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With all due respect to the honorable judges representing, to all of the
teachers here attending, and to all of the audiences, ladies and gentlemen,
good morning everyone!
First of all, lets thank and pray unto our god who has been giving us
some blessing and mercies so we all can gather here on this event.
The second May Sholawat and Salam be with our prophet Muhammad
SAW, his family, his friends, and all of his followers. Amin

Student is a picture of the future leader. If we want to ask would be brought

where the future fate of a nation then look at the state of youth. As Shaykh
Mustafa al - Ghalayaini an Egyptian poet says

It's in the hands of guys and in the footsteps of their future nation
expression mention that if you want to develop the nation by building youth.
And otherwise if you want to destroy a nation , do not have to take up arms
to fight. but just destroy its youth , then its nation will self-destruct

Friends of the student

Like the plants while his own crooked , diseased , then it will not grow into a
tree good, strong and produce quality fruit.

Like we are building the foundation . If the foundation is weak , then it is just
as grand as any building looks beautiful from the outside but not shock-
resistant , porous fragile and easily crumble. So definitely , although we
children , but we are a very big role in nation building.

When we are lazy but soon our nation will be filled by people lazy.
Conversely, when we became a diligent student , full of achievement and
good morals . Then the future of our nation into a developed nation , full of
achievement and dignity.

So ... . How do our part to the development of this nation ?

As students we must have a strong character to be able to do the tasks and

mandate of the national struggle. As for the characters to be possessed by
students, especially students of Islam , among others :
The first; Have Faith Strong and Straight.
By having strong faith straight and then a student can be guided and
protected from viruses students as lazy and likes to have fun. Strong faith
and upright will bring students on Islam good behavior - behavior according
to Al - Quran and As Sunnah.
The second; Have Morals

Morals will make a student out in the act, when he should respect, and when
she had to be firm.
The third; Knowledgeable.

Science is the key to human success, the success of both this world and the

As a student of Islam has been duly have extensive knowledge to advance

this nation.

By faith , morality and science we will be the generation that is ready for
independence , nation building and continue the ideals of our beloved nation

So that I can say less and much more will apologize.

Wabillahi taufiq wal hidayah.

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