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2016l2017 GRATIS

Preparacin para el examen ACT

Exmenes de prctica completos, incluyendo un examen de redaccin
Informacin sobre el examen de redaccin opcional
Estrategias de preparacin para los exmenes
Qu esperar el da del examen
Esta publicacin tambin se puede ver o descargar
Contenido Nota: Debido a que el ACT es un examen de aprovechamiento
basado en el plan de estudios, de manera peridica se realizan
1. Preparacin general para los exmenes ACT . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 investigaciones y se actualizan los exmenes para asegurar que
2. Estrategias para tomar los exmenes ACT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 el contenido del examen siga reflejando lo que se ensea en las
3. Qu esperar el da del examen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 aulas y contine siendo un indicador pertinente de la preparacin
4. Cmo hacer los exmenes de prctica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 para la universidad y la carrera profesional. Por lo tanto, podras
observar diferencias sutiles entre este examen de prctica y el
Exmenes de opcin mltiple de prctica . . . . . . . . . . 11 que tomes el da del examen.
Examen de redaccin de prctica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

5. Calificacin de tus exmenes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Cmo calificar los exmenes de opcin mltiple . . . . . 56 Preparacin general para los
Cmo calificar el examen de redaccin . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
6. Documento de respuestas de muestra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 exmenes ACT
Estrategias para tomar el examen
Un mensaje para los El examen ACT contiene exmenes de opcin mltiple en cuatro
reas: Ingls, matemticas, lectura y ciencias. Cada uno de estos
estudiantes exmenes contiene preguntas con cuatro o cinco respuestas
posibles, entre las cuales puedes escoger la respuesta correcta
Este cuadernillo gratuito est diseado para ayudarte a obtener
o la mejor respuesta. Las siguientes sugerencias aplican en los
los mejores resultados en el examen ACT. Se incluyen exmenes
cuatro exmenes:
completos de prctica preguntas de exmenes obsoletos de
ACT que se administraron a los estudiantes en una fecha de Distribuye tu tiempo.
examen nacional que incluyen instrucciones para el examen de Los lmites de tiempo establecidos para cada examen dan casi a
redaccin, un documento de respuestas de muestra, claves de todos los estudiantes suficiente tiempo para contestar todas las
respuestas e instrucciones para que te califiques t mismo. preguntas. Sin embargo, como los exmenes de ingls, lectura
Lee detenidamente este cuadernillo y realiza los exmenes de y ciencias contienen una cantidad considerable de texto, es
prctica con bastante anticipacin al da del examen para que importante que distribuyas tu tiempo y no dediques demasiado
te familiarices con ellos, con lo que miden y con las estrategias tiempo a un pasaje.
que puedes usar para obtener los mejores resultados el da del De manera similar, trata de no pasar demasiado tiempo
examen. tratando de resolver un problema especfico en el examen de
Visita para obtener materiales adicionales matemticas. Pasa a las otras preguntas y regresa al problema
para la preparacin para el examen ACT, incluidos ACT Online pendiente si te queda tiempo. Tu supervisor anunciar cuando
Prep (Preparacin en lnea para el examen ACT), ACT Kaplan queden cinco minutos del tiempo de cada examen.
Online Prep Live (Preparacin Kaplan en lnea en vivo para
Lee detenidamente las instrucciones de cada examen.
ACT), The Official ACT Prep Guide (Gua oficial de preparacin
para el examen ACT), ejemplos de preguntas y Question of the Antes de comenzar un examen, lee las instrucciones
Day (Pregunta del da). detenidamente.

El examen ACT se administra en ingls a nivel nacional e Los exmenes de ingls, lectura y ciencias piden
internacional, incluyendo todas las instrucciones y las preguntas. la mejor respuesta. No contestes tan pronto como
Algunos estados que administran el examen como parte del identifiques una respuesta correcta. Lee y considera todas las
programa de exmenes del Estado y del Distrito permiten el respuestas y selecciona la que responda mejor a la pregunta.
uso de instrucciones traducidas, pero los resultados de dichos El examen de matemticas pide la respuesta correcta.
exmenes no producen una calificacin que pueda reportarse a Lee detenidamente cada pregunta para asegurarte de que
las universidades. entiendes el tipo de respuesta que se requiere. Luego,
ACT est comprometido a representar la diversidad de la puedes deducir la respuesta que piensas que es la correcta
sociedad en todos sus aspectos, lo cual incluye raza, grupo y buscarla entre las opciones que se dan. Si tu respuesta no
tnico y gnero. Por lo tanto, los pasajes, las preguntas y las se encuentra entre tales opciones, vuelve a leer la pregunta y
instrucciones para el examen de redaccin se seleccionan considera todas las opciones de respuestas.
deliberadamente para reflejar un rango de culturas. Lee detenidamente cada pregunta.
Adems, ACT tiene el compromiso de asegurar que todas las Es importante que entiendas lo que se te pide en cada pregunta.
preguntas de los exmenes y las instrucciones para el examen Algunas preguntas requerirn que realices varios pasos para
de redaccin sean justas, y que no representen una desventaja encontrar la respuesta correcta o la mejor respuesta, mientras
para ningn grupo particular de estudiantes que tomen el que otras se podrn contestar ms rpidamente.
examen. Tanto el personal de ACT como asesores externos
realizan rigurosamente revisiones extensas de la imparcialidad Contesta primero las preguntas fciles.
de los materiales del examen. ACT tambin usa procedimientos La mejor estrategia para tomar los exmenes es contestar las
estadsticos para asegurar que los materiales del examen no preguntas fciles y saltarte las que te parezcan difciles. Despus
afecten injustamente el desempeo de ningn grupo. de contestar todas las preguntas fciles, regresa a las preguntas
ms difciles si tienes tiempo.
ACT respalda el Cdigo de Prcticas Justas de Aplicacin de Exmenes en 2016 por ACT, Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Educacin y el Cdigo de Responsabilidades Profesionales en Medicin Educativa
que sirven como guas para el comportamiento de quienes participan en los NOTA: Este cuadernillo est protegido por las leyes federales de derechos de
exmenes educativos. ACT tiene el compromiso de asegurar que cada uno de sus autor, que prohben la reproduccin de las preguntas del examen sin la previa
programas de exmenes cumpla con las normas de cada cdigo Se puede obtener autorizacin explcita por escrito de ACT, Inc. Ninguna porcin de este cuader-
gratuitamente un ejemplar de cada cdigo a travs del departamento de Servicios nillo puede copiarse o distribuirse sin el permiso por escrito de ACT.
al Cliente de ACT en ACT Customer Care (70), PO Box 1008, Iowa City, IA 52243-
1008, 319.337.1429.

Usa la lgica en preguntas ms difciles. se permiten lpices mecnicos ni bolgrafos). No lleves
Cuando regreses a las preguntas ms difciles, trata de usar la ningn otro instrumento para escribir; no se te permitir
lgica para eliminar las respuestas incorrectas. Compara las usarlos.
opciones de respuestas entre s y observa cul es la diferencia. 4. Un reloj para distribuir tu tiempo. No lleves un reloj con
Tales diferencias pueden proporcionarte pistas sobre lo que alarma porque molestara a los otros estudiantes.
la pregunta requiere. Elimina tantas respuestas incorrectas 5. La calculadora permitida puede usarse nicamente en el
como puedas, luego haz una conjetura fundamentada de las examen de matemticas. Es tu responsabilidad saber si
respuestas restantes. tu calculadora es permitida. Para ver la informacin ms
actualizada sobre la poltica del uso de calculadoras del
Contesta todas las preguntas.
ACT, visita o llama al 800.498.6481
Tu calificacin en los exmenes slo se basar en el nmero de para escuchar un mensaje grabado.
preguntas que contestes correctamente; no se te penalizar por
adivinar. Por lo tanto, debes contestar todas las preguntas dentro

2 Estrategias para tomar los

del tiempo que se permite para cada examen.
Revisa tu trabajo.
Si despus de haber contestado todas las preguntas de un
exmenes de ACT
examen an tienes tiempo, revsalas. Cuando se anuncie que el El examen ACT evala el conocimiento, el entendimiento y las
tiempo ha terminado para un examen, ya no se te permitir que destrezas que has adquirido durante tu educacin. Aunque la
revises o que marques las respuestas de otro examen. suma total de lo que una persona ha aprendido no se puede
cambiar, tu desempeo en un rea especfica puede verse
Marca con precisin tu documento de respuestas. afectado por una preparacin adecuada, especialmente si ha
Asegrate de llenar adecuadamente los valos correctos de tu transcurrido algo de tiempo desde que tomaste un curso en esa
documento de respuestas. Verifica que el nmero de la lnea rea.
de valos de tu documento de respuestas sea el mismo que el
nmero de la pregunta que ests contestando y asegrate de Hay tres estrategias que pueden ayudarte a prepararte para
marcar nicamente una respuesta para cada pregunta. abordar el contenido del examen ACT:

Borra completamente. Familiarzate con el contenido de los exmenes del ACT.

Si quieres cambiar una respuesta de opcin mltiple, asegrate Revisa la informacin sobre los exmenes que se proporciona
de usar una goma de borrar suave que no deje borrones y en las siguientes pginas. Observa cules reas del contenido
borra completamente la marca que no quieres. No taches las forman la proporcin ms grande de los exmenes y cules
respuestas ni uses un corrector lquido o en cinta; debes usar una no. Los temas especficos que se incluyen en cada rea son
goma de borrar. El corrector lquido o en cinta, los borrones y las ejemplos de temas posibles, pero no se incluyen todas las
marcas involuntarias pueden causar errores en la calificacin. posibilidades.
Refresca tu conocimiento y destrezas en las reas de
Preparacin para el da del examen contenido.
Preprate para los exmenes con bastante anticipacin. Revisa las reas de contenido que has estudiado pero que no
Entrate de lo que debes esperar el da del examen. recuerdas bien. Dedica tiempo a refrescar tu conocimiento y
Familiarzate con la informacin de este cuadernillo y la que destrezas en las reas de contenido que forman las porciones
se encuentra en ms grandes de los exmenes.
Nota: La mayora de los procedimientos de este cuadernillo Identifica las reas de contenido que no has estudiado.
se refieren a tomar un examen en una fecha de examen
nacional o internacional en un centro de examen de ACT. Si la mayor porcin de los exmenes consiste en reas de
Los procedimientos pueden variar ligeramente si tomas el contenido con las que no ests familiarizado, considera tomar
examen en otro lugar. estudios que te ayuden a obtener conocimiento y destrezas
en estas reas antes de tomar el examen ACT. Como el
Toma los exmenes de prctica en orden y revisa tus examen ACT mide el conocimiento y las destrezas adquiridas
respuestas. durante un periodo de tiempo, es poco probable que un curso
Descansa suficiente la noche anterior a los exmenes. intensivo que cubra material que no conoces te ayude a mejorar
Revisa detenidamente la Lista de verificacin del da del tus calificaciones. Los cursos de estudio de un plazo ms
examen en prolongado sern los ms tiles para ti, ya que su objetivo es
Lleva los siguientes artculos al centro del examen: mejorar tu conocimiento a travs del aprendizaje y la prctica
1. Tu boleto impreso (si tomas el examen en una fecha continuos.
de examen nacional o internacional de ACT). No se te
permitir entrar al examen sin el boleto. Examen de ingls de ACT
2. Una identificacin con fotografa aceptable. Consulta los El examen de ingls de ACT es un examen de 75 preguntas que
detalles en tu boleto o en Si no debes contestar en 45 minutos que mide tu entendimiento de las
presentas una identificacin con foto aceptable y tu boleto convenciones del ingls estndar (puntuacin, uso y estructura
en el registro, no se te permitir entrar al examen. de la oracin), produccin de redaccin (desarrollo del tema,
3. Lpices N. 2 afilados y buenas gomas de borrar (no organizacin, unidad y cohesin) y conocimiento de la lengua
(eleccin de palabras, estilo y tono).

El examen consiste en cinco ensayos, o pasajes, cada uno Presta atencin a las preguntas que no tienen
acompaado de una secuencia de preguntas de opcin mltiple. porciones subrayadas.
Algunas preguntas se refieren a porciones subrayadas del Se te harn algunas preguntas sobre una seccin del pasaje
pasaje, y ofrecen varias alternativas para estas porciones. T o sobre el pasaje como un todo, considerando una situacin
decides cul opcin es la ms apropiada tomando en cuenta retrica dada. Las preguntas de este tipo frecuentemente
el contexto del pasaje. estn identificadas por un nmero de pregunta ubicado en un
recuadro que se encuentra en el punto apropiado del pasaje. Las
Algunas preguntas se refieren a la porcin subrayada, a una preguntas sobre todo el pasaje se encuentran al final del pasaje y
seccin del pasaje o al pasaje como un todo. T decides qu se presentan en un recuadro horizontal que contiene la siguiente
opcin contesta mejor la pregunta formulada. instruccin: Las preguntas ___ y___ se refieren al pasaje anterior
como un todo.
Muchas preguntas ofrecen la opcin de NO CAMBIAR el
pasaje. Nota las diferencias en las respuestas opcionales.
Las preguntas estn numeradas consecutivamente. Cada nmero Muchas de las preguntas del examen involucran ms de un
de pregunta se refiere a la correspondiente porcin subrayada aspecto de redaccin. Examina cada respuesta opcional y
numerada en el pasaje o al nmero correspondiente de un determina cul es su diferencia con las otras. Ten cuidado de no
recuadro que se encuentra en el punto apropiado del pasaje. seleccionar una respuesta que corrija un error pero que genere
un error diferente.
Se usan diferentes tipos de pasajes a fin de proporcionar una
variedad de situaciones retricas. Los pasajes se seleccionan Determina cul es la mejor respuesta.
no solo por su idoneidad para evaluar las destrezas de escritura, Cuando una pregunta te pida que elijas la mejor alternativa para
sino tambin para reflejar los intereses y las experiencias de una porcin subrayada, puedes seguir dos mtodos.
los estudiantes. No se evala la ortografa, el vocabulario ni la
memorizacin de reglas de gramtica. 1. Vuelve a leer la oracin u oraciones, sustituyendo cada una de
las respuestas posibles por la porcin subrayada.
En el examen de ingls de ACT se reportan cuatro calificaciones:
una calificacin total del examen con base en las 75 preguntas 2. Decide cmo la porcin subrayada se pudiera expresar
y tres calificaciones de las categoras del reporte con base en mejor en ingls escrito estndar o en trminos de la pregunta
conocimiento y aptitudes especficas. Las categoras del reporte particular formulada.
son Produccin de redaccin, Conocimiento de la lengua y o Si la porcin subrayada es la mejor respuesta, selecciona
Convenciones del ingls estndar. NO CAMBIAR.
Sugerencias para tomar el examen de ingls de ACT o Si no, revisa para ver si tu expresin es una de las
Distribuye tu tiempo. respuestas opcionales. Si no encuentras tu expresin,
selecciona la mejor de las respuestas que se presentan.
Si pasas un minuto y medio repasando cada pasaje antes de
contestar las preguntas, te quedarn 30 segundos para contestar En el caso de las preguntas indicadas por un nmero en un
cada pregunta. Si es posible, pasa menos tiempo en cada recuadro, decide cul es la opcin ms apropiada en trminos de
pregunta y usa el tiempo restante permitido revisando tu trabajo y la pregunta formulada o de la situacin retrica indicada.
regresando a las preguntas que te parecieron ms difciles.
Vuelve a leer la oracin usando la respuesta que
Presta atencin al estilo de redaccin que se usa en cada seleccionaste.
pasaje. Una vez que hayas seleccionado la respuesta que te parece
Los cinco pasajes cubren una variedad de temas y estn mejor, vuelve a leer la oracin u oraciones correspondientes del
redactados en una variedad de estilos. Es importante que tomes pasaje, e inserta la respuesta seleccionada en el lugar apropiado
en cuenta el estilo de redaccin que se usa en cada pasaje. Al del texto para asegurarte de que es la mejor respuesta dentro del
responder una pregunta, asegrate de entender el contexto de contexto del pasaje.
la misma. Considera cmo la oracin que contiene la porcin
subrayada encaja con las oraciones circundantes y con el pasaje Contenido cubierto por el examen de ingls de ACT
como un todo. En el examen de ingls se abordan tres categoras del reporte
que cubren seis elementos de la redaccin efectiva: desarrollo
Examina las porciones subrayadas del pasaje.
del tema; organizacin, unidad y cohesin; conocimiento de la
Antes de responder una pregunta con una porcin subrayada, lengua; puntuacin; uso; y estructura y formacin de la oracin.
examina cuidadosamente lo que est subrayado en el texto. A continuacin, se presentan una descripcin breve de los
Considera los elementos de escritura que se incluyen en cada elementos de una redaccin efectiva y el porcentaje aproximado
porcin subrayada. del examen dedicado a cada rea de categora del reporte.
Algunas preguntas te pedirn que bases tu decisin en algn Produccin de redaccin (29-32%)
elemento especfico de la escritura, como el tono o el nfasis
que el texto debe comunicar. Las preguntas en esta categora requieren que apliques tu
entendimiento del propsito y enfoque de un escrito.
Algunas preguntas te indicarn que selecciones la alternativa
a la porcin subrayada que NO es aceptable o que es LA Desarrollo del tema: Demostrar un entendimiento y control
MENOS aceptable. sobre los aspectos retricos de los textos. Identificar los
propsitos de las partes de los textos, determinar si un texto
Las respuestas opcionales de cada pregunta contendrn o parte de un texto ha cumplido con su objetivo previsto y
cambios en uno o ms de estos elementos de la escritura. evaluar la relevancia del material en trminos del enfoque de
un texto.

Organizacin, unidad y cohesin: Usar diferentes Sugerencias para tomar el examen de
estrategias para asegurar que un texto est lgicamente matemticas de ACT
organizado, sea fluido y tenga una introduccin y una Distribuye tu tiempo.
conclusin efectivas.
Tienes un promedio de un minuto por pregunta. Si es posible,
Conocimiento de la lengua (13-19%) pasa menos tiempo en cada pregunta y usa el tiempo restante
permitido para el examen revisando tu trabajo y regresando a las
Demostrar el uso efectivo de la lengua al asegurar una precisin y preguntas que te parecieron ms difciles.
concisin en la eleccin de palabras, y mantener la consistencia
del estilo y tono. Si utilizas una calculadora, hazlo de manera prudente.
Todos los problemas de matemticas se pueden resolver sin
Convenciones del ingls estndar (51-56%) calculadora. Muchos de ellos se resuelven mejor sin calculadora.
Las preguntas de esta categora requieren que los estudiantes Usa tu buen criterio para decidir cundo usar y cundo no usar la
apliquen un entendimiento de las convenciones de gramtica del calculadora. Por ejemplo, en algunos problemas tal vez quieras
ingls estndar, uso y mecnica del ingls estndar para revisar realizar trabajo preliminar para aclarar tus pensamientos sobre la
y editar textos. pregunta antes de comenzar a usar la calculadora.
Estructura y formacin de oraciones: Aplicar el Resuelve el problema.
entendimiento de la estructura y formacin de la oracin en Para encontrar la solucin a los problemas, generalmente
un texto y hacer revisiones para mejorar la redaccin. realizars trabajo preliminar en el espacio que se proporciona en
el cuadernillo del examen. Tal vez quieras revisar las respuestas
Puntuacin: Reconocer los problemas comunes con la opcionales despus de leer las preguntas. Sin embargo, trabajar
puntuacin del ingls estndar y hacer revisiones para al revs, desde las respuestas opcionales proporcionadas,
mejorar la redaccin. puede requerirte mucho tiempo y no ser eficaz.
Uso: Reconocer los problemas comunes con el uso del
Encuentra tu solucin entre las respuestas opcionales.
ingls estndar en un texto y hacer revisiones para mejorar la
redaccin. Una vez que hayas resuelto el problema, busca la respuesta que
obtuviste entre las opcionales. Si tu respuesta no est incluida
entre las opcionales, vuelve a leer detenidamente el problema
Examen de matemticas de ACT para ver si pasaste por alto informacin importante. Presta mucha
Puedes usar una calculadora en el examen de matemticas. atencin a la pregunta que se te hace. Si debes seleccionar
En puedes encontrar detalles de los una ecuacin, revisa si la ecuacin que piensas que es la mejor
modelos y caractersticas que se prohben. se puede transformar en una de las respuestas opcionales
El examen de matemticas de ACT es un examen de 60
preguntas que debes contestar en 60 minutos diseado para Asegrate de contestar la pregunta.
evaluar las destrezas matemticas que los estudiantes han Las soluciones de muchas de las preguntas del examen
adquirido tpicamente en los cursos que toman hasta el principio involucran varios pasos. Asegrate de que tu respuesta tome en
del grado 12. cuenta todos los pasos necesarios. Con frecuencia las preguntas
El examen presenta preguntas de opcin mltiple que requieren incluyen respuestas opcionales que se basan en soluciones
el uso de destrezas de razonamiento para resolver problemas incompletas.
prcticos de matemticas. La mayora de las preguntas son Asegrate de que tu respuesta sea razonable.
autocontenidas. Algunas preguntas pueden pertenecer a un Algunas veces un error de clculo da como resultado una
conjunto de varias preguntas (por ejemplo, varias preguntas respuesta que no es prcticamente posible para la situacin que
acerca de la misma grfica o tabla). Se supone el conocimiento se describe. Siempre piensa en tu respuesta y determina si es
de frmulas bsicas y destrezas de clculo como antecedentes razonable.
para resolver los problemas, pero no se requiere recordar
frmulas complejas ni clculos extensos. Revisa tu trabajo.
El material que se cubre en el examen enfatiza las principales Puedes llegar a una solucin incorrecta cometiendo errores
reas de contenido que son un requisito para el desempeo comunes en el proceso de resolucin de problemas. Por lo tanto,
satisfactorio en las matemticas de los cursos del primer ao si tienes tiempo antes de que termine el examen de matemticas,
universitario. es importante que vuelvas a leer las preguntas y que verifiques
tus respuestas para asegurarte de que son correctas.
En el examen de matemticas de ACT se reportan nueve
calificaciones: una calificacin total del examen con base en Contenido cubierto por el examen de
todas las 60 preguntas y ocho calificaciones de categoras del matemticas de ACT
reporte con base en conocimiento y aptitudes matemticas En el examen de matemticas se abordan ocho categoras
especficas. Las categoras del reporte son: Preparacin del reporte. En la siguiente pgina se presentan una breve
para matemticas de nivel superior que incluye calificaciones descripcin y el porcentaje aproximado del examen que se
separadas para Nmero y cantidad; lgebra; Funciones; asigna a cada categora del reporte.
Geometra; Estadstica y probabilidad; Integracin de aptitudes
esenciales; y Modelado.

Preparacin para matemticas de nivel superior (57-60%) Examen de lectura de ACT
Esta categora captura las matemticas ms recientes que El examen de lectura de ACT consiste en 40 preguntas que
los estudiantes estn aprendiendo, empezando cuando los debes contestar en 35 minutos, y mide tu comprensin de la
estudiantes comienzan a usar lgebra como una manera general lectura.
de expresar y resolver ecuaciones. Esta categora se divide en
Las preguntas del examen te piden que derives el significado de
las siguientes cinco subcategoras.
varios textos al (1) examinar lo que se declara explcitamente y
Nmero y cantidad (7-10%) (2) razonar para determinar el significado implcito.
Demostrar conocimiento de sistemas numricos reales y Especficamente, las preguntas te pedirn que utilices destrezas
complejos. Entenders y razonars con cantidades numricas de referencia y razonamiento para determinar las ideas
en muchas formas, incluyendo integrales y exponentes principales; localizar e interpretar detalles significativos; entender
racionales, as como vectores y matrices. secuencias de eventos; hacer comparaciones; comprender las
relaciones entre causa y efecto; determinar el significado de
lgebra (1215%) palabras dependientes del contexto; frases y declaraciones;
hacer generalizaciones; y analizar la voz y el mtodo del autor o
Resolver, graficar y modelar varios tipos de expresiones.
del narrador.
Emplears muchos diferentes tipos de ecuaciones,
incluyendo, entre otros, relaciones lineales, polinomiales, El examen abarca cuatro secciones, tres de las cuales contienen
radicales y exponenciales. Encontrars soluciones a sistemas un pasaje en prosa largo y una que contiene dos pasajes en
de ecuaciones, incluso cuando son representadas mediante prosa ms cortos. Los pasajes representan los niveles y las
matrices simples, y aplicars tu conocimiento a aplicaciones. clases de textos que comnmente se encuentran en los planes
de estudio del primer ao universitario.
Funciones (1215%)
Cada pasaje va precedido por un encabezado que identifica el
Las preguntas de esta categora prueban el conocimiento tipo de pasaje (por ejemplo, narrativa literaria), indica el nombre
de la definicin, notacin, representacin y aplicacin de la del autor, y puede incluir una nota breve que ayuda a entender el
funcin. Las preguntas pueden incluir, entre otras, funciones pasaje. Cada seccin contiene un grupo de preguntas de opcin
lineales, radicales, segmentadas, polinomiales y logartmicas. mltiple. Estas preguntas no evalan la recordacin de memoria
Manipulars y trasladars funciones, adems de que de hechos ajenos al pasaje, elementos aislados del vocabulario
encontrars y aplicars caractersticas importantes de las ni reglas de lgica formal. En las secciones que contienen dos
grficas. pasajes cortos, algunas de las preguntas tienen que ver con
Geometra (1215%) ambos pasajes de la seccin.

Definir y aplicar el conocimiento de figuras y cuerpos slidos, En el examen de lectura de ACT se reportan cuatro calificaciones:
tales como las relaciones de congruencia y similitud o el una calificacin total del examen con base en las 40 preguntas
rea de una superficie y medicin de volmenes. Entender y tres calificaciones de categoras del reporte con base en
la composicin de objetos y resolver valores faltantes en conocimiento y aptitudes especficas. Las categoras del reporte
tringulos, crculos y otras figuras, incluyendo el uso de son ideas y detalles clave, elaboracin y estructura e integracin
razones trigonomtricas y ecuaciones de secciones cnicas. de conocimiento e ideas.

Estadstica y probabilidad (8-12%) Sugerencias para tomar el examen de lectura de ACT

Describir el centro y la dispersin de distribuciones, aplicar Distribuye tu tiempo.
y analizar mtodos de recoleccin de datos, entender Si pasas de dos a tres minutos leyendo los pasajes de cada
y modelar las relaciones en datos bivariados, y calcular seccin, entonces tendrs aproximadamente 35 segundos para
probabilidades, incluyendo los espacios de muestreo contestar cada pregunta. Si es posible, pasa menos tiempo
relacionados. en los pasajes y en las preguntas y usa el tiempo remanente
permitido para este examen revisando tu trabajo y regresando a
Integracin de aptitudes esenciales (40-43%) las preguntas que te parecieron ms difciles.
Estas preguntas abordan conceptos tpicamente aprendidos Lee cada pasaje detenidamente.
antes del octavo grado, tales como tasas y porcentajes; Antes de comenzar a contestar una pregunta, lee detenidamente
relaciones proporcionales, rea, rea superficial y volumen; todo el pasaje (o dos pasajes cortos). S consciente de las
promedio y mediana, as como expresar nmeros de diferentes relaciones entre las ideas. Puedes tomar notas sobre las ideas
maneras. Resolvers problemas de complejidad cada vez mayor, importantes del pasaje en el cuadernillo del examen.
combinars aptitudes en cadenas de pasos ms largas, aplicars
aptitudes en contextos ms variados, entenders ms conexiones Consulta los pasajes cuando contestes las preguntas.
y tendrs mayor destreza. Encontrars las respuestas a algunas de las preguntas
Modelado (>25%) refirindote a lo que se indica explcitamente en el texto.
Otras preguntas requerirn que t determines los significados
Esta categora representa todas las preguntas que implican implcitos y que saques conclusiones y hagas comparaciones y
producir, interpretar, entender, evaluar y mejorar modelos. Cada generalizaciones. Considera el texto antes de contestar cualquier
pregunta tambin se cuenta en otras categoras del reporte pregunta.
adecuadas mencionadas anteriormente. Esta categora es
una medida general sobre qu tan bien usas las aptitudes de Contenido cubierto por el examen de lectura de ACT
modelado en todos los temas de matemticas. El examen de lectura aborda aptitudes en tres categoras del
reporte: Ideas y detalles clave, Elaboracin y estructura e
Integracin de conocimiento e ideas. En la siguiente pgina se
presentan una breve descripcin y el porcentaje aproximado del
examen que se asigna a cada categora del reporte.

Ideas y detalles clave (55-60%) Sugerencias para tomar el examen de ciencias de ACT
Lee los textos con atencin para determinar las ideas y temas Distribuye tu tiempo.
centrales. Resume la informacin e ideas correctamente. Lee Si pasas aproximadamente dos minutos leyendo cada pasaje,
con atencin para entender las relaciones y sacar inferencias y entonces tendrs aproximadamente 30 segundos para contestar
conclusiones lgicas incluyendo el entender las relaciones de cada pregunta. Si es posible, pasa menos tiempo en los pasajes
secuencia, comparativas y de causa y efecto. y en las preguntas y usa el tiempo remanente permitido para este
examen revisando tu trabajo y regresando a las preguntas que te
Elaboracin y estructura (25-30%) parecieron ms difciles.
Determinar los significados de las palabras y frases, analizar la Lee detenidamente el pasaje.
eleccin de palabras del escritor de manera retrica, analizar la
Antes de comenzar a contestar una pregunta, lee el material
estructura del texto, entender el propsito y perspectiva del autor,
cientfico que se te proporciona. Es importante que leas todo
y analizar los puntos de vista de los personajes. Interpretars
el texto y examines todas las tablas, grficas o figuras. Puedes
las decisiones del autor de manera retrica y diferenciars entre
tomar notas sobre las ideas importantes de la informacin
diferentes perspectivas y fuentes de informacin.
presentada en el cuadernillo del examen. Algunos de los
Integracin de conocimiento e ideas (13-18%) conjuntos de informacin describirn experimentos. Debes
considerar el diseo experimental, incluso los controles y las
Entender las aseveraciones de los autores, diferenciar entre variables, porque probablemente las preguntas abordarn este
hechos y opiniones y usar evidencia para hacer conexiones componente de la investigacin cientfica.
entre los diferentes textos que estn relacionados segn el tema.
Algunas preguntas necesitarn que analices cmo los autores Nota los diferentes puntos de vista en los pasajes.
construyen los argumentos, evaluando el razonamiento y la Algunos materiales presentarn puntos de vista conflictivos y las
evidencia de diferentes fuentes. preguntas te pedirn que distingas entre estos varios puntos de
vista. Puede ser til tomar notas resumiendo cada punto de vista
Examen de ciencias de ACT junto a esa seccin en el cuadernillo del examen.
El examen de ciencias de ACT es un examen de 40 preguntas Contenido cubierto por el examen de ciencias de ACT
que debes contestar en 35 minutos y mide las destrezas de
interpretacin, anlisis, evaluacin, razonamiento y resolucin de El contenido del examen de ciencias incluye biologa,
problemas que se requieren en las ciencias naturales. qumica, ciencias de la Tierra y del espacio (por ejemplo,
geologa, astronoma y meteorologa) y fsica. No se requiere
El examen presenta varios conjuntos de informacin cientfica, un conocimiento avanzado de estas reas, pero necesitars
cada uno de ellos seguido por preguntas de opcin mltiple. conocimiento previo adquirido en cursos de ciencias
La informacin cientfica se comunica en uno de tres formatos introductorios generales para contestar correctamente algunas
diferentes: representacin de datos (grficas, tablas, y de las preguntas.
otras formas esquemticas), resmenes de investigacin
(descripciones de varios experimentos relacionados), o puntos El examen de ciencias hace nfasis en las aptitudes y prcticas
de vista conflictivos (expresiones de varias hiptesis o puntos de de ciencias ms que recordar el contenido cientfico, las
vista relacionados que son incongruentes entre s). Las preguntas destrezas en matemticas complejas y la habilidad de lectura.
requieren que reconozcas y entiendas las caractersticas bsicas A continuacin se presentan una descripcin breve y el
de la informacin proporcionada y los conceptos relacionados porcentaje aproximado del examen dedicado a cada categora
con ella; que examines crticamente las relaciones entre la del reporte.
informacin proporcionada y las conclusiones obtenidas o
hiptesis desarrolladas; y que generalices de la informacin Interpretacin de datos (45-55%)
proporcionada para obtener nueva informacin, sacar
Manipular y analizar datos cientficos presentados en tablas,
conclusiones o hacer predicciones. Algunas de las preguntas
grficas y diagramas (por ejemplo, reconocer tendencias en
requieren que los estudiantes tengan conocimiento del contenido
datos, trasladar datos tabulares a grficas, interpolar y extrapolar,
especfico a la disciplina (por ejemplo, conocimiento especfico
y razonar matemticamente).
a un curso de introduccin a la biologa de escuela secundaria),
pero el contenido de ciencias siempre se ha evaluado en Investigacin cientfica (20-30%)
combinacin con aptitudes y prcticas de ciencias.
Entender las herramientas experimentales, procedimientos y
Nota: No se permite usar una calculadora en el examen de diseo (por ejemplo, identificar variables y controles), y comparar,
ciencias de ACT. prolongar y modificar experimentos (por ejemplo, predecir los
En el examen de ciencias de ACT se reportan cuatro resultados de ensayos adicionales).
calificaciones: una calificacin total del examen con base en Evaluacin de modelos, inferencias y resultados
las 40 preguntas y tres calificaciones de categoras del reporte experimentales (25-35%)
con base en conocimiento, aptitudes y prcticas cientficas. Las
categoras del reporte son Interpretacin de datos, Investigacin Juzgar la validez de la informacin cientfica y formular
cientfica y Evaluacin de modelos, Inferencias y Resultados conclusiones y predicciones con base en esa informacin (por
experimentales. ejemplo, determinar cul explicacin para un fenmeno cientfico
es sustentada por nuevos hallazgos).

Formatos de pasajes en el examen de ciencias Planifica.
Antes de escribir, lee y considera detenidamente todo el
La informacin cientfica se comunica en tres formatos diferentes.
material de las instrucciones. Asegrate de entender el tema, las
Representacin de datos (3040%): Este formato presenta diferentes perspectivas sobre el tema y tu tarea de redaccin del
material grfico y tabular similar al de las revistas y textos de ensayo.
ciencias. Las preguntas asociadas con este formato miden
Las preguntas de pre-escritura incluidas con las instrucciones
destrezas tales como lectura de grficas, interpretacin de
te ayudarn a analizar las diferentes perspectivas y a desarrollar
nubes de puntos e interpretacin de informacin presentada
la tuya propia. Usa estas preguntas para pensar crticamente
en tablas.
en las instrucciones y generar una respuesta efectiva. Cmo
Resmenes de investigacin (4555%): Este formato organizaras y sustentaras mejor tus ideas en un argumento
proporciona descripciones de uno o ms experimentos escrito? Usa el espacio de pre-escritura de tu cuadernillo del
relacionados. Las preguntas se concentran en el diseo examen para estructurar o bosquejar tu respuesta.
de experimentos y en la interpretacin de los resultados
experimentales. Escribe.
Establece el enfoque de tu ensayo siendo muy claro en tu
Puntos de vista conflictivos (1520%): Este formato argumento y sus ideas principales.
presenta expresiones de varias hiptesis o puntos de vista
que, basados en diferentes premisas o en datos incompletos, Explica e ilustra tus ideas con razonamiento lgico y ejemplos
son incongruentes entre s. Las preguntas se concentran en significativos.
la comprensin, anlisis y comparacin de puntos de vista o Debate la importancia de tus ideas: cules son las
hiptesis alternativas. implicaciones de lo que tienes que decir y por qu es
importante considerar tu argumento?
Examen de redaccin de ACT Mientras escribes, pregntate si tu lgica es clara, si has
(opcional) sustentado tus aseveraciones y si has elegido palabras precisas
Si te inscribes para el examen ACT con redaccin, tomars para expresar tus ideas.
el examen de redaccin despus de que termines los cuatro
exmenes de opcin mltiple. Tomar el examen de redaccin no Nota: Asegrate de escribir legiblemente con letra cursiva (o de
afectar las calificaciones de los exmenes de opcin mltiple ni molde).
tu calificacin combinada. Revisa tu ensayo.
El examen de redaccin de ACT consiste en un examen de Antes de que se termine el tiempo, dedica unos minutos a revisar
40 minutos en el que tienes que redactar un ensayo; mide tus tu ensayo y corregir cualquier error.
destrezas de escritura, especficamente aquellas que se ensean
Si encuentras palabras que son difciles de leer, vuelve a
en las clases de ingls de la escuela secundaria y en los cursos
de composicin de primer ingreso de la universidad.
Haz las correcciones y revisiones con pulcritud, entre las
El examen describe un tema y proporciona tres perspectivas
diferentes sobre el mismo. Se te pide que (1) evales y analices
las perspectivas dadas, que (2) expreses y desarrolles tu propia No escribas en los mrgenes.
perspectiva sobre el tema y que (3) expliques la relacin entre tu
perspectiva y aquellas que se proporcionaron. Trata de que redactar tu ensayo de la manera ms refinada que
Nota: Tu calificacin no se ver afectada por la perspectiva que
adoptes sobre el tema. Practica.
Hay muchas maneras de prepararse para el examen de
Recibirs un total de cinco calificaciones para este examen: redaccin de ACT. Lee peridicos y revistas, escucha los
una sola calificacin a nivel de materia reportada a una escala anlisis de las noticias en la televisin o la radio o participa en
de 2-12 y cuatro calificaciones de los dominios con base en discusiones y debates.
una rbrica de calificacin analtica. Las cuatro calificaciones
de los dominios son: Ideas y anlisis, Desarrollo y sustentacin, Una de las mejores maneras de prepararte para el examen
Organizacin y Uso del lenguaje y convenciones. de redaccin de ACT es practicar redactando con diferentes
propsitos para diferentes lectores. La redaccin que realices en
Nota: La calificacin de la materia es el promedio redondeado de tus clases te ayudar, al igual que redactar ensayos, historias,
las cuatro calificaciones de los dominios. editoriales, un diario personal u otras cosas que escribas
Sugerencias para tomar el examen de
redaccin de ACT Tambin es buena idea practicar escribiendo dentro de un
Distribuye tu tiempo. lmite de tiempo. Hacer el examen de redaccin de ACT de
prctica te dar una buena idea de cunta prctica adicional
Organiza tu tiempo de acuerdo con la experiencia que tengas
puedes necesitar. Puede ser buena idea tomar el examen de
tomando exmenes de ensayos en la escuela y en otras
redaccin de ACT de prctica, aunque no planees tomar el ACT
circunstancias en las que hayas tenido que redactar dentro de un
con redaccin. Esto ayudar a desarrollar destrezas que son
tiempo limitado. Es poco probable que tengas tiempo de hacer
importantes en el aprendizaje universitario y en el mundo laboral.
un borrador, revisar y pasar en limpio tu ensayo.

Aptitudes de redaccin medidas con el examen de En el saln del examen
redaccin de ACT El supervisor o examinador te dirigir a tu asiento. Si
Los estudiantes que tomen el examen de redaccin recibirn necesitas un escritorio para zurdos, habla con tu supervisor
una calificacin de redaccin a nivel de materia, as como cuatro al llegar.
calificaciones de dominios. Las calificaciones de los dominios se No salgas del saln del examen despus de que te admitan.
basan en la rbrica analtica utilizada para calificar los ensayos, Solo se permitir en tu escritorio lpices, gomas para borrar,
mientras que la calificacin general se calcula con las cuatro una calculadora permitida y tu boleto.
calificaciones de los dominios. Las cuatro calificaciones de Se te pedir que guardes todas tus dems pertenencias
los dominios corresponden a las siguientes dimensiones de personales.
competencia de redaccin:
No puedes usar tabaco en ninguna forma ni tener comida
Ideas y anlisis ni bebidas (incluso agua) en el saln del examen. Puedes
Las puntuaciones de este dominio reflejan la habilidad de comer y beber algo fuera del saln del examen durante el
generar ideas productivas e interactuar crticamente con descanso.
mltiples perspectivas sobre el tema en cuestin. Los escritores El examen comenzar tan pronto como todos los examinados
competentes entienden el tema que se les invita a abordar, el que hayan llegado a las 8:00 a.m. se hayan registrado y
propsito de la redaccin y la audiencia. Ellos generan ideas que estn sentados.
son relevantes a la situacin. Escucha atentamente todas las instrucciones que lea tu
Desarrollo y sustentacin
Es importante que sigas todas las instrucciones al pie de la
Las calificaciones en este dominio reflejan la habilidad de debatir letra.
ideas, ofrecer razonamiento y estimular un argumento. Los
escritores competentes explican y exploran sus ideas, discuten En algunas fechas de examen, ACT prueba preguntas con
las implicaciones e ilustran a travs de ejemplos. Ellos ayudan al el fin de crear nuevas versiones de los exmenes. Se te
lector a entender su manera de pensar acerca del tema. puede pedir que tomes un quinto examen, los resultados
del cual no se reflejarn en tus calificaciones reportadas. El
Organizacin quinto examen puede ser de opcin mltiple o uno para el
Las calificaciones en este dominio reflejan la habilidad de cual escribirs tus propias respuestas. Haz tu mejor esfuerzo
organizar ideas con claridad y propsito. Las opciones de para responder a estas preguntas, ya que tu participacin
organizacin son integrales para una redaccin efectiva. Los puede ayudar a formar el futuro del examen ACT. Si ests en
escritores competentes organizan su ensayo de una manera que un saln del examen donde se est administrando el quinto
demuestra claramente la relacin entre las ideas y guan al lector examen, saldrs alrededor de las 12:35 p.m.
durante su discusin.
Uso del lenguaje y convenciones Comportamientos prohibidos en el
Las calificaciones en este dominio reflejan la habilidad de usar centro de examen
el lenguaje escrito para transmitir argumentos con claridad. Los Una lista completa de las conductas prohibidas se incluye en
escritores competentes hacen uso de las convenciones de la los trminos y condiciones proporcionados en este cuadernillo.
gramtica, sintaxis, uso de palabras y mecnica. Tambin estn Recuerda lo siguiente:
conscientes de su audiencia y ajustan el estilo y tono de su
redaccin para expresarse efectivamente. No puedes llenar o alterar una respuesta, o continuar
escribiendo, despus de que se indique que se agot el
tiempo permitido para esa seccin del examen. Esto incluye

arreglar marcas mal hechas. No puedes mirar ninguna
Qu esperar el da del seccin del cuadernillo del examen fuera del tiempo
designado para tal seccin del examen.
examen No puedes prestar ni recibir ayuda de ninguna manera. Esto
incluye mirar el cuadernillo del examen o el documento de
Hora a la que te debes presentar respuestas de otra persona.
Para las fechas de exmenes nacionales e internacionales, te No tienes permitido usar marcadores, lpices de colores
debes presentar al centro de exmenes a la hora indicada en o lpices, notas, diccionarios, papel para notas u otros
tu boleto, normalmente a las 8:00 a.m. Si llegas tarde, no sers auxiliares.
admitido para tomar el examen. Si tu boleto no indica un saln No tienes permitido activar una alarma en el saln del
especfico, el personal del centro del examen o los letreros del examen o crear cualquier otro tipo de interrupcin.
mismo te dirigirn. El examen es confidencial y permanece as aun despus de
terminar el examen. No puedes sacar ningn material del
Requisitos para la admisin saln del examen. No puedes hablar sobre las preguntas o
En el registro, se te pedir que muestres tu boleto impreso y respuestas del examen en ningn momento, incluso durante
una identificacin con foto aceptable para poder ser admitido el descanso.
para tomar el examen. Consulta los requisitos de identificacin Por ltimo, no se permite comer, beber ni usar tabaco o
en tu boleto o en materiales de lectura en el saln del examen.
Si se te observa o se sospecha que ests involucrado en una
conducta prohibida, se te pedir que te retires y tu documento de
respuestas no se calificar.

Anulacin de tus documentos de
respuestas el da del examen
Si tienes que salir del centro de exmenes antes de completar
todos tus exmenes, debes decidir si deseas que se califique tu
4 Cmo hacer los exmenes
de prctica
Haz los exmenes de prctica bajo condiciones tan similares
documento de respuestas e informar tu decisin al supervisor. Si como sea posible a las que te enfrentars el da del examen. Las
no lo haces, tu documento de respuestas ser calificado. siguientes sugerencias te ayudarn:
Los cuatro exmenes de opcin mltiple requieren 2 horas
Una vez que rompas el sello de tu cuadernillo del examen de
y 55 minutos. Hazlos en orden, en una sola sesin, con un
opcin mltiple, ya no puedes solicitar un cambio de la fecha
descanso de 10 a 15 minutos entre los exmenes 2 y 3.
del examen. Si no completas todos tus exmenes y quieres
tomarlos otra vez, tendrs que pagar otra vez la cuota completa Solamente necesitars lpices del N. 2 afilados y con
por tu opcin de exmenes. Si quieres volver a tomar el examen buenas gomas para borrar. Retira todos los dems objetos
ACT, visita para determinar tus opciones. de tu escritorio. No te permitir usar papel para notas.
Cuando hayas empezado a llenar tu documento de respuestas, Si planeas usar una calculadora permitida en el examen de
no puedes cambiar de una opcin del examen a otra. matemticas, usa la misma calculadora que utilizars el da
del examen.
Tomar el examen ms de una vez Utiliza un reloj o cronmetro digital para tomar el tiempo en
cada uno de los exmenes de prctica. Ajusta tu reloj cinco
No puedes recibir calificaciones de ms de un examen que
minutos antes del tiempo de terminacin de cada examen,
hayas tomado durante una fecha programada de examen
para que te acostumbres al anuncio verbal de que quedan
nacional o internacional. Por ejemplo, puedes tomar el examen
cinco minutos.
en sbado, en una fecha autorizada que no sea sbado o en
una fecha de examen reprogramada, pero no en ms de uno de Date solo el tiempo permitido para cada examen.
esos das. Si se te admite y se te permite tomar un examen por Desprende y usa el documento de respuestas de opcin
segunda vez, reportaremos solo las calificaciones del primer mltiple de las pginas 63-64.
examen. El segundo conjunto de calificaciones se cancelar sin Lee las instrucciones para el examen en la primera pgina de
reembolso. los exmenes de prctica de opcin mltiple. stas son las
mismas instrucciones que aparecern en tu cuadernillo del
Divulgacin de la informacin del examen en la fecha del examen.
Enciende tu cronmetro y comienza con el examen 1.
examen Contina hasta el examen 4, tomndote un descanso de 10 a
En ciertas fechas de exmenes nacionales, si tomas el examen 15 minutos entre los exmenes 2 y 3. Si no planeas tomar el
en un centro de exmenes nacionales, puedes pedir (por una examen ACT con redaccin, califica tus exmenes de opcin
cuota adicional) una copia de las preguntas del examen, una mltiple usando la informacin que comienza en la pgina 56.
copia de tus respuestas, una lista de respuestas correctas y
Si planeas tomar el examen ACT con redaccin, lee las
las instrucciones para calificar. Este servicio no est disponible
instrucciones de la primera pgina del examen de redaccin
en todas las fechas de exmenes ni en otros programas de
de ACT de prctica (pgina 53). stas son las mismas
exmenes (por ejemplo, internacionales, estatales y distritales,
instrucciones que aparecern en tu cuadernillo del examen
especiales). Si deseas solicitar y pagar por este servicio, visita
en la fecha del examen. Activa tu reloj o cronmetro y luego para ver cules fechas de examen ofrecen
lee las instrucciones en la pgina 54. Despus de que
este servicio.
sepas lo que las instrucciones te estn pidiendo, planifica tu
ensayo y luego escrbelo en las pginas con rayas. (El da del
examen, tu documento de respuestas tendr rayas para que
escribas tu ensayo). Califica tu ensayo usando la informacin
de las pginas 61-62.
Para estudiantes aprobados para tomar un examen en un
centro de exmenes nacionales con tiempo adicional:
Si vas a tomar el ACT (sin redaccin), se te permitirn hasta 5
horas en total para tomar los exmenes de opcin mltiple a
tu propio ritmo, y esto incluir descansos entre los exmenes.
Si vas a tomar el ACT con redaccin, se te permitirn hasta
6 horas en total para tomar los cinco exmenes a tu propio

Practice Multiple-Choice Tests
1. Read the following Statement: By opening this test booklet, I agree to comply with and be bound by the Terms and
Conditions: Testing Rules and Policies for the ACT Test provided in the ACT registration materials for this test,
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International Examinees: By my signature I am also providing my consent to ACT to transfer my personally
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45 Minutes75 Questions

DIRECTIONS: In the ve passages that follow, certain You will also nd questions about a section of the pas-
words and phrases are underlined and numbered. In sage, or about the passage as a whole. These questions
the right-hand column, you will nd alternatives for the do not refer to an underlined portion of the passage, but
underlined part. In most cases, you are to choose the rather are identied by a number or numbers in a box.
one that best expresses the idea, makes the statement For each question, choose the alternative you consider
appropriate for standard written English, or is worded best and ll in the corresponding oval on your answer
most consistently with the style and tone of the passage document. Read each passage through once before you
as a whole. If you think the original version is best, begin to answer the questions that accompany it. For
choose NO CHANGE. In some cases, you will nd in many of the questions, you must read several sentences
the right-hand column a question about the underlined beyond the question to determine the answer. Be sure
part. You are to choose the best answer to the question. that you have read far enough ahead each time you
choose an alternative.


The Triangular Snowflake


Snowflakes form from tiny water droplets, following 1. A. NO CHANGE

1 B. form, from tiny, water droplets,
a specific process of chemical bonding as they freeze, C. form from tiny, water, droplets
D. form, from tiny water droplets
which results in a six-sided figure. The rare triangular

snowflake, similarly, confounded scientists for years 2. F. NO CHANGE

2 G. for example,
because it apparently defied the basic laws of chemistry. H. additionally,
J. however,
[A] The seemingly triangular shape of those snowflakes

suggests that forming through a different process of 3. A. NO CHANGE

3 B. the manner in which formation
chemical bonding. [B] By re-creating snowflake formation, C. which had formed
D. that they form

a discovery has revealed to scientists Kenneth Libbrecht 4. F. NO CHANGE

4 G. the discovery of the cause of this apparent variation
and Hannah Arnold the cause of this apparent variation. has been made by scientists Kenneth Libbrecht and
4 Hannah Arnold.
H. scientists Kenneth Libbrecht and Hannah Arnold
have discovered the cause of this apparent variation.
[2] J. the cause of this apparent variation has been dis-
covered by scientists Kenneth Libbrecht and
Snowflakes begin to form when water in the Hannah Arnold.

atmosphere freezes it causes the water molecules 5. A. NO CHANGE

5 B. freezes, causing
to bond into a hexagonal shape. During the flakes C. freezes, it causes
D. freezes, this causes
descent from Earths upper atmosphere, other water

vapor molecules bumps into the hexagonal structure. 6. F. NO CHANGE

6 G. has bumped
H. bumped
J. bump
Bypassing the liquid water phase, those molecules
7. If the writer were to delete the underlined portion
7 (adjusting the capitalization as needed), the sentence
condense directly onto the established hexagonal pattern. would primarily lose:
A. an explanation of the process water molecules
As a result, the flake grows outward into bigger and more undergo to change from liquid to vapor to solid.
B. a detail that mentions a step some water molecules
complex hexagonal arrangements surrounding the original skip in changing from vapor to solid.
C. a visual description of what water vapor molecules
hexagonal shape at the center of the flake. [C] look like.
D. an explanation of how molecules react to various
[3] air temperatures.
In 2009, Libbrecht and Arnolds experiments

revealed that triangular snowflakes begin with the

same process of chemical bonding and forms a hexagonal 8. F. NO CHANGE

8 G. were they to form
shape. The triangular shape is an illusion resulting from H. if they formed
J. form
one significant addition to the process dust. 9. A. NO CHANGE
9 B. process is
[4] C. process:
D. process;
Triangular snowflakes begin to form when a tiny

dust particle or other such impurity collides with the

flake as it falls, thereby pushing one edge upward. [D]

The downward edge of the snowflake encounters more

wind resistance than the rest of the flake. The greater

the pressure from the wind, causes bonds to form 10. F. NO CHANGE
10 G. pressure from the wind, which
H. the pressure, as the wind
J. pressure from the wind
quick at this edge than in the rest of the snowflake. 11. A. NO CHANGE
11 B. more quickly
[5] C. most quickly
D. quickest
The resulting snowflake has three long sides and

three sides that are so short they are difficult to detect.

Although these snowflakes appear to have a triangular

shapethey actually have a hexagonal pattern. Such 12. F. NO CHANGE

12 G. shape,
snowflakes offer evidence that even when impurities H. shape;
J. shape:
interfere, the basic laws of chemistry still apply. 13. Which choice most effectively concludes the sentence
13 and the essay?
B. scientists can be certain that a solution to even the
most confusing event will be found.
C. snowflakes will still fall if atmospheric conditions
are favorable.
D. snowflakes come in many different shapes and


1 1
Questions 14 and 15 ask about the preceding passage as a whole.

14. The writer is considering adding the following sen- 15. Suppose the writers primary purpose had been to offer
tence to the essay: an example of a discovery that changed the way scien-
This growth can take the form of either tists viewed the basic laws of chemistry. Would this
branching (which forms stable, symmetrical essay accomplish that purpose?
shapes) or faceting (which forms unstable, A. Yes, because it describes how the observation of
complex shapes). triangular snowflakes has led scientists to discover
If the writer were to add this sentence, it would most that their understanding of the basic laws of chem-
logically be placed at Point: istry is flawed.
B. Yes, because it describes how scientists have
F. A in Paragraph 1. applied the knowledge theyve gained through
G. B in Paragraph 1. studying snowflakes to other areas of chemistry.
H. C in Paragraph 2. C. No, because it focuses on how scientists are strug-
J. D in Paragraph 4. gling to determine how triangular snowflakes are
D. No, because it explains that triangular snowflakes
appeared to, but dont actually, violate the basic
laws of chemistry.


Climbing Mt. Fuji


Bundled up in wool sweaters and thick

coats, and we watched the sun setting on Mt. Fuji 16. F. NO CHANGE
16 G. coats while watching
in Japan. It was August and our clothes were stifling, H. coats, we watched
J. coats watching
but we would have needed the warmth from our bodies 17. A. NO CHANGE
17 B. would need
sealed around us as we hiked into the high altitudes. C. will need
D. need
Three friends and I stepped away from the crowd of

other hikers and spoke our intention: Sunset at the

base, sunrise at the top. [A]


As we hiked, a patchwork of clouds swept across

the darkening sky, hiding all traces of our surroundings

outside our flashlights beams. The trail gradually changed

from compact dirt to a jumble of volcanic rocks. [B]


We tried to steady ourselves with our
walking sticks but slipped and stumbled

because of the jumbled rocks we were slipping on. 18. F. NO CHANGE

18 G. even though we used our walking sticks.
[3] H. despite any efforts to remain steady.
J. with each step.
Every thousand feet, we came to a small station

constructed of tin and cement, barely able to block

the wind. At each one, we noted the roof piled high on 19. A. NO CHANGE
19 B. piling high with
fallen rocks and felt both unsettled and reassured by this C. piled high with
D. piling high on
evidence of the stations protective ability. We rested

uneasily for a moment as a clerk burned the station brand

into our walking sticks which it was proof of our progress 20. F. NO CHANGE
20 G. sticks, it was proof of
through the darkness. H. sticks, proof of
J. sticks proved

As we neared the summit, the whole group of

hikersthinly spread across the mountain for most of 21. A. NO CHANGE

21 B. the most part
C. majority
D. more

the routecondensed, forming an illuminated line along 22. F. NO CHANGE

22 G. they formed
H. there was
J. we saw

the trail. [C] Our pace slowed. Progressing along the trail, 23. Which choice emphasizes the slowness of the ascent
23 and supports the idea that the narrators group of
we reached the summit just five minutes before dawn. [D] friends did not set their own pace?
B. Able to advance only a few steps at a time,
C. Moving forward with each step,
D. Climbing higher in altitude,
In the half-light of the rising sun: we began to make 24. F. NO CHANGE
24 G. sun
H. sun,
J. sun;
out the dark lines of the cliffs at the craters edge. 25. A. NO CHANGE
25 B. cliffs at the craters
C. cliffs at the craters
D. cliffs at the craters


We crouched down on jutting pieces of rock and waited for
the shifting clouds to clear. We waited for the sun. : 26. If the writer were to delete the preceding sentence, the
paragraph would primarily lose:
F. a restatement of an idea that emphasizes the
hikers anticipation when they reached the summit.
G. a statement that introduces the idea of waiting,
which is the focus of the following paragraph.
H. an unnecessary detail that contradicts information
presented earlier in the paragraph.
J. a clear image that conveys what the hikers saw
[5] when they reached the summit.
Generally, a sudden gap in the clouds left us blinking 27. A. NO CHANGE
27 B. Furthermore,
C. Once again,
D. Finally,
as the sunlight squelched out the severe landscape of 28. Which choice most dramatically emphasizes the
28 ruggedness of the landscape?
gray volcanic rock. We leaned against each other, spent. F. NO CHANGE
G. shattered over
Perhaps there is truth in the old Japanese saying: A wise H. smothered
J. went over
man climbs Mt. Fuji, but only a fool climbs it twice.

Questions 29 and 30 ask about the preceding passage as a whole.

29. The writer wants to add the following sentence to the 30. Suppose the writers primary purpose had been to
essay: describe the experience of doing something difficult.
We clipped small flashlights onto our coats, Would this essay accomplish that purpose?
picked up our walking sticks, and started up F. Yes, because it tells about a variety of challenges
the trail with the other hikers as the sun the hikers faced along their journey.
dipped below the trees. G. Yes, because it focuses primarily on the hikers
The sentence would most logically be placed at Point: need for walking sticks and other tools to make it
up the trail.
A. A in Paragraph 1. H. No, because it focuses on the rewarding nature of
B. B in Paragraph 2. the experience but does not describe the hike as
C. C in Paragraph 4. challenging.
D. D in Paragraph 4. J. No, because it focuses mainly on the beauty of the
surrounding landscape.


The Pottery of Mata Ortiz

In the early 1950s, a twelve-year-old

boy named, Juan Quezada, gathered firewood 31. A. NO CHANGE

31 B. boy named Juan Quezada
in the mountains near the village of Mata Ortiz C. boy, named Juan Quezada
D. boy named Juan Quezada,
in Chihuahua, Mexico. Though he dreamed of

becoming an artist, Quezada spent all of his free

time selling firewood to help support his family.


In the mountains, Quezada found shards of
pots, and an occasional complete pot, painted with 32. Which of the following alternatives to the underlined
32 portion would NOT be acceptable?
intricate red and black designs. These were artifacts F. potsalong with an occasional complete pot
G. pots, along with an occasional complete pot,
from his ancestors, the Paquim (or Casas Grandes) H. pots, (and an occasional complete pot)
J. pots (and an occasional complete pot)
Indians, who lived in the area from about AD 1000

to AD 1400. Fascinated by the geometric designs,

Quezada wondered, if he could make pots like these? 33. A. NO CHANGE

33 B. wondered if he could make pots like these.
C. wondered, if he could make pots like these.
D. wondered if he could make pots like these?

B He dug the clay, soaked it, and tried to shape it 34. Which of the following true statements would provide
the best transition from the preceding paragraph to this
into a pot. In time, he figured out how his ancestors had paragraph?
F. The village of Mata Ortiz is only three streets wide
mixed the clay with volcanic ash to keep it from cracking but stretches for a mile between the Casas Grandes
River and the railroad tracks.
and had used minerals found nearby to create paints. When G. The patterns on Mata Ortiz pottery that Quezada
admired are based on the techniques of the ancient
it was time to paint his pots, Quezada designed his own Paquim.
H. Quezada began working with clay from the
complex geometric patterns. mountains.
J. Quezadas painted designs became increasingly
As an adult, Quezada found a job with the complex.
railroad, but he always made time for his art. By 1976
he was selling pots to travelers and had taught several 35. A. NO CHANGE
35 B. a dedication to teaching
members of his family how to make pots. Three of C. a teacher of
D. has taught
Quezadas pots were discovered in a junk shop in

New Mexico by anthropologist Spencer MacCallum,

who at first thought they were prehistoric. D 36. In the preceding sentence, the clause who at first
thought they were prehistoric primarily serves to
F. how closely Quezada had created his pots within
the Paquim tradition.
G. that Quezadas technique as a potter wasnt very
well developed yet.
H. how strikingly simple Quezadas pots were in
shape and design.
J. that the style of Quezadas pots was outmoded.
His search for their creator led him to Mata 37. A. NO CHANGE
37 B. lead himself
C. led himself
D. lead him
Ortiz and an eventual partnership with Quezada. 38. Which choice most strongly suggests that Quezadas
38 partnership with MacCallum was not formed right
away upon MacCallums arrival in Mata Ortiz?
G. a circumstantial
H. a momentary
J. a timely


MacCallum showed Quezadas pots to art dealers in the
United States, the places in which art galleries were soon 39. A. NO CHANGE
39 B. and it would happen there that
offering Quezada thousands of dollars for them. C. where
D. DELETE the underlined portion.
[1] Quezada helped his village with the money he

earned selling pottery, but he wanted to do more so. [2] So 40. F. NO CHANGE
40 G. more then that.
he taught people from Mata Ortiz to make pots. [3] Today H. more of them.
J. more.

there are more than four hundred potters around, all of 41. A. NO CHANGE
41 B. people creating art now,
C. potters in Mata Ortiz,
D. DELETE the underlined portion and place a
comma after the word hundred.

which make their pots by hand, following the traditions 42. F. NO CHANGE
42 G. whom
of the Paquim Indians. [4] The village is thriving, and H. them
J. who
many museums proudly display the pottery of Mata Ortiz.

[5] Each artist brought something unique to theyre 43. A. NO CHANGE

43 B. his or herselves
C. hers or his
D. his or her

creations. L 44. For the sake of the logic and coherence of this para-
graph, Sentence 5 should be placed:
F. where it is now.
G. before Sentence 1.
H. after Sentence 1.
J. after Sentence 2.

Question 45 asks about the preceding passage

as a whole.

45. Suppose the writers primary purpose had been to write

an essay summarizing the history of pottery making in
Mexico. Would this essay accomplish that purpose?
A. Yes, because it discusses ancient pottery shards
and complete pots from the Paquim Indians and
compares that pottery to modern designs.
B. Yes, because it demonstrates the quality of the
ancient pottery of the Mata Ortiz area.
C. No, because it focuses instead on how one artist
based his creations on ancient pottery techniques
and shared those techniques with other artists.
D. No, because it focuses instead on describing the
Casas Grandes culture in ancient Mexico.


Beaux Arts Architecture in the Spotlight

On West 45th Street in New York City, wedged

between buildings more than twice its height, stands 46. F. NO CHANGE
46 G. theyre
the Lyceum Theatre. Tourists and New Yorkers H. their
J. its

alike regularly filling this theater to its 900-seat 47. A. NO CHANGE

47 B. alike, regularly filling
capacity. Most are there to attend a performance; C. alike, regularly fill
D. alike regularly fill

a few, for example, are likely to be architecture buffs 48. F. NO CHANGE

48 G. consequently,
H. however,
J. in fact,

they come to admire the stunning building itself. Built in 49. A. NO CHANGE
49 B. there to
1903, the theater exemplifies the Beaux Arts architectural C. whom
D. they
style, which fuses elements of classical Greek and Roman

design with Renaissance and Baroque details.

The Beaux Arts revival of classical Greek and Roman

architecture is apparent on first view of the theater. The

Lyceums facadethe exterior front, or face, of the

buildingfeatures half a dozen Corinthian columns.

Above the columns extends a horizontal stone band

called a frieze; carved into it are the classical theatrical 50. F. NO CHANGE
50 G. frieze; into which are carved
H. frieze. Into which are carved
J. frieze, carved into it are
masks that represent comedy and tragedy. S 51. The writer is considering adding the following
Masks figured prominently in classical Greek
theater performances, in part due to the fact
that one actor would usually play several
Should the writer make this addition here?
A. Yes, because it connects the paragraphs point
about theatrical masks to the larger subject of clas-
sical Greek theater.
B. Yes, because it explains the masks significance to
classical Greek theater and architecture.
C. No, because it only addresses classical Greek
theater and doesnt include information about
Roman theater.
D. No, because it deviates from the paragraphs focus
on the Lyceum Theatres architecture.


1 Demonstrating the Beaux Arts infusion of
Renaissance and Baroque details, tall, arched French

windows, symmetrically placed between the columns,

lighten the imposing gray limestone structure. [A]

Above the windows and frieze, an exterior balcony spans

the width of the gray building. [B] The balcony is fenced 52. F. NO CHANGE
52 G. gray limestone
H. limestone
J. DELETE the underlined portion.

with a balustrade, a stone railing supported by a row 53. A. NO CHANGE

53 B. balustrade. Which is
of waist-high, vase-shaped pillars. [C] The ornate C. balustrade. It being
D. balustrade, this is
interior of the building is consistent with its elaborate

exterior. [D] Not just one but two marble-finished

grand staircases lead from the foyer to the midlevel

seating area, called the mezzanine. Inside the theater

itself, elegant chandeliers illuminate rose-colored walls 54. F. NO CHANGE

54 G. elegantly chandelier illuminates
H. elegantly chandelier illuminate
J. elegant chandeliers illuminates

that have gold accents. In keeping with sumptuous 55. Which choice maintains the essays positive tone and
55 most strongly mimics the elaborate style of decor
Beaux Arts style, curved rows of plush purple chairs being described at this point in the essay?
B. embellished with myriad gold accents.
C. marred with gaudy accents of gold.
D. accented with gold.

embrace the stage. X Y 56. If the writer were to delete the preceding sentence, the
essay would primarily lose details that:
F. illustrate one of the Lyceum Theatres features that
deviates from Beaux Arts architecture.
G. contribute to the description of the Lyceum
Theatres elaborate interior.
H. support the essays claim that Beaux Arts architec-
ture was most popular in the twentieth century.
J. clarify an unfamiliar architectural term used in the

57. The writer wants to divide this paragraph into two in

order to separate details about the buildings outdoor
features from details about its indoor features. The best
place to begin the new paragraph would be at Point:
A. A.
B. B.
C. C.
D. D.


1 Patrons credit the handsome Beaux Arts aesthetic 58. F. NO CHANGE
58 G. In the same manner, patrons
H. On one hand, patrons
J. For instance, patrons

with adding enhancement to their theatergoing experience. 59. A. NO CHANGE

59 B. adding enhancement to the experience of
Though smaller and more cramped than many newer C. adding to the experience of
D. enhancing
theatersaudience members often note that legroom is

limitedthe Lyceums distinctive atmosphere continues Question 60 asks about the preceding passage
as a whole.
to delight theater fans as well as architecture enthusiasts.

60. Suppose the writers primary purpose had been to

explain how a building illustrates a particular architec-
tural style. Would this essay accomplish that purpose?
F. Yes, because it describes the architectural styles of
several New York theater buildings.
G. Yes, because it enumerates a number of the
Lyceum Theatres Beaux Arts features.
H. No, because it focuses more specifically on the set
design for the Lyceum Theatres productions.
J. No, because it focuses on more than one architec-
tural style.


Mother Jones: True to the Spirit of Her Cause

The autobiography by Mary Harris Jones is riddled

with factual inaccurate. Jones even fudges her date of 61. A. NO CHANGE
61 B. factually inaccuracies.
C. factual inaccuracies.
D. factually inaccurate.
birth, she falsely lists May 1, International Workers 62. F. NO CHANGE
62 G. birth: she falsely lists
Day, and ages herself by nearly a decade. These H. birth; falsely listing
J. birth, falsely listing:
untruthswhether deliberate exaggerations or

slips of the memoryultimately matters very 63. A. NO CHANGE

63 B. has mattered
C. had mattered
D. matter
little, for the autobiography isnt about the life of 64. F. NO CHANGE
64 G. little. For
H. little; for
J. little,
Mary Harris Jones. Jones became famous for her work. 65. Given that all the choices are true, which one provides
65 the best transition into the rest of the essay?
B. Born in Cork, Ireland, in 1837, Jones immigrated
to the United States in the mid-1800s.
C. Rather, its the story of her public persona, the rad-
ical labor activist Mother Jones.
D. Instead, this essay will show you why Joness role
in history is so important.


1 When Mary Harris Jones got involved
in labor politics in the 1860s, it was rare for

a woman to attend, let alone address, union

meetings. Jones, however, became one of the

movements most powerful and controversial advocates. 66. F. NO CHANGE

66 G. movements most powerful and controversial
She traveled the United States, from the coal mines of advocates.
H. movements most powerful and controversial
Appalachia to the railroad yards of the West, rallying advocates.
J. movements most powerful and controversial
workers to join unions and fight for better working advocates.

conditions. Specifically, Jones helped organize efforts

to ensure that employers complied with laws governing

workday hours and child labor.

The moniker Mother Jones was conferred on Jones

by members of the American Railway Union. She herself, 67. A. NO CHANGE

67 B. She, herself,
adopted the name and, subsequently, a corresponding C. She, herself
D. She herself
public persona. Her audiences came to expect Mother

Jones. d By 1900, the white-haired, calico-frocked 68. At this point, the writer is considering adding the fol-
lowing true statement:
To meet their expectations, Jones crafted her
speech, dress, and mannerisms based on cul-
tural notions of motherhood.
Should the writer make this addition here?
F. Yes, because it highlights the contrast between
Joness personal style and her audiences.
G. Yes, because it adds details about what types of
changes Jones made to create her public persona.
H. No, because it detracts from the focus of the para-
graph by introducing unrelated details.
J. No, because it doesnt indicate the effect Joness
public persona had on audiences.

figure was no longer known as Mary Harris Jones, 69. A. NO CHANGE

69 B. Jones, in fact,
the media, union leaders and workers, and even U.S. C. Jones in fact
D. Jones;
presidents referred to her as Mother Jones.

Embracing the very role used to confine

women to the domestic sphere, Jones subversively

redefined the boundaries of home and family.


My address is like my shoes, she said. It travels with
70. If the writer were to delete the underlined portion, the
70 paragraph would primarily lose a quotation that:
me wherever I go. She was the matriarch who staunchly F. questions the distinction between Mary Harris
Jones and her public persona, Mother Jones.
G. reinforces the essays characterization of Mother
Jones as a happy-go-lucky vagabond.
H. reiterates the point that Jones enjoyed the travel
opportunities her work provided.
J. provides support for the claim that Jones redefined
the boundaries of home.
protected workers. g 71. In the preceding sentence, the writer is considering
replacing workers with her family of workers.
Should the writer make this revision?
A. Yes, because it completes the metaphor comparing
Jones to the head of a family.
B. Yes, because it makes clear that Jones cared most
about workers who were family relatives.
C. No, because it unnecessarily repeats information
established earlier in the essay.
D. No, because it introduces an unrelated comparison
between workers and family.
And protect them she did: When workers 72. F. NO CHANGE
72 G. protections, to name a few, included:
went on strike, Jones secured food donations and H. she defined protection as:
J. she did this by:
temporary living arrangements. Where companies

prevented the formation of unions, she fought for

workers right to organize. Instead of these tireless 73. A. NO CHANGE

73 B. Because of
C. Without
D. Despite
efforts on there behalf, workers trusted Mother Jones 74. F. NO CHANGE
74 G. theyre behalves,
and, by extension, the labor unions she represented. H. their behalf,
J. their behalves,

Question 75 asks about the preceding passage

as a whole.

75. Suppose the writers goal had been to summarize

womens contributions to early-twentieth-century labor
law reform. Would this essay accomplish that goal?
A. Yes, because it shows that Mother Jones was a
well-known and respected labor agitator.
B. Yes, because it introduces a prominent figure in
labor history.
C. No, because it focuses more specifically on labor
law reform in the nineteenth century.
D. No, because it focuses more specifically on one
figure in the labor movement.


ACT-1572CPRE 23
60 Minutes60 Questions

DIRECTIONS: Solve each problem, choose the correct but some of the problems may best be done without
answer, and then ll in the corresponding oval on your using a calculator.
answer document. Note: Unless otherwise stated, all of the following should
Do not linger over problems that take too much time. be assumed.
Solve as many as you can; then return to the others in 1. Illustrative gures are NOT necessarily drawn to scale.
the time you have left for this test. 2. Geometric gures lie in a plane.
You are permitted to use a calculator on this test. You 3. The word line indicates a straight line.
may use your calculator for any problems you choose, 4. The word average indicates arithmetic mean.

1. The blood types of 150 people were determined for a 3. On a particular road map, _1_ inch represents 18 miles.
study as shown in the figure below.
About how many miles apart are 2 towns that are
70 67 2 _12_ inches apart on this map?
number of people

50 A. 18
B. 22 _12_
20 15 C. 36
10 6
0 D. 45
blood type E. 90
If 1person from this study is randomly selected, what
is the probability that this person has either TypeA or
TypeAB blood? 4. Given f = cd 3, f = 450, and d = 10, what is c ?
F. 000.45
A. ___ G. 004.5
H. 015
B. ___ J. 045
150 K. 150
C. ___
73_ 5. If f (x)= (3x + 7)2, then f (1)= ?
D. ___
150 A. 010
84_ B. 016
E. ___ C. 058
D. 079
E. 100

6. Jorges current hourly wage for working at

Denti Smiles is $12.00. Jorge was told that at the
2. The monthly fees for single rooms at 5 colleges are beginning of next month, his new hourly wage will be
$370, $310, $380, $340, and $310, respectively. What an increase of 6% of his current hourly wage. What
is the mean of these monthly fees? will be Jorges new hourly wage?
F. $310 F. $12.06
G. $340 G. $12.60
H. $342 H. $12.72
J. $350 J. $18.00
K. $380 K. $19.20


7. The first term is 1 in the geometric sequence 11. Students studying motion observed a cart rolling at a
1, 3, 9, 27, . What is the SEVENTH term of the constant rate along a straight line. The table below
geometric sequence? gives the distance, d feet, the cart was from a reference
A. 243 point at 1-second intervals from t = 0 seconds to
B. 030 t = 5seconds.
C. 081 t 00 01 02 03 04 05
D. 189
E. 729 d 14 20 26 32 38 44
8. The shipping rate for customers of Ship Quick consists Which of the following equations represents this
of a fee per box and a price per pound for each box. relationship between d and t ?
The table below gives the fee and the price per pound
for customers shipping boxes of various weights. A. d= 00t + 14
B. d= 06t + 08
Weight of box C. d= 06t + 14
(pounds) Fee Price per pound D. d= 14t + 06
E. d= 34t
Less than 10 $05.00 $1.00
1025 $10.00 $0.65 12. The length of a rectangle with area 54 square
More than 25 $20.00 $0.30 centimeters is 9 centimeters. What is the perimeter of
the rectangle, in centimeters?
Gregg wants Ship Quick to ship 1 box that weighs
15pounds. What is the shipping rate for this box? F. 06
G. 12
F. $09.75 H. 15
G. $16.50 J. 24
H. $19.75 K. 30
J. $20.00
K. $24.50 ___
13. In
___the figure below, C is the intersection of AD and
9. A computer chip 0.32 cm thick is made up of layers of BE . If it can be determined, what is the measure of
silicon. If the top and bottom layers are each 0.03 cm BAC ?
thick and the inner layers are each 0.02 cm thick, how D
many inner layers are there?
} 0.32 cm
45 35
35 C
A. 080
B. 100
C. 110 A
A. 13 D. 115
B. 15 E. Cannot be determined from the given information
C. 16
D. 52 14. Antwan drew the circle graph below describing his
E. 64 time spent at school in 1day. His teacher said that the
numbers of hours listed were correct, but that the
10. The table below shows the number of cars Jing sold central angle measures for the sectors were not correct.
each month last year. What is the median of the data in What should be the central angle measure for the Core
the table? subjects sector?
Month Number of cars sold
January 25 Core
February 15 subjects
March 22 4 hours
April 19
May 16
June 13
July 19 Electives Choir
August 25 3 hours 1 hour
F. 13 September 26 F. 072 Lunch
G. 16 October 27 G. 080 and
H. 19 November 28 H. 160 passing time
J. 20.5 December 29 J. 200 1 hour
K. 23.5 K. 288


15. This month, Kami sold 70 figurines in 2 sizes. The
___ ____
20. For trapezoid ABCD shown below, AB i DC , the
large figurines sold for $12 each, and the small measures of the interior angles are distinct, and the
figurines sold for $8 each. The amount of money he measure of D is x. What is the degree measure of
received from the sales of the large figurines was equal A in terms of x ?
to the amount of money he received from the sales of A B
the small figurines. How many large figurines did F. (180 x)
Kami sell this month? G. (180 0.5x)
H. (180+ 0.5x)
A. 20 J. (180+ x) x
B. 28 K. x D C
C. 35
D. 42
E. 50
21. To get a drivers license, an applicant must pass a
16. A car accelerated from 88 feet per second (fps) to written test and a driving test. Past records show that
220 fps in exactly 3 seconds. Assuming the acceleration 80% of the applicants pass the written test and 60% of
was constant, what was the cars acceleration, in feet those who have passed the written test pass the driving
per second per second, from 88fps to 220fps? test. Based on these figures, how many applicants in a
random group of 1,000applicants would you expect to
1_ get drivers licenses?
F. 00 __
44 A. 200
G. 029 _13_ B. 480
C. 600
D. 750
H. 044 E. 800
J. 075 _13_

K. 102 _23_ 22. If a, b, and c are positive integers such that ab = x and
cb = y, then xy = ?

17. In a plane, the distinct lines AB and CD intersect at A, F. acb
where A is between C and D. The measure of BAC is
47. What is the measure of BAD ? G. ac2b
A. 043 H. (ac)b
B. 047 J. (ac)2b
C. 094 2

D. 133 K. (ac)b
E. 137

18. In which of the following are _1_ , _5_ , and _5_ arranged in 23. Which of the following expressions is equivalent to
2 6 8
_1_ y2(6x + 2y + 12x 2y)?
ascending order? 2
F. _1_ < _5_ < _5_ A. 09xy2
2 8 6
B. 18xy
G. 5_
_ < _1_ < _5_
6 2 8 C. 03xy2 + 12x
H. 5_
_ < _5_ < _1_ D. 09xy2 2y3
6 8 2
E. 03xy2 + 12x y3 2y
J. 5_
_ < _1_ < _5_
8 2 6
K. 5_
_ < _5_ < _1_
8 6 2 24. An artist makes a profit of (500p p 2 ) dollars from
selling p paintings. What is the fewest number of
19. In scientific notation, 670,000,000+ 700,000,000= ? paintings the artist can sell to make a profit of at least
A. 1.37 109
B. 1.37 107 F. 100
G. 150
C. 1.37 108 H. 200
D. 1.37 109 J. 300
E. 137 1015 K. 600


25. Last month, Lucie had total expenditures of $900. The
29. What is the product of the complex numbers (3i + 4)
pie chart below breaks down these expenditures by and (3i + 4)?
category. The category in which Lucies expenditures A. 01
were greatest is what percent of her total expenditures, B. 07
to the nearest 1%? C. 25
clothes D. 7+ 24i
E. 07+ 24i
gas $254
30. The radius of the base of the right circular cone shown
$219 below is 5 inches, and the height of the cone is
A. 24% $182 food 7 inches. Solving which of the following equations
B. 28%
insurance $125 gives the measure, , of the angle formed by a slant
C. 32% height of the cone and a radius?
D. 34%
E. 39% entertainment
F. tan, = _5_
26. In the figure shown below, the measure of BAC is G. tan, = _7_ 7
(x + 20) and the measure of BAD is 90. What is the 5
measure of CAD ? H. sin, = _5_
B C 7
J. sin, = _7_
F. 0(x 70) 5
G. 0(70 x)
H. 0(70+ x) K. cos, = _7_
J. (160 x)
K. (160+ x) A D
31. To make a 750-piece jigsaw puzzle more challenging, a
puzzle company includes 5 extra pieces in the box
27. What is the perimeter, in inches, of the isosceles right along with the 750pieces, and those 5extra pieces do
triangle shown below, whose hypotenuse is 82 inches not fit anywhere in the puzzle. If you buy such a puzzle
box, break the seal on the box, and immediately select
long? 1 piece at random, what is the probability that it will
be 1of the extra pieces?
A. 08
B. 08+ 082 _1_
C. 08+ 162 5
D. 16 B. ___
E. 16+ 082
C. ___
28. The equation y = ax + bx + c is graphed in the 5_
D. ___
standard (x,y) coordinate plane below for real values of 755
a, b, and c. When y = 0, which of the following best 5_
describes the solutions for x ? E. ___
32. What fraction lies exactly halfway between _2_ and _3_ ?
3 4

F. _3_
x 5
G. _5_
H. __
F. 2distinct positive real solutions 12
G. 2distinct negative real solutions 9_
H. 1positive real solution and 1negative real solution J.
J. 2real solutions that are not distinct
K. 2distinct solutions that are not real 17_
K. __


2 36. Which of the following is the graph of the region
Use the following information to answer 1<x + y <2 in the standard (x,y) coordinate plane?
questions 3335. F. y J. y

Gianna is converting a 12-foot-by-15-foot room in her

house to a craft room. Gianna will install tile herself but 2 2
will have CC Installations build and install the cabinets. 2 1 x 1 2 x
The scale drawing shown below displays the location of the 1 1
cabinets in the craft room (0.25inch represents 2feet).
2 ft deep
window G. y K. y

2 2
2 2

1 x x
cabinets 12 ft wall 1 1

H. y
15 ft wall
Cabinets will be installed along one of the 12-foot walls 1
from floor to ceiling, and 4cabinets that are each 3feet tall x
1 2
will be installed in the middle of the room. These are the 2
only cabinets that will be installed, and each of them will
be 2 feet wide and 2 feet deep. CC Installations has given
Gianna an estimate of $2,150.00 for building and installing
the cabinets. 37. What is the difference between the mean and the
median of the set {3, 8, 10, 15}?
33. A 15-foot wall is how many inches long in the scale
drawing? A. 00
B. 01
A. 1.5 C. 04
B. 1.875 D. 09
C. 3 E. 12
D. 3.375
E. 3.75 38. Which of the following describes a true relationship
34. Gianna will install tile on the portion of the floor that between the functions f (x) = (x 3) 2 + 2 and
will NOT be covered by cabinets. What is the area, in
square feet, of the portion of the floor that will NOT be g(x) = _1_ x + 1 graphed below in the standard (x,y)
covered by cabinets? coordinate plane?
F. 072 y
G. 090
H. 140
J. 156
K. 164

35. CCInstallations estimate consists of a $650.00charge

for labor, plus a fixed charge per cabinet. The labor
charge and the charge per cabinet remain the same
for any number of cabinets built and installed.
CC Installations would give Gianna what estimate if
the craft room were to have twice as many cabinets as x
Gianna is planning to have?
A. $2,800.00 F. f (x) = g(x) for exactly 2values of x
B. $3,000.00 G. f (x) = g(x) for exactly 1 value of x
C. $3,450.00 H. f (x) < g(x) for all x
D. $3,650.00 J. f (x) > g(x) for all x
E. $4,300.00 K. f (x) is the inverse of g(x)
2 43. A formula to estimate the monthly payment, p dollars,
Use the following information to answer on a short-term loan is
questions 3941. _1_ ary + a
p = _________
Trapezoid ABCD is graphed in the standard (x,y) coordinate where a dollars is the amount of the loan, r is the
plane below. annual interest rate expressed as a decimal, and y years
is the length of the loan. When a is multiplied by 2,
y what is the effect on p ?
A. pis divided by 6
B(3,4) C(9,4) B. pis divided by 2
C. pdoes not change
D. pis multiplied by 2
E. pis multiplied by 4
A(2,1) D(12,1)
44. The pointsE(6,4) and F(14,12) lie in the standard (x,y)
coordinate plane shown below. Point D___lies on EF
___ between E and F such that the length of EF is 4times
39. What is the slope of CD ? ___
the length of DE . What are the coordinates of D ?
A. 3 y

B. 1 F(14,12)

C. 1
D. __ F. (07,05)
G. (08,06) E(6,4)
E. _3_ H. (08,08)
J. (10,08) x
K. (12,10) O
40. When ABCD is reflected over the y-axis to ABCD,
what are the coordinates of D ?
F. (12,0 1) 3 4 3
45. Given that a 21 64 = xy 27 4
z for some real number a,
G. (12,01) what is x + z ?
H. ( 12,01)
J. ( 01, 12) A. _4_
K. ( 01,12) 3
41. Which of the following vertical lines cuts ABCD into
2trapezoids with equal areas? C. 26
A. x= 2.5
B. x= 3.5 D. 27
C. x= 4.5
D. x= 5.5 E. 48
E. x= 6.5
46. A container is _1_ full of water. After 10 cups of water
are added, the container is _3_ full. What is the volume
x x 1 1 22 ?
42. Given f (x)= x _1_ and g(x)= _1_ ,what is f g _1_
2 of the container, in cups?
F. 3
F. 13 _13_
G. _3_
2 G. 13 _12_
H. 2_
H. 15
J. 0 J. 16

K. _3_ K. 40
47. Only tenth-, eleventh-, and twelfth-grade students
50. You can find the volume of an irregularly shaped solid
attend Washington High School. The ratio of tenth object by completely submerging it in water and
graders to the schools total student population is calculating the volume of water the object displaces.
86:255, and the ratio of eleventh graders to the You completely submerge a solid object in a
schools total student population is 18:51. If 1 student rectangular tank that has a base 40 centimeters by
is chosen at random from the entire school, which 30 centimeters and is filled with water to a depth of
grade is that student most likely to be in? 20 centimeters. The object sinks to the bottom, and the
A. Tenth water level goes up 0.25 centimeters. What is the
B. Eleventh volume, in cubic centimeters, of the object?
C. Twelfth F. 300
D. All grades are equally likely. G. 240
E. Cannot be determined from the given information H. 200
J. 150
K. 075
4 _ ___
48. ___ + 2_ = ?
2 3 51. If x:y = 5:2 and y:z = 3:2, what is the ratio of x:z ?
43 + 22_ A. 03:1
F. ___________ B. 03:5
C. 05:3
43 + 22_
G. ___________ D. 08:4
6 E. 15:4
H. _________
2 + 3 52. Which of the following is the solution statement for
the inequality shown below?
J. 5< 1 3x < 10
8_ F. 5< x < 10
K. ___ G. 3< x
H. 3< x < 2
J. 2< x < 3
K. x < 3orx > 2
49. The shaded region in the graph below represents the
solution set to which of the following systems of
inequalities? 53. A formula for the surface area (A) of the rectangular
y solid shown below is A = 2lw + 2lh + 2wh where l
represents length; w,width; and h,height. By doubling
each of the dimensions (l, w, and h), the surface area

(x 1)2 + (y 2)2 = 9 will be multiplied by what factor?


A. 02
x B. 04 h
C. 06 l
D. 08
E. 12 w

54. A dog eats 7 cans of food in 3 days. At this rate, how

A. 5 (xy <x1) ++2( y 2)
2 2
<9 many cans of food does the dog eat in 3+ d days?
_7_ + d
B. 5 (xy >x1) ++2( y 2)
2 2
G. _7_ + __
C. 5 (xy >x1) ++2( y 2)
2 2
>9 H. _
7_ __
3 3d
D. 5 (xy <x1) ++2( y 2)
2 2
>9 J. 7 + __ d
E. 5 (( xy 2)1) <> 33 K. 7 + 7d_


55. Kelly asked 120 students questions about skiing. The
58. Which of the following number line graphs shows the
results of the poll are shown in the table below. solution set to the inequality x 5 < 1?

Question Yes No F.
4 6 x
1. Have you skied either cross-country
or downhill? 65 55 G.
4 6 x
2. If you answered Yes to Question1,
did you ski downhill? 28 37 H.
4 6 x
3. If you answered Yes to Question1, J.
did you ski cross-country? 45 20
4 6 x
After completing the poll, Kelly wondered how many K.
of the students polled had skied both cross-country and 4 6 x
downhill. How many of the students polled indicated (empty set)
that they had skied both cross-country and downhill?
A. 73 59. As part of a probability experiment, Elliott is to answer
B. 65 4 multiple-choice questions. For each question, there
C. 47 are 3 possible answers, only 1 of which is correct. If
D. 18 Elliott randomly and independently answers each
E. 08 question, what is the probability that he will answer
the 4questions correctly?
56. The square below is divided into 3 rows of equal area.
In the top row, the region labeled A has the same area A. __
as the region labeled B. In the middle row, the 3 regions 81
have equal areas. In the bottom row, the 4 regions have B. 12_
equal areas. What fraction of the squares area is in a 81
region labeled A? 4_
F. _1_ 3_
9 A B D.
G. 3_
9 E.
A B C 81
H. _6_
9 60. The sides of an acute triangle measure 14 cm, 18 cm,
J. 13_
__ and 20 cm, respectively. Which of the following
12 A B C D equations, when solved for , gives the measure of the
13_ smallest angle of the triangle?
K. __
(Note: For any triangle with sides of length a, b, and c
57. The functions y = sin,x and y = sin(x + a) + b, for
constants a and b, are graphed in the standard (x,y) that are opposite angles A, B, and C, respectively,
_____ sin,B sin,C
coordinate plane below. The functions have the same = _____ = _____ and c2 = a2 + b2 2ab cos,C.)
maximum value. One of the following statements a b c
about the values of a and b is true. Which statement is
____ 1_
it? F. = __
y 14 18
sin,_ 1_
G. ____ = __
14 20
sin,_ 1_
H. ____ = __
20 14
O x
J. 142 = 182 + 202 2(18)(20)cos,

K. 202 = 142 + 182 2(14)(18)cos,

A. a< 0 and b= 0
B. a< 0 and b> 0 END OF TEST 2
C. a= 0 and b> 0
E. a> 0 and b> 0
ACT-1572CPRE 31
35 Minutes40 Questions

DIRECTIONS: There are several passages in this test.

Each passage is accompanied by several questions.
question and ll in the corresponding oval on your
answer document. You may refer to the passages as

Passage I with him, at the fish in the Taraporewala Aquarium

she was out there with her, with Bombay; out there
PROSE FICTION: ThispassageisadaptedfromthenovelThe bringing her into being. (For of course construction
Ground Beneath Her Feet by Salman Rushdie (1999 by work never stops completely, and supervising such
SalmanRushdie). 45 work was Ameers particular genius. My mother the
master builder. Like her father before her.) And when
ArtDecoisanarchitecturalanddecorativestylethatwaspopu- my father handed me over to her, he went off, wearing
his local-history hat and a khaki jacket full of pockets,
When you grow up, as I did, in a great city, during to dig in the foundations of building sites for the secrets
what just happens to be its golden age, you think of it 50 of the citys past, or else sat hatless and coatless at a
designing board and dreamed his lo-and-behold dreams.
as eternal. Always was there, always will be. The
grandeur of the metropolis creates the illusion of per- Maps of the early town afforded my father great
5 manence. The peninsular Bombay into which I was joy, and his collection of old photographs of the edi-
born certainly seemed perennial to me. Malabar and fices and objets of the vanished city was second to
Cumballa hills were our Capitol and Palatine, the 55 none. In these faded images were resurrected the
Brabourne Stadium was our Colosseum, and as for the demolished Fort, the breakfast bazaar market outside
glittering Art Deco sweep of Marine Drive, well, that the Teen Darvaza or Bazaargate, and the humble mutton
10 was something not even Rome could boast. I actually shops and umbrella hospitals of the poor, as well as the
grew up believing Art Deco to be the Bombay style, a fallen palaces of the great. The early citys relics filled
local invention, its name derived, in all probability, 60 his imagination as well as his photo albums. It was
from the imperative of the verb to see. Art dekho. Lo from my father that I learned of Bombays first great
and behold art. (When I began to be familiar with photographers, Raja Deen Dayal and A. R. Haseler,
15 images of New York, I at first felt a sort of anger. The whose portraits of the city became my first artistic
Americans had so much; did they have to possess our influences, if only by showing me what I did not want
style as well? But in another, more secret part of my 65 to do. Dayal climbed the Rajabai tower to create his
heart, the Art Deco of Manhattan, built on a scale so sweeping panoramas of the birth of the city; Haseler
much grander than our own, only increased Americas went one better and took to the air. Their images were
20 allure, made it both familiar and awe-inspiring, our awe-inspiring, unforgettable, but they also inspired in
little Bombay writ large.) me a desperate need to get back down to ground level.
70 From the heights you see only pinnacles. I yearned for
In reality that Bombay was almost brand-new the city streets, the knife grinders, the water carriers,
when I knew it; whats more, my parents construction the pavement moneylenders, the peremptory soldiers,
firm of Merchant & Merchant had been prominent in its the railway hordes, the chess players in the Irani restau-
25 making. In the ten years before my own coming into the rants, the snake-buckled schoolchildren, the beggars,
world, the city had been a gigantic building site; as if it 75 the fishermen, the moviemakers, the dockers, the book
were in a hurry to become, as if it knew it had to pro- sewers, the loom operators, the priests. I yearned for
vide itself in finished condition by the time I was able life.
to start paying attention to it ... No, no, I dont really
30 think along such solipsistic lines. Im not over-attached When I said this to my father he showed me
to history, or Bombay. Me, Im the under-attached type. photos, still lives of storefronts and piers, and told me I
80 was too young to understand. See where people lived
But let me confess that, even as a child, I was and worked and shopped, he clarified, with a rare flash
insanely jealous of the city in which I was raised, of irritation, and it becomes plain what they were
because it was my parents other love. They loved each like. For all his digging, Vivvy Merchant was content
35 other (good), they loved me (very good), and they with the surfaces of his world. I, his photographer son,
loved her (not so good). Bombay was my rival. It was 85 set out to prove him wrong, to show that a camera can
on account of their romance with the city that they see beyond the surface, beyond the trappings of the
drew up that weekly rota (list) of shared parental actual, and penetrate to its flesh and heart.
responsibilities. When my mother wasnt with me
40 when I was riding on my fathers shoulders, or staring,


1. The passage as a whole can primarily be characterized 6. As it is used in line 9, the word sweep most nearly
as the narrators: means:
A. explanation of the relationship the narrator and his F. overwhelming victory.
parents had with the city of Bombay. G. wide-ranging search.
B. description of important buildings and locations in H. complete removal.
Bombay. J. broad area.
C. argument for Bombays prominence in the world
of architecture.
D. concerns about the emotional environment in 7. In the context of the passage, the primary function of
which the narrator was raised. lines 610 is to:
2. The narrator describes the photos by Bombays first A. compare architectural landmarks in Bombay to
great photographers as primarily inspiring the narrator those elsewhere.
to: B. help illustrate how the term art deco was
F. turn away from a career in photography. C. contradict the idea that Bombay was in its golden
G. create grand panoramas of the new Bombay. age when the narrator was a child.
H. produce images that his father would add to his D. provide examples of Bombay style architecture
collection. in Rome.
J. photograph subjects that depict everyday life on
Bombays streets.
8. The narrator as a child viewed the work his parents did
3. In lines 2531, the narrator muses over, then rejects, for Merchant & Merchant with a strong sense of:
the notion that:
F. joy; the work provided the family with enough
A. Merchant & Merchant played an important role in money to live extravagant lives.
the building of Bombay. G. fear; the narrator knew his parents were often so
B. he started paying attention to Bombay at a young exhausted they were careless about safety.
age. H. jealousy; the work pulled the narrators parents
C. his anticipated birth was one of the causes of the away from him and directed their attention to the
rush to finish the building of Bombay. city.
D. Bombay had been a gigantic building site in the J. respect; his parents were known for their quality
years before he was born. workmanship throughout the city.
4. In lines 3243, the narrator uses which of the follow-
ing literary devices to describe Bombay?
9. As it is used in line 38, the phrase drew up most nearly
F. Alliteration means:
G. Allusion
H. Personification A. extended.
J. Simile B. prepared.
C. approached.
5. Which of the following statements best captures how D. straightened.
the narrators parents balanced their parental duties
with their work at the construction company?
A. The narrators mother did the majority of the work 10. In the last paragraph, the narrators father shows the
at the construction company, while the narrators narrator the photos of storefronts and piers in order to:
father took care of the narrator. F. teach the narrator about the commercial progress
B. The narrators parents traded off responsibility for the people who work in Bombay have made.
taking care of the narrator and working at the con- G. convince the narrator that Dayal and Haseler were
struction company. Bombays first great photographers.
C. The narrators father worked at his designing H. clarify his claim that his photo collection was not
board, while the narrators mother took the narra- about modern-day Bombay but rather about the
tor along to building sites. early twentieth century.
D. The narrators parents both worked at the con- J. illustrate that photos of places can reveal as much
struction company, while the narrator stayed home about the people who spent time there as photos of
with a babysitter. the people themselves.


Passage II
ous path, running the entire length of Atlantic, slashing
55 the basin neatly in two. Its mountains are stark and
SOCIAL SCIENCE: This passage is adapted from Great black, as black as the sea itself, lit only at their peaks
Waters: An Atlantic Passage by Deborah Cramer (2001 by by a thin, patchy covering of white, the skeletal remains
DeborahCramer). of tiny microscopic animals that once lived at the sur-
face. Peaks as high as Mount St. Helens sit in a watery
TheSargassoSeaisapartofthenorthernAtlanticOcean. 60 world of blackness, more than a mile below the surface,
beyond the reach of light, beyond the sight of sailors.
As the Cramer idles through the Sargasso Sea,
waiting for the wind to rise, the sea is flat and empty. A great valley, eclipsing any comparable feature
Nothing demarcates or divides the smooth expanse of on dry land, runs through these mountains. Arizonas
water dissolving into the horizon. This vast, unrough- Grand Canyon, one of earths most spectacular places,
5 ened surface, this breadth of uniform sea, deceives. But 65 extends for about 280 miles (450 kilometers). A lesser-
for a few lonely oceanic islands, the unperturbed sur- known canyon of similar depth but considerably greater
face offers no hint of the grand and sweeping energies length lies hidden in the mountains of the ridge.
hidden below. Although offset in many places by breaks in the moun-
tains, the rift valley, as the canyon is called, extends the
Only one thousand miles offshore, the Cramer has 70 length of Atlantic for 11,000 miles (17,700 kilometers).
10 already sailed through some of Atlantics deepest Here in this bleak and forbidding place, where the
waters. Contrary to what one might guess, Atlantics water is almost freezing, subterranean fires have lifted
deepest waters, like those in other oceans, are along her mounds of fresh lava onto the seafloor. Scientists visit-
edges. As we continue east, toward the middle of the ing the rift valley for the first time named the volcanic
sea, the bottom rises. The unmarked plains of the abyss, 75 hills in this otherworldly setting after distant, lifeless
15 here flattened by layers of sediment, give way to rising planets.
foothills and then to mountains. The first maps of
Atlantic seafloor noted, albeit crudely, this rise. Early Yet, what had seemed so foreign to scientists is an
efforts to plumb Atlantics depths proved outrageously integral part of earths very being, for at the ridge our
inaccurate: one naval officer paid out eight miles (thir- own planet gives birth. The floor of the rift valley is
20 teen kilometers) of hemp rope from a drifting ship and 80 torn; from the gashes has sprung the seafloor underly-
concluded the sea had no bottom. Eventually, sailors ing all of Atlantic. Here the youngest, newest pieces are
more or less successfully calculated depth by heaving made. Earth is still cooling from her tumultuous birth
overboard cannonballs tied to bailing twine. When they four and a half billion years ago. Heat, leaking from the
hit bottom, the sailors measured and snipped the twine molten core and from radioactive decay deep inside the
25 and then moved on, leaving a trail of lead strung out 85 planet, rises toward earths surface, powering the volca-
across the seafloor. These crude soundings, forming the noes that deliver the ridge to the sea.
basis of the first map of Atlantics basin, published in
1854, identified a prominent rise halfway between
Europe and America.

30 For many years no one could explain why the

basin of Atlantic, unlike a bowl, deepened at its edges
and shoaled in its center. People assumed that this
Middle Ground, Telegraph Plateau, or Dolphin
Rise, as it was variously called, was an ancient and
35 drowned land bridge, or a lost continent, but sailors
repairing transatlantic telegraph cable unknowingly
produced evidence to prove otherwise. Wrestling with
the broken cable, they accidentally twisted off a piece
of the plateau and dredged up a twenty-one-pound
40 (ten-kilogram) chunk of dense black volcanic rock. It 11. The authors attitude toward the main subject of the
was some of the youngest, freshest rock on earth, and it passage can best be described as:
was torn not from a piece of continent sunk beneath the
waves, but from the very foundation of the sea. A. awe and fascination.
B. disbelief and cynicism.
Today, highly sophisticated sound waves bring the C. amusement and nostalgia.
45 hazy images of those early soundings into sharp focus, D. boredom and indifference.
revealing that one of the largest and most salient geo-
graphic features on the planet lies on the floor of the 12. The passage makes clear that Middle Ground, Tele-
ocean. Hidden beneath the waves is an immense sub- graph Plateau, and Dolphin Rise were names that
merged mountain range, the backbone of the sea. More people gave to what was actually:
50 extensive, rugged, and imposing than the Andes, Rock- F. an island in Atlantic.
ies, or Himalayas, it covers almost as much of earths G. a transatlantic telegraph cable.
surface as the dry land of continents. Winding like the H. an ancient and drowned land bridge.
seam of a baseball, it circles the planet in a long, sinu- J. the immense mountain range in Atlantics basin.


13. In the first paragraph, the author describes the stillness 17. The author most strongly implies that people com-
of the Sargasso Sea as the Cramer passes through it monly assume the deepest waters of an ocean are:
primarily to emphasize that the stillness: A. about one thousand miles offshore.
A. wont last long, for the sea will become rough B. at the middle of the ocean.
when the wind rises. C. dotted with islands.
B. makes it easy for a passenger on the Cramer to D. located in trenches.
spot oceanic islands that break the waters surface.
C. is in dramatic contrast to the power of what exists
on and under the seafloor far below.
D. makes it seem as if the Cramers wake is dividing
the unbroken expanse of water into two.
18. As it is used in line 19, the phrase paid out most nearly
14. The passage states that compared to Arizonas Grand means:
Canyon, the canyon that lies within the mountains in F. dispensed.
Atlantics basin is considerably: G. ascertained.
F. deeper. H. suggested.
G. older. J. compensated.
H. wider.
J. longer.

15. The main purpose of the information in lines 7176 is

A. describe in detail scientists expectations for their 19. According to the passage, the mountain range in
first trip to the rift valley. Atlantics basin covers nearly the same amount of
B. characterize the rift valley as an alien, seemingly Earths surface as does:
barren place. A. Mount St. Helens.
C. provide statistics about several geographic proper- B. the Himalayas.
ties of the rift valley. C. the Pacific Ocean.
D. list the names that scientists gave to the volcanic D. the dry land of continents.
hills in the rift valley.

16. One of the main purposes of the last paragraph is to

state that the:
F. gashes in the rift valley continue to increase in
width. 20. According to the passage, the white cover on the peaks
G. seafloor of Atlantic has cooled. of the mountains in Atlantics basin is:
H. entire Atlantic seafloor has issued from the gashes F. skeletal remains of microscopic animals.
in the rift valley. G. thin layers of sedimentary volcanic ash.
J. volcanoes on Earths dry land have created the H. patches of ice.
newest, youngest pieces of Atlantic seafloor. J. salt deposits.


Passage III
was startled when truths leaped out of bushes like quail
before gunshot. I blundered into creativity as any child
HUMANITIES: PassageAisadaptedfromtheessayJustThis 50 learning to walk and see. I learned to let my senses and
SideofByzantiumbyRayBradbury(1975byRayBradbury), my Past tell me all that was somehow true.
which is the introduction to a later edition of Bradburys 1957
novel Dandelion Wine. Passage B is adapted from Dandelion PassageBbyRayBradbury
Wine (1957byRayBradbury).
The facts about John Huff, aged twelve, are simple
PassageAbyRayBradbury and soon stated. He could pathfind more trails than
anyone since time began, could leap from the sky like a
I began to learn the nature of surprises, thankfully, 55 chimpanzee from a vine, could live underwater two
when I was fairly young as a writer. Before that, like minutes and slide fifty yards downstream from where
every beginner, I thought you could beat, pummel, and you last saw him. The baseballs you pitched him he hit
thrash an idea into existence. Under such treatment, of in the apple trees, knocking down harvests. He ran
5 course, any decent idea folds up its paws, turns on its laughing. He sat easy. He was not a bully. He was kind.
back, fixes its eyes on eternity, and dies. 60 He knew the names of all the wild flowers and when
the moon would rise and set. He was, in fact, the only
It was with great relief, then, that in my early god living in the whole of Green Town, Illinois, during
twenties I floundered into a word-association process in the twentieth century that Douglas Spaulding knew of.
which I simply got out of bed each morning, walked to
10 my desk, and put down any word or series of words that And right now he and Douglas were hiking out
happened along in my head. 65 beyond town on another warm and marble-round day,
the sky blue blown-glass reaching high, the creeks
I would then take arms against the word, or for it, bright with mirror waters fanning over white stones. It
and bring on an assortment of characters to weigh the was a day as perfect as the flame of a candle.
word and show me its meaning in my own life. An hour
15 or two hours later, to my amazement, a new story Douglas walked through it thinking it would go on
would be finished and done. The surprise was total and 70 this way forever. The sound of a good friend whistling
lovely. I soon found that I would have to work this way like an oriole, pegging the softball, as you horse-
for the rest of my life. danced, key-jingled the dusty paths; things were at
hand and would remain.
First I rummaged my mind for words that could
20 describe my personal nightmares, fears of night and It was such a fine day and then suddenly a cloud
time from my childhood, and shaped stories from these. 75 crossed the sky, covered the sun, and did not move
Then I took a long look at the green apple trees
and the old house I was born in and the house next door John Huff had been speaking quietly for several
where lived my grandparents, and all the lawns of the minutes. Now Douglas stopped on the path and looked
25 summers I grew up in, and I began to try words for all over at him.
80 John, say that again.
I had to send myself back, with words as catalysts,
to open the memories out and see what they had to You heard me the first time, Doug.
Did you say you weregoing away?
30 So from the age of twenty-four to thirty-six hardly
a day passed when I didnt stroll myself across a recol- John took a yellow and green train ticket solemnly
lection of my grandparents northern Illinois grass, from his pocket and they both looked at it.
hoping to come across some old half-burnt firecracker,
a rusted toy, or a fragment of letter written to myself in 85 Tonight! said Douglas. My gosh! Tonight we
35 some young year hoping to contact the older person I were going to play Red Light, Green Light and Statues!
became to remind him of his past, his life, his people, How come, all of a sudden? You been here in Green
his joys, and his drenching sorrows. Town all my life. You just dont pick up and leave!
Along the way I came upon and collided, through Its my father, said John. Hes got a job in Mil-
word-association, with old and true friendships. I bor- 90 waukee. We werent sure until today ...
40 rowed my friend John Huff from my childhood in Ari-
zona and shipped him East to Green Town so that I They sat under an old oak tree on the side of the
could say good-bye to him properly. hill looking back at town. Out beyond, in sunlight, the
town was painted with heat, the windows all gaping.
Along the way, I sat me down to breakfasts, Douglas wanted to run back in there where the town, by
lunches, and dinners with the long dead and much 95 its very weight, its houses, their bulk, might enclose
45 loved. and prevent Johns ever getting up and running off.
Thus I fell into surprise. I came on the old and best
ways of writing through ignorance and experiment and
3 3
Questions2125askaboutPassageA. Questions26and27askaboutPassageB.

21. When Bradbury claims, Thus I fell into surprise 26. In the first paragraph of Passage B (lines 5263), the
(line 46), hes most nearly referring to the: narrator describes John Huff in a manner that:
A. discovery that for him the secret to a creative out- F. emphasizes Johns physical strength and intelli-
pouring was to use a word-association method to gence, to indicate Johns view of himself.
write fiction. G. exaggerates Johns characteristics and actions, to
B. long-forgotten experiences he would remember reflect Douglass idolization of John.
when he would talk with his childhood friends in H. highlights Johns reckless behavior, to show that
person. Douglas was most fond of Johns rebelliousness.
C. realization that he wrote more effectively about his J. showcases Johns talents, to make clear why both
current experiences than about his past. children and adults admired John.
D. several methods other writers taught him to help
him write honest, authentic stories.

22. Passage A indicates that Bradbury believes all begin- 27. Within Passage B, the image in lines 7476 functions
ning writers think that they can: figuratively to suggest that:
F. learn the nature of surprises. A. Johns leaving on a stormy night was fitting, given
G. force an idea into creation. Douglass sadness.
H. use one word as a catalyst for a story. B. Johns disappointment about moving was reflected
J. become a good writer through experiment. in his mood all day.
C. the mood of the day changed dramatically and
23. Bradburys claim I would then take arms against the irreversibly once John shared his news.
word, or for it (line 12) most strongly suggests that D. the sky in Green Town became cloudy at the
during his writing sessions, Bradbury would: moment John told Douglas he was moving.
A. attempt to find the one word that for him was the
key to understanding John Huff.
B. often reject a word as not being a catalyst for
meaningful writing.
C. deliberately choose to write only about a word that
inspired his fears.
D. feel as though he were struggling to find a words Questions2830askaboutbothpassages.
significance to him.
28. Both Passage A and Passage B highlight Bradburys
24. In the seventh paragraph of Passage A (lines 3037), use of:
Bradbury explains his habit, over many years as a
writer, of almost daily: F. a first person omniscient narrator to tell a story.
G. satire and irony to develop characters.
F. looking at and writing about objects from his H. allegory to present a complex philosophical
childhood that he had saved. question.
G. wishing he had kept more letters from his child- J. sensory details and imaginative description to
hood to trigger his memories. convey ideas.
H. driving past his grandparents property, hoping to
notice something that would remind him of his
J. thinking about his grandparents property, hoping 29. Based on Bradburys description in Passage A of his
to remember something that would bring his past writing process, which of the following methods hypo-
into focus. thetically depicts a way Bradbury might have begun to
write the story in Passage B?
25. Passage A explains that when writing about the charac- A. Taking notes while interviewing old friends after
ter John Huff, Bradbury had: first deciding to write a story about two boys
A. placed John in a town in Arizona, where Bradbury B. Forming two characters, determining that he
himself had grown up. would like to tell a story about loss, and then
B. included John in stories about a town in Arizona beginning to write a scene
and in stories about Green Town. C. Writing down the words train ticket and then
C. moved John to a town other than the town in spending an hour writing whatever those words
which the real-life John Huff had grown up. brought to his mind
D. borrowed John to use as a minor character in D. Outlining the plot of a story about two boys that
many of his stories. would end with one boy leaving on a train


30. Elsewhere in the essay from which Passage A is
N. Patek and Joseph E. Baio, both biomechanists at the
adapted, Bradbury writes: University of California, Berkeley. They teamed up
Was there a real boy named John Huff? with two ant experts, Brian L. Fisher of the California
35 Academy of Sciences in San Francisco and Andrew V.
There was. And that was truly his name. But Suarez of the University of Illinois at Urbana-
he didnt go away from me, I went away from Champaign, to look at the trap-jaw ant Odontomachus
him. bauri.
How do these statements apply to both the information
about Bradburys approach as a storyteller provided in Fisher, Suarez, and other field biologists had
Passage A and the story of John Huff provided in Pas- 40 already noted that catching O.bauri was like grabbing
sage B? for popping popcornand very hot popcorn at that,
because a painful sting goes with an ants trap-jaw bite.
F. They reveal that Bradbury believed that to surprise The insects bounced around in a dizzying frenzy and
readers is a fiction writers most important task. propelled themselves many times their body length
G. They reinforce that Bradbury used his life experi- 45 when biologists or smaller intruders approached them.
ences to create fiction but also altered those expe- Patek and Baio made high-speed video images of their
riences as he pleased. movements, and discovered that the secret of their self-
H. They prove that Bradbury felt such pain over leav- propulsion was the well-executed firing of their
ing John that he had to reverse events to be able to mandibles. They also observed that mandibles started to
write the story. 50 decelerate before they meetpossibly to avoid self-
J. They indicate that Bradbury rarely used his life inflicted damage. Most important, the ants had two dis-
experiences to create fiction. tinct modes of aerial locomotion.

In the so-called escape jump, an ant orients its

head and jaws perpendicular to the ground, then slams
Passage IV 55 its face straight down. That triggers the cocked
mandibles to release with a force 400 times the ants
NATURAL SCIENCE: Thispassageisadaptedfromthearticle
The Jaws That Jump by Adam Summers (2006 by Natural
body weight, launching the insect ten or more body
HistoryMagazine,Inc.). lengths nearly straight into the air. The ant doesnt
seem to go in any particular direction, but the jump is
Recently I was reminded of just how powerful ants 60 presumably fast and unpredictable enough to help the
can be when inflicting damage on intruders. A team of insect evade, say, the probing tongue of a lizard. Not
biomechanists has studied the incredibly speedy bite of only can the jumping ant gain height and sow confu-
a group of Central and South American ants. The team sion, but it may also get to a new vantage point from
5 clocked the bite as the fastest on the planetand dis- which to relaunch an attack.
covered that it also gives the ants the unique ability to
jump with their jaws, adding to an impressive array of 65 The second kind of jaw-propelled locomotion is
already known defenses. even more common than escape jumping. If an intruder
enters the ants nest, one of the ants bangs its jaws
Trap-jaw ants nest in leaf litter, rather than under- against the intruder, which triggers the trap-jaw and
10 ground or in mounds. There they often feed on well- propels the interloper (if small enough) in one direc-
armored and elusive prey, including other species of 70 tion, out of the nest, and the ant in the other. Often the
ants. As they stalk their dinner, the trap-jaws hold their force sends the ant skimming an inch off the ground for
mandibles wide apart, often cocked open at 180 degrees nearly a foot. The attack, for obvious reasons, is known
or more by a latch mechanism. When minute trigger as the bouncer defense. In the wild, gangs of defend-
15 hairs on the inner edge of the mandible come in contact ing ants team up to attack hostile strangers, sending
with something, the jaws snap shut at speeds now 75 them head over heels out of the nest.
known to reach 145 miles per hour. No passerby could
outrace that. The astoundingly high speed gives the From an evolutionary point of view, the trap-jaws
jaws, despite their light weight, enough force to crack are an intriguing story. The ants clearly evolved an
20 open the armor of most prey and get at the tasty meat entirely new function, propulsion, for a system that was
inside. already usefulchewing up prey. Several lineages of
80 trap-jaw ants have independently hit on the tactic of
The key to the jaws speed (and their even more storing energy in their jaws to penetrate well-defended
amazing acceleration) is that the release comes from prey. In Odontomachus, the horizontal, bouncer-
stored energy produced by the strong but slow muscles defense jump could have arisen out of attempts to bite
25 of the jaw. Think how an archer slowly draws an arrow intruders, but the high, escape jumpwith jaws aimed
in a bowstring against the flex of a bow: nearly all the 85 directly at the groundmust have arisen from a differ-
energy from the archers muscles pours into the flexing ent, perhaps accidental kind of behavior. Such a
of the bow. When released, the energy stored in the bow serendipitous event would have been a rare instance in
wings the arrow toward its target much faster than the which banging ones head against the ground got good
30 archer could by throwing the arrow like a javelin. The results.
biomechanics of energy storage is the domain of Sheila


3 3
36. One main purpose of the last paragraph is to suggest
31. The primary purpose of the passage is to: that unlike their bouncer-defense jump, the trap-jaw
A. provide an overview of the mechanics and key ants escape jump may have arisen through:
operations of the jaws of trap-jaw ants. F. the ants trying and failing to bite intruders.
B. analyze Patek and Baios techniques for filming G. a change in the structure of the mandibles of sev-
two defensive maneuvers of trap-jaw ants. eral lineages of ants.
C. compare the jaws of Odontomachus bauri to the H. an accidental behavior of the ants.
jaws of other species of ants. J. the ants experiencing a positive outcome when
D. describe the evolution of the ability of trap-jaw they would attack in a large group.
ants to perform an escape jump.
37. As it is used in line 31, the word domain most nearly
32. The sentence in lines 7375 and the last sentence of
the passage are examples of the authors rhetorical A. living space.
technique of: B. area of expertise.
C. taxonomic category.
F. weaving sarcasm into a mostly casual and playful D. local jurisdiction.
G. interjecting a lighthearted tone into a primarily 38. The passage points to which of the following as a char-
technical article. acteristic of trap-jaw ants mandibles that prevents the
H. integrating a slightly combative tone into an arti- ants from harming themselves with their powerful
cle that mostly praises two scientists work. bite?
J. incorporating personal anecdotes into an article
that mostly reports data. F. A hinge prevents the mandibles from snapping
together forcefully.
G. Mandibles with cushioned inner edges provide a
33. As it is used in lines 8182, the phrase well-defended buffer when the mandibles snap shut.
prey most nearly refers to prey that: H. A latch mechanism prevents the mandibles from
A. have a hard outer shell. closing completely.
B. attack with a lethal bite. J. The mandibles begin to decelerate before they
C. travel and attack in groups. meet.
D. move quickly.
39. As described in the passage, one benefit of the trap-
jaw ants escape jump is that it allows an ant to:
34. The passage makes clear that the main source of the A. land in position to launch a new attack on a
speed of the jaws of the trap-jaw ant is the: predator.
F. ease of movement of the hinge of the jaw. B. confuse a predator with a quick, sudden sting.
G. continuous, steady firing of the jaws mandibles. C. signal to other ants using a predictable movement.
H. light weight of the jaw in relation to the ants body D. point itself in whichever direction it chooses to
weight. escape.
J. release of energy stored by muscles of the jaw.
40. When a trap-jaw ant uses the bouncer-defense jump
effectively on an intruder, which creature(s), if any,
35. The author uses the analogy of trying to grab popcorn will be propelled either out of the nest or in another
as it pops in order to describe the trap-jaw ants ability direction?
to: F. The intruder only
A. generate heat with their jaw movements. G. The attacking ant only
B. move to high ground in order to attack prey. H. The attacking ant and the intruder
C. attack intruders by tossing them out of the nest. J. Neither the attacking ant nor the intruder
D. bounce around frantically when intruders approach.


ACT-1572CPRE 39
35 Minutes40 Questions

DIRECTIONS: There are several passages in this test.

Each passage is followed by several questions. After
reading a passage, choose the best answer to each
question and ll in the corresponding oval on your
answer document. You may refer to the passages as
often as necessary.
You are NOT permitted to use a calculator on this test.

Passage I Study 2
Three tubes (Tubes46), each with 5% SYmedium (a
Researchers studied how diet and the ability to smell diet with 5% sugar and 5% killed yeast), were prepared.
food can affect the life span of normal fruit flies (StrainN) Then, 200 virgin female Strain N fruit flies less than 24 hr
and fruit flies unable to detect many odors (StrainX). old were added to each tube. No additional substance was
added to Tube 4. Additional odors from live yeast were
Study 1 added to Tube 5, and live yeast was added to Tube 6. The
Three tubes (Tubes 13), each with 15% sugar yeast percent of fruit flies alive was determined every 5 days for
(SY) medium (a diet with 15%sugar and 15%killed yeast), 75days (see Figure2).
were prepared. Then, 200virgin female StrainN fruit flies
less than 24 hr old were added to each tube. No additional
substance was added to Tube 1. Additional odors from live
yeast were added to Tube 2, and live yeast was added to
Tube 3. The percent of fruit flies alive was determined
every 5days for 75days (see Figure1).

Key Key
15% SY medium 5% SY medium
15% SY medium + additional odors from live yeast 5% SY medium + additional odors from live yeast
15% SY medium + live yeast 5% SY medium + live yeast
100 100
90 90
80 80
70 70
percent alive

percent alive

60 60
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75
days days

Figure 1 Figure 2


Study 3
3. Study1 differed from Study 2 in which of the follow-
Strain N fruit flies were modified to produce Strain X ing ways?
fruit flies. Strain X fruit flies lack Or83b (a protein A. Female fruit flies were tested in Study 1, whereas
required to detect a wide range of odors); therefore, they male fruit flies were tested in Study2.
cannot detect many odors. The average life span was deter- B. Male fruit flies were tested in Study 1, whereas
mined for virgin female Strain N and virgin female female fruit flies were tested in Study2.
Strain X fruit flies fed with various SY media (see C. The SY medium tested in Study 1 contained a
Table1). lower percent of sugar than did the SY medium
tested in Study2.
D. The SY medium tested in Study 1 contained a
Table 1 higher percent of sugar than did the SY medium
tested in Study2.
SY medium
Average 4. Suppose that an additional trial in Study 3 had been
% killed life span performed using a 12% SY medium (a diet with
Strain % sugar yeast (days) 12% sugar and 12% killed yeast). The average life
span of the Strain X fruit flies in this trial would most
030, 030, 50.1 likely have been:
050, 050, 50.1 F. less than 55.6 days.
Strain N 07.5 07.5 43.9 G. between 55.6 days and 58.6 days.
100, 100, 44.8 H. between 58.6 days and 61.6 days.
150, 150, 41.6 J. greater than 61.6 days.
030, 030, 61.6
050, 050, 62.5 5. The researchers had predicted that decreasing a fruit
Strain X 07.5 07.5 58.9 flys ability to detect odors would increase its life
100, 100, 58.6 span. Are the results of Study 3 consistent with this
150, 150, 55.6 prediction?
A. No; for each SY medium tested, the average life
span of Strain X fruit flies was longer than the
Table and figures adapted from Sergiy Libert et al., Regulation of average life span of StrainN fruit flies.
Drosophila Life Span by Olfaction and Food-Derived Odors. 2007 B. No; for each SY medium tested, the average life
by the American Association for the Advancement of Science. span of Strain N fruit flies was longer than the
average life span of StrainX fruit flies.
C. Yes; for each SY medium tested, the average life
span of Strain X fruit flies was longer than the
average life span of StrainN fruit flies.
D. Yes; for each SY medium tested, the average life
span of Strain N fruit flies was longer than the
average life span of StrainX fruit flies.

6. Suppose the researchers wanted to determine whether a

1. In which of Studies1 and2 did some of the fruit flies defect in the ability to detect odors would change the
live for more than 75 days, and what diet were those life span of fruit flies fed 15% SY medium when live
fruit flies fed? yeast is added to the diet or when additional odors
A. Study 1; 05% SY medium from live yeast are added to the diet. Which of the fol-
B. Study 1; 15% SY medium lowing experiments should be performed?
C. Study 2; 05% SY medium F. Repeat Study1 except with StrainX fruit flies
D. Study 2; 15% SY medium G. Repeat Study1 except with StrainN fruit flies
H. Repeat Study2 except with StrainX fruit flies
2. During Studies1 and2, why did the size of the fruit fly J. Repeat Study2 except with StrainN fruit flies
population in each tube decrease rather than increase?
F. The birthrate was 0, because the initial population 7. The results for which 2 tubes should be compared to
contained only males. determine how a reduced calorie diet affects life span
G. The birthrate was 0, because the initial population in the absence of live yeast and additional odors from
contained only virgin females. live yeast?
H. The death rate was 0, because the initial popula- A. Tube 1 and Tube 4
tion contained only males. B. Tube 1 and Tube 2
J. The death rate was 0, because the initial popula- C. Tube 2 and Tube 5
tion contained only virgin females. D. Tube 5 and Tube 6


Passage II 8. Which hypothesis, if any, asserts that monarch butter-
flies store lipids during 2 distinct periods?
In the fall, monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) in F. Hypothesis 1
eastern North America migrate to Mexico, where they G. Hypothesis 2
overwinter in high-altitude forests of oyamel fir (an ever- H. Hypothesis 3
green conifer). The butterflies store (accumulate) body J. None of the hypotheses
lipids to use as a source of energy at a later time. Consider
the following 3 hypotheses pertaining to when the butter-
flies store lipids and when the energy from the stored lipids
is used, with respect to migration and overwintering. 9. Which hypothesis, if any, asserts that monarch butter-
flies require energy from stored lipids neither for
Hypothesis 1 migration nor during the overwintering period?
Monarch butterflies require energy from stored lipids A. Hypothesis 1
for migration and during the overwintering period. The B. Hypothesis 2
butterflies first store lipids before they begin their migra- C. Hypothesis 3
tion. During migration, as stored lipids are converted to D. None of the hypotheses
energy, lipid mass continuously decreases. When the but-
terflies reach the overwintering sites, ending their migra-
tion, they must store lipids again before beginning the
overwintering period.
10. Based on Hypothesis3, which of the following figures
Hypothesis 2 best depicts the change in the lipid mass of a monarch
butterfly from the beginning of migration to the end of
Monarch butterflies require energy from stored lipids migration?
for migration but not during the overwintering period. The
butterflies store lipids before they begin their migration. (Note: In each figure, B represents the beginning of
During migration, as stored lipids are converted to energy, migration and Erepresents the end of migration.)
lipid mass continuously decreases. Because energy from F. H.
lipid mass

lipid mass
stored lipids is not required during the overwintering
period, the butterflies do not store lipids while at the over-
wintering sites.

Hypothesis 3
Monarch butterflies require energy from stored lipids time time
during the overwintering period but not for migration. The
butterflies do not store lipids before they begin their migra- G. J.
lipid mass

lipid mass
tion. Instead, lipids are stored during migration; therefore,
lipid mass continuously increases from the beginning of
migration until the end of migration. The butterflies arrive
at the overwintering sites with enough lipids to provide
themselves with energy during the overwintering period, so B E B E
they do not store lipids while at the overwintering sites. time time


11. Assume that changes in the body mass of a monarch 13. Which of the following statements about lipids in
butterfly are caused only by changes in the mass of the monarch butterflies is consistent with all 3hypotheses?
butterflys stored lipids. The statement The percent of A. The butterflies lipid masses do not change during
a monarch butterflys body mass that is made up of the overwintering period.
lipids is greater at the beginning of migration than at B. The butterflies lipid masses change during
the end of migration is supported by which of the migration.
hypotheses? C. The butterflies use energy from stored lipids
A. Hypothesis 1 only during the overwintering period.
B. Hypothesis 2 only D. The butterflies use energy from stored lipids for
C. Hypotheses 1 and 2 only migration.
D. Hypotheses 1, 2, and 3

12. To store lipids, monarch butterflies convert sugar from

nectar they have consumed into lipids. A supporter of 14. When the monarch butterflies use their stored lipids,
which hypothesis, if any, would be likely to claim that the lipids must be broken down to produce energy-rich
to ensure the butterflies can store lipids for the over- molecules that can be readily used by cells. Which of
wintering period, nectar must be present at the butter- the following molecules is produced as a direct result
flies overwintering sites? of the breakdown of the lipids?
F. Hypothesis 1 F. ATP
G. Hypothesis 2 G. Starch
H. Hypothesis 3 H. DNA
J. None of the hypotheses J. Amino acids


Passage III
Greenhouse gases such as methane (CH 4 ) warm
Earths climate. Figure 1 shows the concentration of CH4
in Earths atmosphere and the solar radiation intensity at
Earths surface for tropical Europe and Asia over the past
250,000 years. As the figure shows, the CH4 concentration
and the solar radiation intensity have increased and
decreased at the same times over most of this period.
Figure2 shows the same types of data for the same region
over the past 11,000 years. This figure is consistent with
the hypothesis that the greenhouse gases from human
activities may have begun warming Earths climate thou-
sands of years earlier than once thought.

solar radiation
CH4 concentration

Earths atmosphere (ppb*)

solar radiation intensity

concentration of CH4 in
520 900
500 700
(watts/m2 )

480 500
460 300

250 200 150 100 50 0

thousands of years ago
*ppb = parts per billion

Figure 1


4 Key
17. Suppose that whenever the CH 4 concentration
increases, a corresponding, immediate increase in
solar radiation average global temperature occurs, and that whenever
CH4 concentration the CH 4 concentration decreases, a corresponding,
immediate decrease in average global temperature
750 occurs. Based on Figure 2, which of the following
graphs best represents a plot of average global temper-
solar radiation intensity (watts/m2 )

700 ature over the past 11,000years?

in Earths atmosphere (ppb)


concentration of CH4
A. C.

average global

average global


490 600

485 550 11 0 11 0
480 thousands of thousands of
500 years ago years ago
450 B. D.

average global

average global

10 5 0
thousands of years ago

Figure 2
11 0 11 0
Figures adapted from William Ruddiman, Plows, Plagues & Petro- thousands of thousands of
leum. 2005 by Princeton University Press. years ago years ago

18. Based on Figure1, the average solar radiation intensity

over the past 250,000years was closest to which of the
F. 400watts/m2
G. 440watts/m2
H. 480watts/m2
J. 520watts/m2

19. Onesolar radiation cycle is the time between a maxi-

mum in the solar radiation intensity and the next maxi-
mum in the solar radiation intensity. According to
Figure 1, the average length of a solar radiation cycle
during the past 250,000years was:
15. According to Figure 2, the solar radiation intensity A. less than 15,000years.
8,000years ago was closest to which of the following? B. between 15,000years and 35,000years.
A. 490watts/m2 C. between 35,000years and 55,000years.
B. 495watts/m2 D. greater than 55,000years.
C. 500watts/m2
D. 505watts/m2 20. Which of the following statements best describes the
primary effect of CH4 on Earths climate?
16. According to Figure 2, if the trend in the CH4 concen- F. CH 4 gives off visible light to space, cooling
tration had continued to match the trend in the solar Earths climate.
radiation intensity, the CH 4 concentration at present G. CH4 gives off ultraviolet radiation to space, warm-
would most likely be: ing Earths climate.
F. less than 550ppb. H. CH4 absorbs heat as it enters Earths atmosphere
G. between 550ppb and 600ppb. from space, cooling Earths climate.
H. between 600ppb and 650ppb. J. CH4 absorbs heat that comes up from Earths sur-
J. greater than 650ppb. face, warming Earths climate.


Passage IV
21. If a block was pulled toward the east, the frictional
force exerted on the block by the surface was directed
In 2 experiments, a student pulled each of 3 blocks in toward the:
a straight line across a flat, horizontal surface. A. north.
B. south.
In Experiment 1, the student measured the pulling C. east.
force (the force required to move each block at a constant D. west.
speed) and plotted the pulling force, in newtons (N), versus
block mass, in kilograms (kg). The results are shown in

pulling force (N)

15.00 22. Based on Figure 2, what is the order of the 3 blocks,
from the block that required the shortest time to reach
10.00 15 m/sec to the block that required the longest time to
5.00 reach 15m/sec?
0.00 F. 2.00kg block, 2.50kg block, 3.00kg block
G. 2.00kg block, 3.00kg block, 2.50kg block
H. 3.00kg block, 2.00kg block, 2.50kg block

J. 3.00kg block, 2.50kg block, 2.00kg block

block mass (kg)

Figure 1

In Experiment 2, the student measured the speed

versus time of a 2.00 kg block, a 2.50 kg block, and a
3.00 kg block as each block was pulled across the surface
with a constant 30 N force. The results are shown in
Figure2. 23. Based on Figure 2, what was the approximate value of
the acceleration of the 3.00kg block?
35.00 A. 00.0m/sec2
2.00 kg B. 05.0m/sec2
30.00 C. 15.0m/sec2
D. 20.0m/sec2
speed (m/sec)

2.50 kg
3.00 kg
24. Based on Figure 1, the results of Experiment 1 are best
0.00 modeled by which of the following equations?
0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00
F. Block speed(m/sec)= 0.2 time(sec)
time (sec) G. Block speed(m/sec)= 5.0 time(sec)
H. Pulling force(N)= 0.2 block mass(kg)
Figure 2 J. Pulling force(N)= 5.0 block mass(kg)


25. At each of the times plotted in Figure 2 (except
26. Based on Figure 1, an applied force of 30.00 N would
0.00sec), as block mass increased, block speed: most likely have been required to maintain the constant
A. increased only. speed of a block having a mass of:
B. decreased only. F. 4.00kg.
C. varied, but with no general trend. G. 5.00kg.
D. remained the same. H. 6.00kg.
J. 7.00kg.


Passage V Experiment2
Experiment 1 was repeated with solutions that had a
A typical acid-base indicator is a compound that will pH of 8 or greater (see Table2).
be one color over a certain lower pH range but will be a
different color over a certain higher pH range. In the small
range between these pH rangesthe transition rangethe
indicators color will be an intermediate of its other Table 2
2 colors.
Color in solution with a pH of:
Students studied 5 acid-base indicators using colorless
aqueous solutions of different pH and a well plate (a plate Indicator 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
containing a matrix of round depressionswellsthat can Metanil yellow Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
hold small volumes of liquid). Resorcin blue B B B B B B B
Curcumin O R R R R R R
Experiment1 Hessian bordeaux B R R R R R R
Indigo carmine B B B B G Y Y
The students added a pH = 0 solution to 5 wells in the
first column of the well plate, then added a pH = 1 solution
to the 5 wells in the next column, and so on, up to pH = 7. Experiment3
Next, they added a drop of a given indicator (in solution) to
each of the wells in a row, and then repeated this process, Students were given 4 solutions (Solutions IIV) of
adding a different indicator to each row. The color of the unknown pH. The well plate was used to test samples of
resulting solution in each well was then recorded in Table 1 each solution with 4 of the 5 indicators (see Table3).
(B = blue, G = green, O = orange, P = purple, R = red,
Y= yellow).
Table 3

Table 1 Color in Solution:

Color in solution with a pH of: Indicator I II III IV

Indicator 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Metanil yellow Y Y Y O

Resorcin blue B B R R
Metanil yellow R R O Y Y Y Y Y Curcumin R R Y Y
Resorcin blue R R R R R P P B Indigo carmine B Y B B
Curcumin Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Hessian bordeaux B B B B B B B B
Indigo carmine B B B B B B B B Tables adapted from David R. Lide, ed., CRC Handbook of Chem-
istry and Physics, 78th ed. 1997 by CRC Press LLC.


27. One way Experiment 2 differed from Experiment 3
31. The indicator propyl red has a transition range of
was that in Experiment2: pH = 4.6 to pH = 6.8. If propyl red had been included
A. the solutions to which indicators were added were in Experiments1 and2, it would have produced results
of known pH. most similar to those produced by which of the
B. the solutions to which indicators were added were 5 indicators?
of unknown pH. A. Metanil yellow
C. metanil yellow was used. B. Resorcin blue
D. metanil yellow was not used. C. Curcumin
D. Indigo carmine
28. Based on the description of the well plate and how it
was used, the empty well plate would most likely have
been which of the following colors?
F. Black
G. Blue
H. Red
J. White 32. A student claimed that Solution III has a pH of 7.3.
Are the results of Experiments 13 consistent with this
29. Based on the results of Experiments1 and2, which of claim?
the following is a possible transition range for
curcumin? F. No, because in Solution III metanil yellow was
A. pH = 3.9 to pH = 7.3 G. No, because in Solution III resorcin blue was red.
B. pH = 4.2 to pH = 6.6 H. Yes, because in Solution III metanil yellow was
C. pH = 7.4 to pH = 8.6 yellow.
D. pH = 8.4 to pH = 9.5 J. Yes, because in Solution III resorcin blue was red.
30. A chemist has 2 solutions, one of pH = 1 and one of
pH = 6. Based on the results of Experiments 1 and 2,
could indigo carmine be used to distinguish between
these solutions?
F. No; indigo carmine is blue at both pH = 1 and
pH= 6.
G. No; indigo carmine is blue at pH = 1 and is yellow 33. Based on the results of Experiments 13, which of
at pH= 6. SolutionsIIV has the lowest pH?
H. Yes; indigo carmine is blue at both pH = 1 and A. Solution I
pH= 6. B. Solution II
J. Yes; indigo carmine is blue at pH = 1 and is yellow C. Solution III
at pH= 6. D. Solution IV


Passage VI For each plot, the sensor recorded the soil temperature
every 5 sec over the study period. From these data, the
Drilling mud (DM) is a suspension of clay particles in average soil temperature of each plot was determined for
water. When a well is drilled, DM is injected into the hole each day (see Figure2).
to lubricate the drill. After this use, the DM is brought back
up to the surface and then disposed of by spraying it on
adjacent land areas. Key
Plot 1
A cover of DM on plants and soil can affect the Plot 2
albedo (proportion of the total incoming solar radiation Plot 3
that is reflected from a surface), which in turn can affect 28
the soil temperature. The effect of a cover of DM on the

daily average soil

albedo and the soil temperature of an unsloped, semiarid

temperature (C)
grassland area was studied from July 1 to August 9 of a
particular year. 24
On June 30, 3 plots (Plots 13), each 10 m by 40 m, 22
were established in the grassland area. For all the plots, the
types of vegetation present were the same, as was the den- 20
sity of the vegetation cover. At the center of each plot, a 18
soil temperature sensor was buried in the soil at a depth of
2.5 cm. An instrument that measures incoming and June July July July July July July Aug. Aug.
reflected solar radiation was suspended 60 cm above the 30 5 10 15 20 25 30 4 9
center of each plot.
Figure 2
An amount of DM equivalent to 40 cubic meters
per hectare (m3 /ha) was then sprayed evenly on Plot 2. Figures adapted from Francis Zvomuya et al., Surface Albedo and
(One hectare equals 10,000 m2.) An amount equivalent to Soil Heat Flux Changes Following Drilling Mud Application to a
80 m 3 /ha was sprayed evenly on Plot 3. No DM was Semiarid, Mixed-Grass Prairie. 2008 by the Soil Science Society
sprayed on Plot1. of America.

For each plot, the albedo was calculated for each

cloudless day during the study period using measurements
of incoming and reflected solar radiation taken at noon on
those days (see Figure1).

Plot 1
Plot 2
Plot 3 34. Albedo was measured at noon because that time of day
0.26 is when solar radiation reaching the ground is:
F. 100% reflected.
0.24 G. 100% absorbed.
H. least intense.
0.22 J. most intense.

35. Why was the study designed so that the 3 plots had the
0.18 same types of vegetation present and the same density
of vegetation cover? These conditions ensured that any
0.16 variations in albedo and soil temperature would most
likely be attributable only to variations among the
0.14 plots in the:
June July July July July July July Aug. Aug. A. amount of DM sprayed.
30 5 10 15 20 25 30 4 9 B. type of soil present.
C. plot area.
Figure 1 D. plot slope.


36. On one day of the study period, a measurable rainfall
39. According to the results of the study, did the presence
occurred in the study area. The albedo calculated for of a cover of DM increase or decrease the albedo, and
the cloudless day just after the rainy day was lower did the presence of a cover of DM increase or decrease
than the albedo calculated for the cloudless day just the soil temperature?
before the rainy day. On which day did a measurable albedo soil temperature
rainfall most likely occur in the study area?
A. increase increase
F. July10 B. increase decrease
G. July12 C. decrease decrease
H. July26 D. decrease increase
J. July28

37. For each plot, the number of temperature readings

recorded by the soil temperature sensor every minute
was closest to which of the following?
A. 05
B. 12
C. 50
D. 60

38. According to Figure 1 and the description of the study,

was July20 a cloudless day?
F. No, because albedo data were not collected on that
day. 40. Based on Figure 1, on August 3, what percent of
G. No, because albedo data were collected on that incoming solar radiation was NOT reflected from
day. Plot2?
H. Yes, because albedo data were not collected on F. 20%
that day. G. 40%
J. Yes, because albedo data were collected on that H. 60%
day. J. 80%

[See Note on page 52.]

ACT-1572CPRE 51
Si planeas presentar el examen ACT con redaccin, afila tus lpices
y procede con el examen de redaccin que aparece en la pgina 53.

Si no planeas tomar el examen ACT con redaccin, pasa a la pgina

56, donde encontrars instrucciones para calificar tus exmenes de
opcin mltiple.

Practice Writing Test

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Form 15AA51

You must take the multiple-choice tests before you take the writing test.

This is a test of your writing skills. You will have forty (40) minutes to read the prompt, plan your response,
and write an essay in English. Before you begin working, read all material in this test booklet carefully to
understand exactly what you are being asked to do.

You will write your essay on the lined pages in the answer document provided. Your writing on those pages
will be scored. You may use the unlined pages in this test booklet to plan your essay. Your work on these
pages will not be scored.

Your essay will be evaluated based on the evidence it provides of your ability to:
clearly state your own perspective on a complex issue and analyze the relationship between your
perspective and at least one other perspective
develop and support your ideas with reasoning and examples
organize your ideas clearly and logically
communicate your ideas effectively in standard written English

Lay your pencil down immediately when time is called.


2015 by ACT, Inc. All rights reserved.

NOTE: This test material is the confidential copyrighted property of
ACT, Inc., and may not be copied, reproduced, sold, or otherwise
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Iowa City, IA 52243-0168 Violators of ACTs copyrights are subject to civil and criminal penalties.
Public Health and Individual Freedom
Most people want to be healthy, and most people want as much freedom as possible to do the things they
want. Unfortunately, these two desires sometimes conflict. For example, smoking is prohibited from
most public places, which restricts the freedom of some individuals for the sake of the health of others.
Likewise, car emissions are regulated in many areas in order to reduce pollution and its health risks to
others, which in turn restricts some peoples freedom to drive the vehicles they want. In a society that
values both health and freedom, how do we best balance the two? How should we think about conflicts
between public health and individual freedom?

Read and carefully consider these perspectives. Each suggests a particular way of thinking about the
conflict between public health and individual freedom.

Perspective One Perspective Two Perspective Three

Our society should strive Nothing in society is The right to avoid health
to achieve the greatest more valuable than risks is a freedom, too.
good for the greatest freedom. Perhaps When we allow
number of people. When physical health is individual behavior to
the freedom of the sometimes improved by endanger others, weve
individual interferes with restricting freedom, but damaged both freedom
that principle, freedom the cost to the health of and health.
must be restricted. our free society is far too
great to justify it.

Essay Task
Write a unified, coherent essay about the conflict between public health and
individual freedom. In your essay, be sure to:
clearly state your own perspective on the issue and analyze the relationship
between your perspective and at least one other perspective
develop and support your ideas with reasoning and examples
organize your ideas clearly and logically
communicate your ideas effectively in standard written English

Your perspective may be in full agreement with any of those given, in partial
agreement, or completely different.

Form 15AA51 54
Planning Your Essay
Your work on these prewriting pages will not be scored.

Use the space below and on the back cover to generate ideas and plan your essay. You may wish to
consider the following as you think critically about the task:
Strengths and weaknesses of different perspectives on the issue
What insights do they offer, and what do they fail to consider?
Why might they be persuasive to others, or why might they fail to persuade?
Your own knowledge, experience, and values
What is your perspective on this issue, and what are its strengths and weaknesses?
How will you support your perspective in your essay?

Para tu ensayo de prctica, necesitars papel para notas para planificar tu ensayo y cuatro
hojas de papel con rayas para tu respuesta.
El da del examen, recibirs un cuadernillo del examen con espacio para planificar tu ensayo
y cuatro pginas con rayas para escribir tu respuesta.
Lee la informacin y las instrucciones en las pginas 61 y 62 sobre la manera de calificar tu
examen de redaccin de prctica.

5 Calificacin de tus Comparacin de tus calificaciones
En puedes encontrar informacin
exmenes para comparar tus calificaciones de los exmenes de
opcin mltiple de prctica con las calificaciones de
Cmo calificar los exmenes de graduados recientes de la escuela secundaria que
presentaron el examen ACT.
opcin mltiple
Sigue las instrucciones que aparecen a continuacin y en las Tus calificaciones y porcentajes iguales o menores son
siguientes pginas para calificar tus exmenes de opcin mltiple solo estimados de las calificaciones que obtendrs en un
de prctica y para revisar tu desempeo. examen ACT. Las calificaciones son solo un indicador de
tu nivel de aprovechamiento. Considera tus calificaciones
Calificaciones sin procesar del examen en relacin con tus calificaciones escolares, tu
El nmero de preguntas que contestaste correctamente en cada desempeo en actividades extracurriculares y tus intereses
examen y en cada categora del reporte es tu calificacin sin profesionales.
procesar. Como hay muchas formas del examen ACT, cada una
con preguntas diferentes, algunas formas sern ligeramente ms Normas de ACT de preparacin para la
fciles (y otras ligeramente ms difciles) que otras. Por ejemplo, universidad y una carrera profesional
una calificacin sin procesar de 67 en una forma del examen de
ingls puede ser tan difcil de obtener como una calificacin sin Las Normas de ACT de preparacin para la universidad
procesar de 70 en otra forma del mismo examen. y una carrera profesional describen las clases de
habilidades, estrategias y entendimiento que necesitars
Para calcular tus calificaciones sin procesar, revisa tus para hacer una transicin exitosa de la escuela secundaria
respuestas con la clave de calificacin de las pginas 57 a 59. a la universidad. Para ingls, matemticas, lectura y
Cuenta el nmero de respuestas correctas de cada para cada
ciencias, las normas se proporcionan en seis intervalos
uno de los cuatro exmenes y diecisiete categoras del reporte, e
ingresa el nmero en los espacios en blanco que se proporcionan de calificaciones que reflejan la progresin y complejidad
en esas pginas. Estos nmeros son tus calificaciones sin de las destrezas en cada una de las reas acadmicas
procesar de los exmenes y en las categoras del reporte. medidas por los exmenes ACT. Para redaccin, se
proporcionan normas para cinco intervalos de calificacin.
Calificaciones a escala Puedes encontrar las Normas de ACT de preparacin
Para ajustar las pequeas diferencias que ocurren entre las para la universidad y una carrera profesional, as como
diferentes formas del examen ACT, las calificaciones sin procesar calificaciones de referencia para cada examen en
de los exmenes se convierten a calificaciones a escala. Las
calificaciones a escala se imprimen en los reportes que se te
envan a ti y a las universidades y agencias de becas de tu
preferencia. Revisin de tu desempeo en
Cuando tus calificaciones sin procesar se convierten a
los exmenes de opcin mltiple
calificaciones a escala, es posible comparar tus calificaciones de prctica
con las de aquellos estudiantes que tomaron formas de exmenes Ten en cuenta lo siguiente mientras revisas tus
diferentes. Por ejemplo, una calificacin a escala de 26 en el calificaciones:
examen de ingls tiene el mismo significado independientemente
Te falt tiempo? Vuelve a leer la informacin de este
de la forma del examen ACT en la que se bas.
cuadernillo respecto a distribuir tu tiempo. Tal vez
Para determinar las calificaciones a escala correspondientes necesites ajustar cmo usas tu tiempo para contestar
a tus calificaciones sin procesar en el examen de prctica, las preguntas.
consulta la tabla de la pgina 60 que explica los procedimientos
Pasaste demasiado tiempo tratando de entender las
utilizados para obtener las calificaciones a escala a partir de las
calificaciones sin procesar. La tabla 1 de la pgina 60 muestra instrucciones para los exmenes? Las instrucciones
las conversiones de calificaciones sin procesar a calificaciones para los exmenes de prctica son las mismas que
a escala para cada examen. Como cada forma de examen de aparecern en tu cuadernillo del examen el da del
ACT es nica, cada una de ellas tiene tablas de conversin examen. Es importante que las entiendas antes del da
algo diferentes. Por consecuencia, esta tabla solo proporciona del examen.
aproximaciones de las conversiones de las calificaciones sin Revisa las preguntas que no contestaste. Seleccionaste
procesar a calificaciones a escala que aplicaran si se tomara otra una respuesta que era una respuesta incompleta o que
forma del examen ACT. Por lo tanto, las calificaciones a escala
no contest directamente la pregunta que se haca? Trata
que se obtienen en los exmenes de prctica no coinciden con
precisin con las calificaciones a escala que se obtienen en una de determinar qu se te pas por alto cuando contestaste
administracin real del examen ACT. las preguntas.
Te confundi un tipo particular de pregunta? Las
Clculo de la calificacin global preguntas que no contestaste pertenecen a un rea
La calificacin global es el promedio de las cuatro calificaciones a particular de categora del reporte? Al revisar tus
escala de ingls, matemticas, lectura y ciencias. Si dejaste alguno respuestas, revisa si un tipo particular de pregunta o un
de estos exmenes en blanco, no se calcula una calificacin rea particular de categora del reporte fue ms difcil
global. Si tomas el examen ACT con redaccin, tus resultados de para ti.
redaccin no afectan tu calificacin global.




1. A ___ 39. C ___

2. J ___ 40. J ___
3. D ___ 41. C ___
4. H ___ 42. G ___
5. B ___ 43. D ___
6. J ___ 44. J ___
7. B ___ 45. C ___
8. J ___ 46. J ___
9. C ___ 47. D ___
10. J ___ 48. H ___
11. B ___ 49. B ___
12. G ___ 50. F ___
13. A ___ 51. D ___
14. H ___ 52. J ___
15. D ___ 53. A ___
16. H ___ 54. F ___
17. B ___ 55. B ___
18. J ___ 56. G ___
19. C ___ 57. C ___
20. H ___ 58. F ___
21. A ___ 59. D ___
22. F ___ 60. G ___
23. B ___ 61. C ___
24. H ___ 62. G ___
25. C ___ 63. D ___
26. F ___ 64. F ___
28. G ___ 66. H ___ SDUD: 
29. A ___ 67. D ___
30. F ___ 68. G ___
31. B ___ 69. D ___
32. H ___ 70. J ___ $POPDJNJFOUPEFMBMFOHVB ,-") _______
33. B ___ 71. A ___ (11)
34. H ___ 72. F ___
35. A ___ 73. B ___ (40)
36. F ___ 74. H ___
38. F ___ EF*OHMT(POW + KLA + CSE)(75)




1. D ___ 31. D ___

2. H ___ 32. K ___
3. E ___ 33. B ___
4. F ___ 34. H ___
5. E ___ 35. D ___
6. H ___ ___ 36. J ___
7. E ___ ___ 37. A ___
8. H ___ 38. F ___
9. A ___ ___ 39. B ___
10. K ___ 40. F ___
11. C ___ ___ 41. E ___
12. K ___ 42. K ___ ___
13. B ___ 43. D ___ ___
14. H ___ ___ 44. G ___
15. B ___ ___ 45. D ___
16. H ___ ___ 46. J ___ ___
17. D ___ 47. B ___
18. F ___ 48. G ___
19. D ___ 49. A ___
20. F ___ ___ 50. F ___ ___
21. B ___ ___ 51. E ___
22. H ___ 52. H ___
23. A ___ 53. B ___
24. H ___ ___ 54. K ___ ___
25. B ___ 55. E ___ ___
26. G ___ ___ 56. K ___
27. E ___ 57. A ___ ___
28. H ___ ___ 58. K ___ ___
29. C ___ 59. E ___ ___
30. G ___ ___ 60. J ___


A = MHFCSB (N + A + F + G + S) (35)
(PHM + IES) (60)

.PEFMBEP (MDL) _______




1. A ___ 21. A ___

2. J ___ 22. G ___
3. C ___ 23. D ___
4. H ___ 24. J ___
5. B ___ 25. C ___
6. J ___ 26. G ___
7. A ___ 27. C ___
8. H ___ 28. J ___
9. B ___ 29. C ___
10. J ___ 30. G ___
11. A ___ 31. A ___
12. J ___ 32. G ___
13. C ___ 33. A ___
14. J ___ 34. J ___ &MBCPSBDJOZFTUSVDUVSB(CS) _______
15. B ___ 35. D ___ (14)
16. H ___ 36. H ___ *OUFHSBDJO EF DPOPDJNJFOUP _______
17. B ___ 37. B ___ FJEFBT *,*
18. F ___ 38. J ___
20. F ___ 40. H ___ EFMFDUVSB(KID + CS + IKI)(40)


1. C ___ 21. D ___
2. G ___ 22. F ___
3. D ___ 23. B ___
4. G ___ 24. J ___
5. C ___ 25. B ___
6. F ___ 26. H ___
7. A ___ 27. A ___

8. F ___ 28. J ___

9. D ___ 29. C ___
10. J ___ 30. F ___ *OUFSQSFUBDJOEFEBUPT (IOD) _______
11. C ___ 31. B ___ (16)
12. F ___ 32. G ___ *OWFTUJHBDJODJFOUGJDB(SIN) _______
13. B ___ 33. D ___ (11)
16. F ___ 36. H ___ (13)
17. B ___ 37. B ___ /NFSP UPUBM DPSSFDUP QBSB FM _______
18. H ___ 38. F ___ FYBNFO EF DJFODJBT (40)
19. B ___ 39. D ___ (IOD + SIN + EMI)
20. J ___ 40. J ___

$BMJGJDBDJOHMPCBM (sumB 4) ________
FTDBMBZEJWJEFFMUPUBMFOUSF4JFMONFSPSFTVMUBOUFUFSNJOBFO marcaste ninguna respuesta, no listes una calificacin a
GSBDDJO SFEPOEBMPBMONFSPFOUFSPNTDFSDBOP 3FEPOEFBIBDJB escala para ese examen. Si dejaste cualquier examen
CMBODPTUBFTUVDBMJGJDBDJOHMPCBM-BDBMJGJDBDJOHMPCBMNTBMUB Para calcular tu calificacin de redaccin, usa la rbrica de


36 75 60 40 40 36
35 72-74 58-59 39 39 35
34 71 57 38 38 34
33 70 55-56 37 37 33
32 68-69 54 35-36 32
31 67 52-53 34 36 31
30 66 50-51 33 35 30
29 65 48-49 32 34 29
28 63-64 45-47 31 33 28
27 62 43-44 30 32 27
26 60-61 40-42 29 30-31 26
25 58-59 38-39 28 28-29 25
24 56-57 36-37 27 26-27 24
23 53-55 34-35 25-26 24-25 23
22 51-52 32-33 24 22-23 22
21 48-50 30-31 22-23 21 21
20 45-47 29 21 19-20 20
19 43-44 27-28 19-20 17-18 19
18 41-42 24-26 18 16 18
17 39-40 21-23 17 14-15 17
16 36-38 17-20 15-16 13 16
15 32-35 13-16 14 12 15
14 29-31 11-12 12-13 11 14
13 27-28 08-10 11 10 13
12 25-26 7 09-10 9 12
11 23-24 5-6 8 8 11
10 20-22 4 6-7 7 10
9 18-19 5-6 9
8 15-17 3 5 8
7 12-14 4 4 7
6 10-11 2 3 3 6
5 8-9 2 5
4 6-7 1 2 4
3 4-5 1 3
2 2-3 1 2
1 0-1 0 0 0 1


Es difcil ser objetivo sobre el trabajo que hace uno mismo. Sin La rbrica representa las normas que se utilizarn para
embargo, te beneficiar que leas crticamente tu propia evaluar tu ensayo. Los lectores utilizarn esta rbrica para
escritura, ya que al hacerlo te desarrollars como escritor y asignarle a tu ensayo cuatro calificaciones, una por cada
como lector. ambin puede ser til que le des tu ensayo de dominio de redaccin. Para calificar tu ensayo, determina cul
prctica a otro lector un compaero de clase, uno de tus punto de calificacin, en cada dominio, describe mejor las
padres o un maestro. Para calificar tu ensayo, t y tu(s) caractersticas de tu composicin. ebido a que cada dominio
lector(es) deben revisar las pautas y los ensayos de ejemplo recibe su propia calificacin, las cuatro calificaciones que
de y usar la rbrica de calificacin que asignes no necesitan ser idnticas. Por ejemplo, podras
aparece a continuacin para asignar a tu ensayo de prctica observar que tu ensayo es mejor en organizacin que en
una calificacin de (baja) a (alta) en cada uno de los desarrollo de ideas. En este caso, podras determinar que tu
cuatro dominios de redaccin (deas y anlisis, esarrollo y ensayo debe recibir una calificacin ms alta en rganizacin
sustentacin, rganizacin, so del lenguaje). que en esarrollo y sustentacin.

$BMJGJDBDJO6: El escritor genera un El desarrollo de las ideas y La respuesta muestra una El uso del lenguaje realza el
argumento que interacta la sustentacin de las estrategia organizacional argumento. La eleccin de
-BTSFTQVFTUBT crticamente con mltiples aseveraciones profundizan hbil. La respuesta est vocabulario es hbil y
FOFTUFOJWFM perspectivas sobre el tema la perspicacia y amplan el unificada por una idea o precisa. Las estructuras
EFDBMJGJDBDJO en cuestin. La tesis del contexto. na lnea propsito principal, y una sintcticas son
EFNVFTUSBO argumento refleja matices y integrada de razonamiento progresin lgica de las consistentemente variadas
IBCJMJEBE precisin en raciocinio y e ilustracin hbil transmiten ideas aumenta la eficacia y claras. Las elecciones
FGJDB[FOMB propsito. El argumento de manera eficaz la del argumento del escritor. estilsticas y de registro,
SFEBDDJOEF establece y emplea un importancia del argumento. Las transiciones entre los incluyendo voz y tono, son
VOFOTBZP contexto perspicaz para el Las calificaciones y las prrafos y dentro de los estratgicas y eficaces.
BSHVNFOUBUJWP anlisis del tema y sus complicaciones enriquecen mismos fortalecen las unque pueden existir
perspectivas. El anlisis y refuerzan las ideas y el relaciones entre las ideas. algunos errores menores de
examina implicaciones, anlisis de las mismas. gramtica, uso y mecnica,
complejidades y tensiones, estos no obstaculizan la
yo valores y suposiciones comprensin.
$BMJGJDBDJO 5: El escritor genera un El desarrollo de las ideas y La respuesta muestra una El uso del lenguaje apoya el
argumento que interacta la sustentacin de las estrategia organizacional argumento. La eleccin de
-BTSFTQVFTUBT productivamente con aseveraciones profundizan productiva. En su mayor vocabulario es precisa.
FOFTUFOJWFM mltiples perspectivas el entendimiento. na lnea parte, la respuesta est Las estructuras sintcticas
EFDBMJGJDBDJO sobre el tema en cuestin. en su mayor parte integrada unificada por una idea o son claras y presentan
EFNVFTUSBO La tesis del argumento de razonamiento e propsito principal, y un variacin frecuente. Las
IBCJMJEBECJFO refleja precisin en ilustracin bien dirigida secuenciamiento lgico de elecciones estilsticas y de
EFTBSSPMMBEBFO raciocinio y propsito. El transmiten de manera eficaz las ideas aumenta la registro, incluyendo voz y
MBSFEBDDJOEF argumento establece y la importancia del eficacia del argumento. Las tono, son dirigidas y
VOFOTBZP emplea un contexto bien argumento. Las transiciones entre los productivas. unque
BSHVNFOUBUJWP pensado para el anlisis del calificaciones y las prrafos y dentro de los pueden existir errores
tema y sus perspectivas. El complicaciones enriquecen mismos aclaran menores de gramtica, uso
anlisis aborda las ideas y el anlisis de las consistentemente las y mecnica, estos no
mismas. relaciones entre las ideas. obstaculizan la
complejidades y tensiones,
yo valores y suposiciones comprensin.
$BMJGJDBDJO 4: El escritor genera un El desarrollo de las ideas La respuesta muestra una El uso del lenguaje transmite
argumento que interacta y la sustentacin de las estrategia organizacional el argumento con claridad.
-BTSFTQVFTUBT con mltiples perspectivas aseveraciones aclaran el clara. La forma general de La eleccin de vocabulario
FOFTUFOJWFM sobre el tema en cuestin. significado y el propsito. la respuesta refleja una idea es adecuada y en ocasiones
EFDBMJGJDBDJO La tesis del argumento Las lneas de o propsito principal precisa. Las estructuras
EFNVFTUSBO refleja claridad en raciocinio razonamiento claro e emergente. Las ideas estn sintcticas son claras y
IBCJMJEBE y propsito. El argumento ilustracin transmiten de lgicamente agrupadas y demuestran cierta variedad.
BEFDVBEBFOMB establece y emplea un manera adecuada la secuenciadas. Las elecciones estilsticas y
SFEBDDJOEF contexto relevante para el importancia del Las transiciones entre los de registro, incluyendo voz y
VOFOTBZP anlisis del tema y sus argumento. Las prrafos y dentro de los tono, son apropiadas para el
BSHVNFOUBUJWP perspectivas. El anlisis calificaciones y las mismos aclaran propsito retrico. unque
reconoce implicaciones, complicaciones extienden consistentemente las existen errores de
complejidades y tensiones, las ideas y el anlisis de relaciones entre las ideas. gramtica, uso y mecnica,
yo valores y suposiciones las mismas. en raras ocasiones
subyacentes. obstaculizan la

3: El escritor genera un El desarrollo de ideas y la La respuesta muestra una El uso del lenguaje es bsico
argumento que responde a sustentacin de estructura organizacional y nicamente claro hasta
mltiples perspectivas sobre aseveraciones son bsica. La respuesta en su cierto punto. La eleccin de
el tema en cuestin. La tesis relevantes en su mayor mayor parte es coherente y vocabulario es general y
del argumento reeja cierta parte pero son demasiado la mayora de las ideas ocasionalmente imprecisa.
claridad en raciocinio y generales o simplistas. El estn lgicamente Las estructuras sintcticas
propsito. El argumento razonamiento y la agrupadas. Las son usualmente claras pero
establece un contexto ilustracin aclaran en gran transiciones entre los muestran poca variedad. Las
elecciones estilsticas y de
limitado o tangencial para el medida el argumento, pero prrafos y dentro de los registro, incluyendo voz y
anlisis del tema y sus pueden ser algo repetitivos mismos en ocasiones tono, no son siempre
perspectivas. El anlisis es o imprecisos. aclaran las relaciones apropiadas para el propsito
simplista o algo confuso. entre las ideas. retrico. Pueden existir
errores de gramtica, uso y
mecnica que causan
distraccin, pero
generalmente no obstaculizan
la comprensin.

2: El escritor genera un El desarrollo de las ideas y La respuesta muestra una El uso del lenguaje es
argumento que responde la sustentacin de las estructura organizacional inconsistente y a menudo
dbilmente a mltiples aseveraciones son dbiles, rudimentaria. El no es claro. La eleccin de
perspectivas sobre el tema confusos o desarticulados. agrupamiento de ideas es vocabulario es rudimentaria
en cuestin. La tesis del El razonamiento y la inconsistente y a menudo y frecuentemente imprecisa.
argumento, si es evidente, ilustracin son no es claro. Las transiciones Las estructuras sintcticas
reeja poca claridad en inadecuados, ilgicos o entre los prrafos y dentro en ocasiones no son claras.
raciocinio y propsito. Los circulares y no aclaran de los mismos son confusas Las elecciones estilsticas y
intentos de anlisis son plenamente el argumento. o estn decientemente de registro, incluyendo voz
incompletos, en su mayor formadas. y tono, son inconsistentes y
parte irrelevantes o no son siempre apropiadas
consisten principalmente para el propsito retrico.
de una reformulacin del Existen errores de
tema y sus perspectivas. gramtica, uso y mecnica
que en ocasiones
obstaculizan la
1: El escritor no logra generar Las ideas no estn La respuesta no muestra El uso del lenguaje no logra
un argumento que desarrolladas y las una estructura demostrar habilidad para
responda de manera aseveraciones no estn organizacional. Hay poca responder a la tarea. La
inteligible a la tarea. Las sustentadas. El agrupacin de ideas. eleccin de vocabulario es
intenciones del escritor son razonamiento y la Cuando estn presentes, imprecisa y a menudo difcil de
comprender. Las estructuras
difciles de discernir. Los ilustracin son confusos, los dispositivos de sintcticas a menudo no son
intentos de anlisis son incoherentes o transicin no logran claras. Las elecciones
confusos o irrelevantes. inexistentes en gran conectar las ideas. estilsticas y de registro son
medida. difciles de identicar. Existen
abundantes errores de
gramtica, uso y mecnica
que a menudo obstaculizan la

Sigue estos pasos para calcular tu calicacin de Redaccin (rango de calicacin de 2 a 12).

1. ____ x2= ______

2. ____ x2= ______

____ x2= ______

____ x2= ______

3. ______

4. ______

You may wish to remove this sample answer document from the booklet to use in a practice test session for the four multiple-choice tests.

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The ACT 20162017 Answer Sheet (No Writing)


1. Read the following Statement: By submitting this answer sheet, I agree to comply with and be bound by the Terms and Conditions:
Testing Rules and Policies for the ACT Test provided in the ACT registration materials for this test, including those concerning test
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Certification: I agree to the Statement above and certify that I am the person whose name and address appear on this answer sheet.

Your Signature Todays Date

Cut Here


Cut Here

Do NOT mark in
this shaded area. (Do NOT use a mechanical pencil, ink, ballpoint, correction fluid, or felt-tip pen.)


(Please print.) NAME MATCH NUMBER
(First 5 letters
of last name)

Last Name First Name MI (Middle Initial)

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House Number & Street (Apt. No.); or PO Box & No.; or RR & No. B \
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City State/Province ZIP/Postal Code E \
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ALL examinees must complete block A please print. Month Day Year
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O \
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O \ January
Blocks B, C, and D are required for all examinees. Find the MATCHING INFORMATION on P \
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P \
P \
P \ February
your ticket. Enter it EXACTLY the same way, even if any of the information is missing or \
Q \
Q \
Q \
Q \
Q \ March 1 \
\ 1 \
1 \

incorrect. Fill in the corresponding ovals. If you do not complete these blocks to match your \
R \
R \
R \
R \
R \ April 2 \
\ 2 \
2 \

previous information EXACTLY, your scores will be delayed up to 8 weeks. \

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Marking Directions: Mark only one oval for 69D
\ PRE \ 75B \ 76G \ 97K
each question. Fill in response completely. \ 70F \ 75D \ 76H \ 97N
Erase errors cleanly without smudging. 1 \
\ 1 \
1 \
1 \
1 \
1 Print your \ 71D \ 75E \ 76R \ 97R
Correct mark: \\\\
2 \
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2 \
2 \
2 \
2 3-character \ 71F \ 75F \ 76S \ 97T
3 \
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3 \
3 \
3 \
3 Test Form in \ 72A \ 76A \ 77A \ 98F
4 \
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4 \
4 \
4 \
4 the boxes \ 72H \ 76B \ 90Y \ 98G
Do NOT use these incorrect or bad marks. 5 \
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5 \
5 above and \ 72R \ 76C \ 91U \ 99R
Incorrect marks: \\\\ 6 \
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6 \
6 \
6 \
6 fill in the \ 74C \ 76D \ 91Y \ 99T
Overlapping mark: \\\\ 7 \
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7 \
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7 corresponding \ 74F \ 76E \ 93U
Cross-out mark: \\\\ 8 \
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8 \
8 \
8 \
8 oval at the \ 74H \ 76F \ 95U
Smudged erasure: \\\\ 9 \
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9 right.
Mark is too light: \\\\ 0 \
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1\A \
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J 27 \
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H \
J 53 \
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D 66 \
F \
G \
H \
2\F \
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H \
J 15 \
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D 28 \
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G \
H \
J 41 \
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D 54 \
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G \
H \
J 67 \
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3\A \
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C \
D 16 \
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G \
H \
J 29 \
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D 42 \
F \
G \
H \
J 55 \
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D 68 \
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G \
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4\F \
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H \
J 17 \
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D 30 \
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J 43 \
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D 56 \
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G \
H \
J 69 \
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5\A \
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C \
D 18 \
F \
G \
H \
J 31 \
A \
B \
C \
D 44 \
F \
G \
H \
J 57 \
A \
B \
C \
D 70 \
F \
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6\F \
G \
H \
J 19 \
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D 32 \
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J 45 \
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D 58 \
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G \
H \
J 71 \
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7\A \
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D 20 \
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J 33 \
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D 46 \
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J 59 \
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D 72 \
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J 21 \
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J 47 \
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D 60 \
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G \
H \
J 73 \
A \
B \
C \
9\A \
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C \
D 22 \
F \
G \
H \
J 35 \
A \
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D 48 \
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J 61 \
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D 74 \
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J 23 \
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D 36 \
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J 49 \
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D 62 \
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J 75 \
A \
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C \
11 \
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D 24 \
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J 37 \
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D 50 \
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J 63 \
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J 25 \
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J 51 \
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D 64 \
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13 \
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D 26 \
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G \
H \
J 39 \
A \
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D 52 \
F \
G \
H \
J 65 \
A \
B \
C \

1\A \
B \
C \
D \
E 11 \
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C \
D \
E 21 \
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C \
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E 31 \
A \
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D \
E 41 \
A \
B \
C \
D \
E 51 \
A \
B \
C \
D \
2\F \
G \
H \
J \
K 12 \
F \
G \
H \
J \
K 22 \
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K 32 \
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K 42 \
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J \
K 52 \
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J \
3\A \
B \
C \
D \
E 13 \
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B \
C \
D \
E 23 \
A \
B \
C \
D \
E 33 \
A \
B \
C \
D \
E 43 \
A \
B \
C \
D \
E 53 \
A \
B \
C \
D \
4\F \
G \
H \
J \
K 14 \
F \
G \
H \
J \
K 24 \
F \
G \
H \
J \
K 34 \
F \
G \
H \
J \
K 44 \
F \
G \
H \
J \
K 54 \
F \
G \
H \
J \
5\A \
B \
C \
D \
E 15 \
A \
B \
C \
D \
E 25 \
A \
B \
C \
D \
E 35 \
A \
B \
C \
D \
E 45 \
A \
B \
C \
D \
E 55 \
A \
B \
C \
D \
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C \
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G \
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J 15 \
A \
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A \
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A \
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C \
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F \
G \
H \
J 35 \
A \
B \
C \

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B \
C \
D 8\F \
G \
H \
J 15 \
A \
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J 31 \
A \
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F \
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F \
G \
H \
J 11 \
A \
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G \
H \
J 25 \
A \
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C \
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F \
G \
H \
J 39 \
A \
B \
C \
A \
B \
C \
D 12 \
F \
G \
H \
J 19 \
A \
B \
C \
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F \
G \
H \
J 33 \
A \
B \
C \
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F \
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H \
F \
G \
H \
J 13 \
A \
B \
C \
D 20 \
F \
G \
H \
J 27 \
A \
B \
C \
D 34 \
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G \
H \
A \
B \
C \
D 14 \
F \
G \
H \
J 21 \
A \
B \
C \
D 28 \
F \
G \
H \
J 35 \
A \
B \
C \

ACT STUDENT REVIEW: The test administrator will give you instructions for completing this section.
Student Review: Your responses to these items will assist ACT
and your test center in providing the best possible conditions for
testing and planning for the future. Fill in the oval indicating your
response to each item printed on the back of your test booklet.

Yes No Yes No Yes No

1\ \ 6\ \ 11 \ \
2\ \ 7\ \ 12 \ \
3\ \ 8\ \ 13 \ \
4\ \ 9\ \ 14 \ \
5\ \ 10 \ \ 15 \ \


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