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Input multimedia
(content characteristics, required
BSTRACT applications, such as videoconferencing, emer-
gency services, surveillance, telemedicine, remote
QoS, etc.) Wireless networks are poised to enable a teaching and training, augmented reality, and
variety of existing and emerging multimedia entertainment. However, existing wireless net-
streaming applications. As the use of wireless works provide only limited, time-varying quality
Optimize utility local area networks spreads beyond simple data of service (QoS) for delay-sensitive, bandwidth-
given constraints transfer to bandwidth-intense, delay-sensitive, intense, and loss-tolerant multimedia applications.
and loss-tolerant multimedia applications, Fortunately, multimedia applications can
addressing quality of service issues will become cope with a certain amount of packet losses
extremely important. Currently, a multitude of depending on the sequence characteristics and
(cross-layer adaptation and adaptation strategies exists in the
strategy) error concealment strategies available at the
different layers of the open systems interconnec- receiver. Consequently, unlike file transfers,
tion (OSI) stack. Hence, an in-depth under- real-time multimedia applications do not require
As the use of standing and comparative evaluation of these complete insulation from packet losses, but
strategies are necessary to effectively assess and rather that the application layer cooperate with
wireless local area enable the possible trade-offs in multimedia the lower layers to select the optimal wireless
networks spreads quality, power consumption, implementation
complexity, and spectrum utilization that are
transmission strategy that maximizes multimedia
beyond simple data provided by the various OSI layers. This further
opens the question of cross-layer optimization
transfer to and its effectiveness in providing an improved In recent years the research focus has been to
solution with respect to the above trade-offs. In adapt existing algorithms and protocols for mul-
bandwidth-intense, this article we formalize the cross-layer problem, timedia compression and transmission to the
discuss its challenges, and present several possi- rapidly varying and often scarce resources of
delay-sensitive ble solutions. Moreover, we also discuss the wireless networks. However, these solutions
and loss tolerant impact the cross-layer optimization strategy
deployed at one station has on the multimedia
often do not provide adequate support for multi-
media applications in crowded wireless net-
multimedia performance of other stations. We introduce a works, when interference is high or stations are
new fairness concept for wireless multimedia sys- mobile. This is because the resource manage-
applications, tems that employs different cross-layer strate- ment, adaptation, and protection strategies avail-
gies, and show its advantages when compared to able in the lower layers of the stack the
addressing Quality of existing resource allocation mechanisms used in physical (PHY), medium access control (MAC),
Service (QoS) issues wireline communications. Finally, we propose a
new paradigm for wireless communications
and network/transport layers are optimized
without explicitly considering the specific charac-
will become based on coopetition, which allows wireless sta-
tions to harvest additional resources or free up
teristics of multimedia applications, and con-
versely, multimedia compression and streaming
extremely important. resources as well as optimally and dynamically algorithms do not consider the mechanisms pro-
adapt their cross-layer transmission strategies to vided by the lower layers for error protection,
improve multimedia quality and/or power con- scheduling, resource management, and so on.
1 The work was done sumption. This layered optimization leads to a simple
when the author was with independent implementation, but results in sub-
Philips Research USA. INTRODUCTION optimal multimedia (objective and/or perceptual
quality) performance. Alternatively, under
This work was supported Due to their flexible and low cost infrastructure, adverse conditions, wireless stations need to
in part by Intel IT wireless local area netwoks (LANs) are poised to optimally adapt their multimedia compression
Research. enable a variety of delay-sensitive multimedia and transmission strategies jointly across the

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protocol stack in order to guarantee a predeter-

mined quality at the receiver.
multimedia transmission have been proposed
in [68].
Note that even
In this article we present a cross-layer frame- To provide QoS for multimedia applications, though emerging
work for jointly analyzing, selecting, and adapt- the IEEE 802.11 Working Group has currently
ing the different strategies available at the defined a new supplement to the existing legacy MAC standards
various OSI layers in terms of multimedia quali- 802.11 MAC sublayer, called IEEE 802.11e [9].
ty, consumed power, and spectrum utilization. Note that even though emerging MAC standards provide QoS support,
Developing such an integrated cross-layer frame- provide QoS support, there are no QoS guaran-
work is of fundamental importance, since it not tees for multimedia applications, and system- there are no QoS
only leads to improved multimedia performance
over existing wireless networks, but also provides
wide resource management is not always fair or
efficient. This is due to the time-varying nature
guarantees for
valuable insights into the design of next-genera- of the wireless channel and multimedia charac- multimedia
tion algorithms and protocols for wireless multi- teristics, and also the lack of cross-layer aware-
media systems. The proposed cross-layer ness of the application and MAC layers about applications and
approach does not necessarily require a redesign each other.
of existing protocols [1], and can be performed system-wide resource
by selecting and jointly optimizing the applica- THE CROSS-LAYER DESIGN PROBLEM management is
tion layer and the strategies available at the
lower layers, such as admission control, resource
management, scheduling, error protection, and
We formulate the cross-layer design problem as
an optimization with the objective to select a
not always fair
power control. joint strategy across multiple OSI layers. In this or efficient.
article we limit our discussion to PHY, MAC,
ARTICLE OUTLINE and application (APP) layers since we consider
The article is organized as follows. The existing only one-hop wireless networks. In these net-
research on multimedia adaptation and protec- works the network layer plays a less important
tion for wireless transmission is briefly reviewed. role, and multimedia streaming uses Real-Time
We formalize the cross-layer design problem and Transport Protocol (RTP) and User Datagram
discuss the challenges associated with solving Protocol (UDP), so the transport layer is less
this problem. We present several illustrative important for error protection and bandwidth
examples of how cross-layer optimization can be adaptation. Nevertheless, the proposed frame-
performed, and its impact on multimedia quality work can easily be extended to include other
and power consumption. We then discuss how layers. Let NP, NM, and NA denote the number
the cross-layer strategy deployed at one station of adaptation and protection strategies avail-
impacts the performance of competing stations able at the PHY, MAC, and APP layers, respec-
as well as system-wide utilization of resources. tively. For instance, the strategies PHYi, i {1,
We also propose a new paradigm for cross-layer 2, N P }, may represent the various modula-
optimization and resource management for mul- tion and channel coding schemes existing for a
timedia transmission. The conclusions are then particular WLAN standard. The strategies
outlined. MAC i, i {1, 2, N M}, correspond to differ-
ent packetization, automatic repeat request
(ARQ), scheduling, admission control, and for-
BRIEF REVIEW OF ADAPTATION AND ward error correction (FEC) mechanisms. The
PROTECTION STRATEGIES AT strategies App i, i {1, 2, N A}, may include
adaptation of video compression parameters
DIFFERENT LAYERS (including enabling spatiotemporal signal-to-
Numerous solutions have been proposed for effi- noise ratio [SNR] trade-offs), packetization,
cient multimedia streaming over wireless net- traffic shaping, traffic prioritization, scheduling,
works. Potential solutions for robust wireless ARQ, and FEC mechanisms. We define the
multimedia transmission over error-prone net- joint cross-layer strategy S as
works include application-layer packetization,
S = {PHY1, , PHYNP, MAC1, MACNM, }. (1)
(rate-distortion optimized) scheduling, joint
source-channel coding, error resilience, and It is clear from Eq. 1 that there are N = N P
error concealment mechanisms [2]. An excellent N M N A possible joint design strategies. The
review of channel-adaptive multimedia stream- cross-layer optimization problem seeks to find
ing research is provided in [3]. the optimal composite strategy represented by
Transport issues for wireless (multimedia) the following equation:
transmission have been examined in [4]. At the
PHY and MAC layers, significant gains have S opt (x ) = arg max Q(S (x )). (2)
been reported by adopting cross-layer opti-
mization, such as link adaptation, channel- This strategy results in the best (perceived/objec-
aware scheduling, and optimal power control tive) multimedia quality Q subject to the follow-
[5]. However, these contributions are aimed at ing wireless station constraints:
improving throughput or reducing power con- Delay (S(x)) Dmax,
sumption without taking into consideration (3)
multimedia content and traffic characteristics. Power (S(x)) Powermax,
Explicit consideration of multimedia character- as well as overall system constraints, such as fair-
istics and requirements can further enhance ness strategies and bandwidth allocation. Given
the important advances achieved in cross-layer the instantaneous channel condition x = (SNR,
design at the lower layers. Possible solutions contention), maximum tolerable delay Dmax, and
and architectures for cross-layer optimized maximum power Powermax, we need to solve Eq.

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Example 1. Figure 2 shows the dependency of

Input multimedia the optimal2 application-layer packet sizes L*a on
(content characteristics, required the MAC retry limit R (=0, 1, 2), given that a
QoS, etc.)
(63,49) Reed-Solomon code was deployed at the
APP layer and a modulation strategy m = 5 was
Station constraints used at the PHY layer (see [10] for details). It
Different layer Optimize utility
parameters given constraints (delay, power, etc.) can be seen that as SNR improves, the optimal
packet size should be increased. However, the
(The degree of System constraints
rate at which the APP packet size increases for
adaptability different SNRs depends on R.
can be limited) (fairness, etc.)
(cross-layer adaptation strategy)
Utility: video quality, power, system-wide network utilization, etc.
n Figure 1. The conceptual framework of cross-layer optimization. In this section we discuss the challenges in solv-
ing the cross-layer optimization problem, identi-
fy various classes of solutions, and illustrate how
2 subject to the wireless station and system con- the cross-layer optimization can be performed
straints. using several examples.
Figure 1 shows the conceptual scheme of the
proposed cross-layer optimization framework. CHALLENGES IN SOLVING THE
Finding the optimal solution to the above
cross-layer optimization problem is difficult CROSS-LAYER OPTIMIZATION
because: The previously formulated cross-layer optimiza-
Deriving analytical expressions for Q, Delay, tion problem can be solved using iterative opti-
and Power as functions of channel conditions is mization or decision tree approaches, where a
very challenging, since these functions are non- group of strategies are optimized while keeping
deterministic (only worst case or average values all other strategies fixed, and this process is
can be determined) and nonlinear, and there are repeated until convergence. For the optimiza-
dependencies between some of the strategies tion of each group of strategies, one can use
PHYi, MACi, APPi (see Example 1 below). derivative and nonderivative methods (e.g., lin-
The algorithms and protocols at the vari- ear and nonlinear programming). Since this is a
ous layers are often designed to optimize each complex multivariate optimization with inherent
layer independently and often have different dependencies (across layers and among strate-
objectives. Moreover, various layers operate on gies), an important aspect of this optimization is
different units of multimedia traffic and take as determining the best procedure for obtaining the
input different types of information. For optimal strategy Sopt(x). This involves determin-
instance, the physical layer is concerned with ing the initialization, grouping of strategies at
symbols and depends heavily on the channel different stages, a suitable order in which the
characteristics, while the application layer is strategies should be optimized, and even which
concerned with semantics and dependencies parameters, strategies, and layers should be con-
between flows, and depends heavily on the mul- sidered based on their impact on multimedia
timedia content. quality, delay, or power. The selected procedure
The wireless channel conditions and multi- determines the rate of convergence and the val-
media content characteristics may change con- ues at convergence. The rate of convergence is
tinuously, requiring constant updating of extremely important, since the dynamic nature
parameters. of wireless channels requires rapidly converging
Formal procedures are required to establish solutions (this is illustrated in the example
optimal initialization, grouping of strategies at later). Depending on the multimedia applica-
different stages (i.e., which strategies should be tion, wireless infrastructure, and flexibility of
optimized jointly), and ordering (i.e., which the adopted WLAN standards, different
strategies should be optimized first) for perform- approaches can lead to optimal performance. A
ing the cross-layer adaptation and optimization. classification of the possible solutions is given in
Finally, different practical considerations the next subsection.
(e.g., buffer sizes, ability to change retry limits or
modulation strategies at the packet level) for the CLASSIFICATION OF CROSS-LAYER SOLUTIONS
deployed wireless standard (e.g., 802.11e QoS To gain further insights into the principles that
MAC supports unequal error protection for dif- guide cross-layer design and to compare the var-
ferent flows or delay awareness, unlike tradition- ious solutions, we propose the following classifi-
al 802.11a/b/g MAC) must be taken into account cation of the possible solutions based on the
to perform the cross-layer optimization. order in which cross-layer optimization is per-
Fortunately, the number of protection and formed:
adaptation strategies at the various layers is rela- Top-down approach The higher-layer pro-
tively small (e.g., only eight modulation strate- tocols optimize their parameters and the strate-
gies can be selected at the physical layer for the gies at the next lower layer. This cross-layer
802.11a wireless standard), thereby reducing the solution has been deployed in most existing sys-
2 A maximum of 2256 space of possible solutions. We present an exam- tems, wherein the APP dictates the MAC param-
bytes for each video pack- ple based on our research in [10] to highlight the eters and strategies, while the MAC selects the
et has been imposed. dependencies among these strategies. optimal PHY layer modulation scheme.

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Bottom-up approach The lower layers try

to insulate the higher layers from losses and 2500
bandwidth variations. This cross-layer solution is
not optimal for multimedia transmission, due to
the incurred delays and unnecessary throughput

Packet length (bytes)

Application-centric approach The APP
layer optimizes the lower layer parameters one
at a time in a bottom-up (starting from the
PHY) or top-down manner, based on its require-
ments. However, this approach is not always effi-
cient, as the APP operates at slower timescales
and coarser data granularities (multimedia flows
or group of packets) than the lower layers (bits
or packets), and hence is not able to instanta- R=1
neously adapt their performance to achieve an 0
optimal performance. 20 22 24 26 28 30
MAC-centric approach In this approach SNR (dB)
the APP layer passes its traffic information and
requirements to the MAC, which decides which n Figure 2. APP-layer packet length as a function of SNR [10].
APP layer packets/flows should be transmitted
and at what QoS level. The MAC also decides
the PHY layer parameters based on the avail- tion is performed by selecting the optimal modu-
able channel information. The disadvantage of lation scheme that maximizes the throughput of
this approach resides in the inability of the MAC the wireless channel, while simultaneously
layer to perform adaptive source channel coding increasing the robustness of the MAC frame.
trade-offs given the time-varying channel condi- (Note that in this article the terms MAC frame
tions and multimedia requirements. and MAC packet are used interchangeably).
Integrated approach In this approach, This link adaptation optimization can be formu-
strategies are determined jointly. Unfortunate- lated as
ly, exhaustively trying all the possible strate-
gies and their parameters in order to choose S opt (x ) = arg max Throughput (S (x )), (4)
the composite strategy leading to the best
quality performance is impractical due to the with S(x) = m, m being the various modulation
associated complexity. A possible solution to strategies.
solve this complex cross-layer optimization Figure 3 shows the maximum effective
problem in an integrated manner is to use throughput obtained using different PHY mode
learning and classification techniques (see [11] selections for different SNR values. (To deter-
for our preliminary work in this area). For mine the instantaneous channel condition, the
this, we identify content and network features transmitter uses the received signal strength
that can easily be computed and are good indi- indicator [RSSI] of the previously received
cators of which composite (integrated) strategy acknowledgment, ACK, frame.) From [12] and
is optimal. Figs. 3a and 3b, it is easy to see that the higher-
The above cross-layer approaches exhibit rate PHY modes result in better throughput per-
different advantages and drawbacks for wire- formance in the high SNR range, while the
less multimedia transmission, and the best lower-rate PHY modes are better for the low
solution depends on the application require- SNR range. Another observation from Fig. 3 is
ments, used protocols, and algorithms at the that a smaller packet size results in lower effec-
various layers, complexity and power limita- tive throughputs due to the fixed amount of
tions, and so on. Next, we give several simple MAC/PHY layer overheads for each transmis-
illustrative examples of how to perform cross- sion attempt. Consequently, the MAC can select
layer optimization, highlighting the improve- the modulation strategy m at the PHY that max-
ments in multimedia quality and power imizes the throughput. However, the modulation
consumption. Next, we show how the APP, strategy m selected by the MAC-PHY is not
MAC, and PHY layers can cooperate in deter- always optimal for multimedia applications. The
mining the optimal strategy at the PHY layer reason for this suboptimal performance is that
for multimedia quality and power consumption, the MAC-centric optimization focuses only on
respectively. We then illustrate the interactions throughput optimization and does not consider
and trade-offs between various strategies the resulting distortion impact. Hence, the
deployed at the MAC and APP layers. impact on multimedia quality (distortion) needs
to be explicitly considered for the cross-layer
APP-MAC-PHY INTERACTION FOR The cross-layer optimization problem can be
SELECTING THE OPTIMAL formulated as follows. Given channel conditions
x (e.g., in terms of SNR), determine the APP-
MODULATION SCHEME layer rate of the base layer, R bl , and enhance-
Here we show how the APP, MAC, and PHY ment layer rate, R el, MAC-layer packet size P,
layers can cooperate in selecting the optimal and PHY modulation strategy m that maximize
PHY modulation strategy resulting in the high- the multimedia quality Q (i.e., find the optimal
est multimedia quality. Currently, link adapta- cross-layer strategy)

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40 10
Node 8
Node 7
Node 8
35 Node 6
Node 7
30 Node 5

Node 6 7
Node 4
Effective goodput (Mb/s)

Effective goodput (Mb/s)

Node 3
20 5
Node 5

Node 2
15 Node 4
Node 1
Node 3
Node 2
5 Node 1

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Eb/N0 (dB) Eb/N0 (dB)

(a) (b)

n Figure 3. Optimal modulation scheme as a function of SNR and frame size decided by the MAC [12]: a) MSDU size 2000 octets; b)
MSDU size 200 octets.

tative Committee on Radiocommunication

S opt (x ) = arg max Q(S (x )) (CCIR) Recommendation 500-4 [18]. Since the
S (5) experiments were conducted at relatively low bit
with S (x ) = { Rbl , Rel , P, m}. rates and in the presence of packet losses,
impairments are expected; thus, the selected five
Figure 4 illustrates the results obtained using scales for quality measurements are: very annoy-
the joint PHY-MAC-APP optimization for a ing (1), annoying (2), slightly annoying (3), per-
video streaming application that can tolerate 1 s ceptible but not annoying (4), and imperceptible
delay. The results were obtained using MPEG-4 (5). The statistical scores summarized in Table 1
fine granularity scalability (FGS) [14] and the clearly illustrate the advantages of cross-layer
802.11b MAC and PHY [15]. For these results, optimization, as well as highlight the major role
the aforementioned application-centric approach played by the APP layer in providing an efficient
was used, where the APP layer selected the opti- solution for wireless multimedia transmission.
mal MAC and PHY parameters. Note that by The corresponding peak SNR (PSNR) values
comparing the results from Figs. 3 and 4, differ- can be found in [17].
ent PHY modes were used at various SNRs.
Hence, the joint MAC-PHY approach results in APP-MAC-PHY INTERACTION FOR
suboptimal multimedia performance, and the
importance of incorporating the APP layer in OPTIMAL POWER CONSUMPTION
the cross-layer optimization for wireless multi- In the previous section we determined the opti-
media transmission is clearly highlighted. mal modulation strategy resulting in the best
A similar conclusion was obtained in [16] for multimedia quality. We now illustrate how to
joint packetization and retransmission limit optimize the power consumed for the selected
adaptation. Also, in [17] we investigated how modulation scheme. Let us assume that the wire-
several APP and MAC strategies can be jointly less channel state can be modeled as a two-state
optimized to improve multimedia quality. Specif- Markov chain with GOOD and BAD states. We
ically, we have shown that by jointly optimizing can then write the Shannons capacity theorem
the MAC retry limit along with the application as follows:
layer rate adaptation and prioritized scheduling
Pa p
strategies, we can maximize the decoded video C= B log 2 1 + i i i . (6)
quality. In determining the optimized joint strat- i =1, 2 N0 B
egy, we also consider the physical limitations of
wireless devices. Here the index i represents the GOOD or BAD
We evaluate the impact of these strategies on states of the channel, and ai represent the chan-
the perceived video quality by performing a visu- nel attenuation factor for a channel state i. Each
al experiment according to International Consul- channel state occurs with probability

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pi i.e., pi = 1 . PHY 5
i =1, 2 PHY 3
35 PHY 1
Two simple strategies could be deployed for
transmission. In the first strategy, the wireless

staion (WSTA) could send data only when the
channel is GOOD. In the second strategy, the 25
WSTA could use more power to transmit the
frame when the channel state is BAD to
decrease packet loss. To determine the optimal
transmission strategy, we consider the power
constraint as follows:
18 20 22 24 26 28 30
Pipiai Pmax, (7) SNR (dB)

where Pmax represents the maximum power con-

sumed by the transmitter at the PHY modula- n Figure 4. Optimal modulation scheme decided by the APP-MAC-PHY as a
tion scheme m. Using Kuhn-Tucker sufficient function of SNR [13].
conditions and optimizing Eq. 6 subject to con-
straint Eq. 7, we have
Deployed strategies Visual score
1 BN 0 +
P (hi ) = . (8)
ai pi No optimization at MAC and APP 1.4

H e re is the Lagrange multiplier and is MAC layer optimization (RTRO) 1.9

obtained from the constraint in Eq. 7. Look-
ing at Eq. 8, it is easy to infer that the optimal APP layer optimization 3.8
strategy involves transmitting at high power
when the channel state is GOOD (thus mini- Joint APP-MAC optimization 4.6
mizing the frame error probability) and not
transmitting or using low power when the n Table 1. Subjective video quality experiment.
channel state is BAD. This is difficult for
practical systems, as the channel state has to
be known prior to transmission. The other sider the system-wide availability of resources
policy that would be intuitive is to use more and fairness issues. To illustrate this interac-
power when the channel state is BAD and less tion among stations and their cross-layer strate-
power when the channel state is GOOD. How- gies, we consider the implementation of the
ever, the wireless channel is normally unus- fairness concept in WLANs using a simple
able when the state is BAD, and it would example.
require more than P max to ensure optimal
multimedia quality. This scheme also has the WHY ARE CURRENT FAIRNESS STRATEGIES NOT
same problem as the first scheme: one needs
to know the channel quality in advance. Thus, SUITABLE FOR CROSS-LAYER OPTIMIZED
we can conclude that using constant power in MULTIMEDIA TRANSMISSION?
both channel states leads to the best perfor-
mance, as it yields a very low frame error The objective of fair scheduling is to provide
probability when the channel state is GOOD multimedia applications with different
and a lower frame error probability when the amounts of work (resources) proportional to
channel state is BAD than the strategy of their requirements in terms of bandwidth,
using low power. Additionally, the complexity delay, and packet loss rates. Usually, work is
of determining the channel state is eliminated measured by the amount of data transmitted
using this policy. Hence, the deployed power (in either number of bytes or packets/frames)
strategy is solely determined by the constraint during a certain period of time. Let W i (t 1 , t 2 )
in Eq. 9. be the amount of video flow is traffic served
in a time interval (t 1 , t 2 ), and i be its corre-
sponding weight based on its requirements.
FAIRNESS FOR WIRELESS Then an ideal fair scheduler (i.e., the general-
MULTIMEDIA TRANSMISSION ized processor scheduler, GPS [19]) for N
WSTAs (and their flows) can be defined as
In wireless multimedia transmission systems, follows:
the cross-layer strategies adopted by the vari-
ous WSTAs impact other competing stations. Wi (t1, t2 ) i
, j = 1, 2,, N ,
Currently, the cross-layer optimization is per- W j (t1, t 2 ) j
formed in isolation at each WSTA. However, if (9)
a WSTA is adapting its strategy, the delay and for any multimedia flow i that is continuously
throughput of the competing stations are backlogged (backlogged means flow i has frames
affected; as a consequence, they may need to in its buffer during the specified time interval (t1,
adjust their own strategies. Hence, the cross- t 2 )) during (t 1 , t 2 ). If all multimedia flows are
layer strategies adopted by a station should not transmitted at a fixed rate, we can obtain from
be optimized in isolation, but should also con- Eq. 9

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cept each WSTA is given a fair share of time

Coastguard (2048 kbs, 30 frames/s) proportional to, for example, the requirements
38 mentioned in their TSPEC [9], rather than guar-
34 WSTA 2 anteeing the bandwidth. This time allocation
(e.g. allocated to a stream at admission time)
30 removes the unfairness due to deploying differ-
ent cross-layer strategies. Equation 9 can thus be
rewritten to impose time fairness as

Ti (t1, t2 ) i
, j = 1, 2,, N , (12)
18 T j (t1, t 2 ) j
where Ti and Tj represent the time allocated to
10 streams i and j, respectively.
AFS0 WFQ AFS WFQ AFS WFQ The advantages of the proposed air fair
Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 scheduler (AFS), [21], as opposed to the conven-
tional weighted fair queuing (WFQ), are high-
n Figure 5. The PSNR performance of multimedia for different fairness scenarios lighted in Fig. 5.
[20]. In the first scenario, the same cross-layer
strategies, resulting in the same transmission
rate, are deployed for both WSTAs. Thus, WFQ
Wi (t1, t 2 ) and AFS result in the same PSNR values. Con-
i r, sider the second scenario: WSTA1 experiences
t 2 t1 j (10)
more frame errors because of interference and
j fading. The packet loss rate (PLR) has
where r is the physical transmission rate or total increased, and it takes on average 50 percent
channel capacity. Thus, each multimedia flow i is more time to transmit a frame from WSTA1
guaranteed to have the throughput given by Eq. than from WSTA2. In conventional WFQ, this
10 regardless of the states of the queues and would mean that the start-of-service time of
frame arrivals of the other flows. However, the f rames in WSTA2 is deferred, resulting in QoS
advantages of using GPS, such as guaranteed violation and dropping of packets at the MAC
throughput and independent service, cannot be layer. This directly affects PSNR performance
preserved if the flows deploy different cross- as most of the higher-priority packets are
layer optimization, resulting in different trans- dropped for both WSTAs. Using AFS, the
mission rates. Depending on the channel stream between WSTA1 and the AP alone is
condition or their distance from the access point affected, yielding low PSNR, whereas WSTA2
(AP), WSTAs may choose different cross-layer is not affected because of WSTA1s channel
transmission strategies (PHY modes, retry limits, error condition. In scenario 3 WSTA1 moved
frame sizes, etc.) to ensure optimized multime- far away from the AP, and the cross-layer strat-
dia quality. Determining a fair share of resource egy switched the PHY mode to a more robust
among WSTAs in such a transmission scenario is modulation scheme. Since the physical trans-
a very challenging problem, because serving an mission rate of WSTA1 has dropped, it would
equal amount of traffic from individual stations take more time to transmit the frame, and the
deploying different strategies requires allocation same problem of deferred start of service hap-
of various amounts of air time and results in dif- pens for both WSTAs in WFQ. However, AFS
ferent impacts on the multimedia quality. isolates the channel and differential transmis-
sion rates to WSTA1, thus guaranteeing the
AIR OR TIME FAIRNESS multimedia performance.
We measure the total throughput degradation
due to WSTAs deploying different cross-layer MULTIMEDIA QUALITY FAIRNESS
strategies (e.g., different PHY rates) in the For multimedia applications, other fair schedul-
WLAN network. Given n WSTAs (with all sta- ing/allocation strategies could also be identified
tions having the same frame size), with besides equal time, such as equal multimedia
quality and guaranteed minimum quality. To ful-
8 fill a certain fairness criterion corresponding
ni ni = n
i =1 information (e.g., traffic characteristics, QoS
requirements) and resource exchange strategies
operating at, say, PHY mode i = (1, , 8), the for wireless multimedia are necessary.
throughput degradation can be determined as To understand the potential impact on mul-
[20] timedia quality due to different resource
1 exchanges and corresponding cross-layer adap-
Throughput = . tation, let us consider the example of multime-
1 8 n
(11) dia transmission over an IEEE 802.11e network.
n i =1 R j To fully utilize the features provided by the
MAC protocol for multimedia transmission, we
WSTAs having different transmission rates Rj propose to use the available application layer
due to the different PHY modes or other information to partition multimedia streams
deployed cross-layer optimization strategies into subflows with different priorities, delay
cause this unfairness. To solve this problem, we bounds, retry limits, and packet sizes. A base
propose the concept of time fairness. In this con- quality subflow can be admitted using an admis-

56 IEEE Wireless Communications August 2005

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sion control mechanism, while the enhance-

ment subflows can be transmitted in a best Coastguard (2048 kb/s, 30 frames/s)
effort manner. Our preliminary results in [20] 42
Retry = 0, PLR = 0%
have shown that such a scalable resource allo- 38 Retry = 1, PLR = 10%
Retry = 1, PLR = 20%
cation can ensure that more users can be simul-

Number of supported stations

taneously admitted into the network, while 34
guaranteeing a minimum quality. To illustrate 30
the impact on multimedia quality, we consider
that each video emerging from a WSTA is com- 26
posed of five subflows. In Fig. 6, when all the 22
subflows are admitted the number of stations
admitted drops to 9, and increases to 40 when 18
only one subflow admission is made. This num-
ber further varies depending on the deployed
retry limit at the MAC that results in different 10
PLRs. Depending on the number of admitted
subflows at each station, the PSNR can vary 1 2 3 4 5
between 28 dB (minimum acceptable video Number of subflows
quality) and 40 dB (visually lossless video quali-
ty). Hence, the admitted sources can decide to n Figure 6. Number of stations supported as a function of number of subflows
trade their quality in order to increase system- [20].
wide utilization.

NEW COOPETITION PARADIGM FOR erning wireless systems more effectively, thereby
resulting in improved performance for multime-
WIRELESS MULTIMEDIA dia applications.
As discussed previously, wireless devices current- The costs associated with the resource
ly operate in a non-collaborative manner that exchange can be quantified in terms of the
limits their performance and overall wireless sys- degradation in multimedia quality, increased
tem performance, as competing stations do not delay, or power consumption [23]. For instance,
always effectively exploit available resources. if the resulting multimedia quality Q after the
Consequently, to improve the performance of resource exchange is positively impacted, or Q is
wireless multimedia applications, we discuss a above a certain maximum quality T1 (e.g., above
new paradigm that fundamentally changes the 40 dB), the WSTA will contribute its resources.
non-collaborative way in which WSTAs currently Alternatively, if Q is negatively impacted and
interact by allowing them to exchange informa- below T 1, a penalty will be associated with any
tion and distribute resources. The proposed resource exchange. If Q is below a minimum
paradigm was inspired by a relatively new and quality T 2 (e.g., below 28 dB), the WSTA will
successful economics concept known as coopeti- stop contributing resources.
tion [22], which suggests that a judicious mixture Our preliminary results in [24] have shown
of competition and cooperation is often advanta- that coopetition results in an improved number
geous in competitive environments. When of satisfied users (i.e., station satisfying their
applied to wireless multimedia systems, coopeti- minimal quality requirements) compared to de
tion fundamentally changes the passive way sta- facto allocation of resources. We have designed
tions currently adapt their transmission strategies different coopetition strategies [24] that con-
to match available wireless and power resources, verge to distinct Nash equilibriums depending
by enabling them to proactively influence the on the channel conditions, multimedia applica-
wireless systems dynamics through resource and tion characteristics, resource exchange policies,
information exchange. and so on, resulting in different cost-benefit
For example, two WSTAs experiencing a high trade-offs for the participating WSTAs. The
PLR over a channel with a high contention level design of optimal coopetition strategies together
can collaboratively decide to reduce their retry with cross-layer optimized design constitutes a
limit or adapt their contention parameters to vast topic of further research for improving
reduce contention and thus improve their overall future wireless multimedia systems.
multimedia performance and power consump-
To allow coopetition, we propose a new way
of architecting the wireless multimedia commu- The previously described cross-layer optimized
nication system by jointly optimizing the proto- wireless multimedia paradigm is only recently
col stack at each station and the resource emerging, and a variety of research topics still
exchanges among stations. In the proposed need to be addressed. Realistic integrated mod-
paradigm, information about resources and con- els for the delay, multimedia quality, and con-
straints (e.g., QoS requirements, multimedia sumed power of various transmission strategies/
traffic characteristics, experienced channel con- protocols need to be developed. Moreover, the
ditions) of the various stations can be dissemi- benefits in terms of multimedia quality of
nated to all network members (stations), and employing a cross-layer optimized framework for
used as available optimization criteria for their different multimedia applications with different
own communication subsystem. The proposed delay sensitivities and loss tolerances still need
coopetition paradigm is a superset of proposed to be quantified. We have also identified a new
fairness concepts that can be deployed for gov- paradigm for wireless multimedia transmission

IEEE Wireless Communications August 2005 57

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she is an Assistant Professor in the Electrical Engineering
Department at University of California, Los Angeles. Between
[7] Y. Pei and J. Modestino, Multilayered Video Transmis- 1996 and June 2003, she was a senior researcher at Philips
sion over Wireless Channels Using an Adaptive Modula- Research in the Netherlands and USA, where she led a team
tion and Coding Scheme, IEEE ICIP, Thessaloniki, of researchers working on multimedia coding, processing,
Greece, Oct. 2001. networking, and streaming algorithms and architectures. In
[8] Y. Shan and A. Zakhor, Cross Layer Techniques for 2003, she was also an Adjunct Assistant Professor at
Adaptive Video Streaming over Wireless Networks, Columbia University. From July 2003 until July 2005, she was
IEEE ICME, vol. 1, 2002, pp. 27780. an Assistant Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engi-
[9] IEEE 802.11e/D8.0, Draft Supp. to Part 11, Wireless neering Department at University of California, Davis. Since
Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer 1999, she was an active participant to the ISO Motion Pic-
(PHY) Specifications: Medium Access Control ture Expert Group (MPEG) standard to which she made
(MAC) Enhancements for Quality of Service (QoS), more than 50 contributions and for which she received two
Nov. 2003. ISO recognition awards. She was also chairing for three
[10] M. van der Schaar et al., Adaptive Cross-Layer Protec- years the ad-hoc group on MPEG-21 Scalable Video Coding,
tion Strategies for Robust Scalable Video Transmission and also co-chairing the MPEG ad-hoc group on Multimedia
over 802.11 WLANs, IEEE JSAC, 2003. Test-bed. She has authored more than 100 book chapters,
[11] M. van der Schaar and M. Tekalp, Network and Con- conference and journal papers in this field and holds 18
tent-Adaptive Cross-Layer Optimization for Wireless granted US patents and several more pending. She has also
Multimedia Communication by Learning, IEEE Intl. chaired and organized many conference sessions in this area
Symp. Circuits and Sys. 2005. and was the General Chair of Picture Coding Symposium
[12] D. Qiao, S. Choi, and K. G. Shin, Goodput Analysis 2004. She was a guest editor of the EURASIP Special issue
and Link Adaptation for IEEE 802.11a Wireless LAN, on multimedia over IP and wireless networks. She was also
Proc. IEEE Trans. Mobile Comp., vol. 1, no. 4, 2002. elected as a Member of the Technical Committee on Multi-
[13] X. Xu et al., Adaptive Error Control for Fine-Granular- media Signal Processing of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
Scalability Video Coding over IEEE 802.11 Wireless and is an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Multime-
LAN, Proc. IEEE Intl. Conf. Multimedia and Expo 2003. dia, SPIE Electronic Imaging Journal and IEEE Transactions
[14] H. Radha, M. van der Schaar, and Y. Chen, The on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology. In December
MPEG-4 Fine-Grained Scalable Video Coding Method 2004, she received the NSF Career Award.
for Multimedia Streaming over IP, IEEE Trans. Multi-
media, Mar. 2001. Sai Shankar N [SM] ( received his
[15] IEEE Std. 802.11b, Supp. to Part 11, Wireless LAN PhD degree from the department of Electrical Communica-
Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) tion Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore,
Specifications: Higher-Speed Physical Layer Extension in India in the area of ATM networks. In 1998, He was award-
the 2.4 GHz Band, 1999. ed the German Fellowship, DAAD, in the department of
[16] M. van der Schaar and D. Turaga, Content-Gased mathematics, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany to
Cross-Layer Packetization and Retransmission strategies work on queueing approaches in manufacturing. In 1999,
for Wireless Multimedia Transmission, submitted to he joined Philips Research, Eindhoven, the Netherlands,
IEEE Trans. Multimedia. where he served as Research Scientist working on various
[17] Q. Li and M. van der Schaar, Providing Adaptive QoS problems involving Hybrid, Fiber, Co-axial Cable (IEEE
to Layered Video over Wireless Local Area Networks 802.14) Networks and IP protocols. In the year 2001 he
through Real-Time Retry Limit Adaptation, IEEE Trans. joined Philips Research USA, Briarcliff Manor, NY and
Multimedia, Mar. 2004. worked in the area of Wireless LANs/UWB, Cognitive Radios
[18] CCIR Rec. 500-4, Method for the Subjective Assess- and Cooperative Communications. He was an active con-
ment of the Quality of Television Pictures, 1990. tributor of the wireless LAN standard and has submitted
[19] A. K. Parekh and R. G. Gallager, A Generalized Pro- more than 15 proposals in shaping QoS related issues in
cessor Sharing Approach to Flow Control in Integrated the IEEE 802.11e. He is also an active participant in the
Services Networks: The Single Node Case, Proc. IEEE/ Ultra Wide Band (UWB) working group of WiMEdia alliance
ACM Trans. Net., vol. 1, June 1993. and has contributed in shaping the new MAC at the Multi-
[20] S. Shankar N, Z. Hu, and M. van der Schaar, Cross Band OFDM Alliance (MBOA) forum. To this end he was
Layer Optimized Transmission of Wavelet Video over nominated as one of the five finalists in the innovator of
IEEE 802.11a/e WLANs, Packet Video 2004. the year category by EETimes. He has been the reviewer of
[21] S. Shankar N et al., Air Fair Scheduling for Multimedia almost all important journals in the area of networking
Transmission over Multi-Rate WLANs, To appear, Symp. and has chaired lots of conferences. Currently he is with
Intelligent Algorithms, Philips internal conf., Dec. 2004. Qualcomm Inc. researching on UWB, Cognitive radios and
[22] A. M. Brandenburger and B. J. Nalebuff, Co-Opeti- Cooperative communications. He has authored more than
tion: A Revolution Mindset that Combines Competition 45 conference and journal papers and holds more than 40
and Cooperation The Game Theory Strategy Thats patents.

58 IEEE Wireless Communications August 2005

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