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28/01/2017 Methods

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Chapter 14: Object Oriented Programming in Python

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14.1.Classes and objects (/communities/aspire-2016/content/classes-and-objects-5)

14.2.Methods (/communities/aspire-2016/content/methods-0)

14.3.Python memory management (/communities/aspire-2016/content/python-memory-management-0)

14.4.Principles of object orientation (/communities/aspire-2016/content/principles-of-object-orientation-0)

14.5.Problem statement (/communities/aspire-2016/content/problem-statement-16)

14.6.Practise Problems (/communities/aspire-2016/content/practise-problems-39)

14.7.Reference Links (/communities/aspire-2016/content/reference-links-10)

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14.2. Methods
A function dened in a class is called a "method". Methods have access to all the data contained on the instance of the object. they can
access and modify anything previously set on self (discussed in Because they use self, they require an instance of the class in order to
be used. For this reason, they're often referred to as "instance methods".

Constructor __init__
The __init__ method is run as soon as an object of a class is instantiated. Its aim is to initialize the object. While creating an instance we need
some values for internal data.

Example of class with __init__ method

class Coordinate(object):
def __init__(self,x,y):
The . operator is used to access an attribute of an object. So the __init__ method above is dening two attributes for new Coordinate object x
and y.

print c.x,c.y

Prints 3 4 as output

Invoking attributes and methods

Syntax to invoke attribute:


Syntax to invoke method:


User dened methods

User dened methods are same as function denition but must be dened inside a class.

Example of class with methods:

class Rectangle:
def __init__(self,x,y):
self.x = x
self.y = y
def area(self):
return self.x * self.y
def perimeter(self):
return 2 * self.x + 2 * self.y

This example has methods area and perimeter that are used to calculate area and perimeter of an object of the class Rectangle.


Each method in a class denition begins with a reference to the instance object. It is by convention named self i.e., methods class access data
via self.
For example above(Rectangle class), 1/4
28/01/2017 Methods
instantiate object
r.area() #area() method uses x and y attributes using self

Self in Python works as a variable of function but it won't invoke data.

Form and object for a class

Class includes two members form and object.
The following example can explain the dierence between form and object for a class.
Class A:
i=123 #It is a form
def __init__(self):

print A.i #It is a form

print A().i #It is an object

Output would be


Destructor method is used to delete an object created by initializing constructor.

It is called when the instance is about to be destroyed.
The following example shows a class with constructor and destructor:
class Greeting:
def __init__(self, name): = name
def __del__(self):
print "Destructor started"
def SayHello(self):
print "Hello",

__del__ is a method used for class destructor.

Let us create an object
x2=x1 #Another object x2 is created
>>>del x1
>>>del x2
Destructor started

Here,If you observe destructor is called only after reference count of objects reaches zero.

Note: special methods (like ex: __init__ , __del__) start and end with two underscores.


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Open Doubts Closed Doubts My Doubts

Don Cyriac (/users/don) about 4 months ago

is the object necessary to be specied in paranthesis while writing a class with no superclasses?

eg. class Rect:

will this work?


Rashi Dhande (/users/rashi-13) about 4 months ago

yes! While dening functions it is mandatory to use an empty set of parenthesis, but while dening class it is optional.

Rashi Dhande (/users/rashi-13) about 4 months ago

yes! While dening functions it is mandatory to use an empty set of parenthesis, but while dening class it is optional.

Rashi Dhande (/users/rashi-13) about 4 months ago

yes! While dening functions it is mandatory to use an empty set of parenthesis, but while dening class it is optional.

Rashi Dhande (/users/rashi-13) about 4 months ago

yes! While dening functions it is mandatory to use an empty set of parenthesis, but while dening class it is optional.

Rashi Dhande (/users/rashi-13) about 4 months ago

yes! While dening functions it is mandatory to use an empty set of parenthesis, but while dening class it is optional.

Rashi Dhande (/users/rashi-13) about 4 months ago

yes! While dening functions it is mandatory to use an empty set of parenthesis, but while dening class it is optional.

Priya AM (/users/priya-61) about 5 months ago


Sant Khatri (/users/sant) about 5 months ago

so interesting language.


Chitturuvsesha Sucharita (/users/chitturuvsesha) about 6 months ago

Hello..can anyone tell me about Excite telecom?


Faraz Virani (/users/faraz-0) about 6 months ago


Deepanshu Vashishtha (/users/deepanshu-4) about 6 months ago

After completing the aspirethen after how many days Techlounge is assigned? 3/4
28/01/2017 Methods


Ayapilla Dheeraj (/users/ayapilla) about 6 months ago

Probably 7 days

Barnita Das (/users/barnita) about 6 months ago


Divya Jain (/users/divya-103) about 6 months ago

what is the use of form and object?please elaborate.


Virendra Dangi (/users/virendra-2) about 7 months ago


Saida Shaik (/users/saida) about 7 months ago


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