19:45) Denominado: 1/2/2016 8:22:57 AM 08: 22Posted: 1/5 /
2016Localizacin: Fuquay Varina, NCShape: OtherDuracin: 3 minutosrectangular
levantamiento objeto del campo y seguido con mi coche por 2 millasLa noche pasada
como yo estaba Par en una seal de alto, vi las luces que rondaban bajo a la tierra cerca
de 100 yardas lejos a travs del campo. Se levant y cuando gir a la derecha me sigui
desde el campo durante unos dos kilmetros. Trat de filmarlo, pero el video no se guard.
Perd la pista de l cuando pas por encima de mi coche como me detuvieron en otra seal
de stop. Entonces lo perd. Haba otros aviones en la zona, pero no tan cerca. Tal vez fue
un zumbido, pero me asust. Tena dos luces blancas grandes en cada lado y una barra
ligera en el centro. Se estaba moviendo a unos 45 kilmetros y me sigui justo por encima
de los rboles, pero todava al otro lado de la carretera ya unos 100 metros de distancia.
Era ms forma de rectngulo que cualquier cosa con luces brillantes. Me sent como si
estuviera siendo observado ya que pareca seguir todos mis movimientos.National UFO
Reporting CenterSighting ReportOccurred: 1/2/2016 05:30 (Introducido como: 01/02/2016
05:30) Inform: 1/2/2016 6:36:37 AM 06: 36Posted: 1/5 / 2016Localizacin: Hollywood,
FLShape: CircleDuracin:> 1 hourEt fue completamente estacionario y en forma de anillo.
Lo miramos a travs de binoculares. Tena cuatro luces lado a lado y haba haces de luz
que salan de l. No se movi, se arregl, por lo que cambi de posicin en el cielo a
medida que pasaba el tiempo.
National UFO Reporting CenterSighting ReportOccurred: 1/2/2016 02:20 (Introducido
como: 01/02/2016 2:20) Reportado : 1/2/2016 12:46:31 AM 00: 46Posted: 1/5 /
2016Localizacin: St. Paul, MNShape: LightDuracin: 10+ minutesBlinking blanco y rojo
estrella-como objeto en cielo.Just al suroeste de la estrella de Naos, Haba una luz brillante
y parpadeante: blanco y rojo. No se mova ni pareca estar dirigindose ms cerca o ms
lejos. El brillo era ms que otras estrellas. No es un satlite u otro objeto cuando se utiliza
SkyView. Fue capaz de capturar en video.National
UFO Reporting CenterSighting ReportOccurred: 1/2/2016 16:00 (Ingresado como:
01/02/2016 16:00) Inform: 1/2/2016 3:00:14 PM 15: 00Posted : 1/5 / 2016Localizacin:
Scarborough, MEShape: CircleDuracin: Circular. No se mueve. Brillante. Tengo una foto.
Pgina principal de NUFORC ndice de informes web: por fecha del evento | Por ubicacin
ReportOccurred: 1/2/2016 04:00 (Ingresado como: 1/2/16 04:00) Reportado: 1/2/2016
4:06:22 PM 16: 06Posted: 1/5 / 2016Localizacin: Tempe, AZShape: ChangingDuracin: 3
horasMothership UFO en Tempe sondado por helicpteros de la fuerza area y chorros.
Observacin muy extraa, y mi nico avistamiento. Si la gente est interesada, entrar en
ms detalle, pero por ahora lo mantendr corto y dulce. Era temprano para uno de mis 2
Pgina 160

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

turnos de sbado requeridos para el trabajo. Pas a ir sentarse en mi balcn a stargaze y

relajarse, antes de ir a trabajar en unas pocas horas. Vimos lo que inicialmente pareca los
aviones habituales que vienen a ir al aeropuerto de Phoenix cerca, sin embargo, este
obRpidamente se acerc y me di cuenta de que era demasiado grande para ser un avin.
Comenz aproximadamente como platillo con su tpica luz blanca amarillenta, pero luego
literalmente comenz a transformarse verde, azul, rojo, naranja, etc de una manera como la
fibra ptica se vera como. An as no me sorprendi, segu vindolo acercarse desde el
norte y finalmente se detuvo por completo y slo se cerna, haciendo slo unas cuantas
maniobras imposibles para cualquier tecnologa (desclasificada) hecha por el hombre. Para
hacer las cosas realmente interesantes, mientras giraba, bajaba dos veces mientras caa lo
que pareca ser un disco pequeo como la artesana con el ciclo similar de luces que la
"nave madre" tena. La nica razn por la que no estaba seguro de cuntos vinieron de ella
era porque estaba demasiado centrado en todos los helicpteros y aviones de la fuerza
area que se escondan para obtener una mirada ms cercana. El objeto flot un buen 30
minutos antes de que esto sucediera y nunca me quit los ojos de l. Se transforma y
cambia de la forma de platillo como casi una corona o forma de diamante, pero el color
ahora se qued sobre todo de color blanco amarillento. Cuando se acerc por lo que creo
que es un helicptero (que o un chorro) que pareca juguetonamente retroceder en
cualquier sonda demasiado cerca de ella. A medida que el sol empezaba a subir, bajaba lo
que parecan unas "cuerdas" de luz de unos pocos cientos de pies, 3 para ser exactos. La
embarcacin ms pequea que estaban ms cerca de la tierra tipo de slo rondando as,
luego lentamente ascendi y se fusion de nuevo con la "nave nodriza", todo el tiempo los
chorros y helicpteros fueron por todas partes. Quiero decir que no lo estaban haciendo
evidente, pero poda or los helicpteros y ver los aviones. Finalmente, el objeto hizo un
loco "saltar" como maniobras y como lo hizo, una de las diminutas pequeas nubes que
estaban en el cielo vino como si fue llamado, y el objeto lentamente se atenu y fue ms y
ms alto. Fue lo ms loco que he visto. Soy un hombre educado universitario, de 25 aos
de edad, y slo bebo en la rara ocasin. Ampliamente despierto por un buen 3 horas de
presenciar todos estos eventos extraos. Realmente me gustara ver si alguien ms
presenci algo similar! Siempre he sido un poco de un creyente, pero todava no s si
estoy presenciando nuevos aviones experimentales, o fenmeno ET. Estoy abierto de
mente y no saltar a conclusiones, pero esto me tiene muy, muy intrigado. Continuar
observando esa zona del cielo en las mismas horas para ver si puedo captar ms
vislumbres de lo que pas. Gracias por leer,
Ocurri: 1/1/2016 20:30 (Introducido como: 01/01/2016 8:30) Inform: 1/2/2016 8:41:51
PM 20: 41Posted: 1/5 / 2016Location: Colville, WAShape: CircleDuracin: 1 hora Vivimos
en el condado rural de Stevens, WA. Alrededor de las 8:30 pm, sal y apag la luz del patio.
Not una luz que parpadeaba de colores diferentes. Blanco azul rojo. De alguna manera
salt en el cielo. Fui a la casa a buscar a mi compaero de cuarto que vino fuera conmigo.
Cogi los binoculares. Mirando a travs de los prismticos, pudimos ver mejor los colores
(NUFORC Nota: Sirius? PD)) National UFO Reporting CenterSighting ReportOccurred:
1/2/2016 14:10 (Ingresado como: 01/02/2016 14:10) Reportado: 1/5 / 2016Localizaci
Albuquerque, NMShape: FormationDuracin: 7 minutosLas numerosas luces azules
metlicas encabezadas hacia el este en formacin fueron testigos de un tiempo claroVarias
luces azules y una luz blanca parpadeando Un claro cielo azul. Estas varias luces se dirigan
directamente al este de una manera flotante. El nmero de luces aument ocasionalmente
a un nmero de 18, con la mayor parte de ellos que son azules y por lo menos dos que son
blancos. El color del azul estaba en el lado del bgaro del espectro azul y claramente
metlico en la naturaleza. No hay formacin discernible, sino rumbo en la misma direccin
Pgina 161

186 Ezine Excellere 186Version en Castellano.

ya la misma velocidad. Al comparar los aviones de alta altitud que cruzan el cielo al mismo
tiempo, los objetos parecan estar mucho ms arriba de la tierra. La actividad continu
durante aproximadamente siete minutos. El testigo observa que el ngulo del sol del
invierno pudo haber estado proporcionando la observacin clara, diurna de los objetos,
como reflejaron de nuevo al espectador. Ninguna pista visible que emita de los objetos
(NUFORC Nota: Testigo decide permanecer totalmente annimo, no proporciona
informacin de contacto.))
Ocurri: 1/1/2016 20:00 (Entered as: 1/1/16 20:00 ) Inform: 1/3/2016 1:22:15 AM 01:
22Posted: 1/5 / 2016Localizacin: Aptos, CAShape: TriangleDuracin: 2 minutosDirving
northbound en la carretera 1 que viene a travs de Aptos. Observ tres brillantes luces
anaranjadas / amarillas en el cielo. Ellos formaron la forma de un tringulo. Todos parecan
moverse simultneamente sugiriendo que todos estaban unidos al mismo objeto. Entonces
una por una las luces se apagaron
.National UFO Reporting CenterSighting ReportOccurred: 1/2/2016 03:00 (Introducido
como: 1/2/2016 3:00) Reportado: 1/3/2016 12:15:26 PM 12 : 15Posted: 1/5 /
2016Localizacin: Playa Imperial, CAShape: FireballDuracin: Dos bolas de fuego al lado
del otroMe despert y sal directamente afuera y escuch gatos meowing, y cuando miro
hacia arriba en el cielo hacia el sur, haba dos abetosEballs lejos aparte pero lado a lado
brillando en los cielos nocturnos. Dur unos 20 minutos, luego se desvaneci cada vez ms
pequeos en el hemisferio. Fue un espectculo digno de ver.
23:19 31-01-2017

Pgina 162

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