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CLRIITTEIRCAIRSYM "Through the depths of Loch Katrine the "This is the forest primeval; the

steed shall career," murmuring pines and the hemlocks,"

Poetry: Versification
____________- ___________________________ ____________ - ___________________________
Versification -
____________________________. CLRIITTEIRCAIRSYM ______________________________

____________ - is the unit or starting point Poetry: Versification "Through the depths of Loch Katrine the
in versification. steed shall career,"
Versification -
- may be long or short according to ____________________________. ____________- ___________________________
the time it requires in pronouncing.
____________ - is the unit or starting point CLRIITTEIRCAIRSYM
- may be ______________________ or in versification.
Poetry: Versification
_____________________ according to - may be long or short according to
the stress of tone with which it is Versification -
the time it requires in pronouncing.
pronounced. ____________________________.
- may be ______________________ or ____________ - is the unit or starting point
Foot -
_____________________ according to in versification.
the stress of tone with which it is
_____________________________. pronounced. - may be long or short according to
the time it requires in pronouncing.
The mossy marbles rest. u /, u / , Foot -
u /, ___________________________________ - may be ______________________ or
_____________________ according to
Iambus/Iambic - _____________________________.
the stress of tone with which it is
The mossy marbles rest. u /, u / , pronounced.
_________________________________________ u /,
Foot -
"Home they brought her warrior dead," - Iambus/Iambic - ___________________________________
/ u, / u, / u, /. ___________________________
____________ - ___________________________ _________________________________________
The mossy marbles rest. u /, u / ,
_________________________________________ "Home they brought her warrior dead," - u /,
/ u, / u, / u, /.
Catalectic - Iambus/Iambic -
_______________________________ ____________ - ___________________________ ___________________________
"This is the forest primeval; the _________________________________________ _________________________________________
murmuring pines and the hemlocks,"
Catalectic - "Home they brought her warrior dead," -
____________ - ___________________________ _______________________________ / u, / u, / u, /.
______________________________ ____________ - ___________________________
_________________________________________ "This is the forest primeval; the "Through the depths of Loch Katrine the
murmuring pines and the hemlocks," steed shall career,"
Catalectic -
_______________________________ ____________ - ___________________________ ____________- ___________________________

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