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World History/Geography (H)

What is history and why do we study it??!!

Mini-Snapshot Autobiography Project
What is history? And why do we study it? When asked to respond to the
first question, many people (and Im going to venture to say perhaps even
you) will describe history as the study of the past, a collection of facts and
dates and famous dead guys, or simply a HUGE amount of data that youre
expected to memorize. With this introductory assignment, the goal is for
you to discover another means for understanding what history is, and to
recognize the importance of why we are studying it.
PART I: Snapshot Autobiography (10 points)
Write a narrative of one important event in your life. Select an event that
someone else you know will also remember in some capacity, but be sure
not to consult anybody when recording the story this account needs to
come entirely from your own head. Describe the story from start to finish,
and explain why it was important. Write as though someone who doesnt
know you will be reading the story and trying to understand it. Be sure to
include specific details!! Give the story a creative title that reflects the
Paper Format: 1-1.5 pp. typed, double-spaced, 1 margins, 12-point, Times
New Roman or similar font.
DUE: _________________________________
PART II: Snapshot Biography Another Perspective (10 points)
Find somebody who remembers the event. For example, your parents or
siblings will probably be able recall your memorable first performance in
the annual family talent show, while a teammate may recall your amazing
header in a championship game. Ask the person you chose to tell you their
version of the story. In order to make sure that you are getting their version
(and not necessarily a repeat of yours), ask them an open question about
the event: Mom, do you remember when in sixth grade Jane and I stopped
being friends? Can you tell me what you remember about how that
Record the name and position (i.e. relationship to you) of the person
you interviewed.
Take careful notes during the interview. Take special note of areas

where the facts or tone of your interviewees story differs from your own.
You should have at least 34 page of
Notes Format: 34 page (single-spaced), typed OR hand-written, note form is
fine. DUE: _________________________________
World History/Geography (H)

PART III: Comparing Two Accounts (20 points)

Now that you have gathered sources, you can begin the really meaty work
of the historian. You are going to compare/contrast the two accounts, and
consider how those differences shed light on our essential question.
1. (1) Paragraph 1: Introduction. Identify the event that you have
selected and the sources of the two accounts.
2. (2) Paragraph 2: Describe the similarities between the two accounts.
Which facts are the same? (ex. Accounts #1 and 2 agree that the
family talent show took place on July 3, 1992 in Lake Tahoe.) Do the
accounts carry the same opinion or tone? (ex. Accounts #1 and 2 both
describe your performance as stunning.) Are there any other
3. (3) Paragraph 3: Describe the differences between the two accounts.
Which facts are different? (ex. Account #1 states that you performed a
ballet to Swan Lake, while Account #2 swears that you did the
funky chicken dance to an old country hit.) Do the accounts bear
different opinions or tones? (ex. Account #1 describes your
performance as elegant, mature grace, while Account #2
remembers it as bumbling, comic.) Are there any other differences?
If you cannot find any differences between the two accountslook hard
before you decide there are noneelaborate on the striking similarities
between them. Then, in Paragraph 4, be sure to provide plausible reason(s)
to explain why the accounts are so alike.
4. (4) Paragraph 4: How do you explain the differences (or striking
similarities) between the two accounts? In particular, consider who
gave the different accounts, the relationship between your narrators,
and how that relationship might have influenced the way the
narratives were told.

5. (5) Paragraph 5: Considering the two accounts as documents of

history, how would you now respond to the essential questions: What
is history? Why do we study it? Has your conception of history
changed as a result of this project? If so, how?
Reflection Paper Format: 1.5-2 pp. typed, double-spaced, 1 margins, 12point, Times New Roman or similar font.
STAPLE all 3 parts together in order, with Part I on top.
FINAL PROJECT DUE: _______________________________

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