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People are born

People love and hate

People die

We try to survive in comfort with meaning and purpose

He said it all then, and no one has said it better since

We have already passed the point where technology surprises; it has simply
replaced magic
We are born healthier and die later
but love and hate, and all between remain the same

In the future the world will be in your pocket

yet still you will ask
'Who am I?'
and spend a lifetime for an answer
And so it will be
fifty years from now
five hundred years from now
five thousand years from now
and on the dying breath of the last person
to leave this earth

Shakespeare would have put it better

The comment below suggests I have misinterpreted the question.
So an alternative answer to what the world will look like in fifty years assuming
technology continues to develop exponentially as it is currently doing

1. We will all be Cyborgs.

Our DNA will be taken at birth and defects will be remedied, altered or
catered for.
The Global network
Our houses, cars, suitable furniture, utensils, pets, and possessions will
be networked. We will each be the centre of a mini-universe which is a
form of 'Data bubble' that will be part of a system.
2. Transport
All vehicles will be optionably self-drivable, and all will contain Black
boxes to record their status and diagnositcs.
They will use clean energy, and it will be cheap or even free.
Vehicles will be made of everlasting materials such as Graphene.
Housing will become increasingly expensive to the point where buying
a house will not be an option for most young people.
They will resort to 'Tiny houses' which will commonly be transportable.
Schools and Education centres will become Resource Centres that will
supply marterials, equipment, and advice. There will not be 'Teachers'
as such.

3. Employment
Currently in the West it only takes about 8% of the working population
to provide all of our essential needs. That is food, energy, transport,
housing, and basic utilities.
4. Computers
Quantum computers and other varieties of information handling will
be totally integrated in all of our possessions as well as ourselves.
In the West we currently waste around 20% of the food grown, the
food bought, and actually much of the food eaten. This aspect of food
waste will be addressed by the environmental authorities.
Our pets, like us, will have sensors in their bodies, and attachements.
Much money will be saved looking for lost pets, and curing them from
We will have a greater variety of pets, and in some cases robot pets will
replace live ones.
5. Sport
Sport will have reached a point where the outcome of games and
competitions will be largely predictable.
This will require such events to have handicaps or built-in conditions
creating unpredictable situations.
It will also change the nature of sport and even very young children
will have their sporting potential predicted, so they will be advised
whether or not to take up certain sports.
One can imagine a form of a 'Sports IQ' which will suggest which sport
you will be best at, and what level you are likely to achieve.
6. Entertainment
The nature of entertainment will have changed totally.
With many more countries producing programs, all instantly
translated to your native language, all categorised so you can select just
those that you like, and have an endless amount of them, and all the
ones you want automatically recorded, you will no longer regard
entertainment as separate from your work life.
You will carry your entertainment with you everywhere, and to some
extent it will be part of your identity
It will be available at the touch of a button or a spoken command, and
will include passive entertainment such as TV, music, etc. or
interactive entertainment such as computer games, or being part of a
music group while playing along.
7. Religion
Religion is already on the decline in regard to those who actively attend
meetings. Also, the churches will have their own online meetings for
It will also change from those who are religious on the basis of belief to
those who are active in the various social areas of helping those in
There will also be more tolerance in different religions as followers
take on the global aspect that all pursuits have to adapt to.
8. Marriage
Marriage is on the decline in terms of how many couples have
ceremonies. Divorce is increasing, and furthermore, mainly being
initiated by women.
In the West cohabitation is now roughly equal to marriages, and
cohabiting couples are much more likely to separate. In fifty years time
marriage is more likely to be a matter of choice for the sake of the
ritual rather than having any extra legal status. And laws will be
changed to accomodate cohabiting couples, and even allow legal status
to those having bigamous relationships.
Women will have more choices to concieve without the direct help
from men, and the law will have resolved the various moral issues
relating to stored eggs and sperm, and also aspects of parenthood on
9. Military
The Military in the West is increasingly involved in aspects of Space
Travel, Search and Rescue, Terrorism, and Weapon development that
has peaceful applications, such as drones and cyber security.
The lines will be blurred in terms of what the Military does. It will be
seen as a resource that trains and tests people and systems that can be
applied to a range of social requirements, and will be regarded as a
resouce to be politically available in that way.
The Law is ideally suited to be taken over by AI (Artificial Intelligence).
Most contracts are suited to be written and checked by computers.
Much evidence presented in courts is based on forensic details.
Lie detectors can now analyse body changes, facial expressions, brain
activity, speech variations, and the like to distinguish between lies and
truth offered by witnesses.
This will have improved in fifty years to the point where courts will not
be required in the majority of cases. Courts of today will not exist in
fifty years time.
11. Governments
Governments are basically people who decide on how we (they) spend
our money.
The fact they get it wrong so often mainly due to
a. They don't really know what they are doing
b. There are people in and around the Government who
manipulate it to their own advantage.
12. Technology smoothes out the mistakes to a large extent.
Predicting the outcomes of various economic initiatives will mean that
the consequences of any decision will be more acceptable to all parties.

There will be a point where 'the best decision' is based on the best
available information, and the best information is not the opinions of
vested interests.
As technology is able to offer more and more reliable information, the
role of the Government moves up to deal with larger issues, such as
global aspects on hunger, poverty, disease, climate, space, etc.
13. The Media
The Media has its own needs to fulfill. It tells you what it thinks you
should know in ways that is suited to your attitudes.
There once was only newspapers, then radio, then film, then TV, then
the internet.
Each stage incorporates the previous stage and builds on it. What
comes next?
We know that already.
We are the stage, the page, the laughter and the rage, the freedom and
the cage, the naive and the sage. The centre where all information
In fifty years time we will have become the ultimate platform for all
All the worlds comedies and tragedies will sit in your pocket waiting
for your applause or despair.
14. Advertising
Advertising doesn't know all about you...yet
In fifty years time it will know who you are, who you were, and who
you will be.
It will know who you know and why you know them
It will know what you eat and what you like
It will know where you go and why you go there
It will know those fantasies that hide in the dark of your secret
It will supply all your needs
In fifty years time you will say
" I want..."
and your digital slave will say
"We've got..."
It is the ultimate love affair.
15. Crime
Petty crime will almost disappear as houses will be very secure in the
sense of locks and visual coverage. Also, anything that can be digitally
marked will be traceable, and items that now have a value (watches,
computer equipment, etc.) will be cheap disposable items in the future.

Criminals who are the result of psychological problems are likely to be

detected before that take up crime.
As our behaviour, social contacts, medical condition, intellectual
pursuits, etc. will be all interlinked and correlated, anti-social patterns
will show up early.

It is likely that drugs will either be legal, or there will be legal

alterntives to drugs that are readily available.
This leaves big crime to be dealt with. More likely to be Cybercrime in
some form, but unlikely to be done by individuals as technical
developments are increasingly the result of teams and demanding
costly resources.
16. Money
Money as a means of evaluation is good for bartering. If my digital
watch is worth $200 and your bicycle is worth $200 then we can do
and exchange without money changing hands.
If a dollar is equal to 10 cybercoins, and cybercoins only exist as a
virtual currency, then we can still exchange our items on the basis of

Bartering is essentially based on matching needs at agreed values. If I

need your bicycle but you don'e need my watch, but the computer can
quickly find someone who does need my watch then we can still have a
To that extent bartering will become an alternative to a much larger
extent than now. It will also extend to exchange of services. I will give
you $200 worth of my time for your bicycle.
I will even invent a barter unit for you to value all your goods and
services with so we can make many deals.
17. Sex
We know for sure that according to statistics, pornography is the
largest industry in the world, but we don't know how large. What we do
know is that laws don't stop it getting larger.

Entertainment is always pushing the boundaries, so we see more of it

publicly. We know it is more available on the internet, and we know
that more technology is being devoted to it in terms of viewing, and
with new devices that satisfy our needs.

The main problems with sex is that it impinges on others, and that is
the basis for most of the problems.
If it could be separated from this imposition then it would be seen in a
different light.
Already in the West it is part of schools sex education. The internet is
separating it into categories, and there are authorised clinics that deal
with the various negative aspect of pornography.

In fifty years time pornography will be openly accepted to cater for all
tastes, and without any aspect of denigration.
It will be a subject any other that you can qualify in, either as a
therapist or a performer.
It will be a legal and organised industry governed by the authorities,
and a large source of income to the Government.
18.Social effects
In all, technology will have changed every aspect of our lives in fifty
It will have put most of us out of work
It will have largely undermined religion and all its tenets
It will have largely separated sex from marriage
It will have largely put crime out of business
It will have largely made the Military a corporation
It will have largely made Governments into councils
19. What else?
Is anything impervious to technology?

Love, Truth, and Beauty

They always were
and always will be
The more things change
The more they stay the same

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