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University of Prince Edward Island

Faculty of Education
Cooperating Teachers Formative Evaluation of Practicum Experience
ED 496

Dates of Practicum: October 20 to December 15, 2016

Pre-service Teacher: Chandler MacConnell School: Montague Consolidated

Cooperating Teacher(s): Lisa Lavandier-King

Subject/Grades taught: Kindergarten Practicum Advisor: Bob Gray

Please reflect on the time the student was in the school and comment on his/her progress in each of the following
areas. Indicate both the strengths and the areas for further development for the next practicum experience.

Personal Qualities:
(Initiative; enthusiasm; professionalism; reflection; spoken and written language skills; interpersonal skills)

Initiative- Chandler has shown great initiative when it came to doing anything that was asked of her throughout
the course of this practicum. She also was very quick to volunteer to assist anyone that needed help and would
consistently go that extra mile to do the best job she could on any given task.

Enthusiasm- Chandler is a very enthusiastic teacher who is very passionate about her chosen profession. This
passion and enthusiasm for teaching has been extremely evident throughout her practicum. Chandler has a very
upbeat and positive personality which seems to be contagious and a factor that will keep her students engaged for
many years to come.

Professionalism- Chandler always carries herself in a very professional manner which was made very evident
from very early on in her practicum when she was confronted with a delicate matter and clearly understood and
respected her confidential boundaries.

Reflection- Chandler is always very appreciative to gain new perspective or to hear any feedback whether it is
given in a positive or constructive manner.
Written and Spoken Language Skills- Chandler is always very well prepared for every activity or lesson that she
was involved in and on several different occasions came in with activities prepared for many days ahead.
At the same time, Chandler should always be very cognizant of the fact that she sometimes uses slang terms
when she is teaching. It is important that teachers are always very aware of every word that resonates from our
mouths because we set the example for our students that we teach.

Interpersonal Skills- Chandler has made a big impact in a small amount of time on my group. She has become a
good friend to all of my students and to myself. Her positive attitude, kind disposition and genuine enthusiasm
about the teaching profession was seen very early on in her practicum. These positive attributes will ultimately
leave a lasting impression on the students that she will teach and on the lives that she touches.

Classroom Management:
During the course of this practicum it was realized through many discussions that Chandler was somewhat
familiar with classroom procedures, routines and the many different characteristics and behaviours of our
students. At the same time, it wasnt until she was inside the confines of a classroom and seen these procedures,
routines and behaviours first hand could she then begin to develop a new and better understanding of these
different facets of the teaching profession. Chandler and I discussed on several different occasions throughout
the course of this practicum that she needed to become more aware of the routines, time constrants and the many
different charcteristics and behaviours of our students within our classrooms so this knowledge could aide in some
of the many situations that she might be presented with in the school day.

Teaching Effectiveness:
(Understanding of the curriculum and its outcomes; various teaching methods; lesson planning and delivery;
assessment strategies)
After many discussions with Chandler and after participating in several new literacy and numeracy sessions it is
now very apparent to me that she has a much stronger understanding of the kindergarten curriculum outcomes. At
the same time, it was great that she was able to participate in our schools Academic Period and Class
Composition where she was shown the strategies used to target certain phonological skills. She was also able to
participate in our schools Team Time in which different assessment tools such as the P.A.S.T. Assessment was
freely discussed and shown how to be correctly administered. Chandler also had the opportunity to participate in
a Success Criteria session on one of our professional development days and a numeracy session hosted in our
school. I feel that these great learning opportunities will ultimately prove to be very valuable resources that could
be added to her resource/assessment toolbox.

Lesson Planning and Delivery: Chandler tended to gently ease herself into most activites that I would ask her to
take the lead on; especially if she had reservations about how the lesson should be delivered. She then would
closely observe me delivering the content again. Once she saw a lesson being delivered a couple of times she
then would take the lead and deliver a nice lesson.

Areas to concentrate on for next practicum:

I feel that one area that Chandler could concentrate more on in her next practicum would be in her ability to use
her time more effectively. During this practicum Chandler and I had several discussions about the hidden time
constrants that naturally exist within the structure of all classrooms and ultimately how crucial it was to manage
her time more effectively. We also discussed that it was very important for her improve upon these time
management skills so that the mismanagement of time didnt ultimately interfer with the success of future lessons.
I also feel that another area that she could concentrate more on is the ability to use her voice more effectively.
Upon discussion with Chandler she felt that her voice would escalate when she was either really nervous or
excited; ultimately, raising the intensity and noise level of the group. We discussed that she would need to be
more aware of her voice at all times so that the noise level of the students in the room would not need to increase.

Additional Comments:

At this time, I would like to wish Chandler the very best as she continues her journey on becoming a teacher. It
was truly a positive experience for me to mentor such an enthusiastic, compassionate and sincere young lady that
will be a wonderful teacher one day. At this time, I would also like to thank her for being a ray of sunlight that
allowed me to come away from this process feeling extremely rejuvenated and more alive then ever about
this great profession of ours.

Cooperating teacher:_________________________________ Date:_____________________

Pre-service teacher: _________________________________ Date:_____________________

(Both signatures are required for forms to be valid)

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